2023 SUPERSTAR BE YOUR OWN HESS International Annual English Competence Competition
Words From CEO 何嘉仁國際文教集團執行長的勉勵
The Competition & Awards 第十一屆何嘉仁國際英語力大賽 簡介及總決賽獎項
Introducing Judges 總決賽評審介紹
Speech Competition A 英文演說比賽A組
Speech Competition A: Top 3 Winners 英文演說A組:前三名
Speech Competition A: Outstanding Pronunciation 英文演說A組:傑出發音獎
Speech Competition: Outstanding Delivery 英文演說A組:傑出表達獎
Speech Competition B 英文演說比賽B組
Speech Competition B: Top 3 Winners
Speech Competition B: Outstanding Pronunciation 英文演說B組:傑出發音獎
Speech Competition B: Outstanding Delivery 英文演說B組:傑出表達獎
Speech Competition B: Outstanding Performance 英文演說B組:卓越成就獎
Voiceover Competition
Voiceover Competition: Top 3 Winners
Voiceover Competition: Outstanding Performance 英文配音:卓越成就獎
Area Competition Photos
Championship Photos
2 4 6 8 10 16 18 20
Speech Competition: Outstanding Performance 英文演說A組:卓越成就獎 30 36 38 40 50 52 55 68 70
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 HESS International Annual English Competence Competition. It was amazing to see many outstanding performances and I was very proud of all of you.
All the students had to practice extremely hard for the competition. We are thankful for the hardworking teachers who helped the students during this time. Also, I would like to say a big thank you to the parents who supported their children and believe in HESS.
The competition is just one format of an activity, the most important thing is that we see the students passion for learning and enable them to do the best they can. It also brings back the love of teaching for the teachers. We believe that this is the foundation of teaching. Keep the faith and we will continue to strive for excellence.
感謝大家,共同成就了2023年第十一屆何嘉仁國際英語力大賽。看到所有學員們精采的表現,除 了感到欣慰之外,我更以大家為榮。
誠摯感謝每一位指導老師,謝謝你們的付出與指導,我們知道有許多的老師是利 用課後時間陪著孩子一起練習,付出愛心與耐心。當然,更由衷感謝所有的家長,謝謝你們一路陪 伴孩子面對層層的考驗,以及對何嘉仁的信任與支持!
比賽只是一個形式,重要的是我們看見孩子在過程中點燃對學習的熱情,為孩子的學習之路開啟正 向循環,看見孩子勇於「挑戰最好的自己」,也鼓舞了老師重拾教學的初心,相信這也就是所謂的 「教學相長」的真諦。
第十一屆何嘉仁國際英語力大賽簡介 2023 HESS International Annual English Competence Competition
培養全方位英語力 Develop excellent, comprehensive English skills
隨著大學入學考試及國中會考陸續將英文聽力測驗納入成績計算,英語聽說能力已成為新世代重要的能力指標。「語言,懂 得活用才有力量」,英語力的養成,除了透過專業教師靈活的授課外,透過活動或競賽,更可以全方位建構學員聽說讀寫完 整的實力,並培養面對挑戰的勇氣。何嘉仁專業教學團隊,為學員精心規劃多元的課程與活動,期許培養更多新世代的國際 菁英!
As English listening tests become essential for university and high school examinations, the ability to listen and speak English is very important. Languages only become effective when you know how to use them fluently. In addition to professional teaching standards, through activities and competitions, we are able to provide a good learning environment for our students. Our aim is to develop elite international students.
英文演說比賽 Speech Competition
提升學生文章撰寫架構、寫作和組織能力,並增強英語發音、語調、自信和公眾演說技巧。比賽依照學員的學習級數以及年齡, 分成兩組: 英文演說比賽 A組 和 英文演說比賽B組。
The speech competition is a lot more behind to give a good speech. Students have to write the speech, they have brainstorm the ideas and they have to think of the logical way to deliver their messages. To ensure fairness and better match students' English ability, the Speech competition will be split into two categories, Speech Competition A and Speech Competition B.
英文演說比賽 A組 Speech Competition A
此階段有三個主題,自然、科技、生活。每個主題各有兩個議題,總共為六個議題。學生將從這些議題中選出最感 興趣的一個,在三分鐘內表達贊同或反對的立場,並陳述論點。
Students will be given a list of nine statements – two about the environment, two about technology, and two about everyday life. They will pick the one they think is the most interesting, and deliver a three-minute speech explaining why they agree or disagree with the statement.
英文演說比賽 B組Speech Competition B
今年的演說主題是A New Holiday。 學生以此發揮創意和思考力,創造一個新的節日,並且是可以讓人們每一天都 需要慶祝的節日! 他們需要在內容中描述這節日是為了慶祝什麼,而為什麼它如此重要,以及人們都會做些什麼來慶 祝或紀念這一天!
This year's topic will be "A New Holiday". Students need to come up with a new holiday for people to celebrate each year. They will need to talk about what the holiday celebrates, why it would be important, and what people will do to celebrate the day.
英文配音比賽 Voiceover Competition
Voiceover competition gives students the opportunity to practice pronunciation, intonation, emotion expression techniques with their voice. Hence develop a better oral ability.
總決賽獎項 Awards
英文演說比賽 Speech Competition
第一名 National Champion
The winner will receive a NT$30,000 HESS Scholarship, the Champion's Trophy, and a poster.
第二名 Second Place Winner
The winner will receive a NT$20,000 HESS Scholarship, the Second Place Trophy, and a poster.
第三名 Third Place Winner
The winner will receive a NT$10,000 HESS Scholarship, the Third Place Trophy, and a poster.
特別獎項 Special Awards
Winners will receive a trophy and a poster.
卓越獎 Outstanding Awards
Winners will receive a medal and a poster.
英文配音比賽 Voiceover Competition
第一名 National Champion
The winner will receive the Champion's Trophy and a poster.
第二名 Second Place Winner
The winner will receive the Second Place Trophy, and a poster.
第三名 Third Place Winner
The winner will receive the Third Place Trophy, and a poster.
卓越獎 Outstanding Awards
Winners will receive a medal and a poster.
總決賽評審介紹 Introducing Judges
何嘉仁國際文教團隊 教學研究部 總編輯 Kyle
英文系 魏美瑤教授 Soochow University
Professor Wei
師範大學 英語學系 陳浩然教授
National Taiwan Normal University
Professor Chen
HESS English
Educational Research Department, Editor in Chief Kyle Olsen
何嘉仁國際文教團隊 教學研究部 全美課程統籌主管 Cindy
HESS English
Educational Research Department- All Day English Program Coordinator Cindy Liber SPEECH
淡江大學 英文學系 劉佩勳教授
Tamkang University
Professor Liu
何嘉仁國際文教團隊 教學研究部 資深教材主編
HESS English Educational Research Department
Curriculum Writer
Gerry Du Plessis
何嘉仁國際文教團隊 教育訓練發展中心 訓練講師 英語力比賽專案總督導 Kelsey
HESS Training & Development Center Trainer and the coordinator of the HESS International Annual English Competence Competition
Kelsey Fernandes
何嘉仁國際文教團隊 教學研究部 資深編輯 Sylar
HESS English Educational Research Department, Senior Editor
Sylar Liang
Teacher指導老師:Byron Barker
Our Tests Need to Change
Branch Alice
觀看精彩演說 10 NATIONAL
我很謝謝評審老師能給與我這個特別的肯定,還記得 之前,我在臺下聽姊姊演講,回家後我跟媽媽說,我 想把我的照片貼在那個大布條,可是媽媽說那要全國 第一才能被貼上去。我完全沒有想過,我說的話竟然 變成真的了!在頒獎典禮的當下,我不敢相信我的耳 朵,我真的得到第一名了!
我能得獎也要感謝一路上,幫助我的家人和師長。像 我的老師Teacher Byron,他教我如何寫講稿、動作和 語氣。也很謝謝我的家人,總是在臺下鼓勵我,和幫 我聽不知道幾百次的講稿。希望之後還有機會再繼續 參加這個活動。
我想和之後參加的學弟學妹們說:「如果緊張,絕對 不要看其他人,認真的看著評審的眼睛,緊張就會慢
慢消失了!」還有Be Your Own Super Star! 加油!
恩熙,非常恭喜妳獲得英語演說比賽的冠軍!從小害羞 膽怯的妳,每年參加何嘉仁所舉辦的歌唱、話劇、演說 比賽中慢慢訓練出的勇氣;在這次的培訓與一階一階的 比賽中,更讓妳找到了自信!也感謝這麼長時間裡何嘉 仁所有老師們的照顧與雕琢,讓孩子找到自己發光發熱 的亮點。恩熙,媽媽也希望妳能永遠記住這次訓練的過 程,唯有透過自己努力得來的果實,才是最為甘甜的滋 味。——愛你的媽媽
After nearly a decade of teaching speech and writing classes, I am more than thrilled to finally have one of our students bring the gold down the coast to Hualien! Alice and I had a very small class this year...in fact it was just her and I. I think this is one major factor that allowed Alice to really excel this year. We had plenty of time tweak her speech and make it fit her personality and interests naturally. Alice can be so soft spoken in her day-to-day life that seeing her completely break out of her mold and apply herself in such a courageous way was uplifting for everyone at our branch. I'll never forget the look of pride on her grandparents' faces or the way her big sister—who herself has competed the finals several times and has helped coach Alice—had a look of victory on her face. For all those students who feel like that could never win the Speech and Writing competition, just take Alice's example! This isn't the first time she has competed. You don't always win first on your first try. Keep improving and pushing yourself and you too have the ability to bring the gold home to your branch!
學生感言 家長感言 指導老師的話
得和分校DeHe Branch
Teachers指導老師 中 曾美湘 Linda 外 Alexandra Mary Barry Humans Should Not Keep Animals As Pets 觀看精彩演說 12 SECOND PLACE WINNER 亞軍
Paddy 黃品棣
學生感言 家長感言
首先,我非常榮幸得到今年SPEECH的亞軍,在這過 程中我要感謝陪我練習的師長家人等,尤其是陪我練 習的外公,剛開始初賽我以為我進不了,結果卻意外
地進了!所以這讓我更加努力,而到複賽時,我認識 一位很好的競爭對手:Derick,我們都認為對方比較 厲害,但最後也只能取出一位選手,所以為了表示對 方表現很好,所以雙方握了手,當時我也很高興,所 以這讓我更想超越自己!同時我也要感謝支持我的同 學們,所以我認為我這頓時間的努力真是值得!雖然 下次無法再參加但我相信以後一定會有更多挑戰等著 我,所以我一定得繼續加油才能超越自己!我也希望 我的同學也能像一我樣去參加,展現自我!成為自己 的好榜樣!而我也【願意】向大家分享榮耀!
感謝何嘉仁老師們與行政團隊,從他幼稚園到美語班給 予最好的美語指導與協助,讓他這次在英文演講獲得不 錯的成績,我們除了感謝更是滿滿的感動。更要感謝 Paddy外公一路上協助,修正演講內容,一次又一次陪 伴練習與支持鼓勵。以及一堆親朋好友們默默支持,謝 謝大家。最後再次感謝何嘉仁美語教學,給了他這麼優 質又有系統的教學環境,讓他在學習的道路上一直保持 興趣,也持續進步,希望他能秉持這樣的態度與熱情, 在未來人生走出康莊大道,也祝福大家,平安健康快樂, 謝謝。
Paddy, you were so enthusiastic and brought such amazing energy to each class. Your creativity and passion really shone through! You put so much work into writing your speech and you produced an excellent piece of work. I'm so pleased with how you practiced and delivered your speech. What you did was very brave and hope that you feel proud of what you have accomplished. I know that the teachers certainly are! I wish for you to carry all that you've learned through this experience into the rest of your life; and remember just how much you can achieve when you try your best. Well done, Paddy, I can't wait to see what you achieve in the future.
Joanne 張喬涵
東園分校DongYuan Branch
中 戴瑋君
觀看精彩演說 14
Rachel 外 Zachary Paul Williams Animals should not be pets
學生感言 家長感言
Thanks all the teachers who helped me during the competition, especially Teacher Rachel. Although the process was really tiring, you still tried to give proper instructions that are good for me. This is my first time participating in this competition. During this process, you kept encouraging me and cheering for me. It is a great affirmation for me to get third place.
I believe that other contestants also put in a lot of effort to prepare for this competition. These efforts will never be in vain. The best and the most important part is not the result, but the process. Those who can enjoy the process are the real winners. Last but not least, I would like to thank HESS for giving us such a good stage to express ourselves.
相比妹妹從幼幼班就在何嘉仁已五六年,Joanne是轉 學過來的。考量除了家長集中接送更方便外,也對這個 學習環境的師資和規模充滿信心。果然在東園校中師外 師的耐心輔導下,Joanne經幾個禮拜適應期,對於上 課感覺的回應已讓爸媽感覺放心。
因妹妹之前有報名過微音樂劇,我們知道這是個需要 花時間準備,卻能有特別經驗的比賽過程,因此鼓勵 Joanne報名。特別感謝東園分校老師Rachel與教學團 隊,過程中不厭其煩給予Joanne寫作、發音、演說、 舞台呈現的指導,讓Joanne只要按表操課,就能一步 一步準備比賽。
到了總決賽,見識到很多樣的選手,或有出色的口音口 條,或有極佳的舞台風格,瞬間覺得Joanne能親身經 歷這樣的比賽,已獲得難能可貴的成長養分。最終能得 獎很出乎爸媽意料,除了謝謝評審肯定,更感謝何嘉 仁舉辦了一個這樣用心的比賽。也希望這個肯定能讓 Joanne在學習旅途更有自信迎向未來的挑戰。
Joanne is a dedicated student, she doesn't need much encouragement to do anything. She is motivated to do well and is willing to put in extra effort to practice. She is very outgoing and loves to express her opinions, so writing a speech was quite easy for her. She is good at receiving feedback and will go home and practice to improve. She is great at listening and is not afraid to ask questions when she doesn't understand. She has the ability to be quite dramatic, so she is able to use different tones when speaking. She has strong opinions and loves to express them.
林口分校LinKou Branch Charleen 方婉嫣 Teachers指導老師 中 陳采寧 Tranine 外 Francois Du Toit Potgieter AI is Helping People to Better Manage Transport 觀看精彩演說 16 OUTSTANDING PRONUNCIATION 傑出發音獎
This competition was very good for me, because I learned a lot from this journey. I would like to thank my teachers: Tr. Faffa, Tr. Tranine, and my ESL teacher, Vivian. They helped me a lot. In the beginning, they assisted me with how to turn my thoughts into words and to form a clear argument. They also taught me how to use proper words or phrases to make the speech better.
Secondly, they gave me many chances to practice at school in front of others, so that I was getting less nervous to be on the big stage. Then, they cheered me on all the way from the branch preliminaries, to the regional semi-finals, and to the national finals. They really helped me a lot in my preparation. I would also, especially, like to thank my family because they spent a lot of time to let me perform my speech at home and provided useful advice. They always give me great support.
I was also very proud and excited when I made it through each round of the competition! I think it was a very good experience. This was my third time to join this competition, and each time I learned different tips. I will keep doing my best to improve myself in the future. Thank you!
看到婉嫣在準備過程中,一步一步的努力和認真, 到最後於全國總決賽中表現亮眼,我們十分以她為 榮!從小舞台到大舞台,看到她每次顯著的進步, 更加自然大方也愈加自信從容,心中的感動無可言 喻。儘管台上只有短短的幾分鐘,但在背後是不斷 努力與對完美堅持的成果,我想這對孩子來說,就 是一趟有著滿滿收穫的學習旅程。最後,感謝有這 個學習活動,提供了一個很好的展現舞台,讓孩子 們能有機會展現他們的才華與努力,再次感謝!
I had a lot of fun teaching ECC this year and I am so proud of Charleen for everything she accomplished. The competition is very tough and challenging for the students, but like most things in life - your attitude can make all the difference! Charleen had a wonderful attitude all the way through the competition. She constantly pushed herself to improve and try her best. But even more importantly, she did it all with a smile on her face all the way through. I am very thankful to have had a student like her and I am also very thankful to my co-teacher, Tranine, for all her efforts. She spent A LOT of extra time (which she seldom has) practicing and perfecting Charleen's speech. It is because of her, and Charleen's, wonderful work ethic and positivity that I knew very early on that Charleen would go far. Charleen, we are very proud of you and thank you so much for all your efforts. You are the superstar of Linkou branch!
學生感言 指導老師的話
北投分校Beitou Branch
賴宇霏 Teachers指導老師 中 吳姵萱 Rola 外 Michael Robert Staudacher People Should Not Keep Animals as Pet 觀看精彩演說 18 OUTSTANDING DELIVERY 傑出表達獎
學生感言 家長感言
When I heard my name, I was kind of surprised. I didn't think I would get a prize or anything. Even though I didn't get into the top three, but I did beat lots of people along the way, and at least I got into the top five. I have to thank lots of people for getting me here, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be receiving this prize. I am really proud of myself for getting this extraordinary prize. It's not just a prize for me, it also proves that I actually learned something, and that I improved along the way. I have been trying to get into the finals before, and now I finally did. I will try to get the champion next year, wait for me!
Fay能得到這個獎,要感謝的人很多,但沒有HESS提 供的課程與學習環境,沒有Teacher Stu、 Teacher Rola 以及所有教導過她的老師的指導,單靠她自己是做不到 的。
「台上十分鐘,台下十年功」,回首11年的英文養成 路: 我們從Fay 2歲開始陪讀英文繪本,9歲自己看英文 小說,10歲開始聽CNN看美劇,以及無數母女倆在風 吹日晒雨淋中補習接送的日常。她曾怠惰、煩躁、厭倦, 最終她沒有選擇放棄,而是調整心態,直面失敗,抱著 不讓自己後悔的覺悟與必死的決心,全力以赴,最終站 上大舞台上發光發熱!
We have to thank Fay and her parents for their hardwork. Fay is a curious and competitive student that we don't need to worry about her too much. We knew that she wanted to go to the finals more than anybody else. So, we spent a lot of time watching ECC competition videos over the past few years. She did most of her speech draft by herself. When she received some feedback or recommendations from other teachers, she tried her best to improve herself. At the beginning of last semester, we started to discuss the speech, and we kept revising the draft and modifying the rhythm to make the speech better and better. The most important thing is that we have to thank HESS for giving the students the stage to show themselves.
I am very glad to have been able to stand on the big stage. I really enjoyed that moment. I think HESS Speech Competition is really good, because it can allow others to have a chance to tell more people what you think. I want to say thank you to all the teachers and parents who have taught and helped me before and that my branch gave me a chance to speak bravely. My branch really supported me a lot! Just like the slogan of the ECC Competition is "be your own superstar", don't worry if you think you are bad, with confidence and the right support you can do anything; and always do your best!
Being a finalist in a speech competition is a significant achievement and a cause for celebration. June has exceeded expectations and has gotten well-deserved recognition. Making it to the finals of the speech competition is a testament to June's hard work and dedication. It shows that June has put in the effort to hone her skills and deliver a compelling speech. By June being in the ECC, she has had a very big confidence boost. Competing in a speech competition can be nerve-wracking, this has helped her realize that she has the ability to deliver a powerful speech and that her efforts over the last 6 months have paid off. There was a deep sense of learning opportunity as all the students can observe other finalists and learn from their techniques and styles. Additionally, the feedback from the judges helped in identifying areas for improvement and refine each of their skills further. Overall, being a finalist in ECC is a significant accomplishment, and as a teacher I am so proud of each and every students' achievements.
學生感言 指導老師的話
王瑀均 June Teacher指導老師:Rushda Adam Electric Vehicles Are Safer For the Environment 20 OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE 表現卓越獎 觀看精彩演說
天母分校TianMu Branch
東湖分校DongHu Branch
林永瀚 Andrew
中 徐琇容 Phiny 外 San-Jin, Ma Humans should not keep animals as pets?
學生感言 指導老師的話
Without teachers Andy, Donna, Amy, Phiny, I wouldn't have this chance to stand on the stage of HESS International Annual English Competence Competition. I'm very grateful to the teachers who taught me, also I'm very thankful to my mom, because she always helps me to practice my English. From the class preliminaries to regional competitions to national finals, I get help form teachers a lot. When in the class preliminaries, I have questions with my speech, but under the guidance of the teachers, I overcome this difficulty. When I overcome this difficulty, I can beat my opponents in the regional competition. Although I didn't get the top 3 glory in the final nationals finals, I did my best, so I'm not discouraged.
It was awesome to see a first-time contestant make it to the finals. I am so proud of what Andrew has accomplished. I feel honored by his dedication, work ethic, and willingness to try. It was amazing watching him hone his skills, edit draft after draft with determination. In the end, he was able to achieve his goal of speaking in front of a large crowd but ultimately, had a lot of fun along the way. I am humbled by the HESS organization and truly appreciate the opportunity given to both Andrew and I to partake in such an incredible event. Thank you.
很榮幸第一次參與HECC指導老師的工作便能帶領東 湖校的Andrew進入全國賽,Andrew本身條件優秀 加上非常認真努力,中外師和他合作都感到相當有 趣融洽,雖然未能拔得頭籌,但以第一次比賽的成果 而言,已是相當滿意。在指導孩子的過程中,看見孩 子從選題、撰稿、校正到背誦,調整自己的發音和語調, 至最後練習的看圖說故事,很驚奇地感受到孩子吸收及進步的快速這次 指導更像是和孩子一起成長的旅程,非常開心能與Andrew一起擁有這 次的經歷。
ECC was a great experience, because it was challenging, but I had a lot of fun. I remember the first time I went to ECC. I didn't know what to expect, but I learned to write a speech and be brave. I started to learn what I should do onstage and where I should look. I also think when I have ECC class, I feel happy because I can be proud of myself. Sometimes, I still feel embarrassed on the stage, so I know I still have to practice more. Practice makes perfect, right? In conclusion? I really like ECC because I can learn a lot of things and I hope I can do more stuff like this!
ECC is a wonderful experience for teachers and students alike. I watched Lucas work tirelessly month after month from when he was trying to get his ideas on paper to working on intonation, inflection, and actions. It was not his first time joining the conception, so I've had the honor of watching his proficiency blossom over the years and I'm very proud of his progress. I think it was also an excellent opportunity for him to get to hear everyone else's speeches and be exposed to other kids who share his passion and dedication as well as new ideas. ECC definitely pushed my teaching skills to a whole new level and I'm grateful for the experience.
新湖分校XinHu Branch 林楷綸 Lucas Teachers指導老師 中 張宇和 Charlie 外 Yvonne Michelle Lopez ArePensAndPaperNolongerNecessaryInOurDailyLife? 觀看精彩演說 22 OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE 表現卓越獎
三重分校SanChong Branch
廖珞均 Renee 外 Gabor Matthew Sidney
Humans should keep animals as pets
I wanted to say thank you to the teacher that helped me on my speech, Teacher Matt, Teacher Renee, Teacher Dan and Teacher Manny. I also wanted to say thank you to my mom, my dad, and my brother. Thank you for supporting me when I joined the event. I didn't get the award that I wanted, but I tried my best. I think all of the contestants in speech A were really good and I learned a lot from them! Everyone was trying their best to prepare for the competition and it was great fun to watch the it. Thank you for giving me a wonderful experience.
Congratulations to Charles for completing your speeches. Over the last couple of months, I saw how much time you all put into practicing and how much effort you put into writing your speeches. Regardless of the results, I'm extremely proud of all of you! I know how nerve-wracking it can be to perform in front of that many people. Yet, no matter how nervous everyone felt, no one quit and no matter how many mistakes you made whilst performing your speeches, no one gave up. Great job everyone and to those continuing on to the next round, good luck!
學生感言 指導老師的話
I am really happy that I had an opportunity to participate in the English speech competition this time. This is my third time to participate in this competition. I'm glad that I improved each time. I enjoyed being on the stage a lot. I want to thank Tr. Daniel for helping me with the speech writing, Tr. Veronica for training the competition, my mom for encouraging me to participate in the competition. I learned a lot from the training, it was very fun and full of challenge. Finally, I wanted to thank administrative teachers from Zhuang Jing Branch to see my final competition. This is my last year at HESS, the good memory of the speech contest will always be in my mind.
Ann looks forward to the speech competition every year. She is a very hard working and diligent student who takes her studies very seriously. If you want to know more about Ann, listening to her speeches is a great place to start. Every speech she has written embodies her work ethic and unique sense of self. She always wants to do the very best she can and looks for help everywhere she can. She is intensely honest and tells you exactly what she thinks, both in class and in her speeches. I am happy that Ann has continued with speech class and has improved every year.
學生感言 指導老師的話
莊敬分校ZhuangJing Branch 劉品安 Ann Teachers指導老師 中 張懿如 Veronica 外 Daniel Pitrone Why Pens and Paper are Still Necessary 觀看精彩演說 24
南崁二校Nankan II Branch
Thank you T. Nick and T. Cara for teaching me how to improve my writing in class as well as instructing me on how I can better express my intonation, gestures and facial expressions. I have always found the most help and guidance from you both. Although I did not win the finals in the end, I learned the most precious things from my teachers. I would also like to thank the Taoyuan judges who had supported me to enter the finals; thank you!
Angela, congratulations on making it this far! Once again, you have shown Teacher Cara, Teacher Brenda, and Teacher Nick that you are a talented and passionate English learner. Your curiosity, enthusiasm, and determination have led you to this moment, and we are sure many more triumphs in your future. Savor this success: you have certainly earned it! It has been a joy watching the progress you have made to become an independent speaker, able to navigate a second language easily. Your ability to mold and shape English to create interesting stories is incredibly special, and worth cultivating. If you hold onto what you have achieved so far and continue to push ahead with your English learning, we have no doubt that you will do great things. Take heart, don't give up, and you will go far! From Teacher Nick and Teacher Cara.
中 林佩璇 Cara 外
許恩婕 Angela Teachers指導老師
Nicholas Ryan Lavergne Plastic Bottles Should Be Banned 觀看精彩演說
I am very happy in this year's English speech contest, because I didn't make it to the finals last year, but this year I made it. I think it is a good experience to me. It is cool to stand on a really big stage, when I was standing on the stage the feeling was so special and interesting. When I was having the contest, I enjoyed the moment. Even I had some wrong words, but I did my best. I would also like to say thanks to my teachers and family, especially my grandpa. My teachers taught me how to write my speech, and my grandpa told me how to act it out. It's pity that I wasn't awarded this year. So I will challenge again and again until I win.
Una, I am so proud of you and your big achievement! Watching you grow, learn and gain so much confidence since the first time we did speech competition together has been an absolute pleasure for me. I know that you will continue to improve every year because you always work so hard, and you inspire others around you to also work hard. What I enjoy most is your excellent imagination. You have the ability to tell the funniest and most unexpected stories. It was always so funny in the class and you constantly entertained us with your stories. You are not only a hard-working student, but also a sweet, helpful and energetic girl. The way you helped your fellow classmates shows just what an extraordinary student you are. You did so great, and you should be so proud of yourself too! Keep working hard!
學生感言 指導老師的話
Una Teachers指導老師 中 李永蓉 Lily 外 Ellenmarie Grobler Managing Transport with AI
九如分校JiuRu Branch 王霈璇
員林分校YuanLin Branch
中 李羿璇 Jenny 外 Peter Lin
We Need to Change the Way Students Are Tested
學生感言 指導老師的話
It is always a pleasure to attend meaningful event like this,theECC speech form HESS, where I can experience wonderful moments as a result. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those who supported me during the practice and my performance. It is my third participation in this activity, and it's also the most memorable one because I finally made it into the final competition for the first time ever. Despite not winning any prize at the final competition, it was still a wonderful experience. The assistance of my parents and a variety of teachers has enabled me to achieve more than Iever imaginad. Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate in next year's competition. Perhaps my topic, "We Need to Change the Way Students Are Tested" can provide further insight into this matter. Once again, I would like to thank my parents and teachers for their assistance.
今年是Chen-chen參加的第三次,終於晉 級到台北場!在訓練過程中,看見了Chenchen的堅持和努力不懈的學習態度,讓老師們 及家長感到非常的驕傲。過程帶給我們非常棒的經驗,孩子能 從中獲得成就感並且享受這個舞台,這是我們樂於看見的。Be your own superstar這句話真的非常適合每位努力的孩子,在 未來的學習過程中,必定會有不同的挑戰,期望Chen-chen 也能突破,讓自己成為自己心目中的superstar。(中師)
I would like to extend my gratitude toward Chen-chen's gracious efforts in learning. This is a great time of year for me to express my appreciation for the stern attitude that you have toward studying well and being positive.
I recognize that teaching English writing is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. With your unparalleled intelligence, I cannot imagine what your future will be like. It's great to have you as a student.
It is an honor to have a student like you in my class. My sincere wishes for the success of your future endeavors are expressed through this message, which I would like to share with you. I wish you all the joy and blessing as you move forward in your life. Thank you so much. (Peter)
Teacher指導老師:Graeme Clifford Barker
Pizza Day
新內湖分校NeiHu Branch Max 楊瑪信
I wanted to join the speech competition because it sounded fun. I would like to thank my mom, my dad, Teacher Graeme, and Teacher Anthony for all the help with the training and practice. They helped me with memorizing the text, eye contact, intonation, and actions. My dad wanted me to participate in the speech competition because he did it when he was young. He knew how to prepare for it. I'm actually pretty surprised to see that I received first place the first time I tried. This experience has helped to improve my English and has given me the motivation to participate in Speech A when I am old enough.
What did we feel when Max won the speech contest? To say we were happy would be an understatement! The competition was extremely tough; there were lots and lots of well-written, fun, creative, energetic, and engaging performances. Of course, we knew Max's speech was very strong, too. He spent a lot of time working on it, practicing all little aspects that make up a good performance -- so we did hope to win some award :) But when they announced the winner, we honestly couldn't believe it actually happened! That was a magical moment. I felt ecstatic, proud of Max, and honored by the recognition we received from the judges. At the same time, I understand -- this was a team effort, so I am extremely grateful to all of Max's teachers in HESS -- Teacher Gloria, Teacher Peggy, Teacher Anthony, and especially to Teacher Graeme, who worked so hard with Max. Without you, this would not be possible. Thank you so much!
Congratulations, Max, for your impressive achievement in winning first prize in the ECC speech competition! It's a testament to your hard work, dedication, and talent. Max's victory in the competition is a proud moment for both him and myself. It shows that he possesses excellent public speaking skills, is able to articulate his thoughts clearly, and have a confident presence on stage. Winning first prize in a speech competition is not an easy feat and requires a lot of preparation and practice. The experience of participating in the competition and winning first prize will undoubtedly have a positive impact on Max's personal growth and development. It will boost his self-confidence, improve his communication skills, and open up new opportunities for him in the future.
指導老師的話 學生感言 家長感言
民權分校MinQuan Branch David 戴昱瑒 Teachers指導老師 中 陳儀軒 Grace 外 Megan Frances Devaney David Fun Days 觀看精彩演說 32 SECOND PLACE WINNER 亞軍
謝謝大家,我叫David,來自民權分校,很開心在何 嘉仁第11屆Speech英文比賽B組拿到全台第2名。
取得這個成績我首先要謝謝我的爸爸媽媽,他們用「尊 重與愛」這個方式教育我,陪伴我,讓我學會「獨立 與自由選擇」並在選擇後堅持努力;也要謝謝我民權 分校所有的指導老師們,在寫作、練習與學習的過程
我很幸運在我上幼稚園的時候,爸爸媽媽給我選擇了 何嘉仁全美語,英文基礎穩固,才能輕鬆快樂的進步。
不僅僅是為了自己,也是給辛苦培養教育我的父母及 老師一個滿意的回饋!感恩所有愛我的人!
當聽到第二名是「民權David」時,內心真的激動萬分! 感動萬分!激動的是孩子這幾個月的努力終於取得好的 成績,作為家長,我們感謝自己的孩子,謝謝寶貝的堅 持與努力;謝謝指導老師Tr. Wilinda、Tr. Megan、Tr. Erica、Tr. Grace……所有民權分校的指導老師們,尤其 是Tr. Grace從小一到現在一路以來的鼓勵與教導,讓 David在快樂中學習成長;也謝謝何嘉仁舉辦這麼棒的 比賽,給所有何嘉仁的孩子這個提升英文的機會,在快 樂學習英文的同時又有被認可的平台,越努力越幸運, 越學習越自信!作為何嘉仁的學生真的很幸福!最後感 謝所有發生在David身邊的一切美好的人與事!
回想聽到得獎的瞬間真的感到萬般開心及光榮,很開心 看到孩子如此傑出的表現!David是個很有上進心的孩 子,自我要求也很高,正因如此才能在這5個月中抱著 鍥而不捨的精神努力練習,一關一關的過關斬將,不因 辛苦而怠惰。
如果沒有長期而持續的努力,很難獲得這麼出色的成 績。身為老師最開心的莫過於看到孩子從零到有慢慢的 進步成長,不論得獎與否都是很好的經驗及回憶。也謝 謝媽媽的大力支持與配合,讓孩子在練習過程中能增加 信心同時願意相信老師,給了孩子一個很好的機會去嘗 試,挑戰自己!最後想鼓勵所有的孩子不要害怕嘗試, 相信自己。If you never try you'll never know!
學生感言 家長感言 指導老師的話
… 33
實踐分校ShiJian Branch Nina 林悅宁 Teachers指導老師 中 郭原益 Larry 外 Roelien De Klerk Parent-Child Swop Day 觀看精彩演說 34 THIRD PLACE WINNER 季軍
I was very glad to win the third place. My father encouraged me a lot. When I took part in the class first, I didn't enjoy it much. I found that I had to write an essay by myself. But my teacher helped me a lot and it made me enjoy the class much more. My dad also taught me how to do the actions and movements. After practicing many times, I showed my teachers and they loved it so much. I told myself to just enjoy it. I didn't think that I would win. So, when I got third place, it was a really big surprise! I appreciated all of the judges and teachers! Thank you!
Thanks to HESS for organizing such a great event and giving all children the opportunity to challenge themselves. I would like to extend my gratitude to Teacher Roelien, Larry, Adam, Oliver, Ann, Amber, and all of the teachers at Shi Jian branch (No.1 team in Banqiao) for their help, as well as to Frank, Tina, and Ryan for sharing their valuable experiences. Every child is a diamond in the rough, and all we can do is polish them and make them sparkle. Let's all echo the sentiment to "Be Your Own Superstar". Nina has also grown a lot, from being hesitant to get involved to developing the confidence to enjoy such a great show over the past five months. I would like to give a big hand to thank all the HESS teachers and every child for their hard work. This prize reminds us that no matter where we come from, our dreams are valid.
It has been such a pleasure being a part of the ECC competition again this year. Like every year we give our students the opportunity to take part in this amazing competition and develop their public speaking skills. And just like every year I am surprised by the talent of our students! This year Nina completely blew me away! She was hard working from the start and very determined to make it to the Finals. Together, we worked hard and put a lot of time and effort into making her speech perfect. My advice to her was not to focus on winning but to rather learn something from this experience and to have fun whilst doing so. And, if a win were to be in the cards, it would be an added bonus! She had such a great team supporting her, from her teachers to her parents, friends and classmates! We are incredibly proud of everything she has achieved and hope that she continues to challenge herself! We love you, Nina!!!
指導老師的話 學生感言 家長感言
重新分校ChongXin Branch Oliver 陳治瑀 Teachers指導老師 中 胡潔瀠 Jane 外 Stephen Kane Science Day 觀看精彩演說 36 OUTSTANDING PRONUNCIATION 傑出發音獎
At first, I was excited and nervous for the competition since all contestants come from all regions of Taiwan. The competition started, the contestants in speech A were all excellent! But when it was my turn in speech B, my heart was racing. I tried to do as best as I could. When I finished speaking my speech, most of the audience clapped for me. Then, l went to another building to do the picture prose competition. Luckily, the picture wasn't hard. l thought that l spoke very well. I was pretty confident about the competition, but l still hoped that l could have gotten up to the top three. Then all the contestants got a golden medal. The host said that we got this medal because of the excellent performance. For the final score, I got the Best Pronunciation Award which meant that there was still room for improvement. After all, in the process of achieving the goal I wanted, it was inevitable that there will be some setbacks. So as long as l work harder, l will surely achieve my goal. Now, l am ready to move to the next level, speech A!
感謝何嘉仁舉辦英語力大賽,讓Oliver 有機會站在 這個舞台自信的展現出他對英文的熱愛,看著他在 台上閃閃發亮的眼神,這幾個月來的努力,都值得 了!
Oliver從小就很喜歡英文,也很勇於表達對英文的 熱情,這次比賽讓我們看到Oliver的成長,願意 放棄玩樂、休息時間,期待上課和老師同學一起討 論講稿,下課還會和家人分享今天的進度。 謝謝何嘉仁重新分校的老師們對Oliver的包容和用 心指導,每一次的練習都給予寶貴的建議,何嘉仁 是個很棒的學習環境,相信在未來的學習道路上, 會愈來愈好。
家長感言 指導老師的話
Oliver's speech journey started far before this year's competition, and it has taken him a huge amount of dedication to get where he is today. He was relentless in his practice, and was loyal to the cause. He wanted that victory and yearned to push himself to new limits whether that was on stage or with new English proficiency. Oliver rehearsed at every opportunity, and when he was given new advice, he would be open to it and strive to do better. His award proved testament to his effort that he put in this year, and I believe he will be back stronger next year.
鳳山青年分校FengShan QingNian Branch Kimberley 高語芹 Teachers指導老師 中 楊鎵瑜 Julia 外 Jack Daniel Elkins Healthy Food Day 觀看精彩演說 38 OUTSTANDING DELIVERY 傑出表達獎
學生感言 家長感言
I like English, that is very fun. I like English, because there are lots of fun things to do. I like speech, too.
After school, I read English books, watch English YouTube videos and talking with my family in English.
I enjoy to do the more English games with my sister, like hide and seek, Easter egg hunt and trick or treat. I'm really happy that I got the Outstanding Expression Award, The more English I learn the better I get. This is a very fun experience for me, this was really fun. Thank you HESS, thank you teachers, thank you everyone !
感謝何嘉仁舉辦的演講比賽活動,還有老師們的協助, 讓這次Kimberley完成了一次難以忘記的旅程,這是她 人生值得紀念懷念的一刻,學習英文最重要的是啟發興 趣與熱忱,平常在家裡,我會儘量跟Kimberley說英文, 看電視、玩遊戲也都是以英文為主,Kimberley 還有自 己的頻道。最後,我認為,演講不只是一項工具也是一 個藝術,好的演講可以改變人的想法進而改變世界,讓 世界更美好,如果你相信你可以,你一定做得到。
Kimberley在HESS學習歷程已4年多,從她一年級進 HESS開始,她就是一個喜歡用英文表達的學生,她樂 於學習和閱讀,當然培養她的爸爸媽媽自然是功不可 沒。當她站總決賽的舞台自然而然的表達她的想法,在 那時刻,我的內心相當感動!平常努力的練習,一次又 一次的調整發音、語調與動作,她的努力也獲得了肯定。 她英文學習的旅程中,她又更加邁進了一步也更上了一 層樓。明年Kimberley說要挑戰高級數的演說比賽,我 相信她一定可以做到!加油!Kimberley你真的很棒!
SPEECH Competition
I want to take this moment to thank you all for everything that you have done. Thank you for giving me the courage to stand on stage and speak my thoughts. First, I would like to thank the teachers for teaching me everything from picture prose to the speech itself. I would also like to thank the other finalists, for allowing me to share the stage with you in the last round. I'm really grateful to have had this opportunity and I have grown so much in confidence and I'm excited to try again for the finals next time!
Bubu along with the many other students who made it to the ECC finals have a lot to be proud of in themselves regardless of if they got the top prize or not. Making it to the finals alone shows the hard work and dedication that Bubu put forth to achieve something that many individuals including myself find very difficult to do and that is "Public Speaking." Not only did he speak in front of many strangers, but he spoke to them in a 2nd language. Competing in a speech competition such as the ECC can be a scary experience, especially when you are not competing in your native tongue. This competition has given Bubu the realization that if you work hard and stay focused, anything is possible. I feel that Bubu has gained a lot of from this entire ECC experience over the last 6 months. He has built his confidence, gained valuable constructive criticism and learned how to do it better next time from observing his peers. Overall, rather Bubu claimed the top prize or not, making it to the ECC finals was a very big accomplishment for him. I am very proud of his effort to stick with it and not give up.
演說比賽 B 學生感言 指導老師的話
BuBu Teacher指導老師:John Charles Maglott Lego Day
天母分校TianMu Branch 鄭睿恩
雨農分校YuNong Branch
A New Holiday-International Riddles and Jokes Week
I am so happy to know that I win the competition. Thank you all so much for being here to share with my joy. I am so honored to have my speech recognized by judges!
I would like to thank my mother and my father. They help me grow up and study in HESS and give me the opportunity to join the class. I would also like to thank my grandfather and my grandmother. I would like to thank all my family's love and support. Lastly, I would like to thank my teachers teacher Craig, teacher Amy and all the teachers from HESS Yunong for their teaching, training, and encouragement. Thank you to HECC for providing a platform to give my speech and build my confidence. I am so grateful.
I am so glad to see Miya to win the competition. She can win the speech which means she works so hard either in HESS Yunong or at home. She has a great personality. She is so cheerful, optimistic and outgoing. She has a good topic. Her speech topic is about Riddles and Jokes Week which can match her great personality so nicely. She did practice her speech with a lot of efforts. No doubt she deserves the award and honor. I am so proud of her. Keep Going Miya. I wish you all the best. Thank you everyone and have a good weekend.
中 何林諺
Amy 外 Craig Russell Habermehl
SPEECH Competition
B學生感言 指導老師的話
我很高興有機會參加這次比賽。 首先,我要感謝士林分校的全體老師。他們總是給我 很多建議和協助。我知道他們很忙,但還是在課後額 外撥出很多時間教我,讓我學到了更多的演講技巧。
接下來,我也要感謝我的爸爸媽媽。他們一直在推動 我,給我壓力,但也不斷鼓勵我,讓我越來越有信心, 謝謝他們一直支持我。
最後,我想告訴大家:這比賽雖然不容易,但是過程 也很有趣,讓我收穫很多。只要你願意嘗試,我相信 大家都可以成為自己的贏家。
作為寫作演說比賽的指導老師,我非常榮幸能夠帶領 我的學生參加這次演講比賽。從校內賽到區域賽再到 總決賽,我的學生一直保持著積極的態度和努力的精 神,在比賽中展現出了優秀的表現和出色的演講技巧。 在比賽前,我們針對演講技巧、口語表達、主題選擇 等方面進行了多方面的指導和訓練,從而幫助學生更 好地理解和掌握演講的本質和技巧。同時,我們也鼓 勵學生多參加一些演講和表達的活動,透過實際演練 來不斷提升自己的技能和信心。
在這個過程中,我們學到了很多,也感受到了學習和 成長的快樂和成就感。這些都將對他未來的學習和生 活產生深遠的影響和幫助。我也希望他能夠繼續保持 學習和進步的態度,不斷挑戰自 己,創造更多的成就和傲人的 表現。
士林分校Shilin Branch
李品蓁 Jasmine Teacher指導老師:陳品諭 Allen Anime Changes My World 觀看精彩演說 42 OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE 表現卓越獎
新中和分校New ZhongHe Branch
江昕霓 Elly
Evelyn 外 Michelle Hoching Wong
Relaxing and Fun Holiday
從TH5起,在老師們的鼓勵下,第一次參加何嘉仁 Speech競賽,萬萬也沒有想到,隔年,自己有機會站 在全國賽舞台上與各地好手一同競技。
去年比賽,我就止步在複賽,老實說真的有一些不捨 及落寞。畢竟從無到有多麼希望能夠闖進決賽站在那 個大型舞台上阿! 然而,今年我就下定決心,一定要 打到全國賽才肯罷休!
大家的起點其實都差不多,都是從無到有、努力創造 出來的。期間接收到師長與父母親的幫忙才能闖進決 賽。話說台上一分鐘,台下十年功。台上就那麼一次, 短短5分鐘,根本無法和練習時的時數相比較,換個 角度想,這幾個月來努力的練習換到這麼多英語演講 經驗,在未來一定大有幫助!也感謝何嘉仁給我這個 機會站上全國賽的舞台,又重新改寫我的人生新頁!
Be Your Own Superstar.
We are very honored and glad to have Elly as a participant that got so far in the competition. She has improved her public speaking by many milestones from last year. We are proud of her achievements and can see the amount of effort she and her supporters have brought to the challenge. During her time in this ECC class, she has been working very hard for these two months. She displayed her confidence well whenever she practiced the speech in front of an audience. She really expressed her English ability on stage which showcased her growing cabilities and fluency.
學生感言 指導老師的話
Teachers指導老師 中
SPEECH Competition
B學生感言 指導老師的話
今年是我第二次參加何嘉仁的英語演說比賽了!還記 得第一次參加時並未進入到複賽,沒想到今年竟然一 路從分校賽、區域賽,一直進到總決賽,真是出乎我
意料!雖然在二年級時也曾進入到總決賽,但那時是 團體賽,而這次只有我一個人,所以特別的緊張。一
開始我和其他的選手一樣,先坐在椅子上聆聽演說, 當輪到我前一位選手上台時,突然覺得時間過得真快 啊!上台演講時因為燈光的關係,只看得見評審,如 果我看的到觀眾,甚至是家人或老師可能會更緊張。
最後雖然沒有得名,但是透過這次的比賽,學習到更 多東西,也因為充分的練習以及老師的輔導,讓我的 英文又更進一步了!等到明年,我一定還會再來參加 比賽,繼續學習更多的知識!
在演講比賽中一路過關斬 將,一直到全國總決賽。對我們來說這真的是一段美 妙且值得回憶的學習過程。回想當初在報名時,因這 是Esther第二次參賽,所以給自己的目標必定比去年 更高。這幾個月以來,除了用心準備每次的練習,更 投入無比的熱情才能堅持到最後一刻。無論比賽的輸 贏,孩子已經展現最棒的自己。參加一次比賽的機會 人人都有,但是要連續參加好多次的勇氣卻不是每個 人都有。我們從經驗中學習及成長,也期許Esther繼 續努力成為更好的小小演說家!
游書函 Esther Teachers指導老師 中 李至惠 Abby 外 Kieran Taylor Cooking Day 觀看精彩演說 44 OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE 表現卓越獎
深美分校ShenMei Branch
中 王欣瑜 Julia 外 Cameron Ian Albert Thrope
Best Friend Holiday
很榮幸有這個機會可以參加英文演說,一路挺到總決 賽,雖然沒能在總決賽得到冠軍,但是我也是很開心 我參加這個比賽!何嘉仁的英文演說比賽真的大大的 提升了我的表達與舞台經驗,其實站在那麼大的舞台 上還說著英文演講,這不是人人都有的機會!真的很 感謝指導我的老師 不斷地抽空時間來幫我練習,也謝
謝我的父母不辭辛勞的載我上下課,也一直鼓勵支持 我參加這次的英文演說,經過了這次比賽,之後在課 堂上發表的時候我也更有自信,即使最後沒有得名, 但我得到了很大的收穫!
It's my second year being an instructor of the speech competition, and it's my first time joining the championship with my student. I'm really proud of my student, Lily. She's always well-prepared before class and she always does her best in class. It's never easy to be an instructor of writing and giving a speech. I'm pretty glad of having a chance to learn how to make an article better and most importantly, how to guide the students. Though Lily had a small mistake during her speech and she did not win the prize in the championship, I think she's done a good job since she has still completed her speech. I hope she has the courage and confidence to join the competition in the future and I believe she will do really well and win the prize next time.
學生感言 指導老師的話
SPEECH Competition
I was so happy and excited to stand on the final stage. It was an amazing experience because everyone was well- prepared. After the contest ,I felt relaxed and also understand that I need to work harder for the next year. I would like to thank all my English teachers, especially the leading instructor, Teacher Cathy, who spent lots of her private time helping me to prepare for the contest. I will continue learning English and look forward getting better results the next time.
Enya has been a strong and hardworking student. She did a great job at coming up with original ideas for her speech. I feel that throughout this experience, her confidence has grown, and she has exhibited remarkable skill and bravery speaking in front of others. I hope this will be an experience that she will always remember and cherish. (Teacher James)
Enya's comprehension skills are among the best in my class and has been a model student. Her effort and ability to handle any problem during the competition was terrific. I am especially impressed with her attitude and courage. I hope that Enya continues to have a lot of fun as she participates in the competitions. I look forward to seeing her next year. (Teacher Cathy)
學生感言 指導老師的話
演說比賽 B
桃園新中正分校 Tao Yuan ZhongZheng Branch 黃庭語 Enya Teachers指導老師 中 洪鈴雅 Cathy 外 James Emile Henry Dyck No Bookbag Week 46 OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE 表現卓越獎 觀看精彩演說
風城分校Windance Branch 林亞萱
Crazy Learning Days
Hi, I'm Lesley, Grade 3 student, and I'm studying in ESL6 of HESS ESL Program. I really have a wonderful time with every English lesson and I can bring it to my own life.
Back at the age of two, I started to sing English lullabies whenever I had a hard time falling asleep at night. Now I keep working on my study journey and grow up to a higher level in English compared to my school classmates. I would like to share one of my favorite books with you. It is "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie", written by Laura Numeroff. Because it is so interesting and it can help me figure out unique ideas. This is why I popped out the topic, "Crazy Learning Days" for the theme.
Finally, I want to thank all the teachers from Windance Branch, Tr. Emerald, Tr. Ray, Tr. Nini, Tr. Jenna, and Tr. Nastassja who have given me many chances to learn, experience, dream and succeed that made good things happen in the HESS international English competence championship, 2023. And I also get lots of inspiring words from my dear mom and grandparents. Thanks to my family. I am hoping that I can try my best to develop English speaking potential in the future.
Lesley has a great attitude and was a joy to teach in speech class. She sees life in an interesting way and really likes talking about it. During class she got right to work on her speech and was always positive when it came time to practice. She never shied away from her work in class. It was wonderful to see her improve each and every class.
學生感言 指導老師的話
Jenna 、張維庭 Nini 外 Ray Rice
SPEECH Competition
I feel nervous and confused when I decided to join this competition. My teachers believed that I could do well. I still remembered that I was too nervous and cried in my first speech lesson. Although I was nervous, I still tried my best, just like my teachers said. After we finished the speech lessons, we started practicing. We spent a lot of time on it and I really enjoyed it, even though it was tiring. This is the first time I join English speech competition and I am so proud of myself that I didn't give up. I will join the competition again next year. I know I can do better, so I won't give up!
ECC is such a wonderful platform not only for the students but also for me. It pushed us to reach a higher level! Kim is a great and creative student. For these days, she practiced a lot and tried so hard. I can see how well she improved from the beginning to the end. Teachers at our branch also offered their support to the students. Without their support, we couldn't make it as far as we had. It was an unforgettable experience, and I hope all the students can take the lessons that we've learned and put them to good use in the future. Kim has an ambitious heart and a creative mind. I truly believe that she has a lot of potential in the future. Keep going, Kim!
學生感言 指導老師的話
昌平分校ChangPing Branch 黃宥彤 Kim Teachers指導老師 中 陳品欣 Avery 外 Julie Jo Thompson Wishing Day 觀看精彩演說 48 OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE 表現卓越獎
蔡定哲 Justin
It was a pleasure to participate in the speech competition, it taught me a lot. Such as how to look at the judges and smile, and some presentation skills to keep the judges from falling asleep. Although I practiced many times, I couldn't get the top three after all,just a little sad.And I want to thank to the teachers who helped me for training my speech,so I can learn more about speech.I can also use the English's speech skill on Chinese's speech,so I can express more powerful and brave.I think I'm lucky to let Teacher Julie Jo give me some opinion,and I can do my speech better.
My student did an excellent job during this competition. I'm sure it felt rewarding to see how far he has come and what he achieved for all his hard work. I would like to thank everyone involved for their contribution. The competition served as a platform for all the students to illustrate unique skills that don't get tested that often. It also helped creative minds from all over Taiwan come together and express themselves. I believe a competition like this inspires confidence, authenticity and most of all a sense of achievement. Let's see if we can improve and try to do even better next year.
學生感言 指導老師的話
嘉義嘉北分校JiaYi JiaBei Branch
中 龔純宜 Pure 外 Pierre Gerard Du Plessis School Relax Day
What a wonderful experience leading our ECC Voiceover team has been! When we first started, the kids were nervous but so excited to be a part of our voiceover team. Each practice, the students gained a lot of confidence in their English speaking skills thanks to all the hard work they put in. To the parents, we would like to thank you for entrusting us with your children. It has been a pleasure to work alongside these children in creating such a wonderful performance for everyone to enjoy! We would also like to thank these amazing children for bringing a smile to our faces every day. None of this would have been possible without everyone's support and encouragement!
大甲分校DaJia Branch 葉展華 Joshua 黃星皓 Samuel 柯昕岑 Cynthia 杜秉芳 Benjamin 蔡柏翔 Bosmo Teachers指導老師 中 紀麗君 Gina 外 Edward Zhong Chung 觀看精彩表演 52 NATIONAL
木新分校Muxin Branch
鐘宥棋 Alfie 韓敦宇 Dune 許芷菱 Zoey 陳逸倢 Mia
Teachers指導老師 中 蕭如芳 Dora 外 Taylor Bood Usher
配音課程從一開始的角色分配、背景音效練習、語調感情的投入,及 帶著孩子們逐字逐句練習每一個字的發音,讓我看到每位孩子不一樣 的潛能及個人特色。為期4個月的練習,最大的感動是:和孩子們 一起的努力總算有好的成果!謝謝這段期間給予我們幫助的每一位! (From Teacher Dora)
This year's competition was quite the challenge for us, especially since it was our first time preparing students for the voiceover competition. Our students worked really hard from beginning to end. They were determined and focused. We feel that the connection that they built with the plots of the stories really contributed to its success. From the start, the kids really loved the characters and were extremely satisfied with their roles. This gave them the ability to connect, and give their full energy. I'm so proud of them! We pushed them hard, but they pushed themselves even harder! Congrats to all the other teams and thank you for our 2nd place award!
(From Teacher Taylor)
「老師,贏了之後要去吃什麼?老師,贏了的話要擺什麼Pose?」 比賽前夕我最常聽到的就是這幾句。八字都還沒一撇,就開始想著 自己贏了,這些傢伙也太自信了吧?事後想想這應該也是這個年 紀的孩子們掩飾自己緊張的方式吧。Sophie, Eric, Max三人在整個
Voiceover裡面是較年長的孩子,在跟我的外師朋友聊天時,常常會 聽到說我們的孩子年紀那麼大,太犯規了。我不以為然,這個年紀的 孩子,發音一定比較漂亮,能理解老師想要他們如何表達角色的情 緒,不過比起年紀小的孩子,他們也有更多偶像包袱,比較放不開, 對於自己的失誤耿耿於懷。從訓練的開始我就說過,輸贏放一邊,重 要的是不要後悔,後悔自己沒有再認真練習一點。一路上的磨練讓他 們心理上成長了許多,我以他們為榮。
Teacher指導老師:林岳董 Anthony
許竣翔 Eric 楊昀樺 Sophie
Branch 黃鼎皓 Max
54 觀看精彩表演
天母分校TianMu Branch
吳孟容 Megan 外 Kevin Alan Henry
My thoughts on Voice Over competition are over all very positive. I am very proud with how hard the students worked. They were all very willing to accept new ideas and keep on practicing even when they felt tired or bored with the same rehearsal and lines repeated over and over again. Having something to work towards felt good as well and this competition really was motivating for me as well because it made me more aware of small speaking errors that are often overlooked. The five students all did their best and honestly took the loss pretty well all things considered, especially since this was a speaking competition and not like a sports competition. The video's selected were fine, gave plenty of creativity with what sound effects could be used and speed and fluency required to pull off the acting in a convincing manner.
陳彥霖 Allen 鄭允睿 Ian 許以欣 Ulrika
準備的過程中,從角色分配、咬字發音、台詞練習、情感表達、音效 製作,到影片畫面對嘴和時間控制等,皆花了許多時間。透過這樣的 學習過程,孩子們互相學習、討論、檢討和改進,並努力呈現最好的 作品。
當然也要感謝家長們的支持與鼓勵,使得孩子們更有信心站在舞台上 表現自己。藉著這個舞台,孩子們精準地模仿各個角色,發揮創意, 製造影片中的各類音效。這樣的挑戰,除了讓孩子們透過有趣的方式 精熟發音和語調,進而提升口語表達能力,同時也培養孩子們的自信 心和團隊精神。
李柏樂 Parker
中 鍾穎婷 Joanna 外 Thomas McGee
Branch 林千熙 Angel
林凡楷 Calvin 陳 昕 Chris 林妍婕 Cynthia
民權分校MinQuan Branch
黃品睿 Ray
楊逸帆 Roy
齊藤千玲 Chirin
楊逸晴 Amber
顏宇謙 Dinero
中 陳儀軒 Grace 外 Erica Leigh Clare
大家好,我是來自民權分校的Grace,很高興孩子們憑藉自己的努力, 一路上不斷的練習,不斷成長,得以挺進決賽。這過程很漫長,但看 著孩子們一次比一次進步,心中的欣慰感也油然而生。
不同以往的模式這次的配音比賽可說是具有相當大的挑戰性,除了搭 配生動的音效外還要具備完美的發音、語調及情緒,對還在學習的孩 子們來說是相當困難的。很感謝孩子及家長的共同努力及配合,我們 一起寫下全新的經驗及記憶。沒能得名難免沮喪,但努力過的不會消 失,同時也說明還有很大的進步空間!孩子在這過程中 學到的是生命中無可取代的經驗、團結、努力。
I'm very proud of you all.
Congratulations to Thomas, Pixie, Lily, Cindy, and Yi-en who made it to the finals in the Voiceover competition! It's an impressive accomplishment to have made it so far in a highly competitive event.
Although they may not have placed in the top three, the fact that they made it to the finals is a testament to their hard work and dedication. The competition was filled with talented individuals, so being selected as one of the finalists is a significant accomplishment. They should be proud of their achievement. It's a testament to their own talent, hard work, and dedication, and it serves as a promising sign of what they can achieve in the future. One thing is for sure, the whole experience has improved their English and boosted their confidence.
黃宥豪 Thomas 徐苡恩 Yi-en Teachers指導老師 中 林書綺 Betty 外 Graeme Clifford Barker 58 觀看精彩表演
新內湖分校NeiHu Branch
Cindy 林妤柔 Lily 柯雨呈 Pixie
學府分校XueFu Branch
張安潔 Angel
徐睿妤 Raena
李莘瑀 Candice
黃靖瑄 Emmie
連紹宇 Stanley
Teachers指導老師 中 李翊綸 Evonne 外 Sam Inder
第一次帶小朋友們參加配音比賽,真的很開心能帶著他們晉級到全國 總決賽。
一開始覺得這個課程對他們來說有點困難,因為字幕和語速都有點太 快,很難跟上,還有一些角色、情緒高低起伏,都需要去模仿。但我 們的孩子都沒有被打敗,反而很投入、很認真,每天都問我、拉著我 一起去練習。
從初賽到複賽,再到全國總決賽,重重的關卡都通過。雖然很可惜沒 有拿走獎盃,但沒關係,「勝不驕,敗不餒」,失敗才是需要學習的 過程,你們的努力我們都看的到,學府幼校以你們為榮,你們都是我 們心中的第一名。
Our whole school is so incredibly proud of our five brave, outgoing, and charismatic Grade 1 contestants who made it all the way to the Grand Final of the Voiceover competition. Through their hard work, tireless dedication, creativity, and imagination, our students produced a performance that was admired by all, and illustrated perfectly how valuable hard work and persistence can be. Their performance is not only a testament to their individual commitment and perseverance, but also to every teacher that has taught them throughout their journey at HESS. Through our ADE Preschool and AESL language programs, every one of their teachers has played a significant role in gaining this amazing result, and are as equally proud of them as Jenny and I are. Going forward, we have no doubt that this experience will continue to hold tremendous value, as they grow and develop both as English speakers, as children, and beyond.
指導老師的話 文化分校WenHua Branch 陳亮頤 Vanessa 盧芊瑀 Angelina 吳振圻 George 林樂綺 Mori 邱馨樂 Cheryl Teachers指導老師 中 陳姵蓁 Jenny 外 Stephen Richard Collier
觀看精彩表演 60
三重分校SanChong Branch 黃暐傑 Jeff
I want to start off by saying thank you for everything. I was truly impressed by the quality of your performance! To perform in front of a group of people is nerve-wracking, but you did it fearlessly! You put on your best show! You did not leave anything in the classroom when you walked on that stage! I couldn't be more proud of you! In my opinion, you're the winner! You're all winners, just for trying to win! Great job! In addition, a big thank you to T. Carine, T. Renee, T. Betty for dedicating their time to helping the kids!
中 陳初惠
Austin Teachers指導老師
Carine 外 Emmanuel Christian Hess
非常開心且榮幸今年可以帶著ESL4的學生們參加3/18的全國總決 賽,在孩子們一次次練習的過程中,可以感受到大家對於英文配音這 項競賽的熱忱與喜愛,尤其是這次的配音大賽是一項需要大家合作並 培養默契的活動。
在這幾個月的練習過程中,孩子們需要不斷練習各種不同的音調與特 效,且同時需要學習與自己的隊友協調音量,培養團隊默契學習彼此 配合對於孩子們而言是最大的挑戰!孩子們這幾個月的付出與努力也 令我與外師十分感動!希望經過這次的比賽,孩子們可以更享受學習 英文的樂趣!
昌隆分校ChangLong Branch
魏以安 Ean 許澤廷 Jeffrey 張睿恩 Ryan
中 潘衍儒 Nancy 外 Steven Kuo 62 觀看精彩表演
深美分校ShenMei Branch
王惟德 Mark
林薇馨 Vivi 單禹凡 Van 藍若嫻 Tracy 許之語 Jack
中 謝喬 Joanna 外 Mariska Nieuwoudt
很榮幸有這個機會可以和學生們一起參與這次的比賽。一開始看到五 部非常難的影片,差點就要放棄這件事。是這群孩子們堅毅向學的態 度才讓我下定決心好好的將影片抽絲剝繭,把細節告訴他們,透過自 己的方法將特別的聲音在眾人面前演繹出來。過程十分艱難,我們咬 牙克服許多時間與場地的限制。我總是和孩子們說:「面對比賽,我 們不能貪心或是抱著太大期望,因為總會遇到比自己更努力,更厲害 的人!與其當一個選手,不如當一個實習生,去體驗、學習、欣賞、 接納與讚美。」這群孩子們也是跟著我,懵懂卻積極練習、謙虛學 習。終於,我們很幸運的一路過關斬將到全國賽,謝謝五位辛苦的孩 子們,更感謝在背後永遠支持我們的家長。我們一起在同個時間層裡 完成了一項不可能的任務,留下共同美好的回 憶,站上最閃耀的舞台,在我的心中你們永
Dear ECC students, I am so proud of you. The end results don't matter, I am proud of the process that led you to becoming winners. You all worked really hard to master new skills. You experienced discomfort, but you worked through the pain, and that has transformed you. You are now better students than before because you accepted a challenge and you learned how to succeed. You learned to work together, to trust each other, and to develop creative thoughts. I hope you will look back on this competition and realize that it was your stepping stone into something great, something incredible, something beyond your wildest dreams. You acquired the skills and the confidence, now take on the world.
中 曾佩琪
64 觀看精彩表演
風禾分校Feng He Branch
William Teachers指導老師
Dave Simard
東園分校DongYuan Branch
When I first came aboard the little ship I had no idea where we were headed. I looked around at the curious individuals that were to make up the crew. They looked at me. Their eyes seemed to ask, "Where are we going Captain?" I felt like a pretender. I had never taught a Voiceover Class before. But what a voyage it turned out to be. That crew set sail as strangers and arrived as a crack team of Voiceover buccaneers! They shared an exhilarating creative adventure. They discovered new friendships. They uncovered new capacities for expression in English. They became a team. When I stepped off that little ship I, too, had made some discoveries. I realized that I would miss my crew. I realized that perhaps I was no longer a pretender but had, become a captain. But it was too late. They no longer needed me.
中 藍燕宜
Annie 外 Doug Kruger
I never thought I will have this chance to accept the award. I still remember after teaching first lesson, one of the students told me that she hates voiceover. I felt really upset when I heard that. They were getting better and better after every practice. I know it's not easy for the young kids to talk so quick like native speakers. But, they did it.
I really appreciate the kids make efforts to do their best. They give teacher and themselves a chance to challenge the world and a different way to learn English.
楠梓分校Nanzi Branch 林秉翰 Carter 李祐昕 Sophie 陳品翔 Nick 洪于晴 Abby 梅獻元 Eric Teachers指導老師 中 許孟婷 Esme 外 Eric Nathan Lillow 觀看精彩表演 66
Dear Andrea, Mandy, Zoe, Paul, and Linden, I just want to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks for your dedication and hard work in attending the ECC voiceover competition and practice sessions for almost half a year. Your commitment to improving yourself and supporting one another is truly inspiring.
I appreciate all the effort and time you put into preparing for it. Your willingness to share your knowledge and experience with each other also helped create a positive and collaborative environment. Your presence and enthusiasm were greatly appreciated, and I hope that you found the experience to be rewarding and enjoyable as well. Thank you again for being so wonderful after all the practices. I learned a lot from coaching you as well. You might not be the final winner, but you guys already are the winner in my heart.
福山分校FuShan Branch 周明佑 Paul 陳沛希 Andrea 王靖妤 Zoe 黃子瑜 Mandy 邱煜惟 Linden
Teacher指導老師:郭鴻毅 Herbert
區域賽花絮 Area Competition Photos
北北區 Northern Taipei Area 文新區+信義士林區 WenXin Area + XinYi ShiLin Area
Eastern Taipei Area
板橋區 + 樹三鶯區 + 林口五股區 Ban Qiao Area+ShuLin & Sanxia & Yingge Area+ Linkou & Wugu Area
基宜羅區 + 汐止區 + 花東區 Keelung Yilan Area + XiZhi Area + Hualian TaiDong Area
Hsinchu Area 南區 South Area
北南新湖區+南港區 Southern Taipei & Xin Hu Area + Nangang Area 內湖大同區 NeiHu DaTong Area 雙和區+ 中和土城區 ShungHe Area + ZhongHe Tucheng Area 新莊三重區 XinZhung San Chong Area 桃園區 Taoyuan Area 中區 Taichung Area 69
總決賽花絮 Championship Photos
In order to be environmentally friendly and easy to browse, competition videos have uploaded to the HESS youtube channel. Please scan the QR code to watch the videos.
為了響應環保及便於即時瀏覽 孩子們的精采紀錄已經上傳至 HESS專屬的Youtube頻道
歡迎掃描QR CODE觀賞或至Youtube搜尋 第十一屆何嘉仁國際英語力大賽
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No.107, sec. 2, Minquan E Rd., Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104, Taiwan
TEL : 02-2592-6998
HESS Education Korea 何嘉仁韓國教育中心
경기도 광명시 소하동 1337-10 번지 그린파크 201호
TEL : +82 2-806-1212 FAX: +82 2-2636-8737
HESS International Kindergarten 何嘉仁越南國際幼兒園
373 Dang Nguyen Can, Ward 13, District 6, Vietnam
TEL : +84 93 875 78 72
HESS Beijing International Kindergarten 何嘉仁北京雙語幼兒園 北京市海淀區文慧園北路9號
No. 9 Wenhuiyuan North Road, Haidian District, Beijing
TEL : 0510-85852168
HESS Shanghai International English Institute 何嘉仁國際英語學院-上海校區 上海市閔行區新鎮路603弄76號2樓
2F, No. 76, Lane 603, Xin Zhen Rd, Ming Hang District, Shanghai City
TEL : +86 021-6478-5268
HESS Tianjin International Kindergarten 何嘉仁天津國際幼兒園 天津市武清區下朱庄街龍灣城明博路26號
No.26, Ming Bo Road, Xia Chu Zhuang Street, Longwan City, Wuqing District, Tianjin City
TEL : +86 22-5966-6161