HER Fund 婦女動力基金 - She Dares to Change 她‧敢於改變

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She Dares to Change 她‧敢於改變

HER Vision We envision a society of people—from all walks of life— who stand together, walk together and dance together in favor of gender equality and opportunity for the most marginalized. By featuring HER Fund’s grantees in this booklet, we hope to make their lives visible, to tell their stories, and to share their accomplishments, challenges and hopes. To donate, join our community, or learn more about HER Fund, please visit www.herfund.org.hk.

她‧的願景 婦女動力基金期望所有社群的女性能生活在性別平等的社會,並享有公平 參與的基本權利。 透過介紹我們的資助伙伴,婦女動力基金希望令更多人關注邊緣社群女性的 故事,讓公眾了解她們在生活中的挑戰、成就及希望。 請瀏覽婦女動力基金網頁www.herfund.org.hk 了解更多我們的工作。 你的慷慨捐助及支持,將為香港女性平權走出一大步。

Cover Photo: HER Fund grantee New Arrivals Women’s League helped Ping after her husband passed away from cancer. Now she volunteers with the group to assist other women, showing her 8-year old daughter the importance of giving back to her community. 封面圖片: 資助伙伴同根社成功助亞萍走出丈夫癌症逝世的陰霾。亞萍現時為同根社 義工,協助其他婦女,回饋社區,為其8歲的女兒建立正面榜樣。

HER Mission HER Fund is a helping hand to the most neglected women and girls in Hong Kong. Founded in 2004, we provide capacity building, leadership training and small grants to grassroots organizations led by and serving the most disadvantaged. We also increase the visibility of marginalized women and girls—and the issues they face. We prioritize people who are undervalued by society and issues that are hidden and even unpopular—because we believe that our values shine brightest when applied to the most marginalized among us.

她‧的使命 婦女動力基金成立於2004年,是邊緣社群女性的同行者。 我們為基層組織提供能力培訓、領袖訓練及撥款資助,增強 社會對她們的關注,從而改善邊緣社群女性的處境。 婦女動力基金重點支援社會上聲音最微弱、需要最常被忽視 的一群, 使她們被看見和聽到是在彰顯我們工作的價值。

Kayee and Serene are members of Teen’s Key Young Mothers Club, a stigma-free space for teenage mothers. HER Fund has given grant monies and skills training in project management and fundraising to the group. 青躍成員嘉儀及天茵致力為年 輕媽媽消除負面標籤。婦女動 力基金為青躍提供撥款資助及 培訓計劃,增強青躍的項目管 理及籌款工作能力。

“Teen’s Key is like my home and family. I share my feelings, parenting problems and health issues that I can’t share with my family members,” says Serene. 成員天茵:「青躍就好像是我們的家及 家人。很多問題我無法與家人 傾訴,但我可以和青躍的同工坦白分享 所有感受、管教子女及健康問題。」

“I want to use Teen’s Key as a platform for other girls. Depression is an issue and I want to help young moms feel better,” says Kayee. 成員嘉儀表示:「面對困境 的女性大多受抑鬱症困擾。 我希望透過青躍的平台, 協助其他年輕媽媽走出 困境。」

“I want everyone in Hong Kong to understand trans, and know that transwomen are real women,” says Alice, a member of HER Fund grantee Association of World Citizens Hong Kong China. 世界公民協會中國香港的 會員Alice表示:「我希望 香港人能真正了解跨性別 人士,明白跨性別女性都 是真正的女性。」

HER Work As a community foundation, HER Fund mobilizes resources from Hong Kong’s private sector and like-minded individuals. Donations from our generous funders support: Grant-Making We give grants—typically HK$30,000 to HK$50,000—to grassroots groups who rarely have access to funding from companies, foundations or individuals so they can achieve their goals and make change. Capacity Building We provide training in governance, financial management, relationship building, fundraising and communications so grassroots women can turn their passion and ideas into action. Leadership Training We foster leadership skills such as resilience to tackle the extreme stress and burnout that many community leaders face. Awareness Raising We increase the visibility of marginalized women and girls— and build an understanding of the challenges they face.

她‧的工作 作為民間女性基金會,婦女動力基金凝聚社會資源,運用商界及支持者的 捐款推動以下工作: 撥款資助 我們的小額撥款(一般為港幣$30,000至50,000元)發揮種子基金的作用, 協助資源匱乏的邊緣及基層女性社群,讓工作項目能夠萌芽、發展及推動 社會改變。 培訓計劃 我們提供團體管治、財務管理、 建立社區網絡、籌款工作及溝通技巧等培 訓計劃,增強邊緣及基層女性社群的能力, 助她們有效實踐工作項目。 領袖訓練 我們增強邊緣及基層女性社群的領導能力,令她們悠然面對社會環境帶來 的挑戰及壓力。 意識教育 我們為社會上聲音最微弱、需要最常被忽視的一群發聲,喚起各界對女性 議題的關注。

居於天水圍的婦女亞燕 表示,天水圍社區經濟計劃 「天姿作圍」令她的生活有 更多選擇。天水圍區內的經 濟活動有限,成員在區內自 種有機蔬菜、生產果醬及手 作產品發售。成員可透過勞 動換取社區貨幣,用以購買 區內生產的食物,令生產者 同時成了消費者。

“A higher feeling of freedom,” is how Annie, a member of HER Fund grantee Tin Shui Wai Women, describes what she gets from her membership in this community economy project. In Tin Shui Wai, where women have few economic opportunities, members of the collective engage in organic farming and make jams, sauces and crafts for sale. They receive community currency in exchange for hours worked, which they exchange for vegetables and staples at the collective’s community store.

HER Focus


Freedom from Discrimination 消除歧視

Freedom from Violence 消除暴力 Freedom from Poverty 消除貧窮

Women’s Civil Participation 促進女性公民參與

HER Fund prioritizes financial support, capacity-building and leadership training to self-led groups, because grassroots women know their own needs, challenges, and opportunities.

基層自助組織深明邊緣社 群女性的需要、挑戰及機 遇。婦女動力基金致力為 她們提供撥款資助、能力 培訓及領袖訓練,從而改 善基層女性的處境。

小明及Zita是團體女角平權協作 組的要員,是由年輕女同性戀者 帶領的團體,致力關注性小眾親 密暴力的議題。Zita表示:「我 的媽媽是我的啟蒙者。她敎導我 做喜歡的事,不須介意別人的看 法。她接受我的一切」。

Charmine and Zita are active with LesCorner, which is led by young lesbians and provides critical information and advocacy on domestic violence in the lesbian community. “My mother is my inspiration. She taught me to do what I want, and she has always accepted me for who I am,” says Zita.

HER Fund is one of the only foundations in Hong Kong to support innovative new groups. It gave Resolve a startup grant to empower women ethnic minority leaders. “People have the ability to serve their communities for the better, “ says Jhic, Resolve Fellow, domestic worker and founder of Share HK.

婦女動力基金是香港 其中一個撥款資助 新團體的基金,協助 Resolve為少數族裔女 性充權。身兼Resolve 成員、Share HK創辦 人及外籍家庭 傭工身份的Jhic表示: 「每個人都有能力改變 社會,建立更美好的 生活。」

HER Impact 40,000 people directly benefitted—including teen mothers, migrant domestic workers, refugees, impoverished new arrivals from the Mainland and others who are invisible or stigmatized by society 40 grassroots groups given capacity-building support Leadership training to over 70 grassroots women and girls More than HK$6,000,000 in small grants to grassroots NGOs who have little access to other funding—but who desperately need resources to achieve their goals

她‧的影響 超過40,000名基層女性受惠,當中包括被邊緣化的 年輕媽媽、在港工作的外傭、難民及基層新來港婦女 提供培訓計劃予40個基層組織 提供領袖訓練予超過70名邊緣及基層女性 提供港幣多於$6,000,000撥款資助予資源匱乏的基層組織, 讓其工作項目持續發展

Selina and Kwai Fong are leaders of Virtuous Lady Club in Kwai Tsing. The group has taken advantage of every minute of capacity building support HER Fund has given them. 瑩及桂芳是葵青區內 聚賢社的要員。聚賢社 為婦女動力基金的資助 伙伴,受惠於我們提供 的能力培訓計劃。

Grassroots women are often under estimated. Virtuous Lady Club convinced their district councilor to urge the Department of Health to offer low-cost or free bone density tests for osteoporosis, with the help of HER Fund’s grants and capacity building support. 基層女性是常被社會低估的 一群。透過婦女動力基金撥款 資助及培訓計劃,聚賢社成功 推動葵青區區議員敦促衞生署 為基層婦女提供廉價或免費骨 質密度檢查。

Join Our Community! 支持我們! www.herfund.org.hk info@herfund.org.hk Phone電話: (852) 2794-1100 Mailing Address: P.O. Box No. 79890, MongKok Post Office, MongKok, Hong Kong 郵寄地址︰香港旺角郵政局郵政信箱79890號 Facebook: /HERFUND/ LinkedIn: HER Fund

Photography and design 攝影及設計 by NG Cho-yiu, Seewhy www.ngchoyiu.com ngchoyiu@gmail.com

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