HER Fund's Annual Report 2021-22

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She dares to change!



HER Belief

We believe that women have the wisdom and ability to make choices and fulfill their needs and aspirations.

HER Vision

We envision a society with gender

where all women live and enjoy basic rights.

HER Mission

We strive to mobilise resources for women’s empowerment and the promotion of social changes and gender equality.

About HER Fund

Founded in 2004, HER Fund mobilises resources for women’s empowerment, the promotion of social changes, and gender equality. We support the most vulnerable women and girls in Hong Kong by providing capacity-building, leadership training and small grants to grassroots organisations led by and serving the most disadvantaged. We also increase the visibility of marginalised women and girls—and the issues they face.

HER Fund is an active member of Hong Kong’s women’s rights community, the Human Rights Funders Network, and of Prospera - International Network of Women’s Funds. HER Fund is also a member of HKCSS.

HER Story 1

HER Work

General Grant


Our four main focuses in grant-making are: "Freedom from Discrimination", "Freedom from Violence", "Freedom from Poverty", and "Advancement of Women's Civil Participation" Our small grants support is a seed grant that allows new initiatives for marginalised women, girls, and trans groups/organisations to realise and grow sustainability.

Community Response Grant

The grant is initiated during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to provide support to groups/organisations, including but not limited to immediate material support and leadership enhancement The grant also bolsters their capacity for better well-being, resilience, and sustainability through mid to long-term organisational and financial planning.

Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls (Special Initiative)

This special initiative is a three-year project (2019-2022) granting three organisations to implement their projects on combating cyber sexual violence against women and girls in the digital age The initiative also provides capacity building for the organisations involved and public education programmes

HER Fund is a companion to all our grantee partners. In addition to giving financial grants, HER Fund also provides comprehensive support and training according to grantee partners’ needs A group is also formed to facilitate communication and collaboration between grantee partners Learn more

HER Hub Rights Education

HER Hub is dedicated to enhancing the abilities of grassroots, marginalised and new organisations/groups in order to m impact the society continuously. It consists of three eleme “Inspired”, “Core” and "Energiser". Recent years, HER focuses on the capacity development of female leaders groups/organisations promoting gender equality based “Transformative Feminist Leadership”. Learn more

The pandemic has been severely spread last year in Hong Kong Amid hard times, HER Fund actively participated in interactive online and offline events such as Asia-pacific meetings, webinars, conferences and panel discussions to raise awareness We treasure these opportunities to bring issues of gender equality to the public and contribute to the gender movement.

HER Work 2



First, let us wish you safety and good health!

Since the COVID-19 outbreak more than two years ago, our society has been facing dire challenges on many fronts. HER Fund felt the plight of marginalised organisations much more intensely this year as a fund advancing gender equity. During the epidemic, we continued to see migrant domestic workers and women seeking shelter, restricted by their identity, gender, and occupation, unable to obtain necessary support; the homemaker role of grassroots female caregivers was reinforced repeatedly; the equal rights and anti-discrimination work of LGBTQ+ communities were forced to a halt, with some movements seeing regression

Disrupted by the epidemic, grassroots, and marginalised women, girls and transgender communities were in deep water It was imperative for organisations fighting for gender equity to promptly respond to the needs of these communities Companionship as well as fundings that provide flexibility, value gender perspectives, and support communities’ resilience capacity were essential as a result Thanks to our wonderful team and our donors, HER Fund was able to swiftly and flexibly allocate HK$1,305,440 of funding to 23 organisations, initiating a total of 28 projects to support community needs during the pandemic

HER Voice: Message from the Chairperson and Executive Director of HER Fund
Judy Kan HER Fund's Executive Director Athena Lee HER Fund's Chairperson

In addition to supporting projects initiated by organisations fighting for gender equity, we were also invested in promoting their sustainable growth. This year, we organised trainings on transformative feminist leadership and project design with a gender lens. These were highly regarded by the participants, who believed the training aided them in reflecting on gender issues in daily operation and project design, caring for their teams’ physical, mental and spiritual well-being, and manoeuvring the organisation forward through various situations

It is the common wish of HER Fund and emerging small groups/organisations to walk side by side, connect, and understand each other Fortunately, we were able to organise a grantee partner sharing session with limited space Through dialogue, collaboration and linkage, our grantee partners inspired imaginations and discovered diverse ways of promoting different issues Under the new normal, the opportunity to exchange ideas face to face is scarce and especially precious

To keep tackling future challenges under the unpredictable epidemic, HER Fund instigated a three-year strategic plan in the past year to distinguish ourselves as Hong Kong’s only community women’s fund with our unique positioning and work, namely to continually make crucial grants to organisations seeking to achieve gender equity, nurture a favourable philanthropic environment for our grantee partners, and reinforce social support and linkage to community leaders Every penny and every source of community power counts in bringing our objectives to fruition. We shall dedicate ourselves to realising these objectives.

We hope that this annual report could help you in understanding how our work alleviates gender inequality resulting from intersections of marginalised identities. Your contributions and resources could coalesce into a farreaching force in gender equity advancement. We wish you could visualise your own power from reading our annual report, and become a proactive member in promoting gender equity and fostering a more caring, diverse society with us.

HER Voice: Message from the Chairperson and Executive Director of HER Fund 4 Translated
HER Fund is more than just a grantmaker, but a companion to its grantees, providing resources, all-rounded support, and learning opportunities according to their needs.
by: Donald Cheung

Patner Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners 5


In the year 2021-2022, HER Fund granted 23 organisations to initiate 28 projects.

2021/2022 Grantee Partners General Grant

Project Sticky Rice Love Organisational Development of Sticky Rice Love Grassoots Future Community Building Through Crochet Sexuality for All LGBTQ Multicultural Project GDotTV GDotTV 3 0 Phase II GDotTV 3 0 Phase III Hong Kong Life Model Club Private Shooting Support Group EMpowering WoEMn EMpowering WoEMn CODA Hong Kong Her stories in her photographsimage workshop and photo collection with women in Deaf families Quarks Know thyself: Local Trans Youth Collected Works Midnight Blue PrideLab Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (IMWU) Media Training for migrant workers’ self-empowerment & community advocacy Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres Limited WISE A C E Program

Arts Empowerment II : Eliminating Discrimination against LBTIQ+ Programme 2022-2023 Women Labor Law Education and Consultation Service Women In Sports Empowered Hong Kong (WISE HK)

Art Therapy For Transgender Sex Workers The Association for the Advancement of Feminism, Happeriod, Sex and Gender Concern Group of CUHK

Drop Spot Menstruation Support

Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls (2019-2022) Grantee Partner Project Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (ACSVAW) Image-based Sexual Violence: Prevention and Awareness Building Les Corner Empowerment Association Supporting Sexual Minority Women Combating Intimate Partner Violence 2.0 OpenRoom “No Means No” - Female Participation in Microfilming Project Transformative Feminist Leadership (Phase II) Tin Shui Wai Community Development Network Les Corner Empowerment Association Virtuous Lady Club 2011 Grassroots' Livelihood Alliance Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum Grantee Partner Community Response Grant Les Corner Empowerment Association Heroines combating COVID Tin Shui Wai Community Development Network Organisation Resilience Support Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service - AGAPE Community Care Center "Watch with us" The Bethune House Migrant Women's Refuge Limited Care and Wellness Booster Program for Women Migrants in Distress Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (IMWU) Migrants community emergency plan during the fifth-wave pandemic Grantee Partner Project HER Fund and grantee partners mutually support, accompany and grow with each other, making impact in different areas, read their stories working on the projects below to learn more. Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners 6

Les Corner

The Internet is irreplaceable when social media and dating apps are increasingly prevalent, and face-to-face interactions are hindered by the COVID-19 pandemic However, masked under the conveniences of the Web are dangers of abuse and violence Already in its 2015 report Cyber Violence Against Women and Girls, the United Nations has highlighted webbased violence against women as a global phenomenon It seemed, though, that the topic had not garnered the attention of Hongkongers.

Joe Li, the Chairperson of Les Corner Empowerment Association, pointed out that unintentional harm was often done due to the lack of discussion and public awareness on cyber sexual and gender-based violence. “A friend of mine was talking about a male artist uploading his nude photos onto social media and becoming an Internet sensation, and wanted to forward me the pictures In fact, you could cause secondary and tertiary damage to the victim even if it seemed trivial, even if you don’t know the victim personally ” Joe mentioned another incident where an influencer uploaded a malicious YouTube video against lesbians, which was only removed after Les Corner received complaints and negotiated with YouTube.

Since 2021, HER Fund has been providing grant to Les Corner on public advocacy projects against cyber sexual and gender-based violence, including “Cyber Gender-based Violence - Sexual Minorities Workshop” for women and gender/sex minorities, and training sessions for frontline staff in the Social Welfare Department and the Police Force, equipping communities, support services and the law enforcement with knowledge Joe added that while there is still much work to be done on cyber sexual and gender-based violence, local fundings remain regrettably scarce, especially those applicable to gender/sex minorities “Thanks for HER Fund’s support which sparked public attention into the topic,” said Joe

Supporting Sexual Minority Women Combating Intimate Partner Violence 2.0 #Eliminate Violence Against Women
Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners' Impact Story 7
You could cause secondary and tertiary damage to the victim even if it seemed trivial. ——Joe,
Chairperson of Les Corner

Cat, a workshop participant and victim of cyber sexual and gender-based violence, recalled how netizens flocked to attack a video in which she did Sign Language interpretation for a hearingimpaired, gender/sex minority friend during a media interview She said the malicious comments against her friend piled up minutes after the video went public on social media, and she was also attacked and had her personal information exposed for helping with interpretation Not only was she worried about her friend, Cat was also disquieted herself “It wasn’t until participating in the workshop that I learnt more on cyber gender/sexual violence, slowly felt relieved, and alleviated my hearing-impaired friend’s emotional turmoil. I also reflected on how I could be more proactive instead of accepting the status quo,” said Cat, who was bolstered by the workshop to counterstrike sexual and gender-based violence in daily life. “I was able to directly ask my friends to stop discussing my gynaecological issues in group texts, which was making me anxious. The younger me wouldn’t have dared to object ” Cat’s confidence in sharing her recent experiences is undoubtedly an encouragement to HER Fund and its beneficiaries

Cyber sexual and gender-based violence

Criticising or shaming a person on the Internet based on their gender identity, sexual orientation, gender expression, or physical appearance This could happen on media such as online forums, social networking platforms, and group messaging applications. Perpetrators may also upload, reshare or distribute private images and videos, or threaten to do so, without the consent of people involved

Gender/sex minorities

An umbrella term for communities of different sexual and romantic orientations, and gender identities and expression, for example those who identify as homosexual, bisexual, transgender, asexual, pansexual, genderqueer, gender neutral, non-binary. The term also encompasses diversity, fluidity and differences Sometimes known simply as “LGBT+”

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Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners' Impact Story 8
Interviewed and written by: Lam Chi Chung Translated by: Donald Cheung

Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (IMWU)

Thefactthattheywerebeingseenandcaredfor,someofthebest comforts marginalised communities yearn for, that moved them themost.

The infection rate and death toll of the fifth wave of COVID-19 pandemic had far exceeded expectations, dealing a heavy blow to the physical, mental and economic health of citizens. The situations of marginalised labour, for example migrant workers, had been especially dire.

“During the first days of the outbreak, many migrant workers were not provided face masks and hand sanitisers, and had to use their meager salary to buy anti-epidemic products at inflated prices Their hometowns were also impacted, and many workers had to make extra remittances to support their out-of-job family members,” said Eni Lestari, the chairperson of International Migrants’ Alliance She pointed out that even though many migrant workers were cash-strapped, they were ineligible for the consumption vouchers issued by the Hong Kong SAR Government, and were locked out of necessary aid.

In addition to being financially crippled, it was more difficult for migrant workers to access pandemic information compared to Hong Kong citizens Due to language barriers, they couldn't get daily updates on time, such as the new information about different anti-pandemic policies, social distancing policies, epidemic prevention measures, what should be done if infected, and so on Dolores Balladares, Chairperson of United Filipinos in Hong Kong, said, “When the outbreak started, the Government didn’t prepare pamphlets specifically written in the migrant workers’ mother languages. Even if they have them now, the pamphlets were only telling us not to congregate, and they were only distributed in scarce locations where migrant workers might gather. Social distancing measures and police dispersals have scattered workers and confined them to their immediate social circles, making it challenging to disseminate information en masse, thus increasing our risks of infection manyfold ”

Migrants community emergency plan during the fifth wave pandemic
Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners' Impact Story

Eni added that many employers forbade migrant workers to go out during days off, or demanded them to report their whereabouts with video chats. Workers were also required to clean the households more frequently than before, which added to their stress levels.

Communities were largely left to their own devices under Hong Kong’s fifth wave of pandemic Migrant workers were just as frustrated, said Sringatin, Chairperson of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Union “Without government support, migrant workers had to take their own initiatives to voluntarily outreach to others face-to-face on their day offs, and spread anti-epidemic information on their communities’ social media. Luckily, we received HER Fund’s grant, which covered our outreach volunteers’ transport fares, pamphlet printing, and the purchase of canned food, vitamin C and anti-epidemic products. It was such a warm gesture.”

Fifi, a member of the migrants solidarity committee of autonomous 8a, added, “under the pandemic, on one hand, we didn’t have the manpower to appeal to larger Grantmakers On the other, many funders prioritised the anti-epidemic needs of local permanent residents HER Fund not only provided monetary support but also allowed flexibility For example, while executing our project, we realised the change in the community’s needs as the pandemic progressed Therefore, we opted to buy nutritious canned food for migrant workers in need in addition to simply providing food subsidies to frontline volunteers.”

Sringatin thanked the efforts of volunteers and HER Fund’s timely assistance. “There were migrant workers who told me they were grateful for receiving food in time, which gave them sufficient nutrients to strengthen their immune systems and speed up their recovery.”

While emergency financial support played a part in transforming migrant workers’ helplessness into gratitude, it was the fact that they were being seen and cared for, some of the best comforts marginalised communities yearn for, that moved them the most

Interviewed and written by: Lam Chi Chung Translated by: Donald Cheung
Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners' Impact Story Learn more 10

Virtuous Lady Club 2011

Transformative Feminist Leadership Programme

HER Fund is the first to care for the body, mind and spiritual development of members of Virtuous Lady Club 2011 in addition to providing financial support.

——Tang Wai Shan, Consultant social worker at Virtuous Lady Club 2011

“As caretakers, a lot of grassroots women faced indescribable physical and mental stress managing the household single-handedly and unpaid. They constantly pour themselves into work that they neglected their health, self-worth, needs, interests and aspirations. They assumed the identities of wives and mothers, to the point of having their real names forgotten,” lamented Tang Wai Shan, Shanna, consultant social worker at Virtuous Lady Club 2011, ELCHK Login Club For New Arrivals, laying bare the common physical and mental struggles of grassroots women

Since the establishment of Virtuous Lady Club 2011, a mutual help group for grassroots women, consultant social workers like Shanna have been offering advice and support to the Club’s committee members, deeply moved by the women’s dedication of time and effort to voluntary organisational work, and their transformation and growth as a result. “I didn’t know much other than my enthusiasm for making handicraft. So, when they asked me to takeover the position of chairperson, I felt really worried and helpless,” said Selina, the new Chairperson of Virtuous Lady expressed her wariness when Club 2011, who often she first assumed the role. Yet, as Shanna remarked, she was one of the most inspiring grassroots women.

“The activities at Virtuous Lady Club 2011 were diverse There were singing performances showcasing members’ potentials Committee members, social workers leading them, and participants were very content But when I took over [the chairperson position], I realised the difference in pace among committee members They weren’t very coordinated or communicating enough, and the work division was inefficient,” recounted Selina abcsedf

Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners' Impact Story 11

Selina’s comments illuminated her leadership potential, which surprised Ms Wong, facilitator of the Transformative Feminist Leadership Programme under HER Fund. “During a workshop where participants shared their imagination of their respective organisations’ path forward, a lot of the participants were suggesting more practical goals of increasing number of events and members. Selina, on the other hand, detailed the plan for Virtuous Lady Club 2011 to have a 1,000 sq. ft. space that includes office space, rooms for childcare, and a cafe. Those are aspirations with vision and leadership.”

Selina humbly thanked for the help from HER Fund, social workers, and her confidante Mokmok, who was a fellow matchmade to her by HER Fund Reminiscing her first time meeting Mokmok, Selina said, “I thought I could consult her on how to be a chairperson right away Instead, she sat me down first, and we practiced mindfulness exercises together That was a memorable experience. She is both a teacher and a friend to me, offering me insight into being a chairperson, and being my “treehole” of inner thoughts.” With Mokmok’s heartfelt support, Selina was able to find an exit to her concerns.

“HER Fund is the first to care for the body, mind and spiritual development of members of Virtuous Lady Club 2011 in addition to providing financial support,” added Shanna, who applauded HER Fund’s genuine companionship with their beneficiaries “They have a lot of additional, humanised support, like offering one-on-one leader fellowships and allowing re-allocation of fundings with respect to COVID-19 The staff were quick to answer our questions and difficulties with their allrounded aid ” Living up to the spirit of companionship, HER Fund’s effort has allowed beneficiaries to gain more than what was offered and thrive.

Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners' Impact Story
Interviewed and written by: Lam Chi Chung Translated by: Donald Cheung
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Derogation of a woman as an impure, immoral “slut” due to her violation of mainstream values and expectations, such as sexual purity, sexual passivisity, and concealment and restraint of bodies This could refer to examinations, verbal attacks and accusations against women, and the general critique of oneself and others.

In a society where patriarchy still reigns, it’s imperative for us to liberate women’s bodies and sexualities, and let our bodies be free.

——Siuding, Chairperson of Hong Kong Life Model Club

Our own bodies have been a battlefield of societal values. Wars are waged based on harsh standards of shapes, sizes and proportions Crusades are marched upon those who submit their bodies to abortion, sex work and nude photos Also demonised are private photo shoot models, who are often condemned to sexual harassment and assault

“It’s a pity that some photographers believed that models who decided to engage in private photo-shooting are expected to be violated. This kind of slut-shaming is prevalent in the community. In addition to changing public perception and scope of body art, we are also concerned with the “occupational safety” of private photo models, to whom we teach selfprotection techniques,” said a despaired Siuding, Chairperson of Hong Kong Life Model Club (HKLMC), who was recounting the horrors of the “Private Shooting Workshop 101” backed by HER Fund

The workshop was aimed at raising the awareness against sexual violence for private photo models Siuding said participants were asked to write down their boundaries before roleplaying real-life scenarios, “but during the oneon-one photo shooting simulations, when our photographer moved in on the models and coaxed them to take off their clothes, we realised that the participants’ risk awareness was close to none.”

Of the 30 workshop participants, only two were able to enforce their boundaries “The rest unknowingly allowed the photographer to advance past their limits, only realising afterwards that they might have been violated The situation was extremely worrying,” said Siuding


Reference: 王曉丹、余貞誼、⽅念萱、姜貞吟、韓宜臻、胡錦媛 康庭瑜(2019)。《這是愛 ⼥,也是厭⼥:如何看穿這世界拉攏與懲戒⼥⼈的兩⼿策略?》台灣:⼤家出版社 Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners' Impact Story 13

Vice Chairperson of HKLMC Wain, who was interviewed along with Siuding, believed that the workshop sowed seeds of risk awareness in the hearts of the participants. “We really want to hold another workshop instructing them on how to clearly state their boundaries and voice out their dissent, because a lot of girls don’t know how to say ‘no’,” he said.

Organising these workshops was not easy though, said Wain, who remarked that Hong Kong lacked grantmakers targeting gender and body-related issues, and that HKLMC had to apply for art fundings “Art-related foundations require project objectives to be based on art, and most parts of the project to be completed They will only consider “buying your work” if your almostfinished product matches their needs On the contrary, HER Fund was like a companion to us, allowing us to conduct experimental projects based on an idea, just like this workshop.”

Siuding nodded and added, “in a society where patriarchy still reigns, it’s imperative for us to liberate women’s bodies and sexualities, and let our bodies be free.” Her unrestrained smile after her comment exuded the confidence and serenity, something HER Fund seeks to bless every woman with

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Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners' Impact Story 14
Interviewed and written by: Lam Chi Chung Translated by: Donald Cheung


prompted Alicia to sever the transgenerational chain of gender stereotyping by encouraging more girls to join in on sports.

As a renowned sports event, while the Summer Olympic Games seems fair, open and just at first glance, gender discrimination has been hiding under its facade for years, whether in terms of gender participation imbalance, or restrictions on female gymnasts’ outfit. It was not until Tokyo 2020 that there was the first “gender-equal Olympic Games”. The road to equality is a rugged one, but the successes won today through the collective effort of our predecessors serve as totems of gender advocacy in the sports arena

“Physical exercises are supposed to be healthy for the body and the mind. Through practice, adolescents could hone their sports skills and, in turn, recognise their own abilities and build up confidence. Unfortunately, teenage girls have much lower participation in sports than male teens in Hong Kong The girls have a lot of gender normative beliefs, thinking that they’re not tall enough, nor have enough endurance, which set up barriers to their participation,” shared Alicia Lui, founder of Women in Sports Empowered Hong Kong (WISE), on her experiences and observations on the field.

As an avid player of various sports, Alicia had known the gender injustice on the restriction on sports participation from young through her mother, who had been forbidding her to take part in sports like football, rugby and basketball, which were deemed “boyish”, and would make her skin dark and coarse, and her legs stumpy. The first-hand experience prompted

Despite Alicia’s conviction, WISE had a rough start. “It was not until 2020 that we were formally established. Without official track records, a lot of funders were reluctant to entertain new organisations and small projects like ours Fortunately, HER Fund sponsored our first project, the WISE HK Sports Leadership Program, which results supported our subsequent applications to other charitable foundations We really appreciate HER Fund’s trust in us,” says Alicia.

The first funding was as much a monumental step in WISE’s development as in the change in the programme participants’ lives. Manyata, an ethnic minority girl enrolled at Integrated Brilliant Education, said, “I was an introverted girl who would rather stay at home than go out In the past, whenever I went to the basketball court with other female students, I always had the thought that girls shouldn’t be here, and I was worried how others would comment [on girls playing basketball] I felt so freeing the first time I visited the court after joining the [WISE] programme, and realised no one really cared about our presence.”

It is common that internalised gender ideologies lurk in girls’ subconscious and hinder their personal growth. Manyata recalled how her parents were pleased to see her leave the house more after joining the rugby team under WISE “Participating in sports has made be satisfied and confident The teamwork in sports gave me joy unlike any other ”

With the success of their first project, WISE is now eligible to apply for fundings from other charitable funders. “We are already receiving support from a few foundations, but so far HER Fung is the only one that pinpoints gender equality, provides flexibility, and promotes linkage and cooperation among smaller organisations,” added Alicia As the Chinese proverb goes, “never submit to inaction just because something is deemed insignificant” A small organisation’s small project with little funding and resource could still be a large step toward change

Interviewed and written by: Lam Chi Chung
Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners' Impact Story 15
Translated by: Donald Cheung
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Grow with HER: Our Grantee Partners' Impact Story 16
*Percentage of project concern area FreedomfromDiscrimination 35%(HKD$459,980) FreedomfromViolence 23%(HKD$301,520) CapacityBuilding 18%(HKD$230,000) AdvancementofWomen'sCivilParticipation 16%(HKD$210,000) FreedomfromPoverty 8%(HKD$103,940) FreedomfromDiscrimination 35.7% FreedomfromViolence 17.9% AdvancementofWomen'sCivilParticipation 17.9% CapacityBuilding 179% FreedomfromPoverty 10.7% Grantee Partners' Primary Impact HER MILESTONE Grantmaking Granting HKD$1,305,440 in total To 23 grantee partners Via 28 flexible seed grants HER Milestone: Grantmaking Grantee Partners' Porject 17
169 Women Leaders received training 83 hours of Capcaity Building Workshops 21 organisations participated in Capacity Building training 311 total training attendance 5 Corporates Pro Bono Volunteer 46.5 Corporates Pro Bono Volunteer hours 141 Total Volunteer hours 3 Interns 339.5 Interns contributing hou HER HUB 6 Volunteers 94.5 Volunteer hours HER Milestone: HER Hub 18
A U G U S T 2 0 2 1 M A Y 2 0 2 1 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 J U N E 2 0 2 1 J U L Y 2 0 2 1 4 Sep Community of Practice HER JOURNEY 28 May Panel Speaker of “Giving & Receiving: Shifting Power through Building Trust in Philanthropy” Webinar full video Launching of 2021/22 General Grant (1st Cycle) HER Fund received 27 grant applications and granted 6 marginalised groups or organisations. 26 June Roundtable on Organisation Management and Sustainability
of “Transformative
Leadership” Mentoring Monthly Colearning
29 Aug Transformative Feminist Leadership Workshop in Women’s Festival 28 Oct “Transformative Feminist Leadership” Level 3 Workshop I 8 – 30 Sep Prospera Asia-Pacific regional meetingLearning on collective care HER Journey S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 19
The learning and development of “Transformative Feminist Leadership” is to put a gender lens in the operation of organisations, aiming to enhance and reinforce their abilities. Participants would reflect on the power of leaders, consolidate their resources and seek their inner strength th

12 Nov “Project Design with Gender Perspective Workshops” Module 1

Launching of 2021/22 General Grant (2nd Cycle)

HER Fund received 24 grant applications and granted 9 marginalised groups or organisations.

16 Dec

“Transformative Feminist Leadership” Level 3 Workshop II

F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2

20 Nov: “Change Make-HER” Local Fundraising Campaign

The “Change Make-HER" journey was led by Sonia Wong, Gender Studies scholar, Kitty Hung, Co-founder of KidsClub, and Zoe, founder of menstrual products brand happeriod. As a lover, a mother and a self-loving feminist, they shared their practice of female autonomy in everyday life and fostered a meaningful conversation with 20 participants of more than 20 identities.

Kickstart of D.H. Chen Foundation Fellowship programme

25 Feb

“Transformative Feminist Leadership” Level 3 Workshop III

M A R C H 2 0 2 2

8 Mar

Online campaign for International Women's Day:


The theme of International Women’s Day 2022 is #BreakTheBias. We gathered 10 key persons from the community and different sectors to voice out the conscious and subconscious gender biases shared commonly within the community. With the voices and faces of the community, we witness how people dedicated their lives to bring meaningful impact to lives and combat stereotypes

25 Nov

Webinar on International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women

27 Nov

“Project Design with Gender Perspective Workshops” Module 2

11 Mar

Deloitte #BreakTheBias Webinar

Community Response Grant

Throughout the year, HER Fund granted 5 marginalised groups/organisations

D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1
O V E M B E R 2 0 2 1
HER Journey


Congratulations to those who become Gender Equality Champions!

HER Fund is very grateful to all the organisations and individuals who have given us their time, expertise, and/or resources. With your support and trust, we can persist in promoting women’s rights and promote gender equality!

Foundations, Corporate, and Organisations

Allen & Overy (Hong Kong)

Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women

Avery Dennison Bookazine

Coin Dragon

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

D H Chen Foundation

GAME (Governance and Management Excellence for Public Benefit Limited) Global Fund for Women Happeriod

Hong Kong Commercial Radio

Kering Foundation

Lady Ho Tung Hall Graduates' Association


Mayer Brown Partnership for Community Development

Prospera – International Network of Women’s Funds RS Group

Stephenson Harwood

The Hong Kong Association of Business and Professional Women

The Hong Kong Centre for Pro Bono Service

Wai Kee Jewellers Ltd

Women’s Festival

Women’s Fund Asia

Women in Finance Asia

Women Win WULT

Young Living HK Ltd.

Congratulations to Gender Equality Champions 21

Monthly Donors

AU Kit Lin

CHIU Cheuk Mun Barbara

BUTLER Samantha EP

CHAN Fung Yi

CHAN Lai Wan, Cecilia

CHAN Shun Yi


CHAN Wai Lun

CHAU Hon Suen

CHAU Yin Man

CHEUNG Hiu Wah, Mandy CHEW Choo Lin

CHUK Wing Hung, Keswick

CHUNG Wing Fong


FUNG Kwok Leung

FUNG Pui Kee Brigit

LAI Mei Kwan Gladys

HO Yan Hiu

HOUN Suk Han

HUI Lai kwan

KAN Pui Kwan

KWOK Hiu Chung

LAM Chuen Ping

LAM Ka Kuen

LAM Lai Ling

LAM Ying Hing

LAU Kit Wai

LAW Yuk Yee

LO Sin Chi

LUI L H Lorraine

LUK Kam Shing

COHEN Mark Simon

NG Suet Yi Michelle

NG Tze Wei

NG Wai Nog

POON Kar Wai

PUN Pui Man Sherry

SO Yuen Man TO Kit Lai

TO Kit Oi

TONG Chi Wang Stephen


WONG Chi Yan WONG Hung & FONG Man Ying WONG Miu Yin WONG Suet Yee WONG Yuk Ying WU Runn Bing

YAO Jiaer YEUNG Ching Yin YUNG Man Pik

Volunteers/Interns and Supporters

CHAN Zoe Cheekay CHEUNG Mandy CHOW Bonnie CHUN Sally CHUNG Yuen Yi Gigi Lo

HUNG Kitty KAN Jacey KEE SM Jac LAM CM Jasmine LAW Emy LI Isis MOK Ka Wai NG Ebbie ROTH Andrea SER Natia SO Serena

TONG Stephen TSANG Nok Yi

WONG Anna WONG Karen Dr. WONG Yuk Ying Sonia YEUNG Lok Yung Chloe

Congratulations to Gender Equality Champions 22


HER Fund supports small-scale groups that work tenaciously for gender equality in Hong Kong. As a companion on this challenging journey, HER Fund provides support and assistance that match the needs and characteristics of each group These include learning, capacity building and networking opportunities, which add up to promote the sustainable growth of the groups.

Granted, HER Fund cannot compare with most other local grant-making foundations or NGOs in terms of scale, manpower or funds. However, what sets HER Fund apart is how it’s consistently supported, with dedication and humility, the gender equality work of small-scale groups. This is why I feel happy and assured backing these small yet impactful endeavours through HER Fund

HER Fund is an organisation supporting gender equality work through grantmaking. All grantee partners are organisations/groups at the frontline, committing to grassroots communities and making systematic changes in society. The grants resonate with the needs of fundraising for small organisations and fill the gaps in Hong Kong. The most impressive part of HER Fund is its relationship with grantee partners. It is not a top-down relationship but a cooperative, interactive and mutual respect collaboration, aiming to advance women and gender equality hand in hand.

Support-HER: Words from supporters
Phoebe So Individual Monthly Donor Lo Sin Chi Gigi Individual Monthly Donor

HER Fund has been promoting gender equality work for years and has accumulated rich experience in this field In recent years, HER Fund has been promoting “Transformative Feminist Leadership” training among grassroots organisations, which not only cares for the physical and mental health and growth of the organisers and grassroots women but also provides resources for these organisations to explore a more participatory collaboration and to achieve a culture of equality and co-creation. Partnerships for Community Development believe that social change is closely linked to personal change HER Fund encourages organisers to respond to Hong Kong’s rapidly changing social environment in a nurturing rather than consuming manner, which greatly support organisers’ development

HER Fund promotes gender equality and social change. Through its work, the Fund gives a voice to marginalised women and girls in Hong Kong by highlighting the issues they face. Grants are made to grassroots organisations who deal with a range of issuesdomestic violence, poverty and discrimination. The Fund also facilitates workshops for companies where women from the LGBTQ+ community, migrant workers and young mothers share the challenges they have to deal with on a daily basis These interactions help others to understand the issues and challenges of these women, and provide an important forum for discussion as to how awareness can be raised to improve the lives of these women. We support the important work that the Fund is doing to promote gender equality.

Matt Bower Partner at Allen & Overy
Support-HER: Words from supporters 24

Resources Mobilisation and Communication 1.1% (HK$41,491) Network Building 0 1% (HK$5,498)

Organisational Management & Administration 12 7% (HK$496,692)

for designated Programmes*
* Designated Programmes include projects for grant-making, HER Hub, preventing violence against women and girls, and building donor and partnership acquisition
Income Expenditure Total Expenditure:
Accrued expenses HK$7,380 Receipt in advance HK$2,388,447 Total liabilities HK$2,395,827 Liabilities and Accumulated Fund Accumulated Fund General fund HK$1,258,539 Reserve fund HK$1,500,000 Total Liabilities and Accumulated Fund HK$5,154,366 Current Liabilities Grant-making and Capacity Building Programmes
For the year ended 31 March 2022 FINANCIAL
56 4% (HK$2,469,631) General Fund 28 7% (HK$1,250,855) Local Fundraising 11 9% (HK$509,143) Others 3% (HK$115,837) Total
86 1% (HK$3,360,640)
Balance Sheet at March 31, 2022 25 Financial Highlights


Board Member FONG
Board Member CHAN
Board Member NG Tze Wei Board Member Honarary Legal Advisor LAM Tze Yan
Board of Directors 26
As of March 31, 2022 LEE Chi Yan Athena Chairperson HOUN Suk Han Ada Vice-chairperson FUNG Pui Kee Brigit Hon. Treasurer MUI Tai Loy Terry Hon. Secretary BUT Tsz Ting
Man Ying
Florence Sai Wing


CHEUNG Hiu-wah, Mandy

Programmme Management in NGO

CHEW Choo-Lin

Founder, HER Fund Chairperson, The Institute for Women's Empowerment

CHUNG Yuen-Yi Founder, HER Fund

Christine FANG, JP

Ex-Chief Executive, The HK Council of Social Service

Sophia KAO, SBS, JP

Ex-chairperson, Women's Commission

Mary Ann KING Pui Wai Cross-Sector Cultural Activist

LAM Ying Hing Lecturer

Phoebe SO

Ex-chairperson, HER Fund

TO Kit Lai Linda

Founder, HER Fund Senior Social Worker

AU Mei Po Mabel

Chairperson, The Association for the Advancement of Feminism

WONG Shui Hung Linda Barrister

27 Advisors
THE ONLY COMMUNITY WOMEN’S FUND TO ADVANCE GENDER EQUALITY BY GRANT-MAKING AND CAPACITY BUILDING IN HONG KONG. SUPPORT NOW Money donated to HER Fund is professionally managed and carefully allocated. HER Fund is a registered charitable organisation (charity number: 91/7393) and gifts of HK$100 or above are tax deductible. CONTACT US info@herfund.org.hk (852) 2794-1100 Mong Kok Post Office Post Box No. 79890 CONNECT WITH US www.herfund.org.hk Facebook Instagram LinkedIn 28

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