Annual Report 2010-11

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「 作為一個單親媽媽,子女還在讀幼稚園,玉華當時真 的很徬徨。但她參加婦女貧窮關注會後,自信心提升了」

婚,對一個多年以照顧家庭為任的家庭主 照顧,故促使她積極參與單親小組,向政府爭取單親















11月29日正式註冊為「婦女 貧窮關注會」,為貧窮婦女







享,但因社署要求她外出工作, 她便開始擔心還年小的子女無人

婦女動力基金自2005年起撥款資助「婦女貧窮 關注會」的工作,包括培育基層單親婦女成為組 織者;屯門區舉行街展;參加民間聯席,向政府 部門表達意見;爭取婦女權益等,從而讓公眾認 識女性貧窮問題,減少歧視。該會現有約20名 會員。


or a housewife who has spent her entire life caring for her family, it’s impossible to imagine life after a divorce. “I won’t be able to afford it. I will be left all alone after a divorce and will have to take care of my family on my own. I dare not do so.” Because of his addiction to gambling, Yuk Wah’s husband had not contributed towards the family’s expenses for months. But despite her fears over divorce, she eventually found the courage to do so, and applied for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) for financial support. Yuk Wah lived in isolation after her divorce. One day, as she passed a social service centre in Tuen Mun, a poster about a Single Parent support group caught her eye. She decided to join the group. At first, during group meetings, she seldom spoke out. But then the Social Welfare Department asked her to participate in the New Dawn Intensive Employment Assistance Project

and found her a job. She started worrying she could not afford the time to take care of her children if she started working. This motivated her to fight for the rights of single mothers and actively participate in the Single Parent Support Group. Later registered as the Concerning Group for Women Poverty in 2005. It focuses on striving for women’s rights, information exchange on welfare applications, and assisting its members to obtain the welfare that they are entitled to. It collaborates with the Alliances to fight for women’s rights and express their opinions in the Legislative Council. As a single parent with children still in kindergarten, Yuk Wah was very uncertain about the future. After she joined the Concerning Group for Women Poverty, her confidence was boosted.

Moreover, she learnt that some people’s lives were more difficult than hers. She wanted to share her blessings with the less fortunate. HER Fund has supported the work of the Women Poverty Concern Group since 2005 by subsidizing capacity building and empowerment programs offered to the grassroots women in Tu e n M u n . The Group a d vo ca t e s r ig h t s f o r p o o r wo m e n a n d o r g a n ize s m u t u a l su p p o r t a ct ivit ie s.

「是次活動由青少女作主導,因為網上交友是我們 經常接觸的活動,而社會對此問題亦有很多誤解」

涉青少年的網上罪行正掀起一片道德恐慌,援 料後作分析和討論,並透過舉辦記者會和參與社區教育 交及網上欺凌更是近日社福界和教育界的熱門 活動向公眾分享成果。 話題。但時代不同,交友的方式亦不同,網上交友 嘉嘉強調青少女參與有助豐富社會對網上交友的討論。 真是洪水猛獸嗎? 「是次活動由我們青少女作主導,因為網上交友是我們 「社會已假設我們網上交友一定會遇到壞人然後受 經常接觸的活動,而社會對此問題有很多誤解」她說。 騙,但事實上青少年也有能力分辨是非黑白;而且 對很多青少女而言,網上交友可讓她們更勇於認識新朋 媒體亦有以偏蓋全之嫌,不但誇大網上交友的負面 友和主動表達自己的情感。「在現今世代,只要在 face新聞,亦強調女性作 book 或 msn 上加多一個姓名即識多一個朋友。這實在 為受害者的角色」嘉 便於我們在繁忙的生活中認識更多的朋友」阿寶說。「 嘉說。 加上電子科技普及,網上交友相信是未來社會溝通的方 式。」 嘉嘉和友人阿寶參加 由婦女動力基金贊助 事實上不少青少女都意識到網 的行動研究,向青少 上交友的風險,如何安全擇友 女進行有關網上交友 更是她們關心的課題,有見及 的問卷調查,收集資

een-related interT net crimes have caused somewhat

of a moral panic in Hong Kong. Most of these reports and surveys highlight concern over the sexual maturity of teenage girls and their loss of innocence. And in doing so, they effectively reinforce the stereotype of young girls as helpless and incompetent individuals. “Society assumes we will fall into the trap of committing wrongs when we make friends on the internet. But as teenagers, we have the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. Also, I think many media reports are biased, exaggerating the negative aspects of net relationships or highlighting girls as victims,” says Ka Ka. Under the guidance of social workers, Ka Ka and her friend Ah Bo took part in the research as interviewers. Together with six other teenage girls, they interviewed, discussed and analyzed the research results, then organized a press conference to share their insights

政治緣故,Sabrina於2007年1月與丈夫和 兩名女兒離開斯里蘭卡來到香港,向聯合國 難民事務高級專員署申請確認其難民身份,至今 仍未有結果。回想來港初期,她一家身上只有港 幣一千元,透過朋友的介紹而認識基督教勵行會 (下稱勵行會),讓她一家得到臨時住宿、 衣服和食物。

「其實安全與否視乎你如何選擇和認清那些網友是 可靠的,安全建立網上關係是首要一課」阿寶說。 嘉嘉表示網上和真實世界都是一個讓她們探索和建 立自我身份的平台,兩者其實並無衝突。「我們網 上有一班互相分享的朋友,現實中亦有一些互相幫 助的。兩者可以並存,」嘉嘉說。「是次研究可讓 我們發表青少女對網上交友的看法,引起討論」 是項活動令一班青少女意識到自 己獨立自主的一面,也是建立自 信的過程。她們發聲表達意見, 更把經歷和體會與其他青年人 分享。 must shoulder more responsibility in educating teenagers about the potential pitfalls of cyber friendships.

with the media as well as took part in education programs in the community. “We played a leading role in these activities,” says Ka Ka. “(Net relationships) are relevant to our daily lives but I think there are many misconceptions about the issue.”

Taking part in the project also allowed Ka Ka and Ah Bo to realize their potential as independent and competent individuals. It was an empowering process through which the girls realize that they “In our generation, making a new friend means adding someone to our Facebook or msn. It is very convenient as could take charge of a situation and influence social discourse on issues relevant to their lives. an additional channel for us to make more friends in our busy lives,” says Ah Bo. Contrary to the image of teenag- “With this action research, we were able to express our views, which differed from public opinion, and ers as reckless thrill-seekers, safety is at the top of the spurred discussion so that the problem would not girls’ concerns. Learning from experiences and informabecome worse,” says Ka Ka. tion they gathered during the research, Ah Bo and Ka Ka have become well aware of internet con artists and HER Fund funded YMCA Kornhill Centre Integrated crimes. As a result, they penned a pamphlet, “10 Tips for Service Centre in 2009-2010 to conduct research Accessing the Internet Safely”, as a self-protection guide on cyber dating. The project aimed to find out young for other teenagers who have cyber friendships. girls’ real-life stories and perspectives on cyber dating and friendships. It also provided a platform “Of course we must pick our internet friends carefully, for participants to speak out and, in the process, exploring whether they are really trustworthy. The most important issue is to develop safe net relationships,” says become empowered to safeguard their social and cultural rights. Ah Bo, who adds that both schools and the government

Support.支持 因

此,嘉嘉和阿寶根據個人經驗和調查結果製作了一 批宣傳小錦囊以和其他年輕人分享心得。

「…我能認識到一班與我背景相似 尋求政治庇護 的婦女和家庭,這更是支持我繼續前行的力量!」

護婦女繪畫及美勞。在互助聚會內,她認識到不少 情況與她相近的婦女。由於這些婦女及其家庭都在 等候被確認難民身份,她們的想法都比較負面,而 Sabrina的出現,為她們帶來積極的想法。

「在這些班組和聚會中,我學到很多新的知識 技能,建立自信。我更認識到一班背景相似的婦 女和家庭,這更是支持我繼續前行的力量!」 Sabrina說。 婦女動力基金在2010-2011年向基督教勵行會撥 款港幣$30,000,資助難民及政治庇護婦女的互 助聚會,讓她們建立社交網絡,重建自信,以積 極態度面對困難。同時婦女亦從中認識自己的權 利和保障。

她和丈夫不能在港工作,這些年來只靠社福 機構提供微薄的租金津貼,每十日提供一次 的食物,以至交通支出、女兒校服及書簿費 等。 Sabrina在身無分文的情況下過了4年。現時 Sabrina每星期都到勵行會重慶服務中心學英 語、結他,以及當義工,教授其他尋求政治庇 Executive Committee Members MaryAnn KING (Chair from September 2010) FONG Man-ying (Vice Chairperson cum Hon. Secretary from November 2010) LAM Ying-hing (Hon. Treasurer) CHUNG Yuen Yi (Chair to September 2010; ExCo membership from September 2010) CHOW Choo-lin (ExCo member ) YIP Yan Yan (ExCo membership to September,2010 ) Hazel WONG (ExCo membership to September, 2010)

Members of Staff Linda TO - Executive Director Venus HUNG - Communication Officer (from August 2010 to February 2011) Jacky HUI - Fundraising Officer (from November 2010) Judy KAN - Programme Officer TANG Shuk On - Part-time Accounting Officer 職員 杜潔麗 - 行政總監 孔敏婷 – 傳訊主任 (由2010年8月至2011年2月) 許為昇 – 籌款主任 (由2010年11月起) 簡佩坤 - 項目幹事 鄧淑安 - 兼職會計文員

執行委員會成員 金佩瑋 (主席由2010年9月) 方旻煐 (副主席暨秘書由2010年11月) 林英卿 (榮譽財政) 鍾婉儀 (主席至2010年9月;委員由2010年9月) 周珠玲 (委員) 葉溵溵 (副主席暨秘書至2010年9月) 王佐芳 (委員至2010年9月) Address 地址︰Flat D, 6/F, Kingland Apartments, 739 Nathan Road, Prince Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道739號金輪大廈6字樓D室 Tel 電話︰(852) 2794-1100 / 2396-1088 Fax 傳真︰(852) 2396-7488 Email 電郵︰ Website 網址︰

我們致力改善社會環境及消除性別歧視,維護 婦女的基本權利。 透過籌款、撥款及性別教育 工作,促進婦女和青少女的權益,尤其是支持 被忽略及資源緊絀的婦女團體及項目。 HER Fund mobilizes resources and invests in empowering women and girls to create change in communities for gender equality. We advances women and girls’ rights through fundraising, grant-making and philanthropic education. We give financial grants to the neglected and less-funded women’s groups and projects in the community.


ew people are willing to abandon their home country. But for Sabrina and her family, there was no alternative. For political reasons, Sabrina and her family stowed away from Sri Lanka to Hong Kong and applied to the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to be recognized as refugees. When the family arrived in Hong Kong, they had just HK$1,000. Fortunately, a friend introduced Sabrina to Christian Action, which was able to help with temporary accommodation and basic necessities. Sabina and her family’s application is still pending, having been submitted more than 4 years ago. Since Sabina and her husband are seeking political asylum, they are not permitted by law to earn a living in Hong Kong, and as a result,

have not had any income during this period. Every week, Sabrina goes to Christian Action’s Chungking Mansion Service Centre to learn English and play guitar. She also teaches other female asylum seekers to paint and create other artworks. She makes friends with other women who are in similar situations. Together, they share their feelings and support one another. Sabrina learns not only English and guitar, but also gains a supportive network in the form of a group of friends who can share joy and sadness. “In every class or programme that I join, I always learn a new skill or improve myself each time. It develops my self-confidence. It also allows me to socialize with other

women and families facing similar conditions here in HK.” Sabrina said. HER Fund funded Christian Action in 2010-2011 for creating a platform for female asylum seekers to learn and to appreciate each other’s strength, to know more about their rights, and to be empowered to help others.


親愛的朋友: 「創新」是婦女動力基金過去一年的主題。 得到才華導師和贊助機構的支持,以及各方 面的啟發,我們推出了Share Talent平台, 把才華、快樂和慈善拉在一起。這年度尾的 三月開始,更以全民退休保障作為主題,向 政府給市民派發的六千元招手,結果籌得七 萬多元,不但資助了婦女充權倡議的計劃, 還資助媒體和街頭藝術的創作活動上。「創 新」聽去讓人興奮,就如多次支持我們的青 年高峰會MaD的口號:「變則通,創不同」 ;然而,我們別忘了這句口號的前提是「窮 則變」。去年,我們決定把自己定位為「窮 基金」,但「窮」不但是金錢上的,還有人

才、經驗、人脈和信心上的,最致命還是創 意上的窮。原來,「窮人」要「變通」其實 非常艱難,最難變的是改變自己的價值觀和 想法,使能利用眼前的困境並將之扭轉成為 優勢。或者,「窮」其實也是祝福,讓我們 放下自我,實事求是去面對和改變眼前的困 境。很感謝各位執委成員、職員、義工、捐 助者,及所有支持我們的朋友,願意接受這 樣艱難的挑戰,一年來共同攜手為基金尋找 出路而努力。共勉! 甘甘

Dear Friends, “Innovation” has been a hot topic for the past year for HER Fund. With the support of our talented teachers and organizations, we have launched our Share Talent project – which combines the themes of talent, happiness and philanthropy. Towards the end of this financial year, for the first time, we raised money for a specific issue: empowering women to advocate for the Universal Pension Scheme. We received more than $70,000 from HER Fund’s network of supporters and funded innovative projects, such as media production and street performances. “Innovation” sounds exciting and, as the slogan from one of our sponsors explains: “change starts with you”. But why do we need to make



a difference? To help the poor. HER Fund was branded by local media as “a poor fund”. Poor can be lack of money, but also talent, experience, network and confidence, and above all, creativity. One of the hardest challenges facing “poor” people to make a difference is to change their thoughts and values and turn adversity into opportunity. However, being poor can also be a blessing, because a person has no choice but to face adversity and change it. I have felt very lucky to be able to work with our board, our staff, the volunteers and donors and all the supporters in the past year to find a way out for HER Fund. I love you all! Gumgum


絡聯繫及地區合作是重要之策略,聯繫 婦女動力基金及具影響力之持份者,合 力促進全球之婦女權益慈善工作。 去年四月,本會副主席方旻煐女士代表本會出 席婦女基金網絡於美國丹佛舉行的周年大會。 此外,行政總監杜潔麗及執委會委員周珠玲女 士於五月出席於蒙古舉行的國際婦女基金網絡 全會,而杜潔麗更被選為該網絡的新一屆董事 會成員,預期可將工作網絡推向國際層面。 有關婦女政治參與計劃,於十一月獲挪威基金 會、Mama Cash、美國環球婦女基金的資助, 開展在亞洲區內以撥款及教育形式推動是項議 題之實踐,並同時進行一項亞洲區的相關調查 研究。

公義行善」是透過捐助善款的力量,推動社會改 變,讓在政治、經濟、社會上的弱勢群體獲得人 權,實踐社會公義。去年我們在社會上推動「公義 行善」的捐助文化,透過媒體,表達我們對政府只 顧成立關愛基金而從沒正視現存政策引致的結構性 社會問題,如婦女貧窮及缺乏生活保障等。在我們 的撥款簡介會、發佈會及報章專訪上,我們均重申 基層婦女的需要,並倡議政府及各項慈善應投放更 多資源於弱勢婦女社群,以改善其處境。


ocial Justice Philanthropy is the practice of making contributions to non-profit organizations that work for structural change and increase the opportunities of those who are less well-off politically, economically and socially. As a local women’s fund promoting women’s human rights and well-being, HER Fund plays a unique role in


青少女權益工作 Young women rights’ work

1) 經濟平等,特別是基層婦女權益/自務組織; 2) 邊緣群體而創新性的工作,例如青少女的權益工作 項目、富創意的活動手法。

1) Economic Justice, especially for rights-based grassroots women’s groups; 2) Projects with new marginalized groups, e.g. Young girls’ rights-based projects and creative programmatic approaches.

我們相信青少女擁有智慧與能力,以不同方 式去表達自己的意見和正視問題。我們與三 個合作伙伴,運用學校講座、藝術及網絡的 途徑,讓更多青少女建立自信和確保自身人 權得到保障︰

一如往年,我們於年底舉行公開簡介會,邀請團體遞 交項目計劃書申請撥款,而基金會按撥款準則於翌年 三月公佈資助項目。2010/11年度我們持續地對基層 婦女權益/自務組織作出支持,資助更多邊緣群體。


Towards the end of each year, we will organize an open briefing session to introduce our grant application before we start our grant invitation period. HER Fund will announce the results by the following March. In year 2010/11, we continued to support grassroots and mutual help women’s groups/organizations and those addressing marginalized issues.

We believe in the wisdom and capacity of young women to present their needs by different means, and the ability to develop strategies to solve problems. We funded three projects this year to raise young women’s gender awareness and assure their rights in a school and religious setting, and on the internet.

善計劃 評估及營運改 綠慧公社業務 o-operative C rs ke or W e The Greenwis ent and Promote sustainable development of grassness Assessm Society’s Busi ect oj Pr provement roots and mutual help women’s organizations Marketing Im 社 為了令四個位於屯門的民間婦女組織 鼓勵缺乏資源的基層婦女自行組織起來,透過不同方式表達對 有限責任合作 e 綠慧公社職工 rs Co-operativ ke 所成立的「四合院 – 民間組織互助 or W e 經濟平等的訴求,讓社會了解、認同,從而改善政策。 is w The Green d ite 平台」,在資源緊拙的情況下能更穩 m Li y et ci So Grassroots women organizations have difficulty accessing 固其工作,婦女動力基金第三年以指 00 HK$18,0 local funding but their work is extremely important in helping 女組織的合作 婦 層 定撥款項目方式支持她們凝聚更大力 基 區 門 群屯 旨在重新 綠慧公社為一 the least resourceful women. Through peer support pro為主。此計劃 品 量推動公民社會的發展。於2010/11 產 保 環 產 社,以生 有效的銷售策 grams and advocacy work, they strive to achieve economic 運機制及發展 營 的 年度,我們已把超過港幣$116,000 善 完 立 建 。 織的持續發展 justice for women. tally en 的指定捐款,資助木綿社作為推動平 略,以達致組 nm ro vi en e to create A co-operativ ts women in oo sr 台工作。 as gr by ts and friendly produc 網計劃 t is to review ec oj pr is Th en . 基層婦女社區互動 d om W Tuen Mun e operation an ct for Grassroots It was the 3rd year that HER Fund re-structure th A Self-help Proje of the Green gy 新來港婦 te ra st s le sa provided a designated grant to “Mutual en 女 th 會 充權計 ’s to streng 婦女貧窮關注 New Arr rty Women Co-op ivals W 劃 for Women Pove p Help Centre Project” in Tuen Mun. In ou Gr ing ern y. o men Em bilit Conc their sustaina powerm 同根社 this centre, four grassroots women’s e n t P roject HK$25,000 New W 勵 mutual help groups can share the venue 鼓 , o 織 m 組 en Arriv 層婦女的自助互助 als Lea 窮 貧 H 一群居於屯門的基 and resources to promote civic participa取 g K 爭 u , $ e 區 3 社 0 與 ,000 女共同參 區內經濟匱乏的婦 貧窮的成因, tion. In 2010/11, more than $116,000 of 識 認 眾 公 讓 由 時 同 內地新來 婦女的權益保障; 港 婦 designated donations was granted to 女 過月會及 組 熱線電話 成的自助互助 減少歧視。 秘密 anization organ的 org Kapok Association which was in-care of 拉 組 elp 活 , 娜 lf-h g 織 上 se n 港 幫 nt o 。透 的問題 香 助新 Tuen An independe in Hong K 向有關當 ,及融入社會 來港婦女解決生 ssroots women in ll’s House the Project’s general operation. gra o of D up A gro a ; by st 局 ized in the pa 助改善生 表達新來港婦 另外,組織會員 funded their work 盟 聯 ce 女 en 婦 n Tu 活 a in 應 Mun. HER Fund 主 lli n 。 A 港 me ’ 有 香 A self-h kers ized by ge deprived wo elp orga 的權利,以 g Homema a group an2 years to encoura nization Hong Kon of new in networking, org Mainlan ge ga en o ely rg tiv a ac a rk rrival wo d Ch nMun to vocacy wo ca 0 men fro activities and ad se supp ina. They prov HK$30,00 m ide a ho ort to ne 自身處境, izing peer support ps, and ho rks wo , a ns tl re 加主婦反思 w itio in 增 hib e im s ex 習 t o a ee m 學 c n str ia . 劇 ig d gh 提升市 ies ll rant wo throu l polic 透過戲 退休保障及 a social y deprived, an ts on related socia d help th men who 主婦們爭取 network 為 initiating statemen 而 從 em dev in HK th meeting elop rou sa ness on 民的關注。 campaig nd activities; th gh monthly ase aware ns prom ey also ma to incre makers. ra e d m A o h f organiz otin migrants situation o e ir fa by expre g the rights of n u e th governm n ssing th eir conc ew iment. erns to the


Hong Kong by encouraging an alternative way of giving, and promoting social justice philanthropy for the least resourceful women and girls. Last year, we commented on the Community Care Fund proposed by the Chief Executive in his annual Policy Address. The Fund did not tackle the structural causes of social problems but only make grants on a piecemeal, hardship alleviation basis. Our views were covered by various press, including Apply Daily, Sing Tao Daily, Mingpao, etc. During these interviews, as well as during our grant-making briefing session in November, and our Annual Grant Announcement press conference in March, we advocated for more resources to advance women’s work in marginalized and less-funded sectors and the need for a more diverse, transparent and participatory philanthropic culture.

全年活動 Whole Year

關注弱勢邊緣群體的需要 Concerning the needs of marginalized women 婦女動力基金堅持保留基金 的彈性,撥款予資源最缺乏 的弱勢邊緣婦女,讓她們的 聲音得以被聆聽、人權得以 保障。 HER Fund values the flexibility of our grant-making to be responsive to the needs of the most marginalized women.

天水圍母親運動 Tin Shui Wai Mothers’ Needs Research 天水圍社區發展網絡 ty Tin Shui Wai Communi Development Network HK$21,800 向當 透過社區調查,了解及 托兒 女的 區婦 水圍 達天 局表 服務需要。 Community research on ds grassroots mothers’ nee care and the need for child i. services in Tin Shui Wa

難民及政 治避護婦 女充權計 Women ’s Empo 劃 we gees an d Asylum rment for RefuSeekers 基督教勵 行會 Christia n Action HK$30,0 00 建立平台 讓難民及 政治庇護 識應有的 婦 權 建立互助 利,學習為自己 女認 發聲及 網 To organ 絡。 ize a pla tf asylum seekers orm for women ’ to learn their righ abo ts selves a , to speak up fo ut r themnd have social su pport.

ast year, we continued a diversified strategy in our local fundraising work. With increased support from the private sector, devoted staff, donors and volunteers, almost 30% of our annual budget came from domestic donations. We also started our online fundraising platform Share Talent – where participants can register for interest classes taught by voluntary professional teachers or supporting private organizations. Funds collected from the classes are donated to HER Fund for promoting women’s rights projects. Fundraising activities included:


Natural Skin Care Products and Gifts Sale in Yahoo Auction

籌款班 (排排舞/肚皮舞/瑜伽) 四月 Apr

Grantmaking & Programs

HK$15,917, 1%

Management & General

HK$80,930, 6%


Fundraising Classes (Line Dance/ Belly Dance/ Yoga)

Education & Publication

香港大學李國賢堂Rainbow Village宿生周年聚餐籌款 Rainbow Village Annual Dinner Donation

HK$365,820, 26%

五月 May 九月 Sep 十一月 Nov


十二月 Dec

8838行動:籌款計劃Share Talent啟動派對 及籌款課程

十二月至三月 Dec - Mar

「身體有 話 育推廣計 未曾講」青少 年反性暴 劃 Youn 力教 g Girls’ lence E A ducatio n Projec nti-Sexual Vio t 關注婦女 性暴力協 ing Sex 會 A ssoc ual Viole nce Aga iation Concern inst Wo HK$40,0 men 00 透過在中 學 識性別及 內舉行講座及 藝術 性暴力問 的身份與 題,讓中 創作坊,認 價值。 Through 學生反思女性 ing sess aw io seconda ns and art work areness raisry stude shops, nts acqu perspec ired a ge tive 性 / 別牧養在 nder sexuality in viewing sex 視而不見 - 青少女 ual viole and pre n ce and s through 教會 creative ented their tho ss Raising in ug a played Gender Awarene at a com rtwork which w hts ities a munity Christian Commun exhibitio s disn. 一代人公社 「有我空間」 A Generation 社區教育計劃 HK$50,000 “My Space” Community Educational 調查,提昇基 Project 舉辦工作坊及研究 內的自我肯 會 教 於 女 督徒青少 香港中華基督教 性別意識的敏 對 定,及提昇教會 青年會康怡會所 YMCA Kornhill Centre 的需要。 女 少 青 注 關 感度, Integrated Service Centre g workshops tin uc Through cond raise Christian HK$30,000 and research to ness towards are aw er girls’ gend 「網上情謎探秘坊」的青少女組員受訓成 d practices; an s church teaching 為大使,於這年度向學生、家長、老師及 hes’ gender urc ch e nc ha en and to ard girls’ 社區人士繼續表達她們對網上交友的看 tow lly cia pe sensitivity es 法及提醒。 After studying young girls’ cyber needs. friendships the year before, the girls involved in that project then became ambassadors to share their views and gave talks to secondary school students, parents, teachers and people in the community.




rioritized grant-making from Year 09/10 to Year 11/12 to focus on:

2009年作出三年的策略性撥款工作,集中資源 優先撥款予︰

年,我們繼續運用多元化及創新的策 略在本地推動籌款工作。憑著更多機 構、公司的贊助,職員、捐助者及義工的 熱心支持,我們在本地籌得的善款約佔全 年總開支的3成。今年,我們更創立了創 意籌款平台Share Talent,招募義務導師 開辦各種興趣課程,學費所得收益全數撥 捐慈善用途,支持婦女權益工作。獲各界 支持的籌款活動如下:

ER Fund sees networking and regional collaboration as an important strategy to join forces with women’s funds and significant stakeholders to advance women’s rights philanthropy worldwide. Last year, our Vice Chairperson, Ms. FONG Man Ying attended the annual conference of Women’s Funding Network ( WFN ) held in Denver, USA from April 22-24. Lin-chew, our Executive Committee member and Linda To, our Executive Director attended the biennial conference of International Network of Women’s Funds ( INWF ) held in Ulanbataar, Mongolia in May 2010. Linda was elected as Board member of INWF, joining with the collective efforts of global women funds to mobilize resources for women’s rights. Funded by Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation ( Norad ), Mama Cash and Global Fund to conduct regional research on “Where is the Money for Women’s Political Participation in Asia?”. Together with women’s funds from Nepal, Mongolia, India and Bangladesh, a 2-year regional project for enhancing Women’s Political Participation.

Mother’s Day Natural Skin Care Products Philanthropic Sale

Klub Raks 酒會派對慈善捐助

Klub Raks Cocktail Party Donation


HK$964,469, 67%

Fukutomi Company Limited Annual Dinner Donation

88 Days Campaign: Launch Party of Fundraising Initiative - Share Talent and all fundraising classes


88 Days Campaign: Cutie Sheep Philanthropic Sale Day and Online Sale

美酒銷售 (法國酒業有限公司贊助) 一月 Jan 三月 Mar

Wine Sale (Sponsored by Secrets De France)

2011愛心獻才華- 慈善表演晚會 Talent Performance Night 2011


St. Mary Cannosian College Zonta Z Club -International Women’s Day - Rose Ring Selling

過去一年,我們十分感謝荷蘭的婦女基金 會Mama Cash繼續成為我們的資助伙伴。 另外,我們亦首次獲得美國Rita Fund 的 支持,無論在經驗分享或行政資助均對本 會有莫大的鼓舞。

During the year, we were delighted to continue our partnership with our international sisters’ funds Mama Cash ( Netherlands ) and our new donor, The Rita Fund ( USA ). With their financial support and expertise, we were able to develop new initiatives to mobilize local donations for advancing women’s rights work in Hong Kong.

有您們持續的支持,我們才可以創出如此滿意的成果!謝謝! We achieved so much because of your continuous support! Thank you!


年,我們首次舉辦培訓老師及社工的性別 教育課程,部份獲培訓的社工亦義務到中 學舉行性別教育講座。另外,我們於五月及七月 分別於港大及中大性別研究中心舉行講座,介紹 我們資助的工作項目及有關香港婦女運動發展。 在青年人的性別教育方面的工作,我們去年共到 過六間中學,舉行十一次不同主題的性別教育講 座,逾二千名學生參加。


ast year, we conducted a Gender Education Training Course for teachers and social workers. After the course, some of the participants volunteered their

Acknowledgements 鳴謝

help to deliver talks to secondary school students. In total, we reached out to 6 secondary schools and conducted 11 gender awareness raising talks for over 2000 students. Thanks to our voluntary social workers Joy, Ada, Mandy, Kay, Sun, Wing, Jane, and Rainbow for their wonderful support! Our Executive Director also spoke at the HKU Women Studies Research Centre in May to share our grantee’s project on cyber friendship and girls’ rights. And a talk on the development of the women’s movement in Hong Kong was delivered to Gender Studies’ students at the Chinese University in July.

個人及團體支持者 Individual and Group Supporters

蘇姍女士 Mr. Lam Woon Kwong, GBS, JP 陳婉嫻女士 Amy LEE Brigit FUNG Juliet CHU Crystal POON Devi NOVIANTI Eliza CHUNG Kay ChungHeidi IP Irene LAM Jane CHAN 呂香穎 Joy LAM Joyce CHEUNG Kelly WONG Kitty LUI LEE King Wai Mandy CHEUNG Mandy WONG Mandy TANG Rainbow LAU Roni WONG Samantha BUTLER Shirley LO Sina WONG Stella WONG Sun LUI Teresa YUEN Venus HUNG Winnie LI Xu Shan Shan YAU Suk Yin 同根社 LAM Po Wah 香港婦女勞工協會 婦女貧窮關注會

個人捐款者 Individual Donors Ada LUK Ada WONG Alexandra Alian Angel HO Annie CHONG Annie HO Annie YAP Bell Bonnie CHENG Brenda CHIU C. K. LAI Catherine LEUNG Catherine NG Catherine PANG Celine CHAN Chi Yeung, Denny CHAN Kwan Ngai CHAN Lai Lai CHAN Ling Ling CHAN Shiu Kan CHAN Wai Lun CHAN Wai Sze, Grace CHAN Yin Man CHAN Yu CHEN Pei Ling, Julis CHENG Chak Man CHENG Kit Yan CHEUNG Ka Oi CHEUNG Lan Wai CHEUNG Ming Lai CHEW Choo Lin CHING Siu Ping CHIU Wai Sang CHOI Kwan Lun Christine YAU CHUNG Fung Ha CHUNG Wai Ling, Iris CHUNG Wan SiuCindy Connie WONG Cynus HUNG Danielle Debbie LAM Devi NOVIANTI Diana CHENG Diane LI Eliza Ellea Emma Esther Fanny Flora CHEUNG Florence Fong Man Ying FONG Mei Ngo FUNG Chuen Ping FUNG Kwok Leung FUNG Pui Kee, Brigit Halina Harsha CHAUHAN HO Kin Fong HO Kit Wa Margaret Hubert WONG HUI Wai Sing Iris Iris CHUNG Jamese WONG Janice WONG Janny Jennfer NG Johnson YUEN Joyce Julia MAYERHOFER Kaka WONG KAN Pui Kwan Karita WU Kelly WONG Ken Kimmy KING MARY ANN Pui Wai Kitty KU Kitty SHUM KO Leung Fai, Paul KONG King Chu KWOK Kit Yee LAI Mei Kwan LAM Siu Wai LAM Ying Hing LAU Hon Kay LAU Tze Kam, Edward LAU Wai Ching LAU Yea Fon LAW Yat Ping LEUNG Chi Wang LI Che Cheong LI Ka Fai LI Tung Sing LI Yim Ling Linda LO Wai Mi LUI Tai Lok Mabel Mandy YIP Manuel WONG Anne MARDEN Margaret CHOW Margaret HO Mariam MAY Ng Mi Ms. CHEUNG Ms. LAI Natalie NG Kit Ling, Angel PANG Wai Shan Peter H. BARNES Rainbow Raymond BART Richard MCPHERSON Riza LEE Ryan LAW Saeed H. AL JUNAIBI Sam Samantha BUTLERSHUM Yun Ping Snow Staney CHEUNG Stella WU TAI Po Yan, Angela TANG Shuk On TANG Yin Wah TAO Man Tau FUNG Tees WONG Teresa Teresa POON TING Chor Har TO Kit Lai TO Kit Oi TONG Hei TSANG Gar Yin Venus SIU Winnie SIT WONG Lai Chu, Phoebe WONG Shuk Ying WONG Suet Yee WONG Wai Ming WONG Yuen Fai, Dick WONG Yuen Ngo WONG Yui Yui WU Mei Liu XIONG Jia Wen, Camille XU Jing Qi, Elise YAU Pui Shan YEUNG Sin Wai YEUNG Yee Kam YEUNG Yim Mui YIP Man Wai, Mandy Yonnie CHOWYUEN Bick Yue

義務法律顧問 Our Honorary Legal Advisor LAM Tze-yan 林子姻

婦女動力基金親善友好 HER Fund Distinguished Friends Anna WU, J.P. 胡紅玉 Christine FANG, J.P. 方敏生 Cyd HO 何秀蘭

婦女動力基金顧問 HER Fund Advisor Ada WONG, J.P. 黃英琦 Chan Yuen Han, SBS, J.P. 陳婉嫻

尹麗芬 孔彩娟 王月明 王雅倫 王雅儀 王維強 司徒寶 伍健毅 朱善昌 江佩玲 何芝君 何萬鵬 余小燕 吳小姐 吳美儀 吳婉儀 呂家寶 岑淑賢 李文展 李文雋 周子安 林子强 林翠欣 林翠萍 林麗玲 邵綏榮 阿女 姜慧敏 玲玲 胡文龍 倫翠芳 娟娟 徐永德 徐珊珊 區結蓮 張小姐 張月紅 張京隆 張烈堅 張超雄 曹先生 梁玉麟 梁家傑 莫林光 陳文懿 陳玉桂 陳宇豪 陳江秀 陳秀盈 陳秀嫻 陳淑雯 陳淑儀 陳惠芳 陳惠萍 陳港榮 陳順馨 陳瑞珠 陳嘉穎 陳顯德 陸潔玲 麥偉炳 麥慧妍 彭玉玲 曾小鳳 馮國傑 馮國富 馮傑民 馮慧凝 馮顯恩 黃小雲 黃天成 黃佩玲 黃宛珊 黃亮 黃錦輝 楊健濱 楊愛玲 葉佩琳 雷文偉 綺華 趙希彤 劉光偨 劉先生 劉瑞式 劉慧卿 劉慧達 歐淑霞 鄭少佳 黎尉文 蕭友雄 霍婉紅 戴寶恩 鍾秀娟 鍾婉儀 蘇潔清

國際捐助機構International Funders

公司 Companies

Coby Coby Dance eFaith Company Ltd Femart HK 香港菲瑪特 Fukotomi Company Limited卜高通美有限公司 Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture 香港當代文化中心 Hong Kong Western Dance Council 香港西方舞總會 International Cultural and Recreational Alliance Ltd. 國際文娛藝術中心 Klub Raks Okamoto 岡本 ONC Lawyers 柯伍陳律師事務所 Panocean Secretarial Services Ltd. 美信秘書服務有限公司 People’s Recreation Community 人民公社 Secrets de France 法國酒業有限公司 Talent 100 Performance Ltd. 銀河百度演藝製作公司 Wowternet Limited 網上宣傳策劃有限公司 開益書店

政府部門及團體 Government Departments & Organizations

Agency for Volunteer Service 義務工作發展局 Home Affairs Deparment 民政事務署 i Donate 明施慎選 Italian Women’s Association Leisure and Cultural Services Department 康樂及文化事務署 University of Hong Kong Simon K.Y. Lee Hall Rainbow Village 香港大學李國賢堂4樓女宿生 Rainie Dance Power St. Mary Cannosian College Zonta Z Club 嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院祟德社 The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 香港社會服務聯會 The Women’s Foundation 婦女基金會 香港大學太極同學會 香港中文大學祟基學院校友會 香港中華基督教青年會康怡會所 EXIT 樂隊 荃蕙屯門社區服務中心 動力姿星 盧雅恩舞蹈學院 香港兆基創意書院 HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity LUA Foundation CEDAR Fund The Shamdasani Foundation

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