HER Fund Annual Report 婦女動力基金年報 2008/09

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annual report 2008-2009 年報

annual report

2008-2009 年報


annual report 2008-2009 年報

annual report 2008-2009 年報

Content 目錄

About HER 有關婦女動力基金


ABOUT HER FUND Content About HER Chair's Report Executive Committee Members & Staff Grant-making Raising Funds Education Work and Communications Volunteering Local Networking and International Organizational Development Your Donation Makes A Difference Financial Report Acknowledgements


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目錄 有關婦女動力基金 主席的話 執行委員會成員及職員 撥款 籌款工作 教育及通訊工作 發展義工網絡 本地及國際網絡 機構發展 您的捐助帶來不一樣的改變 財政報告 鳴謝

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HER Fund is a registered charitable organization, legally established in 2004 in Hong Kong. HER Fund was initiated by a group of women activists in Hong Kong, all of whom have had long working experiences in women's rights work. Our main objective is to raise funds and give grants to support work by women, with women and for women in Hong Kong. Next to this, an important aspect of our work is to raise awareness of women's position and rights in Hong Kong.

婦女動力基金由一群關心婦女權益的人士 發起,於2004年3月8日國際婦女節成立。 我們的宗旨是以籌款及撥款的形式支持婦 女權益和保障的工作。另外,我們亦透過 教育工作,推動社會各界關心婦女的處境 及困難。



HER Fund's vision is to promote conditions in the society that will secure and promote the human rights of all women, without discrimination on any grounds, and in all areas of life and work.

我們致力改善社會環境及消除性別歧視, 維護婦女的基本權利。



Our mission is to support and to encourage the work and promote women and girls' rights and well being.

婦女動力基金支持及推動婦女及青少女權 益保障的工作。


annual report 2008-2009 年報

annual report 2008-2009 年報

Chair's Report 主席的話


Executive Committee Members & Staff 執行委員會成員及職員

Improving Quality of Work in the Face of Tremendous Challenges


Stepping into our 5th year, HER Fund has improved and consolidated many aspects of our work. Between the months of July 2008 and March 2009, HER Fund developed a strategic funding focus on the theme of economic justice after reviewing the development of local women's rights work and our strategic position in supporting the growth of the movement. In terms of target groups, we focus on supporting rights-based grassroots self-organizing women groups which have the least funding resources. We also encourage innovative and exploratory work with young girls as they too are largely neglected by the mainstream. Publicity and communications were enhanced through the publishing of a regular and quality E-newsletter and printed version to donors and network organizations, and we had an expansion of new contacts from schools, community groups and media through various 88 Days 2009 activities.



踏入第五個年頭,婦女動力基金不斷改善 及鞏固多方面的工作。在2008年7月至2009 年3月,婦女動力基金在檢視本地婦女權 益工作的發展及如何有效地推動婦女運動 後,決定集中並策略性以經濟平等作為主 要的撥款範疇。在有限的資源下,我們會 專注地支持缺乏資源的基層婦女權益/自助 組織,同時我們也鼓勵創新性及探索性的 青少女工作項目。

Hazel WONG - Chair Lin CHEW - Vice-Chair CHUNG Yuen Yi - Hon-Secretary Yanyan YIP - Hon-Treasurer Agnes CHAN

王佐芳 - 主席 周珠玲 - 副主席 鍾婉儀 - 榮譽秘書 葉 - 榮譽司庫 陳靜薇

在宣傳及通訊工作方面,我們定期地透過 電子通訊及印刷通訊與我們的捐款者及友 好團體溝通。在不同的籌款活動中,我們 透過學校、社區組織及傳媒的連繫,認識 了不少新朋友。



We also adopted a more diversified fund-raising strategy including the development of a web-based fundraising approach and cost effective local fundraising events and activities. With a limited number of staff, we are aided by a team of experienced and committed volunteers, making continuous effort on philanthropic education in order to raise local gender awareness as well as raise support from schools and community agencies. The effort has proven to be very encouraging and we have received much positive feedback for last year's work.

在過往一年,我們採用多元化的籌款策 略,包括以網上平台來籌款、具成本效益 的本地籌款活動等。在有限的員工人數 下,我們得到一班具豐富經驗及有承擔的 義工朋友協助我們繼續推動公義行善的教 育工作,提昇本地學生及團體對性別問題 的關注及支持。這些努力的成果令人感到 鼓舞﹗

Linda TO - Executive Director Judy KAN - Programme Officer Angie TSE - Fundraising Officer to March 2009 TANG Shuk On - Part-time Accounting Officer

杜潔麗 - 行政總監 簡佩坤 - 項目幹事 謝德愛 - 籌款幹事至2009年3月 鄧淑安 - 兼職會計文員

In terms of organizational development, various administrative systems have been put in place, including information management systems and a database. A cooperative staff team has also been formed with stable governance provided by the Board.

至於整體機構發展方面,我們的資訊管理 系統及資料庫已趨完善,大大有助我們日 常的運作。同時,執行委員會亦已組成緊 密合作及穩定參與的團隊。

We especially thank our sisters' funds – the Global Fund for Women and Mama Cash - for their grants. Our deepest appreciation also goes to our donors, volunteers, Distinguished Friends – Christine Fang, Anna Wu and Cyd Ho - our grantees, for their invaluable commitment, and our devoted Board and staff team.

我們衷心感謝美國環球婦女基金(Global Fund for Women)及荷蘭的媽媽現金基金 (Mama Cash)的資助及支持。我們亦深深感 激各位捐款者、義工、親善友好(方敏生太 平紳士、胡紅玉太平紳士、何秀蘭議員)、 資助伙伴、執行委員會及同事的投入與支 持。

At this critical time of the global financial downturn, HER Fund, while facing additional and pressing challenges ahead, is determined to continue working at her best for the rights of the least resourceful and the marginalized. It is the precious giving at a time like this that truly makes a difference to the lives of women and girls and making their voices to be heard.

在全球金融危機的影響下,婦女動力基金 雖然面對極大的挑戰,但仍會盡力支持缺 乏資源及邊緣化的婦女權益工作。我亦懇 切期待您的寶貴捐款,齊心同力讓青少女 及婦女的生活能得以改善。


annual report 2008-2009 年報

annual report 2008-2009 年報

Grant-making Innovative Initiatives on Grant-making work


It was a fruitful year, and we made a step forward in our grant-making work. In March 2008, our fifth grant cycle, HER Fund gave grants for 9 projects, totaling HKD265,000. Our focus was promoting women's rights at a grassroots level. At the same time, we continue to look for good partners to work with young girls.

我們在撥款工作上邁進了一大步。在去年 的第五年度撥款,婦女動力基金共資助了9 個項目計劃,資助額共港幣265,000。我們 繼續推動基層婦女權益工作的同時,也繼 續與關心青少女工作的團體合作,推動青 少女權益工作。

Two innovative initiatives on capacity-building of grassroots women's organizations were attempted during this period. This includes channeling designated funds to support the Grassroots Women's Platform, a collective community platform of 4 small women's organizations based in the district of Tuen Mun. HER Fund supports this newly-formed Grassroots Women's Platform by receiving local donations for them. The second initiative is soliciting funding from Oxfam Hong Kong to support a tailor-made capacity-building programme for 3 grassroots women's organizations which are also HER Fund's existing grantees. This pilot project aims to strengthen the capacity of core members in organizational building and enhance their ability to develop in a more sustainable way. This capacitybuilding program aims to further strengthen the local women's movements at the grassroots level.



同時婦女動力基金也開展了兩個與基層婦 女團體合作,就能力建立有關的工作項 目,第一:指定撥款項目 - 支持「籌辦民間 組織互助中心」。這個中心是由四個位於 屯門的民間婦女組織所成立的,但欠缺開 展的資源,故此婦女動力基金決定以「指 定撥款項目」的形式去支持,把所有指定 捐給「籌辦民間組織互助中心」的捐款, 均會轉交木綿社作為推動此計劃之用。 第二個創新性的工作項目是由香港樂施會 資助,為三個基層婦女自助團體安排度身 訂造的能力提升計劃,包括婦女貧窮關注 會 (低收入婦女)、同根社 (新移民婦女) 及香 港愛心保母協會 (照顧者服務)。此試驗性的 計劃是希望增強各婦女基層團體的能力及 未來持績性的發展。

Highlight of Projects of 2008/09 2008至09年度撥款項目剪影 Economic Rights and Justice for Women


Grassroots women not only have to take up the traditional role of "carer" in the family, they also have to earn a living for the family. However, many of them are in the low-income group, and they do not have any labour protection. These grassroots women contribute greatly to the economy and to their family, it is their rights to be treated with dignity, and with fairness protection, no matter in the economy, in the society or in the family.

現在的基層婦女,除了要擔當傳統的「照 顧者」角色外,更要外出工作幫補家計。 但她們不少為低收入、沒有工作保障的一 群。基層婦女對家庭、社會甚至香港的貢 獻是不容忽視,故此她們不論在工作上、 社會上及家庭內,都必須要受到有尊嚴的 對待,及公平的保障。

• Create a New Tuen Mun – Building A Grassroots Women's Community Network

• 共創屯門新天地 - 基層婦女社區互動網計劃

Partner: Concerning Group for Women Poverty Grant Amount: HKD30,000 Outline: Concerning Group for Women Poverty is an independent self-help organization which is organized by a group of grassroots women in Tuen Mun. HER Fund supported their training program last year and this year the trained members will organize and encourage deprived women in Tuen Mun to actively engage in networking, provide mutual support and advocacy work through street exhibitions, workshops, and initiating statements on related social policies.

合作伙伴: 婦女貧窮關注會 撥款金額: 港幣30,000 簡介: 婦女貧窮關注會為一群居於屯門 的基層婦女自助互助組織。去年 受過由基金會資助的培訓計劃 後,核心婦女將會成為本年項目 的組織者,主動地在屯門區舉行 街頭展覽、講座及向有關部門表 達意見,鼓勵區內經濟匱乏的婦 女共同參與社區,彼此互助,爭 取貧窮婦女的權益保障;同時讓 公眾認識貧窮的成因,減少歧 視。


annual report 2008-2009 年報


annual report 2008-2009 年報

• Domestic Helper Economic Empowerment Project

• 外地傭工經濟充權計劃

Empowerment of Young Girls and Young Women


Partner: Helpers for Domestic Helpers Grant Amount: HKD30,000 Outline: To provide training, legal advice, counseling, and lobbying with different organizations to help women foreign domestic helpers know and exercise their legal rights as migrant workers in Hong Kong.

合作伙伴: Helpers for Domestic Helpers 撥款金額: 港幣30,000 Helpers for Domestic Helpers 簡介: (HDH) 是一個關注外地傭工的組 織。是次計劃是向外傭提供培 訓、法律意見、輔導等服務,讓 她們了解及懂得運用作為一個外 傭應有的權利。

Young girls and young women are our future leaders for bringing social change. HER Fund promotes girls' rights positively and actively. We believe that their collective strength can promote equality and a better society for all. This is the second year to have a designated re-grant for girls' rights projects from Mama Cash. This ensures the importance and sustainability of girl's rights' work.

青少女為明日的社會棟樑,故我們積極推 動青少女權益工作,希望她們一起建立平 等關懷的社會。今年已是第二年獲得荷蘭 「媽媽基金」(Mama Cash)指定撥款資助, 肯定了青少女權益工作的重要性之餘,更 能建立持續性的發展。

• Am I a Mother?

• 我是媽「嗎」?

Partner: The Lutheran Church HK Synod Jockey Club Wah Ming Grant Amount: Lutheran Integrated Service Centre Outline: HKD30,000 The number of young mothers is increasing. Many young mothers are facing a lot of difficulties by being a mother at a young age (16-20). This project aims to invite mid-age mothers as volunteers to give advice and support to these young mothers. At the same time, workshops and exhibitions will be held to raise the sense of self-protection and safe sex knowledge of young girls in the community (Fanling), and also arouse people in the community to care about the needs of young mothers and to give them support instead of discriminating against them.

合作伙伴: 香港路德會社會服務處 撥款金額: 路德會賽馬會華明綜合服務中心 簡介: 港幣30,000 近年數字顯示,年輕少女未婚懷 孕的數字上升,她們都成為了年 輕媽媽。此計劃邀請婦女義工成 為年輕母親的同行者,支援她們 面對作為母親所遇到的問題及困 擾。同時也會以講座及街頭展 覽,讓粉嶺區內的青少女認識安 全性行為的重要性,並提高自我 保護意識及判斷能力之餘,也喚 起社區人士對年輕媽媽個人及家 庭的關注及支援。


annual report 2008-2009 年報


annual report 2008-2009 年報

• Peer Support of Ambassadors' Training Project for Young Girls on Anti-Sexual Violence (Behold of Red Caps) (Phase 2)

• 抱抱小紅帽 – 青少女Anti性暴力朋輩大使訓練 (第二期)

Association Concern of Sexual Violence Against Women 480 Partner: Grant Amount: Anti Sexual Violence Resource Centre Outline: HKD40,000 The project is for promoting community education on the prevention of sexual violence to teenage girls in Tin Shui Wai district. With a positive outcome last year, a second round of training will be given to a group of peer ambassadors. The peer ambassadors will organize community activities and outreaching visits to young girls in the community as well as encouraging survivors of sexual violence to seek help. In order to reduce the number of sexual violence cases, the peer ambassadors will also collect information on the black spots of sexual violence incidents, and will advocate the District Council to improve the existing problems.

合作伙伴: 關注婦女性暴力協會 撥款金額: 港幣 40,000 簡介: 培訓大專學生成為朋輩大使,在 天水圍區派發傳單,並搜集區內 的性暴力黑點的資料,向有關方 面反映,藉此減低性暴力事件的 發生。同時與基督教香港信義會 天水圍青少年外展社會工作隊合 辦工作坊,向區內青少女傳遞預 防性暴力的訊息,以減低性暴力 事件的發生,及使受到性暴力對 待的青少女敢於求助。此計劃去 年亦獲得本會的資助。

• Guardian Angel

• 守護天使 – 「接納包容、將心比心」

Partner: Evangelical Lutheran Church Tin Shui Wai Outreach Team Grant Amount: HKD32,000 Outline: Bullying of young girls has been identified as one of the serious problems in Tin Shui Wai. Girls who bully or have been bullied or have witnessed bullying incidents were recruited as "Guardian Angels". Awareness-raising workshops on the reasons and consequences of such violent behavior will be organized and vocational skills training will be conducted to enhance the girls' self-esteem and self-confidence. They will be encouraged to carry out community education events for residents in the community in order to prevent bullying against young girls.

合作伙伴: 基督教香港信義會天水圍青少年 撥款金額: 外展社會工作隊 簡介: 港幣32,000 近年天水圍區內少女集體欺凌風 氣盛行,此計劃透過招募青少女 的欺凌者、被欺凌者及曾目睹欺 凌行為的旁觀者成為守護天使, 讓她們了解暴力行為的成因及後 果,並以技能訓練來建立及培育 她們正面及價值觀。此計劃讓參 加者向區內人士宣揚「反暴力」 的訊息,以防止更多少女欺凌行 為的發生。

Political Participation and Rights of Marginalized Women


The voices and rights of marginalized women are often being neglected. It is important to promote the human rights for all women without discrimination on any grounds, and in all areas of life and work. Their voices and participation in policy decision making is crucial to create a just and open society.

弱勢和邊緣社群的婦女,她們的聲音和權 利往往會被忽視。能夠表達她們的聲音, 給予認同和肯定,是對推動兩性平等的重 要一步。

• Empowerment for a Better Future

• 自強半邊天

Partner: The Salvation Army Tuen Mun East Integrated Service for Grant Amount: Young People Outline: HKD18,000 This project targets single mothers receiving CSSA. Through vocational skills trainings, single mothers can realize and value their potential and ability which is an empowering experience for them. Meanwhile, the stories of these women will also be published with exhibition and sharing sessions to encourage people in the community to be more supportive and understanding to them, as well as acknowledge the mothers' contribution to society.

合作伙伴: 救世軍屯門東青少年綜合服務 撥款金額: 港幣18,000 簡介: 讓領取綜援的單親婦女透過職業 訓練來重新建立婦女們的自信和 能力感;製作有關婦女的生活影 音刊物,舉行展覽及分享會,讓 社區人士確認她們的貢獻,並予 以尊重、肯定和欣賞。

• Letter to Parents – Please Listen To Our Voice

• 給爸媽的信 – 請聽我們說說話

Partner: Women Coalition of HKSAR Grant Amount: HKD30,000 Outline: This project is going to publish a book of a collection of "Letters to Parents" written by women with alternative sexual orientation. The project aims to bring out the voices and the lives of the women to their family members and the book will act as a medium for greater understanding and recognition. A press conference will be held for the launch of the book and a short film will be released online to promote public awareness of the situation faced by women with alternative sexual orientation.

合作伙伴: 香港女同盟會 撥款金額: 港幣30,000 簡介: 收集由同性戀、雙性戀、跨性別 及其他非異性戀的女性寫給父母 的信,集合成書出版,讓她們有 機會將內心意願透過文字舒發出 來,出版此書能成為父母了解非 異性戀子女的重要渠道,及讓社 會大眾明白她們的處境。


annual report 2008-2009 年報

annual report 2008-2009 年報

Grant-making Briefing Session and Grantees Sharing Meeting 撥款簡介會及伙伴團體分享會議


• New Arrival Women Empowerment Project


Partner: New Arrivals Women League Grant Amount: HKD30,000 Outline: New Arrivals Women League is a self-help organization which is formed by a group of newly-arrived women from Mainland China. They help to solve the problems experienced by new women immigrants and help them to adapt to life in HK as well as provide mutual support through monthly meetings and a hotline. They also organize members to campaign for the rights of new immigrants by expressing their concerns to the Authority.

合作伙伴: 同根社 撥款金額: 港幣30,000 簡介: 同根社是由內地新來港婦女組成 的自助組織,主要幫助來港不足 7年的婦女或單親母親。透過月 會及熱線電話,幫助新來港婦女 解決生活上的問題及融入社會; 另外亦組織會員向有關當局表達 新來港婦女的應有權利。

• Women Social Participation Training Project


Partner: HK Federation of Women's Centres Grant Amount: HKD25,000 Outline: This project is to promote grassroots women's civic participation in the 2008 Legislative Council Election. By organizing workshops, interviews and meetings with LegCo election candidates, women are empowered to present their concerns and social issues related to their well-being in an effort to affect the candidates' orientation and policy formulation.

合作伙伴: 香港婦女中心協會 撥款金額: 港幣25,000 簡介: 藉著2008年立法會選舉,「婦女 公民訓練計劃」旨在增加本地婦 女的公民意識。定期舉辦工作坊 及與立法會候選人直接對話,鼓 勵婦女們表達與婦女相關的社會 議題,影響政策制定。

As in the past year, we held our Grant-making briefing session in November 2008. 21 organizations' representatives and organizers attended this briefing session. We introduced the grant-making criteria and procedure, and we also met different organizations who are concerned with women and young girls' rights.

一如以往,我們於2008年11月舉行了撥 款簡介會,有21個團體的代表及組織者參 加。除了能夠簡介撥款的程序外,也能認 識更多關心婦女及青少女權益的團體。

HER Fund held a grantees sharing meeting in May 2008. We invited the grantees of Year 2007/08 and Year 2008/09 to attend this meeting. They shared their fruitful working experiences and difficulties under the MTC (Making The Case) framework. In the past year, HER Fund also visited our grantees and participated in their programmes to know their needs and to provide support.

同時,婦女動力基金於2008年5月舉行 了伙伴團體分享會,邀請了2007/08年 度及2008/09年度的資助團體一起,以 MTC(Making The Case)來分享工作的成果 及困難。在過去一年,婦女動力基金定期 進行探訪及參與計劃內的活動,讓我們更 了解計劃及參加者的需要,作出適當的配 合。

A strategic review on Grant-making


After 5 annual grant cycles, the Executive Committee decided to review our grant-making work strategically in September 2008. Economic Justice for Women has always been one of our key grant-making themes. We also see the difficulties of grassroots' women organizations and their initiatives to get funding resources to support their work within the current Hong Kong context. Therefore, HER Fund decided to strategically prioritize our grantmaking in the next 3 years (Year 09/10 to Year 11/12) in making effective social change:

在5個年度的撥款工作後,婦女動力基金的 執行委員會在2008年9月決定策略性地檢視 撥款工作。經濟平等一直是婦女動力基金 的重點撥款範疇。而在資助計劃中,基層 婦女組織的工作項目在香港是非常缺乏資 源去開拓及發展。故此,婦女動力基金決 定在未來三年(09/10至11/12年度),集中並 策略性地作出撥款的優次,以更有效地作 出社會改變︰

1) Economic Justice, especially for rights-based grassroots women's groups/ organizations; 2) Projects with new marginalized groups, e.g. Young girls' rights-based projects and creative programmatic approaches or methodologies.

1) 經濟平等,特別是基層婦女權益/自助組 織; 2) 邊緣群體而創新性的工作,例如青少女 的權益工作項目、富創意的活動手法。


annual report 2008-2009 年報

annual report 2008-2009 年報

Raising Funds

2009/10 Grant-making Result 2009至10年度撥款

for Women and Girls' rights


Project 撥款項目

Partner 合作伙伴

Research on the Sex Lives of Women with Disabilities - A research on sex lives of women with disabilities. 女障性生活研究 - 透過研究及工作坊,了解及協助有殘疾婦女對性生活的感受及處境

Association of Women $21,000 with Disabilities Hong Kong 女障 (協助有行動障礙的婦女)

A Self-help Project for Women with CSSA - Training and empowerment program for CSSA women's recipients 綜援婦女自強計劃 - 給予接受綜援的婦女能力培訓,學習權益組織工作及領袖訓練。

Rights for Basic Living $30,000 Security Association 基本生活保障權益協會

Grassroots Women Mutual Help Project - A general grant to support their organizing work to encourage deprived women in Tuen Mun to actively engage in networking, provide mutual support and advocacy work. 同抗逆境 - 基層婦女社區互動網計劃 - 提供團體的運作經費及推展屯門區內經濟匱乏的婦女共同參與社 區、彼此互助、爭取權益的工作。

C o n c e r n i n g G ro u p fo r $30,000 Women Poverty 婦女貧窮關注會

New Arrival Women Empowerment Project - A general grant to assist new immigrant women to solve problems collectively and empowerment work. 同根再上路 - 新來港婦女充權計劃 - 提供團體運作經費及推展幫助新來港婦女解決生活問題、融入社會 及保障權益的工作。

N e w Wo m e n A r r i v a l s $30,000 League 同根社

Young Girls' Secrets - Action research project on young girls' sexual harassment problem and their experiences. 少女心事話你知 - 藉著以少女為本位的社區行動研究,探討及反映她們在性騷擾及性 侵犯的問題上的真實經驗及看法。

BGCA Ma On Shan East $26,320 Youth Integrated Service Centre 香港小童群益會馬鞍山東 青少年綜合服務中心

Stand Up, Girls: Action research on young girls' - Action research on young girls' perception on beauty and body image. 「姊姊妹妹站起來」社區行動研究計劃 - 期望透過一系列的工作坊、體驗活動及社區行動研究,讓青少女重 新檢視「美」的定義,並確立、提倡一套建基於女性自主的「美的 觀念」。

HKFYG Tsuen King Youth $30,000 S.P.O.T. 香港青年協會荃景青年空 間

Cyber Dating Research - Action research on Young Girls Cyber Dating to understand their point of views, and the effect on cyber dating. 「網上情謎探秘坊」網上交友研究 - 與青少女探究網上交友的心態及網上交友對她們的影響,讓青少女 了解自己所面對的不公平現象。

Y M C A Ko r n h i l l C e n t re $16,600 Integrated Service Centres 香港中華基督教青年會康 怡會所


Grant Amount (HKD) 撥款金額(港幣) Last year, HER Fund experienced great challenges in raising resources for our work. We deeply appreciate the unfailing support from our donors and supporters that we were able to sustain our level of grant-making to continuously supporting valuable projects for women and girls' rights. HER Fund appreciates the continuous support of a general grant and a young girls re-grant project from Mama cash (International women's fund based in Netherlands) and a 3-year core grant support from Global Fund for Women. The resources allowed HER Fund to develop our organizational capacity and to establish a stable and well-organized infrastructure as a women's fund for building local resources to advance rights for women and girls.

受著金融海嘯及社會環境的影響,本會去 年在籌募善款工作上實在是面對很大的挑 戰,我們衷心的感謝持續支持我們工作和 理想的捐款者及支持朋友,讓基金會能夠 籌得維持過往水平的款項,持續地資助婦 女及青少女權益保障的工作項目。 基金會深切感謝一直資助我們在恆常開支 及組織發展上的國際婦女基金會,包括荷 蘭的Mama Cash及美國的環球婦女基金。此 外,Mama Cash亦再次撥款資助青少女工作 項目,讓本會的工作進一步可平穩發展本 地籌募資源的工作。


annual report 2008-2009 年報

annual report 2008-2009 年報

A Cyber Year of Local Fundraising 本地籌款 – 網上動力的一年

HER Fund made several innovative attempts in face of the unfavorable economic climate to effectively mobilize resources in local fundraising. It was a cyber strategy of which we were able to raise a total amount of HKD230,000 on local donations.

在不太理想的大環境下,基金會在去年作 出多項創新嘗試及運用網上媒體的方式有 效地推動本地籌募善款的工作。透過網上 不同方法籌款及個人捐款者的支持,我們 去年共籌得港幣23萬元。

Through technological advances, we made donating easier with new measures including an online donation device (payment gateway), a new donation form with freepost, a 7-11 barcode donation, and Wisegiving (local donation website), etc.

去年,我們增添了不少既容易又簡便的捐 款方式,方便捐助者捐款支持,包括網上 信用咭捐款、繳費靈、回郵捐款表格及7-11 拍拍咭捐款等。

In May last year, a specially-designed fundraising E-card for Mother's Day's was produced and sent to our donors and our network.

在五月期間,本會製作了一款母親節的電 子心意咭,呼籲向母親表達愛意的同時, 亦可做善事,為其他的母親送上支持,保 障婦女的權益。

We took advantage of the election of HK's legislature in September and focused on the theme of women's political participation; a donation appeal letter was sent to raise funds for this cause.

九月立法會選舉後,本會亦發信呼籲公義 行善,透過捐助,支持並推動婦女政治參 與,讓女性,特別是基層婦女可有更多的 空間和權力參與政策制定。

A web-based fundraising campaign was launched for our flagship, 88 Days Campaign 2008-09 with the theme of Securing Women's Livelihood. A special website was created and through various innovative online fundraising activities, including online auction, e-card, online donation appeal and DIY fundraising events and fundraising classes, we were able to successfully raise over HK $100,000 for making grants to local projects for women's rights.

由去年12月10日至09年3月8日,本會舉行 每年的重點籌款運動 – 88•38行動 – 保障 婦女生計、以行動肯定女性的貢獻。這次 透過一系列的網上籌募活動,包括網上拍 賣、寄發電子咭、電子呼籲信、自發小型 籌款活動及興趣班等,在這88日中,我們 共籌得港幣10萬元的善款,作為年度撥款 資助婦女權益項目的用途。

Take action to acknowledge their contributions

Secure WOMEN’s


保障婦女生計 加入




annual report 2008-2009 年報

annual report 2008-2009 年報

Young Women Support HER 青年女性組織的支持


Education Work and Communications 教育及通訊工作

St. Mary's Canossian College Zonta Z Club helped to raise funds for HER Fund

嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院祟德社為婦女 動力基金籌款

To celebrate the March 8 International Women's Day and to raise student awareness of women's right, St. Mary's Canossian College Zonta Z Club invited us to give a talk on the status of women in Hong Kong for their students on 3rd March 2009. Students also held a charity sale of roses on 6th March, 2009 raising donations for HER Fund. This is the second year they raised funds for HER Fund. We would like to thank the teachers and students of St. Mary's Canossian College for their support!

為慶祝三八婦女節及喚起同學對本地婦女 權益的關注,嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院祟德社邀 請我們於3月3日,向二十多位同學介紹本 地兩性平等的情況及講解推動婦女權益的 重要性。同學們更於3月6日在校內舉行玫 瑰花義賣活動,為本會籌款。感謝嘉諾撒 聖瑪利書院全體師生的支持﹗

University of Hong Kong Simon K.Y. Lee Hall Rainbow Village Dorm Residents

香港大學李國賢堂4樓 Rainbow Village女宿生

An annual gathering was held by the young ladies on the fourth floor "Rainbow Village" of the University of Hong Kong Simon K.Y. Lee Hall on 10th April 2008. All proceeds totaling $6,862 from that night were donated to HER Fund. We appreciate all present dorm residents and alumni of Rainbow Village for their generosity and support to HER Fund!

香港大學李國賢堂4樓 Rainbow Village宿舍 的女生及宿友們於2008年4月10日舉行了周 年聚會。她們把當晚扣除開支的收入全數 港幣$6,862捐助本會。此外,她們亦積極支 持「88•38行動」中的籌款興趣班,我們 衷心感謝Rainbow Village 的新舊宿生對婦女 動力基金的支持及對本地婦女狀況之關懷 ﹗

A team of 12 registered social workers/ community workers has been formed as our volunteer team for educational work in schools. Between December 08 to March 2009, they conducted gender related talks in secondary schools and successfully built direct contacts with a network of secondary girls' schools. HER Fund delivered 5 talks /workshops reaching over 1500 students in secondary girls' schools including St. Mary Canossian College, Precious Blood Secondary School, Ying Wah Girls School, Our Lady of the Rosary College.

本會去年在12月至3月期間,於不同的中學 包括寶血女子中學、嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校、 英華女學校、聖母玫瑰書院等,舉辦了五 次共1500名學生的性別教育講座及工作 坊,有賴12位註冊社工的義務協助,將性 別平等的訊息從日常生活中的處境及現況 與同學分享,提升對性別問題的認識,鼓 勵她們關心婦女的權益問題。

Reaching out to community and frequent communication allowed us to promote local support to women and girls‘ rights work. We continue with our regular E-news and printed newsletter, and more, in last year, we successfully built rapport with various local bookshops, cafés, and community centers who are willing to provide free space for us to place our newsletters for distribution to their customers. As for media communications, we also held press meetings in last December, with specific angle on current social issues and was successful in attracting media coverage to promote our 88 Days Campaign online auction and local concern on women rights' issues.

與社區中不同的團體、社群、商戶的持續 連繫及接觸是本會工作的重要一環。我們 透過定期發放的電子通訊及每半年出版一 次的印刷版通訊,將本會的消息及工作發 放及推廣。去年開始,我們的通訊可在不 同的地點包括多間書屋、咖啡室及社區中 心等派發。至於傳媒的宣傳工作上,去年 在「88•38行動」中,我們透過記者會等 工作聯繫,主動向外界介紹本會工作及有 關的籌款活動,同時亦就著不同的婦女議 題,在電子傳媒中推動社會對婦女權益及 性別平等的關注。


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annual report 2008-2009 年報

Volunteering 發展義工網絡


Local Networking and International 本地及國際網絡

Volunteers are always important resources to HER Fund. Last year, our volunteers became involved in different aspects of work.

義工是婦女動力基金的重要人力資源。與 以往不同,我們的義工於今年參與更多不 同種類的工作。

A team of 12 registered social workers/ community workers has been formed as our volunteer team for educational work in schools. They have been conducting gender-related talks in secondary schools and building direct contacts with a network of secondary girls' schools.

由12位註冊社工及社區工作員組成的義工 小組進行學校教育工作。他們於女子中學 內舉辦了5次的性別教育講座及工作坊,提 昇青少女的性別平等意識,並與學校建立 了直接聯繫,以便往後日子繼續合作。

From the 88 Days Campaign, we have recruited numerous voluntary tutors to hold classes for raising funds, this include line dancing, bakery, self made environmental friendly face cream, lotion, lipsticks, etc. We keep developing human resources in this way to involve community support and mobilize resources to our work after the 88 Days Campaign.

今年的「88•38行動」內,我們首次邀請 了義務導師舉辦興趣班,為基金會籌募更 多善款。在「88•38行動」完成後,我們 繼續發掘更多義務導師,發展她們所長之 餘,締造更多本地籌款的網絡。

There is also a second network of volunteers, mainly consisting of 30 individual women and men from diversified backgrounds and age groups who had helped in past events. We conducted 2 volunteer training sessions in November 2008 before the 88 Days Campaign. This network of volunteers mostly assisted HER Fund for different types of one-off fundraising events, publicity work and office administration.

另外,我們有為數約30人的義工團隊,他 們在去年積極協助婦女動力基金的籌款活 動、出版及辦公室的工作,在此感謝他們 過去所付出的努力﹗

Women's Funding Network (WFN) Annual Meeting in Washington D.C.

婦女基金網絡周年大會 – 美國首都華盛頓 2008年4月

With sponsorship from Women's Funding Network (WFN), our fundraising officer Angie and Program officer, Judy attended the annual meeting of WFN held in Washington D.C. in April 2008. Representing HER Fund, Angie was invited to speak at one of the plenary session. We were honored to be able to share about the conditions of women in Asia and Hong Kong and to introduce HER Fund to the attendees from all over the world. A very valuable capacity building opportunity for our staff as well as a great opportunity to meet with sisters from women's funds all over the world.

獲婦女基金網絡(WFN)的贊助,本會籌款幹 事謝德愛及項目幹事簡佩坤代表本會出席 是次大會,並在大會研討會上分享有關香 港及亞洲地區的婦女處境,同時亦向參加 者介紹本會的工作。出席是次會議有助促 進本會與其他各國的婦女基金加強交流, 本會實獲益良多!

Peer Learning between HER and Mongolian Women's Fund

與外蒙古婦女基金的交流、學習 活動

With the support of International Network of Women's Fund's peer learning scholarship and Mama Cash regional grant, an exchange was conducted between HER Fund and the Mongolian Women's Fund (Mones) last year. HER Fund visited Mones in June 2008 and Mones new staff visited HER Fund in October. The exchange was a successful exercise for fruitful peer learning.

作為朋輩學習及強化區域的交流工作,本 會感謝婦女基金國際網絡(INWF)及Mama Cash的贊助,與外蒙婦女基金會在去年六 月及十月進行交流探訪,在過程中,彼此 學習有關籌款及策略性撥款的知識、工作 方法及組織發展經驗分享。


annual report 2008-2009 年報


annual report 2008-2009 年報

Peer Learning between HER and Mongolian Women's Fund

與外蒙古婦女基金的交流、學習 活動

With the support of International Network of Women's Fund's peer learning scholarship and Mama Cash regional grant, an exchange was conducted between HER Fund and the Mongolian Women's Fund (Mones) last year. HER Fund visited Mones in June 2008 and Mones new staff visited HER Fund in October. The exchange was a successful exercise for fruitful peer learning.

作為朋輩學習及強化區域的交流工作,本 會感謝婦女基金國際網絡(INWF)及Mama Cash的贊助,與外蒙婦女基金會在去年六 月及十月進行交流探訪,在過程中,彼此 學習有關籌款及策略性撥款的知識、工作 方法及組織發展經驗分享。

Asian Network of Women's Funds


The Asian Network of Women's Funds met at Association for Women in Development (AWID) Forum and further concretized the proposal initiated at the last regional meeting (in India, March, 2008) to develop a collaborative fundraising initiative. The Asian Funds network is working on a joint proposal to organize a regional symposium on "Mobilizing Resources for Women's Rights Work in Asian region". Work to invite potential donors and building partnership to organize the symposium is still in progress.

去年11月地區網絡在南非開普頓「婦女人 權發展會議」舉行期間,進行會議,商討 合作籌辦亞洲區研討會,就婦女人權工作 的資源現況進行研討及論壇,希望呼籲更 多國際基金會的關注。此研討會仍在籌備 階段。

Association for Women in Development (AWID) International Forum


In November 2008, the Executive Director Linda To and the Fundraising Officer Angie Tse attended the AWID Forum in Cape Town, South Africa. About 2000 women gathered to celebrate the achievements of the women's movement struggle and to share knowledge and thoughts for future development. Attending the AWID forum and the various sessions provided us the opportunity to learn about the situation of women and women's rights issues in the global context. We were able to build network, sharing of information and experiences with other women's NGOs and activists groups that brought new insights and resources to our work in HER Fund.

去年11月,基金會行政總監杜潔麗及籌款 幹事謝德愛一同出席是次國際會議,有超 過二千名來自世界各地的婦女及年青女性 參與並一起分享及交流有關推動女性人權 保障運動及未來的組織工作策略。我們更 藉此機會與各國代表建立聯繫並在交流中 增進我們在宣傳、推廣及籌款工作上的知 識。

International Network of Women's Fund – Members Assembly


The Executive Director Linda To representing HER Fund attended International Network of Women's Fund annual members meeting in Cape Town before the AWID conference in November 2008. All INWF members' funds reported their own region development in 2007-08 and their future planning, work report from the INWF secretariat, and the report on members' funds survey.

婦女人權發展會議舉行前數天,婦女基金 國際網絡在開普頓舉行周年會員大會,基 金會行政總監杜潔麗代表出席是次會議, 滙報亞洲區的工作進展及參與網絡就來年 發展等議題的討論,網絡增加了不少新成 員,亦透過此機會互相認識及交流。


annual report 2008-2009 年報

annual report 2008-2009 年報

Organizational Development 機構發展

Your Donation Makes A Difference 您的捐助帶來不一樣的改變

HER Fund benefited from our committed and stable Executive Committee leadership, who gave clear policy direction to the running of the fund. Our executive members involved in our Grant-making and Fundraising subcommittee met regularly to formulate strategic priorities and to provide monitoring and supportive role as well as sharing their expertise on related aspects in the subcommittees.

基金會有賴執委會的穩定參與及領導,讓 我們在清晰的方向及目標下,向前發展。 執委會成員分別在籌款及撥款的專責委員 會中參與,並運用她們的專長及經驗,協 助推動有關工作及訂定策略,同時亦擔當 著監察及支援發展的角色。

The staff team has become more specialized, developing various aspects of work on grant-making, fundraising, communication and administration. There were several staff capacity building opportunities during the year allowing staff to have exposure to international and regional women's funds' exchange program and conferences.

在過去一年,職員在工作上更趨專責,包 括撥款、籌款、通訊、教育、行政等範疇 推行有關的工作。本會亦提供不少的能力 培訓機會讓職員參與,包括出席外國會議 及本港舉行的訓練工作坊、研討會等,讓 職員進修知識和技能的同時,亦促進本會 更有效地推展工作。

Yet, HER Fund after the restructuring of staff and division of work since March 2009, each staff has to bear multiple responsibilities. Fortunately, HER Fund's administrative system has established and with well organized communication and database systems that could be easily managed by our small staff team, and at the same time, maintaining the level of our work output effectively. HER Fund also was gifted with the help of volunteers who supported some office work on a regular basis and conducted small scale fundraising events as well as supporting our community educational work.

然而,在2009年3月進行人力架構調整之 後,職員的工作量更繁重,幸好本會的基 本運作及檔案系統已上了軌道,故此亦能 有效地平穩發展,我們更要衷心感謝義工 們的幫助,有賴她/他們的支持和付出, 協助推行籌款、社區教育、行政支援等工 作,讓我們能持續地向前發展。

Christine Fang JP, Chief Executive Officer of the HK Council of Social Service, our Distinguished Friend: "HER Fund is playing an important role to support pioneering initiatives and to network different sectors in promoting women's rights, empowering women who are suffering from discrimination and poverty."

Phyllis Wong, our donor: "I support HER Fund for I share her vision and mission in promoting gender justice and equality for women. My action of support is to show solidarity with friends who have been committed for such cause!"


香港社會服務聯會行政總裁,親善友好︰ 婦女動力基金一直擔當著重要的角色,不 單資助各項創新服務,並聯繫各界力量推 動婦女權益,關愛飽受歧視和貧窮困擾的 婦女。


捐助人︰ 支持婦女動力基金,源自認同推動性別公 義與婦女平等的理念和目標。並且將這份 對姊妹的認同與感動,化為行動。


our donor and volunteer: There aren't a lot of local organizations that concern women's rights. By donating to HER Fund, I hope I can help local women in need.

義工及捐助人︰ 在本地並不多團體是關注婦女權益的,透 過捐款支持婦女動力基金,我希望可以幫 助本地有需要的女性。

B. B., Filipino domestic worker,

B. B.,菲律賓傭工,

layoff by the employer because she rejected his sexual harassment: "Before seeking help from HDH, I felt very confused, because I did not know what to do." HDH was HER Fund grantee - 2008-09

因拒絕僱主性侵犯而被解僱︰ 沒有來HDH之前,我覺得很混亂,因為我根 本不知道自己可以點做。HDH是2008-09本 會的資助伙伴。

Grace, a single mother receiving CSSA,


a member of the Women Poverty Concern Group (HER Fund grantee 2007-09): "After voicing out my opinion in the campaigning process, the experience made me realized that we have the power to express our concerns directly."

婦女貧窮關注會會員︰ 就是因為這次爭取,表達自己的意見後, 發現我們原來都可以直接表達。(關注會是 本會2007-09資助伙伴)

A young mother,


participant of the project "Am I a Mother?" Project supported by HER Fund: I feel more positive and willing to plan my future for myself and for my kid.

A woman volunteer, volunteer of the project "Am I a Mother?" Project supported by HER Fund: Through being with them, I came to understand more about our young girls' – their feelings and their values.



「我是媽嗎?」支援年輕婦女計劃參加者 (計劃由本會資助)︰ 覺得自已做人處事比前積極,更願意為自 己及小孩的未來生活作打算。


「我是媽嗎?」支援年輕婦女計劃參加者 (計劃由本會資助)︰ 對青少年的價值觀有更多的了解,透過接 觸更明白她們的感受。


annual report 2008-2009 年報


annual report 2008-2009 年報


annual report 2008-2009 年報


annual report 2008-2009 年報


annual report 2008-2009 年報

annual report 2008-2009 年報

Acknowledgements 鳴謝 Heartfelt thanks to the following foundations, corporations, organizations and friends for their generous support in the past year. Thank you!

感謝以下基金會、企業、團體及支持者在 過往一年給予婦女動力基金慷慨的支持及 鼓勵,謝謝﹗

贊助基金 Foundations

企業 Corporations 覺特氏有限公司 Cottus Company Limited eFaith Company Ltd Guru Online Hong Kong Dollarsaver 著數時代Jetsotimes Limited La Nue Fashion & Lingerie 新城廣播電台 Metro Broadcast 凝出版 Omni Publishing 柯伍陳律師事務所 ONC Lawyers 人民公社 People's Recreation Community 尚書房 Siqno-Books Limited Sky Wave Service Co., Ltd Teddy Kids The Factory Limited UBS AG HK 樂活廚房 Yves Kitchen Country House 開益書店 義務法律顧問 Honorary Legal Advisor 林子姻 Lam Tze-yan 政府部門及團體 Government Departments and Organizations 義務工作發展局 Agency for Volunteer Service Fondo Alquimia 民政事務署 Home Affairs Department 好心網 HO-SUM Organization 蒙古婦女基金會 MONES 尼泊爾婦女基金會TEWA 香港社會服務聯會 The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 香港排球總會 Volleyball Association of Hong Kong, China 心意社 香港大學李國賢堂Rainbow Village 嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院崇德社St. Mary Cannosian College Zonta Z Club 婦女動力基金親善友好 HER Distinguished Friends 胡紅玉 Anna Wu 方敏生 Christine Fang 何秀蘭 Cyd Ho



呂麗君 文國輝 王雅倫 王遠翱 伍佩玲 朱志強 朱佩珊 何少琼 何麗芳 李媚 李曉燕 杜佩怡 杜美萍 杜潔愛 杜潔塋 周太 林太 樂善者 林祖名 林傳芃 林麗玲 社工同學 胡文龍 唐熙 區結蓮 張敏儀 梁世光 梁珏曾 莫慶聯 許寶強 陳志威 陳惠芳 陳港榮 陳嘉賢 陳潔貞 曾嘉燕 游達裕 黃展坤 劉華康 鄭少佳 霍婉紅 伍先生 陳太 蘇太 黃來仙 梁富文 陳盈珊 童昭安

Individuals Ada Luk Agnes Chan Agnes Ng Ann To Anna Wu April To Canadian International School HK Catherine Ng Cecilia Chan Chan Ka wing Chan Kwan Ngai Chan Shiu Kan Chan Siu Ming Chan Tsz Pan, Walter Cherie Ng Chau Yin Man Cheung Bo Yu, Bonnie Chew Choo Lin Choi Ching Yan Joy Chung Yuen Yi Cooley Linda Cristiano Cordeiro Echo Chow Eliza Chung Fan Lap Hin Francesco Calabrese Fred Lam Hyun Joo Oh Irene B. Ocampo Ivy Chan James Lam Jenny Ting Kan Pui Kuen Kat Li Kay Chung Kelly Wong Koo Yuen Ting Lai Mei Kwan Lam Chuen Ping Lam Tze Yan Law Yat Ping Lee Wing Yin Lee Yue Kuen Leung Tsz Yan, Lilian Liu Hoi Yan Marden Anne Margaret Chow May Yau Mendy Tang

Mueller Annie Nanny Calabrese Ng Evelyn G. H. Olivier Lejeune Paulwin Wong Rainbow Lau Rosanne Yau Samantha Butler Sarah Huang Simpson Lui Lok Man Tang Pui Yee Tang Shuk On Teresa Yuen Tina Thiart Tsang On Fu Clara Tse Tak Oi Valerie Wong Venus Hung Wan Runn Bing Wong Mei Fung Wong Suet Yee Yau Pui Shan Yuen Bick Yue


annual report 2008-2009 年報

Email 電郵: Mail Address: 地址: Phone 電話: Fax 傳真: Website 網址: 32

info@herfund.org.hk Flat C01, 13/F, Hang Cheong Factory Building, 1 Wing Ming Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong 香港九龍長沙灣永明街1號恒昌工廠大廈13樓C01室 (852) 2794 1100 (852) 2396 7488 www.herfund.org.hk

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