Coronavirus Health News Sept 2020

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Health A-Z


Drugs & Suplements

Interactive Tools


How bad is the coronavirus outbreak in North East England?


Fury grew today in the North East as it emerged

Europe’s second spike of Covid-19 is still only a TENTH of the size of the crisis in spring

there are only narrow margins between parts of the region set to be hit with...

The second wave of coronavirus rolling across Europe is still only a tenth of the size of the first, data suggests. Some...

Just 1,800 out of 110,000 occupied hospital beds are currently taken up by Covid-19 patients Covid-19 patients are currently occupying fewer than 2 per cent of all hospital beds in England, official data suggests. The...



Confusion ‘is a major symptom of Covid19 in frail older people’

Covid-19: Impact on Israel

Suddenly feeling confused and delirious is a common symptom of Covid-19 among frail older people, scientists have found. Officials...

Covid-19: How will the pandemic affect global health in

Covid-19: How winter exercise could help us cope with pandemic 2021? Is it wise to carry on shielding in the 12 weeks between your first and second jabs? Thousands at risk of blindness set to benefit from a new eye

Britons drank more alcohol than usual during the lockdown but smoked less, study reveals

Care homes are waiting up to THREE WEEKS weeks to get their coronavirus test results

Britons drank alcohol more than usual during lockdown but there was a rise in the number of people who gave up cigarettes,...

Care homes are waiting up to three weeks to get their coronavirus test results, it was claimed today as the UK’s swabbing...

drug HEALTH NOTES: Surge in patients admitted to hospital for alcohol-related liver disease I caught Covid from a hospital, we must give all NHS workers the jab My chest pains are terrifying How many have to die before Britain tackles its black and Asian organ donor crisis? A couch potato took part in experiment on boosting immunity

UK’s 10pm curfew won’t work unless drinkers are told to leave pubs at staggered times Britain’s hotly-contested 10pm curfew will not curb the spread of coronavirus unless pubs enforce staggered leaving...

Britain announces more Covid-19 deaths for Wednesday

‘Covid loves a crowd… so stay at home this New Year’s Eve’

Britain today recorded 7,108 more coronavirus cases and another 71 deaths — including a threemonth high of seven in Scotland. The...

"tsunami" of Covid cases.

says NHS boss Professor Hugh Montgomery says hospitals are facing a Face masks: How to wear one correctly ‘We filmed our dad’s final months to help people’ JOANNA HALL’S 30-day exercise plan to kickstart your New Year New mutant coronavirus strain IS more contagious by nearly

Understanding the effect of aging on the genome

The ancient Neanderthal hand in severe COVID-19

The key is to first observe and measure. In a paper published in Cell Reports, scientists led by Johan Auwerx at EPFL started...

There are several factors that influence a person’s susceptibility to having a severe reaction, such as their age and...

Shedding light on how urban grime affects chemical reactions in cities

Innovative model improves Army humanagent teaming

Many city surfaces are coated with a layer of soot, pollutants, metals, organic compounds and other molecules known as “urban...

ADELPHI, Md. — Army researchers developed a novel computational model for gathering cognitive data that may be a game...

‘Street’ ERTs are more useful in predicting companies’ future tax outcomes, study finds

A single-application treatment for ear infections that doesn’t need refrigeration

50% DR MICHAEL MOSLEY launches a new series to make 2021 your healthiest year yet Allergists offer reassurance regarding potential allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines Putty-like composites of gallium metal with potential for realworld application

IMAGE: Erik Beardsley, assistant professor of accountancy at Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business ...

Outer ear infections, which affect millions of people each year, are typically caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa...

NASA imagery reveals Kujira transitioning into an extratropical cyclone

Study links low immunity to poor outcomes in patients with HIV who contract COVID-19

IMAGE: On Sept. 30 at 0300 UTC (Sept. 29 at 11 p.m. EDT), the MODIS instrument aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite provided...

Clinical trials are testing whether medications that treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can also treat COVID-19, leading...

Study looks at encoding the odor of cigarette smoke

Drugs aren’t typically tested on women. AI could correct that bias

A recent publication in the Journal of Neuroscience by a group of researchers at the University of Kentucky looks at Encoding...

Researchers at Columbia University have developed AwareDX–Analysing Women At Risk for Experiencing Drug toXicity–a...

Nanoparticle drug-delivery system developed to treat brain disorders

Covid-19 survivor: ‘Doctors said my son saved my life’

Breast screening: One million women in UK may have missed scans

A mother-of-two who spent 45 days on a ventilator

Almost one million women in the UK have missed

after contracting coronavirus has said her son saved

vital breast screening due to coronavirus, a leading

her life by making...

charity has estimated. Breast...

Coronavirus: NHS well stocked for ventilators this winter

‘No reason’ for egg freezing 10-year storage limit

The NHS now has 30,000 ventilators that can help

The 10-year limit for storing eggs frozen for social

people breathe if they are very unwell with

reasons could be scrapped to give people

coronavirus. That is about...

concerned about declining fertility...

Drone carries kidneys a record 10 miles across the Nevada desert Kidneys were flown a record 10 miles across the

Treat your body and tickle your tastebuds… these mouthwatering recipes could transform your life

Nevada desert by drone earlier this month, setting a

Inflammation is the greatest health risk we all face,

record for unmanned...

and lies at the root of many common and serious conditions — and...

Nearly 15% of US adults are uninsured with most saying it is because coverage is too expensive

Nerve cells let others ‘listen in’

Nearly 15% of US adults are uninsured: Two-thirds of under-30s and more than 80% of older adults can’t afford healthcare,...

If you want to share a secret with a friend in a busy environment, you may try to find a quiet spot, close the doors and...

Identical signs of brain damage in sleep apnea and Alzheimer’s

Fine-tuning stem cell metabolism prevents hair loss

While the cause of Alzheimer’s disease remains a mystery, amyloid plaques that are toxic to brain cells are known indicators...

Every day, tissues such as the skin and its hair follicles are exposed to environmental damage like ultraviolet radiation....

Gut microbiome may influence how cancer patients respond to oral therapies, study suggests

In deadly COVID-19 lung inflammation, BU researchers discover a culprit in NFkB

IMAGE: Brendan Daisley, a PhD candidate at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine Dentistry who is...

Scientists at Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL) and the Center for Regenerative...

Wasp egg-laying organ inspires new tool to reduce trauma in minimally invasive surgery

Counties with persistent poverty rates experience higher rates of cancer deaths

A new tissue-transport device which was inspired by the egg-laying organs of parasitic wasps could greatly advance the field...

Chronically understudied, fences hold grave ecological threats Fences are one of humanity’s most frequent landscape alterations, with their combined length exceeding even that of...

UM171 saves another life In a world first, a young man suffering from severe aplastic anemia who could not be helped by standard treatments has been...

Background: Persistent poverty means that a county has had poverty rates of 20 percent or more in U.S. Census data from 1980,...

Hackensack Meridian CDI scientists find one-two punch for preclinical cancer models IMAGE: The Hackensack Meridian Center for Discovery and Innovation (CDI) view more Credit: (courtesy of Hackensack...

Predator-prey interaction study reveals more food does not always mean more consumption Scientists at the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center have developed an unusually rich picture of who is eating whom...

Coronavirus US: Elderly excluded from 50% drug, all vaccine trials

Coronavirus: Breast milk may protect babies from infection

Americans over 65 were excluded from half of all US clinical trials of drugs and all trials for vaccines – including...

Breast milk could be protective against coronavirus – even WITHOUT antibodies against the disease, Chinese lab study...

COVID-19 patients are now three times less likely to have highly infectious levels of the virus

Can a hi-tech gym kit really boost a workout and prevent injury?

COVID-19 patients are now three times LESS likely

Sweat-wicking, fast-drying, energy-boosting —

to have highly infectious levels of the virus

these are just some of the claims made for the ever-

compared to the early days...

growing range of ‘wellness...

Coronavirus US: Pandemic causes spike in drug overdose deaths

Coronavirus US: College-age cases have DOUBLED in many areas

Drug overdose deaths have spiked in the US due to

Over the last month, coronavirus cases among

the continuing coronavirus pandemic, a new report

American 18- to 22-year-olds surged by 55 percent

finds. A total of 42...

nationwide, with case rates...

Woman who lost NOSE to skin cancer has amazing nasal reconstruction

Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines works safely in older people data suggests

A woman who lost her entire nose due to skin

Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine triggered a strong

cancer was able to have doctors reconstruct a new

antibody response in older adults, and only triggered

one for her. In 2016, Sabrina...


Memory training for the immune system At the same time, these cells will gain certain

Complex interplay among cells guides them to where they need to go

functions, that enable them to destroy other cells,

The researchers built a mathematical model to

that are e.g. infected...

describe the interactions within a layer of cells on a substrate, similar to...

Study suggests link between unexplained miscarriages and how women perceive men’s body odor The results could lead to urgently needed answers for many women who experience repeat miscarriage with no clear underlying...

Genetic risk of developing obesity is driven by variants that affect the brain “Our results provide evidence that biological processes outside the traditional organs investigated in obesity research,...

Discovery enables adult skin to regenerate like a newborn’s

Wearable exosuit that lessens muscle fatigue could redesign the future of work

In a study, published in the journal eLife on Sept. 29, the researchers identified a factor that acts like a molecular switch...

The article describing the experiment and findings, “Low-Profile Elastic Exosuit Reduces Back Muscle Fatigue,”...

Many ventilation systems may increase risk of COVID-19 exposure, study suggests

Social media use linked with depression, secondary trauma during COVID-19

A team from the University of Cambridge found that widely-used ‘mixing ventilation’ systems, which are designed...

“We found that social media use was rewarding up to a point, as it provided informational, emotional and peer support...

Generating renewable hydrogen fuel from the sea

Study supports airborne spread of COVID-19 indoors

IMAGE: Here is a visual representation of how ion movement is affected by a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane versus a...

New research from the University of Georgia supports growing evidence for airborne transmission of COVID-19 in enclosed spaces. Researchers...

Exosome treatment improves recovery from heart attacks in a preclinical study

Two pesticides approved for use in US harmful to bees

IMAGE: Jianyi “Jay ” Zhang view more Credit: UAB BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Science has long...

A previously banned insecticide, which was approved for agricultural use last year in the United States, is harmful for bees...

New fire containment research addresses risk and safety

Drug found to correct gene defect that causes immune-driven gut leakiness

IMAGE: A look at the Cameron Peak Fire plume, taken in Rocky Mountain National Park on Sept. 5, 2020. view more Credit:...

RIVERSIDE, Calif. — A team of researchers led by biomedical scientist Declan F. McCole at the University of California,...

New technologies link treatments to the patients who need them the most

210 scientists highlight state of plants and fungi in Plants, People, Planet special issue

IMAGE: Dr. Jennifer Dahne holds smartphoneenabled devices that help patients participate in smoking cessation clinical...

Giving babies Weetabix from four months ‘worth more research’

IMAGE: Five broad themes that encompass the State of the World’s Plants and Fungi report 2020 are featured in...

Jet suit paramedic tested in the Lake District ‘could save lives’

Introducing gluten to a baby’s diet before six months

Media captionWatch the jet suit being tested in

may prevent children developing coeliac disease,

mountain terrain A jet suit for paramedics which

research suggests. The...

would see patients...

Maternity units ‘too defensive’ and failing to learn from mistakes

Flu jab waits and delays amid high demand

Some maternity units are too defensive when births

Some GPs and pharmacies have run out of flu jabs

go wrong and causing a danger to patients, the chief

and are asking people to wait until more stock can

inspector of hospitals...

be delivered. Boots...

People who regularly use acid reflux drugs are 24% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes

‘Helicopter’ parent? You may actually have OCD

People who regularly use acid reflux drugs are 24%

safety, Gini Wilde was assured by her friends that

more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, study finds

her feelings were...

Racked by concerns for her newborn daughter’s

Proton pump inhibitors...

More than 90% of Americans say frontline health workers should get a coronavirus vaccine first

NHS faces a ‘triple whammy’ this winter, report warns

More than 90% of Americans say front-line health workers should get a coronavirus vaccine first, followed by ‘high-risk’...

according to a report that warns the ‘road to recovery...

Scientists to develop live coronavirus vaccine in UK trial

On-the-spot coronavirus tests that give results in 15 to 30 minutes set to be rolled out

Scientists ‘to infect 24 people in the UK’ with sluggish genetically-modified coronavirus to develop a ‘live’...

The NHS will be hit by a ‘triple whammy’ this winter,

Millions of coronavirus tests that give on-the-spot results in minutes are set to be rolled out across the world, in what...

Local lockdowns could pop up across the nation within 24 hours

Coronavirus UK: 47 new fatalities in daily preliminary death toll

Local lockdowns could be imposed within 24 hours of a coronavirus outbreak thanks to real-time data from the NHS app, it...

Britain today recorded another 7,143 coronavirus cases and 71 deaths as the outbreak continues to grow with both infections...

Antibodies protect against wide range of influenza B virus strains

Study provides additional support for use of new class of diabetes drugs

The findings are published Sep. 24 in the journal Immunity. “People forget that before COVID-19 hit last winter, we...

The findings of their study were published in the New England Journal of Medicine. “This class of medications has turned...

New study highlights success of a mobile clinical and outreach van in helping people on the street with opioid addiction

Women could conceive after ovarian tumors, study shows

“Through a non-traditional combination of clinical care and harm reduction services, the program’s clinical van...

COVID-19 shapes political approval ratings In the days and weeks with high numbers of new COVID-19 cases there were also large boosts to leader approval. These results...

Scientists studied nanoparticles embedded in silver-ion-exchanged glasses IMAGE: Researchers have registered the formation of silver nanoparticles in an ion-exchanged glass as a result of infrared...

“The ability to become pregnant seems to be preserved with fertility-sparing surgery, a knowledge that is absolutely...

One in three parents plan to skip flu shots for their kids during COVID-19 pandemic, poll finds It could be a double whammy flu season this year as the nation already faces a viral deadly disease with nearly twin symptoms....

Discovery of cells that heal cardiac damage after infarction IMAGE: From left to right: Dr Adrián Ruiz-Villalba and Dr Felipe Própser, Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy...

Kawasaki disease is not a homogenous disease nor are its triggers

Geoscience: Cosmic diamonds formed during gigantic planetary collisions

IMAGE: UC San Diego is internationally recognized for interdisciplinary research that positively impacts the lives...

It is estimated that over 10 million asteroids are circling the Earth in the asteroid belt. They are relics from the early...

Successful Dartmouth TB vaccine moves forward after phase 2 trial HANOVER, NH – Results from the Phase 2 trial of the DAR-901 tuberculosis (TB) vaccine were announced today by investigators...

Blocking enzyme’s self-destruction process may mitigate age-related diseases PHILADELPHIA– Stopping the cannibalistic behavior of a well-studied enzyme could be the key to new drugs to fight age-related...

Scientists got one step closer to solving a major problem of hydrogen energy

Brain circuitry shaped by competition for space as well as genetics

A team of scientists from Far Eastern Federal

IMAGE: The rat barrel cortex. view more Credit:

University (FEFU) together with their colleagues

James et al. (CC BY 4.0) Complex brain circuits in

from Austria, Turkey, Slovakia,...


Prostate cancer patients could be spared radiotherapy after surgery

Is this the answer for threatening allergic reactions?

Prostate cancer patients could be spared

A ‘wafer’ that dissolves in the mouth in seconds

radiotherapy after surgery as new research

could stop life-threatening allergic reactions in their

suggests there is no benefit and it could...

tracks. The...

Why absence could make your heart go longer

Intermittent fasting diets like Jennifer Aniston’s do NOT work, study finds

A doctor monitoring your health without even setting eyes on you used to be the stuff of science fiction. But thanks to modern...

Celebrities like Jennifer Aniston swear by intermittent fasting as the easy key to meeting their weight loss goals and maintaining...

Grab the menthol chest balm and rehydration tabs!

The doctors still crippled by Covid-19 six months after they caught it

Fear of further lockdowns has sparked the return of people panic-buying loo rolls and supermarket rationing. But if you...

Some can barely walk they’re so exhausted and their muscles so weak. Many have lost the ability to recall everyday...

Parasite found in tap water was to blame for 24-year-old’s shocking sight loss

The shocking reasons why thousands of young men are resorting to Viagra

Like a lot of people who don’t want to wear glasses, Charlotte Clarkson, 24, thought corrective lenses, which reshape...

The phrase ‘drug-fuelled sex’ has a very different meaning for 23-year-old student Greg Banks compared with the...

COVID-19: Saliva tests could detect silent carriers

COVID-19: Social distancing is more effective than travel bans, study finds

Scientists at Hokkaido University and colleagues in Japan have demonstrated a quick and effective mass testing approach using...

Now researchers present an efficient model to study and forecast the spreading dynamics and containment across different...

Early introduction of gluten may prevent celiac disease in children, study finds

Study links rising stress, depression in U.S. to pandemic-related losses, media consumption

These results from the Enquiring About Tolerance (EAT) Study, published today in JAMA Pediatrics, by researchers from King’s...

The report appears in Science Advances, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. “The...

How the brain balances emotion and reason

Strong activation of anti-bacterial T cells linked to severe COVID-19

Emotional balance goes haywire in mood disorders like depression, leading to unchecked negative emotions and an inability...

“To find potential treatments against COVID-19, it is important to understand in detail how our immune system reacts...

Pandemic sets off future wave of worsening mental health issues

Heating in vaping device as cause for lung injury, study shows

“The impact of COVID-19 on psychological symptoms and disorders, addiction and health behavior is substantial and ongoing...

The early results, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association by researchers from the University of California,...

China’s air pollutant reduction success could make it tougher to control climate change

Girls benefit from doing sports

China’s success in improving air quality by cutting polluting emissions may have a negative knock-on effect on climate...

Girls – but not boys – who participate actively in school sports activities in middle childhood show improved...

More than 90% of driver’s license suspensions are not related to traffic safety

Plant droplets serve as nutrient-rich food for insects

Philadelphia, September 29, 2020 – A study

of a highbush blueberry leaf. view more Credit:

conducted by researchers at Children’s Hospital of


IMAGE: Droplets, known as guttation, at the margins

Philadelphia (CHOP)...

Senescent cells may be good when it comes to a bad injury

Conversation quickly spreads droplets inside buildings

IMAGE: Dr. Raghavan Raju and research

With implications for the transmission of diseases

associates Drs. Xiaogang Chu and Lun Cai view

like COVID-19, researchers have found that ordinary

more Credit: Kim Ratliff,...

conversation creates...

Computer model shows how COVID-19 could lead to runaway inflammation

INRS researchers develop a new membraneless fuel cell

IMAGE: Distinguished professor and John K. Vries

IMAGE: INRS Professor Mohamed Mohamedi, a

Chair of computational and systems biology at the

specialist in electrochemistry and micro energy

University of Pittsburgh...

systems. view more Credit:...

Covid: Manchester mayor calls for ‘urgent review’ of 10pm closures

Giving babies Weetabix from four months ‘worth exploring’

Coronavirus: Andy Burnham says supermarkets should do more on masks

Introducing gluten to a baby’s diet before six months may prevent children developing coeliac disease, research suggests. The...

Covid ICU survivor: ‘I have come out the other end’

Coronavirus: NHS faces pandemic ‘triple whammy’ this winter

Coronavirus: ‘I missed my first shift in 30 years when I got Covid-19’

The NHS is facing a “triple whammy” of rising Covid19 cases, a major backlog in treatment and reduced capacity...

US teens are twice as likely to catch coronavirus as younger kids, CDC finds

Local lockdowns AREN’T working as data shows Covid-19 outbreaks are still spiraling in hot-spots

US teenagers aged 12 to 17 are TWICE as likely to catch coronavirus as children between the ages of five and 11, CDC report...

Economically-crippling and socially-constraining local lockdowns are failing to curb coronavirus outbreaks, analysis shows. More...

Surge in coronavirus cases in the UK ‘could speed up progress of Oxford vaccine trials’

A £4,000 fine for ‘recklessly’ leaving selfisolation and pub loud music banunder new Covid rules

1. GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur: 60million doses The Government revealed on July 29 it had signed a deal with pharmaceutical...

New laws and fines at a glance: Fines for people who refuse to self-isolate, starting at £1,000 and rising to £10,000...

Coronavirus UK: 10 new fatalities in daily preliminary death toll

Scientists ‘amazed’ after trial of artificial solution killed virus in 96% of infected ferrets

Britain today recorded 4,044 more cases of coronavirus as official figures revealed the daily average number of infections...

Could a nasal spray offer hope against Covid-19? Scientists ‘amazed’ after trial of artificial solution stopped...

Random testing ‘is pointless’ and regularly swabbing high-risk groups a better strategy, experts say

Pubs, bars and restaurants were to blame for only 3% of all coronavirus outbreaks last week

People most at risk of catching coronavirus should be tested regularly and random testing is a waste of time, experts say. Researchers...

New laws and fines at a glance: Fines for people who refuse to self-isolate, starting at £1,000 and rising to £10,000...

New analytical model detects mutations in breast cancer

How deep learning can advance study of neural degeneration

The researchers used RNA sequencing, a sensitive, precise tool which has very gradually started to be applied clinically,...

“Researchers want to study the mechanisms that drive neural degeneration, with the long-term goal of finding ways to...

Cancer’s hidden vulnerabilities

Genetic differences in body fat shape men and women’s health risks

So, to create effective treatments for a cancer, scientists seek insight into what make its cells tick. In a new paper appearing...

University of Virginia researchers Mete Civelek, PhD, Warren Anderson, PhD, and their collaborators

have determined that...

Looking at evolution’s genealogy from home

Evolutionary and heritable axes shape our brain

Jürgen Schmitz, a biologist and zoologist at the

The same seems to apply to the brain. Every

Institute of Experimental Pathology at Münster

network is located at a certain place, which

University’s Faculty...

determines its function and neighbors...

Genetic testing cost effective for newly diagnosed GIST

About 14% of cerebral palsy cases may be tied to brain wiring genes

To determine whose cancer may be most

“Our results provide the strongest evidence to date

responsive, the National Comprehensive Cancer

that a significant portion of cerebral palsy cases can

Network suggests that patients undergo...

be linked...

Painting a clearer picture of COVID-19 of Veterinary Medicine. view more Credit: MU

Thousands of excess deaths from cardiovascular disease during the COVID19 pandemic

College of...

IMAGE: There are three graphs that help explain

IMAGE: Dr. Singh is a professor in the MU College

this story. They show the location of excess daily deaths: at home,...

Understanding ghost particle interactions IMAGE: Cross sections of neutrino-nucleus interactions versus energy. Improved agreement between experiment and model...

Antacid monotherapy more effective in relieving epigastric pain than in combination with lidocain DES PLAINES, IL — Antacid monotherapy is more effective in relieving epigastric pain than in combination with lidocaine....

ASU study finds association between screen time use, diet and other health factors The era of the television brought with it the TV dinner — a fast, convenient meal that, while nutritionally questionable,...

Monitoring brainwaves overnight could help predict dementia, study suggests A sleep test for dementia? Monitoring brainwaves overnight could help predict memory loss before it starts, study suggests Researchers...

USC-led study traces the evolution of gill covers IMAGE: A little skate (Leucoraja erinacea) embryo showing Pou3f3 gene activity in the central nervous system as well...

Lung cancer screening a step closer to reality following combined study IMAGE: Associate Professor Sue Crengle, University of Otago view more Credit: University of Otago Newly...

New interactive tool will help farmers contain the spread of clubroot IMAGE: Researcher and paper author Edel PérezLópez view more Credit: Edel Pérez-López First described...

Older Americans were excluded from HALF of US drug trials and ALL vaccine trials Americans over 65 were excluded from half of all US clinical trials of drugs and all trials for vaccines – including...

Coronavirus UK: SAGE say lockdown on elderly could save economy

Too many children are being tested for coronavirus, top paediatrician claims

Britain could avoid another full-blown lockdown by cocooning the elderly, scientists advising the Government say. The strategy...

Too many children are being tested for coronavirus because of an ‘understandable’ but ‘misplaced’...

Diabetes: Metformin treatment linked to slowed cognitive decline

Berry good news: newly discovered compound from blueberries could treat inflammatory disorders

A new research study, conducted over six years in the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study in 1037 Australians (aged 70 to 90 years...

A team of researchers at Tokyo University of Science, led by Prof Chiharu Nishiyama, has been working this direction for...

Researchers explore how the human brain is so resilient

Busy pictures hinder reading ability in children

The U.S. Army may be able to use this information to enhance future operations. “We are working toward fused human-technology...

The results of the study are available in the September issue of the journal npj Science of Learning. “Learning to...

Scientists explored optimal shapes of thermal energy storages

Artificial intelligence can help protect orchids and other species

IMAGE: The picture illustrates one of the sources of

Orchids are more than just decorative – they are

renewable energy — wind energy view more

also economically important in horticulture, in the



New extreme ultraviolet facility opens for use

AI technology can predict vanadium flow battery performance and cost

IMAGE: A schematic to show how the two beam

IMAGE: Cost, performance prediction and

sources are generated. view more Credit: © 2020

optimization of a vanadium flow battery using

Springer Nature Researchers...

machine learning view...

Early introduction of gluten may prevent coeliac disease in children

Earthquake lightning: Mysterious luminescence phenomena

Introducing high doses of gluten from four months of

Were you aware that earthquakes are sometimes

age into infants’ diets could prevent them from

associated with luminescence, called earthquake

developing coeliac...

lightning? This phenomenon...

COVID-19 may deplete testosterone, helping to explain male patients’ poorer prognosis

A new study may revise a theory of flowing viscous liquids that was accepted for 60 years

For the first time, data from a study with patients

The international collaborative team of Tokyo

hospitalized due to COVID-19 suggest that the disease might deteriorate...

University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) in Japan, Indian Institute...

Covid: Dementia patient’s wife describes ‘torture’ of lack of visits

NHS Covid-19: App issue fixed for people who test positive

A woman has described her pain at not being able to see her husband regularly at his care home during the pandemic, calling...

Coronavirus: England and Wales’ contact-tracing app gets launch date

Why India should worry about postCovid-19 care

Covid-19: Up to £10,000 fine for failure to self-isolate in England

Why India’s Covid problem could be bigger than we think

Refusing to self-isolate when told to is now illegal in England from Monday, with fines of up to £10,000. Anyone who tests...

1 in 3 parents plan to skip flu shots for their kids during COVID-19 pandemic

Inequalities in premature deaths have increased between the rich and poor in Canada

IMAGE: Just a third of parents believe that having their child get the flu vaccine is more important this year than...

Socioeconomic inequalities in premature deaths in Canada have increased over the last 25 years, according to new research...

Heart disease in young people may be linked to diabetes exposure in the womb

Could your menopause symptoms be hard on your heart?

Heart disease in young adults and teenagers may be related to exposure to diabetes in the womb, according to new research...

CLEVELAND, Ohio (September 28, 2020)– Menopause is accompanied by numerous symptoms that can interfere with a woman’s...

How hormone therapy slows progression of atherosclerosis

Building walls that will make summer heat waves more bearable

CLEVELAND, Ohio (September 28, 2020)–As one of the most common treatments for effectively managing menopause symptoms,...

IMAGE: (a) PCM wall cross section (b) temperature measurement position view more Credit: Korea Institue of...

The testimony of trees: How volcanic eruptions shaped 2000 years of world history

Volunteers receiving government aid while unemployed face scrutiny, bias from public

IMAGE: Driftwood in Siberia view more Credit: University of Cambridge Researchers have shown that over the...

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — With the worldwide spike in unemployment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many people may turn...

Historical racial and ethnic health inequities account for disproportionate COVID-19 impact

Study delivers new knowledge about what causes thunderstorms and cloud bursts

In “COVID-19 Racial/Ethnic Inequities in Acute Care and Critical Illness Survivorship,” Ann-Marcia Tukpah, MD,...

Thunderstorms are weather disturbances characterized by concentrations of thunder, lightning and fierce winds. When they...

New funerary and ritual behaviors of the Neolithic Iberian populations discovered

Potential drug target for dangerous E. coli infections identified

IMAGE: Skull found in the Cueva de la Dehesilla

IMAGE: The spider-like icosahedral shape is an

view more Credit: Universidad de Sevilla Experts

abstract depiction of the Shiga toxin bacteriophage

from the...

with a red genome,...

New way of analyzing soil organic matter will help predict climate change

Pair of massive baby stars swaddled in salty water vapor

IMAGE: Data analyzed for the study came from soil

IMAGE: Different colors show the different

profiles, such as this one, gathered by the National

distributions of dust particles (yellow), methyl

Ecological Observatory...

cyanide (CH3CN, red), salt...

Low level alcohol use during pregnancy can impact child’s brain development

Patients’ breathing test comes up short on accuracy, study finds

New research from the University of Sydney finds

A routine test used to monitor patients’ breathing

that even low levels of alcohol consumption during

may be unreliable and putting them at risk, a study

pregnancy can have an...

suggests. Incorrect...

Friendly interactions with Chinese people reduced COVID-19 prejudice

Hancock: ‘Upgrade’ may be needed to access NHS Covid app

People with a history of positive social interactions

Hancock: ‘Best thing to do to get app is upgrade’

with Chinese people were less likely to support

Video, 00:03:24Hancock: ‘Best thing to do to get

discriminatory anti-Chinese...


A multishot lensless camera in development could aid disease diagnosis

First evidence that air pollution particles and metals are reaching the placenta

How it works The researchers create a mask of microscopic gold wires and place it near the object that will be imaged. The...

The study, funded by Barts Charity and published in the journal Science of The Total Environment, demonstrate that inhaled...

PLUS takes 3D ultrasound images of solids

Astronomers model, determine how disk galaxies evolve so smoothly

IMAGE: High-resolution 3D imaging result of branched stress corrosion cracking. view more Credit: Yoshikazu...

IMAGE: This illustration shows how two sample star orbits are scattered from nearly circular orbits by the gravity...

Education: an influencing factor for intergenerational mobility in Canada

Scholars untangle marketing’s complex role in understanding political activities

Quebec and Montreal, September 25, 2020 – The relationship between the income levels of parents and their children...

As 2020 began, many pundits predicted a politically charged year, but few predicted that it would include a global pandemic...

3D printed nasal swabs work as well as commercial swabs for COVID-19 diagnostic testing

A clearer view of what makes glass rigid

IMAGE: First author Summer Decker, PhD, directs the USF Health Radiology-Tampa General Hospital Division of 3D Clinical...

An area of the brain where tumor cells shelter from chemotherapy in childhood leukaemia The stroma of the choroid plexus is one of the locations within the central nervous system (CNS) that serves as a shelter...

Switching up: Marine bacteria shift between lifestyles to get the best resources Tsukuba, Japan – To stay, or not to stay? When it comes to nutrient resource patches, researchers from Japan and Switzerland...

IMAGE: A team of scientists led by the University of Tokyo uses computer simulations to study the rigidity of amorphous...

Major wind-driven ocean currents are shifting toward the poles The severe droughts in the USA and Australia are the first sign that the tropics, and their warm temperatures, are apparently...

RAP tag: A new protein purification approach Tskuba, Japan – Whether it’s our diets, building strength, or as part of medical advancements, it is no secret...

An app monitors cancer patients’ health status and rewards participation

Spin clean-up method brings practical quantum computers closer to reality

Close2U, an electronic device application, has been developed by researchers at the Complutense University (UCM) and the...

IMAGE: If the measurement outcome in the quantum circuit is the |0? state, the spin contaminated wave function |?Cont?...

A genetic variant that protects against Alzheimer’s disease promotes immune cell functions

How to better understand what makes a virus win during transmission?

A new study conducted by researchers at the

The framework, published in Frontiers in

University of Eastern Finland found that the PLCG2-

Microbiology, was applied on transmission data of

P522R genetic variant, which...

the influenza virus, and offers...

An enhanced ruthenium-based catalyst for primary amine synthesis

Marine heatwaves are human made

IMAGE: Direct amination of alcohols over Ru-

sea surface temperature for May 2015. Between

MgO/TiO2 activated by electron donation from MgO.

2013 and 2016, a large...

IMAGE: This data image shows the monthly average

view more Credit:...

Polio campaigners battle misinformation and distrust

NHS Covid-19 app: How to install and use it

Polio campaigners battle misinformation and

People living in England and Wales are being urged

distrust. Video, 00:02:49Polio campaigners battle

to download the government’s contact-tracing app

misinformation and distrust

following its official...

The threat of ‘vaccine nationalism’ The threat of ‘vaccine nationalism’ Video,

Coronavirus: UK pledges support to global vaccine-sharing scheme

00:03:30The threat of ‘vaccine nationalism’

UK supports global vaccine-sharing scheme. Video, 00:00:45UK supports global vaccine-sharing scheme

Fast fix for a brain aneurysm

Meet Bob

Surgeons can now perform intricate operations to repair damaged blood vessels in the brain while patients are wide awake. The...

Lung cancer was once considered pretty much a death sentence. Just two decades ago, it was nearimpossible to treat. Doctors...

BARNEY CALMAN investigates the appalling tragedy of the elderly kept apart from their loved ones

Was James Cracknell’s 100-mile run over five days with no food the daftest stunt ever?

The woman on the phone is in pieces. ‘I’ve been in lockdown in my care home since March, and they won’t release me,’...

He has trekked 370 miles of Arabian desert, rowed naked across 2,000 miles of the Atlantic Ocean, survived a traumatic brain...

Pets can get Covid… but do you really need a virus mask for your dog?

Curfews, open borders and second waves: DR ELLIE CANNON answers your questions on coronavirus

When the Great Plague hit London in 1665, many believed it was the end of days. But for some it was an opportunity. Doctors...

The 10pm curfew seems ridiculous – it’s not as if the virus has a watch and only transmits at certain times, is it? A...

Will a vaccine really be the silver bullet we’re all praying for? Asks DR ELLIE CANNON

Last-resort life support option helped majority of critically ill COVID-19 patients survive

The Government has played its hand, for the time being at least. After weeks of confusing and contradictory edicts, growing...

The 1,035 patients in the study faced a staggeringly high risk of death, as ventilators and other care failed to support...

Carriers of two genetic mutations at greater risk for illness and death from COVID-19

Pets linked to maintaining better mental health and reducing loneliness during lockdown, new research shows

The study was led by Prof. David Gurwitz, Prof. Noam Shomron, and MSc candidate Guy Shapira of

Most people who took part in the research perceived their pets to be a source of considerable support

TAU’s Sackler Faculty...

during the lockdown...

The surprising organization of avian brains

"Stretching rack" for cells

IMAGE: Similar to the cortex of mammals, the nerve

(without hydrogel) that an international research...

IMAGE: Electron micrograph of the “empty ” scaffold

cells in certain areas of the brain of birds are organized in vertical...

Secure nano-carrier delivers medications directly to cells IMAGE: Prof. Oliver Lieleg and Ceren Kimna are

Lockdown impact: Worsening symptoms for people with bone, joint and muscle pain

conducting research on nanoparticles that release drugs precisely into...

People with bone, joint and muscle pain saw their

Women could conceive after ovarian tumors

New method allows precise gene control by light

symptoms worsen during lockdown – according to new research from...

IMAGE: Kenny Rodriguez-Wallberg, researcher in

IMAGE: When illuminated the PAL molecule binds to

the Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet. ...

the aptamer (blue loop at the top left). The label made of regulatory...

New study highlights success of a mobile outreach van helping people on the street w

New storage battery more efficient and heat-resistant

BOSTON – A novel mobile health program created

IMAGE: Test setup at CEEC Jena to develop novel active materials for redox flow batteries. view more

in early 2018 by the Kraft Center for Community Health at Massachusetts...


During pandemic, racism puts additional stress on Asian Americans

U.S. hospital admissions for non-COVID19 have only partially rebounded from initial decline

This pandemic-driven rise in anti-Asian racism is so pronounced, that in a commentary recently

“Our study shows that patients from Hispanic

published in the American...

neighborhoods did not have the same rebound in non-COVID-19 admissions...

Theater improvisation techniques show promising results for science classroom engagement

Reusing tableware can reduce waste from online food deliveries

A researcher at the University of Maryland,

IMAGE: This is a typical Chinese meal that was ordered online and includes plastic tableware. view

Baltimore County (UMBC) has developed a unique method to improve class participation...

more Credit:...

LSU physicists develop a method to improve gravitational wave detector sensitivity

NASA finds wind shear displacing Lowell’s strongest storms

IMAGE: Louisiana State University Ph.D. physics alumnus Jonathan Cripe has conducted a new

IMAGE: On Sept. 25 at 5:45 a.m. EDT (0945 UTC), the MODIS instrument that flies aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite...

experiment with scientists...

Cocaine addiction: Impact of genetic mutations elucidated

Anxious, moody older adults are vulnerable to worse cognitive function

Cocaine addiction is a chronic disorder with a high rate of relapse for which no effective treatment is

Self-discipline, high achievement and diligence linked to better cognitive resilience People can

currently available....

function well in spite...

Fast, accurate and non-destructive: the new method to analyze food quality

Dealing with the global tsunami of mental health problems during and post COVID19

IMAGE: NIRS analysis of spinach plants directly in the field. view more Credit: Universidad de Córdoba Consumers...

In a special session addressing global mental health before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic held at the ESCMID Conference...

Flu jab 2020: Who’s eligible for a free vaccine?

Coronavirus: UK pledges £500m to global vaccine-sharing scheme

Health officials are trying to make sure everyone

The UK is to give £500m to a new global vaccine-

who needs a flu vaccine this autumn gets one. Thirty million people will...

sharing scheme designed to ensure treatments for Covid-19 are distributed...

Covid-19: What do scientists think of the PM’s plan?

Coronavirus: Children behind rising demand for tests in England

After dangling the possibility of a mini-lockdown to break coronavirus’s chain of transmission, Boris

Demand for coronavirus tests has almost trebled among young children in England this month – but

Johnson has opted...

only 1% were found...

Fewer than 10% of Americans have coronavirus antibodies

Could getting enough vitamin D reduce COVID-19 death risks by 52%?

Fewer than 10% of Americans have coronavirus antibodies from the first wave, national study finds –

People who get enough vitamin D are at a 52 percent lower risk of dying of COVID-19 than people

leaving 295 million...

who are deficient for the...

Customizable synthetic antibiotic outmaneuvers resistant bacteria

World first study links obesity with reduced brain plasticity

Researchers at UC San Francisco are tackling

In a new paper published in Brain Sciences,

antibiotic resistance using a different approach: redesigning existing antibiotic...

researchers from UniSA and Deakin University show that brain plasticity is impaired...

Unusual climate conditions influenced WWI mortality and subsequent influenza pandemic Well-documented torrential rains and unusually cold temperatures affected the outcomes of many major

Mystery of giant proton pump solved Complex I is the first enzyme in the respiratory chain, a series of protein complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane....

battles on the Western...

Genome of Alexander Fleming’s original penicillin-producing mold sequenced Alexander Fleming famously discovered the first antibiotic, penicillin, in 1928 while working at St Mary’s Hospital...

Shorter time from symptom onset to hospitalization is associated with worse outcome in patients with COVID-19 New research presented at this week’s ESCMID Conference on Coronavirus Disease (ECCVID, held online) shows that a shorter...

Contact tracing study results recommend consistent wearing of masks, handwashing, and social distancing in public to protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection

Chemists from RUDN University developed biodegradable antibacterial film for storing food

A contact tracing study presented at this year’s

The mixture consists...

IMAGE: A team of chemists from RUDN University created an antibacterial coating for food products.

ESCMID Conference on Coronavirus Disease (ECCVID) confirms the effectiveness...

US hospital admissions for non-COVID-19 have only partially rebounded from initial decline IMAGE: This figure is Exhibit 1 from the study. view more Credit: J. Skinner et al. While declines in

Study demonstrates SARS-CoV-2 emergence was associated with a large drop in the circulation of other respiratory viruses during the first wave Analysis of samples taken to test for respiratory


viruses over the past five years suggests that the emergence of SARS-CoV-2...

Dartmouth study offers new details on pediatric mental health boarding

New Duchenne muscular dystrophy drug shows benefit in Duke trial

A Dartmouth-led study, published in the journal Pediatrics, offers new details about pediatric mental

DURHAM, N.C. — A new drug offers hope for young boys with the progressive neuromuscular disease

health boarding in...

Duchenne muscular dystrophy...

Criticism of COVID-19 models by democratic political leaders may erode public trust in science

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Are YOU a victim of hidden diabetes? (Believe it or not, I was too!)

Criticisms of COVID-19 models by Democratic elites in May 2020 appeared to undermine public support

The small, scaly area on my chest didn’t overly worry me but as it was growing, albeit slowly, I

for the models’...

thought I should have...

JANE CLARKE, one of the UK’s top dietitians reveals how you can EAT to beat disease

Only one in FIVE Britons with tell-tale symptoms of Covid-19 are self-isolating, study reveals

What’s the biggest health threat we all face? Most people might think it’s cancer. Or heart disease, or

Just one in five Britons with tell-tale symptoms of coronavirus are choosing to self-isolate, research

dementia. In...

revealed today. King’s...

Coronavirus UK: How quickly is the outbreak REALLY growing?

First coronavirus vaccine will not be a ‘silver bullet’, scientists warn government

Between 9,000 and 16,000 Britons are getting

The first coronavirus vaccine will not be a ‘silver

infected with coronavirus every day, according to researchers monitoring the...

bullet’ and is unlikely to stop people catching the disease,...

Care home residents and staff ‘will be first to get a Covid-19 vaccine’

London is put on lockdown watch-list after a spike in Covid-19 infections and hospital admissions

1. GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur: 60million doses The Government revealed on July 29 it had signed a deal with pharmaceutical...

Britain’s coronavirus R rate could now be as high as

Is Britain’s coronavirus outbreak taking off again? Infections are up 48% in a week

Twinkling, star-shaped brain cells may hold the key to why, how we sleep

1.5, government scientific advisers warned today after...

Covid-19 infections clearly started to rise after

Led by researchers at Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, the study builds

‘Super Saturday’, according to an analysis of official

new momentum...


Primate brain size does not predict their intelligence

Ultrapotent antibody mix blocks COVID19 virus attachment

Humans and non-human primates are among the

Low doses of these antibodies, individually or as a

most intelligent living beings. Their brain size may underly their intelligence...

cocktail, were also shown to protect hamsters from infection when exposed...

3D-printed nasal swabs work as well as commercial swabs for COVID-19 diagnostic testing, study finds

How do Americans view the virus? Anthropology professor examines attitudes, perceptions of COVID-19

Now, a multisite clinical trial led by the University of

Hardy spoke to a man who had polio as a child and

South Florida Health (USF Health) Morsani College of Medicine and...

had to live in a home with an iron lung away from his family. He said he...

Age restrictions for handguns make little difference in homicides, study finds

Research challenges conventional wisdom about key autism trait

“The central issue is that there’s a very high degree

Publishing findings in the leading journal BRAIN, the

of informal access to firearms, such as through family...

scientists from the universities of Exeter and Bath present fresh evidence...

A better alternative to phthalates?

NASA observations aid efforts to track California’s wildfire smoke from space

In collaboration with the Medical University of South Carolina, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology...

IMAGE: On Aug. 31, MODIS detected several hotspots in the August Complex Fire in California, as well as several other...

Study reveals design flaws of chatbotbased symptom-checker apps

Stem cells can repair Parkinson’sdamaged circuits in mouse brains

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Millions of people turn

IMAGE: Su-Chun Zhang talking to a researcher in

to their mobile devices when seeking medical advice. They’re able...

his laboratory at the Waisman Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. ...

FSU researchers help develop sustainable polymers

Coldest Northern Hemisphere temperature, first recorded by UW, officially confirmed

IMAGE: Rufina Alamo, Simon Ostrach Professor of Engineering and Distinguished Research Professor of Chemical and Biomedical...

MADISON, Wis. — Nearly 30 years after recording a

Ascorbic acid-mediated reactions in organic synthesis

160 genes linked to brain shrinkage in study of 45,000 adults

One of the important objectives of green chemistry

SAN ANTONIO – A new study implicates 160 genes

is the use of eco-friendly solvents and catalysts to perform chemical...

in brain shrinkage seen on MRIs of 45,000 healthy adults. The shrinkage...

Faced with shortages, researchers combine heat and humidity to disinfect N95 masks

Coronavirus: ‘Government must publish contact-tracing app data’

As the COVID-19 pandemic swept around the world early this year, shortages of protective equipment

temperature of minus 93.2 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 69.6 Celsius)...

Coronavirus: England’s contact tracing app trial gets under way

such as N95 masks left...

Lizzo says body positivity has become too ‘commercialised’ and ‘cool’

Covid vaccine: Trial of new coronavirus vaccine starts in UK

Grammy-winning US singer Lizzo believes the body positivity movement has become “commercialised”

A trial of a new vaccine that appears to train the immune system to fight coronavirus has begun in

by the mainstream...

the UK. Early tests showed...

Covid: Coronavirus cases in England up 60% in a week

Children are half as likely to be infected with coronavirus as adults, study finds

The rate at which the Covid-19 virus is spreading

US child deaths from coronavirus remain low at 100

appears to be speeding up. The R number, indicating how fast the coronavirus...

as study reveals kids are HALF as likely to be infected as adults New...

Half of Britons with tell-tale Covid-19 symptoms may NOT have the disease, study suggests

Are London’s Covid-19 hotspots linked by the UNDERGROUND? London’s Covid-19 hotspots could be linked by the city’s bustling underground network, according to a striking...

Half of Britons with tell-tale coronavirus symptoms such as a fever and persistent cough may not actually have the disease,...

Comparing face coverings in controlling expired particles

COVID-19 spurs anxious, upsetting dreams

IMAGE: Laboratory tests of surgical and N95 masks

WASHINGTON — The anxiety, stress and worry

by researchers at UC Davis show that they do cut down the amount...

brought on by COVID-19 is not limited to daytime hours. The pandemic is...

NASA finds post-tropical storm Beta’s clouds blanketing the Southeastern US

Nerve cells let others "listen in"

IMAGE: On Sept. 24 at 1:30 p.m. EDT NASA’s Terra satellite provided a visible image of Post-Tropical

IMAGE: Single fragment of a neuron in green and the astrocyte processes mentioned in the communication in yellow. ...


Study shows Massachusetts response to COVID-19 in nursing homes helped stem infection rate A paper just published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that adherence to

Novel educational program puts a human face on biomedical research IMAGE: TL1 scholar XInh Xinh Nguyen (left), who studies scleroderma, shadowed Dr. DeAnna Baker Frost (right) as she...

infection control processes,...

A better alternative to Phthalates? IMAGE: Former NIST postdoctoral Dr. Abby Wenzel

Higher narcissism may be linked with more political participation

demonstrates the extraction process for the measurements of DINCH metabolites...

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A politically engaged

New tool mimics human skin to allow detailed study of mosquito biting

‘Trojan horse’ approach to kill cancer cells without using drugs

The tool, which uses an artificial blood meal and a

The researchers created their ‘Trojan horse’

surface that mimics human skin, will provide detailed understanding of...

nanoparticle by coating it with a specific amino acid — L-phenylalanine...

Fructose made in the brain could be a mechanism driving Alzheimer’s disease, researchers propose

Remote neuropsychology tests for children shown effective, study finds

The study was published in the Frontiers in Aging

electorate is key to any thriving democracy, but not everyone participates...

Patients with a variety of neurological disorders require periodic neuropsychological evaluations to

Neuroscience and outlined the hypothesis that Alzheimer’s disease...

track their cognition,...

Variation in genes associated with viral entry of SARS-CoV-2 unlikely to influence COVID-19 morbidity and mortality, study finds

Placenta is initiated first, as cells of a fertilized egg divide and specialize

African Americans and Latinos in the United States

in human embryos during...

In a study published in the journal Nature, researchers looked at the biological pathways active

and ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom are disproportionately affected...

Tracking shape changes in amazon fish after major river is dammed IMAGE: UMass Amherst biologists compared museum collections of cichlid fishes from before a

Historical racial & ethnic health inequities account for disproportionate COVID-19 impact IMAGE: Health care disparities in historically

dam was closed in 1984...

disadvantaged communities like the Navajo Nation are worsened by the...

Novel neuroimaging study on dissociative symptoms reveals wounds of childhood trauma

Tree rings show scale of Arctic pollution is worse than previously thought

IMAGE: Researchers have found connections in the brain to dissociative symptoms view more Credit:

IMAGE: Widescale pollution has caused devastating forest decline east of Norilsk, Russia. view more Credit:...

McLean Hospital Being...

New vulnerability found in lung squamous cancer may facilitate drug targeting IMAGE: UNC Lineberger’s Chad Pecot, MD, and colleagues, report findings in Cancer Research that show the potential...

High-performance single-atom catalysts for high-temperature fuel cells IMAGE: Conceptual diagram of single atom catalyst developed by KIST researchers view more Credit: Korea Institue...

Ultrapotent compound may help treat C. diff, reduce recurrence

The male Y chromosome does more than we thought

IMAGE: Herman O. Sintim, the Drug Discovery

New light is being shed on a little-known role of Y

Professor of Chemistry in Purdue University’s Department of Chemistry,...

chromosome genes, specific to males, that could explain why men suffer...

Yew Trees hospital: Ten staff suspended at mental health unit

Man dies from eating more than a bag of liquorice a day

‘My autistic daughter was held in a cell for two years’

A construction worker in the US state of Massachusetts was killed by his liquorice habit, doctors say. The man, who has not...

NHS Covid-19 app: One million downloads of contact tracer for England and Wales NHS Covid-19 app: How England and Wales’ contact-tracing service works

Coronavirus: Test turnaround times getting longer in England People are waiting longer for test results from England’s community Covid testing centres, figures show. Only 28% of...

Americans who don’t speak English nearly FIVE TIMES more likely to test positive for coronavirus

Vaccinations for children from lowincome families have plunged by more than 20%

Americans who don’t speak English are nearly FIVE

Childhood vaccinations have plummeted in the US

TIMES more likely to test positive for coronavirus – but less...

amid the coronavirus pandemic, a new report finds. Between March and May...

Fewer than ONE PERCENT of US students and teachers have caught coronavirus

Plastic face shields DON’T work

Fewer than ONE PERCENT of US students and

patients to escape...

Plastic face shields allow nearly 100 per cent of tiny airborne droplets released by coronavirus-infected

teachers have caught coronavirus since classes started, study finds Only 0.22%...

Britain hasn’t learnt from March and is about to make another ‘mistake’, SAGE members warn Britain hasn’t learnt its lesson from the first wave of

Herd immunity wouldn’t work without overwhelming the NHS, study finds Relying on the herd immunity strategy in Britain wouldn’t work because the risk of overwhelming the

coronavirus and is on the brink of making another ‘mistake’,...

NHS would be too...

England, Scotland and Wales declare 33 new Covid-19 deaths

Job security, finances strongly related to increased anxiety during pandemic

Britain today recorded 6,634 more cases of coronavirus and 40 deaths as figures show

Unprecedented unemployment rates don’t just have an impact on the unemployed, though. For people

infections have doubled in a week. Yvonne...

still employed during...

Researchers examine COVID-19 impact on manufacturing

Uncovering a ‘suPAR’ culprit behind kidney injury in COVID-19

In a study published July 27 in IEEE Engineering

“We don’t known exactly why patients with severe

Management Review, two faculty members from the Naveen Jindal School of...

COVID-19 have a high rate of kidney injury,” says Salim...

Talc and petroleum jelly among the best lubricants for people wearing PPE, study finds

Mapping the human heart, cell by cell

However, extended PPE use, particularly on the

nearly half a million...

Now a team of scientists has created the first atlas of human heart cells, a collection of maps showing

delicate skin of the face, can cause friction and shear injuries like skin...

Some severe COVID-19 cases linked to genetic mutations or antibodies that attack the body At least 3.5 percent of study patients with severe

Accuracy of commercial antibody kits for SARS-CoV-2 varies widely Throat and nose swab tests for SARS-CoV-2 establish if someone is infected with the virus that

COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, have mutations...

causes coronavirus disease...

Loneliness levels high during COVID-19 lockdown

Scientists Discover Genetic and Immunologic Underpinnings of Some Cases of Severe COVID-19

Loneliness is a significant public health issue and is associated with worse physical and mental health as

well as increased...

IMAGE: Colorized scanning electron micrograph of a dying cell (blue) heavily infected with SARS-CoV-2 (yellow), the...

What new research reveals about rude workplace emails

First PhytoFrontiers? paper discusses arabidopsis response to caterpillars

Researchers found rude emails at work can lead to significant distress for employees. The researchers

IMAGE: PhytoFrontiers Cover view more Credit: APS The PhytoFrontiers™ editorial board, led by

say that “active”...


Color-coded biosensor illuminates in real time how viruses attack hosts

How do Americans view the virus? Anthropology professor examines attitudes of COVID

IMAGE: A single cell that shows different types of translation in different colors, using a color-coded biosensor. ...

In her ongoing research about Americans’

3D camera earns its stripes at Rice

Simpler models may be better for determining some climate risk

IMAGE: Patterns adorns a static model used to test Rice University’s Hyperspectral Stripe Projector,

responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, Northern Arizona University anthropology...

IMAGE: House in Rhode Island in the midst of a

which combines...

flood in 2007. view more Credit: NOAA Typically, computer...

Atom-Billiards with X-Rays: a new Approach to look inside of Molecules

US trial of Oxford University’s Covid-19 vaccine STILL on hold waiting on FDA decision

IMAGE: Those atoms, which have undergone interaction with two photons simultaneously hit the

Scientists are calling for answers as to why the US

detector in a line (horizontal,...

arm of Oxford’s Covid-19 vaccine trial is still on hold — two...

10,000 unexpected deaths have occurred in private homes since mid-June despite Covid-19 slump

Test and Trace gets worse AGAIN: Just 1.8% taking home tests get Covid-19 results back in 24 hours

At least 10,000 people have unexpectedly died in their own home since mid-June, official statistics

Test and Trace is still getting worse, as official figures today revealed the number of people getting

show. Seven-hundred ‘excess...

their swab result...

Challenge trial volunteer reveals he’ll be cooped up for two weeks to test trial Covid-19 jabs

Thousands of doctors and nurses are having to take time off work because they can’t get tested

One of the volunteers for a controversial vaccine trial where they will be deliberately infected with

More than 1.3million days of work were lost in the NHS in England due to coronavirus-related sickness

coronavirus revealed...

over three months,...

Boots suspends booking for flu jabs amid ‘unprecedented demand’

Coronavirus London: Lockdown fears as hospital admissions triple

Boots suspends booking for flu jabs amid ‘unprecedented demand’ after Britons were told to

London is thought to be on the brink of a localised lockdown — but official figures show the outbreak

get vaccinated to...

may finally be slowing...

Number 10 was briefed by Sweden’s controversial anti-lockdown epidemiologist Anders Tegnell

Researchers find diminished response by ‘killer’ T cells in elderly COVID-19 patients

Boris Johnson was briefed by the architect behind

compared to young people, and we found that the cytotoxic part of immune...

Sweden‘s anti-lockdown strategy before he announced a raft of new...

“Elderly people have more severe diseases

When does a second COVID-19 surge end? Look at the data

Neurological consequences of COVID-19: The ‘Silent Wave’

The first published paper on second-surge COVID-

“Although scientists are still learning how the SARS-

19 infections from US states suggests that policymakers should look for demonstrable...

CoV-2 virus is able to invade the brain and central nervous system,...

COVID-19 opens a partisan gap on voting by mail

COVID-19 ‘prediction model’ uses data that can help determine if patients’ conditions are likely to worsen

Based on nationally representative surveys conducted in the spring of 2020 and through the summer, researchers report a significantly...

Brian Garibaldi, M.D., associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, led a team that...

Silk offers homemade solution for COVID19 prevention

New mechanism of action against SARSCoV-2 by antiviral drug remdesivir

Next to a single-use N95 respirator or surgical mask,

The research team previously demonstrated how

UC found the best alternative could be made by a hungry little caterpillar....

remdesivir inhibits the COVID-19 virus’s polymerase or replication machinery...

Parental touch reduces pain responses in babies’ brains

COVID-19: Berlin scientists lay basis for a passive vaccination

Being held by a parent with skin-to-skin contact reduces how strongly a newborn baby’s brain

Researchers at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and Charité –

responds to a painful...

Universitätsmedizin Berlin have...

Air pollution leads to increase in electricity usage, study suggests

Gravity causes homogeneity of the universe

High levels of air pollution are forcing people inside to consume more electricity, subsequently causing

The temporal evolution of the universe, from the Big Bang to the present, is described by Einstein’s field

even greater environmental...


Well-known molecule not found in cancer cells after all

Putting virtual rehab for stroke patients to the test

A new research result from Aarhus University shows

IMAGE: The specially designed games included a

that a so-called circular RNA molecule, which has been designated as carcinogenic,...

boxing game where the player spars with a virtual partner, ‘Bullseyes...

Bridging the gap between the magnetic and electronic properties of topological insulators

Placenta is initiated first, as cells of a fertilised egg divide and specialise

IMAGE: (a) and (b) show the electronic band

The first stages of placental development take place days before the embryo starts to form in human

structures of Bi2Te3 and a magnetic topological insulator sample; the Dirac...

pregnancies. The finding...

Flu jabs limited due to high demand

Covid-19: Daily reported UK cases rise by a quarter

Pharmacists and GP surgeries are having to limit flu jabs to the most at-risk groups due to increased demand. The Boots chain...

The number of daily reported Covid-19 cases has risen by a quarter, according to the latest UK government figures. There...

Covid-19: UK volunteers could be given virus to test vaccine The UK could be the first country in the world to carry out Covid “challenge trials” – where healthy volunteers...

Britain will ‘host world’s first Covid-19 vaccine challenge trial’, reports 1. GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur: 60million doses The Government revealed on July 29 it had

NHS Covid-19 app: England and Wales get smartphone contact tracing for over16s NHS Covid-19 app: How England and Wales’ contact-tracing service works

Diagnoses of several common health conditions HALVED during pandemic, study shows Diagnoses of cancer and other life-threatening

signed a deal with pharmaceutical...

health conditions dropped off dramatically during the coronavirus lockdown,...

Beer belly raises the risk of early death from illnesses such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease

Boris Johnson urged to take action on ‘long Covid’ which causes symptoms lasting for months

Every 4in on your belly ‘raises risk of early death’:

Boris Johnson is being urged to take action on ‘long

Swollen waistline is a dire threat to health… even...

Covid’ and formally recognise debilitating side effects...

CDC director says more than 90% of US susceptible to COVID-19 but vaccine predicted by spring 2021

Smoking marijuana during pregnancy increases risk of psychotic-like behaviors in children

The majority of Americans are vulnerable to contracting the novel coronavirus, the director of the

Smoking marijuana during pregnancy increases the risk of psychotic-like behaviors, attention disorders

Centers for Disease Control...

and sleep problems...

New ‘traffic-light’ lockdown system that will send automatic alerts to phones is set to be used

Four months later than planned, the mobile phone tracing tool will be launched across the country

New ‘traffic-light’ lockdown system that will send automatic alerts to phones is set to be used to

Which iPhones CAN’T use the NHS Covid app? iPhone iPhone 3G iPhone 3GS iPhone 4 iPhone 4S

trigger local...

iPhone 5 iPhone 5c iPhone...

Death counts fail to capture full mortality effects of COVID-19, study finds

Sport and memory go hand in hand

A study published in the Journal of Public Health

Very often, right after a sporting exercise — especially endurance such as running or cycling —

finds that for each person in the U.S. who died after contracting COVID-19,...

one feels physical...

Meditation for mind-control

Unraveling the genome in 3D-space

He and collaborators conducted a large-scale

Breaks in our DNA, which can occur spontaneously

human study enrolling subjects in a weekly 8-week course in simple, widely-practiced...

or result from irradiation or chemical insults, can lead to severe problems...

Enrolling in health education courses may help change student’s beliefs about stress

Likely molecular mechanisms of SARSCoV-2 pathogenesis are revealed by network biology

A research team including Binghamton University

Such networks have been studied in organisms as

Health and Wellness Studies Lecturer Jennifer Wegmann sought to evaluate...

diverse as plants, humans and roundworms, and they show a similarity to social...

Flood risks: More accurate data due to COVID-19

Weighted blankets can decrease insomnia severity

A number of countries went into politically decreed

Results of the randomized, controlled study show

late hibernation at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of those...

that participants using the weighted blanket for four weeks reported significantly...

Berry good news — new compound from blueberries could treat inflammatory disorders

New model — Antarctic ice loss expected to affect future climate change

IMAGE: A polyphenolic compound derived from blueberry shows remarkable immunosuppressive

IMAGE: Antarctica seen from the R/V Laurence M. Gould. A team of climate scientists at UMass Amherst and Woods Hole...

effects and can be useful...

Choanozoan and picozoan marine protists are probably virus eaters

Sky islands and tropical alpine sunflowers at risk of disappearing

IMAGE: Sampling seawater in the Gulf of Maine. view more Credit: Ramunas Stepanauskas and

IMAGE: Páramo with Espeletia plants view more Credit: Andrés Cortés, Santiago Madriñán and

coauthors Viruses...

coauthors As...

Sweet success: Heavy consumption of sugary beverages declined in the US from 2003 to 2016

Provide shady spots to protect butterflies from climate change, say scientists

IMAGE: The proportion of heavy SSB drinkers (? 500 kcal/day) declined significantly among both

Credit: Andrew Bladon Researchers have discovered significant...

IMAGE: Latin name: Gonepteryx rhamni. view more

children and adults...

Climate pledges ‘like tackling COVID-19 without social distancing’

A new strategy of cell entry for some types of parvoviruses

Current global pledges to tackle climate change are

IMAGE: Peter Tijssen is a professor emeritus at

the equivalent of declaring a pandemic without a plan for social distancing,...

INRS who specializes in molecular virology. view more Credit:...

Covid-19 restrictions could mean elderly in care homes have no visitors for a YEAR, Age UK warns

Sweden’s second wave? Cases rise in Stockholm prompting concerns over supposed ‘herd immunity’

FEBRUARY – SAGE scientists warned Government

Sweden is debating enforcing new coronavirus

‘very early on’ about the risk to care homes Britain’s...

restrictions on Stockholm amid a small spike in infections. The country’s...

British Medical Association calls for government to make masks compulsory INSIDE offices

Government’s warning of 50,000 cases a day in October is based on few hundred positive cases

Face masks should be made compulsory inside

The Government’s claim Britain could face 50,000

offices to halt a devastating second wave of coronavirus, leading medics warned...

coronavirus infections a day was based on studies involving just hundreds...

Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Chris Whitty faced backlash over ‘herd immunity’, emails show

Do tougher rules REALLY work? Glasgow’s coronavirus outbreak has slowed dramatically

Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Chris

Tougher lockdown rules could work, suggests official

Whitty asked for help to ‘calm down’ angry academics after facing backlash...

data showing Glasgow‘s spike in coronavirus cases was controlled...

Coronavirus UK: 27 fatalities in preliminary daily death toll

Young working women bearing the brunt of the UK’s second wave of coronavirus, according to SAGE

Britain today recorded 6,178 cases of coronavirus as government data shows the outbreak has risen by around 37 per cent in...

Young women between 20 and 40 are bearing the brunt of the UK’s second wave of Covid-19, NHS hospital data reveals SAGE...

SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy not associated with complications in neonates, study finds On 25 March, Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden launched a screening programme (PCR

UK lockdown and air pollution: Nitrogen dioxide halved but sulfur dioxide doubled Researchers from the University’s School of Environmental Sciences analysed data from the Department for Environment,...

test) for the new coronavirus for...

Gut microbiome plays important role in sleep regulation David Gozal, MD, the Marie M. and Harry L. Smith Endowed Chair of Child Health at the MU School of Medicine, said the study...

Prenatal cannabis exposure associated with adverse outcomes during middle childhood The team’s analysis are the first steps in studying the effects of cannabis on children as attitudes surrounding its...

Proof-of-concept for a new ultra-low-cost hearing aid for age-related hearing loss

How microbes in a mother’s intestines affect fetal neurodevelopment

Hearing aids are a major tool for individuals with

While the maternal gut microbiota has been

hearing loss — especially age-related hearing loss, which currently...

associated with abnormalities in the brain function and behavior of offspring...

Statins reduce COVID-19 severity, likely by removing cholesterol that virus uses to infect

Face-covering use up, more people are taking COVID-19 threats seriously, study finds

UC San Diego Health researchers recently reported

The results are in a new report published this month

that statins — widely used cholesterol-lowering medications —...

by the Risk and Social Policy Group, a team of more than 15 scholars...

Your neighborhood may raise your risk of chronic kidney disease

UofA lab uncovers new mechanism of action against SARS-CoV-2 by antiviral drug remdesivir

A neighborhood’s overall socioeconomic status, including income and education level, may influence its residents’...

Researchers at the University of Alberta have

Alcohol, nicotine mix during pregnancy increases health risk in newborns

Novel dual CAR T cell immunotherapy holds promise for targeting the HIV reservoir

IMAGE: Metin Akay, founding chair and John S. Dunn Endowed Chair Professor of biomedical

discovered a novel, second mechanism of action by the antiviral drug remdesivir...

PHILADELPHIA — A recent study published in the

engineering at University...

journal Nature Medicine, led by researchers James Riley, PhD, a professor...

Three genes predict success of naltrexone in alcohol dependence treatment

New brain cell-like nanodevices work together to identify mutations in viruses

IMAGE: Personalized alcohol treatment view more

IMAGE: An electron micrograph of the artificial neuron. The niobium dioxide layer (yellow) endows

Credit: Medical University of South Carolina Considering...

the device with neuron-like...

SLAC invention could make particle accelerators 10 times smaller

Broad beans versus soybeans as feedstuff for dual-purpose chickens

IMAGE: SLAC scientists have invented a copper accelerator structure that could make future X-ray

Current practices of the poultry industry have raised ethical and ecological concerns: ethical concerns

lasers and accelerators...

include the culling...

Coronavirus: Whitty and Vallance faced ‘herd immunity’ backlash, emails show

Covid-19: Health workers ‘sick’ with fear at thought of second wave

As the UK introduces fresh restrictions on social

“The levels of anxiety amongst our staff that we may

contact to curb the spread of coronavirus, controversy continues to rage...

go back to what we saw in April is beyond anything I have ever...

Covid: US death toll passes 200,000 Media caption“It’s so disturbing… 200,000 deaths is too many”: Three funeral directors...

Covid: Raab defends ‘targeted’ new coronavirus measures Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has defended the “balanced, targeted and proportionate” new coronavirus measures...

Online training helps preemies

When is HIIT the best exercise fit?

Every 11. baby is born too early in Germany, over 15

“The physiological benefits of HIIT or SIT [sprint

million globally each year. Although survival rates have increased,...

interval training] are well established,” says Matthew Stork,...

Giant spider provides promise of pain relief for irritable bowel syndrome

Early birds vs night owls: For diabetics, an early bedtime is best

Researchers screened 28 spiders, with the venom of the Venezuelan Pinkfoot Goliath tarantula —

It found that night owls (people who went to late and got up late, or ‘evening chronotypes’) have an

which has a leg-span...


Patients with COVID-19 may have higher risk of kidney injury

Kidney damage from COVID-19 linked to higher risk of in-hospital death

According to Jochen Reiser, MD, PhD, the Ralph C Brown MD professor and chairperson of Rush’s

The study was conducted in Tongji hospital in Wuhan, China, which was assigned responsibility for

Department of Internal...

the treatment of severe...

A cheaper, faster COVID-19 test

Glycans in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein play active role in infection

“We started working on the issue of developing a readily available testing method as soon as we saw the developments...

Before the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can interact

Study identifies weight-loss threshold for heart health in patients with obesity, diabetes

NASA sees post-tropical storm Teddy generating heavy rain over Eastern Canada

CLEVELAND: A Cleveland Clinic study shows that 5 to 10 percent of surgically induced weight loss is

IMAGE: NASA’s IMERG rainfall product estimated on Sept. 23 at 3:30 a.m. EDT (0730 UTC) that

associated with improved...

Teddy was generating...

HIV drugs could prevent diabetes, study suggests

Magnetic ‘T-Budbots’ made from tea plants kill and clean biofilms (video)

IMAGE: Jayakrishna Ambati, MD, and colleagues

IMAGE: Magnetically propelled microbots can clean

found that patients taking drugs called NRTIs to treat HIV and hepatitis...

biofilms and kill bacteria. view more Credit: American Chemical...

Guiding light: Skoltech technology puts a light-painting drone at your fingertips

Tiny worlds reveal fundamental drivers of abundance, diversity

Skoltech researchers have designed and developed

The natural world is astonishingly complex. After

an interface that allows a user to direct a small

centuries of study, scientists still have much to learn

drone to light-paint patterns...

about how all the...

NASA finds Dolphin swimming against wind shear

Halt post-disturbance logging in forests

IMAGE: On Sept. 23, NASA’s Terra satellite provided a visible image of Tropical Storm Dolphin

Avoiding overall post-disturbance logging after such

with ACE2 on a human cell, it changes shape to expose its receptor binding...

IMAGE: Burned eucalypt forest in Australia. major disturbances...

approaching east...

Get in shape to fight off cancer: Learn how to reset your own body clock Taking regular exercise is one of the most important

Schools need to stay open because ‘economic and social consequences’ of shutting them are too high

ways of staying healthy and avoiding illness — and the good news is...

Schools must stay open to protect children’s mental health and avoid the ‘immense’ economic and social...

Scientists question 10pm closing time because ‘the virus doesn’t understand the clock’

Boris Johnson admits coronavirus outbreak could be doubling every 20 days

Top scientists today cast doubt over Boris Johnson‘s 10pm curfew on pubs, bars and restaurants to

as 20 days to double in number, Boris Johnson admitted today as he rowed...

control coronavirus,...

Coronavirus cases in the UK could be taking as long

Covid-19 carriers with no symptoms are ‘just as likely to transmit the virus’

Web resources bring new insight into COVID-19

Covid-19 carriers with no symptoms are just as likely to transmit the coronavirus as those who feel ill,

The study appears in the journal Scientific Data. “Our motivation for developing this resource is to

according to scientists. Two...

contribute to...

Children’s immune response more effective against COVID-19

Who is the weakest link? A better understanding of global supply chains

A widespread and dangerous immune response to

But how important are large, multinational

the virus has been linked to acute respiratory distress syndrome, the need...

companies in maintaining both local and international logistic networks and should...

Playing video games as a child can improve working memory years later, researchers find

ADHD study reveals unique genetic differences in African American patients

This is one of the conclusions from the article

of the genome play an important role in ADHD.

published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. The study involved 27 people...

However, these studies...

Evaporation critical to coronavirus transmission as weather changes In a paper in Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing,

Most infants are well even when moms are infected by COVID-19, researchers find

researchers studied the effects of relative humidity,

The study, led by researchers at UC San Francisco,

environmental temperature,...

suggests that babies born to mothers infected with the virus generally...

How night vision is maintained during retinal degenerative disease

Suicidality among adult survivors of childhood cancer

The study in mice suggests that second-order

A recent study found that survivors of childhood

neurons in the retina, which relay visual signals to

cancer have a similar risk of having suicidal

the retinal ganglion cells...

thoughts compared with other...

Caregiving factors may affect hospitalization risk among disabled older adults

Analysis reveals heart-related side effects of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine

Few studies have investigated the potential impact

hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have drawn

of caregivers and caregiver factors on older adults’

attention as potential therapies for...

Prior studies have suggested that structural variants

IMAGE: As the antimalarial drugs


Study finds lung transplant patients not given antifungal preventive drugs have higher risk of death

KIST develops ambient vibration energy harvester with automatic resonance tuning mechanism

ROCHESTER, Minn. — Antifungal preventive

Korean researchers have developed an energy

medications reduce mortality risk by half in the first

harvester that can generate electric power from

year following lung...

ambient vibrations with diverse...

Inside the secret lives of synchronous fireflies

Controlling ultrastrong light-matter coupling at room temperature

IMAGE: A stacked photograph of Photinus carolinus

Physicists at Chalmers University of Technology in

fireflies flashing in the wild. view more Credit:

Sweden, together with colleagues in Russia and


Poland, have managed to...

Boys’ club barriers create issues for Australian boards

Covid: Have local lockdowns worked?

Pale, male and stale – it’s certainly stereotypical, but it’s a saying that still holds water when it comes...

the prospect of further nationwide restrictions. But

Covid: Deaths near lowest level since March

Covid: Ban on meeting in houses extended across Scotland

Coronavirus contributed to 1% of all deaths in

Media captionNicola Sturgeon announces extension

England and Wales in the second week of this

of ban on meeting in houses A ban on visiting other

month. That’s among the...


Covid: Boris Johnson calls for ‘resolve’ to fight coronavirus over winter

At least 1,600 could have spread COVID19 on planes, CDC data show

Media captionBoris Johnson said that collective health depends on “individual behaviour” Prime

At least 1,600 people who developed coronavirus boarded planes and could have infected 11,000

Minister Boris...

more passengers – but...

After a summer of gradual relaxation, the UK faces about a fifth of...

Scientists develop model to determine which US states are in a second wave of coronavirus

FDA will make it harder for COVID-19 vaccines to get approved

Scientists have developed a mathematical model to

expected to issue new, tougher requirements for its approval of a coronavirus...

determine whether or not US states are in a ‘second

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is

surge period’...

Fewer than 40% of Americans plan to get a coronavirus vaccine as soon as one is available

CDC advises Americans to not trick-ortreating or to costume parties in new coronavirus guidance

Fewer than 40% of Americans plan to get a

Halloween is canceled: CDC advises Americans to

coronavirus vaccine as soon as one is available,

not go trick-or-treating or to costume parties but to

new survey finds as Trump pushes...

stay home and carve...

Exercising regularly and not smoking can have a dramatic effect on your lifespan study shows

Why children ARE more protected from severe COVID-19 than adults

Healthy habits could add EIGHT YEARS to your life:

portion of the immune system that we have from birth, a new study finds. Researchers...

Exercising regularly and not smoking can have a

Children may be protected from coronavirus by the

dramatic effect on your...

UV-C light is effective for killing COVID-19 on N95s, study demonstrates

COVID-19 mortality rates higher among men than women

Researchers say the outside and inside of the facemasks were decontaminated in a prototype

“The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed a striking gender bias with increased mortality rates in men

phototherapy unit that dispenses...

compared with women...

Test, isolate, communicate: Keys to controlling a COVID-19 outbreak in a long-term care facility

Small increase in risk of autism seen for pre- and post-term births

A new study led by Carl Shrader, a physician and researcher in the Department of Family Medicine in

unresolved, but they likely involve both genetic and

The causes of ASD are complex and remain environmental factors. Some...

the West Virginia University...

Who’s Tweeting about scientific research? And why? Scientists candidly tweet about their unpublished research not only to one another but also to a broader audience of engaged...

Nationwide study shows disparities in COVID-19 infection for Black and Hispanic people Previous research suggests that people from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds are at greater risk of severe or deadly...

Is rheumatoid arthritis two different diseases?

Complications from diabetes linked to worse memory, IQ in children

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common type of

DKA happens when diabetes goes undiagnosed or

autoimmune arthritis, caused when the immune system attacks healthy cells...

is poorly managed. With DKA, blood sugar gets very high as acidic substances...

COVID opens a partisan gap on voting by mail

Study shows light therapy is safe and may benefit patients with TBI

Before the pandemic, there wasn’t any difference in

BOSTON – Light therapy is safe and has

the rates at which Democratic and Republican

measurable effects in the brain, according to a

voters actually cast...

pioneering study by researchers...

Global change ecologist leads NASA satellite study of rapid greening across Arctic tundra

Mount Sinai researchers develop COVID19 mortality prediction model

IMAGE: The study is the first to measure vegetation

IMAGE: Evaluation results for test datasets 1 (A) and 2 (B) are shown here in terms of the ROC

changes across the Arctic tundra, from Alaska and

curves obtained, as...

Canada to Siberia,...

Having high cholesterol levels early in life leads to heart problems by middle age Having elevated cholesterol during the teens or early twenties increases a person’s risk of having a heart attack,...

Stanford researchers combine CAT scans and advanced computing to fight wildfires IMAGE: A piece of burning wood shown in X-ray (left) and CAT scan (right). view more Credit: Emeric Stephane...

News coverage in Chicago disproportionately devalues Black and

Stanford psychologists investigate COVID-19’s mental toll on teenagers

Hispanic lives The recent deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery added new momentum to the

The COVID-19 crisis has taken a psychological toll on people of all ages, but one group especially affected is teenagers....

Black Lives Matter social movement...

CDC says its guidance that coronavirus spreads through the air was posted ‘IN ERROR’

Bill Gates predicts the US will have a COVID-19 vaccine by early 2021

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it mistakenly published guidance

vaccine by early 2021 – but ‘how quickly we end the pandemic’...

Bill Gates predicts the US will have a COVID-19

suggesting that the novel coronavirus...

Pootack Orthopedic Seat Cushion review Amazon

Fauci says ‘divisive state’ of US interferes with COVID-19 response

Hundreds of Amazon reviewers swear by this £19

Top infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci

orthopaedic cushion for creating a comfortable home office By Emily Knott...

warned that the ‘divisive state’ of the US is getting in the way...

CDC committee delays vote on who should get coronavirus vaccines first in nationwide rollout

Projection versus reality: Experts say Britain could fall well short of Prof Vallance’s warning

CDC committee delays vote on who should get

Scientists have questioned whether the UK really

coronavirus vaccines first in nationwide rollout until they know which shots...

could see 50,000 new Covid-19 infections a day by next month as projected...

Professor Lockdown stands by doomsday forecast that sent Britain into lockdown

UK passes 400,000 total coronavirus infections with rise of 4,926 in a day

One of Britain’s top Covid-19 experts has stood by

coronavirus, with the biggest rise since May 7 taking

his prediction that half a million people could have died without...

the country’s total...

Strong markets for cultured meat across meat-reducing Germany and France

New study reveals why flu can be devastating for pregnant women

The research, published in the journal Foods by an

The pre-clinical study has overturned current

international research team from the University of

scientific thinking on the reasons why flu infections

Bath (UK), Université...

affect pregnant women...

Mental illness treatment varies widely among American adolescents within and across zip codes

It is time to embrace cannabis for medicinal use, say experts

Britain today recorded another 4,926 cases of

Using a national database of insurance claims,

Researchers found that hundreds of thousands of UK patients were self-medicating with illegal

Princeton University researchers investigated the

cannabis-based products for...

type of treatment adolescents...

New drug candidate found for hand, foot and mouth disease

Parkinson’s disease is not one, but two diseases

The compound of interest is a small molecule that

This is the conclusion of a study which has just been

binds to RNA, the virus’s genetic material, and

published in the leading neurology journal Brain. The

changes its 3-D shape...

researchers behind...

Targeting the treatment of autoimmune diseases

Personal interactions are important drivers of STEM identity in girls

The body’s immunological memory enables the

In a new paper published in the Journal of Research

immune system to respond more rapidly and effectively to pathogens that...

in Science Teaching, Hughes and her colleagues took a much closer look...

Engineers pre-train AI computers to make them even more powerful In 2016, a supercomputer beat the world champion

Study examines women’s attitudes toward long-acting injectable therapy to prevent HIV

in Go, a complicated board game. How? By using

Oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a highly

reinforcement learning, a...

effective method of reducing risk for HIV, yet use of PrEP is uniformly...

NIH study details self-reported experiences with post-exertional malaise in ME/CFS

When bots do the negotiating, humans more likely to engage in deceptive techniques

IMAGE: Using their own words and experiences, people with ME/CFS described how debilitating

Recently computer scientists at USC Institute of Technologies (ICT) set out to assess under what

PEM can be in a study in...

conditions humans would...

NASA imagery reveals strongest areas of Tropical Storm Beta

Mining molecular data with cryo-EM unveils hidden biological secrets

IMAGE: On Sept. 21 at 3:29 p.m. EDT (1929 UTC) NASA’s Aqua satellite analyzed Tropical Storm Beta

IMAGE: Abhishek Singharoy is a researcher at the Biodesign Center for Applied Structural Discovery

using the Atmospheric...

and ASU’s...

NASA sees Hurricane Teddy threaten Eastern Canada IMAGE: On Sept. 22 at 1:55 a.m. EDT (0555 UTC),

Smart cells: Chemists develop tool with potential to treat illness at the cellular level

the MODIS instrument aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite gathered temperature...

New research by an international team of chemists describes a new type of artificial cell that can communicate with other...

Coronavirus restrictions are extended across NI

Covid: UK coronavirus alert level moving to 4

Covid-19 restrictions are to be extended to all of

The UK’s coronavirus alert level is being upgraded

Northern Ireland from 18:00 BST on Tuesday, the Stormont Executive has...

from 3 to 4, meaning transmission is “high or rising exponentially”,...

Flu jab ‘more important than ever’ this winter

Covid: Pubs and restaurants in England to have 10pm closing times

People are being advised to get a flu jab to help

All pubs, bars, restaurants and other hospitality

protect against the “double danger” of flu and

venues in England must have a 22:00 closing time


from Thursday, to help...

TASTE test may predict how severely ill coronavirus patients will become, study finds

‘Do I need a hernia operation if I’m not in pain?’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

Could a TASTE test predict who will get severely ill

My doctor has advised me to have my hernia

from coronavirus? Patients who can’t detect bitter

treated, even though it doesn’t cause me pain. I

flavors are...

would like to have the procedure...

Lack of sunshine does NOT make people feel more depressed, new study claims

Can vitamin pills protect you from cancer?

‘No such thing as the winter blues’: Lack of sunshine does NOT make people feel more depressed, new

Winter is just around the corner, and with the fresh threat of a second wave of Covid-19, you are

study claims A...

probably thinking of giving...

Are you willing to try DIY dentistry? We review the at-home remedies to get your teeth stuck into

The infection that could be more deadly for students than coronavirus

A trip to the dentist tops the poll of things in life that make us most nervous, according to the Oral Health

student Ben de Souza put his symptoms down to a hangover and decided...

Waking up with a pounding head and feeling sick,


Are migraines and the menopause linked to cardiac issues? When I did my cardiology training in the 1980s, I learnt that women with chest pain were ‘weird’, with strange symptoms. This...

Human trials of the Oxford coronavirus vaccine are STILL on hold in the US over safety fears Human trials of Oxford’s vaccine are still on hold in the US over safety concerns, two weeks after they were first...

Corona-induced CO2 emission reductions are not yet detectable in the atmosphere

Soft robots, origami combine for potential way to deliver medical treatments

The corona pandemic has changed both our

the Georgia Institute of Technology detailed their discovery, which makes...

working and our private lives. People increasingly

The researchers from The Ohio State University and

work from home, have video conferences...

Richmond emergency room experienced a surge in opioid overdoses during pandemic

‘Front of package’ nutrition labels improved nutrition quality

Nonfatal opioid overdose visits to the VCU Medical

responding to increased public interest in healthier food,” says...

Center emergency department in Richmond

“We wanted to know whether food companies were

increased from 102 between March...

Researchers discover new molecules for tracking Parkinson’s disease

BCG vaccination in infancy does not protect against COVID-19, Swedish data

Now, a new study published in Chemical Science describes an innovative approach for identifying molecules that can help track...

indicate Controlled trials with the vaccine are in progress, but in the meantime Clément de Chaisemartin, an assistant professor...

The overlap between fear and anxiety brain circuits

Biomarker indicating neurodegeneration identified in the eye

While “fear” and “anxiety” are often used interchangeably, prevailing scientific theory

Diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease are the result of nerve cells in


the brain or peripheral...

Researchers identify new type of superconductor

Study reveals racial disparities in clinical trial recruitment

ITHACA, N.Y. – Until now, the history of

Boston, Mass. – As electronic medical records

superconducting materials has been a tale of two

(EMR) become ubiquitous in health care settings,

types: s-wave and d-wave. Now,...

scientists are increasingly...

Marine sponges inspire the next generation of skyscrapers and bridges

Researchers combine photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging in tiny package

When we think about sponges, we tend to think of

IMAGE: A new endoscope about the thickness of a

something soft and squishy. But researchers from

human hair uses a multimode fiber (MMF) for

the Harvard John A. Paulson...

fluorescence imaging and...

Evolution of radio-resistance is more complicated than previously thought

Nearly 20 percent of americans don’t have enough to eat

IMAGE: Induced radio-resistant E. coli, evolve complex mutation profiles as experimental evolution

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana – More than 18 percent of U.S. adults do not know whether they will have

continues and the...

enough to eat from day...

Diabetes dramatically reduces the kidney’s ability clean itself

Childhood sexual abuse: Mental and physical after-effects closely linked

IMAGE: Drs. Zheng Dong and Zhengwei Ma, MCG

A new Canadian study reveals that the

research associate and the study’s first author. view

psychological and physical effects of childhood

more Credit:...

sexual abuse are closely tied. The...

Study finds shortening a coronavirus ‘superspreading’ event could have cut transmissions by 86%

Are the additives in our food making us ill?

The amount to time you are exposed to coronavirus

our ‘ultra-processed’ diet, according to new research

may partially dictate how likely you are to catch the

buried by...

Our lives are being cut short by the toxic effects of

potentially deadly...

Is soap made with BACTERIA the secret to healthy skin?

Trump hints that PFIZER’s coronavirus vaccine could be first approved

We should be buying body washes and moisturisers

Trump hints that PFIZER’s coronavirus vaccine

that nurture the billions of bacteria, viruses and fungi

could be the first to be approved in the US with

that live on our...

Johnson Johnson’s...

Is this the cure for sleepless nights? Scientists believe ear zapper could help banish insomnia

Shattered, headaches, forgetful? Don’t assume it’s just age!

Ear clips that stimulate a nerve in the ears could

You know what they say: if you want something done, then ask a busy person. Well, that busy

help treat insomnia. New research suggests that

person used to be me. As a writer...

using the clips for just...

London mayor Sadiq Khan says he wants facemasks worn in ALL the capital’s public spaces

Are the government’s ‘scary’ graphs as bad as they seem?

Sadiq Khan today said he wants face masks worn in

Experts today poured scorn over questionable claims the UK’s Covid-19 outbreak is doubling in

all London’s public spaces in a 15-point coronavirus

size every seven days,...

crackdown he...

Physical and cognitive function have improved meaningfully in 30 years

How to improve the surgery backlog during COVID-19

“Performance-based measurements describe how older people manage in their daily life, and at the

“As a surgeon, I understand why hospitals needed to delay many elective surgeries to ensure there

same time, the measurements...

was enough space...

AI could expand healing with bioscaffolds

A team led by computer scientist Lydia Kavraki of Rice’s Brown School of Engineering used a machine learning approach...

Long-term COVID-19 containment will be shaped by strength, duration of immunity “Much of the discussion so far related to the future trajectory of Covid-19 has rightly been focused on the effects...

Think you have chemical intolerance? Answer three questions

Nanoparticle SARS-CoV-2 model may speed drug discovery for COVID-19

To address this and increase awareness of chemical intolerance, researchers at The University of Texas

The tool is a fluorescent nanoparticle probe that uses the spike protein on the surface of SARS-CoV-

Health Science Center...

2 to bind to cells and...

Anthropologists compare a composite measure of physiological dysregulation among humans and other primates

Low-cost, frequent COVID-19 screening of asymptomatic people could decrease infections, deaths and be cost-effective

But how, exactly, do our bodies weather with age, and to what extent do people around the word

COVID-19 testing refers generally to testing of people with symptoms of the illness, while screening

experience physiological aging...

refers to testing of...

COVID-19 screening of asymptomatic people could decrease infections, deaths

2020 Arctic sea ice minimum at second lowest on record

BOSTON – New research suggests when the

NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center

COVID-19 pandemic is slowing, low-cost, recurring screening of asymptomatic...

(NSIDC) at the University of Colorado Boulder shows that the 2020 minimum...

How we age

Hyperbolic metamaterials exhibit 2T physics

It is well understood that mortality rates increase with age. Whether you live in Tokyo, rural Tennessee or the forests of...

IMAGE: Comparison of gravitational and optical behavior. V. Smolyaninova et al. view more Credit: V. Smolyaninova...

E. coli bacteria offer path to improving photosynthesis

40% of O’ahu, Hawai’i beaches could be lost by mid-century

IMAGE: Maureen Hanson, left, professor of molecular biology and genetics and plant biology

IMAGE: Residential area on O’ahu that has experienced significant beach loss due to erosion

and Myat Lin, research associate,...

and shoreline hardening....

Suspension of fertility treatments during COVID-19 has mental health impacts

‘Best’ hospitals should be required to deliver tobacco treatment

The suspension of fertility treatments due to the

A UCLA-led report published today in the Journal of

COVID-19 pandemic has had a variety of psychological impacts on women whose...

the American Medical Association Internal Medicine exposes what the authors...

Dr Patrick Vallance: ‘Epidemic is doubling every seven days’

Coronavirus: WHO sets rules for testing African herbal remedies

The government’s chief scientific advisor Sir Patrick

China-US rivalry in Africa fuelled by coronavirus

Vallance says measures must be taken to stop the almost-weekly...

UK could face 50,000 Covid cases a day by mid-October Media captionChief Scientific Officer Sir Patrick Vallance says measures must be taken to stop the spread of Covid-19 The...

The number of Americans hospitalized for alcoholism has risen 3.5% since 1998, study finds US hospitalizations for alcoholism have risen 3.5% since 1998 – but the death rate for patients who get treated has...

US Congressional report condemns China, WHO for COVID ‘cover-up’ Trump blasts President Xi after US Congressional report condemns China and the WHO for ‘covering up’ coronavirus...

Manchester authority tells care homes to accept Covid patients being discharged from hospital A Manchester authority has reportedly told care homes to accept Covid-19 patients being discharged from hospitals to free...

Sadiq Khan is meeting council leaders over new lockdown restrictions for capital

Britain could still get a vaccine by CHRISTMAS, Sir Patrick Vallance says

Covid infection rates in 20 London boroughs are

1. GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur: 60million doses The Government revealed on July 29 it had

higher than areas of England already hit by

signed a deal with pharmaceutical...

restrictions, new data revealed...

Coronavirus UK: Where will next hotspot be after NE England?

Britain records 11 more coronavirus deaths and 4,368 cases

Covid-19 will continue spreading down the North East coast over the next fortnight and outbreaks will

Britain today recorded another 4,368 coronavirus cases and 11 more deaths as Britain stands on the

continue growing in...

brink of being hit by...

A computer predicts your thoughts, creating images based on them

Archaeology uncovers infectious disease spread 4000 years ago

The technique is based on a novel brain-computer

Yaws — from the same bacteria species responsible

interface. Previously, similar brain-computer interfaces have been able...

for syphilis (Treponema pallidum) — is a childhood disease...

Scientists advance understanding of blood-brain barrier health

New discovery to have huge impact on development of future battery cathodes

In addition to a tough outer shell, brains have

IMAGE: New paper in Nature Energy, reveals how

internal defenses, including a powerful shield called

researchers fully identified the nature of oxidised

the blood-brain barrier...

oxygen in the important...

Astronomers discover an Earth-sized "pi planet" with a 3.14-day orbit

Mirror-like photovoltaics get more electricity out of heat

In a delightful alignment of astronomy and mathematics, scientists at MIT and elsewhere have

New heat-harnessing “solar” cells that reflect 99% of the energy they can’t convert to electricity could...

discovered a “pi Earth”...

Awareness of COVID-19 in severe dementia patients

Engineers imitate human hands to make better sensors

IMAGE: The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019

IMAGE: Penn State researchers helped develop a

(COVID-19) pandemic has substantially affected patients with dementia and...

dual-mode sensor that functions as electronic skin to measure the dynamic...

Ribeye-eating pigs demonstrate protein quality for humans

A link between sensory neurons activation and the immune system

URBANA, Ill. – Nearly a decade ago, the UN’s Food

Pain is a protective mechanism, alerting us to

and Agriculture Organization (FAO) developed a

danger by generating an unpleasant sensation. The

new index to...

warning message is carried...

Bio-based inhibition of gas hydrate formation

Five-minute blast from a LASER boosts women’s libido

IMAGE: Synthesis of epoxidized sunflower oil (ESFO) and phosphorylated polyol (Phospol) view

Five-minute blast from a LASER boosts women’s libido and improves their orgasms, scientists find

more Credit:...

The study found that...

Study shows the major impact of diabetes on the risk of falls

Male baboons with female friends live longer

New research presented at this year’s annual

IMAGE: A 35-year study of more than 540 wild

meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD),...

baboons in Kenya links strong social bonds to better chances of survival. ...

Your cells look young for their age, compared to a chimp’s

Spike in new nut anaphylaxis in children at Halloween and Easter

DURHAM , N.C. — Many humans live to see their

A new study looking at the link between peanut and

70s and 80s, some even reach 100 years old. But

tree-nut anaphylaxis in children and holidays found

life is much shorter...

spikes at Halloween...

COVID-19 and the decolonization of Indigenous public health

Black women may be less likely to receive timely treatment for breast cancer

Indigenous self-determination, leadership and knowledge have helped protect Indigenous

New research suggests that Black women experience longer waits for treatment initiation than

communities in Canada during the coronavirus...

white women after a breast cancer...

European survey shows alarmingly low awareness of erectile dysfunction

College students with disabilities at greater risk for substance abuse

IMAGE: Provision of eight visuals representing

College students with physical and cognitive

significant statistics from the conducted survey. view more Credit:...

disabilities use illicit drugs more, and have a higher prevalence of drug use...

Music boosts memories for ethnic minority dementia patients

Hancock: Follow Covid rules or they will get tougher

Charities are using tailored music to bring back

Media captionMatt Hancock: Follow rules or ‘more

memories for dementia patients from ethnic

stringent enforcement’ coming Restrictions will get

minorities. To mark World Alzheimer’s...


Study shows that rheumatoid arthritis is associated with a 23% increased risk of developing diabetes

Couples can show linked behaviour in terms of risk factors to prevent type 2 diabetes

A new study presented at this year’s annual meeting

New research being presented at this year’s Annual

of the European Association for the Study of

Meeting of the European Association for the Study

Diabetes (EASD), held...

of Diabetes (EASD),...

Screening UK Biobank blood samples identifies thousands of undiagnosed cases of type 2 diabetes

Study links higher level of exercise to 25% to 32% lower risk of all-cause mortality in people with type 2 diabetes

A study of approximately 200,000 blood samples

New research presented at this year’s Annual

from the UK Biobank has identified more than 2,000

Meeting of the European Association for the Study

undiagnosed cases of type...

of Diabetes (EASD),...

PARPi olaparib for the targeted treatment of metastatic prostate cancer IMAGE: Joaquin Mateo, Principal Investigator of the

First new drug in years reduces recurrence in high risk HR+ early breast cancer

Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology’s (VHIO)

Lugano, Switzerland, 20 September 2020 – Adding


abemaciclib to hormonal therapy reduces the risk of cancer recurrence...

No benefit for post-operative radiotherapy in non-small-cell lung cancer

ESMO 2020: Breast cancer drug set to transform prostate cancer treatment

Lugano, Switzerland, 20 September 2020 – Post-

extend the lives of some men with prostate cancer

operative radiotherapy (PORT) used in patients with

and should become a...

A drug used to treat breast and ovarian cancer can

non-small-cell lung...

Yale succeeds with a more inclusive approach to heart transplants

Immune system may have another job — combatting depression

New Haven, Conn. — Doctors at Yale New Haven

An inflammatory autoimmune response within the

Hospital used a more aggressive selection process

central nervous system similar to one linked to

to more than quadruple...

neurodegenerative diseases...

Knowledge gained, questions remain on severe COVID-19 infections

Shift in West African wildmeat trade suggests erosion of cultural taboos

What The Editorial Says: Authors of this editorial review the evidence for the management of

New research by the University of Kent’s Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) has

patients with the acute respiratory...

demonstrated a clear...

Human genetics: A look in the mirror

Nano-microscope gives first direct observation of the magnetic properties of 2D materials

Who are we? Where did we come from? How did we get here? Throughout the ages, humans have sought answers to these questions,...

IMAGE: New diamond-based nano-microscope opens up potential for 2D materials. view more Credit: David A. Broadway Australian...

Increasing the effectiveness of cancer treatments: Anti-PD-L1 immunotherapy

Predicting the future of liver-safe drugs

IMAGE: A schematic diagram of molecular

human liver organoids view more Credit: Institute of

mechanism underling nuclear translocation of PD-L1

Research,TMDU Researchers...

IMAGE: Green: Bile acid, Red: PI, Blue: ROS in

and its contradictory functions...

Covid: Can a ‘circuit break’ halt the second wave?

Covid: £10,000 fines for self-isolation breaches

Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the UK is “now

People in England who refuse an order to self-

seeing a second wave” of Covid-19. Expanding

isolate could be fined up to £10,000, the government


has said. The new legal...

Aberrant electronic and structural alterations in pressure tuned perovskite NaOsO3

Like humans, chimpanzees can suffer for life if orphaned before adulthood

IMAGE: Electronic and structural phase diagram of

IMAGE: A chimpanzee mother’s presence and support throughout the prolonged childhood years

NaOsO3 view more Credit: Raimundas Sereika The

allow their offspring...


Raids and bloody rituals among ancient steppe nomads

New way to halt leukemia relapse shown promising in mice

IMAGE: 1700 years old skeletons of southsiberian

IMAGE: CML stem cells, which are the cellular

steppe nomads site of Tunnug1. view more Credit:

source of the vast majority of CML cells, are

Tunnug 1...

reportedly resistant to...

SUTD researchers develop simple method to 3D print milk products

Promising computer simulations for stellarator plasmas

IMAGE: A – D: 3D printed milk structures of couch, fortress, wheel, and cloverleaf, respectively. E: 3D

For the fusion researchers at IPP, who want to develop a power plant based on the model of the


sun, the turbulence formation...

Scientists predict economically important traits of crops

Potential new drug to mitigate SARS-CoV2 infection consequences

IMAGE: Researchers of SPbPU developed a new

IMAGE: The inflammatory process identified in

mathematical model to predict economic

severe cases of coronavirus causes an uncontrolled

performance of crops. view...

and excessive release...

Why fit, healthy women are the most at risk of long Covid Pictured: Jeannie McGinnis, 48, from Sheffield, who

Youngsters barred from seeing their parents amid chaos over Covid restrictions in care homes

has been unable to shake of illness after first

Disabled youngsters are being ‘locked up’ and

showing symptoms...

barred from seeing their parents amid growing chaos over coronavirus...

Are corona passports really the magic bullet Ministers hope they’ll be?

Killer lung infection that lurks in your compost

Normality was – frustratingly – within reach. For

Thousands of cases of a life-threatening condition

months, infection rates fell and the pandemic

caused by mould lurking in compost heaps, pillows

seemed to be behind...

and duvets are being...

DR ELLIE CANNON: Can anything cure my sore and swollen legs?

Robot and 14 surgeons work on a single cancer patient

I suffer from dreadfully swollen, red and sore legs, which the doctor said is due to cellulitis, a skin

A robot and three teams of surgeons worked simultaneously on a single patient to perform what is

infection. I’ve...

thought to be a first-of-its-kind...

HEALTH NOTES: This’ll shake you… too LITTLE salt can be bad for us

Parents place children on risky exclusion diets due to mistaken belief they could beat allergies

HEALTH NOTES: This’ll shake you… too LITTLE salt can be bad for us By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published: 17:56...

Parents place children on risky exclusion diets due to mistaken belief they could beat allergies Experts blame allergy tests...

How researchers look at the bird brain in action IMAGE: The research team (from left) Felix

Glyphosate residue in manure fertilizer decrease strawberry and meadow fescue growth

Ströckens, Mehdi Behroozi, Onur Güntürkün, Tobias Otto and Roland Pusch ...

IMAGE: Strawberry and meadow fescue were used in the study. view more Credit: Viivi Saikkonen A new study...

Actively speaking two languages protects against cognitive impairment

Confidence in the authorities’ handling of COVID-19 provides good mental health

As well as allowing us to communicate with other

IMAGE: Martin Mækelæ and Gerit Pfuhl from the

people, languages are the tool we use to convey our thoughts, identity,...

Department of Psychology at UiT have looked at our reactions to the...

Neil deGrasse Tyson speaks out on space, politics, and science outreach

Evolutionary paths: Scientists have found new patterns in protein evolution

IMAGE: Host Neil deGrasse Tyson in COSMOS:

IMAGE: Senescence and entrenchment in protein

POSSIBLE WORLDS. view more Credit: Patrick

sequences of vertebrates and insects. view more

McElhenney/FOX The...

Credit: A. V....

Development of high-sensitivity, wide-IF band heterodyne receiver in THz frequency range

New first-line treatment option for metastatic kidney cancer

IMAGE: HEBM structure and a micrograph view

Lugano, Switzerland, 19 September 2020 – The results of the phase 3 CheckMate 9ER trial have

more Credit: National Institute of Information and

provided a new first-line...


‘Anxiety app helped me at my new school’ says Essex pupil

Coronavirus: Teacher writes about ‘horrendous’ Covid-19 battle

An 11-year-old girl has spoken about how a new app funded by the NHS helped her cope with anxious

Famous photos of Marlow’s town centre – in colour

thoughts as she started...

Cancer taskforce aims to reduce patient backlog

Covid: PM considering new restrictions amid second coronavirus wave

A new taskforce will meet next week to kick-start the

Media captionNewcastle pub-goers adapt to new

recovery of cancer services across the NHS in England. Charities believe...

coronavirus measures Boris Johnson is spending the weekend considering...

Scientists explaining how diverse species coexist in microbial communities as sunlight, sugars or nitrogen sources, to survive

Authoritative new analysis links increased omega-3 intake to cardioprotection and improved cardiovascular outcomes

and reproduce....

The research concludes that EPA and DHA omega-

Like all life, microbes require certain nutrients, such

3 intake is associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) events,...

The Phish scale: New tool helps IT staff see why users click on fraudulent emails

Many practitioners are not prescribing HIV prevention medication

By 2021, global cybercrime damages will cost $6

The study, led by Ashley Leech, PhD, assistant

trillion annually, up from $3 trillion in 2015, according to estimates from...

professor of Health Policy, surveyed 519 practitioners in five major U.S....

Humans develop more slowly than mice because our chemistry is different

Uncovering the clock that sets the speed of embryo development

In the early phase of the development of

Different development time-scales All mammals

vertebrates, the embryo develops into a series of

follow the same steps to grow from embryo to adult.

“segments” that eventually...

This involves the same...

VLBA makes first direct distance measurement to magnetar

Ten minutes of massage or rest will help your body fight stress

Astronomers using the National Science Foundation’s Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) have

Allowing yourself a few minutes of downtime significantly boosts mental and physical relaxation.

made the first direct geometric...

Research by psychologists...

Most homemade masks are doing a great job, even when we sneeze, study finds

After developing CRISPR test, UConn researchers validate clinical feasibility for COVID-19 testing

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Studies indicate that homemade masks help combat the spread of viruses like COVID-19 when combined with...

In March, researchers in the Department of Biomedical Engineering– a shared department in the schools of Dental Medicine,...

Engineers produce a fisheye lens that’s completely flat

Complex phonological tests are useful for diagnosing reading dysfunction

IMAGE: 3D artistic illustration of the wide-field-of-

HSE University researchers have confirmed that the

view metalens capturing a 180° panorama of MIT’s Killian...

level of phonological processing skills in children can impact their ability...

New design principles for spin-based quantum materials

UC study sheds light on cancer treatment, COVID-19

As our lives become increasingly intertwined with

IMAGE: Trisha Wise-Draper, MD, PhD, associate

technology — whether supporting communication

professor of medicine in the Division of Hematology

while working remotely...

Oncology at the UC...

Up to 50% of people may already have immune cells that could fight coronavirus

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Here’s how you CAN let a second wave wash over you

HALF of Americans could have some protection against COVID-19: Studies find many people have

After a last, glorious blast of heat, the British summer is almost over and we are now heading into

immune T cells to other coronaviruses...

autumn. I normally...

Generation of three-dimensional heart organoids

How Dantu blood group protects against malaria, and how all humans could benefit

Heart development as it happens in vivo, or in a living organism, is a complex process that has traditionally been difficult...

The findings, published today (16 September) in Nature, could also be significant in the wider battle against malaria. Because...

Rochester researchers document an optical fiber beyond compare

Gene therapy corrects the cardiac effects of Friedreich’s ataxia

IMAGE: The anti-resonant hollow core fiber features

IMAGE: Provides all-inclusive access to the critical

a unique arrangement of seven hollow capillaries arranged around...

pillars of human gene therapy: research, methods, and clinical...

new alteration in the brain of people with Alzheimer’s discovered

Buffalo-based study aims to connect the dots on food access

Despite the important advances in research in

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Researchers know from many

recent years, the etiopathogenesis of Alzheimer’s

previous studies what prevents cash-strapped

disease is still not...

shoppers in underserved communities...

Study links rising stress, depression in US to pandemic-related losses, media consumption

US adults experienced increased COVID19-related mental health challenges as the pandemic unfolded

Irvine, Calif. – Experiencing multiple stressors

U.S. adults increasingly experienced symptoms

triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic – such as

associated with acute stress and depression as

unemployment –...

COVID-19 cases and deaths skyrocketed...

New method identifies antibody-like proteins with diagnostic and therapeutic potential for SARS-CoV-2

NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite finds tropical storm Noul fading over Laos

Scientists have used a new high-speed, in vitro

provided forecasters with a visible image of Tropical

selection method to isolate 9 antibody-like proteins

Storm Noul over...

IMAGE: NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite

(ALPs) that bind to...

Covid-19 in the UK: How many coronavirus cases are there in your area?

Amanda Bowles: Doctor error contributed to anorexic woman’s death

There have been nearly 400,000 confirmed cases of

Anorexia inquest: Doctor admits mistake in

coronavirus so far in the UK and more than 40,000

Cambridge woman’s death

people have died, government...

Coronavirus: Care home visitors to be supervised at all times

Coronavirus: ‘Widespread virus growth across the country’

People visiting residents in care homes should be supervised at all times to ensure social distancing,

There is widespread growth of the epidemic across the country and the R number has risen to between

according to a government...

1.1 and 1.4, say the...

US Surgeon General, vaccine czar, say covid shot by election ‘improbable’

Smoking, vaping and second-hand smoke may ALL raise COVID-19 risks, studies suggest

US Surgeon General Dr Jerome Adams says it is ‘improbable’ (although possible) that the nation will have a coronavirus...

Smoking may alter genes in a way that creates more cellular entry points for coronavirus, new research suggests. Australian...

The US needs to perform 200 MILLION coronavirus tests a MONTH The US needs to be conducting nearly 200 million coronavirus tests a month in order to control the pandemic at its current...

PROFESSOR ROBERT THOMAS presents his top 10 food heroes to help cut your risk of cancer Most of us know it’s important for our health to eat a wide range of fruits, vegetables and herbs – and a great deal...

Cut your risk of cancer: Brush your teeth, don’t burn your toast, says PROFESSOR ROBERT THOMAS

Novel mechanism may confer protection against glaucoma

The more I delve into research from around the world, and the more I listen to the experiences of

increased intraocular pressure. However, a particular group of patients has...

In general, glaucoma patients are vulnerable to

patients, the more convinced...

New high-speed test shows how antibiotics combine to kill bacteria

Coffee associated with improved survival in metastatic colorectal cancer patients

Combinations of antimicrobial agents are invariably

The findings, based on data from a large

prescribed for certain infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, HIV...

observational study nested in a clinical trial, are in line with earlier studies...

Unverricht-Lundborg disease is more common in Finland than elsewhere in the world

Nose’s response to odors more than just a simple sum of parts In mammals, the sense of smell starts with the detection of odors by receptors at the ends of

EPM1 is part of the Finnish disease heritage and it is estimated to be more common in Finland than

special cells — called...

anywhere else in the world....

Connecting the dots on food access A new University at Buffalo study based in Western

A better informed society can prevent lead poisoning disasters

New York is the first that simultaneously examined

Extensive iron and lead corrosion of the water

the preferences of...

distribution system in Flint, coupled with lead release, created “red...

NASA estimates powerful hurricane Teddy’s extreme rainfall IMAGE: On Sept. 18 at 8 a.m. EDT (1200 UTC),

NASA confirms development of recordbreaking tropical storm Wilfred, ending hurricane list

NASA’s IMERG estimated Hurricane Teddy was

IMAGE: On Sept. 18 at 5:30 a.m. EDT (0930 UTC),

generating as much as...

NASA’s IMERG estimated Tropical Storm Wilfred was generating...

NASA-NOAA satellite sees tropical depression 22 strengthening in gulf of Mexico

NASA’s aqua satellite helps confirm subtropical storm alpha

IMAGE: NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite passed

provided a visible image of Subtropical Storm Alpha

the Gulf of Mexico on Sept. 18 at 3:40 a.m. EDT (0740 UTC) and...

in the eastern...

Defying a 150-year-old rule for phase behavior

Shape matters for light-activated nanocatalysts

IMAGE: A five-phase equilibrium with at the top a

IMAGE: A study of aluminum nanocatalysts by Rice

gas phase with unaligned rods (isotropic phase),

University’s Laboratory for Nanophotonics found that

then a liquid phase...


Evidence-based vocational rehab practices raise employment rates after spinal cord injury

Undersea earthquakes shake up climate science

IMAGE: On Sept. 18, 2020, NASA’s Aqua satellite

IMAGE: Dr. O’Neill is director of the Center for

IMAGE: An artist’s rendering of undersea earthquake waves. view more Credit: Caltech

Employment and Disability Research at Kessler

Despite climate...

Foundation. ...

E-cigarettes ‘CAN worsen heart and lung conditions and must not be considered harmless’

Dr Fauci says bars and restaurants should stay closed

E-cigarettes CAN worsen heart and lung conditions

Dr Anthony Fauci is warning that bars and restaurants should not reopen after Centers for

and must not be considered harmless, Government

Disease Control and Prevention...

report finds Department...

Hospitals are warned to clear beds and brace for a rise in coronavirus patients in TWO weeks

Matt Hancock denies that government didn’t plan for spike in testing demand

Hospitals have been warned they must clear beds

plan for a surge in demand for coronavirus tests,

and brace themselves for a rise in coronavirus

and claimed the spike...

Matt Hancock has denied the Government failed to

patients in the next few weeks. Covid-19...

Covid-19 was the 24th most common cause of death in England last month

Chaos in Britain’s Covid labs: Scientist lifts lid on government facilities

Coronavirus was only the 24th most common cause

Covid testing ‘is dying on its a**e’, a leading scientist

of death in England in August, official figures

warned today as he said he was ‘appalled by what...

revealed today. Data from...

Matt Hancock warns Covid-19 hospital admissions are doubling every EIGHT days

England’s coronavirus outbreak has DOUBLED in a week, official estimates show

Matt Hancock today warned the number of

Another 4,322 people have been diagnosed with

coronavirus patients being admitted to hospital is

Covid-19, the Government announced today in the

doubling every eight days as he...

highest one-day rise since...

Keys to control the ‘driver of cancer’s aggressiveness’

Consumers value difficult decisions over easy choices

Changing the balance between those two groups might provide a way to control a dangerous protein

In a paper co-authored by Gaurav Jain, an assistant professor of marketing in the Lally School of

called SNAI2 that helps...

Management at Rensselaer,...

Algorithms uncover cancers’ hidden genetic losses and gains

Quizzes improve academic performance

Now, methods developed by Princeton computer

variables that contribute to learning and

scientists will allow researchers to more accurately identify these mutations...

performance in the classroom,”...

Increasing the effectiveness of immunotherapy against skin cancer

Mosquito-borne viruses linked to stroke

“I have a long history of trying to understand the

IMAGE: Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Mirjam Schenk, Institute

A deadly combination of two mosquito-borne viruses may be a trigger for stroke, new research published

of Pathology, University of Bern. view more Credit:

in the The Lancet...


New roles for clinicians in the age of artificial intelligence

Who stole the light?

Announcing a new article publication for BIO

experiment with two competing processes. The soft x-ray beam (blue arrow,...

Integration journal. In this opinion article the authors

IMAGE: Schematic sketch of the scattering

Fengyi Zeng, Xiaowen...

Mapping the decision-making pathways in the brain

Researchers discover a novel family of toxins used in bacterial competition

IMAGE: In a simple behavioral experiment, rats

IMAGE: fluorescence image of bacteria attacked by

choose between better quality food that is delivered in conjunction...

bacterial toxin. view more Credit: Ethel BayerSantos By...

More than a billion school meals not served during pandemic: Study IMAGE: School workers in Maryland’s Somerset

CU researchers call for national ethics guidelines when student health surveys uncover suicide-risk

County prepare meals during the pandemic. view

Public health agencies need ethical guidelines for

more Credit:...

deciding what to do when anonymous student health surveys discover a very...

A cold, flu or coronavirus

Coronavirus testing: Government claims on test centres and international comparisons fact-checked

A cold, flu or coronavirus – which one do I have? Video, 00:01:31A cold, flu or coronavirus – which one do I...

The government is facing criticism over its “worldbeating” coronavirus testing system after people reported...

Coronavirus: Test demand ‘significantly outstripping’ capacity

Coronavirus testing: Simple test gives results in 90 minutes

Media captionBaroness Harding: It is “quite hard to

A rapid test can accurately diagnose a coronavirus

give you an accurate figure” on the level of

infection within 90 minutes without needing a


specialist laboratory, say...

Coronavirus US: Infection fatal for fewer than 3% under 35

Delayed immune responses may make COVID-19 deadly for elderly people

Less than three percent of young adults hospitalized

Elderly people’s immune responses to COVID-19

with coronavirus die, a new study suggests. But the

may be delayed by three days compared to those of

research from...

younger adults –...

Bill Gates claims White House hired Scott Atlas because he ‘agrees’ with ‘crackpot theories’

Toxic smoke and ash from West Coast wildfires could make people more susceptible to coronavirus

Bill Gates claims the White House hired new

Over the last several weeks, record-setting wildfires

coronavirus adviser Scott Atlas because he ‘agrees’

– fueled by winds, dry conditions and climate

with the Trump...

change –...

Swabbing coronavirus with iodine for 15 seconds completely kills it in the lab

CDC map reveals the 12 US states where more than 35% of people are ‘dangerously’ overweight

Could washing your nose with IODINE protect you from COVID-19? Swabbing the virus with the antiseptic for 15 seconds completely...

Twelve US states now have obesity rates of at least 35 percent – more than ever before, a new map reveals. More than...

Coronavirus lockdowns, social distancing and masks reduced FLU rates by nearly 90% in the US

Michigan reports suspected case of deadly mosquito-borne EEE virus

Flu cases dropped by almost 90 percent in the US

Michigan health officials suspect a resident has contracted the rare and life-threatening disease

amid lockdowns, social distancing and mask-

Eastern equine encephalitis...

wearing due to the coronavirus...

Potential target identified for migraine therapy

Time-restricted feeding improves health without altering the body’s core clock

Neurons in the brain communicate with each other

The biological explanation for the phenomenon

by passing along molecules called

remains poorly understood. So scientists from the

neurotransmitters. After a neurotransmitter...

University of Copenhagen,...

Curve at tip of shoes eases movement but may lead to weaker muscles, problems

Scientists discover what happens in our brains when we make educated guesses

That’s the conclusion reached by Harvard

The study, published in the scientific journal Cell, also reveals that brain cells can link different

evolutionary biologist Daniel E. Lieberman, his

memories while we are...

former undergraduate student...

A scientific first: How psychedelics bind to key brain cell receptor

OHSU-VA research suggests strategies to reduce missed appointments

For the first time, scientists in the UNC lab of Bryan L. Roth, MD, PhD, and the Stanford lab of Georgios

Researchers from Oregon Health Science University and the VA Portland Health Care System conducted

Skiniotis, PhD,...

in-depth interviews with...

NASA finds tropical storm Noul packing a punch

Tweets show vapers rarely use ecigarettes to quit smoking or improve health

IMAGE: On Sept. 17 at 10:30 a.m. EDT (1430 UTC) the MODIS instrument that flies aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite...

The vast majority of Twitter users who vape with JUUL e-cigarettes are not using the devices to stop smoking or to improve...

New method adds and subtracts for sustainability’s true measure IMAGE: The captive giant pandas in China’s Wolong National Nature are a huge tourist draw. view more Credit:...

NRL, NCATS scientists develop method to safely study COVID-19, other contagious diseases IMAGE: Image: Here we see the QD608-RBD binds ACE2 and induces endocytosis. In this figure, the top panel shows ACE2-GFP...

Ancient human footprints in Saudi Arabia give glimpse of Arabian ecology 120000 years ago

Private health insurers paid hospitals 247% of what medicare would

IMAGE: Researchers surveying the Alathar lake,

privately insured patients averaged 247% of what Medicare would have paid,...

situated within an interdunal depression in the

Prices paid to hospitals nationally during 2018 by

western Nefud Desert,...

Immunotherapy improves survival in advanced bladder cancer patients

Pine-Sol gets EPA’s seal of approval for killing coronavirus on surfaces

An immunotherapy drug called ‘avelumab’ has been shown to significantly improve survival in patients

Pine-Sol gets EPA’s seal of approval for killing coronavirus on surfaces within just 10 minutes of

with the...

cleaning –...

Six people who took part in the Fast800 programme show off the results

Britain’s top surgeon admits ‘we’ve never had to deal with anything like this’ with NHS waiting list

Before our 30 volunteers started on the Fast800 programme, they recorded their weight and their waist measurements. As well...

The NHS could ‘easily’ win the war with Covid-19, but the price would be losing the battle with cancer, a top...

Government promises new labs as coronavirus testing slower than ever

Is Britain REALLY suffering from a ‘second hump’ of Covid-19?

A staggering 98 per cent of people taking

Top experts today dismissed fears the coronavirus is

home coronavirus tests do not get their result within 24 hours, shock data showed...

‘out of control’ again after Boris Johnson pleaded with...

Where’s next? North East will be hit with 10pm curfew from midnight tonight

UK records 3,395 new Covid-19 cases as outbreak grows again

Around 9.2million Britons have today been put under

Coronavirus cases, hospital admissions and deaths

tougher local lockdown restrictions because of a

are all on the rise, government figures revealed

spike in cases of coronavirus,...

today as Boris Johnson...

September’s normal increase in coughs and colds causing ‘utter chaos’ in postlockdown Britain

Discoveries made in how immune system detects hidden intruders

September’s normal increase in coughs and colds caused by schools going back is causing ‘utter

Hwang, associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas AM University, has

chaos’ in...

written about this in...

New gene implicated in neuron diseases Motor neurons control movement, breathing,

Smoking linked to bleeding in the brain in large, long-term study of twins

swallowing and speaking. Their death is a hallmark

In a 2010 study of nearly 80,000 twins from

of progressive diseases such...

Denmark, Finland and Sweden, results suggested that SAH had more to do with external...

Mathematical modelling to prevent fistulas A fistula is a connection between the vagina and

Why the dose matters: Study shows levels and anti-tumor effectiveness of a common drug vary widely

bladder or between the vagina and the rectum. It

When the team of researchers and clinicians

can arise in women during...

measured how much itraconazole ended up in the bloodstreams and tumors of 13...

Higher dementia risk in women with prolonged fertility

New research shows how fast our brains are at ‘recording’ new words

“Our results may explain why women have a higher

IMAGE: How much time does a brain need to learn

risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

a new word? A team of Skoltech researchers and

than men...

their colleagues monitored...

New mathematical tool can select the best sensors for the job

Rapid blood test could detect brain injury in minutes, study shows

In the 2019 Boeing 737 Max crash, the recovered black box from the aftermath hinted that a failed

IMAGE: Director, Neurotrauma Clinical Trials Center at UPMC and professor of neurological surgery,

pressure sensor may have...

University of Pittsburgh...

Invasive shrimp-sucking parasite continues northward Pacific expansion

‘Cellular compass’ guides stem cell division in plants

IMAGE: The cough drop-sized parasite Orthione

IMAGE: Image of a developing seedling showing the

griffenis, native to Asia and Russia, has decimated

cellular outlines in the epidermis, the outermost

mud shrimp populations...

layer of the leaf. ...

Genetic adaptation to climate change is swift in crop pests IMAGE: CU Denver researcher discovered genetic

Imaging probe to visualize Alzheimer’s disease-related gamma-secretase in the brain

adaption to climate shift is SWIFT in crop pests.

BOSTON – Scientists at the Massachusetts General

view more Credit:...

Hospital (MGH) have developed a molecular imaging probe to reveal...

New study estimates nearly 90,000 cancer cases diagnosed in adolescents and young adults

Coronavirus: Testing problems leaving families in limbo

ATLANTA – September 17, 2020 – A new report

winter bugs are starting to spread – meaning more

examining cancer in adolescents and young adults (AYAs), defined...

and more people are...

Eye hospital in ‘cataract drive’ to cut Covid backlog

Covid symptoms: Is it a cold, flu or coronavirus?

One of the world’s largest eye hospitals is

Colds, flu and Covid-19 are caused by different

quadrupling its number of cataract operations, in an

viruses, but can have similar symptoms. It can be

attempt to tackle...

hard to judge which one...

Coronavirus testing: What’s going wrong?

Airport testing and closing borders probably DO work to stop Covid-19, but evidence is weak

People up and down the country have been blocked from getting coronavirus tests in recent days, as appointments were paused...

Schools are back, businesses are reopening and

Drastic travel measures to control the coronavirus probably do work, a scientific review has concluded, but the evidence...

Blaming young people for spike in Covid19 cases may encourage them to give up on social distancing

People who wear eyeglasses FIVE TIMES less likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19 than general public

Blaming young people for spike in Covid-19 cases

Wearing eyeglasses daily may reduce the risk of

may encourage them to give up on social distancing

contracting the novel coronavirus, a new study

and trigger a wave of...

suggests. Researchers from...

Pregnancy is hard enough without the nanny state judging you for a single drink, says JENNI MURRAY

North East England faces Covid curfew on FRIDAY

At your first appointment with the midwife, you are

England The North East is set to have new coronavirus restrictions...

excited and a bit nervous. Your longed-for

Coronavirus cases have been increasing across NE

pregnancy has been confirmed...

Boris Johnson’s plan to ‘save Christmas’: PM says UK must be tough NOW to ‘flatten the second hump’

Children with a runny nose DON’T have Covid-19, expert warns

Desperate Boris Johnson today pleaded for Britons

‘absolutely’ do not have coronavirus, a top expert has warned amid...

to ‘save Christmas’ by obeying his ‘Rule of Six’...

Stillbirths have surged up to 50 percent amid COVID-19 lockdowns Stillbirths have surged up to 50 percent amid lockdowns in the coronavirus pandemic as pregnant women avoid seeking care,...

Children only suffering from a runny nose

Many women suffering from severe migraine might avoid pregnancy, but should they? Migraine is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, particularly affecting women during their childbearing years....

Small ‘Cain-and-Abel’ molecule discovered

Loneliness predicts development of type 2 diabetes

The discovery by the Seyedsayamdost lab is

The results have implications in light of recent

detailed in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS). The research...

findings that people with diabetes are at greater risk of dying from COVID-19....

Extremely social robotic fish helps unravel collective patterns of animal groups

Injectable hydrogel could someday lead to more effective vaccines

Researchers have long focused on identifying the

display parts of a pathogen — known as antigens —

emergence of collective patterns. Thanks to a combination of behavioral...

to cells...

Perfectionists may be more prone to helicopter parenting

A ferry protein in the pancreas protects it from the stress induced by a high-fat diet

So-called helicopter parents engage in what’s known

Today, high-fat foods have become commonplace

as “over-parenting” — hovering over their young...

and so has diabetes. The need for designing new

To confer resistance to infectious diseases, vaccines

treatment strategies against...

Metformin for type 2 diabetes patients or not? Researchers now have the answer

New cause of syndromic microcephaly identified

Metformin is the first-line drug that can lower blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes patients. One third of

Greenwood, SC (September 17, 2020) – Greenwood Genetic Center (GGC) researchers, in

patients do...

collaboration with scientists from...

Texas Tech, Nanjing Agricultural Research teams make plant nutrient delivery breakthrough

Engineered bacteria churn out cancer biomarkers

When most people think of fungi, the thoughts are usually not good, turning to something that does

sugar molecules are attached to 80% of the proteins in the human body,...

ITHACA, N.Y. – Pity the glycan. These complex

damage more than those...

CNIC researchers discover a mechanism allowing immune cells to regulate obesity

Kang finds keys to control the ‘driver of cancer’s aggressiveness’

IMAGE: From left to right: Rebeca Acín-Pérez,

IMAGE: A drug-resistant protein named SNAI2 helps

Salvador Iborra, José Antonio Enríquez and David Sancho. ...

cancers metastasize and shields cancer from both the immune system...

Emissions could add 15 inches to 2100 sea level rise, NASA-led study finds

Study: Europe’s old-growth forests at risk

IMAGE: Ice shelves in Antarctica, such as the Getz

IMAGE: UVM forest ecologist Bill Keeton walks a low ridge line in a stand of old-growth beech in the

Ice Shelf seen here, are sensitive to warming ocean

Alps, Kalkalpen...


CDC director says ‘masks are more guaranteed to protect you from COVID19’ than a vaccine

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Food to improve your mood… and boost your energy!

‘This mask is more guaranteed to protect me against

People often stop me in the street to tell me how good they feel after shedding weight on my Fast 800

COVID-19 than a vaccine’: CDC director says that

programme. As well...

face coverings...

COVID-19 may have been in LA before CHRISTMAS, study suggests

Coronavirus kills off BRAIN cells, study finds

More evidence has emerged that the coronavirus

Verifying reports of delusions and brain fogs, new

pandemic started before China said it did as

research reveals just how coronavirus attacks and

scientists in California say...

kills brain cells to...

Companies ‘will take four YEARS’ to manufacture enough coronavirus vaccine for the world

Pregnancy delays the onset of multiple sclerosis by more than THREE YEARS

As scientists race to develop a coronavirus vaccine

Pregnancy ‘delays onset of multiple sclerosis by more than THREE YEARS’: Study suggests

to bring the world back to normal, MailOnline has

hormones could be used...

taken a look at the...

What’s REALLY behind Britain’s coronavirus testing fiasco?

The spread of coronavirus could DOUBLE during influenza season

Britain’s coronavirus testing system has come under intense scrutiny in the past 24 hours amid reports

The spread of coronavirus could DOUBLE during influenza season – but scientists say getting the flu

that doctors,...

shot could lower...

COVID-19 measures deepening health inequalities in slum communities

‘COVID-19 is here to stay for the foreseeable future’

Measures to control the coronavirus, such as

The authors have wide-ranging expertise in

quarantining and restricting travel, are exacerbating existing economic hardship...

archaeology, the allied geosciences and infectious disease dynamics and represent...

Scientists uncover a novel approach to treating Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Factors inherent to obesity could increase vulnerability to COVID-19

“Our study shows that extracellular vesicles are

COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-

bioactive mediators that can transfer the benefits of

CoV-2, varies widely in clinical severity: Some

medicine —...

patients are asymptomatic...

Potential COVID-19 drug azithromycin may increase risk for cardiac events

Replicating a genome starts with a twist, a pinch, and a bit of a dance

Another drug, azithromycin — a commonlyprescribed antibiotic — also is being investigated as

The scientists think the first piece of the complex — ORC1 — finds the stretch of DNA where replication

a potential treatment...

is supposed...

Researchers ask: how sustainable is your toothbrush? Although the toothbrush is a widely recommended

T cells take the lead in controlling SARSCoV-2 and reducing COVID-19 disease severity

healthcare device worldwide, there is currently little quantitative data...

Their work, published in the Sept. 16, 2020, online issue of Cell, confirms that a multi-layered, virusspecific immune response...

Men and women experience similar rates of anxiety due to job insecurity

Child neglect linked to teen pregnancy

As more people work temporary gigs with little

more likely than other abuse victims to have a teen

protection, or fear layoffs in an unstable economy, job insecurity is on the...

pregnancy say University...

Typhoid: Study confirms Vi-DT conjugate vaccine is safe and immunogenic in children 6-23 months

The key to happiness: Friends or family?

September 17, 2020 – SEOUL, South Korea – A

may actually be happier...

Children who experience neglect are seven times

DALLAS (SMU) – Think spending time with your kids and spouse is the key to your happiness? You

new study conducted by IVI in collaboration with SK bioscience shows...

New smart drug delivery system may help treatment for neurological disorders IMAGE: This drug delivery system includes a porous

Children who take steroids at increased risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, blood clots

biodegradable platform that can reduce nervous

Children who take oral steroids to treat asthma or

tissue inflammation...

autoimmune diseases have an increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure,...

Live imaging method brings structural information to mapping of brain function

Improving the efficacy of cellular therapies

IMAGE: A distinct thicket of vessels and myelin

Researchers have gained a better understanding of

fibers are evident in each of six color coded visual processing regions...

the complexity of the environment in which T cells thrive and, by extension,...

Covid-safe mask for ENT procedures offered to NHS for free

‘Not enough tests for five months due to winter coughs’

A protective device against coronavirus for at-risk

If most people with a cough or fever request a

doctors is to be provided free to the NHS. The SNAP

coronavirus test this winter, there won’t be enough

device for ear, nose...

tests every day...

Coronavirus: PM blames ‘colossal spike’ in demand for test problems

Coronavirus: Trial urges people to call 111 before going to A&E

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has defended the

People requiring AE will be urged to book an

coronavirus testing system, saying it is trying to

appointment through NHS 111 under a trial in parts

meet a “colossal spike”...

of England. The aim is to...

Teenagers who are unpopular at school face a greater risk of heart attacks

Bill Gates does not think the FDA can be trusted with COVID-19 vaccines

Teenagers who are unpopular at school face a

Bill Gates no longer trusts US regulators – and

greater risk of having a heart attack or stroke in later life, study finds The...

questions whether the Food and Drug Administration’s eventual...

Chinese virologist claims the coronavirus was cooked up in a military medical facility

Fury over plans that could see pregnant women who drink have it recorded on baby’s medical records

A Chinese virologist who alleges the coronavirus

Fury was sparked today over controversial plans

was cooked up in a military lab has published a report which she claims...

that may see pregnant women who drink alcohol have all their consumption...

Manchester NHS hospital that saw 18 Covid-19 deaths last week fights an outbreak

CDC privately admitted it failed to track coronavirus months ago

One hospital in Manchester accounted for a third of all Covid-19 deaths in England last week, it was

(CDC) effectively gave up trying to keep track of

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention coronavirus, admitting it...

revealed today amid...

Care home that sacked MP Nadia Whittome for raising PPE fears admits it DID have a shortage

Britain records nearly 4,000 new Covid-19 cases in highest daily total since MAY

Care home bosses who sacked an MP for criticising shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE)

cases for the first time since the start of May and the

Britain has recorded nearly 4,000 new Covid-19 number of people being...

have admitted she was...

Reprogramming brain cells enables flexible decision-making

Brain circuitry underlying dissociative experiences

Greetings without handshakes, mandatory masks in

Between 2% and 10% of the population will

trains, sneezing into elbow crooks — the COVID-19

experience the mysterious phenomenon known as

pandemic dramatically...

dissociation during their lifetimes,...

Next-gen organoids grow and function like real tissues

Building bridges: PARP enzymes bring broken DNA together

One can immediately appreciate the value of

The study also provides insight into the mechanisms

organoids for both research and medicine: from

that underlie PARP activation and the catalytic cycle,

basic biological research to drug...

which may aid...

A new discovery in regenerative medicine

The unintended consequence of becoming empathetic

While it is widely known that adult skin cells can be reprogrammed into cells similar to human embryonic stem cells that...

“We found this interesting effect where people wanted to improve on things like being more emotionally connected to...

Epidemics and pandemics can exacerbate xenophobia, bigotry

People’s life goals relate to their personality type

But could these instincts, developed to protect us

The study surveyed more than 500 students when

from illnesses, generalize into avoidance of healthy

they started college, each year during college, and

individuals who simply...

20 years later on their...

New Viking DNA research yields unexpected information about who they were

As pandemic progressed, people’s perceived risks went up

In the popular imagination, Vikings were fearsome

In the first week of the coronavirus pandemic,

blonde-haired warriors from Scandinavia who used

people living in the United States underestimated

longboats to carry out...

their chances of catching...

Point-of-care biomarker assay for traumatic brain injury

Researchers 3D print tiny multicolor microstructures

IMAGE: Focuses on the latest advances in the

WASHINGTON — Researchers have developed an

clinical and laboratory investigation of traumatic

automated 3D printing method that can produce

brain and spinal cord...

multicolor 3D microstructures...

A novel approach to childhood obesity prevention

Minimally invasive ultrasound-guided carpal tunnel release improves long-term outcomes

IMAGE: Broad spectrum of issues and strategies related to weight management and obesity prevention in children and...

Leesburg, VA, September 16, 2020–According to ARRS’ American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR), ultrasound-guided...

Researchers discover effective pathway to convert CO2 into ethylene IMAGE: Illustration of the ElectroCatalysis system which synthesized the smooth nanowire and then activated it by applying...

Oncotarget: ATM inhibition overcomes resistance to histone deacetylase inhibitor IMAGE: The combination of romidepsin and KU60019 is synergistic in a xenograft model of MCL. (A) The in vivo therapeutic...

Coronavirus US: Minorities account for 75% of young deaths Minority children and young adults account for an overwhelming majority of coronavirus deaths among Americans under 21, a...

How ‘healthy’ fruit snacks for children can contain the equivalent of up to FIVE teaspoons of sugar Urban Fruits Gently Baked Strawberries contain 20g of sugar in a small 35g bag It’s the same as five teaspoons...

Covid-19 cases among people in their 40s and 50s have risen by 90% since end of August

UK announces more Covid-19 deaths

Covid-19 cases are soaring among middle-aged

Wales. Government officials...

The UK has announced a further 14 Covid-19 deaths in the early count, but none were reported in

people in England and have risen by upwards of 90 per cent in a fortnight as...

Scientists to examine the possibility Covid-19 leaked from a Chinese lab

US regulators are ‘very concerned’ about the side effects of AstraZeneca’s vaccine

An international team of scientists will investigate the possibility the coronavirus leaked from a lab as

US regulators are ‘very concerned’ about the potential side effects of AstraZeneca and Oxford

they commit to...


How to get a private Covid-19 test in the UK (but it could cost you £350)

NHS hospital in Bolton begs patients seeking Covid-19 tests to stay at home

Britain’s Covid-19 swab-testing system has been

NHS hospitals in Bolton, Plymouth and Liverpool

crumbling this week as cases are surging and hundreds of people say...

have urged patients seeking coronavirus tests to stay away from their AE...

Tiny antibody component highly effective against SARS-COV-2 in animal studies The researchers report today in the journal Cell that

Doctors get plenty of advice on starting treatment; this could help them know when to stop

Ab8 is highly effective in preventing and treating

But in the push toward evidence-based medicine, a

SARS-CoV-2 infection...

new study says, a key step has mostly gotten overlooked: helping doctors...

COVID-19 virus uses heparan sulfate to get inside cells University of California San Diego School of

Late childhood peer group status linked to heightened adult circulatory disease risk

Medicine researchers have discovered that SARS-

13-year olds who aren’t very popular with their

CoV-2 can’t grab onto ACE2...

classmates seem to be at significantly increased risk, the findings...

Better material for wearable biosensors Matthew S. Brown, a fourth-year PhD student with

A quantum thermometer for measuring ultra-cold temperatures

Assistant Professor Ahyeon Koh’s lab in the

IMAGE: Researchers Professor Thomas Busch (left)

Department of Biomedical...

and Dr. Thomás Fogarty (right) after finishing a day’s work...

Accurate labels like ‘aerosol’ or ‘chemicals’ increase perceived risks of ecigarette use

The accident preventers

IMAGE: Dr. Matthew Rossheim George Mason

do not pose a danger...

Before autonomous vehicles participate in road traffic, they must demonstrate conclusively that they

University view more Credit: George Mason University A new study...

Women hold prominent roles, publish more in ‘open science’ vs. ‘reproducibility’ model

NASA finds wind shear not letting up on Tropical Storm Vicky

IMAGE: Professor Taylor is a faculty member in

IMAGE: On Sept. 16, 2020 at 8:40 a.m. EDT (1240 UTC), NASA’s Terra satellite provided a visible

Lehigh University’s Department of Psychology with a

image of Tropical...

joint appointment...

Multi-institutional collaborative effort to create a cell map of the human heart

Can life survive a star’s death? Webb telescope can reveal the answer

IMAGE: Dr. Nathan Tucker of the MMRI. view more

ITHACA, N.Y. – When stars like our sun die, all that

Credit: Masonic Medical Research Institute UTICA,

remains is an exposed core – a white dwarf. A

NY —...

planet orbiting...

Controlled dynamics of colloidal rods IMAGE: Model of the colloidal rods of different

Back to school during a pandemic: The new normal

lengths, which move like chess pieces on a

After months of virtual learning, some schools have

magnetized chip. ...

now reopened their doors to pupils. But with the ongoing risk of coronavirus,...

Gamston doctor cannot donate blood ‘as wife is African’

Coronavirus: Report ‘rule of six’ breaches, minister urges

Residents’ shock as swan believed shot and cygnet

People should report their neighbours for any

trapped in culvert at Pleasley Vale

suspected breaches of new “rule of six” limits on social gatherings,...

India’s coronavirus infections top five million mark

Coronavirus second wave may not lead to surge in deaths

Coronavirus: India faces oxygen scarcity as cases surge

Evidence from Sweden and America suggests that Britain may avoid a second wave of coronavirus deaths despite a rebound in...

U.S. records second lowest number of new COVID-19 deaths since JULY

No tests available in Bolton or ANY of the 10 Covid-19 hotspots in England

The US saw its second lowest number of daily

No walk-in, drive-in or postal coronavirus tests are

coronavirus deaths since July on Sunday, with just

available for people with symptoms of the disease in

378 fatalities – but...


Some doctors are still prescribing antibiotics that can leave patients with crippling side-effects

Seaweed capsule packed with stem cells could repair damage after heart attack, scientists find

After being prescribed antibiotics for a suspected

A tiny capsule made from seaweed and packed with

urinary tract infection (UTI), Adam Sawczuk was

stem cells is being tested as a treatment for heart

expecting to bounce back...

attack patients. Roughly...

How to stamp out painful bunions for good: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

Why you CAN’T always count on tests results

How to stamp out painful bunions for good: DR

pregnancy kits and allergy tests, there are a

MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions By Martin Scurr for the Daily Mail...

multitude of ways to check if...

Could TURMERIC fight off the pain of arthritis?

How the brain creates the experience of time

Could TURMERIC fight off the pain of arthritis?

Neurons in the supramarginal gyrus (SMG) fire in

Scientists reveal the yellow spice is more effective

response to a specific length of time. If repeatedly

than a placebo at relieving...

exposed to a stimulus...

The two cultures within science outlined paths: the movement for reproducibility and the

Gender harassment and institutional betrayal in high school take toll on mental health

movement for open...

The study, published last month in PLOS ONE,

To do this, scientists are largely following one of two

From nasal swabs for the coronavirus, to home

found that 97 percent of women and 96 percent of

men from a pool of 535 undergraduate...

Researchers use soy to improve bone cancer treatment

Teacher stress linked with higher risk of student suspensions

Now, WSU researchers are hoping to use the health

One of those overburdened teachers is Jennifer

benefits of the popular legume to improve post-

Lloyd, a high school English teacher in Maryland

operative treatment of bone...

and a graduate student at...

Rising temperatures could shift US West Nile virus transmission

The Wnt pathway gets even more complicated

The results suggest that climate change could lead to the increased spread of West Nile virus in some

In the Wnt pathway, Casein Kinase-1 is well-known as a part of the destruction complex. In the steady-

places, while potentially...

state, when no Wnt...

Risk gene for Alzheimer’s has early effects on the brain

A NASA-NOAA nighttime view finds a slightly better organized tropical storm Karina

The causes for Alzheimer’s in old age are only poorly understood. It is believed that the disease is caused by an unfavorable...

IMAGE: NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite passed over the Eastern Pacific Ocean on Sept. 15 at 6:50 a.m. EDT (3:50...

Did our early ancestors boil their food in hot springs?

Fish oil without the fishy smell or taste

Some of the oldest remains of early human

professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the

ancestors have been unearthed in Olduvai Gorge, a

University of Cincinnati’s...

IMAGE: Harshita Kumari, PhD, is an associate

rift valley setting in northern...

Theoretically, two layers are better than one for solar-cell efficiency

Biggest fish in the sea are girls

IMAGE: Schematic of a double thin film layered

male whale sharks grow quickly, before plateauing

solar cell. The sun enters at the top and reaches the

at an average adult length...

A decade-long study of the iconic fish has found

CIGS and CZTSSe...

Potent drug supply drop, not domestic drug policies, likely behind 2018 OD death downturn

Choosing the right cover crop to protect the soil

IMAGE: The spike in overdose deaths in 2016-2017,

IMAGE: Aerial drone image showing two months of cover crop growth in Monmouth, Illinois in November

and their return to the expected trajectory in 2018

of 2016. ...

coincide with...

Researchers create better material for wearable biosensors BINGHAMTON, NY — BINGHAMTON, NY —

Our expert assesses some products promising to prevent and treat muscle and joint pains

Biosensors that are wearable on human skin or

The coronavirus has kick-started an exercise

safely used inside the body are...

revolution in the UK, with almost a third of adults increasing their normal...

Can erectile dysfunction really be cured with soundwaves?

How to stop Covid-19 brewing trouble in your office

Recently, I found myself in a Harley Street clinic

The message has been clear: washing or sanitising

naked from the waist down with my feet in stirrups

your hands frequently and thoroughly, and wearing a

as a doctor busied...

mask when required,...

Sky TV’s JACQUIE BELTRAO and her daughter talk about the impact of a cancer diagnosis

Being sarcastic could be bad for your HEART

On June 26, the Sky Sports presenter Jacquie

heart attack survivors with ‘hostile traits’ are more likely...

Beltrao posted a video message to her 76,000

How being sarcastic could kill you: Scientists reveal

Twitter followers. In it, she said...

Medics and teachers left unable to get a coronavirus swab

The 17 local authorities where coronavirus cases are NOT rising

Britain’s testing fiasco is hindering the ability of the

Coronavirus cases are rising in all but 17 areas of

NHS to resume normal services, hospital leaders

England, official data shows, after the same figures

warned today. Doctors...

last month showed...

Number of Brits drinking at high risk levels has DOUBLED to 8.5million since February

To repair a damaged heart, three cells are better than one

Britain is facing a ‘looming addiction crisis’ with millions turning to alcohol to cope with the

Called CardioCluster, the bioengineering technique was developed by Megan Monsanto, a recent

pandemic, a...

doctoral candidate who worked...

People react better to both negative and positive events with more sleep

New dopamine sensors could help unlock the mysteries of brain chemistry

“When people experience something positive, such

Recently, Tian and her team succeeded in

as getting a hug or spending time in nature, they

expanding the color spectrum of the dLight1 sensor.

typically feel happier...

In an article published Sept....

Human white blood cells use molecular paddles to swim

Real neurons are noisy: Can neural implants figure that out?

“The capacity of living cells to move autonomously is

They are what an engineer would call ‘noisy’ —

fascinating and crucial for many biological functions,

there is variance between cells and from one

but mechanisms...

moment to the...

Key role of immune cells in brain infection Researchers have identified the specific type of

Scientists develop mathematical index to distinguish healthy microbiome from diseased

immune cell that induces brain inflammation in

To utilize the huge population of tiny organisms as a

herpes simplex virus (HSV)...

proxy for people’s well-being, Mayo Clinic researchers have developed...

A new approach to understanding the biology of wound healing

A scientific advance in studying earlystage lung cancer

The study was published in Scientific Reports on September 15th. “Studying wound healing in

IMAGE: This image series shows two lung organoids made from mouse lung cells (a large one

humans is very challenging,...

at center, and small one...

An effective way to increase capacity for mental health

1 in 10 COVID-19 patients return to hospital after being sent home from ER

As anxiety and depression rise in the country,

Roughly 1 in 10 patients diagnosed with COVID-19

primary care clinics, especially in rural areas, are

needed to return to the hospital within a week of

facing increased patient...

discharge from an emergency...

Study connects hormones we’re born with to lifetime risk for immunological diseases

Nature: Humanity at a crossroads, UN warns in new Global Biodiversity Outlook report

IMAGE: This research shows that it’s our perinatal

IMAGE: The UN Convention on Biological Diversity

hormones, not our adult sex hormones, that have a

releases a new Global Biodiversity Outlook report,


published every...

Future autonomous machines may build trust through emotion

Evergreen needles act as air quality monitors

IMAGE: Army researchers found that the effect of

IMAGE: Peter Lippert (left) and Grant Rea-Downing

emotion expressions is moderated by strategy.

examine artificial pine branches being tested as

People will only process...

passive air quality...

Arizona COVID-19 Genomics Union tracks strains of SARS-CoV-2

Coronavirus: New restrictions in force for parts of West Midlands

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Sept. 15, 2020 — Initial findings reported by the Arizona COVID-19

Working parents feel ‘penalised’ by new coronavirus restrictions

Genomics Union (ACGU) suggest...

Mental-health team ‘failed son’ before shooting

‘Soaring alcohol misuse’ could overwhelm service

A man whose son shot his neighbour dead then

Addiction services in England could struggle to cope

fatally crashed his motorbike says the NHS failed to

with “soaring” numbers of people misusing alcohol,

act on warnings he had...

the Royal...

Coronavirus: NHS staff off work due to testing shortages, say bosses

Do posture correctors and percussive therapy devices actually work?

Media captionPriti Patel challenged on coronavirus

Have you been experiencing more back pain than

testing delays A lack of coronavirus tests for NHS

usual during lockdown? If so, you’re not alone.


Working from home...

Care homes across England are shutting to visitors due to an uptick in coronavirus infections

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY’s mouth-watering plan to get you trim and healthy When you are young it feels as if you can eat anything and not put on weight. But most of us gain

Care homes across England are tightening rules on

about a pound a year from...

visitors because of the uptick in coronavirus infections. Thousands of...

Coronavirus UK: 3,600 died from preventable conditions in lockdown

Top Oxford professor behind Covid-19 vaccine reiterates safety is ‘top of the list’

Britain’s coronavirus lockdown led to an extra 3,600

Safety is ‘top of the list’ when it comes to making a

deaths from preventable heart conditions and

Covid-19 vaccine, the professor leading Oxford

strokes, a top expert...


Britain’s testing fiasco leaves doctors and nurses unable to get checked

Just 78 victims of coronavirus were recorded in England and Wales last week

The UK could be forced to draft in science students

The UK has recorded 3,105 more Covid-19 cases

to staff coronavirus testing labs which are buckling under the pressure...

as outbreak continues to grow, taking the total to 374,228. It’s the...

Up to 250,000 Britons are waiting on coronavirus test results as Matt Hancock admits

Cannabis farms are a modern slavery ‘blind spot’ for UK police, study suggests

Massive queues built-up outside coronavirus testing

that those charged with drug cultivation have often

centres in England today as the government’s

been forced into illegal...

Research from Cambridge criminologists suggests

shambolic swab system...

Two amino acids are the Marie Kondo of molecular liquid phase separation

Biologic therapy for psoriasis may reduce heart disease

Known as liquid-liquid phase separation, the

Chronic inflammation in people with psoriasis is

process allows some molecules within a cell to

associated with a higher risk of developing coronary

cloister themselves into membraneless...

artery disease. Biologic...

Decoding the genetics that drive disease ‘bad’ are not always what they seem. view more

Exercise protocol mitigates one of the most incapacitating symptoms of Parkinson’s disease


IMAGE: Brazilian researchers use complex training

IMAGE: Some human genes traditionally labelled as

program to stimulate different motor and cognitive skills simultaneously...

Study: Synthetic medication and desiccated thyroid equally effective to treat hypothyroidism

Telehealth supports collaborative mental health care in the needs of rural patients

A study by researchers at Kaiser Permanente in

Addressing Mental Health Needs of Rural Patients

Denver, Colorado evaluated the stability of thyroid

Traditionally, primary...

Telehealth Supports Collaborative Care Model in

stimulating hormone (TSH)...

Vaping, marijuana use in 2019 rose in college-age adults IMAGE: Drug and Alcohol Use in College-Age

Peritonsillar abscess risk following respiratory infection is low with/without antibiotics

Adults in 2019 view more Credit: National Institute

While widespread unnecessary use of antibiotics

on Drug Abuse Vaping...

can diminish their effectiveness, reducing antibiotic prescribing may increase...

NASA Aqua satellite casts three eyes on sally and finds heavy rain potential IMAGE: On Sept. 15 at 3:25 a.m. EDT (0725 UTC)

Canadian researchers identify four barriers to use of ‘gold-standard’ abortion pill

Aqua’s MODIS instrument also gathered water

Canada is the first country to facilitate provision of

vapor content and...

medical abortion in primary care settings through evidence-based deregulation...

Even a short walk can boost your memory and brain health, scientists discover

Americans twice as likely to get COVID-19 after eating at restaurants

How even a short walk can boost your brain:

people at greater risk for catching coronavirus, a

Exercising for just two MINUTES each day can improve concentration, memory and...

new Centers for Disease...

Heart rate measuring can help spot depression as it beats faster, study finds Measuring a person’s heart rate can help spot

DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: It’s abhorrent that even a terminal diagnosis could happen via Zoom

depression as it beats faster and is less likely to

As a doctor, I find breaking bad news one of the

drop at night, study...

most challenging parts of my job. Whether it’s telling

Eating at restaurants or going to a bar may put

someone they have...

COVID-19 treatment trials STILL have not enrolled enough minorities, study finds

Young suicides have spiked by 57% since 2006, CDC data shows

Most US clinical trials for coronavirus drugs and

The suicide rate among Americans between ages

vaccines are still not enrolling nearly enough black

10 and 24 rose by 57 percent from 2007 to 2018,

and Latinx participants,...

according to new data from...

Mental health problems spiked among locked down Chinese students After more than four months at home amid

‘Like having a tooth out’: High-speed radiotherapy cured mother-of-two’s breast cancer in 30 minutes

lockdowns to slow the spread of coronavirus, far

A breast cancer diagnosis once meant life had to be

more Chinese children were depressed...

put on hold. Months of agonising treatment and countless trips to hospital...

Bioactive nano-capsules to hijack cell behavior

Fast and efficient method to produce red blood cells developed

Cells constantly communicate with each other and

Blood transfusions save millions of lives every year,

have ways to pick up signals and process them —

but over half the world’s countries do not have

similar to humans...

sufficient blood...

New study explores if flirting is real and shows it can work

Hostility linked with higher risk of death after second heart attacks

“No, she wasn’t. She was just being polite,” said

“Hostility is a personality trait that includes being

another friend. Misunderstandings about flirting

sarcastic, cynical, resentful, impatient or irritable,”...


NASA catches development of eastern Atlantic’s tropical storm Vicky

Privatized prisons lead to more inmates, longer sentences, study finds

IMAGE: On Sept. 14 at 0329 UTC (Sept. 13 at 11:29

IMAGE: WSU study finds that when states turn to

a.m. EDT) NASA’s Aqua satellite analyzed a low-

private prisons, the number of criminals incarcerated

pressure area...

rises and the...

Facebook anniversaries inspire reflection, nostalgia ITHACA, N.Y. – Posted on Facebook, milestones

Toxic metals can affect student health performance, say scientists from RUDN university

such as birthdays and anniversaries prompt users to

IMAGE: A team of medics and ecologists from

reflect on the passage...

RUDN University measured the concentrations of heavy metals in the bodies...

Henry ford study finds certain immuno suppressing drugs do not increase risk for COVID-19

Scientists predict that COVID-19 will become a seasonal virus

IMAGE: Jesse Veenstra, M.D., Ph.D., a Henry Ford

accompany the colder months of the year, we are all

Health System dermatologist and the study’s lead

too familiar with...

Thanks to the sniffling noses, coughs, and colds that

author. ...

Predicting poor pain control following elective spine surgery

Glass tables can cause life-threatening injuries

IMAGE: Predicted probability versus observed

Faulty glass in tables can cause life-threatening

incidence of poor pain control (Numeric Rating

injuries, according to a Rutgers study, which

Scale (NRS) score for pain...

provides evidence that stricter...

Coronavirus: 18,000 test results published by mistake

Chief scientist ‘told off’ for lockdown plea

The details of more than 18,000 people who tested positive for coronavirus were published online by

Vallance has said he was rebuked for arguing

The government’s chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick strongly in favour...

mistake by Public Health...

Coronavirus: UK to test inhaled vaccines UK researchers are to begin trials of inhaled

Coronavirus: Monoclonal antibodies to begin UK trial

coronavirus vaccines. Delivering doses directly to

A new antibody treatment is to be trialled on Covid-

the lungs might give a...

19 patients in UK hospitals. Monoclonal antibodies, which are potent,...

DR ELLIE CANNON: Ministers must give us ALL the facts Are you happy now? That was, in a nutshell, what

Super-fast surgery could soon be offered to one million Britons with a ‘racing heart’ condition

one angry reader who wrote to me late last week

One million British patients with a ‘racing heart’

wanted to know. The Government,...

condition that puts them at high risk of stroke could soon be offered...

Can a £1,300 pot of manuka honey REALLY heal you?

Vaping DOES raise the risk of breast cancer, warn scientists

Can a £1,300 pot of manuka REALLY heal you?

Vaping DOES raise the risk of breast cancer, warn

Scientists say store-bought honey’s antibacterial

scientists amid concerns that young women are

properties may be overestimated...

‘targeted by E-cigarette...

Husband whose wife is in care has been allowed to see her for just three hours since lockdown began

MICHELLE GRIFFITH-ROBINSON: Making my husband read a book on the menopause saved our love life

Twelve years ago, Ian Smith made a vow, one that

I am going to tell you something personal. It may

so many make, to his wife, Sylvia – to have and hold

even shock some readers – although, probably, it

her, in sickness...

shouldn’t. The reason...

GPs are ordered to see patients face-toface

Coronavirus vaccine may not be ready for the public until NEXT winter

GPs are ordered to see patients face-to-face amid fears vulnerable people are ‘having difficulty

As scientists race to develop a coronavirus vaccine to bring the world back to normal, MailOnline has

accessing doctors’...

taken a look at the...

DNA damage caused by migrating light energy

New treatments for deadly lung disease could be revealed by 3D modeling

“So far, we have thought that it is impossible for light

The causes of pulmonary fibrosis are not fully

energy to be transmitted so far in the DNA and cause damage...

understood, but the condition is marked by scar tissue that forms inside the...

New X-ray microscopy technique enables comprehensive imaging of dense neural circuits

Excessive lung release of neutrophil DNA traps may explain severe complications in COVID-19 patients

Now, researchers at Harvard Medical School,

Neutrophils are innate immune cells that act as the

Boston Children’s Hospital and the European

immune system’s first line of defence. However,

Synchrotron Radiation Facility...

when over-activated,...

Substance use disorders linked to COVID-19 susceptibility By analyzing the non-identifiable electronic health

Botox for TMJ disorders may not lead to bone loss in the short term, but more research is needed

records (EHR) of millions of patients in the United

The researchers, whose findings are published in

States, the team...

the Journal of Oral Health Rehabilitation, call for further clinical studies...

Immune system affects mind and body, study indicates

Virtual reality trains public to reverse opioid overdoses

The findings, published Sept. 14 in Nature

Members of the public can carry naloxone in case

Immunology, indicate that elements of the immune

they encounter a person experiencing an opioid

system affect both mind and body,...

overdose. But how do you...

The expanding aims of high schools in the 21st century

CCNY engineer Xi Chen and partners create new shape-changing crystals

An Analysis of High School Mission Statements in

IMAGE: A tripeptide crystal with aqueous pores can

Massachusetts from 2001 to 2019, research

reversibly deform in response to humidity changes.

conducted by team from Boston...

view more Credit:...

Older people with early, asymptomatic Alzheimer’s at risk of falls

Florida State-led team offers new rules for algae species classification

Falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries in older

IMAGE: Florida State University Assistant Professor

adults, causing more than 800,000 hospitalizations

of Biological Science Sophie McCoy surveys the

and about 30,000...

algal community...

Mayo Clinic and TGen ID potential targets for the most-deadly form of pancreatic cancer

Predicting the slow death of lithium-ion batteries

PHOENIX and SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Sept. 14,

storage capacity. As in people, aging plays out

2020 — A team of researchers led by Mayo Clinic and the Translational...

differently from one...

Human activities promote diseasespreading mosquitoes; more study needed for prevention

Combining two precision medicines can treat drug-resistant cancers

IMAGE: Researchers collect mosquitoes in Kruger

a combination of two innovative precision medicines

National Park in South Africa to gauge abundance of

could treat patients...

Batteries fade as they age, slowly losing power and

Launching a dual-pronged attack on tumours using


US coronavirus cases hit 6.4 million by mid-April, study suggests New research suggests that the US already had 6.4 million cases of coronavirus by mid-April – more than were officially...

Experts warn Boris Johnson’s ‘disturbing decision’ to limit gatherings ‘with no scientific evidence’ Britain’s coronavirus response is being led by a ‘Dad’s Army’ of well-paid people with no experience,...

Lockdown blow to UK health: Hospital admissions for seven major non-Covid illnesses slump by 173,000

Snorers could face up to THREE TIMES the risk of dying of Covid-19, study claims

Tens of thousands of people avoided going to hospital for life-threatening illnesses such as heart

Snorers could face up to THREE TIMES the risk of dying of Covid-19, study claims Researchers

attacks during Britain’s...

reviewed 18 studies examining...

Britain bets on another coronavirus vaccine with £1.3billion investment in Scottish factory

UK coronavirus deaths are confirmed for Monday

The UK Government is investing £1.3billion in a

in hospitals — but no new fatalities were recorded in the preliminary toll for...

French company’s vaccine factory in Scotland in the

England today announced one more Covid-19 death

hope it will produce...

Oxford University to test Regeneron’s ‘antibody cocktail’ on hospitalised Covid19 patients

Google searches for gut symptoms such as diarrhoea predicts Covid-19 hotspots

Doctors in the UK are preparing to trial an

and abdominal pain could act as an early warning

experimental ‘antibody cocktail’ medicine on patients

for a coronavirus outbreak,...

Google searches for symptoms such as diarrhoea

in hospital...

TRESK regulates brain to track time using sunlight as its cue It was previously understood that the brain’s circadian clock, otherwise known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN),...

Touch-and-know: Brain activity during tactile stimuli reveals hand preferences in people Since the past few years, a team of scientists at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST), Korea, has...

Embryos taking shape via buckling “The basic question underpinning our work is to find

Painless paper patch test for glucose levels uses microneedles

out how to shape cellular tissue,” begins Aurélien

Researchers have been trying to develop a practical


way to use microneedles — tiny needles less than 1 mm in length...

Rubbery properties help RNA nanoparticles target tumors efficiently and quickly leave body

NASA’s water vapor analysis of Tropical Storm Karina shows wind shear effects

IMAGE: Peixuan Guo, PhD, is a researcher with The Oho State University Comprehensive Cancer and

NASA’s Aqua satellite passed over Tropical Storm

IMAGE: On Sept. 14 at 6:05 a.m. EDT (1005 UTC), Karina in the...

The Ohio State University...

Hints of life on Venus IMAGE: Artist’s impression of Venus, with an inset

NASA-NOAA satellite helps confirm Teddy now a record-setting tropical storm

showing a representation of the phosphine

IMAGE: This nighttime image from NASA-NOAA’s

molecules detected...

Suomi NPP satellite revealed a more organized Tropical Depression...

Animals’ magnetic ‘sixth’ sense may come from bacteria, new paper suggests IMAGE: A female loggerhead sea turtle nests in the

Excessive lung release of neutrophil DNA traps may explain severe complications in Covid-19 patients

sand in Florida. Photo credit: Gustavo

A multidisciplinary team of researchers from the

Stahelin/University of Central...

University of Liège (Belgium) has detected significant amounts of DNA traps...

Infinite chains of hydrogen atoms have surprising properties, including a metallic phase

Possible marker of life spotted on venus

IMAGE: A map of where electrons are most likely to

confirmed the detection...

be found around a chain of hydrogen atoms. Brighter colors denote...

IMAGE: This artistic impression depicts our Solar System neighbour Venus, where scientists have

Coronavirus: WHO reports record daily rise in new infections

NHS tells GPs they must offer patients face-to-face appointments

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recorded

GP practices are being told they must make sure

a record one-day rise in the number of new

patients can be seen face to face when they need

coronavirus infections, with...

such appointments. NHS England...

Coronavirus: ‘Rule of six’ comes into effect


Restrictions banning social gatherings of more than

Netflix shows in the world as of June 2020. view

six people have come into effect, following a rise in

more Credit:...

IMAGE: FlixPatrol graphic of the most popular

coronavirus cases. The...

COPD program decreases 30-day hospital readmission, may increase mortality

Innate immune system — How cGAS is kept bottled up

Researchers from The University of Texas Medical

The bulk of the DNA in the cells of higher organisms

Branch at Galveston have found that while the 30-

is confined to the nucleus, while all other organellar

day readmission rate for...

DNAs are restricted...

Volcanic ash may have a bigger impact on the climate than we thought

More than 90% of protected areas are disconnected

When volcanos erupt, these geologic monsters

IMAGE: “More than 90 per cent of protected areas

produce tremendous clouds of ash and dust–plumes

are isolated, in a sea of human activities. ” ...

that can blacken the...

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging findings in competitive college athletes after COVID-19

Gun laws in neighboring states affect state gun deaths, new evidence

What The Study Did: This study investigated the use

IMAGE: Deeper red indicates greater difference in the numbers of firearm laws between a state and its

of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in

neighboring states...

competitive college athletes...

As domestic violence spikes, many victims and their children have nowhere to live COVID-19 has left many victims of domestic

Assessment of mental health of Chinese primary school students before, after school closing, opening during COVID-19 pandemic

violence facing difficulties feeding their children and

What The Study Did: Psychological symptoms,

accessing services for...

nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts among children...

Factors associated with suicide risk after leaving military service What The Study Did: This observational study

Changes in premature deaths from drug poisonings, suicide, alcohol-induced causes in US

investigated demographic and military service

What The Study Did: Researchers compared

characteristics associated with...

changes from 2000 to 2017 in premature deaths in the U.S. due to drug poisonings,...

Get diamonds, take temperature IMAGE: Temperature of C. elegans measured via

Worldwide loss of phosphorus due to soil erosion quantified for the first time

tracking of embedded nanodiamonds. view more

Phosphorus is essential for agriculture, yet this

Credit: Masazumi...

important plant nutrient is increasingly being lost from soils around the...

Climate change recasts the insect communities of the Arctic

Improved early psychosis detection system may halve risk in young people

IMAGE: Parasitic flies are some of the most

Doctors have developed a new data mining method

abundant predators of the Arctic. Here an adult fly of

to detect many young people with emerging

Peleteria aenea...

psychosis. The new methods, based...

Baby heartbeat reveals the stress of having a depressed or anxious mother

Coronavirus: South Korea’s Covid detectives

Scientists have shown that the babies of mothers

South Korea, a country held up as a model for its

dealing with anxiety or depression exhibit physiologically stronger signs...

response to Covid-19, has been struggling to contain a new nationwide outbreak....

Coronavirus: Jonathan Ashworth grills Matt Hancock over Covid-19 test guidelines

National eczema week: ‘I wanted to rip my skin off’

Hancock questioned over testing guidance. Video,

meltdown and start clawing at it. I wanted to rip my

00:04:10Hancock questioned over testing guidance

skin off.” Anna...

“There were days where I would have a complete

Coronavirus: Care homes in England warned of rise in infections The government has written to care home providers

Poor home hygiene contributing to antibiotic resistance, warn global hygiene experts

in England to warn them of a rise in new coronavirus

IMAGE: The paper was developed by the Global

infections within...

Hygiene Council’s panel of public health and AMR experts, following...

Lab-on-paper strip: Small, inexpensive platform for diagnosing tropical fevers

Novel virus-based colorimetric sensor can show true colors of airborne threats

IMAGE: The Aedes aegypti mosquito can spread

IMAGE: Colorimetric sensors are easy-to-use

various tropical diseases including dengue, zika,

devices that can reveal information, such as

and chikungunya, which...

humidity, acidity, or the...

Is the "Mozart Effect" real? New analysis indicates that music can help epilepsy

How does chronic stress induce bone loss?

A new comprehensive analysis on the effect of

Clinical studies have found that bone mineral

Mozart’s music on epilepsy has confirmed that

density in patients with anxiety or depression is

listening to his piano...

lower than in ordinary people....

Inherited genetic variant influences response to leukemia treatment for some children

Massive-scale genomic study reveals wheat diversity for crop improvement

IMAGE: Jun J. Yang, Ph.D., of St. Jude Pharmaceutical Sciences and Oncology view more

station in El Batán, near Mexico City. A new study

IMAGE: Wheat grows at CIMMYT’s experimental analyzing the...

Credit: St. Jude Scientists...

Asthma patients given risky levels of steroid tablets More than one quarter of asthma patients have been prescribed potentially dangerous amounts of steroid tablets, with researchers...

Decreased MIR2911 absorption in human with SIDT1 polymorphism fails to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Previously, Chen-Yu Zhang’s group have identified SID1 transmembrane family member 1 (SIDT1) as a critical membrane...

Quantitatively understanding of angleresolved polarized Raman scattering from black phosphorus

Ammonium triggers formation of lateral roots

IMAGE: The ARPR intensity of BP at normal laser incidence. (a) The atomic structure of BP. (b)

import and accumulation of shoot-derived auxin into

IMAGE: Localized ammonium supply enhances the the root vasculature,...

Schematic illustration...

Heated rivalries for pollinators among arctic plants

Feeding off fusion or the immortalization of tumor cells

IMAGE: Even in the Arctic, most plants are insect-

IMAGE: image illustrating the mitochondrial fusion of

pollinated – but here, most pollinators are small, black midges...

the Drosophila tumor cells in red, blue staining showing tumor...

First assessment of naturalized, invasive and potentially invasive plan

Shedding light on coral reefs

IMAGE: CABI scientists have led the first

IMAGE: One of the reefs studied in the project was Hog Breaker Reef, Bermuda view more Credit: Eric

assessment of naturalised, invasive and potentially

Hochberg Earlier...

invasive plant species...

When methane-eating microbes eat ammonia instead

Alleged computer hacker Lauri Love: Living with my autism

Some microorganisms, the so-called

Alleged British computer hacker Lauri Love was

methanotrophs, make a living by oxidizing methane

arrested in 2013 on suspicion of stealing data from

(CH4) to carbon dioxide (CO2). Ammonia...

the FBI, Nasa and other...

Coronavirus: Avoid ‘party weekend’ ahead of new restrictions, public told

Coronavirus: Children will stay part of rule of six, says Gove

People in the UK must not treat this weekend as a

The “rule of six”, the latest limits on social gatherings

“party” before the new “rule of six” coronavirus...

in England, will not be changed to exempt children...

Coronavirus: Oxford University to resume vaccine trial after pause

Does the Mediterranean diet protect against rheumatoid arthritis?

Trials of a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by

Previous research has demonstrated a variety of

AstraZeneca and Oxford University will resume after

health benefits associated with the Mediterranean

being paused due to a...

diet, which is rich in...

Lifestyle improvements may lessen cognitive decline

Exercise improves learning and memory in young adults

In the study published in the Journal of the American

The review, which is published in Translational

Geriatrics Society, 119 individuals older than 65

Sports Medicine, included 13 relevant studies. The

years of age who...

types of exercise that...

Hoarding and herding during the COVID19 pandemic

Vaccine proves effective against the most severe type of pneumonia

Understanding the psychology behind economic

The research led by the Murdoch Children’s

decision-making, and how and why a pandemic

Research Institute (MCRI) and published in The

might trigger responses such as...

Lancet Regional Health —...

Concussion discovery reveals dire, unknown effect of even mild brain injuries

For job seekers with disabilities, soft skills don’t impress in early interviews

The discovery offers important insights into

The findings, published in the International Journal of Conflict Management, contrast this with the

traumatic brain injury (TBI), a poorly understood

results for candidates...

condition that has become...

Depression risk detected by measuring heart rate changes IMAGE: A wearable heart monitor, of the type used

Dipanjan Pan demonstrates new method to produce gold nanoparticles in cancer cells

in the study. view more Credit: IMEC For the first

Dipanjan Pan, professor of chemical, biochemical,


and environmental engineering at UMBC, and collaborators published a seminal...

Relaxed through pregnancy A group of researchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin have been able to show that maternal psychological...

Researchers develop rapid test for ovarian cancer detection The CA125 antigen, a plasma membrane glycoprotein found in the tissues of the female reproductive tract, is commonly used...

Taste buds may play role in fostering obesity in offspring

Veterinary college team IDs gene that drives ovarian cancer

ITHACA, N.Y. – Cornell food scientists show in

ITHACA, N.Y. – High-grade serious ovarian

animal studies that a mother’s high-fat diet may lead to more...

carcinoma (HGSOC) is the fifth-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in...

Measuring brainwaves while sleeping can tell if you should switch antidepressants Scientists have discovered that measuring

Electroconvulsive therapy shown to significantly reduce suicide risk in Bipolar patients

brainwaves produced during REM sleep can predict

One of the largest ever studies of patients with

whether a patient will respond...

untreatable bipolar disorder has shown that ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy)...

How do people prefer coronavirus contact tracing to be carried out?

Anti-bacterial graphene face masks

The research shows people are more concerned

Assistant Professor from CityU’s Department of

about who runs the process than the risks of others

Chemistry, in collaboration...

The research is conducted by Dr Ye Ruquan,

having unauthorised access...

Binge-drinkers’ brains have to work harder to feel empathy for others

Epigenetic changes precede onset of diabetes

The research shows that binge-drinkers’ brains have to put more effort into trying to feel empathy for other

Several causes play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes. These include a genetic


predisposition, epigenetic factors...

Human norovirus strains differ in sensitivity to the body’s first line of defense

Research sheds light on earliest stages of Angelman syndrome

The findings, published in the Proceedings of the

associated with delayed development, intellectual disability, speech impairment and...

National Academy of Sciences, highlight the

Angelman syndrome is a genetic disorder

importance of considering strain...

Experiments reveal why human-like robots elicit uncanny feelings

FABP4: Preschool-aged biomarker discovered for autism spectrum disorder

The journal Perception published new insights into

ASD is a developmental disorder that begins in early

the cognitive mechanisms underlying this

childhood and affects learning, communication, and

phenomenon made by psychologists...

social behavior....

How plants ensure regular seed spacing IMAGE: Seeds in different bean and pea pods (top:

Researchers find cuttlebone’s microstructure sits at a ‘sweet spot’

snow pea pod; mid: princess beans; bottom: runner

IMAGE: A cube-shaped sample isolated from

beans). The research...

cuttlebone is placed in a mechanical tester for compression measurements. ...

Study highlights ‘systematic opposition’ to regulation in tackling NCDs from food industry

COIVD-19: A barometer for social justice in New York City

A new study out this week during the Global Week

In an editorial for the American Journal of Public Health, faculty from the CUNY Graduate School of

for Action on non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

Public Health and Health...

highlights that global public...

New molecule to repair and restore brain and spinal cord function

A phonon laser – coherent vibrations from a self

A molecule created by researchers can restore lost

IMAGE: Figure 1. (a) Polariton BEC and phonon

connections in the spinal cord and brain of mice with

lasing of a microstructured trap in a semiconductor

neurological disorders...

microcavity. (b)...

To recreate ancient recipes, check out the vestiges of clay pots

Site of male sexual desire uncovered in brain

IMAGE: Seven La Chamba unglazed ceramic pots

CHICAGO — The locus of male sexual desire has

used in a yearlong cooking experiment that

been uncovered in specific regions of brain tissue

analyzed the chemical residues...

where a key gene named...

With the ongoing risk of coronavirus, what does the average school day now look like?

Pregnancy loss: ‘He wasn’t with me when we got the bad news’

Back to school: The new normal. Video,

UK’s coronavirus lockdown have said they want to

00:02:53Back to school: The new normal

see “clearer...

Coronavirus: UK epidemic growing as R number goes above 1

Coronavirus testing system ‘falling over’

Public health officials have warned of “worrying

are struggling to access coronavirus tests. Health Secretary Matt Hancock...

signs” of infection among the elderly, as an official

A couple who experienced miscarriage during the

People across England have told BBC News they


Biological sex affects genes for body fat, cancer, birth weight

Telomere length varies across human tissue types

These sex differences are observed for genes

A new study, published in the September 11 issue of

involved in many functions, including how people

Science, answers this question by examining

respond to medication, how...

telomere length in over 20...

New immunotherapy to beat cancer Cancer immunotherapy is the manipulation of the

Stronger bones thanks to heat and microbiota

immune responses naturally present in the human

Many biologists are familiar with Allen’s Rule, from

body to fight cancer. Often,...

19th-century naturalist Joel Asaph Allen, according to which animals...

Healthy diet and exercise during pregnancy could lead to healthier children

Quantum thermometer using nanodiamonds senses a ‘fever’ in tiny worms C. elegans

The study, led by King’s College London and

The research is published in Science Advances. The

supported by the British Heart Foundation and

optical microscope is one of the most basic tools for

Tommy’s charity, examined...

analysis in biology...

Gene could decrease likelihood of developing alcoholic cirrhosis

Role of protein in development of new hearing hair cells

Alcoholic cirrhosis can happen after years of

The study was published in the journal

drinking too much alcohol. According to the

Development, and was conducted by physician-

researchers, discovering more about...

scientists and researchers at the UMSOM...

Global warming threatens soil phosphorus, says a soil scientist from RUDN University

Computational modelling explains why blues and greens are brightest colous in nature

IMAGE: A soil scientist from RUDN University found

Researchers have shown why intense, pure red

out that the resources of organic phosphorus in the

colours in nature are mainly produced by pigments,

soils of the...

instead of the structural...

COVID ventilator patients can have permanent nerve damage

Holding up a mirror to a dark matter discrepancy

CHICAGO — Severely ill COVID-19 patients on ventilators are placed in a prone (face down)

New Haven, Conn. — The universe’s funhouse mirrors are revealing a difference between how dark

position because it’s...

matter behaves...

Drugging the undruggable: Yale finds treatment path for muscular dystrophy

Are male genes from Mars, female genes from Venus?

New haven, CT: Researchers at Yale have identified

IMAGE: Wilson is a researcher in the Biodesign

a possible treatment for Duchenne muscular

Center for Mechanisms in Evolution, the Center for

dystrophy (DMD), a rare genetic...

Evolution and Medicine,...

For diverse corporate board members, upward mobility stops with a seat at the table

Scientists find an enzyme that facilitates grafting between different family species

IMAGE: This graph demonstrates research data

scion was grafted onto a rootstock of

suggesting the majority of board directors and board

Chrysanthemum (Florist’s...

IMAGE: Using tobacco as an interscion, a tomato

leaders are white...

Gene that drives ovarian cancer identified Now, scientists at the College of Veterinary Medicine

Pandemic spawns ‘infodemic’ in scientific literature

have collaborated on a study that pinpoints which

The rush to publish results has resulted in missteps,

specific genes drive...

say Ganesh Mani, an investor, technology entrepreneur and adjunct faculty...

COVID-19 ventilator patients can have permanent nerve damage

Antibody test developed for COVID-19 that is sensitive, specific and scalable

Scientists believe the nerve damage is the result of reduced blood flow and inflammation. Other non-

Additional uses coming later that are likely to have the biggest societal impact, the researchers say, are

COVID-19 patients on...

to assess relative...

Phone calls create stronger bonds than text-based communications

Drugging the undruggable: Treatment path for muscular dystrophy

In the study, people chose to type because they

DMD is the most common form of muscular

believed a phone call would be more awkward —

dystrophy, a disease that leads to progressive

but they were wrong,...

weakness and eventual loss of the...

Sex differences in health and disease

Middle-aged individuals may be in a perpetual state of H3N2 flu virus susceptibility

Not only do the sexes differ in outward appearance, their differentially expressed genes strongly affect the risk, incidence,...

“We found that different aged individuals have different H3N2 flu virus antibody specificities,” Hensley said....

Carbon-rich exoplanets may be made of diamonds

Researchers identify role of protein in development of new hearing hair cells

IMAGE: Illustration of a carbon-rich planet with

IMAGE: A surface view of the organ of hearing

diamond and silica as main minerals. Water can

(cochlea) from a mouse, using confocal microscopy.

convert a carbide planet...

The sensory cells...

Researchers discover gene that could decrease likelihood of developing alcoholic cirrhosis

Ancient earthquake may have caused destruction of Canaanite palace at Tel Kabri

IMAGE: Suthat Liangpunsakul, MD view more

IMAGE: Aerial view showing the Southern Storage

Credit: IU School of Medicine INDIANAPOLIS–

Complex (SSC), the Northern Storage Complex

Researchers at...

(NSC; blue dashed box)...

Brazilians start to unravel the mystery of North American insect bioluminescent systems

Trout don’t follow the weather forecast

IMAGE: Researchers isolated molecules present in

steelhead in California. ...

IMAGE: UC visiting assistant professor Michael Booth is unlocking the secrets of endangered

the larvae of the fungus gnat Orfelia fultoni view more Credit:...

US democratic indicators plummet amid racial justice protests and pandemic

Novel discovery challenges a current kidney cancer paradigm

IMAGE: Placed in a longer-term context, the experts’ ratings of US democratic performance have

IMAGE: Mei Koh, PhD view more Credit: Huntsman Cancer Institute SALT LAKE CITY – Newly

fallen the furthest...

published research...

Coronavirus: Who would get the vaccine first?

Coronavirus: Doctors study brain of ‘miraculous’ young patient

If or when scientists succeed in making a

Coronavirus: ‘Miracle’ father home in time for son’s

coronavirus vaccine, there won’t be enough to go around. Research labs and...


Coronavirus: What are the challenges of mass testing?

Coronavirus: UK epidemic growing as R number above 1

The prime minister talked about his “Moonshot”

Coronavirus infections have increased in recent

plan, on Wednesday, to test millions of people every

weeks in the UK, according to new estimates. The

day using...

government’s latest...

Pain tolerance among cannabis users Doctoral student Michelle St. Pierre, who conducts

Autistic adults have a higher rate of physical health conditions, study finds

research in the psychology department at UBC

Earlier research has shown that autistic people on

Okanagan, recently published...

average die younger than others and that this may be, in part, due to...

Levodopa may improve vision in patients with macular degeneration

Addicted to the sun? Research shows it’s in your genes

More than 15 percent of the US population over the

This means that people’s behaviour towards seeking

age of 70 has AMD, a common cause of blindness

sun is complicated by a genetic predisposition, and

in developed nations. Neovascular...

this needs to...

DNA-based nanotechnology stimulates potent antitumor immune responses

Emotion vocabulary reflects state of wellbeing

“One of the advantages of synthetic DNA

“Our language seems to indicate our expertise with

technologies over other methods is the versatility of

states of emotion we are more comfortable with,”

the platforms,”...

said lead...

Loss of a pet can potentially trigger mental health issues in children

Stem cell research delivers new points of attack against Parkinson’s disease

“One of the first major losses a child will encounter is likely to be the death of a pet, and the impact can

Lack of protein DJ-1 makes you sick A protein called DJ-1 plays a crucial role in keeping nerve cells

be traumatic,...

functioning. If the...

MAX binding with the variant Rs72780850 in RNA helicase DDX1 for susceptibility to neuroblastoma

Healthy diet and exercise during pregnancy could lead to healthier children, study finds

IMAGE: Functional exploration of neuroblastoma

New research shows improving the lifestyle of

associated DDX1 gene polymorphism rs72780850.

women with obesity during pregnancy could mean

view more Credit:...

long-term cardiovascular benefits...

Understanding electron transport in graphene nanoribbons

Halving the risk of infection following surgery

Graphene is a modern wonder material possessing

IMAGE: Stock image of surgeons beginning a

unique properties of strength, flexibility and

procedure view more Credit: deborabalves

conductivity whilst being...

(Pixabay) Surgeons could...

Harvard team uses laser to cool polyatomic molecule

Winds of change move western smoke into the Pacific

IMAGE: GSAS Students, Yicheng Bao (right) and

IMAGE: NOAA/NASA’s Suomi NPP satellite

Loic Anderegg work with lasers for laser cooling

captured these series of images (made into an

CaF molecules in the...

animated GIF) showing the...

NASA satellite finds an elongated Tropical Storm Rene caused by wind shear

NASA satellite finds a wedge-shaped Tropical Storm Paulette

IMAGE: On Sept. 11 at 12:35 a.m. EDT (0435 UTC),

IMAGE: On Sept. 11 at 12:35 a.m. EDT (0435 UTC), the MODIS instrument that flies aboard NASA’s

the MODIS instrument that flies aboard NASA’s

Aqua satellite...

Aqua satellite...

Nonharmful stress protects against disease in offspring

How loss of single gene fuels deadly childhood brain cancer

The researchers used a functional measurement to

The cause of ATRT is primarily linked to inactivation

document resilience to injury of the retina of adult

of a gene called SMARCB1, part of a larger complex

mice that were born...

that helps regulate...

How coronavirus took hold in North America and in Europe

Colors evoke similar feelings around the world

Published in the journal Science, the results suggest

In the current issue of Psychological Science, the

an extended period of missed opportunity when

scientists report that the participants were asked to

intensive testing and...

fill out an online...

GTEx Consortium releases fresh insights into how DNA differences govern gene expression

COVID-19 may have been in LA as early as last December, study suggests

These studies, released in a set of 15 papers

which continued through February 2020, represents

published in Science and other journals, constitute

an unexpected 50% increase...

This sudden spike in patients with these symptoms,

the most comprehensive...

New genetic analysis method could advance personal genomics The laboratory of Johns Hopkins biomedical engineering professor Alexis Battle has developed a technique to begin identifying...

Research on the impact of ACE-i and ARBs for patients with COVID-19 continues to evolve Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Heart Association issued a joint statement with the Heart Failure Society of...

Infrared NASA imagery provides Paulette’s temperature palette

Monitoring sleep positions for a healthy rest

IMAGE: On Sept. 9, 2020 at 12:47a.m. EDT (0447

MIT researchers have developed a wireless, private

UTC) NASA’s Aqua satellite analyzed Tropical Storm

way to monitor a person’s sleep postures — whether

Paulette using...


NASA finds Tropical Storm Rene less affected by wind shear

Hubble observations suggest a missing ingredient in dark matter theories

IMAGE: On Sept. 10, 2020, NASA’s Terra satellite

Astronomers have discovered that there may be a

provided a visible image of Tropical Storm Rene,

missing ingredient in our cosmic recipe of how dark

and the eastern...

matter behaves. They...

New Hubble data suggests there is an ingredient missing from current dark matter theories

Multiphase buffering by ammonia explains wide range of atmospheric aerosol acidity

Observations by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space

IMAGE: Multiphase buffering effect of emitted

Telescope and the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT)...

ammonia controls aerosol pH, thereby influencing the haze chemistry and...

Racial/ethnic variation found in nasal gene expression of key protein used by SARS-CoV-2

High-precision electrochemistry: The new gold standard in fuel cell catalyst development

New York – In a study published in JAMA today,

Vehicles powered by polymer electrolyte membrane

Mount Sinai researchers report findings that shed

fuel cells (PEMFCs) are energy-efficient and eco-

some light on the...

friendly, but despite increasing...

Coronavirus: What are the rules for face masks or face coverings?

Coronavirus: What is anxiety and how can I get help?

Many of the UK’s secondary school pupils will have

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health

to wear face coverings when they return for the

problems experienced in the UK. Dramatic changes

autumn term. The...

in all our lives during...

Coronavirus: Long waits for hospital operations soar in England

Contraceptive services ‘even worse’ after coronavirus

The disruption to hospitals in England during the pandemic has meant the number of patients facing

The coronavirus pandemic has made a “difficult situation even worse” for women trying to access

long waits for routine...


Seeing the eye like never before In an effort led by UW Medicine, researchers

Antibody responses in COVID-19 patients could guide vaccine design

successfully modified the standard process of

The world is facing an unprecedented challenge with

optical coherence tomography (OCT)...

communities and economies affected by the growing COVID-19 pandemic....

Gut microbiome data may be helpful in routine screening of cardiovascular disease

Fatter legs linked to reduced risk of high blood pressure

Recent studies have found a link between gut

continued discussion of ‘it’s not just how much fat

microbiota, the microorganisms in human digestive

you have,...

“Ultimately, what we noted in this study is a

tracts, and CVD, which is...

Systematic approach crucial for personcentred care

Seven in 10 Americans willing to get COVID-19 vaccine, survey finds

Expectations are growing stronger for health care to

Researchers from The Ohio State University

be person-centered, and therefore emanate from a

surveyed more than 2,000 Americans in May, asking

partnership between...

them about their willingness...

Researchers publish striking images of SARS-CoV-2 infected cells

Safeguarding of key DNA sensor in innate immune system

Ehre, a member of the UNC Marsico Lung Institute

This research, published in Science, reveals in detail

and the UNC Children’s Research Institute, captured

how the nucleosomes inside our cells block cGAS

these images to...

from unintentionally...

New machine learning-assisted method rapidly classifies quantum sources

Portable MRI brings brain imaging to the patient bedside

IMAGE: Purdue University researchers trained a machine to recognize promising patterns in single-

BOSTON – A portable, low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device can be safely used

photon emission within...

at bedside in complex clinical...

Quirky response to magnetism presents quantum physics mystery

Antibiotic molecule enables immune system to kill HIV infected cells

UPTON, NY–The search is on to discover new

Ever since the first cases of a mysterious disease in

states of matter, and possibly new ways of encoding, manipulating, and transporting...

the early 1980s exploded into the HIV/AIDS pandemic, researchers have...

Brazilian researcher creates an ultrasimple inexpensive method to fabricate optical fiber

Researchers reveal safeguarding of key DNA sensor in innate immune system

A novel process to fabricate special optical fiber that

the protein cGAS (teal, top) bound to the

is far simpler, faster and cheaper than the

nucleosome — the...

IMAGE: The first-ever high-resolution structure of

conventional method has...

UNC researchers publish striking images of SARS-CoV-2 infected cells

Dietary changes could produce big offsets to carbon emissions

IMAGE: A higher power magnification image shows

IMAGE: Eating less meat and dairy products in favor

the structure and density of SARS-CoV-2 virions

of plant-based proteins like those found in grains,

(red) produced by human...

legumes and...

What are the tests that could be used in Operation Moonshot?

How 38MILLION people live in areas hardly affected by coronavirus

Rapid coronavirus tests that use saliva, work in minutes and cost less than £30 a time could be used

Brentwood 15.6 (12), 15.6 (12) Castle Point 15.5 (14), 14.4 (13) Reigate and Banstead 15.5 (23), 10.8

to try and hit Prime...

(16) Bromley 15.3 (51),...

Coronavirus UK: Deaths announced for Thursday

One in 50 NHS patients have now been waiting a YEAR or more for planned surgery

England and Northern Ireland announced the deaths of nine more people with coronavirus today, while no more have been confirmed...

One in 50 NHS patients have now been waiting a year or more for planned surgery due to treatment delays caused by coronavirus. NHS...

‘Professor Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson tells people to ‘hesitate’ against rushing back to work

‘Protect Scotland’ contact-tracing app is launched by Nicola Sturgeon

‘Professor Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson tells people to

in the UK to have a coronavirus contact tracing app

‘hesitate’ against ‘headlong rush to get...

after Scotland launched...

Cellular-level interactions that lead to the cytokine storm in COVID-19

Chemotherapy drug more effective when combined with microbubbles

A significant percentage of COVID-19 cases are

Aiming to increase the precision, researchers at

severe enough to warrant admission to hospital for

Tulane University created a combination treatment

monitoring and treatment....

that involves vaporizing...

A new method for directed networks could help multiple levels of science A prime example of this is a food web, in which the

Researchers solve decades old mitochondrial mystery that could lead to new disease treatments

nodes represent species and there is a directed

Reporting in a new study published today in Nature,

edge from each species...

researchers from the Department of Physiology in

England and Wales will now become the last places

the Perelman School...

Sampling the gut microbiome with an ingestible pill

Women’s heart health linked to age at first menstrual period

Currently, researchers obtain gut microbes by

Because CVD is the leading cause of death in

collecting stool samples or using techniques such as

women, a lot of research is devoted to identifying

colonoscopy or endoscopy....

ways for women to improve...

Allergic immune responses help fight bacterial infections

Cancer: Dismantling the web of death

Allergy is one of the most common diseases in

and it can become ineffective with time: In addition to side effects, the...

Europe, it is estimated that more than 150 million

Chemotherapy, however, is stressful for the body

Europeans suffer from recurring...

Safety-net clinicians’ caseloads received reduced merit-based incentive payment scores

Scientists predicted new superhard materials

ST. LOUIS – A team of researchers led by Kenton

learning (ML) methods to predict superhard

Johnston, Ph.D., an associate professor of health

materials based on their crystal structure. The...

A group of Skoltech scientists used machine

management and policy...

Tel Aviv University study confirms widespread literacy in biblical-period kingdom of Judah

CityU develops anti-bacterial graphene face masks

IMAGE: Examples of Hebrew ostraca from Arad.

system to generate graphene. Experiment results show that the...

view more Credit: Michael Cordonsky, TAU and the

IMAGE: Dr Ye’s team uses the CO2 infrared laser

Israel Antiquities...

Scientists map freshwater transport in the Arctic Ocean

How chemical diversity in plants facilitates plant-animal interactions

IMAGE: Map of the study region. The colored lines

IMAGE: A male Passerini’s tanager, Ramphocelus

denote the ship tracks of the oceanographic surveys

passerinii, eats the fruit of Piper sancti-felicis. Photo

whose data were...

by Bernadette...

COVID-19 study links strict social distancing to much lower chance of infection

Children will wait to impress others — another twist on the classic marshmallow test

Using public transportation, visiting a place of worship, or otherwise traveling from the home is

If you asked people to name a famous psychology study, the “marshmallow test” would probably come

associated with a significantly...

out near the...

Child obesity action ‘risks losing its way’ Government efforts to fight child obesity risk getting

Coronavirus: Man with chronic asthma ‘forced’ to wear mask on plane

lost in reorganisations and delays, a report warns.

Media captionFootage shows the EasyJet pilot

The National Audit...

refusing to accept Nick’s medical exemption card A man with...

Coronavirus: Behind the rise in cases in five charts

Coronavirus: Concerns over Boris Johnson’s ‘moonshot’ testing plans

Officials are alarmed by the latest rise in coronavirus

Scientists and health professionals have raised

cases. Newly diagnosed cases have topped 2,000

doubts about Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s

for the past three...

“Operation Moonshot”...

Police chiefs back medicinal cannabis cards for patients which will effectively decriminalise the drug is being

Insomnia identified as a new risk factor for type 2 diabetes in new study which also confirms many other risk and protective factors


The study by Associate Professor Susanna Larsson

A system of ‘cannabis cards’ for medicinal users

and by Shuai Yuan of the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, used...

Mindfulness with paced breathing and lowering blood pressure

New glove-like device mimics sense of touch

Mindfulness is increasingly practiced as a technique

Pending user tests and funding to commercialise the

to reduce stress through mind and body interactions.

new technology, these ideas could become reality in

In some instances,...

a couple of years...

People who were children when their parents divorced have less ‘love hormone’

Nature as a model: Researchers develop novel anti-inflammatory substance

Oxytocin — secreted in the brain and released

“We are attempting to imitate nature,” explains

during bonding experiences such as delivery of a

Professor Karsten Mäder from the Institute of

baby or sexual interaction...

Pharmacy at MLU....

Lumpy proteins stiffen blood vessels of the brain

Lecturer takes laptops and smart phones away and musters student presence

Nearly all people over the age of 50 are known to

At a time when much of instruction is performed

have tiny lumps of the protein Medin in the walls of

digitally and university lecture halls are often

their blood vessels....

illuminated by a sea of...

Gut microbiota not involved in the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus

Body cameras may have little effect on police and citizen behaviors

A clinical study with the purpose to investigate the

A recent analysis published in Campbell Systematic

impact of two food supplements, fish oil and

Reviews indicates that body cameras worn by police

probiotics (containing...

do not have clear or...

Study provides insights on bouncing back from job loss

Factors linked to college aspirations, enrollment, and success

Stress associated with job loss can have a host of negative effects on individuals that may hinder their

A recent study has identified certain factors associated with a greater likelihood that a high

ability to become...

school student will decide...

Gestational diabetes may accelerate child’s biological age

The web of death

Children born to mothers who had diabetes during

disrupted by a web forming inside of the cells –

pregnancy may age faster biologically and be at an

which activates...

IMAGE: The physical structures of cancer cells are

increased risk for obesity...

Researchers reveal a much richer picture of the past with new DNA recovery technique

Over a century later, the mystery of the Alfred Wallace’s butterfly is solved

IMAGE: Tyler Murchie, a PhD candidate in the

natural habitat. view more Credit: Dr Yu-Feng Hsu

Department of Anthropology and a lead author of

An over...

IMAGE: A living individual (Famegana nisa) in its

the study. view...

New drug could stop deadly superbug, save tens of thousands of lives WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Vancomycin-resistant

Outbreaks of infections including Covid19 in England’s care homes at lowest levels for six MONTHS

enterococcus (VRE) is among the leading causes of

Outbreaks of coronavirus-like illnesses in care

hospital-acquired infections...

homes have dropped to a six month low, according to Public Health England. Between...

‘Hands, face, space’: Department of Health launches campaign pushing basic coronavirus messages

Could face masks build IMMUNITY to Covid-19? Scientists theorise

A worrying video showing how far coronavirus

Covid-19? Scientists claim infections caused by

droplets can travel indoors has been released by the

smaller viral loads...

Could face masks be a crude ‘vaccine’ against

Government ahead of a dreaded...

Grandfather, 84, who had NEVER left UK is the earliest known fatality from coronavirus outside China

Passing out drunk could more than DOUBLE your risk of later developing dementia

China is facing calls for an inquiry into the truth

Passing out drunk could more than double the risk

behind the outbreak of the coronavirus after a postmortem found that...

of later developing dementia, a study has found, with just one drink a...

UK announces 2,659 more coronavirus cases and eight deaths

Birmingham faces looming lockdown, West Midlands mayor admits

The UK has announced 2,659 more coronavirus

A map by Imperial College London predicts which

cases and eight deaths as Boris Johnson

areas will be hit with tough Covid-19 restrictions

announces people must ‘limit social...

based on infection...

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson unveils draconian new curbs

Bat tick found for the first time in New Jersey

Boris Johnson warned tonight that draconian new

This species (Carios kelleyi) is a “soft” tick. Deer

coronavirus restrictions could be here for months –

ticks, which carry Lyme disease, are an example of

as chief medical...


Metabolite signature of COVID-19 reveals multi-organ effects

Cell-autonomous immunity shaped human evolution

Current diagnostic tests for COVID-19 rely on the

Like amoebae, most human cells can transform

detection of viral RNA or antibodies against the

themselves to engulf and degrade foreign agents in

virus. Both types of tests...

a process known as phagocytosis,...

More cats might be COVID-19 positive than first believed, study suggests

Artificial intelligence aids gene activation discovery

Researchers from Huazhong Agricultural University,

Nearly 25% of our genes are widely known to be

in the Chinese city, took blood samples from 102

transcribed by sequences that resemble TATAAA,

cats between January...

which is called the “TATA...

Biological roots for teen risk-taking: Uneven brain growth

New tracking technology will help fight rhino poaching in Namibia

So, why do some adolescents take more risks than

The software, called the Footprint Identification

others? University of Delaware Biomedical Engineer

Technique (FIT), runs on JMP software from SAS

Curtis Johnson and graduate...

and uses advanced algorithms...

Designed antiviral proteins inhibit SARSCoV-2 in the lab

Finding a handle to bag the right proteins

The findings are reported today, Sept. 9, in Science

mixtures will become easier with a simpler way to

In the experiments, the lead antiviral candidate,

detect a molecular “tag”...

Purifying specific protein molecules from complex

named LCB1, rivaled...

RIT/NTID researchers study how deaf and hearing people watch sign language

Baboon matriarchs enjoy less stress

A recent study has shown that readers’ eye gaze

female baboons have lower levels of stress

behaviors are strong indicators of words that are

hormones than their dominant...

IMAGE: Born to rule and rarely challenged, alpha

unexpected, new,...

Vibration device makes homes ‘smart’ by tracking appliances ITHACA, N.Y. – To boost efficiency in typical households – where people forget to take wet clothes out of washing...

Researchers report positive results for ReWalk ReStore exosuit in stroke rehabilitation IMAGE: Researchers completed a multi-center, single-arm trial study of the ReStore for gait training of individuals...

Spotlight on artificial intelligence: ONR to highlight AI research at DoD Symposium

Where rocks come alive: OSIRIS-REx observes an asteroid in action

IMAGE: PEARL HARBOR (Mar. 23, 2016) Gunners

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere. And while here on Earth,

Mate 2nd Class Daniel Green, right, and Fire

“happy hour” is commonly associated with winding...

Controlman 3rd Class Tong...

New ultrafast yellow laser poised to benefit biomedical applications

Coronavirus: Scottish deaths up by a third at height of pandemic

IMAGE: Researchers used a two-step nonlinear

The number of people who died in Scotland at the

frequency conversion to convert mid-infrared laser

height of the coronavirus outbreak was a third higher

light into yellow light...

than usual, according...

Coronavirus: Oxford University vaccine trial paused after participant falls ill

Coronavirus: Five reasons why rise in cases is not all it seems

Final clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine,

Officials are clearly alarmed by the latest rise in

developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University,

coronavirus cases. Newly diagnosed cases have

have been put on hold after...

topped 2,000 for the past...

Coronavirus: People without symptoms ‘misusing testing’

Probiotics ‘could reduce obesity in children’ and reduce their risk of serious diseases

Health Secretary Matt Hancock says increasing numbers of people in England are seeking tests when they don’t have any...

Probiotic yoghurts ‘could reduce obesity in children’ and shrink their risk of serious diseases in future, study...

You should RUB an itch instead of scratching it to ease the irritation

DNA testing ‘can predict throat cancer up to eight YEARS’ in advance

You should RUB an itch instead of scratching it to

‘The attacks would happen several times a week,

ease the irritation because it activates a soothing

usually when I went to bed and lay down,’ says

pathway from the spinal...

Peter, 66 After...

‘Self-cleaning’ products claim to help fight off viruses, reviewed

GP offered to give desperately ill son half of her OWN liver to save him because of donor shortage

A slew of antibacterial, antiviral and other ‘selfcleaning’ products have come on to the market

recently. But are...

GP reveals how she offered to give her desperately ill baby son half of her own liver to save his life after struggle to...

Could your sleeping position be the key to success? High earners favour ‘the freefall’

Fighting cardiovascular disease with acne drug

From the ‘freefall’ to the ‘foetal’, the differing sleeping positions favoured by high and lower...

heart failure in general, their function being to lower strain on...

Glial cells play an active role in the nervous system

Romantic partners influence each other’s goals

Researchers at the University of Münster have

The research team from the University of Basel’s

discovered that glial cells not only control the speed

Faculty of Psychology wanted to examine the short-

of nerve conduction,...

and long-term interdependence...

Unconscious learning underlies belief in God, study suggests

Muscle aging: Stronger for longer

Their research, reported in the journal Nature

shrink and their strength dwindles. Unfortunately,

Communications, is the first to use implicit pattern

this is a natural part...

“Currently DCM is treated with medicines used for

Already in our best years, our muscles begin to

learning to investigate...

More than one drink a day may raise high blood pressure risk in adults with Type 2 diabetes

Unlocking the mystery of tau for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

“This is the first large study to specifically investigate

Now, a team of researchers from various collaborating universities and hospitals in Japan has

the association of alcohol intake and hypertension

uncovered crucial molecular...


Vitamin B1 deficiency a key factor in the development of alcohol-related dementia

Mysterious cellular droplets come into focus

In Austria, around 5% of the population are alcohol

IMAGE: Individual protein molecules comprising the

dependent from the age of 15 onwards. This means

condensate are highlighted using color. view more

that approximately 365,000...


BIO Integration Journal, Volume 1, Issue Number 2, publishes

Prediction of protein disorder from amino acid sequence

Guangzhou, September 9, 2020: New journal BIO

IMAGE: Associate Professor Frans Mulder and

Integration (BIOI) publishes its second issue,

coworkers at Aarhus University have developed

volume 1, issue 2. BIOI is a...

ODiNPred (Prediction of Order...

More chemicals can be assessed for endocrine disrupting effects A European guidance document aimed at identifying

During the pandemic, online lecture series helps fill gaps in training for urology residents

endocrine disrupting pesticides can–with some

September 9, 2020 – The ongoing coronavirus


pandemic has affected all aspects of healthcare – including sharp...

An evolutionary roll of the dice explains why we’re not perfect

As collegiate esports become more professional, women are being left out

If evolution selects for the fittest organisms, why do

A new study from North Carolina State University

we still have imperfections? Scientists at the Milner

reports that the rapidly growing field of collegiate

Centre for Evolution...

esports is effectively...

Hair loss drug spironolactone may be safe for use in breast cancer survivors

People who buy a lot of fizzy drinks ‘are more likely to eat a bad diet overall’

WASHINGTON (Sept. 9, 2020) – Spironolactone is

People who buy fizzy drinks are more likely to eat a

not associated with increased risk of female breast

bad diet overall and to be overweight, a study has

cancer recurrence,...

found. Researchers...

People who struggle to sleep are a fifth more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, study

US stay-at-home orders slowed the spread of coronavirus

People who struggle to get a good night’s sleep are significantly more likely to develop type 2 diabetes,

in the US shows that stay-at-home orders slowed

New GPS tracking data from 45 million cell phones the spread of COVID-19...

even if they...

Just 17% of children with coronavirus are hospitalized

Government strategies to cut childhood obesity have ‘had little impact’ for nearly a decade

Just 17% of children with coronavirus are

Government action plans to cut childhood obesity

hospitalized – and most don’t get any sicker than

have had ‘little impact’ and numbers of overweight

they would with flu,...


Don’t panic! Ten reasons there is so much less to fear from a second wave of coronavirus

AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine trials put on hold after suspected ‘serious’ reaction

With summer now a distant memory, a cloud of doom seems to have returned to these shores.

1. GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur: 60million doses The Government revealed on July 29 it had

Yesterday, Britain recorded over...

signed a deal with pharmaceutical...

Boris Johnson will BAN gatherings of more than SIX people from Monday across ALL of England

Cholesterol’s effects on cellular membranes

Gatherings of more than six are being banned to try

of the National Academy of Sciences, have far-

to halt a second wave of coronavirus. In his first

reaching implications in...

The findings, published recently in the Proceedings

reversal of the easing...

Targeted drug found effective in patients who have lung cancer with certain mutations

Investigational drug stops toxic proteins tied to neurodegenerative diseases

A protein called MET affects a wide range of processes within cells, and alterations that activate

poly(GR) (glycine-arginine repeat) proteins

The work shows, for the first time, how toxic produced by the mutated C9orf72...

the MET gene, which codes...

Model shows that the speed neurons fire impacts their ability to synchronize

New nanosystem enhances treatment for melanoma in animal models

The model focuses on Purkinje neurons, which are

The nanocarrier is a biocompatible and

found within the cerebellum. This dense region of the hindbrain receives...

biodegradable polymer, which comprises repeating units of glutamic acids. It packages...

A spillover effect: Medicaid expansion leads to healthier dietary choices

Linking calorie restriction, body temperature and healthspan

Medicaid is beneficial to recipients in a multitude of

A new study from teams led by Scripps Research

ways, by reducing emergency room visits,

Professors Bruno Conti, PhD, and Gary Siuzdak,

increasing access to preventive...

PhD, illuminates the critical...

Cell in zebrafish critical to brain assembly, function The research was published this week in the journal

Sexual minority men who smoke report worse mental health and more frequent substance use

Nature Neuroscience. With their transparent bodies,

Cigarette smoking is associated with frequent

zebrafish larvae...

substance use and poor behavioral and physical health in sexual and gender...

Development of photovoltaics that can be applied like paint for real-life application

New drug could improve life expectancy and quality for pancreatic cancer patients

IMAGE: Dr. Hae Jung Son’s team at KIST implemented high-efficiency solar cell technology on

The Sheffield researchers founded the spin-out Modulus Oncology with a team of experienced

a large area through...

biotech entrepreneurs to fast-track...

Wild cousins may help crops battle climate change

New perception metric balances reaction time, accuracy

IMAGE: A cross pollination is made by the field team

PITTSBURGH–Researchers at Carnegie Mellon

in Lebanon to bring together modern varieties with wild relatives. ...

University have developed a new metric for evaluating how well self-driving...

Virtual tourism could offer new opportunities for travel industry, travelers IMAGE: Dr. Arni S.R. Srinivasa Rao view more

Adolescent girls at risk for self-injury can be identified using a short psychological profile

Credit: Phil Jones, Senior Photographer, Augusta

Washington, DC, September 9, 2020 – A study in

University A...

the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry...

Flipping light on-off turns bacteria into chemical factories

Coronavirus: Government apologises over tests shortage

IMAGE: Princeton University researchers invented a

A director of the government’s test and trace

method for using light to turn on and off a

programme in England has issued a “heartfelt”

mechanism in E. coli...

apology for...

Coronavirus: Hancock concern over ‘sharp rise’ in cases

Coronavirus: Bolton restrictions tightened amid rise in cases

A “sharp rise” in coronavirus cases in recent days in

Media captionMatt Hancock: “We will restrict all

the UK is “concerning”, Health Secretary Matt...

hospitality to takeaways only” Tighter coronavirus...

Coronavirus: Social gatherings above six banned in England from 14 September Social gatherings of more than six people will be

Getting to the root of women’s hair loss: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

illegal in England from Monday – with some

Could you please tell me what can help to stop hair

exemptions – amid...

falling out? Is it caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals? Mrs D....

Could magnesium pills be the secret to staying strong in later life?

Takeaways are urged to cut back on portion sizes to help tackle obesity

Preparing for her 14th marathon later this year, 77-

If the chips are down… you’ll lose weight!

year-old Sylvia Jennings offers some words of

Takeaways are urged to cut back on portion sizes to

reassurance: ‘As long...

help tackle obesity Officials...

How filtering blood may help to combat Covid-19

Woman fears short tanning sessions caused cancerous lump on nose

A filter packed with beads that work like a sponge

Gemma Towle was just 16 when she had her first

could be used to treat Covid-19. The device removes potentially toxic...

sunbed session. ‘I was desperate to look ‘healthy’...

Coronavirus US: Data shows which states are testing most and least

Prostate cancer referrals ‘dropped by HALF during lockdown’

The US is conducting nearly a million coronavirus

How many people does it kill? Prostate cancer

tests a day – but not all states are screening

became a bigger killer than breast cancer for the

equally. Rhode Island...

first time, official statistics...

Can popping a pill ever beat obesity? We ask the experts for the pros and cons Tackling obesity is ‘one of the greatest long-term

Elevated clotting factor V levels linked to worse outcomes in severe COVID-19 infections

health challenges’ this country faces, the

On the other hand, critically ill patients with COVID-

Government announced recently...

19 and low levels of factor V appear to be at increased risk for death...

Older women with type 2 diabetes have different patterns of blood use in their brains

Research unravels what makes memories so detailed and enduring

“It’s a pretty significant finding. Typically, when

describes a newly discovered mechanism of

someone presents with a sensory or motor issue

learning in the brain shown to stabilise...

The study, published in Nature Communications,

along with...

Brain stimulation reduces dyslexia deficits Dyslexia is a frequent disorder of reading acquisition

Delayed immune responses may drive COVID-19 mortality rates among men and the elderly

that affects up to 10% of the population, and is

The clinical manifestations of COVID-19 vary widely

characterized by...

across different patient populations, despite the virus’s limited...

NSAIDs not associated with more severe coronavirus disease, study finds During the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic,

Small study shows convalescent plasma is safe to use in pediatric patients with COVID-19

concerns were raised that the use of the painkiller

To date, no therapies have been proven safe and

ibuprofen may lead...

effective for children who develop life-threatening complications from contracting...

How birth control, girls’ education can slow population growth

Firearm ownership among LGBT adults

Education and family planning have long been tied

IMAGE: journal focusing on the understanding, prediction, and prevention of acts of violence. view

to lower fertility trends. But new research from the

more Credit:...

University of Washington...

In Brazil, homicides are decreasing in big cities, increasing in smaller towns: BU study

People with anorexia and body dysmorphic disorder show brain similarities, differences

A new Boston University School of Public Health

IMAGE: Dr. Jamie Feusner, senior author view

(BUSPH) study maps changes in homicide rates

more Credit: UCLA Health A new UCLA study

across Brazil from 2000 through...

shows partially overlapping...

Skeletal study suggests at least 11 fish species are capable of walking

Opioid prescriptions for knee surgery vary widely from state to state

IMAGE: Thailand’s cave angel fish, Cryptotora

IMAGE: Observed to expected opioid prescribing

thamicola, is famous for its ability to walk, using a

rate. State-level variation in the opioid prescribing


rate for knee...

NOAA-NASA Suomi NPP captures fires and aerosols across America On Sep. 07, 2020, NOAA/NASA’s Suomi NPP

Scientists probe the chemistry of a single battery electrode particle both inside and out

satellite provided two different views of how fires are

IMAGE: Images made with an X-ray microscope

affecting the U.S....

show particles within a nickel-rich layered oxide battery electrode (left)....

California’s creek fire creates its own pyrocumulonimbus cloud

Listen up! Why you MUST have your ears tested in your 50s

On Friday September 4, 2020 at about 6:44 PM PDT the Creek Fire began in the Big Creek drainage

Hearing loss isn’t just something that strikes in old age: you may be surprised to learn that more than

area between Shaver Lake,...

40 per cent of...

Cases of Covid-19 were at least THREE TIMES higher than official statistics showed, study

Children who catch the common could be immune to MIS-C

Coronavirus cases were at least three times higher

cold have coronavirus antibodies that prevent them from developing the hyper-inflammatory...

than the Government was reporting at the height of

Children who have previously caught the common

the UK’s crisis,...

Rising Covid-19 cases are headed by a three-fold rise in infections in people in teens and 20s

Coronavirus deaths hit 24-week low of 73 in final week of August, official data shows

Rising Covid-19 cases are being driven by people in their teens and 20s, where cases have tripled since

The number of people dying from coronavirus in the UK fell to a 24-week low in the final week of August,

July, official data...

official data reveals. A...

Covid-19 hospitalisations in Europe still only a fraction of what they were at the pandemic’s peak

High blood pressure and diabetes ‘can impair thinking and memory’

Coronavirus hospital admissions in Europe are still

changes’ in the brain that make people’s thinking slower...

at only a fraction of the level they were in March and

Diabetes and high blood pressure cause ‘structural

April, despite...

Coronavirus UK: Bolton pubs ordered BACK into lockdown

Why people with knee osteoarthritis experience different kinds of pain

Some of England’s pubs were ordered back into

The pain experience in patients with knee

lockdown today amid desperate efforts to stop

osteoarthritis changes over time. People initially

partying young people fuelling...

experience primarily weight-bearing...

Rubbing skin activates itch-relief neural pathway It can be hard to resist the relief of scratching an

Children with asthma could benefit from prescribing according to genetic differences

itch, even though scratching damages skin,

The trial, which compares patients treated according

especially in sensitive areas...

to small genetic differences with patients treated according to existing...

New insights into evolution of gene expression

Gen Z not ready to eat lab-grown meat

Major organ-altering evolutionary events such as

New research by the University of Sydney and Curtin University to published on 8 September in

development of the hominoid brain are also

Frontiers in Nutrition, found...

associated with gene expression...

A pain reliever that alters perceptions of risk

How mutations in DNA packaging machines cause cancer

People who took acetaminophen rated activities like

New research from the Children’s Medical Center

“bungee jumping off a tall bridge” and “speaking

Research Institute at UT Southwestern (CRI)


determined how mutations...

COVID-stress may be hard to beat even with exercise

Dropping it in the mail: Best practices detailed for mail-in colon cancer screenings

PULLMAN, Wash. – Exercise has been shown to

IMAGE: FIT kits allow patients to mail in stool

reduce anxiety and stress, but it may not be enough

samples to screen for colon cancer. view more

for the levels caused...

Credit: UT Southwestern...

Through enzyme testing, researchers sharpen CRISPR gene-editing tool One of the biggest scientific advances of the last

As information flows through brain’s heirarchy, higher regions use higher frequency waves

decade is getting better thanks to researchers at

IMAGE: Measurements of brain wave power while

The University of Texas...

animals waited to see a new image show distinct peaks in the beta frequency...

Climate change will decimate Palm Springs, Coachella Valley tourism

Lineshape-tailoring of coupled plasmonic systems based on first principle

IMAGE: Worldmark vacation resort in Indio. view

IMAGE: A photonic system containing multiple

more Credit: Michal Wisniowski A new UC

arbitrary resonators coupled together, shined by

Riverside study...

external illuminations....

Suicide on screen: Getting the message right can support better mental health outcomes

Theoretical prediction of reverse intersystem crossing for organic semiconductors

13 Reasons Why is just one of several widely

IMAGE: Figure 1. TADF materials examined in this

successful shows to hit our screens in recent years

study and their RISC rate constants (kRISC). a

that contains portrayals...

Molecular structures...

Coronavirus: Class to self-isolate at Caerphilly school after positive test

Presidential rivals Trump and Biden spar over Covid-19 vaccine

A class of 21 pupils has been told to self-isolate for

Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been trading

two weeks after a member of staff at their school

insults over each other’s position on a vaccine for

tested positive...

Covid-19. President...

Coronavirus: ‘Long Covid’ patients need treatment programme, doctors say

Coronavirus: Warnings from scientists as UK cases continue to rise

Media captionKeen cyclists Meredith and Elly, who

Two of the UK government’s scientific advisers have

was training for a marathon, say they’re still suffering...

given stark warnings over the increase in coronavirus cases. Prof...

Testosterone injections ‘can trigger drastic weight loss’ in obese men of four STONE

Changing what we eat could offset years of climate-warming emissions, new analysis finds

Testosterone injections can trigger drastic long-term

Plant protein foods–like lentils, beans, and nuts–can

weight loss in obese men, a German study has

provide vital nutrients using a small fraction of the

found. Men with an...


New surgical tools with smart sensors can advance cardiac surgery and therapy

‘Wild West’ mentality lingers in modern populations of US mountain regions

IMAGE: Seen here, a conformal array of electrodes

When historian Frederick Jackson Turner presented

affixed to an inflated balloon catheter view more

his famous thesis on the US frontier in 1893, he


described the “coarseness...

Producing leather-like materials from fungi

Gut microbes could allow space travelers to stay healthy on long voyages

An international team led by material chemists

Spending long periods of time in space can wreak

Alexander Bismarck and Mitchell Jones from the

havoc on space traveler health, including negative

University of Vienna demonstrate...

effects on metabolism,...

Study highlights possible causes of racial disparities in prostate cancer deaths

Glasgow Coma Scale: A simple tool to use when verbal component scores are missing

New research provides insights on the potential causes of racial disparities in deaths following prostate cancer surgery....

IMAGE: Visual aid to imputation of a verbal score based on the EM score. In step 1, the eye and motor component scores...

Innovative, minimally invasive treatment can help maintain prostate cancer patients’ quality of life

Blood tests may detect psychotic disorders years BEFORE they start

IMAGE: Andre Abreu, MD, leading a team through a

years BEFORE they start by recognising ‘protein

focal HIFU procedure at Keck Medical Center. view


more Credit:...

Blood test can detect signs of psychotic disorders

Americans DID comply with coronavirus lockdowns. in 98% of counties CDC finds Americans complied with stay-at-home orders nearly everywhere that issued them and helped to slow the spread of coronavirus,...

End the obscenity of denying families the basic human right to hug their dying loved ones A wife watches over her dying husband, separated by a glass window – he is so ill, he can no longer even see or hear her....

Can a rival to the world’s most expensive drug help George with his musclewasting illness?

Vaccine for coronavirus most likely to come in ‘first few months’ of 2021, Matt Hancock reveals

At first glance, George looked much like any other baby. But mum Lucy knew something wasn’t quite

Oxford University’s coronavirus vaccine will most likely be rolled out in the ‘first few months’ of next...

right. Sitting up, he...

Coronavirus UK: Winter wave ‘could overwhelm 87% NHS hospitals’

Britain confirms another 2,948 cases of coronavirus

More than a hundred NHS Trusts may be

Britain has confirmed almost 3,000 new cases of

overwhelmed this winter if the coronavirus hospitalisation rate surges to the level...

coronavirus for the second day in a row, suggesting yesterday’s ‘concerning’...

Percentage of positive Covid-19 tests in the UK has dropped from 40% to less than 2.5%

Common cold jumpstarts defense against influenza

The numbers of people testing positive for Covid-19

colds, can prevent the flu virus from infecting

in the UK should not be compared to the height of

airways by jumpstarting the...

Rhinovirus, the most frequent cause of common

the outbreak because...

A new twist on DNA origami This research was published today in Nature

First ‘plug and play’ brain prosthesis demoed in paralyzed person

Chemistry — indeed the meta-DNA self-assembly

“The BCI field has made great progress in recent

concept may totally transform...

years, but because existing systems have had to be reset and recalibrated...

Genome sequencing accelerates cancer detection

Children use both brain hemispheres to understand language, unlike adults

Researchers have now developed a statistical model that uses genomic data to accurately predict

The study published Sept. 7, 2020 in PNAS focuses on one task, language, and finds that to understand

whether a patient with Barrett’s...

language (more specifically,...

Ancient bony fish forces rethink of how sharks evolved

Genetic study of proteins is a breakthrough in drug development for complex diseases

Sharks’ non-bony skeletons were thought to be the template before bony internal skeletons evolved, but a new fossil...

IMAGE: Comparing the genetic inferred causal relationships of proteins on human diseases with historic drug development...

Multinationals’ supply chains account for a fifth of global emissions

Improving European healthcare through cell-based interceptive medicine

A fifth of carbon dioxide emissions come from

IMAGE: Magnification of miniature chips: Single

multinational companies’ global supply chains,

cells are encapsulated in tiny droplets and supplied

according to a new study...

with reagents...

Viruses play critical role in evolution and survival of the species

Gene test can predict risk of medications causing liver injury

CINCINNATI – As the world scrambles to control the

IMAGE: Color-enhanced confocal microscope image

growing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, new

of a liver organoid used in a study in Nature

research in Nature Structural...

Medicine that reports...

‘Wrong-way’ migrations stop shellfish from escaping ocean warming

The brain can induce diabetes remission in rodents, but how?

Ocean warming is paradoxically driving bottomdwelling invertebrates – including sea scallops, blue

IMAGE: Glucoregulatory neurons within the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus-median eminence of

mussels, surfclams...

the brain are enmeshed by...

Coronavirus: Football crowd must isolate after outbreak

Covid: Australia hopes to roll out almost 85 million vaccine doses

Up to 300 people who attended a charity football

Coronavirus vaccine: Australia rules out mandatory

match are being told to self-isolate after 28 people tested positive for...


Coronavirus: India overtakes Brazil in Covid-19 cases

Coronavirus: Young people breaking rules risk ‘second wave’

Coronavirus: How many Covid-19 deaths is India

The UK could see a second spike in coronavirus


cases if young people don’t follow social distancing rules, the health...

Why are Covid death rates so low when cases are are soaring? Dreadfully itchy, blistering red spots – usually in

UK records just three daily Covid deaths in lowest preliminary Sunday total since lockdown began

clusters – and possibly a fever. One grizzly, over-

The Health Secretary has urged the public to stick to

tired toddler;...

social distancing rules as the UK recorded its highest number of daily...

House parties could be banned until 2023 because coronavirus ‘is not disappearing’, scientist warns

Coronavirus patients treated in hospital still suffer lung damage THREE MONTHS after returning home

House parties and other ‘super-spreading events’

Coronavirus patients who have been treated in

could be banned until 2023 because coronavirus ‘is

hospital still suffer lung damage up to THREE


MONTHS after returning home,...

Coronavirus second wave ‘could come in spring 2021’ because winter can create a ‘mini-quarantine’

Air passengers might be screened again eight days after arriving in UK

A second wave of coronavirus may not hit the UK

arrival under plans to get Britain flying again.

until spring 2021 with a cold winter likely to impose

Ministers are considering...

Air passengers could be tested eight days after

its own ‘mini-quarantine’,...

Is your child skipping meals? It could be coronavirus If your child brings home an uneaten packed lunch it

‘Don’t kill your gran’ by spreading coronavirus, Matt Hancock urges young people

could be a sign of coronavirus, scientists have

Health Secretary Matt Hancock today told young

warned. More than a...

people ‘Don’t kill your gran’ as he warned coronavirus...

African wild dogs have vestigial first digit and muscular adaptations for life on the run

Probiotics may help manage childhood obesity

IMAGE: Illustration of the muscles and bones of the

obesity lose weight when taken alongside a calorie-

African wild dog forearm. The bone labeled

controlled diet, according...

Probiotics may help children and adolescents with

“metacarpal 1...

Is APM the best way to evaluate NBA players?

Attacking tumors from the inside

Syracuse, N.Y. – A recent study by sport analytics

Yihang Guo, and researcher Jeni Gerberich used a

professors shows the Adjusted Plus-Minus (APM)

new tool called multispectral...

IMAGE: From left: Drs. Ralph Mason, Li Liu, and

statistic used to...

Evaluating hormone-related targets and risks associated with COVID-19 The evidence for hormone involvement in COVID-19 infection and treatment will be evaluated and discussed by endocrine experts...

Better customer care on Twitter leads to nearly 20% increase in customer satisfaction CATONSVILLE, MD, September 3, 2020 – Social media has forever changed our society and how people do business. A 2013...

Children with social anxiety, maternal history of depression more likely to develop depression

Thyroid inflammation linked to anxiety disorders

BINGHAMTON, NY — Although researchers have

thyroid may be at greater risk of developing anxiety,

known for decades that depression runs in families,

according to a study...

Patients with autoimmune inflammation of their

new research from Binghamton...

Poetry in motion: Engineers analyze the fluid physics of movement in marine snails

Warning: Epidemics are often followed by unrest

In the world’s oceans, billions of tiny marine snails (a

IMAGE: Massimo Morelli, Bocconi University view more Credit: Paolo Tonato If you have not been

form of plankton) commute daily between surface

hearing much...

waters, where...

Coronavirus: Further 2,988 cases confirmed in UK

Seeing progress

Media captionMatt Hancock: “We are concerned

slowing down. For instance, a cut on the hand will

about this rise in cases” A further 2,988 cases of...

take longer...

NASA-NOAA satellite catches Hurricane Nana making landfall under cover of night IMAGE: NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite passed

UCalgary researchers discover how to capture images of cells at work inside our lungs

over the Caribbean Sea overnight on Sept. 3 at 3:25

University of Calgary scientists have discovered how

a.m. EDT (0725...

to capture “live” images of immune cells inside the lungs....

Cellular roadmaps predict body’s coronavirus vulnerability

A spicy silver lining

As we get older, many of our body’s processes start

ITHACA, N.Y. – New research from Cornell

IMAGE: Silver nanoparticles are synthesized with the help of the spicy habanero pepper. From the

University developed potential roadmaps for how the

Journal of Nanophotonics,...

coronavirus infects organs...

LSU Health New Orleans radiologists find chest X-rays highly predictive of COVID19

Independent physician-owned practices adopt more quality improvement strategies

New Orleans, LA – A team of LSU Health New

Little is known about what determines strategy

Orleans radiologists investigated the usefulness of

implementation around quality improvement (QI) in

chest x-rays in COVID-19...

small and medium-sized primary...

COVID-19 patients suffer long-term lung and heart damage but it can improve with time

Megafire does not deter Yosemite’s spotted owls

IMAGE: CT scan of patient’s lungs showing COVID-

In 2013 the Rim Fire-the largest fire on record in the Sierra Nevada-burned one third of the potential

19 damage in red view more Credit: Gerlig

California Spotted...

Widmann and...

Hearing loss in naked mole-rats is an advantage, not a hardship

In butterfly battle of sexes, males deploy ‘chastity belts’ but females fight back

IMAGE: Thomas Park, professor of biological

IMAGE: The size and shape of mating plugs often

sciences and neuroscience at the University of

varies by species. This female Acraea omrora

Illinois Chicago ...

features a small plug...

Do big tadpoles turn into big frogs? It’s complicated, study finds In this African family, adult and tadpole body sizes

The potential of green infrastructure in mitigating flood impacts: Focused on the mobility of low income and minority comunities

are closely related...

IMAGE: Courtney Crosson and UA architecture

IMAGE: An adult female reed frog from Cameroon.

students facilitate a mapping activity to identify current flooding challenges...

Quantum leap for speed limit bounds IMAGE: A Wang-Hazzard commutativity graph captures the microscopic detail of the mathematical functions physicists...

Factors that raise the risk of mortality among children with several acute malnutrition Key Points An estimated 15.7% of children hospitalized for severe acute malnutrition die before they are discharged. Presence...

Quality over quantity in recovering language after stroke

Common cold combats influenza

IMAGE: ECU researchers have found that intensive

health system may have a surprising ally — the

therapy is not necessarily best for treating the loss

common cold virus. Rhinovirus,...

As the flu season approaches, a strained public

of language...

Running on fumes What The Article Says: A hospitalist charts his emotional journey in this narrative essay from when once brightly colored...

Relief for people who struggle with CPAP masks A trial of a simple yet effective surgery has led Australian experts to promote it as an option to specialists around the...

Ocean carbon uptake widely underestimated

Deep underground forces explain quakes on San Andreas Fault

The world’s oceans soak up more carbon than most

Rock-melting forces occurring much deeper in the

scientific models suggest, according to new

Earth than previously understood appear to drive

research. Previous estimates...

tremors along a notorious...

Inequality of opportunity drags down everyone’s motivation

Squaring the circle — Breaking the symmetry of a sphere to control the polarization of light

Unequal compensation reduces people’s motivation to work, even among those who stand to benefit from unfair advantages,...

IMAGE: (a/c) Both left- and right-handed CPL are generated by the phase difference between two perpendicular electric...

Misaligned planet-forming rings around triple young stars IMAGE: Three rings are clearly seen in the image.

New weight-loss hope for those with highest obesity risk: Underserved, lowincome patients

The innermost ring looks almost circular because it

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana – Low-income Louisiana

is viewed face-on,...

patients enrolled in a tailored obesity intervention program lost much...

More power to you: A novel betavoltaic technology with dyes for better energy production

Offspring of mice fed imbalanced diets shown to be neurologically ‘programmed’ for obesity

IMAGE: Prof Su-Il In, head of the Green and Renewable Energy for Endless Nature (GREEN)

IMAGE: The magenta staining shows brain cells that release dopamine. The green staining shows newly

Lab at DGIST view more Credit:...

generated cells....

Key priorities for transplant and living donor advocacy during COVID-1

Repulsion mechanism between neurons governs fly brain structure

(LOS ANGELES) – In a newly published paper, the

IMAGE: Dscam regulates lineage-dependent

authors first paint the vision of what optimal patient advocacy can...

repulsion. Neurons of the same lineage repel each other and project to different...

Fatty acid receptor involved in temperature-induced sex reversal of Japanese medaka fish

A chemist from RUDN developed a green catalyst for pharmaceutical and industrial chemistry

IMAGE: Heat stress activates the PPAR? signal in

IMAGE: Many production facilities (e.g. plastic

gonadal somatic cells through cortisol in the adrenal

manufacturers, pharma companies, and others) use

gland to differentiate...

nanocatalysts that...

Images of captive torment in art IMAGE: Anon., Figures kissing, 1942-45, wood,

Coronavirus: Portugal quarantine rules come into force

approximate height = 40?cm. Courtesy of Barmera

Travellers arriving in Scotland from Portugal will

Visitor Information Centre,...

have to self-isolate for 14 days under new quarantine rules that came...

Coronavirus: Primary schools ‘no greater risk than home’ for pupils and staff

Coronavirus: ‘Critical moment’ as students return to university

Attending primary school puts children and staff at no greater risk of contracting coronavirus than

A leading epidemiologist has warned the country is at a “critical moment” in the coronavirus pandemic,

staying at home, a study...

as students...

Coronavirus: Tests ‘could be picking up dead virus’

Quantum algorithm proposed to solve Dyck language problems

The main test used to diagnose coronavirus is so

Co-author, Senior Research Associate of the KFU

sensitive it could be picking up fragments of dead virus from old infections,...

Quantum Informatics Lab Kamil Khadiev, explains, “The Dyck problem...

Electric current is manipulated by light in an organic superconductor IMAGE: Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of the SHG

SUTD develops intelligent model simulator that maps complex phenomena of memristor memory

induced by a petahertz non-linear current in an

IMAGE: Snapshot depicts the temperature profile of

organic superconductor...

the memristor memory model. view more Credit: SUTD Memristor...

Japan’s geologic history in question after discovery of metamorphic rock microdiamonds

Psychological abuse: obstetric care must delve deeper

IMAGE: a: Geological zone in western Japan. The

women’s health experts are calling for compulsory

blue-green part is the Sanbagawa belt that crosses mainland Japan....

training of obstetric...

Nanoearthquakes control spin centers in SiC

Air pollution renders flower odors unattractive to moths

As domestic violence skyrockets amid COVID-19,

IMAGE: Surface acoustic waves (SAW) generated by radio-frequency signals applied to interdigital

A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany, and the

transducers (IDT)...

University of Virginia,...

Apps and social distancing: Why we accept corona rules

The Lancet: Preliminary results from Russian trials of vaccine candidates reported

The higher the severity of an infection is thought to be, the greater the motivation is to socially distance. That is one...

The new paper reports the findings of two openlabel, non-randomised phase 1/2 trials looking at a frozen formulation...

Researchers study why neural networks are efficient in their predictions networks are terms that are increasingly being used

The Lancet: Preliminary results from Russian trials find that vaccine candidates led to no serious adverse events and elicit antibody response

in daily life. Face...

The new paper reports the findings of two open-

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and neural

label, non-randomised phase 1/2 trials looking at a frozen formulation...

NASA’s Aqua Satellite finds wind shear not letting up on Omar

Cell-autonomous immunity and the pathogen-mediated evolution of humans

IMAGE: On Sept. 4 at 2:05 a.m. EDT (0605 UTC),

Although immune responses are generated by a

the MODIS instrument that flies aboard NASA’s

complex, hierarchical arrangement of immune

Aqua satellite gathered...

system organs, tissues, and components,...

NASA satellite finds Haishen now a super typhoon

‘Floppy’ atomic dynamics help turn heat into electricity

NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite passed over the

IMAGE: Evolution of atomic lattice oscillation waves

Philippine Sea on Sept. 4 and provided a visible

upon heating the tin sulfide crystal, as measured

image of Haishen that...

with neutron...

Chemistry’s Feng Lin Lab is splitting water molecules for a renewable energy future

Coronavirus: Does reopening schools risk spreading coronavirus?

IMAGE: Chemistry graduate student Zhijie Yang is

coronavirus has been described as “tiny”. But could

operating synchrotron measurement computer at Advanced Photon Source...


Coronavirus: Why have cases spiked in Corby?

Coronavirus case numbers ‘remain unchanged’ in England

Corby has risen up the rankings of English towns

The level of coronavirus among the community in

and cities for new coronavirus cases, with many

England remains “unchanged” for the week to 25

found in younger people....

August, the Office...

Survival rates for Covid-19 patients in UK intensive care units have risen by 10%

Russia’s Covid vaccine might actually WORK, early data suggests

Ten per cent more of Britain’s sickest coronavirus

Russia‘s Covid-19 vaccine might actually protect

patients are surviving than at the start of the

people from catching the disease, early studies

pandemic. Analysis...

show as the country...

Coronavirus: Obese people’s immune systems put under more strain

Are people in Africa being protected from Covid-19 by POVERTY?

Obese people may suffer more from Covid-19

Poor countries may have greater protection against

because their weight damages their immune

coronavirus because of their harsh living conditions,

system, according to a study. The...

scientists have...

Coronavirus: Children’s risk of infection at school ‘extremely low’

Coronavirus infection rate in England ‘remains stable’

A child’s risk of catching the coronavirus at school is

The number of people catching coronavirus in

‘extremely low’, Public Health England has said,...

England remains stable at 2,000 per day, according

The risk that children will become gravely ill from

to official data which shows...

Coronavirus UK: 1,940 new cases in biggest surge since MAY

Exposure to cadmium in the womb linked to childhood asthma and allergies

Britain today confirmed another 1,940 cases of

Cadmium is known to be hazardous to human

coronavirus in the biggest surge for more than three

health and its use is restricted in the European

months, with May 30 the...

Union, but it has been widely...

Personal use of permanent hair dye not associated with greater risk of most

Tiny biological package gets drug right to the ‘heart’ of transplant rejection

cancers or cancer death While this should provide general reassurance to users of permanent hair dyes, the authors say they

The findings are presented in the Aug. 18, 2020, issue of the journal Small. Preventing the rejection of a transplanted heart...

did find a slight increase...

When doing good boosts health, wellbeing

Does the COVID-19 cytokine storm exist?

The study was published in the journal

clearly defined. In many cases, different cytokines are evaluated and no comparison...

Psychological Bulletin. “Prosocial behavior —

The cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients is not

altruism, cooperation, trust...

Blood breakdown product commandeers important enzyme

Common class of drugs linked to increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease

“Blood is a juice of very special kind,” is what

The findings were published in the September 2,

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe had his

2020 online issue of Neurology, the medical journal

Mephistopheles say. The hemoglobin...

of the American Academy...

Identification and treatment key in responding to COVID-19 health anxiety in children

Researchers find unexpected electrical current that could stabilize fusion reactions

Writing in the Behavioural and Cognitive

IMAGE: An artist’s rendering of electrical current

Psychotherapy Journal, the psychologists from the University of Bath highlight how...

flowing through a tokamak fusion facility view more Credit:...

Post-COVID syndrome severely damages children’s hearts SAN ANTONIO, Texas, USA – Multisystem

New peer reviews of COVID-19 preprints from the MIT Press journal RAPID REVIEWS COVID-19

inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), believed

CAMBRIDGE, MA – September 2, 2020–Rapid

to be linked to COVID-19,...

Reviews: COVID-19 (RR:C19), is an open-access overlay journal published...

Scientists predicted new hard and superhard ternary compounds

Unraveling the secrets of Tennessee whiskey

IMAGE: Ternary phase diagram of the W-Mo-B

IMAGE: UT Department of Food Science graduate

system at 0 K view more Credit: A. Kvashnin et

students collecting whiskey distillate samples for

al./Chemistry of...

chemical analysis...

Painting with light: Novel nanopillars precisely control intensity of transmitted light

FSU researchers track nutrient transport in the Gulf of Mexico

IMAGE: Illustration depicts a faithful reproduction of

shedding light on nutrient levels in the Gulf of

Johannes Vermeer’s “Girl With a Pearl Earring ”...

Mexico with new findings published...

Study: Why people with knee osteoarthritis experience different kinds of pain

Ted Cruz-led senators want abortion pill classed as ‘dangerous’

(Boston) — Osteoarthritis is the most common form

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asking that the

of arthritis worldwide, affecting more than 300 million

abortion pill be deemed...

Researchers from Florida State University are

Twenty Republican senators sent a letter to the US

people. It...

Johnson & Johnson reveals coronavirus vaccine prevents severe illness in hamsters

Study finds 60% higher rates of COVID-19 among people with low levels of the ‘sunshine vitamin’

Johnson Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine candidate

People who are vitamin D deficient are nearly 60

prevented severe illness in a small group of

percent more likely to test positive for coronavirus, a

hamsters, the drugmaker...

new study finds. Vitamin...

400 people per day died in UK’s care homes at peak of Covid crisis Care homes have said the need to restrict the

Losing weight slashes risk of several chronic health conditions… even if you are still obese

movement of staff between homes to help limit the

Why going on diet really CAN save your life: Losing

spread of coronavirus was...

weight slashes the risk of developing several chronic health conditions…...

Pfizer expects results from its coronavirus vaccine trials by October, CEO confirms

Diarrhoea, vomiting and stomach cramps ‘should be official symptoms of coronavirus in children’

Pfizer aims to submit coronavirus vaccine trial

Diarrhoea, vomiting and stomach cramps should be

results to the FDA by October, CEO confirms – as

official symptoms of coronavirus in children, say

the White House insists...

scientists who found they...

Interactive map shows where next coronavirus hotspots are likeliest to flare up in next three weeks

New computational tool enables prediction of key functional sites in proteins based on structure

A new interactive map shows where the next

Nikolay Dokholyan, professor of pharmacology at

coronavirus hotspots are likeliest to flare up in the next three weeks. The Imperial...

Penn State College of Medicine, and postdoctoral scholar Jian Wang created...

A 400-year-old chamois will serve as a model for research on ice mummies

Vitamin D deficiency may raise risk of getting COVID-19, study finds

The chamois had in fact been protected by the

“Vitamin D is important to the function of the immune

glacier for 400 years and only recently released due

system and vitamin D supplements have previously

to the ice having receded....

been shown to...

Cell division: Cleaning the nucleus without detergents

Researchers identify nanobody that may prevent COVID-19 infection

Organization of cells into specific compartments is

“We hope our findings can contribute to the

critical for their function. For instance, by separating

amelioration of the COVID-19 pandemic by

the nucleus...

encouraging further examination...

Red hot meat: The wrong recipe for heart disease Conducted in partnership with the Gyeongsang

Uncovering the genetics behind heart attacks that surprise young, healthy women

National University the study found that consuming

SCAD is poorly understood, and it’s so far

red and processed meat increased...

impossible to predict which combination of genes and environmental triggers...

Coaxing single stem cells into specialized cells The researchers noticed that their technique — which allows for the encapsulation of a single cell within a minute...

New technology lets quantum bits hold information for 10,000 times longer than previous record IMAGE: Conceptual art of the acceptor-based spinorbit qubit. A boron atom (yellow) implanted in silicon crystal (blue)...

Intelligent software for district renewable energy management

Scientists propose nano-confinement strategy to form sub-nanometer reactors

New homes are increasingly being outfitted with

IMAGE: TEM image of a triple-atom active center

solar panels, heat pumps, rechargeable batteries

and the schematic illustration of a sub-nanometer

and other means of producing...

reactor hosting it...

Surprise on Mars

Autophagy: the beginning of the end

An observer standing on Mars would see the

Autophagosomes first form as cup-shaped

planet’s moon Phobos cross the sky from west to

membranes in the cell, which then grow to engulf

east every five hours. Its...

the cellular material designated...

Unconventional T cells in severe COVID19 patients could predict disease outcome

Plant protein discovery could reduce need for fertilizer

IMAGE: Increased MAIT and iNKT cell activation is

roots controls the uptake of minerals and water, a

associated with improved outcome in severe

finding which could...

Researchers have discovered how a protein in plant

COVID-19 patients. ...

The case of ibuprofen: evidence of huge impact of COVID-19 misinformation when coming from credible sources

Coronavirus: Charity seeks judicial review on care home visit guidance

In March, in the early days of the coronavirus

government guidance on care home visits. John’s Campaign says...

pandemic in Europe, a tweet from the French Health

A dementia charity is seeking a judicial review of the

Minister, Olivier Verán,...

Esketamine spray for treating depression ‘not cost-effective’

Gene-edited babies: Current techniques not safe, say experts

A nasal esketamine spray for hard-to-treat

Current scientific techniques are not yet safe or

depression has been rejected for use on the NHS

effective enough to be used to create gene-edited

for a second time because of uncertainty...

babies, an international...

Coronavirus: Testing boss ‘very sorry’ for shortages

Weekly coronavirus deaths drop below 100 for the first time in five months

Bosses in charge of the coronavirus testing system have apologised after it emerged UK labs were

The number of people dying from coronavirus every week has fallen to double digits for the first time in

struggling to keep up with...

five months, official...

Number of Americans with depression symptoms TRIPLED amid the pandemic, study finds

Pentagon and Google work on tool to identify cancer in veterans

The number of Americans with depression

tool that will help identify cancer among military

symptoms exponentially rose during the coronavirus

veterans Google and...

Pentagon teams up with Google to create a new AI

pandemic, a new study suggests. Researchers...

Coronavirus US: Vaccine trials could stop early if safe, says Fauci Clinical trials for coronavirus vaccines could be stopped weeks early, if data from the tests is ‘overwhelmingly’...

Doctors should not call overweight patients ‘chubby’ or ‘plus-size’ because it upsets them Doctors should not call overweight patients ‘chubby’ or ‘plus-size’ because it upsets them and people...

People who drink just ONE bottle of beer or a small wine each day are 25% more likely to be obese

‘Hotspots’ of a coronavirus infection in the human body

People who drink a bottle of beer or small glass of

it has the potential to affect many other organs in the

wine each day are up to 25 per cent more likely to


“SARS-CoV-2 not just infects the respiratory system,

be obese, a study...

Obesity may alter immune system response to COVID-19

Antibiotics affect breast milk microbiota in mothers of preterm infants, study finds

Obesity not only leads to problems like heart

The study is the largest to date of breast milk

disease and diabetes, but also influences the

microbiota in mothers of preterm infants, and it is the

immune system in many ways. Obesity...

first to show that...

Study reveals lactose tolerance happened quickly in Europe Despite the prominence of milk drinking in Europe

Is consciousness continuous or discrete? Maybe it’s both, argue researchers

and North American today, approximately two-thirds

“Consciousness is basically like a movie. We think

of the world’s...

we see the world as it is, there are no gaps, there is nothing in...

How to capture images of cells at work inside our lungs

Therapeutic testbed for age-related macular degeneration

“It makes sense that macrophages would move

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for the cells at the

around, but we could only hypothesise this because

back of the eye, which simply don’t repair much

we couldn’t see...


Who should get the COVID-19 vaccine first?

NASA eyes typhoon Haishen’s 10 milewide eye

Now, nineteen global health experts from around the

IMAGE: NASA’s Terra satellite captured a visible

world have proposed a new, three-phase plan for

image of Tropical Storm Haishen on Sept. 3 at 0145

vaccine distribution...

UTC (Sept....

Researchers redesign the face mask to improve comfort and protection

NASA finds Maysak becoming extratropical

IMAGE: Georgia Tech professor Sundaresan

IMAGE: On Sept. 3, NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP

Jayaraman and principal research scientist

satellite revealed southeasterly wind shear battering

Sungmee Park wear prototypes of...

Maysak had exposed...

Wool-like material can remember and change shape

Personal success more appreciated than team dominance in sports, business

IMAGE: A keratin sheet folded into a complex

ITHACA, N.Y. – People enjoy witnessing

origami star as its permanent shape. Once the

extraordinary individuals – from athletes to CEOs -

memory was set, the researchers...

extend long runs of...

The genetics of blood: A global perspective

Striving and stumbling towards sustainability amongst pandas and people

What’s the risk of different human populations to develop a disease? To find out, a team led by Université de Montréal...

IMAGE: Tourists flock to see pandas in China’s Wolong National Nature Reserve, bringing with them an array of...

Red hot meat: the wrong recipe for heart disease

Coronavirus US: Over HALF of patients had antibiotics ‘of no help’

From MasterChef to MKR, the world’s best chefs

More than HALF of hospitalized coronavirus patients

have taught us how to barbeque, grill and panfry a

received antibiotics that were no help to them within

steak to perfection....

two days of being...

The true risk of Covid-19? Not much more than taking a regular bath, writes TIM HARFORD

Care home worker, 31, becomes first Brit to catch Covid-19 twice

Take a guess at what percentage of Britain’s

Covid-19 and beat it twice and now faces another

population has died from Covid-19. Is it 5 per cent? As low as 1 per cent? In...

test The un-named care...

Lockdown decisions should be made on hospital patients NOT ‘volatile’ new cases, senior Tory says

How coronavirus hijacks the body and ‘opens the floodgates’ for mass infection

Hospital admissions should be used as an indicator

the body and forcing it to produce more receptors it

of whether tougher Covid-19 restrictions are needed

can use to enter...

Care home worker, 31, becomes first Brit to catch

Coronavirus is able to rapidly multiply by hijacking

in England’s...

What rapid Covid tests could be used in Britain and how do they work? The Department of Health today revealed it is

Back to normal by Christmas? Hancock says rapid testing is ‘best shot’ at ending social distancing

investing £500million in getting rapid on-the-spot

The UK could get back to normal by Christmas if the

coronavirus tests into...

rapid coronavirus testing being trialled by the Government is successful,...

Coronavirus UK: 1,735 new cases in biggest surge since 4 June Britain has announced 1,735 new coronavirus cases

Investigational COVID-19 vaccine candidate prevents severe clinical disease in animals

in the biggest daily spike in three months. The last

“We recently reported that an Ad26-based SARS-

time daily infections...

CoV-2 vaccine provided robust protection in rhesus macaques, and this...

How we sleep today may forecast when Alzheimer’s disease begins

Radiologists find chest X-rays highly predictive of COVID-19

UC Berkeley neuroscientists Matthew Walker and

“In mid to late March of this year, when COVID-19

Joseph Winer have found a way to estimate, with

cases were spiking in New Orleans, we recognized

some degree of accuracy, a...

an unusual pattern...

Novel insights of how prostate cancer causes secondary tumors

Diabetes-in-a-dish model uncovers new insights into the cause of type 2 diabetes

“We can show that one specific amino acid in a signalling molecule plays an important role in

Defects in insulin signaling or insulin resistance in skeletal muscle is important in type 2 diabetes, but

mobilising the cancer...

with this new...

Could plants help us find dead bodies? Forensic botanists want to know

Structure of mRNA initiation complex could give insight into cancer and other diseases

“In smaller, open landscapes foot patrols could be effective to find someone missing, but in more forested or treacherous...

“This structure transforms what we know about translation initiation in human cells and there has been a tremendous...

Helping teens with type 1 diabetes improve diabetes control with MyDiaText

To make a better sensor, just add noise

Data show that 88 percent of teens own a cell phone

stochastic resonance. Researchers studied this

and more than 50 percent text with friends daily.

technique to...

IMAGE: Artist’s depiction of a phenomenon called

Therefore, mobile technolgoies...

Drone survey reveals large earthwork at ancestral Wichita site in Kansas IMAGE: Left: Drone-acquired orthoimage of the site

Tryptophan supports guts health on trouts under stress, says a RUDN biologist

showing major features discussed in the paper.

IMAGE: A biologist from RUDN University found the

Right: Thermal images...

most beneficial concentration of tryptophan for rainbow trout. When...

Battery-free Game Boy runs forever

A new model to predict survival in colorectal cancer

IMAGE: Researchers develop first-ever battery-free, energy-harvesting, interactive device view more Credit:...

IMAGE: Flow-chart of the procedure followed in the pre-processing and analysis of the integrated RNA and DNA molecular...

Radiology research funding has increased — still no association with citation rate

Texas A&M researchers develop treatment for canine ocular condition using turmeric

IMAGE: Note–Except where otherwise indicated,

IMAGE: Dr. Erin Scott and her colleagues produced

data are number (%) of research articles.

a therapeutic derived from turmeric to treat ocular

aSignificance lost after...


How to imitate natural spring-loaded snapping movement without losing energy

Coronavirus: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube ‘fail to tackle anti-vaccination posts’

IMAGE: Using high-speed imaging, Crosby and

Coronavirus: False and misleading claims about

colleagues at UMass Amherst measured the recoiling motion of elastic bands...

vaccines debunked

Rise in gonorrhoea cases in England prompts safe sex warning

Coronavirus: ‘Add upset stomach in children to symptoms’

Cases of the sexually transmitted infection

Diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal cramps in

gonorrhoea are on the rise in England, prompting

children could be a sign of coronavirus infection, UK

health officials to warn people...

researchers say. The Queen’s...

Coronavirus: People sent long distances for Covid tests The UK coronavirus testing system is struggling to

Hancock announces £500m cash injection into trials of 20-minute coronavirus tests

cope with demand, meaning some people with

The Government is injecting half a billion pounds

symptoms are being asked to...

into trials of rapid coronavirus tests in a bid to boost its lagging turnaround...

How eating habits have changed in 30 years: Out with white bread, red meat, but in with pizza

Widely-used and cheap steroid hydrocortisone can cut coronavirus deaths by a THIRD

Britons are eating far less white bread and red meat

The cheap steroid hydrocortisone can cut Covid-19

than they used to thirty years ago. But the healthy decision to cut...

deaths by almost a third in the sickest patients, research has found. An...

Coronavirus ‘stays in the body for more than a MONTH’ Coronavirus stays in the body for more than a

Chemicals in e-cigarettes mix to form ‘entirely new combinations that are toxic to lung cells’

MONTH after you catch it and people should be re-

The chemicals produced by e-cigarettes combine

tested after four weeks before...

inside people’s lungs to make entirely new combinations that are toxic...

Children can have the coronavirus and antibodies in their bodies at the SAME TIME

Novavax’s experimental coronavirus vaccine triggered antibodies in 100% of trial participants

Children can have the coronavirus AND antibodies

Novavax’s experimental coronavirus vaccine

that fight the infection in their bodies at the SAME TIME, study finds –...

triggered antibodies in 100% of trial participants, study reveals Novavax...

Dr Fauci ‘sounds different’ after vocal cord polyp removal, Twitter users say

Teens who think their parents are loving are less likely to be cyberbullies

Dr Fauci is back in action, with a new, smoother

The findings, published in the International Journal

voice after surgery to remove a polyp from his vocal

of Bullying Prevention, are especially relevant given

cord – and Americans...

changes in family...

Using tattoo ink to find cancer

Inflammation linked to Alzheimer’s disease development

WiSE Gabilan assistant professor in the department with a lab at the USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience, Cristina...

Recent studies have found that beta-amyloid has antiviral and antimicrobial properties, suggesting a possible link between...

Why naming neurons can help cure brain disease But to decipher how the brain works and understand how it can go awry in many diseases, it is essential to figure out how...

Scientists use two powerful immunotherapies to eradicate solid tumors In preclinical research that could lead to a clinical trial for patients with intractable solid tumors, City of Hope scientists...

Exposure to workplace sexual harassment linked to an increased risk of

Retest for COVID-19 4-plus weeks after symptoms first appear to curb infection

suicidal behavior

risk, say researchers

The authors say their findings suggest that

This is because SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible

workplace interventions focusing on the social side

for COVID-19 infection, takes an average of 30 days

of the work environment could...

to clear from the body...

Anxiety and depression are associated with medical care avoidance during the pandemic

Innovative biocontainment unit shows promise to protect healthcare workers

Among a sample of over 73,000 U.S. adults from the

department of emergency medicine at the University

Household Pulse Survey, a weekly survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau...

of Pittsburgh...

Comprehensive look at US fuel economy standards show big savings on fuel and emissions

NOAA-NASA satellite reveals burn scars from Elkhorn Fire in California

IMAGE: The graph shows vehicle miles traveled

the Elkhorn fire and parts of the August Complex fire

versus fuel consumption from 1965 through 2018 in

in Northern California...

IMAGE: Dr. Jason Chang, assistant professor in the


the United States....

Study identifies how infection by Zika virus during pregnancy can affect the fetal brain

"Hotspots" of a corona infection in the human body

IMAGE: Brazilian scientists investigated tens of

affect multiple organs. With this in mind, researchers

thousands of genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic variables, discovering...

of the German Center...

Autonomous robot plays with NanoLEGO

Operation Outbreak simulation teaches students how pandemics spread

Molecules are the building blocks of everyday life. Many materials are composed of them, a little like a LEGO model consists...

An infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 can

In 2015, a team of specialists in modeling disease outbreaks got together with educators to create Operation Outbreak, an...

NASA’s Terra Satellite provides clear picture of wind shear battering Omar IMAGE: NASA’s Terra satellite provided a visible

Genomic analysis of Shiga-toxin E.coli (STEC) in a child reveals insights on a virulent, emerging foodborne pathogen

image to forecasters of Omar struggling against

University at Buffalo researchers have now

wind shear on...

completed the genomic analysis of a specific strain of Shiga-toxin E. coli (STEC)...

Pandemic accelerated remote work, a trend likely to remain In fact, it already has, according to a new article

Depression worsens over time for older caregivers of newly diagnosed dementia patients

published by an international panel of management

This sustained depression over time is important

experts, including...

because partners are often caregivers for many years, said Melissa Harris,...

Political ads have little persuasive power, study finds The study, published Sept. 2 in the journal Science

COVID-19 sparks 12-fold increase in remote delivery of mental health care across the US

Advances, measured the persuasive effects of 49

The study, “The COVID-19 Telepsychology

high-profile advertisements...

Revolution: A National Study of Pandemic-Based Changes in U.S. Mental Health...

New treatment for drug-resistant bacterial infections

Effective cancer immunotherapy further linked to regulating a cell ‘suicide’ gene

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

When the gene, called BIRC2, is sent into overdrive,

(CDC) has prioritized finding effective treatment of

it makes too much, or an “overexpression,” of


protein levels....

Links among poor sleep, high blood pressure, gut microbiome discovered

Gravity wave insights from internetbeaming balloons

The research aimed to determine whether a 28-day period of disrupted sleep changed the microbiota in

Giant balloons launched into the stratosphere to beam internet service to Earth have helped

rats. The gut microbiota...

scientists measure tiny ripples...

Researchers warn of food-web threats from common insecticides

Familial incarceration negatively impacts mental health for African American women

In light of emerging evidence showing how a commonly used class of insecticides can spread

through the environment to pollinators,...

More than half of all African American women in the United States report having at least one family member who is incarcerated,...

Dartmouth-led team engineers new treatment for drug-resistant bacterial infections

GSA publishes 9 articles on COVID-19 and aging; Ageism webinar for health care professionals

IMAGE: A molecular model of the F12 biotherapy

The Gerontological Society of America’s highly cited,

shows the fold of its polypeptide backbone. Residual

peer-reviewed journals are continuing to publish

T cell epitopes...

scientific articles...

Children can have COVID-19 antibodies and virus in their system simultaneously

Unmanned aerial vehicles help wheat breeders

With many questions remaining around how children

IMAGE: Margaret Krause operates an unmanned

spread COVID-19, Children’s National Hospital

aerial vehicle at the International Maize and Wheat

researchers set out...

Improvement Center...

Wearable, portable invention offers options for treating antibiotic-resistant infections

Coronavirus: Visiting restrictions reintroduced in Glasgow area

IMAGE: Purdue University innovators created a

returning in Glasgow area Restrictions on visiting

wearable invention that offers options for treating

other households...

Media captionCoronavirus: Household visit ban


Deaths at home higher than normal Deaths of people in their own homes were far above normal levels in July in contrast to below-average

Greater Manchester lockdown easing Uturn after cases rise

levels of non-Covid-19...

Media captionHealth Secretary Matt Hancock said “swift and decisive action” had been needed Parts...

Coronavirus: Cheap steroids save lives from severe Covid

Study examines the benefits of virtual stroke rehabilitation programs

Cheap steroids can save the lives of patients who

A recent review paper, co-authored by Brodie

are critically ill with Covid-19, studies show. The

Sakakibara with the Centre for Chronic Disease

findings confirm the...

Prevention and Management (CCDPM)...

Plasmin could be the link between COVID-19 comorbidities and serious illness

How screen time and green time may affect youth psychological outcomes

Sadis Matalon, Ph.D., of the University of Alabama

and adolescents is increasing globally. Technological

at Birmingham and colleagues in Texas and San

developments in recent...

The prevalence of mental illness among children

Francisco asked that question...

Gamifying interventions may improve mental health Mobile mental health apps have the potential to act as interventions for depression and anxiety, but their effectiveness...

Heavy electronic media use in late childhood linked to lower academic performance Previous studies of children and adolescents have found links between use of electronic media — such as television,...

COVID-19 has likely tripled depression rate, study finds Published in the journal JAMA Network Open, the

Researchers identify proteins that prevent COVID-19 transmission through the placenta

study also found that income and savings are the

The study results demonstrate that the COVID-19

most dramatic predictors...

virus universally invades the placenta in cases with and without evidence...

Experimental vaccine that boosts antigen production shows promise against COVID-19

Newly identified gene grants tomatoes resistance to bacterial speck disease

Scientists manipulated a natural cellular process to

IMAGE: Bacterial speck disease, which reduces both fruit yield and quality, has been a growing

ramp up levels of two proteins used by the virus to

problem in tomatoes...

infect other cells,...

Rapid HIV, HCV testing at drug detoxification centers led to higher test result delivery

For vulnerable families, the pandemic’s effect on mental health is swift and harsh

With an increase in HIV and HCV infections as a

19 pandemic swiftly and substantially worsened

consequence of the ongoing opioid epidemic,

mental health among U.S....

Boston Medical Center researchers...

DURHAM, N.C. – In just a few months, the COVID-

Many forests scorched by wildfire won’t bounce back With flames racing across hundreds of square miles

Plant pathogens reorder physical structures of effectors to escape plant recognition

throughout Colorado and California this summer and

IMAGE: MPMI cover view more Credit: The

a warming climate projected...

American Phytopathology Society Phytophthora infestans is an oomycete,...

How mechanical forces nudge tumors toward malignancy IMAGE: Epidermal stem cells (green) form small

UIC research discovers links among poor sleep, high blood pressure, gut microbiome

bud-shaped structures that later become tumors.

IMAGE: Anne M. Fink, assistant professor, UIC

view more Credit:...

College of Nursing’s Department of Biobehavioral Nursing Science. ...

An unexpected origin story for a lopsided black hole merger A lopsided merger of two black holes may have an

School reopening and flu season mean surge in Covid-19 patients, says WHO Europe director

oddball origin story, according to a new study by

The reopening of schools and the winter flu season

researchers at MIT and...

returning could mean Covid-19 patients pile the pressure on NHS hospitals...

Children under 10 are almost 20 times more likely to die from an injury than Covid-19

Coronavirus could spread through AIR CON on buses, say Chinese scientists

Children under 10 years old are almost 20 times more likely to die from an accidental injury than of

on buses, scientists have warned after two dozen

Coronavirus spreads through air conditioning units cases were linked back...

Covid-19, a study has...

Pregnant women who catch Covid-19 ‘are HALF as likely to have symptoms’ Pregnant women are less likely to show symptoms

Government lacked ‘a sense of strategy’ during Covid-19 response, think tank report finds

of Covid-19 but more likely to end up in intensive

Government lacked ‘a sense of strategy’ during

care than women who aren’t...

Covid-19 response and blamed ‘following the science’...

Gonorrhoea cases have soared 26% in a year to the highest level since records began

‘There is no sign of a second wave’: Experts rubbish Matt Hancock’s warning

More people are catching gonorrhea in England and Wales than ever before, official figures revealed

infections and the young, mildly-affected people

Britain is not entering a second wave of coronavirus being diagnosed in...

today. There were 70,936...

Venom from honeybees found to kill aggressive breast cancer cells

Virus in the blood can predict severe COVID-19, researchers find

Results published in the journal npj Precision

Blood samples were taken from patients with a

Oncology revealed that honeybee venom rapidly destroyed triple-negative breast...

confirmed COVID-19 infection within three days of admission to the Department...

Subtypes and developmental pathways of innate T cells identified

Finding cortisone alternatives with fewer side effects

Understanding the developmental process of these

The work group around Henriette Uhlenhaut,

cells, which are responsible for biodefense in places

Professor for Metabolic Programming at TUM

where contact with...

School of Life Sciences in FreisingWeihenstephan...

Alzheimer’s burden greater in rural Appalachia, study finds

New method of detecting illnesses including coronavirus and cystic fibrosis

Alzheimer’s disease is more common in rural

IMAGE: Illustration shows the marriage of DNA

Appalachian Ohio communities than in other rural

nanotechnology and bioelectronics. view more

areas in the state –...

Credit: EatFishDesign A...

Kidneys infected with hepatitis C can be safely transplanted into healthy recipients

Moffitt researchers identify metastasis driver in BRAF inhibitor resistant melanoma

BOSTON – Kidneys from deceased donors with

TAMPA, Fla. — Targeted therapy with BRAF-MEK

hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection can be safely

inhibitors is an effective treatment for patients with

transplanted into noninfected...

advanced melanoma...

Brazilian researcher proposes universal mechanism for ejection of matter by black holes

Strong fields and ultrafast motions

IMAGE: Accretion disk (in purple, out of scale). The

the molecules. Each...

IMAGE: (red: oxygen atoms, grey; hydrogen atoms). The dotted lines indicate hydrogen bonds between

process occurs in active-core nuclei. A molecular gas cloud that...

A new way of modulating color emissions from transparent films Scientists are looking at luminescent transparent

Paper ballots, risk-limiting audits can help defend elections and democracy, study finds

films for use in energy-efficient displays (such as

IMAGE: Scott Shackelford view more Credit: Photo

LED screens) and other...

courtesy of the IU Kelley School of Business BLOOMINGTON,...

She got ill when the pandemic hit Trump visits Kenosha to back police after shooting The president blames “domestic terror” for the unrest, as...

Tens of thousands of Scottish pupils absent from school More than 100,000 pupils in Scotland are absent from school with attendance down to 84.5%, according to Scottish government...

Coronavirus: Concern over virus cases in Glasgow area

Coronavirus: Bolton and Trafford ask to continue restrictions

Talks will be held to decide if action is needed to

A Covid spike in Bolton and Trafford has prompted

tackle the spread of coronavirus cases in the Glasgow area, Nicola Sturgeon...

council bosses to ask for restrictions to remain in place, a day before...

NYC will spray pesticide to kill rising number of West Nile-infected mosquitoes New York City will begin spraying pesticide to kill

Vietnam farmers’ poultry sales during outbreaks may increase virus transmission

West Nile virus-infected mosquitos in Brooklyn and

“Avian influenza is deadly to humans, with a case

Queens on Thursday. According...

fatality rate between 25% and 50%,” said Maciej Boni, associate...

Atheists are more likely to sleep better than Catholics and Baptists, study finds

Cycads as an ecotoxin and neurological disorders

Preliminary results show that 73% of atheists and

Of interest in recent decades has been the role of

agnostics reported getting seven or more hours of

cycads as a possible toxin source that influenced

nightly sleep, which...

one of only two known...

Antibody blockade effective in treatment of severe COVID-19

Strokes in babies are surprisingly common; here’s how the body rushes to the rescue

Cytokines are a group of small proteins that can either enhance or inhibit our body’s immune response to infection,...

The brain’s frontline defenders are immune cells known as microglia. These cells make up 10%-15% of all cells found...

Reprogramming cardiac fibroblast cells to transform into beating heart muscle

First treatment identified for fainting

Mammalian myocardium is essentially incapable of

number of heart beats. In some patients, a trigger is identified —...

regeneration following injury. Instead, a non-

Fainting is caused by a fall in blood pressure and/or

contractile fibrous scar forms...

Elderly people protected against respiratory infections by BCG vaccine

Tel Aviv University study sheds light on brain mechanism activated by uncertainty

At Radboudumc, Professor of Experimental Internal

IMAGE: Prof. Talma Hendler of Tel Aviv University

Medicine Mihai Netea is conducting research into

view more Credit: American Friends of Tel Aviv

this protective effect...


Reef manta rays make long-term use of marine-protected areas

Bus drivers more likely to let white customers ride for free

IMAGE: Reef manta ray, Mobula alfredi view more

A new paper in The Economic Journal finds that bus

Credit: Amelia J. Armstrong and colleagues Marine

drivers are more likely to let white riders ride for free


and less likely...

A disk of gas would explain mysterious light changes observed in Sagittarius constellation

Climate change could increase rice yields

The enigmatic variations of light in a binary system,

Schutte Rice...

located in Sagittarius constellation, could be

IMAGE: Many people across the globe rely on rice as a source of nutrition. view more Credit: Rachel

explained by the presence...

Handgrip strength shown to identify people at high risk of type 2 diabetes A simple test such as the strength of your handgrip

Development of next-generation zinc ion battery without the risk of explosion or fire

could be used as a quick, low-cost screening tool to

IMAGE: Dendrite-free “functionalized ZnO layer ”

help healthcare...

coated on a Zn hexagonal pyramid core. view more Credit:...

Long sick leave after low-grade brain tumor IMAGE: PhD student Isabelle Rydén and Associate Professor Asgeir Jakola. view more Credit: Photo from University...

Face shields and masks with valves do NOT stop the coronavirus from spreading into the air Face shields and masks with valves do not prevent the coronavirus from spreading into the air and being breathed in by others,...

Coronavirus Research: At-home test detects low levels of virus

Florida cuts ties with Quest after the firm tried to dump 75k old covid test results

Hope for an at-home coronavirus test that can even

Florida‘s health department is ‘severing all ties’ with

diagnose people with no symptoms as scientists invent device to make low...

Quest Diagnostics after officials discovered the...

Coronavirus US: Fauci insists fatalities are NOT exaggerated ‘The 180,000 COVID-19 deaths are real’: Dr Fauci

Man who lost SEVEN family members to coronavirus becomes first American dosed in Oxford’s trial

says US coronavirus fatalities are NOT exaggerated

Florida man, 23, who lost SEVEN family members to

after CDC...

coronavirus becomes first American dosed in Oxford’s final stage...

NIH panel says not enough data showing plasma therapy is effective at treating coronavirus

Children who get little sleep and spend too much time on screens most likely to be obese

US health officials divided over plasma treatment for

Children who get little sleep and spend too much

COVID-19: NIH panel says the newly FDA-approved treatment touted by...

time on their phones or tablets are most likely to be obese, research suggests. For...

Men with waists over 40 inches ‘are 35% more likely to die of prostate cancer’

Blood pressure-lowering is even more beneficial than previously thought

Men who store fat around their midriff are in greater

“Greater drops in blood pressure with medication

danger of dying from prostate cancer, research

lead to greater reductions in the risk of heart attacks

suggests. A man with...

and strokes,”...

First randomised trial backs safety of common heart drugs in COVID-19 patients

Severe COVID-19 despite or even due to the strong immunity

ACE inhibitors and ARBs are commonly taken by

of Virology of Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) as

heart patients to reduce blood pressure and to treat

well as the Clinic for...

The team from Marien Hospital and the department

heart failure. There is...

Face shield or face mask to stop the spread of COVID-19?

Scientists identify promising new ALS drug candidates

To increase public awareness about the

Researchers from the Universities of Liverpool (UK)

effectiveness of face shields alone as well as face

and Nagoya (Japan) have shown that a Selenium-

masks with exhalation valves,...

based drug-molecule called...

Resource sharing affects mortality worldwide

A surprising opportunity for telehealth in shaping the future of medicine

“What is new about our study is that for the first time

The study, published in the Aesthetic Surgery

we have combined transfer payments from state and family and...

Journal, illuminates the unexpected benefits that telehealth has had during...

Study tracks human milk nutrients in infant microbiome

Eye of a fly: Researchers reveal secrets of fly vision for rapid flight control

The study, “Dietary Sphinganine Is Selectively

By examining how fruit flies use eye movements to

Assimilated by Members of the Mammalian Gut

enhance flight control with a staggeringly fast

Microbiome,” was published...

reaction speed —...

Standing the test of time with a perfect partner

As rural western towns grow, so do their planning challenges

The key to efficiently harvesting energy from sunlight

Nestled among state parks, red rock buttes and

could be to find the right combinations of light-

breathtaking mountain vistas, Sedona, Arizona, is

capturing materials....

one of the most popular...

VAT cuts do not increase consumer purchasing power

Fish invasions follow Panama and Suez canal expansions

IMAGE: The VAT rate for hairdressing services was

World maritime trade grows each year, aided by

reduced by 14 percentage points in January 2007.

canal waterways that connect oceans and reduce

In January 2012,...

shipping time, energy consumption...

Minimal SARS-CoV-2 diversity suggests a global vaccine is feasible

Can sunlight convert emissions into useful materials?

Genetic analysis of sequences from more than

Shaama Sharada calls carbon dioxide — the worst

27,000 individuals infected with the coronavirus that

offender of global warming — a very stable, “very

causes COVID-19 reveals...


How to get the upper body of a burrowing frog

Still ill six months later: ‘I have no idea how to get better’

IMAGE: The unconventional features found in forward burrowers can include small eyes and pointy

US father ‘won’t play politics’ over son’s shooting President Trump will meet police but not the...

noses, as seen in this...

Hong Kong embarks on mass Covid testing amid criticism

Shake diet offered on NHS to fight type 2 diabetes

Hong Kong has begun a free universal Covid-19

Thousands more people in England with type 2

testing programme, despite criticism that it is not effective and could be...

diabetes will be offered the chance to try a soupand-shake diet weight-loss...

Coronavirus: US passes six million Covid-19 cases The US has now surpassed six million cases of

Scientists discover which immune cells a flu shot MUST target to provide ‘longlasting’ protection

Covid-19 – almost a quarter of the world’s total,

Hope for a universal flu vaccine? Scientists discover

according to...

which immune cells a shot MUST target to provide ‘long-lasting’...

Coronavirus could affect your testicles: Man, 37, suffers swelling and ‘discomfort’ in his scrotum

Coronavirus UK: Two new deaths in daily toll

The coronavirus may cause men’s testicles to swell

taking the official total to 41,501. And a further

and impair their ability to have children, doctors have warned. More...

1,406 people were...

Late eaters are more likely to gain weight, study finds

Children spread the coronavirus ‘six times less than adults’

Late eaters who have their biggest meals after 6pm

Children don’t spread the virus like teachers do A

are more likely to gain weight because they

Public Health England analysis found 70 children

consume MORE calories overall...

out of 1.6million...

Most people ‘won’t get the flu jab until DECEMBER’

The ultimate guide to navigating back to school

Most people won’t get the flu jab until December

Going back to school tomorrow after an extended

despite a Government drive to get everyone

break will be nerve-wracking for many children and

vaccinated to protect the...

parents alike. Families...

AstraZeneca begins final trials of Oxford University coronavirus vaccine enrolling 50,000 people

People with increased risk of Alzheimer’s have deficits in navigating

The world may be one step closer to getting a

humans have the ability to follow their own position

coronavirus jab after Oxford University’s vaccine

in space through self-motion...

Another two people have died of Covid-19 in the UK,

Finding paths without external cues Animals and

candidate entered its...

For people with high blood pressure, telemonitoring may cut heart attack, stroke rate by 50%

Is being generous the next beauty trend?

Researchers, led by study author Karen L. Margolis,

are more likely to...

The IU study, published in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, found that more attractive people

M.D., M.P.H., executive director of research at HealthPartners Institute...

Insect shows promise as a good, sustainable food source

Wearable device could help EMTs, surgeons assess hemorrhage blood loss

The research is based upon a new analysis of the

A research team has now shown that it can

genome of the mealworm species Tenebrio molitor

accurately assess blood loss by measuring seismic

led by Christine Picard,...

vibrations in the chest cavity...

Brainstem protein mediates exercisebased stress relief

Shedding light on split-second decision making

Going on a run during a stressful time does wonders

“We wanted to know how this kind of decision

for mental and emotional health. But the stress-relief

making takes place,” said the study’s senior author

benefits of exercise...


Brain estrogen is key to brain protection when oxygen is low

Blood marker may reduce cancer burden

In the face of low brain oxygen that can occur with stroke or other brain injury, these astrocytes, star-

work on a promising blood test model to help predict

Researchers at Flinders University are expanding or diagnose head and...

shaped brain cells...

The effect of military training on the sense of agency and outcome processing People may report a reduced feeling of responsibility when they comply with orders in situations of asymmetric power, such...

From virtual to reality! Virtual training improves physical and cognitive functions IMAGE: The virtual body as experienced by the user view more Credit: Tohoku University Researchers at the...

Direct observation of desorption of a melt of long polymer chains In our everyday life it’s not uncommon to see the

Ultraviolet B exposure expands proenkephalin+ regulatory T cells with a healing function

same material in different states. Take for example

IMAGE: UVB irradiation induces proliferation and

water: it’s...

activation of skin Treg cells. UVB-expanded skin Treg (UVB-skin Treg)...

American Animal Hospital Association and American Association of Feline Practitioners release new Feline Vaccination Guidelines

Severe Covid-19 despite or even due to the strong immunity

[Lakewood, Colorado; Bridgewater, New Jersey;

well as the Clinic for...

The team from Marien Hospital and the department of Virology of Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) as

September 1, 2020] The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and the...

Story tips: Cool smart walls, magnetism twist, fuel cost savings and polymers’ impact

How losing weight can help men gain a centimetre

IMAGE: ORNL researchers 3D printed a concrete

come with a user manual. And there are so many

wall embedded with a thermal storage and active insulation system that...

myths out there about the...

First trial of LSD-MDMA set to test safety and treatment potential

When tiredness is a sign you’re having a SILENT heart attack

A group of scientists is launching the world’s first

The trip had been months in the planning. A ten-day

clinical trial of a combination of two psychedelic

tour of Washington, Atlantic City and New York

drugs, LSD...

seemed the perfect way...

The headset that could trick you into losing weight An electrical device that stimulates nerve endings

New vacuum-powered biopsy could spare thousands of women from major breast cancer surgery

behind the ears could be a pioneering new

Using ‘vacuum’ technology to help pinpoint the

treatment for those who struggle...

location of breast cancer left after chemotherapy

Nearly every man is born with one but it doesn’t

could spare...

The thorny perils of gardening: A pricked thumb, rashes… and even poisoning! A thorn in the finger is an everyday injury for most

CVS didn’t tell customers their prescriptions were filled by a COVID-19positive staff member

gardeners — and for tree surgeon Lindsay

CVS district leader ‘told pharmacy staff at a Georgia

MacPherson it’s more routine...

store not to inform customers that their prescriptions were filled...

NHS enrolls 5,000 patients in mass trial of its soups and shakes diet to REVERSE diabetes

Research shows how a diet change might help US veterans with Gulf War illness The veterans’ overall number of symptoms were reduced and they experienced less pain and fatigue after one month on...

Thousands of people with type 2 diabetes are being enrolled into an NHS trial of ‘soups and shakes’ diet which...

Microgel immuno-acceptance method could improve pancreatic islet transplant success

Early rhythm control therapy improves outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation

By learning from a groundbreaking cancer treatment

Rhythm control therapy is typically delayed unless

strategy based on a recent Nobel Prize-winning

patients have persistent symptoms on otherwise

discovery, researchers...

effective rate control....

Researchers discover a specific brain circuit damaged by social isolation during childhood

Insight on how to build a better flu vaccine

A research team from the Icahn School of Medicine

of exposure to influenza virus might be undermining

at Mount Sinai has now identified specific sub-

the effectiveness...

A growing body of evidence suggests that a history

populations of brain cells...

Cell phone location used to estimate COVID-19 growth rates “It is our hope that counties might be able to

Improving FDA’s COVID-19 vaccine authorization and approval process: Lessons from hydroxychloroquine

incorporate these publicly available cell phone data

In a Viewpoint piece published in JAMA: The Journal

to help guide policies...

of the American Medical Association, a research team proposes reforms...

Portable, point-of-care COVID-19 test could bypass the lab, study finds

Secret weapon to stop invasive honeysuckle: Satellites

“If such a device and test were available, we could

IMAGE: Amur honeysuckle, like this patch seen in

test for COVID-19 at public events, auditoriums,

Ohio in November, stays greener longer into fall

large gatherings...

than most native...

FSU researchers develop new X-ray detection technology

Consortium of Brazilian researchers completes sequencing of native stingless bee’s genome

IMAGE: A researcher holds a flexible X-ray scintillator developed by Professor Biwu Ma and his research team. The team...

IMAGE: It is a docile species of economic interest as a pollinator. Its workers are sterile, and some of its genetic...

Unravelling mother to baby transmission of Zika virus

One quarter of prescription drugs in Canada may be in short supply

Zika virus is a mild infection for most people but it

Research from the Centre for Health Evaluation and

can be dangerous during pregnancy, causing infants

Outcome Sciences (CHÉOS) sheds new light on the

to be born with...

factors behind drug shortages...

There’s a shortage of info on drugs for children in Canada

Your paper notebook could become your next tablet

IMAGE: Samira Samiee-Zafarghandy is an assistant

IMAGE: Purdue engineers developed a simple

professor of pediatrics at McMaster University and a

printing process that renders any paper or


cardboard packaging into a keyboard,...

Legal performance-enhancing substances associated with future problematic alcohol use A new study published in the journal Pediatrics found that young adults aged 18-26 who used legal performance-enhancing substances...

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