Coronavirus Health News July 2020

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NIH awards nearly $250 million to seven firms making COVID tests


The US government is investing a cumulative

Less than HALF of Brits are still social distancing: Only 31% always completely follow the measures

$248.7 million in seven biotech companies making next-generation coronavirus...

Fewer than HALF of Brits are still social distancing: Only 31% always completely follow the measures when spending time with...

Coronavirus UK: Cases are soaring in Shropshire and Swindon Coronavirus cases are soaring in Shropshire, Swindon and North Yorkshire, according to official data used by the government...



Fury over Boris Johnson’s plan to pause shielding as experts say it’s not safe to return to work

Covid-19: Impact on Israel

Boris Johnson‘s sparked fury today by announcing shielding restrictions will still be lifted for thousands of vulnerable...


Covid-19: How winter exercise could help us cope with pandemic Covid-19: How will the pandemic affect global health in Is it wise to carry on shielding in the 12 weeks between your first and second jabs? Thousands at risk of blindness set to benefit from a new eye drug

Coronavirus England: Cases rise 68% in fortnight

Coronavirus: Chris Whitty says England at ‘limits’ of lockdown

Coronavirus cases in England are now at the highest levels since May and government scientists are ‘no longer confident’...

Coronavirus cases are rising in the UK because ministers pushed lockdown easing measures ‘to their limits’, England’s...

Coronavirus UK: 120 new fatalities in preliminary death toll

New drug targets for lethal brain cancer discovered

A couch potato took part in experiment on boosting immunity

Britain today recorded 880 more coronavirus cases in the highest daily spike for a month amid fears more local lockdowns...

The results, published today (30 July) in Genome Biology present the first mouse model of its kind, which is available for...

Professor Hugh Montgomery says hospitals are facing a

HEALTH NOTES: Surge in patients admitted to hospital for alcohol-related liver disease I caught Covid from a hospital, we must give all NHS workers the jab My chest pains are terrifying How many have to die before Britain tackles its black and Asian organ donor crisis? ‘Covid loves a crowd… so stay at home this New Year’s Eve’ says NHS boss "tsunami" of Covid cases. Face masks: How to wear one correctly ‘We filmed our dad’s final months to help people’

Vaping linked with heart problems “Vaping is marketed towards teenagers and the tobacco industry uses celebrities to promote it as being healthier than...

The enemy within: Safeguarding against the spread of intracellular bacteria The team revealed that the spread of Salmonella is curtailed by the death of infected cells, but surprisingly cells can die...

New set of channels connecting malaria parasite and blood cells

JOANNA HALL’S 30-day exercise plan to kickstart your New

The finding follows an earlier discovery of another set of channels through the membrane enabling the two-way flow of proteins...


Forty percent of dementia cases could be prevented or delayed by targeting 12 risk factors throughout life Twenty-eight world-leading dementia experts added three new risk factors in the new report — excessive alcohol intake...

Major depressive episodes far more common than previously believed

Tinkering with roundworm proteins offers hope for anti-aging drugs

National survey data currently shows that approximately 17% of women and 10% of men report having a history of major depressive...

The roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), a millimeter-long nematode commonly used in lab testing, enjoyed a boost...

‘Little brain’ or cerebellum not so little after all

Rosalind Franklin University Researcher awarded NIH grant for CLN3 Batten disease study

Sometimes referred to by its Latin translation as the ‘”little brain”‘, the cerebellum is located...

NORTH CHICAGO, IL, July 31, 2020 — Researchers led by a team at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science...

Google searches during pandemic hint at future increase in suicide

Insights on the gut microbiome could shape more powerful, precise treatment

NEW YORK, NY (July 31, 2020) — U.S. Google searches for information about financial difficulties and disaster relief...

Using real-world data and predictive models, investigators identify key factors that determine success of fecal microbiota...

To distinguish contexts, animals think probabilistically, study suggests

Minimally invasive percutaneous treatment for osteoid osteoma of the

Year New mutant coronavirus strain IS more contagious by nearly DR MICHAEL MOSLEY launches a new series to make 2021 your healthiest year yet Allergists offer reassurance regarding potential allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines Putty-like composites of gallium metal with potential for realworld application Nanoparticle drug-delivery system developed to treat brain disorders

IMAGE: A maze in the Wilson lab at MIT. A rodent must infer that this is a different context than, say, a maze that...

spine This research defines the new mini-invasive technique for the treatment of osteoid osteomas, which are benign but painful...

Cooling of Earth caused by eruptions, not meteors IMAGE: Workers excavating Hall’s Cave in Central

Scientists discover new class of semiconducting entropy-stabilized materials

Texas view more Credit: Mike Waters/Texas AM

IMAGE: Crystal structure of GeSnPbSSeTe, a

University Ancient...

semiconducting entropy-stabilized chalcogenide alloy. The yellow atoms are...

New printing process advances 3D capabilities

Coronavirus: Care home visits ‘delayed’ over lack of testing

IMAGE: This tensile object was created using 3D

A number of care homes in England are having to

injection printing, a new technology invented by

delay the resumption of visits because of a lack of

UMass Lowell Plastics...

coronavirus testing for...

Coronavirus: ‘Chancellor must protect’ jobs of those shielding

Coronavirus infections rising in England

Charities are calling on the chancellor to protect the jobs of workers who have been shielding during the pandemic. A total...

for National Statistics (ONS) figures suggest. A sample of households...

Coronavirus: Visiting people at home banned in parts of northern England

Laughter acts as a stress buffer — and even smiling helps

Media captionHealth Secretary Matt Hancock: “We take this action with a heavy heart” Millions of people in parts...

It is estimated that people typically laugh 18 times a day — generally during interactions with other people and depending...

New understanding of CRISPR-Cas9 tool could improve gene editing

Your brain parasite isn’t making you sick — here’s why

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have now obtained the first 3D structure of one of the most promising...

IMAGE: Tajie Harris, PhD, is part of UVA’s Department of Neuroscience, the interim director of the Center for...

New risk tool developed for cardiac arrest patients

Gut microbiome translates stress into sickle cell crises

Experts have developed a risk score to predict cardiac arrest patient outcomes. The study published today in European Heart...

July 30, 2020–(BRONX, NY)–A new study shows how chronic psychological stress leads to painful vessel-clogging...

One-size does not fit all for post-disaster recovery, PSU study finds

ESMO experts: Do not discontinue or delay cancer treatment impacting on overall survival

IMAGE: Residents in Kashigaun used work exchange to build and renovate homes according to the new building codes at...

Coronavirus infections are rising in England, Office

Lugano, Switzerland – 31 July 2020. An ESMO interdisciplinary expert consensus paper on how to manage cancer patients...

Nano-sponges of solid acid transform carbon dioxide to fuel and plastic waste to chemicals

Reduced coral reef fish biodiversity under temperatures that mirror climate predictions

IMAGE: Nano solid acids that transform carbon dioxide directly to fuel(dimethyl ether) and plastic waste into chemicals...

IMAGE: Cryptobenthic reef fish view more Credit: Jordan M. Casey Fast facts An international team of...

Surprising number of exoplanets could host life

California man needed most of his fingers amputated due to coronavirus

IMAGE: The Trappist-1 planetary system has three planets in its habitable zone, whereas our system only has one. ...

A California man says he feels lucky to be alive after he was hospitalized for more than two months following a bout with...

Coronavirus: ‘NO evidence’ hydroxychloroquine fights infection

Coronavirus US: Birth rate fall FURTHER amid the pandemic

A Texas-based doctor whose declarations about using hydroxychloroquine to cure COVID-19 were retweeted by Donald Trump...

When the coronavirus pandemic first took hold in the US, many predicted that stay-at-home orders would lead to a surge in...

At-home coronavirus tests may miss infections, study suggests

Coronavirus: Under-5s spread infection as easily as older kids

Tens of thousands of Americans who swabbed

Children younger than five can spread coronavirus

themselves for coronavirus testing may have falsely been told they were free of...

just as easily as older kids and adults and have up to 100 TIMES more coronavirus...

Only 7.1% of the UK has had coronavirus: Major antibody study reveals How Covid affected England, Wales and Scotland:

Ministers are urged to speed up their review into ‘inflated’ daily Covid-19 death figures

People in London were twice as likely to have had

Professor Heneghan, director of the Centre for

the disease as...

Evidence-Based Medicine at the prestigious university, questioned...

‘I’m worried about a second wave’: Matt Hancock warns wave of infections is ‘rolling across Europe’

Higher end of normal blood platelet count could indicate cancer

Matt Hancock today denied stoking up Covid-19

including helping blood to clot, which helps us heal

panic and hysteria after he warned a second wave

wounds. However, Exeter...

Platelets perform a crucial function in blood,

was ‘starting to roll...

The mystery of the less deadly mosquito nets

Higher BPA levels linked to more asthma symptoms in children

Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets, or LLINs, are credited with having saved 6.8 million lives from 2000 to 2015. “While...

While some products, including baby bottles, no longer contain BPA, exposures to BPA remain almost universal, and there are...

Music training may not make children smarter after all

What jigsaw puzzles tell us about child development

Previous research trials, carried out to examine a potential causal link between music training and improved cognitive and...

But little has been known about how children learn to do jigsaw puzzles. Now, new research led by the University of East...

Decline in US cardiac deaths slowing, while county-level disparities grow

Antibiotics use early in life increases risk of inflammatory bowel disease later in life

Researchers in China and the U.S. accessed multiple databases to analyze county-by-county data on nearly 1.6 million premature...

The study, published in Genome Medicine, provides further evidence supporting the idea that the use of antibiotics in children...

Cell competition in the thymus is crucial in a healthy organism

Researchers find increase in comorbidities among hospitalized patients with heart failure

The thymus is one of the organs of the immune system where T lymphocytes develop, a type of cells that is essential to fight...

IMAGE: Melissa Caughey, PhD, instructor in the UNC/NC State Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, is the senior...

FSU engineering researchers harness wind data to help meet energy needs in Florida

National Academies publishes guide to help public officials make sense of COVID-19 data

Florida is one of several states in the Southeast where wind energy is virtually nonexistent, which is one reason wind farms...

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, officials across the country have had to make decisions about opening and closing schools,...

Gut feelings can be good for us

How to improve climate modeling and prediction

New research has found that paying greater attention to internal bodily sensations can increase our appreciation of our own...

We are changing the Earth system at a unprecedented speed without knowing the consequences in detail. Increasingly detailed,...

ETRI develops eco-friendly color thin-film solar cells

Unusual electron sharing found in cool crystal

IMAGE: The eco-friendly color CIGS thin film solar cells developed by ETRI researchers. view more Credit:...

IMAGE: When CsW2O6 is cooled below -58°C, molecular triangles form of tungsten atoms that are bonded together by only...

Coronavirus: Virus isolation period extended from seven to 10 days

‘More Zoom medicine needed’ in NHS says Hancock

People who test positive for coronavirus or show symptoms in the UK must now self-isolate for at least 10 days, rather than...

People should have phone or video consultations with their doctors unless there is a clinical reason not to, Health Secretary...

Coronavirus: England highest level of excess deaths

Coronavirus: Lockdown tightened in parts of northern England

The UK saw some of the biggest rises in deaths

Separate households will not be allowed to meet

rates in Europe in the months until the middle of June, official analysis...

indoors in Greater Manchester, East Lancashire and parts of West Yorkshire...

Coronavirus: England’s excess deaths level highest in Europe

Coronavirus UK: Government launches new test and trace drive

England suffered the highest level of excess deaths

The Government will launch a new NHS Test and

in Europe during the coronavirus pandemic, startling

Trace public health campaign in a desperate bid to

figures today revealed...

improve the lagging system...

A QUARTER of Britons say Spain quarantine has made them rethink their holiday plans

Dementia rates could fall 40% if people live healthier lives

EXCLUSIVE: A QUARTER of Britons say the

dementia by adopting a healthy lifestyle, a major

introduction of coronavirus quarantine for Spain has

study has found. Some 40...

Hundreds of thousands of people could ward off

made them rethink their holiday...

Coronavirus UK: Care residents and staff face 5-week test delay Boss of UK’s largest care provider reveals residents and staff face a FIVE WEEK delay for Covid-19 tests because of...

Tens of thousands of Britons who had Covid-19 may have wrongly been told they were free of the virus Tens of thousands of Britons may have wrongly been told they were free of Covid-19 because of the DIY tests the government...

Coronavirus Europe: Is second wave REALLY imminent?

Britain’s Covid-19 cases rise AGAIN with infections up 12% in a week

UK ministers met today to thrash out plans to place travel restrictions on more European countries with spiralling coronavirus...

A further 38 people who tested positive for coronavirus have died in Britain today, bringing the total number of the confirmed...

New insights into wound healing

Cholesterol-lowering drug improved function of heart’s arteries

The team, led by Delaram Shakiba, a postdoctoral fellow from the NSF Science and Technology Center for Engineering Mechanobiology...

The drug used in the study, a PCSK9 inhibitor, lowers the activity of PCSK9, a protein involved in cholesterol metabolism....

Social distancing varies by income in United States

Single-shot COVID-19 vaccine protects non-human primates

The study, published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, used anonymized data from mobile device...

“This vaccine led to robust protection against SARSCoV-2 in rhesus macaques and is now being evaluated in humans,”...

Rapid test for the determination of antibodies against Sars-Cov-2

Helicopter parents should step back and watch, study recommends

The test was developed at the Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI) of the University of Bern and the Swiss Federal...

As part of her PhD at Edith Cowan University in Western Australia, Mandy Richardson conducted the world’s first data-driven...

‘Drawn-on-skin’ electronics offer breakthrough in wearable monitors

Young kids could spread COVID-19 as much as older children and adults, study suggests

The advance, the researchers report in Nature Communications, allows for the collection of more precise, motion artifact-free...

Findings, published in JAMA Pediatrics, point to the possibility that the youngest children transmit the virus as much as...

NASA-NOAA satellite tracks Isaias’ development, movement, soaking potential

Implementation of social distancing policies correlates with significant reduction in SARS-CoV-2 transmission

IMAGE: NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite provided a visible image Tropical Storm Isaias after it formed in the...

HOUSTON — According to researchers from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, the implementation of social...

CHOP researchers identify lab profiles that differentiate MIS-C from COVID-19 in children

Argonne-led team finds special engines and fuels could cut air emissions and water use

Philadelphia, July 30, 2020–In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the SARS-CoV-2 virus

Advanced fuels and new engine designs could reduce emissions and water use over the

seemed only rarely to...

next 30 years, according for a new...

A centerpiece of EBRAINS’ human brain atlas is presented in ‘Science’

Tip sheet for joint statistical meetings Aug. 2

IMAGE: The architecture of the nerve cells changes

WHAT The 2020 Joint Statistical Meetings will bring

at the border between two areas (dotted line). This

together statisticians and data scientists from

is the basis...

around the world –...

Researchers discover stem cells in optic nerve that preserve vision Researchers at the University of Maryland School of

Precision medicine identifies key recurring mutation in head and neck cancers

Medicine (UMSOM) have for the first time identified

IMAGE: J. Silvio Gutkind, PhD, Distinguished

stem cells in the...

Professor of Pharmacology and associate director of basic science at UC...

Researchers outline need for evaluation of gene expression profiling in melanoma

Anti-Asian racism during COVID-19 has historical ties in United States

IMAGE: Grossman and members of the clinical

AMES, Iowa — Anti-Asian hate crimes during health

team view more Credit: Huntsman Cancer Institute

crises are unfortunately not new, according to a new

A consensus...

academic paper...

The Lancet Infectious Diseases: Study reveals where first cases of COVID-19 outside China may have originated based on case travel histories

Physician practices with more female doctors have smallest gender pay gaps

Of the first confirmed COVID-19 case in each affected country outside mainland China, almost two thirds had travel links...

Alzheimer’s risk factors may be measurable in adolescents and young adults CHICAGO, July 30, 2020 — Risk factors for Alzheimer’s dementia may be apparent as early as our teens and 20s,...

In medicine, men generally earn more than women for similar work, but a new study published July 30 in BMJ finds that the...

American Cancer Society updates guideline for cervical cancer screening An updated cervical cancer screening guideline from the American Cancer Society reflects the rapidly changing landscape of...

Headline news: Botox injections may lessen depression

Compounds show promise in search for tuberculosis antibiotics

Botox, a medication derived from a bacterial toxin, is commonly injected to ease wrinkles, migraines, muscle spasms, excessive...

Compounds tested for their potential as antibiotics have demonstrated promising activity against one of the deadliest infectious...

Coronavirus: Cardiff scientists helping crack virus DNA code

Coronavirus: UK lockdown solidarity ‘starting to fray’

Scientists in Wales are leading global efforts to decipher and track changes to the genetic code of coronavirus. Little variations...

The restrictions of lockdown have fostered a new community spirit in Britain, but there are signs feelings of solidarity...

One in three children ‘exposed to lead’ globally

Coronavirus: Self-isolation period to be extended to 10 days

One in three children could have been exposed to poisonous lead, potentially causing irreversible harm, research into the...

The length of time people with coronavirus symptoms will have to self-isolate for is expected to be increased to 10 days...

Women on the pill may face high risks of blood clots if infected with coronavirus

Coronavirus US: Death rates fell in schools that closed early on

Women who are pregnant, on the pill or taking estrogen could face high risks for deadly blood clots if they catch coronavirus,...

Coronavirus death rates fell when states closed schools early on in the pandemic, a new study suggests. Researchers found...

Coronavirus: CDC says Trump’s European travel ban too late

Even good ventilation removes only 10% of coronavirus particles from classrooms, study finds

Donald Trump banned travel from Europe too late, allowing ‘large seeding’ of coronavirus in the US, CDC director...

Coronavirus US: Cases in Texas nursing homes DOUBLED in July

Even with good ventilation, only a small fraction of the novel coronavirus may be filtered out from a room, a new study suggests. Researchers...

Pregnant women are FOUR TIMES more likely to be infected with COVID-19 than the general population

Nursing homes with higher rates of deficiencies and complaints were more likely to report cases of the

Pregnant women are FOUR TIMES more likely to be infected with COVID-19 than the general population,

novel coronavirus,...

Philadelphia study suggests Researchers...

Coronavirus US: Fauci suggests wearing eye protection Eye protection to block pathogens may be

NHS patients having a routine operation no longer need to self isolate for 14 days prior

necessary to fully prevent coronavirus infection,

Patients having an operation or treatment on the

leading US infectious disease...

NHS no longer need to self-isolate for 14 days before going to hospital. Updated...

Low plasma 25(OH) vitamin D level associated with increased risk of COVID19 infection

Face coverings do not lead to false sense of security, existing evidence suggests

The collaborative group of scientists from the Leumit

the concept of ‘risk compensation’ is itself the

Health Services (LHS) and the Azrieli Faculty of

greater threat...

Writing in BMJ Analysis, the researchers say that

Medicine of Bar-Ilan...

COVID-19 increased anxiety, depression for already stressed college students

Immune system variation can predict severe COVID-19 outcomes

The research also found that sedentary behavior increased dramatically during the onset of the public health crisis in early...

The findings may help identify individuals at high risk of severe illness early in their hospitalization and suggest drugs...

Potential preterm births in high risk women predicted to 73% accuracy, by new technique

Arguments between couples: Our neurons like mediation

Utilising cutting-edge volatile organic compound analysis technology, designed to characterise airborne chemicals, the scientists...

“We know from numerous studies that thinking about romantic love and your romantic partner activates the so-called...

Researchers map mechanisms in the largest CRISPR system

FSU biologist uses genome database to investigate cancer cells

CRISPR technology can be used to edit genes and revolutionised the scientific world when it was first introduced. CRISPR-Cas9...

Florida State University Professor of Biological Science David Gilbert is using the latest information about the human genome...

Talbot helps ID muscle gene that, when altered, causes joint disease

Nondestructive positron beams probe damage, support safety advances in radiation environments

Jared Talbot is part of a 32-member international research team that identified a gene that, when altered, can cause bent...

New current that transports water to major ‘waterfall’ discovered in deep ocean IMAGE: The high-seas ferry MS Norröna, cited in the Nature Communications paper, measures upper ocean currents with...

IMAGE: A combination of positron annihilation spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy reveals new insights...

In HEPA we trust: making the indoors safer during COVID As schools prepare to reopen and more people are heading back to their offices and shared work spaces, Syracuse University...

Most women treated in New York City for gynecologic cancers

Inflammation induced blood-brain barrier dysfunction studied in organoids

Women receiving standard treatment in New York City for ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancers are not at increased risk...

IMAGE: This figure shows BBB dysfunction under hypoxia representing how the BBB becomes leaky under hypoxia. ...

Are cover crops negatively impacting row crops?

1,000-year-old medieval remedy ‘could treat diabetic foot ulcers’

IMAGE: One example of evolving cover crop management is growing corn in cereal rye that was terminated after corn planting...

A 1,000-year-old medieval remedy containing onion, garlic, wine, and bile salts could be used to treat diabetic foot ulcers...

Coronavirus NOT less deadly than it once was, despite claims

‘Made from fruit juice’ claims make people think sweets healthy

Covid-19 has not become less deadly, according to research that rubbishes claims the life-threatening disease has weakened...

Waitrose’s Fruit Jellies, which proudly claim to be ‘made with fruit juice’, are loaded with a...

Coronavirus UK: Government urged not to ‘panic’ over new cases

Coronavirus UK: Outbreak at pub packed with 200 drinkers

Ministers don’t need to panic yet about rising

Hundreds of people queued up for a coronavirus

coronavirus cases in Britain, leading experts insisted

test in a Staffordshire market town today as it fought

today after it...

an outbreak linked...

Coronavirus UK: BMA says government not doing enough Dr Chaand Nagpaul, the chairman of the British

Britain’s coronavirus cases rise 14% in a week as experts urge ministers not to panic

Medical Association, warned the UK Government is

Covid-19 cases in Britain have risen again with the

not doing enough...

average number of infections jumping by 14 per cent in a week as scientists...

Coronavirus UK: Testing arrivals could catch 94% infections

Hospitalized COVID-19 patients have low risk of stroke

Testing travellers for coronavirus one week after

“While there was initial concern for a high number of

they arrive into the UK could catch virtually all

strokes related to COVID-19, that has not been born

imported cases and solve...

out. Importantly,...

Researchers speed up gold-standard COVID-19 diagnostic test

Experimental COVID-19 vaccine protects upper and lower airways in nonhuman primates

Their new approach could enable the wider adoption of COVID-19 testing for diagnosis in academic or research laboratories,...

New blood test shows great promise in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease For many years, the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s has been based on the characterization of amyloid plaques and tau tangles...

RNA sequences involved in regulating gene expression identified A research consortium known as ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) has made significant progress toward that goal, identifying...

Pimavanserin reduced symptoms of dementia-related psychosis in phase 3 trial A large-scale trial has found a treatment with pimavanserin substantially reduced psychotic symptoms and reduced risk of...

First results of an upgraded device highlight lithium’s value for producing fusion IMAGE: The team that upgraded the LTX-?. Front row from left: Shigeyuki Kubota, Dylan Corl, Guy Rossi, Anurag Maan...

The candidate vaccine, mRNA-1273, was codeveloped by scientists at the NIAID Vaccine Research Center and at Moderna, Inc.,...

New maps of chemical marks on DNA pinpoint regions relevant to many developmental diseases The data, published July 29, 2020, in a special edition of Nature devoted to the ENCODE Project (a public research effort...

Pregnant Black and Hispanic women five times more likely to be exposed to coronavirus “Pregnant women are fairly representative of community exposure, and these data provide more evidence, on top of what...

Genetically similar fungi cause severe infections in different hospitals IMAGE: An international study involving 16 hospitals found isolates with high levels of virulence. Species of Candida...

NASA follows potential tropical cyclone 9 into eastern Caribbean IMAGE: NASA’s Terra satellite provided a visible image to forecasters of Potential Tropical Cyclone 9 on July...

Cosmic tango between the very small and the very large

COVID-19 risk model uses hospital data to guide decisions on social distancing

While Einstein’s theory of general relativity can explain a large array of fascinating astrophysical and cosmological...

With communities throughout the United States combating surges in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, researchers at The...

Report provides new framework for understanding climate risks, impacts to US agriculture

Social distancing varies by income in US

IMAGE: “We want to help farmers, ranchers and land managers adapt better under climate change, which requires...

Coronavirus vaccine: UK signs deal with GSK and Sanofi

IMAGE: A graph from the study depicts the percentage of people staying completely at home on weekdays, by income quintile....

Coronavirus: Sending untested patients to care homes ‘reckless’

The UK government has signed a fourth coronavirus

The decision to allow hospital patients in England to

vaccine deal, securing up to 60 million doses of an

be discharged to care homes without Covid-19 tests

experimental treatment...

at the start of...

Alzheimer’s: ‘Promising’ blood test for early stage of disease

Covid studies to examine virus link with ethnicity

A blood test could spot Alzheimer’s disease at the

UK scientists are to receive millions of pounds of

earliest stage and years before symptoms appear,

government funding for a raft of studies to learn why

studies in the...

people from an ethnic...

Care homes suffered ‘appalling’ errors by ministers during coronavirus crisis, MPs warn

UK scientists will get £4 million for Covid BAME study

Ministers ‘threw care homes to the wolves’:

and Asian people are more likely to die from

Devastating MPs’ report says ‘appalling’ errors...

coronavirus Six projects...

Scientist warns gloves achieve ‘nothing in the way of safety’

Experts urge ministers not to overreact to rising coronavirus cases

Why gloves may not protect you from Covid-19:

Ministers don’t need to panic yet about rising

Scientist warns they achieve ‘nothing in the way of

coronavirus cases in Britain, leading experts insisted

safety’ and...

today after it...

You’ll have to BOOK an A&E appointment this winter: NHS told plans for patients to ‘call first’

Oldham overtakes lockdown-Leicester to have the highest second coronavirus infection rate in England

Patients will be asked to book an AE appointment by calling 111 this winter, NHS bosses have been told. The plans, revealed...

Oldham has overtaken Leicester to have the second highest Covid-19 infection rate in England, official figures revealed today. NHS statistics...

Sweets using ‘made from fruit juice’ claims are ‘tricking people into thinking they’re healthy’

Coronavirus outbreak at pub where 200 drinkers were crammed in

UK scientists will get £4 million to find out why black

Waitrose’s Fruit Jellies, which proudly claim to be ‘made with fruit juice’, are loaded with a...

A Staffordshire market town is today fighting a coronavirus outbreak linked to a local pub where at least ten people were...

Newer PFAS compound detected for first time in Arctic seawater

Estimating bisphenol exposures in the Australian population

IMAGE: Aboard an icebreaker ship, researchers collected water samples flowing into and out of the Arctic Ocean and...

Once found in bottles, food containers, cash register receipts and electronics, bisphenol A (BPA) has been phased out of...

Decreased iron levels in seawater make mussels loosen their grip

Americans are consuming less sugar but more nonnutritive sweeteners

IMAGE: A mussel attaches to a sheet of glass via sticky plaques and hair-like threads. view more Credit: Jonathan...

AUDIO: Reducing sugar consumption is an important public health strategy. Shu Wen Ng, PhD, discusses a new study from...

Indigenous people vital for understanding environmental change

‘Quantum negativity’ can power ultraprecise measurements

IMAGE: Maasai communities in Kenya contribute to successful reforestation projects by using their indigenous knowledge. ...

IMAGE: Quantum laser light is shone onto a chemical molecule that we wish to measure. Then the light passes our “magic...

Influx of electric vehicles accelerates need for grid planning

New survey finds large racial divide in concern over ability to pay for COVID-19 treatment

IMAGE: Smart charging strategies can help manage loads on the grid and smooth out the duck curve. view more Credit:...

IMAGE: Has there been a time in the last 12 months when you or a member of your household has been unable to pay for...

9/11 first responders ‘may be at higher risk for dementia’

Pessimists die two years earlier on average

First responders at Ground Zero on 9/11 are at greater risk for dementia than average Americans, two new studies suggest. In...

Pessimists die two years earlier than the average person – but being an optimist does not lead to a longer life, study...

Coronavirus US: Black and Hispanics at higher risk in all areas

Scientists identify 21 drugs that show promise for treating COVID-19

Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely to be

Scientists have identified 21 compounds that could

infected with and die from the novel coronavirus,

help treat coronavirus, including everything from an

regardless of where...


Further evidence World Trade Center responders are at risk for dementia One study in Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Diagnosis,

Researchers discover ‘Marie Kondo’ protein which aids in organizing fruit fly embryos

Assessment and Disease Monitoring (DADM) shows

Fertilized egg cells are loaded with maternal

that many responders...

molecules that control the earliest steps of embryonic development. A critical...

Telemedicine can help safety net providers expand access to medical specialists

Exposure to environmental chemicals may disrupt sleep during menopause

Safety new medical providers can substantially

women who have difficulty sleeping, it might be

increase their telemedicine services with modest

because of chemicals...

CLEVELAND, Ohio (July 29, 2020)–For menopausal

investments in new staff...

Studying interactions between groundnesting bees and soils

Pediatric experts offer tips for children’s mental health in transition back to school

IMAGE: One of the ground-dwelling bees collected for identification. These bees contribute to the farm ecosystem. ...

IMAGE: Whether this school year will take place in the classroom or at home, practicing your school routine with your...

How the brain senses smell

How plantains and carbon nanotubes can improve cars

Rovereto, Italy, 29th July 2020 – An Italian-American research conducted by researchers at the IIT-Istituto Italiano...

IMAGE: Carmakers have been using natural fibres for decades in high-end sedans and coupes. Natural fibers such as hemp,...

Curtin research finds first African carder bees to reach Western Australia

For rufous hummingbirds, migration looks different depending on age and sex

Curtin research has recorded the first known appearance of Pseudoanthidium (Immanthidium) repetitum, the African carder bee,...

IMAGE: Male rufous hummingbird. view more Credit: Josee Rousseau, OSU CORVALLIS, Ore. – Plucky, beautiful...

Coronavirus: German officials ‘very concerned’ by rising cases

PMDD: Thousands of women share their experiences

The head of Germany’s public health agency has said he is “very concerned” by rising infections in the...

PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) is an extreme form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) where women can fall into severe...

Coronavirus: Why isn’t the UK testing travellers on arrival?

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson warns of Europe ‘second wave’ amid Spain row

A holiday in Spain now means two weeks of quarantine on return to the UK to help stop the spread of coronavirus across borders. Some...

Media captionBoris Johnson defends adding Spain to the quarantine list Boris Johnson has warned there are signs...

HRT lowers breast cancer risk in women after hysterectomies

Coronavirus US: Navy studies symptoms of young Marines

Hormone replacement therapy lowers risk of breast cancer by 25% for women who have had hysterectomies – but raises...

US Navy is studying 3,500 teenage Marine recruits in an effort to learn why coronavirus makes some young people so much sicker...

Health workers in US coronavirus units NINE TIMES more at risk

Loss of smell from Covid-19 is not permanent, scientists say

Healthcare workers treating coronavirus patients face a much higher risk than their colleagues, but a hospital’s ventilation...

Scientists claim to have finally discovered how the coronavirus can cause patients to lose their sense of smell. Until now,...

Daily coronavirus infections in the UK shoot up 30% in a week

Ex-Supreme Court judge says UK ‘can’t run from’ coronavirus

Covid-19 cases are still on the rise across the UK as the average daily number of infections has shot up to almost 700 —...

Black Death How many died? Roughly 25million people in Europe died from the Black Death, or a third of the continent’s...

Coronavirus UK: 23 test positive on Shropshire caravan site

Coronavirus: Men over 6 feet TWICE as likely to get infected

Travellers at the centre of a coronavirus outbreak in Shropshire say they have been ‘treated like

Tall people could face a greater risk of getting Covid19, according to research that adds weight to the

animals’. But...

theory the disease...

Novel diabetes drug candidate shows promising properties in human islets and mouse models

How renegade protein interrupts brain cell function in Alzheimer’s disease

Tested on isolated human and mouse pancreatic

become toxic when extra chemical molecules

islets, mouse and rat cell cultures and animal

accumulate with its structure...

Neuroscientists have previously found that tau can

models of both Type 1 and Type...

‘SoundWear’ a heads-up sound augmentation gadget helps expand children’s play experience

Multiomics investigation revealing the characteristics of HIV-1-infected cells in vivo

To counter such concerns, KAIST researchers

A research group at The Institute of Medical

designed a wearable bracelet using sound

Science, The University of Tokyo (IMSUT) using

augmentation to leverage play benefits...

HIV-1-infected cells performed...

Reproductive effects of weed killer, glyphosate, examined in mice

Artificial intelligence could speed up and improve Alzheimer’s diagnosis

Two studies, published in the peer-reviewed

The new research from the University of Sheffield’s

academic journals Toxicology and Applied

Neuroscience Institute examines how the routine

Pharmacology and Reproductive Toxicology,...

use of AI in healthcare...

Increased attention to sad faces predicts depression risk in teenagers

Discovery will allow more sophisticated work at nanoscale

Researchers at Binghamton University, led by graduate student Cope Feurer and Professor of Psychology Brandon Gibb, aimed...

Researchers led by a University of Houston engineer have reported a new understanding of the process and why some fluids...

Your brain on birth control

Medicaid-covered mothers have less say in birthing experience: BU study

They are used by 150 million women worldwide and have been around for over 60 years. Oral contraceptives – like birth...

Econometric study on the JUUL system? s market entry in Canada finds vaping product availability could reduce combustible cigarette sales

Giving birth in the United States is a radically different experience based on race and income, illustrated most brutally...

Calcium and vitamin D nutrient deficiencies lead to higher risk for osteoporosis

IMAGE: Juul Labs logo view more Credit: Juul Labs San Francisco (July 28, 2020) — As part of Juul...

Pharmavite LLC, the makers of Nature Made vitamins, minerals and supplements, announced the publication of a research article...

Quitline plus surgery are big motivators for giving up smoking

Text messaging: The next gen of therapy in mental health

IMAGE: David Tom Cooke is a thoracic surgeon with UC Davis Health. view more Credit: UC Regents / UC Davis...

In the U.S., it is estimated that approximately 19 percent of all adults have a diagnosable mental illness. Clinic-based...

Solving materials problems with a quantum computer

Human coagulation factor XIIIa expressed in pichia pastoris as fXIIIa hemostatic agent

IMAGE: Artistic rendering of atomic structure of silicon carbide crystal showing defect (purple circle) and region...

IMAGE: Schematic representation of pPICZ?CFXIIIa vector view more Credit: Dr. Xu et al., Bentham Science...

GPs get ready to give free flu jab to 30m people this winter

Our expert examines whether snack bars can ever replace a proper meal

The biggest immunisation programme of its kind in

Meal replacement shakes are no longer the

British history — that’s how the Government has billed its ambitious...

preserve of slimmers. Now, there’s a new range of bars and shakes that cater...

DR MAX PEMBERTON : Obesity threatens the NHSmore than Covid…

Having a flu jab could cut the risk of over50s suffering a heart attack or stroke

Here we go again! A new war is declared on obesity

Getting a flu jab could slash the risk of middle-aged

and this time it’s personal. For it’s the Prime Minister himself who...

people suffering a heart attack or stroke, a study has found. Vaccinated...

Listening to songs while running can boost your performance, scientists find

DR MARTIN SCURR: Why your ‘bad breath’ may not be bad at all

You don’t need an expert to tell you that listening to

I have had bad breath for nine years. I do not want

music while running can make it feel easier and more fun — but...

to go to church or work because people laugh at me and I have become...

Magic wand uses radio waves to spot even tiny breast tumours

Coronavirus: 5G networks do NOT raise risks, scientists say

A wand that uses radio waves to pinpoint hard-tofind breast tumours could dramatically improve the

Researchers have swiftly debunked a scientific paper claiming 5G transmissions raise the risk of the

accuracy of cancer surgery...

novel coronavirus. Earlier...

Population genetic screening shown to efficiently identify increased risk for inherited disease

Hedonism leads to happiness

In 2018, the Healthy Nevada Project® (the largest, community-based population health study combining

We all set ourselves long-term goals from time to time, such as finally getting into shape, eating less sugar or learning...

genetic, clinical,...

Unparalleled inventory of the human gut ecosystem

Studies demonstrate further evidence WTC responders are at risk for dementia

This project was led by EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) and included

IMAGE: These brain images are a compilation of MRI results from WTC responders. The images

collaborators from the Wellcome...

show gray matter atrophy...

Scientists reveal an explosive secret hidden beneath seemingly trustworthy volcanoes

Gene variations at birth reveal origins of inflammation and immune disease

IMAGE: The 2015 eruption at Wolf volcano in the Galapagos Archipelago. view more Credit: Gabriel Salazar,...

Cardiovascular Prediction and Prevention at the Baker Institute and Principal...

Researchers discover cell communication mechanism that drives cancer adaptation

Medieval medicine remedy could provide new treatment for modern day infections

Collaborative Cancer Research UK-funded studies

more Credit: University of Warwick Antibiotic resistance...

from University of Oxford researchers have uncovered a new mechanism by which...

IMAGE: Dr Michael Inouye, Munz Chair of

IMAGE: The Balds Eyesalve mixture in the lab. view

NYUAD astrophysicist investigates the possibility of life below the surface of Mars

New machine learning method allows hospitals to share patient data — privately

IMAGE: The Rosalind Franklin rover by European

PHILADELPHIA – To answer medical questions that

Space Agency and Roscosmos will drill 2 meters below the surface of...

can be applied to a wide patient population, machine learning models...

Seafood products made from cells should be labeled cell-based

NHS Tayside claims it has ‘effectively eliminated’ hepatitis C

IMAGE: A meal featuring white fish, which someday may be made from the cells of fish. view more

A Scottish health board has claimed to be the first region in the world to effectively eliminate hepatitis

Credit: William...

C. NHS Tayside...

Coronavirus: Safety fears over lack of translated virus advice

Obesity: Have 20 years of policies had any effect?

A lack of translated coronavirus guidance is jeopardising the safety of non-English speakers in

The prime minister has launched a new policy on obesity in England. This will not be the first attempt

the UK, a joint letter to...

to tackle the problem...

Coronavirus ‘most severe health emergency’ WHO has faced

Coronavirus ‘may inflict same damage as heart attacks’

Covid-19 is easily the most severe global health

Coronavirus may leave the heart with lasting,

emergency ever declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), its leader...

dangerous damage, two new studies suggest. It’s become clear that the...

GP spent £4,000 of his own money on special support packs for frontline NHS staff

Grandfather-of-seven tells how a quick blast of steam shrunk his enlarged prostate

Do you know a health hero? The Daily Mail, in

Men’s prostate glands tend to enlarge with age,

partnership with eBay and NHS Charities Together, wants you to nominate special...

making urination problematic. A new treatment that uses steam to reduce...

Pneumonia vaccine may cut Alzheimer’s risk by up to 40%

Experts reveal how lockdown made hoarding disorder symptoms WORSE

Pneumonia vaccine may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by up to 40%, study finds –

Since lockdown started, Faye Dawson has been forced to sleep on her sofa and eat sandwiches and

as evidence mounts...

cold ready meals because...

Arthritis anti-inflammatory treatment could halt immune system ‘storm’ to coronavirus

Coronavirus Germany: Merkel ally says country has second wave

Could an arthritis drug be a breakthrough treatment for Covid? Doctors say anti-inflammatory treatment

Germany’, senior Merkel ally says, as he admits ‘we have...

‘The second wave of coronavirus is already in

could halt the immune...

Ads for butter, cheese and ketchup may be banned before 9pm

Ultra-low power brain implants find meaningful signal in grey matter noise

Britons may have to wave goodbye to daytime

The team, led by Cynthia Chestek, associate

adverts on cheese, yoghurts and olive oil in Boris Johnson’s ‘nanny-state’...

professor of biomedical engineering and core faculty at the Robotics Institute,...

Protecting beta cells against stress may guard against type 1 diabetes

MicroRNA shows promise for hair regrowth

Research in mouse models and in human cells has shown that targeting a protein called renalase may

Hair growth depends on the health of dermal papillae (DP) cells, which regulate the hair follicle

protect beta cells against...

growth cycle. Current treatments...

Stopping listeria reproduction ‘in its tracks’

Lithium in drinking water linked with lower suicide rates

Researchers at the University of Houston are reporting in the Journal of Environmental Chemical

Published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, the study collated research from around the world and

Engineering that cobalt-doped...

found that geographical...

A new way to target cancers using ‘synthetic lethality’

Hydrogel mimics human brain with memorizing and forgetting ability

Synthetic lethality results when non-lethal mutations

The human brain learns things, but tends to forget

in different genes become deadly when combined in cells. In a new paper...

them when the information is no longer important. Recreating this dynamic...

Invisible barriers cut down on cheating Published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study shows that simple

Nationwide trends show fewer cancer patients seeking care since start of pandemic

environmental cues...

Research from the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center – Jefferson Health (SKCC) found significant decreases nationwide in the...

Link between education, income inequality has existed for a century

Study reveals how different mosquitoes respond to light and ti

HOUSTON – (July 27, 2020) – Income is inextricably linked to access to education in America

IMAGE: UCI School of Medicine research team, led by Todd Holmes, PhD, discovers how day- and

and it has been for...

night-biting mosquitoes...

Highly invasive lung cancer cells have longer ‘fingers’

Study: Mapping crystal shapes could fast-track 2D materials

Tiny finger-like projections called filopodia drive invasive behavior in a rare subset of lung cancer

IMAGE: Inspired by the work of Japanese snowflake researcher Ukichiro Nakaya, materials scientists

cells, researchers...

from Rice University...

Ferried across: Figuring out unconventional spin transport in quantum spin liquids

Study reveals how renegade protein interrupts brain cell function in Alzheimer’s disease

IMAGE: A magnetic impulse at the left end causes

Dozens of molecules may tangle up with rogue

spin excitations there owing to the time variability of their spins....

bundles of tau, a protein that normally gives nerve fibers structure, to cause...

Tracking symptoms with app an inexact predictor of coronavirus infection

Woman loses 100LBS by following a ‘lazy keto’ diet

A new piece in Family Practice, published by Oxford

A woman has revealed how she lost more than 100

University Press, indicates that tracking symptoms affiliated with the...

pounds in just one year following a ‘lazy keto’ — her own simplified...

Coronavirus UK: Pet cat is first animal to be infected

Say goodbye to the adverts for butter, cheese and tomato ketchup!

Can animals catch Covid-19? The chance of your

Britons may have to wave goodbye to daytime

dog catching Covid-19 strain is very slim, according to the World Health Organization...

adverts on cheese, yoghurts and olive oil in Boris Johnson’s ‘nanny-state’...

Britain records just SEVEN more Covid19 deaths in lowest daily toll

Coronavirus: Germany to impose Covid19 tests on travellers returning from highrisk countries

Coronavirus cases are still rising in Britain with the rolling daily average number of new cases 15 per cent higher than...

Germany will make coronavirus tests mandatory for

Coronavirus outbreak hits caravan park in Shropshire as 23 residents are diagnosed with the disease

F1 star Lewis Hamilton slammed for sharing anti-vaxxer post

A coronavirus outbreak at a traveller site in

travellers returning from high-risk areas, as fears rise that summer travel...

Lewis Hamilton insisted today he was ‘misinterpreted’ after he sparked backlash for

Shropshire has seen nearly two dozen residents struck down with the life-threatening...

sharing an anti-vaxxer...

‘NO travel is risk free’: No10 says countries could be suddenly added to quarantine list with Spain

Life in the pits: Scientists identify key enzyme behind body odor

Downing Street risked causing more confusion

Researchers from the University of York have previously shown that only a few bacteria in your

among British holidaymakers and travel firms today, warning ‘no travel...

armpit are the real culprits...

Brain cell types identified that may push males to fight and have sex

Teen museum educators increase engagement, learning, in tween visitors

Led by researchers at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, the study showed that male mice

Informal learning sites — such as museums, zoos and aquariums — often have programs for teenaged

struggled to have sex in experiments...

docents, or...

Flu, pneumonia vaccinations tied to lower risk of Alzheimer’s dementia

Novel label-free imaging technique brings out the inner light within T cells

Three research studies reported at AAIC 2020

The method could help assess T cell involvement in

suggest: At least one flu vaccination was associated with a 17% reduction in...

immunotherapies for cancer treatment or autoimmune diseases. “T...

Antibiotics alone successfully treat uncomplicated appendicitis in children

NASA tracks Hanna’s soaking path into Mexico

Of 1,068 patients from 10 health centers enrolled in

IMAGE: On July 26 at 3:35 p.m. EDT (1935 UTC)

the study, 67.1% of those who elected to initially manage their care...

NASA’s Aqua satellite analyzed Hanna in infrared light using the...

Yale to lead trial of potential COVID-19 treatment

NIST expands database that helps identify unknown compounds in milk

Yale School of Medicine and the biopharmaceutical firm AI Therapeutics have launched a multi-

IMAGE: Remoroza operates a mass spectrometer, a laboratory instrument used to identify chemical

institutional clinical trial...

compounds. “We...

Safe work protocols can increase the likelihood the business will fail INFORMS Journal Management Science Study Key

University of Hawaii and iconic watercress farm collaborate on sustainability research

Takeaways: Organizations that provide a safe workplace have significantly...

IMAGE: Sumida Farm employees hand plant, harvest, and prepare watercress for market in much the same way they have...

Randomness theory could hold key to internet security

How airway cells work together in regeneration and aging

ITHACA, N.Y. – Is there an unbreakable code? The

IMAGE: Microscopic image showing stem cells in

question has been central to cryptography for thousands of years,...

young (left) and old (right) airways with cell nuclei seen in blue,...

Scientists record rapid carbon loss from warming peatlands

Coronavirus doctor’s diary: Will vaccine sceptics make trials a headache?

IMAGE: The Spruce and Peatland Responses

It will soon be critical for the NHS to start vaccinating

Under Changing Environments project uses a series of enclosures to expose...

people against flu, to prevent hospitals being swamped with flu...

Coronavirus: Vietnam coma pilot warns people ‘not to be blasé’

Coronavirus: How bad will winter really be?

Media captionScottish pilot Stephen Cameron spent 10 weeks in a coma in Vietnam A Scottish pilot, who

Winter is coming and traditionally it is party time for colds and flu. This has raised fears that coronavirus


will surge...

Obesity: Unhealthy ‘buy one get one free’ deals targeted

Mother’s tooth abscess led to a lifethreatening infection on her brain

“Buy one get one free” deals on unhealthy food will

A single mother spent five months in hospital after

be banned as part of the government’s bid to tackle...

an abscess on her tooth led to a life-threatening infection on her brain. Rebecca...

Magic mushrooms ‘should be rescheduled’ like cannabis

Wearing a facemask does not instil a ‘false sense of security’ against the coronavirus

Magic mushrooms should be rescheduled in Britain to treat depression, top doctors have said. Leading experts have called...

Wearing a face mask does not instill a false sense of

Scientists identify the key enzyme behind the pungent smell of BO

Teaching unions call for face masks to be made mandatory for children

BO decoded: Scientists identify the key enzyme

Teaching unions have urged ministers to make face

behind the pungent smell of body odour – and it could lead to a new...

masks mandatory for children in secondary schools when they finally return...

Coronavirus outbreak hits caravan park in Shropshire as 21 residents are diagnosed with the disease

Researchers develop a method for predicting unprecedented events

A coronavirus outbreak at a caravan park in Shropshire has seen nearly two dozen residents

security against coronavirus, scientists have concluded. The World...

A black swan event is a highly unlikely but massively consequential incident, such as the 2008 global recession and the loss...

struck down with the life-threatening...

New native Hawaiian land snail species discovered, first in 60 years

Studying COVID-19’s envelope protein

IMAGE: An adult Auriculella gagneorum, left, subadult and juvenile rest on the tip of a toothpick.

2 virus shows the membrane protein (green) and envelope protein (purple)...

IMAGE: This artistic representation of a SARS-CoV-

The snails represent...

Life in the pits: Scientists identify the key enzyme behind BO

How the zebrafish got its stripes

Scientists have discovered a unique enzyme

and the stripes of colour resolve into individual pigment...

responsible for the pungent characteristic smell we call body odour or BO. Researchers...

IMAGE: Zoom into the zebrafish’s alternating pattern

New CRISPR C-to-G DNA base editor expands the landscape of precision genome editing

Simple urine test could significantly improve detection of adrenal cancer

The new CRISPR-guided DNA base editing

are used in clinical practice with increasing frequency and often lead incidentally...

technologies are designed to efficiently induce “transversion” alterations...

Imaging procedures, such as CT and MRI scans,

Antiviral method against herpes paves the way for combating incurable viral infections

Study finds decline in certain emergency hospitalizations during early phase of COVID-19

Herpes virus infections are lifelong, with latency

Boston – Early reports have shown the COVID-19

periods between recurring reactivations, making treatment difficult. The...

pandemic has resulted in a decline in patients seeking outpatient medical...

Wealthier men are more likely to develop high blood pressure

Existing evidence suggests face coverings do not lead to false sense of security

Sophia Antipolis, 27 July 2020: Working men with higher incomes are more likely to develop high

Existing limited evidence suggests that wearing face

blood pressure, reports...

coverings to protect against COVID-19 does not lead to a false sense...

Researchers build first AI tool capable of identifying individual birds

Study finds increase in number, severity of suicide-related calls to US Poison Control

New research demonstrates for the first time that artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to train

computers to recognise...

(COLUMBUS, Ohio) – Over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)...

Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Have Low Risk of Stroke

‘Selfish and loveless’ society in Uganda really is not

PHILADELPHIA–While initial reports suggested a significant risk of stroke in patients hospitalized with

IMAGE: he Ik society of Uganda, labeled half a century ago as selfish, actually has a culture that

COVID-19, a...

encourages sharing...

Lead white pigments on Andean drinking vessels provide new historical context

Coronavirus: Spain says outbreaks under control after UK orders quarantine

IMAGE: Lead researcher Allison Curley with qeros from the collection of the Smithsonian National

Spain has said outbreaks of new Covid-19 cases are isolated and under control after the UK abruptly

Museum of the American...

ordered people coming...

Coronavirus: GPs to prescribe cycling in new obesity strategy

‘Self-eating’ process of stem cells may be the key to new regenerative therapies

Boris Johnson will set out his strategy to tackle

Human bodies contain over 200 different types of

obesity on Monday – including a 12-week plan for people to lose weight...

specialized cells. All of them can be derived from embryonic stem (ES) cells,...

Tracking antibody profiles for influenza exposures across the lifespan

PolyA-miner assesses the effect of alternative polyadenylation on gene expression

Seasonal influenza remains a ubiquitous threat to human health. Each infection leaves a mark on a

“APA is about modifying one of the ends, called the

person’s immune system,...

3-prime end (3?end), of RNA strands that are transcribed from DNA....

Two distinct circuits drive inhibition in the sensory thalamus of the brain

Increasing rates of preventable hospitalizations among adults with dementia

One powerful type of transformation comes from interactions between excitatory neurons that carry

BOSTON – Older adults with dementia tend to be

data to the neocortex and...

hospitalized more often than those without cognitive impairment. Now...

Desert mosses use quartz rocks as sun shades

Lego-inspired bone and soft tissue repair with tiny, 3D-printed bricks

IMAGE: In the Mojave Desert, a translucent quartz rock keeps the soil moist, the moss green and cuts

IMAGE: regon Health Science University researchers have developed a tiny, 3D-printed

the intensity...

technology that can be assembled...

Phage therapy shows potential for treating prosthetic joint infections ROCHESTER, Minn. — Bacteriophages, or phages,

Rely on gut feeling? New research identifies how second brain in gut communicates

may play a significant role in treating complex bacterial infections...

You’re faced with a big decision so your second brain provides what’s normally referred to as ‘gut instinct’,...

New study explains ‘miracle’ of how the Warsaw Ghetto beat Typhus IMAGE: Painting by Israel Bernbaum, 1981. Oil on

New model by CHOP researchers identifies noncoding mutations across five pediatric cancers

canvas, 70 3/8 x 82 1/4 inches view more Credit: Property...

Philadelphia, July 24, 2020–Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have developed a new computational...

Novel drug delivery particles use neurotransmitters as a ‘passport’ into the brain

Knowledge, concerns, behaviors of individuals during 1st week of COVID-19 pandemic in Italy

IMAGE: A successful transfer of Cre-recombinase

What The Study Did: This is a survey study that

packaged in an NT-lipidoid-doped lipid nanoparticle is demonstated...

examined the knowledge, concerns and behaviors of people living in different...

COVID-19 medical leave among EMS responders, firefighters in New York

An origin story for a family of oddball meteorites

What The Study Did: The use of medical leave

Most meteorites that have landed on Earth are

among emergency medical service responders and firefighters in New York during...

fragments of planetesimals, the very earliest protoplanetary bodies in the...

Genetic mutations help MRSA to become highly resistant to antibiotics

Big brains and dexterous hands

Scientists from the University of Sheffield have

energy until their offspring are independent – like this Hanuman...

found that genetic mutations in MRSA allow it to evolve and become more...

IMAGE: Parents have to invest a lot of time and

Risk of sepsis greatest for patients with frailty, older age or urinary tract infections

Why is obesity so common in COVID-19 patients?

Patients with frailty, older age and urinary tract

connects the body’s metabolism and immune response system may explain...

infections (UTIs) are at greatest risk of developing sepsis following...

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana – A hormone that

Mouse study shows spinal cord injury causes bone marrow failure syndrome

Coronavirus: UK brings back 14-day quarantine for Spain

IMAGE: Lead author Phillip Popovic is, chair of the

Travellers returning to the UK from Spain after

Ohio State Department of Neuroscience and executive director of...

midnight will have to quarantine for 14 days, the government has said. The...

Coronavirus: PM to set out strategy to tackle obesity in UK

New mother, 41, convinced better care in 20s when she suffered anorexia may have spared IVF agony

Boris Johnson will set out his strategy to tackle obesity on Monday – including a 12-week plan for people lose weight...

Of all the ways I imagined spending my 37th birthday, crying in the rain outside a London hospital was not one of them. But...

The petrifying moment Covid-19 doctors stopped my twin brother’s heart, says DR CHRIS VAN TULLEKEN It’s a life-saving procedure I’ve witnessed – and carried out myself – dozens of times in the almost

The 3D-printed cage that could spare hundreds of Britons from leg amputations A 3D-printed ‘cage’ could spare hundreds of Britons disabled by agonising bone fractures from limb amputation. The new...

two decades...

Why gym fanatics claim measuring time BETWEEN your heart beats can tell you if you’re overdoing it

Racism, slurs, hysteria… All for daring to suggest a banana isn’t as bad as six spoonfuls of sugar

If, like a third of Britons, you own a fitness tracker, you may already count your steps, track your sleep

Two weeks ago, I wrote an article about bananas. Specifically, whether eating one was ‘the same as’

quality and keep...

consuming six teaspoons...

DR ELLIE CANNON: How long will it be before I’m free from the pain of shingles?

Researchers capture cell-level details of curved cornea

I had shingles a few months ago and was given

“As the curved outermost part of the eye, the cornea

tablets. The blisters have gone but I still have pain across the side of my...

offers a transparent window into both ocular and general health...

Cells react differently to genomic imprinting

Gene in fat plays key role in insulin resistance

Previous studies have shown that imprinted genes

In 2016, UTSW immunologist and geneticist Bruce

are more active in some tissues, and less active in others. The neuroscientists...

Beutler, M.D., Zhao Zhang Ph.D., and their colleagues reported a new mouse...

Two immunotherapies merged into single, more effective treatment

New cell profiling method could speed TB drug discovery

Now, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have combined two

Current treatment requires multiple drugs for at least six months and sometimes years, and antibiotic

immunotherapy strategies into...

resistance is growing,...

Study finds global trends in women’s breast cancer show cause for concern

Dual role discovered for molecule involved in autoimmune eye disease

A new study published in The Lancet Global Health includes data on women from 41 countries and

In autoimmune uveitis, immune cells become abnormally activated and begin to destroy healthy

found that in higher income...

cells, including light-sensing...

Discovery of a rare human gene mutation that causes MAIT cells to disappear

Serendipity broadens the scope for making graphite

IMAGE: A man gazes at the complex protein

IMAGE: Curtin University researchers have

structures of his own immune system, and the rare genetic mutations that...

unexpectedly discovered a new way to make crystalline graphite, an essential...

Look into the mirror IMAGE: The super-camera allows for diagnosing corneal diseases quickly, cheaply and painlessly. view more Credit:...

Solving the jigsaw puzzle of regional carbon budgets IMAGE: Carbon storage change from inventories (? C in red) and lateral fluxes from trade and riverine carbon export...

Rapid COVID-19 test developed to detect neutralising antibodies with high specificity and sensitivity

Antiviral method against herpes paves the way for combatting incurable viral infections

According to a study published in Nature Biotechnology, the sVNT is capable of detecting the

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered a new method to treat human herpes

functional neutralising antibodies...

viruses. The new broad-spectrum...

AsEH enzyme: A new pharmacological target against Alzheimer’s disease

Ocean features and changes in the past are explored to anticipate future climate

IMAGE: From left to right, Santiago Vázquez, Carles

IMAGE: A core being extracted from the floor of the

Galdeano, Mercè Pallàs and Christian Griñán-Ferré (Faculty...

Bay of Biscay taken on board an oceanographic vessel. view...

Pandemic to accelerate adoption of electronic patient portal for epilepsy

Sci-fi foretold social media, Uber and Augmented Reality, offers insights into the future

Dublin, Friday, 24 July 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic is a catalyst to accelerate the adoption of technology-enabled patient...

Science fiction authors foresaw augmented reality

Brazilian researchers develop an optical fiber made of gel derived from marine algae

Healthy international travelers not likely to acquire Candida auris

IMAGE: Edible, biocompatible and biodegradable,

have shown that there is a low risk for healthy people to acquire...

these fibers have potential for various medical applications. ...

video games, the rise of social media and trends of hyper-consumption,...

Washington, DC – July 24, 2020 – Researchers

High levels of antibiotic-resistant bacteria found on equipment in communal gyms

Plant-based diets shown to lower blood pressure even with limited meat and dairy

Washington, DC – July 24, 2020 – Research presented at ASM Microbe Online found that 43% of

Consuming a plant-based diet can lower blood pressure even if small amounts of meat and dairy

Staphylococcus bacteria...

are consumed too, according...

Experimental optimal verification of entangled states using local measurements

Artificial intelligence can help predict the bacteria responsible for pneumonia in emergency rooms

Quantum information is a field where the information is encoded into quantum states. Taking advantage

Washington, DC – July 24, 2020 – A team of researchers showed that artificial intelligence (AI)

of the “quantumness”...

could help predict...

Coronavirus: Obesity increases risks from Covid-19, experts say

Narrow wavebands of UV light kill germs

Being obese or overweight puts you at greater risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19, experts

collaborators published several papers on some fundamental findings with potential...

Back in 2012, the NIST scientists and their

say after examining...

Antioxidant-rich powders from blueberry, persimmon waste could be good for gut microbiota

What happens around an Alzheimer plaque?

In recent years, fruit and vegetable powders have

has puzzled scientists ever since Alois Alzheimer first described...

become popular as a way to add beneficial compounds, such as polyphenols...

The role of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease

Novel PFAS comprise 24% of those measured in blood of Wilmington, N.C. residents

Fine-tuning adoptive cell therapy for advanced cancers

The GenX Exposure Study began in 2017 after NC

products bearing a transgenic T-cell receptor (TCR), researchers at the...

State researchers found a chemical called GenX in Wilmington residents’...

China 2050: How the US should prepare for an ascendant China — RAND Report

In a new study looking at adoptive cell transfer

Nature study identifies 21 existing drugs that could treat COVID-19

The United States should prepare for a triumphant

A Nature study authored by a global team of

or ascending People’s Republic of China – scenarios that not...

scientists and led by Sumit Chanda, Ph.D., professor at Sanford Burnham Prebys...

Researchers use cell imaging and mathematical modeling to understand cancer progression

Another mRNA-based vaccine candidate protects animals against SARS-CoV-2

IMAGE: A tetraploid RPE-1 mitotic cell. Centrioles

An experimental messenger RNA (mRNA)-based vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome

are displayed in green (two dots at each centrosome/spindle pole);...

coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) elicits...

Proposed framework for integrating chatbots into health care

NASA Water vapor data reveals Tropical Storm Gonzalo’s soaking capability

While the technology for developing artificial intelligence-powered chatbots has existed for some

IMAGE: On July 24 at 1:35 a.m. EDT (0535 UTC), NASA’s Aqua satellite passed over Tropical Storm

time, a new viewpoint piece...

Gonzalo in the...

Project creates more powerful, versatile ultrafast laser pulse

High-protein distillers dried grains with solubles provide high quality pig nutrition

IMAGE: In the stretched-pulse soliton Kerr resonator developed by the lab of William Renninger, a single

IMAGE: Hans Stein and others at the University of Illinois found that a new high-protein distillers dried


grains with...

DR MAX PEMBERTON: Kanye West’s crisis and the toll of bipolar on loved ones

Coronavirus symptoms linger for over two weeks for one in five young adults

Rapper Kanye West has long had a reputation for

three WEEKS for one in five healthy Americans aged 18 – 34 who catch...

attention-seeking and so, when he announced on July 4 that he was going to...

Symptoms like cough and fatigue linger as long as

Coronavirus England: Average daily cases rising for a WEEK

Triple negative breast cancer meets its match

Coronavirus cases in England appear to be creeping

TNBC — so called because it lacks estrogen

up with 1,000 more people estimated to be catching the disease every day...

receptors, progesterone receptors, and overexpression of the growth-promoting...

Getting under the skin of psoriasis

Diets high in protein, particularly plant protein, linked to lower risk of death

A team of researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and John A. Paulson School...

The researchers say these findings “support current dietary recommendations to increase consumption of plant proteins...

Food supplements may improve brain health among young children in low income countries The results could have important implications for children’s education and national development in

Immune system — Knocked off balance The immune system defends us against attack by viruses and bacteria and also helps to eliminate cancer cells. The innate...

low income countries,...

Gene-controlling mechanisms play key role in cancer progression

Home-made face masks likely need at least two layers to curb COVID-19 spread

MIT and Harvard University researchers have now

Viral droplets are generated during coughing,

mapped out an additional layer of control that guides this evolution —...

sneezing, or speaking. And face masks are thought to protect healthy people...

Heart transplants declined sharply during pandemic

Sputum testing provides higher rate of COVID-19 detection

The study found that the number of heart transplants

Boston, MA — Early and accurate detection is

performed nationwide dropped 26% during the 8week period marking the...

critical for preventing the spread of COVID-19 and providing appropriate...

Wrong number of fingers leads down wrong track

Machine learning reveals recipe for building artificial proteins

IMAGE: Life reconstruction of the Metoposaurus with the new model of the forelimb with five fingers.

Proteins are essential to the life of cells, carrying out complex tasks and catalyzing chemical reactions.

view more Credit:...

Scientists and...

Neurons are genetically programmed to have long lives

Dartmouth-industry collaborations improve computer graphics

IMAGE: Photo shows Sika Zheng. view more

IMAGE: ReSTIR dramatically increases the quality

Credit: Zheng lab, UC Riverside. RIVERSIDE, Calif. — When...

of rendering on a computer’s graphics card by reusing rays that...

Discovery of disordered nanolayers in intermetallic alloys

SARS-CoV-2 infection of non-neuronal cells, not neurons, may drive loss of smell in patients with COVID-19

IMAGE: (A) Atom maps reconstructed using 3D-APT show the distribution of each element. Iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), and...

A new study of human olfactory cells has revealed that viral invasion of supportive cells in the nasal cavity might be driving...

Wetter than wet: Global warming means more rain for Asian monsoon regions

Coronavirus vaccine: Might it have sideeffects?

IMAGE: Map of current rainfall (mm day-1) and wind (m s-1). Vectors show wind in the lower troposphere.

There was promising news in the search for an effective vaccine against coronavirus this week

The tropical...

when a team at Oxford University...

Coronavirus: New face covering rules in force in England

Coronavirus prompts PM into obesity crackdown

Face coverings are now compulsory for customers

The prime minister is set to announce new

in shops in England, after new coronavirus rules came into force within 12...

measures to curb obesity next week, and they are expected to include a ban on TV...

Coronavirus: 1 in 5 young adults’ symptoms last over two weeks

Free flu jabs will be offered to 30M people in UK this year in a bid to relieve pressure on NHS

Symptoms like cough and fatigue linger as long as three WEEKS for one in five healthy Americans

The Government plans to double its winter flu

aged 18 – 34 who catch...

vaccination programme to 30million people this year, with free jabs for all...

Coronavirus UK: 123 fatalities announced on Friday

Imperial College vaccine’s second round trials on 200 humans

Another 123 people were today confirmed to have died of Covid-19 in the UK, as SAGE admitted the

University of Oxford Oxford University academics began developing the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine in

reproduction rate of the...

January. It is now named...

Coronavirus UK: Interactive map shows deaths by postcode

Care home outbreaks of Covid-like illnesses highest for a month

An interactive map which highlights coronavirus deaths by postcode in

Outbreaks of Covid-like illnesses in care homes are at their highest levels in a month, data from Public

England and Wales reveals people in the North West...

Health England show. In...

Coronavirus England: People in poor areas twice as likely to die

Pizza study shows body copes surprisingly well with one-off calorie indulgence

The most deprived areas of England have coronavirus death rates twice as high as the richest areas, stark official data confirms. People...

Researchers with the Centre for Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism at the University of Bath compared the effects of normal...

Rapid COVID-19 test developed to detect neutralizing antibodies with high specificity and sensitivity According to a study published in Nature Biotechnology, the sVNT is capable of detecting the

Livestock expansion is a factor in global pandemics Research has shown a global increase in the emergence of infectious diseases and epidemics, an accelerated loss of biodiversity...

functional neutralising antibodies...

If relaxed too soon, physical distancing measures might have been all for naught

Study identifies 21 existing drugs that could treat COVID-19

The researchers compared the results of three related mathematical models of disease

The scientists analyzed one of the world’s largest collections of known drugs for their ability to block

transmission that they used to analyze...

the replication...

In cell studies, seaweed extract outperforms remdesivir in blocking COVID-19 virus

High-deductible health plans and major cardiovascular outcomes

Published online today in Cell Discovery, the

than any other condition, accounting for 30% of deaths in 2017. Improvements...

research is the latest example of a decoy strategy researchers from the Center...

Cardiovascular disease kills more people in the U.S.

How COVID-19 causes smell loss Now, an international team of researchers led by neuroscientists at Harvard Medical School has identified the olfactory cell...

Elevated levels of a specific protein found to correlate with inflammatory symptom severity in COVID A new study found raised levels of transforming growth factor beta-induced protein (TGFBIp) in blood sampled from roughly...

Photochromic bismuth complexes show great promise for optical memory elements

Genetic mutations predispose individuals to severe COVID-19

IMAGE: Working routine in Center for Energy

SARS-CoV-2 causes severe symptoms mainly in elderly patients with chronic...

Science and Technology. view more Credit: Timur Sabirov / Skoltech Russian...

Current observations suggest that the coronavirus

Alaska is getting wetter. That’s bad news for permafrost and the climate.

NASA’s tracking Hawaii-bound Major Hurricane Douglas

IMAGE: Postdoctoral fellow Catherine Dielemen

IMAGE: On July 24 at 6:30 a.m. EDT (1030 UTC),

associated with Merritt Turetsky’s research group uses a frost...

the MODIS instrument aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite gathered temperature...

Manipulating non-magnetic atoms in a chromium halide enables tuning of magnetic properties

NASA animation tracks Tropical Storm Hanna’s progression

IMAGE: The atomic landscape of chromium halides

IMAGE: This animation of visible imagery from NASA Aqua Satellite shows the development of

are illustrated. The magnetic chromium atoms appear as gray spheres...

Tropical Storm Hanna from...

Citizen science at heart of new study showing COVID-19 seismic noise reduction

There will NOT be a Covid-19 baby boom: Pregnancies will fall as the pandemic fades

IMAGE: Locations of the 268 global seismic stations used in the study. Lockdown effects are observed (red) at 185 of...

There will not be a Covid-19 baby boom straight after the pandemic because couples will be too concerned about their money,...

Fitbit wearers asked to join a study to see if smartwatches can detect signs of coronavirus

Coronavirus can infect people 26 FEET away in cold moving air, finds study

Fitbit wearers are being asked to join a study to see

metres) in cold environments with moving air,

if smartwatches can detect the coronavirus. King’s College London...

according to a study...

Coronavirus: Lockdowns DON’T reduce death rate, study claims

Coronavirus infection rates have RISEN in 63 areas of England in the past week

Lockdowns have not had a big impact on

Coronavirus cases have risen in 63 local authorities

coronavirus death rates around the world, scientists

in England in the past week, and Blackburn has

have claimed, and the health...

become the new epicentre...

Coronavirus death rate in the North West of England was TRIPLE that of London in June

Boris Johnson slams ‘nuts anti-vaxxers’ as he urges ‘everybody’ to get a flu jab before winter

An interactive map which

Boris Johnson lashed out at ‘nuts’ anti-vaxxers

highlights coronavirus deaths by postcode in

today as he urged all Britons to get a flu jab in the

England and Wales reveals people in the North West...


Coronavirus antibodies fall dramatically in first 3 months after mild cases of COVID-19

Researchers discover new pathways that could help treat RNA viruses

Previous reports have suggested that antibodies

anticipated that we’d be in the midst of a pandemic

against the novel coronavirus are short-lived, but the rate at which they...

caused by...

Calcium channel subunits play a major role in autism spectrum disorders

Antibiotics disrupt development of the ‘social brain’ in mice

?2? subunits have different effects on the formation

Katerina Johnson, from the University’s

of new synapses Autism spectrum disorders involve

Departments of Psychiatry and Experimental

impaired development...

Psychology, was researching the...

Coronavirus is able to travel more than 26 feet (eight

“When we first started this research, we never

Older adults coped with pandemic best, study reveals

We are mutating SARS-CoV-2, but it is evolving back

Based on daily diary data collected between midMarch and mid-April of this year, the researchers

All organisms mutate. You were for example born with between 10 and 100 new mutations in your

found that older adults...

DNA. Mutation is usually a...

Unprecedented effort to ramp up testing technologies for COVID-19

When it comes to happiness, what’s love got to do with it?

To fill this urgent need, the Rapid Acceleration of

The study — published in the Journal of Positive

Diagnostics (RADx) program was established in just five days following...

Psychology — examined the relationship histories of 7,532 people...

Researchers find evidence of smallpox in the viking age

New approach simultaneously measures EEG and fMRI connectomes

The fatal disease smallpox is older and more

IMAGE: Sepideh Sadaghiani is interested in

widespread than scientists so far have proved. A

studying the connectivity and functions of brain

new study by an international...

networks. view more Credit:...

Online tools can improve autism diagnosis

New technology makes homes more energy independent, helps divert power during blackouts

IMAGE: Online tools and assessments can help speed up diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the first comprehensive...

IMAGE: Mixed neighborhood used in the researchers’ computer simulation. Open circles denote nodes where homes...

Getting a grip on near-field light IMAGE: Designer landscape of localized light in the

Coronavirus makes changes that cause cells not to recognize it

shape of an elephant. Guided light is molded by bouncing back and...

IMAGE: Yogesh K. Gupta, PhD, and colleagues at UT Health San Antonio discovered the mechanism by which the novel coronavirus...

Health, well-being and food security of families deteriorating under COVID-19 stress

T cells can shift from helping to harming in atherosclerosis

The ongoing disruptive changes from efforts to

recognize ApoB, the protein backbone of LDL cholesterol, better knowns as...

reduce the spread of COVID-19 are having a

IMAGE: Everyone produces T cells that can

substantial negative impact on...

Coronavirus: Has Covid-19 exposed UK’s underlying ill health?

Coronavirus: Mothers ‘unlikely to infect newborns’

Covid-19 has taken a disproportionate toll on those

Women who have Covid-19 are unlikely to pass on

with underlying health conditions. Some experts say the crisis has shone...

the infection to their babies during childbirth if precautions are in place,...

Coronavirus: New face covering rules come into force in England

Most people in England to be offered flu vaccine

Face coverings are now compulsory for customers

Most people in England, about 30 million, are to be

in shops in England, after new coronavirus rules

offered the flu vaccine this year, the government

came into force within 12...

says. It is to prepare...

Scientists discover coronavirus in the EARS of two dead Covid-positive

Coronavirus US: NIH to launch ‘flurry’ of treatment trials

Scientists discover coronavirus in the EARS of two

NIH is gearing up to launch a ‘flurry’ of clinical trials

dead Covid-positive patients as studies suggest

using everything from antibodies to blood thinners...

hearing loss may be a...

NIH officials announce plan to ramp coronavirus testing up to 6 million a DAY by December

Coronavirus on track to be second leading cause of death in LA

NIH officials announce plan to ramp coronavirus

is on track to become the second leading cause of death in Los Angeles...

testing up to 6 million a DAY by December by

If the crisis continues at its current clip, coronavirus

building ‘mega-labs’...

Coronavirus England: Testing is getting SLOWER, data shows

Coronavirus England: 10% July hospital deaths at Kent NHS trust

Waiting times for coronavirus swab test results have

One in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in English

surged in the past week and now one in three people at drive-through...

hospitals in July have been at a single NHS trust in Kent, data has revealed. Some...

UK announces 53 more coronavirus deaths taking the UK total to 45,554 Another 53 people have died of the coronavirus in the UK, according to the Government, taking the total to 45,554. But there...

Parents should NOT buy face masks for children because they ‘can cause choking and suffocation’ Parents should not buy face masks for children under three because they can cause choking and suffocation, Public Health...

Lone Star ticks in Illinois can carry, transmit Heartland virus

Lung ultrasound shows duration, severity of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

The findings are reported in the journal Emerging

“In addition,” concluded Yao Zhang of at China’s

Infectious Diseases. In July 2018, a resident of Kankakee County was hospitalized...

Beijing Ditan Hospital, “our results indicate that...

New CT scan method lowers radiation exposure

Reexamining the history of slavery through 23andMe African ancestry data

The technique, demonstrated on a small sample in a

“Our study combined the genetic data of more than

micro CT scanner, could potentially be adapted for

50,000 people on both sides of the Atlantic with

medical scanners and...

historical records...

How mosquitoes got their taste for human blood and what it means for the future

COVID-19 vaccine innovation could dramatically speed up worldwide production

“Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are invasive across the

The new findings are described in the journal

global tropics, where a strong preference for human

Science. Most coronavirus vaccine candidates train

hosts and habitats...

the human immune system...

Driving immunometabolism to control lung infection Although the bacteria that causes TB (called Mtb)

COVID-19 lockdown caused 50 percent global reduction in human-linked Earth vibrations

has scourged humankind for millennia, we do not

This quiet period, likely caused by the total global

fully understand the complexities...

effect of social distancing measures, closure of services and industry,...

Study identifies spread of bee disease via flowers

Some ‘inert’ drug ingredients may be biologically active

ITHACA, N.Y. – One in 11 flowers carries disease-

Some supposedly inert ingredients in common drugs

causing parasites known to contribute to bee

— such as dyes and preservatives — may

declines, according to...

potentially be biologically...

Small-farm tech reduces deforestation, climate change

Silicon core fishbone waveguide extends frequency comb

IMAGE: Miombo woodlands near the Lower

IMAGE: Waveguide design, Zhang et al. doi

Zambezi National Park, Zambia. view more Credit: Johanne Pelletier ITHACA,...

10.1117/1.AP.2.4.046001 view more Credit: Zhang et al. Frequency...

Young dolphins pick their friends wisely

Do bicycles slow down cars on low speed, low traffic roads? Latest research says ‘no’

DURHAM , N.C. — Strategic networking is key to career success, and not just for humans. A new study of wild bottlenose...

The new article Evidence from Urban Roads without Bicycle Lanes on the Impact of Bicycle Traffic on Passenger Car Travel...

L-type calcium channel blockers may contribute to heart failure, study finds

Tandem catalytic system efficiently converts carbon dioxide to methanol

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — L-type calcium channel

IMAGE: Boston College researchers used three

blockers (LCCBs) — the most widely used drugs for

different catalysts in one system to transform, in

treating hypertension...

three steps, the greenhouse...

US military improved mortality since World War II, but there have been alarming exceptions

Fasting diet could boost breast cancer therapy

“This shows us the big picture of combat casualty

clinical trials, researchers at USC and the IFOM

outcomes from the beginning of World War II through the modern era,...

Cancer Institute in Milan...

Science sweetens stingless bee species honey health claims

Scientists discover how immune cells mobilize to fight infection

University of Queensland organic chemist Associate

The study, led by scientists at the University of York,

Professor Mary Fletcher said Indigenous peoples

reveals how B-cells — crucial agents of the immune

In studies on mice and in two small breast cancer

had long known that native...


Ibuprofen does not hinder bone fracture healing in children

Atomic force microscopy reveals nanoscale dental erosion from beverages

The study examined 95 skeletally immature children

Enamel is the hard-white substance that forms the

with fractures. Forty-six patients in the control group

outer part of a tooth. It is the hardest substance in

received acetaminophen...

the human body, even...

Neanderthals may have had a lower threshold for pain

Vikings had smallpox and may have helped spread the world’s deadliest virus

As several Neanderthal genomes of high quality are now available researchers can identify genetic

Smallpox spread from person to person via infectious droplets, killed around a third of sufferers

changes that were present...

and left another third...

A new approach to aiding black male trauma survivors

NASA finds strength in new Gulf Tropical Depression 8

IMAGE: A new study by researchers at the

IMAGE: On July 23 at 4:05 a.m. EDT (0805 UTC),

University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (Penn Nursing) and Drexel University...

the MODIS instrument aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite gathered temperature...

Preventing the next pandemic

FSU biologists shed light on how cells move resources

Thus far, COVID-19 has cost at least $2.6 trillion and may cost ten times this amount. It is the largest global pandemic...

IMAGE: The structure of the clathrin cage that forms around a vesicle, a fluid-filled package that moves materials...

Frequent social media use influences depressive symptoms over time among LGBTQ youth

Study finds decline in emergent hospitalizations during early phase of COVID-19

PULLMAN, Wash. – Frequent social media use can

Boston – Early reports have shown the COVID-19

impact depressive symptoms over time for LGBTQ

pandemic has resulted in a decline in patients

youth, according to research...

seeking outpatient medical...

NASA examines Tropical Storm Gonzalo’s structural changes

Different from a computer: Why the brain never processes the same input in the same way

IMAGE: NASA’s Aqua satellite provided a visible image to forecasters of Tropical Storm Gonzalo in the central...

IMAGE: How strongly the cortex is excitable by a stimulus (lightning symbol) is not left to chance. Rather, the change...

Coronavirus cure: What progress are we making on treatments?

Cutting screen time lowers risk of death, study finds

Trials around the world are attempting to identify treatments for people with severe Covid-19. The first

Restricting television viewing to two hours a day could prevent or delay poor health, according to a

drugs that do make...

new study. Health risks...

Coronavirus: Ministers urged to end face coverings ‘confusion’

Coronavirus: Walk-in centres ‘to help cope with winter’

The government has been accused of mixed

A network of coronavirus-testing walk-in centres is

messaging over where people will have to wear face coverings when new rules come...

to be set up across England in an attempt to persuade more people to...

UK Government copies Trump attacking journalists on Twitter The UK Government has today been accused of

NHS Test and Trace is failing to reach even HALF of people at risk of having Covid-19 in some areas

‘taking a leaf out of Donald Trump‘s playbook’ after

NHS Test and Trace is still failing to track down up to


half of Covid-19 patients’ contacts in areas most at risk of...

Covid-19 cases in Britain are still plateauing, data shows Covid-19 cases in Britain are barely dropping with

People with psychopathic or narcissistic traits are less likely to follow face mask rules

almost 2,000 people still becoming infected each

People with psychopathic and narcissistic

day, experts say. King’s...

personality traits are more likely to ignore coronavirus restrictions and to hoard...

Coronavirus testing in England is getting SLOWER, official data shows

A coronavirus vaccine will NOT be available this year, World Health Organization warns

Waiting times for coronavirus swab test results have

Hopes for a coronavirus vaccine before Christmas

surged in the past week and now one in three people at drive-through...

have been dashed by a World Health Organization expert. Mike Ryan, head...

Ultra-small, parasitic bacteria found in groundwater, moose — and you

Markerless motion capture technology could help skeleton athletes’ training

The organisms are members of the TM7, or

Skeleton is a winter sport where athletes rapidly

Sacchraribacteria, phylum. These are ultra-small,

accelerate on ice whilst pushing a sled before

parasitic bacteria with small...

launching forwards on to...

Cancer metabolic pathway identified as target for therapy

Portable blood ammonia detector

Researchers at UC Santa Barbara may have added

Veltman and colleagues Natalia Gomez-Ospina and Chun Tsai have published...

to that arsenal by helping to identify a cellular

In the August issue of ACS Sensors, Chu, Kanan,

mechanism that, if inhibited,...

Smile: Atomic imaging finds root of tooth decay

Twitter data reveals global communication network

The team’s paper, “Chemical Gradients in Human

While previous investigations have identified

Enamel Crystallites,” published July 1 in Nature. Cornell’s...

patterns using other data, such as mobile phone usage and Facebook friend connections,...

Brain network mechanism causing spatial memory impairment revealed

Evidence of ‘hormone disruptor’ chemical threats grows

Published today in Neuron, the study titled,

Led by NYU Grossman School of Medicine, a team

“Disrupted place cell remapping and impaired grid

of environmental health experts analyzed research

cells in a knockin model...

published in the past five...

What happens in Vegas, may come from the Arctic?

Novel ‘on-off’ switch discovered in plant defenses

IMAGE: Lake Mead and its infamous bathtub ring is pictured on April 11, 2019. view more Credit: Josh

IMAGE: A new report describes the discovery of an “on-off ” switch used in plant defenses. view...


Expanded access to treatment in prisons can reduce overdose deaths by 31.6%, study finds

The most important task for a PTSD service dog for veterans is disrupting anxiety

IMAGE: This figure compares cumulative overdose

IMAGE: Maggie O’Haire, associate professor of

deaths among those with prior incarceration

human-animal interaction view more Credit: Purdue

between 2017 and 2024 when...

University Science...

Sweet coolers a gateway to increased alcohol consumption

Wireless, optical cochlear implant uses LED lights to restore hearing in rodents

IMAGE: Sweet coolers gateway to increased alcohol

Scientists have created an optical cochlear implant

consumption, U of G prof says view more Credit: (University...

based on LED lights that can safely and partially restore the sensation...

Older adults feel stressed, yet resilient in the time of COVID-19

Genetic testing for heart diseases may help patients and families identify risks

America’s oldest citizens say they’ve been through

DALLAS, July 23, 2020 — Genetic testing and

worse, but many older adults are feeling the stress

counseling for inherited cardiovascular diseases

of COVID-19...

may help patients and...

Exercise PILL hopes after liver protein worked in mice brains

Coronavirus: At-home tests work as well as those in clinics

Maybe you won’t need the gym when they finally reopen! An ‘exercise PILL’ could be on the horizon

At-home coronavirus tests work just as well as those given at clinics: Study finds self-swab kits are 80%


accurate as experts...

Protein drug ‘reversed’ the deadly inflammatory cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients

MIT scientists design a $15 reusable SILICONE face mask

Could THIS stop coronavirus in its tracks? Protein

(MIT) have designed a reusable face mask that can be sterilized and worn...

drug boosts infection-fighting white blood cells by

Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

two-fold and may ‘reverse’...

Airborne coronavirus CAN infect people, study suggests

Blood test can detect five types of cancer FOUR YEARS before symptoms appear

Coronavirus can spread in airborne particles, drifting

Blood test can detect five types of cancer FOUR

around rooms to infect people, new research

YEARS before symptoms appear — including

suggests. Whether coronavirus...

tumours in the lungs and liver PanSeer...

Physical stress on the job linked with brain and memory decline in older age

Putting the spring-cam back into stroke patients steps

Aga Burzynska, an assistant professor in the

Stroke patients often suffer from motor paralysis as

Department of Human Development and Family Studies, and her research team connected...

a result of damage to the brain, significantly affecting their walking....

Sharks almost gone from many reefs

How neurons reshape inside body fat to boost its calorie-burning capacity

Professor Colin Simpfendorfer from James Cook University in Australia was one of the scientists who took part in the study,...

That signal is the hormone leptin, which is released by the fat cells themselves. In experiments with mice described on July...

Mapping the brain’s sensory gatekeeper Institute of MIT and Harvard has now mapped the

Brain builds and uses maps of social networks, physical space, in the same way

TRN in unprecedented detail,...

“When we’re learning to navigate the real world, we

A team of researchers from MIT and the Broad

don’t start off by seeing a whole map,” said...

New role for white blood cells in the developing brain

Health and happiness depend on each other

Like a highly fortified headquarters, our brain enjoys

New research published in the journal Psychological

special protection from what is circulating in the rest of our body...

Science shows that both online and in-person psychological interventions...

Giant, fruit-gulping pigeon eaten into extinction on Pacific islands

Health and happiness depend on each other, Psychological Science says

IMAGE: Tongoenas burleyi, right, likely featured the

Good health and a happy outlook on life may seem

brightly colored plumage of other canopy-dwelling

like equally worthy yet independent goals. A growing

pigeons on the...

body of research, however,...

Researchers simulate, assess damage to brain cells caused by bubbles during head trauma

Princeton scientists discover a topological magnet that exhibits exotic quantum effects

IMAGE: This illustration shows how head trauma

An international team led by researchers at

can create microbubbles in the skull that collapse

Princeton University has uncovered a new class of

and damage nearby...

magnet that exhibits novel...

IUDs successfully manage menstrual pain in adolescents with disabilities

Study of US mass shootings, firearms homicides suggests two-pronged policy approach

PHILADELPHIA — Studies have shown that intrauterine devices (IUDs) that release progestins can help adult women with...

Over the past 30 years, mass shootings have fueled calls for changes in gun ownership and concealed carry legislation, but...

Big wheel ruts, big economic losses IMAGE: Aerial photo of wheel-traffic compaction on early-season crop stands in western Minnesota. view more Credit:...

Mammal cells could struggle to fight space germs The immune systems of mammals – including humans – might struggle to detect and respond to germs from other planets,...

Shropshire baby deaths: Maternity review expanded

Coronavirus: The great contact-tracing apps mystery

The largest ever review of maternity care in the NHS

Germany and Ireland have both trumpeted their

has revealed it is now examining nearly 1,900 cases. An investigation...

success in rolling out contact-tracing apps. But is there any evidence that...

Coronavirus: Care home visits to resume in England

Trump concedes pandemic to ‘get worse before it gets better’

Care home residents in England can begin to be

Media captionTrump pivots on masks: ‘I’m getting

reunited with one of their loved ones, the

used to the mask’ President Donald Trump...

government has said, as it publishes...

Coronavirus: Bald men 40% more likely to end up in hospital

Coronavirus England: Family visitors allowed in care homes

Bald men are 40 per cent more likely to end up in hospital with the coronavirus, a study has claimed.

Care homes residents in England will be allowed family visits again for the first time since lockdown

Dermatologists uncovered...

started in March —...

Coronavirus UK: No proof ANY teacher infected by a pupil

Coronavirus: Care home residents 13 TIMES more likely to die

There is no proof Covid-19 has been transmitted

Care homes residents are 13 times more likely to

from a pupil to a teacher in school anywhere in the

die from coronavirus than elderly people in the

world, a scientist advising...

community, a study suggests. Canadian...

Hundreds of Americans in need of new hearts took themselves off waitlists amid coronavirus pandemic

Coronavirus Canada: Health chiefs recommend GLORY HOLES

Hundreds of Americans in need of new hearts took

Glory holes are being encouraged as a safer way to have sex by health chiefs in Canada amid the

themselves off transplant waitlists amid coronavirus

coronavirus pandemic. The...

fears as the number...

Coronavirus: Blood test shows if dexamethasone will help user

Coronavirus UK: 79 new fatalities in daily death toll

A simple blood test may reveal which coronavirus patients are most likely to benefit from

Another 79 people have died of Covid-19 in Britain as official figures released today reveal the daily

dexamethasone — the only drug...

number of victims...

Free trade can prevent hunger caused by climate change

Legal marijuana may be slowing reductions in teen marijuana use

Climate change has consequences for agriculture

The longitudinal study of more than 230 teens and

worldwide, with clear differences between regions. Expectations are that...

young adults finds that teens may be more likely to use marijuana following...

Gum disease may raise risk of some cancers

Biggest risk factors identified to try and prevent Alzheimer’s disease

US researchers found that a history of periodontal

Focusing on these factors, which include cognitive

disease appeared to be associated with a raised risk

activity, high body mass index in late life,

of esophageal (gullet)...

depression, diabetes, and...

High school athletes require longer recovery following concussions

Cinnamon may improve blood sugar control in people with prediabetes

The study’s results were published ahead of the Michigan High School Athletic Association’s recent

It is estimated that nearly 90 million people in the United States have prediabetes, which occurs when


blood sugar levels...

Artificial cells produce parts of viruses for safe studies

New study finds access to food stamps reduces visits to the physicians

The cells are micrometer-sized compartments

In a new study, University of Colorado Denver

etched into a silicon chip. At the bottom of each compartment, the scientists...

researchers found when people have access to the food stamp program, they are...

2,000 years of storms in the Caribbean IMAGE: Aerial photograph of the Blue Hole, a flooded karst sinkhole on Lighthouse Reef, Belize,

Narcissists don’t learn from their mistakes because they don’t think they make any

where the research...

IMAGE: Researcher Satoris (Tori) Howes at Oregon State University – Cascades with the OSU College of Business. ...

Concussions associated with cognitive, behavioral, and emotional consequences for students

City of Hope scientists leverage interference between signaling pathways for cancer treatment

Concussions can have a compounding effect on

IMAGE: Markus Müschen, M.D., Ph.D., chair of City

children, leading to long-term cognitive, behavioral, and emotional health consequences,...

of Hope’s Department of Systems Biology and The Norman and...

Research explores the link between wages, school and cognitive ability in South Africa

New UBC study reveals older adults coped with pandemic best

Studies through the decades have linked higher

compared to younger adults (18-39) and middle-

wages to education, with the greatest returns in developing countries. However,...

aged adults (40-59) amid...

Loyola researchers identify common characteristics of rare pediatric brain tumors

Coronavirus UK: ‘SAGE and COBRA no longer control decisions’

MAYWOOD, IL–Vestibular schwannomas, more

scientific advisory panel SAGE has been

commonly known as acoustic neuromas, are benign

downgraded and the secretive Joint...

Adults aged 60 and up have fared better emotionally

Matt Hancock today confirmed Number 10’s

brain tumors that develop...

Coronavirus UK: Sticking to the rules could prevent lockdown

Trump admits coronavirus ‘will get worse before it gets better’ at comeback briefing

Almost all scientists agree the infection is bound to re-emerge in a second wave in the absence of a

President Donald Trump conceded Tuesday that the worst of COVID-19 is yet to come as he held his first

vaccine or cure for...

White House coronavirus...

Covid vaccine could be rolled out for vulnerable Britons before it is approved by regulators

Face shields worn by hairdressers DON’T protect against Covid-19, health officials say

A Covid-19 vaccine could be rolled out for vulnerable Brits before it gets approved by medical

Face shields worn by hairdressers are not protective against Covid-19 and are not a safe alternative to

regulators, according to the...

masks, health chiefs...

Has the handshake gone forever? Public health experts say traditional greeting may never return

Common blood test identifies benefits and risks of steroid treatment in COVID19 patients

Almost all scientists agree the infection is bound to re-emerge in a second wave in the absence of a

July 22, 2020–(BRONX, NY)– A new study led by Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore

vaccine or cure for...

Health System...

Plastics found in sea-bed sharks IMAGE: Microplastics have been found in the guts of

New study: Brain tumors may be seeded from distant site

sharks that live near the seabed off the UK coast.

WASHINGTON – (July 22, 2020) – A mouse model


of glioblastoma, an aggressive type of cancer that can occur in...

Early menstruation linked to increased menopause symptoms

Neutralizing antibodies isolated from COVID-19 patients may suppress virus

Early menstruation increases the likelihood of hot

IMAGE: Cryo-EM reconstructions show how two

flushes and nights sweats decades later at

different antibodies (blue) bind to the spike protein of

menopause, according to a University...

the SARS-CoV-2...

Patients who lived longer with cancer at greater risk of severe COVID-19 infection

Even if you want to, you can’t ignore how people look or sound

Cancer patients diagnosed more than 24 months ago are more likely to have a severe COVID-19

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Your perceptions of someone you just met are influenced in part by what they look

infection, research has found....

like and how they...

Dragonflies reveal mercury pollution levels across US national parks

Shrewsbury and Telford maternity review expanded

IMAGE: Before turning into adults, dragonfly larvae

The largest ever review of maternity care in the NHS

can be collected easily by citizen scientists and used as “biosentinels...

has revealed it is now examining nearly 1,900 cases. The investigation...

Senior Bradford nurse survives 40-day coronavirus coma

Coronavirus: NHS nurses told ‘lives would be made hell’

Media captionAyesha Orlanda had been in intensive

Hospital nurses were told their “lives would be made

care for 41 days after being admitted in May. A

hell” if they complained over conditions on a

senior nurse...


Coronavirus: ‘Infection here for many years to come’

Coronavirus US: Black and Hispanic patients’ lung damage worse

The UK will be living with coronavirus for many years to come and even a vaccine is unlikely to

Black and Hispanic coronavirus patients had lung damage that was 1.5 times worse than the

eliminate it for good, experts...

infection’s attacks on white...

Coronavirus US: Case count 6-24 TIMES the reported number

Coronavirus: AstraZeneca offers vaccines to US at no profit

As many as one-quarter of Americans may have

AstraZeneca and Johnson Johnson promised to

contracted the novel coronavirus since the start of

offer their coronavirus vaccines to the US at cost

the pandemic, a new study...

during testimony before a...

Man nearly died when heart surgery delayed due to coronavirus A grandfather was a ‘ticking time bomb’ after he had

German scientists are hosting a 4,000person indoor concert to study how coronavirus spreads

to delay his heart surgery due to the coronavirus

German scientists to host a 4,000-person indoor


concert to study how coronavirus spreads by tracking the movements of fans...

Blackburn overtakes Leicester as UK’s coronavirus hotspot

Lab-made virus mimics COVID-19 virus

Blackburn has overtaken Leicester to have the highest coronavirus infection rate in England, data

University School of Medicine in St. Louis have

To help remedy that, researchers at Washington developed a hybrid virus that...

today revealed. Figures...

While birds chirp, plasma shouldn’t: New insight could advance fusion energy

Instantaneous color holography system for sensing fluorescence and white light

IMAGE: PPPL physicist Roscoe White and

IMAGE: Overview of the proposed instantaneous

colleagues have furthered understanding of a barrier

color-multiplexed holographic sensing technique

that can prevent doughnut-shaped...

with a computational...

Keeping pinto beans away from the dark side IMAGE: A new variety of slow-darkening pinto beans

Solar-driven membrane distillation technology that can double drinking water production

shows benefits for the entire value chain. view more

IMAGE: This is Dr. Kyung-guen Song at the Water


Cycle Research Center at KIST. view more Credit: Korea Institue...

Study suggests increased risks for COVID-19 patients who smoke, vape

Invention offers new option for monitoring heart health

IMAGE: A study led by TTUHSC’s Luca Cucullo,

IMAGE: A team from Purdue University developed

Ph.D., looked at the effect smoking and vaping may

self-powered wearable triboelectric nanogenerators

have on the cerebrovascular...

with polyvinyl alcohol-based...

Racial and LGBT bias persists in ridesharing drivers despite mitigation efforts

Junk DNA might be really, really useful for biocomputing

IMAGE: Despite efforts by ridesharing companies to

Dr. Herbert asks what if our genome was far smarter than everyone previously believed? What if in the

eliminate or reduce discrimination, research from the

many DNA repeat elements...

Indiana University...

How to transform your life in 24 hours by discovering the perfect time for everything

Up to 3,500 cancer patients in England will die early due to coronavirus, study claims

Does your morning routine involve reaching for the

Cancer treatment delays caused by the Covid-19

snooze button before getting up, jumping into the

pandemic could cause up to 10,000 more avoidable

shower, then grabbing...

deaths over the next five...

Has working from home given us all back ache?

Coronavirus US: Trump resuming briefings due to viewing figures

During lockdown millions of us were suddenly forced to work from home for long hours every day for

Donald Trump touted Monday that he will resume the ‘very successful’ briefings on the pandemic after

months at a time: smiling...

his frequent...

Chris Whitty defends coronavirus lockdown lag in bad-tempered interview

Coronavirus: Scottish victims older than average life expectancy

The Government’s scientific advisers today butted

The average age patients die from coronavirus in

heads about whether the UK was too slow to enforce lockdown. In an...

Scotland is older than the age at which people pass away normally, stark...

Coronavirus UK: 110 new fatalities in daily death toll

Coronavirus: The survivors donating antibodies to find a cure

Britain today announced 110 more coronavirus

With only one drug so far proven to save the lives of

deaths as the number of victims continues to tumble

Covid-19 patients, doctors are desperate to find

— but cases are still...

more treatments to...

Range of commercial infant foods has grown markedly in past seven years, UK study finds

SARS-CoV-2 is not transmitted by mosquitoes, study shows

Although fewer foods are now being marketed to

Stephen Higgs, associate vice president for research and director of the university’s Biosecurity

infants aged four months, there are far more snack

Research Institute,...

foods for babies being...

Benefits of routine childhood vaccines far outweigh risks of additional COVID-19 transmission in Africa, study suggests

UK’s vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 is safe and induces an immune reaction, according to preliminary results

For every additional COVID-19 death that might be

The early stage trial finds that the vaccine is safe,

associated with additional exposure to the virus

causes few side effects, and induces strong immune

during routine clinic...

responses in both...

Chinese phase 2 trial finds COVID-19 vaccine is safe and induces an immune response

Droplet biosensing method opens the door for faster identification of COVID-19

The randomised trial sought to evaluate the safety

coronavirus testing, Cheng and Zhou have found.

and immunogenicity of the vaccine candidate and

Current COVID-19 verification...

There’s significant room to improve the pace of

follows a phase 1 trial...

Lego builds anaesthesia skills according to new study

Autopsies reveal surprising cardiac changes in COVID-19 patients

Scientists from the University of Nottingham’s

“We identified key gross and microscopic changes

School of Psychology and School of Medicine

that challenge the notion that typical myocarditis is

developed a task where people...

present in severe...

Freeze-framing the shape-shifting SARSCoV-2 spike protein

Shortening of average serial interval over time indicates isolation effectively limits COVID-19 transmission

IMAGE: The two alternate shapes of the SARS-CoV2 spike protein, before and after fusion of the viral and cell membranes. ...

A new analysis of SARS-CoV-2 transmission data in China shows that faster identification and isolation of infected, symptomatic...

Scientists present pre- and postfusion cryo-em structures of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

Anti-Asian hate crime during the COVID19 pandemic

Scientists report two new cryo-EM structures

Under the Hate Crime Statistic Act, hate crimes are defined as “crimes that manifest evidence of

representing the pre- and postfusion conformations

prejudice based...

of the full-length SARS-CoV-2...

Spider monkey groups as collective computers The wild spider monkeys living in a protected area near Punta Laguna, Mexico, collectively figure out good ways to divide...

Russian scientists identified energy storage mechanism of sodium-ion battery anode Scientists from Skoltech and Moscow State University (MSU) identified the type of electrochemical reaction associated with...

No single sign or symptom is sufficient to rule in or rule out community-acquired pneumonia

Fusion protein holds promise for treating pulmonary arterial hypertension

IMAGE: Meta-analysis of 16 studies. Prospective

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is an insidious disease. Symptoms may begin slowly, and

cohort of adolescents/adults with symptoms of

even before they appear, extensive...

respiratory infection...

Mother creates app for people caring for children with health conditions

Coronavirus: Above-inflation pay rise for almost 900,000 public sector workers

A mother has designed an app to help people caring for children with health conditions to make

Almost 900,000 public sector workers are to get an above-inflation pay rise, including doctors and

connections. Jessica Barker’s...

teachers. Chancellor Rishi...

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust maternity review expanded

Coronavirus could lead to thousands more cancer deaths

The largest ever review of maternity care in the NHS

There could be more than 3,500 avoidable cancer

has revealed it is now examining nearly 1,900 cases. The investigation...

deaths in England in the next five years as a result of the coronavirus pandemic,...

Nutritionist reveals the EXACT healthy five-minute work lunch she swears by

Face masks DO help to protect the wearer, infectious disease experts claim

Nutritionist reveals the EXACT healthy five-minute

Research on how well various types of masks and

work lunch she swears by for staying full and

face coverings varies but, recently, and in light of the

replenishing her body Nutritionist...

pandemic of COVID-19,...

Coronavirus deaths drop to their lowest levels since BEFORE lockdown

Italy trials coronavirus swab that gives a result in 12 minutes and costs only £10

Department of Health: 45,312 Department of Health’s latest death count for all settings (as of

Italy is trialling a coronavirus swab test that costs £10 and can give results in as little as 15 minutes.

9am, July 20) stands...

Health chiefs...

Head doctor in Yemen spent 10 days in a coronavirus-induced coma after being misdiagnosed

Wuhan COVID-19 patient saved by double-lung transplant makes full recovery

The head doctor of an intensive care unit in Yemen

A coronavirus patient saved from the brink of death

spent 10 days in a coronavirus-induced coma after being misdiagnosed with...

by a double-lung transplant has made a full recovery from the deadly...

Oxford academic dismisses idea of deliberately infecting volunteers with Covid-19 to test vaccine

Coronavirus death rates ‘drop in the summer’

Professor Sarah Gilbert said it would not be safe for

winter grew today after scientists warned a lull in the

them to do a so-called ‘challenge trial’ of Oxford...

outbreak this...

City of Hope: Mechanism that may lead to metabolic memory/sustained diabetes complications

Genes, cardiovascular health each factor into dementia risk

IMAGE: City of Hope’s Rama Natarajan, Ph.D., the

cardiovascular health each contribute in an additive

National Business Products Industry Professor in

way to a person’s risk...

Fears of a second wave of Covid-19 in Britain this

SAN ANTONIO, Texas, USA — Genes and

Diabetes Research, ...

Florida harmful algal blooms produce multiple toxins detrimental to human health

Making comprehensive water resources modeling more accessible

IMAGE: Dr.James Metcalf at the Brain Chemistry

in the Community Water Model. view more Credit:

Labs, Jackson Hole, analyzing Florida

IIASA The...

IMAGE: Schematic figure of the processes included

cyanobacterial samples. ...

Mount Sinai researcher identifies single gene biomarker to differentiate between atopic dermatitis

Front-line physicians stressed and anxious at work and home

Mount Sinai researchers have pinpointed a single

emergency medicine physicians in seven cities

gene biomarker, nitride oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) that can distinguish atopic...

around the country experienced rising...

Popular seafood species in sharp decline around the world IMAGE: Octopus at a fish market in Indonesia. view

New study shows advantages of ellipsys system in creating reliable dialysis access

more Credit: Photo by Deng Palomares, Sea

San Juan Capistrano, Calif. – A new study shows

Around Us. Fish...

significant benefits of the Ellipsys® Vascular Access System in easily...

Which sun protection will keep you safe? The weather may be unpredictable but, with skin cancer rates in the UK soaring 45 per cent in the

Rate of very premature births falls by as much as 90% during coronavirus lockdowns

past decade, sunscreen...

Hospital emergency rooms, hallways and even

Amid the COVID-19 chaos in many hospitals,

children’s hospitals around the world flooded with coronavirus patients...

Is it time to BAN electric shock therapy?

Could sound waves lower cholesterol?

Like a ‘zombie’ is how Gillian describes her state following electroconvulsive therapy for severe

A one-off, painless blast of ultrasound may be a new way to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure

depression. She...

and cut the risk of...

Hospital porter who inspired two billion to show they care is the Mail’s latest Health Hero nominee

The high-tech specs that claim to beat dry eyes and insomnia

The Daily Mail’s 2020 Health Hero Awards, launched in partnership with eBay and NHS

that ‘blue light’ — the type emitted by smartphones...

As a lifelong insomniac, it’s been drummed into me

Charities Together, are your chance...

Red rash-like splotches in the MOUTH may be a new symptom of coronavirus, study suggests

Not brushing your teeth increases chance of developing mouth and stomach cancer

Red rash-like splotches in the MOUTH may be a new symptom of coronavirus, Spanish study

developing mouth and stomach cancer, 20 year study finds Gum disease sufferers...

Not brushing your teeth increases chance of

suggests Researchers examined 21...

Why governments have the right to require masks in public

Traditional PTSD therapy doesn’t trigger drug relapse

In a paper published today (July 16, 2020) in the

Johns Hopkins researchers have now demonstrated

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, the professors say mask requirements...

that behavior therapy that exposes people to memories of their trauma doesn’t...

Specialized cellular compartments discovered in bacteria

What silicone wristbands say about chemical exposure in Uruguayan children

The study, published in Proceedings of the National

Researchers studying chemical exposures among

Academy of Sciences, is the first to show that E. coli

children in Uruguay turned to an unlikely data

uses similar strategies...

collection device as part of...

MRI scans of the brains of 130 mammals, including humans, indicate equal connectivity

New model connects respiratory droplet physics with spread of Covid-19

“We discovered that brain connectivity — namely the

understand the role that droplet clouds play in the

efficiency of information transfer through the neural

spread of respiratory viruses....

The team developed this new model to better


3D hand-sensing wristband signals future of wearable tech

Insight into toddlers’ awareness of their own uncertainty

ITHACA, N.Y. – In a potential breakthrough in

Toddlers may not be able to describe their feelings

wearable sensing technology, researchers from

of uncertainty, but a new study from the Center for

Cornell University and...

Mind and Brain at...

Label-free imaging helps predict reproductive outcomes

Media tip sheet: Going high-tech in ecology

IMAGE: Phase imaging with computational specificity applies artificial intelligence to label-free

As the world enters the digital age, ecologists are finding themselves equipped with the tools needed

spatial light interference...

to answer longstanding...

Racial discrimination may adversely impact cognition in African Americans

OSU researchers part of international effort to save critically endangered seabird

(Boston)–Experiences of racism are associated with lower subjective cognitive function (SCF) among African-American...

IMAGE: Chinese crested tern. view more Credit: Dan Roby, OSU CORVALLIS, Ore. – The global population...

Spinal stimulators repurposed to restore touch in lost limb

Everything you ever wanted to know about leech sex but were afraid to ask

PITTSBURGH, July 21, 2020 – Imagine tying your

IMAGE: Green horse leeches (Haemopis

shoes or taking a sip of coffee or cracking an egg

marmorata) were used for the gonad dissections.

but without any feeling...

view more Credit: Karen...

Coronavirus: Local lockdown in Blackburn ‘a last resort’

Coronavirus: Protein treatment trial ‘a breakthrough’

A local lockdown in Blackburn with Darwen is “the

The preliminary results of a clinical trial suggest a

very last resort” in tackling the area’s rise in

new treatment for Covid-19 reduces the number of


patients needing intensive...

Coronavirus vaccine: UK government signs deals for 90 million doses

Coronavirus: Oxford vaccine triggers immune response

The UK government has signed deals for 90 million doses of promising coronavirus vaccines that are

A coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford appears safe and triggers an immune

being developed. The vaccines...

response. Trials involving...

Coronavirus: School reopenings WILL trigger outbreaks

Laid off US workers get 60 more days to decide health insurance

School reopenings WILL trigger coronavirus

Americans laid off during the pandemic can now wait

outbreaks, study suggests: Korean CDC finds

an extra two months to sign up for COBRA health

middle and high school-age children...

insurance without losing...

Scientists discover ‘master circuit’ that controls how cells age California scientists are paving the way to extending

More than 90% of coronavirus patients DO develop antibodies to the virus, study finds

human life span after discovering the cellular

More than 90% of coronavirus patients DO develop

command center for aging,...

antibodies to the virus that last for at least three months, study finds Researchers...

Government’s test and trace programme broke data protection law, rights group says

Coronavirus ‘breakthrough’ as inhaled drug treatment slashes ICU admissions by 79%

Government admits its test and trace programme

Scientists believe they have found an inhaler

broke data protection law as privacy campaigners call the scheme ‘reckless’...

(pictured) that blocks coronavirus from progressing in the lungs An...

Coronavirus UK: 11 new fatalities in daily death toll

Antibody tests are back on the market in Superdrug

Britain’s coronavirus outbreak may be growing as

Britons can now buy coronavirus antibody tests on

figures today revealed the average number of daily

the high street to find out if they have had Covid-19

cases has risen...

in the past. Superdrug...

Scientists supercharge shellfish to tackle vitamin deficiency in humans

Scientists trace and identify origin of smallpox vaccine strains used in Civil War

Over two billion people worldwide are nutrient deficient, leading to a wide range of serious health problems. Fortifying...

Smallpox was one of the most devastating viral diseases ever to strike humankind, killing about three out of every 10 people...

Music on the brain “Music is ubiquitous and indispensable in our daily lives. Music can reward us, comfort us and satisfy us emotionally,”...

‘Love hormone’ oxytocin could be used to treat cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disorder in which the nerve cells (neurons) in a person’s brain and the...

Immunotherapy safe for patients with COVID-19, cancer

The hair-raising reason for goosebumps

This data is being presented by Layne Weatherford, PhD, UC postdoctoral fellow, at the American

discovered the reason: the cell types that cause goosebumps are also important...

In a new study, Harvard University scientists have

Association for Cancer Research...

New diagnostic test for heart failure patients could also help COVID-19 patients

COVID-19 replicating RNA vaccine has robust response in nonhuman primates

The researchers examined circulating angiotensin

administration through injection into a muscle. The level of antibodies generated...

peptide levels in the blood of 110 people who were

The effects occurred within two weeks after

experiencing heart failure...

Argonne’s pivotal research discovers practices, technologies key to sustainable farming

A mechanical way to stimulate neurons

Argonne researchers quantify how to reduce

respond to mechanical...

In addition to responding to electrical and chemical stimuli, many of the body’s neural cells can also

emissions by farms changing their practices and adopting novel technologies. Currently,...

Cyber expert on ‘insider threat’ attacks Dr Duncan Hodges, Senior Lecturer in Cyberspace

Powerful human-like hands create safer human-robotics interactions

Operations, Cranfield University, is actively

IMAGE: The novel humanoid hand design is a soft-

researching insider threats...

hard hybrid flexible gripper that can generate larger grasping force...

Legal marijuana may be slowing reductions in teen marijuana use, study says

Advancing knowledge on archaea

The legalization of marijuana for Washington state adults may be thwarting a steady downward trend in

specialized conditions....

IMAGE: Biologists found that the archaea Haloferax volcanii grows in a honeycomb-like fashion under

teen marijuana use,...

If it’s big enough and leafy enough the birds will come

Better wastewater treatment? It’s a wrap

Ithaca, NY–A new study from the Cornell Lab of

helps particles destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Ornithology highlights specific features of urban

and free-floating...

HOUSTON – (July 20, 2020) – A shield of graphene

green spaces that...

200,000 people could die because of delays in healthcare, report warns More than 200,000 people could die because of

Senior doctors urge Britons to wear face masks and stick to social distancing to prevent second wave

delays in healthcare and other economic and social

A second wave of coronavirus will cause more

effects all caused by lockdown,...

suffering than the first, according to Professor Carrie MacEwen, chair...

Call to action for stronger, better-funded federal nutrition research

Race is a risk factor for postoperative death in apparently healthy children

BOSTON (July 20, 2020, 8:00 a.m. EDT)–The

In a new study, published in Pediatrics, researchers

nation needs to strengthen and increase funding for federal nutrition research...

have shown that being African American was strongly associated with...

Mailed colorectal cancer screening kits may save costs while increasing screening rates

Nearly 60% of American children lack healthy cardiorespiratory fitness

New research indicates that mailing colorectal

children do not have healthy cardiorespiratory

cancer screening kits to Medicaid enrollees is a cost-effective way to boost...

fitness (CRF), a key...

Regular exercise helps prevent high blood pressure, even in areas of high air pollution

Shells and grapefruits inspire first manufactured non-cuttable material

DALLAS, July 20, 2020 — People who regularly

and grapefruits to create what they say is the first

exercise tend to have a lower risk of high blood pressure, even if they...

manufactured non-cuttable...

A plot twist in pharmaceuticals: Single nanoparticles could pave the way for medicines on demand

Geoengineering is just a partial solution to fight climate change

IMAGE: We can now ‘see’ the twist of a single

injecting sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere to

nanoparticle, floating freely in a liquid. view more Credit:...

create sulfuric acid...

Coronavirus: Wales ‘could have done’ to prepare for Covid-19 crisis

Second daily jump in Covid-19 cases in Scotland

Wales should have been better prepared when

More than 20 new cases of Covid-19 have been

coronavirus arrived in February, according to the

detected in Scotland for the second day in a row.

chair of the Senedd’s...

Saturday saw the biggest rise...

Coronavirus: Outbreak investigated at contact tracing centre

Coronavirus: ‘Almost half’ of Blackburn Covid-19 contacts not reached

Health officials are investigating an outbreak of coronavirus at an NHS test and trace call centre in

England’s contact tracers have only reached about 50% of people who have been in close contact with

North Lanarkshire....

someone with Covid-19...

Diagnosing acute aortic syndrome: New guideline for hard-to-diagnose condition

School-based vision screening programs found 1 in 10 kids had vision problems

A new guideline aimed at helping clinicians identify

A school-based vision screening program in

the difficult-to-diagnose acute aortic syndrome is published in CMAJ...

kindergarten, shown to be effective at identifying untreated vision problems in...

National poll: Some parents may not properly protect children from the sun

Concerns over police head injuries

DALLAS, July 20, 2020 — Nearly 60% of American

Engineers have taken their inspiration from shells

IMAGE: Potential geoengineering methods for

IMAGE: While the majority of parents recognize the

Head injuries may be worryingly common among police officers, according to a new pilot study led by

importance of sunscreen, they may not always use

the University of Exeter. In...

best practices...

Simple test helps to predict and prevent falls

Which way to the fridge? Common sense helps robots navigate

IMAGE: Designed by Staffordshire University Cartoon and Comic Arts student Josh Thomas who

PITTSBURGH–A robot travelling from point A to point B is more efficient if it understands that point A

won a competition to illustrate...

is the living...

Portable DNA device can detect tree pests in under two hours

New nano drug candidate kills aggressive breast cancer cells

IMAGE: UBC professor Richard Hamelin inspecting

IMAGE: Hassan Beyzavi, University of Arkansas.

a gypsy moth trap view more Credit: Paul H Joseph/UBC Asian...

view more Credit: University Relations, University of Arkansas Researchers...

Female surgeon scientists claim more than their share of research grants

Orderly arranged bead-chain ternary nanocomposites for supercapacitors

IMAGE: The Changing Face of Academic Surgery:

IMAGE: A schematic diagram of Cu2O-Mn3O4-NiO

Over-Representation of Females Amongst Surgeon-

ternary nanocomposites preparation process.

Scientists with R01 Funding. ...

Compared with the traditional...

N-doped carbon encapsulated transition metal catalysts to optimize performance of zinc-air batteries

The secret to renewable solar fuels is an off-and-on again relationship

In a report published in NANO, a team of

IMAGE: These scanning electron microscopy

researchers from Sichuan University of Science and

images show the copper catalyst structure at

Engineering, China have developed...

different stages. (a) The catalyst...

River plants counter both flooding and drought to protect biodiversity

Type 1 interferon deficiency: Biomarker of patients at risk of severe COVID

IMAGE: Inland waters are freshwater hotspots for biodiversity. Occupying just one percent of the

Approximately 5% of people with Covid-19 progress to a severe or critical form, including the

planet’s surface,...

development of severe pneumonia...

New insight into the origin of water on the earth

Pressure suppresses carrier trapping in 2D halide perovskite

Scientists have found the interstellar organic matter

IMAGE: Fluorescence micrographs during

could produce an abundant supply of water by

compression and the PL intensity and contribution of

heating, suggesting that...

the trapped states’...

Yorkshire Nightingale Hospital’s future unclear, says council

Brighton Royal Sussex hospital staff member injured in stabbing

The future of Harrogate’s Nightingale Hospital has

A member of staff at a hospital has been injured in a

yet to be decided despite a government pledge to

stabbing, which has resulted in the site being locked

keep it until 2021,...

down. The 56-year-old...

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson ‘does not want second national lockdown’

Coronavirus: Are mutations making it more infectious?

Boris Johnson has said he does not want to impose a second national lockdown in the event of another

The coronavirus that is now threatening the world is subtly different from the one that first emerged in

Covid-19 outbreak. Speaking...

China. Sars-Cov-2,...

Working from home, masks in shops and sport: DR ELLIE CANNON answers your questions on coronavirus

Increased psychological well-being after the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic

Is it safer to stay working from home, or should we be going back to work? The short answer is both are

Concern over the risk of infection and financial strain. More people will develop stress, irritability,

safe – but some...

anxiety and depression… Expectations...

Researchers realize nanoscale electrometry based on magnetic-fieldresistant spin sensor

Honeybees reveal environmental pollution in their surroundings

A team led by Prof. DU Jiangfeng, Prof. SHI Fazhan and Prof. WANG Ya from University of Science and

Cordoba view more Credit: University of Cordoba

IMAGE: Bees where the new tool was teste in Honeybee colonies...

Technology of China (USTC)...

Fast and flexible computation of optical diffraction IMAGE: (a) Sketch of the optical system. (b) CGH

New learning algorithm should significantly expand the possible applications of AI

displayed on the SLM for the generation of a 9×9 foci array. (c)...

IMAGE: TU Graz computer scientists Robert Legenstein and Wolfgang Maass (from left) are working on energy-efficient...

Where is the water during a drought? IMAGE: Dried out stream bed in Demnitz, Germany.

Mysterious mechanism of graphene oxide formation explained

view more Credit: Lukas Kleine In low precipitation

IMAGE: Natural graphite, used as the precursor for


graphene oxide production, is a highly ordered crystalline inorganic...

New technology speeds up organic data transfer Researches are pushing the boundaries of data

HEALTH NOTES: Trial for motor neurone drug and why cycling could risk men’s sex life

speed with a brand new type of organic LEDs. An

HEALTH NOTES: Trial for motor neurone drug and

international research team,...

why cycling could risk men’s sex life By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published:...

Fad dieting risks ruining your chance of being a mum, fertility experts warn Last month, a picture of my friend, journalist Emma

DR ELLIE CANNON: Not being able to see patients in person is good for them, me and the NHS

Woolf, appeared on my Twitter feed. It made my

It’s strange to think back to life before the pandemic

heart swell. Looking beamingly...

– just seven months ago a world with Covid-19 didn’t even...

BONNIE ESTRIDGE on life with Alzheimer’s: A new test for my illness… sniffing peanut butter!

You CAN have a good death in hospital, insists top surgeon

Have you heard of the peanut butter test for

If you’re anything like me, you probably spend a fair bit of time wondering where to go on holiday, where

Alzheimer’s? If you can’t smell it, it could be an

to have...


Mysteries of the senses: The boy who broke almost every bone in his body

Will every person over 50 get a flu jab on the NHS this winter?

Most young siblings spend their summer holidays

Every Briton over 50 could be offered a free flu jab

building dens together, or imaginary castles out of

this winter as Ministers ‘consider all options’ to

cardboard boxes. But...


30,000 kidney dialysis patients to benefit from no-scar operation…thanks to micro magnets in veins

Widening cancer gene testing is cost effective and could prevent millions of cancer cases

Britain’s 30,000 kidney dialysis patients could soon

The most well-known breast and ovarian cancer

benefit from a new operation that allows them to

causing genes are BRCA1 and BRCA2. These gene

undergo the...

mutations cause around 10-20...

Opium linked with more deaths after bypass surgery

Principles to enhance research integrity and avoid ‘publish or perish’ in academia

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Canadian scientist Dr. David Moher led the team

estimates that in 2015, 17.7 million people used opiates (opium, heroin, and...

that developed the principles, which are referred to as the Hong Kong Principles,...

Mundane behavioral decisions, actions can be ‘misremembered’ as done

Predicting your personality from your smartphone data

Mundane behaviors that are repeated over time and

For most people around the world, smartphones

occur in the context of many other similar behaviors

have become an integral and indispensable

can lead people to...

component of their daily lives. The...

A chemical tailor-made suit for Alzheimer’s drugs

Clear strategies needed to reduce bushmeat hunting

IMAGE: Protein crystals of the human enzyme

IMAGE: Researchers studied a wildlife trading

glutaminyl cyclase and atomic structure of the new

network in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa, and compiled

inhibitor. view...

one of the...

Psychology: The most personal device

Turmeric could have antiviral properties

Everyone who uses a smartphone unavoidably

Curcumin, a natural compound found in the spice

generates masses of digital data that are accessible

turmeric, could help eliminate certain viruses,

to others, and these data...

research has found. A study...

Antarctica more widely impacted by humans than previously thought

CVIA has just published a new issue, Volume 4 Issue 4

IMAGE: A Weddel Seal (Leptonychotes weddellii), a large and abundant seal species, is seen sunbathing

Beijing, 10 July 2020: the journal Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications (CVIA) has just

in Antarctica....

published a new issue, Volume...

Male sexual worries: What has changed in the post-Viagra age?

Prostate cancer: How can we decide when to treat?

IMAGE: Trends in reasons for visiting a the San

You have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and

Raffaele sexual health clinic. view more Credit: This diagram...

your doctor gives you the option of not being treated, but of remaining...

‘Thermographic scans gave my son false hope’

Fewer heart attacks seen by NHS amid coronavirus

When Sean Walsh was told his cancer had returned,

Hospital admissions for heart attacks dropped by a

he rejected conventional treatment. A well-known

third across England when coronavirus took off in

figure on Liverpool’s...

the UK and the nation...

New technology promises to revolutionize nanomedicine IMAGE: Principal investigator Maxim Nikitin in the laboratory. view more Credit: Image courtesy of

The Lancet Global Health: Benefits of routine childhood vaccines far outweigh risks of additional COVID-19 transmission in Africa, modelling study suggests

Maxim Nikitin Researchers...

The health benefits of maintaining routine childhood vaccination programmes in Africa during the COVID19 pandemic far outweigh...

Kidney transplant, the cost of accounting for patients’ preferences

Separating gamma-ray bursts: Students make critical breakthrough

VENICE – From the moment a kidney becomes

IMAGE: The figure indicates how similar different

available, there are just 24 hours to identify the recipient and carry out...

GRBs are to each other. Points which are closer together are more...

St Petersburg University scientists count all the tiny snails in the Arctic

Baleen whales have changed their distribution in the Western North Atlantic

IMAGE: 1 – Skenea trochoides (Skeneidae); 2 –

Researchers have been using passive acoustic

Anatoma crispata (Anatomidae); 3 – Moelleria

recordings of whale calls to track their movements.


They have found that four...

Lifetime discrimination and greater risk of high blood pressure in African Americans

Paper: Mundane behavioral decisions, actions can be ‘misremembered’ as done

Experiences of discrimination over a lifetime is associated with high blood pressure in African

IMAGE: Mundane behaviors such as taking a daily medication can eventually create false memories of

American adults, according...

completing the task,...

Simple twist of DNA determines fate of placenta

Prediabetes linked to increased risk of heart disease and early death

The Yale team also identified the molecular regulator

The findings suggest that screening and proper

that acts upon this single strand to accelerate or stop placental development,...

management of prediabetes may help to prevent cardiovascular disease in otherwise...

Dietary Guidelines are not compatible with global health and environmental targets

Research underscores importance of global surveillance of plant pathogens

The results show that reforming national dietary

of corn. view more Credit: Mary Ortiz-Castro, Terra

guidelines to become both healthier and more sustainable could prevent deaths...


Study shows how traumatic experiences can leave their mark on a person’s eyes

Radiology practices struggle to survive amid COVID-19

New research by Welsh academics shows that a

OAK BROOK, Ill. (July 17, 2020) – Private radiology

patient’s pupils can reveal if they have suffered a

practices have been especially hard hit by the

traumatic experience...

COVID-19 pandemic,...

Researchers create a roadmap to better multivalent batteries

K-State study first to show SARS-CoV-2 is not transmitted by mosquitoes

Lithium-ion batteries are recognized for their high energy density in everything from mobile phones to

IMAGE: A study at the Kansas State University Biosecurity Research Institute is the first to confirm

laptop computers and...

that SARS-CoV-2...

Synapse-saving proteins discovered, opening possibilities in Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia

Uplifting of Columbia River basalts opens window on how region was sculpted

IMAGE: Gek-Ming Sia, PhD, and colleagues in the

northeast Oregon, was formed by the Columbia River Flood Basalts some 15...

Long School of Medicine at UT Health San Antonio

IMAGE: Current distribution of bacterial leaf streak

IMAGE: Joseph Canyon, 610 meters deep, in

discovered a new class...

Study reveals intricate details about Huntington’s disease protein

Coronavirus: ‘People shielding too scared to leave home’

IMAGE: Colored lines show the paths of crawling

A woman who is “allergic to everything” says people

fruit fly larvae. Larvae with a mutant form of the human huntingtin...

shielding in the pandemic are still scared to leave home. Natasha...

Sunken chest syndrome: NHS U-turn call for ‘depressed’ patients

Coronavirus: Rochdale introduces new Covid-19 measures

A woman who suffered years of mental health

Rochdale has brought in new measures to avoid a

issues because of sunken chest syndrome has

local lockdown, as the town’s director of public

called on the NHS to make the corrective...

health warned the...

Coronavirus: Cuts ‘took away’ councils’ crisis capacity

Where to buy a face mask in the UK: 15 in-stock face coverings

Local responses to coronavirus outbreaks could be threatened by a historic lack of investment in public

The government have announced face coverings and masks will be mandatory for people visiting

health, government...

shops and supermarkets in England...

Taking hormone replacement therapy to cope with the menopause ‘cuts risk of common infections’

It could take ‘a year or MORE’ to know if young people’s lasting covid symptoms are chronic

Taking hormone replacement therapy to cope with

Top US infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci

the menopause ‘cuts risk of common infections’ New evidence...

has warned that young coronavirus survivors with long-lasting symptoms...

Leaked White House document says 18 states are in covid ‘red zone’ A leaked White House document shows that 18

Half a million Covid testing kits from Randox recalled ‘after checks revealed they were not sterile’

states – including Texas, Florida and Arizona – are

Half a million Covid-19 testing kits from major

in the ‘red...

government supplier are recalled ‘after spot checks revealed they were...

Britain ‘could ALREADY have some herd immunity against the coronavirus’

Casinos, bowling alleys, ice-rinks and leisure centres can reopen in August

Britain could already have herd immunity against

Casinos, sports centres and casinos have been

Covid-19 because so many people have had similar

given the green light to reopen in August. Boris

illnesses in the past,...

Johnson today announced...

Coronavirus UK: Scientific advisers absent from briefing

Recognizing fake images using frequency analysis

So where were Sir Patrick Vallance and Chris

The team presented their work at the International

Whitty? No10 scientific advisers are notably absent

Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) on 15 July

as Boris Johnson gives latest...

2020, one of the leading...

Pre-brain surgery test protects language in some tumors

Blood iron levels could be key to slowing aging, gene study shows

Gliomas are a common brain tumor that require

The international study using genetic data from

extensive removal for patient survival. They often occur in regions involved...

more than a million people suggests that maintaining healthy levels of iron...

Rare mutation of TP53 gene leaves people at higher risk for multiple cancers Mutations in the TP53 gene are the most commonly

Expand school digital literacy lessons to cover health technologies used by young people

acquired mutations in cancer. The p53 protein,

The researchers, based at the universities of Bath,

made by the TP53 gene, normally...

Salford and University of New South Wales (Australia) say their findings...

Widely used blood test could advance heart failure treatment

Beautyberry leaf extract restores drug’s power to fight ‘superbug’

Heart failure occurs when the heart cannot keep up

The American Chemical Society’s Infectious

with its workload, causing symptoms such as

Diseases published the finding, led by scientists at

shortness of breath, fatigue,...

Emory University and...

Potential treatment for rare degenerative disease

Pesticides speed the spread of deadly waterborne pathogens

Wolfram Syndrome — a progressive degenerative

IMAGE: A man waters his crops near Lampsar, a

disease that affects about one in 500,000 people

community about 12 miles from the city of Saint

worldwide — is...

Louis in the lower Senegal...

Atomtronic device could probe boundary between quantum, everyday worlds

Cannabis shows potential for mitigating sickle cell disease pain

IMAGE: A schematic of an atomtronic SQUID shows

Irvine, Calif. – Cannabis appears to be a safe and

semicircular traps that separate clouds of atoms, which quantum mechanically...

potentially effective treatment for the chronic pain that afflicts...

Coordinated exit strategies crucial to avoid virus second-wave in Europe

COVID-19: Viral shutdown of protein synthesis

Research by the University of Southampton shows

Researchers from Munich and Ulm have determined

European countries need to work together when

how the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 inhibits

lifting lockdown measures,...

the synthesis of proteins...

Perspective: T cell responses to COVID19 are a crucial target for research While early research on the adaptive immune

Close-up of SARS-CoV-2 protein shows how it interferes with host anti-viral immunity

response to COVID-19 primarily looked at

A detailed study of a SARS-Cov-2 protein, Nsp1,

antibodies, more information is now...

with a central role in weakening the host anti-viral immune response shows...

Coordination helps avoid continental COVID-19 resurgence, European modeling study shows

Coronavirus UK: Urgent review into way PHE counts deaths

Coordinated lockdown strategies among countries is

Health England to review the way it counts

key to preventing resurgent COVID-19 outbreaks in

deaths because of a ‘statistical...

Health Secretary Matt Hancock today ordered Public

continental Europe,...

UK’s outbreak is still shrinking by up to 5% a day as SAGE admits R rate could still be above one

England’s Covid-19 outbreak is FLAT, data shows

The coronavirus R rate has crept above one again in

in size and 1,700 people are still catching the illness

London and is still above the dreaded number in the South West — but...

every day,...

Britain records 17 more coronavirus deaths in preliminary toll

SAGE told Boris Johnson ‘pre-Covid normality’ impossible

Britain today recorded 114 more coronavirus victims

SAGE scientists told the Government a month ago it

with the rolling average number of deaths now 10

would not be possible to return to a ‘pre-Covid

per cent higher than...


Coronavirus UK: ‘Work from home’ advice to end in August

Countries with male leaders have had 4.3 TIMES more Covid-19 deaths

Boris Johnson’s timetable for getting life in the UK back to normal Today: Rules on using public

Countries with female leaders have fared significantly better during the coronavirus pandemic

transport will...

than nations led by men, research...

Coronavirus: T cells ‘could last years’, boosting immunity hopes

Exercise in a first-year writing course increases retention at broad-access universities

Hopes that Covid-19 survivors have long-lasting immunity is growing as scientists now believe crucial disease-fighting stay...

The coronavirus outbreak in England isn’t changing

Now, with COVID-19, colleges and universities are struggling economically and yet they must find ways to support students’...

Identifying sources of deadly air pollution in the United States The research, to be published Wednesday in the

Precision trial highlights need for new approach to treating genomically complex cancers

journal Environmental Science and Technology Letters, finds that air pollution...

Published in Nature, the National Lung Matrix Trial (NLMT) is the world’s largest precision medicine clinical trial...

Will telehealth services become the norm following COVID-19 pandemic?

Type 1 interferon deficiency: Biomarker of patients at risk of severe COVID-19

In an article published in JAMA Oncology, Trevor

Approximately 5% of people with Covid-19 progress

Royce, MD, MS, MPH, an assistant professor of radiation oncology at the...

to a severe or critical form, including the development of severe pneumonia...

Reduction in commercial flights due to COVID-19 leading to less accurate weather forecasts

Breakthrough blood test detects positive COVID-19 result in 20 minutes

A new study in AGU’s journal Geophysical Research

effort to limit the community spread of COVID-19

Letters finds the world lost 50-75% of its aircraft weather observations...

through robust contact tracing,...

A call to arms: Enlisting private land owners in conservation

UNH scientists find faster way to count animal sperm using DNA

IMAGE: People recreating in Yellowstone National

DURHAM, N.H.– Researchers at the University of

Park, the world’s first protected area. Protected

New Hampshire have identified a quicker and less

areas like...

expensive way to count...

Does having Alzheimer’s disease and dementia affect severity of delirium?

Decadal predictability of North Atlantic blocking and the NAO

Forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, gradually affect your cognitive function by harming

Climate in different parts of the world is undergoing a warming trend, but also significant interdecadal

your memory and...

variations that...

Supplements with potential to prevent Alzheimer’s affect blood, but less so the brain

MU advances chemotherapy-free treatment for cancer in animals and humans

In a discovery that could advance the worldwide

IMAGE: ApoE4 reduces n-3 PUFA brain delivery

IMAGE: Jeffrey Bryan is a professor in the MU

view more Credit: USC For years, a scientific

College of Veterinary Medicine. view more Credit:

puzzle has bedeviled...

MU College...

Researchers discover hybrid fungus involved in lung infections

Isoflavones in soybean help protect pigs against viral infections

IMAGE: The species is more drug-resistant than its

IMAGE: Brooke Smith and Ryan Dilger, University of

two parents and highly dangerous for patients with

Illinois. view more Credit: College of ACES,

respiratory diseases...


Climate change: Summers could become ‘too hot for humans’

Coronavirus: ‘Deep concerns’ over brain injury rehabilitation

Millions of people around the world could be

Coronavirus: Care providers ‘will go to the wall’

exposed to dangerous levels of heat stress – a dangerous condition which...

without more funding

Coronavirus: £3bn for NHS to prepare for possible second wave

Hancock calls for urgent review into coronavirus death data in England

The NHS in England will get an extra £3bn of

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has called for an

funding to prepare for a possible second wave of

urgent review into how coronavirus deaths have

coronavirus, Boris Johnson...

been recorded in England. It...

One in FIVE Covid-19 patients are still not being contacted by NHS Test and Trace

Coronavirus swab tests may be unsafe and have been halted

NHS Test and Trace is still failing to find a more than a fifth of patients who test positive for Covid-19 —

Covid-19 swab tests made by Randox and given to thousands of Britons have been HALTED over fears

despite launching almost...

they are unsafe Care homes...

Contact tracing cannot reduce transmission of Covid-19 if a person is not tested within three days

Coronavirus UK: Antibody test made in MARCH waits for approval

Contact tracers need to catch 80 per cent of

antibody test has still not managed to get it approved by officials for use...

infections and test suspected patients within three

A manufacturer of a high-performing Covid-19

days to keep coronavirus...

Coronavirus-infected man, 57, is left paralysed after the disease triggers a rare condition

Covid-19 was still the third most common cause of death in June

A British man has been left paralysed after

death in England and Wales in June, even though the darkest days of crisis...

coronavirus triggered a rare condition that caused

Covid-19 was still the third most common cause of

his body to attack his own...

Matt Hancock launches urgent review into the way PHE counts coronavirus deaths

Coronavirus UK: Is YOUR town at risk of a local lockdown?

Health Secretary Matt Hancock today ordered Public

HAVE RECORDED THE MOST CASES IN THE PAST WEEK? Colwall, Cradley Wellington Heath...

Health England to review the way it counts


deaths because of a ‘statistical...

A nanomaterial path forward for COVID19 vaccine development

Move over, Siri! Researchers develop improv-based Chatbot

Nanoengineers at UC San Diego detail the current approaches to COVID-19 vaccine development, and

Jonathan May, research lead at the USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI) and research assistant

highlight how nanotechnology...

professor of computer...

Learning the wiring diagram for autism spectrum disorders

Neuronal circuits in the brain ‘sense’ our inner state

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

In order to be able to make such evaluations, we

estimate that about 1 in 54 children in the U.S. have

need signals in the brain that tell us “This is good” or

ASD, a broad range of...


Regular physical activity seems to enhance cognition in children who need it most

Novel test method detects coronavirus in highly diluted gargle samples

Executive functions refer to three types of cognitive skills. The first is the ability to suppress impulses

detect whether someone suffers from an acute

The most prominent test method being used to COVID-19 infection is the polymerase...

and inhibit reflex-like...

Spread of flu virus in hospital environment common

Researchers identify genetic factors that may influence COVID-19 susceptibility

One of the studies in the thesis is based on a review

While the majority of confirmed COVID-19 cases

of the medical records of all 435 hospitalized adult

result in mild symptoms, the virus does pose a

patients at Sahlgrenska...

serious threat to certain individuals....

Chest x-rays show more severe COVID-19 in non-white patients

A population of asteroids of interstellar origin inhabits the Solar System

OAK BROOK, Ill. (July 16, 2020) – Racial/ethnic

IMAGE: Composition made by the researcher of an

minority patients admitted to the hospital with

artistic image from NASA used to show what the

COVID-19 infection...

primordial solar system...

Dangerous blood clots form in leg arteries of COVID-19 patients

Can high-quality coral genomes be used to predict bleaching events?

OAK BROOK, Ill. (July 16, 2020) – COVID-19 is associated with life-threatening blood clots in the

In a new approach to conservation genetics, researchers used a high-quality genome of the coral

arteries of the legs,...

Acropora millepora, along...

Cancer cells in inhospitable brain fluids hijack iron to survive

Pigs turn to humans as dogs do, unless they have a problem to solve

In order to survive within the remote and harsh

IMAGE: Researchers of the MTA-ELTE ‘Lendület’

anatomical microenvironments of the central

Neuroethology of Communication Research Group

nervous system, the disseminated...

at the Department...

Chemical thermometers take temperature to the nanometric scale

Predicting the biodiversity of rivers

IMAGE: Temperature map of a gold nanowire on a

other aquatic insect species have been determined using environmental...

silicon substrate, Joule-heated by the application of

IMAGE: Stoneflies of the genus Isoperla and many

an electrical...

Space station motors make a robotic prosthetic leg more comfortable, extend battery life

Study identifies patient- and hospitallevel risk factors for death in critically ill COVID-19 patients

The key is the use of new small and powerful

To address this gap, investigators from more than 65

motors, originally designed for a robotic arm on the

sites across the country, led by a team from Brigham

International Space Station....

and Women’s...

Obesity and metabolic syndrome are risk factors for severe influenza, COVID-19

Research raises concerns about firearm access for people with dementia

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of at least 3 cooccurring conditions that raise the risk of heart

The findings published today in JAMA Network Open. “Alzheimer’s and other kinds of dementia can

disease, stroke and type...

cause changes...

Earlier lockdown restrictions linked to greater reduction in new COVID-19 cases The data, gathered from 149 countries and regions,

Scientists uncover SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in recovered COVID-19 and SARS patients

also show that implementing lockdown restrictions

The team tested subjects who recovered from

earlier was associated...

COVID-19 and found the presence of SARS-CoV-2specific T cells in all of them,...

Vaccine additives can enhance immune flexibility — Implications for flu and SARS-CoV-2

Dangerous parasite controls host cell to spread around body

The findings have implications for the effort to develop vaccines against multiple strains of flu, as

them as vehicles to get to various organ systems,

“The parasite essentially hijacks these cells, using including the...

well as the current...

Recently discovered CRISPR enzyme from huge bacteriophages expands genome editing toolbox

New test offers clarity for couples struggling to conceive

A recently discovered hypercompact CRISPR

couples globally, and while often viewed as a women’s health...

enzyme found only in huge bacteriophages, and

ITHACA, N.Y. – Infertility affects 10% to 15% of

known as CRISPR-Cas?, is functional,...

Aging-associated inflammation may worsen COVID-19 outcomes in older individuals

When power is toxic: Dominance reduces influence in groups

The increased severity and mortality of SARS-CoV-2

view more Credit: The Jordan Lab New study by

infections in older individuals may be related to


inflammageing –...

IMAGE: Dominant and subordinat male A. burtoni

Pine beetles successful no matter how far they roam — with devastating effects

Some decontamination processes damage N95 face masks

Whether they travel only a few metres or tens of

IMAGE: Richard Peltier is an associate professor in

kilometres to a new host tree, female pine beetles

the UMass Amherst School of Public Health and

use different strategies...

Health Sciences. ...

Glaucoma study findings emphasise need for regular eye checks People with early-stage glaucoma see the contrast

Key technology for mass-production of lignin-bio-aviation fuels for reducing greenhouse gas

of visible objects in a very similar way to people

IMAGE: The team, led by Dr. Jeong-Myeong Ha of

without the condition,...

the Clean Energy Research Center at the Korea Institute of Science and...

Summers could become ‘too hot for humans’

Coronavirus: Encouraging results in vaccine trials

Millions of people around the world could be

Encouraging early results from clinical trials have

exposed to dangerous levels of heat stress – a

raised hopes for an effective coronavirus vaccine.

dangerous condition which...

Studies in the US...

Coronavirus: Some Randox test kits ‘may not meet safety standards’

Coronavirus: Russian spies target Covid19 vaccine research

The swabs in some batches of one brand of

Russian spies are targeting organisations trying to

coronavirus home-test kits are “not up to standard”, health secretary...

develop a coronavirus vaccine in the UK, US and Canada, security services...

CDC no longer publicly displays data on coronavirus hospitalizations

Coronavirus US: Hospitals’ ICU survival rates vary hugely

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

More than one in three coronavirus patients

(CDC) website that, up until yesterday, publicly

admitted to ICUs in the US will die within a month of

displayed how many US hospital...

being moved into critical...

Fifth of Brits say they aren’t as close with their friends or lovers after lockdown How lockdown has ruined our relationships: Fifth of

Could immunity last 17 YEARS? Singaporean researchers find SARS patients still have crucial T cells

Brits say they aren’t as close with their friends or

Hopes of lasting Covid-19 immunity were raised

lovers as...

today after scientists found SARS patients still have crucial disease-fighting...

Coronavirus UK: Pharmacists will be able to give out vaccines

Britain announces 20 more coronavirus deaths in preliminary toll

Pharmacists will be able to give out Covid-19 jabs to

Britain today announced just 66

speed up a nation-wide roll out, Matt Hancock has

more coronavirus deaths — meaning the daily

revealed. The Health...

average number of fatalities has now dropped...

Rishi Sunak is STILL wearing face mask that ‘acts like a jet’ to SPREAD Covid-19

Coronavirus outcome in the UK has not been good, Sir Patrick Vallance admits

Rishi Sunak was pictured again today wearing a

The Government’s top scientific adviser today dealt

face mask that scientists say ‘acts like a jet’ to spread Covid-19...

a hammer blow to Boris Johnson’s hopes of persuading workers...

Meditation linked to lower cardiovascular risk

Liquid-repelling substance works on all surfaces

The results appeared online June 30 in the

Researchers at the Okanagan Polymer Engineering

American Journal of Cardiology. Previous studies

Research and Applications (OPERA) Lab have

have suggested that meditation...

developed a coating that repels...

A ‘feeling’ for dementia? New findings on subjectively perceived memory problems

Finding hints at novel target for Ewing sarcoma therapy

When memory deteriorates according to one’s own

Ewing sarcoma is a bone and soft tissue cancer that

perception, but mental performance — following

primarily affects children and adolescents. The

objective criteria...

discovery, made by scientists...

Genome guardians stop and reel in DNA to correct replication errors When a cell prepares to divide, the DNA splits, with

Gel that breaks down, puts itself back together could improve delivery of oral drugs

the double helix “unzipping” into two separate

“The majority of drugs and nutrients are absorbed


into the body in the intestines, but to get there, they have to traverse...

How nutrient-starved cells recycle internal components

Two paths of aging: New insights on promoting healthspan

But how do cells decide what to recycle when they are starving? One prevailing hypothesis suggests

The research is described July 17 in the journal Science. Our lifespans as humans are determined

that starving cells prefer...

by the aging of our individual...

ESA/NASA’s solar orbiter returns first data, snaps closest pictures of the sun

Researchers solve a long-standing problem in organic chemistry

IMAGE: Solar Orbiter spots ‘campfires’ on the Sun.

IMAGE: Light-driven flip of alkene geometry view

Locations of campfires are annotated with white arrows. ...

more Credit: Ryan Gilmour They occur in nature, are reactive...

Pioneering method reveals dynamic structure in HIV

Improving lung cancer CT screening performance in real-world settings

IMAGE: An artist’s rendition of Gag molecules

IMAGE: “Our study demonstrates that a real-world

proteins that form lattice hexagonal structure

lung cancer screening can perform similar to

diffusing across...

randomized controlled...

Research helping to improve detection of disease in newborn babies

Industry-made pits are beneficial for beavers and wolverines, study shows

New research will help health-care practitioners to

IMAGE: Beavers, like the one pictured here, are

more accurately diagnose disease and illness in

making their homes on sites of industry activity.

newborn babies from urine...

Image credit: A....

Scientists identify new species of sea sponge off the coast of British Columbia, Canada

Study: Dangerous parasite controls host cell to spread around body

IMAGE: A new species of sea sponge, Desmacella,

host cells changing their shape to migrate. view

discovered off the coast of British Columbia. Photo

more Credit:...

IMAGE: This image shows two different Toxoplasma

credit: Sally Leys ...

Coronavirus UK: Nurse at hospital training caused outbreak

Around 190,000 people missed vital heart ultrasounds in England during lockdown

‘Super-spreader’ nurse at hospital training event

Around 190,000 people in England missed out on

where staff didn’t wear masks or obey social distancing...

crucial heart ultrasounds during the Covid-19 lockdown, a charity has warned. The...

Up to two thirds of elderly were discharged from hospitals to care homes without a Covid-19 test

Nobel laureates call for healthy volunteers to be infected with coronavirus for vaccine trials

Up to two thirds of elderly patients discharged from

Healthy people should be purposely infected with

hospitals into a care home at the height of the

the coronavirus to speed up the development of a

pandemic were not tested...

vaccine, according to a...

Rishi Sunak is pictured wearing face mask that ‘acts like a jet’ to SPREAD Covid

Daily death toll ‘is being INFLATED and fewer than 40 people are dying per day in the UK’

Rishi Sunak has been ridiculed online for wearing a face mask that acts like a ‘jet’ to spread

Department of Health: 45,053 Department of Health’s latest death count for all settings (as of

coronavirus. The...

9am, July 15) stands...

Covid-19 intensive care mortality rates have fallen by a THIRD since the start of pandemic

Is Britain’s coronavirus outbreak GROWING? Symptom-tracking app shows daily cases doubled in a week

The chance of surviving coronavirus after falling

Britain’s coronavirus outbreak may be growing

critically ill has risen significantly since the start of

following a spike in the number of people with

the pandemic,...

symptoms over the past...

COVID-19: Patients improve after immune-suppressant treatment

Super-agers show resistance to tau and amyloid accumulation

The single-center, observational study of 27 patients

“Our cognition reflects who we are as individuals. As

was led by Stanley Jordan, MD, director of the

we age, most of us lose some of that ability,” said

Cedars-Sinai Nephrology...


After universal masking, health care worker COVID-19 rates drop at Mass General Brigham

New research highlights increased loneliness in over-70s during COVID-19 pandemic

“These results support universal masking as part of

Previous research into this area has shown that

a multipronged, infection-reduction strategy in health

strong social ties may protect people from emotional

care settings,”...

distress, cognitive...

Flavored cigarette ban significantly reduced youth smoking, new study finds

New promising treatment uses smart nanoparticles to target lung cancer

On September 22, 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug

Lung tumors are often difficult to remove using

Administration’s national ban on flavored cigarettes products went into...

current surgical techniques due to their location in the lung or the fact...

New hyperbaric oxygen therapy protocol can improve cognitive function of older adults

Exploring how a scorpion toxin might help treat heart attacks

The main areas of improvement were attention,

active molecules, including neurotoxins, vasodilators

information processing speed, and executive

and antimicrobial...

Scorpion venom is a complex mixture of biologically

function, in addition to the global...

Weaving Indigenous knowledge with scientific research: a balanced approach

Analysis finds multiple social disadvantages magnify stroke risk

IMAGE: The Hooker River in Aoraki Mount Cook

DALLAS, July 16, 2020 — Having more social

National Park, Aotearoa New Zealand view more

disadvantages can nearly triple your risk of stroke,

Credit: University...

particularly if you...

Significant drop in stroke recurrence found among Mexican Americans

New map for radioactive soil contamination in Western Europe

DALLAS, JULY 16, 2020 — The rate of recurrent strokes significantly declined among Mexican

An international consortium of scientists has refined the map of caesium and plutonium radionuclide

Americans in a long-term...

concentrations in soils...

Blood iron levels could be key to slowing ageing, gene study shows

Lesion of doom — how a parasitic bacterium induces blood vessel formation to cause lesions

Genes linked to ageing that could help explain why some people age at different rates to others have been identified by scientists. The...

IMAGE: Aorta tissues that were not exposed to BafA (left) did not sprout new vessels, while BafAexposed aorta tissues...

‘Blinking" crystals may convert CO2 into fuels IMAGE: The arrows point to titanium dioxide

ATS publishes new guidance on safely restoring elective pulmonary and sleep services

nanocrystals lighting up and blinking (left) and then

IMAGE: The new guidance in the Annals of the

fading (right). ...

American Thoracic Society on “Restoring Pulmonary and Sleep Services...

Child vaccinations fall sharply amid pandemic, UN says

Seven countries with big (and small) population problems

The pandemic has led to a sharp fall in the number

A major new study published in the Lancet medical

of children around the world being vaccinated, the UN says. The decline...

journal suggests falling fertility rates mean nearly every country could...

Fertility rate: Shrinking population in six easy lessons

Coronavirus: Call to infect volunteers in Covid-19 vaccine hunt

Falling fertility rates could mean most countries see

Nobel laureates are among scientists calling for

their populations shrink by the end of the century.

volunteers to be exposed to coronavirus after

The world will...

receiving a vaccine to see...

Trump administration tells hospitals NOT to send data to CDC

Eerie animation shows how the world went from zero to 10 MILLION

Trump administration ORDERS hospitals to bypass

Just six months ago, coronavirus didn’t yet have a

CDC and send all coronavirus patient statistics to a

name, but since January, the virus has exploded,

central database in...

circled the globe...

Scientists generate first complete DNA sequence of a human X chromosome Scientists have generated the first complete DNA

Children exposed to Deepwater Horizon oil spill suffered physical, mental health effects

sequence of a human X chromosome, in a major

A study recently published in Environmental

step towards mapping the entire...

Hazards has found that the disaster was also harmful to the mental and physical...

Novel biomarker technology for cancer diagnostics

Researchers 3D print a working heart pump with real human cells

Today, every third person will get cancer in their

The study is published and appears on the cover of

lifetime, and the current trend suggests that in a few

Circulation Research, a publication of the American

years that number...

Heart Association. In...

Study of natural gas flaring finds high risks to babies

Only a third of pediatricians fully follow guidelines on peanut allergy prevention

“Our study finds that living near flaring is harmful to

“Our study is the first population-based survey of a

pregnant women and babies,” said Jill Johnston, an

large nationwide sample of U.S. pediatricians that



Credit-card sized tool provides new insights into how cancer cells invade host tissues

Single drop of blood could help rapidly detect radiation sickness

The device, described in a paper published today in Science Advances, reproduces various

(ARS), is a condition caused by irradiation of major

Radiation sickness, or acute radiation syndrome volume or the entire...

environments within the human body...

Does eating fish protect our brains from air pollution?

How long should you fast for weight loss?

Researchers found that among older women who

IMAGE: Krista Varady, University of Illinois at

lived in areas with high levels of air pollution, those

Chicago view more Credit: UIC Two daily fasting

who had the lowest levels...

diets, also...

Penn researchers find three distinct immune responses for sicker COVID-19 patients

Analysis of immune responses in COVID19 patients identifies defining features of severe disease

IMAGE: E. John Wherry, PhD, chair of Systems

An analysis of immune responses in 42 COVID-19

Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics and

patients, both infected and recovered, identified

director of the Penn Institute...

immune signatures that distinguish...

Detailed study of immune responses in COVID-19 patients reveals distinct ‘immunotypes’

Study: Single drop of blood could help rapidly detect radiation sickness

Expanding on observations made in smaller patient

reports evidence that a new testing method has the

cohorts, researchers studying immune responses of 125 hospitalized COVID-19...

potential to rapidly...

‘Bystander’ Cs meet their match in geneediting technique IMAGE: When consecutive cytosines are positioned

New study ranks performance of currently available COVID-19 antibody tests

in the editing window, the new A3G base editor

A new peer-reviewed study by researchers at NSF

developed at Rice University...

International and Novateur Ventures finds significant

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A new proof-of-concept study

variability in the...

Breeding new rice varieties will help farmers in Asia

Coronavirus: Skin rashes are a symptom for one in 11 patients

IMAGE: Short-duration rice breeding trial at the

Skin rashes should be added to the NHS‘ official list

IRRI, Los Banos, the Philippines. view more Credit:

of Covid-19 symptoms because one in 11 patients


develop them,...

Coronavirus: Blood clotting present in every patient who dies

Coronavirus outbreaks are up to 20 TIMES more likely in large care homes, study claims

Every Covid-19 patient who has died of the disease shows signs of blood clotting, a leading scientist has claimed. Professor...

Coronavirus outbreaks are up to 20 times more likely to occur in large care homes, according to the biggest study of its...

Coronavirus UK: Pendle in Lancashire at risk of local lockdown

Test and Trace DID work on the Isle of Wight, study finds

The Lancashire borough of Pendle warned of a

Test and Trace worked well on the Isle of Wight and

coronavirus outbreak today — after a spike in cases

the authority now has Covid-19 ‘really under control’,

in nearby Blackburn with...


Hopes build over UK Covid vaccine as Oxford drug trials work

Coronavirus UK: 85 new fatalities in preliminary death toll

Hopes for a working Covid-19 vaccine are growing

Britain’s Covid-19 death toll today topped 45,000 as

as two projects in the UK and US have reported

officials recorded just 85 more victims and Scotland

promising results in their...

has now gone...

Donald Trump has held back global efforts to find real treatments, SAGE scientists claims

Common FDA-approved drug may effectively neutralize virus that causes COVID-19

Sir Jeremy Farrar said today the US President’s

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, uses

enthusiasm about hydroxychloroquine had held

a surface spike protein to latch onto human cells

back global efforts...

and initiate infection....

Researchers outline strategy for testing ketone bodies against COVID-19

In one hour, surface coating inactivates virus that causes COVID-19

Ketone bodies are compounds naturally produced

A Virginia Tech professor has found a solution.

during fat metabolism. They provide energy to cells

Since mid-March, William Ducker, a chemical

and can also reprogram...

engineering professor, has developed...

Researchers find three distinct immune responses for sicker COVID-19 patients

Scientists uncover key process in the manufacture of ribosomes and proteins

The findings were published in Science. “For

The discovery reveals a previously unknown

patients who are hospitalized with COVID-19, there

function for the enzyme in the nucleolus, the site of

isn’t just one...

ribosome manufacture inside...

Molecular ‘tails’ are secret ingredient for gene activation in humans, yeast, and other organisms

High-fat diet with antibiotic use linked to gut inflammation

But besides their obvious differences, yeast and

study included 43 healthy adults and 49 adult

humans, and much of life for that matter, have a great deal in common, especially...

patients diagnosed...

World population likely to shrink after mid-century, forecasting major shifts in global population and economic power

Do campaign finance reforms truly help make elections more competitive?

The modelling research uses data from the Global

Department of Economics in the MU College of Arts

Burden of Disease Study 2017 to project future

and Science. ...

Antibiotic usage with high-fat diet is a risk factor The

IMAGE: Jeff Milyo is a professor and chair of the

global, regional, and national...

Unleashing the potential of tethered drones

When should you neuter your dog to avoid health risks?

The use of tethered unmanned aerial vehicles

Some dog breeds have higher risk of developing

(TUAVs) has been modeled as a powerful new tool

certain cancers and joint disorders if neutered or

for improving cellular phone...

spayed within their first...

Social distancing and COVID-19: A law of diminishing returns

Consensus statement on doppler waveforms

IMAGE: Semi-log plot for the relationship between

July 15, 2020 -The first consensus-based

social distancing duration and the corresponding

nomenclature for arterial and venous waveforms has

maximum attainable...

been published online first today...

Reprogramming of immune cells enhances effects of radiotherapy in preclinical models of brain cancer

NASA finds limited water vapor as depression 06E becomes a trough

IMAGE: Ludwig Lausanne Member Johanna Joyce

NASA’s Aqua satellite passed over the remnants of Tropical Depression...

view more Credit: Ludwig Cancer Research JULY

IMAGE: On July 14 at 4:50 p.m. EDT (2050 UTC),

15, 2020, NEW...

New antiplatelet drug shows promise for treating heart attack

Coronavirus: Smokers quit in highest numbers in a decade

IMAGE: Xiaoping Du, UIC professor of

More than one million people have given up

pharmacology and regenerative medicine at the

smoking since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, a survey

College of Medicine view...

for charity Action on Smoking...

Coronavirus: R number ‘lower than thought’ before lockdown eased in England

Blackburn facing ‘rising tide’ of coronavirus cases

The rate of coronavirus infections in the community in England was significantly reduced before

coronavirus cases centred on terraced houses with

Blackburn with Darwen is facing a “rising tide” of high numbers...

lockdown eased in May, according...

Fertility rate: ‘Jaw-dropping’ global crash in children being born The world is ill-prepared for the global crash in children being born which is set to have a “jaw-

About 5,000 heart attack sufferers in England missed out on treatment due to the Covid-19 pandemic

dropping” impact...

Five-thousands heart attack sufferers in England missed out on life-saving hospital treatment due to the Covid-19 pandemic,...

World population will start SHRINKING in 44 years after peaking at 9.7bn, study claims

Why the UK should tackled Covid-19 like CUBA did

Earth’s population will peak in 44 years at around

deaths in the first wave of the crisis if it took Cuba’s

9.7billion before it starts to shrink again, according


Britain could have avoided thousands of coronavirus

to scientists...

More than a million Britons have quit smoking during the coronavirus crisis, analysis suggests

Germany vulnerable to second wave of Covid-19 as antibody study reveals only 1.3% has immunity

Swathes of studies have shown a low prevalence of

Germany is vulnerable to a second Covid-19 wave

smokers in hospitals with Covid-19. If the findings

because only 1.3 per cent of the country has

are proven, scientists...

developed antibodies, experts...

Matt Hancock admits he is ‘worried’ about Covid-19’s ‘debilitating’ effects Health Secretary Matt Hancock today admitted he is

85% of new coronavirus infections in Blackburn are among South Asians as local lockdown looms

‘worried’ about the long term health impacts

Dominic Harrison, Blackburn with Darwen’s director

plaguing coronavirus...

of public health A staggering 85 per cent of new Covid-19...

Man, 82, catches coronavirus TWICE in two months An 82-year-old man who spent four weeks in

Factors maximize impact of yoga, physical therapy on back pain in underserved population

intensive care with Covid-19 was struck down by the

BOSTON – New research shows that people with

virus again just 10 days after...

chronic low back pain (cLBP) have better results from yoga and physical...

Researchers cast doubt on earlier COVID19 origins study citing dogs as possible hosts

What determines a warbler’s colors?

AURORA, Colo. (July 14, 2020) – A study published

warblers have white bellies and...

IMAGE: While blue-winged warblers have predominantly yellow underparts, golden-winged

earlier this year claiming the coronavirus may have jumped from dogs...

Housing conditions affect cardiovascular health risks

Scientists identify new material with potential for brain-like computing

DALLAS, July 15, 2020 — People who are

The most powerful and advanced computing is still

homeless may experience 60-70% higher rates of

primitive compared to the power of the human brain,

cardiovascular events, such as...

says Chinedu E. Ekuma,...

Geoengineering’s benefits limited for apple crops in India

In the sharing economy, consumers see themselves as helpers

IMAGE: A map of India, with apple-growing regions

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Whether you use a taxi or a

in color. Himachal Pradesh is the second-largest

rideshare app like Uber, you’re still going to get a


driver who...

Experts strongly recommend varenicline over the patch for adult smokers hoping to quit

Half of coronavirus-positive in nursing home had no symptoms

IMAGE: ATS publishes new clinical practice guideline on treating tobacco dependence in adults.

with coronavirus had NO symptoms when they

More than half of Maryland nursing home residents tested positive, study finds Johns...

view more Credit:...

America’s population will peak at 364 million in 42 years before shrinking 10%

Scientists discover key element of strong antibody response to COVID-19

The US population will grow until 2062, then shrink –

The scientists, whose study appears July 13 in

alongside 182 other countries around the world – to 336...

Science, reviewed data on nearly 300 anti-SARSCoV-2 antibodies that their...

How our brains remain active during familiar, repetitive tasks

Freedom of choice: Adding value to public goods

Our brains are often likened to computers, with

Now, a study by an international group of

learned skills and memories stored in the activity

researches shows that the ability to freely choose

patterns of billions of...

preferred public goods adds...

More than one cognition: A call for change in the field of comparative psychology

Robot jaws shows medicated chewing gum could be the future

Based on 40 years of scientific literature and case

in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,

studies of three non-human animals, the current

was to confirm whether...

The aim of the University of Bristol study, published

paper identifies two...

Experimental COVID-19 vaccine safe, generates immune response

Correlations identified between insurance coverage and states’ voting patterns

The ongoing Phase 1 trial is supported by the

Cleveland – Researchers at Case Western Reserve

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

University reviewed national data from the U.S.

(NIAID), part of the...

Census bureau and found...

COVID-19 may attack patients’ central nervous system

Why hydration is so important when hiking in the heat of summer

IMAGE: Ahmad Sedaghat, MD, PhD, shown in University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience

You don’t have to be an experienced trailblazer to know that if you choose to hike in the heat, you

Institute. view more Credit:...

better be hydrated....

Oncotarget: The Golgi protein TMEM165 controls migration/invasion for carcinoma

How much postmenopause weight gain can be blamed on weight-promoting medications?

IMAGE: TMEM165 expression levels alters N-linked

CLEVELAND, Ohio (July 15, 2020)–Abdominal

glycosylation. (A) Western blot analysis of NCSTN

weight gain, which is common during the

from MDAMB231 TMEM165KO...

postmenopause period, is associated...

How much fluorine is too much fluorine? on a Massey University production farm. view more

KIST develops "dielectrophoretic tweezer" technology for toxic nanoparticles


IMAGE: Model diagram of the nanogap electrodes

IMAGE: Dairy cows grazing clover/ryegrass pasture

allowing the dielectrophoretic tweezer technology. view more Credit:...

Early life stress is associated with youthonset depression for some types of stress but not others

Coronavirus: People told to phone ahead before going to A&E

Early life stress is associated with youth-onset

calls are dealt with People with non-life threatening illnesses...

depression for some types of stress but not others

Media captionThere will be no change to how 999

Results support an association...

Coronavirus: California reimposes sweeping restrictions amid virus spike

Winter wave of coronavirus ‘could be worse than first’

California has reimposed restrictions on businesses

The UK could see about 120,000 new coronavirus

and public spaces amid a spike of coronavirus

deaths in a second wave of infections this winter,

infections in America’s...

scientists say. Asked...

Coronavirus: Face masks and coverings to be compulsory in England’s shops

Half of covid-positive nursing home residents had no symptoms

Wearing a face covering in shops and supermarkets

More than half of Maryland nursing home residents

in England is to become mandatory from 24 July.

with coronavirus had NO symptoms when they

Those who fail to comply...

tested positive, study finds Johns...

FDA expands list of potentially deadly toxic hand sanitizers The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is

Why experts think MMR jab may save adults from Covid: Childhood vaccine at heart of dramatic trial

warning Americans to stop using certain hand

Think of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) jab

sanitizers because they may be...

and one image might spring to mind — a mother cradling an infant as a...

Dissolving eye implant the size of a grain of sand could help save the sight of glaucoma patients

Exercise bikes in the office could slash risk of heart disease, study finds

Dissolving eye implant the size of a grain of sand

employees to use them just twice a week could

could help save the sight of glaucoma patients For

slash their risk of heart disease...

Putting exercise bikes in offices and urging

those who find administering...

Coronavirus England: 85 people A DAY may die until end of July

Britain records 138 more coronavirus deaths in preliminary toll

Coronavirus could still be killing as many as 85

Britain announced 138 more coronavirus victims

people per day by the end of July, Public Health England scientists have...

today as the daily fatality toll continues to drop but the average number...

Tech sector job interviews assess anxiety, not software skills

Artificial ‘neurotransistor’ created

“Technical interviews are feared and hated in the

Today, enhancing the performance of microelectronics is usually achieved by reducing

industry, and it turns out that these interview

component size, especially of the individual...

techniques may also...

Loss of a co-twin linked to heightened psychiatric risk

Researchers found a link between genes and preeclampsia

Losing a loved one is always difficult but losing a

Preeclampsia is characterized by the elevated blood

twin may be particularly so. By virtue of being the

pressure of the mother, and the baby is often

same age, twins share...

delivered preterm and smaller...

Scientists ID gene responsible for deadly glioblastoma

Keeping innocent people out of jail using the science of perception

The researchers say the oncogene is essential to

“Misidentification by eyewitnesses is a long-standing

the survival of the cancer cells. Without it, the

problem in our society. Our new lineup method

cancer cells die. Scientists...

uncovers the structure...

Quantum body scanner? What happens when vector vortex beams meet scattering media

Vision scientists discover why people literally don’t see eye to eye

OAM is an internal property of light conferring a

California, Berkeley, recently published in the

characteristic doughnut shape to the spatial profile. The polarization...

Proceedings of the Royal...

Study finds hidden emotions in the sound of words ITHACA, N.Y. – In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis,

Converting female mosquitoes to nonbiting males with implications for mosquito control

it’s common to feel stress levels rise every time we

IMAGE: James Biedler (left), a research scientist in


Zhijian Tu’s lab; Azadeh Aryan (middle), the first

Not according to new research from the University of


For chimpanzees, salt and pepper hair not a marker of old age

Ancient oyster shells provide historical insights

IMAGE: There is significant individual variation in

An interdisciplinary team of scientists studying

how chimpanzees, like this one at Gombe National

thousands of oyster shells along the Georgia coast,

Park, experience...

some as old as 4,500...

Dancing chemicals: Innovative catalytic reaction for low-cost synthesis of aromatic esters

COVID-19 and the heart: Searching for the location of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor

IMAGE: A new, practical catalytic reaction, called the

the Masonic Medical Research Institute (MMRI)

“ester dance reaction, ” to achieve a high yield...

view more Credit:...

New lithium battery charges faster, reduces risk of device explosions IMAGE: A schematic showing lithium battery with

Oncotarget: Tumor markers for carcinoma identified by imaging mass spectrometry

the new carbon nanotube architecture for the anode

IMAGE: Effect of palmitoyl-lysophosphatidylcholine

view more Credit:...

LPC[16:0] on tumor spheroid invasion and growth.

IMAGE: Dr. Nathan Tucker, Assistant Professor at

3D cell spheroids...

Coronavirus: Florida has more infections than all but 8 countries

Limp handshake? You may be at risk of a potentially fatal liver disease

Coronavirus case numbers continued to spike over the weekend as Florida shattered it’s previous

Could GPs soon be detecting hidden liver disease, simply by shaking a patient’s hand? While social

record number of new...

distancing means it’s...

Bravery of chemist who defied fierce floods to deliver vital medicines in evacuated Derbyshire town

Ovarian cancer treatments must restart immediately, charity warns

The Daily Mail’s 2020 Health Hero Awards,

suffered delays to treatment and a lack of support during the Covid-19 crisis,...

launched in partnership with eBay and NHS

Thousands of women with ovarian cancer have

Charities Together, are your chance...

Coronavirus UK: Herd immunity could develop from 10% infected

Middle-aged people will be more ill and for LONGER than baby boomers, major

Herd immunity against Covid-19 could develop if just 10 per cent of the population catches the disease, a study has claimed. Scientists...

new study suggests Middle-aged people face spending more time in poor health than older generations, according to a major study. Today’s...

Coronavirus isolation pods haven’t been used over fears they would explode Coronavirus isolation pods thought to have cost the

Medics demand government releases plans for how the NHS should get ready for second Covid wave

taxpayer more than one million pounds have went

Professor Martin Marshall, chair of the RCGP, said

unused during the pandemic...

the College needed reassurances immediately that staff and patients...

Engineered llama antibodies neutralize COVID-19 virus

Mothers’ paid work suffers during pandemic, study finds

The team involves researchers from the Rosalind Franklin Institute, Oxford University, Diamond Light

Four months later, however, new research from Washington University in St. Louis finds early

Source and Public Health...

evidence that the pandemic has...

One in three young adults may face severe COVID-19, study shows

Family caregiving may not harm health of caregivers after all

The study looked at data drawn from a nationally

A report on the findings was published online June

representative sample of approximately 8,400 men

24 by the Proceedings of the National Academy of

and women ages 18 to 25...

Sciences. “The...

Researchers find the worst reason to give a gift

Bat research critical to preventing next pandemic

In a series of studies, researchers found that people

Evidence already links different bat species to

reacted negatively to gifts that they were told — or

human outbreaks of SARS, MERS, some Ebola

that they...

viruses as well as the Marbug,...

Whole body scans for trauma patients saves time spent in emergency departments

A micro-lab on a chip detects blood type within minutes

This scenario is common in most hospitals around

AB. These types differ based on the presence or

the world, leading to long queues and ramping

absence of structures...

There are four major blood types — O, A, B, and

issues with paramedics having...

UMass Amherst team makes artificial energy source for muscle IMAGE: Myosin with azoTP and ATP in its active site. view more Credit: UMass Amherst/Debold lab AMHERST,...

UTMB researchers have discovered a new antiviral mechanism for dengue therapeutics IMAGE: Digital illustration of dengue virus view more Credit: The University of Texas Medical Branch GALVESTON,...

A dual antenatal therapy benefits extreme preterm babies better than either alone or none

Large Lot Program shows the power of private land stewardship in addressing urban vacancy

IMAGE: Sam Gentle from University of Alabama at

IMAGE: Scientists with the USDA Forest Service

Birmingham view more Credit: UAB Extremely

and the University of Illinois followed Chicago’s

preterm children...

Large Lots program...

Study finds that special filters in glasses can help the color blind see colors better

New, remote weight-loss method helped slash pounds

IMAGE: John S. Werner of UC Davis Health has led a study of glasses with special filters designed to

CHICAGO — Losing weight during the COVID-19 pandemic has increasing urgency because obesity

address colorblindness. ...

increases the risk of severe...

Mismatched caregiver-infant interactions during feeding could boost babies’ risk of later obesity

Study shows how our brains remain active during familiar, repetitive tasks

Infancy is a sensitive developmental period that

suggests that our brains are never at rest, even when we are not learning...

presents opportunities and challenges for caregivers

New research, based on earlier results in mice,

to feed their infants...

Coronavirus doctor’s diary: Why are people remaining ill for so long?

Gloucester barbers trained to spot mental health issues

Four months after the start of the coronavirus

A hair salon and barbers in Gloucester has trained

pandemic, doctors are still on a steep learning

all its staff to recognise when clients may have

curve. One surprise is just...

problems with mental...

Coronavirus: South Africa bans alcohol sales again to combat Covid-19

Coronavirus: Face coverings in England’s shops to be compulsory from 24 July

South Africa has introduced new restrictions,

Wearing a face covering in shops and supermarkets

including another ban on alcohol sales, to help

in England is to become mandatory from 24 July.

contain the spread of coronavirus. A...

Those who fail to comply...

Heroic woman, 48, who died from ovarian cancer spent last months of life devising awareness campaign

Can online GP appointments replace a face to face meeting?

Advertising boss Vicky Jacobs was whip-smart and

Dr Martin Scurr, Good Health columnist, believes that online consultations can not replace in person

terrific fun, the sort of woman people couldn’t say no

appointments Can...

to. So it’s...

Under the microscope: TV presenter and Strictly winner Ore Oduba, 34, answers our health quiz

Will victims of mesh scandal be betrayed all over again? Baroness warns against report being ignored

Under the microscope: TV presenter and Strictly

Kath Sansom had hoped now would be the time she

winner Ore Oduba, 34, answers our health quiz By

could finally ‘step away from all of this and wind it

Sarah Ewing for the Daily...

down’ —...

One in three young adults in the US are at risk for severe coronavirus infection

Scientists find firm link between prostate cancer and HPV for the first time

One in three young Americans are at risk for

HPV could cause prostate cancer: Scientists find

developing severe COVID-19 if they contract the

firm link between the disease and sexually

virus, a new study suggests. The...

transmitted virus for the first...

Should you swallow the cost of premium vitamins? Which ARE worth splashing out on…

Coronavirus: Man trained as 111 callhandler after aunt’s death

There has long been debate about supplements —

hard’ and inspired him to train as 111 call-handler –...

whether they can boost your health by

Man, 18, reveals loss of his aunt from COVID-19 ‘hit

‘supplementing’ the nutrients...

Cystic fibrosis: Why so many respiratory complications?

Listeria protein provides a CRISPR ‘kill switch’

Cystic fibrosis, affecting more than 700,000 people

The protein, called AcrVIA1, can halt the CRISPR-

worldwide, is one of the most common genetic

Cas13 editing process, according to new research

diseases in Switzerland....

from Cornell, Rockefeller...

Autoclaving, alcohol not the best options for disinfecting, reusing face masks

Artificial energy source for muscle

Scarcity of personal protection equipment in medical

seeking an alternative energy source to replace the

settings has led many health systems to consider

body’s usual...

Debold told the chemist how researchers have been

sterilizing and reusing...

Green is more than skin-deep for hundreds of frog species

Genetic variation shapes individual perception of fatty foods

Most of these animals rely on color-controlling

“Person-to-person diversity in the positive

structures in their skin called chromatophores that

perception of fattiness derives partially from an

use crystals to bend...

individual’s genetic...

Special filters in glasses can help the color blind see colors better, study finds

Domestic violence increased in the great recession

At least eight in 100 men (8%) and one in 200

Conducting one of the first studies to date examining

women (0.5%) suffer from red-green color vision deficiency (CVD), totaling...

the impact of a modern recession on hospital and emergency room visits,...

Lung screening bus brings high-tech health care directly to patients

When a pandemic strikes, we still expect an ambulance

IMAGE: Breathe Easy Bus from CHI Memorial in

IMAGE: New ECU research sheds light on

Chattanooga, TN view more Credit: CHI Memorial

community expectations of paramedics during a

in Chattanooga,...

pandemic. view more Credit:...

COVID-19 pandemic could be learning opportunity for middle-grade students

Age of sexual debut among young gayidentified sexual minority men

Educators could use the COVID-19 outbreak to help

Young gay sexual minority men – especially Black

middle-schoolers better understand the world,

and Latino youth – have their first sexual

according to new research...

experiences at younger...

Molecularly thin interface between polymers — for efficient CO2 capture membrane

Space to grow, or grow in space — how vertical farms could be ready to take-off

IMAGE: Freestanding and mechanically strong

IMAGE: Vertical Farming — economic and environmental benefits. view more Credit: LettUs

nanomembranes composed of two polymeric layers

Grow Vertical...

demonstrated superior carbon...

Transparent, reflective objects now within grasp of robots

Predation by Caspian terns on young steelhead means fewer return as adults

PITTSBURGH–Kitchen robots are a popular vision

IMAGE: Caspian tern with smolt (photo by Dan

of the future, but if a robot of today tries to grasp a

Roby OSU College of Agricultural Sciences) view

kitchen staple...

more Credit:...

Man, 51, who hadn’t been to the dentist in nearly 30 years needs his whole jaw removed

Coronavirus: Recovered patients ‘only develop 14% immunity’

A man who hadn’t been to the dentist for nearly three decades because he was too scared had to

vaccine for Covid-19 is ‘urgently needed’ because

Researchers from Melbourne University said a the body...

have his jaw removed...

Coronavirus UK: 11 new fatalities in death toll Britain’s coronavirus outbreak may be getting worse as alarming government figures today revealed the average number...

Man, 18, reveals how loss of aunt from COVID-19 inspired him to train as 111 call-handler Man, 18, reveals loss of his aunt from COVID-19 ‘hit hard’ and inspired him to train as 111 call-handler –...

Coronavirus: UK plans ‘biggest flu vaccination programme ever’

Coronavirus England: Death rates vary massively in hospitals

Ministers are preparing to roll out the ‘biggest flu

Coronavirus death rates vary massively

vaccination programme in history’, the Health

across NHS hospitals in England, according to


shocking data. Eight out of 10 infected...

Coronavirus: Sufferers describe symptoms MONTHS after infection

Coronavirus: Four workers ‘escape’ Herefordshire vegetable farm

Three coronavirus survivors in their twenties have

A hunt has today been launched for a group of

revealed how they all still suffer from persistent

vegetable pickers – one who has tested positive for

fatigue, breathlessness...

Covid-19 –...

Significantly less addictive opioid may slow progression of osteoarthritis while easing pain The medication activates the kappa opioid receptor

Drug that calms ‘cytokine storm’ associated with 45 percent lower risk of dying among COVID-19 patients on ventilators

(KOR), which binds to opioid-like compounds in the

The lower risk of death in patients who received

central and peripheral...

intravenous tocilizumab happened despite the fact that they were also twice...

Researcher develops method for mapping brain cell change, development in mice

Bird droppings carry risk of antibiotic resistance

The technique allows scientists to create maps of

antibiotic resistance harbored by opportunistic

developing mouse brains that can display how much of certain cell types...

pathogens in the droppings...

Why are memories attached to emotions so strong?

Cost-effectiveness of esketamine for depression

Most people can remember where they were on

The study compared the costs and benefits of

9/11, or what the weather was like on the day their

esketamine, an antidepressant approved by the U.S.

first child was born. Memories...

Food and Drug Administration...

Pickled capers activate proteins important for human brain and heart health

Study shows humans are optimists for most of life

Researchers from the University of California, Irvine

throughout young adulthood, seemed to steadily

School of Medicine have discovered that a

plateau and then decline...

Their study found high levels of genes that encode

“We found that optimism continued to increase

compound named quercetin,...

5,000 years of history of domestic cats in Central Europe

For every COVID-19 death, 9 close family members are left to grieve

IMAGE: Perspektywiczna cave inside view during

A new analysis finds more than one million

excavation. view more Credit: Magdalena Krajcarz

Americans have been swept up in the tidal wave of

A loner...

grief resulting from the COVID-19...

COVID-19: Considering meditation and yoga as adjunctive treatment

Perceiving the flavor of fat: A Monell Center twins study

IMAGE: Dedicated to research on paradigm, practice, and policy advancing integrative health

IMAGE: Potato chips used in the study, preportioned and labelled for participants view more

view more Credit:...

Credit: Monell...

Study finds cancer mortality rate disparity based on hospital ratings

Consumer-created social media visuals capture consumer brand perceptions

A new paper in the JNCI Cancer Spectrum,

Key Takeaways: Social media visuals are overtaking

published by Oxford University Press, finds that the mortality rates for complex...

text in defining online brand conversations. Usergenerated visuals...

The new tattoo: Drawing electronics on skin

Cardiac scar tissue: A factor which regulates its size

IMAGE: One day, people could monitor their own

IMAGE: Contraction force measurement for cardiac

health conditions by simply picking up a pencil and

tissue. Formation of tissue between microposts (top

drawing a bioelectronic...

image). Simulation...

‘Breakthrough’ cancer study adds to Super Strong Sophie’s legacy

Coronavirus: Llamas provide key to immune therapy

Scientists studying a form of bone cancer that took

As Fifi the llama munches on grass on a pasture in

the life of a “super strong” five-year-old girl say

Reading, her immune system has provided the


template for a coronavirus...

Coronavirus: Florida sets new state daily case record of 15,299

Coronavirus: More than 100 outbreaks tackled a week, says Matt Hancock

Florida has registered a state record of 15,299 new

“Targeted action” is being taken against more than

coronavirus cases in 24 hours – around a quarter of

100 local outbreaks of coronavirus every week,

all of the...

Health Secretary...

Calls for clarity on face masks after Boris Johnson said ‘stricter’ approach is needed in England

More than 100 coronavirus outbreaks A WEEK are being ‘swiftly’ contained Matt Hancock reveals

Health experts back move to make face masks

More than 100 outbreaks of coronavirus are ‘swiftly

COMPULSORY in shops and pubs as Boris wears one for the first time – but...

and silently’ being dealt with every week across the UK,...

Immunity to Covid-19 may be lost in just a few months, new research suggests Immunity to Covid-19 may be lost in just a few

Scientists to trial coronavirus antibody treatment to protect older people from Covid-19

months and it could be caught again like a common

A British pharmaceutical giant is preparing to launch

cold, new research suggests King’s...

human trials of an antibody treatment that could protect old and vulnerable...

Coronavirus can damage the heart, study confirms Coronavirus patients can suffer irreversible heart

Mothers, newborns, young children and adolescents lose 20% of health and social services to COVID-19

damage as a result of their battle with the disease, a

Death registration (completeness of cause-of-death

study of hospital...

data) Each indicator for the 193 countries is colourcoded to depict a...

Women taking beta blockers for hypertension may have higher risk of heart failure with acute coronary syndrome

Janggu makes deep learning a breeze IMAGE: The scientists Altuna Akalin (left) and Wolfgang Kopp (right) from the “Bioinformatics and Omics Data...

DALLAS, July 13, 2020 — Women taking beta blockers for hypertension with no prior history of cardiovascular disease...

1 in 3 young adults may face severe COVID-19, UCSF study shows As the number of young adults infected with the coronavirus surges throughout the nation, a new study by researchers at UCSF...

Scientists demonstrate a new experiment in the search for theorized ‘neutrinoless’ proc IMAGE: The CUPID-Mo detector is installed in the EDELWEISS cryostat at Modane Underground Laboratory (LSM) in France. ...

Study links attraction to ‘tyrannical’ leaders to dysfunctional family dynamics

Racial disparities in COVID-19 are clear; better data, more targeted action needed

Ever wonder how some leaders in business or

IMAGE: Drs. Joseph Hobbs and Steven Coughlin

politics who appear selfish, manipulative and

view more Credit: Phil Jones, Senior Photographer,

domineering still manage to amass...

Augusta University Marked...

Parasite infestations revealed by tiny chicken backpacks

Study of giant ant heads using simple models may aid bio-inspired designs

Blood-feeding livestock mites can be detected with

IMAGE: Soldier ants have giant heads with pincers

wearable sensor technology nicknamed “Fitbits for

that help them defend the colony. view more Credit:

chickens.” To...


A new look at deep-sea microbes IMAGE: Microbes found deeper in the ocean are

Study finds less impact from wildfire smoke on climate

believed to have slow population turnover rates and

LOS ALAMOS, N.M., July 9, 2020–New research

low amounts of available...

revealed that tiny, sunlight-absorbing particles in wildfire smoke may...

Otago researchers find link between rape and breathing problems

Revealing winners & losers in projected future climates

Rape and sexual trauma may have long-lasting

IMAGE: The range of the three study species of

consequences for physical health as well as mental

rainbowfishes in Australia. Photos by Gunther

health, University of Otago...

Schmida. view more Credit:...

New estimates highlight global economic and environmental impacts of COVID-19

Cigarette sales declining by 20 million a month after advent of standardized packaging

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an estimated global consumption loss of $3.8 trillion, as well as significant job and...

The introduction of standardised packaging for cigarettes in the UK, combined with stricter taxation measures on cheaper...

Long-term strategies to control COVID-19 must treat health and economy as equally important

Oil spill clean- up gets doggone hairy

Strategies for the safe reopening of low and middle-

polluting soils and sediments...

Oil spill disasters on land cause long-term damage for communities and the natural environment,

income countries (LMICs) from months of strict social distancing in response...

UQ researchers solve a 50-year-old enzyme mystery IMAGE: ‘This information provides new insights into an important enzyme — acetohydroxyacid synthase

Viral dark matter exposed: Metagenome database detects phage-derived antibacterial enzyme IMAGE: Let’s give our special “phage ” attack to


those evil C. difficile! (Illustration by Hideaki...

Largest study of prostate cancer genomics in Black Americans ids targets for therapies

Discovery of a novel drug candidate to develop effective treatments for brain disorders

Black men in the United States are known to suffer disproportionately from prostate cancer, but few

IMAGE: The Protein NKCC1 is a transporter of ions in the brain; their concentration is crucial for brain

studies have investigated...


Fat cell hormone boosts potential of stem cell therapy

Study: Medicaid expansion meant better health for the most vulnerable lowincome adults

IMAGE: Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapies are being developed for the treatment of various diseases, including heart...

The most vulnerable residents of the nation’s 10th most populous state say their health improved significantly after...

How Venus flytraps snap IMAGE: The force sensor of the microrobotic system

Study finds fatty acid that kills cancer cells

deflects a sensory hair of a fllytrap that is kept open

PULLMAN, Wash. – Researchers have

by the sensors...

demonstrated that a fatty acid called dihomogammalinolenic acid, or DGLA, can kill...

Mom and baby share ‘good bacteria’ through breast milk IMAGE: A new study has found that bacteria are

Polarization of Br2 molecule in vanadium oxide cluster cavity and new alkane bromination

shared and possibly transferred from a mother’s milk

IMAGE: Peak of the spectrum due to polarized

to her infant’s...

bromine molecule view more Credit: Kanazawa

University [Background] Alkanes...

Satellite data show severity of drought summers in 2018 and 2019 IMAGE: The four Central European droughts of the

Alaskan volcano linked to mysterious period with extreme climate in ancient Rome

years 2003, 2015, 2018, and 2019: Shown are the

PHYSICS The cold, famine and unrest in ancient

water mass anomalies,...

Rome and Egypt after the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE has long...

Understanding the love-hate relationship of halide perovskites with the sun

Collective behavior research reveals secrets of successful football teams

IMAGE: The atomic structure of mixed FACsPbI3

The scientists analysed five full matches played by

perovskite, where it separates into two CsPbI3 (green region) and FAPbI3...

nine teams from a German Bundesliga season. They employed a tool borrowed...

T-ray camera speed boosted a hundred times over

Coronavirus: What guidance did care homes get from the government?

IMAGE: Optical set up for single pixel transmission

Care home providers have criticised Boris Johnson

imaging of object R. view more Credit: University of

after he said “too many care homes didn’t really

Warwick Scientists...

follow the...

‘Long-haulers’ face lengthy recovery

Will a Covid mask starve your brain of oxygen?

Extreme fatigue, nausea, chest tightness, severe headaches, “brain fog” and limb pains are among the recurring...

The frantic woman made a controversial yet compelling argument as to why Palm Beach residents should not be forced to wear...

Is a banana as bad for type 2 diabetes as SIX spoons of sugar?

Jab that lets you stay awake for complex hand surgery

Is eating a banana the same as swallowing six

It might sound daunting – particularly for the more

teaspoons of sugar? It would seem intuitive to say

squeamish – but NHS patients are now routinely

no, of course not – a...

being offered complex...

You can save a fortune buying braces online, but they might not give you the smile you’re after…

How Zoom calls with GPs are helping to end the epidemic of wounds that never heal

A body that represents British dentists has called for

It is a hidden epidemic that has hit more than two

a crackdown on DIY braces sold online which promise to straighten...

million Britons and left them struggling through each day with debilitating...

DR ELLIE CANNON: Just what is a healthy level of cholesterol these days?

Key role of immune cells in brain development

I read in The Mail on Sunday that having very high

Brain function depends on the precise formation of

HDL cholesterol is a worry, especially for middle-

millions of connections between specific brain cell

aged women like me. My...

types, including neurons...

An early morning whey protein snack increases morning blood sugar level in healthy people

Construction: How to turn 36 seconds into USD 5.4 billion

Having high blood sugar levels after eating is linked

for the first time ever, linked 40 years of productivity

to health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease

data from the...

A team of researchers from Aarhus University have,

and obesity. Previous...

Day in, day out: Targeting the daily magnesium "rhythm" can optimize crop yield

Is gender equality achievable in the Russian family?

IMAGE: The leaf blade of rice seedlings was

opportunities and responsibilities in performing the

sampled every 2 hours for 2 days. Expression of the

main family functions...

Distribution of rights and obligations in the family,

OsMGT3 gene relative...

Robust high-performance data storage through magnetic anisotropy

New study warns of misinformation about opt-out organ donation

IMAGE: This is how the experiment went: Two laser

A new study has warned of the power of a type of

pulses hit the thin film of iron-platinum nanoparticles

behaviour dubbed the ‘lone wolf’ effect which could

at short...

result in...

Sobering reminder about liver disease

New biomarker for dementia diagnosis

IMAGE: Flinders University Associate Professor

IMAGE: Professor Arduino Mangoni, Head of

Wigg, Head of the Hepatology and Liver

Clinical Pharmacology at Flinders University, in his

Transplantation Medicine Unit...

research laboratory...

Basel study: Why lopinavir and hydroxychloroquine do not work on COVID-19

Sensation seekers, risk-takers who experience more bitterness apt to drink IPAs

IMAGE: Treatment of a patient with Covid-19 in the

The results of the study, which involved more than

intensive care unit of the University Hospital Basel.

100 beer consumers, were unexpected, explained


researcher John Hayes,...

Is COVID-19 widening the gender gap in academic medicine?

Living close to green space benefits gut bacteria of urban, formula-fed infants

The findings suggest a worsening gender gap in

“Not every infant can be breastfed,” said Anita

academic medicine as previous research has shown

Kozyrskyj, pediatrics professor at the University of

women are underrepresented...


Gene yields insights into the causes of neurodegeneration Without a cure, the World Health Organization

Why stakeholders in ‘wind energy vs biological conservation’ conflict have low mutual trust

predicts that number could rise by as many as 10

Mitigating climate change by producing more

million cases per year. However,...

renewable (green) energy, for instance through wind turbines, seems to be a good...

Researchers solve a 50-year-old enzyme mystery The research team, led by UQ’s Professor Luke

Physicians give first comprehensive review of COVID-19’s effects outside the lung

Guddat, revealed the complete three-dimensional

“I was on the front lines right from the beginning. I

structure of an enzyme,...

observed that patients were clotting a lot, they had high blood...

Study links abnormally high blood sugar with higher risk of death in COVID-19 patients not previously diagnosed with diabetes

Microscopy technique reveals nanoscale detail of coatings as they dry

Previous studies have established that

posted to EurekAlert! by contributing...

Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases

hyperglycaemia (abnormally high blood sugar) is associated with an elevated risk of...

Montana State research on plant chemistry published in Global Change Biology

Age-related features of facial anatomy for increase safety during plastic surgery

BOZEMAN — A Montana State University

year-old male to identify the facial artery (red arrow)

professor’s research on plant chemistry in the

in relation to...

IMAGE: Figure showing a transverse CT of a 63-

Northern Great Plains and...

A balancing act between immunity and longevity

Study shows that aerosol box used to protect healthcare workers during COVID

IMAGE: PUF60 mediates a yin-yang like balance between immunity and longevity. view more Credit:

A new study shows that certain aerosol boxes of a similar type to those that have been manufactured

Raymond Laboy As...

and used in hospitals...

New research shows that laser spectral linewidth is classical-physics phenomenon

Invention: "Nanocage" tool untangles (molecular) spaghetti

New ground-breaking research from the University

have invented a new tool–they call it a “nanocage”– that...

of Surrey could change the way scientists

A team of scientists at the University of Vermont

understand and describe lasers...

Fast-spreading mutation helps common flu subtype escape immune response

Coronavirus vaccine: When will we have one?

Strains of a common subtype of influenza virus,

Coronavirus is spreading around the world, but there

H3N2, have almost universally acquired a mutation

are still no vaccines to protect the body against the

that effectively blocks...

disease it causes,...

India coronavirus: Life-saving Covid-19 drugs sold on Delhi black market

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson criticised over ‘cowardly’ care home comments

A BBC investigation has found that two life-saving

Media captionPM: “Too many care homes didn’t

drugs used to treat Covid-19 patients in India –

follow procedures” Boris Johnson has been

remdesivir and...


Coronavirus: Calls for government to clarify face coverings in England

New biomaterial could shield against harmful radiation

MPs have called for the government to clarify its

Northwestern University researchers have

position on face coverings, after the PM said a

synthesized a new form of melanin enriched with


selenium. Called selenomelanin,...

Where did the Asian longhorned ticks in the US come from?

Preliminary study suggests tuberculosis vaccine may be limiting COVID-19 deaths

“While additional samples from the tick’s native

Research by Assistant Professor Luis Escobar of

range are needed to pinpoint more exactly the

the College of Natural Resources and Environment

source of the...

and two colleagues at the...

Healthier school food and physical activity environments matter for childhood obesity

Abnormal cells in early-stage embryos might not preclude IVF success

The study, published in Preventive Medicine

in-vitro fertilization field, where debate still rages

Reports, uses professional measures of students’ height and weight —...

about the efficacy...

Optical shaping of polarization anisotropy in a laterally-coupled-quantum-dot dimer IMAGE: For polarized excitation parallel (?ex =90°)

Black phosphorus-based van der Waals heterostructures for mid-infrared lightemission applications

and perpendicular (?ex =0°) to the coupled direction,

IMAGE: a, Schematic diagram of the BP-WSe2


heterostructure. Under the excitation of light, the

The findings could have clinical implications for the

electron and hole pairs...

Orbital engineering of quantum confinement in high-Al-content AlGaN quantum well

NASA tracks tropical storm fay’s development and strongest side

IMAGE: Applying an external electric field on the

Fay’s development and progression over the past

quantum well, the emission peak related to the CH band at the VBM...

few days, showing...

Gender bias in evaluating surgical residency faculty members may be decreasing

Health disparities published in new volume

CHICAGO (July 10, 2020): In the male-dominated

health disparities research she coedited will promote

field of surgery, female faculty of training programs

cancer health...

NASA used satellite data to create an animation of

IMAGE: Dr. Marvella Ford hopes the new volume of

tend to receive lower...

Liquid crystals create easy-to-read, colorchanging sensors Chameleons are famous for their color-changing

Jurassic fossils from northeastern China reveal morphological stasis in the catkinyew

abilities. Depending on their body temperature or

IMAGE: (a, b) cf. Amentotaxus from the Middle-Late

mood, their nervous system...

Jurassic Daoguhou Bed in eastern Inner Mongolia, China. (c) Living...

DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: Hoping for a safe bet by gambling online? Now that IS high stakes

ER visits for sports-related brain injuries fell 32% over last decade as fewer kids played football

For my patient Tanya*, it started innocently enough.

ER visits for sports-related brain injuries fell by 32%

Off work after an operation, she was bored and

over last decade as fewer children played football,

killing time online when...

CDC report finds Researchers...

Therapy delivered electronically more effective than face to face

Critical early step of the visual process uncovered

Based on randomized control trials, the systematic

To understand fully how the light receptors, called

review and analysis revealed that cognitive

photoreceptors, impact the early stages of the

behavioural therapy that connected...

process of vision, researchers...

Higher fruit, vegetable and whole grain intake linked to lower risk of diabetes

Breakthrough with cancer vaccine

The findings suggest that even a modest increase in

Research team based at The Translational

consumption of these foods as part of a healthy diet

Research Institute in collaboration with...

The new vaccine was developed by a Mater

could help prevent...

Climate change: Heavy rain after drought may cause fish kills

Study sheds light on how cancer spreads in blood

A grave example is reported from a lake in

The research is a large-scale analysis of what are

Denmark. In 2018, Denmark was hit by extreme summer drought and temperatures in...

known as palmitoylated proteins inside extracellular vesicles, according...

New clues from fruit flies about the critical role of sex hormones in stem cell control

Structural analysis of COVID-19 spike protein provides insight into its evolution

Bruce Edgar, PhD, a stem cell biologist at HCI and

that causes COVID-19, is the protein spikes which cover the surface, which...

professor of oncological sciences at the U of U,

A characterising feature of SARS-CoV-2, the virus

together with Aurelio...

BU researchers: ‘Gun culture 3.0’ is missing link to understand US gun culture

Nano-radiomics unveils treatment effect on tumor microenvironment

IMAGE: This is a map showing the most present

microenvironment (TME) can help cancers grow and

subculture in each state. view more Credit: Boine et

evade the immune response. The TME has...

Research has shown that the tumor

al. Leading...

Study highlights multiple health risks among a people living longer with HIV

Like humans, beluga whales form social networks beyond family ties

BOSTON – The impact and prevalence of heart

A groundbreaking study using molecular genetic

disease and other critical comorbidities on an aging global population...

techniques and field studies brings together decades of research into the...

Is what I see, what I imagine? Study finds neural overlap between vision and imagination

Theft law needs reform to reduce the risk of judgements which lack ‘common sense’

IMAGE: An ibis as “seen ” by a machine, 2015. This

Theft law needs reform so the crime is based on

processed image, which is based on a photograph

consent not dishonesty – reducing the risk of


judgements which lack...

Couldn’t socially distance? Blame your working memory

Columbia physicians give first comprehensive review of COVID-19’s effects outside the lung

IMAGE: Students at UC Riverside with masks. view more Credit: Stan Lim, UC Riverside. RIVERSIDE, Calif....

NEW YORK, NY (July 10, 2020) — After only a few days caring for critically ill COVID-19 patients at the start of the...

Coronavirus: Wear masks in crowded public spaces, says science body

Nursing and midwife numbers jump by record amount

Everyone should carry a face covering when they

Record numbers of nurses, midwives and nursing

leave home in order to tackle coronavirus, the head of the UK’s national...

associates have registered in the UK, figures show. By the end of March, there...

Government says sorry to women ‘ignored’ by doctors

Coronavirus: Conservative councillor PPE contracts questioned

Media captionNadine Dorries has apologised to

The government is under pressure to review its

women, calling for a “quicker and more

personal protective equipment (PPE) deals after a

compassionate way”...

Tory councillor received...

Coronavirus US: Cases hit record singleday high again at 63k

Matt Hancock says ban on care home visits will be lifted ‘in the coming days’

The US has once again set a record-high number of

Families can finally look forward to reunions with

coronavirus cases for the third day in a row,

elderly relatives in the coming days after Matt

recording more than 63,000...

Hancock suggested the...

Sixteen homeless people in England have died of Covid-19 during country’s crisis

Scientists warn UK Government to prepare for ‘visible resistance’ to future lockdowns

Sixteen homeless people have died of coronavirus in England, official data revealed today. An Office for National Statistics...

The Government has been warned to prepare for ‘visible resistance’ if it ever tries to introduce another lockdown...

Coronavirus UK: Two children die from Kawasaki-like disease

Coronavirus UK: Hospital discharged infected into care homes

At least two British children have died from a

FEBRUARY – SAGE scientists warned Government

Kawasaki-like disease linked to Covid-19, doctors have revealed. In the...

‘very early on’ about the risk to care homes Britain’s...

Coronavirus UK: R-rate may be ABOVE one in South West England

Major cause of rare genetic mitochondrial disease identified

South West England’s coronavirus R rate could now

The research, published in Med, a new journal from

have edged above one, government scientists

Cell Press, has found disruptions in the ATAD3 gene

warned today as they...

cluster caused fatal...

Scientists discover protective Alzheimer’s gene and develop rapid drugtesting platform

Scientists may have found one path to a longer life

The main challenge in testing Alzheimer’s drugs in

Gerontology: Biological Sciences, shows the drug

clinical trials is that participants need to have

mifepristone can extend...

The research, published July 10 by the Journal of

symptoms. But...

Children rarely transmit COVID-19, doctors write in new commentary

Why lopinavir and hydroxychloroquine do not work on COVID-19

The authors, Benjamin Lee, M.D. and William V.

In February 2020, a Covid-19 patient cohort was

Raszka, Jr., M.D., are both pediatric infectious

established at the University and the University

disease specialists on the...

Hospital in Basel to prospectively...

Changes in the immune system can promote healthy aging

COVID-19 can be transmitted in the womb, reports pediatric infectious disease journal

From their work in the tiny roundworm, Caenorhabditis elegans, the scientists discovered a change in an evolutionarily conserved...

The findings “suggest in utero transmission” of COVID-19 from an infected mother to her infant, according to...

Global COVID-19 registry finds strokes associated with COVID-19 are more severe, have worse outcomes and higher mortality

Experts, advocates publish guidance for research on HIV, co-infections in pregnancy

In “Characteristics and Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19 and Acute Ischemic Stroke: The Global

women are among those most in need of safe and

CHAPEL HILL, NC – July 10, 2020 – Pregnant effective preventives...

COVID-19 Stroke Registry,”...

NASA infrared data shows Cristina strengthening

Pandemic inspires framework for enhanced care in nursing homes

IMAGE: On July 10 at 4:35 a.m. EDT (0835 UTC),

PHILADELPHIA (July 10, 2020) – As of May 2020,

the MODIS instrument aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite

nursing home residents account for a staggering

gathered temperature...

one-third of the more...

Extraordinary regeneration of neurons in zebrafish

Study pinpoints brain cells that trigger sugar cravings and consumption

IMAGE: Color-processed microscopic image of a

IMAGE: The hormone FGF21 is made in the liver

pair of Mauthner cells (green) in a zebrafish. On the

and acts in the brain to suppress sugar intake and

left is the head...

the preference for...

Arctic Ocean changes driven by subArctic seas

Single-cell RNA sequencing outlines the immune landscape of severe COVID-19

IMAGE: A map of the Arctic Ocean shows the

A new single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of more

location of the Amerasian and Eurasian basins.

than 59,000 cells from three different patient cohorts

Arrows show the path of warm,...

provides a detailed...

More than meets the eye The ability to recognize faces is a complex

US sets another single-day high of coronavirus cases, with more than 62,000

neurocognitive skill with important social

For the second consecutive day, the US has set a

implications. The disorder, which,...

record-high number of coronavirus cases with more than 62,000 new infections...

Coronavirus: N99 is most effective mask against transmission We’ve all been told to wear face masks to reduce

Boris Johnson is accused of hypocrisy for plans to ban junk food deals in antiobesity drive

the spread of coronavirus, but it turns out the

Boris Johnson was today accused of hypocrisy over

material your mask...

plans to get Britain into shape by banning buy-oneget-one-free deals on...

Distorted passage of time during the COVID-19 lockdown Previous research suggests that one’s perception of

About half of health care workers positive for COVID-19 by serology have no symptoms, study finds

how quickly time passes can vary according to one’s

Among 249 front-line health care workers who cared


for COVID-19 patients during the first month of the pandemic in Tennessee,...

Contracting COVID-19: lifestyle and social connections may play a role

Sodium found to regulate the biological clock of mice

A new article published in the journal Perspectives

The findings, published in Nature by former McGill

on Psychological Science explores how lifestyle,

PhD student Claire Gizowski and Charles Bourque,

social, and psychological...

a professor in McGill’s...

Older, critically ill patients with COVID-19 may have increased risk of bradycardia with lopinavir and ritonavir

Study: More than half of US students experience summer learning losses five years in a row

The combination of antiretroviral medications lopinavir (LPV) and ritonavir (RTV) have been

“Many children in the U.S. have not physically attended a school since early March because of the

previously used to treat patients...

Covid-19 pandemic,...

No NELL2, no sperm motility; novel protein is essential for male fertility

Socio-economic, environmental impacts of COVID-19 quantified

Dr. Martin Matzuk at Baylor College of Medicine, Dr.

The international group of researchers, using a

Masahito Ikawa with Osaka University and their

global and highly detailed model, found that most

colleagues have discovered...

directly hit was the travel...

Aquaculture’s role in nutrition in the COVID-19 era

Teva presents latest data on AJOVY® ▼ (fremanezumab) at EHF Congress

Aquaculture, the relatively young but fast-growing


industry of farming of fish and other marine life, now

Pharmaceutical Europe B.V. has presented results

produces around...

from a pooled analysis of three randomized,...

New in the Hastings Center Report: Health, race, and society during Covid-19

Discovery reveals how plants make cellulose for strength and growth

Several essays look specifically at how racial

New research from the University of Virginia School

inequality is embodied in health inequities. Black

of Medicine reveals how plants create the load-

Lives in a Pandemic:...

bearing structures that...

Food safety investments open new markets, boost revenue for small farmers

Commentary in Pediatrics: Children don’t transmit Covid-19, schools should reopen in fall

ITHACA, N.Y. – The costs of implementing food safety practices to prevent foodborne illnesses have been viewed as a...

A commentary published in the journal Pediatrics, the official peer-reviewed journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics,...

Farmers’ climate change conundrum: Low yields or revenue instability ITHACA, N.Y. – Climate change will leave some

Liquid metal synthesis for better piezoelectrics: Atomically-thin tinmonosulfide

farmers with a difficult conundrum, according to a

IMAGE: Transmission electron microscope (TEM)

new study by researchers...

image: atomically thin (monolayer) tin-sulfide nanosheet (scale bar is...

Coronavirus: Planned ops in May fell by 80% in England

Coronavirus: Asymptomatic testing for taxi drivers and cleaners in England

Planned operations in England fell by 80% in May

People in “high-contact” professions, such as taxi

compared with the same month in 2019, NHS

drivers, pharmacists and cleaners will be tested for

figures show. The number of people...


Coronavirus: Data shows cases in England falling

Coronavirus: Dementia patients ‘deteriorating’ without family visits

Two reports charting coronavirus cases in England

Relatives of care home residents with dementia

show the number of people in the community with

should be treated as key workers, leading charities

the disease is falling. The...

say. In a letter to the...

‘Unknown pneumonia’ said to be deadlier than coronavirus is sweeping across Kazakhstan

Coronavirus US: Death rates three times higher in prisons

‘Unknown pneumonia’ said to be deadlier than

Coronavirus death rates are THREE TIMES as high in US prisons than in the general population, study

coronavirus is sweeping across Kazakhstan,

finds Researchers compared...

Chinese embassy says More...

Gyms ‘will get the green light to reopen within days, Boris Johnson to announce Boris Johnson is set to give gyms the green light to

Britain could have been hit harder by Covid-19 because it has avoided bad flu seasons

reopen within DAYS – provided they take measures

Britain could have been hit harder by Covid-19 than

to slow the spread...

other European nations because the past two winter flu outbreaks have...

Delirious coronavirus-infected man confesses to his wife that he used to have sex with men

Thousands of taxi drivers, cleaners and shop workers will be tested for coronavirus

A man who became manic after being infected with

Thousands of taxi drivers, cleaners and shop

coronavirus got so delirious he confessed to his wife

workers will be tested for Covid-19 as part of a new

that he used to have...

trial — even if they...

England’s coronavirus outbreak IS shrinking, official data shows

Coronavirus England: 43 local authorities where cases RISING

England’s coronavirus outbreak is still shrinking and

Forty-three authorities in England have suffered a

the number of new cases each day have more than

spike in Covid-19 cases in the past week — but the

halved in a week,...

outbreak in locked-down...

Brain benefits of exercise can be gained with a single protein

Women who deliver by C-section are less likely to conceive subsequent children

Exercise is one of the best-studied and most

Kristen Kjerulff, professor of public health sciences,

powerful ways of protecting the brain from age-

said that although previous studies showed that

related cognitive decline and...

women who delivered...

No association found between exposure to mobile devices and brain volume alterations in adolescents

Study identifies unique cells that may drive lung fibrosis

The potential negative health consequences

This is one of the first comprehensive looks at lung cells using a technology called single-cell RNA

associated with children’s use of mobile devices

sequencing. Instead...

have been a matter of concern...

Salmonella biofilm protein causes autoimmune responses — Possible link with Alzheimer’s

New study supports remdesivir as COVID-19 treatment

Salmonella was previously thought to only form

Medical Center (VUMC), the University of North

biofilms in the environment, such as on food

Carolina at Chapel Hill and...

This week researchers at Vanderbilt University

processing surfaces. Biofilms...

A complex gene program initiates brain changes in response to cocaine

Community initiative increases teenage use of effective contraception

The atlas was just the beginning of a major study,

The study, “Impact of the Rochester LARC Initiative

published in the journal Science Advances, that

on Adolescents’ Utilization of Long-Acting

used multiple cutting-edge...

Reversible Contraception,”...

CU researchers identify key role of immune cells in brain development

New evidence of long-term volcanic, seismic risks in northern Europe

AURORA, Colo. (July 9, 2020) – Researchers at the

IMAGE: Water-filled maars in Germany’s Eifel

University of Colorado School of Medicine have identified how specific...

region. view more Credit: Martin Schildgen/Wikimedia Commons An...

Magnetic memory states go exponential

A memory game could help us understand brain injury

Spintronics is a thriving branch of nano-electronics which utilizes the spin of the electron and its associated magnetic...

After a traumatic brain injury, why do some people quickly regain their skills while others face longlasting setbacks? Boston...

A new role for a tiny linker in transmembrane ion channels

New study outlines best practices for delivering care via telehealth

IMAGE: Jianhan Chen at UMass Amherst reports

(Boston)–The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a

new results on calcium-gated ion channels. Besides

rapid expansion of telehealth use in the U.S. While

advancing knowledge,...

articles have been...

CT of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) versus CT of influenza virus pneumonia IMAGE: Artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted software

Researchers call for worldwide biosurveillance network to protect from diseases

was used to identify inflammatory tissues in lung

The emergence of COVID-19 is a powerful reminder

and automatically...

of how unchecked wildlife trade can lead to the spillover spread of viruses...

England’s coronavirus outbreak IS shrinking, official data shows

Britain records 85 more Covid-19 deaths

England’s coronavirus outbreak is still shrinking and

deaths as promising data revealed Northern Ireland

the number of new cases each day have more than halved in a week,...

has now gone a week without...

Britain today announced 85 more coronavirus

The 43 local authorities in England where Covid-19 cases are RISING

Our itch to share helps spread COVID-19 misinformation

Forty-three authorities in England have suffered a

Now a study co-authored by MIT scholars contains

spike in Covid-19 cases in the past week — but the

bad news and good news about Covid-19

outbreak in locked-down...

misinformation — and a new insight...

Bats offer clues to treating COVID-19

What happens when food first touches your tongue

Although humans experience adverse symptoms when afflicted with these pathogens, bats are remarkably able to tolerate viruses,...

The research, published last month in the journal PLOS Computational Biology, also provided explanation as to why humans...

5G wireless networks have few health impacts, finds study using zebrafish model

Study says inhalers OK to use amid COVID-19 concerns

Fifth generation or 5G wireless technology, which

steroids used in inhalers and nebulisers could have

began being deployed worldwide in 2019, provides

a negative effect on a...

A warning issued by WHO in March advised that

faster connectivity and...

Global wildlife surveillance could provide early warning for next pandemic

Researchers find rise in broken heart syndrome during COVID-19 pandemic

In a perspective article published July 9 in Science,

Stress cardiomyopathy occurs in response to

a diverse group of infectious disease experts, ecologists, wildlife...

physical or emotional distress and causes dysfunction or failure in the heart...

Safer CRISPR gene editing with fewer offtarget hits

Engineers design a reusable, silicone rubber face mask

The CRISPR system employs an enzyme called

IMAGE: Researchers at MIT and Brigham and

Cas9 to cleave DNA. Cas9 will cut almost any DNA

Women’s Hospital have designed a new silicone

sequence. Its specificity comes...

rubber face mask that...

Biologists trace plants’ steady mitochondrial genomes to a gene found in viruses, bacteria

Science education community should withdraw from international tests

IMAGE: Arabidopsis plant that lacks functional

involvement in international tests such as PISA

copies of MSH1. Researchers investigated the role

because they have forced schools...

The science community should withdraw from

of this gene in mitochondrial...

Expansion stress enhances growth and migration of breast cancer cells IMAGE: Joel Berry view more Credit: UAB

Researchers explore new approaches to support work practices in homeless shelters

Expansion stress can have an alarming impact on

Researchers from Bentley University, in partnership

breast cancer cells...

with Pine Street Inn, New England’s largest homeless shelter, have...

Rochester community initiative increases teenage use of effective contraception IMAGE: The Hoekelman Center relied on its wide

Neonatal exposure to antigens of commensal bacteria promotes broader immune repertoire

network of partnerships in Rochester to disseminate

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – University of Alabama at

information on LARC. ...

Birmingham researchers have added fresh evidence that early exposure to...

Improved cochlear implant device allows safe MRI in children without discomfort

Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa may have contributed to coronavirus spike

A study from Ann Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital

A controversial campaign rally held by President

of Chicago found that children with a MED-EL

Donald Trump in Tulsa, Oklahoma, last month likely

Synchrony cochlear...

contributed to a rise...

Rsearchers study effects of cellular crowding on the cell’s transport system

Study paves way for earlier autism diagnosis in Indiana

In the recent study, “Macromolecular crowding acts as a physical regular of intracellular transport,”

Led by Nancy Swigonski, MD and Mary Ciccarelli, MD, a team of faculty at Indiana University School of


Medicine have developed...

Clinicians find encouraging results from functional MRI in an unresponsive patient with COVID-19

COVID-related discrimination disproportionately impacts racial minorities, study shows

In addition to performing standard brain imaging

From March to April 2020, the overall percentage of

tests, the team took images of the patient’s brain

U.S. residents who experienced COVID-related

with a technique...

discrimination more than...

Scientists use nanoparticle-delivered gene therapy to inhibit blinding eye disease in rodents

Sensory neurons outside the brain drive autistic social behaviors, study suggests

The research, described July 3 in Science

In the fruit fly Drosophila — a powerful model for studying neurobiology — the researchers showed

Advances, provides evidence of the potential value

that loss of...

of nanoparticle-delivered gene...

Access to nature requires attention when addressing community health needs While access to nature is an established social

The spin state story: Observation of the quantum spin liquid state in novel material

determinant of health with clear benefits to physical,

IMAGE: A QSL state can be experimentally

mental, and social...

observed, which has advanced our knowledge of spin behavior, and its integration...

Water-saving alternative forage crops for Texas livestock

Extreme rainfall events cause top-heavy aquatic food webs

IMAGE: Bishwoyog Bhattarai, a graduate student in Sukhbir Singh’s lab at Texas Tech University,

IMAGE: Scientists used the insect larvae that live in the water trapped by bromeliad plants as a model

measuring the...

ecosystem, discovering...

Using electricity to break down pollutants left over after wastewater treatment

Chatbots can ease medical providers’ burden, offer guidance to those with COVID-19 symptoms

IMAGE: INRS Professor Patrick Drogui, a specialist in electrotechnologies and wastewater treatment. view more Credit:...

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — COVID-19 has placed tremendous pressure on health care systems, not only for critical care but...

Black individuals at higher risk for contracting COVID-19, according to new research

Gall fly outmaneuvers host plant in game of "Spy vs. Spy"

IMAGE: In a study, Black race was associated with increased COVID-19 infection risk. view more

that feed on them have been one-upping each other

IMAGE: Over time goldenrod plants and the gall flies in an ongoing...

Credit: ATS July...

Coronavirus: WHO rethinking how Covid19 spreads in air

Coronavirus: Hillingdon Hospital shuts to emergencies after outbreak

The World Health Organization has acknowledged

A west London hospital has been closed to all

there is emerging evidence that the coronavirus can be spread by tiny particles...

emergencies following an outbreak of Covid-19 among its staff. The outbreak...

Care homes face staffing ‘black hole’ with new immigration bill

Nurse and midwife numbers jump by record amount

Care homes could face a staffing “black hole”

Record numbers of nurses and midwives have

because of the impact of the government’s

registered to work in the UK with 18,000 more than

immigration bill,...

a year ago. By the end of...

Coronavirus: Putting hamsters on plane could test transmission Placing hamsters on an aeroplane could be one way

Why are US coronavirus deaths NOT rising after alarming case spikes across the nation?

of examining whether coronavirus can be spread

Between 40,000 and 50,000 Americans have tested

through airborne transmission,...

positive for coronavirus on a daily basis since lateJune, up from a seven-day...

Wearing a face mask decreases your risk of being infected with coronavirus risk by 65%

Coronavirus: New York doctor still has symptoms 100 DAYS on

Wearing a face mask decreases your risk of being

resident at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, began

infected with coronavirus risk by 65%, scientists find


Dr Yochai Re’em (pictured), a third-year psychiatry

There are two main...

Context reduces racial bias in hate speech detection algorithms

Researchers create air filter that can kill the coronavirus

So, perhaps it’s no surprise that social media hate

Zhifeng Ren, director of the Texas Center for

speech detection algorithms, designed to stop the

Superconductivity at UH, collaborated with Monzer

spread of hateful...

Hourani, CEO of Medistar,...

Researchers develop sterilizable, alternative N95 mask

Neutralizing antibodies in the battle against COVID-19

Preliminary findings are published in the British

A team of researchers led by Prof. Florian Klein

Medical Journal Open. “Like many of our

(Cologne University Hospital) and the German

colleagues, when we heard...

Center for Infection Research...

Hearing persists at end of life

People more likely to donate when reminded of own mortality

This research, published recently in Scientific Reports, is the first to investigate hearing in humans when they are close...

The study examines how people respond to “mortality salience” — that is, the uniquely human awareness that...

COVID-19 cases and deaths in federal and state prisons significantly higher than in general U.S. population

Experimental drug shows early promise against inherited form of ALS, trial indicates

The researchers also found the death rate of U.S.

The results of the study, published July 9 in the New

prisoners was 39 deaths per 100,000 prison

England Journal of Medicine, have led to the launch

residents, higher than that...

of a phase 3 clinical...

Study reveals how bacteria build essential carbon-fixing machinery

Study finds decreased rates of high-cost care after a community development initiative

IMAGE: Illustration of a complex carboxysome structure and Rubisco enzymes view more Credit: Luning Liu Scientists...

More than a decade into the community development initiative called Healthy Neighborhoods Healthy Families, the 30-block...

Therapy delivered electronically more effective than face to face: Hamilton researchers

Study: ‘Anti-vaxxers’ gain traction against HPV vaccine on Facebook

Hamilton, ON (July 8, 2020) – Cognitive behavioural

strategic communication in the Missouri School of

therapy delivered electronically to treat people with

Journalism ...

IMAGE: Monique Luisi is an assistant professor of


GSA publishes articles on COVID-19 and aging; plus Spanish translations of infographics

Nurses and midwives take the lead in providing HIV services in Eastern and Southern Africa

The Gerontological Society of America’s highly cited,

July 8, 2020 – “Nurse-initiated and managed

peer-reviewed journals are continuing to publish

antiretroviral therapy” (NIMART) is an innovative

scientific articles...


Drug treatment could improve effectiveness of immunotherapy for cancer patients

Does genomics perpetuate inequality?

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — While

justice, and is creating new forms...

Genomics is crowding out ways of reducing inequality, has thwarted medicine from advancing

immunotherapy — a form of treatment that uses the body’s immune...

Top medical expert warns that thousands of Americans who survived COVID-19 are a ticking time bomb

Matt Hancock apologises to thousands of women harmed by vaginal mesh, primodos and sodium valproate

A doctor who has been studying lung disease for 15

Matt Hancock today apologised to thousands of

years has warned of a looming health crisis that

women harmed by three avoidable health scandals

could overshadow the...

after a damning review into...

NHS hospital in Boris Johnson’s constituency closes A&E due to Covid-19 outbreak

Coronavirus: Heartburn and indigestion drugs may increase risk

NHS hospital in Boris Johnson’s constituency closes

increase the risk of developing coronavirus, a new

AE for emergency admissions after Covid-19

study suggests. Researchers...

Popular indigestion and acid reflux medications may

outbreak leaves 70 staff...

Government’s SAGE group’s role in coronavirus will be ‘downgraded’

Coronavirus could be detected before symptoms by smartwatch

The Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) is to see its role in the

Covid-19 could be detected by wearing a smartwatch that spots the infection days before

coronavirus crisis downgraded...

symptoms occur, scientists claim. Researchers...

Coronavirus UK: 126 new fatalities in preliminary death toll

Care regulator investigated safety at up to 50 nursing homes during England’s Covid-19 crisis

Britain today recorded 126 more Covid-19 deaths as the outbreak continues to fizzle out with the average number of fatalities...

Around 50 care homes were officially investigated by regulators during the Covid-19 crisis because of concerns they weren’t...

Links between parents’ and children’s asthma and allergies

Animals who try to sound ‘bigger’ are good at learning sounds

By the time the children were 6 years old, however,

“If you saw a Chihuahua barking as deep as a

both parents presented the same risk. This suggests that non-genetic...

Rottweiler, you would definitely be surprised,” says Andrea Ravignani,...

New molecular tool precisely edits mitochondrial DNA

The best (and worst) materials for masks

Now, a team at the Broad Institute of MIT and

Amanda Wilson, an environmental health sciences doctoral candidate in the Department of Community,

Harvard and the University of Washington School of

Environment and Policy...

Medicine has broken this...

Researchers propose novel approach to limit organ damage for patients with severe COVID-19

COVID-19 brain complications found across the globe

In a paper published in Cancer and Metastasis

that strokes, delirium and other neurological

Reviews and selected by the journal as the featured

complications are reported...

Published in The Lancet Neurology, the study found

publication, a team of...

How good gut bacteria help reduce the risk for heart disease

‘Bystander Effect’ not exclusive to humans

The bacteria’s activity in the intestines reduces production of a chemical that has been linked to the

The study, titled “The Bystander Effect in Rats,” also demonstrated that in the presence of other potential



CHOP-pioneered spatial mapping method pinpoints potential new therapeutic targets in lupus

Columbia professor confronts healthcare inequality in time of COVID-19

Philadelphia, July 8, 2020 – A team of researchers

to improve the well-being of populations by confronting inequality....

from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)

Kai Ruggeri’s research has one overriding objective:

used a new...

"Protect 30% of the planet for nature," scientists urge in new report In an independent report published today, an

Community and law enforcement partnerships best help kids who witness home violence

analysis from over 100 experts finds the benefits of

The Child Trauma Response Team, an innovative

protecting 30% of the planet...

police and community-based organization partnership, demonstrated success at...

Lung, immune function in kids could protect from severe COVID-19

Stress testing ‘coral in a box’

IMAGE: Study authors compare the physiology of a

location where they were collected and then

pediatric lung and an adult lung. view more Credit: Photo...

subjected to thermal exposures...

Researchers uncover a critical early step of the visual process

First Alaskan juvenile predator fossil adds insight to dino migration

The key components of electrical connections

DALLAS (SMU) – The discovery of the first juvenile

between light receptors in the eye and the impact of

dromaeosaurid lower jaw bone on the North Slope

these connections on the...

of Alaska supports...

New government unit to take over Covid response

Robust plan for PPE ‘must be in place for winter’

The government’s new Joint Biosecurity Centre is to

Supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE)

take a more prominent role in co-ordinating the

must be guaranteed ahead of winter when the UK

response to Covid-19,...

could face a second wave of...

Cumberlege review: The patients who fought for answers

Lives ruined as damage viewed as ‘women’s problems’

Over six decades, three very different treatments

Many lives have been ruined because officials failed

have been the subject of thousands of complaints

to hear the concerns of women given drugs and

from women. Initially,...

procedures that caused...

Health expert claims Americans will be wearing masks for several years

Warning from UN over rise in diseases jumping from animals to humans like Covid-19

IMAGE: Corals are placed in test boxes at the

A health expert with Johns Hopkins University thinks

Viruses jumping from animals to humans are

that Americans will be wearing masks for ‘several

becoming more common, the United Nations has

years’. Eric...

warned. The UN’s environmental...

Fury over ‘utterly disgusting’ decision to stop free hospital parking for NHS workers

Light a critical factor in limiting carbon uptake, even in the north

Fury over ‘utterly disgusting’ decision to stop free

that even when temperatures warm and cold stress

hospital parking for NHS workers once the Covid-19 outbreak...

is limited, light is still...

Motherhood overrides the brain’s decision-making

Probiotics alone or combined with prebiotics may help ease depression

Making decisions requires the medial prefrontal

But as to whether they might help to lessen anxiety

cortex filtering and repressing multiple streams of

isn’t yet clear, say the researchers. Foods that

information. This often...

broaden the profile...

Certain factors during infancy may affect bone health in adulthood

Does early access to pension funds improve health?

In a recent study, breast feeding during infancy was

In a recent study from Singapore, early access to

associated with a lower risk of lower limb fractures

pension wealth was associated with improved health

when children reached...

status. The findings...

The effects of smartphone use on parenting

The story behind a uniquely dark, wetland soil

Parents may worry that spending time on their

IMAGE: Researchers work together to dig a soil pit

smartphones has a negative impact on their

in a slump block wetland in Poly Canyon along the

relationships with their children....

central coast...

Towards climate resilient urban energy systems

New study reveals people more likely to donate when reminded of own mortality

IMAGE: A general framework for assessing the

New research from the UBC Sauder School of

climate resilience of urban energy systems,

Business shows that people are 30 per cent more

illustrating different components...

likely to donate their assets...

Researchers find promising therapy to fight epidemic of liver disease

HKUST researchers discover a novel mechanism regulating planar cell polarity

AURORA, Colo. (July 8, 2020) – In an effort to combat a growing worldwide epidemic of

Planar cell polarity (PCP), a process in which the epithelial tissues are polarized within the plane of

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease...

the epithelium, plays...

‘Silent spreaders’ may account for HALF of all coronavirus cases in the US, study suggests

Common inherited genetic variant identified as frequent cause of deafness in adults

‘Silent spreaders’ may account for HALF of all

Deafness in adults is known to be inherited. But,

coronavirus cases in the US as nearly 50,000

unlike childhood deafness, the genetic causes

people a day test...

largely remain a mystery,...

A key gene modifies regulatory T cells to fine-tune the immune response

Poor sleep at night ‘spills over’ into children’s emotional lives

“Our ultimate goal is to be able to use these genes

Although plenty of correlational research links

that modulate regulatory T cells to interfere with

inadequate sleep with poor emotional health,

autoimmune diseases...

experimental studies in children...

Higher manganese levels in early pregnancy linked to lower preeclampsia risk

Circular RNA makes fruit flies live longer

The study, published online in the journal

Institute for Biology...

A new Columbia Engineering study demonstrates

Carina Weigelt and other researchers in the group led by Linda Partridge, Director at the Max Planck

Epidemiology, suggests the possibility that boosting manganese levels in women...

Metabolomics meets genomics to improve patient diagnosis

Shock-dissipating fractal cubes could forge high-tech armor

At Baylor College of Medicine, Dr. Sarah Elsea and

“The goal of the work is to manipulate the wave

her colleagues have been working on improving

interactions resulting from a shockwave,” said Dana

their ability to identify...


Strain of E. coli may offer protections against its more malevolent cousins

Targeting bacterial biofilm lynchpin prevents, treats recalcitrant biofilmmediated infections

But for more than a century, one strain of the

Chronic and recurrent bacterial diseases are

bacteria, E. coli Nissle 1917, has been used as a

treatment-resistant due to the ability of the

probiotic and therapeutic...

pathogens to establish biofilms,...

Early childhood education centers can boost parents’ engagement at home

Bad E. coli we know, but good E. coli?

COVID-19 has temporarily shuttered many early

PhD, shown in a laboratory at the University of

childhood education centers across the country,

Cincinnati. view...

IMAGE: Alison Weiss, PhD, and Suman Pradhan,

shifting full-time child care...

Famous ‘Jurassic Park’ dinosaur is less lizard, more bird

New study detects ringing of the global atmosphere

From movies to museum exhibits, the dinosaur

IMAGE: A checkerboard pattern of low (blue) and

Dilophosaurus is no stranger to pop culture. Many

high (red) pressure areas moving eastward through

probably remember it best...

time, generated by...

Milk lipids follow the evolution of mammals

Men and younger adults less active in lockdown

IMAGE: Skoltech scientists conducted a study of

New research published in the journal BMJ Open

milk lipids and described the unique features of

Sport and Exercise Medicine indicates that men and

human breast milk...

younger adults have been...

Algae species discovered infesting NW Hawaiian waters has been identified

Coronavirus: Three England pubs close after positive tests

IMAGE: The new species of algae at Pearl and Hermes Atoll. view more Credit: Photo courtesy:

Media captionJess Green from Lighthouse Kitchen: “We could have opened today but chose not to as I



Coronavirus: Spanish study casts doubt on herd immunity feasibility

Coronavirus: Trump moves to pull US out of World Health Organization

A Spanish study has cast doubt on the feasibility of

President Donald Trump has formally moved to

herd immunity as a way of tackling the coronavirus pandemic. The study...

withdraw the US from the World Health Organization (WHO). The president had...

Coronavirus: Majority testing positive have no symptoms

Coronavirus US: Masks must be mandatory, says Harvard doctor

Only 22% of people testing positive for coronavirus

Harvard doctor says the US needs a mandatory

reported having symptoms on the day of their test,

mask order across ALL states to combat rise of

according to the Office...

coronavirus and prevent hospitals...

Coronavirus: 87% of meat workers infected were minorities

BAME people are up to ‘FOUR TIMES more likely to have Covid-19’

REVEALED: 87% of meat and poultry plant workers

Black and Asian Britons are up to four times more

who were infected with coronavirus were minorities,

likely to have had already fought off the coronavirus,

CDC report finds More...

official data today...

Cold temperatures in winter WILL increase the spread of COVID-19, research confirms

Devon woman sews 100 transparent face masks for deaf people

Cold temperatures in winter WILL increase the spread of COVID-19, research confirms Experts

allow deaf people to lip read and feel ‘safe and

A woman has sewn 100 transparent face masks to included’ amid...

from India compared each country’s...

Coronavirus UK: South West will be hardest hit by second wave Britain’s stay-cation hotspots of Devon, Cornwall and Dorset will be hit the hardest by a second wave of coronavirus,...

British officials WILL consider telling people to wear face coverings in public, Matt Hancock says Matt Hancock today revealed the government will look again at whether people in England should wear face coverings or masks...

Brain structural elements in psychiatric disorders The work, led by Bernhard T. Baune, MD, PhD, and Udo Dannlowski, MD, PhD, University of Münster, Germany, appears in Biological...

Engineered killer immune cells target tumors and their immunosuppressive allies The engineered cell therapy could be used as an alternative approach for treating cancer in patients for whom previous immunotherapy...

Flu in early life determines our susceptibility to future infections

Interplay of impact, moral goals influences charitable giving to different causes

The findings may help improve estimates of both the age-specific risk of acquiring seasonal influenza

An appeal to morality can persuade people to make donations that benefit recipients halfway around the

infections and vaccine...

world — even...

Women’s egg quality dependent on metabolic factors

Dopamine neurons mull over your options

In the world’s most in-depth study of the final steps

Although the choices we make are rarely as

of egg maturation, the quality of a woman’s eggs was found...

dramatic as Indiana’s, the ability to evaluate options and choose the one...

Desk-based jobs may offer protection against poor cognition in later life Lack of physical activity and exercise are known risk

Our animal inheritance: Humans perk up their ears, too, when they hear interesting sounds

factors for major health conditions, including

Asking children to ‘perk up their ears’ means asking

cognitive impairments...

them to listen intently. Nobody seriously thinks that kids...

The complex relationship between deforestation and diet diversity in the Amazon

Boron nitride destroys PFAS ‘forever’ chemicals PFOA, GenX

IMAGE: Commercial agriculture, such as palm oil

photocatalysis that destroys the pollutant PFOA in

and cocoa plantations, is expanding along the Amazonian forest frontier. ...

water. view more Credit:...

Study reveals science behind traditional mezcal-making technique

Neurons show distinct styles as they interact with the same muscle partner

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Artisanal

IMAGE: The left panel shows the “tonic ” neuron

makers of mezcal have a tried and true way to tell

(stained green) innervating just one muscle on the

when the drink has...


COVID-19 in patients who have received kidney transplants or are undergoing dialysis

New link between calcium and cardiolipin in heart defects

Highlights A recent study found that most kidney

production defects in heart muscles result in a

transplant recipients with COVID-19 do not need to

variety of cardiac diseases. Texas...

IMAGE: An illustration of the boron nitride

The heart needs energy to pump blood. So, energy

be hospitalized. Another...

Custom nanoparticle regresses tumors when exposed to light

Scientists offer roadmap for studying link between climate and armed conflict

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A unique nanoparticle to deliver a localized cancer treatment inhibits tumor

MIAMI–Climate change–from rising temperatures and more severe heavy rain, to drought–is

growth in mice,...

increasing risks...

Hydroxychloroquine given to 300k more patients than usual

Coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine trialled over better treatments

Prescriptions for two anti-malaria drugs to treat the

More than 1,200 studies looking at treatment and

novel coronavirus soared by hundreds of thousands in March, a new study...

prevention of coronavirus are often too small to provide conclusive results...

Help us crown your NHS hero as explorer Robin Hanbury-Tenison, 83, salutes team who saved his life

Coronavirus UK: Big outbreaks inevitable if rules aren’t kept to

Today, the Daily Mail proudly launches our 2020

if people continue to flout social distancing rules,...

Britain will inevitably suffer ‘big’ Covid-19 outbreaks

Health Hero Awards, in partnership with eBay and NHS Charities Together. We...

Coronavirus UK: Contact tracing app ‘urgent’ say NHS chiefs

Three pubs are forced to close because customers test positive for coronavirus

A contact tracing app is ‘urgent and important’ and

Three pubs are forced to close because customers

will be able to do jobs that human employees

test positive for coronavirus just TWO days after


they reopened on Super...

Boris Johnson accuses care home bosses of failing to look after their residents during the pandemic

Where to buy face masks in the UK: Best re-usable and surgical face coverings online

Boris Johnson has refused to apologise for blaming

Where to buy face masks in the UK: Doctor reveals

care homes for their residents dying in Britain’s

how a face covering protects you and others – and

Covid-19 crisis...

shares how to take...

Injections much safer when nurses use revamped guidelines

Common hypertension medications may reduce colorectal cancer risk

The Bath study, funded by the National Institute for

Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-i) or

Health Research (NIHR), found that hospital nurses

angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) medications

make far fewer mistakes...

are prescribed for conditions...

How the body regulates scar tissue growth after heart attacks

Coronary calcium scoring: Personalized preventive care for those most at risk

Once formed, heart scar tissue remains for life,

The American Heart Association, American College

reducing the heart’s ability to pump blood and

of Cardiology and 10 other medical organizations

adding strain to the...

published a Guideline in...

Nutrients in microalgae: An environmentally friendly alternative to fish

New study sparks fresh call for seagrass preservation

Microalgae could provide an alternative source of

meadows have been estimated to store CO2 in their

healthy omega-3 fatty acids for humans while also

soils about 30...

IMAGE: Known as ‘Blue Carbon’, seagrass

being more environmentally...

Fighting E. coli with E. coli Washington, DC – July 7, 2020 – According to findings published this week in mBio, Nissle, a strain of Escherichia...

Mental health benefits of parks dimmed by safety concerns No matter how close parks are to home, perceptions of park-centered crime may keep New Yorkers from using them. Researchers...

The risk of cerebral palsy linked to IVF has more than halved in the past two decades

Measuring tape is a critical tool for following Zika virus-exposed children

7 July 2020: Fifteen years ago a large population

identifying which children could develop neurological

study from Denmark found a significantly increased

and developmental abnormalities...

A simple measuring tape could be the key to

risk of cerebral palsy...

Repurposing public health systems to decode COVID-19

Microplastic pollution harms lobster larvae, study finds

Existing public health monitoring systems in the UK, could improve understanding of the risk factors

IMAGE: Accumulated microplastic fibers are visible under this larval lobster’s carapace. New research

associated with severe...

shows that...

Kettering General Hospital: Police to probe waiting list figures

Coronavirus: Fear over rise in animal-tohuman diseases

Police have launched an investigation into

Zoonotic diseases – which jump from animals to

allegations a hospital manipulated waiting list

humans – are increasing and will continue to do so

figures, the BBC has learned. It...

without action...

Can shining a light in your ear REALLY stop you feeling tired?

Hi-tech T-shirt packed with tiny sensors that can help diagnose the menopause

Can a gadget, supplement or even chewing gum

A hi-tech T-shirt packed with tiny sensors could

stop you feeling tired? Dr Najia Shaikh, an NHS GP

make it easier to diagnose whether a woman has

based in London and at...

started the menopause. The...

Superbugs pose a grave threat to Britain’s cancer patients, experts fear We are in the middle of a coronavirus pandemic, yet

How can I avoid a knee replacement? DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

some of Britain’s leading infection experts are quietly

I have osteoarthritis in both knees and have been

asking an astonishing...

taking anti-inflammatory medication and trying to exercise, but the pain...

How long before babies are grown in ziplock bags?

Fair, female and 40

In the concluding extract from her compelling new book, JENNY KLEEMAN delves into what the future

than childbirth, writes Julie Cook, pictured above

The pain radiating from my abdomen was worse The pain radiating...

holds for reproduction,...

Why squatting stretches could add years to your life Sitting for long periods is bad for your health,

Herd immunity to coronavirus may be ‘unachievable’ because 5% of people in Spain have antibodies

increasing the risk of obesity, heart disease and type

Coronavirus herd immunity may be ‘unachievable’:

2 diabetes. But you...

Only 5% of people in Spain developed antibodies three months...

Location, location, location: Even gut immune response is site-specific Scientists are now able to generate miniature versions of practically any organ of our bodies — including skin, brain...

Pioneering brain haemorrhage treatment reduces long-term disability in premature babies The surgical technique called ‘Drainage, Irrigation and Fibrinolytic Therapy’ (DRIFT), is the first and only...

Targeted deep brain stimulation to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder

Owner behavior affects effort and accuracy in dogs’ communications

A person with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

On this basis, researchers designed an experiment

experiences unwanted thoughts and behaviors, the urge for which they find...

that would examine the factors influencing the form, effort and success...

Consumers prefer round numbers even when the specific number is better news

Neurobiology: How much oxygen does the brain need?

This concept is a real-life application of recent

The brain requires a disproportionate amount of

findings from Gaurav Jain, an assistant professor of

energy compared to its body mass. This energy is

marketing in the Lally...

mainly generated by aerobic...

Age-related impairments reversed in animal model

New class of safer analgesics discovered

Important role of belly fat in aging processes

professor in the Department of Surgery and

identified Researchers from the Department for

Program Director of the Vascular...

The research team, led by Drs. Hernan A. Bazan, a

BioMedical Reserarch (DBMR)...

U of SC: How non-alcoholic fatty liver disease causes Alzheimer’s-like neuroinflammation

Liquid crystal integrated metalens for versatile color focus

COLUMBIA, SC — Research from University of South Carolina associate professor Saurabh

for the advance of planar optics. Among various

The development of metasurfaces opened a horizon metadevices, the metalens...

Chatterjee’s laboratory...

Running in Tarahumara culture “Running in Tarahumara (Rarámuri) Culture,” just

Asthma and allergies more common in ‘night owl’ teens: study

published in Current Anthropology (v61, no. 3 (June

Teenagers who prefer to stay up late at night and


sleep in late the next day are more likely to develop asthma and allergies...

Group genomics drive aggression in honey bees CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Researchers often study the

New room-temperature liquid-metal battery could be the path to powering the future

genomes of individual organisms to try to tease out

Researchers in the Cockrell School of Engineering

the relationship...

at The University of Texas at Austin have built a new type of battery that...

Incoming CEOs with premium pay packages perform accordingly, study shows

Nematode has potential to reduce cotton yields by 50 percent

The average pay package for CEOs at top U.S.

cultivar 43 days after planting in 2018. The left two

companies surpassed $12 million last year, according to the latest Associated...

rows shown in...

Coronavirus US: Death toll at 30k as Florida and Texas suffer More than 130,000 Americans have now died of

UK Government ‘panic bought’ £13.4million worth of Roche’s coronavirus antibody tests

coronavirus, and 14 states have hit record-high

The Department of Health has been accused of

numbers of new daily infections...

‘panic buying’ coronavirus antibody tests from the

IMAGE: Trial plot containing Croplan 3885 B2XF


Another 35,000 cancer patients could die in a year due to Covid delays A warning that another 35,000 cancer patients could die in a year due to treatment delays caused by Covid-19 has prompted...

Genes that raise the risk of dying from Covid-19 ‘were inherited from NEANDERTHALS’ People may be at a greater risk of dying of coronavirus if they have carry a certain set of genes that was inherited from...

Coronavirus: Empty middle plane seats could HALVE spread risk

Coronavirus England: NHS and care workers a TENTH of May cases

Keeping the middle seat empty on airplanes halves the risk of passengers getting infected with the

Nine out of 10 health and care workers who caught the coronavirus got it at work, according to a report

coronavirus, a study has...

published today. And...

Coronavirus UK: 15 new fatalities in preliminary death toll

Is Merthyr Tydfil the UK’s new coronavirus hotspot?

Britain today recorded 16 more coronavirus deaths,

Merthyr Tydfil is the UK’s new coronavirus hotspot,

including none in Scotland, Wales or Northern

according to official figures that show the Welsh

Ireland as the outbreak...

borough currently...

One in five Georgian Londoners had syphilis by their mid-30s The same study shows that Georgian Londoners

People with high cholesterol should eliminate carbs, not saturated fat, study suggests

were over twice as likely to be treated for the

Familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disorder

disease as people living in...

that causes people to have cholesterol levels 2-4 times higher than the...

Order from noise: How randomness and collective dynamics define a stem cell

Novel protein drives cancer progression

Stem cells are central to organ development and

represses a process called adenosine-to-inosine (A-

renewal. In most organs, stem cells are located in

to-I) RNA editing that...

The protein, death associated protein 3 (DAP3),

specific regions and,...

Compounds halt SARS-CoV-2 replication by targeting key viral enzyme

Researchers develop software to find drug-resistant bacteria

University of South Florida Health (USF Health) Morsani College of Medicine scientists recently

The program could make it easier to identify the deadly antimicrobial resistant bacteria that exist in

worked with colleagues at...

the environment. Such...

New connection between the eyes and touch discovered “The fact that tiny eye movements can hinder our

What ethical models for autonomous vehicles don’t address, and how they could be better

ability to discriminate tactile stimuli, and that the

For example, let’s say that there is an autonomous


vehicle with no passengers and it is about to crash into a car containing...

Yellow pond-lily prefers cyclic flowers to spiral ones

What ethical models for autonomous vehicles don’t address

Biologists from Lomonosov Moscow State University

There’s a fairly large flaw in the way that

and HSE University have studied the patterns of

programmers are currently addressing ethical

flower development in yellow...

concerns related to artificial...

Researchers develop novel approach to modeling yet-unconfirmed rare nuclear process

When it comes to DNA repair, it’s not one tool fits all

IMAGE: Researchers have developed a new

DNA molecule – our genetic code – sometimes gets

approach to model a yet-unconfirmed rare nuclear process. The binary code (1,...


Global success for Canadian companies depends on prior R&D investment, receptiveness to new learning

To let neurons talk, immune cells clear paths through brain’s ‘scaffolding’

IMAGE: Walid Hejazi is an Associate Professor of

find one another. Small protrusions that bud out from

Economic Analysis and Policy at the University of

the ends of neurons’...

Our cells are constantly dividing, and as they do, the

To make new memories, our brain cells first must


Do we know what we want in a romantic partner? No more than a random stranger would

A different Chia-PET provides insight into prostate cancer

We all can describe our ideal partner. Perhaps they

genome organization maps obtained form a

are funny, attractive and inquisitive. Or maybe they are down-to-earth,...

representative metastatic...

Can we holiday with another family? And other questions

What is bubonic plague?

IMAGE: This graphic illustrates three-dimensional

The prime minister has announced major changes

A suspected case of bubonic plague has been reported to Chinese authorities. It is not known how

to the lockdown in England from 4 July. BBC News

the patient became infected,...

answers questions about...

PM joins nationwide clap on NHS 72nd anniversary

Coronavirus could cause 35,000 extra UK cancer deaths, experts warn

Media captionPeople have been applauding the

Delays to cancer diagnosis and treatment due to

NHS in a range of locations The prime minister has

coronavirus could cause thousands of excess

joined a nationwide...

deaths in the UK within a year,...

Flashes bright when squeezed tight: How single-celled organisms light up the oceans

Simulations shows magnetic field can change 10 times faster than previously thought

Research explains how a unicellular marine

A new study by the University of Leeds and

organism generates light as a response to mechanical stimulation, lighting up...

University of California at San Diego reveals that changes in the direction of...

Cancer treatment in young women need not mean the end of their fertility

Asthma does not seem to increase the severity of COVID-19

This press release is in support of a presentation by

Asthma does not appear to increase the risk for a

Dr Dalia Khalife presented online at the 36th Annual

person contracting COVID-19 or influence its

Meeting of ESHRE. 6...

severity, according to a team...

Cell ‘membrane on a chip’ could speed up screening of drug candidates for COVID-19

Injections are two-and-a-half times safer when nurses use revamped guidelines

IMAGE: Researchers have developed a human cell

when nurses use revamped guidelines. view more

‘membrane on a chip’ that allows continuous

Credit: Gustavo...

IMAGE: Injections are two-and-a-half times safer

monitoring of...

Epigenetics: What the embryo can teach us about cell reprogramming

Harmful microbes found on sewer pipe walls

IMAGE: Heterochromatin in the early embryo. view

IMAGE: A combined sewer overflow outfall. view

more Credit: Helmholtz Zentrum München Prof.

more Credit: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Can antibiotic-resistant...

Teens who go to bed late and sleep-in are nearly three times more likely to get asthma, experts find

Pet dogs may improve social-emotional development in young children

Teens who go to bed late and sleep-in are nearly

better social and emotional wellbeing than children from households who do...

three times more likely to have asthma, experts find

Young children from dog-owning households have

Scientists found a...

Asthma and allergies more common in teens who stay up late

The latest findings on the MOSAiC floe

Teenagers who prefer to stay up late and wake later

June 30, 2020. view more Credit: Photo: Alfred-

in the morning are more likely to suffer with asthma


IMAGE: MOSAiC ice floe during Cruise Leg 4 on

and allergies compared...

‘Biologically relevant’ levels of a fertility hormone are detected in human hair samples

‘Biologically relevant’ levels of a fertility hormone are detected in human hair samples

Anti-Mullerian hormone — or AMH — has become a key marker in the assessment of how women may

This press release is in support of a poster presentation from Mr Sarthak Sawarkar and

respond to fertility...

colleagues presented online at the...

Coronavirus doctor’s diary: A ‘dying’ patient’s miraculous recovery

Coronavirus: Snacking and family meals increase in lockdown

When Mohammed Azeem arrived in Bradford Royal

Changes in young people’s eating habits, tracked

Infirmary he was in critical state, with far too little

during the lockdown in England, show both

oxygen in his blood...

increases in snacking and...

NHS anniversary: PM joins clap to celebrate health service

University of Oregon scientists dissociate water apart efficiently with new catalysts

Media captionPeople have been applauding the

IMAGE: Research in a University of Oregon

NHS in a range of locations The prime minister has

chemistry lab has advanced the effectiveness of the

joined a nationwide...

catalytic water dissociation...

Evolution of loss of smell or taste in COVID-19

Decontamination methods for reuse of filtering facepiece respirators

What The Study Did: This survey-based study

What The Article Says: Studies describing various

examines the clinical course of the loss of sense of

methods of decontamination to allow safe reuse of

smell and taste in a case...

N95 respirators are...

Effect of COVID-19, pandemics on global surgical outreach What The Viewpoint Says: How surgical global health programs are affected by the COVID pandemic and why global surgical outreach...

COVID-19 pandemic: Opportunity to reduce, eliminate low-value practices in oncology? What The Viewpoint Says: How the COVID-19 pandemic can reshape care in patients with cancer to focus on discouraging unnecessary...

Rising water temperatures could endanger the mating of many fish species

Fans love musicians’ personalities as much as their music

Because fish that are ready to mate and their young

Why do you like the music you do? You would think

are especially sensitive to changes in temperature,

that it is because of the music itself. But that’s only

in the future up...

half the...

New guidelines for children and adolescents with T2D IMAGE: A team of paediatric specialists, including

Surge in domestic child abuse during pandemic, reports specialist UK children’s hospital

an expert from the University of Adelaide, has

There has been a surge in domestic child abuse

produced new guidelines...

during the coronavirus pandemic, suggests the experience of one specialist...

New platform gauges effects of plastic nanoparticles on human development and health

Targeting deep areas of the skeletal muscles effectively alleviates postoperative pain

IMAGE: Corresponding author Miodrag Stojkovic,

CHICAGO (July 2, 2020): Postoperative pain can

Ph.D., DVM. view more Credit: AlphaMed Press Durham, NC –...

pose a number of challenges for surgical patients and their care providers....

Risk of ischemic stroke in patients with COVID-19 compared with influenza What The Study Did: This observational study

Ceftolozane/tazobactam: New treatment option for severe infections, but no proof of superiority

compares the rate of ischemic stroke among

The combination of ceftolozane with tazobactam

patients with COVID-19 compared with...

broadens the range of antibiotic therapy in adults with severe infections...

Spintronics: Faster data processing through ultrashort electric pulses

Fluorine enables separation-free ‘chiral chromatographic analysis’

Physicists at Martin Luther University Halle-

IMAGE: Mechanism and utilities of the 19F NMR-

Wittenberg (MLU) and Lanzhou University in China

based separation-free enantiodifferentiation. view

developed a simple concept...

more Credit:...

A path to new nanofluidic devices applying spintronics technology

Coronavirus: Cardiff man meets doctor who saved his life

Researchers in the ERATO Saitoh Spin Quantum Rectification Project in the JST Strategic Basic

Media captionDavide Compagnone returned from the brink of death after a struggle with coronavirus

Research Programs have elucidated...

Covid-19 survivor...

Coronavirus: Why disabled people are calling for a Covid-19 inquiry

Coronavirus: NHS England launches tool to aid long-term recovery

As a disabled woman, Ginny Butcher is roughly 11

NHS England is launching a new service for people

times more likely to die from coronavirus than her peers. New figures also...

with ongoing health problems after having coronavirus. The government says...

NHS anniversary: PM to join nationwide clap to celebrate health service The prime minister will join a nation-wide round of

VINDICATED: The women left in agony by vaginal mesh but were told they were imagining it

clapping later to pay tribute to NHS staff on the 72nd

They were questioned, doubted, ignored and

anniversary of...

sidelined – often by the very doctors they begged for help. But now, thousands...

DR ELLIE CANNON: Lockdowns help to avoid a second wave Last week, I put my neck on the line and make a

HEALTH NOTES: Thousands of children miss out on jabs because their mothers have mental health issues

prediction: that there would be no second wave in

HEALTH NOTES: Thousands of children miss out

this pandemic. I wasn’t...

on jabs because their mothers ‘have mental health problems’ By Mail...

Breast cancer patients to be spared surgery thanks to ‘magnetic’ seed smaller than a grain of rice

BARNEY CALMAN: Cystic fibrosis sufferers finally get ‘wonder drug’ after endless talks

Advanced breast cancer patients may be spared

Dare we dream? Amid the flurry of tweets in

debilitating surgery thanks to a magnetic ‘seed’ implanted in the...

response to our articles over the past fortnight that predicted the Government...

Antioxidant treatment in acute ischemic stroke may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s dementia

Mothering in domestic violence: Protecting children behind closed doors

IMAGE: With normal ageing oxidative stress

domestic violence during the pandemic, researchers

increases and is involved in causing degenerative

at the University of South...

As emerging data shows an alarming rise of

diseases like Alzheimer’s...

The protein that stands between us and autoimmunity IMAGE: Tet2/3-deficient B cells are activated by selfantigen and express exaggerated amount of CD86. Then those B...

Oat and rye bran fibres alter gut microbiota, reducing weight gain and hepatic inflammation In a newly published experimental study, the consumption of dietary fibre from oat and rye brans supported the growth of...

New weapons for fighting Devil disease

Climate change threat to tropical plants

Researchers at the University of Tasmania’s

Tropical plants closer to the equator are most at risk

Menzies Institute for Medical Research and the

from climate change because it is expected to

School of Medicine have...

become too hot for many...

Thermophones offer new route to radically simplify array design, research shows

Abnormal proteins in the gut could contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s Disease

IMAGE: Thermophones offer new route to radically

A new study published in the Journal of Physiology

simplify array design, research shows. view more

has shown that misfolded protein build-up in the gut


could contribute...

Science fiction becomes fact — Teleportation helps to create live musical performance

New candidate for raw material synthesis through gene transfer

IMAGE: Dr Alexis Kirke (right) and soprano Juliette

hydrogen – natural gene transfer could make this

Pochin during the first duet between a live singer

possible. view...

IMAGE: Cyanobacteria producing ethanol or

and a quantum...

Typhoon changed earthquake patterns IMAGE: Images from a satellite (LANDSAT) show massive erosion after the typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan. This influenced...

Algae as living biocatalysts for a green industry IMAGE: Algae hold great potential for environmentally friendly energy production. view more Credit: RUB, Marquard Better...

Arctic plants may not provide predicted carbon sequestration potential

The lightest shielding material in the world

IMAGE: Scientists Dr Mike Billett and Dr Lorna

IMAGE: A sample of the electromagnetic shielding

Street conduct measurements of ecosystem level fluxes of carbon dioxide,...

material made by Empa – a composite of cellulose nanofibres...

New algorithm for personalized models of human cardiac electrophysiology Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics

Marine alga from the Kiel Fjord discovered as a remedy against infections and skin cancer

and Technology, Kazan Federal University, and

IMAGE: Baltic Sea seaweed Fucus vesiculosus and

George Washington University...

its fungal symbiont were investigated in this study. view more Credit:...

Coronavirus: How those missed off the shielding list have fared in lockdown

Coronavirus: ‘I felt least afraid when the pandemic started’

As the coronavirus outbreak spread across the UK

Seaneen Molloy’s panic attacks stopped when the

in the spring, about two million people with certain

coronavirus pandemic started. But as restrictions

health conditions were...

begin to ease, the...

Coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine trial to restart

NHS anniversary: Landmarks to be lit up in weekend of celebration

Trials of the controversial anti-malarial drug taken by US President Donald Trump to try to prevent

Dozens of landmarks across the country will be lit up blue later to mark 72 years since the founding of the

catching coronavirus...

NHS. Ahead of...

National survey on COVID-19 pandemic shows significant mental health impact

Social media and radiology — The good, the bad, and the ugly

Boston – The findings of a nationwide survey

New Orleans, LA – Bradley Spieler, MD, Vice

assessing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on

Chairman of Radiology Research at LSU Health

the emotional wellbeing...

New Orleans School of Medicine,...

"Targeting peptide" discovery offers hope as new, highly effective anti-inflammatory

Nitrous oxide may bring relief to veterans suffering from PTSD, new study suggests

TORONTO, ON (June 30, 2020) — A collaboration

A new pilot study by the University of Chicago

between the University of Toronto’s Faculty of

Medicine and the Stanford University School of

Dentistry and the...

Medicine team from the VA Palo...

Unprecedented ground-based discovery of 2 strongly interacting exoplanets

Gender gaps in STEM college majors emerge in high school

IMAGE: Artistic view of the strongly interacting

ITHACA, N.Y. – Although studies have shown that

exoplanetary system WASP-148. The planet WASP148c is shown in front....

women are more likely than men to enter and complete college in U.S....

A scientific measure of dog years

Call for immunology to return to the wild

IMAGE: This graphic depicts the epigenetic translation from dog age to human age. view more

In an article published today in Science, a multidisciplinary research team from more than 10

Credit: Ideker...

universities and research institutes...

DR MAX PEMBERTON: Why that drip-drip of nagging damages your health

Findings weaken notion that size equals strength for neural connections

Why don’t you ever listen to me? How many times

Two classic forms of synaptic plasticity are that

do I have to tell you not to do that? No one likes to be nagged. And yet...

synapses either get stronger or weaker and that the tiny spine structures...

Novel software reveals molecular barcodes that distinguish different cell types

Telehealth is an important tool for rural hospitals in treating COVID-19, research shows

To better understand how epigenetic regulation

Neeraj Puro, Ph.D., and Scott Feyereisen, Ph.D.,

works, researchers study DNA methylation signals

say the research can help U.S. hospitals understand

in whole genome datasets....

the extent to which...

Clinical-grade wearables offer continuous monitoring for COVID-19

New approach to treating certain neurological diseases

The Northwestern team, led by bioelectronics

Using mouse models, the researchers identified and

pioneer John A. Rogers, published a perspective

validated a new treatment target — a toxic protein

today (July 1) in the journal...

resulting from...

How the body fights off urinary tract infections

Oropharyngeal secretions may help reduce false negative COVID-19 test results

But the exact process by which uromodulin prevents inflammation had never been understood. Now an interdisciplinary team,...

Alexandria, Va., USA — As the global battle to understand and eliminate the coronavirus continues, a new study published...

Study supports link between COVID-19 and "COVID Toes"

Significant association between income and survival after surgery for lung cancer

There’s considerable controversy over whether

IMAGE: Veronica Jackson, MD, PhD at the

“COVID toes”–red sores or lesions on the feet and

Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery,


Karolinska Institutet. ...

States with highest income inequality experienced a larger number of COVID-19 deaths

Good news and bad news: Changing trends in cardiovascular disease in Canada

FINDINGS States with the highest level of income

IMAGE: New analysis of hospital trends over 10

inequality had a larger number of COVID-19-related

years provides a starting point for post-pandemic

deaths compared with...

healthcare planning....

Flexible material shows potential for use in fabrics to heat, cool

Stellar fireworks celebrate birth of giant cluster

A film made of tiny carbon nanotubes (CNT) may be

IMAGE: Image of star cluster G286.21+0.17, caught

a key material in developing clothing that can heat or cool the wearer...

in the act of formation. This is a multiwavelength mosaic of more...

Stemming the spread of misinformation on social media

Coronavirus: Sniffer dogs trial going ‘very well’

The bad news, not that anyone needs more of it:

A trial to see whether dogs can detect coronavirus is

The dangers of COVID-19 could worsen if

going “very well”, according to the charity behind it.

misinformation on social media continues...


Public not asked for addresses for weeks during virus tests

Coronavirus: Almost 30,000 ‘excess’ care homes deaths

People being tested for coronavirus in England were

Almost 30,000 more care home residents in England

not asked to provide addresses for weeks during the

and Wales died during the coronavirus outbreak

height of the pandemic,...

than during the same period...

Coronavirus: ‘Right thing’ to be part of plasma trial

50% fewer COVID-19 patients died when treated with hydroxychloroquine

Media captionAnn “felt so well” after being given plasma from patients who recovered from Covid-19

After repeated failures in previous research, a new study suggests hydroxychloroquine can improve


survival odds for some...

Labour calls for free flu jabs for over-50s to prevent second Covid-19 wave combined with influenza

Britons should be encouraged to have sex or masturbate in lockdown to be happy, researchers say

Labour has urged for all over-50s to receive a free

Brits should be encouraged to have sex or

flu vaccine to prevent a ‘perfect storm’ of a winter

masturbate to counteract the damaging effects of


lockdown on mental health, experts...

One in 10 Covid patients who lose their taste and smell may never get it back

Coronavirus UK: Daily death toll has stopped falling as quickly

Data gathered by the organisation ENT UK, which

Britain’s daily Covid-19 death toll has stopped falling

represents ear, nose and throat specialists,

as quickly and the number of cases has continued to

suggests the inability to smell...


Coronavirus UK: 137 new fatalities London’s R rate may have crept above the dreaded

Grant Shapps will FINALLY unveil ‘safe’ countries for holidays TODAY

level of one, government scientists warned today

Sun-hungry Britons plan to defy the government’s

amid fears the outbreak...

holiday ban on Portugal after the popular destination was left off...

How does our brain fold? Study reveals new genetic insights Misfolding of the brain is linked with many neurological conditions including autism, anorexia, epilepsy and schizophrenia. Premature...

Stretching your legs may help prevent diseases such as heart diseases and diabetes Passive stretching differs from active stretching in that the former involves an external force (another person or gravity)...

Implicit bias against women: Men more likely than women to be seen as brilliant

Understanding the circadian clocks of individual cells

The research, which appears in the Journal of

Scientists have long known that organisms across

Experimental Social Psychology, was conducted by

the spectrum of life have internal clocks — with

scientists at New York University,...

cycles about as long...

Anaplasmosis bacterium tinkers with tick’s gene expression to spread to new hosts

New light-based method for faster and ‘green’ production of building blocks for medicines

In the United States, new cases of tick-borne diseases, such as anaplasmosis, Lyme disease and

In modern society, gaseous alkanes like propane, isobutane, and methane are regularly combusted for

babesiosis, are on the rise....

energy. These relatively...

Scientists reveal why tummy bugs are so good at swimming through your gut

Patients may be exposed to hormonedisrupting chemicals in medication, medical supplies

The findings could potentially help scientists halt the bacteria in its tracks, because they show how the shape of the bacteria’s...

Exposure to EDCs, chemicals that disrupt the body’s natural hormones, is most often associated with industrial pollution,...

Early marriage may lead to unsafe drinking behavior by those with higher genetic risk

Moss protein corrects genetic defects of other plants

The finding follows previous research that found

RNA editors correct specific errors in the

marriage protects against risky alcohol use and

mitochondria and chloroplasts. ...

IMAGE: (here called RNA editor) with its target site.

moderates genetic influences...

New method measures temperature within 3D objects

First evidence of snake-like venom glands found in amphibians

MADISON, Wis. — University of Wisconsin-Madison

IMAGE: This image shows a general view of the

engineers have made it possible to remotely determine the temperature...

ringed caecilian, Siphonops annulatus. view more Credit: Carlos...

Scientific ‘red flag’ reveals new clues about our galaxy, Embry-Riddle researcher says

‘Fang’tastic: researchers report amphibians with snake-like dental glands

Figuring out how much energy permeates the center

caecilian, Siphonops annulatus, reveals snake-like

of the Milky Way–a discovery reported in the July 3

dental glands....

IMAGE: A magnified image of the mouth of a ringed

edition of the...

Getting a grasp on India’s malaria burden IMAGE: Researchers experimentally infected liver

Protective antibodies identified for rare, polio-like disease in children

cells with mosquito-bred parasites, and

IMAGE: Antibodies for respiratory virus that can

characterized the vivax malaria...

cause a rare polio-like disease that causes paralysis in children...

Coronavirus UK: Resident risk homelessness if care homes fail

Could a pill made from gut bacteria treat Covid-19?

Care home residents are at risk of becoming

A pill made from gut bacteria is being tested by

‘homeless’ if the Government doesn’t prevent the

British scientists as a treatment for coronavirus. In a

collapse of...

trial launched today,...

Trump claims the ‘coronavirus death rate is down’ despite startling data that it’s RISING again

Three in four DIY swab kits are NOT being used despite being included in Government’s testing tally

Donald Trump boldly claimed the coronavirus death

Just one in four DIY Covid-19 swabs are actually

rate is ‘down’ in the US, even though startling data,

being used despite being included in the


Government’s daily figures,...

Lung infections including Covid-19 HALVED in a week in hospitals and care homes in England

One care home resident died every minute during peak of the Covid-19 crisis

The number Covid-19-like outbreaks has doubled in

and Wales at the peak of the coronavirus crisis in

workplaces across England as shops reopen and

mid-April, shocking...

A care home resident died every minute in England

lockdown loosens, data revealed...

Coronavirus England: 34 areas where cases have RISEN recently

Using cellular networks to detect at-risk areas for spread of COVID-19

Thirty-four areas in England have seen coronavirus infection rates rise in the past week, fuelling

Led by Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Edwin Chong, the team is drawing on

concerns that more places...

data from existing cellular wireless...

Seeing is believing: Effectiveness of facemasks

Countries group into clusters as COVID19 outbreak spreads

Research from Florida Atlantic University’s College

The data comes from Our World in Data

of Engineering and Computer Science, just

(, a project of the

published in the journal...

Global Change Data Lab, a registered...

Is not helping a bad person good or bad?

Smart structures: Structural cells of the body control immune function

People can engage in cooperative behavior even among strangers with no direct expectation of personal benefit. For such cooperative...

Structural cells provide essential building blocks of the body and play an important role in shaping the structure of tissue...

Infant sleep problems can signal mental disorders in adolescents A team at the University of Birmingham’s School of

Materials scientists drill down to vulnerabilities involved in human tooth decay

Psychology studied questionnaire data from the

Dental caries — better known as tooth decay — is

Children of the 90s,...

the breakdown of teeth due to bacteria. (“Caries”...

How a mutation on the novel coronavirus has come to dominate the globe

How that preprint about a ‘more contagious strain’ of coronavirus changed in peer review

IMAGE: By mid-March, the G variant dominated around the world. view more Credit: La Jolla Institute for Immunology LA...

IMAGE: This figure shows the running weekly average counts of sampled SARS-CoV-2 sequences exhibiting the D variant...

New, more infectious strain of COVID-19 now dominates global cases of virus

Morning exercise is the key to a good night’s sleep after heart bypass surgery

Researchers have shown that a variation in the viral

Sophia Antipolis – 3 July 2020: Trouble sleeping

genome of Covid-19 improved its ability to infect

after heart bypass surgery? Morning walks are the

human cells and helped...

solution, according...

Novel biomarker discovery could lead to early diagnosis for deadly preeclampsia

More ecosystem engineers create stability, preventing extinctions

IMAGE: Summary of changes FKBPL and CD44 changes throughout gestation in pregnancies

IMAGE: Elephants engineer their ecosystems — they root out saplings and small trees, creating

complicated by pre-eclampsia. ...

habitats for smaller...

Towards lasers powerful enough to investigate a new kind of physics

Does DNA in the water tell us how many fish are there?

Researchers Jean-Claude Kieffer of the Institut

IMAGE: Researchers “counted ” Japanese jack

national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), E. A. Khazanov of the Institute...

mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) in Maizuru Bay, Japan, through...

Coronavirus: Many wait over 24 hours for test results

Coronavirus: Care home staff and residents to get regular tests

Many people in England are still waiting longer than

Staff and residents in care homes in England and

24 hours for their coronavirus test results, figures

Wales will receive regular coronavirus tests from

show. Four in 10...

next week. Staff will...

Leicester coronavirus outbreak timeline: Who knew what, and when?

Coronavirus: Sense of smell and taste ‘improve for most’

As the rest of England continues to emerge from

Almost 90% of people who lost their sense of smell

lockdown, a fresh outbreak of coronavirus in

or taste while infected with Covid-19 improved or

Leicester means the city will...

recovered within a month,...

Coronavirus puts you eight times more at risk of stroke than flu

Where NYC COVID-19 patients are treated may determine death risks

Coronavirus patients are EIGHT TIMES more likely

The odds that a New York City resident admitted to

to suffer a stroke than flu patients, study finds Of

a hospital for COVID-19 will die vary wildly,

more than 1,900 patients...

depending on what hospital...

Do NOT use hand sanitizer when lighting Fourth of July firecrackers, officials warn

Scientists discover naked mole-rats have special tumor-fighting immune systems

Do NOT use hand sanitizer when lighting Fourth of

Could naked mole rats help cure cancer? Scientists

July firecrackers: Officials warn the alcohol-based

discover the rodents have special tumor-fighting

product could make...

immune systems Until...

Coronavirus: Up to third of antibody tests give false negatives

Coronavirus: Variant mutation lets it copy itself more efficiently

Up to ONE-THIRD of all coronavirus antibody tests may come back as false negatives, study finds

How a mutant coronavirus strain dominated the world: Scientists discover change to COVID-19

Researchers looked at 40...

variant that lets it copy itself...

Coronavirus jab won’t be a cure-all: Head of UK’s vaccine taskforce warns

Level of media coverage for scientific research linked to number of citations

A coronavirus jab might not provide full immunity

Popular media sources, such as mainstream news

against the disease, the head of Britain’s vaccine task force warned...

and social media, often discuss scientific findings originally reported in...

Controlled human infection models and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development

Prospective teachers misperceive Black children as angry

Writing in a commentary on behalf of Accelerating

While previous research has documented this effect

COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines’s

in adults, this is the first study to show how anger

Vaccines Working...

bias based on race...

Hot flushes and night sweats linked to 70% increase in cardiovascular disease

Tiny mineral particles are better vehicles for promising gene therapy

School of Public Health PhD student Dr Dongshan

The technology relies on inserting into cells pieces

Zhu has found women of any age who experience

of carefully designed messenger RNA (mRNA), a

hot flushes and night sweats,...

strip of genetic material...

Newer variant of COVID-19-causing virus dominates global infections

Grassroots dog vaccinations can help stop rabies, but not alone

Bette Korber, a theoretical biologist at Los Alamos

“It’s important to focus on rabies because it’s 100%

National Laboratory and lead author of the study,

preventable,” says Adam Ferguson, a

noted, “The D614G...


Sniffing out smell: How the brain organizes information about odors

Timing of SNAP benefits can reduce childhood injuries

Audiences and critics quickly concluded that the

IMAGE: Colleen Heflin, professor of public

experience stunk. Fraught with technical issues,

administration and international affairs at Syracuse

Smell-O-Vision was panned...


New Human Gene Therapy editorial: Concern following gene therapy adverse events

Researchers examine refugee children’s academic, social, and emotional learning outcomes

IMAGE: First peer-reviewed journal in the field and

IMAGE: Senior Research Scientist at Global TIES

provides all-inclusive access to the critical pillars of

for Children Ha Yeon Kim view more Credit: Global


TIES for...

Carbon-loving materials designed to reduce industrial emissions

Study explains potential causes for ‘happy hypoxia’ condition in COVID-19 patients

IMAGE: Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, demonstrated a novel...

MAYWOOD, IL–A new research study provides possible explanations for COVID-19 patients who present with extremely low,...

Global threats: How lessons from COVID19 can prevent environmental meltdown

Popular chemotherapy drug may be less effective in overweight and obese women

IMAGE: Covid-19, climate emergencies, and mass

Breast cancer patients who are overweight or obese

extinction all share striking similarities, especially

might benefit less from treatment with docetaxel, a

with regard to...

common chemotherapy...

Center for BrainHealth advances understanding of brain connectivity in cannabis users

Half of Britons tested at home ‘don’t get results for at least FOUR DAYS’

DALLAS (July 2, 2020) – Researchers at Center for BrainHealth®, part of The University of Texas at

don’t get test results for at least four days after they

Half of Britons with tell-tale Covid-19 symptoms first become...

Dallas, recently...

Coronavirus UK: Pubs reopening ‘WILL cause R rate spike’

Covid-19 cases were dropping BEFORE lockdowns were introduced

‘Super Saturday’ will cause a spike in Britain’s

Covid-19 cases in the US were falling before states

crucial R rate and has already climbed back towards the...

imposed lockdowns, according to a study that suggests less draconian...

NHS Test and Trace is STILL failing to find a quarter of coronavirus-infected cases

Coronavirus England: Infection rate drops to one in 2,200

NHS Test and Trace is still failing to find a quarter of

stopped shrinking ahead of ‘Super Saturday’, as

patients who test positive for coronavirus, shocking


England’s coronavirus outbreak appears to have

data revealed...

Coronavirus England: EIGHT of 50 worsthit authorities in south

Coronavirus US: Fears new data means death rate about to soar

Only eight of England’s 50 areas worst-hit by

The US could be heading for a surge in coronavirus

coronavirus are in the South, according to official

deaths as startling data shows the number of

data that lays bare...

confirmed daily cases and...

Coronavirus: UK confirms Thursday death toll

Study supports link between COVID-19 and ‘COVID Toes’

British officials have confirmed another 45 coronavirus deaths today in the preliminary toll,

In most cases, affected individuals test negative with traditional COVID-19 tests involving throat swabs

taking the nation’s official...

and measurements...

In mouse study, black raspberries show promise for reducing skin inflammation

Blood tests can predict the risk of liver cirrhosis

In a study done with mice and published earlier this

Fat accumulation in the liver is common and is often

month in the journal Nutrients, researchers found

seen in people with obesity or diabetes. In the worst

that a diet high in...

case, fatty liver...

Tests of hearing can reveal HIV’s effects on the brain Findings from a new study published in Clinical

Marine algae from the Kiel Fjord discovered as a remedy against infections and skin cancer

Neurophysiology, involving a collaborative effort

The search process for marine active ingredients

between Dartmouth’s...

starts with the extraction of marine macro- and

microorganisms, followed...

Apgar score effective in assessing health of preterm infants

New sequencing technology will help scientists decipher disease mechanisms

The so-called Apgar score has been used since the

A review paper, led by a scientist at the University of

1950s to quickly assess the vitality of the infant soon after birth. Doctors...

Birmingham, describes how emerging sequencing technologies will transform...

New technique in which drugs make bacteria glow could help fight antibiotic resistance

Crystal structure discovered almost 200 years ago could hold key to solar cell revolution

A new technique could help reduce antibiotic

IMAGE: Perovskite structure. view more Credit:

prescribing by predicting which drugs could be

John Labram, Oregon State University. CORVALLIS,

effective in fighting bacteria...

Ore. –...

How prison and police discrimination affect black sexual minority men’s health

Sniffing out smell

Incarceration and police discrimination may

marked a singular event in the annals of cinema: the

contribute to HIV, depression and anxiety among

first, and last,...

The premiere of the movie Scent of Mystery in 1960

Black gay, bisexual and other...

Study: Crowdsourced data could help map urban food deserts

Why are the offspring of older mothers less fit to live long and prosper?

New research from The University of Texas at Dallas

IMAGE: Mother rotifer (Brachionus manjavacas)

suggests food deserts might be more prevalent in

carrying four eggs (right) and newly-hatched

the U.S. than the numbers...

daughter (left). Image of...

Research reflects how AI sees through the looking glass

Marijuana use while pregnant boosts risk of children’s sleep problems

ITHACA, N.Y. – Things are different on the other

Use marijuana while pregnant, and your child is

side of the mirror. Text is backward. Clocks run

more likely to suffer sleep problems as much as a


decade later, according...

Mobile clinics can help address health care needs of Latino farmworkers

Coronavirus: Frailty ‘indicator’ to survival

IMAGE: A mobile health clinic the researchers used.

issues in determining whether someone may die

view more Credit: Center for Healthy Communities,

from Covid-19, a study...

Frailty is as important as age or underlying health

UC Riverside RIVERSIDE,...

Lockdown: Suicide fears soar in LGBT community

Coronavirus: ‘No obvious source’ of Leicester Covid-19 outbreak

Media captionSam Brooks says “there was no

There is no obvious source for a recent surge in

support there for me” after his partner, Iago, took

coronavirus cases in Leicester, a report has found.


Public Health England...

Coronavirus: Many waiting longer than 24 hours for test results

Another warning on antibody tests: A THIRD of home blood-kits miss Covid-19

Many people in England are still waiting longer than

Coronavirus antibody tests that can be done at

24 hours for their coronavirus test results, figures

home would get the results wrong a third of the time,

show. Four in 10...

a damning study has...

Vaccine will give long-term protection says Oxford study chief

Was Leicester’s Covid surge down to more TESTING?

Coronavirus vaccine WILL give long-term protection

The Government today revealed English local

says Oxford study chief – as US experts find their

authorities and health bodies only had access to

own jab triggered...

positive coronavirus cases by...

Feeds of the future IMAGE: Researchers at the University of Göttingen

Laser takes pictures of electrons in crystals

have found that the meat quality of chickens fed with

IMAGE: Electrons in the crystal of calcium fluoride;

certain insects...

Christian HackenbergerElectrons in the Crystal of Calcium Fluoride ...

Learn from the pandemic to prevent environmental catastrophe, scientists argue

Men more likely than women to be seen as brilliant

The dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic share

“brilliant,” finds a new study measuring global perceptions...

“striking similarities” with the twin environmental crises of global...

Men are more likely than are women to be seen as

CNIO team develop a technology to improve effectiveness of stem cells in regenerative medicine

Mini-‘Marsquakes’ measured by InSight lander show effects of sun and wind

IMAGE: Mouse embryoid body with multiple cell

more Credit: Takeshi Tsuji, I2CNER, Kyushu

types (in different colours) generated in vitro after

University Fukuoka,...

IMAGE: This is ambient noise on the Mars. view

expression of miR-203...

Putting zinc on bread wheat leaves IMAGE: Reza Keshavarz taking note of wheat

New method reveals how the Parkinson’s disease protein damages cell membranes

growth stage. view more Credit: Photo courtesy of

IMAGE: An illustration showing how the

Reza Keshavarz An...

mitochondria-imitating lipid vesicles are damaged by the Parkinson’s protein...

Babies who have trouble sleeping are more likely to have mental health problems as adolescents

Coronavirus: Experimental Pfizer vaccine gives hopeful results

Babies who have trouble sleeping are more likely to

triggered levels of antibodies up to THREE TIMES

have mental health problems as adolescents, a new

greater than those seen in...

Experimental coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer

study suggests. Children...

Coronavirus may be traveling along US interstates as people travel, projections show

Coronavirus US: 28% deaths MISSING from official toll

Coronavirus has become a dire situation for states

lower than the actual number of fatalities, a new

like Texas, Arizona and Florida – and the latest

study suggests. Researchers...

The official coronavirus death toll in the US much

projections suggest...

Why do arteries age? Study explores link to gut bacteria, diet

Toward principles of gene regulation in multicellular systems?

The study, published this month in the American

In cells, genes are expressed through transcription,

Heart Association journal Hypertension, also

a process where genetic information encoded in

suggests that people may be...

DNA is copied into messenger...

Why memory-forming neurons are vulnerable to Alzheimer’s

Fever-associated seizures after vaccination do not affect development, behavior

Figuring out why patients lose these vulnerable neurons early on could be the key to discovering novel treatments for Alzheimer’s....

“This is reassuring news for parents,” said study author Lucy Deng, MBBS, of the National Centre for Immunisation...

Does deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s increase risk of dementia?

New system combines smartphone videos to create 4D visualizations

For people with advanced Parkinson’s disease,

IMAGE: By combining video of the same scene from

deep brain stimulation has been shown to be more

several cameras, Carnegie Mellon University

effective than medication...

researchers can create...

Long-term culture of human pancreatic slices reveals regeneration of beta cells IMAGE: A non-profit organization supporting the

Consumption of products derived from vulnerable wildlife species pervasive in Laos

Diabetes Research Institute at the University of

A new study of wildlife consumption in northern Laos

Miami Miller School...

by San Diego Zoo Global researchers found widespread use of products...

Study confirms ultra music festival likely stressful to fish IMAGE: Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) play an

NIH ACTIV working group weighs human challenge studies for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development

important ecological role in the local marine

WHAT: In a Perspective for the New England

environment and rely heavily...

Journal of Medicine, members of the National Institutes of Health’s Accelerating...

New Yorkers grow more hesitant about a return to normalcy, poll shows

Charcoal a weapon to fight superoxideinduced disease, injury

IMAGE: As May 2020 began, 65% of New Yorkers

IMAGE: Artificial enzymes made of treated charcoal,

said they would see their doctor for a routine visit

seen in this atomic force microscope image, could

beginning at the...

have the power...

Researchers outline adapted health communications principles for the COVID-19 pandemic

Probe into Shropshire maternity deaths ‘too late’

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unique

Parents of babies who died at a hospital trust at the

challenges for public health practitioners and health

centre of a maternity inquiry say a police

communicators that warrant...

investigation has come “too...

Coronavirus: US buys nearly all of Gilead’s Covid-19 drug remdesivir

Coronavirus: Immunity may be more widespread than tests suggest

The US is buying nearly all the next three months’

People testing negative for coronavirus antibodies

projected production of Covid-19 treatment

may still have some immunity, a study has

remdesivir from US manufacturer...

suggested. For every person...

Coronavirus: Local testing data to be shared with councils Local authorities are to be given access to

Blood samples taken from New Yorkers reveal some had coronavirus antibodies in February

postcode-level data about the number of people

Blood samples taken from New Yorkers reveal some

testing positive for coronavirus...

had coronavirus antibodies in late February – more than a week BEFORE...

EIGHT states hit record highs for daily coronavirus infections

Coronavirus can cause PRIAPISM: Man, 62, has four-hour erection

New daily coronavirus infections are surging in the

Covid-19 may cause priapism ? an erection lasting

US, with more than 47,000 new cases confirmed

longer than four hours, doctors have warned. An

Tuesday marking an increase...

unidentified 62-year-old...

Coronavirus UK: More local lockdowns are ‘just DAYS away’

Tory MP David Davis accuses ‘overcontrolling’ Public Health England of not being fit for purpose

Leicester-style localised lockdowns are ‘just days away’ from being imposed after dozens of towns and cities...

Prominent Tory MP David Davis today accused Public Health England of being ‘over-controlling’ amid mounting pressure...

Is THIS why Covid-19 causes strokes? The coronavirus causes ‘hyper-activity’ in blood-clotting cells

Coronavirus UK: 28 infected at Walkers Leicester crisp factory

‘Hyper-activity’ in blood clotting cells could be the

signs erected all over the city which say: ‘Great to

cause of strokes and heart attacks in Covid-19

have you back...

So much for all these smart new post-Covid council


Britain announces 176 more Covid-19 deaths

At-risk twin pregnancies benefit from an intervention called cerclage

Britain today announced 176 more

The clinical trial was stopped early because of

coronavirus deaths as government experts

positive results in the intervention group. The

estimated up to 3,000 people are still getting...

researchers showed that perinatal...

Playtime with dad may improve children’s self-control The study, by academics at the Faculty of

Genomic variation causing common autoinflammatory disease may increase resilience to bubonic plague

Education, University of Cambridge and the LEGO

The researchers suggest that because of this

Foundation, pulled together fragmentary...

potential advantage, FMF-causing genomic variants have been positively selected...

Human-Artificial intelligence collaborations best for skin cancer diagnosis

School absenteeism has surprising consequences for adults

The global team tested for the first time whether a

regularly absent in these early years of school were

‘real world’, collaborative approach involving

less likely to vote, reported...

Researchers found that those who were more


Exercise can slow or prevent vision loss, study finds The new study from the University of Virginia School of Medicine found that exercise reduced the harmful overgrowth of blood...

Study: 35 percent of excess deaths in pandemic’s early months tied to causes other than COVID-19 Researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University and Yale University found that, from March 1 to April 25, the U.S. saw 87,001...

A simpler way to make sensory hearing cells

Need to check patient’s jugular venous pressure? There’s an app for that

“We’ve succeeded in directly reprogramming a

IMAGE: Mark Drazner, MD, UT Southwestern

variety of mouse cell types into what we’re calling

Medical Center view more Credit: UT Southwestern


Medical Center DALLAS...

Higher concentration of metal in Moon’s craters provides new insights to its origin

Jellyfish-inspired soft robots can outswim their natural counterparts

IMAGE: View of Moon Limb, with Earth on the

Engineering researchers at North Carolina State

Horizon view more Credit: NASA Apollo 11 Mission

University and Temple University have developed

Image Life...

soft robots inspired by jellyfish...

UM Bio Station researchers unlock mystery of subterranean stoneflies

Financial conflicts of interest are often not disclosed in spinal surgery journals

IMAGE: Flathead Lake Biological Station summer

July 1, 2020 – Many studies published by major

intern Grant Marshall collects stonefly specimens

spinal surgery journals do not include full disclosure

from the alluvial...

of researchers’...

Radar points to moon being more metallic than researchers thought

Treatments tested for invasive pest on allium crops

IMAGE: This image based on data from NASA’s

IMAGE: An adult Allium leafminer. view more

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft shows the

Credit: Riley Harding ITHACA, N.Y. – Native to

face of the Moon...


Giant leap in diagnosing liver disease signature from stool samples can be used to test for

Covid-19 treatment hopes dashed as trial of promising HIV drug reveals it does NOT work

cirrhosis. ...

Covid-19 treatment hopes dashed as trial of

IMAGE: Schematic showing how the microbiome

promising HIV drug given to infected patients reveals it does NOT work Oxford...

NHS heart, stomach and arthritis patients face treatment delays for up to TWO YEARS

Coronavirus UK: Leicester clothes factory to defy lockdown

Britons could be waiting up to two years for NHS

defy the city’s local coronavirus lockdown, protesting

treatment due to Covid-19 infection control rules.

that they cannot...

Garment manufacturers in Leicester have vowed to

Almost half of heart,...

Ring 111 BEFORE going to A&E: NHS trials scheme in London and Portsmouth Patients are being asked to phone AE and book an

Fears for UK coronavirus patients as the US buys almost the ENTIRE world stock of remdesivir

appointment — instead of just turning up under

Remdesivir, an anti-viral drug first made to try and

an NHS trial. Casualty...

treat Ebola, has been used experimentally on Covid19 patients since...

More local lockdowns are ‘just DAYS away’ PHE sources claim

Lifting weights makes your nervous system stronger, too

Leicester-style localised lockdowns are ‘just days

The brain orchestrates movement via two major

away’ from being imposed after dozens of towns

neural highways descending to the spinal cord: the

and cities...

corticospinal tract (CST)...

Older adults share fewer memories as they age

Closer threats inspire a more primitive kind of fear

However, a new study suggests that the older a

And that, according to a new study using virtual

person is, the less likely they are to share memories

reality to make threats appear near or far, is

of their past experiences....

probably what makes it harder...

Ethnolinguistic diversity slows down urban growth Studies in the area of conflict research have shown

Preterm delivery increases long-term risks of ischemic heart disease in women throughout their life

that the risk of conflict is increased when various

Preterm delivery occurs in about 9.6% of births in

ethnic groups live...

the U.S. annually and is defined as any birth that occurs at less than...

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood … or is it? “It’s all in our heads,” said Zachary Neal, associate

Even when women outnumber men, gender bias persists among science undergrads

professor of psychology at MSU and author of the...

But is representation enough to improve gender diversity in science? In a new study, Colorado State University researchers...

Whole-town study reveals more than 40% of COVID-19 infections had no symptoms

Role models have major influence on female university choices

The authors of the new research, from the University

Women exposed to successful and charismatic role

of Padova and at Imperial College London,

models are more likely to follow them in choosing a

published today in Nature,...

university major. An...

New study confirms high prevalence of depression during the menopause transition

Lifetime discrimination may increase risk of hypertension among African Americans

CLEVELAND, Ohio (July 1, 2020)–Depression has

DALLAS, July 1, 2020 — Lifetime discrimination is a

been shown to be prevalent during menopause,

chronic stressor that may increase the risk for

affecting as many as 70%...

hypertension also...

New study finds that menopause increases risk of metabolic syndrome CLEVELAND, Ohio (July 1, 2020)–Perimenopause

Children’s National Hospital quality initiative changes culture of antibiotic prescribing in NICU

is a time when women become more vulnerable to a

A quality improvement initiative in the Neonatal

number of health problems....

Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Children’s National Hospital led to...

Indices of health under our feet

GPS isn’t just for road trips anymore

IMAGE: Wastewater gathered at treatment plants

IMAGE: Tractor guidance screen as seen during a

contains a wealth of information relevant to human

fertilizer application. view more Credit: Mike Popp

and environmental...


Spanish language increasingly more relevant to presidential elections

Cystic fibrosis patients offered ‘lifetransforming’ drug

Discourse in and about Spanish was present on

Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients can now get a “life-

both sides of the political spectrum, more so leading

transforming” treatment on the NHS in England.

up to the 2016 presidential...

Nine in 10...

Period poverty: Rise in free sanitary products needed in lockdown

Coronavirus: Calls for government to plan public inquiry

The number of women and girls facing period

The government must set out plans for an inquiry

poverty has risen sharply during the coronavirus

into its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, the

lockdown, according to charities...

health service ombudsman...

Coronavirus: Data needed quicker to target local outbreaks, say doctors

Coronavirus US: Over 30 US states STILL fall short on testing

The government must provide vital data more quickly to local authorities to help them deal with

More than 30 states are still not meeting testing targets needed to control the novel coronavirus, new

Covid-19 spikes in their...

data reveals. Researchers...

New York man suffering from a heart attack was afraid to go to ER for fear of catching coronavirus

Coronavirus US: Half of diagnosed don’t know how they got it

A New York man who suffered a heart attack earlier

coronavirus knew they had come into contact with someone who had tested positive,...

this year was afraid to go to the emergency room

Less than half of Americans diagnosed with

over fears of falling...

Coronavirus: Scientists grade countries’ response to pandemic

Study finds COVID-infected droplets of saliva can travel eight feet with no wind

A new model has grouped countries into ‘clusters’

Coronavirus-infected droplets may evaporate more

depending on how they did over the course of the

quickly on hot humid days over 85F – but viral


particles can travel...

US buys nearly all of the global supply of Gilead’s remdesivir

A vaccine targeting aged cells mitigates metabolic disorders in obese mice

The US government has bought up virtually the

Aged, or senescent, cells are known to harm their

entire global supply of remdesivir, the only drug

surrounding younger cells by creating an

approved in the nation to...

inflammatory environment. A specific...

Promising therapy for cardiac regeneration When IHD develops, chronic myocardial ischemia,

Discovery of key protein behind cancer relapse and progression can lead to new therapies

aggravated in some instances by periods of acute

“We discovered a mechanism involving MBNL1

ischemia in the form of...

protein that predicts several characteristics of cancer such as progression...

Novel pathology could improve diagnosis and treatment of Huntington’s and other diseases

‘Morning sickness’ is misleading and inaccurate, new study argues The researchers call for the change in a study published today (30 June) in the British Journal of General Practice which...

The article, published in Brain Pathology, describes how SAFB1 expression occurs in both spinocerebellar ataxias and Huntington’s...

Study asks who’s playing ‘hard-to-get’ and who’s attracted by the ploy Research just published in the peer-reviewed journal

Next-generation sequencing to provide precision medicine for rare metabolic disorders

Personality and Individual Differences looks at the

An international team of scientists from Switzerland

psychological underpinnings...

Spain, has studied the genetic basis of aromatase deficiency, a rare...

COVID-19: Study shows virus can infect heart cells in lab dish

New materials of perovskite challenge the chemical intuition

Although many COVID-19 patients experience heart

IMAGE: Chemical intuition tells us that pressure

problems, the reasons are not entirely clear. Pre-

tends to increase number of coordination, and

existing cardiac conditions...

hence usually makes...

Scientists shed new light on how seabirds cruise through air and water

Mathematical noodling leads to new insights into an old fusion problem

IMAGE: Puffins, a member of the Alcidae family.

IMAGE: PPPL physicist Christopher Smiet helped

view more Credit: Daniel Zatz (CC BY-NC 2.0 –

produce findings that could bring fusion-produced

electricity closer...


As wildfires flare up across West, research highlights risk of ecological change

Hints at jaw evolution found in marsupials and monotremes

IMAGE: Professor Jonathan Coop said he’s seen an

between their ear and jaw bones shortly after birth to

incredible amount of forest lost in the Jemez

enable them to drink...

Infant marsupials and monotremes use a connection

Mountains where...

UTEP research reveals more about path bacterial pathogen travels to cause tuberculosis

Time trends in pregnancy-related outcomes among American women with type 1 diabetes

IMAGE: Jianjun Sun, Ph.D. left, associate professor

BOSTON – (June 30, 2020) – Researchers from the

in The University of Texas at El Paso Department of

Joslin Diabetes Center investigated time trends in



Traditional strength training vs jump training for physically inactive young adults The study focuses on the effects of Traditional Resistance Training (TRT) and Plyometric Jump Training (PJT) in participants...

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