coronavirus health news dec 2020

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Interactive Tools


Covid-19: All you need to know about the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine


Britain’s regulators today approved the

Deaths in England and Wales were 7% higher than usual during week ending Dec 18

Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, offering renewed hope the end of the pandemic...

Deaths in England and Wales were 7% higher than usual during week ending December 18, analysis reveals England and Wales...



Coronavirus UK: Britain will need lockdowns until summer 2021 even with vaccines, scientists warn

Is the great vaccine drive by Easter doomed already? Volunteers army has NOT been recruited

Covid-19: Impact on Israel

England will be stuck in its relentless cycle of coronavirus lockdowns until at least the end of spring even if the vaccine...

Retired doctors desperate to roll their sleeves up and help Britain administer 2million Covid vaccines each week to end the...


Blood vessel cells implicated in chronic inflammation of obesity

Social media safety messages: Pictures should match the words

“The inflammation of fat cells in obese individuals is linked to many of the comorbidities we associate with being...

After looking at social media posts, parents of young children were better able to recall safety messages such as how to...

Bionic idea boosts lithium-ion extraction

Scientists find the error source of a seaice model varies with the season

A couch potato took part in experiment on boosting immunity

IMAGE: Schematic diagram of the sea-ice simulation error sources of a regional configuration of MITgcm. view...

Professor Hugh Montgomery says hospitals are facing a

Covid-19: How winter exercise could help us cope with pandemic Covid-19: How will the pandemic affect global health in Is it wise to carry on shielding in the 12 weeks between your first and second jabs? Thousands at risk of blindness set to benefit from a new eye drug HEALTH NOTES: Surge in patients admitted to hospital for alcohol-related liver disease I caught Covid from a hospital, we must give all NHS workers the jab My chest pains are terrifying How many have to die before Britain tackles its black and Asian organ donor crisis?

IMAGE: Metal ion sieving using a bioinspired nanochannel membrane view more Credit: XIN Weiwen Lithium is...

‘Covid loves a crowd… so stay at home this New Year’s Eve’ says NHS boss "tsunami" of Covid cases. Face masks: How to wear one correctly ‘We filmed our dad’s final months to help people’

Combined approach could boost breast cancer immunotherapy, study suggests IMAGE: A diagram showing the various strategies that could enhance the activity of CAR T cells against breast cancer. ...

Study points the way to boost immunotherapy against breast cancer, other solid tumors IMAGE: UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Jonathan S. Serody, MD, and colleagues report that adding...

JOANNA HALL’S 30-day exercise plan to kickstart your New Year New mutant coronavirus strain IS more contagious by nearly 50% DR MICHAEL MOSLEY launches a new series to make 2021 your healthiest year yet Allergists offer reassurance regarding potential allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines Putty-like composites of gallium metal with potential for real-

Transfusions with higher red blood cell levels do not improve preterm baby outcomes IMAGE: This large, multi-center randomized clinical trial was conducted by Dr. Haresh Kirpalani of the University of...

Study: in social media safety messages, the pictures should match the words IMAGE: Researchers found that parents understood safety messaging better when the picture showed the desired behavior,...

St Petersburg University scientists discover an ancient island arc in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan

Allergists offer reassurance regarding potential allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines

IMAGE: (a) Tectonic units of the Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan; (b) schematic geological map of the Songkultau area ...

BOSTON – Reports of possible allergic reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines produced by PfizerBioNTech and Moderna, both...

Coronavirus: Spain to keep register of those who refuse Covid vaccine

Coronavirus doctor’s diary: ‘Close to death from Covid, I asked them to save my baby’

It is currently rolling out the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine which was approved for EU member states last week.

Trump’s call for $2,000 cheques blocked in Senate Mitch McConnell says raising aid cheques from $600 would be “another...

Covid: New Year’s Eve warning as millions are told to stay at home

Covid rule-breakers ‘have blood on their hands’

Covid-19: Twenty million in England added to toughest tier of restrictions

Trump’s call for $2,000 cheques blocked in Senate Mitch McConnell says raising aid cheques from $600 would be “another...

world application Nanoparticle drug-delivery system developed to treat brain disorders

Model used to evaluate lockdowns was flawed

Discovery boosts theory that life on Earth arose from RNA-DNA mix

In a recent study, researchers from Imperial College

LA JOLLA, CA–Chemists at Scripps Research have

London developed a model to assess the effect of

made a discovery that supports a surprising new

different measures...

view of how life originated...

Do toddlers learning to spoon-feed seek different information from caregivers’ hands & faces?

NTU Singapore study suggests link between word choices and extraverts

IMAGE: A. A toddler moving their spoon towards the

University, Singapore (NTU Singapore)

food in a dish that the caregiver is holding. B. The

psychologists has found a link between extraverts...

A study by a team of Nanyang Technological

caregiver moving...

Big bumblebees learn locations of best flowers

The brain network driving changes in consciousness

IMAGE: A bumblebee on a flower. view more

The loss and return of consciousness is linked to the

Credit: Natalie Hempel de Ibarra Big bumblebees take time to learn...

same network of brain regions for both sleep and anesthesia, according...

Despite recommendations, patients with treatment-resistant hypertension rarely tested for primary al

Carotid physiology, neck restraints in law enforcement

Below please find summaries of new articles that will be published in the next issue of Annals of Internal Medicine. The...

What The Viewpoint Says: This Viewpoint reviews the potential neurologic consequences of any restriction of blood flow or...

US won’t approve AstraZeneca shot until APRIL, Operation Warp Speed chief says

UC researcher urges caution using remdesivir to treat COVID-19

The US has only administered about 10 percent – less than 2.6million – of the 20 million doses of coronavirus...

IMAGE: Bingfang Yan is a professor at the University of Cincinnati’s James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy. Yan’s...

Dating apps don’t destroy love

Higher red cell transfusion threshold offers no advantage for treating preterm infants

Mobile apps have revolutionised the way people meet in Switzerland and elsewhere in recent years. Unlike traditional dating...

Frailty is a factor in higher mortality for women awaiting liver transplants Women awaiting liver transplants in the United States are known to be about one-third more likely than men to become too...

Very low birthweight infants often need blood transfusions to survive. A National Institutes of Health-funded study suggests...

NIH study uncovers blood vessel damage & inflammation in COVID-19 patients’ brains but no infection IMAGE: In an in-depth study, NIH researchers consistently found blood vessel damage in the brains of COVID-19 patients...

Published data from Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trial show 94.1 percent efficacy

Moving due to unaffordable housing may jeopardize healthcare

BOSTON — A peer-reviewed paper published in The New England Journal of Medicine provides data from the much-anticipated...

LOS ANGELES (Dec. 30, 2020) — People who move due to unaffordable housing are at increased risk of failing to receive...

How did trauma centers respond to COVID-19? New processes provide care to trauma patients while keeping providers safe

Covid: Essex declares major incident over virus cases

December 30, 2020 – As the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, trauma centers faced unprecedented obstacles to providing care...

Primary schools in the districts of Brentwood, Epping Forest, Castle Point, Basildon, Rochford, Harlow, Chelmsford, Braintree,...

Covid-19: Twenty million in England added to toughest tier of restrictions

Losing a daughter to cancer during the Covid-19 pandemic

And secondary schools across most of England are to remain closed for an extra two weeks for most pupils.

In the last year of her life, Anna’s determination shone through, as she continued on with her studies, with her college...

Covid-19: Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine approved for use in UK

Second ‘super-COVID’ case suspected in Colorado

It comes as millions more in England are placed in

A second case of ‘super-COVID’ variant of

tier four restrictions.

coronavirus is now suspected in Colorado, officials said Wednesday. Elbert...

Covid vaccine: Oxford AstraZeneca professors stand to make MILLIONS

Britain’s deadliest day since April: Health chiefs record 981 Covid victims

Britain today approved the Oxford/AstraZeneca

Leicester City Leicestershire (Oadby and Wigston,

Covid-19 vaccine, paving the way for millions to

Harborough, Hinckley and Bosworth, Blaby,

receive the jab within weeks...

Charnwood, North West Leicestershire,...

Questions over Britain’s decision to drop two-dose vaccine regimen Pfizer warned today there is ‘no data’ to show a

Matt Hancock reveals Britain will only have 530,000 doses of Oxford’s Covid jab next week

single dose of its coronavirus vaccine provides long-

Britain will only have 530,000 doses of the

term protection,...

Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine at its disposal from Monday, the Health Secretary...

Weekly Covid deaths rose again in last full week of data and rose by 44% in the South East

Potential new RX strategy for stroke

Weekly Covid-19 deaths rose again in England and Wales and surged by 44 per cent in the South East during the last full week...

Center of Excellence at LSU...

Novel public-private partnership facilitates development of fusion energy

Anti-transpirant products unnecessary in cycad propagation

IMAGE: PPPL physicist Gerrit Kramer with conceptual image of SPARC fusion reactor. view more Credit: Collage...

IMAGE: Benjamin Deloso holds a Zamia stem cutting that has successfully produced a healthy root system. In his recently...

Largest study of Asia’s rivers unearths 800 years of paleoclimate patterns

A pursuit of better testing to sort out the complexities of ADHD

IMAGE: Map of the Asian Monsoon region; river basins involved in this study are highlighted by subregion, rivers belonging...

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The introduction of computer simulation to the identification of symptoms in children with attention...

The map of nuclear deformation takes the form of a mountain landscape

LSU Health New Orleans discovers potential new RX strategy for stroke

IMAGE: Deformation landscape of the nickel-64 nucleus. Prolate, oblate local minima and main spherical minimum are...

New Orleans, LA – Research conducted at LSU Health New Orleans Neuroscience Center of Excellence reports that a combination...

New research may explain severe virus attacks on the lungs

Scientists explore deficits in processing speed in individuals with spinal cord injury

IMAGE: The development of human macrophages. view more Credit: The research team. In some cases, immune...

Only 28 Covid patients are currently being treated in No10’s £220million Nightingale hospitals Only 28 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in Nightingale hospitals across England, official data shows amid...

Patients from London could be taken to YORKSHIRE for treatment Medics in Covid hotspots are just days away from having to make ‘horrendous choices’ over who they can treat...

Nicolas Bazan, MD, PhD, Boyd Professor, Professor of Neurology and Director of the Neuroscience

IMAGE: Dr. Wylie is director of the Rocco Ortenzio Neuroimaging Center at Kessler Foundation. view more Credit:...

How a QUARTER of hospitals are operating at Covid ‘danger zone’ A quarter of England’s hospitals were treating a ‘dangerous’ number of Covid patients in the run up to...

Millions more face Tier 4 as Boris Johnson reveals TODAY where tougher restrictions are needed Millions more are set to face the country’s toughest Tier 4 coronavirus restrictions this week, with Boris Johnson...

Essex declares ‘major incident’ over surging Covid cases

Covid vaccine from Oxford University and Astrazeneca is APPROVED

Essex declares ‘major incident’ over surging Covid cases Councils and health chiefs warn of ‘significant...

Matt Hancock hailed approval for the critical Oxford University and AstraZeneca vaccine today saying it means the UK will...

Obesity, eating disorder disparities among sexual, gender minority children

Gut cells sound the alarm when parasites invade

What The Study Did: The likelihood of having

To effectively combat an infection, the body first has

obesity or eating disorders was compared between

to sense it’s been invaded, then the affected tissue

sexual and gender minority...

must send...

Patient characteristics associated with telemedicine access during COVID-19 pandemic

Assessment of neutrophil extracellular traps in coronary thrombus of case series of patients with COVID-19

What The Study Did: This study identified racial/

What The Study Did: Severe COVID-19 is

ethnic, sex, age, language, and socioeconomic

characterized by the intense formation of neutrophil

differences in accessing...

extracellular traps (NETs),...

Imaging the twilight zone IMAGE: Differences in brain activity between

Order and disorder in crystalline ice explained

connected and disconnected states of

A fascinating substance with unique properties, ice

consciousness studied with positron...

has intrigued humans since time immemorial. Unlike most other materials,...

Detective work in theoretical physics IMAGE: Time axis showing the number of publications relating to dynamical density functional theory. view more Credit:...

An explanation for the lack of blood oxygenation detected in many COVID-19 patients One of the physiopathological characteristics of COVID-19 that has most baffled the scientific and medical community is what...

Covid-19: First vaccine patient has her second jab

Covid: Military back-up for pupil testing as heads urge delay to start of term

The grandmother, who is originally from Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, received a first injection on 8 December, a week before...

“Instead, it appears that there will be 1,500 personnel available for more than 3,400 secondary schools in England,...

Covid in Scotland: ‘Stay at home’ Hogmanay plea as cases hit record high

Covid: Millions more braced for tougher rules in England

The whole Scottish mainland is in the highest level of restrictions in a bid to contain a new strain of the virus.

There may also be further curbs for areas already in the highest tier amid concerns tier four rules are not enough to stop...

Super gonorrhea could be fueled by antibiotic use amid the pandemic

General anesthesia and normal sleep affect brain in an amazingly similar way as consciousness fades

Grasping at straws for COVID-19 treatments may be inadvertently fueling a the rise of another hard to treat disease: super...

Explaining the biological basis of human consciousness is one of the greatest challenges of science. While the loss and return...

College football players: Underestimating risk of injury and concussion

Scientists develop high-throughput mitochondria transfer device

Christine Baugh, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and member of...

A study, published today in the journal Cell Reports, describes how the new UCLA-developed device, called MitoPunch, transfers...

In plants, channels set the rhythm

Sugars influence cell-to-surface adhesion

Although plants are anchored to the ground, they spend most of their lifetime swinging in the wind. Like animals, plants...

IMAGE: Flagella-mediated adhesion and gliding by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (green alga) on a solid surface (top). Using...

Electrons hop to it on twisted molecular wires

Significant disparities in telemedicine use, especially among older and POC patients

IMAGE: Concept and chemical structure of periodically twisted molecular wires. view more Credit: Osaka University Osaka,...

Scientists turned toxic pesticide into treatment against antibiotic-resistant bacteria N-Aryl-C-nitroazoles are an important class of heterocyclic compounds. They are used as pesticides and fungicides. However,...

After “COVID-19,” the term that most people will remember best from 2020 is likely to be “social distancing.”...

Study examines the most effective COVID-19 control policies IMAGE: Anita M. McGahan is a University Professor and the George E. Connell Chair in Organizations Society at the...

Polysaccharides from red algae affect mice immune systems, say FEFU scientists

Imaging of ballistic wounds, bullet composition and implications for MRI safety

Carrageenans, biologically active polysaccharides

IMAGE: Scout (A), T1-weighted spin-echo (SE) (B),

isolated from red algae and widely used in the food

T2-weighted SE (C), T2-weighted gradient-recalled

industry as stabilizers,...

echo (GRE) (TR/TE,...

More than a million Americans flew on Sunday despite COVID-19

Covid England: How the new mutated strain has spread in a fortnight

U.S. air travel hit a pandemic-high on Sunday

By David Churchill What has happened to the

following Christmas, with at least 1.28 million

coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of

Americans flying, according...

Covid has developed which...

Covid UK:New cases DOUBLE in a week with 36,804 more infections

New coronavirus variant has triggered ‘explosive’ outbreaks in London schools

By David Churchill What has happened to the

By David Churchill What has happened to the

coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of

coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of

Covid has developed which...

Covid has developed which...

Moonshot scientists DEFEND rapid lateral flow coronavirus tests

Coronavirus UK: R rate is UP again to a possible 1.3, SAGE warns

The scientists behind the Government’s Moonshot testing plans have leapt to the defence of lateral flow coronavirus...

The coronavirus R rate in Britain has risen to between 1.1 and 1.3 and it is at least one or higher in every region of England...

HUGH FEARNLEY-WHITTINGSTALL: Eat your way to weight loss

Covid UK: 41,385 daily cases and 357 deaths as second wave grows

Want to eat better forever? I’m in no doubt that the best and simplest way to do that is to eat wholefoods — foods...

Britain could be put into ‘Tier 5’ restrictions, it has been claimed, with England’s hospitals are now...

Long-lasting COVID immunity gives real hope for the long-term protection of vaccines

A single gene ‘invented’ haemoglobin several times

The research is the strongest evidence for the likelihood that vaccines against the virus, SARSCoV-2, will work for long...

Stopping RAS inhibitors tied to worse outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects approximately ten percent of the global population. Hypertension is the most common...

Having red blood is not peculiar to humans or mammals. This colour comes from haemoglobin, a complex protein specialized...

Flag leaves could help top off photosynthetic performance in rice The flag leaf is the last to emerge, indicating the transition from crop growth to grain production. Photosynthesis in this...

Story tip from Johns Hopkins expert on Covid-19

UCLA scientists develop high-throughput mitochondria transfer device

In a study that looked at suicide deaths during 2020’s first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Maryland, Johns Hopkins...

LOS ANGELES — Scientists from the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed a simple, high-throughput...

College football players underestimate risk of injury and concussion

The puzzle of nonhost resistance: why do pathogens harm some plants but not others?

AURORA, Colo. (Dec. 29, 2020) – College football players may underestimate their risk of injury and concussion, according...

Army research leads to more effective training model for robots IMAGE: New Army research reduces the unpredictability of current training reinforcement learning policies so that they...

IMAGE: Ralph Panstruga Matthew Moscou view more Credit: Ralph Panstruga Matthew Moscou People have puzzled...

2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend grains at all life stages IMAGE: 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend maintaining existing serving size for whole and enriched...

Sustained cellular immune dysregulation in individuals recovering from COVID-19

Coronavirus: Spain to keep registry of those who refuse Covid vaccine

IMAGE: Nathaniel Erdmann view more Credit: UAB BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – COVID-19, which has killed

It is currently rolling out the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine which was approved for EU member states last

1.7 million...


Parents warned of ‘sharp rise’ in eating disorders

Covid-19: Military to support mass testing of students in England

What is an eating disorder?

New coronavirus variant: What do we know?

Covid-19: Health workers ‘back in eye of storm’, says NHS chief

Mother reveals two-year-old daughter’s flu-like symptoms were deadly meningitis

With coronavirus infections at what public health

A mother has revealed how her two-year-old

officials called an “unprecedented level” and a new

daughter had to have both legs amputated after


contracting meningitis. Restaurant...

Frontline medic choir in Queen’s Christmas message tell of sacrifice

Why tidying your kitchen will help you polish off the pounds!

Gareth Malone. Justin Bieber. The Lewisham and

Over-indulged this festive season? Carrying a few

Greenwich NHS choir could easily have been

extra pounds? Feeling sluggish and unfit? Fear not,

forgiven for thinking they had...

help is just around...

‘My feet burn with pain if I go walking’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

Silicone ‘ping pong ball’ implanted in the stomach could help relieve persistent heartburn

I’m an avid walker aged 74, but now find after a few miles I get a tingling feeling in my little toe which spreads to the...

Silicone ‘ping pong ball’ implanted in the stomach could help relieve persistent heartburn By Pat Hagan for the Daily...

Will 2021 finally be the year we finally get the male pill?

High-tech new toothbrushes designed to make you smile

A male counterpart to the contraceptive pill for women, which first appeared in Britain 60 years ago, is seen as the Holy...

Looking to add ‘better-looking teeth’ to your New Year resolutions? The latest electric toothbrushes claim to be capable...

Why common antibiotics may trigger mental breakdowns

$3.9M project on self-deleting genes takes aim at mosquito-borne diseases

Earlier this year it was reported that Alana Cutland, a 19-year-old Cambridge University student,pictured, jumped...

To control mosquito populations and prevent them from transmitting diseases such as malaria, many researchers are pursuing...

One year later, how does COVID-19 affect children?

Comparing health outcomes of privileged Americans with residents of other developed countries

What The Patient Page Says: We have all lived with COVID-19 for about a year now. Overall, we have learned that children...

Beverage prices, volume sold after sweetened beverage tax repeal in Chicago’s county What The Study Did: This observational study examined whether lasting change in sweetened beverage prices or the volume sold...

What The Study Did: Researchers looked at whether health outcomes of white citizens living in the richest U.S. counties were...

High-speed atomic force microscopy takes on intrinsically disordered proteins IMAGE: Structural and dynamic features of three IDPs (NTAIL, PNT and Sic1) revealed by HS-AFM imaging. The top and...

Protein twist and squeeze confers cancer drug resistance

Large transporter protein linked to schizophrenia

In 1986, cellular biochemist Kazumitsu Ueda, currently at Kyoto University’s Institute for Integrated Cell-Material...

IMAGE: Abnormalities in the cholesterol transport protein ABCA13 have been shown to lead to schizophrenia in a mouse...

Brain imaging predicts PTSD after brain injury

Oxford coronavirus vaccine to be approved ‘shortly after Christmas’

Philadelphia, December 29, 2020 – Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex psychiatric disorder brought on...

Coronavirus vaccinations have started in care homes in the UK, Matt Hancock confirmed today. Care home residents are top...

Tony Blair calls for the UK to use up ALL coronavirus vaccine supplies on one dose strategy

Covid England: Earlier spring lockdown could have saved 20k lives

Tony Blair has called for Britain to scrap its current coronavirus vaccination strategy and give ‘as many people as...

Starting spring lockdown just a WEEK earlier could have saved 20,000 lives from Covid-19 crisis, claims Imperial College...

Coronavirus can affect the brain because its ‘spike’ protein is capable of crossing blood barrier

Covid cases in England spike back up to pre-lockdown levels with 646,000 people infected last week

Covid-19 may be able to infect the brain because it

One in every 85 people in England is now infected

carries a protein capable of getting through the

with coronavirus, half of them have caught the new

barrier at the top of...

super-infectious strain...

Why you should open your windows while eating Christmas dinner

Quack cure or Covid hope? Six sciencebacked foods that fight Covid

Open your windows while eating Christmas dinner:

A vaccine is being rolled out and potential

Simulation reveals how fresh air whisks away

treatments are being trialled to see if they can cure

coronavirus particles in a...

Covid, but for the foreseeable...

Coronavirus vaccine: How the Oxford dosing mix-up REALLY happened Oxford accidentally under-dosed participants in its

HKU chemists develop a new drug discovery strategy for "undruggable" drug targets

coronavirus vaccine trial because of a measurement

IMAGE: Graphic illustration of the work: DNA-

blunder by the university’s...

programmed affinity labelling (DPAL) enables the direct screening of DNA-encoded...

New research makes strong case for restoring Hong Kong’s lost oyster reefs IMAGE: Oyster reefs in Hong Kong view more Credit: ©Kyle Obermann/Courtesy TNC New research produced jointly...

Faster, greener way of producing carbon spheres IMAGE: Carbon spheres – microscope images A fast, green and one-step method for producing porous carbon spheres,...

Industry collaboration leads to important milestone in the creation of a quantum computer IMAGE: (a) Scanning electron image of one of the Foundry-fabricated quantum dot devices. Four quantum dots can be formed...

Study identifies distinct sub-types of aggressive tumours to allow for targeted treatment Angiosarcomas are clinically aggressive tumours that are more prevalent in Asian populations Study led by Singapore clinician-scientists...

Heart transplantations: prospects of success increase with larger case volumes In a series of commissions awarded by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) to the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health...

Surveys identify relationship between waves, coastal cliff erosion IMAGE: Scripps Oceanography geomorphologist Adam Young buries wave energy-measuring sensors. view more Credit:...

Common brain malformation traced to its genetic roots

Covid-19: Five ways to stay positive through the winter

IMAGE: The lowest part of a child’s brain is visible below the bottom of the skull in this MRI scan and shows...

“You can think of it as a kind of brain fertiliser – it helps parts of your brain regenerate,” says Dr...

Covid-19: Concern at ‘unprecedented’ infection level in England

Chemotherapy ‘is made a THIRD more effective’ with magnetic nanoparticles

On Monday, a further 41,385 Covid cases and 357 deaths were reported in the UK.

Chemotherapy technique that uses magnetic nanoparticles to heat cancerous cells to more than 104°F while delivering drugs...

Only 388 people aged under 60 with no underlying health conditions have died of Covid in the UK

Millions more Britons face being plunged into Tier 4 lockdown this week

388 people aged under 60 with ‘NO underlying health conditions’ have died of Covid in England’s hospitals Covid-19...

Doctors fear the NHS could be overwhelmed within days as hospital admissions surge due to the highly infectious Covid strain...

Hospitals in England ‘on track’ to have more than 20,000 Covid patients on New Year’s Eve

Children who identify as gay or transgender are 64% MORE likely to be obese

Hospitals in England are hurtling towards having 20,000 coronavirus patients who need NHS treatment on New Year’s Eve,...

Children who identify as gay, bisexual or transgender are 64% MORE likely to be obese, study finds US-based researchers...

Is Cumbria on the brink of Tier Four?

SAGE expert warns hitting one million vaccines a week won’t be enough to curb

More than 90 per cent of councils in England saw their coronavirus outbreaks grow before Christmas, according to official...

Covid crisis in months Teachers and key workers will be added to the vaccine priority list when the Oxford University/AstraZeneca jab is finally...

Britain records 41,385 Covid cases and 357 more deaths as second wave continues to grow

Do toddlers learning to spoon-feed seek different information from caregivers’ hands and faces?

Britain today recorded 41,385 cases of Covid and

An international research collaboration led by Kobe

357 more deaths as the second wave of the disease

University’s Professor NONAKA Tetsushi (Graduate

continues to grow with...

School of Human...

Switching DNA functions on and off by means of light

Chemists develop a new drug discovery strategy for ‘undruggable’ drug targets

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the basis of life on

Membrane proteins play important roles in biology,

earth. The function of DNA is to store all the genetic

and many of them are high-value targets that are

information, which...

being intensively pursued...

Study suggests link between word choices and extraverts

Music-induced emotions can be predicted from brain scans

The finding highlights the need for stronger linguistic indicators to be developed for use in online personality prediction...

The researchers used a machine learning algorithm to map which brain regions are activated when the different music-induced...

Quick look under the skin

Vaping could cloud your thoughts, new studies suggest

How big is the liver? Does it change if medication is taken? Is the kidney inflamed? Is there a tumor in the brain and did...

While other studies have found an association between vaping and mental impairment in animals, the URMC team is the first...

The evolving role of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in plastic surgery

The liverwort oil body is formed by redirection of the secretory pathway

December 28, 2020 – Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment, which involves injecting a small amount of a patient’s...

Cells, the basic unit of life, are surrounded by a limiting membrane called the plasma membrane. Inside cells, there are...

New studies suggest vaping could cloud your thoughts

Extremely energy efficient microprocessor developed using superconductors

Two new studies from the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) have uncovered an association between vaping and mental...

One psychedelic experience may lessen trauma of racial injustice COLUMBUS, Ohio – A single positive experience on a psychedelic drug may help reduce stress, depression and anxiety...

IMAGE: AQFP MANA microprocessor die photo. MANA is the world’s first adiabatic superconductor microprocessor. ...

Discovery about how cancer cells evade immune defenses inspires new treatment approach Cancer cells are known for spreading genetic chaos. As cancer cells divide, DNA segments and even whole chromosomes can be...

Neurologists say there is no medical justification for police use of neck restraints

Groups of bacteria can work together to better protect crops and improve their growth

BOSTON – Some police departments in the United States continue to teach officers that neck restraints are a safe method...

IMAGE: Scientist Susanna Harris in the lab. view more Credit: Noam Eckshtain-Levi, Susanna Leigh Harris, Reizo...

Covid-19: UK records 30,000 new cases and 316 deaths

Covid-19: London Ambulance Service receives as many 999 calls as first wave

It comes as doctors in Scotland warned that the health system was “severely stretched” and a Welsh hospital made...

The UK reported another 30,501 positive tests on Sunday, and 316 deaths of people who had tested positive within the past...

Covid: Cardiff health board plea for critical care help

Scar-free operation could banish acid reflux for good

It said it needed help from people with experience in “proning” patients.

A revolutionary scalpel-free procedure that strengthens weak muscles in the oesophagus could spare millions from chronic...

HEALTH QUIZ: How much of 2020 do YOU remember?

Now here’s the good news

If there was ever a year to pay attention to health

torn apart and long-term plans destroyed, with few able to consider...

news, it was 2020. From the first celebrities to

It has been a year like no other. Families have been

receive a Covid jab,...

Thousands of children are stuck in care home hell

Hope after a grim week

Like any 11-year-old, Josh Jones loves Christmas.

the Covid-19 vaccine – as a healthcare worker, I am

Above all because it’s normally one of the few

one of the first...

Last week I wrote about receiving my first dose of

occasions he gets...

The intriguing reason you feel ill after a single glass

COVID-19 isolation hurting women more than men

I’ll admit it: I have a drinking problem. But mainly

A study by University of Calgary researchers with

only with white wine, not red. And always with

the Hotchkiss Brain Institute examining sex and

bubbles. No, it’s...

gender differences on sleep,...

Mayo Clinic Model of Care and Research leads to favorable outcomes for patients with COVID-19

E-cigarettes, as consumer products, do not help people quit smoking, study finds

ROCHESTER, Minn. — Patients with COVID-19 who received care at Mayo Clinic, whether in the hospital or at home, had...

Record-setting thermoelectric figure of merit achieved for metal oxides IMAGE: The barium-cobalt oxide film (top right, approximately 1 cm2) being exposed to an open flame to generate voltage....

Covid-19: Tougher Covid rules begin for millions in UK It comes after official UK coronavirus deaths passed 70,000 on Christmas Day.

Cancer’s intelligence Dr. J. James Frost and The International Journal of Unconventional Computing will soon be publishing “Cancer’s...

Children’s emotion inferences from masked faces during the COVID-19 pandemic IMAGE: Girl wearing a mask at school view more Credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash, Children...

E-cigarette use has risen steeply and mostly without regulation over the past decade. The devices have diversified into a...

Researcher uses machine learning to demonstrate that DNA impacts cancer risk Lifestyle, or put another way ‘bad habits’, is one of the textbook explanations for why some people are at higher...

Maternal Immune Activation Induces Sustained Changes in Fetal Microglia Motility IMAGE: Illustration of microglial process motility changes in fetuses affected by maternal immune activation. ...

Evidence for a massive paleo-tsunami at ancient Tel Dor, Israel IMAGE: Geoprobe drilling rig extraction of a sediment core with evidence of a tsunami from South Bay, Tel Dor, Israel ...

VR simulations shed potential light on goalkeepers’ ability to stop free kicks IMAGE: The study’s VR technology being used for training purposes view more Credit: INCISIV Virtual...

Capturing 40 years of climate change for an endangered Montana prairie

Remarkable new species of snake found hidden in a biodiversity collection

IMAGE: The intermountain bunchgrass prairie at the National Bison Range, Montana, USA at one of the study areas. ...

IMAGE: Jeff Weinell, a KU graduate research assistant at the Biodiversity Institute, is lead author of a paper describing...

Neurology patients faced with rising outof-pocket costs for tests, office visits

People in rural areas less likely to receive specialty care for neurologic conditions

MINNEAPOLIS – Just like with drug costs, the amount of money people pay out-of-pocket for diagnostic tests and office...

MINNEAPOLIS – A new study has found that while the prevalence of neurologic conditions like dementia, stroke, Parkinson’s...

Experiment takes ‘snapshots’ of light, stops light, uses light to change properties of matter

New research highlights the importance of the thymus in successful pregnancies IMAGE: Magdalena Paolino, assistant professor and team leader at the Department of Medicine Solna,

PITTSBURGH–Light travels at a speed of about

Karolinska Institutet. ...

300,000,000 meters per second as light particles, photons, or equivalently...

Weedy Seadragon genomics reveal highly distinct populations Charismatic, iconic and Instagram-friendly, the

New research highlights the importance of a forgotten organ in ensuring healthy pregnancies

weedy seadragon is a favourite with divers and

An international research team led by the University

snorkellers. The first genomic...

of British Columbia (UBC) has uncovered for the first time the importance...

The thymus as key to healthy pregnancies IMAGE: The thymus as key to healthy pregnancies.

Caspian crisis: Sinking sea levels threaten biodiversity, economy and regional stability

view more Credit: @IMBA/Kulcsar Female sex

IMAGE: Infographic showing the effects of water

hormones instruct...

level change in the Caspian Sea area. view more Credit: Naturalis The...

Scientists discover how our brains track where we and others go

Covid: Post-exposure antibody protection trialled

IMAGE: Scientists used a special backpack to study for the first time how a person’s brain navigates space and...

Covid antibodies ‘last at least six months’

Covid-19: UK coronavirus deaths pass 70,000

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Overdone it this year? Help’s just around the corner

More than 70,000 people in the UK have now died within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test, official figures show.

How was Christmas for you? With 2020 having been such a difficult year, it would be completely understandable if you’ve...

Global trial reveals life saving drug for acute myeloid leukemia

Assessment of air contamination by SARS-CoV-2 in hospital settings

A landmark paper published today in the New England Journal of Medicine describes the results from a global trial across...

What The Study Did: In this systematic review of current evidence on air contamination with SARSCoV-2 in hospital settings,...

Chest pain risk assessment may reduce treatment disparities

FDA Oncology Center of Excellence during COVID-19

The use of a standardized tool for assessing the risk of serious outcomes in patients with chest pain was associated with...

What The Viewpoint Says: This Viewpoint discusses initiatives of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Oncology Center...

Wistar reports new class of antibiotics active against a wide range of bacteria

Climate crisis is causing lakes to shrink

IMAGE: Bacteria image view more Credit: The Wistar Institute PHILADELPHIA — (Dec. 23, 2020) —...

Triple chemotherapy combination improves metastatic colorectal cancer outcomes IMAGE: Scott Kopetz, MD, of SWOG Cancer Research Network view more Credit: SWOG

While global sea levels are rising due to the climate crisis and threatening near-coastal infrastructures, higher temperatures...

Perfect transmission through barrier using sound The perfect transmission of sound through a barrier is difficult to achieve, if not impossible based on our existing knowledge....

Cancer Research Network Researchers...

Bedford woman ‘lost hands and feet’ as Covid led to sepsis

Rob Burrow: Rugby League legend’s year living with MND

A woman who had her hands and feet amputated

playRob Burrow: ‘2020 has taught me life is

after coronavirus led to pneumonia, which then caused sepsis, says she is looking...

precious’ Video, 00:04:53Rob Burrow: ‘2020 has taught me life...

Coronavirus: Fresh air ‘forgotten weapon’ in fight

Covid: Rapid tests ‘useful public health tool’

EU diplomats get Brexit trade deal briefing MPs are

It’s a more difficult question once you are using them

waiting to see the full text of the agreement ahead of a vote in Parliament...

to clear people to do something – for example visit a...

Theory describes quantum phenomenon in nanomaterials

Researchers develop new way to break reciprocity law

IMAGE: A quantum dot (the yellow part) is

IMAGE: One-way light transmission. view more

connected to two lead electrodes (the blue parts). Electrons tunneling into...

Credit: Xuchen Wang / Aalto University An international research...

Estonian-led international network publishes first study of growing influence of social media

The ABCs of species evolution

The key conclusion of the study was not a surprise

membrane. This strengthens...

IMAGE: The ABCA1 protein flips the cholesterol from the inner to the outer layer of the cell

to the scientists involved: the importance of social media as a primary...

Christmas trees can be green because of a photosynthetic short-cut How can conifers that are used for example as Christmas trees keep their green needles over the

Plastic is blowing in the wind As the plastic in our oceans breaks up into smaller and smaller bits without breaking down chemically, the resulting microplastics...

boreal winter when most trees...

Study suggests great earthquakes as cause of Arctic warming

TPU chemists convert plastic bottle waste into insecticide sorbent

IMAGE: Aleutian Islands are an archipelago comprising dozens of islands with 40 active and 17

Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University proposed a method to create a sorbent for imidacloprid

dormant volcanoes ...

insecticide removal from...

Teen figure skater suffers rare genetic disorder her to have transplant at just 14

Mathematical modeling can help balance economy, health during pandemic

A teen figure skater needed a heart transplant after

As a result, many areas, including the St. Louis

it was discovered she had a genetic condition that was turning her heart...

region, saw increases in cases in July. Using mathematical modeling, new...

Cooperation with R&D organizations is significantly distinctive for advanced innovators

Trophoblast motility in a gelatin hydrogel

The innovation performance of firms depends on

engineering, material science,...

IMAGE: Journal brings together scientific and medical experts in the fields of biomedical

their ability to innovate in cooperation with external partners. In a study,...

Astrocytes eat connections to maintain plasticity in adult brains IMAGE: A 3-D animated image showing our synapse phagocytosis reporter in mouse

COVID-19 severity affected by proportion of antibodies targeting crucial viral protein COVID-19 antibodies preferentially target a different

hippocampus. Presynapses in green, astrocytes...

part of the virus in mild cases of COVID-19 than they do in severe...

Eavesdropping on the pH levels inside the brain

Multi-population risk scores could improve risk prediction for inflammatory bowel diseases, study finds

IMAGE: The multiplexed pH probe with a lightaddressable potentiometric sensor and a schematic diagram of the multimodal...

Using genetic data from nearly 30,000 people, Mount Sinai researchers have built risk scores from a combination of datasets...

Early mammal with remarkably precise bite

Novel method reveals small microplastics throughout Japan’s subtropical ocean

IMAGE: The investigated dentition of P. fruitaensis. The upper molars (M2, M3) are offset from the lower

IMAGE: Six areas around Okinawa were visited to collect samples for analyzing the marine

ones (m2,...

microplastics – two...

‘Horrendous’ ambulance delays at West Midlands hospitals

Covid-19: UK bans travel from South Africa over variant

Delays in hospitals taking over care of patients is

Covid: Sharp rises in infection levels in England,

considered “risky”, NHS England said, because it not only...

says ONS

Schools ‘may need to close to control new variant’

Covid: Sharp rises in infection levels in England, says ONS

The work, which is still preliminary, calculates the

According to the ONS figures, there are sharp rises

variant is spreading 56% faster than other forms of the virus.

in levels of positive tests in the capital, the east of England, and...

Breaking bad: How shattered chromosomes make cancer cells drug-

International research team calls for ‘glocal’ approach to help mitigate


flooding damage

In a paper published in the December 23, 2020

IMAGE: By coupling a large-scale hydrological

online issue of Nature, researchers at University of California San Diego School...

model with a local-scale, high-resolution hydraulic model and urban flood...

Human-made landscape promotes coexistence of two normally separated Andean warblers

Shapeshifting crystals-varying stability in different forms of gallium selenide monolayers

IMAGE: The two species and their habitats at the

IMAGE: The P and AP phases of a GaSe monolayer

study site in Ecuador (Photos by J. Nowakowski). The higher elevation...

view more Credit: Hirokazu Nitta from Japan Advanced Institute...

Discovery of aging mechanism for hematopoietic stem cells

Protein tells developing cells to stick together

IMAGE: No caption view more Credit: ©Atsushi IWAMA, The Institute of Medical Science, The

IMAGE: Compartments in adult tissues. Fluorescent protein expression shows posterior compartments in

University of Tokyo By...

the wing and the...

A new TanSat XCO2 global product for climate studies

Modeling can help balance economy, health during pandemic

Since CO2 has been recognized as the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas owing to

IMAGE: Arye Nehorai, the Eugene Martha Lohman Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Preston M.

its significant impact on global...

Green Department...

RUDN University scientist showed global warming effect on greenhouse gas emissions in paddy soils

Even after long-term exposure, bionic touch does not remap the brain

IMAGE: A soil scientist from RUDN University studied the decomposition of organic matter in rice

Chicago and Chalmers University of Technology, published on December...

A new study by neuroscientists at the University of


The brain’s protein factories at work Proteostasis refers to maintaining a delicate balance

Metabolic syndrome ‘interacts’ with COVID-19

of protein levels in the cell, which is of particularly crucial importance...

Announcing a new publication for BIO Integration

Understanding nanoparticle entry mechanism into tumors

Quantum wave in helium dimer filmed for the first time

Announcing a new publication for BIO Integration journal. In this commentary the authors Phei Er Saw

Anyone entering the world of quantum physics must prepare themself for quite a few things unknown in

and Sangyong Jon from...

the everyday world:...

Physician-led Spanish-speaking volunteers address health care inequities during a crisis

New mammal reference genome helps ID genetic variants for human health

BOSTON — In a perspective published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine, experts from the

journal. In this review article the authors Zeling Guo, Shanping Jiang,...

The rhesus macaque is the most widely studied nonhuman primate in biomedical research. A genome sequencing project for this...

Massachusetts General Hospital...

Scientists at Tel Aviv University develop new gene therapy for deafness

With COVID exacerbating superbug threat, researchers ID new weapon

IMAGE: Professor Karen Avraham and Shahar Taiber of Tel Aviv University. view more Credit: Tel

IMAGE: Corrie Detweiler in the lab at CU Boulder. view more Credit: CU Boulder As scientists around

Aviv University A...


Atomic-scale nanowires can now be produced at scale

Coronavirus variants and mutations: the science explained

IMAGE: (a) Illustration of a TMC nanowire (b)

UK has two cases of variant linked to South Africa

Chemical vapor deposition. The ingredients are vaporized in a hydrogen/nitrogen...

NHS: Intensive care choir attempts Christmas number one

Coronavirus: Vaccinate more people with one dose, urges Tony Blair

They face stiff competition from Justin Bieber’s collaboration with the Lewisham and Greenwich

In the Independent, he argued the roll-out must be “radically accelerated”.

NHS choir.

UK has two cases of variant linked to South Africa

COVID-19: First 10 days after hospital discharge are most dangerous

Covid: New variant found ‘due to hard work of UK

COVID patients are 40% more likely to die within 10


days of leaving the hospital than those with pneumonia or heart failure,...

Moderna says it expects its coronavirus vaccine to protect against the new U.K. strain

Similar factors cause health disparities in cancer, COVID-19

Moderna Inc says it expects its COVID-19 vaccine

from COVID-19 in this population. “The similarities between COVID-19...

to protect people against the new mutant British variant of the coronavirus. The...

The same factors are also causing worse outcomes

Scientists develop new gene therapy for deafness

Disposable surgical masks best for being heard clearly when speaking, study finds

The scientists were able to prevent the gradual deterioration of hearing in mice that had a genetic

Corey, an electrical and computer engineering postdoctoral researcher under professor Andrew

mutation for deafness....

Singer at the University of...

Ancient DNA retells story of Caribbean’s first people, with a few plot twists

How our brains track where we and others go

An international team led by Harvard Medical School’s David Reich analyzed the genomes of 263

Published Dec. 23 in Nature, the findings suggest that our brains generate a common code to mark

individuals in the largest...

where other people are in...

New class of antibiotics active against a wide range of bacteria

New drug inhibits the growth of cancer cells

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared

Mitochondria provide our cells with energy and

AMR as one of the top 10 global public health threats against humanity....

cellular building blocks necessary for normal tissue and organ function. For...

Covering faces around kids won’t mask emotions It’s easiest to understand the emotions of the people around you by taking in all the hints they’re

What does ‘do not resuscitate’ mean? Varying interpretations may affect patient care, reports American Journal of Nursing


December 23, 2020 – When patients have a do-notresuscitate (DNR) order, it means they have chosen not to receive cardiopulmonary...

Sex Differences in Death After Stroke IMAGE: Journal dedicated to the diseases and conditions that hold greater risk for or are more

Discovery of chemical clue may lead to solving cacao’s black pod rot mystery IMAGE: The researchers have created a

prevalent among women,...

streamlined sample-collection protocol that only requires a single leaf disc....

Scientists identify new gene involved in autism spectrum disorder

Turning the heat down: Catalyzing ammonia formation at lower temperatures with ruthenium

IMAGE: Bruce Beutler, M.D. view more Credit: Photo taken by Brian Coats for UT Southwestern Medical Center DALLAS...

IMAGE: The metal ruthenium, supported with lanthanide oxyhydrides, can efficiently catalyze the synthesis of ammonia...

Breaking bad: how shattered chromosomes make cancer cells drugresistant

No. 1 news release on EurekAlert!’s 2020 Trending List smashes previous all-time record for visits

IMAGE: In this scanning electron micrograph of inside the nucleus of a cancer cell, chromosomes

IMAGE: The sixth most popular release in 2020 is also the first from China and described a newly

are indicated by blue...

unearthed prehistoric...

Ludwig Cancer Research study reveals how ecDNA forms and drives cancer drug resistance

HALF of air samples taken from hallways and a fifth from bathrooms have high levels of coronavirus

IMAGE: Ludwig San Diego Members Don Cleveland and Ofer Shoshani view more Credit: Ludwig

HALF of air samples taken from hospital hallways and a fifth from bathrooms have high levels of

Cancer Research DECEMBER...

coronavirus, study finds Researchers...

Blood alcohol levels much lower than the legal limit impair hand-eye coordination, study finds

Cellular exclusion of mitochondria protects cells from damage

New research published in The Journal of

Most cells in the body require mitochondria to

Physiology however found for the first time that hand-eye coordination is dramatically...

function and survive. Various disease processes and toxic agents can harm...

Scientists discover mutations associated with early onset dementia

Cannabis use blunts stress reactivity in female rats

Adult onset Leukoencephalopathy with axonal

In contrast, male rats that were provided access to

Spheroids and Pigmented glia (ALSP) is an ultrarare condition characterised...

the same potency of cannabis over the same 30-day window did not experience...

Controlling cardiac waves with light to better understand abnormally rapid heart rhythms

Increased meat consumption associated with symptoms of childhood asthma

In Chaos, by AIP Publishing, researchers use mice

Asthma prevalence among children in the United States has risen over the last few decades.

to study tachycardias and find there are intrinsic mechanisms that exist...

Researchers found that dietary...

Liquid bandage detects tissue oxygenation without the drawbacks of wired oximeters

New mammogram measures of breast cancer risk could revolutionize screening

“Our trial showed that the transparent liquid bandage detected tissue oxygenation as well as the

Published in the International Journal of Cancer, the University of Melbourne-led study found two new mammogram-based measures...

gold standard of an...

New mechanisms to control dental procedure spray emissions

Light smokers may not escape nicotine addiction, study reveals

Alexandria, Va., USA — Since the onset of COVID19 the potential risk of dental procedure spray

HERSHEY, Pa. — Even people who consider themselves to be casual cigarette smokers may be

emissions for SARS-CoV-2...

addicted, according to current...

Tracing the many paths of vision

Changing the perspective on the ‘Cinderella of the cytoskeleton’

IMAGE: The catalog allowed studying individual cell types in the retina and linking them to a specific structure, function...

SETD2 is a protein well known as a chromatin

AI-designed serotonin sensor may help scientists study sleep and mental health

Immersive virtual reality boosts the effectiveness of spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain

Serotonin is a neurochemical that plays a critical

remodeler, one that helps turn genes on or off by modifying histone proteins...

role in the way the brain controls our thoughts and feelings. For example,...

December 23, 2020 – For patients receiving spinal

Research reveals compromised transfer of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies through placenta

Cost-effective hood reduces aerosol exposures to patients, otolaryngologists

BOSTON – Recent analyses indicate that pregnant

cord stimulation (SCS) for chronic pain, integration with an immersive...

(Boston)–The COVID-19 pandemic has continued to cause dramatic shifts in the practice of

women and newborns may face elevated risks of developing more severe...

otolaryngology. Even with...

Covid-19: Can face masks make communal singing safe enough?

Covid-19: The Philippines and its lockdown baby boom

playCan face masks help people sing together again? Video, 00:02:21Can face masks help people

The crush can be felt everywhere from the city’s traffic jams to the jails, where people sleep like

sing together again?

sardines in cells...

Cygnet Woodside in special measures over ‘patient safety risks’

‘I was desperate for a cancer manual – but there isn’t one’

Follow BBC Yorkshire on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Send your story ideas to

One of them is Steve Bland, who runs the awardwinning and ground breaking You, Me and the Big C podcast which was co-created...

Evolution of a killer: How African Salmonella made the leap from gut to bloodstream

New method for imaging exhaled breath could provide insights into COVID-19 transmission

Bloodstream infections caused by a drug-resistant

“Scientists believe the SARS-CoV-2 virus is primarily

type of Salmonella Typhimurium called ST313 are a major public health concern...

spread through respiratory droplets that can be carried in the...

Modeling study suggests mitigation efforts can prevent most college campus COVID-19 cases Investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital and Case Western

What if clean air benefits during COVID19 shutdown continued post-pandemic? The researchers leveraged the unintended “natural experiment” of cleaner air in New York City during the COVID-19...

Reserve University...

New drug combination could improve glucose and weight control in diabetes The results pave the way for clinical studies of the new drug combination as a more effective long-term treatment for millions...

Bio-inspired endoscope provides 3D visible and near-infrared images simultaneously Endoscopes with 3D imaging capability can help surgeons precisely locate diseased tissue. Adding fluorescence imaging can...

Pandemic and forthcoming stimulus funds could bring climate targets in sight — or not

Scientists suggested a method to improve performance of methanol fuel cells

The worldwide recession caused by the coronavirus has had a profound impact on greenhouse gas

IMAGE: Metallic glass, microscopic image view more Credit: FEFU press office Fuel cells based on

emissions that is likely to...


What pandemic messaging around changing holiday rituals gets wrong

Diversity, severity of autism symptoms linked to mutation locations

In the midst of the raging coronavirus pandemic,

NEW YORK, NY (Dec. 22, 2020)–One of the most

we’re faced with agonizing decisions about whether to forgo treasured...

recognizable characteristics of autism is an amazing diversity of associated...

Survival of the thickest: Big brains make mammal populations less dense

Highest levels of microplastics found in molluscs, new study says

IMAGE: A Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) in

Mussels, oysters and scallops have the highest

Gibraltar view more Credit: Manuela GonzalezSuarez/University...

levels of microplastic contamination among seafood, a new study reveals. The...

Molecular reporters expose the allies of the brain tumor

Are two phases of quarantine better than one?

IMAGE: Previously only suspected, now made it visible thanks to the molecular reporter: where

New research into this question shows that the second wave of an epidemic is very different if a

human tumor cells and...

population has a homogenous...

Genetic engineering without unwanted side effects helps fight parasites

NIH launches study on allergic reactions caused by Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine

Around a third of the world’s population carries Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that puts people with

The U.S. National Institues of Health (NIH) is planning to examine why a few people have suffered

a weakened immune...

allergic reactions to Pfizer‘s...

Covid US: Number of people keen to take vaccine DOUBLES to 46%

Cloth masks are NOT enough to stop the spread of COVID-19 without social distancing

The number of Americans who say they are willing to get a coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible is growing, a new poll...

Wearing a cloth mask is not enough to prevent the

Masks not enough to stop COVID-19’s spread without distancing, study finds

Community spread of COVID-19 tied to patient survival rates at area hospitals

In Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, researchers

“We have known that individual risk factors like age

tested how five different types of mask materials impacted the spread...

and gender, comorbidities such as obesity, and whether someone...

Hand-held device measures aerosols for coronavirus risk assessment

Pregnant women in third trimester unlikely to pass SARS-CoV-2 infection to newborns

That is, until now. Researchers from the Cardiology Centers of the Netherlands and the University of

spread of the coronavirus without practicing social distancing, a new study...

“This study provides some reassurance that SARS-

Amsterdam demonstrate...

CoV-2 infections during the third trimester are unlikely to pass through...

Surgery may offer survival advantage in certain metastatic breast cancers

In shaky times, focus on past successes, if overly anxious, depressed

Stage four breast cancer accounts for 6% of newly diagnosed breast cancer cases. Systemic therapy,

The findings, published today, Dec. 22, in the journal eLife, are particularly salient in the face of a COVID-

which may include treatments...

19 surge that...

Mouse-controlled mouse helps researchers understand intentional control

Model predicts where ticks, Lyme disease will appear next in Midwest states

The study, published today in Neuron, sheds light on how the brain represents causally-controlled objects.

Black-legged ticks can carry the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, an infection that can affect the nervous system, heart...

The researchers...

Light flips genetic switch in bacteria inside transparent worms

Putting on the pressure improves glass for fiber optics

IMAGE: Light-responsive bacteria fed to worms are

IMAGE: The voids (yellow) in silica glass become

visible in images of the worms’ gastrointestinal tracts. Engineers...

much smaller when the glass is quenched at higher pressures. ...

Why an early start is key to developing musical skill later in life

Perspective: Why opioids cannot fix chronic pain

Among the many holiday traditions scuttled by

A broken heart is often harder to heal than a broken

pandemic restrictions this year are live concerts featuring skilled musicians....

leg. Now researchers say that a broken heart can contribute to lasting...

Enzyme discovery can help rein in blood vessels that fuel cancer

Secondary bloodstream infections associated with severe COVID-19

LA JOLLA, CA–Most living things need oxygen to grow and thrive. Even cancerous tumors. That’s why

People with severe COVID-19 and a secondary blood infection were significantly sicker upon

tumors will...

hospital admission, had longer...

How the American child welfare system lost its way

New mammogram measures of breast cancer risk could revolutionise screening

Black children are removed from their families at much greater rates than any other race or ethnicity

World-first techniques for predicting breast cancer risk from mammograms that were developed in

in this country. At...

Melbourne could revolutionise...

Covid-19: UK sees over 80,000 excess deaths during pandemic

Coronavirus: Impact of new variant on children investigated

High death rate ‘may be starting to fall’

New coronavirus variant: What do we know?

Covid jab ‘very likely’ to protect against new variant

Covid: New variant found ‘due to hard work of UK scientists’

The new variant has also been found in Denmark, the Netherlands and South Africa – countries which,

US Congress passes long-awaited Covid aid package The $900bn package comes as millions

like the UK, are...

have been left jobless or in poverty...

Vivek Murthy says most Americans won’t get the coronavirus vaccine until SUMMER 2021

High rates of COVID-19 in a community reduces survival rates among hospitalized patients

President-elect Joe Biden‘s nominee for U.S. Surgeon General has said the general public might

The spread of COVID-19 in a hospital’s surrounding community can affect the survival rates of patients, a

not get a coronavirus vaccine...

new study...

Is the new Covid variant REALLY more infectious for children?

Covid deaths fell 3% in England and Wales after national lockdown

By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of

Cambridge University experts behind a string of dire coronavirus projections fear England was on track

Covid has developed which...

for 900 deaths a day...

Is mutant Covid ripping through UK REALLY 70% more infectious or is Britain just testing more?

Diseased cell fragments burst from pockets in immune cells to activate response

By David Churchill What has happened to the

In their study, published in Nature Immunology, the

coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which...

scientists found a mechanism by which specific immune cells, called dendritic...

Potential new drug target to treat cutaneous T cell lymphoma

How to be happier in 2021

Moffitt Cancer Center treats approximately 16% of CTCL patients nationwide. In order to improve their understanding of how...

You are not alone. New Year’s resolutions are as ubiquitous as they are difficult to keep. Does it even make sense...

High-five or thumbs-up? New device detects which hand gesture you want to make

Brain tissue yields clues to causes of PTSD

That’s one of the goals of a new device developed

tissue located in four regions of the prefrontal cortex — areas of...

by engineers at the University of California, Berkeley, that can...

The analysis of gene expression patterns in brain

Antibiotics for C-sections effective after umbilical cord clamped

Neuroscientists isolate promising mini antibodies against COVID-19 from a llama

The study, by far the largest of its kind and published

The study was led by a pair of neuroscientists,

in the journal Antimicrobial Resistance Infection Control, challenges...

Thomas J. “T.J.” Esparza, B.S., and David L. Brody, M.D., Ph.D.,...

Anti-diarrhea drug drives cancer cells to cell death

Japanese art technique inspires new engineering technique

When cells digest themselves In certain types of tumour cells, administration of loperamide leads to a

Paper snowflakes, pop-up children’s books and elaborate paper cards are of interest to more than

stress response in...

just crafters. A team...

Promising clinical data for fenofibrate’s ability to prevent lung damage in COVID patients

Scientists pinpoint molecular cause for severe disorder in children

IMAGE: Under the microscope. view more Credit: Daniel Hanoch In what has the potential to

syndrome in the system, this showed that the mutations affect ability...

IMAGE: By modelling the mutations causing the LIC


Can we be manipulated into sharing private info online? Yes, says Ben-Gurion U. study IMAGE: Online users are more likely to reveal private information based on how website forms are

The college student in a pandemic Washington DC, December 22, 2020 – A study in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry...

structured to elicit...

Scientists suggested a way to measure soil properties at any depth without digging

New imaging method views soil carbon at near-atomic scales

A team of scientists from RUDN University and the

amount of carbon than is found in the atmosphere, but the processes...

Dokuchyaev Soil Science Institute developed a method for identifying the...

The Earth’s soils contain more than three times the

A powerful computational tool for efficient analysis of cell division 4D image data

New online tool reveals when YOU can get the coronavirus vaccine

IMAGE: Morphological dynamics of cell division of

different Americans are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. With...

C. elegans embryo cell at single-cell resolution. view more Credit:...

A new online tool reveals how long it will be until

Revealed, the truth about the Covid mutation that threw Christmas plans into disarray

Rapid coronavirus tests used by UK Government ‘could miss 97% of infections’

By David Churchill What has happened to the

Rapid coronavirus tests that Britain spent more than

coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which...

£600million on could pick up as few as three per cent of people infected...

Did No10 lie about Professor Lockdown quitting SAGE?

300 years of London smallpox data may offer insight into coronavirus

September 20: Patient in Kent became the first person to test positive for the new strain. At that

What 300 years of smallpox epidemics in London can teach us about Covid-19: Infection with a small

point, the UK was recording...

amount of virus can IMPROVE...

How the Mail’s amazing 30,000 volunteers are helping on the NHS front line

Britain’s Covid outbreak continues to worsen with another 33,364 cases

Kenny is just one of the more than 30,000 amazing Daily Mail readers who signed up in response to our

The mutated coronavirus spreading rapidly in the UK will likely become the dominant global strain, a

2018 partnership...

SAGE scientist warned...

Covid UK: Children are more likely to catch mutated new strain

Drinking milk while breastfeeding may reduce the child’s food allergy risk

Children may be more at-risk of catching the new

The result is based on a survey of more than 500

mutated coronavirus variant than any previous strains, Government advisers...

Swedish women’s eating habits and the prevalence of allergies in their...

Difference in blood pressure between arms linked to greater early death risk

How cancers hurt themselves to hurt immune cells more

Led by the University of Exeter, the global INTERPRESS-IPD Collaboration conducted a meta-

The immunotherapies currently administered for melanomas work by removing obstacles that keep

analysis of all the available research,...

immune cells called T cells...

The mechanics of the immune system How this process takes place at the molecular level

Silkworm’s brain determines diapause by thermal information

is not yet well understood. What is now clear, however, is that not only...

IMAGE: Thionin staining of embryos 8 days after oviposition in DW-injected silkworms and 60 days after oviposition...

Study identifies amenities parents want in public parks

Reston ebolavirus spreads efficiently in pigs

While parents from diverse backgrounds most often

IMAGE: This colorized transmission electron

value parks that offer amenities like playgrounds, sports fields and green...

micrograph shows a slice of Reston virus particles (blue) in the lung of...

Child care facilities can be safe and are essential: new Case Western Reserve study

Modeling study suggests mitigation efforts can prevent most college campus COVID cases

Cleveland – Child care programs can be safe within

Boston — As colleges and universities consider

the context of low community transmission of COVID-19, according...

strategies for the spring semester to keep COVID-19 cases down, a study...

ACP, Annals of Internal Medicine host virtual COVID-19 Vaccine Forum II for physicians

Nobel Prize reflects perseverance in scientific research

PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 21 – As COVID-19 vaccines

IMAGE: Topics cover both human and animal viral immunology, exploring viral-based immunological

are becoming available, physicians and other health care professionals...

diseases, pathogenic...

A groggy climate giant: subsea permafrost is still waking up after 12,000 years

Coronavirus: Do people still have to shield and what are the rules?

IMAGE: Artistic diagram of the subsea and coastal

As many parts of the UK face more restrictions due to rising cases of coronavirus across the country,

permafrost ecosystems, emphasizing greenhouse gas production and...

what are the recommendations?

Covid-19: Visitors from tier 4 and Wales ‘must self-isolate’

Covid: Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine approved for EU states

Covid-19: More than 40 countries ban UK arrivals

More than 311,000 lives have been lost to the pandemic across the bloc.

Covid-19: More than 40 countries ban UK arrivals

The extraordinary and moving story of a grieving mother’s vow

Flights from the UK are being suspended to countries across the world including Spain, India

The walls are still blue in the bedroom where Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah once slept. Against the

and Hong Kong.

makeshift sky the little girl...

Hospital worker celebrates as he and colleagues become among the first to receive Moderna’s vaccine

Could this ‘straw’ for your NOSTRILS be the answer to overeating?

The first Americans have received Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine after it was approved for

A tube that is slipped inside the nostrils to dull the sense of smell could offer a simple and drug-free way to lose weight. People...

emergency use authorization. Just...

Woman contracted sepsis and almost died after minor injury to her finger

We test these High-Street treatments for your embarrassing ailments

Sales executive Beth Brown has two passions in life — her beloved horse, Cider, and having a

Two thirds of us avoid going to the GP for conditions we find embarrassing to talk about, according to a

glamorous set of smartly...

recent survey,...

‘Agonising leg cramp interrupts my sleep’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

Side effects? It’s time to give your pills a yellow card

I am plagued with cramp in my legs at night. I have

Nearly 60 years on, the thalidomide scandal is still

great difficulty getting back to sleep, and the various medications I’ve...

arguably the world’s worst preventable medical disaster. It took...

Why some people won’t mind Christmas parties being cancelled

Brain stem cells divide over months

Most of us can find some joy in Christmas — even this year — but just imagine what it would be like if

From stem cell behavior to the activity of genes in individual cells In a study published in Nature Neuroscience, the group...

you couldn’t,...

How one pain suppresses the other In the first study, the research team compared an

Antigen tests — are self-collected nasal swabs a reliable option?

established CPM model with a recently introduced variation. With Conditioned...

Rapid antigen tests may be less reliable than PCR

Prostate cancer regulator plays role in COVID-19, providing a promising treatment lead

Traditional model for disease spread may not work in COVID-19

Two proteins, ACE2 and TMPRSS2, help the

the model predicts the average number of susceptible people who will be...

coronavirus gain entry and replicate within cells. TMPRSS2 is well-known to Arul...

Learning from three centuries of smallpox epidemics in London, UK Smallpox, one of the most devastating viral diseases ever to strike humankind, is one of only two

tests, but their speed and simplicity make them an important complementary...

Called the R-naught, or basic reproductive number,

Community-based COVID-19 testing: The importance of understanding the virus’ unique impact on children Of the 1,445 patients tested at the specimen

infectious diseases that...

collection site for SARS-CoV-2 virus between March 21 and May 16, 2020, the...

New 3D maps reveal inner workings of immune cell gene expression

Social media use by young people in conflict-ridden Myanmar

“The difference is within us,” says Vivek Chandra, Ph.D., an instructor at La Jolla Institute for

IMAGE: Explores the psychological and social issues surrounding the Internet and interactive


technologies. view...

The far-reaching effects of mutagens on human health

Breathing rate predicts therapeutic benefits for heart patients

IMAGE: Michael Lynch is the director of the Biodesign Center for Mechanisms of Evolution and

Conditions causing arrhythmia are among the most common cardiac conditions. A study headed by

professor at ASU’s...

Prof. Georg Schmidt of the...

Researchers explore why some MS patients experience seizures

Deep, slow-slip action may direct largest earthquakes and their tsunamis

IMAGE: Image shows astrocytes (green) in MS

IMAGE: Map of the Cascadia subduction zone. view

hippocampus. view more Credit: Tiwari-Woodruff lab, UC Riverside. RIVERSIDE,...

more Credit: Public Domain Megathrust earthquakes and subsequent...

COVID-19 news from Annals of Internal Medicine

Hormone metabolites found in poop give researchers new insight into whale stress

Below please find a summary and link(s) of new coronavirus-related content published today in

IMAGE: Oregon State University researchers are studying gray whales along the Oregon Coast.

Annals of Internal Medicine....

Images and data collected...

Light signal emitted during photosynthesis used to quickly screen crops

People without college degrees accounted for two-thirds of all of California’s excess deaths

An international effort called Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE) aims to transform

Excess deaths in California during the height of the coronavirus pandemic were higher among the

crops’ ability...

elderly, minorities and those...

‘Professor Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson warns Tier Four may be needed until Easter

Italy becomes fourth country to spot mutated Covid virus in British traveller

By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of

By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which...

Covid has developed which...

Where’s next for Tier Four?

Medical oddity reveals unheard-of ‘immunity gene’ mutations and new way

By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which...

to screen them The IRAK4 gene instructs the production of a protein that plays a key role in the early recognition and response to invading...

California lockdown suppressed excess pandemic deaths

Ecosystem dynamics: Topological phases in biological systems

Nearly 20,000 more Californians died in the first six months of the pandemic than would have been

Physicists at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich have shown that topological phases could

expected to die in a normal...

exist in biology,...

CRISPR helps researchers uncover how corals adjust to warming oceans

Sex-specific Alzheimer’s treatment could benefit males over females

Baltimore, MD– The CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing

A University of Ottawa study has found a specific

system can help scientists understand, and possibly improve, how corals...

Alzheimer’s treatment is effective in male and not female mice, providing...

Under Antarctica’s ice, Weddell seals produce ultrasonic vocalizations

Gene pathway linked to schizophrenia identified through stem cell engineering

IMAGE: University of Oregon evolutionary biologist

IMAGE: These are neurons derived from induced

Paul Cziko looks over the underwater camera during a dive at the...

pluripotent stem cells from a schizophrenia patient. view more Credit:...

Citizens versus the internet: Confronting digital challenges with cognitive tools

January issue of SLAS Discovery “CryoEM: The Resolution Revolution and Drug Discovery”

Access to the Internet is essential for economic development, education, global communications,

Oak Brook, IL – The January edition of SLAS

and countless other applications....

Discovery features the cover article, “Cryo-EM: The Resolution Revolution...

New coronavirus variant: What do we know?

Covid: Cases rise as Christmas rules come into force

The government’s advisers on new infections have

Coronavirus cases in the UK have risen by 35,928 –

“moderate” confidence that it is more able to transmit...

nearly double the number recorded last Sunday, figures show.

Study resolves the position of fleas on the tree of life A study of more than 1,400 protein-coding genes of

Screen time, emotional health among parents’ top concerns for children during pandemic

fleas has resolved one of the longest standing

IMAGE: A new national poll gives a glimpse into

mysteries in the evolution...

parents’ greatest concerns about their kids in the pandemic-era. ...

Climate warming linked to tree leaf unfolding and flowering growing apart An international team of researchers from the

Study reveals low risk of COVID-19 infection among patients undergoing head and neck cancer surgery

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang A F

A recent international observational study provides

University and the University of...

important data on the safety of head and neck cancer surgery during the...

Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance could be more challenging outside of the EU

Exposure to metals can impact pregnancy

In a new report from the Microbiology Society, experts from around the UK explain the desperate

and lead may disrupt a woman’s hormones during

Exposure to metals such as nickel, arsenic, cobalt pregnancy, according...

need for long-term and ambitious...

Water and genes flow between the two largest Baltic salmon rivers

Targeting the deadly coils of Ebola

IMAGE: Juvenile salmon from the Tornio River. view

it’s hard to appreciate how lucky those outside of

more Credit: Ville Vähä Salmon from upstream

Africa have been...

In the midst of a global pandemic with COVID-19,


New nature lover? It’s a COVID-19 side effect

Long non-coding RNA may play a key role in cardiovascular disease

The new study finds that 26% of people visiting

Through utilization of genetically modified high-risk

parks during early months of the COVID-19

atherosclerotic mice, a research team from Brigham

pandemic had rarely — or...

and Women’s...

Three-dimensionally reconstituted organoids that are just like human organs

New solutions for addressing systemic risks

IMAGE: A bladder assembloid, a reconstituted organoid with three tissue layers of the human

Systemic risks like climate change, cybersecurity and pandemics are characterised by high

bladder. view more Credit:...

complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity,...

Researchers make ‘high vis vests’ to help monitor bee behaviour

Blood pressure drug may be key to increasing lifespan, new study shows

A team of researchers from the University of

IMAGE: Scientists found that C. elegans

Sheffield and The Bumblebee Conservation Trust have been trialling new, low-cost...

administered metolazone lived longer than those that were not given the drug....

When light and atoms share a common vibe

Getting into shape pre-surgery to aid recovery for older patients

An especially counter-intuitive feature of quantum

Older adults about to undergo elective surgery

mechanics is that a single event can exist in a state

should undertake a sustained programme of

of superposition...

targeted exercise beforehand to...

Socioeconomic background linked to survival after having a cardiac arrest in hospital

COVID-19: avoiding hospital caused heart disease death rise

IMAGE: Graphical abstract view more Credit:

Lower rates of hospital attendance for urgent heart problems during the initial phase of the COVID-19

European Heart Journal Hospital in-patients from

pandemic may have contributed...

lower socioeconomic...

Covid: Matt Hancock on ‘new variant’ of Coroanavirus

Covid tier 3 rules: What closes in tier 3 in England?

playMore than 1,000 cases of ‘new variant’ virus. Video, 00:01:15More than 1,000 cases of ‘new

More half of England’s population are set to be subject to the tightest set of restrictions from 00:01

variant’ virus

GMT Wednesday. Health...

Covid Christmas: What are the Christmas Covid rules?

New recipe for antibiotic could prevent deafness

A five-day window of special restrictions will be in

Gentamicin is used in U.S. hospitals to treat a

place this year across the UK to allow people to celebrate Christmas. The...

variety of bacterial infections, including infections in newborns and in...

Living environment affects the microbiota and health of both dogs and their owners

Power boost thanks to gold lamellae

In a joint research project known as DogEnvi,

IMAGE: Ultra-thin gold lamellae drastically amplify the incoming terahertz pulses (red) in the underlying

researchers from the University of Helsinki, the


Finnish Environment Institute...

The Milky Way primordial history and its fossil findings

Potentially damaging surface ozone levels rose in lockdown

IMAGE: Panoramic view of the Milky Way (Credit: ESO/S. Brunier) with the location of the two Bulge

Less traffic on the roads during the first lockdown led to a reduction in air pollution but may have caused

Fossil Fragments...

potentially damaging...

New drug molecules hold promise for treating rare inherited terminal childhood disease

Covid-19: contaminated surfaces as a risk factor

Scientists at the University of Exeter have identified

combating COVID-19 and have now been published in Advanced Nano-Biomed...

a way to “rescue” cells that have genetically

The results could make a significant contribution to


Novel crystalline oxide may solve the problem of overheating in composite materials

Researchers reveal link between cryptocurrency coding and market behavior

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology recently

A new study by Reader in City’s Department of

synthesized a novel material that displays unique

Mathematics, Dr Andrea Baronchelli, published in

thermal expansion...

the Science Advances...

New curriculum improves students’ understanding of electric circuits in schools

New discovery brings analogue spintronic devices closer

FRANKFURT / TÜBINGEN. Life without electricity is

as used in this study shows graphene (light green) with boron nitride...

something that is no longer imaginable. Whether it be a smartphone, hair-dryer...

IMAGE: This EM image of an experimental device

In liver, a stressed cell can be bad news for its neighbors

New mechanism of force transduction in muscle cells discovered

A key protein in the communication channels between cells can allow a stress response in one

IMAGE: The picture shows focal adhesions (red/blue), in which metavinculin connects to the

liver cell to spread to neighboring...

intracellular actin cytoskeleton...

Inverted fluorescence Fluorescence usually entails the conversion of light

Study sets baseline for sleep patterns in healthy adult dogs

at shorter wavelengths to light at longer

A new canine sleep study from North Carolina State

wavelengths. Scientists have...

University could serve as a baseline for research on chronic pain and...

Research brief: Researchers discover new way to deliver DNA-based therapies for diseases

Researchers determine factors associated with ovary removal in patients with ovarian torsion

University of Minnesota Twin Cities researchers in

(Boston)–Ovarian torsion can cause severe pain

the Department of Chemistry have created a new

and other symptoms because the ovary is not

polymer to deliver DNA...

receiving enough blood...

Study sheds new light on how the brain distinguishes speech from noise

Long Covid: I used to run, now I can only walk 200 metres

IMAGE: This image shows histological confirmation

playLong Covid: I used to run, now I can only walk

of recording sites. Fluoro-Gold deposited at the end

200 metres. Video, 00:01:46Long Covid: I used to

of separate...

run, now I can only walk...

Covid Christmas: What can you do to stay safe?

Covid vaccine: How will the UK jab millions of people?

Changes to a planned relaxation of Covid rules for Christmas have been scrapped. Only people living

In addition to the Pfizer vaccine though, two other jabs – developed by Moderna and Oxford-

outside of tier four...

AstraZeneca – are...

Coronavirus creates boom in digital fitness

Could coronavirus trigger a sudden menopause years before your time?

“Covid-19 has presented many people with the

Coughing fits that send shockwaves down to your

unique opportunity to exercise more, because,

toes. Breathlessness that feels as though you’re

practically, people have...

drowning. Haunted by a...

HEALTH NOTES: Happiness is a slice of cake and a loved one HEALTH NOTES: Happiness is a slice of cake and a

What can I do about my lockdown radiator face? EVE SIMMONS asks the experts

loved one By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published:

For many, 2020 has been a year of new

17:01 EST, 19 December...

experiences: wearing masks in supermarkets, Zoom conferences and watching Ministers...

Thousands are risking blindness because they don’t use their eye drops properly, warn experts

DR ELLIE CANNON: Help… I just can’t stop my nose from dripping!

Failure to use eye drops correctly is putting

mornings. It drips when I move around in the

hundreds of thousands of Britons at risk of blindness, experts have warned....

afternoons. Antihistamines...

How healthy is a vegan Christmas?… and can you really stomach soya turkey made with coconut milk?

If face masks really stop Covid, then why are so many of us still catching it?

The vegan bug bit last year, with thousands of

Profoundly un-British. Just some of the terms used

Britons turning to plant-based diets in a bid to save the environment, shed...

to describe the experience...

Researchers create model to calculate COVID-19 health outcomes

COVID-19 pandemic had big impact on commercial fishing in Northeast

“The goal is to give an earlier alert to clinicians to

Of those who kept fishing, nearly all reported a

identify patients who may be vulnerable at the

decline in income compared with previous years,


according to the survey...

Researchers use artificial intelligence to ID mosquitoes

The mask matters: How masks affect airflow, protection effectiveness

Human malaria is an ongoing public health crisis affecting multiple continents, with the highest

In Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, researchers from the University of Massachusetts Lowell and

numbers of cases and people...

California Baptist University...

My nose won’t stop running – particularly in the

Stifling. Itchy. Dehumanising. Oppressive.

New insights into cholera microbe and chances of pandemic strain

Potentially damaging surface ozone levels rose in lockdown, UK study finds

The finding was revealed by examining the type VI

The study — led by the University of York — shows

secretion system, or T6SS for short, a secretion system used by Vibrio...

levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) down on average across the...

Prenatal testing has halved the number of babies born with Down syndrome in Europe, study finds

Stroke and altered mental state increase risk of death for COVID-19 patients

The researchers spent three years collecting data

patients who were admitted to Montefiore during the

from multiple registries and databases in every country in Europe to estimate...

six-week period between...

World’s first transmission of 1 Petabit/s using a single-core multimode optical fiber

COVID-19: what strategies are beneficial to the state

IMAGE: Previous high capacity demonstrations in

more willing to comply with COVID restrictions if

multi-mode fibers view more Credit: National Institute of...

they believe, according to...

Key building block for organic molecules discovered in meteorites

NYS can achieve 2050 carbon goals: Here’s how

IMAGE: Photo of a piece of the Murchison meteorite

ITHACA, N.Y. – By delving into scientific,

that was used in this study. view more Credit: NASA

technological, environmental and economic data,


Cornell University engineering...

Experts call for Europe-wide COVID-19 targets

Concern about loved ones might motivate people to mask up and get vaccine

A group of more than 300 leading scientists across the globe are calling for European governments to

ANN ARBOR, Michigan — While many people have listened to messaging about wearing a mask and

work together in managing...

following social distancing...

Discovery finds a cellular building block acts as a gel, not liquid as previously believed

What’s the ‘true’ rate of dislocation after total hip replacement?

University of Alberta researchers have found an

hip dislocation following total hip replacement is about 50 percent...

answer to a fundamental question in genomic

The study looked at data from 4,711 COVID-19

Those who consider themselves healthy will be

December 18, 2020 – The cumulative incidence of

biology that has eluded scientists...

AI-supported test predicts eye disease three years before symptoms

New way to deliver DNA-based therapies for diseases

Researchers hope their test could be used to

The research is published in the Proceedings of the

identify the disease early enough so that treatment can effectively prevent...

National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Gene therapy involves altering the...

CAPTUREing Whole-Body 3D movements

Nanotechnology: Nanoparticles as weapons against cancer

Animal behavior is important to a broad range of disciplines, from neuroscience and psychology to ecology and pharmacology....

Both calcium phosphate and citrate are involved in the regulation of many cellular signaling pathways. Hence, the levels...

How does the brain manage its learning? H.M. helped scientists understand the role of the

NASA finds what a glacier’s slope reveals about Greenland Ice Sheet thinning

hippocampus in learning, but a mystery remains around how signals from...

IMAGE: GIF showing the potential distances over which thinning can spread into Greenland’s interior. Glaciers...

Breast cancer study uncovers how macrophages may contribute to a therapeutic weak spot

Prenatal testing has halved the number of babies born with Down syndrome in Europe

Breast cancer, the second most common cancer in

BOSTON — The growth of prenatal screening in

the United States, can result from a number of

Europe has reduced the number of babies being

cellular misregulations, such...

born per year with Down...

APS plays foundational role in development of COVID-19 vaccines

Land ecosystems are becoming less efficient at absorbing CO2

IMAGE: Data taken at the APS shows the

Land ecosystems currently play a key role in

neutralizing antibody D25 binding to the F protein of the Respiratory Syncytial...

mitigating climate change. The more carbon dioxide (CO2) plants and trees absorb...

Humpback whale songs provide insight to population changes

Shifting gears toward chemical machines

IMAGE: Humpback whale off Maui. view more

IMAGE: Animation from simulation demonstrating spatio-temporal control of rotors via a cascade

Credit: HIHWNMS/NMFS ESA Permit #782-1719

reaction. GOx-coated...

Approximately 8,000-12,000...

Scientists get the most realistic view yet of a coronavirus spike’s protein structure

Covid-19: Germany introduces new restrictions amid rise in cases

IMAGE: This rotating image shows the detailed structure of a “spike ” from a coronavirus that

Coronavirus: Germany to go into lockdown over Christmas

causes cold...

Covid Christmas risk ‘hard to control’ US approves Moderna as second Covid-19 vaccine

Covid rules still to be relaxed over Christmas in UK

The Food and Drug Administration gives the green

Only two households are advised to mix in Wales,

light for releasing millions...

under new stricter advice.

Covid: US approves Moderna as second vaccine It has recorded more than 313,500 deaths and

Media Alert: The CRISPR Journal publishes special issue on expanding the CRISPR toolbox

about 17.5 million infections, according to Johns

IMAGE: outstanding research and commentary on

Hopkins University.

all aspects of CRISPR and gene editing, including CRISPR biology, technology,...

Study shows incorporating telemedicine helps surgical practices

New study identifies greatest risk factors of mortality from COVID-19

IMAGE: Aurora D. Pryor, MD view more Credit:

Hospitalized COVID-19 patients have a greater risk

Stony Brook University STONY BROOK, NY,

of dying if they are men or if they are obese or have

December 18, 2020 –...

complications from...

Researchers propose process to detect and contain emerging diseases

Study finds growing numbers of critically endangered sawfish in Miami waters

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – A University of Arkansas

IMAGE: Figure 3 from the paper: (A) Photograph

biologist is part of a global team of researchers developing a strategy...

taken by W. A. Fishbaugh in the 1920s, recorded as taken in Miami (courtesy...

Ultra-fast gas flows through tiniest holes in 2D membranes

New topological properties found in "old" material of Cobalt disulfide

IMAGE: Researchers identify ultra-fast gas flows

IMAGE: Experimental verification of Weyl nodes in

through atomic-scale apertures in 2D membrane

Cobalt disulfide, in comparison to the theoretical

and validate a century-old...

prediction. ...

Low-income preschoolers exposed to nurturing care have with higher IQ scores later on

How a very ‘sociable’ protein can hold clues about Alzheimer’s origin

IMAGE: This model illustrates the proposed

disease, which accounts for 95% of cases, is still not

association between early cumulative adversities in

clear despite...

The origin of the most prevalent form of Alzheimer’s

childhood and benefits...

New material system to convert and generate terahertz waves developed

Monkeys, like humans, persist at tasks they’ve already invested in

Some time ago, a team of experts working on the

But why would we engage in such potentially self-

HZDR accelerator ELBE were able to show that

defeating behavior? Georgia State researchers think

graphene can act as a frequency...

two factors may play...

Zika virus affects eye development before but not after birth

More than half of Hudson River tidal marshes were created accidentally by humans

The Zika virus is primarily transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito from the Aedes genus. However, it can also be...

IMAGE: The arrival of the railroad and associated structures in 1850 along the banks of New York’s Hudson River...

New class of cobalt-free cathodes could enhance energy density of next-gen lithium-ion batteries

Gene biomarkers indicate liver toxicity quickly and accurately

IMAGE: Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers

IMAGE: From left: University of Illinois researchers Zeynep Madak-Erdogan, associate professor of

have developed a new class of cobalt-free cathodes

nutrition; Rohit...

called NFA that...

The incredible, variable bacteria living in your mouth

UH Mānoa researcher examines why people choose to wear face coverings

IMAGE: Micrograph showing Rothia cells (light blue)

IMAGE: Published by Oxford University Press on

in their native habitat, a bacterial biofilm scraped from the human...

behalf of the Society of Behavioral Medicine 2020. This work is written...

Identifying where to reforest after wildfire

A step toward understanding why COVID19 boosts stroke risk

IMAGE: A post-fire area of the Sierra Nevada mountains with very little conifer regeneration. view more Credit:...

IMAGE: A UCLA-led study may help explain how COVID-19 increases the risk for stroke. Scientists made the finding by...

Plants can be larks or night owls just like us

Covid: Boris Johnson ‘hoping to avoid’ national lockdown

IMAGE: Dr Hannah Rees, postdoctoral scientist at the Earlham Institute, UK view more Credit:

It comes after a tough new six-week lockdown was announced in Northern Ireland from 26 December.

Earlham Institute Plants...

Caroline Wyatt: MS research ‘the urgent search for hope’

Pressure on hospitals ‘at a really dangerous point’

Caroline Wyatt: The fight to reverse damage caused

For example, Leicester’s hospitals are now on the

by MS

highest level of alert while three in Essex have stopped non-urgent...

Coronavirus: UK R number back above one

GPs told to use extra dose of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine as NHS updates advice

Coronavirus: What is the R number and how is it

GPs have been told to use a sixth dose of Pfizer’s


Covid-19 vaccine by the NHS, after it emerged yesterday that its...

Figures reveal hospitality industry accounts for just 3% of cases despite damaging restrictions

NHS data suggests hospitals in England are STILL less full than last December

Hospitality venues facing ‘hugely damaging’

NHS data still shows hospitals to be quieter than they were this time last year amid the looming threat

restrictions accounted for less than 3 per cent of

of a third national...

coronavirus outbreaks...

Oxford University scientist behind Covid vaccine hopes UK approval ‘isn’t too far off’

US could approve Moderna’s Covid vaccine ‘within hours’

The lead researcher behind Oxford University’s

How does the Moderna vaccine work? It works in a similar way to the jab from Pfizer/BioNTech.

coronavirus vaccine today revealed she hopes the

Coronavirus is studded with...

jab ‘isn’t...

Britain’s Covid-19 R rate rises ABOVE crucial level of one

Optogenetic method can reveal how gut microbes affect longevity

The lockdown graphs used to justify putting 38million people into Tier 3 were published today

They report in the journal eLife that green-lightinduced production of colanic acid by resident E. coli

amid fears of a New Year shutdown...

bacteria protected...

Can mammogram screening be more effective?

Exercise for low back pain beneficial but no one agrees on why

Thus, while some organizations have advocated for

The study, published in Musculoskeletal Science

testing to start at age 40, in 2009 the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force...

and Practice recently, was a collaboration between researchers from UNSW...

Green revolution saved over 100 million infant lives in developing world

Growing human organs for transplantation with new proof-of-concept

The study assessed mortality rates of more 600,000

“This paper is really about using the stem cells from

children across 37 developing countries, revealing

pigs for the first time and showing that they actually

global diffusion of...

can be...

Cell atlas of tropical disease parasite may hold key to new treatments

Machine intelligence accelerates research into mapping brains

The study, published today (18 December 2020) in Nature Communications, identified 13 distinct cell

Their development, published on December 18th in Scientific Reports, gives researchers more

types within the worm...

confidence in using the technique...

Social holidays improve overall wellbeing

How does the brain project manage its learning?

Social holidays refer to holidays that are granted to

IMAGE: Dr. Richard Naud, an assistant professor at

disadvantaged persons or families usually on

the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine’s

economic, social or health-related...


Will we still need Covid-19 volunteers in the new year?

Recently discovered comet seen during 2020 total solar eclipse

– A University of Sheffield-led research programme finds Local Authorities and the Voluntary and

IMAGE: (left) The LASCO C2 camera on the ESA/NASA SOHO observatory shows comet

Community Sector are...

C/2020 X3 (SOHO) in the bottom left-hand...

Developing smarter, faster machine intelligence with light IMAGE: A massively parallel amplitude-only Fourier

Devastating skin disease covering up to 70% of a dolphin’s body tied to climate change

neural network view more Credit: Volker Sorger/GWU SUMMARY Researchers...

IMAGE: A closeup view of a bottlenose dolphin shows signs of skin lesions associated with a deadly skin disease known...

Nanotechnology — nanoparticles as weapons against cancer

Roadmap to renewables unites climate and sustainability goals

Many chemotherapeutic agents used to treat

IMAGE: Great egrets sit atop a floatovoltaic array in

cancers are associated with side-effects of varying severity, because they are...

Florida in 2020. view more Credit: Rebecca R. Hernandez,...

Water limitations in the tropics offset carbon uptake from arctic greening IMAGE: A map of the world shows the changes in

Hundreds of Amazon shoppers swear by this light-blocking Bluetooth eye mask for a good night’s sleep

global gross primary productivity (GPP), an indicator

Are you having trouble sleeping? Hundreds of

of carbon uptake,...

Amazon shoppers swear by this light-blocking Bluetooth eye mask for a good night’s...

Covid-19 was the leading cause of death in England in November

The TRUE number of cases recorded each day in Wales over the past week

Covid was the biggest killer in England and Wales

Wales has more than doubled its weekly count of

last month, with one in every six deaths caused by

coronavirus infections, after adding 11,000 cases

the illness, according...

that were missed off due...

UK records 35,383 daily Covid cases after officials include 11,000 cases missed in Wales count

Does 70% of England REALLY need to be in Tier 3?

Britain’s daily coronavirus case count today surged

NORTH WEST Cheshire and Warrington Tier 2 (High) Since the end of national restrictions cases

by 35,383 after Wales added a further 11,000

of the virus in Cheshire...

infections that had...

Surrey borough with fastest rising coronavirus rate escapes county-wide Tier Three

Britain’s Covid vaccination scheme needs to get FOUR TIMES quicker to meet target

The only borough of Surrey where Covid infections

The UK Government looks set to fall short on its promise to give millions of people their first

fell last week will be forced into a Tier Three local

coronavirus jab by Christmas,...

lockdown from Saturday,...

Scientists unlock promising key to preventing cancer relapse after immunotherapy

In fiction, we remember the deaths that make us sad

The answer involves a protein called fas, and

were asked to recall the death of a fictional

regulating fas may be a route to preventing cancer

character, they were more...

In a new study, researchers found that when people

relapse, the researchers...

More West Nile virus-infected mosquitoes in lower-income areas of Baltimore

Antifungal drug improves key cystic fibrosis biomarkers in clinical study

“In order to effectively address environmental

Cystic fibrosis is caused by a missing or defective

injustices, we have to understand where they occur

ion channel in the lining of the lungs, called CFTR.

and why,” says...

This leaves patients...

Infant circumcision may lead to social challenges as an adult undergoing circumcision as an infant

How climate change is disrupting ecosystems IMAGE: Roesel’s bush-cricket is one of the many grasshoppers that might migrate to higher elevations

Infant circumcision may lead to social challenges as

once the...

an adult Undergoing circumcision as an infant has delayed psychological...

Research strongly suggests COVID-19 virus enters the brain

Oceans without oxygen

IMAGE: The S1 protein likely causes the brain to

With no dissolved oxygen to sustain animals or plants, ocean anoxic zones are areas where only

release inflammatory products causing a storm in

microbes suited to the environment...

the brain, researchers...

Mission to MAARS: Long non-coding RNA may play a key role in cardiovascular disease

The ‘crazy beast’ that lived among the dinosaurs

Atherosclerosis is marked by the buildup of

Adalatherium is an important piece in a very large puzzle on early mammalian evolution in the

inflammatory cells which narrow arteries to the point

southern hemisphere, one...

of chest pain and muscle...

Stem cell treatment for vascular diseases can be predicted through real-time observation

‘Poverty line’ concept debunked by new machine learning model

IMAGE: (A) For the bioorthogonal labeling,

Mathematicians have used machine learning to develop a new model for measuring poverty in

unnatural azide groups on the hEPC surface are

different countries that junks...

generated with Ac4ManNAz...

Allow pregnant women partner support ‘at all times’

Coronavirus doctor’s diary: ‘Have I got Covid for a second time?’

Covid rules on hospital visits and maternity

At that stage we had no way of testing for infection.

appointments relaxed

Later, when antibody testing became available as a way of revealing...

Covid cases in schools ‘reflect community levels’

Long Covid: Hospital patients to get checks at six weeks

The Schools Infection Survey will continue to track

New guidelines written by NICE, along with its

cases and transmission in schools over the coming months.

Scottish counterpart SIGN and the Royal College of GPs, list more than two...

New Mexico forced to throw out 75 doses of COVID-19 vaccine over temperature concerns

Drug overdose deaths have risen by 20% in the U.S. amid the coronavirus pandemic, new CDC data show

New Mexico officials threw out 75 doses of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine over concerns they became too

Drug overdose deaths have spiked in the U.S. due to the continuing coronavirus pandemic, a new

warm during transportation Vials...

advisory finds. More than...

Computational model reveals how the brain manages short-term memories

Talking to kids about weight: What the internet says and why researchers are wary

Now, Salk scientists have developed a new computational model showing how the brain maintains information short-term using...

To help sort it all out, researchers from the Center for Weight, Eating and Lifestyle Science (WELL Center) in the College...

What’s up, Skip? Kangaroos really can ‘talk’ to us, study finds

Researchers discover brain area crucial for recognizing visual events

The research which involved kangaroos, marsupials

“The human visual system recognizes, prioritizes,

that were never domesticated, at three locations

and categorizes visual objects and events to provide

across Australia*, revealed...

actionable information,”...

A new means of neuronal communication discovered in the human brain

Cataract surgery in infancy increases glaucoma risk

Neuronal oscillations are an essential part of the

“These findings underscore the need for long-term

functioning of the human brain. They regulate the

glaucoma surveillance among infant cataract

communication between...

surgery patients. They...

Study in mice shows genes may be altered through drug repurposing

COVID-19 virus enters the brain, research strongly suggests

A team from the UIC Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences published the article, “Gene

And researchers are discovering why. The SARSCoV-2 virus, like many viruses before it, is bad news

dosage manipulation...

for the brain. In a study...

Protein linked to progressive lung scarring in scleroderma patients

New study measures neighborhood inequality and violence based on

Systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune disease associated with inflammation and fibrosis, or scarring, that affects organs including...

everyday mobility A new study looking at the patterns of movement from 400,000 people offers fresh insights into how a neighborhood’s...

Fibrous protein finding may lead to improved bioprinting, tissue engineering IMAGE: Collagen and fibrinogen in aqueous solutions form a solid layer on the surface of water, corrupting flow behavior...

UMD paves the way for growing human organs for transplantation with new proof-of-concept In a new paper published in Stem Cell Reports, Bhanu Telugu and co-inventor Chi-Hun Park of the University of Maryland (UMD)...

How long’s too long? Effects of crosslinker length on anion-exchange membrane fuel cells

Improving hospital nurse staffing is associated with fewer deaths from sepsis

IMAGE: Progress in fuel cell technology will help us

Researchers at the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research (CHOPR) at the University of

greatly reduce our use of fossil fuels to generate

Pennsylvania School of Nursing,...


SARS-CoV-2-like particles very sensitive to temperature

US needs clear vaccine distribution strategy to defeat coronavirus

IMAGE: A group of SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particles are shown in panel (A) on a glass surface in room

December 17, 2020 — An opinion piece published today online in BMJ by Nina Schwalbe in the

temparture. The...

Heilbrunn Department of...

A SECOND Alaska healthcare worker has an allergic reaction to Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine

COVID-19 is THE leading cause of death in the U.S., study finds

A second healthcare worker in Alaska has suffered an allergic reaction after receiving Pfizer Inc’s

in the United States, a new study suggests. Researchers found that...

Coronavirus has become the leading cause of death

coronavirus vaccine...

Nearly half of young drivers are resuming driving just weeks after sustaining a concussion

Reliable COVID-19 test could reduce virus spread

The findings were published online today by the Journal of Adolescent Health. More than 1.9 million

ARU and a leading expert in quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR),...

Stephen Bustin, Professor of Molecular Medicine at

children sustain a concussion...

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected measles vaccination rates? In a recent study published in Pediatrics,

Men over 50 have same success with vasectomy reversal outcomes as younger men

researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital evaluated changes in measles...

In good news for older men, a new study from Keck Medicine of USC published in Urology shows that men over 50 who undergo...

Especially neurotic people feel worse emotionally during the coronavirus crisis

COVID-19 escalated armed conflicts in several war-torn countries

When the corona pandemic began in March, it

India, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan and the Philippines all

fundamentally changed many people’s everyday lives. A normal working day,...

saw an escalation of civil wars because conflict parties exploited either...

Study reports drop in lung cancer screening, rise in malignancy during COVID-19 surge

Hearing loss and high blood sugar linked to poorer learning and memory among older Latinos

The study has been selected for the 2020 Southern

Hearing loss and diabetes are major public health

Surgical Association Program and published as an “article in press”...

problems, with Latinos at higher risk than other demographic groups. In...

NIH researchers discover brain area crucial for recognizing visual events

What’s up Skip? Kangaroos really can ‘talk’ to us

IMAGE: fMRI scans reveal activity changes in the

IMAGE: A kangaroo displays gaze alternation

fSTS. view more Credit: Richard Krauzlis, Ph.D.,

between the transparent box with food inside it and


with a human. ...

Errant DNA boosts immunotherapy effectiveness

UMD finds more West Nile virus-infected mosquitoes in lower-income areas of Baltimore

IMAGE: A UT Southwestern study discovered the molecular mechanism by which tumors defective in

DNA mismatch repair...

IMAGE: Mosquito trapping in Baltimore, Maryland view more Credit: Lena McBean, University of Maryland In...

Researchers discover brain pattern that could improve mental health disorder diagnosis

Financial woes grow worse during pandemic for American families

A pattern in how the brain breaks down tryptophan, a common amino acid consumed through food, was

pandemic have grown worse since the spring for many American families,...

The economic challenges caused by the coronavirus

discovered by researchers...

Upcycling: new catalytic process turns plastic bags into adhesives

Complex dental care ‘threatened by NHS targets’

IMAGE: Using a catalyst based on ruthenium (gold

French President Macron tests positive for Covid

ball, center), UC Berkeley chemists were able to add specific chemical...

The 42-year-old took a test after experiencing symptoms and will now self-isolate...

Covid: ‘Miracle’ survivor Mal Martin feared his life was over

Covid: Cancer scan backlog raises late detection fears

Coronavirus: Mal Martin due home after ‘miracle’

Vice-president of the RCR, Dr William Ramsden,


said: “The trouble is, because of our capacity issues, because of our...

Covid and vitamin D: ‘Not enough evidence’ for treatment

UK’s daily Covid cases continue to rise with 25,161 more positive tests

Covid: Free Vitamin D pills for 2.5 million vulnerable in England

Daily coronavirus infections in the UK have spiked by 50 per cent again as health chiefs recorded another 25,161 cases in...

Health chiefs say there is ‘not enough evidence’ to support taking vitamin D for Covid-19

Boris Johnson defends UK Christmas bubble chaos

There is ‘not enough evidence’ that taking vitamin D can prevent or treat Covid-19, according to a UK

safe ‘little’ Christmas this year One-in-four Britons...

The advice offered by Boris Johnson on having a


Researchers expose power of enzyme on key immune cells

How hope can make you happier with your lot in life

Two papers on DOT1L by teams led by Professor

Researchers studied ‘relative deprivation’ — the

Colby Zaph and Associate Professor Kim GoodJacobson — whose labs are...

feeling that other people have things better than you...

New salmonella proteins discovered

Novel biomarkers predict the development of incident heart failure

An international research team, led by scientists from Würzburg, shows how to succeed in this search in the new research...

The study used a random selection of 10,106 men participating in the Metabolic Syndrome in Men (METSIM) study, who at baseline...

Despite decrease in recent years, rate of sledding-related injuries still concerning

Turning sweat against itself with a metalfree antiperspirant

The study, published in Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, found that the majority of patients were

Most commercial antiperspirants use metallic salts, such as aluminum chlorohydrate, to clog sweat

injured as the result...

ducts. Years ago, it was...

New guideline supports behavioral, psychological treatments for insomnia

Maternal diet during lactation shapes functional abilities of milk bacteria

The guideline includes one strong recommendation

In a new study published in Nature Scientific

— which is one that clinicians should follow under most circumstances...

Reports, researchers from Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s...

Coronavirus spread during dental procedures could be reduced with slower drill rotation

New path to rare earth mineral formation has implications for green energy and smart tech

Dental procedures can pose a high risk of viral

IMAGE: First author Adrienn Maria Szucs with

transmission because the tools that are used often produce aerosols, which...

Professor Juan Diego Rodriguez-Blanco in Trinity’s Museum Building ...

Oral contraceptive pills protect against ovarian and endometrial cancer

Still paying for broken smartphone display? Now, It is automatically fixed

IMAGE: Åsa Johansson, Assistant Professor at the

IMAGE: Schematic of preparing PBF via LbL

Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University ...

assembly view more Credit: Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST) Smartphone...

Shark fishing bans partially effective

When genetic data meets marketing

IMAGE: Sharks in a market in Sri Lanka view more Credit: Claire Collins Bans on shark fishing are only

Researchers from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania published a new paper in


the Journal of Marketing that...

Tiny quantum computer solves real optimisation problem

Organic molecules on a metal surface… a machinist’s best friend

IMAGE: Researchers at Chalmers University of

IMAGE: Purdue University innovators are working

Technology, Sweden, have now shown that they can

on technologies to make it easier to cut metals. view

solve a small part of...

more Credit:...

Americans will still have to wear masks and socially distance after getting vaccinated, Giror says

Rollout of US COVID-19 vaccines is ‘on track’ to get 20 million Americans vaccinated this year

White House coronavirus testing czar says it will still

The massive rollout of coronavirus vaccines is ‘on

be ‘absolutely imperative’ for Americans to wear masks...

track,’ to vaccinate 20 million Americans by yearend, with...

Fauci says 85% of U.S. population will need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 for ‘herd immunity’

Pulse oximeters readings are FOUR times more likely to be inaccurate in black patients

Fauci says 85% of Americans will need to be

Pulse oximeters that measure blood oxygen levels

vaccinated against COVID-19 for the U.S. to reach ‘herd immunity’ Dr...

are FOUR times more likely to be inaccurate in black patients than white...

Alaska healthcare worker suffered serious allergic reaction from Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine

Dr Fauci says Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine could get FDA emergency approval TOMORROW

An Alaska healthcare worker suffered a serious

Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine could get emergency

allergic reaction within 10 minutes of receiving Pfizer Inc’s coronavirus vaccine...

FDA approval as early as Thursday, Dr Anthony Fauci said Wednesday...

FDA reveals vials of Pfizer’s vaccine contain extra doses

Minister urges families to do ‘minimum’ in Christmas bubbles

FDA reveals vials of Pfizer’s vaccine contain extra

The Christmas plans of millions of Britons were

doses that could be given to 6.86 million Americans

hanging in the balance tonight as politicians failed to

by Christmas Pharmacists...

make a decision on...

An atlas of S. pneumoniae and host gene expression during colonization and disease

Researcher identifies gene teams working in subregions of brain

To understand how this pathogen adapts to different

That’s the idea behind brain research by Yuqing “Iris” Hang, a Clemson University graduate student

locations in the body, and also how the host


responds to the invading...

New use for an old drug: How does ketamine combat depression?

Teaching artificial intelligence to adapt

Because more than 30% of patients are resistant to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), the

model of brain activity to simulate this process more accurately than ever...

Now, Salk researchers have used a computational

most commonly-prescribed...

The 16 facial expressions most common to emotional situations worldwide

COVID-19 spread increases when UV levels decrease

The findings, published today, Dec. 16, in the journal

“Understanding the potential seasonality of COVID-

Nature, confirm the universality of human emotional expression across...

19 transmission could help inform our response to the pandemic in...

Driving force behind cellular ‘protein factories’ identified In a study published today in Science Advances,

Many Americans reported economic hardships even early in the COVID-19 pandemic

researchers from the University of Cambridge show

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted not just the

that tiny components within...

health but also the economic wellbeing of citizens worldwide, and the U.S....

How the spread of the internet is changing migration

Potential treatment approach kills lymphoma while sparing healthy cells

The spread of the Internet is shaping migration in

IMAGE: A heavy layer of glycans, seen here in

profound ways. A McGill-led study of over 150

green, cover immune cells and provide a way to

countries links Internet...

target cancer-specific...

Experimental vaccine can counter dangerous effects of synthetic cannabinoids

New approach reveals structure and function of individual synapses

LA JOLLA, CA–Made in clandestine laboratories

IMAGE: Multiphoton imaging in vivo provides measures of synaptic activity and function (left),

and sold widely across the United States, the

while electron microscopy...

diverse class of drugs...

Pandemic has severely disrupted sleep, increasing stress and medication use

Dark storm on Neptune reverses direction, possibly shedding a fragment

IMAGE: Principal Investigator Rébecca Robillard, an Assistant Professor and co-director of the Sleep

IMAGE: This Hubble Space Telescope snapshot of the dynamic blue-green planet Neptune reveals a

Laboratory of...

monstrous dark storm...

Researchers identify neurons that control nausea-like responses in mice

Individuals with high ADHD-traits are more vulnerable to insomnia

IMAGE: GLP1R neurons (red) play a critical role in

IMAGE: Predrag Petrovic, consultant and associate

detecting toxins in blood vessels (green) and initiating the nausea...

professor in psychiatry at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience...

Coronavirus: ‘Long Covid’ impact estimated

Vaccine doctors on TikTok: ‘Come for the fun, stay for the science’

WHO to investigate Covid origins in China’s Wuhan

Is the Covid vaccine safe?

Ten international scientists will travel next month to the city where...

Covid vaccine: More than 130,000 vaccinated in UK in first week

Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah: Air pollution a factor in girl’s death, inquest finds

Covid: How close is the light at the end of the tunnel?

Ella Kissi-Debrah ‘living on knife edge’ before death

Is Sussex on the brink of being dragged into Tier 3? Sussex could be the next area of England dragged

Mutated form of Covid has also been found in Wales, Scotland, Denmark and Australia

into Tier Three, official figures suggest amid soaring

The new strain of coronavirus revealed by Matt

Covid-19 cases in...

Hancock yesterday has spread to Scotland and Wales after emerging in South...

New Covid strain has 17 mutations, scientist say The new strain of coronavirus spreading through

Hospitals must allow pregnant women to bring a visitor to appointments and labour, NHS says

Britain has a ‘striking’ amount of mutations,

Pregnant women will once again be allowed to take

scientists have...

someone with them to hospital appointments and have them by their side...

One in 10 suffer from ‘long Covid’ three months after recovering

World Health Organization urges families to wear face masks at Christmas gettogethers

One in ten coronavirus survivors suffer lasting symptoms three months after beating the illness, data suggests. The Office...

The World Health Organization has pleaded with families to wear face masks and socially distance at Christmas get-togethers...

Minister reveals nearly 140,000 Brits have already been vaccinated against Covid

Where is next for Tier Three? Urban-rural splits loom for divided counties

Almost 140,000 Britons have been vaccinated

Counties could be split by new local lockdown tiers

against coronavirus in the first seven days of the roll

today as MPs call for rural wards to be given looser

out, officials claimed...

rules than towns...

Type of sugar used to sweeten sheep milk kefir may improve consumer acceptance

New study links cadmium to more severe flu, pneumonia infections

The authors of this study, from the Federal Institute

“Our study suggests the public in general, both

of Rio de Janeiro, Fluminese Federal University,

smokers and nonsmokers, could benefit from

Federal Institute...

reduced exposure to cadmium,”...

The DNA regions in our brain that contribute to make us human

Lipid identified in human breast milk may play important role in early childhood weight

Gene expression, not gene sequence To explain what sets human apart from their ape relatives,

The authors of the study propose that 12,13diHOME, as well as linked pathway metabolites from

researchers have long hypothesized...

breast milk, have a protective...

Three pillars of mental health: Good sleep, exercise, raw fruits and veggies

New insights into Fragile X syndrome and the fetal brain

The study, published in Frontiers in Psychology,

During brain development, the fetal period is vital in

surveyed more than 1100 young adults from New Zealand and the United States...

creating neurons from neural stem cells to build up a functional adult...

The human helpers of SARS-CoV-2 An infection of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, just like any other viral infection, follows a specific

Oh so simple: Eight genes enough to convert mouse stem cells into oocyte-like cells

pattern: The viruses...

On top of providing new insights into the mechanisms of egg cell development, the research may lead to a simple route for...

Cancer: Tumor driver promoting EMT, metastasis and resistance to therapy

Information transport in antiferromagnets via pseudospin-magnons

Cancer metastasis, which is the dissemination of

IMAGE: A research team from the Technical

tumor cells into distant organs, is the leading cause

University of Munich (TUM), the Bavarian Academy

of mortality in cancer...

of Sciences and Humanities,...

LOOP technique for I&D of abscesses in adults is safe, effective alternative to I&D with packing

COVID patterns

IMAGE: Randomized controlled trial, patient of any

seasonal. Understanding...

Scientists, policymakers and healthcare workers are eager to discern to what extent COVID-19 may be

age requiring emergency department abscess drainage. view...

Connections determine everything IMAGE: Stroke Popular Figure view more Credit:

Some neurons target tiny cerebral blood vessel dilation

M.Nzarova et al. A team of scientists, with the first author...

IMAGE: Section of a brain showing neurons that have nNOS-expressing neurons labeled in green, DREADD-expressing neurons...

Ignoring CDC guidelines leads to fear, anger among employees Companies worldwide are facing unprecedented

The bull’s eye: New modified stem cells can deliver drugs specifically to tumor cells

challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, from modifying operations to keeping...

As humans evolve, cancer also evolves in parallel, making the race for finding efficient treatment methods for cancer patients...

New insights about depression One study, published in the Journal of Clinical

Researchers uncover blind spots at the intersection of AI and neuroscience

Psychiatry, shows a link between an inflammatory

Purdue University researchers — working at the

molecule in the blood and...

intersection of artificial intelligence and neuroscience — say...

Poverty linked to higher risk of COVID-19 death, study suggests

Scientists show what loneliness looks like in the brain

The first nationwide study of its kind found patients

A team of researchers examined the magnetic

from the most economically disadvantaged areas

resonance imaging (MRI) data, genetics and

had a higher chance...

psychological self-assessments of...

‘Alarmingly high’ vitamin D deficiency in the United Kingdom

New approach can improve COVID-19 predictions worldwide

The journal Clinical Nutrition also reports that more than a third of Black Africans living in Britain have

“It is about understanding best and worst-case scenarios — and the fact that worst case is one of

high levels of...

the most important...

Fast walking in narrow corridors can increase COVID-19 transmission risk

An avocado a day keeps your gut microbes happy, study shows

The simulations are used to determine flow patterns

“We know eating avocados helps you feel full and

behind a walking individual in spaces of different shape. The results...

reduces blood cholesterol concentration, but we did not know how it...

Tepary beans — a versatile and sustainable native crop

New research could lead to better eyewitness recall in criminal investigations

IMAGE: Tepary beans created through

From a half-hidden corner in a crowded scene, a

crossbreeding display variation for seed coat colors. view more Credit:...

thief emerges to snatch a purse. Three days later, can you remember what...

Semiconductor material analysis made possible with artificial intelligence IMAGE: (A) Data generation process showing the

Aroma diffuser and plastic bag offer inexpensive method to test fit of face masks at home

sampled spin configurations generated through the

Researchers have developed a way to use a simple

simulated annealing...

home aroma diffuser to test whether N95 and other types of sealing masks,...

Energy transition at the crossroads: New topical issue in Russian Journal of Economics

Extracting precious zinc from waste ash

IMAGE: Three Czarevnas of Underground Kingdom


IMAGE: “In our pilot study, we found that 70 percent of the zinc present in fly ash can be recycled. The

(1879). A painting by Viktor Vasnetsov. The painting is based on the...

A new method for the functionalization of graphene

In pandemic, people are turning to nature

An international research team involving Professor

IMAGE: One of the first studies of its kind finds significant increases in outdoor activity during

Federico Rosei of the Institut national de la

COVID-19, especially...

recherche scientifique (INRS)...

High death rate ‘may be starting to fall’ Top Trump ally ends silence to congratulate Biden

Covid: Clinical trials begin for Valneva vaccine

Weeks after the election, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell congratulates...

New Covid strain: How worried should we be?

Covid: First care home residents in Wales get vaccine

Covid: ‘Rash’ Christmas rules ‘will cost many lives’

Covid: Christmas rules change will not be taken

The prime minister’s spokesman said the


government had been clear that people needed to “remain cautious and...

AstraZeneca could ask for FDA approval of its shot by February AstraZeneca could ask the FDA to approve its coronavirus vaccine as early as February, Operation Warp Speed chief says AstraZeneca’s...

States only use 5-20% of the covid antibody drugs sent by Operation Warp Speed The majority of doses of coronavirus antibody drugs are going unused, a new report claims. According to CNBC, Operation...

Nearly one-quarter of the world’s population may not have access to coronavirus vaccines until 2022 Nearly one-quarter of the world’s population may not

More than 80% of Americans say they WILL get a COVID-19 vaccine More than 80% of Americans say they WILL get a COVID-19 vaccine – but most want to ‘wait a bit’ –...

have access to coronavirus vaccines until 2022 Researchers looked ...

COVID-19 does not damage auditory system, study finds

Plastics pose threat to human health, report shows

The study was led by Professor Karen Avraham of TAU’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine. The results were

EDCs are chemicals that disturb the body’s hormone systems and can cause cancer, diabetes,

published online...

reproductive disorders,...

Telemedicine needed to diagnose and treat dysphagia in COVID-19 patients, doctors say

Physicians say non-contact infrared thermometers fall short as COVID-19 screeners

Health care professionals whose work puts them in contact with the body areas frequented by SARS-

The editorial was published Dec. 14, 2020, in Open Forum Infectious Diseases, the online journal of the

CoV-2 — such as the...

Infectious Diseases...

Urine diversion shows multiple environmental benefits when used at city scale

Better heart health scores in midlife linked to lower risk of late-life dementia

The study, published online Dec. 15 in the journal

modifiable risk factors, such as behaviors that impact heart health, could...

Environmental Science Technology, modeled largescale, centralized urine-diversion...

Previous research suggests that efforts to address

Attitudes about climate change are shifting, even in Texas About 80% of Americans — almost 81% of Texans

Immune cell that drives breast cancer could be effective target in novel immunotherapies

— say they believe climate change is happening,

“A deeper understanding of the immunobiology of

according to new...

breast cancer is critical to the success in harnessing immunotherapeutic...

Scientists discover a new complex europium hydride

Bermudagrass versus the armyworm

IMAGE: The novel strongly correlated Europium

clippings. view more Credit: Gurjit Singh Tifton,

superhydride view more Credit: Dmitrii V. Semenok


IMAGE: Fall Armyworm feeding on bermudagrass

et al/The...

New permafrost thermal stability map better describes the permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau

Evapotranspiration in an arid environment

IMAGE: Mean annual ground temperature (MAGT)

important process in the water cycle because it is

on the Tibetan Plateau view more Credit: @Science

responsible for 15% of the...

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA: Evapotranspiration is an

China Press The...

Male bats with high testosterone levels have large forearm crusts when females are fertile

Researchers turn DNA detectives to aid rhino poaching prosecutions with forensic evidence

Males may put a lot of effort into attracting females.

The project is part of the Rhino DNA Indexing

Male peacocks flaunt eye-catching trains, but male bats, because they...

System (RhODIS- India) conservation program. This database has been created...

An avocado a day keeps your gut microbes happy

Gene therapy for placental insufficiency moves toward the clinic

URBANA, Ill. – Eating avocado as part of your daily

IMAGE: journal in the field and provides all-inclusive

diet can help improve gut health, a new study from

access to the critical pillars of human gene therapy:

University of...


A one-week quarantine CAN work if people receive a negative coronavirus test on their last day

Which medical patches are worth sticking with?

A one-week quarantine IS enough to stop someone

More than 40 years ago, skin patches were introduced as an effective way of delivering drugs

exposed to coronavirus from spreading it – if they

into the body while avoiding...

test negative on...

Weekly Covid deaths FELL during the final days of England’s second lockdown Weekly Covid-19 deaths fell for the first time in three months during the final days of England’s second national lockdown,...

Making Britons wear masks while out Christmas shopping on crowded streets could slow spread of Covid Wearing a face mask while shopping for Christmas presents may slow the spread of coronavirus, scientists say. Current rules...

Wearing a used mask ‘can be WORSE than not wearing one at all’, study suggests

What’s the TRUTH about England’s new strain of coronavirus?

Wearing a used mask can be less effective at

Matt Hancock was today accused of scaring the public with his dramatic announcement that a

protecting against coronavirus than not wearing one

mutated strain of coronavirus...

at all, a new study suggests. Researchers...

Coughing while walking down a corridor leaves coronavirus particles BEHIND you

Does London REALLY need to be in Tier Three?

Walking down a narrow corridor can increase your risk of catching Covid-19 as viral droplets linger in

Questions are being raised about No10’s decision to put London in a Tier Three lockdown from midnight

the air up to 16 feet...

tonight as official...

Data-driven discovery of biomarkers pave way for improved diagnosis of contact allergy

Type and abundance of mouth bacteria linked to lung cancer risk in non-smokers

About 20 percent of the population of high-income

of bacteria seem to be linked to heightened risk, the findings indicate. Around...

countries are troubled by contact eczema, a disease

Fewer species and high numbers of particular types

often associated with...

Digital trackers for mental health not yet fit for purpose

Genes play a role in common knee injury

The approach, known as ‘digital phenotyping’, uses digital traces from smartphones, combined with

By analysing data from the Swedish Twin Register along with data from the Swedish National Patient

medical data,...

Register, researchers...

Undruggable diseases gain a new RNA drug-discovery tool

Study IDs four things that make people feel good about using chatbots

Scientists refer to diseases as “undruggable” when

“Chatbots that use artificial intelligence to address

their targets lie on a protein molecule that folds

customer needs are already in widespread use, and


are expected...

RNA basic building block produced biocatalytically for the first time

Drug may boost vaccine responses in older adults

In medicinal chemistry, the molecular family of

The results may lead to new approaches to protect

carbon (C)-nucleosides is particularly in demand.

older individuals from viruses such as the one

These differ from the naturally...

causing the current COVID-19...

To the brain, reading computer code is not the same as reading language

This is your brain on code: JHU deciphers neural mechanics of computer programming

CAMBRIDGE, MA — In some ways, learning to program a computer is similar to learning a new language. It requires learning...

IMAGE: The graphic shows the how the brain activates during computer programming, compared to brain activations for...

Plastics pose threat to human health WASHINGTON, DC–Plastics contain and leach hazardous chemicals, including endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that...

Empowering women could help address climate change Current and future damages of climate change depend greatly on the ability of affected populations to adapt to changing conditions....

UMBC researchers identify where giant jets from black holes discharge their energy

Engineers develop soft robotic gripper

IMAGE: In this artist’s rendering courtesy of NASA, the remnants of a star torn apart by a black hole

while others simulate...

Scientists often look to nature for cues when designing robots – some robots mimic human hands

form a...

Device mimics life’s first steps in outer space

HSS bone study sheds light on complications after spinal surgery

IMAGE: Abdellahi Sow uses the VENUS apparatus,

The microscopic structure of bone appears to

which offers researchers insight into how life can form in space. ...

predict which patients will experience poor outcomes after spinal fusion, according...

Coronavirus: Health checks recommended for ethnic minorities from age 25

What has changed since the tiers came in after lockdown?

Biden after win confirmed: ‘Time to turn the page’

highest alert level early as a result of recent

The US president-elect also condemns Donald Trump’s...


Covid: Twelve charts on how Covid changed our lives

New Covid strain: How worried should we be?

The most obvious way to measure the impact of

There is no clear-cut evidence the new variant of

coronavirus is to see how many people have died –

coronavirus – which has been detected in south-

and look at how much...

east England –...

U.S. nursing home vaccinations will start this week and healthy people will get shots next year

Eight-week-old baby with spinal muscular atrophy could be saved by a single jab

The government has brought some areas into the

Nursing home residents will start getting

Like a ‘punch in the stomach’, is how Megan Willis felt on hearing that her eight-week-old baby with

vaccinations this week and Dr Fauci predicts healthy


Americans with no underlying...

Half-dose of Oxford vaccine was NOT a ‘mistake’ and was known before people got jabs, scientists say

Risk of dying from Covid-19 in British hospitals has HALVED since the peak of the crisis in spring

Oxford scientists say the more effective half-dose

The risk of dying from Covid-19 in British hospitals

regimen of their coronavirus vaccine was not given

has halved since the peak of the crisis in spring,

by ‘mistake’. In...

according to research...

One in 11 people have now had Covid: At least 8.9% of England has coronavirus antibodies

Lockdown DID work and coronavirus cases in England fell by more than a quarter, official study shows

At least one in 11 people in England have had

The number of coronavirus cases in England

coronavirus, a Government-run surveillance study

dropped by a quarter during the second national

suggests. The Office for...

lockdown, a Government-backed...

Matt Hancock blames new strain of coronavirus for surging cases in London and the South East

How England’s North-South divide reversed

A mutated strain of coronavirus may be behind the

has reversed in the past month, with outbreaks in the North brought...

rapid surge in infections in London and the South

England’s North-South divide of coronavirus cases

East of England, Matt...

Why ‘lab-made’ proteins have unusually high temperature stability

Challenges of fusing robotics and neuroscience

Natural proteins with high ‘thermostability’ are prized

Prof. Cheng, by training a paraplegic patient with the

for their wide range of applications, from baking and...

exoskeleton within your sensational study under the “Walk Again”...

tRNA fragments are involved in poststroke immune reactions

High blood pressure at any age, no matter how long you have it, may speed cognitive decline

The project was initiated and led by Hermona Soreq (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel) and Andreas Meisel (Charité, Berlin),...

Nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure or hypertension. Having high blood pressure is a risk factor for...

New combination therapy could help fight difficult-to-treat cancers with common mutations

Point of Care testing can improve the detection and treatment of influenza

Now, scientists at the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center describe a new

acute illnesses every winter. Adults who are

The influenza virus causes seasonal epidemics of admitted to hospitals are often...

combination therapy that suppresses the MAPK...

How to protect neurons and encourage their growth: New clue

Salt-tolerant bacteria with an appetite for sludge make biodegradable plastics

Researchers know that inhibiting an enzyme called

The United States generates seven million tons of

dual leucine zipper kinase (DLK) appears to robustly

sewage sludge annually, enough to fill 2,500

protect neurons in...

Olympic-sized swimming pools....

Study: More than half unlikely to get COVID-19 vaccine under emergency use authorization

Shedding light on the dark side of biomass burning pollution

RICHMOND, Va. (Dec. 14, 2020) — The first

ambient particulate matter, substantially impacting

COVID-19 vaccine has received emergency use authorization. Yet a key question...

climate, human health,...

Scientists warn of likely massive oil spill endangering the Red Sea, region’s health

Balancing climate and development goals

Oxidized organic aerosol is a major component of

IMAGE: Corals in the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea

That is the key finding in a new study published today in Environmental Research Letters by

view more Credit: Credit: Maoz Fine STONY

scientists from the Carnegie...

BROOK, NY, December...

Structural racism severely impacts the health of foreign-born Blacks and Latinx

Purdue researchers uncover blind spots at the intersection of AI and neuroscience

IMAGE: These figures show predicted values of allostatic load for women and men for each

IMAGE: Purdue University researchers are doing work at the intersection of artificial intelligence and

race/nativity group by survey...


Researchers use origami to solve space travel challenge IMAGE: The researchers have developed an

Moderna will ship nearly 6 million doses of its coronavirus vaccine as soon as it gets FDA approval

origami-inspired, folded plastic fuel bladder that doesn’t crack at...

Up to six million people will be vaccinated during the first rollout of Moderna Inc’s coronavirus vaccine in the U.S. During...

COVID-19 vaccines are here The U.S. has finally approved its first coronavirus vaccine and began dosing some of the most at-risk

How dare the NHS throw us on the scrapheap!

people, including health...

They enjoy life to the full and don’t want their days to end on the whim of a doctor’s signature. These four...

Tuck into a guilt free festive feast that helps you beat disease

So that’s why men find it so much easier to shed all that extra weight

This Christmas, more than ever, needs to be a time

Christmas is still just over a week off, but many

of comfort and joy. After months of living under the dark pandemic cloud,...

couples will already be thinking about starting the New Year with a joint...

Tensing muscles could help those with a fear of needles

New breathalyser test may allow doctors to diagnose respiratory conditions in minutes

From trips to the dentist to vaccinations, injections are a mainstay of modern medicine. And, while it’s fair to say...

A breathalyser may give doctors a new way to diagnose a range of respiratory conditions in as little as two minutes. Lung...

Dr MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

The power of validation in helping people stay positive

QUESTION: About 25 years ago, I had a ligament

In the study, participants described to the

repair but soon tore it again playing badminton,

researchers a real-life incident that made them

which I then had to give...

angry. When researchers didn’t...

Mystery solved with math: Cytoplasmic traffic jam disrupts sleep-wake cycles

Irrelevant information interferes with making decisions

Human bodies adjust sleep schedules in

According to new research from behavioral

accordance with the ‘circadian rhythms’, which are

economist Ian Chadd, an assistant professor at

regulated by our time...

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,...

Robotic exoskeleton training improves walking in adolescents with acquired brain injury

Compound derived from thunder god vine could help pancreatic cancer patients

The authors are Kiran Karunakaran, PhD, Naphtaly

basis of a water-soluble prodrug called Minnelide, which appears...

Ehrenberg, MS, and Karen Nolan, PhD, from the

The medicinal plant’s key ingredient, triptolide, is the

Center for Mobility and Rehabilitation...

UV-emitting LED lights found to kill coronavirus

Endothelial cell targeting could help fight COVID-19 symptoms, study shows

This is the first study conducted on the disinfection efficiency of UV-LED irradiation at different

SARS-CoV-2 causes Covid-19, characterized by pulmonary edema, viral pneumonia, coagulopathy,

wavelengths or frequencies...

inflammation and other physiological...

Apathy could predict onset of dementia years before other symptoms

Marine pollution: How do plastic additives dilute in water and how risky are they?

Frontotemporal dementia is a significant cause of

IMAGE: Plastic waste can contaminate water supply

dementia among younger people. It is often

as it breaks down into microplastics and its additives

diagnosed between the ages of...

leach out....

Recovery of an endangered Caribbean coral from parrotfish predation IMAGE: A large predation scar on Orbicella

Exploring the relationship between nitrogen and carbon dioxide in greenhouse gas emissions

annularis coral from a Stoplight parrotfish

A University of Oklahoma-led interdisciplinary study

(Sparisoma viride) view...

on a decade-long experiment (1997-2009) at the University of Minnesota...

Nanoengineered cement shows promise for sealing leaky gas wells

Emerging from the fog: Little understood post-stroke cognitive issues are verified

IMAGE: Pictured is a natural gas well in

IMAGE: Overlay plots of cerebral activation time

Pennsylvania. When wells become damaged or

courses corresponding to each of the predefined

degraded, methane can potentially...

areas of interest...

A human gene placed in fruit flies reveals details about a human developmental disorder

An unexpected role for the brain’s immune cells

IMAGE: Left to right: Katarina Akhmetova, Igor

SAN FRANCISCO, CA–December 14, 2020–An important part of the brain’s immune system, cells

Chesnokov and Maxim Balasov view more Credit:

called microglia...


UMaine-led research group find that trees are out of equilibrium with climate

Covid PPE: Hospital gowns that cost £122m never used

Forecasts predicting where plants and animals will

Coronavirus: Safety concerns halt use of 50 million

inhabit over time rely primarily on information about their current climate...

NHS masks

Covid: Intensive care staff plead for preChristmas lockdown

Covid: London to move into tier 3 as infections rise

It comes after the number of positive Covid-19 tests

A new variant of coronavirus has been identified

passed 100,000 in Wales

“which may be associated with the faster spread in the south of England”,...

‘New variant’ of coronavirus identified ‘Mutant coronavirus’ seen before on mink farms, say

Risk of catching coronavirus from a family member you live with is just 16.6%


Risk of catching coronavirus from a family member you live with is just 17% and only one in three people pass it on to their...

Pfizer CEO doesn’t want to ‘jump the line’ to get firm’s vaccine Pfizer’s CEO has not yet taken his own company’s coronavirus vaccine to avoid the appearance that executives...

Head of Operation Warp Speed says US is trying to secure more doses of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine Head of Operation Warp Speed says the U.S. is in ‘active discussions’ to secure more doses of Pfizer’s...

Like adults, children by age 3 prefer seeing fractal patterns

How our brains know when something’s different

That discovery emerged among children who’ve

“Our results suggest that every experience we store

been raised in a world of Euclidean geometry, such as houses with rooms...

into memory can be used to set our expectations and predictions...

Using play to ‘school’ children’s emotions

Fans are not amused about decisions made by video assistants

When children start school, pupils with the ability to

For its 2019/20 season, the English Premier League

understand their own emotions and the emotions of

introduced the video assistant referee (VAR). Dr.

others are more...

Otto Kolbinger and Melanie...

Young people who go to bed later drink and smoke more due to their impulsivity

Singing to preterm infants during kangaroo care reduces maternal anxiety

In the first study of its kind, researchers from the

Researchers from the University of Helsinki

University of Surrey and Brunel University London

contributed to a study investigating the effects of

investigated how being...

singing during kangaroo care...

Does sharing health data help maintain weight loss?

Drugs create balancing act for patients with non-small cell lung cancer

Researchers studied 87 adult participants in a 12-

The findings were published online Oct. 29 in the

month weight loss program. For the entire study participants were asked...

journal JAMA Oncology. The researchers analyzed data from 623 patients...

‘Magic’ angle graphene and the creation of unexpected topological quantum states

When you can’t afford to go on lockdown

IMAGE: A Princeton-led team of physicists have

Russians’ movements during the...

Researchers at HSE University and Lomonosov Moscow State University analyzed data on

discovered that, under certain conditions, interacting electrons can...

Model could help determine quarantine measures needed to reduce Covid-19’s spread

Study: Oregon’s Western Cascades watershed to experience larger, more frequent fires

As Covid-19 infections soar across the U.S., some states are tightening restrictions and reinstituting

IMAGE: A view of the Riverside Fire from La Dee Flats on the Mt. Hood National Forest on Sept. 9,

quarantine measures...

2020. The fire encompassed...

FARI publishes new research on omega3s and heart rate recovery

Success in the Amazon

IMAGE: Comparing each patient’s heart rate

exposing deforestation caused by soy production in

recovery with their Omega-3 Index, the researchers

the Brazilian Amazon. In the previous...

In 2006, Greenpeace launched a campaign

found a significant...

Massive underground instrument finds final secret of our sun’s fusion

High-brightness source of coherent light spanning from the UV to THz

A hyper-sensitive instrument, deep underground in

IMAGE: Artistic impression of the spectrum of a mid-

Italy, has finally succeeded at the nearly impossible

infrared pulse broadening in the background with the

task of detecting...

electric field...

Blood test for Alzheimer’s disease predicts future cognitive decline in healthy people

A theory as clear as glass

“Our findings indicate that measuring a tau fragment

IMAGE: Scientists at The University of Tokyo use computer simulations to model the effects of elemental composition...

in plasma can help predict which elderly people are likely to...

Genes could be key to new COVID-19 treatments, study finds Potential treatments for Covid-19 have been

No deal Brexit could have detrimental impact for people in UK living with a rare disease

identified after the discovery of five genes

Experts have warned that a ‘no deal’ Brexit will

associated with the most severe...

result in the exclusion of the UK from the 24 European Reference...

Polarization increases with economic decline, becoming cripplingly contagious

Everything you want to know about sunscreen

PRINCETON, N.J.–The rise of populist movements

From safety and effectiveness to who should use

is changing political systems around the world. As

sunscreen and how to apply it, Canadian

support for these...

dermatologists review the latest...

Molecule holds promise to reprogram white blood cells for better cancer treatment

Researchers reveal how our brains know when something’s different

IMAGE: Pictured L-R: Caitlin Brandle, research

IMAGE: NIH scientists discovered how a set of high frequency brain waves may help us unconsciously

assistant, Dr. Gang Zhou, Timothy Kim,

set expectations...

undergraduate student, Nada S....

Social media use increases belief in COVID-19 misinformation

Covid: Public must think carefully about Christmas risk, NHS bosses warn

PULLMAN, Wash. – The more people rely on social media as their main news source the more likely

Lockdown rules: What Covid tier is your area in and what are the restrictions?

they are to believe...

Blood donation: Rule change means more gay and bisexual men can give blood

Covid PPE: Hospital gowns that cost £122m never been used

The gay men breaking blood donation rules

NHS masks

Covid vaccine: GPs in England to begin offering Pfizer jab

Increased social media use linked to developing depression

Tens of thousands of people in the UK received the

Compared with participants who used less than 120

Pfizer-BioNTech jab last week in hospitals.

minutes per day of social media, for example, young

Coronavirus: Safety concerns halt use of 50 million

adults who used more...

New and unexplored dimension in the study of protein-protein interactions

A potential therapy for one of the leading causes of heart disease

Sliding clamps are ring-shaped proteins that encircle

After 15 years of unrelenting work, a team of

DNA and bind to the DNA polymerase, the enzyme that performs the actual...

scientists from Gladstone Institutes has now discovered a potential drug candidate...

When it comes to feeling pain, touch or an itch, location matters

Bosses need appreciation, too

The new blueprint of this aspect of the sensorimotor

“Based on theory, we knew feeling appreciated by another person sends a strong signal that you are

system, described online in Neuron on November

positively regarded,...

11, 2020, could lead...

Natural environmental conditions facilitate the uptake of microplastics into living cells

Using CRISPR, new technique makes it easy to map genetic networks

The interdisciplinary research team led by Prof. Dr.

A team of University of California, Berkeley, scientists has developed an easy way to do just that,

Christian Laforsch (Animal Ecology) and Prof. Dr.

allowing anyone to profile...

Holger Kress (Biological...

Different forms of sugar impact hungersuppressing hormones in young adults

Rectal cancer patients who "watch and wait" may only need few years of stringent follow-up

Too much sugar consumption is a contributing factor

An international team of scientists, including doctors

for obesity. Sucrose, or “table sugar,” is composed of

from the Champalimaud Clinical Centre, in Lisbon,


has just published...

Fewer than 2 percent of OB-GYN doctors can prescribe life-saving opioid treatment

Researchers control multiple wavelengths of light from a single source

The number of obstetrician-gynecologists who are

IMAGE: Photoluminescence change of dual-color-

able to prescribe a lifesaving opioid addiction

emissive carbon dots (CDs) depending on their

medicine called buprenorphine...

concentration. Blue- and...

Vitamin D the clue to more Autism spectrum disorder in boys

Rewiring stroke survivors brains could alleviate depression

A deficiency in Vitamin D on the mother’s side could explain why Autism spectrum disorder is three times

IMAGE: Large doses of repetitive trans cranial magnetic stimulation significantly improve post-

more common...

stroke depression. ...

Pizza can help address the dark matter mystery? Despite its vanishingly tiny mass, the existence of

Research reveals unexpected insights into early dinosaur’s brain, eating habits and agility

the axion, once proven, may point to new physics

IMAGE: Braincase and endocast of

beyond the Standard...

Thecodontosaurus antiquus. From CT scans of the braincase fossil, 3-D models of the...

No association between COVID-19 and Guillain-Barré syndrome

Researchers find why ‘lab-made’ proteins have unusually high temperature stability

Neuroscientists at UCL have found no significant

IMAGE: Structure of the de novo protein with most

association between COVID-19 and the potentially

of the core filled with valine residues (green). Ten

paralysing and sometimes...


Flavors added to vaping devices can damage the heart of fruit and candy flavors that entice millions of

Unexpectedly, data show that anaesthetists and intensive care doctors are at lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with other medical staff

young people take...

Following the first recorded death of an anaesthetist

TAMPA, Fla (Dec. 11, 2020) — The appealing array

from COVID-19 in the UK in November 2020, a review of available data...

New report finds global health research infrastructure imperiled by COVID-19

Artificial intelligence helps scientists develop new general models in ecology

The strong foundation of global health research and

In ecology, millions of species interact in billions of

development (RD) that greatly accelerated the

different ways between them and with their

development of COVID-19...

environment. Ecosystems...

Record resolution in X-ray microscopy Researchers at Friedrich-Alexander Universität

Potential extreme condition history detector

Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), the Paul Scherrer

IMAGE: Tricolor photoluminescence enhancement

Institute in Switzerland and...

from site symmetry breakdown in pyrochlore Ho2Sn2O7 after pressure treatment ...

New insights into Glioblastoma invasiveness

Covid: More tier 3 areas to get mass testing from Monday

One of the hallmarks of Glioblastoma (GBM), the most aggressive type of brain cancer, is its high

Covid: Secondary school pupils in London, Kent and Essex hotspots urged to get tested

invasive capacity, which...

Covid: Relaxing restrictions ‘could trigger third wave’, NHS bosses warn England’s three-tier system is due to be reviewed on

‘The robot made me do it’: Robots encourage risk-taking behaviour in people

16 December.

IMAGE: A SoftBank Robotics Pepper robot was used in the two robot conditions. Pepper, 1.21meter-tall with 25 degrees...

Novel cathode design significantly improves performance of next-generation battery

Last Interglacial: warming amplified in mountain environments

IMAGE: An all-in-one solution for the design strategy

Temperatures in the high alpine region were up to 4

of macroporous host with double-end binding sites.

degrees higher than...


IMAGE: A look at the last interglacial shows:

Trapping nanoparticles with optical tweezers

Fan mussel larval dispersal for the future of an endangered species

Optical tweezers are a rapidly growing technology,

IMAGE: Protecting the marine areas that distribute

and have opened up a wide variety of research

larvae will be decisive for the future of the species in

applications in recent years....

the Mediterranean. ...

New analysis method for predicting the risks and effects of immunotherapy IMAGE: Sara Mangso is an Associate senior

The Protein Society announces 2022 appointment of Protein Science Editor-inchief

lecturer/Assistant Professor at the Department of

IMAGE: Congratulations, Dr. John Kuriyan view

Pharmaceutical Biosciences,...

more Credit: The Protein Society CANYON COUNTRY, CA –...

VRK1: a protein that reduces the survival of patients with neuroblastoma Researchers from the Departments of Cell Biology

DR ELLIE CANNON: The messy drops I use for my sore eyes don’t work… what will?

and Medical Physiology at the University of Seville

Since having radiotherapy for cancer in my neck,

have identified that...

I’ve suffered terribly from what I’ve been told is dry eye syndrome....

Hot balloon that frees diabetics from insulin jabs begins trials

HEALTH NOTES: App that shows nurses how to treat bed sores

A procedure that involves inflating a hot balloon

HEALTH NOTES: App that shows nurses how to

inside the gut could reverse type 2 diabetes and free

treat bed sores By Mail on Sunday Reporter

thousands of patients...

Published: 17:01 EST, 12 December...

BARNEY CALMAN: How do you solve a problem like Maria – the 68-year

The festive recipes for ALL dietary needs

It’s been an emotional week. An 81-year-old bloke

festive season. And especially this year, with the

called William Shakespeare, from Warwickshire,

usual highlights –...

Turkey and trimmings are, for many, the peak of the

became the second person...

When was the exact moment we got infected with Covid? It started with a text message. ‘Please pick-up. Very important’. It was a Tuesday afternoon in late October, and I’d...

DR TOM JEFFERSON: I fear this mania for mass Covid testing is a hugely expensive blunder Dr Tom Jefferson, pictured, said he has received a stream of unsettling letters and emails from members of the public...

Insecure livelihoods hindering efforts to combat anti-microbial resistance globally

Predicting heart disease from the skin

The findings add to evidence that focus should shift

Uitto, MD, PhD, a Professor of Dermatology and

from influencing individuals’ efforts to combat anti-

Cutaneous Biology, report...

An international team of researchers led by Jouni


Kids gain weight when new convenience stores open nearby

Robots could replace real therapy dogs

“Childhood obesity has a complex multifaceted

benefits for children and young people. A new paper, published in The International...

etiology. In this study we found that community food

Animals, especially dogs, can have therapeutic

environment, particularly...

The secret behind male ornaments Xiphophorus, the males carry a so-called ‘sword’.

Majority of pregnant women who tested positive for COVID-19 were asymptomatic, study finds

Females prefer...

The majority of pregnant women who tested positive

IMAGE: In several species of the genus

for COVID-19 on arrival to the delivery room were asymptomatic, according...

Scientists found out genes involved in a compound in lichens with antiviral activity

A protein has been identified as a potential therapeutic target for leishmaniasis vaccines

An international study led by researchers from the

According to the results of research led by the

Faculty of Pharmacy at the Complutense University

Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), one the

of Madrid has identified...

various strategies deployed...

Two, six, many

Faraday fabrics?

IMAGE: Artist impression: Six pairs of atoms in the

Researchers at Drexel University’s College of

focus of a laser beam. view more Credit: Jonas

Engineering have reported that fabric coated with a


conductive, two-dimensional...

New computational method validates images without ‘ground truth’

tRNA fragments are involved in poststroke immune reactions

A realtor sends a prospective homebuyer a blurry

Sebastian Lobentanzer of Goethe University,

photograph of a house taken from across the street.

Frankfurt, has been studying small RNA dynamics in

The homebuyer can compare...

various contexts using bioinformatic...

Covid: Homeless people in Milton Keynes left struggling for shelter

Covid: FDA approves Pfizer vaccine for emergency use in US

Winter support for rough sleepers has been cut due

On Friday, President Trump sent out an angry tweet

to Covid guidelines, the BBC has heard, as charities

calling the FDA a “big, old, slow turtle”, adding:

warn many people...


Covid: Trials to test combination of Oxford and Sputnik vaccines

Newly discovered toxin-antitoxin system abundant in one-cell organisms

Oxford recently published results showing their jab

IMAGE: A bacterial cell poisons itself with an

was safe and effective in trials on people.

antitoxin to prevent a virus from taking over, which is one important...

Evolution of tropical biodiversity hotspots

"The machine as extension of the body"

For decades, scientists have worked to understand

into understanding how the brain functions view

the intricacies of biological diversity–from genetic

more Credit:...

IMAGE: Prof. Gordon Cheng whats to dig deeper

and species...

Strong social support decreases mental health problems in young adults

From publication bias to lost in information

A team of McGill University researchers has found that young adults who perceived higher levels of

The availability of clinical trial records has increased markedly in recent years. For instance, several

social support reported...

documents from numerous...

Development of the first biohybrid artificial retina built with silk fibroin and retinal cells.

Virtual therapy: The ‘new normal’ after COVID-19

“The biohybrid retina is a cell therapy for the

will go back to normal. We’ll stop wearing masks.

reconstruction of the damaged retina by implanting

We’ll crowd...

Once the COVID-19 pandemic is over, a lot of things

healthy cells in...

Male weeds may hold key to their own demise IMAGE: University of Illinois scientists are getting closer to finding the genes for maleness in waterhemp and Palmer...

Carolina Sandhills Salamander: New species added to species-rich North Carolina IMAGE: Carolina Sandhills salamander (Eurycea arenicola) in life from North Carolina. view more Credit: Todd...

Negative reviews boost sales IMAGE: Aleksei Smirnov, Assistant Professor,

Gene could help predict response to cervical cancer treatment

Faculty of Economic Sciences (HSE University) view


more Credit:...

researchers have identified a potential diagnostic marker that could help predict how...

Pre-existing flu immunity impacts antibody quality following infection and vaccination

Financial distress negatively impacts well-being, satisfaction of breast cancer patients

New research by scientists at the University of

CHICAGO (December 11, 2020): Financial toxicity

Chicago suggests a person’s antibody response to

among breast cancer patients is independently

influenza viruses...

associated with worse psychological...

Oregon researchers find that like adults, children by age 3 prefer seeing fractal patterns

Using water fleas, UTA researchers investigate adaptive evolution

IMAGE: A fractal inspired carpet designed by

Arlington resurrected the preserved eggs of a

Richard Taylor and his University of Oregon colleagues is underfoot during...

shrimp-like crustacean to examine...

Patients with non-cardiac chest pain are reassured with brief education

Covid: London’s coronavirus levels rising, ONS says

Sophia Antipolis – 12 December 2020: Patients

Figures for the week to 5 December, as England’s

diagnosed with non-cardiac chest pain are reluctant

second lockdown was ending, suggest infection

to believe they...

levels continued to...

Researchers from The University of Texas at

Tavistock puberty blocker study published after nine years

Covid: Genes hold clues to why some people get severely ill

The High Court ruled last week that under-16s are

A study in Nature of more than 2,200 intensive care

unlikely to be able to give informed consent to be

patients has identified specific genes that may hold

treated with puberty-blocking...

the answer.

Covid: UK isolation period shortened to 10 days

US buys ANOTHER 100 million doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine

But the Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures

US buys ANOTHER 100 million doses of Moderna’s

show that in the week to 5 December, there were

COVID-19 vaccine for $2.6 billion bringing its total

increases in coronavirus...

stock from the...

What your rumbling tummy is really telling you: DR MICHAEL MOSLEY on a revolutionary microphone

Covid-19: Transmission via semen ‘cannot be ruled out’, says expert

With Christmas just around the corner we will soon

completely ruled out, a top fertility expert has

be scoffing lots of rich foods, which will make our tummies rumble even...

warned. Professor Allan...

Sir Patrick Vallance admits there is ‘NO hard evidence’ that pub curfews slow coronavirus

New light shed on cause of deadly lung disease

There was ‘no hard evidence’ that England’s

32,000 people in the UK, and accounts for one per

controversial 10pm curfew prevented coronavirus

cent of all UK deaths,...

Coronavirus transmission through semen cannot be

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) affects at least

from spreading,...

New biomarker candidate for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

New guidelines for treating the complications of brain tumors

Altered protein structures in ALS ALS is a fatal

“Every year, around 18 million people worldwide are

neurodegenerative disease causing a rapid loss of

diagnosed with cancer and up to every second

motor function, which...

patient with an advanced...

Engaged dads can reduce adolescent behavioral problems, improve well-being

Researchers suggest stool transplants can battle serious infections

The researchers found that adolescents in lowincome families whose fathers are more frequently

Using genetic material analysis and machine learning, UBC researchers have pinpointed several

engaged in feeding, reading,...

key factors to ensure successful...

Diet modifications — including more wine and cheese — may help reduce cognitive decline, study suggests

What makes hard workouts so effective

The study was spearheaded by principal

improves heart function...

“Our research on rats with heart failure shows that exercise reduces the severity of the disease,

investigator, Auriel Willette, an assistant professor in Food Science and Human Nutrition,...

Muscle cell secrets cells of our skeletal muscles are different: These

A matter of balance: asymmetric divisions are crucial to form a functional retina

long, fibrous cells...

Balancing proliferation and differentiation in a

Usually, each cell has exactly one nucleus. But the

developing organ are a complex act, especially when these two processes...

How AI could make therapeutic decisionmaking for breast cancer more accurate, affordable

A saliva-based smartphone platform could rapidly expand COVID-19 testing

Breast cancer affects 1/8 women in the USA, and

COVID-19 testing, a portable saliva-based smartphone platform provides...

rates of breast cancer are increasing. Humans are

Offering an ultrasensitive yet accessible approach to

good at spotting cancer...

Vanderbilt researchers discover strong correlation between partisanship and social mobility during COVID-19 pandemic

Political partisanship has had outsized influence on individual social mobility during COVID-19 pand

According to many medical experts, reduced social

played a much stronger role in individuals’ decisions

mobility – defined here as social contact and travel within and among...

to limit their...

New insights about age-related macular degeneration could spur better

Access to nature important for mental health during Covid lockdowns

In the United States, political partisanship has

treatments BOSTON – “Wet” age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the most common causes of

People in European countries with the strictest COVID-19 lockdown policies were more likely to show symptoms of depression...


Carrots are healthy, but active enzyme unlocks full benefits

UK woman, 91, first to get Covid vaccine, urges others to comply

IMAGE: (From left): Doctoral students Ivan Pinos

A 90-year-old grandmother who became the first

and Johana Coronel, and Assistant Professor Jaume Amengual, Department...

person in the world to have Pfizer‘s coronavirus jab has urged sceptics...

Why pregnant women CAN’T have the coronavirus vaccine

160,000 people now waiting over a year for NHS operations amid Covid delays

Pregnant women will not be offered Pfizer‘s

At least 162,000 people have been waiting more

breakthrough coronavirus vaccine due to a lack of

than a year for routine operations on the NHS in

evidence, experts have...

England – the highest number...

Mass Covid testing in secondary schools is being rolled out in London, Kent and Essex today

Self-isolation period to be cut from two weeks to 10 DAYS for at-risk contacts

Mass coronavirus testing is being rolled out in

contact with someone infected with coronavirus will

secondary schools in coronavirus hotspots in North

only have to do so for...

People forced to self-isolate after coming into

East London, South Essex...

How Havering became London’s Covid capital

Sky News host Kay Burley seen for first time since rule-breaking party

The national lockdown failed to stop the spiralling spread of coronavirus in London‘s infection hotspot

By Amie Gordon for MailOnline Kay Burley is the nononsense news viper who relishes holding MPs to

of Havering,...

account – but has...

Coronavirus R rate in the UK RISES for first time since October to between 0.9 and 1

Five-minute EEG recordings: A key to the symptoms of Parkinson’s

SAGE, Number 10’s Scientific Advisory Group for

electrical nerve activity is only derived from the patient’s scalp,...

Emergencies, estimates the R number across

But is it possible to detect this coupling if the

Britain is between...

Within a hair’s breadth — forensic identification of single dyed hair strand now possible

Ability to predict C-diff mortality nearly doubled with new guidelines

But what if a bit of fashion consciousness could inspire a new forensic technique? In a recent study

based on expert opinion only, that is an opportunity

“Whenever changes to national guidelines are to do a research...

published in Analytical...

Hydrogels with fine-toothed molecular combs may make enduring glucosemonitoring implants

Persistence of Zika virus in the brain causes long-term problems in mice

By incorporating dangling, comb-type molecular

lasting cognitive impairment and increased risk for psychological...

chains within a type of hydrogel called poly(N-

Infections in the perinatal period are associated with

isopropylacrylamide) or poly...

Scientists build whole functioning thymus from human cells

The pressure sensor of the venus flytrap

The thymus is an organ in the chest where T

(JMU) Würzburg in Bavaria, Germany, have isolated

lymphocytes, which play a vital role in the immune

individual sensory hairs...

Researchers from Julius-Maximilians-Universität

system, mature. If the thymus...

Gut microbiota plays a role in brain function and mood regulation

Baricitinib plus Remdesivir shows promise for treating COVID-19

The bacterial population in the gut, known as the gut

IMAGE: This colorized transmission electron

microbiota, is the largest reservoir of bacteria in the

micrograph shows a SARS-CoV-2 virus particle,

body. Research...

isolated from a patient. ...

Tanzania farmers distrust fertilizer quality, are less willing to pay for it IMAGE: University of Illinois researchers examined

New online COVID-19 mortality risk calculator could help determine who should get vaccines first

fertilizer use in Tanzania. view more Credit: Anna

A new online calculator for estimating individual and

Fairbairn. URBANA,...

community-level risk of dying from COVID-19 has been developed by researchers...

High-tech fixes for the food system could have unintended consequences IMAGE: A farmer in Beora, a small community in

Researchers rank various mask protection, modifications against COVID19

Rupandehi District of Nepal. view more Credit: Neil

IMAGE: Medical procedure mask and modifications


designed to enhance mask fit or comfort for the wearer. A mask w/ear...

MGB study finds majority of COVID-19 patients died in hospital There have been over 280,000 deaths in the United

Sea star listed as critically endangered following research by Oregon State University

States due to COVID-19, with the infectious nature

IMAGE: Sunflower sea star view more Credit:

of the disease preventing...

Janna Nichols CORVALLIS, Ore. – The iconic sunflower sea...

Researchers find a better way to design metal alloys

Covid-19: The day of the UK’s ‘tremendous shot in the arm’

IMAGE: Researchers have found a new way to

The NHS’s biggest ever vaccination programme is

predict the properties of metal alloys based on

underway; its first recipient: a grandmother from

reactions at the boundaries...

Coventry. Margaret...

Covid testing of students finds few positive cases

Covid vaccine: US experts recommend Pfizer vaccine approval

First execution of Trump’s final days goes ahead

Covid vaccine: When can I get vaccinated in the

Brandon Bernard was executed in Indiana despite


pleas from Kim Kardashian...

Covid response hits rural NHS services hard

Blocking protein restores strength, endurance in old mice

The Nuffield Trust report says while the number of

“The improvement is really quite dramatic” said

Covid cases in rural areas was lower than in big

Helen Blau, PhD, professor of microbiology and

urban centres, the pandemic’s...

immunology. “The...

Diet modifications – including more wine and cheese

Germans want open communication of uncertainty in the coronavirus pandemic

The study was spearheaded by principal

The COVID-19 pandemic has once again

investigator, Auriel Willette, an assistant professor in

highlighted the uncertainty inherent in science. The

Food Science and Human Nutrition,...

results of a Germany-wide study...

Roadmap offers solutions for future of food, global ag innovation

Mass extinctions of land-dwelling animals occur in 27-million-year cycle

ITHACA, N.Y. – To deflect future world food crises created by climate change and growing consumer

Mass extinctions of land-dwelling animals–including amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds–follow a

demand, a Cornell...

cycle of...

Young people embrace new model of teaching sexual consent, study finds

Test your heart health by climbing stairs

IMAGE: Consent Image view more Credit: Taylor

flights of stairs in less than a minute indicates good


heart health,...

Sophia Antipolis – 11 December 2020: Climbing four Sexual...

Screening for endocrine disruption in artificial zebrafish for long-term risk assessment

Artificial visual system of record-low energy consumption for the next generation of AI

IMAGE: Picture of zebra fish view more Credit:

IMAGE: Professor Johnny Chung-yin Ho, Associate

Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST)

Head and Professor of the Department of Materials

Newly developed...

Science and Engineering...

Masonic Medical Research Institute studies brown fat: Implications in obesity

One-third of US hospitals surpassed 90% capacity in ICUs last week, HHS data reveals

IMAGE: The Lin Lab at the MMRI, quantified the number of brown fat cells present in newborn animals. For years, researchers...

One-third of US hospitals surpassed 90% capacity in ICUs last week and nearly half of their critically ill patients were...

Inhaled vaccine induces fast, strong immune response in mice and nonhuman primates

A gene from ancient bacteria helps ticks spread Lyme disease “Bacteria exchange DNA with each other all the time, but what’s remarkable is that 40 million years

“This translational strategy potentially enables more

ago a gene...

effective delivery of therapeutics or vaccines while reducing...

Human egg cells are imperfect surprisingly often

Ferrets, cats and civets most susceptible to coronavirus infection after humans

“As much as anything else, this is a public service

The findings, published in PLOS Computational

announcement,” says first author Terry Hassold of

Biology, found that ducks, rats, mice, pigs and


chickens had lower or no susceptibility...

New algorithm will prevent misidentification of cancer cells

Making cheaper, biocompatible E-skin electrodes

Cancer cell lines are cells isolated and grown as cell

Among promising alternative materials for

cultures in laboratories for study and developing anti-cancer drugs....

electrodes is the polymer PEDOT:PSS. It is biocompatible with human skin, flexible,...

Embryonic development in a petri dish

Artificial Chemist 2.0: quantum dot R&D in less than an hour

It would certainly spare mothers the hardships of pregnancy, but mammals do not grow in eggs. In a way, this is also impractical...

IMAGE: This color wheel of quantum dots highlights some of the colors that can be made with Artificial Chemist 2.0. ...

Antiepileptic drug reduces motor neuron excitability in ALS

Restorative justice preferred among the Enga in Papua New Guinea

BOSTON – The antiepileptic drug ezogabine

IMAGE: A group of Enga men offer pigs to contribute

reduced pathologic excitability of cortical and spinal

to the compensation for the victim for harm done.

motor neuron cells...

view more Credit:...

Which product categories and industries benefit most from social advertising CATONSVILLE, MD, December 10, 2020 – New

COVID-19 may also invade the central nervous system, cause neurological illnesses

research from a team of scientists at four leading

CLEVELAND – COVID-19 is known primarily as a

universities has shed new...

respiratory disease, with symptoms that include cough, shortness of breath,...

Study details first artificial intelligence tool to help labs rule-out COVID-19

AAV capsid-promoter interactions in the non-human primate brain

Hospital-based laboratories and doctors at the front

IMAGE: Provides all-inclusive access to the critical

line of the COVID-19 pandemic might soon add artificial intelligence...

pillars of human gene therapy: research, methods, and clinical...

Quantitative approach on understanding how epigenetic switches control gene expression

Covid: Students and retirees form longdistance friendships

IMAGE: Site specific histone acetylation can

Covid-19 at bay

Coronavirus: French care home fights to keep

differentially affect the sequential stages of transcription. view...

Covid-19 vaccine: ‘Hopefully next year we’ll be living a normal life’

Covid-19 app adds self-isolation payments

The first Covid vaccinations have begun to take

The move comes at a time when the number of

place across the UK.

people testing positive for the coronavirus is on the rise again.

Covid: NHS long waits 100 times higher than before Coronavirus lockdown: All shops can open on

Moderna has begun testing its coronavirus vaccine in children as young as age 12

Monday in England

Moderna Inc announced on Thursday that it has begun testing its experimental coronavirus vaccine in children. The phase II/III...

Pregnant women in the US will probably be denied coronavirus vaccines until next year

Exercise may protect bone health after weight loss surgery

Pregnant women in the US will likely have to wait to

weight loss surgery to an exercise group or a control

receive Pfizer Inc’s coronavirus vaccine after it is

group for 11 months. The...

The study randomized 84 patients undergoing


Using light, red blood cells and a honey bee peptide to deliver therapeutic

Americans must be vigilant against antivax rumors in ‘fractured media universe’

proteins Because protein drugs are unstable in the body, they must be given at high levels, which can cause side

SEATTLE (10 December 2020) – As the world watches how UK residents respond to COVID-19 vaccinations, three leading...

effects. Scientists...

Bad news for fake news: Rice research helps combat social media misinformation

Police investigators of online child abuse at risk of mental harm

IMAGE: Anshumali Shrivastava is an assistant

children, and protect wider society from seeing

professor of computer science at Rice University.

images of violence against young...

Police who investigate online crimes against

(Photo by Jeff Fitlow/Rice...

The immunomodulatory activity of a drug would improve the efficacy of immunotherapy in breast cancer

Preschool program linked with better social and emotional skills years later

IMAGE: From left to right, Clara Gómez-Aleza, Guillermo Yoldi and Eva González-Suárez. view

program developed at Penn State helps boost social

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A preschool enrichment and emotional skills...

more Credit:...

Bacteria release climate-damaging carbon from thawing permafrost

State-reported data underestimate the true impact of COVID-19 social distancing

IMAGE: Permafrost areas thaw out and become

IMAGE: States’ residential mobility over time with

marshland. view more Credit: Monique Patzner Around a quarter...

highlighted period of government stay-at-home order. The red...

Atom-thin transistor uses half the voltage of common semiconductors, boosts current density

Research provides tools for achieving the ‘how’ of well-being in daily life

BUFFALO, N.Y. — University at Buffalo researchers

practical tools to support mental health amidst this

are reporting a new, two-dimensional transistor

growing crisis, which...

Organizations and communities are looking for

made of graphene...

Teen dislike of physical appearance strong predictor of depression in early adulthood

Database for studying individual differences in language skills

The size of the increased risk ranges from 50% to

large numbers of individuals on a large number of

285%, the findings show, with boys more likely to experience severe depression...

language and cognitive tests....

First instance of COVID-19 triggering recurrent Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Tension between awareness and fatigue shapes COVID-19 spread

While there have been several reports of Guillain-

The tension between awareness and fatigue can

Barré Syndrome following COVID-19, this is the first

lead to case-count plateaus, shoulder-like dynamics,

in which COVID-19...

and oscillations as rising...

Face shields no match for sneeze vortex rings

Researchers develop rapid genomics strategy to trace coronavirus

The researchers originally set out to explore whether

The researchers today published an analytical

surgical masks and face shields used as preventive

validation and best practice guidelines for Nanopore

measures are effective,...

sequencing of SARS-CoV-2...

Promising treatment for premenstrual dysphoric disorder, PMDD The mental symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric

Insufficient screening for heart damage after noncardiac surgery puts patients at risk

disorder improve following treatment with a

Philadelphia, December 10, 2020 – About five

progesterone receptor modulator,...

percent of patients experience heart muscle injury

Such questions can only be answered by testing

around the time of...

Artificial intelligence finds surprising patterns in Earth’s biological mass extinctions

Immediate detection of airborne viruses with a disposable kit!

IMAGE: A new study applies machine learning to the

sampling/monitoring kit view more Credit: Korea Institute of...

fossil record to visualise life’s history, showing the

IMAGE: Graphical abstract of Airborne pathogen


The role of platform protection insurance in the sharing economy

Studies reveal potential weaknesses in SARS-CoV-2 infection

Researchers from Temple University, Tsinghua

A single protein that appears necessary for the

University, and Fudan University published a new

COVID-19 virus to reproduce and spread to other

paper in the Journal of Marketing...

cells is a potential weakness...

Cataloging nature’s hidden arsenal: Viruses that infect bacteria

Hematoxylin as a killer of CALR mutant cancer cells

IMAGE: A false-color transmission electron

IMAGE: First author Ruochen Jia and Last author

micrograph of multiple bacteriophages attached to a

Robert Kralovics. view more Credit: First author

bacterial cell wall ...

Ruochen Jia...

Covid: ‘There are no words for losing loved ones’

MS: Essex woman says she is ‘determined’ after diagnosis

A man who was told to move his chair back after

A woman who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis

trying to comfort his mother during his father’s

last year says young people should not “panic” if

funeral has spoken...

they are...

Coronavirus: First Pfizer vaccine recipient leaves hospital and reunites with family

Covid-19 vaccine: Allergy warning over new jab

Coronavirus: First Pfizer vaccine recipient reunited

Wednesday, showed a further 533 people have now

with family. Video, 00:00:49Coronavirus: First Pfizer vaccine recipient...

died within 28 days of...

Coronavirus: Canada second country to approve Pfizer Covid vaccine

New interactive map reveals how full hospitals are in every county of the US

Canada has become just the second country in the

Scientists have developed a new interactive map

world to approve Pfizer Inc’s coronavirus vaccine,

that shows how many coronavirus patients are in

and may start immunizing...

hospitals in every county...

Fauci is ‘concerned’ about possible allergies to Pfizer’s covid shot The severe allergic reactions suffered by two UK

Pfizer’s first shipment of its coronavirus vaccine will include 2.9 million doses upon FDA approval

health care workers who got Pfizer‘s coronavirus

Nearly three people will be vaccinated during the

vaccine yesterday...

first rollout of Pfizer-BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine

The latest daily figures for the UK, published on

in the US. During...

Scientists shed new light on how lung bacteria defend against pneumonia

New method for evaluating vaccine safety

The study in mice shows that a strain of lung bacteria called Lactobacillus provides a barrier

products that prevent infectious diseases caused by

Vaccines are safe and potent pharmaceutical viruses and bacteria, and...

against Streptococcus pneumoniae...

Focus on human factor in designing systems

Youth depression tied to higher risk of 66 diseases and premature death

The study, published in the journal IEEE Control

“Our study shows that children and teenagers

Systems, takes a novel multidisciplined approach in studying “cyberphysical...

diagnosed with depression have a significantly higher risk of premature...

Obesity impairs immune cell function, accelerates tumor growth Now, in a study in mice, Harvard Medical School

New compound related to psychedelic ibogaine could treat addiction, depression

researchers have uncovered a new piece of this

“Psychedelics are some of the most powerful drugs

puzzle, with surprising implications...

we know of that affect the brain,” said David Olson, assistant...

Study connects diabetes, air pollution to interstitial lung disease

How neurons form long-term memories

“Our findings are especially important today as we’re

When he woke up after surgery, he could no longer

in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, where we

form new long-term memories,...

Unfortunately, for patient H.M., so too did time.

have great...

How soil fungi respond to wildfire IMAGE: Oak and evergreen trees in Hood Mountain Regional Park and Preserve in Santa Rosa in August 2019. view...

Big data offers promise of better groundwater management in California To ensure that California’s groundwater is sustainably managed in the future and over the long-term, current state...

Brains work harder while processing descriptions of motion in other languages ATLANTA–We all run from a burning building the same way–fast!–but how we describe it depends on the language...

A balancing act: Improved water treatment technique using ‘energy matching’

IMAGE: Scarcity of freshwater in many parts of the world calls for improved and sustainable methods of wastewater treatment ...

Discovery suggests new promise for nonsilicon computer transistors

Racial disparities in stage of breast cancer diagnosis

For decades, one material has so dominated the production of computer chips and transistors that the

IMAGE: Multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the diseases and conditions that hold greater risk for or

tech capital of the...

are more prevalent...

Toxic pollutants can impact wildlife disease spread

Toxin provides clues to long-term effects of diarrhea caused by E. coli

Exposure to toxic pollutants associated with human

IMAGE: Toxin-producing E. coli bacteria (green)

activities may be influencing the spread of infectious diseases in wildlife,...

attach to human intestinal cells expressing the protein CEACAM6 (red)....

Covid-19: Four Pfizer vaccine trial volunteers develop Bell’s palsy Four people who got Pfizer‘s coronavirus vaccine in

Men with COVID-19 nearly THREE TIMES more likely to be admitted to ICUs and at higher risk of death

the firm’s trial developed Bell’s palsy, a form of...

Male coronavirus patients are at greater risk of being admitted to intensive care units and dying compared to female patients,...

FDA warns face masks with metal could cause burns during MRIs Getting an MRI while wearing a mask with metal in it

Children who get depression are SIX times more likely to die by the age of 31, study finds

could cause burns, FDA warns after alarming report

Children who get diagnosed with depression

of patient whose...

between the ages of five and 19 are six times more likely to die by the time they’re...

Canada becomes second country to approve Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine a week after UK

Research team invents novel lightcontrolled contamination-free fluidic processor for advanced medical and industrial applications

approved the shot – but...

The new technology has been published in Science

Canada becomes second country to approve

Advances in an article titled “Photopyroelectric Microfluidics,”...

Using targeted microbubbles to administer toxic cancer drugs

Key driver of the spread of cancer to the brain

Microbubbles are small manufactured spheres half the size of a red blood cell — and scientists believe

Huang is renowned for her work in modeling the spread of cancer to the brain. Her most recent

they can be...

findings show that increased...

Significant increase in depression seen among children during first UK lockdown

Tomatoes offer affordable source of Parkinson’s disease drug

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK

The development of the genetically modified (GM)

Government implemented a national “lockdown”

tomato has implications for developing nations

involving school closures...

where access to pharmaceutical...

Breast cancer survivors are less likely to get pregnant, but often have healthy babies and good long-term health

Several U.S. populations and regions exposed to high arsenic concentrations in drinking water

“With the availability of more effective anticancer

“This research has important implications for public

treatments, survivorship has gained substantial

health efforts aimed at reducing arsenic exposure

attention. Today,...

levels, and...

Battling COVID-19 using UV light Although most experts agree that a vaccine would

Wielding a gun makes a shooter perceive others as wielding a gun, too

significantly slow or eventually stop the spread, the

IMAGE: Jessica Witt, professor of psychology at

work to develop, approve...

Colorado State University. view more Credit: Colorado State...

Temporal crop diversity stabilizes agricultural production

Natural antibiotics produced in wounds increase sleep and survival after injury

Securing food supplies around the globe is a major challenge facing humanity, especially in light of the

IMAGE: C. elegans worm expressing a gene (in green) that promotes production of the antimicrobial

predicted increase...

molecules (AMP). ...

Neuropeptide discoveries could someday help defeat the dreaded cockroach

Warmer springs mean more offspring for prothonotary warblers

Cockroaches are notorious for their abilities to

IMAGE: Female prothonotary warblers lay their eggs

survive and reproduce, much to humanity’s chagrin.

earlier in the breeding season when local April

In addition to...

temperatures are...

Tri-lab initiative leads innovation in novel hybrid energy systems IMAGE: In an historic collaboration between the

‘Rambo root’ could help with climate action, peace building and environmental issues

nation’s Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energy and

In an article published in Conservation Science and

Fossil Energy labs,...

Practice, scientists highlight an overlooked but science-backed and nature-based...

Dynamics in the root zone Nutrient contamination of groundwater as a result of nitrogen-based fertilisers is a problem in many places in Europe. Calculations...

When will you be eligible for the Covid vaccine? The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was found to be safe and effective by the UK medicines regulator last week, and was approved...

Rich countries hoarding Covid vaccines, says People’s Vaccine Alliance

Covid vaccine: What you need to know about vaccine safety

playCoronavirus: First Pfizer vaccine given to 90-

Biden vows 100m vaccinations in first 100 days The

year-old woman

US president-elect says he cannot promise to end Covid quickly, but he...

Covid-19 vaccine: GPs to start immunising next week

Research reveals how COVID-19 affects the eyes

Shakespeare gets Covid vaccine: All’s well that ends

Researchers at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU)


asked people who had a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis to complete a questionnaire...

COVID-19: persistent symptoms in one third of cases

Predicting epilepsy from neural network models

To better understand this phenomenon, a team of

The team’s findings could give researchers a better

physicians and epidemiologists from the University

understanding of suddenly occurring episodes

of Geneva (UNIGE) the...

including epilepsy...

Racial microaggressions contribute to disparities in STEM education

Elevated biomarker for blood vessel damage found in all children with SARSCoV-2

A recent study from University of Illinois researchers examining reasons for such disparities shows the overall racial climate...

The findings were published today in Blood Advances. “We do not yet know the clinical implications of this elevated...

Infant health inequality has increased since 2010, study finds Between 1989 and 2010, the health gap between infants born to the most socially advantaged mothers — those who are...

Disrupting the cellular process that promotes pancreatic cancer’s deadly growth The team, led by scientists at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center and including investigators from Lawrence...

Lab-grown human brain organoids mimic an autism spectrum disorder, help test treatments

Program reduces social isolation among middle-aged and older adults

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Sanford Consortium for

called Community Connectors, which enables adults

An existing service in the North West of England to access social activities...

Regenerative Medicine recently...

The use of wild mammals in traditional medicine

Evolution may be to blame for high risk of advanced cancers in humans

IMAGE: In an analysis of published research,

Compared to chimpanzees, our closest evolutionary

investigators identified 565 mammalian species that have been used to...

cousins, humans are particularly prone to developing advanced carcinomas...

Microbes and plants: A dynamic duo

The ethics of human challenge trials

IMAGE: Mature sorghum plants before harvest. Sorghum can be used for animal feed, cereal grain,

The first human challenge trial to test COVID-19 treatments and vaccines is set to begin in January in

and syrup. view...

the United Kingdom....

How blood and wealth can predict future disability

Can sting rays and electric rays help us map the ocean floor?

Blood tests for ‘biomarkers’ such as cholesterol and inflammation could predict whether you will be

IMAGE: Researchers fixed acoustic transmitters to electric rays and sting rays and were able to map


their movements...

Filming roaming molecular fragments in real time The observation of a chemical reaction at the

Johnson & Johnson may know whether its one-dose coronavirus vaccine works by January

molecular level in real-time is a central theme in

Johnson Johnson says it may have the results of its

experimental chemical physics....

late-stage experimental coronavirus vaccine trial sooner than expected. In...

Pfizer works on Covid vaccine that won’t need ultra-cold storage

Four volunteers who got Pfizer’s vaccine developed Bell’s palsy

Pfizer Inc said it is working on a new form of

Four people who got Pfizer‘s coronavirus vaccine in

its experimental coronavirus vaccine that can be

the firm’s trial developed Bell’s palsy, a form of...

stored in the refrigerator. Currently,...

Fears coronavirus can trigger GuillainBarre syndrome in sufferers

How the US had the first coronavirus vaccine designed by JANUARY

Researchers say they have documented the first

How the US had the first coronavirus vaccine

instance of a coronavirus patient being struck down

designed by JANUARY: Moderna mapped out its jab

with sudden paralysis...

over a single weekend as soon...

Is London facing Tier Three before Christmas?

Are Covid cases beginning to creep back UP?

London could find itself facing a Tier Three lockdown just a week before Christmas as data shows

Britain’s daily Covid cases may be starting to slowly creep up again, official statistics suggested today

infections are rising in...

after health...

More years of obesity means higher risk of disease, study finds

Potential antibiotic for drug-resistant pathogen

People with obesity do not all share the same risk

The pathogen, called Mycobacterium abscessus, is

for the development of cardiometabolic disease risk

related to a better-known bacterium that causes

factors. The duration...

tuberculosis and leprosy...

Smartphone data shows real-time impact of neighborhood on health Equipped with smartphones for a week, dozens of

More support for induction at 41 weeks’ pregnancy, especially for first time mothers

older New York City residents allowed a Cornell

The present study, an individual participant data

sociologist to track their...

meta-analysis, is published in the journal PLOS Medicine. Most of the researchers...

Damage to brain cells reverberates to ‘bystander’ cells

New approach for more accurate epidemic modeling

The findings, published today in the journal Neuron,

In the paper, the scientists said that standard

may help to explain why people can suffer from

epidemic models incorrectly assume that the rate in

temporary but severe...

which an infectious disease...

Environmental impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, as observed from space

How the brain remembers right place, right time

Researchers from several institutions presented their early results in a virtual press conference on

About a decade ago, a group of neurons known as “time cells” was discovered in rats. These cells

Dec. 7 at the American...

appear to play...

Understanding COVID-19 infection and possible mutations

Breakthrough optical sensor mimics human eye, a key step toward better AI

IMAGE: This schematic shows the difference in

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Researchers at Oregon State

interactions between SARS-CoV and human ACE2

University are making key advances with a new type

versus SARS-CoV-2 and human...

of optical sensor...

Reductive stress in neuroblastoma cells aggregates protein and impairs neurogenesis

Miniature guttural toads on Mauritius and Réunion stun researchers

IMAGE: Rajasekaran “Raj ” Namakkal-Soorappan

were deliberately introduced from Durban to

view more Credit: UAB BIRMINGHAM, Ala. –...

Mauritius in 1922 in...

IMAGE: Guttural Toads, native to mainland Africa,

Vitamin boosts essential synthetic chemistry IMAGE: Inspired by light-sensing bacteria that thrive near hot oceanic vents, synthetic chemists led by Julian West...

AGU panel explores environmental impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, as observed from space IMAGE: Maps of water turbidity compiled using data from NASA’s Landsat 8 satellite before and during the lockdowns...

New treatment in development for irritable bowel syndrome with constipation

Colorado mountains bouncing back from ‘acid rain’ impacts

Patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome with

create the high alpine landscapes of Niwot Ridge in

constipation (IBS-C) have long needed an upgrade

the Rocky Mountains,...

IMAGE: Meadows, forests and mountain ridges

in treatment. Rapid-release,...

‘Mix-and-match’ coronavirus vaccines to be tested

Safety data on Pfizer jab released by US

There is another Covid jab that could soon be

disease expert, apologised for remarks that seemed

approved by regulators – the Oxford/AstraZeneca

to criticise the UK’s...

Last week Dr Anthony Fauci, the top US infectious


First person receives Covid-19 vaccine in UK

Oxford Covid vaccine ‘safe and effective’ study shows

Shakespeare gets Covid vaccine: All’s well that ends

The Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is safe and


effective, giving good protection, researchers have confirmed in The Lancet...

People could get ‘mix and match’ coronavirus vaccines, jab chiefs say Brits could get ‘mix and match’ coronavirus vaccines to try and stimulate different parts of their immune systems. Scientists...

Shutting Britain’s borders at the start of coronavirus could have prevented major outbreak Travel bans are having little impact on halting the spread of coronavirus, according to a study which will pile pressure...

How a THIRD of local authorities in England saw a spike in Covid cases in over-60s

Coronavirus deaths FELL for the first time since September in England’s last full week of lockdown

Britain today began mass vaccination of the public

Britain today began mass vaccination of the public

with Pfizer/BioNTech’s Covid vaccine, bringing the

with Pfizer/BioNTech’s Covid vaccine, bringing the

‘end in...

‘end in...

Heartbreaking moment boy, 14, sings to his dying mother from the garden

Nursing home where HALF residents died waits for coronavirus vaccine

This is the heartbreaking moment an 14-year-old singer sung to his dying mother for the final time

A Nottinghamshire care home where coronavirus killed almost half of its residents has been told it

from the garden of her...

might need to wait three...

Matt Hancock reveals he’s ALREADY booked his 2021 summer holiday

London’s Covid infection rate is now HIGHER than 27 authorities stuck in Tier 3

Britain today began mass vaccination of the public with Pfizer/BioNTech’s Covid vaccine, bringing the ‘end in...

London’s Covid-19 infection rate is now higher than more than two dozen areas currently stuck under Tier Three restrictions,...

Current treatment period may be too short to remove competitive advantage of transgender athletes

Eyebuy: Sweeping glances can ‘cost you money’

Transgender women elite athletes may need more

shelves shoppers always see a subset of the

than the recommended year of feminising hormone

assortment and which...

Attention can be easily influenced “In looking at

therapy to remove the competitive...

Magnetic bacteria as micropumps the body by a moving magnetic field. Simone

Risk of serious complications during knee replacement 73% higher when a tourniquet is used

Schürle, Professor at the Department...

Serious complications during knee replacement

These microvehicles can be powered from outside

surgery are rare. However, researchers at the University of Warwick found that...

‘SCOUT’ helps researchers find, quantify significant differences among organoids

New findings shed light on the repair of UV-induced DNA damage

Called “SCOUT” for “Single-Cell and

Main Points The researchers developed a

Cytoarchitecture analysis of Organoids using

microscope system whereby they could induce DNA

Unbiased Techniques,”...

damage to any intracellular location...

Visual short-term memory is more complex than previously assumed

How poor oral hygiene may result in metabolic syndrome

For the study, Dr. Hui Zhang, Rebekka Heinen and

Periodontal bacteria have long been known to cause

Professor Nikolai Axmacher from the Department of

inflammation within the oral cavity, but also

Neuropsychology collaborated...

systemically increase inflammatory...

Study: Bartonella infection associated with psychiatric symptoms and skin lesions

Labeling paid ‘influencer’ vaping posts as ads draws attention

Bartonella bacteria are increasingly recognized as

their social media feeds are often not doing so for

an emerging infectious disease threat. A new study by North Carolina State...

free. And new research...

Coral recovery during a prolonged heatwave offers new hope

Studying trust in autonomous products

Social media influencers vaping glamorously into

IMAGE: UVic marine biologist Julia Baum sampling

While a certain level of trust is needed for autonomous cars and smart technologies to reach

Platygyra colonies on Kiritimati (Christmas Island),

their full potential, these...

2019. ...

A role for the slow oscillations of the neocortex in epileptic spasm generation

Research sheds new light on cause of deadly lung disease

Epileptic spasms are a type of brief seizures that are

New research could shed light on the mystery cause

the hallmark of catastrophic seizure disorders, which

of a lung disease that is a major killer, and

are characterized...

potentially unlock new treatments....

Novel gene variants that modify the risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease discovered

In new step toward quantum tech, scientists synthesize ‘bright’ quantum bits

Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) is the most common form of dementia in the elderly, affecting

With their ability to harness the strange powers of quantum mechanics, qubits are the basis for

almost 44 million...

potentially world-changing...

Every week coronavirus lockdowns drag on increases odds Americans will binge drink by nearly 20%

Americans’ mental health sinks to a 20year low, poll finds

How the pandemic is driving Americans to drink:

More than 25% of US adults say their emotional wellbeing is just ‘fair...

Binge-drinkers are nearly 20% more likely to overdo

Americans’ mental health sinks to a 20-year low:

it each week a coronavirus...

Coronavirus vaccine: Nurse in Pfizer trial describes ‘highest fever’ Kristen Choi (pictured), an assistant professor in the

Study finds a low risk of respiratory virus transmission on trains and buses across the US

School of Nursing at UCLA said she experienced

Public transportation is not a large contributor in the

several side...

spread of viral respiratory diseases, a new study suggests. After...

Can sunbeds help banish our winter blues?

Rap music increasingly mixes in mental health metaphors

Lisa’s experiences are typical of SAD, which

“These artists are considered the ‘coolest’ people on

typically causes low mood in the winter months, loss of interest in...

earth right now,” said lead study author Alex...

We’re watching the world go blind, researchers say

Synthetic llama antibodies rescue doomed proteins inside cells

As 2020 comes to a close, an international group of

In many genetic diseases, including cystic fibrosis,

researchers set out to provide updated estimates on

mutated proteins are capable of performing their

the number of people...

jobs but are tagged...

How do we separate the factual from the possible? New research shows how our brain responds to both

Pupils can learn more effectively through stories than activities

“At a time of voluminous fake news and

learn about evolution more effectively when

disinformation, it is more important than ever to

engaged through stories read...

separate the factual from...

A randomised controlled trial found that children

Novel anti-craving mechanism discovered to treat cocaine relapse

Deep rooted: Mother’s empathy linked to ‘epigenetic’ changes to the oxytocin gene

New research from the University of Pennsylvania

When it comes to biological mechanisms of

School of Nursing (Penn Nursing) has discovered that GLP-1Rs are expressed...

empathy, scientists are particularly interested in oxytocin, the so-called “love...

Why some people may become seriously ill from meningococcal bacteria

Science leaders issue clarion call for evidence-based policy

The researchers have also designed and validated a

AUDIO: An audio collage of the Past Presidents of

PCR test that can detect these mutations. “We found

the American Institute of Biological Sciences reading

that non-coding...

their statement. ...

What are schools doing to feed students during COVID-19-related closures? AUDIO: A nationwide assessment of child nutrition

Large US study confirms COVID-19 complications: lung, kidney and cardiovascular issues

administrative agencies’ initial responses to meal

A large study of patients in the United States who


contracted coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) confirms many complications...

Most U.S. social studies teachers feel unprepared to teach civic learning

Transforming the scientific community

Only one in five social studies teachers in U.S.

recent events to strengthen diversity and inclusivity

public schools report feeling very well prepared to

programs within the College...

The members of ACNP have been motivated by

support students’...

Natural reward theory could provide new foundation for biology

Beavers may help amphibians threatened by climate change

IMAGE: Dr Owen Gilbert, researcher at the

VANCOUVER, Wash. – The recovery of beavers

Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin (USA)...

may have beneficial consequences for amphibians because beaver dams can...

Eyebuy: Sweeping glances can cost you money

Pakistan: Covid patients die due to oxygen shortage in Peshawar

IMAGE: Marketing expert Mathias Streicher view

Covid: Pakistan cricket squad quarantined after

more Credit: University of Innsbruck Unplanned

positive tests in New Zealand


Covid-19 vaccination: Needle phobia “My heart would be racing. My mind saying, ‘calm

Covid: Military could be used to transport Covid vaccine

down, it’s going to be fine’ but also, ‘it’s...

Health Secretary Matt Hancock tweeted all parts of the UK had vaccine doses.

Public health grant cuts ‘worst in poorest areas’

Why worrying about a pill’s side-effects could actually CAUSE them

Fauci warns Christmas ‘greater challenge’ on Covid

The patient leaflet that comes with your medication

The US diseases expert says a surge after

provides important, if alarming, information about

Thanksgiving could...

potential side-effects. But...

CDC’s tool that will track first Americans to receive jabs may be vulnerable to antivaxxers

Hype or genuine hope

CDC’s smartphone tool that will track the first

Following a stroke at...

Six years ago, Carly Barton was in such severe pain that she started Googling end-of-life clinics.

Americans to receive coronavirus jabs may be vulnerable to hackers...

When a bout of shingles is a sign you’ve had silent Covid-19

States will get FAR fewer covid jab doses than estimated, official warns

Annette Guest, 69, a retired sales manager,

States will likely receive far fewer doses of

developed shingles three weeks after having Covid-

coronavirus vaccines than they told their residents to

like symptoms — a...

expect this month, a...

The placenta jab that could ease pain of creaky knees

Scientists say they can make antiperspirant from body fluids

A jab of placental tissue may help alleviate the pain

For lovers of natural toiletries, it doesn’t get purer

of arthritic knees. The treatment is made from the

than this: antiperspirant made from your own sweat.

inner layer of the...

Scientists from...

‘Why did I suddenly start talking gibberish?’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers

Researchers use genomics to identify diabetic retinopathy factors

your health questions Last night, I was reading to my wife and I found it came out as slurred gibberish, which frightened me.

In the paper, “Integration of genomics and transcriptomics predicts diabetic retinopathy susceptibility genes,”...

It lasted for about...

Warning labels reduce sugary drink consumption in university setting

Machine learning identifies new brain network signature of major depression

“Sugar-sweetened beverages are a major driver of

While major depression is usually straightforward to

chronic disease. Health warning labels may reduce

diagnose, a better understanding of the brain

the intake of sugar-sweetened...

networks associated with...

Poor sleep can lead to depression in adolescents

White blood cells may cause tumor cell death — but that’s not good news

We talked to senior author Nafissa Ismail, Associate

Wei Li, assistant professor of pediatrics and

Professor at the uOttawa School of Psychology and

biochemistry and molecular biology, studied the

University Research...

causes of this tissue death,...

Paper-based electrochemical sensor can detect COVID-19 in less than five minutes

A recipe for protein footprinting

“Currently, we are experiencing a once-in-a-century life-changing event,” said Alafeef. “We are

oxidation of proteins (FPOP), a means of protein

By sharing their method for fast photochemical footprinting, they hope to...


CRISPR-edited CAR T cells enhance fight against blood cancers

Study finds no change in preterm birth or stillbirth in Philadelphia during pandemic

The findings will be presented as an oral

Philadelphia, December 7, 2020–Despite early

presentation at the 62nd American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting Exposition...

reports suggesting a decline in preterm births during the COVID-19 pandemic...

Two related discoveries advance basic and applied additive manufacturing research

Research brief: Global trends in nature’s contributions to people

A research team led by Tao Sun, associate

Brauman from the University of Minnesota In a new

professor of materials science and engineering at

study published...

IMAGE: Lettuce rows view more Credit: Kate

the University of Virginia, has...

Deep rooted — mother’s empathy linked to ‘epigenetic’ changes to the oxytocin gene

Scientists discover how COVID-19 virus causes multiple organ failure in mice

IMAGE: Methylation of the oxytocin gene (OXT) is

(left) and a mouse infected with SARS-CoV-2 (right)

positively correlated with personal distress, a negative emotional...

with mitochondria...

UTSA researchers study the effects of parental job loss on families during the pandemic

Study identifies links between atopic dermatitis and autoimmune diseases

(December 7, 2020) – A team of UTSA researchers

Dermatology, individuals with atopic dermatitis, or

has discovered that economic implications because

eczema, were more...

IMAGE: Heart muscle cells in an uninfected mouse

In a recent study published in the British Journal of

of COVID-19 can have...

Career thoughts and parental relationships in adolescents with ADHD A new study published in The Career Development Quarterly looked for potential links between negative or dysfunctional career...

Nurse who took part in Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine trial said she had the highest fever of her life Kristen Choi (pictured), an assistant professor in the School of Nursing at UCLA said she experienced several side...

COVID-19 vaccines won’t cut death rates for WEEKS, Fauci warns Top U.S. health officials are urging Americans to be

Care home where HALF of residents died from coronavirus might need to wait THREE MONTHS for vaccine

patient, with the nation’s first coronavirus vaccine as

A Nottinghamshire care home where coronavirus


killed almost half of its residents has been told it might need to wait three...

Northern England was hit hardest by both the Covid-19 and 1918 Spanish flu pandemics, study shows

Covid-19 UK: Fears over new NHS vaccination identity card

The North of England was hardest hit by both the Covid and Spanish flu pandemics, a study has

create a black market in fakes if pubs, theatres and

Boris Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccination ID card could restaurants...

revealed. During the first...

January could see a ‘severe peak’ of coronavirus infections if we ‘take our foot off the pedal’

Are people healthy enough to retire later?

UK could suffer a ‘severe’ third wave of Covid in

others, advances in healthcare...

Life expectancy has steadily been increasing in many countries around the world due to, among

January if we ‘take our foot off the pedal’, SAGE...

A study predicts smooth interaction between humans and robots

Seventeen genetic abnormalities that cause brain aneurysms

With the rapid progress in robotics, it is anticipated

Every year, five out of every 100,000 people

that people will increasingly interact with so called

experience a rupture of an intracranial aneurysm —

social robots...

as many as those injured...

Useful ‘fake’ peptides Several drugs are peptides that inhibit or activate

Grasping an object: Model describes complete movement planning in the brain

the actions of certain proteins. To enhance their

Rhesus monkeys, like humans, have a highly

efficiency, scientists...

developed nervous and visual system as well as dexterous hand motor control. For...

Quick and sensitive identification of multidrug-resistant germs

Self-learning algorithms for different imaging datasets

Bacteria that are no longer susceptible to various

In the evaluation of medical imaging data, artificial

antibiotics pose a significant threat to our health. In

intelligence (AI) promises to provide support to

the event of a...

physicians and help...

New semiconductor detector shows promise for medical diagnostics and homeland security

Seizing military weapons does not increase violent crime nor risk police safety

Using cesium lead bromide in the form of perovskite

More local law enforcement agencies are using

crystals, the research team found they were able to

military equipment, such as tear gas, armored

create highly efficient...

vehicles and rubber bullets,...

Aluminium alloy research could benefit manned space missions

Urban heat and mortality: who are the most vulnerable?

IMAGE: The cover of Advanced Science referencing

IMAGE: Overall cumulative temperature-mortality

the work of Tunes and Greaves view more Credit:

association between summer temperatures and


mortality in the city of...

Possible bittersweet effects of stevia uncovered by Ben-Gurion U. researchers

The natural ‘Himalayan aerosol factory’ can affect climate

BEER-SHEVA, Israel…December 7, 2020 –

IMAGE: Pristine locations like the Himalayas are

According to a new study by Ben-Gurion University

useful when trying to understand the natural

of the Negev (BGU) researchers,...

atmospheric conditions...

What makes COVID misinformation so tough to stop on social media A recent study highlights two of the reasons that

RUDN University biologist: Fern leaves improve immunity and support growth in carps

misinformation about COVID-19 is so difficult to

According to a biologist from RUDN University, fern

tackle on social media:...

leaves powder has a positive effect on the immune system, antimicrobial...

Research brief: Researchers develop unique process for producing light-matter mixture

Will the EHIC still be valid after Brexit? The UK has issued 27 million cards.

IMAGE: Annular holes in a thin gold film filled with silicon dioxide enable ultrastrong coupling between light and...

Scotland’s health chiefs warn of no-deal Brexit risk

Andhra Pradesh: ‘Mystery’ illness puts hundreds in hospital

Whatever the outcome of continuing Brussels talks,

“The people who fell sick, especially the children,

continuity of healthcare is a key concern and the

suddenly started vomiting after complaining of

NHS across Scotland...

burning eyes. Some...

Covid: Russia begins vaccinations in Moscow

Coronavirus UK: Health chiefs reveal UK will get FOUR MILLION vaccine doses by the end of the year

So far Russia has recorded 2,431,731 cases of the virus, and 42,684 deaths. On Saturday it reported a

record daily high of...

Health chiefs yesterday revealed that the UK will receive up to four million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine...

First look at new NHS Covid-19 vaccination identity card

Crystals may help reveal hidden Kilauea Volcano behavior

Millions of Britons are set to be handed a Covid-19

Scientists striving to understand how and when

vaccination ID card proving they have received the

volcanoes might erupt face a challenge: many of the

jab and are being...

processes take place deep...

Kidney injury in diabetic ketoacidosis linked to brain injury Philadelphia, December 4, 2020 – Researchers from

New pathway in Alzheimer’s disease provides earlier target for potential therapies

a consortium of hospitals including Children’s

IMAGE: Xin Qi, Case Western Reserve University

Hospital of...

School of Medicine view more Credit: Case Western Reserve University CLEVELAND– Researchers...

Trench fever in urban people who are homeless A disease common during the First World War,

Study finds obesity contributes to 40% mortality gap between Black and white women with early breast

trench fever, has been found in some urban

In an analysis of women with early breast cancer,

populations experiencing homelessness...

Black women had higher rates of obesity and other health conditions that...

New study shows every week of lockdown increases binge drinking

The world’s first DNA ‘tricorder’ in your pocket

IMAGE: Wine poured into glass view more Credit:

IMAGE: Aspyn Palatnick holding the world’s first

Taylor Francis:

mobile genetics laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s... Harmful...

Cervical cancer survival may improve by targeting senescent "zombie" cells IMAGE: Drs. Jin-Xiong She and Sharad Purohit view

Development of new stem cell type may lead to advances in regenerative medicine

more Credit: Kim Ratliff, Production Coordinator,

The findings, published online this week in Cell


Stem Cell, could lead to a host of advances in basic biology, regenerative...

Gamblers ignore important information when placing a bet

How networks form: Charting the developing brain

Instead, people with gambling disorder pay more

Researchers are starting to better understand the

attention to irrelevant information from the previous

complexity of neuronal networks found in our and

gamble to inform their...

animals’ brains....

Household-grown food leads to improved health for children

Researchers find ‘missing link’ between stress and infertility

The research, which looked at households in low-

Published in The Journal of Neuroscience, and led

and middle-income countries, showed growing their own food helped mothers...

by Professor Greg Anderson of the Centre for Neuroendocrinology, the research...

Strategies for boosting accuracy of personal genetic risk scores However, the risk scores from these genetic tests

Researchers link cases of ALS and FTD to a Huntington’s disease-associated mutation

are not always as precise as they could be,

This large, international project, which included a

according to a new study from...

collaboration between the National Institute of Neurological Disorders...

New testing system could become the IoT of photovoltaics IMAGE: New solar performance monitoring system has potential to become IoT of photovoltaics. view more Credit:...

Assessment of racial/ethnic disparities in hospitalization, mortality in patients with COVID-19 in New York City What The Study Did: COVID-19 outcomes based on race and ethnicity were compared in this observational study of patients...

Pediatric appendix perforation rate at children’s hospital during COVID-19 pandemic

Green energy transition: Early and steady wins the race

What The Study Did: This observational study

more Credit: Ida Jensen, AU Photo Researchers

assessed the rate of appendix perforations during

from Aarhus...

IMAGE: Assistant Professor Marta Victoria view

the COVID-19 pandemic at a...

Donor stem cell transplant shown to improve survival in older patients with MDS

Mass incarceration results in significant increases in industrial emissions, study finds

IMAGE: Corey Cutler, MD, MPH, FRCPC view

Mass incarceration is as much an environmental

more Credit: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute A new

problem as it is a social one, according to a new

clinical trial...

Portland State University...

Molecules convert visible light into ultraviolet light with record efficiency

PTSD with depression may significantly increase risk of early death in women

IMAGE: A newly developed molecular system in the

Boston, MA – Women with post-traumatic stress

glass tube on the right efficiently upconverts visible

disorder (PTSD) and depression have an almost

light even...

fourfold greater risk of...

Covid-19 vaccine: Who will get the Pfizer vaccine first?

Covid: Will I need a vaccine passport? And other questions

The UK is the first country in the world to approve mass use of a Covid-19 vaccine. It means a lot of

When England’s lockdown ends on 2 December, only the Isle of Wight, Cornwall and the Isles of

people are asking:...

Scilly will move into tier...

Covid-19: Vaccine rollout ‘ready’ for any Brexit outcome

Coronavirus: Vaccine rollout ‘marathon not a sprint’

The EU and UK are trying to reach a trade deal

Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland will also

before a 31 December deadline.

begin their vaccination programmes from hospitals on Tuesday.

Iron deficiency can be managed better

Characterising complex flows in 2D bubble swarms

IMAGE: Iron deficiency is a major cause of anaemia, a deficiency in oxygen-carrying red blood cells or hemoglobin in...

When swarms of bubbles are driven upwards through a fluid by their buoyancy, they can generate complex flow patterns in their...

Reversible stickiness is something to smile about IMAGE: To facilitate the debonding of dental

COVID-19 in Victorian schools and childcare mainly driven by community transmission

restorative materials adhered on tooth surfaces, UV

News at a Glance: Analysis of Victorian data by the

light-embrittled dental...

Murdoch Children’s Research Institute suggests that COVID-19...

‘Off switch’ during error-prone cell cycle phase may fix CRISPR’s unwanted changes problem

Radicals seem to be good for the brain

A group of researchers developed a promising fix to

However as it now...

Reactive oxygen molecules, also known as “free radicals”, are generally considered harmful.

CRISPR-Cas9’s problem with unwanted genetic changes using a method...

The Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of having another heart attack

Gasdermin offers insight into coral necrotic death

Heart disease is the main cause of death in

IMAGE: Cleavage of GSDME by caspase 3. view

developed countries. There is evidence that shows

more Credit: IOCAS Pyroptosis is a highly

that factors related to lifestyle,...

inflammatory form...

Optimising laser-driven electron acceleration

Ionic defect landscape in perovskite solar cells revealed

The interaction between lasers and matter is at the

IMAGE: Artistic representation of an ionic defect

forefront of new investigations into fundamental

landscape in the perovskites. view more Credit:

physics as well as forming...

Prof. Dr....

Using a video game to understand the origin of emotions

Mimicking the effect of exercise with gene therapy

Emotions are complex phenomena that influence

IMAGE: The picture shows heart cells formed by

our minds, bodies and behaviour. A number of

stem cells. The cell nucleus appears blue and stem

studies have sought to connect...

cells are green....

Electrons falling flat: Germanium falls into a 2D arrangement on zirconium diboride

Identifying markers of COVID-19 infection using blood tests Researchers from the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBIS) have presented a study carried out in the Clinical Biochemistry...

IMAGE: Germanium atoms (light and dark blue) spontaneously crystallize into a two-dimensional (2D) “bitriangular...

Detecting solar neutrinos with the Borexino experiment Neutrinos are chargeless particles with about a mass about a millionth that of an electron that are created by the nuclear...

NIH researchers link cases of ALS and FTD to a Huntington’s disease-associated mutation A study led by researchers at the National Institutes of Health has made a surprising connection between frontotemporal dementia...

Is the Covid vaccine safe?

‘Covid killed my wife

Covid: Will I need a vaccine passport? And other

“I said to her, ‘You’ve got three choices: I can either


get you to the doctor’s, I can call an ambulance,...

Bird flu: All captive birds in Britain to be kept indoors amid outbreak

Covid: NHS rapid test use defended amid accuracy concerns

The risk to humans is “very low”, the government

Mass testing is being introduced in England’s tier-

said, and should “not affect the consumption of

three “high-risk” areas and is starting in one of the...


A toaster that makes bacon healthy: one of the must-have gifts this Christmas to boost body and mind

Can going vegetarian help bring down my high blood pressure? DR ELLIE CANNON answers your questions

Smart Bacon Express: The Bacon Toaster Enjoy a

I have high blood pressure but I don’t want to take

lower-fat bacon sarnie with this cooker that uses

tablets for it. I read that a hot bath and a supplement

vertical heated plates to...

that releases...

Groundbreaking urine test that can spot bladder cancer proves 100% accurate in trials

Simple gel injection can spare agony for men undergoing radiotherapy for prostate cancer

Groundbreaking urine test that can spot bladder

Men undergoing radiotherapy for prostate cancer

cancer proves 100% accurate in trials – and could soon be rolled out...

could be spared one of the treatment’s most distressing side effects...

HEALTH NOTES: Driving habits that fail the test and bald truths on hair loss from men who know

Growing evidence suggests popping too many heartburn pills is actually CAUSING tummy troubles

HEALTH NOTES: Driving habits that fail the test and

Tis the season for indigestion, with the festivities

bald truths on hair loss from men who know By Mail

leaving many reaching for heartburn tablets. The

on Sunday Reporter...

pills, which stop...

The Warrior: Inspiring story of consultant breast surgeon LIZ O’RIORDAN

All NHS staff MUST get Covid vaccine – whether they like it or not, says ex

Two photographs, taken five years apart, almost

The scientists have done their bit, and the regulators

exactly to the day. Both are of the same woman.

have made the assessment. This week, if all goes

Each tells a strikingly...

according to plan,...

Visualization reveals how a protein ‘hunkers down’ to conserve energy

Telemedicine use disparity during COVID19 among head and neck cancer patients, study finds

The protein is called myosin and it is known as a molecular motor because of the way it interacts with other proteins and...

In a Research Letter published in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s Otolaryngology — Head and...

Replacing red meat with plant foods may reduce the risk of heart disease

New software cuts time, cost of gene sequencing

Substituting whole grains and dairy products for total

The software, detailed in a paper published in

red meat, and eggs for processed red meat, might

Nature Biotechnology, can be used with portable

also reduce this...

sequencing devices to accelerate...

Significant reason older adults are at greater risk of heart attack

Chicago neighborhoods with barriers to social distancing had higher COVID-19 death rates

Dr. Ji Li, professor of surgery and molecular pharmacology and physiology, and his colleagues found levels of Sesn2 diminish...

“We wanted to look at neighborhood characteristics that may contribute to higher death rates in certain neighborhoods...

Neighborhood deprivation and COVID in Louisiana

Once hospitalized, Black patients with COVID-19 have lower risk of death than

Led by Edward S. Peters, DMD, SM, ScD, FACE, the team at LSU Health New Orleans School of Public Health sought to find more...

white, study finds The study — recently published online in JAMA Network Open — is, according to its authors, one of the first to...

New study debunks blood type diet the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics by

LSU Health conducts first study on neighborhood deprivation and COVID in Louisiana

researchers with the Physicians...

New Orleans, LA – A study by researchers at LSU

WASHINGTON–A study published in the Journal of

Health New Orleans School of Public Health, believed to be the first...

The climate changed rapidly alongside sea ice decline in the north

Immunity passports: Ethical conflict and opportunity

Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute, University

Immunity passports are a means of registering

of Copenhagen have, in collaboration with

whether an individual has developed immunity to

Norwegian researchers in...

COVID-19 and is therefore unlikely...

RUDN University chemists synthesized new fluorescent substances for medical applications

Inouye Solar Telescope releases first image of a sunspot

Indolizines are a group of substances with biological and optical properties. A team of chemists from

National Science Foundation’s Daniel K. Inouye

The world’s largest solar observatory, the U.S. Solar Telescope,...

RUDN University developed...

ASH: Off-the-shelf immune drug shows promise in aggressive multiple myeloma PHILADELPHIA– A subcutaneous injection of the immune-boosting drug teclistamab was found to be safe and elicit responses...

Venetoclax added to standard treatments shows promise in high-risk myeloid blood cancers IMAGE: Jacqueline Garcia, MD view more Credit: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute The novel oral drug venetoclax...

Digital breast tomosynthesis improves invasive cancer detection

Rochester researchers uncover key clues about the solar system’s history

IMAGE: Images show symptomatic false-negative

IMAGE: Illustration of solar wind flowing over

cancer in a 73-year-old black woman who presented

asteroids in the early solar system. The magnetic

with a palpable abnormality...

field of the solar...

Biologists from RUDN University discovered the secret of flaxseed oil with long shelf life

Researchers discover new particle in the blood of septic patients

IMAGE: Biologists from RUDN University working

of an ENDS and how it curls over time view more

together with their colleagues from the Institute of Molecular Biology...

Credit: Alex...

BIDMC researchers define immune system’s requirements for protection against COVID-19

Study reveals surprising benefit of clonal hematopoiesis in allogeneic transplants

Boston, Mass. – Since the novel coronavirus

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Clonal hematopoiesis

emerged at the end of last year, scientists around

(CH) is...

IMAGE: This timelapse image shows the appearanc

IMAGE: Christopher Gibson, MD view more Credit:

the world — including...

CAR T-cell therapy found highly effective in patients with high-risk non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Integrated anemia-SCD test demonstrates accurate results in study at 2020 ASH meeting

A CAR T-cell therapy known as axicabtagene ciloleucel (axi-cel) drove cancer cells to

Researchers from Case Western Reserve University presented research today in which Hemex Health’s

undetectable levels in nearly 80% of...

Gazelle platform...

Where are England’s coronavirus hotspots among older people?

Puberty blockers: Under-16s ‘unlikely to be able to give informed consent’

Why is my area in a higher tier?

She argued the clinic should have challenged her more over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager.

Covid: Greater Manchester stops care home tests over accuracy fears

Covid-19: Care home vaccinations to start ‘within two weeks’

Johnson and EU chief seek to break Brexit deadlock

Covid: First batch of vaccines arrives in the UK

EU and UK negotiators call in leaders in last ditch

effort to secure a...

Differences in immunity and blood vessels likely protect children from severe COVID-19

Birth defects linked to greater risk of cancer in later life

A huge body of global COVID-19 literature was

cancer in people who had been born with both non-

reviewed by experts at the Murdoch Children’s

chromosomal and chromosomal...

The researchers found a continued increased risk of

Research Institute (MCRI),...

Gut microbiome snapshot could reveal chemical exposures in children

Genetically engineered T cells could lead to therapies for autoimmune diseases

The results show that certain SVOCs are correlated

The immune system fights bacteria, viruses and

with the abundance of bacterial and fungal species

other pathogens by utilizing several types of T cells,

living in the human...

all of which have receptors...

Can we make bones heal faster?

Outbreak investigation reveals ‘superspreader’ potential of Andes virus

The University of Illinois Chicago researchers who published the paper described their experiments — which captured...

In the paper, an international scientific team reports the genetic, clinical, and epidemiologic features of the outbreak...

People with rare autoimmune diseases at increased risk of dying during COVID-19 pandemic

Drinking linked to a decline in brain health from cradle to grave

The findings of the study, published in the British

and the UK say evidence suggests three periods of dynamic brain changes...

Society for Rheumatology’s journal, Rheumatology,

Writing in The BMJ today, researchers in Australia

was the work...

Autologous chondrocyte implantation in the knee: M-ACI has comparable benefit to therapy alternative

RUDN University medics created a wound-healing gel with metabolic products of trichoderma

Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) has been used in adults with deep cartilage defects for

IMAGE: Researchers from the Department of Biochemistry of RUDN University developed a

over 30 years and has been...

wound-healing gel based on a...

Hidden structure found in essential metabolic machinery

The heavier, the better — superior stability in isotope functionalized perovskites

IMAGE: Zachary Wright is a postdoctoral research associate in Rice University’s Department of BioSciences. ...

IMAGE: Color plots of the pressure-dependent PL evolutions of CD3ND3PbI3 (left) and CH3NH3PbI3 (right) single crystals. ...

Riding in a car in the pandemic: which windows to open? IMAGE: At left is a computer simulation, at right a

Lung tissue from COVID-19 patients and others reveals promising target to treat lung fibrosis

graphic illustration of the same situation. Mathai and

An analysis of lung tissues from patients with


different types of pulmonary fibrosis – including cases triggered by...

Airflow modeling suggests driving with all windows down safest to prevent COVID-19 transmission

Virtual doctor visits are increasing, but use differs by patient race, age and insurance

A new series of computational fluid dynamics

When the COVID-19 lockdowns began in mid-March

simulations suggests that, for two people who must

2020, hospitals and clinics faced a new challenge:

travel together in the same...

How could they continue...

Can medical cannabis protect against Covid-19? Claims investigated

Pfizer CEO ‘not certain’ its Covid vaccine prevents transmission

A confession: I’ve sampled cannabis — just the

Pfizer‘s coronavirus jab may not prevent vaccinated

once, as a teenager. I didn’t enjoy it (I remember

people from spreading coronavirus, the firm’s

coughing a lot) and...

chairman admitted...

Moderna can make 500m covid vaccine doses in 2021

Gestational age linked to ADHD in children with Down syndrome

Moderna is ‘very comfortable’ making 500 million

“Despite growing evidence that gestational age

doses of its coronavirus vaccine next year – but

predicts later symptoms of ADHD in the general


population, this hasn’t...

Baby’s first breath triggers life-saving changes in the brain

Hidden network of enzymes accounts for loss of brain synapses in Alzheimer’s

A team of researchers led by UVA’s Yingtang Shi,

The findings present a fresh angle for discovering

MD; Patrice Guyenet, PhD; and Douglas A. Bayliss,

drugs that treat Alzheimer’s disease, which affects

PhD, have discovered...

roughly 50 million...

Biological diversity evokes happiness “2012 European quality of Life Survey” to study the

Findings about cilia on cells of the vessel wall may be relevant for diabetes treatment


When blood glucose levels rise, beta cells in

To this end, the researchers used the data from the

pancreatic islets release insulin into the blood stream. Insulin triggers glucose...

Research confirms crucial monitoring assessment is effective for patients with COVID-19

Researchers define immune system’s requirements for protection against COVID-19

The Portsmouth Academic Consortium For

In a new paper in the journal Nature, Barouch,

Investigating COVID-19 (PACIFIC-19) team has

Director of BIDMC’s Center for Virology and Vaccine

shown that the National Early Warning...

Research, and colleagues...

Researchers urge priority vaccination for individuals with diabetes

New CRISPR-based test for COVID-19 uses a smartphone camera

Because of this amplified impact, they are urging

SAN FRANCISCO, CA–December 4, 2020–Imagine

policymakers to prioritize these individuals for

swabbing your nostrils, putting the swab in a device,

COVID-19 vaccination....

and getting...

Once hospitalized, Black patients with COVID-19 have lower risk of death than white

Safe space: improving the "clean" methanol fuel cells using a protective carbon shell

While multiple research studies show that Black and

IMAGE: If successfully commercialized, direct

Hispanic patients are more likely to test positive for

methanol fuel cells could replace the ubiquitous

COVID-19, a team...

lithium-ion batteries...

First in nation treatment for chronic subdural hematoma at Los Robles Health System

No strings attached: maximizing wireless charging efficiency with multiple transmitters

Los Robles Health System is leading the way in

IMAGE: Wireless charging has already found its way

neurovascular clinical trials enrolling the first patient

in many consumer electronics and medical

in the nation in...

applications, and maximizing...

Research reveals how airflow inside a car may affect COVID-19 transmission risk IMAGE: A new study looks at how airflow patterns

Mailman School experts contribute to new Lancet report on health and climate change

inside the passenger cabin of a car might affect the

December 4, 2020 — Unless we take urgent action


to tackle climate change, we can expect an everhotter world that threatens...

Researchers adapt cell phone camera for SARS-CoV-2 detection

Covid-19: UK ‘confident’ of having 800,000 vaccine doses by next week

IMAGE: A photo of a device attached to an ordinary

Chief executive Chris Hopson tweeted that it was

smartphone that can detect the presence of SARS-

“vital” hospitals sought to vaccinate as many people

CoV-2 in a nasal...

as possible...

Fauci apologises for saying UK ‘rushed’ vaccine

Covid: Region stops care home tests over accuracy fears

Coronavirus: US hits record Covid cases and

Biden to ask Americans to wear masks for 100 days


The president-elect says universal mask-wearing should bring a “significant...

Virus levels falling across most of England, says ONS

Falling flu rates AND Covid vaccine may make NHS miss winter crisis

The percentage of people testing positive for the

Fears that the NHS will be overwhelmed this winter

coronavirus has fallen in all English regions except

are receding, with official figures revealing the

the North East, according...

country is virtually...

Pain: Grimacing can make an injection more bearable, study claims ahead of COVID vaccine rollout

Weekly heart disease deaths have surged above average in England, PHE data shows

Grin and bear it: Scientists claim smiling or

The number of people dying with heart disease in

grimacing can make an injection feel less painful ahead of rollout of COVID...

England has surged back above average since the first wave of coronavirus,...

Does the North need to be in Tier Three? Every local authority in the North of England saw

People could get ‘immunity certificates’ after coronavirus vaccine, SAGE says

their Covid-19 infection rate fall last week, according

People are so unlikely to get Covid-19 a second

to official figures...

time that they could be given ‘immunity certificates’ after a...

NHS workers are bumped off vaccine priority list as Pfizer’s HALVES its deliveries

Care home residents given ‘illegal’ do not resuscitate orders, report finds

Britain’s biggest vaccination drive in history to finally

given ‘do not resuscitate’ orders without proper

spell an end to the Covid pandemic will begin on


Britain’s DNR shame: Care home residents were


London ‘at risk of Tier Three’ because of the slowdown in the fall in coronavirus cases

Blackcurrants are favorable for glucose metabolism

London is at risk of being plunged into Tier Three

glucose response after a meal. They balance the

ahead of Christmas because the capital’s Covid outbreak has stalled...

glucose response of ingested...

The helix of life: New study shows how ‘our’ RNA stably binds to artificial nucleic acids

Peanut treatment lowers risk of severe allergic reactions in preschoolers, study finds

Xeno nucleic acids are essential for the

“There’s a common misperception about peanut

development of nucleic acid-based drugs. To be

allergies — that it’s not a serious health issue.

effective, they need to be able to...


Research leads to better modeling of hypersonic flow

New DNA modification ‘signature’ discovered in zebrafish

Recent research at the University of Illinois Urbana-

Dr Ozren Bogdanovic and his team discovered that

Champaign added new knowledge about the

unusually high levels of DNA repeats of the

physical phenomena that occur...

sequence ‘TGCT’...

Hubble captures unprecedented fading of Stingray nebula

Project 5-100 universities see a dramatic increase in publications in leading journals

Astronomers have caught a rare look at a rapidly fading shroud of gas around an aging star. Archival data from NASA’s...

Blackcurrants have a beneficial effect on the blood

IMAGE: Junior Research Fellow, HSE Center for Institutional Studies view more Credit: Nataliya Matveeva (HSE...

Unlocking the secrets of chemical bonding with machine learning

Protein storytelling to address the pandemic

A new machine learning approach offers important

In the last five decades, we’ve learned a lot about

insights into catalysis, a fundamental process that

the secret lives of proteins — how they work, what

makes it possible to...

they interact...

COVID-19 pandemic responsible for decrease in hepatitis C testing

New CCNY-developed resource measures severity of work-related depression

BOSTON – New research from Boston Medical

IMAGE: CCNY psychologist Irvin Schonfeld and his

Center finds that the COVID-19 emergency systemic

University of Neuchâtel collaborator Renzo Bianchi

changes made to decrease...

have developed...

Secukinumab in children with plaque psoriasis: Study unsuitable for benefit assessment

Satellite tag tracks activity levels of highly migratory species across the vast ocean

The monoclonal antibody secukinumab is approved

IMAGE: Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) equipped

for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in children and...

with ATS enabled PSAT during captive validation trials. view more Credit:...

Coronavirus US: HIGHEST daily death toll at 2,304, with 354k total The United States has reported its highest ever daily

Dr Anthony Fauci accuses Britain of rushing to approve the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine too quickly

COVID-19 death toll with 117 Americans dying every

The nation’s top infectious disease expert says he

hour in the past...

believes the UK should have spent more time thoroughly vetting Pfizer...

Experimental antiviral drug stopped coronavirus transmission in ferrets within 24 HOURS

Pfizer will only ship HALF its planned 100m covid vaccine doses by year-end

Experimental antiviral drug completely stops coronavirus-infected ferrets from spreading the virus

Pfizer and partner BioNTech will only be able to ship half as many doses of its coronavirus vaccine as it

within 24 HOURS of getting...

promised by the...

Johns Hopkins apologizes after retracting article claiming covid has not caused excess deaths

Shoppers swear by this £7 scalp massager for promoting fabulous and flake-free hair

Just how dire the coronavirus death toll is in the U.S.

‘This is a DREAM for anyone with a flaky scalp!’:

has been the subject of much debate – and Johns

Over 13,000 shoppers swear by this £7 scalp

Hopkins University’s...

massager for promoting...

Dementia deaths in England and Wales dropped by the largest amount in 20 YEARS in 2019

Stimulus relief funds increase social distancing to stop spread of COVID-19

Deaths due to dementia and Alzheimer’s have fallen

Behavior Organization, suggest that of the

by the largest amount in 20 years, official figures

measures taken to address economic...

The results, published in the Journal of Economic

have revealed. An...

Drinking blocks a chemical that promotes attention The work is funded by generous support from the Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation and by grants from...

Scientists invent a new type of microscope that can see through an intact skull Bone tissues in particular have numerous complex internal structures, which cause severe multiple light scattering and complex...

After shipping, pallets pose big risk to public, cause many accidents, injuries

What social distancing does to a fish brain

With approximately 400 million new wooden pallets

Varying social conditions can cause long-lasting

produced in the United States every year, and nearly

changes in animal behavior. Social isolation, for

2 billion in use at...

instance, can have devastating...

No nanoparticle risks to humans found in field tests of spray sunscreens

Leaf microbiomes are a neighborhood affair in northern forests

The findings, reported by a research team led by

IMAGE: Sugar maple canopy at Parc National du

Jeremy Gernand, associate professor of industrial

Mont-Mégantic. view more Credit: Geneviève

health and safety, are...

Lajoie. Forest...

Human Brain Project-supported innovation published in Science

Peanut treatment lowers risk of severe allergic reactions in preschoolers

There are around 40 million blind people in the

IMAGE: Exposing children to a small, regular dose

world. Many of them would not benefit from a

of peanuts in a real-world setting (outside of a

treatment of the eyes, e.g....

clinical trial)...

Titanium atom that exists in two places at once in crystal to blame for unusual phenomenon

Pediatric ER saw steep drop in asthma visits during spring COVID-19 lockdown

IMAGE: This high-resolution scanning electron

visits to one ER during COVID-19 lockdown. view more Credit:...

microscope (SEM) image of BaTiS3 crystals is

IMAGE: There was a steep drop in pediatric asthma

overlaid with illustrations...

Thermal stability analysis technique for EV batteries to detect risk of fire or explosion

Tapping overlooked marketing data to drive business growth

IMAGE: A graphical image depicting the role of an

University, Emory University, and University of

aluminum element that can reduce the risk of battery

Connecticut published a...

Researchers from University of Houston, Columbia

fires in NCA...

Scientists took a rare chance to prove we can quantify biodiversity by ‘testing the water’

Covid: Are countries under pressure to approve a vaccine?

IMAGE: EA team operating at the fishery farm

The claim that Brexit allowed the UK to approve the vaccine faster than other European countries has

during fish translocation view more Credit: Dr.

been disproved but it...

Watson H.V. Organisms...

Covid-19: ‘Do not resuscitate’ decisions complaints up

Covid-19 vaccine: First jabs ‘could cut 99% of deaths’ – Jonathan Van

Covid vaccine: PM hails Pfizer jab but warns it is

On Wednesday the UK became the first country in

‘not game over’

the world to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for use.

Covid-19: UK surpasses 60,000 deaths More than 60,000 people in the UK have now died

Care homes put ‘illegal’ Do Not Resuscitate orders on patients

within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test, official

Britain’s DNR shame: Care homes put ‘illegal’ do not

figures show.

resuscitate orders on patients without the consent...

Positive Covid-19 cases fell 28 per cent in the third week of lockdown Covid cases dropped 28% during the third week of

Up to a QUARTER of ‘Covid-19 admissions’ may have caught the virus in hospital

lockdown as 110,620 people in England tested

Up to a quarter of Covid-19 ‘admissions’ listed by

positive for the virus, Test...

the Department of Health may be patients who caught the virus...

Why is the Pfizer vaccine so difficult to transport? The approval of Pfizer/BioNTech’s coronavirus

No10 has ‘gambled with the UK’s future’ by choosing to relax Covid-19 restrictions over Christmas

vaccine on Wednesday was hailed as the light at the

No10 has ‘gambled with the UK’s future’ by

end of the lockdown...

choosing to relax Covid-19 restrictions over Christmas, MPs...

How long until Britain gets its hands on another coronavirus vaccine?

Britain’s Covid death toll tops 60,000 with 414 new victims

Britain could start using Oxford University’s

Britain’s official Covid-19 death toll today passed the

coronavirus before Christmas, if it gets approved by

grim milestone of 60,000 after health officials

drug regulators...


Why the UK approved Pfizer vaccine before the US and Europe

Sensor can detect scarred or fatty liver tissue

Britain was able to pip the US and Europe to approve Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine first thanks to

Currently there is no easy way to diagnose either fatty liver disease or liver fibrosis. However, MIT

political feet-dragging...

engineers have now...

Autism study suggests connection between repetitive behaviors, gut problems

What makes certain groups more vulnerable to COVID-19?

The study found that increased severity of other

around 1.5 million have died from COVID-19. The virus is disrupting economies...

autism symptoms was also associated with more

Over 60 million people have been infected and

severe constipation, stomach...

Oral drug blocks SARS-CoV-2 transmission, researchers find The group led by Dr. Richard Plemper, Distinguished

3D protein modeling suggests why COVID-19 infects some animals, but not others

University Professor at Georgia State, originally

Previous research suggests that the current

discovered that the...

pandemic began when the virus that causes Covid19, SARS-CoV-2, jumped from bats...

Marine mammals’ adaptations to low oxygen offer new perspective on COVID19

Patients receiving low dose steroid at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, study suggests

Williams, a professor of ecology and evolutionary

To quantify glucocorticoid dose-dependent

biology at UC Santa Cruz, has spent decades

cardiovascular risk, researchers analyzed medical

studying the physiology of...

records of 87,794 patients diagnosed...

Restoring a rudimentary form of vision in the blind

Researchers create ingredients to produce food by 3D printing

The idea of stimulating the brain via an implant to

IMAGE: Food engineers in Brazil and France

generate artificial visual percepts is not new and

developed gels based on modified starch for use as

dates back to the...

“ink ” to...

For nationalistic regimes, similar COVID19 policies are the sincerest form of flattery

JNIS?: cuts in Medicare payments jeopardize patient access to care

IMAGE: Evan Mistur view more Credit: UT Arlington Analysis from a University of Texas at Arlington

Fee Schedule (MPFS) issued this week by the

FAIRFAX, Va.– The final 2021 Medicare Physician Centers for Medicare Medicaid...


Tech makes it possible to digitally communicate through human touch

Chemists get peek at novel fluorescence

IMAGE: A researcher transfers information from a

discovered a second level of fluorescence in single-

chip in a watch by touching a sensor connected to a

walled carbon nanotubes....

IMAGE: Chemists at Rice University have

laptop. ...

Low-dose CT for lung cancer screening: benefit outweighs potential harm For heavy (ex-)smokers, lung cancer screening using low-dose computed tomography (low-dose CT, LDCT) offers more benefit...

New review confirms disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black, Hispanic populations Black and Hispanic populations are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, according to a systematic review published this...

Advancing gene editing with new CRISPR/Cas9 variant

New tracking system may predict where the next coronavirus hotspots will be

Using a new variant to repair DNA will improve both

A new global surveillance system may be able to

safety and effectiveness of the much-touted

predict where the next coronavirus hotspots will be.

CRISPR-Cas9 tool in genetic...

Developed by researchers...

Teachers, police officers and bus drivers could be prioritised for Covid vaccine after over-50s

Britain’s Covid deaths continue to fall with another 648 fatalities

Teachers, bus drivers and police officers could be

in daily Covid-19 deaths after officials announced

prioritised for a coronavirus vaccine once the

648 more victims, in...

Britain today recorded another week-on-week drop

highest risk groups have...

Virus-like probes could help make rapid COVID-19 testing more accurate, reliable

Repurposed mouse model sheds light on loss of smell in COVID-19

The positive controls, made from virus-like particles,

The study also showed that convalescent plasma

are stable and easy to manufacture. Researchers

from a patient who had recovered from COVID-19

say the controls have...

protected the mice against...

National Autism Indicators Report: Health and health care of individuals with autism

Cancer-killing virus: Activates immune system against colon cancer

In the recently published sixth report in the National Autism Indicators Report series, researchers from

The preclinical research is a first step to showing that City of Hope’s oncolytic virus CF33 can target

Drexel University’s...


Air pollution spikes linked to lower test scores for Salt Lake County third graders

Is it better to give than receive?

In a new study, University of Utah researchers found

showed more willingness to give up the tokens they

that more frequent peak air pollution exposure was

had earned to fictional...

In lab studies, children tested at ages 4 and 6

associated with reduced...

For people with certain BRCA mutations, activating the immune system could be promising treatment

Targets for avoidable sight loss ‘not being met’

One major factor is something called tumor mutation

in The Lancet Global Health, warns that global

burden (TMB) — the number of DNA changes a

blindness and severe vision...

A second report, also published by the same group

tumor has. Studies from...

Better diabetes treatment: New insulin molecule can self-regulate blood sugar

Researchers developed a sequence analysis pipeline for virus discovery

Everyday life for the more than 46 million people

IMAGE: Lazypipe flowchart. Binaries and scripts are

around the world who suffer from type 1 diabetes

displayed in white, input and output files in green.

could become much easier...


What makes psoriasis sore: Novel role of immune system in the disease

COVID-19 advice may have reduced exposure to heart attack triggers

IMAGE: Microscopic observations of the back skins of two mice–one with the IL-36 deficiency and

IMAGE: The graph shows the relative difference in incidence in people hospitalised with acute coronary

another wild...

syndrome and...

Researchers uncover significant reason older adults are at greater risk of heart attack

Flightless bird species at risk of extinction

IMAGE: Graphical abstract demonstrates decline of

Gerrard Keulemans view more Credit: John Gerrard

Sesn2 presence in older hearts. view more Credit:

Keulemans Bird...

IMAGE: Xenicus longipes longipes. Illustration: John


A new view of how the brain decides to make an effort

K9 chemistry: A safer way to train detection dogs

Neuroscientists have provided clear visual evidence that a region of the human brain known as the

Trained dogs are incredible chemical sensors, far better at detecting explosives, narcotics and other

ventral striatum kicks...

substances than even...

Covid-19: How will the new Pfizer vaccine work?

Covid: Should pregnant women be vaccinated? And other questions

Covid-19: How will the new vaccine work? Video,

When England’s lockdown ends on 2 December,

00:01:30Covid-19: How will the new vaccine work?

only the Isle of Wight, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly will move into tier...

Covid-19: Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine judged safe for use in UK

Covid-19: Do not resuscitate orders may have been used without consent

He told a Downing Street news conference that,

Covid vaccine: PM hails Pfizer jab but warns it is

while the “searchlights of science” had created a

‘not game over’

working vaccine,...

US hits the HIGHEST daily COVID death toll as CDC tells Americans to cancel Christmas travel

Link found between drought and HIV among women in less-developed countries

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The paper, “Drying Climates and Gender Suffering:

(CDC) is warning Americans not to travel for

Links Between Drought, Food Insecurity, and

Christmas as deaths hit pandemic...

Women’s HIV in...

Meningococcus B vaccine prevents disease with 79 per cent effectiveness in under-18s

Drug development target for retinal dystrophies

In 2015, the UK was the first country in the world to

More than 100 DNA variants in the RPE65 gene are reported as pathogenic mutations causing retinal

offer the 4CMenB vaccine free after

degenerative diseases....

recommendations from the Joint...

Ongoing anticoagulant treatment does not seem to protect against severe COVID-19

Environmental exposures affect therapeutic drugs

Early during the ongoing pandemic, there were

instruction not to drink alcohol in combination with

reports that many patients with severe COVID-19

antibiotics or pain relievers....

Fragmented knowledge Think of the well-known

had blood clots in their pulmonary...

Reconstruction of eye tissue gives new insight into outer retina

Cell membranes in super resolution

With an aging society, conditions such as agerelated macular degeneration (AMD) are becoming

the journal Nature Communications we are now

“This method was previously limited to proteins. In presenting a way of...

more frequent, affecting around...

Rethinking race and kidney function To reflect this growing realization, hospital systems

Supernova surprise creates elemental mystery

and professional medical organizations have started

EAST LANSING, Mich. – Michigan State University

reconsidering the...

(MSU) researchers have discovered that one of the most important reactions...

Voyager spacecraft detect new type of solar electron burst

Scientists predict ‘optimal’ stress levels

IMAGE: The Voyager spacecraft continue to make

Scientists have created an evolutionary model to predict how animals should react in stressful

discoveries even as they travel through interstellar

situations. Almost all organisms...

space. In a new...

Octapharma presents research on congenital & acquired bleeding disorders at ASH Meeting

Cluster of Alaskan islands could be single, interconnected giant volcano

PARAMUS, N.J. (December 3, 2020) – Octapharma

Alaska’s Aleutian chain might be part of a single,

USA will present multiple clinical research posters


WASHINGTON–A small group of volcanic islands in

focused on the efficacy...

Understanding bacteria’s metabolism could improve biofuel production

Medicine-carriers made from human cells can cure lung infections

IMAGE: Artist rendering of E. coli and circuitry. view

SPOKANE, Wash. – Scientists used human white

more Credit: PNNL A new study reveals how

blood cell membranes to carry two drugs, an


antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory,...

Cooling electronics efficiently with graphene-enhanced heat pipes

Novavax delays US trials for COVID vaccine and says late-stage study will

IMAGE: Graphene enhanced heat pipes can efficiently cool power electronics view more Credit: Ya Liu/Johan...

begin ‘in coming weeks’ Novavax delays US trials for its coronavirus vaccine AGAIN and says late-stage study will begin ‘in the coming weeks’...

Coronavirus US: 500,056 new cases and 3,419 deaths since Thursday As the holiday weekend draws to a close, doctors

Moderna will being testing its coronavirus vaccine in children as young as 12

and public health experts warn that coronavirus

Moderna Inc will begin testing its COVID-19 vaccine

cases and hospitalizations...

in children, who are capable of passing on the virus, to high-risk group...

Weekly coronavirus cases in US nursing homes hit the highest peak since spring, new report finds

Do NOT travel for Christmas amid coronavirus pandemic, CDC warns Americans

Weekly coronavirus cases in US nursing homes

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

have hit their highest peak since spring 2020, a new

(CDC) are warning Americans not to travel for

report finds. During the...

Christmas as hospitalizations...

Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine: EVERYTHING you need to know about jab

Key molecules in brain development and neurodegenerative diseases identified

Britain’s regulators today approved

In the case of neurological diseases of the brain,

Pfizer/BioNTech’s Covid vaccine, paving the way for

problems arise when certain effects modify the

mass-vaccination to start...

synaptic plasticity and...

Big data analysis suggests role of brain connectivity in epilepsy-related atrophy

Living with autonomous systems ‘we can trust’

In neuroscience, it is becoming increasingly clear

Ufuk Topcu of the Department of Aerospace

that the brain’s connectome is as important as its

Engineering and Engineering Mechanics led a

anatomy when...

yearlong effort involving more than...

Parents shouldn’t worry about their baby’s inconsistent sleep patterns

Patients with heart rhythm disorder warned against heavy alcohol consumption

In the study published in Sleep Medicine, researchers asked mothers to keep a sleep diary about their six-month-old infant...

“Our study suggests that atrial fibrillation patients should avoid heavy alcohol consumption to prevent stroke and...

AI abdominal fat measure predicts heart attack and stroke

Research reveals how a fungal infection activates inflammation

“Established cardiovascular risk models rely on

“Inflammasomes are important sentinels of an

factors like weight and BMI that are crude

organism’s innate immune defense system,” said

surrogates of body composition,”...


Scientists reverse age-related vision loss, eye damage from glaucoma in mice The team’s work, described Dec. 2 in Nature,

Understanding quality of life for caregivers of persons with traumatic brain injury

represents the first demonstration that it may be

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Quality of life is important for

possible to safely reprogram...

persons with traumatic brain injury, and new studies find it’s...

New activity found for CHD7, a protein factor vital in embryonic development IMAGE: Shun Yan, Ph.D. view more Credit: UAB

To increase organs available for transplant, reassess organ procurement organizations’ metrics

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Research by Kai Jiao, M.D.,

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Organ procurement


organizations are a critical component in organ transplantation in the United...

Why does it matter if most Republican voters still think Biden lost? IMAGE: Trump supporters and opponents differ

Incredible vision in ancient marine creatures drove an evolutionary arms race

most in their expressed levels of confidence in how

IMAGE: An artist’s reconstruction of ‘Anomalocaris’

votes were counted....

briggsi swimming within the twilight zone. ...

RUDN University physicists described a new type of amorphous solid bodies

Once in a lifetime floods to become regular occurrences by end of century

IMAGE: Many substances with different chemical and physical properties, from diamonds to graphite,

IMAGE: Sea level rise scenarios have a 50% and 5% chance of exceedance in the mid-twenty-first

are made up of carbon...

century (panels a and...

After CDC guidance, little change in opioid prescriptions to those at risk of misuse

Who will get the Covid vaccine first?

IMAGE: Jeffrey Scherrer, Ph.D. view more Credit:

MHRA, could start early...

Immunisations with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, approved by the British medicines regulator, the

Saint Louis University ST. LOUIS – Research from...

Nottingham hospitals maternity services ‘inadequate’

Covid-19: Shoppers return to stores under England’s new tier system

It comes after Nottingham University Hospitals NHS

A tiered system of Covid-19 rules has now come

Trust was criticised for errors that led to the death of

into force in the nation, with businesses including

Wynter Andrews,...

hairdressers and beauty...

Covid-19: Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine judged safe for use in UK from next week While Mr Hancock said that the government does

High-dose infusion of vitamin D does NOT help hospitalized covid patients survive, study suggests

not yet know how many people need to be

Scientists have been looking hopefully to vitamin D

vaccinated before restrictions can...

as a promising supplement to help lower COVID-19 risks, but a new study...

Experimental drug can reverse agerelated cognitive decline within THREE DAYS, new mouse study finds

Physical activity has plummeted during the pandemic by 60% because gyms and sports clubs have closed

Scientists believe they may have created the first

Physical activity levels in England HALVED during

drug that reverses age-related cognitive decline in

the Covid pandemic, with gyms and sports clubs

just days.

shut and millions of us...


Jonathan Van-Tam’s ‘mum test’ won’t be enough to convince people to get a Covid jab, experts warn

Now you CAN hug your granny: Ministers REVERSE ban on hugging loved ones in care homes at Christmas

Professor Jonathan Van Tam’s ‘mum test’ won’t be

Care home residents will finally be able to hug their

enough to convince Britons to take coronavirus vaccines,...

families again, ministers announced last night. A national roll-out...

Volunteers given Pfizer’s Covid vaccine reveal how side effects felt like a ‘severe hangover’

EVERYTHING you need to know about Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine

Volunteers who were the first in the world to be

Pfizer/BioNTech’s Covid vaccine, paving the way for

given Pfizer’s Covid vaccine — which Britain today

mass-vaccination to start...

Britain’s regulators today approved

approved for...

Coronavirus UK: NHS workers first in queue for Pfizer vaccine

Researchers develop customized targeting of bacteria using lysins

Lorries loaded with the first batches

Lysins are enzymes produced by bacteriophages to

of Pfizer/BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine are already

break open the bacteria cells while treating

on their way to Britain...

infections, and have demonstrated...

Drug reverses age-related mental decline within days, mouse study shows

Bleach-alternative COVID-19 surface disinfectants may pollute indoor air, study finds

In the new study, published December 1, 2020 in the open-access journal eLife, researchers showed rapid restoration of youthful...

The research team found that mopping a floor with a commercially available hydrogen peroxide-based disinfectant raised the...

Cancer cells ‘remove blindfold’ to spread This sensitivity to their surroundings is the key ability that makes small numbers of cancer cells better at spreading than...

New lab-on-a-chip infection test could provide cheaper, faster portable diagnostics Although PCR is usually performed in a laboratory, which means test results aren’t immediately available, this new...

Healthy muscles are a carrot on a string for healthy lungs

Psychology research shows ‘water cooler talk’ can have big benefits

Exercise therapy is the only established treatment

This corrective behavior had never before been

for the skeletal muscle complications of COPD,

identified or described. The researchers at UC

however, depending on the...

Santa Cruz who discovered it...

Researchers determine how the SARSCoV-2 virus hijacks and rapidly causes damage to human lung cells

Ozone breaks down THC deposited on surfaces from thirdhand cannabis smoke

They found a crucial type of protein modification called “phosphorylation” becomes aberrant in these

Second- and thirdhand tobacco smoke have received lots of attention, but much less is known


about the compounds deposited...

Kidney disease leading risk factor for COVID-related hospitalization

RUDN University professor suggested how to clean up space debris

An analysis of Geisinger’s electronic health records

IMAGE: A specialist in spacecraft movement control

has revealed chronic kidney disease to be the

analyzed the process of placing vehicle stages,

leading risk factor...

boosters, and other...

The tree of cortical cell types describes the diversity of neurons in the brain The tree of life describes the evolution of life and

Roly polies transfer environmental toxins to threatened fish populations in California

seeks to define the relationships between species.

WASHINGTON–Roly poly bugs may be a source of

Likewise, the tree...

fun for kids and adults but these little bugs that form into balls at...

Amphibian die-offs worsened malaria outbreaks in Central America

Personality changes predict early career outcomes

WASHINGTON–The global collapse of frogs and

IMAGE: Kevin Hoff, assistant professor of industrial-

other amphibians due to the amphibian chytrid

organizational psychology at the University of

fungus exacerbated malaria...

Houston, is the...

Study: Telemedicine use disparity during COVID-19 among head and neck cancer patients

Almost every county in America is a coronavirus hotspot government map reveals

IMAGE: Study co-author and otolaryngologist in

A new internal federal government map shows that

Henry Ford Health System’s Department of

nearly the entire United States has become one

Otolaryngology –...

giant coronavirus hotspot. The...

Head of Operation Warp Speed says first Americans could get vaccines within 24 HOURS of FDA approval

Nearly 40% of healthcare workers say they are ‘not likely’ to get a coronavirus vaccine

The chief of the Trump administration’s Operation

Nearly 40% of healthcare workers say it’s ‘not likely’

Warp Speed said the first Americans to get

they will get a coronavirus vaccine because they...

coronavirus vaccines could...

Coronavirus was spreading in the US by December 17, study finds

Vaping raises lung disease risks by more than 40%, study finds

Coronavirus was likely spreading in much of the U.S. last December – weeks before China told the

Vaping may drive up the risk of developing lung disease by more than 40 percent, new research

officially recognized...

suggests. A new study from...

Neuroscience: Patience ‘determined by brain’s SEROTONIN levels’

Health: Women are 20 per cent more likely to die within five years of their first heart attack

Patience is more than just a virtue: Levels of SEROTONIN in the brain dictate whether you are able to calmly anticipate a...

Women are 20 per cent more likely to die within five years of their first heart attack than men, study warns Canadian researchers...

Coronavirus England: ‘Tenuous evidence’ behind lockdown, says IEA

Why long-suffering hosts grow a thick skin

Number 10‘s decision to keep England’s pubs and

All living organisms from single-celled bacteria to

restaurants locked down when the rest of the

complex higher animals possess an ‘awareness’ of

country reopens...


Scientists discover role of protein in detecting the common cold virus

CRISPR tagging improves accuracy of model cells grown from stem cells

In a study published in the journal Science on 22

Programming stem cells into other cell types is not a

October 2020, they showed that the protein NLRP1,

new idea. Several methods already exist, but the

found on the skin and...

results have left...

Statins can save lives; are they being used?

How are older adults coping with the mental health effects of COVID-19?

In a recent publication in JAMA Network Open, Mayo Clinic researchers identify trends in statin use

“Over the spring and summer of 2020, we were struck by a number of individual studies from all over

across the U.S. among...

the world that...

Glucosamine may reduce overall death rates as effectively as regular exercise,

Kids’ TV teaching children wrong lessons about pain

study suggests “Does this mean that if you get off work at five o’clock one day, you should just skip the gym, take a

A new study — published today [Wednesday 2 December 2020] in the international journal Pain from researchers at the...


New tests identify early changes in Alzheimer’s disease before symptoms appear

How automated vehicles can impede driver performance, and what to do about it

At a time when the incidence and social costs of

As cars keep getting smarter, automation is taking

dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in particular

many tricky tasks –?from parallel parking to backing

continue to rise, this...

up –?out...

Geoscientists use zircon to trace origin of Earth’s continents

Army researchers look to reduce rotorcraft noise

IMAGE: Jesse Reimink, assistant professor of geosciences at Penn State, is among a team of

IMAGE: The U.S. Army looks to silent technology solutions to quiet rotors. view more Credit: U.S.

researchers to use the mineral...


Native American ancestry associated with more mutations in EGFR gene among Latin Americans

Building resiliency in children as the COVID-19 pandemic continues through the holidays

Bottom Line: Among patients with lung cancer from

The release previously located at this link was

Latin America, genomic and ancestry analyses

posted in error and can now be found here:

revealed that Native American...

Octapharma presents results of study on Octagam® 10% for severe COVID-19 patients at ASH

Keeping California a powerhouse of almond production

PARAMUS, N.J. (December 2, 2020) – Clinical

February. Most almond fields have two or more

research presented by Octapharma USA at the

varieties within the field...

IMAGE: Almond trees are at full bloom in late

62nd American Society of Hematology...

ETRI, DGIST develop new electrode structure for all-solid-state secondary battery

Why is my area in a higher tier?

IMAGE: ETRI researchers are looking at a new type

case rates,...

The document describing the government’s rationale for each decision lists four factors on top of the main

of electrode structure for all-solid-state secondary battery. ...

Covid-19: No plans for ‘vaccine passport’ Covid: Nadhim Zahawi appointed as vaccine rollout

Puberty blockers: Under-16s ‘unlikely’ to be able to give informed consent


She argued the clinic should have challenged her more over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager.

Covid: Adults with learning disabilities ‘miss out’

Covid UK: 12,330 new cases and 205 deaths in daily toll

Top US lawyer refutes Trump election fraud claims

Britain today recorded just 12,330 Covid-19

The Trump campaign hits back that the attorney

infections in the lowest Monday toll since

general’s remark “appears...

September, as Boris Johnson faces...

Blood test could predict Alzheimer’s disease 4 years before symptoms

The Harley Street doctors charging for cannabis treatments

A blood test to detect two molecules that act as

The smart entrance to the Sapphire Medical Clinic

indicators of a person’s likelihood to get Alzheimer’s

looks much like any other private practice on Harley


Street in London. But...

Advent calendar to a healthier you: 24 small tweaks that can give you the gift of wellbeing

The budget health gadgets that can save you up to £1,400

This year’s countdown to Christmas is unlike any

A top-of-the-range toothbrush can now set you back up to £500 — but is it worth spending that much?

other, so give yourself the gift of good health with

Just about every medical...

this special advent...

Man becomes the fourth person in his family to have testicular cancer

One quarter of Britons found the second national lockdown harder to follow

Salesman Matt Inman-Shore first heard about

More than a quarter of Britons found it harder to

testicular cancer when he was a boy — his father,

follow the second lockdown compared to the first, a

grandfather and uncle had...

survey has revealed. The...

Why no vaccine can ever be 100% effective

Telomere shortening protects against cancer

The announcement of not one but three coronavirus

“Telomeres protect the genetic material,” says Titia

vaccines has been widely welcomed, in particular,

de Lange, Leon Hess Professor at Rockefeller.

their effectiveness. Preliminary...


Researchers study influence of cultural factors on gesture design

Shrinking massive neural networks used to model language

Freehand gesture-based interfaces in interactive systems are becoming more common, but what if

Jonathan Frankle is researching artificial intelligence — not noshing pistachios — but the same

your preferred way to gesture...

philosophy applies...

Novel mechanisms that cause protein clumping in brain diseases

False widow spiders bite can transmit harmful antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Their findings may help to better understand the

This new research, published in the international

pathological process and possibly lead to developing medications to treat...

journal Scientific Reports, confirms a theory which has been debated among...

AI-based ‘OxyGAN’ is a robust, effective method to measure tissue oxygen levels

Metabolism influences parasite’s resistance to drugs

Several techniques exist for the measurement of

The study in cultures of human cells infected with

tissue oxygenation, but they all have some

Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), the parasite that

limitations. For instance, pulse...

causes Chagas disease,...

Need to increase HPV vaccine uptake in adolescents

ASM journals build mechanisms to promote gender equity

In an article in JMIR Nursing, researchers explain

ASM Journal editors and staff seek to improve

how they applied user-centered design principles to

gender equity after analysis shows that women are

develop a mobile health...

not only underrepresented...

New immunotherapeutic approach takes aim at cancer’s enzyme shield

New method sees fibers in 3D, uses it to estimate conductivity

Immunotherapies have transformed the landscape

IMAGE: Each of the three methods used to visualize

of cancer treatment by allowing physicians to alter or

the fibers had pros and cons. Ray casting showed

augment patients’...

promise to become...

COVID-19 may deepen depression, anxiety, and PTSD among pregnant and postpartum women

After 100 years, Cornell University plant pathologists revisit fire blight hypothesis

Boston — Though childbirth is often anticipated with

experimental chamber. view more Credit: Matthew

optimism and enthusiasm, approximately 10 to 20 percent of pregnant...

Boucher Historically...

Glucosamine may reduce overall death rates as effectively as regular exercise IMAGE: Glucosamine supplements may reduce the

More evidence that cellular ‘death by iron’ could be promising avenue of cancer treatment

risk of cardiovascular-related death–and death

If there is a silver lining in cancer’s chaotic biology,


it’s that the same traits that give cancer cells a

IMAGE: Fly feeding on the ooze droplet in the


Vitamin D regulates calcium in intestine differently than previously thought

Time spent on smartphones ‘isn’t bad for mental health’, study says

A Rutgers study has discovered that vitamin D

Spending time on your smartphone scrolling through

regulates calcium in a section of the intestine that

social media and replying to messages isn’t bad for

previously was thought...

mental health,...

Coronavirus deaths in England and Wales are slowing, official figures show

People living in Tier Three areas could receive shopping vouchers in return for getting tested

The rise in coronavirus deaths in England and Wales started slowing in the second half of November, statistics show – and...

People could be given shopping vouchers if they get tested for coronavirus under Number 10‘s massswabbing plans. Local...

Ethnic minorities could be prioritised for Covid-19 tests in Tier Three areas

The CEO behind Deepmind, the AI company finding cures for illnesses

Ethnic minorities could be prioritised for coronavirus

As DeepMind, the British artificial intelligence (AI)

tests as part of Number 10’s plans to move hotspot

firm owned by Google, claims to have solved one of

areas out...


Leicester ‘given thousands of unusable coronavirus tests’ Leicester hasn’t yet been able to start mass testing

Britain records 13,430 Covid cases and 603 deaths as second wave continues to tail off

for Covid because of a logistical blunder that has

Britain today recorded another 13,430 coronavirus

meant 10,000 rapid...

infections and 603 deaths as the second wave of the disease continues to...

Covid data transparency row deepens as Michael Gove warns hospitals are 88% full

Research unlocks new information about reading through visual dictionary in the brain

Michael Gove warned today the NHS is nearly 90

These findings were published today in Nature

per cent full in a bid to prove coronavirus is pushing hospitals to...

Human Behavior. “How much the mid-fusiform responds to a word and how...

Experimental vaccine for deadly tickborne virus effective in cynomolgus macaques

‘Anti-antibiotic’ allows for use of antibiotics without driving resistance

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, first described in

has led to people dying from common bacterial

1944, is spread primarily by the bite of Hyalomma


“Antimicrobial resistance is a serious problem that

ticks found in the...

AI predicts which drug combinations kill cancer cells

Warning signs over effectiveness of HIV ‘wonder drug’ in sub-Saharan Africa

Medication can be combined, with different drugs

As HIV copies itself and replicates, it can develop

acting on different cancer cells. Combinatorial drug

errors, or ‘mutations’, in its genetic code (its RNA).

therapies often improve...


Older adults in wealthier countries drink more alcohol

Children with dyslexia show stronger emotional responses

Alcohol consumption among older adults is trending

In the study, published online in an early form

higher across numerous countries, and alcohol use

November 20, 2020 in Cortex, children with dyslexia

disorders among adults...

who watched emotionally...

Post-COVID pain or weakness? Request an ultrasound or MRI

First report card on biosimilars in oncology

“Let’s say you have numbness in your fingers. That

SUMMARY Researchers have developed the first

might actually be due to problems in your neck, elbow or wrist,...

report card on biosimilars for three blockbuster cancer drugs marketed by...

AI reduces computational time required to study fate of molecules exposed to light

Plants on aspirin

IMAGE: This is Shirin Faraji, Associate Professor in

methylsalicylic acid, which...

When pathogens enter a plant, infected cells set off an alarm before they die. They discharge

Theoretical Chemistry at the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials,...

Watching the Arctic thaw in fast-forward The Arctic is warming more quickly than almost any other region on Earth as a result of climate change. One of the better...

Scientists warn of the social and environmental risks tied to the energy transition IMAGE: Demonstration against hydropower utility in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (nov 2019). view more Credit:...

European colonization accelerated erosion tenfold IMAGE: Clearance of native forests for cultivation

IU researchers publish first article dedicated to Hoosier youth’s donated tumor

accelerates soil erosion and causes rapid

IMAGE: Tyler Trent, a Purdue student whose

sedimentation in alluvial...

courageous battle against cancer captured the national last year, is visited...

Molecular ‘barcode’ helps decide which sperm will reach an egg

Breastfeeding mums ‘lacked support’ during lockdown

IMAGE: Three-dimensional image showing the head

A leading breastfeeding charity in the UK says it is in

(green) and tail (red) of sperm cells travelling

“a desperate situation” trying to support mothers

towards the fertilisation...


Covid: Poor public health made pandemic worse

Covid vaccine: Rumours thrive amid trickle of pandemic facts

One of biology’s biggest mysteries ‘largely solved’

And it’s trying to answer people’s concerns about

The advance is expected to accelerate research

the vaccines – as well as helping people evaluate



Covid-19: Lung damage ‘identified’ in study

Coronavirus can enter BRAIN via the nose, German research shows

Coronavirus: Warning thousands could be left with

The coronavirus can reach the human brain after

lung damage

being inhaled through a person’s nose and getting stuck in their nasal...

Coronavirus: Bizarre network of masks plumbed into a clean air network could be used in schools

More than ONE-THIRD of children with coronavirus have NO symptoms of the infection

Is this the future of classrooms? Face masks that

More than one-third of children who contract

supply students with a steady supply of sterilised air

coronavirus are asymptomatic, a new study

could help prevent...

suggests. Researchers found that...

Former schoolboy chess prodigy used AI to open door to finding cures for illnesses

Covid England: Cases rose in just 18 authorities last week

As DeepMind, the British artificial intelligence (AI)


firm owned by Google, claims to have solved one of

South Ribble Mendip Torridge Ashford Dover



Only FOUR hospitals are busier than they were last winter, data shows

Google-owned DeepMind cracks 50-yearold ‘protein folding problem’

Number 10 was today accused of running a ‘brainwashing PR campaign’ after MailOnline’s

DeepMind, the British-based artificial intelligence (AI) firm owned by Google, has ‘largely solved’ one

analysis of official...

of science’s...

Online app calculates risk of catching Covid-19 in various scenarios

Mothers’ stress may lead to preterm births, faster aging in children

Outdoor spaces are safer than indoor ones for

The researchers found evidence that maternal

catching coronavirus, and more people pose a

stress adversely affects the length of a baby’s

greater risk than smaller groups,...

telomeres — the...

Protein commonly screened for in pregnancy is linked to gestational diabetes

AI model uses retinal scans to predict Alzheimer’s disease

“We currently evaluate women for gestational

structure and blood vessels on images of the inside

diabetes at 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy, so there’s

of the eye that have been...


The novel computer software looks at retinal

only a short...

First meta-analysis shows promise for yoga, meditation, mindfulness in concussion

How telemedicine may ease ER overcrowding

“When I started doing research on concussions,

imbalance between increasing patient flow and the

people just started coming to me,” Acabchuk says. “Families...

shortage of emergency...

Chemical compounds in foods can inhibit a key SARS-CoV-2 enzyme, study finds Proteases are important to the health and viability of

Combination therapy might improve outcomes in treatment-resistant liver cancer

cells and viruses, says De-Yu Xie, professor of plant

“The holy grail of immunotherapy in treating solid

and microbial...

cancers like HCC is to draw cancer-fighting T-cells

“This longstanding problem is mainly driven by the

inside the tumor,”...

Genetic treatment plus exercise reverses fatigue in mice with muscle wasting disease

Automatic deep-learning AI tool measures volume of cerebral ventricles on MRIs in children

“It’s encouraging that exercise makes a noticeable

IMAGE: Deep learning model (blue) and ground

difference on its own and in combination with a genetic treatment...

truth manual (green) segmentation of representative control (left) and...

CU Anschutz researcher offers new theory on `Venus’ figurines AURORA, Colo. (Dec. 1, 2020) – One of world’s

Weak police, strong democracy: civic ritual and performative peace in contemporary Taiwan

earliest examples of art, the enigmatic `Venus’

It is conventional to believe that the police role in


society centers on violence. A forthcoming article in the December...

Octapharma USA presents bleeding disorders research at virtual ASH annual meeting

Flashy lizards are more attractive to mates and to predators

PARAMUS, N.J. (December 1, 2020) – Octapharma USA will present its most recent rare bleeding

more Credit: J. Montemarano. BINGHAMTON, NY

IMAGE: A water anole with a colorful dewlap. view — In...

disorders research initiatives...

New device offers faster way to detect antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Lab results don’t explain ‘obesity paradox,’ but bias may

BINGHAMTON, NY — Bacterial infections have

IMAGE: Dr. Gurmukh Singh (middle) and pathology

become one of the biggest health problems worldwide, and a recent study...

residents and coauthors Dr. Asad Ullah (left) and Dr. Okechukwu V....

Football-loving states slow to enact youth concussion laws

Computer ‘printed’ implant can heal broken bones

PULLMAN, Wash. – States with college teams in

A pioneering implant to treat complex leg fractures

strong conferences, in particular the Southeastern

can help challenging cases that until now could lead

Conference (SEC),...

to amputation. Russell...

‘Electric’ blood vessels to help treat heart disease A man-made ‘electronic’ blood vessel that replaces

How do I stop my excessive drooling? Dr MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

diseased arteries could transform the treatment of

For several years I’ve had too much saliva, causing

heart disease. The...

drooling. This is embarrassing but my GP says nothing can be done. Name...

Only THREE authorities in England saw Covid infection rates rise last week, official data reveals

Excess winter deaths in England and Wales increased by a fifth last year before Covid hit

Only three local authorities in England saw their

Winter deaths rose by a fifth to 28,300 more than

coronavirus infection rates rise last week, official

average between last December and this February,

data showed- even...

according to official...

UK’s coronavirus R rate falls below one for the first time in two-and-a-half months

Coronavirus England: Map shows Tier 3 Kent’s infection rates are low

UK’s coronavirus R rate falls below one for the first

3 coronavirus restrictions deepened today after a

time in two-and-a-half months, SAGE reveals

shocking new map showed...

Anger over the whole of Kent being dragged in Tier

Number 10’s...

Boris Johnson warns Tory MPs to back him or risk Covid lockdown 3

Customized programming of human stem cells

Ministers today warned it could be summer before

The researchers used human induced pluripotent

the UK gets back to normal as Boris Johnson faces

stem cells (iPS), which were reprogrammed from

a growing Tory rebellion...

connective tissue cells into...

Molecular mechanism of long-term memory discovered

Wuhan mass screening identifies hundreds of asymptomatic cases

Many life forms, from worms to humans, have

The mass testing project took place over two weeks

differentiated memory functions, such as short-term and long-term memory. Interestingly,...

at the end of May — after the city’s stringent lockdown was...

How SARS-CoV-2 reaches the brain

How ‘smell training’ could help overcome post-viral smell distortions

It is now recognized that COVID-19 is not a purely respiratory disease. In addition to affecting the lungs, SARS-CoV-2 can...

Parosmia is a symptom where people experience strange and often unpleasant smell distortions. Instead of smelling a lemon...

Esports: Fit gamers challenge ‘fat’ stereotype

COVID-19 shutdowns disproportionately affected low-income black households

The findings, published in the International Journal

Princeton researchers now report that low-income

of Environmental Research and Public Health, were

Black households also experienced greater job loss,

based on 1400 survey...

more food and medicine...

Study shows strong links between music and math, reading achievement Nope. His new study,”Multilevel Models of the

Microfluidic system with cell-separating powers may unravel how novel pathogens attack

Relationship Between Music Achievement and

IMAGE: An image of the in-droplet cell separation

Reading and Math Achievement,”...

microfluidic chip, showing the microfluidic channels

and electrodes....

Researchers explore population size, density in rise of centralized power in antiquity

Magnetic vortices come full circle

Early populations shifted from quasi-egalitarian

Claire Donnelly Magnets...

IMAGE: Reconstructed vortex rings inside a magnetic micropillar. view more Credit: Credit:

hunter-gatherer societies to communities governed by a centralized authority...

Study identifies countries and states with greatest age biases

An escape route for seafloor methane

IMAGE: Two studies from Michigan State University pinpoint where in the world you’ll find the most age

cleanest-burning of all the fossil fuels, but when

Methane, the main component of natural gas, is the emitted into the atmosphere...


Business closures, partial reopenings due to COVID-19 could cost the US $3-$5 trillion i

Stanford engineers combine light and sound to see underwater

The COVID-19 pandemic could result in net losses

airborne sonar system operating from a drone to sense and image...

from $3.2 trillion and up to $4.8 trillion in U.S. Real Gross Domestic Product...

Nonlinear beam cleaning in spatiotemporally mode-locked lasers IMAGE: Conceptual outline of dispersion-managed cavity design. view more Credit: Te?in et al., doi 10.1117/1.AP.2.5.056005 In...

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IMAGE: An artist’s rendition of the photoacoustic

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