TTMS - Lesson 3 - Identities

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9/27/2023 1 Welcome to Teen Talk Lesson 3: Identities Welcome Question What are some of your favorite hobbies?
1.Respect 2.Communication 3.Curiosity 4.Privacy 5.Well-being
Strategies breathe in breathe out Agenda ✔ Opening Routine ❑ Intro to Identity ❑ Step Up, Step Back ❑ Intersectionality ❑ Gender and Sexuality ❑ Positivity Posters ❑ Closing Routine Intro to Identity identity 1 2 3 4 5 6 ReviewOnly
Group Norms

Intro to Identity identity

an inner sense of belonging to a particular group based on shared traits, beliefs, or experiences

Intro to Identity

Our unique identities shape our values, decisions, & experiences related to sex, relationships, and access to healthcare.

Step Up, Step Back

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Forward If You… …have a pet.
Forward If You… …have any siblings. Step Forward If You… …like to cook or bake. 7 8 9 10 11 12 ReviewOnly

…like to read.

…play an instrument.


…like to play video games.

Step Forward

…like to make art.

…have been to a concert.

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Step Forward If You…
Step Forward If You…
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If You… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
…play a
Step Forward If You…
Step Forward
If You… Step Forward If You…
13 14 15 16 17 18 ReviewOnly

Step Forward If You…

Step Forward If You…

…celebrate a holiday that most of your friends do not celebrate. Step Forward

…have family in a different country.

If You…

…can speak more than one language.

Step Forward If You…

…know how to use public transit.

Step Forward If You…

…know what career you want in the future.

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Konnichiwa Aloha Bonjour Guten tag Shalom Nǐ hǎo Hola Namaste
…can swim.
Step Forward If You…
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Step Forward If You…

…like pineapple on pizza.

Reflection & Discussion

…have a pet

…have any siblings.

…like to cook or bake.

…like to read.

…play an instrument.

…play a sport.

…like to play video games.

…like to make art.

…have been to a concert.

What did you observe or think about doing this activity?

…have family in a different country.

…celebrate a holiday that most of your friends do not celebrate.

…can speak more than one language.

…can swim.

…know how to use public transit.

…know what career you want in the future.

…like pineapple on pizza.

Identities and Experiences

We are more than one thing…

we exist at the intersection of many different identities at the same time!


Identities and Experiences


social advantages or opportunities distributed unequally based on historical power

Identities and Experiences Discrimination the unfair treatment of a person or group based on bias towards their identity

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– Dr. Kimberlé Crenshaw
Source: Teaching Tolerance, Learning for Justice Intersectionality 101 25 26 27 28 29 30 ReviewOnly

Intersectionality 101

What examples of discrimination did we see in the video?

Intersectionality 101

Why might Greta not have to think about her identities or intersectionality?

Intersectionality 101

Being an Ally

When someone notices a situation involving discrimination

How might Jerry, Fatimah, and Greta’s experiences affect their confidence accessing sexual health services?

A bystander chooses not to get involved or say anything.

• The more people who witness the event, the less each person feels the need to act (“bystander effect”)

Being an Ally

We ALL have a RESPONSIBILITY to look out for each other and stand up against discrimination to create a world based on respect, kindness, and equality for all people.

An UPSTANDER chooses to speak up in support of others by:

• Calling out injustice

• Elevating the voices of those who are disempowered

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31 32 33 34 35 36 ReviewOnly
Let’s Take a Moment to… breathe in breathe out

Gender and Sexuality

Language Note

• The use of language here is purposeful, but other people may use language differently

• For example, sometimes people use “female” or “male” to refer to their gender identity

• This presentation does not include every gender and sexual identity

• Feel free to ask questions or share what you know about these or other identities!

The Gender Galaxy

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Adapted with permission from: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights
Identity Source: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights
37 38 39 40 42 43
What is the “gender binary”?

Gender Identity

Binary = a system with two options woman and man are traditionally seen as binary (mutually exclusive)

Binary Genders: Non-binary Genders: genderfluid, genderqueer, agender, etc.

Gender Identity

Gender Identity

cisgender transgender

describes people whose gender identity matches the gender they were labeled at birth

describes people whose gender identity does not match the gender they were labeled at birth

These are adjectives used to describe the relationship between a person’s gender identity and what they were called as a baby

Sex Assigned at Birth

Sex Assigned at Birth

What does it mean to be intersex?

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Source: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights
Source: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights
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Sex Assigned at Birth

What does it mean to be intersex?

Born with unique traits that don’t fit the medical definition of “male” or “female”

this can include any combination of pelvic anatomy, hormones, and/or DNA

Sex Assigned at Birth

Gender Expression

Expectations about how people “should” look and act based on their gender are often rooted in stereotypes…

They are also culturally specific and shift over time

Gender Expression

Assumptions made about groups of people that do not apply to every member

What might happen when someone looks, dresses, or acts in a way that is different than what society expects?

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Source: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights Gender Expression Source: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights
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Gender Expression

What might happen when someone looks, dresses, or acts in a way that is different than what society expects?

We all just want to be ourselves!

Discussion Question

In the video, Audrey states that their gender is “dynamic.”

What does it mean for someone’s gender to be dynamic?

“Toilets, Bowties, Gender and Me”

Discussion Question

In the video, Audrey states that their gender is “dynamic.”

It’s possible for gender to be fluid, and a person’s experience of gender may evolve throughout their life.

There is no “wrong” way to experience your own gender!

Gender Dysphoria

An intense discomfort related to:

• A disconnect between body and identity

• Being unable to express oneself in a way that feels comfortable or affirming

• Being misgendered (when gender is incorrectly assumed based on body parts or appearance)

NOTE: intentionally misgendering someone is sexual harassment

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Source: TEDxAdelaide (2018) – Audrey Mason-Hyde (they/them)
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Some trans and nonbinary people pursue various aspects of transition:

• Social – changing pronouns, name, and/or gender expression

• Legal – updating official documents

• Medical – hormones, “blockers,” surgery

Body & Medical Transition

Why might some trans and nonbinary people choose not to medically transition?

• Access

• Cost


Our body is our own and we do not owe anyone information about our private medical choices.

It is not appropriate to ask a trans person (or any person) about their private body parts.

• Safety

• Don’t want to

Gender Euphoria the

experience of comfort and joy in one’s gender

Two-Spirit Galaxy

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Source: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights 62 63 64 65 66 67

Two-Spirit (American Indian)

Around the World…

Nonbinary gender & sexual identities have existed throughout history in many different cultures:

Māhū (Native Hawaiian)

While stars

The Sexuality Galaxy

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Source: Bay Area American Indian Two-Spirits (BAAITS)
Native North America Native Hawaii Mexico Madagascar India Pakistan Egypt Oman Siberia Indonesia Thailand Philippines Samoa Japan
Source: Rachel Souerbry via Ranker (2020)
Source: PBS documentary “A Place in the Middle” (2015)
may appear fixed against the night sky, we know that they are growing, changing, and evolving… just like us!
Adapted with permission from: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights 68 69 70 71 72 73


Feelings of interest, intimacy, or desire towards other people

These feelings can be romantic, sexual, both or neither!

Sexual Attraction

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Source: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights
Romantic Attraction
Source: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights 74 75 77 78 79 80

Identity is a Journey

Most people go through a gradual process of figuring out who they are and how they identify.

• No rush to understand or label all parts of our gender and sexuality

• No pressure to tell people about our identities

Final Thoughts

How can we practice respect for all people in our everyday life?

Final Thoughts

always be kind

notice feeling defensive

Positivity Posters

don’t judge use inclusive language


listen openly don’t assume use everyone’s correct pronouns

don’t label others

Create a poster to inspire and empower other people!

They will be displayed around campus to spread positivity in our community

Positivity Posters

• Topic: Choose a topic from the list on the following slide. If you have another topic in mind, get it approved first!

• Design: Posters can be made on paper or a computer. Think about color, graphics, and text size – these should be visible & attention grabbing!

• Content: Make sure you understand your topic! Include a catchphrase, inspirational quote, or motivational phrase. Add tips to help people practice or be mindful of the topic.

Our goal here is respect and inclusivity!

Positivity Poster Topics

Acceptance – Keep an Open Mind

Accessibility – Empower Every Body

Advocacy – Your Voice Matters

Allyship – Stand Up, Stand Together

Community – We Are Stronger Together

Empathy – Put Yourself in Their Shoes

Growth Mindset – Stay Curious

Intersectionality – Celebrate Diversity

Kindness – It Costs Nothing to Be Kind

Pride – Be Proud to Be You

Need inspiration or have your own idea for a topic?

Come talk to me!

Respect – Treat Others How THEY Want to Be Treated

Safe Spaces – All Are Welcome Here

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81 82 83 85 86 87

What I Know About SOGIE

Sexual Orientation

Gender Identity & Expression

Why use the term SOGIE instead of LGBTQ+?

What I Know About SOGIE

What I Know About SOGIE

Why use the term SOGIE instead of LGBTQ+?

EVERYONE has a Sexual Orientation, a Gender Identity & a way that they Express themselves

What I Know About SOGIE

1) High heels were originally designed for men.

2) Everyone uses either she/her, he/him, or they/them pronouns.

3) Some trans people do not want gender-affirming surgery and/or hormone therapy.

4) More than 1 in 5 young adults (ages 18-24) identify as LGBTQ+.

5) People who are bisexual are 50% gay and 50% straight.

6) Children of gay, lesbian, and bisexual adults are more likely to identify as gay.

What I Know About SOGIE

7) It is obvious someone is gay or trans by the way they dress, look, or talk.

8) Some asexual people want a romantic and/or sexual relationship.

9) A person may have sexual thoughts or fantasies about someone of the same gender even if they are heterosexual.

10) People choose the gender(s) they are attracted to.

11) Coming out is an ongoing experience of communicating one’s gender and/or sexual identity.

12) Being an ally means supporting another group’s ongoing effort for equal rights and fair treatment.

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Example Posters
TRUE TRUE TRUE false false false
TRUE TRUE TRUE false false TRUE 88 89 90 91 92 93 ReviewOnly

Lesson 3 Wrap-Up

Let’s Review!

• Why is it important to think about intersectionality?

• What is the difference between gender identity and gender expression?

• How can we make our school a safer place for all?

Looking Forward Consent & Intimacy

Next class…

• Explore affirmative consent, boundaries, and sexual decision-making

• Discuss sexual behaviors, including whether they can lead to pregnancy and/or infection

Self-Care Ideas:

FaceTime a friend

Choreograph a dance to your favorite song

Organize something

Take a bubble bath

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