Healing Springs Journal #89 Dec'16/Jan'17

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The danger lies not in the existence of the Shadow, but in excessive attempts to deny or suppress it. When we become out of touch with our Shadow side we can’t relate to other people. We are trying so diligently to deny our own humanness, our “negative emotions” that we become uncomfortable with the existence of these emotions. This may result in a healer who becomes incapable of connecting with clients who are going through the archetypal “Dark Night of the Soul.” Rather than providing a healing connection, the practitioner may be quick to rush into solutions rather than practicing active listening. This can be highly damaging to the client. When people claim to be “color blind” they may not realize the intention of neutralizing discrimination is also blinding them to the presence of ongoing oppression, or to the unique facets of different cultures. There is no more hiding from the division in our country, here are a few things we can do as people and healers…and yes, we are people first, then healers.


Get real with yourself. The emergence of the Shadow demands honesty. The veneer of optimism used to gloss over real emotions, real concerns, and real issues is wearing thin. This is not to say we must give up hope, but that we need to stop rushing to the finish line of soothing and denying the primal essence of humanity. Acknowledge, with honesty, the presence of the Shadow and then bring it into harmony with light. Create space and time for your emotions. If we don’t deal with our emotions on an individual basis, whether we feel fear for our futures, concern for the environment, or anger at injustices, we will be not only immobilized by our emotions, but run the risk of projecting our baggage onto others. Feel your feelings, honestly, sit with them, acknowledge them. We don’t need to stew in anger, fear or grief, but we can honor these feelings as part of the human experience. Stop criticizing yourself for having them and you will be amazed at how much easier it becomes to tolerate the emotions of others. Hold space for the emotional process of others. This means not having all the answers and not trying to. It means not sweeping the pains of others under the rug. Don’t assume. Yes we all know the joke about what happens when we assume, but aside from the cute spelling lesson, our assumptions keep us divided. This also means suspending judgment. What if we took the time to really hear what they are concerned about before jumping to judgment? Keep your friends close, and give your enemies a new job title. We may fall into varying ideological camps, but does this mean we must be each others’ adversaries? Why do we need to disassociate ourselves from someone who is not a carbon copy of ourselves? We have no enemies to keep close or far, only teachers who will hold the mirror to us so we can see the Shadow in ourselves. Look for common goals. Most of us really want the same things, we just differ in our beliefs as to the best way to attain our goals. Honor your Shadow. Play, rant, vent, create. After you have allowed yourself to sit with uncomfortable feelings and then harness this energy.


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Denying the existence of your Shadow will not make it go away, and can actually take a toll on your self and your relationships. We will attract in others what we need to grow and we have collectively attracted situation after situation calling on us to integrate. #89 / December ‘16—January ‘17 I Healing Springs

Ancient Arts Veterinary Acupuncture Holistic veterinary health, dental and end-of-life care for all domestic species. Kristina Dallas, DVM ¥ Saratoga Springs (518) 727-2940 drkris@veterinar yancientar ts.com www.veterinar yancientar ts.com Angela Kaufman, Your 21st Century Relationship Psychic, blends the mystical and the modern in her work as an Intuitive Relationship & Empowerment Coach. She has a background as a Clinical Social Worker as well as certification as an Intuitive Consultant, and Psychic Medium. She is also an Ordained Minister, and Reiki practitioner. She is co-author of several books on metaphysical subjects such as Wicca What's the Real Deal, Sacred Objects Sacred Space, and the Esoteric Dream book. She created the Discover Your Inner Queen Mystical Path to Empowerment System to help women create lives of purpose, passion, power and abundance by connecting with the energy of their highest potential. She is host of Love, Intuitively on Beyond Borders Paranormal Radio and hosts several meditation circles in the Capital District area. Dedicated to empowering people and animals, Angela donates a portion of fees for her services to local animal welfare and rescue organizations.visit intuitiveangela.com.


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