Headway SELNWK Newsletter 5th Edition 13.07.20

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Newsletter July 13 2020, 5 In this issue: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Covid advice Headway plans New Groups Radio update Volunteer Profile Things to do Staff Profile Word Game Coffee or Tea Greg’s art attack Puzzle Pet’s corner Recipe

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Important contact info. Headway SELNWK contacts Community Organiser: 07817 951055 Main Office 020 30581013 Headway UK helpline@headway.org.uk 0808 800 2244 Health service emergency Dial 111 or email 111.nhs.uk Samaritans 116 123

Introduction… We hope you are enjoying the newsletter. We’ve had a couple of suggestions from members on additional items. • Greg’s art attack • Pets corner If you have ideas for the newsletter please contact us on newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk Remember the blue boxes include suggestions for you to get involved. If you do not want to receive it please email triciareilly@headwayselnwk.co.uk or tell your key worker Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Advice about Covid-19 from “Covid advice�

More details on the risks of different activities are given in the next 5 boxes.

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Update on Headway SELNWK Plans LAW Headway SELNWK has a responsibility to protect the health, safety and welfare of its Members, Volunteers, Staff and wider public. Ensuring they are protected from anything that may cause harm, effectively controlling any risks to injury or health that could arise.

RELAXED VIEWS FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND OUR VIEW. Whilst the government rules have been relaxed each organization needs to risk assess their own environment. Currently we have made a judgment that it is not safe to return to the centres or provide support in person. We take a cautious and carefully considered approach and we will not deviate from this. We are concerned that the Track and Trace system is not yet sufficiently effective. COMMUNITY WORKING We do not believe we can ensure individuals’ safety: • • • • •

Attempting social distancing on public transport Attempting social distancing in workers cars Attempting social distancing in members’ homes Attempting social distancing in the Community As the Track and Trace system is not yet sufficiently effective

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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COMMUNITY CENTRES We do not believe we can ensure individuals’ safety: • • • •

Attempting social distancing on public transport Attempting social distancing in the centres Whilst using shared resources in centres As the track and Trace system is not yet sufficiently effective

HOW OFTEN WILL WE REVIEW THE SITUATION? We will continually review the risks associated with community and centre support. We will inform you in advance of any changes made to the current remote support. New Groups We are very excited to share with you that we are now actively working on our first remote groups via Zoom for our members. We hope to offer access to these groups via computer and telephone so you will not need to be able to use a computer to join in the group. The first groups we are looking to get up and running are an art group and a Peer Support Group. We are still in the planning stage of both groups which are being created and run by our members for our members. If you would like to get involved with the creation of either of these groups please contact our Community Organiser on 07817 941055 or email her at triciareilly@headwayselnwk.co.uk

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Expect a call from Tricia our Community Organiser Over the coming weeks Tricia will be contacting our members, their Carers & families to discuss: • What support you have received from Headway SELNWK over the past 3 months • How you would like to be supported over the next 3-6 months • If you would like to get involved with the planning of any future groups • What you think about the newsletter and how we can improve it • What you think about the radio show and how we can improve it Radio Update The radio show is now running Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.00 – 3.00 p.m. We are currently planning new shows with our members as co-hosts. Shows include African music, Talk shows, Soft 80s punk and Reggae/Soul to name a few.

We are looking for more members to get involved in this amazing opportunity. Have you ever wanted to be a DJ? Now is your chance! Call Tricia now on 07817 941055 or email her at triciareilly@headwayselnwk.co.uk . Watch this space!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Volunteer’s profile – Hannah Hannah Hi. My name is Hannah and for the last 12 years I have been working as a secretary/administrator. This has been great as it has let me balance working with bringing up my son who recently turned 10. My son and I are spending lockdown with my parents and thanks to this lovely weather we have been making the most of the garden and enjoying walks with our dog Tilly. We have also had the joys of home schooling which has been very eventful! Two years ago, I qualified as a sports massage therapist. I’ve always had an interest in how important exercise is not just for the body but for the mind too. I have always wanted to work in an industry where I can help people especially around rehabilitation. Having had loved ones who have been affected by brain injuries and seen the impact it can have on them; I know how important the recovery process is not just for them but for their families. At the beginning of the year I decided to take the chance and pursue my passion. I started volunteering with Headway in February and have thoroughly enjoyed my time there so far and it has been lovely getting to know the clients and staff. I hope everyone is doing okay and hopefully see you all soon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Things to do during lockdown How about looking at this website to find lots of puzzles and games - BRAINGYMMER Start brain training with our online brain games and improve your memory, maths, concentration and thinking speed. It's fun and challenging. Play for free! https://www.braingymmer.com/en/brain-games/

Staff Profile – Debbie Debbie Elliston works at Headway sorting out the office and the finances. In this occasional series we ask her what she does and how things have changed since lockdown Debbie What do you do? I’m one of the finance and operations administrators for Headway. So, I’ll invoice local authorities for the services we provide, sort out bills, deal with contracts, sort out the various insurances and licenses. Really, I do a bit of everything to keep our organisation running. How’s your job changed in the last few months? My commute for a start! I live in Rochester so it could take more than two and half hours to do the round trip to Shrewsbury House. Now I only have to walk six steps to get to my desk. But my actual work has also changed a bit in response to lockdown and its effect on charities like Headway. I’m doing cash flow predictions to help gauge our finances going forward. I’m also helping out a bit by doing video calls to members. This is new and something I’m really enjoying.

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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I do occasionally go into Shrewsbury House to do bulk printing of invoices. But it’s a changed place at the moment. There’s nobody else there in the building. What’s it like working from home? Well I’ve mentioned my 30 second commute already! And I like the lack of interruption at home. I can really concentrate which is helpful when you’re dealing with figures. Before, when I worked in the office upstairs in Shrewsbury House, I’d often be taking messages for the team. But I miss the office. I miss the other staff and I miss the members. It can be quite isolating just seeing the same magnolia walls. I really wouldn’t want to work from home on a permanent basis. What’s the best thing about your job? I absolutely love my job. I think Headway is such a worthwhile cause and I think the members are inspirational. At the AGM I get quite chocked up with emotion when I hear about their achievements. What did you do before Headway? Something very different. I worked for 25 years in Bexley magistrates court where I was a legal advisor. I left in the end because my family circumstances meant I needed more flexible hours. I was a full-time mum for two years and then was offered a temporary job at Headway nearly six years ago. I’ve never looked back since.

Word Game Try and find as many words of 3 letters or more using the letters of the following word – each letter of the word can only be used once in each word. (e.g. words from PEOPLE could include peep, pope, lope). The word this issue is EXUBERANT Email your list to newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk by 24th July and we will publish who found the most words and who found the longest word. Once again Chandip is the winner from last week with 27 words, two of which (election and delicate) are 8 letters long! Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Coffee or Tea? Greg – back in the day! We’ll be asking someone every issue to answer the same questions, but the answers might surprise you! This time it’s Greg’s turn and he is a bit of a Star. Tea or Coffee? Definitely coffee not tea. I like a cup of coffee because it keeps me awake. Though for this reason I never drink it last thing at night! Cats or Dogs? Dogs without a doubt. I’ve got a cross beagle and staffie called Alfie. And also, a bulldog called Bella. Fish & Chips or Roast Dinner? Roast dinner because I like stuffing. I don’t have a roast too often but when I do it’s nearly always chicken. XBox or Xmen? Neither. My thing is musicals and I’ve watched the recent version of A star is Born with Lady Gaga again and again. Brilliant. Shopping or Sport? I used to do amateur boxing and I love watching the big fights in Vegas – whatever the time they get broadcast in the UK! Iphone or Android? iPhone. Always had them. My kids live in France and they also have iPhones.

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Early Bird or Night Owl? Neither one nor the other really though I do think that if I sleep in past 9am I’m wasting part of the day. Springsteen or Beyoncé? Love their songs and they’ve both got great voices, but I think Beyoncé just edges it for me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greg’s Art Attack I bought a wonderful picture of a horse’s head in Cuba and I’ve set myself the steep challenge of copying it. I’m inviting you to follow my progress in each future edition of the newsletter. Here’s how I started: The original picture

The first step I took was to trace an outline twice (there is heavy shadow over the bottom left corner):

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Next, I used black, white and cream and a medium to slow the drying time to block out the background. Then some more tracing:

And finally, for this issue – adding the ears:

“Rose Bryant did say many layers – now I (Greg) understand why!” Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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An Exercise in Misdirection – the answer

Can you find the the mistake? As you can see when the sentence is all on one line – there are 2 “the”s in the question. Puzzle - Ladder Can you get from Pink to Blue by changing one letter at each step down? Clues are given for each step. PINK Imperial liquid measure Breathe heavily Piece of something Sweet fortified wine Shape of mouth when annoyed Painful toe swelling Surfeit, excess Adhesive paste BLUE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEW! PET’S CORNER Every issue we’ll feature somebody’s pet(s). First up in brand new Pet’s Corner is Reice and his two dogs. I’ve got two dogs – Pandora a 14 year old collie/Labrador mix and Ruby who’s 11 and a Chihuahua. Since lockdown Pandy’s been getting a lot of walks! Ruby’s got problems now with her legs – a common trait for elderly chihuahuas – so can’t come with us.

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Amazing what a difference a walk makes – to both me and Pandy. We’ll start off having a small walk and then we’ll just start exploring. Before I know it, an hour’s gone by and we’ve both benefitted from the exercise. Best things about having dogs? They’re companionship without a doubt. Even when they’re being naughty, I still love them. It’s made this whole lockdown situation easier.

Want your pet to be in the next Pet’s Corner? Then just send us a photo of your pet – or –pets and a bit about them. Email newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recipe for Fishcakes from Chandip. Chandip has to self-isolate so has developed her own recipe for fish cakes on the next page

Chandip’s fish cakes Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Ingredients • 1 large egg (beaten) • 3 tablespoons of Parmesean cheese (grated); I used grated chedder cheese • 3 spring onions (chopped small, or half an onion finely diced) • 30g of breadcrumbs (you can buy some or make them yourself like I did. If you have no stale bread, like I didn’t, just leave out 30g of bread, on the kitchen counter, an hour or so before cooking dinner, and it should dry up. Then break the bread into pieces and process in the food processor, until you have crumbs). • 1 teaspoon of mixed herbs (I used dried mixed herbs) • the zest of half a lemon, and the juice • 1 tablespoon of low-fat mayonnaise • 1 teaspoon of garlic (2 cloves, crushed, but I used garlic granules) • pinch of salt • pinch of pepper • 290g of tuna (2 tins), in oil or water • tablespoons of olive oil (to fry in) Method 1) Mix all of the ingredients together, in a bowl, except for the oil and the tuna. 2) Mix the tuna in. Don’t overmix the tuna, as it will turn into mush, and you don’t want mush; you want to leave chunks of tuna in. 3) Once the tuna’s combined with the breadcrumbs, egg and everything else, take a handful or half a handful of the fish mix and pat into little patties. You can make little patties for the children, and big patties for the adults. 4) pour the 2 tablespoons of olive oil into the frying pan, wait for it to heat up, by hovering your hand over the pan, and then carefully drop the patties into the pan. 5) After about 30 seconds or 1 minute, depending on how high your cooker is, carefully turn over the patties, as they will have a tendency to crumble. 6) Cook them on both sides until they’re golden brown and eat with rice or noodles. Serve and enjoy

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Call for more recipes: We hope to include a recipe each week so please send your favourite recipe to newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk

Your ideas count Please tell us what you think of this newsletter – any suggestions for improvement? News you would like to share (especially if positive)? -email newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk

Our Social Media Please like and share our Facebook and Twitter Pages Facebook: @Headway South East London North West Kent

Facebook: @Headway Selnwk Radio

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Twitter: @SELNWKHeadway

Note: These are the only social media platforms we currently use. There are other versions e.g. HeadwaySELNWK which ARE NOT in use by us. Have a look at what we’ve posted this past month on our Facebook page • Volunteer recruitment video • Handy Covid 19 Risk Index • Update on our current position re 1:1 support • Craft sessions - a trip down memory lane • Celebrating National Carers Week • Claire and her dad’s story • Celebrating National Volunteers Week

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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