The Gingerbread Gazette I Issue 9

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The light at the end of the tunnel


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The Light at the End of the Tunnel


New Zealand Ginger Slice


Baking is Therapeutic!

WELCOME & HELLO! Well, hello there gingerbread fans and lovers! To those of you who have joined us for the first time, welcome to our bitesize magazine that covers delicious gingerbread content, recipes and the kindest words/feedback from our gorgeous customers. In this issue, we discuss the light at the end of the tunnel; the easing of restrictions and what that means for us and our stockists. For all of you star bakers out there, read more to try out our featured New Zealand Ginger Slice recipe. Fond of baking? We also discuss the beauty of baking and its therapeutic qualities! Happy reading folks and remember, for a chance to feature in our next issue, please send us your recipes, images and comments to


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The Light at the End of the Tunnel It’s here, spring has sprung and slight normality is here! We discuss what the easing of lockdown restrictions mean for us and businesses across the nation, including our stockists. Let’s face it, the last year or so has been undoubtedly challenging for us all; the lack of human interaction and the lack of ability to do the things that we love has left us finding alternative methods of enjoyment and entertainment. We turned to Zoom calls; we met others distances apart; we Googled search terms such as ‘fun things to do indoors’ - the list goes on. So, we think it’s fair to say that now retail, gyms, visitor attractions etc are opening up, we as a nation are thrilled to be experiencing what we now consider to be ‘freedom’ and ‘normality.’

and appreciate their presence and existence at a time where many have lost their loved ones. During the third lockdown, it seemed that all of whom we saw within that period were our households and our Hawkens Gingerbread family - don’t get us wrong, we love one another dearly, but to be given the free reign to see fresh faces is something that we have longed for for quite some time! But, we know more than anyone that whilst eateries open, offering their customers outdoor dining experiences, whether that be a cafe or a small coffee shop, our team will inevitably be busy baking away, ensuring

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are now full of joy, excitement and relief that restrictions have ease, enabling them to not only sell their goods and services once again, but to see people, to see their customers, to enjoy human interaction. As artisan bakers who supply for numerous outlets, such as garden centres, cafes, visitor attractions etc, we have noticed the impact closures have had on businesses across the country. Without opening their doors to the public, such businesses have suffered losses in sales, therefore struggled to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Although many resorted to online ecommerce platforms or relied on the steady footfall of customers desiring takeaway foods and drinks, it simply isn’t the same. Understandably, we all desire the ambience of our local coffee shops, the atmosphere at visitor attractions and the busyness of garden centre cafes. For us, the easing of restrictions is personal and plays a pivotal role in our daily lives; our team can now see their friends and families to enjoy

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that those hungry customers are satisfied with their morning/afternoon coffee with a Hawkens Gingerbread biscuit in hand. So, for us, the work and the busyness of the bakery does not stop - just how we like it! After all, we are here to serve the best of British gingerbread to gingerbread and biscuit lovers across the UK. But, what does this mean for businesses who have not operated as usual? We know that this means more to them than it does to us. We have fortunately utilised the last year or so to build our ecommerce presence, therefore have generated new customers, new gingerbread lovers and new fans. However, we know that some businesses haven’t had the opportunity to do this, or that their business does not offer the ability to shop online for their services/products (for example visitor attractions). So, we get it. We understand. The easing of lockdown restrictions is far greater than generating sales; the easing of lockdown restrictions is in fact resuming back to some form of normality, enabling business owners and staff to return back to their ‘comfort zones.’ It’s about being able to do what they love


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again, being able to see their customers and being able to offer their services to people who have missed them in the last several months, several months that seemed like a lifetime. For business owners and staff, the opening up of the economy provides greater opportunities and a chance to start trading for the benefit of both them and their customers. The light at the end of the tunnel is here and we are here for every single second of it. From visiting our loved ones to visiting a National Trust destination; from grabbing some al fresco lunch to sitting outside with our friends nattering about our daily doings; from supporting our local businesses to resuming back to getting fit and playing sports - we are here for the freedom and the enjoyment of being able to do ‘us’ again. So, if you’re sitting at home or at your workplace on your break reading this editorial, we urge you to support those businesses out there who have been awaiting your arrival and custom. We urge you to pay them a visit, grab a bite to eat and watch their beaming smiles on their faces glow.

Love the Gazettes, love the gingerbread more! Just sat down with a cup of tea and a biscuit and 20 minutes later, the whole box is empty… thank you for continuing to make these delicious biscuits! Gingerbread Fan

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New Zealand Ginger Slice



1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease a 22cm square baking pan and line the base and sides with baking paper. 2 cups (300g) plain flour 2. Sift flour, baking powder and ginger into 1 tsp baking powder a bowl and mix to combine. Place butter 2 tsp ground ginger and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attachment and beat until 190g unsalted butter, chopped, softened thick and pale. Fold in the flour mixture 1/2 cup (110g) caster sugar until well combined. Press mixture firmly into the prepared pan and prick all over with a fork. Bake for 25-30 minutes until For the Ginger Icing light golden. 75g unsalted butter, chopped 3. Meanwhile, for the ginger icing, place 1/3 cup golden syrup the butter, golden syrup, icing sugar and ginger in a medium saucepan over low 1 1/2 cups (240g) pure icing sugar, sifted heat. Cook, stirring, for 3 minutes or until 1 tbs ground ginger butter has melted. Pour ginger icing over the cooked base while both are still hot and set aside to cool completely. Once cool, set aside at room temperature for 1 hour or until set. If you have a ginger infused recipe, let us 4. Using a hot knife, cut slices into 16 squares know and we will feature it in our future to serve. (Serves 16)

Gingerbread Gazette issues. Simply email:


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Baking is Therapeutic! After a year of uncertainties and lacking the human interaction that we all long for, many of us have turned to baking to place us in a peaceful state of mind. We discuss how and why baking is therapeutic for us and others around the globe. It’s been a long, strange old twelve months ago hasn’t it? We’ve made plenty of sacrifices, lost our loved ones and experienced a loss of normality which have all impacted our mental health and wellbeing. As bakers by profession as well as hobby, we can tell you one thing, and that one thing is that, baking is in fact therapeutic. From the measuring ingredients to the delicious aromas, is there any wonder that people turn to baking to relieve both stress and anxiety? Baking has its particular elements, for example shopping for the right ingredients; measuring the correct amount of ingredients; following instructions and sometimes learning how to multitask for the rather complex recipes. All of these elements provide people with a focus, enabling them to truly immerse themselves into the art of baking, without having to endure the thoughts of stress, anxiety and frustration. The act of baking and all of the elements within are ideal in distracting people from their everyday

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thoughts, whilst allowing them to create a masterpiece for the tastebuds. Satisfaction and sensory pleasure are both associated with baking; we’d be foolish to say that baking doesn’t encourage satisfaction for the lips and taste buds. What’s more, there is also satisfaction in providing others satisfaction - there is simply nothing quite like seeing others enjoying your own baked goods and there’s really nothing quite like seeing people reach for more! Baking is therefore a win-win; not only does it satisfy you, but it also satisfies others; a cycle of happiness that we are here for! And finally, being creative never looked so good. Let’s face it, we’ve all got a creative streak on us, some more than others and baking is most certainly a great way to unleash your inner creativity. Psychologists have stated that there is a strong connection between creativity and overall well being, so… what are you waiting for?


Artisan Gingerbread

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