Hawkens Gingerbread Gazette | Spring 2022 Edition

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Rhubarb & Gingernut Cheesecake Recipe



CONTENTS 3 5 6 7 8 PG.

Springtime Reflections


meet the team: pauline!


Quiz with the Kids


Rhubarb & Gingernut Cheesecake Recipe


Feedback from our Fans

Welcome! We are well into 2022 and what a year it is panning out to be for us, you and the rest of the world. Spring is upon us and we’re all here contemplating the joys that the sunshine and longer days will bring, however, we cannot ignore what is happening around us. The pandemic period seems to be a day of the past whilst we all endure the challenges the rise in living costs brings to our households and meanwhile, there’s a war happening. 2022 was supposed to be THE year and whilst current dilemmas are not filling many with confidence, we’re trying our ultimate best to keep those spirits as high as they can be. It’s going to be a tough one, we think folks, but if it helps, we’re here for you to spread a sprinkle of happiness in the form of deliciousness. In this issue we take some time to reflect on what spring time means for us; let you get your hands dirty with a tantalising cheesecake recipe; allow the kids to test their knowledge on all things spring and we also introduce you to Pauline, one of our star bakers at Hawkens Gingerbread!


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Springtime Reflections Sunshines and sweet times, why we love this season so very much! Springtime - when the cold turns into warmth, bearable warmth; not too hot, not too cold, just right. As the sun rises earlier, we spot the light through the gap in the curtains we didn’t completely close before jumping into our beds the night before, we catch a glimpse of sunshine and instantly there exists a rush of positivity and hopefulness to keep us going throughout the day. We hear the conversations of the birds, tweet, tweet, tweeting away, though slightly irritating, we’ve longed to hear wildlife make a return, reminding us to fill the bird-feeders ready for the week ahead. The mornings of snuggling up in bed and wishing for ‘just five more minutes’ are gone as we step into the wonderful world of spring, where all things are bright and beautiful. Those days of grumbling expletives as the alarm rings are over as we enjoy the gorgeousness around us and appreciate the sheer great vibes spring brings. At Hawkens Gingerbread, spring welcomes excitement amongst the team; the ability to simply stroll into work without the worry of the cold, bleak weather is enough

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to keep the folks at Hawkens Gingerbread energised for a day of baking, packing and distributing ahead. Colours, all of the colours! The neon greens of the leaves combined with the lush pinks, reds and yellows are enough to brighten one’s day. Spring symbolises the feeling of contentment with our surroundings; the feeling of elation and the feeling of sheer optimism for the future ahead. Say goodbye to the dullness of winter and say hello to the splendour of spring; a true creator of warmth, both physically and emotionally. There is simply no




better vision of seeing spring florals and the sunshine glistening on the lakes as we embark on our morning or late night evening strolls. Guaranteed satisfaction, provided by the beautiful outdoors. From hiking adventures to the perfect family picnic, spring allows us to appreciate the world and its natural beauty around us in ways that winter perhaps wouldn’t. New beginnings! Whilst we’re on the topic of symbolism, we cannot discuss the joys of spring without digging deeper what spring really means for us at Hawkens Gingerbread. As the flowers bloom and the chicks hatch, growth and transformation emerges within us individually. As we literally ‘see the light’ we become energised for the weeks and months ahead; new beginnings, new outlooks and new opportunities. Nature during the season of spring shows us that transformation is possible, as is growth, and with the help of a new season, we ourselves are motivated to begin and manifest a new way of thinking and a new way of ‘doing.’

colleagues. One thing we do adore about spring-time food is how our gingerbread and gingernut lovers incorporate our treats into their pudding (we know that some of you like to call it the ‘main event.’). From Lemon Gingerbread Cheesecake to Gingernut Sundaes; Chocolate Orange Gingerbread Brownies to a loaf of traditional Gingerbread - spring unleashes our inner confidence to experiment with foods, creating the most remarkable concoctions and quite frankly, when history is made! For Hawkens Gingerbread, spring introduces a new lease of life with unmatched energies across the team. And here’s the thing, seeing as it is the season of new beginnings, we might even have a handful of brand new product lines coming your way shortly…

Can we delve into the delights of spring without exploring the deliciousness of food, glorious food? Lighter and longer days call for a kick up the backside for healthier eating habits and lifestyles, right? Many of us opt for wholesome foods during the season of spring, including leafy greens, grilled meats and seasonal fruits that provide us with ‘that’ kick. Picnics call for light-bite treats and alfresco dining calls for BBQs with the dream team; whether that be family, friends or even


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Meet the team:

Pauline! One of the most important members in the Hawkens Gingerbread team; Pauline, our wonderful baker who creates gingerbread and gingernuts leaving us all wanting more!

Pauline, tell us more about your role

manage the day-to-day during these times?

Well, simply put, I make sure the gingerbread and gingernuts are baked to perfection. From the intricacies of measuring the ingredients carefully, cutting the shapes, baking them, to ensuring the biscuits have the perfect rise and texture; that’s my role!

You’re right, it does get busy! Christmas is our busiest time of year. The key to managing my day-to-day as the baker is to prepare for the weeks ahead. It’s always great fun during the busy periods as there’s often helping hands around to ensure our online and wholesale orders are fulfilled.

If you could choose a favourite gingerbread we bake, which would it be? That’s a difficult question! I love them all, they really are delicious and that’s not me blowing my own trumpet! If I had to choose a favourite, it would be the Gingernuts. We launched them towards the end of 2020 and they’ve been a great hit, I understand why! They are perfect when dunked into a hot cup of tea. The ideal dunking biscuit. Hawkens Gingerbread tends to experience busy periods, particularly during seasonal periods such as Christmas, how do you

Finally, what do you enjoy the most about being part of the Hawkens Gingerbread team? Baking products that people genuinely enjoy devouring! There’s nothing like knowing that your hard work and dedication is worth it. We have a strong fan base and we are getting new customers every month; it’s great to be baking artisan gingerbread and gingernuts for those who love our products. We also have a great laugh at the bakery with Alastair and the team, he should be really proud of what he has achieved!

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Quiz with the Kids! Get those brains ticking for a chance to

WIN a Hawkens Gingerbread Bundle packed with tantalising treats for all to enjoy!

Questions: 1.

What baked goods are traditionally eaten during Good Friday?

2. What is the first day of Spring called?

The Easter Soltice The Easter Equinox The Spring Equinox

3. Which holiday doesn’t occur during Spring? Easter Mother’s Day Father’s Day Christmas Day

4. Is spring considered the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th season of the year?

5. Spring allergies are

intensified because of what? The Sun Pollen Soil

6. Which season follows 7.


What dried fruit is in a hot cross bun?

8. How many months does Spring last?

9. What animal is most

commonly associated with Easter?

10. Do the clocks go forward or

backward in time for Spring?

Submit your answers to alastiar@hawkensgingerbread.com we will be revealing the winner on our Facebook page May 16 th 2022!


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Rhubarb & Gingernut Cheesecake Recipe A quick and easy cheesecake recipe to win over your family, friends and guests during this season!



200g of Hawkens Gingernuts


(approximately X1 & ½ cartons) 100g unsalted butter 400g full fat soft cheese 50g icing sugar

2. Put the remaining ingredients into a food processor and whizz until smooth. Spread over the base, then smooth the top with a knife. Leave in the fridge overnight to set. Remove the cake from the tin and top with roasted rhubarb (recipe, below) or your choice of fruit.

Juice of ½ a lemon 1tsp ground sugar 100g Greek yoghurt 50g chopped crystallized ginger Roasted rhubarb, or another seasonal fruit

Whizz together the biscuits or crush in a sealed bag until you get fine crumbs. Gently melt the butter, then mix into the crumbs. Press evenly into a 20cm loose bottomed round cake tin. Chill in the fridge while you make the filling.

Roasted rhubarb method Trim 400g rhubarb into 2.5cm pieces. Place in a roasting dish. Sprinkle with zest and juice 1 orange and 3 tbsp caster sugar. Cook for 10-15 mins in a 220C/fan 200C/ gas 7 oven until just soft. Leave to cool.

If you have a recipe you’d like to feature in our future issues of the Gingerbread Gazette, please get in touch by simply sending an email to: alastair@hawkensgingerbread.com 01476 501 740





from You Wonderful Bunch! Everyone loved them. They are delicious. Ordered more gingerbread men last week just for ourselves! Christine

Everything in this gift bundle was amazing! Tastes better than any other gingerbread out there! MANDY

Bought as gifts. Beautiful presentation! Really delicious gingerbread and really pleased with the purchase. Martin

These went to our family in France, they loved them and cannot wait for more! Julie

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