HAIS Year Book 1920

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HAIS HIGHLIGHTS Science Lab Fundraising SPECIALIZED SUBJECTS Art Music PE Environmental Awareness EVENTS Mid Autumn Festival Dot Day International Food Fair Parade of Nations Halloween Vietnamese Teachers' Day Hour of Code Fundraising Holiday Bazaar Winter Concert Tet



The Hoi An International School is a caring, engaged and multicultural community that enables all individuals to develop as both learners and leaders in a dynamic and challenging environment. We value inquiry, perseverance, and reflection. At all times, we are committed to act with integrity and treat one another with respect, while learning together as responsible global citizens.


We aim to spark curiosity and inquiry while developing core values and 21st Century skills in all our students. Students learn to grow and develop as global citizens. We are committed to ethical and responsible learning in an engaging, community-centered school environment where our students are encouraged to follow their individual potential and become leaders in academics, the arts, environmental awareness, and sports.




Firstly, I would like to say thank you to our parents for your support during the year and I am thankful for your understanding and assistance during changes to our educational schedule. I would also like to thank our teachers and staff who adapted our teaching approach to ensure continued delivery of lessons. And of course, a big thank you to all our students that took it in their stride. I also saw from this experience that kids certainly adjust to change faster than anyone. Given the nature of international schools we sadly say ‘goodbye’ to some of our original students and teachers and in turn we are happily saying ‘welcome’ to others. I highly appreciate how all our staff went over and above what was required of them. Personally, I know that not all lessons are appreciated at the time, however with the passing of time we can all look back as a community and be grateful we went through it together. I know I will. I look forward to continuing this amazing journey, which is HAIS, its students, teachers, support staff, families, and community. I get the greatest of pleasure and reward knowing this journey will continue for many, many years to come.


FROM OUR PRINCIPALS Our second year of operation has been full, fun, exciting and has provided our community with challenging times. As a strong community we were able to weather together the trying times of the Coronavirus threat. Our students and teachers found creative ways to learn and share experiences even though were not actually together. Our Year Book theme is ‘Our Community’’ and many of our activities during the year were to support or share with others in our community. The very successful Bazaar was able to provide a new audience to many groups and businesses who focus on sustainability, social conscience and healthy eating. The best part was that all profits raised were donated to an extremely worthy cause, Children Education Foundation VN, who focus on the education of ethnic girls and women. The strong caring group of HAIS students support each other to learn, appreciate our environment and play. Congratulations on a year that has made us stronger and more determined to learn and grow strong together.



Welcome to our Second Yearbook. The 2019/2020 school year was a year that was filled with many ‘firsts’ and much of it will be remembered for the impact that COVID-19 had on our community. While the Coronavirus threw up many challenges for us to navigate, the commitment of the HAIS staff and parent community to the wellbeing and academic growth of our students never wavered. As a father, I personally witnessed children who were committed and focussed, with laughter and spirited conversation often resonating throughout the hallways of the house. For me, this was a sign of success in a moment of adversity; a success that was a testament to the hard work of a dedicated group of teachers and support staff, a committed and passionate parent community and most importantly our students. For Hoi An International School this year was a memorable one and I hope that you enjoy reminiscing now and in the future thanks to this Yearbook. I would like to thank Ms Amanda Deibert and the Yearbook Committee for all their efforts in putting this finished product together. They have done a fantastic job!


Parent involvement is an integral importance to the development of our students and the greater HAIS community because we understand how this helps extend teaching outside the classroom and creates a more positive experience for our students. By working closely together we are enhancing our children's learning and development and giving parents confidence in their children's education. The HAIS Working Bee allowed parents to experience a day in the life of their child and work alongside us in furthering the sustainability of the school.


It's that time of the year again! You wake up in a sweat, shaken from the dream where your alarm clock hasn’t gone off and you are late... "The First Day of School!" Whether you are a veteran or a rookie, we have all experienced mixed emotions about the first day of school. It is a milestone for both parents and children, whether it be the first time attending a school or simply entering a new grade. The 20th of August 2019 marked the first day of the HAIS 2019-2020 school year. When we all entered the green gates of HAIS, any emotions were quickly forgotten and replaced with feelings of excitement and delight, as we greeted the friendly faces of our friends and teachers. We collectively felt a sense of familiarity and belonging, a feeling of having returned home. The day went off like clockwork as the grounds were buzzing with the sounds of students laughter, parents banter and an overwhelming sense of joy. Today set the benchmark for what we can all look forward to in the year ahead.

INTERNATIONAL dot day Our students are encouraged to harness their creativity and express themselves in a variety of different ways, and they did so as the whole HAIS community came together in celebration of International Dot Day. Students and teachers were dotty kitted out in their spots as they united in a celebration of creativity. Everyone had a chance to make their mark, through their art, story-telling, or dancing. It was a celebration of a story to be admired. It was also a celebration of our students, as some received awards for making their mark at HAIS through their encouragement of others or persistence to be their best. The grande finale was our “Connect the Dot” activity, where the whole school was given various colour dots and tasked to find their partners and inspire them to join in on the Dot Day song led by two of our very talented students Oceane Ruggeri and Hannah Lambert.

! k r a m r u o y Make

MID AUTUMN FESTIVAL The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional harvest festival of the Vietnamese culture. It is a celebration of great significance to our host nation, where-in Vietnamese families come together to celebrate their union and prosperity for the year.Â

terns n a l ng maki

Our Vietnamese staff graciously extended these festivities by inviting students and staff to join cultural workshops over 3 days. There was a great sense of dynamism as students showcased their newfound talents to their parents and friends at this year's Mid Autumn Festival. The excitement continued as the whole HAIS community was captivated by a performance by our lion dancing team, followed by a beautiful star lantern processional where the whole community traversed across the HAIS campus in a show of solidarity and comradery to celebrate our host nation and it’s culture.

making fr uit anima ls

Watching the performances

on i l g n si i t ac r P

ce n da

VIETNAMESE TEACHER'S DAY On the 20th of November 2020 we celebrated Vietnamese Teachers Day. We celebrated the achievements of all our teachers and gave thanks to the fantastic work that they do every single day. In the words of the great Albert Einstein, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.�

HOUR OF CODE We live in a world surrounded by technology. And we know that whatever career path our children may choose, their ability to succeed may increasingly depend on their understanding of technology and its functionality. That is why on Monday afternoon, December 9th, all HAIS students from grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 joined in the largest learning event in human history: the Hour of Code. Along with millions of kids from around the World, they participated in a computer programming activity built around the Star Wars theme. It was fantastic to see our students thinking outside the box and collaborating on finding solutions to certain problems. The activity culminated with each participant creating and designing characters, and then having the opportunity to play a mini-game, where they controlled the actions of their characters on screen. Students received a HAIS Hour of Code certificate for their participation. We encourage students to continue coding at home in their free time. Visit Code.org for a multitude of free activities, where they can learn to speak the language of computers, technology, and the internet!

international Food Fair

Our International Week was greeted by many fun and engaging activities including workshops hosted by teachers, students, and parents of different nationalities. Students went on cultural explorations across many different countries such as China, Denmark, Australia, Vietnam, Ireland, America, Canada, Germany, Belgium, New Zealand, Taiwan, and India. Some of the highlights of these workshops were the bubble tea making, aboriginal boomerang dot painting, Indian dance and culture, German ribbon dance, Korean kites, New Zealand stick song and the Land of Lego. Thursday, 24th of October, took our palates on a burst of flavour as students enjoyed food from around the world and had their passports stamped from the countries where they tried the food. This year we had an outstanding 14 different countries represented. We are thankful to all of the parents who have supported at the Food Fair. Special thanks to Ms. Thao and Ms. Nadine for all the planning and preparation that occurred to make this such a special event for all.

Parade of Nations The finale of our International Week was our magnificent Parade of Nations and concert, which featured a phenomenal 24 different countries within the HAIS family. There was a true sense of community and belonging as students paraded with pride as they represented their home countries. This was followed by a production of the nations, as students took to the stage and showcased the interculturalism of HAIS.

Vietnamese song "Việt Nam Quê Hương tôi"

Kiwi/Maori stick

Irish Dancing


n e e w o l l

Halloween was a spectacular celebration. There were fairies, witches, ninjas, ballerinas and even a dinosaur roaming the grounds. The campus looked fantastic covered in ghosts and ghouls of all varieties. The week started with students learning about and creating Halloween crafts, where they were able to practice their fine motor skills by cutting, pasting and decorating pumpkins. Students got even more creative when they made skeletons to decorate their classrooms. The festivities ended with sweet treats for our little ones as they went Trick or Treating around the school.

Holiday BAZAAR

FUNDRAISING We are delighted to have raised almost 50,000,000 VND for Children's Education Fund and were happy to present the proceeds to the foundation at HAIS assembly.

Jade also raised an additional 70,000,000 VND and presented her donation to La San Tan Hung Charity School. Jade’s project was a fantastic way to demonstrate the positive action that can come from project-based learning. Jade took responsibility for something she believed in and made a positive impact on at least five lives that will last a lifetime.

Our Primary student’s giving and caring nature led them to raise money from their TET activities to help the bushfire animal survivors in Australia. This seems to embody the essence of an international school where we are learning and valuing the country we live in, while still demonstrating care for others in the world.

WINTER WONDERLAND Concert On the 12th of December HAIS was transformed into a Winter Wonderland, showcasing students performing with great joy and enthusiasm and a serving of homemade festive treats to end the night. It was the perfect evening for our HAIS community to come together and enjoy one last social event before the Christmas break. We were very proud of all our children and were pleased with the support shown by our HAIS community to make this a night we will never forget.

Making sticky rice

Decorating Tet tree

Making Tet cake

We had a really exciting time leading up to Tet. Our students were actively involved in the preparations for TET as well as engaged in activities that highlighted the importance of this holiday to the Vietnamese people. Students had been learning about the traditions and customs of this holiday and  used the time to create materials signifying its importance. They focused on music, artefacts (Bao LiXi, spring blossoms), food and understanding the symbolism of Tet.

"Best wishes for the New Year" song

Our Assembly was a lovely demonstration of teaching and learning. Students performed songs and dances, poems, a play about the legend of the Kitchen God, as well as hearing about student charity projects. The Kitchen God riding the golden carp to Heaven was a wonderful surprise!

Playing traditional games



Sports Morning is aimed at providing the whole school with fun, challenging and skill building activities. At times, students are mixed between year levels to help build relationships. Some highlights of the year included “The Amazing Race”, “International Games'' and the very successful “Jades Fun Run”. Teachers were able to share some of their passions by running basketball, soccer and dance sessions. Our Vietnamese staff enjoy displaying their culture and heritage during “Vietnamese Games” both traditional and new, which creates an environment full of laughter and learning. The new swimming pool has provided us with the opportunity to try out waterbased activities during the end of the year.



SCIENCE LAB HAIS students get a first-hand learning experience by performing various experiments and taking part in hands-on experiences, significantly advancing learning at all levels of science education. Our school lab is a great place for students which helps them enhance their learning by understanding the theoretical concepts of science which are taught in classrooms. Our well-designed laboratory not only makes science experiments fun but also helps students in achieving good academic results.


Environmental Awareness



T R A Amanda Deibert ART TEACHER

Art is a place for children to learn to trust their ideas, themselves, and to explore what is possible.


C I S MU In our music classes, students are equipped with the foundational abilities to learn an instrument and perform in a Band and also achieve in other core academic subjects. Through our instrumental, Band Program and theory classes students learn and enhance fine motor skills, improve listening skills, Music theory and rhythms.


The secondary students are working on original compositions and expressing their creativity.



Jeffrey Elliotte Sports Morning Lead & PE teacher

Another exciting and successful year on the sports fields for all our students. Our focus was on skill acquisition, teamwork, body coordination and we continued to develop these in a variety of settings, including the gym, garden, swimming pool, sports field and playground. We had a good mix of activities for both individual and team sports to help develop a well rounded balanced student. During the period of online learning we aimed to involve all family members in our lessons, and with the older students develop self directed and individual physical skills. It was exciting to be using the pool for lessons during Term 3 and we look forward to utilising this further in the future. Mr. Jeff

Một năm thú vị và thành công trên lĩnh vực thể thao cho tất cả các học sinh HAIS. Trọng tâm của chúng tôi là thu thập kỹ năng, làm việc nhóm, phối hợp chuyển động và tiếp tục phát triển các kỹ năng trong nhiều môi trường khác nhau, bao gồm phòng tập thể dục, sân vườn, bể bơi, sân thể thao và sân chơi. Chúng tôi đã kết hợp tốt các hoạt động cho cả thể thao cá nhân và đồng đội. Trong thời gian học trực tuyến, chúng tôi cũng kết nối các thành viên trong gia đình vào các bài học của mình và cùng với các học sinh lớn hơn phát triển các kỹ năng thể chất tự định hướng phát triển cá nhân. Mr. Jeff

Online Learning With confirmed cases in and around Hoi An, the Covid-19 pandemic this year struck very close to home. Here at HAIS, we were well prepared and immediately began delivering online learning as a whole day program. Our teachers provided online lessons, resources, and activities throughout the day and our campus team organised the delivery of materials and fun surprises for the students. As a whole, our school community handled the online learning well with resilience and adaptability.



Ở lớp khám phá song ngữ, chúng mình được học về tình bạn, sự sẻ chia, giúp đỡ. Chúng mình được khám phá về 5 giác quan, cùng với các hoạt động tinh giúp cho đôi tay được linh hoạt, các hoạt động thô giúp cho đôi chân khỏe mạnh, dẻo dai. Số đếm vui nhộn, hình dạng ngộ nghĩnh, màu sắc hấp dẫn cũng được cô giới thiệu rất lý thú. Ngoài ra mỗi ngày đến lớp được giúp cô tưới cây, lau kính, tham gia các hoạt động thực hành cuộc sống giúp chúng mình cảm thấy hạnh phúc vì đã làm được một việc có ý nghĩa. Một tuần ít nhất 3 lần được cô dẫn ra vườn thăm gà, lấy trứng, tưới cây và còn được ngâm chân thư giãn ở hồ cá nữa. Chúng mình thật sự rất thích đến trường vì mỗi ngày đến trường là một ngày vui.

Ryder Nguyễn Max Burns

Nguyễn Thị Duyên TEACHER

Vũ An Nhiên "Mận"


Our Favourites thích đánh trống -Ron thích vẽ -Mận thích xe và khủng long -Wesley thích hát -Zoe

Zoe Le Sambolec

Nguyễn Kiên Trung "Ron"

Nhat Tieu Yang "Wesley"

thích xe -Ryder


Holly Pugliese TEACHER

Hạnh Nguyễn


We discovered the world through creativity, exploration, repetition, movement, role-play, language and relationships. We used our interests, classroom resources and the natural environment to inspire our play and learning. We especially loved; visiting the chickens as often as possible, singing songs, running races, and seeing who could build the tallest tower of bricks!

Chaeyeong Kim

Zach David Murphy

Trần Kiến Huy "Harry"

Lê An Nam "Bo"

Otis Isabelle Joris Vandepitte-Verreyken



& K P JK


Phạm Thị Hường TEACHER


Joseph Darby TEACHER

"Mỗi ngày đến trường là một ngày vui". Thực sự là vậy, chúng mình rất thích đạp xe trên sân trường, thích cả những trang sách trên thư viện, hay những giờ học bổ ích tại lớp. Chúng mình còn thích ra vườn trường tưới cây, chơi trò chơi và còn được chăm sóc các bạn gà hay nhặt lá trong vườn để làm thành những điều thú vị. Chúng mình cùng học, cùng chơi và lớn lên cùng nhau tại mái trường này. Thật vui khi được học ở HAIS! I love to draw at HAIS. - Coca

I like to sing at HAIS. - Jessica

Con thích chơi các trò chơi với nước trong khu vườn, đặc biệt con rất thích sưu tầm những con ốc. - Đức An Con rất thích chơi câu cá. -Ken Con thích nấu những món ăn ngon ở trường. -Huy There's lots of cool lego. -Bi

Con thích đạp xe đạp ở trường. - Suri

Đinh Huỳnh Minh Khôi "Apple"

Bùi Việt Huy

Leo Hjortsø

Thân Đức An

Jessica Lambert

Nguyễn Đắc Anh Quân "Ken"

Trần Nguyễn Quỳnh Thi "Suri"

Đặng Nguyên Khang "Coca"

Trần Minh Đức "Bi"


Hannah White TEACHER


Why do we love coming to school? "I'm ex cited to come t becaus o scho e I play ol a nd coo playing k . I lo ve with Sh making ahil an d colour rice". Lasso

Zoe Adams

Yael Adelaar Levy

"Lasso" Joel Lassina Bakwan

love ool! I really "I love sch nd ing pool a the swimm h S ahil e koala". Cuddles th

Camille Sol Lopez

Shahil Mahoney Nunes

Silas Lam Richards

Nora Bert Kaat Vandepitte Verreyken

Ben Lennox Wyndham

to school and "I love coming read. I can read learning how to w". - Camille lots of words no

"Lego! I love play ing with Lego and telling prince ss stories. I like to go to swimmin g lessons, write and play". - Noelle ssons imming le "I love sw ing and I love kick because e hugs . And I lov g in m im sw -Ben Hannah". from Ms

Jack Jan Tom Vandepitte Verreyken

Noelle Yunna Yeoh

We have learned about letters, We have learned about sounds. We learned about the solar system, And planets go round and round. We learned about family, We learned about places, We learned about emotions, That showed on our faces. We learned about pirates, We learned about maps, We learned about stories, Sitting on our teacher's lap. We learned about nature, We learned about flowers, We learned about compost, and that we have green power. We learned about writing, We learned about line, We learned how to hold a pencil, And that our writing was just fine. We learned about friends, We learned about sharing, But what we learned most, Is how to be caring.



Joseph Darby TEACHER

We have taught agency and independence through a number of fun games. " Điều con tự hào đó là đến trường có nhiều bạn, cùng chơi-cùng học rất nhiều thứ và con cũng rất thích được vẽ, tô màu trong giờ học nghệ thuật với cô Amanda." Jake

We have learned about the environment and what it takes to be a global citizen. We have inspired creativity and encouraged our friends. We have laughed and played, but most importantly we have learned what it means to be a HAIS student.

" Con tự hào vì được học bơi tại trường, con thích đi học hơn là ở nhà". -Jack

" Con có anh Logan và chị Jade cũng học ở đây, mỗi ngày con đều được gặp anh chị."- Paige

Jake William Barbush

Jack Kiên Lambert

Paige Philomena Macdouall

Hồ Lê Ngân Khánh "Kitty"

Dylan Le Sambolec

" Con thích nhất là được học âm nhạc với các bạn, con tự hào khi có Paige là bạn thân nhất"- Kitty "Con tự hào vì trường mình có các cô ở bếp nấu những thức ăn ngon."-Dylan

Nguyễn Tăng Di


e d ra



Ainsley Cameron TEACHER


"Grade one loves playing, being scientists, mathematicians, building, making, grading stories, being artists and we love our teachers!" - Grade 1 Students

Nguyễn Vân Nhi "May"

Ian Denis Dawid

Aymeric Sixian Jacopin

Phan Maica Van Goor

Võ Min Văn "Vincent"

"Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play, children learn how to learn". O. FRED DONALDSON CONTEMPORARY MARTIAL ARTS MASTER



Trịnh Diệu Linh TEACHER


Bùi Việt Nhân "Leo"

Aleya Persephone Nguyến Burns

Đặng Phong An "Kem"

Nguyễn Bảo Trân "Ruby"

Ruby Fennel

Hồ Nguyệt Viên

Trần Minh Đức

Lê Minh

Điều thích nhất/ Things I like the most Được ăn ngon/Yumy food! Lê Minh Thư viện/ Librabry Viên


Trần Mỹ Lệ

Tất cả mọi thứ! Everything Kem

Môn nghệ thuật I like Art Minh Đức

Làm vườn, đi bơi, ăn đồ ăn ngon Sân chơi/ Gardening, swimming, food Play ground Taka Ruby B.T.

Môn nghệ thuật/Art Ruby F.

Tất cả các môn! All subjects Aleya

Học môn Âm nhạc/music Leo

e d ra



Stephanie Miller TEACHER


We learned about each other. We enjoyed our buddy reading time. We celebrated holidays.

Ayala Adelaar Levy

Ashvikk Dutta

Atharvv Dutta

Neve Elliote

Arlie Neal

Arthur Hjortsø

Harlow Loxley

Lê Nguyên Khôi "Gạo"

Lucy Wyndham

We worked together to build a tree house. We made a skeleton and volcano. Playing outside is our favourite!

Emilie Luna Lopez




Aoife Mullaney TEACHER

s. I'm so dible bunch of student re inc an th wi ar ye l fu fires It's been a wonder with you all. From camp ey rn jou ing rn lea is th ges grateful to have been on y was one full of challen da ch ea s, er rn -tu ge pa and best of luck. to quiz shows, potions ery one of you the very ev d an ch ea ing sh Wi . and laughter . Aoife. Best Wishes, always, Ms

Josh Ellliote

ChaeA Kim

Orlando Loxley

Logan Macdouall

Nuyễn Thị Hương

Zara Ward

"Ms. Aoife and Mr. Matt surprised our classes with a campfire to roast marshmallows. We sat around the fire sharing funny stories and eating our gooey marshmallows. We laughed so much." - ChaeA

"I really enjoyed Halloween at school. It was so cool seeing everyone's scary costumes and the spooky decorations around campus. The Halloween games were so much fun! It was such a good day." - Josh "I really enjoy when Ms. Aoife calls in grade 5 and 6 and we go in teams to do a big quiz with our two classes. When we do the quiz everybody has to put their minds to the test." - Logan




Cô Thảo thảnh thơi TEACHER


L. Lam mảnh mai

Nguyễn Văn Minh Toàn M. Toàn vui vẻ

Ve vẻ vè ve Cái vè 3,4 Là lớp Song ngữ 3 nữ 3 nam Mời bạn bước vào Lớp học chúng tôi Mỗi người một tính Nhưng rất vui tính Thích ơi là thích…...

Hà Phương chăm chỉ

K. Toàn nhanh nhẹn

Chúng tớ rất thích giờ bơi và luôn hào hứng đợi chờ trong tuần. Việc biết bơi thật quan trọng các bạn ạ. Lớp tớ ai cũng biết bơi đấy mà bơi còn giỏi nữa cơ!...

X. Nam mạnh mẽ

e d ra


Exercising the imagination, experimenting with talents, being creative; these things, to me, are truly the windows to your soul. Bob Ross


Matt Pugliese TEACHER

Aahann Dutta

Hannah Tran Lambert

Jade Elizabeth Macdouall

Nhân Diễm Hằng

Nguyễn Hoàng Minh "Alex"

"My favorite memory from grade five is when we were learning about solutions, solutes, and solvents. At the end of the lesson we finally got to drink the delicious astronaut drink TANG! It was delicious, tangy and the flavor explodes in my mouth!" - Alex "My favorite experience from this year was when I was raising money to help send 5 kids to school. I loved doing it because I was able to watch my whole school participate together in an activity. When I went to Saigon and saw the school where they learn, I felt so glad to be able to donate $3000 so they could continue to get an education.” - Jade

“My favorite thing we did this year was feeding the chickens, because it is nice to be kind to animals and make them happy with food. I liked doing the Christmas rap like Run DMC at the Christmas show. I rocked it like a rockstar.” - Aahann “The most memorable experience we had this year was the campfire we had before Christmas. We got to spend time with the year 3s and 4s. We ate marshmallows and shared stories together.” - Hannah


r a ye

It has been a great year for our Cambridge Year 8 class at HAIS. They joined a band, wrote mythical stories, improved their Vietnamese language, participated in a mock United Nations, and tie-dyed some t-shirts, socks and jeans to wear around school. They kept an admirably positive attitude during the Covid-19 months, studied hard for their exams, and celebrated the end of the year by watching Napoleon Dynamite with their friends. I was proud to be their homeroom teacher this year. Have a great summer!


"This year I mastered the all mighty skill of drawing hands consistently!"

"It was a crazy year with all of the Covid-19, but I had fun. The food was great, too!"

Ocean Ruggeri

Tabitha King

r a ye ar a great ye We've had d with ise character sion. nd discus a r u o m u h pleasure to It's been a ear with you y spend this adapt well to u o y e y and se , and prett n e e s . unfore s umstance crazy, circ all the luck ou Wishing y 0! 1 r a e for Y ah n n a H -Ms.

Cao Bảo Trang

I wrote a story in English. I found out I'm pretty good at it, and I enjoy it. -Sam

I enjoyed decoratin g hats. It le straw t my creative s enses shine. -Alex

Alex Madeja


Sam Lambert

as roject w We p e it r . ou My fav a short comic in e g n e in t c s a cre ea t . a e r c e r was fun it d had to n a into a Men Mice of ct forced me ed to je d The pro e where I nee it felt r g o n challe kgrounds in c a add b empty. -Bi Bi

Bi Bi Neal


Nguyen Thi Thu Hang Library Coordinator

Nguyễn Thị Bích Lan Library Assistant

ls a m i an t i u fr g n i mak

Our Library is both appealing and attractive to our students. Twice a month, our librarian redecorates the “Book Corner” with new books as they relate to the theme of the week. When students visit, they will be able to see these books right away and are encouraged to check them out. Both our teachers and students are very fond of their library periods as the atmosphere is so appealing.


"We are responsible for keeping our campus safe, secure, upgraded, and all-around beautiful!" Ms. Thuỳ - “My job is bringing the garden to the rest of the school; through, flowers, potted plants, even chicken eggs. I feel that this makes every school day a fun day for our children.” Mr. Thưởng - “My job is keeping HAIS green, so that we can enjoy our children running barefoot on the grass." Mr. Duy - “Nothing is impossible to build when you need me." Mr. Huy - "I am also a new member of the HAIS family and maintaining an excellent swimming pool is my mission. It's not only a job but also a place for me to learn new things from my all friendly colleagues." Mr. Sỹ and Mr. Thà - “We are here 24/7 here to keep HAIS safe for everyone". Ms. Cư - “I try my best to make every corner in HAIS clean and safe for our students” Ms. Sáu - “I am so proud to say that keeping all the classrooms safe and clean is my job at HAIS" Ms. Tính - “I am the newest member of the HAIS family but I am so pleased to be here. Working with so many children around me makes me feel so young.”

Ms. Thuỷ - “School nursing is a new venture for me after many years working with adults and I recognize that for those cuties! It is my pleasure to care for your children everyday at school.”


Our office is a dynamic team that shares the responsibility of supporting and organising many aspects of school life. We enjoy the important roles we play in student affairs and programs, supporting teachers and staff, welcoming new families, planning fun events, and sharing our wonderful school with the community!

Amanda - “Every day I go home with my cheeks sore from smiling.” Leo - “HAIS is not only just cool but a loving place where you feel like you build something good for life!” Luyen - “I love to go to school every day and seeing the students who are my passion!” Trang - “My HAIS colleagues are the greatest teachers.”

Susie - “ My mission here is to bring HAIS' inspiring stories out to the world.” Anna - “I am proud to be a part of HAIS and help nurture its growth with my input.” Long - “I’m very honored to be a small part of the HAIS community.” Cong - “ Every day at school is a fun day!”

Kichen Team Our kitchen team loves to see our students and staff enjoy tasty, well-rounded meals. We strive to offer the most delicious and healthy snacks, a large variety of freshly squeezed juices, and pair them with a range of international dishes which reflect our diverse school population. “I love spending my morning walking across the campus and seeing our happy children’s faces. That encourages me to create more, healthy and tasty dishes for them" Ms. Vân, the Chef

Left to right; Ms Thuỷ, ms Oanh, Ms Vân, Ms Hạnh

"We love our food and our cooks"

Vân - “Seeing our happy children’s faces encourages me to create more, healthy and tasty dishes for them.

Hạnh - “I am so glad to work with so many children around and feel so blessed to be a part of HAIS.”

Oanh - “Hearing "Cô Oanh ơi có snack chưa" or "Ms Oanh, have you done our snack yet?" makes me so delighted to start my working day.

Hoa - “I am a new chef here and I enjoy doing my best to cook the best food for children every day.”


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