DS1B Y1 S2

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CONTENTS FILM SET DESIGN Angels of our Better selves



Clients notes


Storyboard Images

9, 12


10 - 11

1st model


Preliminary drawings

14 - 15


16 - 17


18 - 19

Scale drawings

20 - 21

Final model

22 - 23


24 - 25

HOUSE DESIGN Directors house


30 - 31


32 - 33

Site Analysis

34 - 43


44 - 51


52 - 55

Itteration 1

56 - 60

Itteration 2

60 - 70


71 - 81






Tutors : Inji Kenawy Carl Meddings Stylianos Zavos

Team :

Connor Harris Maddie Richardson Rhys Metters Parsa Yaghouti

In this project the team has been appointed as the architects / set designers with a task to prepare a site / house / set for an oncoming film. Pleminary notes and letters have been sent from the Director ready for work to commence. The team has been guided to read the documents carefuly, due to how veige and complex the cameras movements through the structure is. The client has also asked to create a set of images to aid the design process that will double up as a storyboard. The director has also asked for 2 indevidual collages / montages / drawn images of the scenes described. The brief goes into detail on key room contents aswell as room connections. Starting from the back lower portion of the house giving almost full creative interpritation of how the camera moves throughout the spaces moving from floor to floor overlaping in areas in some sitations. The Brief clearly outines certian objectives needed in the brief. These are, indevidual two large collages / montages / drawings, images of the scene descibed by the director, Visaual and writen documentation whitch demonstrates the thought process at work in the models produced in the group, Reflective writing on how well the team has worked together in the group and a Final detailed model of the house and an additional mood images, This incorperates any intermediate models and any material that will convey the teams thought process.


The Client sent 5 pages of information sectioned into, Introduction, Characters, Opening scene (situation 1), Opening scene (Context), Situation 2 (Final). Combined the letters gives a a detailed look into the characters life and choices allowing the team to create a profile for each character. Introduction The Introduction creates a condensed idea of the full film mostly set in “South East Asia” commenting a british house will be preasent in the start and end of the film. Higlighting the inportance of including the familys culture / context into the design of the structure, As far as commenting the house is also character in the film. Characters The client outlines 5 characters, Emma (19), Xiana (19), Kia (20), Big j (23), Djin (20). From the letter Xiana, Big J and Djin are friends of kia and Emma, because of this their profile will not be used in the design of the familys house. Kia, the central character, doese not dominate the scenes but will be the building block for the culture and context of the house design. Hes a muscisian specialising in gitar and “djembe drummer, Singer”. Described as “rather notable, tatty and cool”. Emma is infered as a authority to kia, Becuse of this emma is infered as a sister. Described as “confident not sassy” aswell as does not like Big J. Opening Scene The opening scene first focuses on the exterior of the house including the back garden commenting that the house is locted on a large plot of land “Other simalarly large houses in big gardens”. Moving from the outside the camera enters from the the lowest floor (snug room level to the back gaurden) into the loby space (above snug) before rising up 3 levels into the office room. Opening scene (Context) Starting in the office space the camera lowers into the floor below Describing a hallway with 1 bedroom, outside door and a 2 high galery space. becuse of the 2 high space, confusion between the team was created on whitch floor the spaces floor is on. exiting the the gallery the camera can see a balcony aswell as a view into the livingroom. Situation 2 (Final) the final sitation moves from the large front door to a bedroom a the landing with a note saying “go away kia” on the door moving back down the stairs the camera moves to the kitchen panning arround the entrance moving througn the orangery to the livingroom, the living room has an l saped plan with looks to the garden.


C O N CE P T S After Higlighting and simplifying the text the team created a scheule of acomidation that outlines the floors, described furniture aswell as features aswell as other inportant information discussed from the team. Originaly writen by Maddie Richardson. Kai’s parents’ house - English house Represets Family, Ownership, Belonging, Warmth, Love, Friendship, Wealth Light, Space, Material - Big windows, traditional english concervitory - Organic Flurries: -- Stone - Slate - Wood

Thoughts on ho

- Plants everyewhere - Large stone chimney (mantelpiece full of memeories: representing love, family and belonging) -Share preocupation with green issues (obveous in the overall character and design of the the house) -Intimate and alive Outside House Elements


-Modern House, some stone walls, some large double hight windows -Living room balcony -Three storys high -Lower story being very heavy stone -Elseware a comination of luvers, timber slats, windows and stonework, looks solid and technical, sense that it is carefully designed -Pitched roof with no frills but wit some large, glazed areas coordinating with the rythm of the wall below -Whole inpression is solidity and appropriateness Outside Gaurden Elements -Little overgrown and looking very autumnal -Compost heap at the end of the garden -rose bed and a leafy lawn round a a massive oak tree that picks up a path that leads up to a decked BBQ area out side the snug room -BBQ stuff stilll out, covered in leaves -Far end of the building past a few windows and doors t intermediate rooms there is a potting area with lots of overgown reminants of garden ingactivity: spadefork, wheelbarrow all covered in leaves and overgrown. -lots of pot, couple of broken gnomes, a frisbee, a sad looking football and a rusty swing ball game leaning against the wall by a pond.




ouse views to the gurden aswel as how the ground level will change from the front to the back of the property





This diagram gives an insight of how the house will look 3 floors from the back while being able to house all the clients needs by incorperating their offace into the attic space.

Team Storyboard & Architect Collage After Finishing the idividual storyboard the team decided to create 9 pece storyboard outlining key elements of the house from situation 1. This also alows the team the conbine their first thoughts of the project aswel as vusualise how other mebers are thinking about the project. The collage below created by connor Harris merges the 3 architects work into one building the architects being Alvar and Aino Aalto, Arne Jacobsen and Peter Zumthon.

After the group Storyboard the group had a liking to my house form from the individual storyboard aswell as the the form created in the group storyboard. With this the group storyboard image has been skeched aswell as modeled by Rhys Metters this allowed the team to look at the form and compare it to certain criteria needed in the schedule of accomidation.


these sketches allowed me to briefly show preliminary design ideas to the team and getting feedback on these ideas. some of these iseas were, multiple entrances, open plan and closed areas. aditional rooms not listed on the schedue of accomidation and different roof types and purposes. All Sketches on this page has been created by Connor Harris

this alowed quick floor plans to be created aswell as develop many ways to incorperate the schedule of accomidation. One of the sketches shows two houses intercoliding allowing the model to be spacous, modern and also brittish due to the well known gable roof. the sketches leaded to debates on proportions of the house due to a rough mock up of a combination of rhys’ phisical model and my indevidual storyboard was mocked up in autocad. the discussion arroose when a bedroom similar in a similar layout to the rooms above was isuffcently proptioned for a weathy house. being 2 x 2m the majority of the team voted for a redesign.


At the end of the l the group meeting the group decided to look for inparation fom other large houses with inavative ideas and technologys that could be icluded in the new designs. This allows for different views on the for new insperation for the desgn aswell as give diffrent materials that could be used in the finshed model.s Most houses use a curtain wall in some area in the house or some type of large window to allow as much light in as possible they also use mostly 2 or 3 different materials on the exterior usualy used as a gradiant from top down or to display different depths of the building.

The team created another schedule of accomodation that clearly defines the rooms on eatch floor aswell as connected rooms, this allowed the development of sketes to be faster due to clearly defined connected rooms. Two top images writen by Maddie Richardson Lower image writen by Connor Harris


These sketches allowed the team to to pick and chose between two different layouts. both create a mostly open plan space whitch satisfys alll of the requirements on the schedule of accomidation aswell as thoughts on the structure for the model. the sketches were created in a rough proportion to a scale room.


After the team looked at both the sketches the sketch above was chosen. Origonaly sketched by Maddie Richardson the team went out to create a 1st floor aswell as to scale plan of the house. this included looking back to the colages to inplent diffrent features of the ground floor.


The first floor, quicky drafted by Connor Harris aswell as influanced by Parsa Yaghouti this floor was not able to be drafed to scale in the meeting. but had enogh deail to show a conceptual design ready to be scaled the next meeting.


Scale plan drafted by maddie richardson & Rhys metters (Top Image) Photoshoped by Connor Harris (bottom Image)

Scale plan drafted by maddie richardson (Top Image) Photoshoped by Connor Harris (bottom Image)


Taking 3 days to complete Rhyse Metters and Maddie Richardson created a phisical model. being able to be opend into sections and floors the models that allowd the team to find different inprovements tzz hat could help buildabuility and rigitity of the model. Due to the circomstances of the location and time the model was created issues arrised. Because of this throught the building process memebrs of the team could not give feedback while the model was being created. Because of this many inprovements arrose from the model after being finished, this includes inconplete snug room (no entrance from the garden), spiral staircase shoud be removed, window placement should be inproved. Walls are very thin, construction elements are unlear with roof element not touching correctly. this gave the team a clear way to inprove the model aswell as create a new outlook into other ways to look at the model.


Reflecting on the past few weeks overall the team slowly split due to conflicts of intrests in the last week of the project due to location and conflicting friend groups. The team started with a schedule of accomiation aswell as written floor plans, ready for next week due to members being off or ill. Week 2 explored diffrent forms and compatability. After a discussion on room sizes, sketched floor plans and Architect, house reaserch the team agreed to focus on the phisical model at the end of the meeting. Week 3, The week before the presentation, two floor plans was created and voted on by the team after analysing the plan, by the time ground (entrance) scale plan and 1st floor draft was created half the team had left. The next day the team verbaly agreed on a date that wasn’t met due to conflicting intrests, rearaging to a members flat on the friday before the presentation. Over the three days 2 members of the team was ostricised due to not being able to enter the flat while asking each day. After a couple days the two team members in the flat confrunted the other members about their work but still persisted to not come in. Learning from this experiance a list of work should be created aswell as a meeting place and time as early as possible, meeting each week to completion. while also having a place to centralise work and written documentation of what happened each week.This will allow the team to have a better time frame and goals for the project

Images above shows 4 times the two teamates tried to meet up when the other member declined or ignored the request. the very left images shows members of the team consulting work that wasnt that wasnt communcated at the time.

Plan of what we would do diffrently Writen by Connor Harris


Scale blocks of rooms Created by Parsa Yaghouti and Connor Harris

Renders of the house Created by Parsa Yaghouti





3TT | 53.470726, -2.290396

D e s i g n Bri e f


SALFORD QUAYS | M50 3TT | 53.470726, -2.290396 Following the creation of a film set design for “Angels of our Better Selves.” Astounded by the set design, the film set director has approached the Architect to design their family house. It’s worth noting that the Sets’ characters are mostly identified by family members. Giving a thorough understanding of the family’s needs and expectations for the residence. The property connects the commercial and residential sectors of the Salford quays and is located in a trapezoid compact plot at an entrance to Media City. The property also offers various characteristics that may be included into the final design due to its location on a public riverfront, views of old Trafford aswell as surrounded by new highrise development. The family members include the Father (Engineer at ARUP), Mother (Director), 2 Daughters, One in secondry school (11 - 16) the other being the oldest (18+) , 1 son wins with the younger doughter (11 - 16). Living with 3 labradoors with one expecialy noted as having walking issues. The design should include space for a workshop / gardening area, Garage / storage space, Music room (with a large picture window), Large kitchen (Close to large table area), Meeting room, Study Space, Tripple hight space, Bedroom Gallery, smooth transation from the exteror to interior, Entrance canopy, Snug space and Fireplace, Natural material walls with arranged glazing attached to a private quiet gaurdenspace. The client also hinted to incorperate suntrap spaces into the first floor aswell as keep the workspace and living space as sepperated as possibe.

A - A | Perspective Section fom other

rside of river | NOT TO SCALE





with over 337, 846 resedential homes in Manchester and Salford combined. The Inportance in the sites geography and oppertunitys can Only be reconised. A small percentage of houses can hold the tital of riverside, durasticaly decreasing when views of well known tourist atractions is introduced like old trafford, over the river from the site.

Buildings Greenery Paths Schools Water

N Site suroundings including schools / old trafford


B-B Manchester Dock 9 (top left) at the beginning of the 20th century. Dock 8 is to the right, and the ship canal is in the foreground.


Salford quays Built in 1894 Salford Quays was build from a poduct of decining relations to liverpool. With rising prices to ship any goods from liverpools docks that alow manchester to become an industrial powerhouse, the weathy created a project to bring the shipping ability to manchester, skipping liverpools prices entirely. In the 1970s a recession forced the hands of the doeck owners to let off many staff, being one of the worst affected industrys, shutting down soon after for good. Built out of High quality materials like grannite, allowing the docks to last the tests of time, a regeneration was called by the councils due to the sites geography, being inbetween saford and manchester. Introducig private companies to the area, the regenreation was a success heavily funded allowing the area to become and develop their own community asell as focus on health and wellbeing arround the site. Authough the regeneration commenced in the 1980s work is still commencing to theis day investing in inportant facors today like wellbeing, heath aswell as commmunity and profit driven.

Site Analysis


Car Circilation

Pedestrian Circilation

Sun Path

Wind Path







Large traffic

low traffic

Site Analysis

N Approach / Local Road Circulatiom



Due to being located on repurposed docks only two main acces points are available on to the specific dock. Also being located on the perimiter, the site includes a small side road giving a main entrance to the site. North of the site a single road is used as an entrance / exit to a residential area highlighted in blue.

N Pedestrian / Cycle Circulation

Pedestrian walkways

Located on the perimiter of dock the site is surrounded by pedestrian / Cycle paths due to being bayside, this may pose as a problem with privacy and noise on certain months.

Both diagrams will be vital in the design process due the emphasis on privacy in the clients brief

Local Sound Polution




Marked with either a green, orange or red outline the map shows estimates on noise hotspots throuought the map. Marking green as mostly foot traffic, Orrange being normal car / resedential noise while red covers comercial noise (boats, carparks ect). The local sound polution is ,osty form the west and east effecting design choices. Local Sectors



Located next to Media Ciry the site consists of two main sectors Commercial (Purple) and resedential (Yellow). The site is located in the devide between both sectors with the resential properties in the north and commercial in the east, south and west.

Topography Seen underneath the site, the sites two contours is maekred both at 24m meaning the site is relatively flat. this is expected due to being an outgoing regenaration project.

Surrounding Context Due to being located on the doorstep of meadia city, many notable structures are local to the site this includes:

24m 24m

The local buldings chosen shows the modern built enviroment encompasing rhe site. The use of high rise commercial and resedential properties.


Site Analysis


70 ,8




30, 200 mm



1 1, 800 mm

4 64,


00 m

Site Views / Dimentions With dimentions of 70, 800 mm (70.8 m) on the largest side followed by a 64. 400 mm (64.4 m) on a straight axis. Joined with a flat area the site has alot of room for interpretation and itterations.

Exterior Vi







With in mind, from the brief a the clients intrests in their pets (dogs) has been highted. becuse of this a higher pwercntange of the site may be allocated as an outdoor space.

Due to the open nature of the site, the clients request of privacy is significant in design chouses shown in exterior views looking into the site. the interior views gives a better understanding of desired views of the site. With this information interior view 1 has been highted as the best view to be incorperated into future design choices

2 4 4




Interior Views











Schedule of Accomodation

Due to already having a working relationship with the client on House Set Design. The client has outlined aspects of the house that may be interpreted and inplemented with saying “Close to the one you created” into the new work. Because of this a barebone schedule of accomidation of the Set design house includes a Snug room, Lobby Room (3 high), Utilty space, Balcony, Bedroom (x3), Kitchen, Living room, W.C (x 2 at least), Entrance Canopy With this ajusted for the clients need for the specific house design aswell as implementing specific needs and wants, found from the clients letter and lecures this includes: - Snug room 28m2 - Lobby Room (3 high) (Centre of the house) 48m2 - Utilty space 8m2 - Balcony 10m2 - Bedroom (X5) (1 for client, 3 for clients chidren, 1 spare) - Kitchen (35M2) - Living room ( - W.C (x4 at least) - Entrance Canopy - Workshop Space 20m2 - Gardening space / garden - Garage (4 cars at least) 133 m2 - Seperate music room (Big Picture window) 22 m2 - Study / meeting room 16m2 The enphasis on nature throught the space aswell as balance of opennness and enclosure has been a main talking point throught the clients letters. natural materials, glazing adding a “connection etween the lower levels and suntrap spaces would make the place like a private and surrine retreat.


Garden Living Room Bedroom

Meeting Room

Balcony Utility Room W.C.

Kitchen Lobby Room


Entrance Canopy

Music Room


The diagram above represents the fundamental and luxury features / rooms in a visual sense of inportance and size area taken to facilitate these spaces.

Te x t u r e a n d C o l o u r P a l l e t e

After reading the clients brief nature and the carbon footprint of the structure. This is a significant facor on the base materials and overall design of the house. Refering back to Studio houses brief the client notes veigue key materials mostly comprise of natural stones, slates and woods. These 3 main types of materials have many variations in texture colour and structure. Focusing on the visual aspect of the design a colloer theme chart of the local area will all these materials to look like the structure belongs in the location in texture and colour. The image below shows the location of eatch texture

Te x t u r e

Due to being in a built up area the textures arround the site mostly contain a the texures is a blue and gray cladding inplementing a smoother texute into th Site implements may trees giving a natural texure to

Texture locations

cirtain colour brick or bloxk. Two of he local building environment. The o the site.

Colour Pallete Due to being in a built up area the Colour pallete arround the site mostly contains a darker colours with small inplementations of lighter colours usualy on commercial structures. This allows the green spaces to contrast with the built environment arround.

Precedents Nha Hoc Mon, Vietnam

Located in the HO Chi Minh, on a 1000m2 area of land, the house is bult to accomidate a 3 generation family, expecialy designed for less lonley living by increasing connections with everyone in the household. This is accomplished by incorperating nature into the center of the living space.

The middle space allows for common activites to incoperate all mebers of the house due to its centeral location the building. Giving eas acces to the Kitchen, bedroooms, living rooms and other communal areas. the location also invites the family to the center of the space aswell as create a very a private but open feeling to the house itself.

("Hoc Mon House / TAA DESIGN", 2022)

The diagram above shows the frst floor plans of the Hoc Mon House with arrowsl leading to the cental space showing that all areas of the multi generational house is easly accesable to the centeral space. This layout influances the cilents to be les lonely in normal eceryday tasks due to each house specialising in a different secton of everyday living. The design allows this to happen without sacrficing privacy betweenhouse holds / generations.

The houses location is similar to the project doue to being in a built up area authough no water basesed allements are preasent in this precedent.

Precedents Casa Las Olas, Dominican Republic

Located in the Dominion Republic, on a preveously undeveloped area of land. The Casa Las Olas is built as a 20,000 sq ft has been designed and inspired with the natural landscape in mind. incorperating both backdrops aswell as the cients intrests of inviting large groups into the home. With the thought of creativeness and welllness in mind.

Preserving the natiral landscape, only trurrain smal sections needed for transforming the jungle into habitable space. the design incorperates the indoor rooms to form a ring encircling the central courtyard. The central courtyard then spills dramatically onto the beach at the property’s front while also The ring also molds around the site’s most natural elements,

("Casa Las Olas / Young Projects", 2022)

The diagram above shows the casa las olas house with a higlighted roof. the uneque design uses a wave like roof giving the house a modern like style. Combined wih a courtyard increasing privacy this house is an outstanding presedent for the project.

The house is located next to water elements similar to the project authough is on a larger rural plot.

Precedents Farnsworth house, Chicago

Located in Plano, ilinois USA on a 10 acre area of land, the house is bult to accomidate a succesfull doctor based close to the plarcel of land. Built to take full advantage of nature and its surroundings using a inavative concept of the time by incorperating a strong relationship between nature and the house

The house uses an open concept design limiting the ammount of walls in the house to a central space. Because of this all rooms except the bathrooms. The exterior wall is mostly glass alowing the viewer to habe a 360 degree of viewing space.

("AD Classics: The Farnsworth House / Mies van der Rohe", 2022)

The diagram above shows two defining elemsnts of the farnsworth house. the hight and plains, the hight of the structue from the natural landscape may of led mies the architect to say “When one looks at Nature through the glass walls of the Farnsworth House, it takes on a deeper significance than when one stands outside” allowing for a better and obsrever like view. the suttle change in planes are also significant in the desing and can be used in the house project to incorperate the clients declining health dog into the project due to the clients intrests.

Authough on a rural plot the farnsworth house incorperates the nearby river in the design. Similarly to the projects site and asperations.


Located in TEPOZTLÁN, MEXICO the MA house is located on a small parcel of land sandwiched by two close neighbours and encommpased on the other two sides with two large mountains. Using mostly stone due to abundance and cost in the specific area insted of aesthetic reasons.

the house is sectioned into three pavilions unified by a unique roof. due to the continuous roof design the space between used as two sheltered patios. The house usues a rough material that builds up the space aswell as draws the power of nature into the space with a use of a bigger picture . The house is a sequence of open and ever-changing relations with nature.

("MA House / Cadaval & Solà-Morales", 2022)

The diagram above shows the architects vison for privacy. In red, represents the neigbouring views that have been intentionaly neglected to increase privacy, while the blue represents the views the architect has interpeatd as the main focal points of the building. due to reducing two out of the flour views the two chosen allows the client to focus on the nature at hand. the house also uses the roof design to connect the building this may be used in the design due to a seperate music room.

The MA house efficently solves the close neigbour problem and privacy in a styalistic manor. some of these problems are present in the project.

Preliminar y Concept The blue and red accents aroound the site represent views and sound arround the site.

The exterior space may be used as a public are for ecample a meeting room allowing for easy access.

When reaserching for precedents privacy of the site becave very apparent that a passive system for privacy will need to b e inplemrnted. To counteract this a internal wall design will wrap arround the interior spaces locacted in the gray circle below.

The Interior of the line may be used for private spaces introducing another passive efficent noise and visual barier form the outsinde

The straight line thorugh the site gives an wasy approach to the privacy and sound problem on hand but is not efficent on the site

The is l natural integra

Noise Views

the images, layed out in a line shows desired preiliminary outcomes of the first floor. Used as only garage, public and storage space due to the implications in privacy this floor introduces.

The sketch in the centre of the screen shows a rough scale of the wall ajusted for the trrehights and person for scale the the view is taken from B - A


By implementing the wall sectioning the house form outside built environment. the wall may be used as the centrepirece of the site made out of natural materials a the building th feel more natural with a unlinical mo look. using a material thats looks similar to local environment surrounding the site.

line opens up a larger ammount of the l garden to be untoudhed leading to a better ation of the site and its brief

m the e main awwilg odern l

This line is the succesor of the line before exploring how effecient can the line be with space while still looking visiualy ballanced with rooms delegated. This Design has been chosen.

2nd Floor

The second floor will mostly contain bedrooms and W.C

1st floor

The 1st floor will contain a kitchen, livingroom, music room, Snug room, Gardening space / facilities, Dog room. W.C.

The ground floor will contain a garage, meeting room, Ground floor gym, Mechanical room, entrance, Lobby space, W.C. The intention of the connection of and roof is for the wall to intercept through the roof. this gives the mostly natural looking roof a post modern look anwell as makes the building focucus on the commercial sector akacent to the site. the wall may closely maatch the background building making the house fell more connected in its location.

Due to having dogs aswell as wanting nature in the space the design will try to maximise the amount of outdoor space while keeping a high level of privacy.

Forms on Site

Placing proportionate ideas of forms for the house on the site allows for new insperation on the houses final design aswell as gives a look into the relatonship between the site and te local environment. This also allows a quick analysis of how the site can be efficiently used with relation to the circilation of the site aswell as footprint.

These forms allow certain aspects of the footprint to be explored freely/. This helps give insperation for itterations later on in the design project.

Itteration 1

The First itterations apperiance will focus on being mostly modern by incoprerating a boxy look with small coridoors for nature to grow into and arround the home. Most of the private spces are located on the second floor clearing space on the ground floor to increase the area of the outdoor space. a small wall follows the user form the furthest point of the site to the house increasing the feeling of privacy in the gorund level garden.







The rough ground floor plan seen above outlines the planned rooms aswell as the rooms telationships. A WC, lobby and metting room is at the main entrance of the house, exterior to the latge partition wall sectioning the worspace from the house. Inside wall the garage is located close to the loby allowing for easy access if needed. Connected to the garage by a small hallway containing a few steps into the main area of the house located at the end of the hallway is the snug room facing the back of the riverside property.

Iteration 1 Ground Floor

First Floor

Meeting room Lobby Garage W.C


Mechanical room

Snug room Bed 2 Bed 1 W.C



The ground floor is orentated into a mostly workspace area due to the amount of rooms and area needed. By secioning the tow space the buildings footprint can be more efficient with greenspace.

0 500 mm

Music Room

0 500 mm


The C - A section gives an insignt to the river facing areas.

The left quarter of the house is reserd for the workshop (Ground floor) and music room (First floor) giving the workshop plenty of space while alowing the music room to have an outstanding view.

Bed 3


Second Floor


Meeting room Common space

Kitchen Living room

Bed 6


Living room


Dining room

The Second floor has ther accesable rooms. these are a W.C, bedroom and common space. The rooms are made with geusts in mind giving a small floor th themseves if needed. the tripple high Lobby and Meeting room can be seen aswell as the secioning wall.

The First floor is fully private family space, Incorperating cantilevers to accomitate axtra bedrooms aswell as uses generous balconys to help with privacy from close on lookers. 0 500 mm

The centre of the plot consists of a bridge like strucure houseing the bedrooms in a line grouping the rooms to the centre of the 1st floor using repitition of te same dimentions between each room creating an equal fllening of room sizes

The rignt side of the house includes mostly family related rooms. the sizes of the rooms creates a hiararchy between each space enphasising the the use of the ground floor as the main family area of the house.

Itteration 1

The model above is a form of itteration 1. With the modelmaking process many inprovments have been hightghted and will be assesed in itteration 2. The modeks insimetry inplys a visible section between the commercial / public spaces from the more private sectors. this is reinnforced with the vuilding room layout needing the person to change elevations to walk into the private space. The very visable baconys located on the back of the house on the first floor limits the views into the property allowing for a light open but private space. This may be mirored in the materials chosen to represent the exterior of the forms. By creating a heavy base the house may inply a more industry like space juxtaposed when elevations into a lighter area. This will create a clear barier between the two main charcteristics of the working house.

Itteration 1 Development

Second Floor With the second floor containing only a bedroom, commmon room and W.C with the top of both lobby and meeting space the floor may allow for a rooftop garden space with this. Shown on the model only a small area of space is available for a windows. In itteration 2 the 3rd floor will be redesigned to resolve this problem of natural light on this floor. views

First Floor

The First floor contains the private space with scenic views. Housing the bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room aswell as many W.C rooms. The layout of outward facing bedrooms will be modified to include a highel level of privacy , the buildings pedestrian circliltion will aim to be similar due to the open plan but cozey like kitchen / dining room area. The music rooms location may change allowing for moere of the structure to have a better view of the water but will strive to keep a similar viewing angle. views

Second Floor

bedroom space

outdoor area


Containining mosty working and storage areas the ground floor gives the foundations of the working house by incorerating the clients hobbies and profetion while fitting a snug room to the space. Seen from the ltwo dots the family is most likely enter the house by the garage due to being the main car parking area. this means for the familty the main area will be the hallway connecting the ground floor to the first floor. Because of this this the room is the epicentre of the house and may be able to contain a sort of live wall. The workshop may move due to being in a space with great views of the water facing Old Trafford FC. views

outdoor area

Itteration 2

Itteration 2 builds upon itteration 1 like a distinct change in materials for different usecases incorperated into the house. Destinct characteristics like the bridge, to reduce the buildings footprint, Curved roof, Main wall and hiararchy of rooms will be incorperated into itteration 2. The design will focus on the trasiton from the loby room and meeting room into the rest to the house. Due to the higher amount of traffic compared to the majority of the house. In Conjuction with bringing more nature into the home reducing the ammount of for exterior views needed to satisfy the clients wants. The map below shows the best scenic views aswell as site entrance views deemed to be the most efficent / inportant in toerms of linking the house to the local context.

The red circle iso the most dominant view from the site representing the view of old trafford across the river almost true south of the site. Coulered in blue and green is the sites aces roads, both being smaller due to having views of other resedential and commercial properties . Main view East View West View Water

Itteration 2

Itteration 2 Focuses on modifying the layout of ittteration 1, By sectioning the main wall into 3 sections parallel from the sun path allows most of the light to still freely travel through out the site. The walls also give asections for different areas of the house.

The first floor rough plan of Itteration 2 incudes a better balance of commercial and private spaces, allowing for the house to feel homely from the entrance.



1. From iteeration 2s wall concept, two site entrances had been formed. With a integrated garage on the east and main entrance in the north.

2. After marking entrances an out line of the full siteis created. For now a large haedge surrounds the site allwoing for a more pivate space Vegitation




3. From the main entrance the lobby space has been created with tow hallways allowing the cient to circilate through the private space. The hallway gves a view of the gaurden similar to Film Set. Entrances


4. Off the entrance the meeting room is preasent allowing for both private and public spaces to be easly acccesible while being a visualy sperate space. Entrances






5. Located next to the meeting room the garrage creates a hard boarder between the two diffrent types of spaces with the large capacity. for cars (4+) Entrances




6. Below the garage a long snug room covers the south side. being double hight with views into the garden blocked with a live wall allowing natural lignt to enter without the privacy being broken.





Snug / Views




7. West of the garage and snug the open plan kitchen and dining room is located. this gives the dogs a lot of room and and avvves to the outdoor section of the property. Entrances


Snug / Views




8. On the most west side of the first floor the workshop area is seperate form other 1st floor rooms encompassed by greenspace. Entrances


Snug / Views





Itteration 2



Using Only one main stairway to enter the private space the 1st floor will contain bedrooms, living room, music room, study with connections to the ground floor through double hight rooms. 1. At the top of the stairs the user should be able to efficently get to comunal spaces on this floor.

2. After ariving to the first floor from the main staircase the room opens up into the living room. this will hive a viev of the river though a pivate design to increse privacy. Living room



Music room

3. On the right side the music room should be located due to need of a great view that can be achived from thea5 specific area. Living room

Music room


4. Opposite to the music room a smalll study will be located. Insulated with noise insualtion the two rooms are paired with a balcony to be used as a getaway area from the rest of the household. Living room



Music room


5. The east of the 1st floor is reserved for bedrooms giving more than enough space for the needed rooms. Becsue of this geust rooms may be incorperated aswell as double hight spaces and features can be implemented. Living room

Music room




6. The W.C situation has not been given an ammont becuse of this a viisual graph of a rough place and quantity ina a space is preasent with how large the circle is. W/C areas

7. To allow for the best views, a ficade over the windows will be incorperated. with a simailar design to the roof with a ocean like look. This will allow the structure to look modern, aswell as inorperates privacy into the home.

Itteration 2



1 : 250

Ground Floor


D-A 1 : 250 D - B D-B


Ground Floor

itteration 2s ground floor comprises of a secluded garden, secluded workshop, dog space, W.C (2), Utility room, snug room, indoor outdoor area aswell as a 3 hight lobby room.


First Floor

Itteration 2s first floor is designed with privact in mind while still allowing for the stuning views south of the site to be fully interpreted into the design. This is achived by offseting windows behind another element. The floor includes the living room, W.C (3), music room and bedrooms (6).


1 : 250

First Floor


1 : 250


Section D - B

Section D - B presents two tripple high spaces , these spaces are the looby and metting room .The spaces modern glass design gives a clear buisness aestethic. Splitting the two rooms is the large section wall present through out the house.



Section D - A

Section D - A shows the southern sector of the house. The kitchen, Indoor outdoor area, living room, hallway and snug can be seen. this is due to most of the social/ family spaces brought to the back of the house due to the sunpath and views.

Itteration 2


1 : 250

Roof Plan


1 : 250



1 : 250



Roof Plan

itteration 2s roof plan shows 4 destinct sections, Workshop / music room, Kitchen / living room, Lobby and meeting room aswell as bedrorms snug room and garagespace.



Authough the house incorperates elements increasingly afiliated with commercial structures the front and back elevations implements characteristics like a gabled like roof, square design aswell as 2 commeon in resential houses.



viewd from the north east of the site the house impises a simplistic box shape with hiden windows maximising privacy in the private secors of the house. this is balaced woth the meeting room on the exterior of the secoining wall using mostly glass in its cornstruction wit the exeption of the first floor.

Itteration 2


Final Model


Outdoor Garden areas

The images above presents the houses footprint on the site. Showing the relationship of the outdoors and inddors due to the high amount od vegitation and out dor area on the ste compared with the local contexr. The views also allows the common charateristics of a brish home to be identified.

Pedestrian Views

The images above presents the pedestrian views arrount the exterior of the site. due to a comination of vegitation, garden walls and window placement an open but private space has been created. This allows the sites uneque views and clients brief to be fully forfilled.

D o u b l e / Tr i p p l e H i g h t S p a c e s

The clients want for a tripple hight space resenated with the sites unblocked sunpath allowing for trriple and double hight spaces to be used to channel natural light throughout the house. These rooms also help with privacy by inplementing alother layer form the exerior of the house. this technewue of offseting windows has been used through out the 1st floor.

Communal Areas

The communal areas (comrising of 1 commercial, 3 private spaces) are mostly double hight or more, adding depth aswell as allowing smaller spaces to feel open.

Specialised Rooms

The three specialised rooms includes a garage, workshop and music room. Two of the three is located phisicaly of the main portion of the house (music rooom and workshop) this allows both of these rooms to feel detached and secluded form the rest of the house giving a safe haven for two of the clients.

Referances Hoc Mon House / TAA DESIGN. ArchDaily. (2022). Retrieved 6 May 2022, from https://www.archdaily.com/947081/hoc-mon-house-taa-design. Casa Las Olas / Young Projects. ArchDaily. (2022). Retrieved 6 May 2022, from https://www.archdaily.com/978698/casa-las-olas-young-projects. AD Classics: The Farnsworth House / Mies van der Rohe. ArchDaily. (2022). Retrieved 6 May 2022, from https://www.archdaily.com/59719/ad-classics-the-farnsworthhouse-mies-van-der-rohe. MA House / Cadaval & Solà-Morales. ArchDaily. (2022). Retrieved 6 May 2022, from https://www.archdaily.com/804980/ma-house-cadaval-and-sola-morales.

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