DRM Connor Harris Y1 S2

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Iconic House selection



Chosen Iconic House Iconic House Collage





Iconic House Floor plans



Iconic House Sections



Iconic House Elevations



Iconuc House Model




In this portfoilio includes reasearch into some of the greates poeces of architecture built in la last 130 years aswell as conceptulaisation of a chosen house out of 21 chosen through a collage, plans, drawings and elevations. While finishing with a 3D model.


Kaufmann House, Richard Neutra

Kaufmann House, Richard Neutra

Located in Palm Springs, California Built between 1946-1947, the Kaufmann House has been created to accommodate Edgar J. Kaufmann Sr. and his family as a holiday home. The design of the house noted as being quite simplistic; with the center of the house being a living room and dining room that acts as the heart of the house and activitys. The rest of the house branches out into a specific function. With important aspects of the house oriented east/ west and supporting features are oriented north/south.

The house’s swimming pool is one of the most iconic and recognizable aspects of the Kaufmann House; however, it is not solely a photographic gem or simply a recreational feature. The swimming pool creates a compositional balance of the overall design of the house. The house alone is unbalanced and heavy as the wings are not equally proportioned, but with the addition and placement of the swimming pool there is a cohesive balance and harmony throughout the design.

P R E C E D E N T S ICONIC HOUSE Eames House, Charles and Ray Eames House, Charles and Ray

Situated on a three-acre parcel of land overlooking a 150-foot cliff into the pacific ocean. The site mostly flat with steep land to the west creating a restraining wall. The response to this condition was a concrete retaining wall that ties together the two boxes separated by a courtyard that make up the parti of the residence. The houses design is focused on new meterials open to the architects at the time.

“The Eames House is a beautiful continuation of space. The rooms are liberating, flowing into one another even between floors through the double-height spaces. Private and public spaces are not strictly divided. For example, the bedroom on the upper level overlooks the public living room with a short terrace that connects the rooms. There are no major divisions other than the separation of the two boxes, which still merge into one another with the courtyard. The house is an unrolling scroll of a Mondrian painting that exemplifies the use prefabricated materials to create beautiful endless space.”

P R E C E D E N T S ICONIC HOUSE Tu g e n d h a t h o u s e ,

Mies van der Rohe

Tu g e n d h a t h o u s e , Mies van der Rohe

The Villa Tugendhat was commissioned by the wealthy newlyweds Grete & Fritz Tugendhat, a Jewish couple with family money from textile manufacturing companies in Brno. Mies chose to incorperate new functionalist concept of iron framework, removing the need for load-bearing interior walls that allows for more open and light spaces. The villa was composed of three levels, all conjoin to the slope of the site.

At the time of construction steel frame construction was unusual for homes at that time authough their was was any benefits, known to Mies. The Southeast and garden facades was completely installed with glazing from floor to ceiling. The house included two children’s bedrooms and nanny’s quarters with a shared bathroom located at the front of the house, while the master bed and bath were at the rear and connected to the terrace. A housekeeper’s flat and staff quarters were also included in the design.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Gaspar House, Alberto Campo Baeza

Gaspar House, Alberto Campo Baeza

The house is defined by four enclosure walls, subdivided into three equal parts. Only the central portion is roofed. The square is then divided transversely by two walls into three parts. The roof of the central space is taller, At the points where the low walls intersect with the taller ones, four openings made and simply glazed.

“The white color of all the parameters contributes to the clarity and continuity of the architecture. The double symmetry of the composition is emphasized by the symmetric placement of four lemon trees, which produce contemplative reflections”. The houses natural Light is horizontal and continuous throught, mirrored by the courtyard walls.

ICONIC HOUSE MA House, Cadaval & Solà-Morales

MA House, Cadaval & Solà-Morales

The MA house is located in the outskirts of Tepoztlán, a small village 60 Km from Mexico City. The house responds to the search for a bright, wide and comfortable space built through a material hard and uncomfortable t. With the presence of two major mountains on both sides of the plot, and two neighbors in the opposite direction.

The house is designed as three pavilions unified by a unique roof, generating two covered patios. resting on top of the structural stone walls that are the main asset of the house.

ICONIC P R E C E D HOUSE E N T S Sheats Goldstein Residence, John L autner

Sheats Goldstein Residence, John L autner

Located in named as a “exceptional example of domestic architecture” the Sheats Goldstein Residence is a house designed and built between 1961 and 1963 by American architect John Lautner in Beverly Crest, Los Angeles, California. The building was conceived from the inside out and built into the sandstone ledge of the hillside; a cave-like dwelling that opens to embrace nature and view.

the house is an example of American Organic Architecture that derives its form as an extension of the natural environment and of the individual to whom it was built. From the start project was approached from an idea and a unique structure was derived that solved the challenges of the site.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Schröder House, Gerrit Rietveld

Schröder House, Gerrit Rietveld

The Schröder house is known for impressing “architects and interior designers with its innovative solutions to prominent design questions of its time”. Due to the flexibility of the interior spaces and planar quality gives a distinguishable and unique look on every level.

The spaces flexibility meant no hierarchical was present in floor plans. The collapsable walls was designed to provide an option of area needed for each space. The radical approach to design, use of space, and the purity of its concepts and ideas has given the house an iconic status.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Robie House, Frank L l o yd Wr i g ht

Robie House, Frank Lloyd Wr i g ht

Located in USA the Robie House uses a clever arrangement of public and private spaces, slowly distancing itself from the street in a series of horizontal planes. Allowing the interior to expanded towards the outdoors while still giving the space a level of enclosure. This was requested by the client, where he insisted on the idea of “seeing his neighbors without being seen.” This was created by a large cantilever over the west facing wall.

The rooms were determined through a modular grid system, with pretusion on the exterior wall. The protrusions of the windows with low ceilings allowed the long axis of the rooms to be prominent. The sun angles were calculated so perfectly with this cantilever that a midsummer noon’s sun hits just the bottom of the entire facade while still allowing light to flood in to warm the house during the spring and autumn months.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Farnswor th House, Mies van der Rohe

Farnswor th House, Mies van der Rohe

Located in illinois, built a weekend retreat, placed in the outskirts of Plano, Illinois. On a 10-acre secluded wooded site with the Fox River to the south, the glass pavilion uses full advantage of the natural surroundings, Having a strong relationship between the house and nature. The aim of th ehouse is to to be as light as possible on the land. To achive this the building was raised 5 feet 3 inches off the ground, allowing only the steel columns to meet the ground and the landscape to extend past the residence.

The man-made geometric form creates a relationship between the landscape surrounding and the “dwelling” in the simplest state. As Mies stated on his achievement, “If you view nature through the glass walls of the Farnsworth House, it gains a more profound significance than if viewed from the outside. That way more is said about nature---it becomes part of a larger whole.”

ICONIC HOUSE Maison La Roche, Le Corbusier

Maison La Roche, Le Corbusier

Located in france the house is imagined as a “spatial experience” and consists of a specifically deliberate path which guides the inhabitant and unveils artwork appart of the clients colection. Incorperating wonderfully illuminated spaces designed to be experiential and viewed from a single, fixed point, precisely placed wall openings, stairs, ramps, and balconies also divide the space into three dimensional grid-like layers.

Le Corbusier’s approach to the design of Villa Roche yielded a stunning piece architecture, and is a representation of his individual systematic design approach at its fullest. Le Corbusier describes Villa Roche as “picturesque, full of movement, but requiring a classical hierarchy to discipline it.”

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Va n a Ve n t u r i H o u s e , R o b e r t Ve n t u r i

Va n a Ve n t u r i H o u s e , R o b e r t Ve n t u r i

With the Vanna Venturi House, Robert Venturi eplored complexity and contradiction in architecture, a choice usualy overlooked in architecture. The product of this choice slowly became known as the first example of Postmodern piece architecture.

In order to create more contradiction and complexity. An experimental approach with scale was used. Inside the house certain elements are “too big,” such like proportions of the fireplace and the height of the mantel compared to the size of the room.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Gehry Residence, Frank Gehr y

Gehry Residence, Frank Gehr y

Located in USA and hailed as a symbol of deconstructivism. The entrance is barely visible due to the jutting angles of the exterior. Created from wood, glass, aluminum, and chain-link fencing. With the roof of the old house peeking out from within this mix of materials, giving the impression that the house is consistently under construction.

“I loved the idea of leaving the house intact... I came up with the idea of building the new house around it. We were told there were ghosts in the house... I decided they were ghosts of Cubism. The windows... I wanted to make them look like they were crawling out of this thing. At night, because this glass is tipped it mirrors the light in... So when you’re sitting at this table you see all these cars going by, you see the moon in the wrong place... the moon is over there but it reflects here... and you think it’s up there and you don’t know where the hell you are...” - Frank Gehry

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Two houses in Ponte de Lima, Eduardo Soto de Moura

Two houses in Ponte de Lima, Eduardo Soto de Moura the two buildings are similar authough diametrically different. One house cantilevers out over the slope, standing out while the other slides down the hill. Both houses also respond to different requirements: one takes in the surrounding landscape through wide, full-height glazed façades that give access to covered terraces protected only by simple metal railings. The other turns inward creating a private space for the client

With the contradition, One house is liniar one story construction, while the other uses a natural design complying with the natural environment. While omparing both houses together the contaditions grow.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Maison a Bordeaux , Rem Koolhaas

Maison a Bordeaux , Rem Koolhaas

Maison a Bordeaux redefines the term that “a house is a machine for living” in the design. Completed in 1998, Maison Bordeaux sits on a small capelike hill overlooking the city of Bordeaux. proposed as a rather simple volume thats spatially complex and innovative in terms of the interior organization and conditions. Koolhaas proposed a house that was the compilation of three houses stacked on top of one another, each with their own unique characteristics and spatial conditioning.

The house appears as three destinct floorss that fluctuate between opaque and transparent. The lower level sits as a heavy mass that is carved into the hill. The interior is cavernous and labyrinthian, in a sense, where all of the intimate activities of the family take place. The idea to create a room that is capable of moving vertically through the house creates a spatial dynamism withing the house allows the space to change and redefine.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Fa l l i n g wat e r, Fra n k L l o yd Wr i g ht

Fa l l i n g wat e r, Fra n k L l o y d Wr i g ht

Fallingwater that redefined the relationship between man, architecture, and nature. The house was built as a weekend home for owners Mr. Edgar Kaufmann and his family. Wright integrated the design of the house with the waterfall itself, placing it right on top of it to make it a part of the Kaufmanns’ lives.

With admiration for Japanese architecture was important in his inspiration for this house, common in most of his work. Just like in Japanese architecture, the design intentions included creating harmony between man and nature, aswell as integration of the house with the waterfall was successful in doing so. The house was meant to compliment its site while still competing with the drama of the falls and their endless sounds of crashing water. The power of the falls is always felt, not visually but through sound, as the breaking water could constantly be heard throughout the entire house.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Lovell House, Richard Neutra

Lovell House, Richard Neutra

The Lovell House was the turning point in Neutra’s career, putting him on the modern architectural radar. Designed for an active, health conscious Lovell family in the hills of Los Angeles. The house is an early example of the International Style. The house consists of a series of overlapping planes.

The House is claimed to be one of the first house in the United States to use a steel structure, typically reserved for skyscraper construction. Due to being off the side of the topography. The building also relies being tethered to the cliff by a tension cable that is tied into the rocky terrain. The Lovell House is an architecture of firsts, which allowed Neutra’s International fame and introduced the Lovell House as an architectural landmark.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier

Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier

located a small commune outside of Paris, Villa Savoye is known as one of the most significant contributions to modern architecture in the 20th century. single-handedly transformed Le Corbusier’s career as well as the principles of the International Style. Becoming one of the most important architectural precedents in history.

Upon entering the site, the house appears to be floating above the forested picturesque background supported by slender pilotis that seem to dissolve among the tree line, as the lower level is also painted green to allude to the perception of a floating volume. Both the lower level and the upper living quarters are based on an open plan idea that provokes the inhabitant to continuously meander between spaces. As an architectural tour de force, Le Corbusier incorporates a series of ramps moving from the lower level all the way to the rooftop garden, which requires the inhabitant to slow down and experience the movement between spaces.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Paraty House, Studio MK 27

Paraty House, Studio MK 27

The Lovell House was the turning point in Neutra’s career, putting him on the modern architectural radar. Designed for an active, health conscious Lovell family in the hills of Los Angeles. The house is an early example of the International Style. The house consists of a series of overlapping planes.

The House is claimed to be one of the first house in the United States to use a steel structure, typically reserved for skyscraper construction. Due to being off the side of the topography. The building also relies being tethered to the cliff by a tension cable that is tied into the rocky terrain. The Lovell House is an architecture of firsts, which allowed Neutra’s International fame and introduced the Lovell House as an architectural landmark.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Stahl House, Pierre Koenig

Stahl House, Pierre Koenig

Many infamous Case study houses have been promenent in architecture authough the Stahl House is one of the most iconic , also known as Case Study House #22 by Pierre Koenig. The modern residence overlooks Los Angeles from the Hollywood Hills. It was completed in 1959 for Buck Stahl and his family.

The two-bedroom, 2,200 square foot residence is a true testament to modernist architecture and the Case Study House Program. The glass and steel construction is understandably the most identifiable trait of architectural modernism. Capturing the pure architectural essence of the house, a night shot of two women sitting in the living room overlooking the bright lights of the city of Los Angeles was reconised.

P R E C E DHOUSE ENTS ICONIC Elrod House, John Lautner

Elrod House, John Lautner

Known for the dome-shaped concrete roof and a half-moon swimming pool. The layout is centred around a circular living space that intergrates with an indoor-outdoor pool. Curved, sliding glass walls are fitted the front portion of the living area opening views of Coachella valley.

The natural rock of the San Jacinto mountains features prominently in the interiors, and exposed boulders are seen in the main living room and stairwell.The house is considered as an example of organic architecture due to rectangular planes, and elements of the landscape incorporated into the buildings.

CHOSEN ICONIC HOUSE MA House, Cadaval & Solà-Morales

The MA house has been chosen due to the natural eestetics and confort the house circulates arround the local area, Blending with the rocky backgorund. The houses ambitions and objectives like “the explicit petition to use stone as the main construction material. The decision doesn’t respond necessarily to esthetic reasons but more likely to its common existence in the place, its little need for maintenance and its low cost for built square meter. Such premises are taken as a project challenge both in a structural, typological and esthetic way” . This objective was sucessfully met in a clean and aestetic way creating a rough, rigid material look clean, smoorh and fexible material allowing a high percent of the stucture to be Finished with the material. The house responds to the search of a bright, wide and comfortable space. Constructed with les than optimum materials thought for this, stone. With two major mountains on both sides of the plot aswell as two neighbors either side of the property. The houses does not use typical relations and circilation due to having it in its outer perimeter. Using a succession of spaces with differentiated uses that define the outer limit. Combined with a second spatial strategy of a sequence of open and enclosed spaces including roofed patios that itersect the spaces diagonaly.




Prison Cell

The Mountains the collage represent the two large mountains located on two sides of the house. this also gives a scale to the buiding compared to the natural environment. The colouration of the background, grey implies the impartial landscape arround the small town, showing the land arround the area is unforgiving.

The Prison Cell represents the confined nature of the plot due to having close neigbours either side aswell as mountains on the other two. This also shows the intentions of the house, due to being a holiday home. This means the house gives a place for the user to be disconected from the outside world.

Melting Road

Greenery Arround House

The Melting Road represents the 60km jurney form the clients main home town Mexico City. The the melting portion represents the towns reputation of many sunny days reinforcing the likability of the town.

The greenery arround the MA house reperesents the growth and expansion the house has cerated for the client aswell as gives the house an inviing tone compared to the rest of the image.



Ground Floor





South Elevation

North Elevation



South Elevation

A - A

South Elevation

A - B





Referances Kaufmann House / Richard Neutra


Eames House / Charles and Ray Eames


Villa Tugendhat / Mies van der Rohe


Gaspar House / Alberto Campo Baeza


MA House / Cadaval & Solà-Morales


Sheats Goldstein Residence https://architectuul.com/architecture/sheats-goldstein-residence AD Classics: Rietveld Schroder House / Gerrit Rietveld


Robie House / Frank Lloyd Wright


The Farnsworth House / Mies van der Rohe


Villa Roche / Le Corbusier


Vanna Venturi House / Robert Venturi


Gehry Residence / Gehry Partners




Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright


Fallingwater House / Frank Lloyd Wright


Lovell House / Richard Neutra


Villa Savoye / Le Corbusier


Paraty House / Suzana Glogowski + Studio MK27


Stahl House / Pierre Koenig


Picked / collage https://ca-so.com/project.php?project_id=38&cat=1

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