DRM - DS1 Final Submission

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Connor Harris DRM - DS1 | @00646545 | 2021 - 2022 C.M.Harris1@edu.salford.ac.uk


1 2 3 4 Kit of Parts Intro Iterations

Kit of Parts CAD Drawings AutoCAD Fusion 360

Micro Studio Intro Site Analysis Precedents


5 6 7

minary Sketches


Micro Studio Drawings AutoCAD Renders

Sketchbook Pages


Kit Of Parts The Kit of Parts gives a kit of with 24 predeturmined shapes that will need to be used in 5 pieces of “Architecture”. After analising and sorting pieces into 2 catagories, walls and supports, I started to piece together certain elemrnts untill both elemrnts looked correct or given further thoughts on the task ahead. This lead me to think of shadows, defined rooms and proportions.



Iteration 1 creates 2 defined and connected spaces in one model. Exploring how the direction of light, amount of light and ceiling hight effects interactions with the iteration. One space, narrow and tall, also filled with many cavitys to introduce a high ammount of light into the area, with the second a smaller oppresive space with one large cavity absorbing a large wall section of the space.




due to the itteration being mostly one story. A verical piece located on the right side of itteraction looks unproproportionate drawing eyes to the vertical piece.


The unbalanced form of the itteration inplys the juxtaposition in both areas of the model, with a small space on the left juxtaposed by the vericaly high area on the right.


To connect both areas the midde of the itteration includes a slanted roof, allowing the verical pice on the left of the structure to connonnect. This also creates a sense of movement through the model.



Focusing on the “narrow and tall” space, the form includes many cavities to allow as much light as possible into the area focusing on opeining as much as the ceiling as possible. The model also includes features from the “smaller oppresive” space also seen in iteration one.This is because a section of the model only alows light into the stucture by the ceilings sklylight artificialy creating may shadows in the area.




Ittteration 2 Creates a large dominant shape in the centre of the model. the shape incudes the roof and structual supports for the roof. Du to the large and dominant nature the shape is haevily unproportunate darawing attention.


due to most of the models hight located at the cantre of the model aswell as both sides of the form bing closely proportionate the model looks visualy proportionate.


the slanted design of the centre of the model guves the design hight and flow to the design. due to the roof creating a line for the eyes to follow.



Content with Iteration 2s features, Iteration 3 experiments with a verical hiararchy of space. Allowing the form to be highly efficent with space. While also opening the lower floor to allow for more intraction with the model aswell as help with lighting the lower areas of the model. Due to most of the ground floor being covered by new features, both floors have different light levels. Aswell as it creates 2 different spaces linking to Iteration 1.




The asymetrial look of the itteeration enphiises the the hight of the model. due to the dcale scale created by other elements of the design.


the slanted design of the centre of the model gives flow to the design. due to the roof creating an anfgle offseting the walls above.

Variety due to the ammount of space created within the design a veriety of diffrent light levels are available allowing for many activities throught the design.



Iteration 4 streamlines new features from iteration 3 by including a small 2nd story in the design. The iteration also explores how light lines can effect interactions with the model. Other features include a large opening on the back of the form inviting interaction with the model aswell as lighting the lower level .




the pointed roof give movement aswell a a rythm to the design thats echoed through the rest of the design.


the Asymetrical apperance creates a tiered design verticaly elongating the structure.


due to most of the models hight located at the centre of the model aswell as both sides of the form bing closely proportionate the model looks visualy proportionate.





Taking features from 1 - 4, iteration 5 creates a fully in closed area with 3 lighting sections aswell as 2 floors maximising space in the structure. The scelital design of the roof allows lines to be projected guiding and changing interactions with the model while being streamline.




the pointed roof give movement aswell a a rythm to the design thats echoed through the rest of the design.


Due to the Asymetrical design from ground level, the model looks larger and while also looking balanced and proportionate.


due to most of the models hight located at the centre of the model aswell as both sides of the form bing closely proportionate the model looks visualy balanced and proportionate.


CAD Drawings

Floorplan Sections Top




15mm 30mm



Plan + mm

Plan +40 mm

Section A Axonometric 0m

15mm 30mm



Fusion 360 Fusion 360 and other 3D rendering softweres allows the user to visualise and create increadbly precise and detailed models of projects allowing the user to effecively exibit or poray design changes and ideas to profetionals and clients alike. real models allows the user to poertray models to a rough sale doue to huan error aswell as deppending on the secale, detail to give a client a rough visual representation of the finished product, while CAD and render softwares allows the model to be placed in to the structures surrounding context.

Fusion 360 Render


The First render uses a complementy colour scheme using red, white and green to ceate a vibrant and eyecatching model.

allowing the model to blend aswell stick out from background cienery depending on the viewpoint. the choice of using all matte textures exept from an exteror red shape allows the most dull section to stand out from the rest. due to the warm and cool clors dominating most of the struture, the model invites curiosity and iteraction.

Fusion 360 Render


The second render uses a monocromatic colour pallet with a white concrete accent. The gold monocromatic pallete also creates warm and cosy look while making the concrete elements pop out of the design. like ittteration 1 the model aslo blends with the background due to god accents and ark colours in some views of the model. brown glass was also used in the model to make the stuctures defined inteiror look larger from the exterior.

Fusion 360 Render


The third render uses an analogous colour pallet. By using diffrent shades of white the model looks clean and modern aswell as creates a btter sense of depth due to the darker objects used behind ligher objects. Due ot the light shades of white pickecd the intror looks briher than other renders by using darker clours to inuate the hiararchy of space while using pure white for other elements n the design.

Fusion 360 Render


Itteration four uses the information taken from other renders to create a a model ready for textures and materials. In this model Aluminum, wood and steel is used to create a teired design, the wood creates the spaces defining walls while metal defines the the “roof type structure” above aswell as the blue accent seein inside and outside of the model. the woodent texture creates moveent in the design aswell as create lines to breake upe the large shapes defining the structure.



Brief To create a design of a responsive and creatively engaging micro-studio, that encourages an innovative and open functionality through the exploration of the inter-relationships between existing context, inhabitation and creative intervention. Aswell as a new transformative analogue studio of 12-15m2 footprint within which you will work’. The function of this room is open for you to define and should respond to the quirks of your working methods - we are looking for an innovative studio space which explores the unexpected, the quirky and which brings magic to the design process. The design will need to cater a multipurpose space that’s able to become a social or anechoic area, for music lisening and making aswell as beable to be used for, games, socialising and modelmaking. Due to the location the design may also advertise the clients work or create eyes and ears to Piccadilly Gardens.


| Piccadilly Gardens | 53°28’51.4”N 2°14’14.0”W

Piccadilly Gardens Is located in the North west of the United Kingdom in the centre of Greater Manchester, the garden is planted in the centre of a cultural Powerhouse and Commercial districts. Its commonly known name as a “Teenage plaground” by social media outlets. The area is also in a convenient place for transportation, shopping and social gatherings. The Area inherits a long and rich history including being the epicentre of industrialisation because of this many aged and historically important buildings surround the site.


Location Footprint The Areas footprint is offcentred to the the heart of piccadily gardens, closer to other sotuctures located on site. this is so the garden still inherits the all lines of sight aswell as allows the fountain to be the dominant structure in the garden.

Picadilly gardens outline (Block colour) Micro Studio Site

External Views


The External views (Facing outward) shows the North (1), East (2), South (3) and West (4) views. The sites views allow the client to overlook the fountain while being close to neighbouring strucures. This allows the structure to be intergrated and ajacent to the surrounding built environment without blocking different views from Piccadilly entrances.


1 2 4 3

3 4

1,2,3,4 Views (looking out) (block colour) Micro Studio Site

Internal Views / Site Access



The exturnal views shows how the public see the chosen Micro Studio site. Arows show alll enrances to piccadilly gardens aswell as Micro studio Access

2 5


2 3 1




6 6 1,2,3,4,5,6 Views Micro studio Site Piccadilly Acces (Site Access Greenery Footpath Buildings in piccadilly Gardens


Site Analysis Trafic and Map of grater manchester -

- - Trafic

- Site - - Buildings - Water Map of Greater Mancester. shows the location aswell as average trafic in the city centre,

Topography, building and wind map shows the sur-

rounding built environment aswell as how nature interacts with it.







Wind Buildings Topography Picadilly gardens outline (Block colour) Micro Studio Site

Greater Manchester Wind Rose

Strongest winds in 0the south, southwest and west regons on average

Rain chart of Greater Manchester

Lowest Rainfall in April, with an average of 73 mm with an average of 104 mm in December.


Visual Building Hights

Mostly mde up of 2 story or higher buildings Piccadilly is one of few open areas accesible to the public. Rivers Buildings Greenery Picadilly gardens outline (Block colour) Micro Studio Site


Site Analysis

Water Road Topography Footpath Tram Tracks Picadilly gardens outline (Block colour) Micro Studio Site Bus stops Tram Stops Piccadily gardens has eleelent public transport allowing easy entry to the site. this also allws the client to easly get to A to b quicker due to direc rutes seconds from the Micro studio.

High noise medeum noise low noise

Noise poluton

site buildings footpaths tram stops tram tracks Roads


Surrounding Developments

Piccadily Gardens development On coming years an aoutcry of lical resedents to piccadily gardens has been heard. this is due to the ugly design of the single structure. Designed woth brutalsm in mind the structure has had backlshsh from the proposal stage

Surrounding Context



Precedent 1

observation tower on the mur river

Located in Southern Styria, Austria, the obsrvation tower on mur river has been created with the construction princible of a

“double helix that is perceived as a continuous path rising up through the trees.” To create this effect steel members and cables creating the exosekilton of the design has been

Created with Steel in mind due to its strenth and minimal material needed to errect the structure.

easly refurbished in the future when needed, the minimal amount of material increases the frames compatability with future puposes and situations. The steel frame will allow the building to be

The sceletal structure allows easy modifiation of the structure without compromising the strenth of the structure.

Wind Forces Gravity / weight on the structure

Connection points


Precedent 2 Klein A45

Located in Upstate New York the Klein A45 is a prototype of a microhouse that is able to be corstructed in anly location. Evolving from a traditional A frame house creating angles that effficently displaces water. A crystal like form allows the structure allows the stucture to give

an ever changing apperance.

this allows the strucure to blend into different locations and seasons.

the 17 m2 structure evolves

the typical A frame by creating a more usuable space, by twisting and vericaly streching the roof hight to 13ft (3.962m) . the wisting of roof alows the structure to have diffrent forms from diffrent angles.




The crystal design creates many eycatching lines that will draw attention to the structures eyecatching features, for example, the only two windows in the design.


An open plan and straight line (straight connection to floor / foundation) allows the internal 17m2 to be as space efficent as possible.


Building interaction Ammount of interaction 1(least interaction) 2<(higher interaction) Floor to ceiling windows allow the interior to feel open to the surrounding environment, while the darker walls (interiror and exterior) creates a clear line sepperating the spaces. this allows the interior to fell more spacious. The flooring used has a grey tint matching the darker forest floor is likely to be in the occations the A45 has veen designed to inahbit.




Precedent 3

Residential building in tokio

located in tokio the residetial building was constructed in 2008, costing 36m yen. Taking 10 months to construct the 49.5m2 structure uses many space saving techneques and spacil relationships perfloor to create a efficient space saving structure. The lowest floor is open with glass doors opening to the garden connecing the space to the outdoors, the second floor inludes amaller horizontal windows to elongate the space. The top section of the structure includes a rooftop garden halfing the indoorspace, to interact the loss of space the room had been doubled verticly with a mezonine. awhile also showing views of the city.

The minimalist design allows the space to become as spacious as possible due to built in cabinates and spacesaving features that come with a minimalist design. Other space saving techniques like the door attached to the staircase removes the need for a landing saving significant space in the design.

By creating a large ceiling hight with diffrent floor areas allows the rooms to feel significantly larger due to the hight of ceiling. In the lower floors, wide widows have been used to flood the structure with light aswell as blur the line from interiror and exteror aswell as elongate the room with horizontal lines.



Zaha Hadid Architects Zaha Hadid Architects is a large British architecture and design firm founded in 1980 the firm has prduced the BKK Bank headquarters ( Bibao, spain) and Aura - Malcontenta (Venice, Italy). both designs create a Eyecatching flow throughout the models. The Aura is also a natural form due to the bottom heavy and iregular design.

The form allow the objects to look stout and placed into the environment this allows the model to link to natual forms like dripping lava or honey that can link to the Manchester bee. The sculpture, Aura creates a sense of movement due to a look of a compressive component behind the model. because of this the curved edge creates a focus, reinforcing this , the weight of the lines from dense at the front to looking streched / thinnded by the back due the smaller lineweights.

Micro-Studio Picccadilly Circus Billbord

Piccadilly Circus is located in the west end of Westminister, london. The site contains a large curved billbord. The billbord allows the facade of the building to match, juxtapose or complement the surrounding environment aswell as keeep up with the latest trends allowing the building to be at the cutting edge of technology for longer. The curved billbord has influanced the popularity of the site. By complmenting the unique styled buildings surrounding the circus aswelll as the high percentage of screen to facade ratio. This may work on my design and Bring eyes and ears to Piccadilly Gardens.

The Tvs byproduct, heat can be harnesed and used to heat the inside of the microstudio aswell as have the option to help heat the fountain also placed on the site. This will also remove noise polution in the area due to using plants already on the site.



Preliminary Drawings the preliminary drawings are some of the many sketches throughout micro studio. Exploring the studios form aswell as material ideas.





Iteration 1 experements uppon how the Micro - Studio can interact and change Piccadillys foot traffic rettention by creating a sheltered seating area with wind protection from the West and South West. The Main element of the simplistic design resides 3m below ground alowing the above ground struture to be well supported. while being 3.2m above ground. The underground section of the Micro Studio allows the studio to disconect from the exterior situations. boasting a wall to wall, floor to ceiling fish tank. The exteror will have mainly gray, monotone texures to match surrounding buildings on site.




Due structure above ground only composing of two vertcal walls and a sloped roof. The walls create a visual emphasising the sloped roof.


The above ground walls and roof are proportionate in width allowing the Iteration to look strong and balanced.


The two main sections of the Iteration includes a ground floor and basement. The ground floor has been created with a public social area in mind. In contrast, the basement area juxtaposes the ground floor by creating a precise space blocking most distractions from around the site. (Including Mostly Sound and visability).



Inproving on iteration 1, by incorperating a smooth curve to the seating area wall facing west and South West to the wind. Inspired by the unique structures on site aswell as the fountain, the curved wall creates an opportunity to advertise the Clients work and influence the surrounding community. Removing the west wall allows the seating area to be visable from a wider perspective of the gardens. Enticing an onlookers attention in Piccadilly. The underground section of the Micro Studio has become redesigned to house a wider range of acceseries including an extra sink and table. This allows the client to draw, work or eat while in exclussion of exteriror situations. The exteror will have mainly gray, monotone texures to match surrounding buildings on site.




Due structure above ground only composing of one vertical wall and a flat roof. The form creates a gravity defying, inbalanced and modern effect.


The two main sections of the Iteration includes a ground floor and basement. the ground floor has been created with a public social area in mind. In contrast, the basement area juxtaposes the ground floor by creating a presice space blocking most distractions from around the site. (Including Mostly Sound and visability).


The curved wall and extruding roof creates a sence of movement and rhythm pointing an guiding the client to the stairs.



Merging the two main sections in Iteration 1 and 2, Iteration 3 intergrates both sections into 1 floor. Sepperated with a -500mm vertical offset of the ground level defining the two areas connected with a paralel sloped roof with a high of 3.2m slopeing to 2.5m above ground level. This allows the Micro Studio to look smaller from on lookers on the site without losing any hight in the process. Entering the Studio the client is met with a large window facing the Piccadilly fountain. Allowing for a nice view of Piccadilly. To the right of the entrance a staircase leads to a retreat from the Studios suroundings removing all windows and restored with a large skylight.




The two main sections of Iteration 1 and 2 have been condesed in to one floor, with the basement section placed with a vertical offset. This allows both areas to contrast; the Lower are is spacifcly placed to remove as much noise and distractions from the site.


The sloped roof of the iteration creates movement and rhythm pointing Piccadilly foot traffic to the centre of the gardens.


Due to the site being an open large space, a Asymetrical form reduces the domince of the building on site making the exterior look small while having a spacious interior.



Starting with a simple rectangle with small window openings on the North, South and West, with a doubledoor fiitted with a one way mirror placed on the East side of the square. Infront of the door a Portch extends 2.5m Eastwords with gradual curve ending on the ground floor.




Due to the iterations extended roof, curving to touch the ground. The vertical bend allows the studio to stand out from other structures on site, drawing surrounding foot traffic to the entrance.


Mostly a straight edged box with Curves that has been added to the roof to make the iteration modern and blend with surrounding structures. while also creating a variety in the site due to all curved elements being on the horizonal level.

Asymetrical The unbalanced, asmetrical design draws the user to the door due to the enticing entrance.



Iteration 5 fuses many elements of past Iterations into a compact Micro Studio, Placed fully above ground (Iteration 4) the studio can be moved if needed with minimal damage to the site. A curved wall on the north east side (from iteration 1) allows the wall to reflect surrounding structures on site, aswell as create an opportunity to adverise the clients work aswell as influence Piccadillys reputation. Entering the studio a large window 1.8m above ground allows views of Piccadily (Iteration 3) while giving privacy from the close footpath also located north of the studio. Aswell as having clearly sectioned areas with a -500mm vertical offset or increased privacy (I_++++++teration 2)




Due to the square design the iteration is is balanced although extrusions blur the balanced look. This allows the form to look smaller exturnaly than internally.


Rhythm and unity is present in the design due to the large extrusion covering a high percentage of the iteration due to the repitition of rectangles marling the extrusion.


Averiety of levels has been used to maximise the efficienty of the space. By adding an outside “garden” to a propertion of the roof at a vertical offset of the rest of the roof allows the exterior to feel smaller aswell as using otherwise wasted space.


CAD Drawings

Floorplan Sections














Axonometric 2 - Point Pro \














Exploded Axonometric


renders /mother if time

Piccadilly Gardens mainly consists of a split complementry colour pallet, grey (due to concrete) and green (due to the grass) and Red (due to bricks) creating one of the two structures on site. The site also has hints of brown due to trees lining that are on the boundry of Piccadilly. The studio consists of Conctrete, Wood, Marble, grass roof and wall aswell as a Tv wall, These materials promote the natural colours the garden brings while blending within the environments.

not to scale


Sketchbook Drawings

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