2021 - 2022 President's Report

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Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School


A Visit from NY Times

Bestselling Author Angela Duckworth


Report 2021-22 President’s


A Lesson in GRIT from Angela Duckworth

Mission Statement

Rooted in the Catholic faith and charism of Mercy, Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School educates, inspires, and empowers young women to be merciful in spirit, innovative in thought, and courageous in leadership.

1345 Sumneytown Pike P.O. Box 902 Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 (215) 646-8815 gmahs.org

Note to Our Readers

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in the report. Please accept our apology for any errors or omissions. Should you have any changes, corrections or questions, please contact the Advancement Office at advancement@gmahs.org or (267) 946-0948.

She is the

16 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 39 FINANCIAL AND FUNDRAISING SUMMARIES 12 HAPPENING AT GMA 8 Commencement HONORING THE CLASS OF 2022 Monarchs in Motion New, Innovative Academic Schedule Prepares our Monarchs to Fly 5

Letter from the President

Dear Friends,

Sister Mary Francis Xavier Warde, one of the original Sisters of Mercy and the foundress of the order in the United States, said, “To instruct is an easy matter, but to educate requires ingenuity, energy, and perseverance without end.”

Having completed my fifth year as president of Gwynedd Mercy, I am ever mindful of how fortunate I am to work with faculty and staff

whose commitment to preparing young women leaders for service to the world is unparalleled; a student body whose drive for learning and excellence impresses me each day; and alumnae, parents, and friends whose ongoing gifts of time, talent, and treasure make an immeasurable difference at our great Academy.

Simply put, everything we achieve at Gwynedd Mercy is made possible by you—our dedicated and generous school community—and by our founders, the Sisters of Mercy, whose examples of faithful service and courageous acts of Mercy continue to light our way.

The following report highlights significant milestones achieved by our community during the 2021-22 academic year including the launch of our new academic schedule called Monarchs in Motion and our Distinguished Speakers Series on Women and Leadership. Products of our “She is the Future” strategic plan, both initiatives have served to greatly enhance and enrich our community. We are also pleased to share the many accomplishments of our students and to celebrate the ongoing and generous support of our donors.

Thank you for embodying our Mercy mission and for ensuring “She is the Future.”

In gratitude and Mercy,

President Marbach with 2021-22 Faculty Colleagues

A Lesson in GRIT from Angela Duckworth

GRIT Author Kicks Off Distinguished Speaker Series

On the evening of March 24, Gwynedd Mercy launched its Distinguished Speaker Series on Women and Leadership with Dr. Angela Duckworth, author of The New York Times number one bestseller, “GRIT: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.” Her TED talk on the subject is among the most viewed of all time, so it was no surprise that this complimentary event was fully subscribed by 500 members of our community including students, parents, alumnae, faculty, staff, and community partners.

The speaker series is part of our “She is the Future” strategic plan leadership initiative to provide meaningful opportunities to prepare young women for the call of leadership; it is designed to bring strong, successful women who demonstrate ethical leadership and inspire boldness to campus. This year’s inaugural event was made possible by the Edward E. Ford Foundation and all who supported the Foundation’s Challenge Grant, the Patriarch Family Foundation, and BLBB Charitable.

Growing up in a family obsessed with achievement, Dr. Duckworth had a passion for finding the ingredients to the “success recipe.” Today, she is the co-founder and chief scientist of a non-profit called Character Lab and serves as the Rosa Lee and Egbert Chang Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. As a psychologist and researcher, she has studied all types of world class achievers and discovered that “it’s not just talent that changes the world and makes someone live a great life of achievement; it’s also grit.”

“World class achievers have a combination of passion and perseverance for long term goals,” says Dr. Duckworth. While talent is a part of their success, they need effort to unlock their talent and turn it into skill. They then need to apply their skill and, by that kind of application of effort, create achievements that change the world for the better. “Maybe talent counts, but effort in this way counts twice,” says Dr. Duckworth. Luck and opportunity play a part, too.


Grit links up with the modern cognitive science of how human beings learn anything, and it can be built, cultivated, and even accelerated. Dr. Duckworth emphasizes four suggestions on how to build grit:

Get in touch with your interests.

World class achievers find something they are so passionate about that they are willing to work hard enough to develop world class expertise. Strive to develop your passion and a consistency in what you care about. When asked how to find or determine one’s passion, Dr. Duckworth offered there are no straight lines in life. It is messy and circuitous, and we learn by trial and error. We must “try things out” and, when something doesn’t work, “see it as a victory because we have learned something about ourselves and the world.”

Develop a daily routine of expert practice.

It is not the quantity of practice; it is the quality. Take something you want to do well and break it down into smaller parts/skills. Then pick one part/skill that is a bit harder than the rest and deliberately practice it with absolute concentration. Even short deliberate practice sessions, such as 15 minutes a day, are powerful. It is also super important to seek feedback from others and have the strength to listen and accept it. We cannot learn anything unless we let feedback in. Expert practice is not necessarily fun or easy, but it is most effective. The higher your grit score, the more deliberate practice you log and the better your ranking in objective measure of skill.

Cultivate purpose beyond the self-motivation for life and work.

There is a super strong correlation between grit and “beyond the self-motivation” (pleasure, comfort, etc.) for life and work. Research shows that world class achievers who are really changing the world and have matured enough to understand their calling also consider what will benefit other people, feel they have a responsibility to make the world a better place, and/or feel that their life has lasting meaning. When ready, we might want to renew and remind ourselves of our “beyond the self” purpose.

Have a growth mindset.

When you are challenged, having a really hard time, or simply just failing, a growth mindset gives you a rational reason to get up again, to look back and learn something, and then to look forward and keep going. Don’t quit on a bad day. Instead look at hard times and failings as information and learning opportunities.


The Patriarch Family Foundation

Parents Kate Daniels Imbesi ’92 and Tony Imbesi, Fathers’ Club President, represent the Patriarch Family Foundation

Maria and Dean Karrash, Nicole Tell, and John Lawton represent BLBB Charitable

Thank you to all who supported our annual spring fundraiser that helped to make this event possible!

Pub Night

with Kristen Kane Ford ’00 Q&A

Dr. Duckworth also offered additional nuggets of wisdom with Q&A moderator Kristin Kane Ford ’00, a member of Gwynedd Mercy’s Leadership Advisory Council.

Have you seen any fluctuations in resilience because of the pandemic?

When people say, ‘I am burnt out,’ these feelings are real. All emotions are real. They are signals. When we are feeling burnt out, maybe the grittiest thing we can do is give ourselves a break and don’t think less of ourselves. It is not the end of the road for our grit.

How do you silence distractions?

There is a technique called situation modification, which refers to altering one’s physical environment. The wisest, smartest people just change their situations. For instance, put your phone away and out of reach for a time.

What advice do you have for people being compared to others?

Most world class achievers don’t want to beat others; they want to beat themselves. They want to be more excellent today than they were yesterday. Train your mind mostly to compare yourself with yourself. What really matters is your personal record.

With anxiety, ADHD, and depression so prevalent, what advice do you have to help with focus?

Therapy is awesome. Think of a therapist as a coach whose job is to help you get better. So many accomplished, strong achievers who are admired suffer with mental health, and our society finally waking up to these issues is a very good thing. Know that the grittiest of the gritty are more vulnerable and more likely the ones to ask for help.

How can parents help our kids?

Model a growth mindset. When your child succeeds, you should celebrate. And when you or your child fails, you should take it as the same thing: information, life, and an opportunity to grow and learn.

“If we can all get a little psychologically wiser,” offered Dr. Duckworth, “then in the best ‘beyond the self’ way, I do think we can make the world a better place.”


New, Innovative Academic Schedule Prepares our Monarchs to Fly

When Gwynedd Mercy launched its bold community-informed strategic plan “She is the Future” three years ago, ambitious goals in the areas of academic innovation, leadership, and wellness were introduced to educate, inspire, and empower generations of women leaders; enough to make one wonder, “How in the world are we going to find the time to do it all?”

Despite the challenges of a global pandemic, our school community persevered. Academic leadership engaged faculty, staff, students, and a professional consultant from Independent School Management (ISM) to deliver a schedule that would allow Gwynedd Mercy to cross traditional barriers and deliver an authentic and innovative educational experience rooted in Mercy values.

Without delay, our new neuro researched-based academic schedule called Monarchs in Motion was introduced for the 2021-22 academic year. Today, it is receiving rave reviews.

“Monarchs in Motion is an innovative framework that prioritizes student well-being, leading edge educational strategies for optimal learning, and our mission to educate, inspire, and empower young women to be merciful in spirit, innovative in thought, and courageous in leadership,” says Dean of Academics Anne Casavecchia. “It’s a daily game changer for our students, faculty, and staff.”

While students still carry a full course load all year long, the new schedule allows for deeper exploration of content and enhanced learning through 60-minute classes, rather than our traditional 40 minutes; fewer classes each day, four rather than seven; and a rotating schedule, so a class is not held at the same time each day.

Dr. Barbara Beachley, ISM’s Executive Director of Learning and Development, offered that a 60-minute class provides optimal time for teaching methods that promote greater retention, such as discussion and simulation rather than a lecture.



• 60-minute classes allow for deeper exploration of content and enhanced learning by providing optimal time for teaching methods such as discussion and simulation rather than a lecture.

• Fewer classes each day (four rather than seven) allows students more time for generative processing, leading to deeper understanding and retention of content.

• The new rotating schedule ensures students will not always have their most challenging class first thing in the morning when they might be most tired, and that they will not have the same subject impacted at the end of each day due to early dismissals for sports or other activities.

• Time to meet students’ holistic needs is built in to the schedule. The Wellness Curriculum furthers students’ intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, environmental, financial, and occupational wellness.

• Daily Community Time is dedicated to assemblies, liturgies, clubs, and more.

• Unstructured “What I Need” period furthers students’ emotional and social development and builds time management skills.

Also, fewer classes per day allow students more time for generative processing, when connections are made between new and existing knowledge, leading to deeper understanding and retention of content.

Studies also suggest that students do best with any academic subject at their individually preferred time of day. So, our new rotating schedule ensures students will not always have their most challenging class first thing in the morning when they might be most tired, and that they will not have the same subject impacted at the end of each day due to early dismissals for sports or other activities.

“We also have built in time to meet the holistic needs of students,” says Eileen Carty, formerly Dean of Student Affairs, recently named Principal. For instance, a Seminar period is now offered every other day for our new Wellness Curriculum which is made up of eight domains of wellness intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, environmental, financial, and occupational.

Direct instruction is led by multiple departments including School Counseling; College Counseling; Ministry & Service; Leadership; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice (DEIJ); Alumnae Engagement; and Health. Sometimes direct instruction is grade level specific and sometimes it is all grades combined depending on the content.

Just to give a few examples, School Counseling brought in a speaker from Minding Your Mind to raise awareness about mental health. College Counselors worked with juniors on their college essays. DEIJ and Ministry & Service collaborated to address the Sisters of Mercy Critical Concern of Earth as it relates to class, immigration, and women. Leadership addressed the topic of grit. Alumnae Engagement hosted numerous alumnae speakers who highlighted a variety of career fields. Also, Health expanded to offer more grade level specific mini courses.

Students also benefit each day from Community Time, which is a dedicated period for assemblies, liturgies, clubs, and more, as well as from a WIN (“What I Need”) period just before or after lunch. “Both provide unstructured time that is owned and managed by each student to further her emotional and social development and build time management skills for life,” says Principal Carty.

Students can choose to visit a counselor or teacher for needed care or guidance, do independent or group work to reduce their evening homework (a big help if they have an afterschool job or activity), visit chapel to pray and reflect, or simply take a “brain break” to access food or visit with friends.

“Monarchs in Motion enables us to give our students the most innovative educational experience possible,” says Dean Casavecchia. “And it’s rewarding as an educator to see the benefits as our girls thrive and become the best versions of themselves.”

It’s a daily game changer for our students, faculty, and staff.

MONARCHS IN MOTION Snapshot of Survey Results • We asked. You responded.


Faculty: 4.19 Average Rating

Students: 4.56 Average Rating

60-minute periods are the perfect amount of time to get stuff done in class, but not be bored with the subject by the end of it. Only focusing on four classes a day also helps a lot with homework. —Student ’24

I like the flexibility of being able to incorporate activities that may have traditionally taken two [40 minute] class periods . . . into a single class period without interruption and when desired/needed. —Faculty


Faculty: 4.50 Average Rating

Students: 4.41 Average Rating

I enjoy it because it helps the week not feel repetitive. Since I am going to class at different times, it feels engaging—which helps me pay better attention in class. —Student ’23

It allows me to see teachers at different parts of the day and it prevents me from constantly missing the same class for sports. —Student ’25

I enjoy seeing the students at various times because the students might shine; at different parts of the day. —Faculty

There are big differences in students and teachers depending on the time of day, and it is good to see different classes at different times of the day.



Faculty: 4.06 Average Rating

Students: 4.88 Average Rating

Community period is amazing because it has allowed me to get more involved. I now have time to participate in the clubs and be an intern— I wasn’t able to do these things before because of sports. —Student ’23

It is a good time for group projects, homework, clubs, and to socialize.

—Student ’25

I love community period because I get a lot of work done and it can relieve my stress throughout the day. —Student ’24

It truly allows for the feeling of a ‘community’ since students have the freedom to roam and be with other students and teachers that they might not otherwise see during the school day. —Faculty


“We have been so happy with the new schedule. Our daughter is not awesome with time management and planning and this new schedule has enabled her to manage her time better, set a timeline for projects and events, and just overall has made her more relaxed.”

“I feel it gives the students greater independence and flexibility to schedule things they need to do. I also think the built-in community, seminar and WIN periods allow for more variety in the day, as well as more opportunities for the students to be involved in activities. I think it is preparing them better for college and work life as well.”


THE CLASS OF 2022 Honoring

with Commencement

On June 4, the 86 women of the Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School Class of 2022 processed into the School’s Performing Arts Center wearing traditional white gowns and gloves and carrying bouquets of red roses to celebrate the School’s 161st Commencement.

Madison Seidel ’22 delivered the invocation, offering gratitude and praying for continued help for the graduates to live out all they have been taught with courage and determination.

Salutatorian Anna Marie Patti ‘22 remarked that the members of the graduating class have “developed a love for each other and a system of support” and leave “prepared to face obstacles confidently knowing they have Gwynedd’s lessons of mercy, kindness, and confidence” to guide them.

Each member of the class then joined President Denise Corkery Marbach ’72, Principal Mary Kirby, and Dean of Student Affairs Eileen Carty on stage to receive her graduation medal and diploma. Additional medals were awarded to graduates in recognition of outstanding school spirit, honor, service, leadership, and academic performance.

President Marbach then introduced the 2022 Commencement Speaker Maura McLaughlin, Ph.D. ’90, Eberly Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy at West Virginia University. Among her many pieces of advice, Dr. McLaughlin encouraged the graduates to “embrace failure” as a learning opportunity and to “put things in perspective.”

“Our planet is one of more than 100 billion in the galaxy, spinning at around 1,000 miles per hour, orbiting the sun at about 70,000 miles an hour, and traveling through our galaxy at about 500,000 miles an hour,” said Dr. McLaughlin. “When you feel like you can’t go on, and there will be times…go outside at night, look up at the stars, and remember your place in the universe. The world keeps spinning and things will get better.”

Board of Trustees Chair Kathy Kirk Bellwoar ‘81 congratulated the graduates on behalf of the Board, offered that their four years at Gwynedd will be the foundation of their future success, and reminded all that the Class of 2022 is the future.

Principal Kirby then celebrated National Merit Scholarship Winner Anna Marie Patti, National Merit Finalist Hayley Young, and National Merit Commended Students Kira Kawczynski and Alexis Kelerchian for their exemplary achievements. She also invited the 50 members of the National Honor Society to stand and be recognized.

Valedictorian Alexis Kelerchian ’22 offered final remarks, sharing she came to learn that a Gwynedd girl is not a summation of the pins on her blazer celebrating her achievements or her test scores and college acceptances; rather, she is “best defined by her infinite kindness, spirit, courage, empathy, patience, compassion, fortitude, and mercy.”

Finally, the graduates, alumnae, faculty, and staff sang the Alma Mater, just before the Class of 2022 processed to the Chapel for The Crowning of the Blessed Mother by Grace Cheeseman ’22 with her mother and Gwynedd Mercy Faculty Member Christine Cheeseman by her side.

“Look forward to 86 very bright futures.”
— Alexis Kelerchian,
Valedictorian The Circle of Mercy is timeless. Molly Gregor receives her diploma. Salutatorian Anna Marie Patti


Mother Mary Bernard Gold Medal of Honor

Alexis Kelerchian

Karen D’Lauro ’60 Gold Medal for School Spirit

Grace Stetler

Sister Mary Loyola Gold Medal for Service

Elizabeth Gomez

Michele Granozio ’86 Gold Medal for Leadership, Loyalty and Example of Christian Womanhood

Helen Perry

Mother Margaret Mary Gold Medal for Highest General Average

Anna Marie Patti

Honorable Mention: Alexis Kelerchian

Gold Medal for Art

Gianna Olimpo

Honorable Mention: Alexis Kelerchian

Joan McDermott Bellwoar ’51 Gold Medal for English

Alexis Kelerchian

Honorable Mention: Anna Marie Patti

Gold Medal for French

Hayley Young

Honorable Mention: Lindsey Hermann


Gold Medal for Latin

Anna Marie Patti

Honorable Mention: Gianna Olimpo

Gold Medal for Mathematics

Anna Marie Patti

Honorable Mentions: Lindsay Hermann and Alexis Kelerchian

Gold Medal for Music

Jill Baldassari

Honorable Mention: Abigail Bernesky

Gold Medal for Science

Lindsey Hermann

Honorable Mention: Kira Kawczynski

Gold Medal for Social Studies

Hayley Young

Honorable Mention: Anna Marie Patti

Gold Medal for Spanish

Brynn Romberger

Honorable Mention: Madelyn Gibson

Gold Medal for Theology

Alexis Kelerchian

Honorable Mention: Anna Marie Patti



98% of the Class of 2022 earned merit scholarships.

Total scholarships: $23,841,826

Total Awards: 347


Teresa Mitchell and her mom Karen Valedictorian Alexis Kelerchian Brigid Anders poses with Catherine McAuley. Katie Hess receives Communion. Olivia Guarnaccia, Maddie Gibson, Grace Heenan, and Mia Van Mater


Our 2022 Commencement Speaker, Maura McLaughlin, Ph.D. ’90, is known for her leadership of the international scientific community in the use of pulsars as detectors for gravitational waves and for her dedication to educating the next generation of astronomers and astrophysicists.

“I am actually a radio astronomer,” says Dr. McLaughlin. “My real work is listening for radio signals coming from the universe.” And when asked whether other intelligent life forms have been discovered, she remarks, “Not yet, despite looking really hard.”

Dr. McLaughlin’s main research interests involve studying neutron stars and their environments through radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray observations. Neutron stars are amazing physical laboratories for general relativity, studies of the interstellar medium, high-energy particle and plasma physics, and studies of stellar evolution. Notably, her research is highly cited in the top one percent of her field.

Dr. McLaughlin received a B.S. in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the Pennsylvania State University in 1994 and a Ph.D. in Astronomy and Space Sciences from Cornell University in 2001. She completed her postdoc research at Jodrell Bank Observatory in the United Kingdom. Today, her leadership roles include the Eberly Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy at West Virginia University, Director of the Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology, and Co-Director of the NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center. She is also a leader of the Pulsar Search Collaboratory, a citizen-science project that involves high school students across the United States in pulsar related research.

“I really don’t know whether we are alone or not in the universe,” says McLaughlin. “But I do think the world would be a much better place if all of us lived with deep gratitude for the uniqueness of our life here on Earth.”



Gwynedd proudly presents the college choices of the Class of 2022. All are attending a four-year college or university.

Brigid Elizabeth Anders The University of Massachusetts Boston

Jill Giovanna Baldassari Temple University

Abigail Rose Bernesky Wagner College

Maggie Elizabeth Blewitt The Pennsylvania State University

Kathryn Elizabeth Brosky Fordham University

Gabrielle Sofia Broytman University of Vermont

Meredith Heather Burns West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Caroline Anne Caputo Catholic University of America

Taylor Kathleen Casale Stevenson University

Grace Carol Cheeseman Catholic University of America

Sophia Dyan Chieffo University of Scranton

Ava Grace Colabelli University of Rhode Island

Bianca Fontanez Coleman United States Naval Academy

Sofia Fontanez Coleman Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Halle Manuela Coller Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Paige Bennett Collins LIM College

Lydia Rose Couchara Susquehanna University

Giavanna Marie DelliGatti Monmouth University

Ansley Constance DiNicola University of South Carolina

Megan Theresa Doherty University of Pittsburgh

Grace Ann Fergione West Virginia University

Isabella Anne Fiore Catholic University of America

Ciara Cathleen Flynn

The Pennsylvania State University

Olivia Grace French University of Pittsburgh

Lauren Elizabeth Gannon St. John’s University

Madelyn Renee Gibson Elon University

Elizabeth Rose Gomez Emerson College

Genavieve Marie Gorman The Pennsylvania State University

Zoe Faith Grabowski Dickinson College

Molly Elizabeth Gregor West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Olivia Daniel Guarnaccia University of Louisville

Grace Elizabeth Heenan College of Charleston

Lindsey Nicole Hermann University of Notre Dame

Katherine Sarah Hess Bucknell University

Lauren Ha Neul Hirschmann The Pennsylvania State University

Margaret Anne Howard University of Maryland

Morgan Ann Hynes

Providence College

Rose Victoria Imbesi

Clemson University

Paige Kathleen Johnson

The Pennsylvania State University

Kira Lynn Kawczynski

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Alexis Laura Kelerchian

Lehigh University

Kira Lee Kinsley

University of Scranton

Claudia Linares

The Pennsylvania State University

Elizabeth Kelly Lowry

The Pennsylvania State University

Ella Kate Lyons

University of South Carolina

Alexis Louise Makoid

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Alana Marie Mandato

West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Jenna Grace Mangan

Elon University


Madelyn Elizabeth Markey

Indiana University Bloomington

Angela Domenica Mazzeo American University

Michaela Marie McCook

Catholic University of America

Samantha Ella McDonnell Clemson University

Allyson Anne McGuire

The Pennsylvania State University

Gabriella Grace McIlhinney Drexel University

Alaina Rose McVeigh Duke University

Allyson Meitner

The University of Alabama

Elizabeth Greer Michie James Madison University

Teresa Jane Lynn Mitchell Thomas Jefferson University

Emily Margaret Morrison

The Pennsylvania State University

Caroline Margaret Mullen

The Pennsylvania State University

Lillian Paige Nesbitt University of Pittsburgh

Madeline Daye Newell

The Pennsylvania State University

Maeve Magrath Norris Providence College

Katherine Elizabeth O’Connell Florida Institute of Technology

Kelly Rose O’Donnell Gettysburg College

Serena Lyn Olden

The University of Tampa

Gianna Grace Olimpo Syracuse University

Cassidy Paige Palazzo University of Michigan

Anna Marie Patti Lehigh University

Helen Katherine Perry The University of Tennessee

Toula Michelle Romas The University of Alabama

Brynn Elizabeth Romberger Florida Institute of Technology

Ava Grace Russell Syracuse University

Alyssa Nicole Sacco Drexel University

Carla Scarpato Drexel University

Madison Phyllis Seidel

The Pennsylvania State University

Juliana Mae Stein University of Pittsburgh

Grace Frances Stetler

Elon University

Hayden Elisabeth Tyrrell

The Pennsylvania State University

Mia Carolyn Van Mater Fairfield University

Ana-Christina Verch Temple University

Gabriella Cummings Warner University of Maryland

Jacquelyn Alyssa Wells American University

Anna Grace Williams James Madison University

Hayley Addison Young Georgetown University

Natalie Grace Zoglio The Pennsylvania State University


who also received acceptances to these top-ranked universities and colleges (U.S. News and World Report):

Boston University

Carnegie Mellon University

College of William and Mary

George Washington University

Northeastern University

New York University

Ohio State University

Purdue University

Southern Methodist University

University of Connecticut

University of Georgia

University of Miami

University of Rochester

University of Virginia

University of Wisconsin

Villanova University

Hayley Young celebrates with her family. Grace Cheeseman and her mom Christine crown The Blessed Mother. Sofia Coleman celebrates with her family.


Social media is the place to discover it! Here are just a few highlights ...


Gwynedd’s TEA Publishing launched its first children’s book entitled LA MARIPOSA

TEA Publishing is a collaboration of students, faculty, and alumnae who author, translate, and illustrate books. Centered on the Sisters of Mercy Critical Concerns of Immigration and Earth, La Mariposa explores a butterfly’s journey to Gwynedd’s Monarch Meadow after being displaced from her home by deforestation. Shared in English and Spanish, the book is available for purchase from the School Store.

named Finalists in the 2022 NATIONAL MERIT® SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM, a distinction that placed them in a group representing less than one percent of U.S. high school graduating seniors. Kira Kawczynski ’22 and Alexis Kelerchian ’22 were also recognized as National Merit Commended Students.

Gwynedd Girls traveled to with Catholic HEART Workcamp to take part in a week of SERVICE AND FAITH FORMATION. Hayley Young ’22 (left) and Anna Patti ’22 (right) were Gwynedd’s took first place at the Saint Joseph’s University Haub School of Business Investment Challenge.


won its fifth straight Division 1 title in 2022.


earned the title of District 1 Champion and State Champion Runner-Up State for the 2021 Season. Also of note, Alaina McVeigh ’22, #14, completed her high school career with 173 goals and 74 assists to set the Gwynedd Mercy career record and was named a finalist for USA Today’s High School Sports Awards Field Hockey Player of the Year.

Gwynedd Girls voyaged to Mercy International Centre in Dublin, Ireland, to attend the


with students from other Mercy schools around the world.

Gwynedd’s Senior V8 boat earned 30th in the country at the


in Sarasota, Florida.


Halle Coller ’22 was awarded BEST PAINTING at the 2022 Arts Festival.



performed its Fall Musical production, Matilda (left), and its Spring Play, Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (below).

Gwynedd’s nationally recognized SPEECH


competed in the 2022 US National Speech and Debate Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky.

THE JAZZ BAND’S many performances included Gwynedd’s Open House.



Gwynedd Mercy is thankful for the outstanding dedication and extraordinary commitment of two members of our faculty and staff who retired in 2022.


Gwynedd Mercy is the only all-girls’ school in the country certified by LEAD4CHANGE,

a national program that offers a Leadership Curriculum with a Framework for Community Service. Participating students become certified in leadership and compete in a Lead4Change Challenge that celebrates student teams who put their leadership skills to work to better their communities.


Keep up with everything happening at Gwynedd by following @GMAhighschool on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Gwynedd Mercy also congratulates Sister Susan Myslinkski, R.S.M., our longtime French Faculty Member and Director of Activities, on the occasion of her Golden Jubilee. To celebrate the milestone, a tree was planted in her honor in the School’s Lower Courtyard.

program matched 98 externs with 41 employers including Pennsylvania State Senator Maria Collett (third from left) in Harrisburg. Elaine Bradley 46 Years of Service, Business Faculty Mary Kirby 5 Years of Service, Principal



Honoring the year Gwynedd was founded, the 1861 Society recognizes individuals whose annual gifts totaling $1,000 or more ensure the school’s ongoing excellence. Membership is extended at the following levels: Innovator ($5,000 or more), Leader ($1,861-$4,999), Associate ($1,000-$1,860).






Lisa and Brian Bamberger

Jennifer and William Barnett

Julie and Chip Behr

Kathleen Kirk Bellwoar ’81 and H. Jay Bellwoar

tracey and Richard Bielen

Kellie Dunphy Brogan ’87 and Mark Brogan

Marlene Castellano

Kristina Wolanski Colabelli ’91 and Peter Colabelli, Jr.

Kathi and Benjamin Colletti

Simone and Robert Cosgrove

The generosity of loyal donors provides the resources needed for Gwynedd to educate, inspire, and empower generations of women leaders rooted in Mercy values to achieve personal, collegiate, and professional success and to make a difference in the world.

Gwynedd’s Honor Roll of Donors recognizes all who contributed to the school between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022. These alumnae, parents, faculty, staff, friends, and organizations who supported Gwynedd during its last fiscal year helped to make “She is the Future” strategic initiatives possible and strengthened the school’s academic program and overall experience for all our students.

Marissa Simone Costonis ’87 and Michael Costonis

Cynthia and Michael DeCandido

Judith and Samuel deTuro

Denise and Harold Earley

Joely Esposito, Psy.D. ’88 and David Walsh

Mary Therese Ferro and Frank Ferro †

Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89 and Vincent Frascatore

Meghan and Gregg Gola

Sharon Belz Halferty ’92 and Joseph Halferty

Kathleen and Brian Hannan

Kate Lutz Hansen ’89 and Bud Hansen III

Jennifer Herron ’87

Anne Hasson Hyer ’88 and Raymond Hyer III

Marguerite and John Igoe

Kate Daniels Imbesi, Esq. ’92 and Anthony Imbesi

Melissa Dolan Kerr ’92 and Thomas Kerr

Karen David and Raman Mahadevan

Denise Corkery Marbach ’72 and Martin Marbach

Angela and Joseph Masterson

Anne Bridget McDonald ’91

Alice and Michael Meehan

Sheila and J. Scott Miller, Jr.

Susan and J. Scott Miller, Sr.

Karen and Peter Myers

Denise Maggetti Nowak ’77

Kathryn Redmond Oberlies ’07 and Matthew Oberlies

Sandra Pfeffer O’Connell ’92 and Brendan O’Connell, M.D.

Randi and Greg Osborne

Lindsay and Michael Ptaszenski

Joanne Casacio Regli ’59

Teresa Araco Rodgers ’91 and Gregory Rodgers

Kathleen M. Roeder, M.D. ’60

Therese and Joseph Rose

Anne and David Rossmeisl

Claire and William Sautter

Kristen and J. Milo Sewards, M.D.

Catherine Lafferty Stefanski ’84 and Michael Stefanski

Karen Sullivan, M.D. and Thomas Sullivan

Therese and Michael Wells

Susan and John Wenz




Michelle and Peter Andolino, D.M.D.

Carol and Raymond Angelo

Deborah and Gregory Assenmacher

Meghan and Derek Baker

Sara Cooley-Bentz, D.M.D and Robert Bentz, D.M.D.

Karen and Keith Bergman

Gerardean Brennan ’82

Phyllis and William Burke

Jill Marinari Carton, Ph.D. ’86 and Kevin Carton

Heather Collins, D.O. and Matthew Collins, D.O.

Natalie Conish

Carmelita Quain Dillon ’60

Karen and James Donahue

Cassandra and Paul Drakeley

Kathleen Cattie Fee ’61 and Francis Fee

Suellen and George Foley

Linda Galante, Esq. ’72 and John Colussi

Mary and Brian Gallagher

Susan Happ Garza ’60

Ann George, M.D. ’93 and Jebby Varughese

Margaret Geppert ’78

Susan and Timothy Gillespie

Jennifer Grant ’05

Amy and Charles Greenberg, Jr.

Cynthia and Curtis Griffin, Ph.D.

Susan and Joseph Hohenleitner

Jillian Chiarantona Jayson ’02

Hon. Jeanne Jourdan ’57

Mary Kirby

Maryanne Kirk

Linda Ksansnak ’85

Ann Marie Durney Kulsick ’58

Teresa and Charles Lewis

Frances Rieffel Lockwood ’65

Colleen Miles Lunsford ’93

Beverly and Gerard Lutes

Eileen Maguire Maginnis ’75

Jacqueline Maguire, Esq. and Michael Maguire, Esq.

William Maguire

Lisa Ann Miller McCormick ’86

Karen McKeaney ’88

Alfred and Maria Meitner III

Nicole Miller DeSantis and Joseph DeSantis

Katherine and James Morris

Mary Jane Morrow ’70

Jeanine and Peter Naticchione

David Owen

Anne and Frank Palopoli

Patricia Harper Petrozza, M.D. ’70

Barbara and John Redmond

Theresa Regli ’92

Mary Beth and Kenneth Rhines, Jr.

Ann McKernan Robinson ’54

Loretta Carlin Scott ’76 and Stephen Scott

Marisa Schmitt Steele, M.D. ’80

Amy Farragut Tyrrell ’91 and Ryan Tyrrell

Kristina Wahl ’93

Patricia Tucker Wall ’63

Christine Oliver Wiegand, Esq. ’91

Leslie Yanez and Rafael Yanez, D.M.D.



Kathleen Buchanan Balaratna, M.D. ’87 and Asoka Balaratna, M.D.

Mary and Gerard Belz, Jr.

Barbara Bettinger Boyle ’66 and William Boyle

Yvonne Brendley, Ph.D.

Judy McLaughlin Bucko ’60

Marybeth Senn Burton ’82

Stacey Piotrowski Capetola ’97

Emily Nugent Carrier, Ph.D. ’60

Carol Chiodo ’75 and Michael Cavanaugh

Patricia and George Cholaj

Colleen Corace Connor ’86 and Brian Connor

Celeste Dashiell ’70

Anne and Sean Delaney

Maria and Glenn DiBernardo

Robert Dick

Monica Feliciani DiRenzo ’72

Sharon Saybolt Donatucci ’72

Kelly Doyle ’05

Judith Waltrich Dunham ’71

Katherine Flannery ’73

Society Members from the Class of 1991: Teresa Araco Rodgers, Bridget McDonald, and Christine Oliver Wiegand
† Deceased
1861 Society Members Fran Fee, Carol Chiodo ’75, Toots Fee ’61, and Michael Cavanaugh 1861 Society Members Peter and Kristina Wolanski Colabelli ’91 1861 Society Members Michael and Marissa Simone Costonis ’87

Page and Louis Gilmore

David Gomez

Audrey Nugent Greening ’82

Christine Sauter Gregor ’87 and Frank Gregor

Linda and Clayton Griffin

Rosemary Murphy Gulati ’57

Valerie and Thomas Haenn

Therese Garrity Hartman ’70

Rosemary and Patrick Hopkins

Sheila Cassidy Horgan ’72 and Joseph Horgan

Pamela Hurlbrink Howard ’85

Tish and Steven Jackaman

Alicia Jones, D.O. ’87

Frances and Michael Jones

Jianrong Zhang and Weimao Ke, Ph.D.

Lisa and Paul Keenan

Maisha Palmer Kelly ’95

Margaret McGinn Kelly ’56

Catherine Harper Kelly, Esq. ’74

Christine and Roland Knoblauch

Julie and Ernest Koschineg III

Anna Skoien Lall ’02

Edward Lynett

Kathleen Toolan Madden ’97

Lisa and Ralph Martinez

Julie and John McCafferty

Pamela McKeon McDonald ’73

Kathleen and James McGoldrick

Nancy Pannepacker McKeaney ’64 and Fran McKeaney

Erin and Matthew McMahon

Susan Meitner ’88

Marguerite and Matthew Melinson

Sherry and John Mischler

Maureen and Frederick Mischler

Susan Mitchell

Mary Redican Moran ’69

Matt Morano

Lisa and Dennis Murray

Marie Michel Naples ’48

Christine Kerlin Nasserghodsi ’91

Stacey and Michael O’Malley

Mary Louise Robinson Pappas ’66

Sandi and Bruno Pasceri

Victoria Bastecki-Perez, Ed.D. and Santos Perez

Cristina Siegel Ramirez ’10

Jennifer Savino

Maria Rizzo Saxon ’87 and Brian Saxon

Kathryn and Erick Schilling

Joanne Gates Shafik ’70

Lucille and Joseph Silvestrini

Kathleen and Brian St. Clair

Michael Sullivan

Rita and Dave Talley

Mary and Christopher Valle

Megan and Michael Verrill

Judith and Michael Vivian

Patricia Ann White ’69

Congratulations Alumnae Association Award Recipients

PRESENTED AT REUNION, OCTOBER 2021 Margaret Beirn Barger Award Recipients for Service to the School: Marita Sommar Osborne ’66 and Michele Corkery Marbach ’72

Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee: Emma Keenan ’13

Trocaire Leadership Award Recipients for Service to the World: Kate Daniels Imbesi ’92 (Philanthropy/ Non-Profit), Kara McGrorty Derstine ’01, Ph.D. (Education), Julie Eble, Ph.D., ’71 (Business and Entrepreneurship), Sheila Nolan, M.D. ’90 (Healthcare), and Clare Cherney, M.D.’75 (Healthcare). Recipients unable to be present included Mary Ott, Ph.D. ’75 (Government and Legal), Allison Zaucha ’10 (Arts), and the late Sr. Virginia Hasson, R.S.M.

Inaugural Maria Lutz McHugh ’46 Award Recipient for Outstanding Commitment to Gwynedd Mercy Athletics: Coach Larry Wilson






Eva Adams Atkinson


Anne DeVenuto Grey


Marie Michel Naples

Rosemary Prendergast Rixon


Eileen McDonald Bolsover

Barbara Smith Kubiak

Margaret Campbell McDonald


Elizabeth Riceman Blume

Dorothy Coradino Brunetti

Mary Cunningham

Sally Applegate Schaffer


Maryann Burgoyne, R.S.M.

Barbara Campbell McCauley


Suzanne Simmons Fudala

Patricia Moerman Kane

Patricia McDonald Kearns

Barbara Harvey Mulcahy

Ann McKernan Robinson

Rosemary Malott Samtmann

Celeste Wagner Schaefer

Kathryn Enright Smerke

Barbara Boyle Sullivan


Kathleen Dorwart

Catherine Burns Eisenberg

Margaret McGinn Kelly

Brenda Baumgartner Kingham

Susannah Linton Kirchner

Thea Grimm Lewis


Nancy Nuffort Brown

Ann Faris Buckley

Barbara Dunzweiler Cullen

Carol Simmons de Luca

Rita Werb Fasano

Mary O’Keefe Forrestel

Rosemary Murphy Gulati

Alice Croney Hennessy

Barbara Hoffman, R.S.M.

Carol Hughes

Hon. Jeanne Jourdan

Barbara Smith Krause

Trudy Hartmann McFadden

Joanne Becker Rovno

Linda Gary Thibodeau


Mary Roberta Walsh Brockway

Celia Stokes Cooper

Joanne Pannepacker Jurich †

Regina Lewis Kriz

Ann Marie Durney Kulsick

Irene Byrne Neff

Barbara Roskos

Sheila McGowan Ross

Austine Noonan Stitt

Judith Strasser

Mary Walker Tompkins

Virginia Geminiani Troy


Carol Sullivan Boland

Joan Freney, R.S.M.

Patricia Kirk Green

Kathryn Alexander O’Malley

Joanne Casacio Regli


Alice Anne Goldkamp Bossow

Judy McLaughlin Bucko

Emily Nugent Carrier, Ph.D.

Carmelita Quain Dillon

Susan Happ Garza

Jeanice Montague Glennon

Kathleen Gaffney Jaworowski

Gail Conaway Kilmartin

Virginia desGarennes Mease

Sharon O’Donnell

Jacqueline Sexton Prior

Kathleen Roeder, M.D.

Jeanne Scanlon Rottier

Eileen Cairnes Samtmann

Nancy Connelly Straka


Mary Ann Wilkins Dreyer

Kathleen Cattie Fee

Carol McKee Milkowski

Lois Nicoletti

Margaret Parham Schwab


Donna Marker Higgins

Patricia Glinske Humpleby

Donna Ridley

Judith Fleck Shahriari

Margaret McShane Wich


Cecelia Eble Coyne

Peggi Hartmann Curlett

Patricia Brown Gaughan

Michele Boyce Ginieczki, Esq.

Ann Harleman, Ph.D.

Patricia O’Brien McFadden

Anne Hoffner O’Bannon

Barbara Trainer Smith

Katherine Trainer Ulinski

Patricia Tucker Wall


Patricia Carroll, R.S.M.

Rosemary Cataldi

JoAnn Cavalier

Kathleen Kittredge Dower

Regina Daniel Flewelling

Nancy Pannepacker McKeaney

Mary Therese Quinn Powell

Susan von Hake Stuntebeck, Ph.D.

Margaret Daley Taylor

Linda Ewan Wiesner


Janice Meehan Callahan

Joy Testa Dancer

Marianne Stuski Gontarek

Cheryl Knoell

Marjorie Flad Koslow

Frances Rieffel Lockwood

Nancy Dillon Maddox

Patricia Mullen McCann

Paula Deverant Murphy

Maggie McCool Murphy-Jones

Mercedes Nippes

Cathe Shoulberg, R.S.M.

Patricia Smith, R.S.M.

Judith McVey Useller


Barbara Bettinger Boyle

Cynthia Giltner Chryst

Claire Quinn Crum

Elizabeth Pickard Davey

Bonnie Strow Davis

Diane Koob Doyle

Charlene Dwyer Foley

Jane Sullivan Gibbons

Norah Lavelle Gumula

Teresa Vetrulli Hanlon

Mary Louise Koons Lanni

Kathleen Murphy Loftus

Marita Sommar Osborne

Mary Louise Robinson Pappas

Barbara Marsden


Joyce Seewald Sando

Colleen Kelley Sforza

Mary Patricia Keane Smith

Rev. Greta Urbanski Wagner

Charlette Allen Zehender


Sarah Cassidy Burns

Mary Kay Eichmann, R.S.M.


Margaret Mary Meehan


Patricia Jeffers Devlin, Ph.D.

Elizabeth Galbally Donohoe

Mary Haughton Landy

Denise Quinn O’Connell


Ella Straw Edwards

Alicia Cavanaugh Goldfeder

Mary Ellen Guzewicz

Denise Roque Hansberry

Maggie Sullivan Magee

Diane Maguire

Kim McCarron Mastropieri

Mary Redican Moran

Maryann O’Donnell

Delia Pio

Suzanne Long Ponsen

Kathleen O’Connor Shields

Dolores Seeburger Sweeney

Patricia Ann White

Members of the Class of 1966 celebrate the annual Circle of Mercy Luncheon on Reunion weekend.

Members of the Class of 1971 celebrate their 50th Reunion.


Alexandra Berret

Gail Adams Brinkmann

Dorothy Trainer Brown

Margaret Eichman Burke

Michelle Keane Burns

Mary Kay Carmichael

Ellen Stephenson

Carmody, Esq.

Nancy Blust Chiarantona

Loretta Jotautas Claeys

Juanita Crowley, Esq.

Celeste Dashiell

Margaret Jeffers Drayton

Kathleen Dunleavy

Geraldine Fox Galbally

Mary Galbally

Judith Lynch Gullotti

Mary Agnes Yetman Haman

Therese Garrity Hartman

Sandra Straw Hopper

Lorraine Yelito Huffaker

Susan Powell Koch

Teresa Hooten Kozempel, O.D.

Susan O’Connor Lowery

Barbara Lowry

Barbara Bradley McCullagh

Dee Ann Campbell McGlone

Christine Price Mercurio

Mary Jane Morrow

Kathleen O’Shea

Patricia Harper Petrozza, M.D.

Kathryn Quirk

Mary Ellen McCann Rueter

Deborah Schroth

Joanne Gates Shafik

Patricia Meehan Sinnott

Jean Marie Dischinger Sware

Beverly Hinkel Thomes

Maureen Donovan Walkinshaw

Elizabeth Shimkus Whitten

Regina Sudfeld Wyse


Mary Ellen Cassidy Bishop

Cynthia Antoni Conaway

Marianne Meehan DiDonato

Judith Waltrich Dunham

Julie Eble, Ph.D.

Mary Flannery

Claire McHugh Frazier

Kathleen Hauk

Diane Quain Klotz

Catherine McCarty

Madelyn Steiert Mergner

Alicia Mundy

Melinda Williamson Seefahrt

Regina Williams Tate, Esq.

Lynne Preis Teker


Sharon Bradley Cowley

Monica Feliciani DiRenzo

Sharon Saybolt Donatucci

Linda Galante, Esq.

Michele Corkery Hanes

Sallyanne Harper

Sheila Cassidy Horgan

Denise Corkery Marbach

Kathleen McHugh Pritz

Jo Ann Straw Rae, Ed.D.

Angela Fielder Thomas

Jayne Maddonni Viggiano


Katherine Flannery

Pamela McKeon McDonald

Leslie Lagan Toolan


Lisa Galante, M.D.

Catherine Harper Kelly, Esq.

Betty Jane Gola Neary


Carol Chiodo

Diane Dewhirst

Joan Doman Foley

Robbie Brennan Hain

Donna Knoell

Eileen Maguire Maginnis

Elizabeth Graham Rubin, Esq.

Antoinette LaRuffa Saturno


Beth Harper Briglia

Eileen McHugh Gray

Angela Palermo Haney

Lizann Harrigan Leusner

Megan Blust Losier

Isabel Young Lundy

Linda Chiodo Reeves

Jo-Ann Murray Schluckebier

Loretta Carlin Scott

Anita Luff Smith

Madeleine Graham Webb


Winifred Murphy Clowry

Melva Exner, Esq.

Mary Higgins Fletcher

Mary Ann Knight

Stacy McHugh Mauer

Denise Maggetti Nowak


Margaret Geppert

Patricia Brown Kenney

Elizabeth Farley Lehman

Colleen Murray McKenna

Tara Kenworthy Monihan

Grace D’Alessandro Samanns


Loretta Madden Balantic

Christina Ernst Ball

Karen Price Benson

Joanna Holvey Bowles

Maryeva Schmitt Kindelan

Sheila Connolly McGlone

Judith Edling Morrissey

Jacqueline Fitzgerald


Alissa Ritter Pinnock


Gena Recigno Anderson

Susan Exner Sobczak

Marisa Schmitt Steele, M.D.

Deborah Fox Walsh


Kathleen Kirk Bellwoar

Kathleen Emery

Kathleen Haley Hunsicker, Esq.

Susan Smith Lloyd, Esq.

Danielle Simone Taro


Lisa Bangs Barday

Gerardean Brennan

Marybeth Senn Burton

Ellen Dougherty

Cheryl King Else

Audrey Nugent Greening

Mary Kay Young Horgan

Alice Rooney Mahoney

Megan Lamb Norris


Karen Smith Beil

Margaret Seydow Lennon


Marisa Baldassano, M.D.

Susan Minerva Dunn

Teresa Martindell McGuckin

Kelly Kern McMenamin

Erin Casey McNichol

Kimberly Dunphy Scott

Catherine Lafferty Stefanski


Judy Loeb Felix

Patricia Higgins, Ph.D.

Pamela Hurlbrink Howard

Caren Cline Johnston

Diane Caffrey Keen

Linda Ksansnak

Susan McFadden Quirk


Kara Dolphin Beem, Esq.

Jill Marinari Carton, Ph.D.

Keri Conway Casey

Colleen Corace Connor

Lisa Ann Miller McCormick

Mary Patricia Flavin Miekley

Colleen Stack Stratton

Stacey Magil Suter


Kathleen Buchanan

Balaratna, M.D.

Natalie Plachter Blatney

Cari Guerin Boyle

Kellie Dunphy Brogan

Marissa Simone Costonis

Stacey Zoto Desmond

Meaghen Cooper Greene

Christine Sauter Gregor

Jennifer Herron

Jennifer Lutz Huntley

Alicia Jones, D.O.

Jennifer Mullin

Suzann Pileggi Pawelski

Kristin Risi, Ph.D.

Maria Rizzo Saxon

Nancy Funchion VanTrieste

Elizabeth Geppert Wilkinson

Judith Wilson



Kimberly Tornetta Attanasio

Alyce Bossow Cerniglia

Joely Esposito, Psy.D.

Nicole Bennis Flynn

Patricia Freyne Halstead, M.D.

Kia Ore Hill

Anne Hasson Hyer

Terri Mazzotta Hynes

Megan Haley Keaton

Christine Fruncillo Ledwith

Kimberly Colletti Mangan

Julie Skyrm Mangifesta

Karen McKeaney

Kristen Schilling McNamara

Susan Meitner

Susan Miller

Carolyn Doyle Murray

Maria Romano Pratt

Ellen White Remick

Patricia Heenan Ryan

Annemarie Carbo Verrecchia


Nina Rich Brooks

Sally Nowak Edmunds

Colleen Belz Frascatore

Kate Lutz Hansen

Kathleen Cleary Maguire

Meghan McGinn Shaner

Erica Weiler-Timmins, Ph.D.


Kate Marks Barker

Kelli Brown Boles

Tara DiMino Catagnus, M.D.

Cristy Braun Convey

Caeli Duke

Joan Elsasser Englebert

Andrea Bossow Gerardi

Maura McLaughlin, Ph.D.

Sheila Nolan, M.D.

Jennifer Prior Schlegel

Janine Zebrowski Stanton

Catherine Wilson, Ph.D.

Melissa Rebl Wilson


Elizabeth Holzer Brosky

Kelly Schaffer Casale

Elizabeth Schaefer Cirelli

Kristina Wolanski Colabelli

Wendy Cameron Fitzgerald

Colleen McDevitt Kane

Anne McDonald

Christine Kerlin Nasserghodsi

Carrie Lapworth O’Donnell

Christine McKeaney Reich

Teresa Araco Rodgers

Anne Rogerson

Suzanne Schmalbach Tropiano

Amy Farragut Tyrrell

Christine Oliver Wiegand, Esq.


Dana Santangelo Barth-Wagner

Jennifer McChesney Bogle

Megan Guidi Cleary

Maureen McGinn Dever

Leigh Hagan

Sharon Belz Halferty

Dana Colletti Harbison

Kathleen Daniels Imbesi, Esq.

Melissa Dolan Kerr

Colleen Murphy

Sandra Pfeffer O’Connell

Theresa Regli

Darcy Campbell Scollin

Meg Drayton Smith

Amy Roeder Wolfe


Brenna Kelly Boland

Lauren Braun Fisher

Ann George, M.D.

Jennifer Cervone Guarnaccia

Brynn Callahan Hooper

Colleen Miles Lunsford

Corinne O’Connell

Elizabeth McTamney Vasil

Kristina Wahl


Lorma Capili

Jacquelyn O’Hara Fix

Jennifer Patterson, Ph.D.

Jennifer Creed Rego

Catherine Kriz Wickersham


Lisa Murray Allen

Kelly McLaughlin Espinoza

Rebecca Welsch Hepler

Maisha Palmer Kelly

Kerry Callahan Leidal

Lauren Chancler Partridge

Kate Faia Prout

Cory Clark Shay


Jennifer Lepore Curran

Traci DiMino-Hunter, Pharm.D.

Erin Westley Kent

Kathleen Craig Rambo

Monica Lynch Sharkey

Jennifer Benton Zandier


Johanna Harvey Blankush

Stacey Piotrowski Capetola

Colleen Moors Dolan

Jennifer Lyon Ginnetti

Kate Campbell Githens

Kristin Fox Goettner, Pharm.D.

Dera Lee

Christine Lopez

Kathleen Toolan Madden

Amanda McKeogh Notaristefano

Jennifer Carl Petka

Rachel Reis

Elizabeth Hayes Romano


Meghan Arbogast Balsamo

Jennifer Bozzelli

Meredith Gernerd Burton

Breinn McCartney Carey

Megan Cassidy

Kathleen McGlinchey Clark

Kristen Jones Cohan

Laura Czulada, D.O.

Kristen Bur Daciw

Geralyn Sieracki Dal Balcon

Maureen Whitaker Dana

Maryanne Newdeck Fields

Megan Miller Galbally

Jessica Damert German

Katherine Boehmler Hoefert

Bridget Grady Joram

Christine Fontaine Krempasky

Heather Theis Maigur

Erin Mallon

Cassandra Tronoski Maloney

Margaret Hoban Marsh

Bridget Kilkenny McDade

Regina Puleo

Amanda Dzwil Schalick

Michelle Barbera Shipe

Jennifer Staub Stratis, Esq.

Jamie Swanson, D.O.

Jessica Boring Swetz

Aimee Halbritter Taylor

Giulia Umile

Alicia Prego Walsh

Amy Burkat Whitaker

Mairin Flanagan Wilkinson



Merilee Arevalo, Esq.

Meghan Doll Brennan, Esq.

Jennifer Kin Cottrell

Arianne Gorniak

Colleen Berwick Grelis

Allison Hegarty

Laura Scully Lane

Krista Reis Lynch

Megan O’Neill O’Hara

Antoinette Walsh Palardy

Melissa Lenzi Simola

Monica Nolan Lorusso ’99, Maura Nolan McDaid, Esq. ’87, Sheila Nolan, M.D. ’90, and mom, Maureen, visit with GMA Faculty Member Sister

Maureen Christi, R.S.M. and Director of Advancement

Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89

2023 All members of the Gwynedd community are welcome! Save the Date! Saturday, October 21 22 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Come back to campus to reflect on your Mercy roots, to honor remarkable Mercy women who are making a difference in the world, and to catch up with old friends. gmahs.org/reunion for all the details! Circle of Mercy Luncheon All Fifty-Year Graduates up to Class of 1973 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 11 AM William Penn Inn Saturday, October 21 All-Class Reunion 12 PM Mentoring Program Luncheon 3 PM Mercy Prayer Service 4 PM Alumnae Awards Presentation 5 — 7 PM Mix & Mingle Reception


Ashlee Janiszewski Biondo

Mary Katherine Madden Campbell

Lynne Palopoli Cobb

Tiana Fallavollita

Caroline Farrell

Kristin Kane Ford

Diane Pesavento Hicks

Lindsay Hogan

Brynn Kowalski Marwin

Joelle Santolla Shea

Monica Stoka Wubbe


Lisa Fineberg Ambrocio

Natalie Rocus Beers

Patricia Cameron

Caitlin Ford Canfield, Ph.D.

Brooke Morris Chott

Lauren Ailtmar Ciccarone

Karalyn McGrorty

Derstine, Ed.D.

Catherine DiDonato

Lauren Fontaine Dixon

Alison Fleming Dwyer, Esq.

Laura Hoban England

Kathleen Gallagher Fairbanks

Kathleen Hegedus Fink

Lauren Cassidy Galvin

Kathleen Walsh Hansen

Katherine Harrigan

Kathleen Kane

Colleen Keenan

Dana Jobba Lanahan

Kathryn Devlin Lillicrapp

Meghan Maguire

Lauren Malazita

Courtney Lofgren McCarthy

Maura Flanagan McDermott

Stephanie Hayden Minix

Jessica DeLisi Ostrowski

Lauren Paul

Elizabeth Stocum Peters

Jill Gibbons Rose

Kathleen Dillon Rossetti

Kasey Dougherty Saxton

Caitlin Fitzgerald Straub

Mary Elizabeth Merlini Vitucci, D.O.

Stephanie Morano Weaver

Sunny Timbo White

Kathleen Tokarski Wills

Brieanne Givnish Yousaitis

Lauren Wessier Zollo


Caitlin Valeo Adams

Claudia Angelo

Rose Ann Kozloski Annand

Christina Klenk Bliem

Nora Hartman Boerner

Lisa Opdyke Brooks

Aubrey Medwid Buch

Martha Beninger Burke

Lauren Shotts Campbell

Mary Kate Heck Collins

Amanda Rebstock Cooper

Lauren Palmero Cordrey, Esq.

Shaun Conway Courtney

Leah Conway Dempsey, Esq.

Katherine Mockaitis Donegan

Elisabeth Behr Drew

Carolyn Gadbois

Mary Kathryn McNulty Gallo

Jenna Pasceri Godburn

Jennifer Bostwick Guglielmi

Kathleen Fox Hall

Laura Piper Hartman

Jillian Chiarantona Jayson

Kelly Hornbaker King

Ashley Peffall Kosh

Anna Skoien Lall

Margaret Berry Lawler

Carmen Breen-Lopez

Lewis, Psy.D.

Stephanie Martorelli May

Mary Stanton Miller

Christina Cooke Mills

Alexis Vogel Morgan

Corinne O’Brien

Jennifer Paul

Joanne Arrow Petrun

Kelly Kane Shacklett

Tracey Danella Spause

Erin Statmore

Katelyn Zollo Vespa

Alisha Ferguson Wax

Jillian Jackson Williams


Bethanne Mascio Connolly

Christine Theis Convery

Laura Pesavento Detore

Heather Toolan Heenan

Kathryn Ailtmar Kirk

Lynnsey Grzybowski Medeiros

Anne Bostwick Parker


Brittany Barber

Charlotte McDaniel Conmy

Alison McGrorty Crotts, M.D.

Kathrynne Mulhern Cumiskey

Meaghan Stanton Eisenhart

Maura Lowry Newell

Tara O’Rourke

Courtney Valeo


Annemarie O’Neill Agnew

Bridget Matthews Anderson

Mary Kate Farrell Baird

Maura Bradley

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli

Caitlin Coad

Sarah Filippi Dooley, Esq.

Kelly Doyle

Caitlin Miller Geary

Andrea Geppert

Lauren Gibbons, Esq.

Hilary Flanagan Givnish

Jennifer Grant

Caitlin Nahas Jackson

Kylen McCartney Maczuzak

Caitlin Foley Merlini

Cristina Almendrales


Erin Welsh Pitts

Marguerite Ramsey

Melissa Vivian Robbins

Kristen Vivian Ruina

Kaitlin Roche Russomano

Madeline Heck Scherwitzky

Maria Kaemmer Vaccaro

Michele Marbach Yost


Kathryn Taormina Caglia

Emily Hess Capuano

Lindsay Draham

Maura Gillies Durante

Natalie Angelo Elliott

Stephanie Scott Glackin, Esq.

Elizabeth Lutes

Christine May Rafferty

Kimball Smith


Christine Burke

Meghan Payton Davidson

Mary Pat Dwyer, Esq.

Gabrielle Earley

Bergan Foley

Vanessa Angelo Goldman

Rachael Kennedy McGinnis

Angela Siegel Lawlor

Elyse McCabe McCarthy

Megan Monahan

Kathryn Redmond Oberlies

Elisa Caporizzo Prousi

Jill Lowry Reilly

Christina Wilson


Angela Amarhanov

Bryn Carroll, M.D.

Moira McGinn Giordano

Elizabeth Foley McCabe

Melanie Reynolds, Esq.

Monica Yanessa

Beth Merlini Vitucci, D.O. ’01 and Caitlin Fitzgerald Straub ’11 attend the President’s Christmas Reception for Leadership Donors and Volunteers. Mary Kate McNulty Gallo ’02 and her husband Jim attend President’s Christmas Reception for Leadership Donors and Volunteers.


Caitlin O’Connor Albanese

Audrey Benton

Elizabeth Marbach Bielen

Casey Swiski Ciocca, Esq.

Marisa DeCandido

Molly Monihan DiLiberto

Meghan Gillies

Grace Givnish

Caitlin Fasano Haug

Meredith Scott Koscelansky

Danielle Mastroieni

Susan Merlini Oman

Emily Pappas

Marguerite Quinn


Anna Bocchino

Emily D’Angelo Bowman

Kathryn Daniels

Helena DeBald

Michelle Hardcastle

Meredith Jones

Diana Kirk

Julie Kurkowski

Sarah Pierson

Cristina Siegel Ramirez

Maura Weber


Amanda D’Orazio

Megan Hisey

Mary Catherine Kershaw


Hannah McGrath

Caitlyn Moynahan

Chloe Rapp

Jennifer Ritinski

Samantha Rock

Kaitlyn Turek


Paige Albor

Angela Boccuti

Maria Borlando

Monica Bradley

Mary Kate Catalino

Mary Kate Connelly

Molly Corr

Kelly Crane

Megan Fasano

Maeve McGill

Maura McKenna

Devon Monihan

Catherine Podlogar

Meghan Kelly Rader

Erin Reimel

Patricia Scott

Caroline Shimrock

Sara Scott Studer

Katelynn Sundheim

Taylor Sweeney

Haley Wood

Annalise Zaengle

Casey Zipfel


Shannon Alexander

Erin Haney

Kerry Regan

Kathryn Rietzke

Angela Scandone

Amanda Winters


Emily Bentz

Kylie Hartz

Kaitlin Lewis

Natalie Pisch

Bernadette Samanns

Jamie Talecki

Lea Zaengle


Chelsea Bergman

Paula Borlando

Stephanie Brady

Sydney Hirokawa

Laura Lutes

Devon Merlino

Lauren Payton


Mary Claire Casey

Moira Connelly

Emilee Desmond

Rachel Koller

Megan McAloon

Madison Meagher

Lindsay O’Malley

Reilly Power

Mary Kathleen Scott

Shannon Scott

Tara Webster


Gina Scandone

Danielle Senour

Colleen Valle

Emily Webster

Shannon Zipfel


Haley Conroy

Elizabeth Ferguson

Elizabeth Hasson

Grace Kelly

Camryn McGrath

Grace Van Thuyne


Julia Bentz

Victoria Borlando

Marissa Camper

Amy Casas

Eleanor D’Angelo

Caitlin Fitzpatrick

Erin Hahn

Ryann Kerr

Julia Koller

Ryan Stratton

Kelsey Van Thuyne

Carly VanCamp

Morgan Zipfel


Angelena Antenuci

Olivia Carton

Jillian Dougherty

Margaret Fluehr

Lauren Halferty

Ashley Hartz

Meaghan McGoldrick

Aileen Murray

Peyton Palazzo

Erin Plamondon

Kathryn Tereshko

Hailee Weiss


Carly Andrews

Laura Bentz

Julia Berry

Margaret Mary Boyle

Reilly Cahill

Celia Carton

Ella Gross

Lyndsey James

Shannon McCarthy

Cassandra McCormick

Melanie McGill

Katharine Morgan

Kelly Murray

Livia Olsen

Sydney Pasceri

Lauren Slovensky

Erin Stratton

Madeline Tronoski

Nikkole VanCamp

Alexandra Wenz

Members of the Class of 2016 return to classrooms on the Red and Gold Corridors at Reunion




Cynthia and Mark Alisesky

Serena and Carl Amos

Mary Anders

Gena Recigno Anderson ’80

Michelle Andolino and Peter Andolino, D.M.D.

Carol and Raymond Angelo

Margaret Mary Meehan Arbogast ’68 and Richard Arbogast

Deborah and Gregory Assenmacher

Meghan and Derek Baker

Kathleen Buchanan Balaratna, M.D. ’87 and Asoka Balaratna, M.D.

Lisa and Brian Bamberger

Jennifer and William Barnett

Erin and Robert Battisto

Shirley and David Beal

Maryann and Christopher Beck

Eileen and James Behr

Julie and Chip Behr

Mary and Gerard Belz, Jr.

Karen Price Benson ’79 and Lee Benson III

Ruth Benton

Sara Cooley-Bentz, D.M.D. and Robert Bentz, D.M.D.

Karen and Keith Bergman

Stephanie and Richard Berish

Stephanie Berman and Eric Berman, D.O.

Margaret and John Bernesky

Kelly and Joseph Bilko

Mary Ellen Cassidy Bishop ’71 and William Bishop, Esq.

Marilyn and Gregory Blaszczynski

Regina and Ralph Bocchino

Colleen and Christopher Bogle

Stacey and Wilson Bohanak

Erin Boran

Karen and Anthony Borrelli

Regina Bosca

Alice Anne Goldkamp Bossow ’60 and Peter Bossow

Richard Bostwick

Judith and C. Robert Bowers

Jin and Brian Boyle

Barbara Bettinger Boyle ’66 and William Boyle

Cari Guerin Boyle ’87 and Christopher Boyle

Elaine Bradley

Kellie Dunphy Brogan ’87 and Mark Brogan

Nina Rich Brooks ’89 and Matthew Brooks

Elizabeth Holzer Brosky ’91 and Paul Brosky

Mariya and Nikanor Broytman

Karyn and Douglas Buchanan, Jr.

Judy McLaughlin Bucko ’60

Michelle and David Burgess

Phyllis and William Burke

Michelle Keane Burns ’70

Patricia and Michael Buzzanca

Kelly and Dennis Cahill

Janice Meehan Callahan ’65 and Paul Callahan

Jennifer and David Campbell

Lauren and Joseph Campbell

Mary Pat and Thomas Cannon, Jr.

Meg and Michael Caputo

Tara and Salvatore Carlo

Sheila and Francis Carroll

Janeese and Robert Carter

Jill Marinari Carton, Ph.D. ’86 and Kevin Carton

Kelly Schaffer Casale ’91 and Raymond Casale

Catherine Casey and Steven Casey, M.D.

Keri Conway Casey ’86 and Thomas Casey

Heidi and Ryan Cassidy

Marlene Castellano

Celine and Richard Cervone

Nancy and Thomas Chancler

Christine and Christopher Cheeseman

Nancy Blust Chiarantona ’70 and Joseph Chiarantona

Jenniffer and Anthony Chieffo, Jr.

Kelly and David Chipman

Patricia and George Cholaj

James Cipriano

Elizabeth Schaefer Cirelli ’91 and Charles Cirelli

Megan Guidi Cleary ’92 and Kevin Cleary

Kristina Wolanski Colabelli ’91 and Peter Colabelli, Jr.

Kathi and Benjamin Colletti

Heather Collins, D.O. and Matthew Collins, D.O.

Linda Galante, Esq. ’72 and John Colussi

Natalie Conish

Joely Esposito, Ph.D. ’88 with daughter Reilly ’23 on Ring Night Mothers’ Club President Michelle Stetler with daughter Grace ’22 at her Alumnae Association Induction Sam Carlo, Tara Carlo, Kristen Ferns, Therese Wells, Mike Wells, and Rich Ferns at the President’s Christmas Reception for Leadership Donors and Volunteers


Jennifer and Shawn Connaghan

Colleen Corace Connor ’86 and Brian Connor

Aileen Conway and Leo Conway, D.D.S.

Sarah Corvasce and Joseph Corvasce, M.D.

Simone and Robert Cosgrove

Mimi Craig

Elizabeth Creel

Lien and Thomas Crocker

Jennifer and David Crowe

Elizabeth Cummings

Madeline and Edward Curry

Karen and Michael Danner

Eileen and Peter Day

Cynthia and Michael DeCandido

Anne and Sean Delaney

Teresa and Michael Della Donna

Catherine and John DeLucca

Stacey Zoto Desmond ’87 and Gerald Desmond

Maureen McGinn Dever ’92 and John Dever

Maria and Glenn DiBernardo

Renee Dick

Robert Dick

Marianne Meehan DiDonato ’71 and Edward DiDonato

Carmelita Quain Dillon ’60

Michelle and Patrick DiNicola

Mary Cushing Doherty, Esq.

Karen and James Donahue

Tricia and Brian Donahue

Mary Anne and Louis Donofrio

Cassandra and Paul Drakeley

Margaret Jeffers Drayton ’70

Jennifer and Michael Dunlap

Susan Minerva Dunn ’84 and John Dunn

Amy and Kevin Dunphy

Denise and Harold Earley

Kay and Christopher Edwards

Noreen and Michael Eidenshink

June and Bruce Eisenhard, Jr.

Natalie Angelo Elliott ’06 and Thomas Elliott

Patricia and David Ellman

Rita and Gregory Englebreth

Cynthia and Richard Falconio III

Virginia and John Farrell

Theresa and Matthew Fasano

Ann and Patrick Fergione

Kristen and Richard Ferns

Mary Therese Ferro and Frank Ferro †

Leslie and Samuel Filippi

Susan and John Finn

Molly and Benjamin Fiore

Wendy Fitzgerald ’91

Clare and John Fitzpatrick

Jacquelyn O’Hara Fix ’94 and Joseph Fix

Jean and Keith Fleming

Kathleen and Joseph Fluehr IV

Nicole Bennis Flynn ’88 and Robert Flynn

Suellen and George Foley

Janet and Conrad Fontaine

Lisa and Robert Foster

Nina French

Robin Greenday and George Fritz

Amy and Jake Fruncillo

Cornelia and John Fruncillo

Celeste and Dante Fulginitti

Mary and Brian Gallagher

Kate and Mike Garwood

Yuko and John Gaynard

Ritanne Gazak and Stephen Gazak, M.D.

Lena and Robert Gelenberg

Maria Gemmi and Charles Gemmi, D.M.D.

Ann George, M.D. ’93 and Jebby Varughese

Susan and Timothy Gillespie

Page and Louis Gilmore

Kristen and Lance Giordano

Kate Campbell Githens ’97 and Brian Githens

Michelle and James Godin

Meghan and Gregg Gola

David Gomez

Marianne Stuski Gontarek ’65 and Paul Gontarek

Jill and Charles Gorsuch

Theresa and Joseph Grabowski

John Granozio

Amy and Charles Greenberg, Jr.

Dana and James Greenhalgh

Christine Sauter Gregor ’87 and Frank Gregor

Cynthia Griffin and Curtis Griffin, Ph.D.

Linda and Clayton Griffin

Jennifer Cervone Guarnaccia ’93 and David Guarnaccia

Christina and David Haberstroh

Valerie and Thomas Haenn

Sharon Belz Halferty ’92 and Joseph Halferty

Patricia Freyne Halstead, M.D. ’88 and Jeffrey Halstead, M.D.

Mary Agnes Yetman Haman ’70 and Scott Haman

Angel Palermo Haney ’76

Kate Lutz Hansen ’89 and Bud Hansen III

Theresa and Joe Hartey

Jeannine and William Hartz, Sr.

Lisa and James Hasson

Kelly and Thomas Hazelton III

Maureen Helwig

Kerry and Rod Henkels

Rebecca Welsch Hepler ’95 and Christopher Hepler

Amy and Gregory Herm

Jennifer and Joe Herron

Michele and John Hess

Shelby and Kevin Hisler

Catherine and John Hoban

Susan and Joseph Hohenleitner

Shiree Holder

Rosemary and Patrick Hopkins

Sandra Straw Hopper ’70 and Wayne Hopper

Mary Kay Young Horgan ’82 and Peter Horgan

Sheila Cassidy Horgan ’72 and Joseph Horgan

Mary and Gil Howard

Pam Hurlbrink Howard ’85

Grace and Eduardo Hrlic

Laura and Stephen Hudak

Heather Huff-Zehren

Jennifer Lutz Huntley ’87 and Mark Huntley

Anne Hasson Hyer ’88 and Raymond Hyer III

Terri Mazzotta Hynes ’88 and Thomas Hynes

Kathleen Daniels Imbesi, Esq. ’92 and Anthony Imbesi

Mothers’ Club Fashion Show Committee, chaired by Pamela Caraway, strikes a pose.

Tish and Steven Jackaman

Sara and Lee Janiczek

Renee Johnson

Caren Cline Johnston ’85 and Thomas Johnston

Edna Ramirez and David Johnston, Ph.D.

Frances and Michael Jones

Amy and Eduardo Juarez

Elizabeth and Edward Kane, Jr.

Colleen McDevitt Kane ’91

Kelly O’Neill and David Kawczynski

Jianrong Zhang and Weimao Ke, Ph.D.

Bonnie-Ann Keagy, Esq. and Mark Keagy

Megan Haley Keaton ’88 and Brett Keaton

Diane Caffrey Keen ’85 and Gary Keen

Lisa and Paul Keenan

Patricia Keen

Theresa and Glen Kehler

Caralyn and Brad Kelly

Jennifer and Boyd Kelly

Margaret McGinn Kelly ’56 and Robert Kelly

Melissa Dolan Kerr ’92 and Thomas Kerr

Marie Kinsley, M.D. and Charles Kinsley

Kellyann and Thomas Kirk

Maryanne Kirk

Anne and Kris Knapke

Christine Knoblauch and Roland Knoblauch, M.D., Ph.D.

Regina and David Knorr

Cynthia and Kenneth Koons

Julie and Ernest Koschineg III

Marjorie Flad Koslow ’65 and Mitchell Koslow

Paul Kovach

Regina Lewis Kriz ’58

Amy and Theodore Kuriger

Lynn and Brian Lange

Monica and Keith Lapp

Kristine and Matthew Laswell

Janelle and Thomas Laufer

Beatrice Lemanowicz, Esq. and Richard Lemanowicz, Esq.

Nancy and Christopher Leone

Jane Lepore and Mark Lepore, M.D.

Melissa and Todd Levan

Teresa and Charles Lewis

Paula Medio and Alfredo Linares

Jean Lisko

Susan Smith Lloyd, Esq. ’81 and David Lloyd

Kathleen Murphy Loftus ’66 and William Loftus

Megan Blust Losier ’76 and John Losier

Christine and Doug Loughran

Beverly and Gerard Lutes

Jennifer and Stephen Lynch

Edward Lynett

Nicole and James Lyons

Maryse and Dana Mackey

Maryellen Madden and James Madden, M.D.

Meghan and Matthew Madeira

Patricia and Edward Magil

Jacqueline Maguire, Esq. and Michael Maguire, Esq.

Kathleen Cleary Maguire ’89 and Michael Maguire

William Maguire

Karen David and Raman Mahadevan

Alice Rooney Mahoney ’82 and Sean Mahoney

Jennifer and James Mahoney

Renee and Matt Makoid

Kimberly and James Malone

Margaret and John Maloney

Jennifer Mandato and Philip Mandato, D.O.

Kimberly Colletti Mangan ’88 and Brendan Mangan

Denise Corkery Marbach ’72 and Martin Marbach

Jenny and Brennan Marion

Heather and Nicholas Markey

Nancy and Thomas Markley

Eva Markward, O.D. and Andrew Markward

Maureen and Del Markward

Lisa and Ralph Martinez

Beth Anne Mascio

Angela and Joseph Masterson

Nancy and Nicholas Mastroieni

Sandy and Anthony Matos

Thelma and Harry May

Elaine and Peter Mazzeo

Julie and John McCafferty

Lauri and Richard McCartney

Andrea and Daniel McCartney

Annemarie and Sean McCook

Denise and Louis McCormick III

MaryBeth and William McDonnell

Molly McDonnell and Jeffrey McDonnell, Esq.

Sheri and Tom McDonnell

Andrea and Michael McDougal

Carmela and Joseph McDowell

Kathleen and James McGoldrick

Stephen McGonigle

Melissa McGuire, Ed.D. and Dennis McGuire

Nancy Pannepacker McKeaney ’64 and Frank McKeaney

Mauri and Robert McKee

Charles McKee, Esq.

Colleen Murray McKenna ’78 and David McKenna

Margaret and James McKeogh

Lisa and William McLaughlin

Erin and Matthew McMahon

Lori and Joseph McManus

Mary and Robert McMonagle

Jessica and Brian McVeigh

Lorelei Meehan and James Meehan

Michele and Thomas Meehan

Alice and Michael Meehan

Faith and Michael Meehan

Maria and Alfred Meitner III

Susan Meitner ’88

Marguerite and Matthew Melinson

Mary and Mark Merlini

Mary Ellen Miller, Ph.D. and Andrew Miller

Susan and J. Scott Miller, Sr.

Nicole and Joseph Miller DeSantis

Amy Minnich and John Minnich, M.D.

Maureen and Frederick Mischler

Robin Mogg, Ph.D. and Paul Mogg

Margaret Mary and David Monahan

Tara Kenworthy Monihan ’78 and Neil Monihan

Patricia and James Moore III

Eileen and Robert Morano

Jayme and Joseph Morgan

Katherine and James Morris

Carolyn and Thomas Morrison

Dana and Joseph Morrissey

Judith Edling Morrissey ’79 and Mark Morrissey

Melva Exner, Esq. ’77 and Timothy Moynahan

Janel and Paul Mullen

Bonnie Mullin and J. Edmund Mullin, Esq.

Christine Mullin, Ed.D. and Matthew Mullin

Victoria and Robert Munoz

Kristin and Gerald Murnane

Nicole and Coley Murphy

Carolyn Doyle Murray ’88 and Edward Murray

Joyce and Kevin Murray, Jr.

Karen and Peter Myers

Christine and Patrick Naessens

Lauren and Matthew Naldzin

Jeanine and Peter Naticchione

Betty Jane Gola Neary ’74 and Rod Neary

Marci and Eric Neumeister

Maura Lowry Newell ’04 and Matthew Newell

Megan Lamb Norris ’82 and Walter Norris

Catharine and Mark Obert-Thorn

Suzy and Rich O’Brien

Kathleen and George O’Connell

Past Parents David Johnston, Ph.D. and Edna Ramirez of Mermaid Spirits host the whiskey tasting at McAuley’s Pub Night.




Carolyn Keen ’10 Memorial

5K Run

1M Walk

Friday, August 4, 2023

ICONA Beachfront Resort, Veranda Room Avalon, New Jersey

Monday, October 2, 2023

32nd Annual Golf Classic

North Hills Country Club


Round-Robin Cedarbrook Country Club

In person: Sept. 23, 2023

Virtual: Sept. 16-23

All proceeds support the Carolyn Keen ’10 Memorial Scholarship at GMA



Inaugural NIGHT
theContinue!Shenanigans q
Saturday, March 2, 2024 Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School Let

Dads enjoy the Gwynedd Golf Classic at North Hills Country Club.


Lori and Matthew O’Connell

Jennifer O’Connor, M.D. and Michael O’Connor II

Katie and Douglas O’Dell

Kimberly and Michael O’Doherty

Carrie Lapworth O’Donnell ’91 and Kevin O’Donnell

Danielle and Christopher O’Donnell

Rebecca and Brian O’Donnell

Denise and Timothy Olden

Doris and George Olsen

Kristin and Kevin Olsen

Stacy and Michael O’Malley

Theresa and Valdamir Ormond

Mary Beth Ormsby

Patricia Osborne

Randi and Greg Osborne

Ann and William Oswald

Kelly and Daniel Palazzo

Anne and Frank Palopoli

Maria Pasceri

Sandi and Bruno Pasceri

Karen and John Pascucci

Priti and Jaimin Patel

Adrienne and Brian Patti

Beth and John Pearce

Victoria Bastecki-Perez, Ed.D. and Santos Perez

Jennifer and Anthony Peroni

Mary Joe and Francis Perry

Christina and Ronald Persia

Jennifer Carl Petka ’97 and Brian Petka

Carolyn and Christopher Phifer

Jerry and Brian Pickett

Mark Plamondon

Dora Powzaniuk and Mark Powzaniuk, Ph.D.

Kate Faia Prout ’95 and Ethan Prout

Carol Reckner and John Reckner, D.M.D.

Barbara and John Redmond

Elizabeth Reedy, Ph.D. and Joseph Reedy

Linda Chiodo Reeves ’76

Joanne Casacio Regli ’59

Deirdre Reid-Fighera

Colleen Reilly

Jill Weller-Reilly and Thomas Reilly

Joanne and Drew Revak IV

Mary Beth and Kenneth Rhines, Jr.

Kathleen and Steve Rietzke

Joseph Ritinski

Michelle and Richard Roberts

Teresa Araco Rodgers ’91 and Gregory Rodgers

Kathleen Roeder, M.D. ’60

Eileen and Robert Romano

Megan and Brian Romano

Mary Romanzo

Karen Romas

Kelly and Matthew Romberger

Danielle and Gerard Rosato

Therese and Joseph Rose

Patricia and Barry Rosenberger

Anne and David Rossmeisl

Christina and Jeffrey Russell

Patricia Heenan Ryan ’88 and William Ryan

Karen Sabatino

Kelly and Richard Sacco

Lisa and Marc Salamone

Grace D’Alessandro Samanns ’78 and John Samanns

Annette and Joel Santolla

Claire and William Sautter

Jennifer Savino

Bernard Saxon

Maria Rizzo Saxon ’87 and Brian Saxon

Kathleen and Timothy Scanlon

Celeste Wagner Schaefer ’54

Mary and William Schafer

Kathryn and Erick Schilling

Tammi and John Schroeder

Kimberly Dunphy Scott ’84 and Peter Scott

Loretta Carlin Scott ’76 and Stephen Scott

Carol and Todd Seidel

Kristen Sewards and J. Milo Sewards, M.D.

Daniela and James Shea

Laura and Terrence Shea

Lauren and Robert Short

Lucille and Joseph Silvestrini

Patricia Meehan Sinnott ’70 and James Sinnott

Nancy and William Skyrm

Kathryn Enright Smerke ’54 and John Smerke

Meg Drayton Smith ’92 and Michael Smith

Anne Marie and Briann Soteros

Coleen and Joseph Splendido

Deborah and Sean St. Clair

Gregg Starynski

Joanna Starynski

Catherine Lafferty Stefanski ’84 and Michael Stefanski

Pamela Caraway and Francis Stein, Jr.

Michelle and Michael Stetler

Ilene and Richard Storck

Colleen Stack Stratton ’86 and Michael Stratton

Karen Sullivan, M.D. and Thomas Sullivan

Michael Sullivan

Colleen and Joseph Sundheim

Andrea Surratt

Stacey Magil Suter ’86 and S. Ross Suter

Devin and Joseph Sweeney

Karen and Brendan Sweeney

Jeanne Szekely and Les Szekely, M.D.

Francis Francis Szypula, Jr.

Kimberly Szypula

Rita and Dave Talley

Hon. Allan Tereshko and Heather Tereshko, Esq.

Mae and Sean Thomas

Kristine and William Thum

Catalina Tobon

Megan and Brian Tomko

Leslie Lagan Toolan ’73 and James Toolan

Megan and Michael Tronoski

McAuley’s Pub Night Leaders and Gwynedd Moms Ann Fergione, Michelle Stetler, Tory Munoz, Kristine Laswell, and Jeannine Hartz

Amy Farragut Tyrrell ’91 and Ryan Tyrrell

Lisa Urie

Mary and Christopher Valle

Marilyn and Dorell Van Buren

Nina and Steven Van Mater

Megan and Michael Verrill

Jayne Maddonni Viggiano ’72 and Anthony Viggiano

Rebecca and John Villano

Judith and Michael Vivian

Joely Esposito, Psy.D. ’88 and David Walsh

Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner

Sharon and Drew Waropay

Tiffaney Waters

Madeleine Graham Webb ’76 and Ray Webb

Diana and Scott Webster

Lucia and James Weid

Lisa and John Weiss

Donna and Jonathan Wells

Therese and Michael Wells

Nicole and David Wenhold

Susan and John Wenz

Catherine Kriz Wickersham ’94 and Andrew Wickersham

Denise Wilcox, O.D., Ph.D. and David Wilcox, Ph.D.

Elizabeth Geppert Wilkinson ’87 and Harmon Wilkinson

Nancy and Matthew Williamson

Nina and George Williamson

Eileen and Christopher Wilson

Ingrid Witkowski and Thomas Witkowski, M.D.

Ann and Mark Wojtko

Amy Roeder Wolfe ’92

Leslie Yanez and Rafael Yanez, D.M.D.

Margaret and Thomas Yezzi

Julia Pasceri-Young and Kenneth Young

Rachel and Greg Young

Jenny Yuen, Pharm.D. and Pak Yuen

Janice and Joseph Zadlo

Anne and Joseph Zaengle

Kathleen and Mathew Zoglio, Sr.




Gloria and Thomas Anderson

Carol and Raymond Angelo

Mary and Gerard Belz, Jr.

Barbara Bettinger Boyle ‘66 and William Boyle

Lynne and Chris Brockett

Joanne Canavan

Richard Cervone

Kathi and Benjamin Colletti

Carol Simmons de Luca ‘57

Judi and Samuel deTuro

Carmelita Quain Dillon ‘60

Margaret Jeffers Drayton ‘70

Cornelia and John Fruncillo

Patricia Brown Gaughan ‘63

Paul Gola

Thomas Haurin

Patricia McDonald Kearns ‘54

Patricia Keen

Regina Lewis Kriz ‘58

Patricia and Edward Magil

William Maguire

Margaret Manson

Sharon O’Donnell ‘60

David Owen

Morgan Pape, Sr.

Rosemarie and James Parenti

Past Parents and Current Grandparents Ray and Carl Angelo and Kathi and Ben Colletti

Kathleen Roeder, M.D. ‘60

Maryann Romberger

Celeste Wagner Schaefer ‘54

Margaret Parham Schwab ‘61

Ellen and Douglas Van Mater

Margaret and Joseph Vavra

Dorothy Zygmont



Thomas Clifford

Brian Baillie

Erin Battisto

Mary Belz

Karen Price Benson ’79

Marybeth Beretta, R.S.M.

Michael Berger

Mary Pat Blanke

Carol Sullivan Boland ’59

Kathleen Boyce, R.S.M.

Elaine Bradley

Patricia Bradley

Yvonne Brendley, Ph.D.

Lisa Opdyke Brooks ’02

Diane Buckius

Christine Burke ’07

Eileen Carty

Anne Casavecchia

Christine Cheeseman

Maureen Christi, R.S.M.

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli ’05

Kimberley Clearkin

Cynthia Antoni Conaway ’71

Colleen Corace Connor ’86

Mimi Craig

Amy Cymerman

Jill Daly

Leona D’Angelo

Helena DeBald ’10

Cynthia DeCandido

Lisa DeCicco

Ashley Deegan

Karalyn McGrorty Derstine, Ed.D. ’01

Patricia Donlin, R.S.M.

Maura Gillies Durante ’06

Bernadette Duross, R.S.M.

Al Eby

Theresa Fasano

Mary Alice Feenane, R.S.M.

Jan Fischer

Jessica Fletcher

Patricia Flynn, R.S.M.


Sam Mancuso, Campus Safety, and Sherry Mischler, Director of Strategic Initiatives

Leadership Program Director Jennifer Cervone Guarnaccia ’93 with her L.E.A.D. Program students celebrating the launch of the Distinguished Speaker Series



Janet Fontaine

Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89

Stephen Fromhold

Patricia Giangiulio

Moira McGinn Giordano ’08

Kathleen Gould

Jennifer Cervone Guarnaccia ’93

Jeannine Hartz

Caitlin Fasano Haug ’09

Lisa Hohenstein

Andrew Hopkins

Kathleen Gaffney Jaworowski ’60

Mary Katherine Kaminski

Patricia Moerman Kane ’54

Mary Kirby

Katrina Koffel

David Kuyat, Ph.D.

Laura Scully Lane ’99

Jane Lane

Lynn Lange

Monica Lapp

Angela Siegel Lawlor ’07

Christine Fruncillo Ledwith ’88

Samuel Mancuso

Denise Corkery Marbach ’72

Stacy McHugh Mauer ’77

Kathleen May

Louis McCormick III

Nancy Pannepacker McKeaney ’64

Randy McNally

Sherry Mischler


Anonymous Anonymous

Delilah and Thomas Battan

tracey and Richard Bielen

Theresa Boyle Meyrles

Lisa and John Breitmayer

Michelle Buckman

Wayne Campbell

Maria Capone

Richard Mascaro

Marie and Kenneth Mason

Jeff Mattiola

Ann and Bill McCarthy

Sue Booth and Ted McCullough

Mary Kay McFarland

Monica McGrath

Susan Mitchell

Anne Monsalve

Judith Edling Morrissey ’79

Kathleen Myers, Ph.D.

Susan Myslinski, R.S.M.

Kimberly Naucodie

Irene Byrne Neff ’58

Elizabeth Newton

Melinda O’Neill

Kelly O’Neill

Jennifer Paul ’02

Gladymir Perez Peralta

Erin Reimel ’12

Glenda Rieffel

Anita Roberson

Rebecca Rose-Howell

Patricia Rosenberger

Kimberly Dunphy Scott ’84

Elizabeth Sher

James Smigiel

Margaret Smigiel

Kathleen St. Clair

John Steck

Kylie Steiert

Daniel Straniero

Caitlin Fitzgerald Straub ’01

Margaret Szewczak

Katherine Tobias

Edna Tull

Thomas Waltrich

Elizabeth Williamson

Lawrence Wilson

Judith Wilson ’87

Jennifer Benton Zandier ’96

Bonnie and John Cavanaugh

June Chung

Jack Connelly

Lisa and Alan Davis

Elizabeth and Francis DeAngelo

Anwesha Dutta and Hemang Desai

Letitia deTuro

Joseph DiDonato

Michael A. Donio

Jeff Elgart

Lauren Feldhake

Ellen Feldman

Adrien Ford

Vincent Frascatore

Joanne and Joseph Giagnacova

Catherine Glatts

John Godfrey

Cathy and Tom Graham

Sandra Greene

Kathleen and Brian Hannan

Mary Harbison

Trey Hartman

Holly Hayick

John Higgins

Lorraine Houston

Pat Hughes-Gelardi

Marguerite and John Igoe

Marion and Robert Johnson

D. Bruce Jones

Nancy Jones

Gwen and David Keiser

Michael Komelasky

Cindy Aman and Rick Krout

Lauren and Robert Langley II

Amanda and Craig Latchum

Roseann Leonzi

Kristin Maag

Cynthia Margraf

Peter Marinari

Sue Martino

Laura McHugh

Susan and Joseph McLaughlin

Marie Meiklejohn

Lisa and Anthony Merlino

Janet Metter and Rich Gibson

Conrad Miller III

John Mischler

Debbie and Ken Moran

Matt Morano

Lisa and Dennis Murray

Rod Neary

Cathy and Robert Needle

Hadley Nixon

John Nolan

Barbara and Michael Overbeck

Therese and Gerard Parr

Shannon Pekala

Mary Jo Pierantozzi

Jennifer Pineda

Thomas Platten

Lindsay and Michael Ptaszenski

Kathleen and Glenn Rodgers

Kayla Rueffer

Terry Salber

Marsha Santangelo

Deborah and William Sasso

Maureen and William Schofield

Betty Jo Schwartz

Ali Schwartz

Karen Shaw

Shirley and Roy Shaw, Jr.

Fran Sheppard

Marianne Solenberger

Lisa and Jeffrey Somers

Marietta Sullivan

Jacqueline Swanson

Ellen Thomas

Sarah Werntz

Craig Zandier

Carol and Adam Zatek


AmazonSmile Foundation



Bala Electric Corporation

Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.


Bencardino Excavating, Inc.

Bergman Engineering, LLC

Berkadia Commercial Mortgage LLC

Black Jack Roof and Driveway Coatings

BlackRock, Inc.

BLBB Charitable

Blue Bell Country Club

Blue Bell Inn

Blue Bell Private Wealth Management

Born to Run, Inc.

Bridge Educational Foundation, Inc.

Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools

Cedarbrook Country Club

Chick-fil-A Montgomeryville

CNI Sales, Inc.

Coalesce Center for Dance Artistry

College Pursuit

Cooley Bentz Dental Associates, P.C.

Curtin & Heefner, LLP

DCO Orthodontic Specialists

Deana Clement Photography

Dunphy Ford

East West Label Company

Elliott-Lewis Corporation

Eric Harris Photography

Erin Contracting, LLC

Fairview Dental Arts

Ferro Steele, LLC

Fidelio Dental Insurance Co.

Fly Gateway - Wings Field Airport

FlynnO’Hara Uniforms

Footers, Inc.

Foundation for Impact on Literacy and Learning

Colgate-Palmolive Company

GMAHS Carolyn Keen ‘10 Memorial

5K Run/1M Walk

GMAHS Crew Parents Association

GMAHS Golf Classic

GMAHS McAuley’s Pub Night

GMAHS Alumnae Association

GMS Surgent

Griffin Drywall and Insulation

Gulati Family Foundation

harp-weaver LLC

Harry’s Blue Bell Taproom

Hausser Scientific Company

Healthcare Services Group, Inc.

Henkels Foundation

HP Inc.

Hunter Soccer Club

i.Dentical - All About Your Smile, PCC

Independence Blue Cross



Ivy Experience

J.P. Mascaro & Sons

JCR Physical Medicine Group, LLC

JFour Trucking, LLC

John Charles & Kathryn S. Redmond


Johnson & Johnson

Johnson, Kendall & Johnson


La Salle College High School

Lehigh Valley Rail Management, LLC

Maagnifique Photography

Maguire Foundation

Markey Paper & Packaging, Inc.

Mastroieni & Sons, LP

McCaffrey’s Market

MCR Services, Inc.

Merck Company Foundation

Mermaid Spirits Distillery

Merrymead Farm Inc.

Microsoft Matching Gift Program

Miller Bros.

Montgomery Avenue II LLC

Nello Construction Company, Inc.

North Hills Country Club

Olive Beauty Company

Omnilift, Inc.

Orthodontics Limited, P.C.

Osprey Health Benefit Advisors

PA Partners for Education, LLC

Patriarch Family Foundation

Pest Control Services

Philadelphia Ashtanga Yoga

Philmont Country Club

PPT Consulting

Precis Engineering Inc.

Relentless Athletics

RJM Financial

Roost Home

Saltability Retreat Wellness Center

Sandy & Raphael Bocchino: Coldwell Bankers Realtors

Sensenig Capital Advisors Inc.

Spenga Fitness

Tasty Baking Company

The Boeing Company

The Copper Crow

The Haverford Trust Company

The Sharp Financial Group

Thompson Toyota


Travis Manion Foundation

Treasure Sign


UBS Financial Services


UGI Storage Company

United Inspection Agency

United States Roofing Corporation

United Way of Greater Atlanta

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey

United Way Worldwide

U.S. Bank

Vanguard Matching Gift Program

Villanova University

Wade Clark Mulcahy LLP

Waste Management, Inc.

Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

William R. May Funeral Home

Worcester Beverage Company

Gwynedd Mercy was invited by the Travis Manion Foundation and Under Armour to participate in filming at Gwynedd Mercy to honor Veterans.


The Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) Programs give individual taxpayers and businesses the opportunity to redirect their state tax dollars to Gwynedd in support of need-based scholarships for students. Special thanks to the following donors whose participation provided financial assistance to more than 50 qualifying Gwynedd families. For more information and to learn how to participate, contact Gwynedd’s Director of Advancement Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89 at 267-946-0948.


Lisa and Brian Bamberger

Jennifer and William Barnett

Julie and Chip Behr

Kathleen Kirk Bellwoar ‘81 and Jay Bellwoar

Kellie Dunphy Brogan ‘87 and Mark Brogan

Kristina Wolanski Colabelli ‘91 and Peter Colabelli, Jr.

Simone and Robert Cosgrove

Marissa Simone Costonis ‘87 and Michael Costonis

Karen and James Donahue

Elliott-Lewis Corporation, William Sautter

Ferro Steele, LLC, Frank Ferro

Fidelio Dental Insurance Co.

Colleen Belz Frascatore ‘89 and Vincent Frascatore

GMS Surgent, Brian Gallagher

Meghan and Gregg Gola

Kathleen and Brian Hannan

Healthcare Services Group, Inc., Daniel McCartney

Anne Hasson Hyer ‘88 and Raymond Hyer III

J.P. Mascaro & Sons

Melissa Dolan Kerr ‘92 and Thomas Kerr


Lehigh Valley Rail Management, LLC

Kathleen Toolan Madden ‘97 and Brian Madden

Karen David and Raman Mahadevan

Denise Corkery Marbach ‘72 and Martin Marbach

Angela and Joseph Masterson

Andrea and Daniel McCartney

Alice and Michael Meehan

Maria and Alfred Meitner III

Marguerite and Matthew Melinson

Sheila and J. Scott Miller, Jr.

Susan and J. Scott Miller, Sr.

Karen and Peter Myers


In honor of Ruth Benton

Jennifer Benton Zandier ’96 and Craig Zandier

In honor of the Class of 1957

Carol Hughes ’57

In honor of the Class of 1970

Patricia Harper Petrozza, M.D. ’70

In honor of the Class of 1972

Angela Fielder Thomas ’72

In honor of the Class of 1972

Kathleen McHugh Pritz ’72

In honor of Class of 1982 Classmates: Jenna Boccella, Liz Wahl Kunzier, Megan Leahy Sullivan & Laura Peszka Gibble

Ellen Dougherty ’82

In honor of the Class of 2002

Corinne O’Brien ’02

In honor of the Class of 2020

Gloria and Thomas Anderson

In honor of the Class of 2022

Gloria and Thomas Anderson

In honor of Kimberly Colletti Mangan ’88, Dana Colletti Harbison ’92, Jenna Mangan ’21

Kathi and Benjamin Colletti

In honor of Alison Conway ’99 & Leah Conway Dempsey ’02

Aileen Conway and Leo Conway, D.D.S.

In honor of Marisa DeCandido ’09

John Nolan

In honor of Gail deMacedo, R.S.M. ’55

Monica Lynch Sharkey ’96

In honor of Margaret Rose Doherty ’04

Mary Cushing Doherty, Esq.

In honor of Margaret Donohue, R.S.M. ’55

Mary Higgins Fletcher ’77

In honor of Elizabeth Ellman ’09

Patricia and David Ellman

In honor of Maggie Hoban Marsh ’98 & Laura Hoban England ’01

Catherine and John Hoban

In honor of Melva Exner, Esq. ’77

Denise Maggetti Nowak ’77

In honor of Patricia Flynn, R.S.M.


In honor of Maria Gaynard ’14

Yuko and John Gaynard

In honor of Jeannette Goglia, R.S.M.

Joan Doman Foley ’75

In honor of Patricia Kirk Green ’59

Jacqueline Maguire, Esq. and Michael Maguire, Esq.


In honor of Kaylie Griffin ’21 & Hannah Griffin ’23

Cynthia Griffin and Curtis Griffin, Ph.D.

In honor of Hartman/Boerner Mercy Girls—past & future

Nora Hartman Boerner ’02

In honor of Kathryn Jackaman ’23

Tish and Steven Jackaman

In honor of Quinn Johnston ’17 & Carrie Johnston ’20

Caren Cline Johnston ’85 and Thomas Johnston

In honor of Joanne Pannepacker Jurich ’58

Joanne Jurich Charitable Fund

In honor of Debi Lemieur

Anna Skoien Lall ’02

In honor of Margaret Curry Lewis ’95

Madeline and Edward Curry

In honor of Mary Katharine Madden Campbell ’00

Maryellen Madden and James Madden, M.D.

In honor of Meghan Maguire ’01

Jacqueline Maguire, Esq. and Michael Maguire, Esq.

In honor of Sheila Kirk Maguire ’62

Jacqueline Maguire, Esq. and Michael Maguire, Esq.

In honor of Julie Skyrm Mangifesta ’88

Nancy and William Skyrm

In honor of Maria Lutz McHugh ’46

Eileen McHugh Gray ’76

In honor of Karen McKeaney ’88

Monica McGrath, Ph.D.

In honor of Ruth E. Miller

Conrad Miller III

In honor of William Mitchell

Jennifer Benton Zandier ’96 and Craig Zandier

In honor of the Pasceri Sisters: Carly Pasceri Ferraro ’97, Jenna Pasceri Godburn ’02 & Sydney Pasceri

Sandi and Bruno Pasceri

In honor of Regan Perez ’25

Victoria Bastecki-Perez, Ed.D. and Santos Perez

In honor of Cathe Shoulberg ’65

Barbara and John Redmond

In honor of Rose Marie Sweeney ’24

Corinne O’Brien ’02

In honor of Kathryn Tereshko ’20

Hon. Allan Tereshko and Heather Tereshko, Esq.

In honor of Mary Trainer, R.S.M. ’57

Linda Gary Thibodeau ’57

In honor of Sarah Corvasce Wade ’00

Sarah Corvasce and Joseph Corvasce, M.D.

In honor of Larry Wilson

Rachel Koller ’16

Carolyn Doyle Murray ’88 and Edward Murray

In honor of Anna Zandier ’26

Jennifer Benton Zandier ’96 and Craig Zandier

In honor of Jennifer Benton Zandier ’96

Ruth Benton

In memory of Elaine Hughes Andolina ’69

Ella Straw Edwards ’69

In memory of Beatrice Bell Schroth

Deborah Schroth ’70

In memory of Robert B. and Robert C. Benton

Ruth Benton

In memory of Elizabeth Bocchino-Pascucci ’56

Karen and John Pascucci

In memory of Jeanne Mason Bostwick

Richard Bostwick

In memory of Judi and Marc Breger

Jo Ann Straw Rae, Ed.D. ’72

In memory of Maria Carusi Anonymous

In memory of Patrick Castellano, M.D.

Marlene Castellano

Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89 and Vincent Frascatore

Gwen and David Keiser

The Overbeck Family: Michael D., Barbara J., George D.

In memory of Judi Baumgartner Christiansen ’60

Brenda Baumgartner Kingham ’56

In memory of deceased members of the Class of 1959

Joan Freney, R.S.M. ’59

In memory of deceased members of the Class of 1963

Patricia O’Brien McFadden ’63

In memory of deceased members of the Class of 1970

Lorraine Yelito Huffaker ’70

Jean Marie Dischinger Sware ’70

In memory of Jovita Corace

Patricia Bradley

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli ’05

Jeannine and William Hartz

Elizabeth Sher

The Class of 1970 donated a votive candle stand for the Chapel in loving memory of their deceased classmates and in honor of their 50th Reunion.

In memory of John “Giacchino” Costa

Lisa Costa Urie

In memory of Frank Craig

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli ’05

Mimi Craig

Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89 and Vincent Frascatore

Jeannine and William Hartz

In memory of Gail de Macedo, R.S.M. ’55

Mary Alice Feenane, R.S.M.

In memory of Nino DelMonte and Loreta DelMonte

Cristina Siegel Ramirez ’10

In memory of Rita Mary DeVenuto, R.S.M. ’47

Anne DeVenuto Grey ’43

In memory of Barbara Easter

Mary and Gerard Belz, Jr.

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli ’05

Maura Gillies Durante ’06

Eastman Chemical Company

Jan and Dan Fischer

Janet and Conrad Fontaine

Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89 and Vincent Frascatore

Kathleen Myers, Ph.D.

Amanda McKeogh Notaristefano ’97

Jennifer Creed Rego ’94

In memory of Robert F. & Melva M. Exner

Melva Exner, Esq. ’77 and Timothy Moynahan

Susan Exner Sobczak ’80

In memory of Eileen Ryan Farrell

Delilah and Thomas Battan

Mary and Gerard Belz, Jr.

Karen Price Benson ’79 and Lee Benson III

Marybeth Beretta, R.S.M.

tracey and Richard Bielen

Patricia Bradley

Lisa and John Breitmayer

Carol Chiodo ’75 and Michael Cavanaugh

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli ’05

Mimi Craig

Mary Cunningham ’50

Elizabeth and Francis DeAngelo

Karalyn McGrorty Derstine, Ed.D. ’01

Anwesha Dutta and Hemang Desai

Sharon Saybolt Donatucci ’72

Michael Donio

Ellen Feldman

Mary Flannery ’71

Jessica Fletcher

Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89 and Vincent Frascatore

Linda Galante, Esq. ’72 and John Colussi

Lisa Galante, M.D. ’74

Catherine Glatts

Mary Harbison

Sallyanne Harper ’72

Therese Garrity Hartman ’70

Jeannine and William Hartz

Caitlin Fasano Haug ’09

Jennifer Herron ’87

Sheila Cassidy Horgan ’72 and Joseph Horgan

Lorraine Houston

Pat Hughes-Gelardi

Marion and Robert Johnson

Catherine Harper Kelly, Esq. ’74

La Salle College High School

Amanda and Craig Latchum

Renee and Matt Makoid

Cynthia Margraf

Marie and Kenneth Mason

Sue Booth and Ted McCullough

Pamela McKeon McDonald ’73

Mary Kay McFarland

Susan and Joseph McLaughlin

Theresa Boyle Meyrles

Judith Edling Morrissey ’79 and Mark Morrissey

Bonnie Mullin and J. Edmund Mullin, Esq.

Therese and Gerard Parr

Cristina Almendrales Pergament ’05

Patricia Harper Petrozza, M.D. ’70

Teresa Araco Rodgers ’91 and Gregory Rodgers

Kathleen and Glenn Rodgers

Marsha Santangelo

Elizabeth Sher

Marianne Solenberger

Kathleen St. Clair

Caitlin Fitzgerald Straub ’01

Sarah Werntz

Jennifer Benton Zandier ’96 and Craig Zandier

Carol and Adam Zatek

In memory of Paul Fillinich

Amy and Gregory Herm

In memory of Rosemary McCarron Flannery ’39

Katherine Flannery ’73

In memory of Laura Forrest

Lynn and Brian Lange

In memory of Barbara Smith Freitas ’54

Suzanne Simmons Fudala ’54

In memory of Anita Dittmar Galan ’43

Her nieces Ellen, Joan, and Karen

In memory of Claudia Geppert ’80

Elizabeth Geppert Wilkinson ’87 and Harmon Wilkinson

In memory of Kathleen C. Gomez

David Gomez

In memory of Pat Becker Gordon ’59

Joanne Casacio Regli ’59

In memory of Michele Granozio ’86

John Granozio

In memory of Samantha Grosse ’05

Jennifer Grant ’05

In memory of Frances McCarron Harper ’44

Catherine Harper Kelly, Esq. ’74

In memory of Pat Ellen Heenan ’70

Dee Ann Campbell McGlone ’70

In memory of Patricia Brennan Heldt ’76

Madeleine Graham Webb ’76 and Ray Webb

In memory of Steve Hrnciar

Kimberly Naucodie

In memory of Mary Jo Pickard Jenkinson ’70

Elizabeth Pickard Davey ’66


In memory of Joanne Pannepacker Jurich ’58

Ann Marie Durney Kulsick ’58

Nancy Pannepacker McKeaney ’64 and Fran McKeaney

In memory of Henry and Catherine Kazana

Elizabeth and Edward Kane, Jr.

In memory of Carolyn Keen ’10

Patricia Keen

In memory of Connie Kelly

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli ’05

In memory of Margaret Mary Kirby

Mary Kirby

In memory of Patricia Devinney Komelasky ’68

Delia Pio ’69

Hadley Nixon

Michael Komelasky

Catherine and Robert Needle

Wayne Campbell

In memory of Mary and Bob Koob

Diane Koob Doyle ’66

In memory of Anne Marie Madden ’02

Mary Katherine Campbell ’00

Kathleen Toolan Madden ’97

Maryellen Madden and James Madden, M.D.

In memory of Sheila Kirk Maguire ’62

Jacqueline Maguire, Esq. and Michael Maguire, Esq.

In memory of Jean Marie, R.S.M.

Catherine Burns Eisenberg ’56

In memory of Mary Martin, R.S.M.

Rev. Greta Urbanski Wagner ’66

In memory of GMA Alumnae from the McCarron, Flannery, and Harper Families

Beth Harper Briglia ’76

In memory of Elizabeth McCarthy, Class of 1922

Austine Noonan Stitt ’58

In memory of Maria Lutz McHugh ’46

Stacy McHugh Mauer ’77

In memory of Edwin McKeon

Pamela McKeon McDonald ’73

In memory of William Mitchell

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli ’05

Jeannine and William Hartz

Susan Mitchell

In memory of Richard “Rich” Moors

Colleen Moors Dolan ’97

In memory of Margaret Cunningham Murray ’45

Lisa and Dennis Murray

Joyce and Kevin Murray, Jr.

In memory of Florence Myslinski

Mary and Gerard Belz, Jr.

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli ’05

In memory of Gregory J. Nowak, Esq.

Denise Maggetti Nowak ’77

In memory of Charles K. O’Malley

Kathryn Alexander O’Malley ’59

In memory of Mary and Joe Quinn

Claire Quinn Crum ’66

In memory of Susan Rein

Julie and Chip Behr

Biltmore Estate Carriage Home Association

Michelle Buckman

Maria Capone

June Chung

Lisa and Alan Davis

Judith and Samuel deTuro

Letitia deTuro

Joseph DiDonato

Jeff Elgart

Lauren Feldhake

Adrien Ford

Joanne and Joseph Giagnacova

Janet Metter and Rich Gibson

Dr. John Godfrey

Cathy and Tom Graham

Sandra Greene

Trey Hartman

Holly Hayick

John Higgins

Mary Catherine Kershaw Hrynda ’11

Nancy Jones

D. Bruce Jones

Lauren and Robert Langley II

Roseann Leonzi

Tina Lipsky

Maureen and Del Markward

Sue Martino

Richard Mascaro

Jeff Mattiola

Marie Meiklejohn

Lisa and Anthony Merlino

Shannon Pekala

Jennifer Pineda

Thomas Platten

Chloe Rapp ’11

Kayla Rueffer

Karen Sabatino

Deborah Sasso and William Sasso, Esq.

Ali Schwartz

Karen Shaw

Judith and Roy Shaw, Jr.

Fran Sheppard

Lisa and Jeffrey Somers

Jacqueline Swanson

Margaret and Joseph Vavra

In memory of Lisa Ritinski

Joseph Ritinski

In memory of Anita Roberson

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli ’05

In memory of Christine Eble Rodgers ’61

Cecelia Eble Coyne ’63

In memory of Mary E. Rodgers ’66

Teresa Vetrulli Hanlon ’66

In memory of Ann Sauter

Mimi Craig


In memory of Beatrice Bell Schroth

Deborah Schroth ’70

In memory of Chris Cattie Scioli ’70

Dee Ann Campbell McGlone ’70

In memory of Amy and Tina Sexton

Jacqueline Sexton Prior ’60

In memory of Kit and Charley Shoulberg

Cathe Shoulberg, R.S.M. ’65

In memory of Lorraine Siegel

Cristina Siegel Ramirez ’10

In memory of Peggy Smith

Simendinger ’46

Barbara Smith Kubiak ’49

In memory of Robert W. Spielberger

Karen Spielberger Sullivan, M.D. and Thomas Sullivan

In memory of David Thierfelder

Jo Ann Straw Rae, Ed.D. ’72

In memory of Joseph A. Tull

Edna Tull

In memory of Donna Van Buren ’01

Lisa Fineberg Ambrocio ’01

Natalie Rocus Beers ’01

Caitlin Ford Canfield, Ph.D. ’01

Brooke Morris Chott ’01

Lauren Ailtmar Ciccarone ’01

Christine Theis Convery ’03

Karalyn McGrorty Derstine, Ed.D. ’01

Catherine DiDonato ’01

Lauren Fontaine Dixon ’01

Alison Fleming Dwyer, Esq. ’01

Laura Hoban England ’01

Kathleen Gallagher Fairbanks ’01

Kathleen Hegedus Fink ’01

Janet and Conrad Fontaine

Lauren Cassidy Galvin ’01

Kate Campbell Githens ’97

Kathleen Walsh Hansen ’01

Katherine Harrigan ’01

Kathleen Kane ’01

Colleen Keenan ’01

Christine Fontaine Krempasky ’98

Anna Skoien Lall ’02

Dana Jobba Lanahan ’01

Kathryn Devlin Lillicrapp ’01

Meghan Maguire ’01

Jacqueline Maguire, Esq. and Michael Maguire, Esq.

Lauren Malazita ’01


Established in 2013 and named in honor of the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, the Catherine McAuley Legacy Society honors alumnae, parents and friends who secure Gwynedd’s future through legacy gifts simply by naming Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School in their will, trust, or other estate plans. Donors of all income levels are represented, and new members are always welcome. Please contact Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89, director of advancement, at 215-646-8815 x326 to learn more.


Karen Price Benson ’79

Berenice Trainor Brophy ’42 †

Ann Diehl Casey ’50

Carol Chiodo ’75

Patricia Donnelly ’54 †

Kathleen (Toots) Cattie Fee ’61

Joanne Taylor Kostos ’54 †

Barbara Karry Lund ’57 †

Denise Corkery Marbach ’72

Katherine and James Morris

Mary Jane Morrow ’70

Alicia Mundy ’71

Therese and Joseph Rose

Eileen Cairnes Samtmann ’60

Kristina Wahl ’93

Roseanne Nagle Ziff ’53

Mary Kane Zimmerman ’61


Julie and Chip Behr

Joan McDermott Bellwoar ’51 † and Harry Bellwoar †

Kathleen Kirk Bellwoar ’81

Eileen R. Farrell †

Suzanne Hauss ’77

Anne Hasson Hyer ’88 and Raymond Hyer III

Marie Michel Naples ’48

Kathleen Dougherty Niles ’55 †

Linda Prow Reilly, Ed.D. ’68

Joseph Romano †

Nancy Strong ’41 †

Mary Valle

Verna McCafferty Walter ’64 †

† Deceased

Courtney Lofgren McCarthy ’01

Maura Flanagan McDermott ’01

Stephanie Hayden Minix ’01

Eileen and Robert Morano

Matt Morano

Jessica DeLisi Ostrowski ’01

Antoinette Walsh Palardy ’99

Lauren Paul ’01

Elizabeth Stocum Peters ’01

Jill Gibbons Rose ’01

Kathleen Dillon Rossetti ’01

Kasey Dougherty Saxton ’01

Caitlin Fitzgerald Straub ’01

Marilyn and Dorell Van Buren

Mary Elizabeth Merlini Vitucci, D.O. ’01

Stephanie Morano Weaver ’01

Sunny Timbo White ’01

Kathleen Tokarski Wills ’01

Brieanne Givnish Yousaitis ’01

Lauren Wessier Zollo ’01

In memory of Jack Williams

Regina Williams Tate, Esq. ’71

In memory of John Wilson III

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli ’05

In memory of Veronica Wynne

Jo Ann Straw Rae, Ed.D. ’72

“We should be shining lamps, giving light to all around us.”
Catherine McAuley, Sisters of Mercy Foundress


The Office of Advancement is proud to oversee endowed and named funds established by individuals or organizations in support of the Gwynedd Mercy and our students. Each fund below is invested as part of Gwynedd’s endowment, and a percentage of the investment income is used each year to support the fund’s scholarship or program initiative. For more information on how to establish an endowed or named fund at Gwynedd Mercy, please contact Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89, director of advancement, at 215-646-8815 x326 or cfrascatore@gmahs.org.

The Joan McDermott Bellwoar ’51 Scholarship Fund, established in 2020 through a generous gift from the Estates of Joan and Harry Bellwoar III, provides a partial tuition scholarship every four years to an incoming student with demonstrated financial need.

The Drs. William and Yvonne Brendley Alchemists Scholarship Fund, established in 2006 by Drs. William and Yvonne Brendley, a retired member of the Gwynedd Faculty, recognizes a rising senior who has achieved the highest general average in the highest level of junior science courses offered, is enrolled in the highest level of senior science courses offered, and demonstrates the charism of Mercy.

The Dr. Audrey D. Castellano ’77 Memorial Scholarship Fund, established in 2013 in memory of Dr. Audrey D. Castellano ’77 by her parents, Dr. Patrick Castellano and Mrs. Marlene Castellano, provides tuition assistance for one-year to a rising sophomore with financial need who has demonstrated a commitment to biology, chemistry or math.

The Carol A. Chiodo ’75 Paduan Scholarship Fund, established in 1999 by Carol A. Chiodo ’75, provides four years of tuition assistance to an incoming freshman from Our Lady of Mercy Regional Catholic School, with priority given to parishioners from St. Anthony of Padua Parish of Ambler.

The Sr. Gail deMacedo, R.S.M. ’55 Scholarship Fund, established in memory of Vice Principal Sr. Gail deMacedo, R.S.M. ’55, provides tuition assistance to students who demonstrate financial need, work to the best of their ability, participate in activities, and exhibit a desire for learning and all around goodness.

The Mary Ann Harron Haley ’50 Music Scholarship Fund, established in 2014 in memory of Mary Ann Harron Haley ’50 by her family, provides tuition assistance for one-year to a prospective sophomore, junior or senior who demonstrates financial need and exhibits interest and commitment to music, with a particular emphasis on vocal music. These characteristics reflect Mary Ann’s life-long joy, passion and gift to her family and community.

The Carolyn Keen ’10 Memorial Scholarship Fund, established in 2011 in memory of Carolyn Keen ’10 by the Keen Family and funded through individual donations and the annual Carolyn Keen ’10 Memorial 5K/1M Walk (CK5K), provides tuition assistance for two-years to a rising junior who demonstrates a commitment to service and Mercy Spirit, provides leadership, exhibits good character, and is academically motivated.

The Legacy Scholarship Fund, established in 1997 by the Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School Alumnae Association and funded through individual donations and some Alumnae Association event proceeds, provides a four-year tuition assistance scholarship to an incoming student with financial need who has a familial relationship to one or more graduates or current students of Gwynedd.

The Margaret Cunningham Murray ’45 Scholarship Fund, established in 1995 in memory of Margaret Cunningham Murray ’45 by her husband Kevin N. Murray, Sr. and family, provides tuition assistance to an incoming or current student with financial need.

The Rose J. Romano P’69 Scholarship Fund, established in 1991 in memory of Rose J. Romano P’69 by her brother Joseph C. Romano, provides tuition assistance over a four-year period to a student matriculating to Gwynedd from Our Lady of Mercy Regional Catholic School.

The Sisters of Mercy Scholarship Fund, established in 2005 by the Sisters of Mercy Regional Community of Merion, provides tuition assistance for students enrolled in Gwynedd, with special attention given to enhance the racial, cultural and economic diversity of the student body.

The Eileen Ferrick Whiteside ’45 Award Fund, established in 2008 by Mr. Robert McNeil in honor of Eileen Ferrick Whiteside ’45, recognizes the best all-around senior, selected by the Principal.




$8,320 of the student body receives financial aid



Average financial aid award of the student body qualifies for PA EITC/OSTC scholarship funds

GROWING FINANCIAL AID TO ENSURE ACCESS AND AFFORDABILITY FINANCIAL AID AWARDED $ in thousands Net Tuition Revenue 68.2% • • • • SOURCES OF OPERATING REVENUE Activity Fees, Auxiliary, Other 5.9% EANS Grant (COVID) 5.0% Annual Giving 14.8% DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSES People Cost 63.6% • • • • •
2021-22 Audited Financial Statement Advancement Expenses .9% Instructional Expenses 12.0% Building & Grounds 16.8% Administration Expenses 6.7% $717 $560 $391 $846 $1,047 $1,232 $1,634 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 $991 of students receive financial aid and/or merit scholarships MERIT AND FINANCIAL AID AWARDED $ in thousands
1, 2021
30, 2022
2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 $1,299 $2,072 Source: 2021-22 Audited Financial Statement Endowment Draw 4.4% Interest and Dividends 1.8% •



July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022






President’s Priorities 465,739 Financial Aid and Scholarships 811,675 Program Support 201,144 $ 1,478,558 Program Support 13.6% • Financial Aid and Scholarships 54.9% • President’s Priorities 31.5% Alumnae $ 461,232 Parents and Grandparents 642,755 Organizations 269,328 Current Faculty and Staff 9,218 Friends 96,025 $ 1,478,558
Parents and Grandparents 43.5% • • • • Organizations 18.2% Current Faculty and Staff 0.6% Friends 6.5% Alumnae 31.2% •
Current Parents


Kathleen Kirk Bellwoar ’81, Chair

Marissa Simone Costonis ’87

Michael DeCandido

Brian Hannan

Jennifer Herron ’87

Kathleen Haley Hunsicker ’81

Raymond Hyer III

Maisha Palmer Kelly ’95

Anna Skoien Lall ’02

Denise Corkery Marbach ’72

Honora Nicholson, R.S.M.

Sandy Pfeffer O’Connell, Vice Chair

Michael O’Malley

Kathleen Roeder, M.D. ’60

Karen Sullivan, M.D.

Mary Trainer, R.S.M., Ph.D. ’57

Christine Oliver Wiegand, Esq. ’91


Denise Corkery Marbach ’72 President

Mary E. Kirby Principal

Anne Casavecchia

Dean of Academics

Kathleen St. Clair

Director of Finance

Bernadette Duross, R.S.M.

Director of Mission Integration

Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89

Director of Advancement

Jennifer Cervone Guarnaccia ’93

Leadership Program Coordinator

Sherry Mischler

Director of Strategic Initiatives

Anita Roberson

Diversity, Equity, Justice & Inclusion Leader

Patricia Rosenberger

Director of Technology

Kimberly Dunphy Scott ’84

Director of Enrollment Management

Jennifer Benton Zandier ’96

Director of Marketing and Communications


Mary E. Kirby, Principal

Eileen Carty, Dean of Students

Anne Casavecchia, Dean of Academics

Theresa Fasano, Director of Athletics

Stephen Fromhold, School Minister

Kathleen Gould, Director of Catherine Learning Program

Monica Lapp, Director of Counseling

Susan Myslinski, R.S.M., Director of Student Activities

Rebecca Rose-Howell, Director of College Counseling


Erin Battisto, Social Studies

Elaine Bradley, Social Sciences

Cristina Brenner Cimorelli ’05, World Languages

Kathleen May, Math

Patricia Donlin, R.S.M., Theology

Caitlin Fasano Haug ’09, Technology

Patricia Giangiulio, Music

Lisa Hohenstein, Fine Arts

Andrew Hopkins, English

Susan Mitchell, Science

Katherine Tobias, Health/Physical Education

2021-22 Board of Trustees

Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School

1345 Sumneytown Pike

P.O. Box 902

Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437

Address Service Requested

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