Italia Experiences n. 5

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红尘滚滚,人世纷纷,人,会因为爱一个人而改变吗?我们又可以为 自己的灵魂知己牺牲什么,或者牺牲多少呢?莎士比亚戏剧中的朱丽 叶今天还会因为爱情而献出生命吗?倍耐力2020年历围绕着这个主题 展开,由著名摄影师保罗·罗维西 (Paolo Roversi) 拍摄的作品于2019 年12月在维罗纳古老市中心的爱乐歌剧院展出。随着时间的流逝,“ 倍耐力年历”依然是当代美的集合,今年它以意义深远的“寻找朱丽 叶”(Looking for Juliet) 为主题,超越光鲜形象,通过词语、文字和 文本,以书籍形式发表。倍耐力年历还首次进行了将摄影与电影相结 合的尝试,在18分钟电影短片中模特们真诚坦白她们心中的秘密、情 感和感伤。短片强烈的叙事结构触目骇心,摄影照片引人入胜,但最 令人瞩目的是它们的表达力、诗意和所传达的真实感受。参与拍摄的 模特是来自不同文化背景的国际明星、模特和歌手。她们有《暮光之 城》中的“吸血鬼”克里斯汀·斯图尔特 (Kristen Stewart);《哈利· 波特》小女生“赫敏”艾玛·沃森 (Emma Watson);导演佩德罗·阿 尔莫多娃最爱的西班牙当红歌手罗莎莉亚 (Rosalía);系列片《王冠》 中年轻的“伊丽莎白二世女王”克莱尔·福伊 (Claire Foy);耐人寻味 的纽约模特茵蒂娅·摩尔 (Indya Moore);英国演员米娅·高斯 (Mia Goth);中国演员李宇春 (Chris Lee);现年19岁,父亲是伊朗人,母亲 是非裔美国人,才华横溢的女演员和民权主义者雅拉·莎希迪 (Yara Shahidi)。在罗维西的镜头前,她们用各种各样的情感和表情塑造不 Can love still transform people? And what, or how much, are we willing to sacrifice for our soulmate? Would women like Shakespeare’s Juliet still give their lives for affairs of the heart? These are some of the questions that provided the inspiration for the 2020 Pirelli calendar, shot by celebrated photographer Paolo Roversi and presented in December at Verona’s Teatro Filarmonico di Verona, the perfect and very picturesque setting in the historic city centre. The ‘Cal’ continues to represent the epitome of contemporary beauty and this year, with the telling title Looking for Juliet, it moves beyond glossy images and is even published in book format, with words and text as well as photography. It’s accompanied by a short but intense 18-minute film, in which the models confess their secrets, their emotions and their passions. The strong narrative approach is immediately evident; photography must be beautiful but, above all, expressive, poetic and able to convey real feelings. The Calendar’s cast is important, eclectic and international. There’s Kristen Stewart, the vampire of the Twilight saga; there’s Emma Watson, formerly the young Hermione in the Harry Potter films; there’s the impetuous Spanish singer Rosalía, a favourite of Pedro Almodovar, and the delightful Claire Foy, the young Queen Elizabeth in ‘The Crown’; there’s the intriguing New Yorker Indya Moore, British actor Mia Goth, Chinese singer Chris Lee, and lastly the exotic civil rights activist Yara Shahidi, nineteen-year-old daughter of an Iranian father and an African-American mother. All are transformed into modern-day condottieri of love; innocent and romantic, but at the same time rebellious like Juliet, their poses and gazes authentic, their bod96

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