1 minute read

Login/Password Creation

Log In/Password Creation

Once you have been added to the M2OS system, you will receive an email from Girl Scouts of West Central Florida. It contains a link to where you will create a password, and after logged in, create your avatar, launch an email to the girls/caregivers in your troop and monitor your nut and chocolate sales throughout the Fall Product Program.


Bookmark/favorite this link –www.gsnutsandmags.com/gswcf - in your browser as you will use the same link to log in to M2OS each time.

Upon clicking the link in the email, you will see the Set Your Password screen as shown at left. Enter your email address and create a password. If you are a caregiver for a girl you can set up your troop and caregiver access using the same email and password for each access.

Once you have created your password, you are ready to log in. Select the Login to Administration Site button.

Then enter your email address and your newly created password and click Login.


If you ever forget your password click on “Forgot your password?” to enter your email to request a reset link emailed to you

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