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Fun Stuff

Fun Stuff

In this section she can add or update her Campaign Video, update/change her M2 Avatar, enter her room (M2 Awards) and see what physical rewards (those on the order card) she has earned or is close to earning. We’ve shown how to upload a video; it works the same for the girls. And we’ve covered creating the avatar; how a girl makes changes to her avatar works the same. What we haven’t seen yet is the girl’s “room” with all her virtual rewards, so … let’s step inside.


M2 Awards

Click on the M2 Awards link, and the girl will see her “room”. There are places she can click on (they’ll initially have a “?”) to see how she can earn that virtual reward (add a video, for example, if she didn’t). When she earns the reward, it shows in her room. Plus, in the upper left is a “troop photo” showing her the avatars of each girl in her troop. And if you recall, we mentioned when you were creating your avatar, that your avatar would also be part of her “troop photo.” She can open it to see it larger and at the end of the sale, print out a “troop picture.”

Physical Rewards

The Physical Rewards link is where the girl can see how close to a physical reward (those on the order card) she is. A girl can click on the item to enlarge the picture.

Note: Rewards have to be updated by Nov. 22 nd , 2020 by the

caregiver or the TFPM.

Caregiveror Guardian’s Information

Here the caregiver/guardian can Share on Social Media that their Girl Scout is selling nuts, candy, and magazine subscriptions –if they hadn’t before. Note: girls/caregivers cannot post on retail/resale sites and should only post through social media that restricts access to family and friends.

Your Girl Scouts Accounts allows the caregiver to manage their daughter(s)’s account(s) –clicking View will launch the girl’s dashboard. Although they will only need to select this section if they have more than one Girl Scout that they wish to toggle between, from here they can also create an account for a second daughter (or more). But she/he can also Add Another Participant directly –clicking the link opens the Setting Up the Girl Scout’s Profile screen. Lastly, she/he can Update Their Profile (basically, change their password, if they need or wish to).

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