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M2OS Girls/Caregivers

As we mentioned at the outset, your girls will be using M2OS to manage their sale. Each girl will set up her own “campaign” –her “storefront” –by creating her avatar, uploading a video, sending her emails, and then managing her sale.


You should have received a flier at training that you gave to each girl. On it was the web address to be used to create an account and log in –www.gsnutsandmags.com/gswcf . You should also send an email using the “Parent and Guardian Email Blast” to your caregivers through the M2OS. The link will also be on our council website at www.gswcf.org/fpp (as covered in Accessing M2OS During The Sale earlier, go to Cookies+ and then Sweets & Treats Select Fall Product Sellers from the menu.

Log In/Password Creation

• Once the girl/caregiver follows the link or enters the web address in their browser, they will be taken to a login page. If they were in M2OS last year, their existing user ID and password are still valid. If they are brand new, they can register a new account.

We will follow the steps for a new user.

Step 1: When they click “Register”, a form will open where the caregiver will enter their zip code. This way the system will know she is in the correct council area -- she will then be able to find the troop her Girl Scout is registered with and her Girl Scout’s name, provided both troop and girl were registered by September 20th.

Step 2: Next the caregiver will enter her first and last name, her email address, and create a password. Both caregiver and Girl Scout should read the Safety Pledge and then check the box acknowledging that they have both read and agree to it.

Then click “Register”.

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