Congratulations Highest Award Girl Scouts!
Dear Girl Scout Family,

It is with profound honor and privilege that I find myself this year as part of this amazing part of a Girl Scout’s journey, we call High Awards. Although I had been a Board participant at past award ceremonies, it really was not until taking the role as Interim CEO this past summer that I have come to know more of these dynamic and determined Gold Award Girl Scouts and how much this means to them and their pods of support. As I engaged with families, friends, volunteers, and council team members who gave their precious time and energy to the Girl Scout’s endeavor, it was clear that all were committed to ensuring the very best experience possible. Unmistakably, a learning journey for all. It is both humbling and future affirming to see this kind of engagement. I thank each of you that joined in this Girl Scout journey and gave a bit of yourselves to ensure a Girl Scout could take these all-important steps. We do this together!
This nationally recognized and coveted award represents the highest achievement for a High School Girl Scout and is the pinnacle of the Girl Scout Experience. These recipients demonstrate leadership abilities through the transformation of an idea into an actionable plan with long lasting impacts to local, national, and sometimes, even international communities.
Girl Scouts are recognized as forces for change in locations near and far, but to make such a commitment to the work it takes to the challenges and opportunties of the Gold Award journey, it is an exceptionally powerful achievement. Each one of them must wrestle with not just a viable idea for change, but seek out other thoughts, inputs, and potential adjustments to their concepts. They must get out of comfort zones, face potential pitfalls and be confident enough to push on to the end. Clearly living up to Girl Scout aspirations for Courage, Confidence and Character. Every year, Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta represents some of the most inspirational projects guided by a passion for making the world a better place. This year is no exception and those of us in the GSGATL Council could not be prouder.
In this magazine, you will meet the 100 young women we honor with a Gold Award and see the over 9000 hours of project work they spent. The accomplishments and challenges each tackled in unique and inventive ways showcase the power of giving girls a chance to step in and step up. Some brought attention to challenges near to themselves or people they care about, like mental health, body image, bullying, and peer pressure. Others chose to address sustainability and environmental challenges like water availability and potability or engineering smarter cities. Still others designed solutions for their stressed communities with food scarcity ideas, improved animal health, cultural inclusion and sharing their skills and experiences with those less able. They used their voices, their intellect, their networks and their communications and technology skills to advance the best of what could be rather than what is. Please join me in reading each for its powerful impact.
We are equally proud of our 301 Girl Scout Cadettes earning their Girl Scout Silver Awards and the 583 Girl Scout Juniors who earned their Girl Scout Bronze Award. The creativity and teamwork required to achieve these awards are a testament to Girl Scout Sisterhood foundations and burgeoning leadership capabilities. We are excited to see what comes next for all awardees as they continue to make a difference both to Girls Scouts and their world.

Gold Award Girl Scouts

Ameya Agnihotri
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisor: Kim Towne
Project Advisor: Lisa Neal
Gold Award Coach: Kim Towne
Kindness 4 Kids
Ameya’s project aimed to address the lack of specific antibullying education in children. Her project was a starter course on how to deal with bullying but it shows kids how to advocate for one another and help each other out. Breaking the boundaries of unfamiliarity with mutual kindness is crucial to keeping kids from being bullied. She heard a lot of personal stories from the kids and addressed the specific types of bullying or racism they were experiencing.

Cecilia Anderson
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Cristina Anderson
Project Advisor: Kirsten Vangrofsky
Gold Award Coach: Nicole Reed Literacy Week
For her Gold Award project, Cecilia built a library at the Jesse Draper Boys & Girls Club. She filled it with books collected through book drives at Woodward Academy. The library was launched with a week-long series of agespecific reading activities, culminating with a ribbon cutting celebration on Read Across America Day, which is celebrated each year on Dr. Seuss’s birthday.
“Embrace the opportunity to create a positive change in your community. Don’t wait for others to take the first step, for your actions can become the change you want to see.”
MaryPoole Smith, page 28

Lainey Anderson
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Cristina Anderson
Project Advisor: Trevon Broad
Gold Award Coach: Nicole Reed
Don’t Have to BE to Belong
Lainey’s Gold Award project focused on creating awareness around IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity and allies) through a series of 30-second educational videos that were aired on her school’s morning announcements and social media. The project covered race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and ability, with a special focus on how to be an ally.

Vailana Antonucci
County: Fayette
Troop Advisor: Kristi Hellenbrand
Project Advisor: Blake Hellenbrand
Gold Award Coach: Kristi Hellenbrand
Experience Virtual Peachtree City
Vailana focused her project on finding new and fun ways for citizens to interact together and experience their hometown, help children of new resident families learn how to get around, and gain citizen engagement and give them knowledge of the community that they live in. Much like others have created major city hubs using Minecraft, she created a virtual Peachtree City universe that will allowed for techy citizens, teenagers, and even children to engage and become aware of all the resources they have in town.

Abigail Armstrong
County: Cobb
Troop Advisor: Kathy Barnett and Kasey Bittner
Project Advisor: Sarah Parrish
Gold Award Coach: Kasey Bittner
Sensational Summer Science!
The main goal of Abby’sproject was to provide some fun and STEM-based summer educational activities for the children at that Atlanta Ronald McDonald House. These children can sometimes stay at the ARMH for months at a time along with their families and siblings and they often have few new enriching activities in the evenings after their appointments and treatments. Abby’s project will be sustained by the Dickerson Middle School Pay it Forward Club.

Kaitlyn Ault
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisors: Tara Bennett and Teri Laurenti
Project Advisor: Brittany Lowe
Gold Award Coach: Lori Everette
Helping Homeless Families in Gwinnett County
Kaitlyn’s project educated middle and high school students about homeless families in Gwinnett County by teaching about root causes, including illness or diseases, domestic violence, and unemployment. Many people become homeless because they are not able to pay for unexpected medical bills. Kaitlyn’s project, sustained by a local church, was to help Rainbow Village by donating necessities. She collected over 30 items during workshops she held, which were donated to families at Rainbow Village.

Tristan Barber
County: Cherokee
Troop Advisor: Angie Miller
Project Advisors: Kiara McKay, Ashley Snow and Ashleigh Burns
Gold Award Coach: Angie Miller
Destigmatizing the Deaf
Tristan’s project addressed the issue of Deaf exclusion in society. The identified root causes were misconceptions about Deafness, lack of knowledge and access to resources, and the isolation of the Deaf community. To address this issue, Tristan consulted with members of the Deaf community and consolidated resources to distribute to community leaders. She also held several seminars and created a curriculum of sorts that is now being used in upwards of 30 states and 10 countries.

Faustina Barcena
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisor: Polly Barcena
Project Advisor: Julie Ferguson
Gold Award Coach: Fran Houston
Brain Benches at Annandale Village: Mental Health Awareness
Faustina’s project aimed to address mental health among the mentally disabled, as this group is more susceptible to mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bi-polar depression, and more. It is scientifically proven that time spent outdoors is highly beneficial to mental health, relieving anxiety, stress, and depression. Using Annandale Village’s old chapel pews, Faustina created six benches that she placed around the campus in scenic locations to encourage residents to spend more time outside.

Presley Bartkow
County: Cherokee
Troop Advisor: Jessica Weiss
Project Advisor: Daphne Mullen
Gold Award Coach: Jessica Weiss
Meeting the Children’s Haven’s Needs
Presley’s project aimed to help fulfill the needed items for the Children’s Haven. This organization promotes the health and happiness of children impacted by abuse and neglect. Her project planned to provide help and awareness to the Children’s Haven by teaching her peers about what they are, how they benefit the community and by collecting donations. Presley’s targeted audience was her peers. A club at her school is sustaining the project.
“She’s a dreamer, a doer, and a thinker. She sees potential for change everywhere.”
NaZyia Macon, page 20

Emma Bayer
County: Cobb
Troop Advisors: Dr. Carey Roth Bayer and Jim Bryant
Project Advisors: Deana Whalen, Philip Hefner and Jenn White
Gold Award Coach: Melissa Heard
The Senior Pet Project
Senior animals are often overlooked and are not adopted at the same rates as younger animals for a variety of reasons. Emma’s project raised awareness, resources, and adoption of senior animals through her website, haybale, resource event, animal comic auction, brochure, flyer, social media, and her partnership with organizations locally, regionally, and nationally.

Christina Berry
County: Dekalb
Troop Advisor: Blythe Martinson
Project Advisor: Dana Roberts and Shedonna Alexander
Gold Award Coach: Blythe Martinson
Menstruation Education
Christina’s project consisted of creating a series of workshops to address period poverty. Period poverty is the lack of education on menstrual health and the lack of menstruation resources. Her target audience was girls in her community. Christina’s goal was to educate them on this concept and to inspire them to educate other girls in their community as well.

Chloe Blacknall
County: Douglas
Troop Advisor: Olivia Blacknall
Project Advisor: Kenja Parks
Gold Award Coach: Kimberly Knighton-Felix
Instant Replay
Chloe’s project revolved around making youth sports more affordable. Poverty was the root issue, notably affecting 44.4% of Douglas County Public School students. What drove Chloe was seeing her teammates struggle due to a lack of equipment, further substantiated by research indicating lower youth sports participation in low-income families. Her project aimed to provide access to sporting equipment, collected with strong community support, breaking down financial barriers and encouraging youth sports participation.

Taylor Bonner
County: Cobb
Troop Advisors: Rhonda Barrow and Jessica Grier
Project Advisor: Iyauna Miller
Gold Award Coach: Rhonda Barrow
The Book Nook
The Book Nook is dedicated to promoting cultural diversity through books. Taylor believes that there is a lack of diversity when it comes to finding children’s books written by African American authors. Her Book Nook will be sustained by the Resurgence Hall Charter School library. The target audience was grade 6th to 8th because Taylor believes they will gain a better understanding of how it may not only effect them, but the world around them.
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”
Vincent Van Gogh

Taryn Claassens
Troop Advisor: Jessica Mirth
Project Advisor: Ajaye Schmit, Julie Day, Deana Barton, Jessica Messler and Angela Hunt
Gold Award Coach: Shelly Midkiff
Favorite Girl Scout Memory: Camporee was always my favorite time of year. I enjoyed meeting other troops at camp, activities, song night, decorating the cabins, and trading swaps. I also loved doing community service with my troop.
Mind Full
Taryn wanted to address the mental health crisis among K-12 students. She created Mind Full to support counseling efforts in schools and family charities. Using recycled materials, Taryn created expressive art kits and a website with information for students. Over 200 pounds of recycled material were raised for the low-cost kits. As part of her workshops, she and 31 volunteers created 164 expressive art kits and 20 material boxes for eight schools and five charities-offices.

A’mylah Brantley-Findley
County: Rockdale
Troop Advisor: Toni Bridges
Project Advisor: Alexis Shannon
Gold Award Coach: Shawntrease Richard
Express Yourself
Teens face anxiety and stress for many reasons. A’mylah created a brochure and conducted a workshop to help middle and high school students learn how to identify the signs of anxiety and stress. They learned different ways art can help. A’mylah’s brochure is now available from many stakeholders in Rockdale County and in Cincinnati, Ohio. She’s even been asked to do a workshop by other troop leaders and community groups.

Leighanne Bryant
County: Cobb
Troop Advisors: Carey Bayer and Jim Bryant
Project Advisor: Veronica Ricks
Gold Award Coach: Sonisha Christmas
Gold Star Kids Support Services
GSKSS (www.Goldstarkss.org) is a nonprofit established to financially support kids of Gold Star Families. A Gold Star Family is a designation of a military family that lost a mother or father in combat. Children of Gold Star Families can request financial support for extracurricular activities like band, cheer, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, sports, etc. Donations are received and service requests are granted.

Savannah Bryant
County: Cobb
Troop Advisors: Tiffany Bryant and Claudia Sifflet
Project Advisor: Jane Dacosta
Gold Award Coach: Kimberly Knighton-Felix
Concussion Awarness and Helmet Safety
Savannah’s project’s root cause was the prevalence of concussions in equestrians and the lack of helmet safety that is associated with these injuries. Her audience was equestrians ages 12 through 18, with whom she shared videos, wrote articles, and to whom she taught classes. To sustain her project, Cobb County 4-H will teach master classes on helmet safety to students who attend the State 4-H Horse Show. Over 2000 teens saw her videos and she taught over 100 people.

Kaitlyn Capehart
County: Hall
Troop Advisor: Melinda Poff
Project Advisor: Mike McGraw
Gold Award Coach: Melinda Poff
Buzzing for Bees
Kaitlyn addressed the issue of bee endangerment by creating bee habitats. By creating bee habitats she helped to encourage bees to populate more areas. This can have positive effects on the entire surrounding area as it will allow the flora and fauna to grow, it will encourage other pollinator insects, and it will cause a thriving natural environment. The bee habitats are meant to combat the loss of many natural bee habitats.
Miderline Charles
County: Fayette
Troop Advisor: Rachel Horak
Project Advisor: Tomekia Bridges
Gold Award Coach: Barbara Foerst
DES for High School Students
Miderline worked to increase awareness around Dual Enrollment for high school students. She worked with both students and parents, created a presentation to share and educate about the benefits and the challenges. She also created a website to help in organizing resources for future dual enrollment families.

Ruhee Chitambar
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Jennifer Kitchens
Project Advisor: Kia Johnson
Gold Award Coach: Barbara Foerst
Stories of Stuttering
Ruhee’s project addresses the lack of awareness and education surrounding people who stutter, a community to which she belongs. Ruhee was able to reach over 30 people virtually and over 30 more in person with zines (like magaZINES) that she made. These detailed the experiences of people who stutter that she met through the Blank Center.

Hannah Claiborne
County: Fayette
Troop Advisor: Stephanie Koukoutsis
Project Advisor: Lee Ann Trimble
Gold Award Coach: Jennifer Vetter
Coco’s Thrifting
Hannah’s project addressed a lack of awareness about animals without homes in her community. She reached out to local businesses, put flyers around town, and gave a presentation about Coco’s Cupboard, a nonprofit organization created to reduce the number of homeless animals in her community. Hannah also provided heavy duty shelving for Coco’s Closet, a new thrift store. Coco’s Cupboard will sustain her project by educating the community with resources she provided.
“Accomplishment is never measured by the result, but by the impact you made along the way.”
Ananya Suresh, page 30

Clea Coard
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisors: Raegan Coard and Lisa Carter
Project Advisor: Dionne Morton
Gold Award Coach: Shawntreese Richard
Kids Health PSA
Clea’s PSAs addressed four children’s health issues: Healthy eating, washing hands, sneezing and coughing etiquette, and proper hand sanitizer etiquette. This was explained in multiple short, five-minute videos. She reached her target audience of elementary-aged children by showing these videos to a kid’s STEM lab, an elementary school health class, and the kid’s church program. The project is being sustained through these places. Clea also ran surveys to record the children’s reactions to the PSAs.

Sasha Cole
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Seani Serfontein
Project Advisors: Wendi Smolowitz and Lori Herman
Gold Award Coach: Shelly Midkiff
1-2-3: Read!
Sasha addressed the issue of lower literacy rates among women in Georgia, which is ranked 45th nationally. She addressed the issue by improving literacy and selfconfidence in elementary-aged girls through workshops. Sasha surveyed the parents of the attendees. One reported, “Self-confidence is key at this age and the workshop gave each girl a boost in that!” and “[the workshops helped] to instill a love of learning and encourage girls to recognize their strengths [are] invaluable.”

Ravyn Collins
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisors: Aiyetoro Collins and Kenicia Lee
Project Advisors: Theresa Braddy and Marcell Avram
Gold Award Coach: Shawntrease Richard
The Parkview Jungle: A Journey to Gardening
Ravyn’s project was about teaching life skills to Parkview High School culinary arts classes on how to create and maintain an organic garden.They also learned the health benefits of growing your own garden. Ravyn also showed them how to be considerate and caring by donating the excess food to their local food pantries. Parkview High School’s Nature, Environmental, Secret Garden, and Culinary Arts clubs will sustain the garden and provide the crops to the local area shelters.

Kyleigh Conley
County: Clayton
Troop Advisor: Tawanna Conley
Project Advisors: Kelli Edwards and Councilman Corey Reeves
Gold Award Coach: Deborah Burke Johnson
The Teachings of Water Quality
Kyleigh’s project’s root cause was that many people were uninformed about nonpoint pollution and its impacts. She introduced how to test macroinvertebrate, chemical, and bacterial parameters within a stream, and why they are important to the ecosystem. Kyleigh’s target audience included residents of the City of South Fulton (COSF), Troop 3802 CadAmbSr, attendees of the GA Confluence Conference, and the Atlanta Science Festival. COSF Parks and Recreation Department, and Fulton County Adopt-AStream program are sustaining the project.
Always be yourself no matter what anyone else says.

Marissa Copeland
Troop 12412 | Cobb County
Troop Advisor: Gloria Tobin
Project Advisors: Dr. Denise Magee, Dr. Carla Neal-Haley and Bianca Walker Gold Award Coach: Cheryl Carson

Be Aware...Be There: Helping Adolescents Cope and Helping Others with Anxiety
The issue Marissa’s project addressed was anxiety in adolescents. Marissa chose this issue because her anxiety was heightened in middle and high school. The root cause of anxiety is how one responds to anxiety stressors. She developed an anxiety mentorship program to teach over one thousand students in middle and high school about anxiety, the stressors of anxiety, and anxiety coping strategies. Marissa’s project will be sustained by schools and organizations in the Atlanta area and beyond.

Margaret Council
County: Dekalb
Troop Advisors: Jae Runsick and Ann Council
Project Advisors: Gail Barnes and Leila Warren
Gold Award Coach: Barbara Foerst
The Flow Project
The Flow Project is built to distribute free period products to the community within Chamblee High School. The project also provides educational resources for healthy menstrual habits and information on period poverty. To gain traction, this project was published in the weekly school newsletter and shared during the weekly announcements.

Sophia Dait
County: Forsyth
Troop Advisor: Kimberly Wolf
Project Advisor: Alli Neal
Gold Award Coach: Kimberly Wolf
Let’s Get Safe
Children are often unaware of how to protect themselves from dangers. For her project, Sophia created a video library of safety tips. Revved Up Kids, a non-profit agency, teaches children and teenagers how to protect themselves and how to recognize unsafe people and situations. They will be posting the videos she created on their social media. The target audience is the children who see the videos. This project is sustainable because these videos will always be on the internet.

Conchetta Dodge
County: Floyd
Troop Advisors: Doreen Meeks and Laureen Gilbert
Project Advisors: Lori Davis, Amanda Williams and April Burns-Smith
Gold Award Coach: Kelly Angelo
During the pandemic many pets were adopted, but as people went back to work, they had little time to care for their pets, surrendering them to shelters. Conchetta’s project addresses the overcrowding of animal shelters. She provided her local shelter with Fur-Ever Pet Kits, helping ease the transition of pets to new homes, hosted Fur-Ever Adoption Days increasing adoptions, and filmed a PSA which airs on SHRL TV4’s evergreen programming to educate the public.

Lauren Dove
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Leslie Dove
Project Advisor: Lisa Lariscy
Gold Award Coach: Kelly Angelo
Pollinator Gardens
For her project, Lauren built sustainable pollinator gardens on her school’s campus. The root cause of the issue for her project was the destruction of pollinator habitats from herbicide and pesticide use, causing the habitats and pollinators to die off. From this issue, Lauren researched specific ways to refurbish pollinator habitats such as native pollinator plants, natural fertilizers, and constant watering. This impacted the pollinator species and created a sustainable garden at her school.

Paige Dunmire
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Kimberly Wolf
Project Advisor: Zoe Griffin
Gold Award Coach: Kimberly Wolf
Paige’s Pages
During extended hospital stays, children are isolated from their peers. Paige collaborated with local schools and a children’s hospital to close the gap between hospitalized children and other students their age. By building a website where they could read and submit book reviews, she helped create connection between these children and their community. They were able to interact with other children through reading, which was previously impossible.

Kaylen Emerson
County: Douglas
Troop Advisors: Krystal Gambrell and Brenda Williams
Project Advisors: Rosalind Elliott and Ann Lovett Battle
Gold Award Coach: Erica Scott
Golden Gardens
Kaylen’s Gold Award project, Golden Gardens, was used to combat food insecurity caused by food deserts in communities near her. She combated the issue by starting a fresh produce distribution service that worked to bridge the gap between affordable produce in communities of lower socioeconomic status. Along with the distribution of produce, Kaylen also distributed pamphlets to families and various food pantries in Georgia detailing the importance of a healthy diet.

Molly Faulkner
County: Dekalb
Troop Advisor: Blythe Martinson
Project Advisor: Jennifer Andriano
Gold Award Coach: Blythe Martinson
Garden for the Hungry
Molly built a vegetable garden in an existing garden plot behind a local church. The garden is maintained by community volunteers, with irrigation using rainwater collected from the roof of a nearby building. Produce harvested from the garden is donated to a local food bank. The initial harvest will include cabbage, collard greens, lettuce and kale.
“You are the architect of positive change and the embodiment of limitless possibilities.”
Christina Berry, page 4
Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta
Sofia Fays
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Irina Fays
Project Advisor: Ashley Henderson
Gold Award Coach: Pamela Malinzak
Boomerang 2 Positivity
Sofia partnered with Camp Twin Lakes, the largest camp for kids with special needs in the US, to help enhance camper experience while addressing teen anxiety through mini volunteer projects. Adolescents have struggled to find joy and reach positive mental health ever since the COVID-19 pandemic. Sofia’s goal was to spread volunteering as a mechanism to increase positivity. Her project reached over 3,000 kids and teens and created 200 signs for CTL’s new Rutledge West campus!

Morgan Ferrell
County: Fulton
Troop Advisors: Brenda Willams and Erica Scott
Project Advisors: Shanah Grant, Akilah Blount and Charis Trench-Simmons
Gold Award Coach: Krystal Gambrell
GIRLS STEM IT, founded by Morgan Ferrell, aims to address the root cause of the gender gap in STEM career fields, where fewer women pursue professions compared to men. The workshop targets young girls from elementary school to high school, to inspire and encourage them to consider STEM as career options. The event features hands-on activities, curriculum, and female STEM guest speakers. Friendship Community Church annually hosts Girls STEM IT Day to sustain the project.

Emma Foley
County: Cobb
Troop Advisors: Mary Elizabeth Gump and Deborah Foley
Project Advisor: Christine Stuckey
Gold Award Coach: Mary Elizabeth Gump
Implement an Agape Library System
Emma’s project was to create a library cataloging system for the Agape Library. Agape is an after school program in the Atlanta area that provides education services for underserved kids. In order to encourage reading and make the library more accessible for Agape’s students, her project made it so that the students could check out books.

Danielle Foster
County: Newton
Troop Advisors: Samantha Jones and Felicia Clark
Project Advisor: Christina Clements
Gold Award Coach: Sha Coursey
Aiding Mental Health in a Post-Pandemic World
Danielle’s Gold Award project was the ambitious development of a chatbot meant to help teens affected by the Covid-19 pandemic with depression and anxiety. The chatbot doesn’t give any personal data to anyone, including to Danielle, ensuring that conversations with the bot were totally private and comfortable. Her successor will be tasked with keeping up with the website the chatbot is hosted on, as well as updating it to add more variation in dialogue and helpful resources.
“Earning your Gold Award encourages you to change your community in a truly amazing way.”

Troop Advisor: Sorina Fant
Project Advisors: Cybil Talley, Tysheonia Edwards and Kililo Boyd
Gold Award Coach: Barbara Foerst
Favorite Girl Scout Memory: My favorite Girl Scout memory was the culminating event of my Gold Award. All the people I have met up to this point in my journey and some very influential people in my community came out to not only support me but learn and implement ways to change the world through gardening. I am proud of my Girl Scout journey
Gardening 101
Christina’s Gold Award Project is called Gardening 101. Gardening 101 is an initiative to teach people young and old how to create their very own impactful community garden that solves issues like inequality and loneliness. Christina hosted an event at her school where 40 school stakeholders, city councilwomen, and state representatives came to the school to learn just that. During her event, Christina was presented with a proclamation for her work from her city council.

Shania Fuller
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Yvonne Gilbert
Project Advisor: Jeremiah Dawson
Gold Award Coach: Donna Lowry
Happy Future Stars
Shania chose to focus on youth mental health for her Gold Award, called “Happy Future Stars,” because she watched those around her suffer during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Shania spent time at a camp called Summer Safe, Inc., founded by Jeremiah Dawson, who agreed to be her Gold Award Project Advisor. The camp is a “not-for-profit dedicated to changing the lives of Atlanta school-age youth in underserved communities through transformative summer camp and program experiences.”

Paige Gaudet
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Tawanna Conley
Project Advisor: Teresa Herman
Gold Award Coach: Deborah Burke Johnson
The STEMinist Project
Paige’s project promotes STEM, STEM careers, and highlights aerospace to students in her local community. Unfortunately, the lack of access and exposure to STEM curriculum and content directly impacts diversity within professional STEM fields. Paige’s target audience was students of color and anyone else in the learning community interested in STEM and aerospace. She addressed this issue by starting an aerospace club at her school, and created an online STEM Website for an elementary school.

Danielle Goolsby
County: Cobb
Troop Advisor: Shonna Luten
Project Advisors: Dr. Felicia Angelle and Lori Armbruster
Gold Award Coach: Barbara Foerst
Family Bonding Blessing Bags
Danielle’s project centered around the issue of economic hardship, which included the children of low-income families at Keheley Elementary School. Her goal was to give the children and their families suggestions for family bonding activities and fun-filled items to enjoy over Fall Break. The impact of her project was parents and children spending more time together doing simple activities.

Kyra Gosselin
County: Cobb
Troop Advisor: Julie Gosselin
Project Advisor: Brittney Dockery
Gold Award Coach: Elizabeth Lewis
– Facts not Fear
There are a number of myths and stereotypes about “pitbull-type” dogs that are either anecdotal and misleading, or entirely false. These are not based on scientific evidence or expert information, instead based on unreliable statistics or on misinformation sourced from unscientific organizations. Kyra’s solution was to create an educational video with input from vets, owners, rescuers, and animal behaviorists.

Bahiyyih Grant
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Linda Grant
Project Advisor: Emily Roberts
Gold Award Coach: Barbara Foerst
Disposing of Food Waste
Bahiyyih’s project raised awareness about the social and environmental impacts of food waste through multiple presentations, a blog, and a website. Her project also built capacity in individuals of various age groups at her school and in her neighborhood to build habits to reduce food waste in their daily lives.

Emily Grant
County: Dekalb
Troop Advisors: Kara Grant and Carol McCloskey
Project Advisor: Sarah Sanke
Gold Award Coach: Kirsten Fitzgerald
DNDC Children’s Garden
To address a lack of education and appreciation for the benefits of pollinators, Emily helped establish a children’s native plant garden to teach children and their parents in her community about the importance of pollinators and native plants. She added seating, storage, a mural, and created a website for the garden. 86.7% of families who visited were going to change their habits to encourage pollinators. The garden will be sustained by the local garden club.

Lindsey Grant
County: Dekalb
Troop Advisor: Blythe Martinson
Project Advisor: Dr Tyra Harris-Thompson
Gold Award Coach: Blythe Martinson
Everyone Deserves Kindness
Everyone Deserves Kindness is a project that was conducted at Kingsley Elementary School and focused on the issues of childhood bullying. Lindsey spent two weeks with the after school students and her team, teaching them how to recognize bullying, how to stop bullying when noticed, and the specific dangers of bullying. Lindsey’s project was overseen by Dr. Tyra Harris-Thompson and Pamela Jones. Her project is sustained by a brochure she made.
“Your commitment isn’t just a goal; it’s a powerful force shaping a brighter future for us all.”
Allie Robson, page 2

Dharani Guru
County: Forsyth
Troop Advisor: Kavitha Veeramani
Project Advisors: Chief Madzimawe, Yashodhara Velayudam and Upasna Gupta
Gold Award Coach: Kavitha Veeramani
Sustainable Schooling for Girls
Dharani’s Gold Award project was to improve education for girls in Zambia. She fundraised $2,000 to build a roof for the Madzimawe Foundation All Girls’ School and sent 50 school supply kits and 40 books. She also created an English reading curriculum for the girls. Her project was successful in increasing school attendance and motivation among the girls.

Rachel Harville
County: Fayette
Troop Advisor: Kristi Hellenbrand
Project Advisor: Whitney Shoemaker
Gold Award Coach: Kristi Hellenbrand
Go Your Own Way, Choose Your Best Path
Rachel helped lower the stress for middle school students at Rising Starr Middle School when they were trying to register for high school classes. Her project helped 300 rising 9th graders and 600 other middle schoolers know the high school career paths available to them at Starr’s Mill High School.

Nina Heard
County: Cobb
Troop Advisors: Carey Bayer and Jim Bryant
Project Advisors: Dion-Walker Smith, Keri Hill and LeKara Simmons
Gold Award Coach: Carey Bayer
Give, Receive, Respect
Nina created three videos. They covered how to ask for consent, what to do if consent is revoked, and what happens when boundaries are changed. Nina’s videos were created by and for youth, and she will partner with the GCAPP youth regarding dissemination and distribution.

Abigail Heizer
County: Dekalb
Troop Advisor: Amy Hillman
Project Advisors: Shawn Stone and Vicki Warren
Gold Award Coach: Libby Peck
Trailblazing for Health
“Trailblazing for Health addressed the issue of safe outdoor recreation for the benefit of physical and mental health. In Georgia, the prevalence of adult obesity is 37%.
1. Abigail updated signage and trailmarkings throughout 6 miles of trails and 120 acres in Henderson Park.
2. She partnered with City Council and Friends of Tucker Parks to provide education on park improvements.
3. Abigail created an educational flyer and met with park visitors for greater awareness.”
“You have a community of people surrounding you who want to support you through each milestone.”

Priyal Maheshwari
Troop 14505 | Forsyth County
Troop Advisor: Julia Neal
Project Advisor: Tameka Osabutey-Aguedje
Gold Award Coach: Shelly Midkiff
Favorite Girl Scout Memory: My favorite Girl Scout memory is when my troop and I went treehouse camping, where we stayed in houses built 20 feet in the air! On the way back, we stopped by Marineland to visit their wildlife, and it was an overall memorable trip.
Future Women of STEM
To help bridge the gender gap in STEM fields, Priyal exposed young girls to STEM careers through her Women of STEM club at a local middle school. During monthly meetings that were each themed after a STEM topic, she introduced an influential woman in STEM and then conducted a unique experiment. Priyal expanded the Women of STEM club’s curriculum to two additional middle schools, and she hopes to continue empowering girls in STEM.

Hannah Hobmann
County: Fayette
Troop Advisor: Lori Sims
Project Advisor: Anna Elizabeth McCloud
Gold Award Coach: Monique Comiskey
Computer Program for CoCo’s Cupboard/ Tails of Hope Volunteers
Hannah’s local animal shelter, CoCo’s Cupboard, attracts a multitude of volunteers. However, they needed to be able to know which volunteers to contact for special projects. For example, reaching out to volunteers who are capable of using power tools when they need to build something or do other forms of woodworking. Hannah’s Gold Award designed a program that helps find volunteers with specific skills when special projects arise.

Vamsika Ilango
County: Forsyth
Troop Advisor: Kavitha Veeramani
Project Advisors: Jennie Lobato, Stephanie Donaldson and Ramya Shivkumar
Gold Award Coach: Kavitha Veeramani
Art for Everyone
Vamsika’s “Art for Everyone” project aimed to address the shortage of art resources for children in Costa Rica. In partnership with drawchange, she established a self-guided art classroom, and provided art supply kits and desks to a local school. Vamsika developed a bilingual art activity book, allowing kids to learn art and English simultaneously. Additionally, she created coloring pages and art videos for children to use at their convenience.

Jemeya Joe
County: DeKalb
Troop Advisor: Kara Grant
Project Advisor: Gloria Pantoja
Gold Award Coach: Kara Grant
Little Libraries at Pernoshal Park and Dunwoody City Hall
Jemeya’s project created a series of little libraries. She provided a variety of books, enabling children to borrow and return books at their convenience, fostering a love for reading and learning. These accessible and decentralized libraries promote literacy, education, and imagination among children who may otherwise have restricted opportunities to explore the world of books. She placed Little Libraries in Pernoshal Park and Dunwoody City Hall, where there are lower income families that are transitional and new to the Dunwoody area. In addition, she collected books in both Spanish and English for children that speak English as their second language so there is a variety of book options.

Eleanor Knight
County: Fulton
Troop Advisors: Deborah Foley and Mary Elizabeth Gump
Project Advisor: Angela Davis
Gold Award Coach: Deborah Foley
Little Library for Childhood Literacy
Eleanor was inspired by Scott Elementary’s student body to build and supply a stocked Little Library for the school. Her goal was to increase childhood literacy and decrease book deserts. Eleanor built with recycled materials, hosted a book drive, and created reading comprehension pamphlets for student use, all while engaging with her community on a topic she was passionate about.

Claire Kuhl
County: Forsyth
Troop Advisor: Norma Torgerson
Project Advisor: Isabella Santiago
Gold Award Coach: Jessica Weis
Girls in STEM
In Claire’s project, she addressed the shortage of young girls in her school’s aerospace and mechatronics pathways. Claire worked with girls at her local middle schools to expose them to all the STEM opportunities available to them. With the help of her teammates, they showed them the basics of what they learn at Alliance, including flying plane simulators, building robots, operating drones, and much more.

Jessica Lawlor
County: Cherokee
Troop Advisor: Barbara Gorman
Project Advisor: Heather Barton
Gold Award Coach: Elizabeth Lewis
College Resources for Underserved Students
As Jessica began to prepare for college, she realized that the resources on the internet often have information that contradicted each other or were too convoluted to understand. This puts many students at a disadvantage in the college prep process, particularly those whose parents either did not go to college or immigrated to the United States. She compiled resources into a concise, accessible webpage attached to the high school’s tutoring center website.

Kelsey Li
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Deborah Foley
Project Advisor: Alec Khan
Gold Award Coach: Deborah Foley
Impacting Through Education
Impacting Through Education focused on addressing the issue of educational deficits in children due to unequal access to educational opportunities. Kelsey’s team worked with A+ Squash, a non-profit, educationally-oriented organization to provide additional one-on-one tutoring for students that live in economically disadvantaged areas. Over the course of four months, they held weekly tutoring sessions for students at A+, providing an in-depth, personal connection with an educator alongside educational assistance.
“Our age has absolutely nothing to do with our capacity to do great things. You are always capable of making a difference, if you only let yourself.”
Tristan Barber, page 3

Adalyn Liakakos
County: Cherokee
Troop Advisor: Angie Miller and Laura Guglielmo
Project Advisor: Dr. Wendy Roberts
Gold Award Coach: Angie Miller
Keep Hickory Flat Out of the Ocean
Adalyn’s project addresses plastic usage and ocean microplastics. She created a presentation and surveys for high school students about using reusable cups rather than single usage cups. Adalyn also targeted managers of local stores to get pledges to allow reusable cups. Her presentation will go out to future students through Beta Club. Teens were made aware of micro-plastics in the ocean and of leaving plastic footprints. She has impacted students to think about plastic waste.

Perri Lockett
County: Fulton
Troop Advisors: Rosalind King and Lesley Williams
Project Advisor: Rhonda Meekins
Gold Award Coach: Lisa Willis
Cell Phone Literacy
Cell Phone Literacy is a workshop for senior citizens to learn how to set up their cell phones and to learn how to use them for daily tasks. The root cause of Perri’s project comes from the new technology that keep coming out, without the proper resources for senior citizens. Her project was made sustainable by creating a recording of the workshop. The project will be sustained by Sandy Wainwright and the Golden Agers of Turner Chapel A.M.E Church. The Award has allowed Perri to build positive relationships with seniors and to share knowledge to improve future growth between generations.

NaZyia Macon
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisors: Kimberly Murray and Angela Pearson
Project Advisor: SaDohl Jones
Gold Award Coach: Kimberly Murray
In Love With My Mental
NaZyia Macon earned her Gold Award by fostering a program called “In Love With My Mental.” With support from her team, NaZyia’s program premiered at a leadership conference and an elementary school to raise adolescent mental health awareness, and to teach mental health management. NaZyia’s program is now continued as an annual mental health day at Stone Mill Elementary due to her guide offering non-traditional techniques and mental services for both classroom and household settings.

Lily Martinson
County: Dekalb
Troop Advisor: Blythe Martinson
Project Advisor: Samantha Long
Gold Award Coach: Kirsten Fitzgerald
PAWS Atlanta Retail Area
The root cause of Lily’s project is the amount of animals that are surrendered to animal shelters each year. Her project helped benefit a shelter in her community called PAWS Atlanta. In order to help PAWS gather more funding, she was able to create a way for them to display their merchandise for increased sales. Lily built a bench that doubles as storage, as well as two other units for storage for their lobby area.
“Since Kindergarten, Girl Scouts has fostered my self-discovery and taught me invaluable life lessons.”

Marin Ramesh

| Forsyth County

Financing Your Future
Girl Scout Memory: Gathering around the campfire at Camp Meriwether, making s’mores, and singing campfire songs stands out as my favorite memory. It was the final night at camp, I had the chance to truly absorb all the profound experiences and friendships I had forged. It was a moment of feeling genuinely loved and supported. As we sang “Linger,” I was sad to leave the beautiful, serene camp but excited to venture back into the world, armed with all the knowledge I had gained.
Financing Your Future addressed the root cause of rising poverty due to the lack of accessible financial education, focusing on middle and high school students. Marin and her team created interactive presentations, activities, and a website to teach essential financial skills to 11 to 17-yearolds. The project reached three counties and was sustained through local schools and organizations. This project aimed to break the cycle of poor financial choices, empower future generations, and contribute to reducing poverty.
14742 2024 Gold Award Council Young Women of Distinction Troop Advisor: Sirisha Iyer and Josephine Ramesh Project Advisors: Aradhana Gupta Kejriwal and Cassidy Mazzei Gold Award Coach: Mary Williams Favorite Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta | 2024 Highest Awards | Gold 21
Amelia Massie
County: Cobb
Troop Advisor: Betsy Massie
Project Advisors: Jen Hale and Alejandra Zuluaga Brieva
Gold Award Coach: Barbara O’Connor
Spanish Book Collection for Equatorial Guinea
Amelia’s Girl Scout Gold Award addressed students and teachers at various schools in Equatorial Guinea through the donation of over 300 Spanish books and $500 dollars. She did this through creating an Amazon registry with over 300 books that she selected through her own research and from recommendations from her team members. Amelia additionally organized two in-person book drives, donating enough books to fill over two full schools in Equatorial Guinea.

Anika Mathur
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisor: Heidi Lane
Project Advisor: Billqeece Naqawe
Gold Award Coach: Kim Towne
Improving Recycling Rates in My Community
Anika implemented an additional method of waste disposal that wasn’t common in her community to increase the likelihood of plastics getting recycled. She distributed Hefty EnergyBags, a special orange trash bag specifically meant for disposing plastics #4-#7, to participating residents of Gwinnett County. Then, she held workshops around her community explaining the logistics of this program, as well as why it was important to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Sarah McWilliams
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisor: Beth McWilliams
Project Advisor: Manina Riggs
Gold Award Coach: Alyce James
Flower Power
The root cause of Sarah’s project was that there is a lack of education when it comes to ecosystems and effects of native plants. Her audience was the people in her community, as well as a global audience of internet users. The Ladybug Garden Club has agreed to sustain her website, and Lilburn Day Camp has integrated her project into their curriculum. Ultimately Sarah has caused an impact because she ran sessions to directly educate people.

Elizabeth Morton
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisor: Lisa Carter
Project Advisor: Emily Moore
Gold Award Coach: Shawntrease Richard
Latchkey Safety
Elizabeth’s project was about teaching elementary students in grades 3 through 5 about how to stay safe while home alone. The pandemic prevented after school care from being a choice for millions of families, and many families were forced to let their children stay home alone. Elizabeth created a pamphlet, which was designed to start a conversation between parents and students who were adapted to this lifestyle. The pamphlets are housed in six locations.

Mariana Munoz
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Kelly Angelo
Project Advisor: Amy Ard
Gold Award Coach: Kelly Angelo
Caring for Caregivers
Mariana’s service project is centered around the newborns who are born to incarcerated women of Georgia. These women are expected to surrender their newborns after 48 hours. The relatives become the new caregivers. Mariana’s Gold Award project aims to tackle any struggles or needs these new caregivers might have, hence the project name. She has partnered with Amy Ard, the founder of Motherhood Beyond Bars to provide infant care essentials to the caregivers.

Anjini Naidu
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Heather Lane
Project Advisor: Chelsea Wood
Gold Award Coach: Kelly Angelo
Empowering Girls, One Goal at a Time
Anjini’s project addressed the overarching problem of gender inequality in and access to sports for underprivileged girls. She partnered with a local nonprofit organization, Soccer in the Streets, to help plan and execute a soccer camp in the Atlanta community. The main goals were to give these girls a place to foster their soccer skills, as well as their sense of self. Throughout the week, they focused on setting goals, healthy relationships, respect, and gratitude.

Kathryn Neal
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisors: Lisa Neal and Jenifer Ray
Project Advisor: Stephanie Wallace
Gold Award Coach: Kim Towne
The White Oak Book Barn
Kathryn created a free library for the children and parents of White Oak Elementary in order to promote reading in the household and increase overall literacy skills within the elementary kids. The White Oak Book Barn is located in the common area for easy access. It has a variety of reading levels so any child can easily read what they choose.
“Pursue knowledge of what you love, then use that knowledge to better the community around you in a manner that is unique and meaningful to you.”
Faustina Barcena, page 3

Varsha Nirmal
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Phanija Koya
Project Advisor: Caitlyn Gosney
Gold Award Coach: Deborah Burke Johnson
Envisioning Our Environment
Varsha’s Gold Award project focuses on reducing land and water pollution across Johns Creek. The root cause is household waste, including batteries, cleaners, plastics, and food, and this requires careful disposal and proper recycling. Varsha created an educational pamphlet and a children’s book for Autrey Mill Nature Preserve, aiming to address this information and to connect with community members.

Samantha O’Neil
County: Dekalb
Troop Advisor: Charlotte West
Project Advisor: Kim Gokce
Gold Award Coach: Charlotte West
Little Free Library
The adjustment from in-person learning to at-home learning took a toll on the mental preparation of students for future education. Samantha wanted to give students and their families an opportunity to read more physical books. So, she built the Little Free Library, to ensure that the families in the area would be able to access reading material whenever they wanted it. Placing it near Ashford Park Elementary ensures the supply of books won’t run out.

Kirtana Paladugula
County: Forsyth
Troop Advisor: Kavitha Veeramani
Project Advisor: Ramya Shivkumar
Gold Award Coach: Kavitha Veeramani
Composting Campaign
Kirtana’s Composting Campaign addresses the problem of chemical fertilizers and pesticide usage in our food production. Throughout the spring and summer of 2022, she conducted training sessions and demonstrations in the local neighborhoods of Suwanee, Cumming, and Alpharetta, Georgia. Through this campaign, she successfully convinced 11 families to adopt the practice of backyard composting.

Alaina Phillpott
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisors: Cindy Phillpott and Mollie Hinckley
Project Advisor: Taha Yarahmad
Gold Award Coach: Barbara Foerst
Ecological Footprint
Alaina’s Gold Award Project focused on teaching the younger generation all about how their everyday habits could be changed and improved through small, more sustainable habits. The way she addressed this to children as young as seven was through a coloring sheet of ways they can improve their ecological foot print and how it effects the world. Older girls were able to plant their own herbs for cooking and were taught how this small action helps the environment.
“Completing the Gold Award is a way to combine all of the skills you have learned in Girl Scouts and create something amazing.”

Troop Advisor: Jureen Oddo
Project Advisor: Lucy Gilbert
Gold Award Coach: Kimberly Murray
Favorite Girl Scout Memory: My favorite girl scout memory is definitely one of our many camping trips, specifically father/daughter camping. Something about going to Misty Mountain with your whole troop and everyone’s dads is so fun.

STEMing a Love for STEM with Elementary Students
Katie created a series of four STEM nights over the 2022-2023 school year at Hembree Springs Elementary School. The STEM Nights combatted the lack of family involvement, lower participation rates in academic environments, and the drop in test scores following COVID-19 in HSES students in grades K through 5. Through the STEM events, students got hands-on experience of topics covered in their classes, resulting in increased student achievement, impacting students’ futures, and decreasing COVID-19 learning gaps.
Katie Wishert Troop 11483 | Fulton County 2024 Gold Award Council Young Women of Distinction Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta | 2024 Highest Awards | Gold 25
Sabrina Reese
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Juliette
Project Advisors: Samantha Latham and Mark Juliano
Gold Award Coach: Hannah Zenas
Application to Admitted
Sabrina’s Gold Award addressed the issue of increased difficulties of getting accepted into colleges. She built a website with information about study resources, tips, and ways to improve students’ resumes. By using these resources, students can improve their college application and chances of getting into their dream school. The website is linked on several high schools’ counseling pages across Georgia.

Riley Rice
County: Cobb
Troop Advisors: Kathy Barnett and Casey Bittner
Project Advisors: Devila Bogus, Kate Beaty and Sarah Emrich
Gold Award Coach: Kathy Barnett
Nursing Home Activity Plan
Riley’s project involved a team of volunteers visiting a local nursing home once a week during the summer to entertain the residents and take stress off of the staff. They forged relationships between teenagers and senior citizens in the community and introduced engaging activities. At the end of the project, donations and lesson plans were donated to nursing homes around Riley’s community to allow staff to easily entertain residents in the future.

Allison Robson
County: Henry
Troop Advisor: Donna Manley and Jennifer Robson
Project Advisor: Marjan Ghadrdan
Gold Award Coach: Shelly Midkiff
Helping Animals Arrive Alive
For her project, Allie built two enclosures for animal ambassadors at the Atlanta Wild Animal Rescue Effort (AWARE). Additionally, she created educational pamphlets that contain information about how to help reduce the amount of animals getting hit by cars. Allie made the pamphlets because humans not knowing about animal habits is the root cause of the issue. The pamphlets explain wildlife habits and what times of day to be looking for them.

Laurel Ross
County: Forsyth
Troop Advisors: Kristine Walden and Lisa Schoenfeld
Project Advisor: Marea Haslett
Gold Award Coach: Mary Williams
Showcasing the Hidden Talents of High School Students
Laurel felt as thought there was an under representation of student arts within her high school, Forsyth Central High School. This lack of representation restricted students from connecting with other artists. Laurel and her team addressed this issue by creating a website that highlighted artists of all levels once a month. Along with the website, they created a hallway display of student art works, as well as a slideshow that played during lunch.

Riya Salvi
County: Forsyth
Troop Advisor: Julia Neal
Project Advisor: Dr. Roli Dwivedi
Gold Award Coach: Jessica Weis
Project Heart Warrior
This project addressed the need for a readily available, low cost children’s book that shows support, hope, and ways to manage a healthy lifestyle to pediatric patients with Congenital Heart Disease. The book was written under the consultation of a doctor and made available online as well as donated to local libraries and children’s hospitals. Several webinars were conducted in the US, UK and India to raise awareness about the book and the cause.

Catherine Scott
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Jennifer Scott
Project Advisor: Stephanie Schuette
Gold Award Coach: Cori Hembree
The Kindness Project
Catherine addressed the issue of suicide for middle and high school students. She hosted a Breathe retreat to show middle school and high school girls ways that they can help themselves and their peers take a step back and see the bigger picture, to breathe. She had the support of a guest therapist and had testimonials from older girls to show the younger students that they are not alone in their mental battles. These moments formed a bond between the grades that helped to give everyone even more of a sense of community and show they are truly not doing this on their own.

Zaria Sifflet
County: Cobb
Troop Advisors: Tiffany Bryant and Claudia Sifflet
Project Advisor: Dionne Burnett
Gold Award Coach: Tiffany Bryant
Mental Health Reconnect
Zaria started a club at her school to promote mental health awareness and to spread positivity. She noticed an increase in people around her experiencing depression, anxiety, and other similar disorders at ages as young as 14, but no one seemed to really care. Once she asked around, she came to the realization that most students didn’t even know who to talk to. She started the club as a way to finally get students talking.
“Believe in yourself, plan ahead, and foster the relationships you make with others. Know that you are fully capable of doing great things!”
Paige Gaudet, page 14

Caoimhina Sloan
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Louise Hamrick
Project Advisor: Anne Birth
Gold Award Coach: Libby Peck
Homeless Helpers
Caoimhina’s project addressed the issue of homelessness and poverty in Metro Atlanta. She wanted to help those experiencing homelessness by giving them a set of necessities and a way to carry their belongings while also educating students and parents on the importance of helping the homeless. She hosted a presentation at her school to gather support, reaching almost 1,000 students through a big campaign. She collected donations to fullfill over 25 kits to share with the homeless community.

MaryPoole Smith
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Amanda Stratton
Project Advisor: Jennifer Northrup
Gold Award Coach: Libby Peck
Learn to Love to Read
MaryPoole’s project, Learn to Love to Read, tackles literacy challenges among underprivileged children in Metro Atlanta. Addressing the root cause, poverty, she provided parents with the resources to discover age-appropriate books for students’ grade and reading levels. MaryPoole built a website, organized a book club, and installed an interactive bookshelf at City of Refuge, a non-profit shelter. Through her project, new opportunities were created to help impoverished children thrive in and out of the classroom.

Olivia Sneed
County: Cherokee
Troop Advisor: Jennifer Barber
Project Advisors: Cindy Robinson and Dr. Jason Hefner
Gold Award Coach: Shelly Midkiff
Fit & Fun for the Young!
Olivia has always been passionate about physical and mental health and decided to make it the focus of her project. While researching the topic, she discovered that many children near her were unaware of the benefits of physical activity on both physical and mental health. To address this, Olivia created interactive presentations and educated over 50 children! Olivia’s work is sustained through brochures distributed in school and doctor’s offices, containing information about her project, health, and exercise.

Catherine Spainhour
County: Henry
Troop Advisors: Jennifer Robson and Donna Summey-Manley
Project Advisors: Andy Pike and Melissa Thomas
Gold Award Coach: Anna Democko
Safety Curtains for Classroom Doors
Catherine’s Gold Award project aimed to create window covers for classrooms to use in intruder situations. She planned to make 60 window covers but in the end made 81. Catherine was able to give them to two schools in Henry County. This project taught her to use her resources wisely, as they used every inch of the fabric to make the window covers.

Sheridan Stevens
County: Dekalb
Troop Advisors: Judith Loomis and Regina Ovenden
Project Advisor: Andrew Lester
Gold Award Coach: Deborah Burke Johnson
Children’s Garden Updates at BHNP
Sheridan addressed the issue of the lack of attention and care toward children’s learning opportunities in the environment. She made improvements to the community Children’s Garden, which allows kids to learn more about our environment and working with others. Sheridan collected donations and restored items instead of buying new materials, which can hurt our environment. Restoring what was already there allowed the garden to remain authentic within its natural environment.

Caroline Stratton
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Lori Mayfield and Amanda Stratton
Project Advisor: Elise McDonald
Gold Award Coach: Karen Thomas
The Native Bee Nesting Box Project
Native bees are declining due to habitat loss, increased pesticide use, and a decrease in floral diversity. Lucy met with the Chattahoochee Nature Center to learn about their native gardens and how she could help them increase the bee population. Lucy built nine bee nesting boxes that she placed around the Unity Garden at the Chattahoochee Nature Center.

Graysen Stratton
County: Fulton
Troop Advisors: Lori Mayfield and Amanda Stratton
Project Advisor: Heyward Fougerousse
Gold Award Coach: Karen Thomas
Art for Gold – Refresh, Renew, Restart
Graysen worked with the non-profit Crossroads Community Ministries. Her project’s goal was to create a welcoming counseling area where people would feel welcome and have a sense of dignity when seeking help. Greyson worked with younger Girl Scout Troops, children in the Sunday School at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, and the Art Club at her school. Together, they created two pieces of art to brighten and welcome people into the Crossroads counseling offices.

Anusha Suddala
County: Gwinnett
Troop Advisor: Sudha Suddala
Project Advisor: John Karne
Gold Award Coach: Barbara Foerst
Project Roots
Project Roots is dedicated to address the increasing gap between generations, caused by many factors.The project’s focus is to use storytelling and cuisine to rebuild and strengthen these intergenerational connections. With Project Roots, Anusha collected and curated the cherished childhood food tales and memories shared by grandparents and elderly family members with their younger generations. These narratives have been transformed into blog posts and printed materials, subsequently shared among various organizations and senior centers.

Ananya Suresh
County: Forsyth
Troop Advisors: Kavitha Veeramani and Upasna Gupta
Project Advisor: Kelsey Hill
Gold Award Coach: Kavitha Veeramani
Take a Textbook
Leave a Textbook Program
Ananya’s Take a Textbook Leave a Textbook Program guarantees accessible and cost-effective textbook resources for all students. Recognizing the inconvenience of library checkouts and the high cost of new books, Ananya established an open shelf system. She built an open shelf where students could freely drop off and take the materials they needed with no constraints. Additionally, she curated a comfortable study area to promote collaborative learning.

Ananya Tadepalli
County: Fulton
Troop Advisors: Tara Spolan and Jureen Oddo
Project Advisors: Ravi Gollapudi, Padma Solipuram and Lakshmi Yechuri
Gold Award Coach: Shannon Moretz
Cybersecurity Education for Youth
Ananya’s project aimed to combat the insufficient cybersecurity awareness among today’s youth in the face of an expanding digital landscape. To tackle this problem, she delivered interactive cybersecurity lessons on how to implement cybersecurity best practices. Ananya also developed the Personal Cyber Risk Assessment Tool to encourage students to employ these best practices. The project’s influence extends worldwide via online resources, equipping children with the means to safeguard themselves from cyber threats.

Reagan Vetter
County: Fayette
Troop Advisor: Dana Fairrel
Project Advisor: Jackie Burgess
Gold Award Coach: Michelle Venn
Bee a Friend: Everything You Need to Know About Epinephrine and Food Allergies
Reagan’s project is called ‘Bee a Friend: Everything you need to know about Epinephrine and Food Allergies.’ She created a video and an Instagram page with tips on how to be a friend to people with food allergies. While many people are aware of food allergies, they often don’t know what to do or say in situations that involve people with food allergies. Reagan’s video, available on Youtube, gives valuable tips to address this issue.

Annike Wade
County: Dekalb
Troop Advisors: Annemarie Reagan and Hannah Bower
Project Advisor: Wesley Hatfield
Gold Award Coach: Barbara Foerst
DHS School Supply Closet
The DHS (Decatur High School) School Supply Closet is a space in Annike’s school’s Student Center where most basic school supplies are stored for low-income students who don’t have consistent access to the school supplies they need for class. While her school doesn’t have a large population of students at or below the poverty line, or on free and reduced lunch, there are still many families who struggle to find the money to pay for their students’ supplies.
Elle Walker
County: DeKalb
Troop Advisor: Blythe Ryerson
Project Advisor: Margo Reynolds
Gold Award Coach: Blythe Martinson
Bluebird Trail/Wildlife Sanctuary
Elle worked to improve the local ecosystem by cleaning out invasive plants such as English Ivy. They had taken over the natural habitat of many plants and animals, harming them along the way. Along with removing the plants, she reintroduced native plants to the area. A few examples are the Native Azaela and Beauty Berries. These plants are much more beneficial to the environment and safe for the area. These specific plant species also helped her to create a Bluebird sanctuary. She was able to place a multitude of birdhouses, a bird feeder, a bench, and a bird bath, all of which have been thoroughly researched and thought out for best placement depending on the needs of bluebirds.

Ashlee Watson
County: Cobb
Troop Advisors: Bernadette King and Lesley Williams
Project Advisor: Marie Papini
Gold Award Coach: Bernadette King
The Pink Heart Project
Ashlee’s project focused on the lack of feminine hygiene products available to girls during the school day. This issue causes problems such as low self-esteem, missed class time, and even unexcused absences. She addressed this issue by collecting a variety of feminine products to create 250 hygiene kits for girls at her school. These kits were placed in the Student Life Center at Marietta High School for girls to pick up and restock as needed.

Nylah Watson
County: Paulding
Troop Advisors: Tamareeshi Geffrard and Jakita Watson
Project Advisor: Shava Cureton-Clark
Gold Award Coach: Barbara Foerst
Heroes Retreat
Nylah’s project focused on creating a designated calming space within Centennial Academy Charter School, named Heroes Retreat. Heroes Retreat was designed to tackle the issue concerning children’s mental health, focusing on the lack of resources and education provided by schools to assist students in effectively managing their emotions when faced with challenges. Heroes Retreat served as a safe place for the scholars of Centennial Academy, where they can regroup and gain skills for promoting emotional well-being and healthy social interactions.

Meredith Werner
County: Cobb
Troop Advisor: Heather Werner
Project Advisor: Starla Halvorson
Gold Award Coach: Kathy Barnett
Supporting Local Literacy
Meredith’s project was centered around the library at her school, Johnson Ferry Christian Academy, and the impact it has on the school and church communities. Meredith’s goal was to promote not just the library’s physical space, but also the literary resources it can provide, as they were not well utilized within these communities. Employing several methods, including creating posters and updating book lists, she informed the communities and also improved the library in the process.

Kacey West
County: Dekalb
Troop Advisors: Charlotte West and Julie O’Neil
Project Advisors: Stephanie Williams and Ryan James
Gold Award Coach: Julie O’Neil
Project Embrace
Following the COVID-19 pandemic children across the world suffered from changes in their mental health. One of the groups most heavily affected was children with disabilities. To combat these issues, Kacey created a box full of items to help improve these kids’ mental health. This included a list of resources for any child, parent, or teacher to use when struggling. Children always need support, no matter how old.

Epiphany Wilson
County: Cobb
Troop Advisor: Tiffany Bryant
Project Advisor: Teresa Grear
Gold Award Coach: Tiffany Bryant
PEP Talk with Pip
As a Girl Scout, Epiphany believes her job is to make the world a better place. Her Gold Award aims to assist teenage athletes with managing the mental strain and self-doubt that sports can have on them. The project also helps teenage athletes with how to deal with issues the sport they love can give them. Self-worth is something that many teenagers struggle with, and Epiphany wants to do her part to help everyone feel their best.

Olivia Wolf
County: Fulton
Troop Advisor: Kimberly Wolf
Project Advisor: Ashley Jones
Gold Award Coach: Elizabeth Lewis
Gardening for All
For Olivia’s project, she installed a raised flower bed at her local middle school. Before her project, all of the beds were at ground level, meaning that they were completely inaccessible to wheelchair-bound students. Olivia installed a raised bed, so that all students at the school could participate in gardening. She hoped to build accessibility and inclusivity throughout the school, which was done through the implementation of the raised bed.
“Believing in yourself is the key to succeeding!”
Olivia Wolf, page 32
Silver Award
Girl Scouts
Thursday, November 16, 2023
2024 Silver Award Woman of Distinction
Girl Scouts ATL Bronze & Silver CY WOD Award Yearbook Info
Seatbelt Port Pillow Protectors for Cancer Patients
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Troop 11319: Henry County
Get creative and have a great time telling our readers all about you and what you ' ve accomplished!
Troop Leaders: Nadine Hoenes and Makel Chandler
This is for the....
Girl Scouts: Isabella Atkins, Ryann Butler, Isabelle Hoenes, Delaney Jones, Siena King, Sydney King, Charlie McAllister, Aubrey Walker and Carley Reynolds
Photo 1 - High Resolution
Cancer, especially breast cancer affects too many in our community and those who have ports for treatment often skip wearing seatbelts due to discomfort. Our troop decided to make seatbelt port pillows to eliminate the safety risk to to this already vulnerable population. To sustain the project, local sewing groups were sent informational videos to keep the supply of port pillows for Harbor of Hope in Henry County, who supports Breast Cancer patients.
Silver Award

“As you blaze your trail of leadership and service, remember that your commitment isn’t just a goal; it’s a powerful force shaping a brighter future for us all.”
Annike Wade, page 30
Florence Adiatu
Sanaya Ahuja
Nicole Amra
Trinity Anderson
Gabriella Angryk
Sophia Arendt
Isabella Atkins
Caroline Bailey
Lauren Baird
Brooklyn Baker
Josie Barisaac
Abigail Barrett
Alana Barton
Julia Bell
Demya Belmar
Avi Bennett
Erin Bennett
Gwyneth Benson
Devanna Bibbs
Lydia Bizzell
Katy Blackburn
Isabel Blackburn
Olivia Bonilla
Elle Bostic
Ramsey Branam
Jocelyn Brown
Natalie Bullard
Tiffany Burton
Audrey Busch
Ryann Butler
Trinity Campbell
Alyssa Chaffer
Julia Chaffer
Chiara Coddington
Kate Coffee
Harper Cornwell
Lauren Cronin
Christina Cross
Maddie Curtis
Azarria Daniel
Brooke Daniels
Mara Davis
Camryn Dawson
Sheliya Denson
Taylor Deshazer
Addison DeWitt
Giavanna(Gia) DiCarlo
Makayla Dickey
Abby DiLaura
London Dixon
Gabrielle Dobson
Taylor Donald
Khaliya Douglas
Camryn Doyle
Sydney Eckard
Sharon Edwards
Talia Edwards
Zoe Elliot
Abriella Espinoza
Kendall Estes
Nanako Evett
Aamina Farrakhan
Marialexis Feneque
Emma Fincher
Adalynne Forchette
Alice Fowler
Emily Friedenberg
Lauren Gates
Sofia George
Lauren Gibson
Jamaiyah Giles
Jada Gilkes
Juliet Gonzalez
Kayla Gordon
Anjali Gowda
Ellie Green
Kimberly Greene
Kaya Griffin
Lillian Guiendon
Brynn Guyer
Kendall Hake
Taylor Hall
Maggie Harrell
Ava Harris
Anna Harrison
Annika Harter
Laurel Hayes
Anderson Hayes
Kaitlynn Hayes
Kyleigh Hayes
Laila Henderson
Emily Henriques-Flores
Raeven Henry
Taylor Hightower
Ella Hill
Makiya Hillman
Ella Himes
Emma Himes
Allie Hines
Isabelle Hoenes
2024 Silver Award Woman of Distinction
Can Do Cuisine: Unleashing Your Culinary Creativity with Canned Ingredients
Troop 15007: Fayette County
Troop Leaders: Tiffany Dawson and Lisa Brunson
Girl Scout: Lauren Cronin
Lauren developed a cookbook focusing on canned ingredients. Spurred by her sister’s challenges with food pantry donations, her struggle prompted Lauren to consider broader difficulties others might face. While initially inspired by donated goods, she recognized the universal use of canned items, extending the cookbook’s relevance. She supplied the Real Life Center with printed copies, but its online availability through a QR code ensures widespread access for anyone seeking flavorful recipes using canned ingredients.

“The only thing that’s in the way of you and your goals is how willing you are to work for them. Once you reach them, you’ll see that it was worth all the hard work.”
Savannah Bryant, page 6
Margaret Hoffman
Courtney Holder
Aubrey Holmes
Laura Hooper
Joanna Hooton
Cecelia Hormel
Ellie Hoyt
Maddison Hummer
Riley Hunsucker
Emma Ingraham
Angela Ingram
Isabella Isabella
Alainah Jackson
Kailyn Jackson
Zriyah Jacobs
Elizabeth Jameson
Laila Jenkins
Rylee Jeter
Christian Johnson
Amiyah Johnson
Delaney Jones
Marissa Jones
Aubrey Jones
Paige Jones
Sarina Jones
Angelique Joseph
Isabella Judd
Ava Kane
Willow Kann
Jasnoor Kaur
Katie Kavney
Kenadie Keizer
Lyla Kelly
Siena King
Sydney King
Gracie Kinney
Mary Kirchner
Natalie Kirkendoll
Kate Kochel
Sasha Kostryna
Shannon Kress
Emma Lane
Leah Lang
Shawnee Lanno
Sidney Lanno
Emma Larsen
Alessa Lavalle
Madison Lawrence
Addison Ledford
Riley Lewis
Brooke Licsko
Jaiden Lindley
Genevieve Lloyd
Alaska Lockhart
Logan Loustalot
Carolyn Maise
Kathleen Maise
Kendall Mangham
Harper Mayer
Charlie McAllister
Lucy Ann McArthur
Kalela McClellan
Abby McCollum
Storie McCormick
Calli McCray
Zoey McDonell
Mya McGuire
Abigail McHenry
Kayla McKinley
Ellie Miller
Kate Miller
Marcella Mokam
Gianna Mulcare
Abby Mundt
Amelia Nahai
Amelia Grace Nance
Mya Nelson
Tatiana Newell
Penelope Nour
Sarah Nunez
2024 Silver Award Woman of Distinction
Project Give Back
Gabrielle Oden
Mackenzie Olaitan
Marley Owen
Madeline Page
Sarah Palis
Caylin Parchment
Taya Park
Sofia Parker
Dhyana Patel
Aditi Patel
Kamryn Peace
Kennedy Peace
Nila Pearson
Mary Perrins
Bailee Peters
Maddie Mae Peters
Jane Phelan
Juliana Pittman
Makayla Pittman
Diana Pollidore
Troop 40029: Gwinnett County
Troop Leaders: Janine Bowling and Angela Pearson
Girl Scouts: Kenadie Keizer, Sasha Taylor and Tatiana Newell
The Project Give Back Silver Award team addressed the impact of the lack of support and limited resources available to low income families, focusing on homeless children or children who reside in homeless shelters. The team provided information, education and awareness and delivered solicited community donations the Gwinnett Home of Hope Children’s Shelter. To sustain the project, the team partnered with Camp Psychological & Consulting Services and Initial Concepts Enterprises to provide ongoing annual donations.

“Sometimes you have to start from the bottom to get to the top.”
A’mylah’s Namaw
Semani Poonolly
Lalia Powell
Sophia Powell
LilIane Powell
Shiloh Price
Roselyn Prout
Zaha Qureshi
Zaira Qureshi
Meagan Randolph
Kennedy RansbyMortenson
Kelly Ratcliff
Ava Reames
Nyla Redmond
Chloe Reece
Annabella Rennie
Carley Reynolds
Laurel Rhodes
Layla Rhone
Morgan Rice
Allie Riordan
Eden Rioseco
Ariana Roberts
Lilah Roberts
Emilie Robinson
Nevada Rollins
Jordan Rubin
Adeline Rupert
Eleanor Ruskin
Abigail Russell
Jasmine Sabollena
Samanatha Salzman
Anya Sanam
Destiny Sanders
Savannah Saunders
Bianca Schell
Lily Schellenburg
Lilah Schilling
Sydney Schindler
Emily Schmit
Leah Scully
Amelia Seller
Tessa Sewell
Torie Sewell
Abigail Shadix
Gloria Shafer
Madeleine Shah
Avani Shanbhag
Samira Shanks
Saanvi Sharma
Hannah Shaver
Akshita Shrivastava
Sarah Siegel
Maria Simokaitis
Arya Singla
Olivia Smith
Charlotte Smith
Maren Smith
Shayla Solis
Ashwika Soundar
Ava Spann
Zoe Spiker
Hannah Steinbrenner
Za’Niyah Stephens
Kaylee Story
Anna Stout
Kaylea Struck
McKenzie Swain
Harper Swearingen
Sasha Taylor
Niyla Terry
Laila Thigpen
Courtnie Thomas
Adira Thomas
Sophia Tiborczszeghi
Joy Todd
Kaleigh Tucker
Diya Vacha
Sydney Vidmar
Cameron Visel
Olivia Waghorn
Dorothy Waguespack
Aubrey Walker
Lillian Walker
Dominque Walker
Katelyn Walker
Jazriel Washington
Madelyn Weiss
Kersten Westbrook
Katelyn Williams
Lille Williams
Julia Willis
Ashley Wilson
Janae Wilson
Evelyn Winfrey
Gabrielle Wooden
Sanaya Wright
Angela Wu
Grace Yan
2024 Silver Award Woman of Distinction
Juliette: Gwinnett County
Troop Leaders: Ana Tiborczszeghi

With an unwavering love for animals, taking care of and honoring our Gwinnett County’s K-9 unit was almost a required project. The project raised funds to purchase bullet-proof vests for new and existing K-9 officers. Funds were raised by having donated teddy bears/stuffed animals sponsored by our community to then be shared with Gwinnett County fire stations to give to children displaced by fires. Each stuffed animal wore handmade bandanas.

Troop 19799: Fulton County
Troop Leaders: Jamie Smith and Kendal Klein
Girl Scouts: Callie Klein, Elina Smith, Ella Shuman, Ava Hilaski, Leah Hilaski, Savannah Schwartz, Sullivan Powers and Juliana Belfiglio
project aimed to address local children going through hard times on their birthday. They created birthday box kits for kids whose families are having financial trouble and provided birthday bags for sick children.

2024 Bronze Award Woman of Distinction
Autism Therapy Family Baskets
Troop 241: Fulton County
Troop Leaders: Traton Graham, Ana Maria Bedon
Girl Scouts: Maeve Williams, Anyla Adams, Israe Yara and Arianna Lewis

Troop 241 was inspired to help parents of children on the autism spectrum after learning about the experiences those parents have with their children while sitting in waiting rooms for medical appointments. They wanted to provide those parents with a helpful resource they could use during long waits to keep children engaged. The troop organized a STEM “busy” bag full of items and activities made specifically for children on the autism spectrum. The parents could check out the bags and return them back to the counseling office. The mini backpacks included a game book, a coloring book, a floating timber, a funny face feeling mirror, and a book for parents on engaging youth on the spectrum. They also included a note of where to purchase the items themselves if the parents found that they were helpful for their child. All the items were recommended by a professional school counselor or a therapist. Troop 241 were able to make six busy bags that are currently being used by local families!
“Dream big! Work hard! Lead! I am super proud of what my team and I were able to accomplish in ways I never imagined.”
Emma Bayer, page 4

Sydney Adams
Giada Agulari
Elisha Ajayi
Aiken Aleli
Liliana Alfaro
Evelyn Allen
Lily Allenbach
Luana Almeyda
Natatiana Alofia
Alanis Alverez
Emily Anand
Kaitlyn Andrews
Michelle Angeles
Nina Angryk
Addison Armbrust
Skylar Armstrong
Penelope Arsenault
Piper Ashine
Elizabeth Askew
Michidmaa Atlantugs
Jillian Austin
Nirvi Awalinkar
Valeri Ayala
Adriana Ayala
Abigayle Ayer
Sophie Azar
Katie Baggett
Addyson Ballard
Ansley Barrett
Aria Barry
Megan Barry
Riley Bayless
Belle Beagen
Harmonee Beckham
Addison Beckhom
Juliana Belfiglio
Lily Benator
Skylar Benton
Krystal Bhandari
Ariana Bhimji-Pattni
Brooklyn Blackwell
Keydi Blanco
Anna Blaney
Savannah Blanton
Issys Boscan
Lillian Bottini
Emerson Bowie
Arianna Brathwaite
Maggie Brewer
Patricia Bridges
Beatrice Briggs
Willoughby Briggs
Hannah Brooks
Miracle Brooks
Journee Brooks
Aleyisha Broome
Amira Brown
Renesmae Brown
Camilla Brown
Lauren Brown
Clara Brown
Frances (Prosser) Brown
Zahria-Jade Brown
Charlotte Bruno
Ne’Veyah Bryant
Veronica Bulens
Londyn Butler
Amira Butler
Zoey Byrd
Abigail Cadet
Charlotte Cadora
Piper Caldwell
Lea Cameron
Lorelei Campbell
Piper Canaway
Tivva Carlisle
Cameryn Carr
Andrea Castro
Nevaeh Caviness
Christine Cembor
McKenzie Cermak
Ciara Chambers
Raya Chrimes
Nina Chriss
Nila Claiborne
Molly Clance
Eloise Climie
Natalie Cobb
Amera Cobb
Olivia Cohen
Autumn Collins
Rylee Colson
Evelyn Cook
Elizabeth Cook
Evie Cooke
Nataly Corona
Maia Cottman
Audrey Covert
Caroline Crenshaw
Stella Cronin
Cara Croom
Desiree Crowder
Laneshia Cuttino
Evelyn Cuzzo
Sage D’Aguiar
Skylar Dacus
Kennedi Daniels
Nora Daunais
Olive Davis
Zoe Davis
Emmalin Dechert
Hazel Deegan
Sarah Dehhak
Melissa Dehnak
Olivia Dell
Deidre Dempster
Danica Denson
Shavonne Denson
Amy Diaz
Riley Dinwiddie
Caroline Doenitz
Abri Dortch
Logan Douthit
Karsyn Dubose
Caitlyn DuBose
Ortega Duke
Ivy Melodie Dunn
Melodie Dunn
Anisa Durden
Campbell East
Skylar Ebron
Peyton Edwards
Ashlyn Edwards
Arden Eklund
Sayda Eldawi
Skylarr Embrack
Genesis Escobar
Daisy Estrada
Sintha Eusebio
Cora Eustice
Lorelei Evans
Allie Faison
Jolie Fant
Sanaa Farmer
Ansley Felix
Maria Fernanda Terra
Meren Fields
Kayleigh Filpi
Lillian Fisher
Ansley Maesyn Floyd
London Ford
Charlotte Forrester
Yvette Fortingo
Grace Fowler
Brianna Fraire
Jarianna Fraire
Noelia Francisco
Maya Frengel
Sasha Fretwell
Brooklyn Friend
Emme Friend
Kate Friend
Olivia Fritchey
Kylie Fudge
Emmie Jules Galbiati
Ella Gallo
Alexa Ganeriwal
Amelia Gann
Andrea Garcia
Audrey Garcia
Melanie Garcia
Claudia Gardner
Olivia Garner
Sidra Garrett
Alexandra Gastel
Cora Gavlin
Hannah Gebara
Clare Germany
Lauren Gibbons
Dana Gijom
Evan Gillham
Izzy Glenn
Izzy Godfrey
Natali Godinez
Sadie Goldsmith
Amaia Gonzalez
Xitali Gonzalez
Mariyah Goodgame
Hattie Goodnough
Lillian Goodwin
Amber Gracia
Divya Graffagnini
Brooklyn Graham
Gemma Greco
Lerrah Green
Zoe Greene
Janiyah Greer
Julie Greer
Caylah Griffin
Olivia Griffin
Emily Grizzard
Isis Grooms
Ellie Grossman
Emma Guerrero
Ariana Guzman
Ava Gwaltney
Ellie Gwaltney
Kate Hadden
Amira Hadley
Caroline Haldane
Kala Haley
Ashely Hall
Ireyonna Hall
Morgan Hall
Aaliyah Hammond
Ella Hardison
Bianca Hardy
Makenna Harris
Lucy Hathorn
Evelyn Hawkins
Grace Headley
Grace Heaton
Sara Hecimovic
Riya Heda
Katelyn Henderson
Ellie Herdic
Isabella Hernandez
Ashelly Nallo Herneid
Kylie Herring
Evelyn Hesse
Cataleya Hicks
Ava Hilaski
Leah Hilaski
Kelsey Hill
Rhyan Hill
Taaliyah Hill
Emmy Hilliard
Chloe Hobby
Caroline Hodgins
Elizabeth Hoffman
Aria Holbrook
Ellen Holladay
Zahara Holman
Kaylee Hopson
Khloe Hughley
Zaya Hunley
Reese Hurley
Mia Hurtado
Adriana Imeraj
Ebony (Ebby) Ingram
Daubra Isidor
Ashley Itzel
Iris Jackson
Riley Jackson
Piper Jackson
Chloe Jackson
Myla Jackson
Kavya Jannapureddy
Neya Jennings
Angel Johnson
Suraya Johnson
Holly Johnson
Lindsay Johnson
Sloan Johnson
Piper Jolley
Kate Jones
Brynlee Jones
Harper Jones
Morgan Jones
LilyRose Jones
Tanner Keith
Lily Kelbaugh
Emily Kendall
Lola Kerns
Grace Keuten
A’Niyah Kimber
Angeliki Kipreos
Kyrie Ann Kirby
Riley Kirby
Callie Klein
Paige Knadler
Julia Kokotan
Alexis Kong
Charlie Kosaraju
Liliya Kostyrna
Mira Kothari
Yoanne Kotiacio
Emalee Kougioulis
Carys Kuhr
May Kulinski
Anya Kumar
Charlotte Kuney
Joselle LaMarr-Ford
Lily Lambert
Shayla Lane
Harper LaPierre
Kyra Latta
MaddyGrace Lawlor
Leyah Ledford
Loryn Ledford
Chloe Ledlum
Leah Lefkove
Itzel Leon
Amoya Lettsome
Hei Man Leung
Zoe Levine
Arrianna Lewis
Keagan Lewis
Taryn Lewis
Isabella Lewis
Emily Librado
Renesmae Lloyd
Maisy Locke
Margaret Locke
Emma Loeding
Isabel Lopez
Sarah Lopez
Avari Lord
Makinley Love
Florie Low
Katie Lowery
LilyBelle Lumpkin
Ryan Lyons
Vanessa Lyons
Finley Maddox
Seydiv Maldon
Lisa Mancini
Arya Mao
Alexa Marcinik
Abby Marek
Brooklynn Marsh
Kennedy Martin
Camille Mason
Makenna Mayr
Aria McCant
Micaela McCleskey
Cahterine McCormack
Ever McCormick
Samiya McCrany
Calli McCray
Payton McCray
Kate McLarry
Kate Meihofer
Melissa Mendez
Sahrahi Mendez
Sophia Michelle
Sheridan Miller
Parker Miller
Ruby Jane Miller
Dulce Mins
Taiz Mireless
Woodleigh Misenheimer
Sarah Mockezura
Siya Mogulla
Olivia Molesworth
Chloe Monroe
Zariah Moody
Kyleigh Moore
Victoria Morgan
Helen Morgan
Leila Morris
Jessica Muglia
Essence Muhammad
Lucy Mulcare
Elyn Mulligan
Cecilia Munoz
Zahira Murph
Alexandra Murphy-West
Morgan Murray
Raegan Nabor
Susan Naebor
Vaanya Naik
Simran Narwani
Ciela Nasr
Neranny Nayel
Wilhemina Nelson
Maci Nelson
Addilyn Neuringer
Erin Newton
Courtney Nicholaou
Lotus Nichols
Emma Nicholson
Ellie Nord
Emily Noyd
Lucille Nuerendorff
Mykaylah O’Neil
Skylar Ofori
Ariel Okoh
Amelia Pakiz
Evan Parker
Avanee Patil
Sofia Patrice
Angeleaha Payne
Divya Pennington
Ava Pentzakis
Nayeli Perez
Brianne Perry
Kayden Peterman
Daviana Pham
Tarpley Phillips
Xara Pickett
Daiana Pinacho
Heidi Pinkerton
Cassidy Plante
Uriana Powell
Sullivan Powers
Aliyah Ava Prosper
Elizabeth Quinn
Emma Racine
Savannah Raines
Neha Raju
Kaylin Rakowski
Chloe Raymond
Zoe Reed
Ansley Rennie
Avaline Rennie
Danya Resendiz
Ruby Resnick
Bryn Rich
Madison Ridgway
Catherine Riggle
Evelyn Rittenberry
Debby Rivera
Chloe Rivers
Melody Roberts
Quinn Roberts
Danika Robles
Mikaela Robles
Angeles Rodriguez
Eleanor Rogers
Savannah Rollins
Isabella Roman
Imara Royster
Avery Jane Rudolph
Maybeth Rutherford
Isabelle Sachse
Mira Sanam
Jade Sanchez
Ruby Sanchez
Nora Ruth Sanders
Summer Sapp
Cambree Satterfield
Mariam Scarlett Soda
Abby Schaefer
Eliana Schantz
Savannah Schwartz
Ryan Searles
Colette Seavey
Madeline Senior
Rhea Sharma
Scarlett Shemper
Lauren Sheridan
Niva Shringarpure
Ella Shuman
Talitha Similao
Taylor Simmons
Teagan Simmons
Amiyah Sims
Margaret Skinner
Hayden Sligar
Jade Smith
Shaelyn Smith
Elle Smith
Malia Smith
Nyria Smith
Elina Smith
Karis Smith
Addison Smoker
Gia Snedeker
Sarah Sophia
Ellie Soranno
Daniella Soto
Kiana Soura
Alonna Spain
Skylar Spivey
Sarah Stahl
Madison Steiger
Josie Stein
Elicia Stephenson
Zara Stewart
Brooke Storey
Fla Storino
Cassandra Stovall
Margret “Maggie” Stover
Kaylin Strobhart
Olivia Sullen
Charlotte Sullivan
Zoey Sykora
Maya Takriti
Jasmine Tan
Makenzi Taylor
Olivia Taylor
Ryleigh Taylor
Betsy TennamentFleming
Kameron Teyes
Bailey Thomas
Ella Thornton
Kamryn Thornton
Avery Tilford
Lauren Toney
America Torres
Pema Trotter
Morgan Tuck
Elizabeth Twombly
Isabella Tyson
Nkechi Ugboaja
Dayla Uruena
Joelle Vailes
Elizabeth Van Curen
Josie Vasquez
Ava Vincent
Camila Vinces
Nihira Vitkar
Isabel Vogelson
Langston Wagner
Alyssa Walker
Riley Walker
Zoie Walkins
Adaline Walsh
Savannah Walsh
Anna Wang
Olivia Waseman
Aileyah Washington
Joelle Washington
Kamryn Washington
Rosalind Waters
Dalia Watkins
Naiya Weaver
Scarlett Weaver
Charlotte Weed
Robbie Weinstein
Madison Wells
Anna Wen
Brittany Westbrook
Keira White
Kaylyn Whitley
Lillian Wiggleston
Jazlyn Wilder
Kendall Wilkerson
Therese Wilkie
Felicity Wilkins
Amani Williams
Avery Williams
Evelyn Williams
Kaitlyn Williams
Maeve Williams
Maliyah Williams
McKenzie Williams
Tatum Williams
Teriah Williams
Hunter Wilsom
Karis Wilson
Layla Wilson
Sarelle Witt
Molly Wright
DaNiah Wyche
Israe Yara
Norah Yarbrough
Maya Yirenkyi
Delaney Young
Yasmin Yusufji
Arlett Zuniga
Gwen Zweigel
2024 Scholarship R ecipients
Congratulations to all our 2024 Scholarship Recipients!
Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, Inc. is pleased to be able to continue the scholarship tradition established in 1993. The scholarships, which are for graduating high school seniors, recognize outstanding Gold Award Girl Scouts by helping them further their educational opportunities. Recipients may choose their place of higher learning; it may be a college, university, or technical school, in or out of state.
This year $52K in scholarship money is being awarded to Gold Award Girl Scouts
Recipients are chosen by the Girl Scout Gold Award Scholarship Selections Committee, which reviews each application using a point system. Points are given based on leadership activities, involvement in the community, academic achievement, and, most importantly, the Girl Scout Gold Award project. Fifty percent of the total score is based on the quality and community impact of the project.
Scholarship Recipient Gold Award Project Title
Leighanne Bryant
Savannah Bryant
Taryn Claassens
Marissa Copeland
Conchetta Dodge
Gold Star Kids Support Services
Concussion Awarness and Helmet Safety
Mind Full
Be Aware...Be There: Helping Adolescents Cope and Helping Others with Anxiety
Morgan Ferrell GIRLS STEM IT
Paige Gaudet
Perri Lockett
NaZyia Macon
Priyal Maheshwari
Madison Mitchko
Marin Ramesh
Riya Salvi
Gabrielle Tobin
The STEMinist Project
Cell Phone Literacy
In Love With My Mental
Future Women of STEM
Bee the Change: Building Pollinator Gardens in My Community
Financing Your Future
Project Heart Warrior
For Math’s Sake: Peer-to-Peer Videos
In honor of Helen Eidson, mother of Ann Hooper, high school seniors who have earned their Girl Scout Gold Award are eligible for this scholarship, designated for books and supplies.
Sponsored by Novelis, Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta awarded two scholarships to girls who have shown an interest and passion for STEM and the environment in both their Gold Award projects and their future career paths.
and Girl Scout Champions:
Clark & Ruby Baker Foundation
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Edna Wardlaw Charitable Trust
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
JBS Foundation
John and Mary Franklin Foundation
Lois & Lucy Lampkin Foundation
Mohawk Industries, Inc.
Target Corporation
UCB, Inc.
2024 Board of Directors

Sonnet C. Edmonds, Chair
Kathy Waller, Vice Chair
Ellie May, Board Secretary
Fran Gary, Treasurer
Directors at Large
Erik Bryant
Dr. Allison Calhoun-Brown
Melanie Duncan
Carley Ferguson
Vivian Greentree
LaTonya Johnson
Robbie Kamerschen
Susan Lazaro
Rick Machold
Eric Mai
5601 N. Allen Road, Mableton, GA 30126 | 800.771.1139 • GirlScoutsATL.org
Catherine C. Miller
Sandi Moody
Alison Rand
Denise Reese
Kim Seals
Romaine Seguin
Ruchi Shah
Andrea N. Smith
Irena Snider