The African Liberation Empowerment Issue of The Gifted Tongues Magazine-Revised Edition

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Under The Shadow of The Almighty.

Psalms 91:1-2 "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty"

There is distinctive power in the word of God . Power enough to stop every storm that comes threatening your life. All you have to do is to abide in the secret place of the Almighty God. Because it's in the secret place of the Almighty God that the shadow of God shall cover you so that your enemies will never be able to cast their evil and nasty hands over your life. Danger shall position itself against your life but it will never be able to touch you because the shadow of the Almighty God will cover you. Walk in the word of God, believe in the word of God and lift up the name of Jesus .And never let thanksgiving depart your lips nor your mouth. In the times when the enemy for the life of you has pushed a bitter and a strong storm against your life, it's pivotal to never get your eyes off the Almighty God. This is essential because once your eyes are focused unto the Almighty God. The attention of the Almighty God shall be drawn unto you. Indeed and In fact once you get the attention of God then you will be followed by a divine response from God. A response that shall directly focus on the storm in order to minimise the effect of the storm that threatens to sweep your life down under. While you look to God Almighty amidst the raging storms againt your life remember to heed to the voice of God.

God shall establish you and because that is so , God shall also cover your life and all the affairs attending to your life with his shadow. Thus the favor and the victories of God shall not depart your life. You will see evil being defeated and you will experience the fall of your enemies from sun up to sun down. Every platform upon which the enemies of your life were launching a stormy attack on your life shall have to fall apart and be no more. The stormy attack shall lose its power and its launch pad shall be destroyed and stand no more.. And you shall rejoice in the Almighty GOD because his shadow has been laid over your life.

It's heeding to the voice of God that shall fortify you as well as help you to navigate throughout the course of the storm up against your life.

The moment the Almighty God commits to cover you under his shadow, God will protect you , defend You, comfort you, and ensure the safety of your life.

Without a doubt they will be alot of dissenting voices and opinions.

When unrest comes into the land it sometimes comes so that God can punish the evil man.

However you should be steadfast in paying attention to the voice of the Almighty God cause that's your only survival kit. No threatening storm will over take your life because you have been established on the solid ground of the word of the Almighty God. Storms will rage against you but they will leave you standing to the glory of the Almighty God.

However that unrest shall not come near your dwelling nor to your shelter. Because throughout the season of unrest God will make sure that you are protected, defended, comforted, and safe from the dangers that come with civil unrest. Gifted Tongues Magazine - 16

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