Gifted Tongues Magazine issue 11

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Gifted Tongues Volume 1/ Issue 11



Morogoro Forest Estate

The fault in our stars It is all about the choices we make and the chances we take.

All creation awaits you

2019 A Quantum Leap

Emerging Agitators

It's an awakened generation of young Africans in the quest for truth and knowledge.

At The Brinks of An Explosion Is the age of great achievers not the age of great anticipators.

Discover Your Special Place In Time, History And Eternity By Reading This Magazine

Po’Auli-Creator of The Gifted Tongues Magazine

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Table of content

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Page 6 - At The Brinks of An Explosion Page 9 - 2019- A Quantum Leap Page 10 -Emerging Agitators Page 11 - Morogoro Forest Estate Page 13 - The fault in our stars Page 15 - All crea�on awaits you Page 16 - Modern Casa

Page 10 The Gi�ed Tongue Magazine is a publica�on of african revela�ons under Melroy uganda limited Mob: +256 774 442 936 Email: africanrevela� Web:�edtonguesmagazine

Mule - Cover girl

Informa�on Ag 28 Ethnicity Black/African roots Gender Female Height 158cm / 5´2” Eyes Black & Brown Bust 81cm / 32" Waist 64cm / 25" Hips 99cm / 39" Dress 36 EU, 8 UK, 6 US Shoes 38 EU, 5 UK, 5 US

At The Brinks of An Explosion

One of the most marvelous philosopher central to the shaping and influencing of my philosophical approach towards the phenomenon of life is the Danish Chris�an philosopher by the names of Soren Kierkegaard.

This is the age of great achievers not the age of great an�cipators. Great achievers plan to work hard and they work hard-producing great fruits.

Soren Kierkegaard was a Chris�an philosopher and theological commenter.

Great an�cipators plan to work hard and instead of working they go partying with admirable passion. Yet they planned to achieve great.

He was born on the 5th may 1813 and he passed on by the date of 11th November 1855. H e is well noted in the annals of philosophy for wri�ng such monumental books such as Either/oR. In this 800 page book soren Kierkegaard talks about a very interes�ng sect which he calls the “readers sect”. A group of people who curve out a reputa�on for themselves rendered by a commitment to diligently reading and paying a�en�on to books, and a�er a short while they become writers and authors in their own given right. On the other hand as well, I would want to suggest another sect that soren doesn’t describe but I describe as the ‘bleeders sect’. A group of people who do not read and consequently are bleeding with rumors, and innuendos, and while in the frustra�on of their pursuit they turn around to blame somebody else for not doing enough for them. They do not have con�ngency because they do not contribute to the construc�on and the progress of the society around them but they tear down the spirits of those doing something remarkable to upli� their community. Soren Kierkegaard calls them the spectators of life, contribu�ng nothing to the greater base of knowledge. My prayer for all of you Gi�ed Tongues and young Africans is to join the ‘reader sect’ as soren Kierkegaard describes it and not the bleeders’ sect as I describe it. In order for you to be prominent, superior, relevant towering figures in your own dis�nguished right. Africa is teetering is on the brinks of an academic and spiritual explosion of revolu�onary measure. An explosion of greatness and remarkable achievement by the grace of God Almighty, and at the forefront of this explosion is a movement of Gi�ed Tongues in the quest for Truth and Knowledge, So that this con�nent will be prominent, superior, and relevant as much as important. The Ba�le of Gi�ed Tongues is not a movement of young African intellectual tourists but a movement of encylopedists who are not afraid to deal with the complexi�es of our specific day and �me because we are ac�on orientated revolu�onaries changing the course of history and re-wri�ng history.

Authored By: Po’ Auli Founder of the Ba�le of Gi�ed Tongues

Our Commitment -To groom a genera�on of crea�ve thinkers: who know how to spot opportunity that other people do not see and then cease those opportuni�es -To groom great leaders and great debaters who know how to move a mountain one spoonful at a �me -To encourage our young students to think deeply about cri�cal issues and then teach them to be good listeners -To eradicate ignorance from among the young African academic popula�on in regards to cri�cal issues and global challenges -To foster intensive research and advanced cri�cal thinking, and to help students prepare for college/ university To build and impart the young African academic popula�on the 4cs of 21st century compe��veness skills such as communica�on, collabora�on, crea�vity, plus civic awareness and engagement -To allow African youth to increase their global competencies and become globally aware ci�zens in the 21st century and debate is a fantas�c means of doing this -To encourage young Africa in staying abreast of current

events in order to be connected with the rest of the world -To help young Africa to read assignment in class in a compressed �me frame -To open young Africa’s eyes to all sorts of issues that had never crossed his mind -To build young Africa’s confidence so as to resent revolu�onary ideas in a logical fashion -To make school more engaging and challenging hence give young Africa a reason to be excited about educa�on and going to school -To avail compe��ve debate so as to change the trajectory of the lives of young African -To promote and to celebrate urban debate teams To be a great equalizer of educa�onal opportuni�es -To make it cool to be and to work in building skills they need to succeed in knowledge based global economy -To boost university readiness and a chance to succeed in life

intermediate levels which give defini�on to the process orienta�on of God’s crea�ve capacity. The power of God in Genesis chapter 1 brought into existence the plan and desire of God upon the face of the earth though it was invisible and intangible. In Genesis chapter 1 God created the universe but they was no physical form in regards to everything created. The power of God that introduces physical form to the things created in Genesis chapter 1 is found in Genesis chapter2. The power of God in Genesis chapter 2 is idiosyncra�c because it’s fundamentally void of any intermediate levels.

2019- A Quantum Leap Genesis Chapter 1 1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Genesis Chapter 2 2 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. 2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he restedfrom all his work. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of crea�ng that he had done. Adam and Eve4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the LORD God made the earth and the heavens. In carefully analyzing Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis Chapter 2, we discover that God makes a sudden, dras�c, abrupt, drama�c, great and significant movement and shi� from spiritual crea�on to physical forma�on. In Genesis chapter 1, God created the heavens and the earth. And in Genesis Chapter 2:4, God formed (made) the heavens and the earth. The power of God demonstrated in Genesis chapter 1 is not the same power that is exhibited in Genesis Chapter 2. In Genesis chapter 1, God demonstrated his infinite capacity to create from nothing. Everything God created in Genesis chapter 1 is systema�cally aligned and process orientated. The crea�on story as its accounted in Genesis Chapter 1 is fundamentally made up of different

The movement from crea�on to forma�on is without any given process. It’s abrupt, sudden, dras�c and at the same �me dynamic, significant, great, huge, and developmental. In Genesis chapter 2 God used the dust of the earth to form mankind in the most glorious, victorious and honorable way. The earth is a picturesque image of ma�er. Consequently God can use anything that ma�ers to you in order to bring forth his glory, victory, and honor in tangible and physical form into your life. Thus it’s here and now that God will have me to tell you that 2019 is the year of moving from one state of energy and power to another state of energy and power with no intermediate levels. 2019 is the day and �me for a quantum leap in your life. Everything physical that embodies your very own existence is going to experience a dras�c, sudden, abrupt, significant and great improvement, development and advancement in 2019. They is no way you will explain the significant advancement your life is going to endure in 2019 because is designed by God Almighty to be sudden and abrupt. When God formed man Genesis chapter 2 he was a full grown man. This is important because man did not have to go through any intermediate levels he simply was formed as a full adult. In 2019 life is going to make sense and come full circle for you suddenly and abrupt because they won’t be need for you to go through any process. 2019 is the year of your quantum leap where the physical features that will embody your lifestyle will be commensurate to the anoin�ng of God rested upon your life.


Emerging Agitators They is an emerging force that is soon making its prominence on the face of the earth. This force is energe�c, powerful and unapologe�c. It's an awakened genera�on of young Africans in the quest for truth and knowledge. This genera�on is gi�ed and sharp to the degree that it cuts through the deceit planted in the hearts of men by the adversary of the human race. It been through orienta�on during the course of the annual Ba�le Of the Gi�ed Tongues. And now it's emerging as a force of young Africans agitators.With the unique capacity to sway the mantle of global leadership in favour of sunkist mother Africa. In the scripture it's said that in the last days Ethiopia (Africa) will raise up it's head and lead mother earth in a new direc�on which God will decree upon it. An agitator acts upon his dreams , he moves in the direc�on of his divine call every day.An agitator encounter opposi�on every day but it only confirms the power of God rested upon his life. An agitator is always hated but his haters only affirm his gi�edness. An agitator does not need approval to feel confident of himself because his help from the Lord God Almighty. An agitator is never consumed by the gu�ng fires of life but they only purify him. The African race is unique and mighty and this genera�on will effortlessly exemplify the might of this race.


Morogoro Forest Estate

77 Days of Glory:Revival Comes To Uganda

Situated on an al�tude of 850 degrees above sea level where temperatures are pleasant all year around. Due to the al�tude there are almost no mosquitoes. The morogoro forest estate offers stunning views from muheza valley to the Indian ocean. Besides the scenery , li�le forest estate has got organic spice product such as cordamon, pepper , cloves , vanilla, cinnamon tea and many other use full plants. Great for picnics, the morogoro is also great for hiking experience.

A pond surrounded by plant life at the Morogoro forest Estate

A Beau�full water mass right in the Middle of Morogoro

A housing shelter beset in a beauďŹ full canopy of palm trees

The fault in our stars

The fault in our stars ”Wish upon a star,” they said. and all your dreams will come true. ”Any star?” I asked. They smiled. ”Yes any star will do” I have loved the stars too fondly to be scared of the night. It is believed that everybody has a star in the sky. It is is also believed that our des�nies are wri�en in our individual stars and that the fault lies in them. I think it is not in the stars to hold our des�nies but in ourselves. In the end, it all depends on the chances we did or did not take. Take a chance and do not let your past define your future. No ma�er how broken and lost you are; you can always find your way to the light. It is just a ma�er of �me, pa�ence, will-power and definitely courage. Here’s the thing; Stars can’t shine without darkness It is all about finding the calm in the chaos and there… right there… is where you will find your balance and you will automa�cally shine. The sky is a graveyard of stars; but isn’t it tragically beau�ful? Let’s talk about lost stars… We are all lost stars trying to light up the darkness that we all call life. Some of us have managed to learn how to shine in their space … Some of us are s�ll hi�ng the walls, groping in the darkness… Some of us don’t even know that they are lost… But guess what …it is okay to move at your own my pace. You are not going to master the rest of your life in one day . Just relax. Master the present moment and then keep doing that. Maybe life is not about avoiding the bruises. Maybe it is all about collec�ng the scars and loving life for making us stronger. Do not let a stumble on the road mark the end of your journey. Turn your scars into stars . Life can be funny, isn’t it? Just when you think you have got it all figured out; just when you finally begin to plan something and start ge�ng excited about it and feel like you know what direc�on you are heading in, the paths change; the wind blows the other way, north suddenly becomes south and east becomes west and you are lost. During such �mes remember;

the universe is in your bones and the stars in your soul It is really never the end. The days that break you are the days that make you . You are the captain of your own des�ny. Learn to trust the journey even when you do not understand it. You have to trust something your God, your gut, karma, life…whatever it is. It is all about the choices we make and the chances we take. Be thankful for your struggles because without it you would not have stumbled across ‘ your magnificent strength. The darkest of nights produce the brightest of stars. And if i could tell you one thing, it would be: You are never as broken as you think you are Sure you have scars and bad memories but then again all great heroes do. Taking chances is scary but there is something that should scare you far more than anything; missing out on something truly wonderful because you were scared In the end, we can blame the stars or tell ourselves that it wasn’t meant to be that it wasn’t des�ned to happen; But deep down we know The fault was in ourselves. For a star to be born There is one thing thing that must happen; a gaseous nebula must collapseso collapse; crumble; this is not your destruc�on; It is your birth…

Norah A�m 21 Aspiring Super Model

All crea�on awaits you In fact one of the underlying logic as per your existence upon the earth is to have power, authority and Dominion beyond your physical locality.

Romans 8:19 Before man become deficient, his influence expanded from one end of the earth to the other end; as much as it stretched from the earth to the heavens.

And the aforemen�oned can only be a reality in your life once you decide to walk and operate through life as a true son of God.

Indeed and in fact God created man to be the key defining element of all crea�on however his pi�all in the garden of Eden rendered man just like any other crea�on.

A true son of God is reflec�on of the image of God upon the earth cause his will is not his own buy his will is of God Almighty. A true son of God is awaited for by all crea�on because he is the molder of all crea�on by way of rendering purpose, direc�on, and affirma�on to all crea�on.

All things created of God under the sun are nothing but physical en��es void of spirituality. However man's introduc�on upon the scene of the world infused the element of spiritualism in order to compliment, complete and bring about a sense of fulfillment within the realm of crea�on.

As a ma�er of fact the en�re crea�on awaits desperately for the true sons of God cause the true sons of God are the necessary element the defines all crea�on. All crea�on is in deficit of the crown of Honor, glory, and Victory un�l the arrival of the true sons of God.

Man's influence upon the earth as it ought to be is primarily determined by man's distance with God. The closer man is with God the more influen�al and prominent is man upon the earth.

God is calling you to a level of heightened righteousness so that you can be manifested as a son of God in due course because all crea�on awaits you because you possess the spirit of the true son of God.

The further apart man is with God the lesser he is in regards to the affairs of the world. Man was introduced upon the earth to func�on as a molder, a shaper and a purpose injec�on to all things created.

However every true son of God as awaited thereof by the whole of crea�on must have a character as precious as gold and in order for your character to be precious it must be tested by the fire.

Thus in order to effec�vely do the assignment cast upon him by God man was enter-prized to walk in sync with the will of God because this put man over the world and outside the world.

Thus if you going through hell right now it’s only because God is tes�ng you character. The hell you going through right now will come to an end and once it does then you will come out as pure gold (holy, righteous and precious unto both God and all crea�on).

The principle of man's assignment to determine, affirm and shape the des�ny of all other things created under the sun was of such that man was not supposed to be a physical existence but a spiritual existence. A spiritual existence that is void of physical a�achment and pursuit but rather an existence only in pursuit of God and all things spiritual. In order to be an effec�ve molder of the world as God assigned you to be then you have got to many �mes than not be able to step outside the world and see the world from an out-of-the-world point view. And it’s not enough to be outside the world to mold the world but you ought to also be over the world to mold the world as God Almighty will have to. To detach yourself from the physical world in an effort to a�ach yourself unto the spiritual is part of being effec�ve in the effort to walk in sync with the will of God for your life. The will of God for your life is to have a level of influence that goes from one end of the earth unto the other end of the earth.


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Modern Casa

1. Briefly take our readership through what Modern Casa is all about.

4. How unique is Modern Casa in comparison to other sector players?

Modern casa is a home improvement company that was founded on no�on of offering quality workmanship in the construc�on and remodeling industry in Uganda. It offers services including house cleaning services, plumbing services, remodeling services, pain�ng, maintainence services, electrical, carpentry services, installa�on and assembling services.

Modern Casa technicians are highly skilled cra�smen with an average of 5years experience in the trades. Our company was founded on firm principles of integrity, fairness, trea�ng both our clients and employees with dignity and respect at all �mes. We take pride in our work and are crea�ve in ge�ng the job completed.

2. Where did the idea of modern casa emerge from?

5. How many people are employed by Modern casa?

Arafat Kaswa founder, is a professional commercial and residen�al cleaner and has a cer�ficate in House keeping from SMARTFORM S. R. L in MILAN ITALY. Arafat spent three of his four years working for a

Modern casa has a team of 20 professional employees. Though we have room for future expansion.

5-star Hotel (ALBERGHO ME MILAN IL DUCA) as a professional cleaner. Arafat also worked LINATE AIRPORT and MILAN METRO STATIONS cleaning common areas and ensuring washroom hygiene. In 2016, Arafat moved back to Uganda to execute the skills and confidence a�ained in Italy and hence started a cleaning company in Uganda. 3. What sort of clientele are you targe�ng? Modern casa goes a�er the upper end of the Market such as residen�al clients, offices cleaning, event cleaning, pub and restaurant cleaning, sports and leisure cleaning, pre /a�er house sale cleaning among others.

6. How best can you describe the culture at modern casa in rela�onship to being a key sector player. Modern casa has core values such as integrity, fairness, Dignity, teamwork and Professionalism. 7. What is the vision of Modern casa or rather where do you see your company five years from now. To make MODERN CASA the first choice for home improvement in Uganda through providing customer -valued solu�ons with the best services and prices. 8. What strategy is in place to ensure growth as a service provider. Our compe��ve advantage will be based on our large investment in human capital. Modern casa begins with a rigorous training program for new employees. At the outset, employees will be trained on how to clean. we provide our employees the tools necessary to impress our most affluent clients. 9. Do you have some sort of base where poten�al clients can find you and where is it? Yes, modern casa is located at the Equatoria Mall 2nd wing Room number 603C, Bombo road, Kampala-uganda. 10. How best have you u�lised the tool of digital marke�ng in order to ensure a fair market share for modern casa as a service provider. We only have a facebook page which is "Modern Casa Home improvement page" but in the future we are going to use other social networks and get a website.

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