Issue 24: Our Annual Special Fall/Winter Gift Guide Edition!
This issue has our biggest gift guide yet in addition to SO many incredible entrepreneurs spotlighting all things beauty, wellness, entrepreneurship, and so much more!
Can't wait for your feedback, Happy Reading! xo
Our family has expanded since our last issue, we have officially welcomed Gabriella into the Next On Scene Fam!
We are so excited to spotlight Somy Ali, the Founder of No More Tears USA.
Somy is a Pakistani-American actress, writer, filmmaker, model and activist who has worked in Bollywood films. She runs a nonprofit organization named No More Tears USA since 2007.
What is the mission for NMT ?
“No More Tears USA mission is to rescue and empower victims of human trafficking which include sex/labor trafficking, domestic violence victims, and members of our LGBTQ community. “
What inspired the name of the organization?
“I grew up in a home of severe domestic violence. I have memories as young as being four or five years old where my father was beating my mother profusely every other day.
Simultaneously, my mother would beat my brother and I to remove her anger of being beaten and at the same time I was being sexually abused by our cook in his servant quarters. This also showed up in other ways as the years went on through romantic relationships as well.
As a victim of violence be it sexual, physical and verbal the abuse never left my side.
All of this gave birth to No More Tears USA.“
Who are the people you help ?
“I help anyone who is a victim of human trafficking, be it sex or labor, children who are sexually and physically abused, domestic violence victims, and members of our LGBTQ community who are victims of hate crimes, sex trafficking and domestic violence.
Where is NMT based, do you only help people locally? Nationally?
“We don’t have a physical office because in 2013 a victim was followed and when she left my office her trafficker/pimp walked in and held a gun to my head telling me that I should consider this a warning and stay away from her.
That’s when our Board Of Directors and I collectively decided to shut down the office and I would only meet the victims in public places or police departments. I have also flown all over the U.S. to meet with victims and plan their present and future to guarantee that they do not get abused ever again.”
What are some of the challenges your organization faces in combating domestic violence and sex trafficking?
“The biggest challenge is funding because with domestic violence victims people blame the victims and are reluctant to donate. In fact I was shocked to see some cops ask me why didn’t they just leave?
The same thing happened to me when I was abused in India for the entire nine years even though they didn’t know that I couldn’t run away as I was terrified of him given I was only 16 at the time.
I work directly as a second responder which means right after a crime occurs, The National Human Trafficking Center, whom we are listed, calls us if the victim is in South Florida. Similarly, every police department all over the United Staes calls me personally to provide victims services given we offer every kind of help a victim would require. We have in the past month helped victims from India, South America, Israel, The UAE, and victims who are local residents in South Florida.” Photos: No More Tears USA
The victim blaming must stop and people need to educate themselves why victims be it a man, a woman, or a member of the LGBTQ Community can’t just get up and leave.”
What makes "Why didn’t you leave sooner?" an inappropriate question to ask a victim?
“That’s text book 101 when it comes to victims because you are blaming the victim rather than the abuser.”
What types of services does your organization provide to survivors of domestic violence and sex trafficking?
“We provide housing and therapy, I personally go to the courthouses with them to apply for restraining orders, driving lessons, job training, family law attorneys, immigration attorneys, gynecologists, dentist, and general physicians. We set up their apartments with donated furniture, enroll them in any kind schooling or skill that would make them financially independent.
Pretty much any service one can think of for a victim to become financially or emotionally independent which is why we are very emphatic on them going to school or a vocational school to help make them independent.
The only thing we ask of them is to try and pay it forward to someone else who is goIng though what they experienced when they are independent and in a position to do so.”
In the past 17 years saving 50,000 is such an incredible accomplishment. Can you share one of your favorite success stories?
“That’s a tough question as I have so many, but I will share one that meant a great deal to me. The very first victim I ever rescued in 2008 was brought to the U.S. via an arranged marriage from Morocco and was physically, sexually and verbally abused for ten years.
She already had a master’s degree from her home country and wanted to get a Ph.D in pharmacy. Her husband kept telling her that he married her to cook, clean and produce children not pursue an education.
It feels like yesterday when I received a call from an Arab ethnic grocery store where the man on the other end told me that a lady read your brochure you left in our store in Arabic text and wants to speak to you. In broken English, she said she needed to be rescued and gave me her address while her husband was outside the store smoking a cigarette sitting in his car.
It was 2008, and I went with a few police officers to the address and knocked on her door. She had two children 6 and 9 who were wetting the beds at night due to the abuse. When the abuser opened the door we found the victim covered in bruises and hair missing from her scalp.
Prior to coming with us as the cops arrested her husband, she grabbed her children and a dictionary she hid in the bathroom which translated Arabic to English. She later told me she would hide in there for hours to teach herself English studying the dictionary.
Finally after we got her divorced, therapy via our Arabic speaking therapist, and a permanent restraining order, I enrolled her in the Ph. D program at the same University I attended for my bachelor’s degree.
I attended her graduation in 2011 and to this moment I get goosebumps when I recall her accepting her doctorate degree in Pharmacy.
She has been a monthly donor since 2011 and has even working as a pharmacist after her graduation with full custody rights of both her children. I was so proud of her and will never forget that day of her ceremony.”
As a survivor yourself, for someone who is on the fence with getting help what advice would you give them?
“DO IT! It’s never too late. From my experience of watching horror movies except they are grotesque and true stories, if these victims can make it so can the others.
If I can be damaged goods and yet help others so can they. All they need is a little nudge from our organization and service providers. Please understand that we are an extremely unconventionally run non-profit and I will be there with you throughout your healing process as much as I humanly can.
We are a volunteer run charity and again, any amount donated goes directly to the victims’ services programs. “
Do you stay connected to your victims?
“Each year we have a holiday party for all my children where I get to reunite with them and see them a year older.
A tradition I began in 2008 rather than a Christmas party we refer to it as a holiday party as the survivors are all of different faiths.”
We are so excited to spotlight Emmy Award Winning Director and Sake Expert, Marina Giordano.
What inspired you to become a Wine Sake Expert?
“I have had an interest in wine for a long time. I started taking classes and found I was teaching my family and friends what I was learning all the time. So I decided to continue with more formal education. While studying wine a friend introduced me to sake, and I jumped right in to finding out as much as I could about it!”
What is Sake?
Sake is an alcohol beverage made from rice It is fermented or brewed, with an alcohol level around 15 -17% It is typically low in acidity with fruity, cereal and dairy aromas and flavors ”
How does it differentiate from wine?
“Sake has a similar alcohol content to red wines, but has much lower acidity, more umami, no sulfides, no additives or preservatives and in most cases is gluten free It also pairs easily with most foods ”
How much on average does it cost vs. a bottle of wine?
"Premium sake is typically more expensive than wine, but once you open a bottle it will last a lot longer, so in the long run, maybe it costs you less!”
How long does it last vs. a bottle of wine?
“Most wine should be consumed in about 3 - 5 days of opening. Sake can last 2 - 3 weeks open. Richer styles can last even longer.”
Can you share with 3 great pairings with Sake?
“My favorite is Brunch! Sake pairs well with Eggs, cheese, bacon, fruit, bread - it even tastes good with coffee! A rich, bold sake - like Namazake or unpasteurized sake can pair well with a loaded hamburger Also, tempura mushrooms with an umami rich Junmai sake tastes delicious
What is your personal favorite Sake and why?
“Such a hard question! It depends on what I'm doing, what I'm eating, what's the weather, who am I with. I love a delicate Daiginjo Sake if I'm just sipping, A rich, higher acid, high umami Junmai if I'm eating a rich meal.”
What is a goal you have for yourself in the next year?
To visit more of the American Sake breweries.
What types of classes do you teach?
“I teach anything about wine or sake - everything from an introductory "tasting" type of class, to short classes that explore pairings, to Certification classes with Wine Spirit Education Trust Level 1, 2 and 3 for Sake and Wine “
How can people sign up to take classes with you ?
“From my website winesakechick.com or certification classes at Commonwealthwineschool.com”
How can people get in touch and follow you on social media ?
“@winesakechick on Instagram”
Photography: Christine McShane Creative and Sake Day East
We are so excited to have Kelly Sullivan back this issue as a popular and well respected reporter at Boston25 discussing all things Mom’s Ambition: Balancing Dreams and Family.
you believe in work-life
"I believe in work-life balance, but it’s becoming harder and harder to attain. So many times I’ve caught myself checking email throughout the day when my kids are asking me to play with them or look at something. I’m forcing myself now to make a conscious effort to set boundaries. I only respond to emails if they need immediate action. When I put my phone down, I place it with the screen side on the counter. That way I won’t see any notifications. I create a to-do list of things and set certain tasks on certain days, and make them manageable. While I’m at work, I really try to minimize the time I spend scrolling on social media. I focus on what needs to get done at work so that when I’m home, I’m not taking care of work things that should’ve been accomplished when I was mindlessly looking at memes.”
Can you share one of your most memorable things you have covered this year to date?
"My most memorable stories have been my BYOB stories. Each person has a unique and individual path of how they decided to leave their cushy, full-time job with benefits to dive into the entrepreneurial world, full of ups and downs as a small business owner. I give them a ton of credit for being so courageous and following their dreams. I wish I had half the passion and drive they have and I am always in awe of how hard they work to make their dreams become a reality."
How do you define success in both your personal and professional life?
What advice would you give to moms who feel torn between their career ambitions and family responsibilities?
"I was just recently talking with a life coach about a story I’m hoping to work on about this very topic! Sometimes we try to do too much. The life coach told me we need to focus being on the present parent, not the perfect parent. We need to find what works best for our family. My husband and I work opposite schedules because we don’t have child care. Our children understand that’s what we need to do to earn money to do all the activities, go on vacations, and pay for all the things we have.
I would tell moms to figure out what best works for their family’s schedule that will allow them to be around for most things that are important. There might be some sacrifices, for example I miss basketball games and soccer games on the weekends, but I’m there for other things a normal 9-5 wouldn’t allow me, like getting my kids off the school bus and taking them to afternoon practices. Find a balance that best works for you and your family—focus on yourself and not what others are doing.”
Name a misconception about being a working mom that you would like to dispel?
How do you stay motivated to follow your passions amidst the demands of family life?
“My kids are my motivation. I want them to grow up to be respectable and hard-working adults. I need to be their example. We do family workouts and dance parties—showing them the importance of being active and healthy. I also show them the value of hard work. My husband and I teach them that you have to work to earn money to afford the things we want in life. We use our life as constant examples of showing how we set goals and work toward achieving them.”
“Success is putting in the work and seeing the results. Personally, my goal is to make myself and my family happy. I recently planned a summer full of camps, activities and vacations for the family. It thankfully was a success and it was one of the best summers filled with memories and experiences that we will remember. Professionally, I feel successful when I’m working on a story to share with viewers that impacts viewers and makes them feel something after.”
What self-care practices do you prioritize to maintain energy and focus in both areas?
"I make it a priority to exercise almost every day. It can be a long run or a 15 minute Peloton workout. I need it for my body and my mind. I also take naps. I have my kids lay in bed with me with their tablets and I close my eyes for a half hour to hour. I do it and I don’t feel guilty. If I don’t get enough rest, I get agitated, frustrated and angry easily. I’m not myself. Rest is so important!”
“Working moms can do it all. NO THEY CAN’T. Working moms need help, even when they don’t ask for it. Being a mom is the hardest job on the planet. It’s hard to ask for help, but take it when you can—and don’t’ feel guilty or think about what other people will think. WHO CARES!”
Can you share a piece of advice around setting boundaries between work and family time?
“Carve out time. Know when you need to get work things accomplished. Get them done and then don’t think about it until the next time you’re at work. Be able to stop worrying about work when you’re with your family. Easier said than done, but creating those mental boundaries is important. Create a list. Cross off the items and feel accomplished about what you’ve done. That feeling of accomplishment carries over to your home life—making you more enjoyable and present in the moment for your family.”
We are thrilled to feature Melissa Eannuzzo of the GetUp Crew in this issue of Next On Scene!
Melissa holds a special place in our Founders' journey to Boston Ten years ago, when Hot 96.9 launched, it also marked the beginning of Jackie’s transition from New York to Boston.
Jackie has been a devoted listener of Melissa and the GetUp Crew since crossing the Massachusetts border
They truly are a one-of-a-kind radio team tune in if you haven’t already!
How did you fall into radio?
“I applied to be an intern when I was 18 when I heard my favorite radio station at the time asking for them...I worked my butt off for years until the morning show at the time lost a producer and needed a new one I applied and the rest is history ”
Who would you say is listening to the radio most these days ?
“Surely we compete with podcasts, Youtube and other streaming services, but there are still quite a few commuters that want their local morning radio while they drive to work. “
What are your personal favorite things to cover and talk about?
“I love discussing anything pop culture. If it's trending, I love talking about it.”
How has radio adapted to the ride of streaming services and on demand content? Are there areas where radio excels over these newer mediums?
“There is no streaming platform that can reach the heart of the audience like local radio can Our connection with our listeners can't be compared to a recorded podcast “
What strategies are you taking as a host to attract younger audiences who tend to prefer on demand and visual media?
“We have become more present on social media and are creating content daily to stay in touch with the scrollers on social platforms.”
What do you think radio will look like in the next five to ten years?
“While radio is facing its challenges, as long as people crave their local entertainment and news, there will always be a need for radio.”
What is a goal you have for yourself in the next year?
“Keep growing on the social front and to continue to grow our audience in the multiple cities we are now broadcasting to.”
We are so excited to spotlight Ifrah with an incredible balloon business she has built from scratch over the past three years!
Wowlloons was inspired mid-pandemic to find a way to spread happiness during some very grim times.
What started as a one-woman show quickly grew into a balloon crew with the love & support of our local community.
How did Wowlloons come about?
“I started Wowlloons mid-pandemic as a way to spread joy in our local community. The pandemic had shut everything down and I wanted to do something with my time at home so one day, I mustered up some courage and posted in a local Facebook group about doing balloons.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get such an amazing response. Orders were coming in left and right and the next thing I know, I was running a full-time business.”
What inspired the name?
“The name of the business used to be “ia.occassions.” Running a business of my own was never the plan so I came up with the most basic name I could when I started operating however, with the response and support from the local community, plans changed fast as the side hustle grew into a full-time business fast. Thats when I rebranded.
It took me 4 months to decide on a name. I was picky, I didn’t want anything long or anything basic.
One day I was showing my work to a friend and she immediately reacted saying ‘wow’ and something clicked and the name Wowlloons was born, haha!”
What goes into a design project? How long do these take?
“Each project and design varies. Each project is unique to fit out client’s needs, budget and vision. Once a client fills out our inquiry form that gives us the basic information (time, date, theme, occasion, etc.), we get back to the client within 24-48 hours and ask for more information like pictures and measurements of the the areas they want the balloons and any inspiration pictures they might have.
Then we discuss the details of the project and send a few options/ideas clients can choose from. Once the project is finalized, an invoice is sent to pay 50% of the deposit and the client is officially on our schedule.”
Can you share three holiday tips when it comes to having balloons at your holiday party.
“First: Reaching out to vendors 3-6 months ahead of the holidays. Usually clients, especially corporate clients plan and schedule their events in advance. It is always helpful to get their attention ahead of time to put the idea of incorporating balloons in their events.
Second: Visuals are always helpful. So having a catalogue of what you offer helps a lot in terms of booking clients so they know what they’re getting.
Lastly: Stock up on anything you might need as soon as the order is booked. Balloons are in demand and you’ll often find one or two items/colors you need out of stock.”
Can you talk about the biggest job you have ever done? How many balloons?
“So far the biggest job I’ve done required me to sign an NDA.
It’s heartbreaking as we can’t share the pictures of the setup and that setup by far is one of the best we’ve ever done.
The project was booked 8 months in advance and required 500ft of garland.”
What is NEXT for Ifrah and Wowlloons in 2024/2025!
“We have so much planned for Wowlloons in 2024 and 2025 however, I don’t like announcing things until they’re a 100% completed so you will just have to wait and see.”
Who is NEXT to know about?!
Meet Michelle Doran, Co-Founder of RN Esthetics and a Nurse Practitioner for 27 years!
Michelle and her Co-Founder Linda Vecchione were one of the first women and nurse owned Medical Esthetic Spas to open in Massachusetts in 2012!
In 12 years they have opened (3) locations and brought on 30 employees!
What inspired you to get into the world of nursing?
“I originally wanted to be a VET, because I loved animals so much.
My dad, who was a tax advisor, recommended I go into Nursing (in particular to get my Nurse Practitioner/Masters Degree).
He said I was good with science, math and people. I applied to prenursing at UMASS and loved it, so I stuck with it and here I am 27 years later.”
How did RN Esthetics come about?
"After years of bedside Nursing, Linda and I met and both had an interest in Medical Aesthetics.
We thought it would be a fun side hustle to open a small 1 room place in Lynnfield, Massachusetts focusing on injectables and skincare.
We slowly grew, left our other jobs and put our heart and soul into RN Esthetics since 2012.”
What inspired you to get into the world of Esthetics?
“Esthetics is an art and a science.
We love being able to help people feel their best selves and that is what Esthetics Medicine does.
Its not about being vain. Its about feeling confident in your own skin. When you feel better, you do better.”
When it come to the Fall/Holiday Beauty Trends what are three of the most popular services this time of year?
"Sun protection. Using sunscreen every day, even in the Winter... and reapplying. Sun damage causes skin cancer and pre-aging.
Hydrated skin. We love the new Juvaderm Skinvive injectable hydrator that allows skin to look and feel hydrated from the inside! We also can’t get enough of the Hydrafacial, which deep cleans, detoxes, exfoliates and hydrated the skin.
Botox. Everyone is doing it, despite what they say. Botox is a purified protein that interrupts the message from the nerve to the muscle and thus softens lines and wrinkles.”
When it comes to Botox can you give three tips around things to consider in terms of maintenance?
Locations: Lynnfield, Salem & Newburyport, Massachusetts
WEBSITE: rnesthetics.com IG: @RNEsthetics _ MA FB: @RN Esthetics
“First, Botox is recommended 3 times per year for optimal results.
Second, Pricing varies depending on the client need and wish to focus, and can range from $500-$900+ per treatment.
Third, we recommend seeing a reputable provider, doing your homework and having a follow up to ensure everything looks perfect!”
What is a goal RN Esthetics has for the next year 2025?
“We want to expand our Salem location and add 4 more treatment rooms.
We also want to o expand the wellness component of our practice, including IV Drips, Weight Loss and Natural Hormone Support.”
We are so excited to spotlight Anthony Ciampa. Anthony comes from a background of Construction in the Union in the Greater Boston Area.
AG Event Rentals LLC was inspired from planning his second child’s gender reveal. He realized he was super creative and was looking for a way to let out more of his creativity while also being around more for his little ones!
What inspired it?
“My wife asked me to make a Candy Wall with dispensers and shelves for our second child’s gender reveal.
After creating it, I got such great feedback it inspired me to start creating other products.
This led me to create a business around products that offer other unique rental services. “
What inspired the name of the business?
“AG Event Rentals LLC name was inspired by our kids. ”AG” stands for representation of their names Anthony and Guiliana ”
What services do you offer?
“We offer rental walls which include our champagne flute/ charcuterie cone wall, candy wall, a welcome floral box sign, and LED Marquee Letters, Numbers and Symbols.”
What areas do you offer your services?
“If you would like to rent our walls , bounce house, and welcome sign we service MA AND NH
Our LED Marquee Lights service NH and surrounding areas in addition to some areas of Northern Massachusetts. “
Can you share some ideas for holidays of how to best use the services?
“For the Holidays we can provide our shelf wall to hold any gift/ thank you bags, seated arrangements or anything you would like to provide your guests with.
The champagne wall, charcuterie cone, or cotton candy cone can be used as well.
Our welcome floral box sign can be used with Fall or Winter florals/ decor. We are always coming up with new ideas. We will have more exciting items to rent in the upcoming year!
Our LED Marquee lights can light up any event , any color and we also have some symbols that we can include!!”
As we continued to grieve, COVID-19 entered our lives, and we all remember how difficult 2020 was. Many of my friends were struggling. They felt isolated and frustrated with homeschooling.
It was my turn to send some love back. I began creating and mailing them inspirational cards. I quickly realized how a small gesture like a handwritten note to a loved one could make ME feel happier. Buttercup was born!”
What inspires the items you put in your boxes?
We are so excited to spotlight Christine Coen, Founder of Buttercup Boxes of Love.
Buttercup Boxes of Love is one of Next On Scene’s GO TO Boxes when it comes to gifting our clients, friends and family some special love.
If you don’t know Buttercup Boxes of Love, now you will!
How did Buttercup Boxes of Love come about?
“I owe my inspiration to my mother. For as long as I can remember, my mother has mailed handwritten notes (or "paper hugs" as she calls them). Notes of encouragement, birthday wishes, thank you notes, condolences, etc. She sends so many notes that there is always a stack of cards stamped by the front door to go to the mailbox.
On Valentine's Day of 2020, I got a call from my mother that my father had suddenly collapsed and was rushed by ambulance to the ICU. He had no known health issues and was an active 70-year-old man who enjoyed sailing and walking his dog several miles each day.
My father spent 48 hours on life support before we had to say goodbye. We were shocked and devastated. While these were the hardest days of my life, I was constantly reminded of the love around me.
As we continued to grieve, COVID-19 entered our lives, and we all remember how difficult 2020 was. Many of my friends were struggling. They felt isolated and frustrated with homeschooling.
“I select unique items that are typically focused on self-care. Motivational and support-based products is our main focus, and we try to work with local women owned makers as much as possible. There are so many creative women makers right here in Massachusetts.”
What inspired the name of the business?
“Sometime during my teenage years, my mother began calling me, "Buttercup." It stuck with me and with a mission to spread love, Buttercup Boxes of Love made sense.”
What was the first gift box you ever put together?
“My first official order was a support-based gift box for a local mother that was going through chemotherapy. I will never forget that box and the strong woman that received it. Seeing women supporting other women going through hard things is so powerful and reminds me why I started this business.”
All photos above credited: Nicole
What are your top 3 tips to consider around gift giving to your clients over the holidays?
"First: Consider "Gratitude" gifting to your referral partners this Fall. It is a great time to remind them how thankful you are for their support before the Holiday rush.
Second: Send meaningful gifts. 60% of 2,000 Americans described the perfect gift as meaningful. Your gift does not need to be expensive.
Third: Include a message of gratitude. Express your sincere appreciation for their partnership or support with a handwritten note if possible.”
What’s next for Buttercup Boxes of Love?
“I would love to do more "build a box" events. They are so much fun! We bring the products and boxes to homes, offices, breweries, etc. and help the group create their own gift boxes. “
We are so excited to have Medium Mari back this issue as she continues to SOAR with being awarded Psychic of the Year by Best American Psychics, as well as Best Animal Communicator by OM Times magazine
“I am so grateful to have been recognized with these awards this year. Moving forward my goal is, as it has always been, to help as many people as I can ”
When was the first time you connected with an animal on spiritual level? What was the scenario?
"Some of my earliest memories are communicating with animals and nature I remember being in the first grade walking to the bus I recall distinctly that I was talking with a small bunny that was hopping along on the side of the road
I got the feeling then and there that I just knew he was talking back to me. I got a strong knowingness that I was connecting with this beloved soul. To me it didn't feel strange since I was little and I assumed everybody was able to do this. It was only later that I realized that this was not a usual type of connection”
What made you realize you were gifted in connecting with animals who have passed on that you would create a career out of it?
"I have been connected with spirits and animals for as long as I can remember. It was only after getting numerous messages from the universe, including messages from other mediums and my deceased grandmother, that I knew this was a career path that I needed to follow It is said that if you are on the right path doors will open and that is exactly what happened with me
Are you able to only connect with animals who have passed on or have you connected with ones who are still alive and might be anxious or struggling?
“I absolutely connect with animals that are here in this world as well as those that have crossed over. In addition, I have helped many people find lost and missing animals with my connection to Spirit. This work is extremely fulfilling and I am so grateful to help people connect on a deeper level with their pets and people.”
When is a good time to seek out an Animal Communicator?
“Animal Communicators are extremely valuable to connect with after the loss of an animal. Many times my clients want to know that their beloved fur baby is OK on the other side or what messages they are sending them. Additionally, people reach out if they are having issues with their current pets like behavioral challenges or sudden shift in the personality of their pets. An Animal Communicator can help with all of these issues.”
We know you book 6 months out but how can people reach out/get in touch/ also shop your amazing books?
I am blessed to have so many clients that I do indeed have a wait list but I try to get to as many people as possible The best way to reach out and find out about my work is to go to my website MediumMari.com. I am currently co-author of 2 best selling books- "Heaven Sent" - all about our pets and “Between Worlds” - Stories from notable Psychics and Mediums. Both available on Amazon.
I do also host my own show called Spirit Chat where we bring on fascinating guests and offer readings to the audience. This show covers the gamut of spiritual information from physical mediumship to paranormal investigation and everything in between The show streams live on YouTube & Facebook as well as being hosted on Apple Podcast, Spotify and iHeartRadio
While the holiday season can be a time of great joy and celebration, it can also be a stressful time for couples and especially those with young children Issues about time, finances, family and expectations often get highlighted and can lead to conflict and disconnect Learning how to manage these issues is essential for couples to stay connected through the holiday season
Here are five tips for staying connected:
One: Time is a significant stressor around the holidays due to all the demands.
To combat this pressure, couples can plan a time to discuss their priorities, values and expectations Doing this as early as possible will give couples a plan before they are in the throes of the holiday season and will help to facilitate better communication and collaboration later.
Two: Create a shared vision for the holidays.
After couples come to an agreement about their shared vision for the holidays, especially if they have young children, they can convey that information to friends and family in advance so that the expectations are clear to everyone. Remember that setting boundaries with others is okay as needed.
Three: Couples, especially those with young children, should carve out time to spend by themselves.
Couples can prioritize themselves and plan a date night outside of all the holiday hoopla.
Doing so can help to nurture the relationship in many different ways and that will contribute greatly to the feeling of connection.
Couples may differ in how they approach spending. It is important to discuss a budget for the holidays and then plan times to check in with each other to ensure that both are honoring the agreement. If there are any issues, it is best to resolve them quickly.
Five: Give each other time and space to rejuvenate when needed.
Stress in general can lead to conflict and disconnection for couples. The holidays can amplify that stress because of the increased demands. Be especially compassionate with yourself and with your partner during this time. Give each other time and space to rejuvenate when needed. Remember that people are generally doing the best they can and showing appreciation to each other can go along way toward maintaining connection even when under stress.
Following these strategies will help couples to better communicate, collaborate and nurture the relationship and subsequently maintain connection throughout the holiday season and beyond.
Susan Trotter, Ph.D. is a Relationship Coach, with specialities in dating and relationships, confidence, mindset and communication. She also has a special interest in working with people who are divorced or in the process of divorce. Susan has her doctorate in Clinical Psychology and was a therapist for over 20 years. Her extensive background in psychology, therapy and coaching gives her a unique perspective in helping people to achieve greater joy, satisfaction and success in their relationships and in all areas of their lives.
The holidays A time of joy, traditions, good food, get-togethers and laughter
But let's face it, almost every family or friendship circle has a difficult, toxic or perhaps a Narcissist in the mix who can turn up the dread and stress volume and play the role of scrooge quite well
Dealing with them can cause some anxiety, stress and hesitation but the good news is there are some ways you can make the situation smoother and jump over their dark cloud.
Here are 5 ways to diffuse the "know it all, grumpy, judgemental or meany in your life:
(Quick disclaimer - this information is for educational purposes only and does not substitute medical advice).
One. Acceptance.
Ok, I get it, this one is really difficult We all want to think that people have "potential" "Bad days", or just need some more love, understanding and connection
Though this can be true for some, it is NOT for all. Some people are just darn miserable and like sharing and provoking that misery or righteousness with others So when you encounter this person, lower your expectations with acceptance.
Two. Talk fluffy stuff versus the real deal.
Meaning do not engage in anything sad, happy, important quite frankly. Often these types are looking for those vulnerabilities in others and prey on them Instead, talk about the fluff of life and more trivial things (Think the weather, that great deal at TJ Maxx).
Often these types lack empathy and will often take the opportunity to tell you the right way to think about or do things They also are happy to take the moment to reflect the spotlight back on themselves or play the victim with a sadder or more incredible story than yours.
In the best of worlds, not dealing with toxic or difficult people would be pretty amazing for most of us, but sometimes (especially around special occasions and holidays) there may not be much choice If this is the case, limit your time around this person Set a time limit for a quick chit-chat and be sure if you are unfortunately seated near them, get up and mingle elsewhere after a short while (politely of course).
Four. Keep them busy.
Some people swear by asking the "difficult" person to help out with a small project For example, having them help set the table, or help chop up the salad You get the idea, the more they are focused on something, the less time to converse.
Although you should be doing this anyway, it is especially important if you know you are going to be around a toxic, draining person, to make sure you do some deep breathing, meditation, go out in nature for a walk, etc. It will help clear your mind and keep you grounded Doing this beforehand is great but you can also take a "break" from the table or room where they are gathered and get some fresh air. It really does help.
Some difficult people truly have some sad or difficult life issues that are temporary, it is often a "choice" and coping mechanism to play victim or be callous and unfeeling towards others. Sometimes seeing them for who they really are (mean-spirited, insecure, unhappy) can help us to have a bit more compassion and understanding in the moment but, BOUNDARIES must be used
Meaning that too much compassion for these types can really deplete us and there needs to be a line in the sand to protect our mental health.
So, just know that you are not alone and lots of people deal with difficult and toxic people in their lives By using the tools above, you may find that it helps to reduce your stress and give you the opportunity to celebrate with joy!
Have a wonderful holiday season!
Nerissa Parisi-Hill, Co-Founder of Tesoro Boston; is back this issue discussing all things Customized vs True Custom Jewelry!
Custom jewelry offers a unique opportunity to create something truly special. Whether you’re seeking an engagement ring, a personal gift, or a statement piece that reflects your individuality, custom jewelry is the perfect solution. Let’s take a dive into the world of jewelry design and explore the two sides of custom jewelry. You’ll walk away with the info needed to choose your jewelry journey!
What is Custom Jewelry?
What is Customized Jewelry?
“Customized jewelry refers to pieces that are personalized based on existing designs. This could mean adding engraving, changing gemstones, or selecting different metals or finishes. Each creative change brings something meaningful and unique to the piece!
Affordability is a hallmark of customization since utilizing existing designs can offer cost savings. And, with a wide range of styles to choose from, it’s easy to find customizable styles that resonate with your aesthetic with the bonus of a finished product in a shorter timeframe!”
What is True Custom Jewelry?
True Custom is a bespoke experience with the ability to personalize every aspect of the design.
Custom jewelry is any piece designed and crafted specifically for you! Unlike mass-manufactured jewelry, custom pieces are tailored to your specifications including design and materials.
This level of detail gives each piece a unique story. But did you know there are levels to custom work? We call these options “Customization” and “True Custom”
When it comes to choosing, you may wonder what option is right for you Understanding the differences can help you make the best choice for your personal style and budget! Let’s jump right in!
It’s a level of personalization based on a collaboration of creative ideas. Every detail can be tailored including using diamonds and gemstones you already own!
The process involves classic design processes like sketching and mood boards At Tesoro Boston our Custom Design experience is next level with 3D CAD Animations, 3D Resin Samples and VR Model Moments the ability to virtually try on a piece after it’s been designed for you. Our design portfolio includes modern technology to transform your experience!
That’s a wrap on our mini masterclass! Whether you choose a custom experience or you’re selecting a beautiful ready-to-wear piece of jewelry, buying and creating it should be as much a part of the experience wearing it!
Livly Baby Coat
This adorable coat in a wool blend is the perfect jacket for colder days and more formal occasions for our tiniest humans. Buttons and pockets at the front makes this jacket perfect for all little ones.
• Shell: 48% Wool, 44% Polyester, 8% Acrylic
• Lining: 100% Cotton
• Dry clean only
Dr. Doug’s Baby Balm $56 drdougs.com
Hustle’s Daily Essential Set
$49.40 hustlebeauty.com
Elevate your routine with Hustle Beauty Essentials! The Brightening Under-Eye Balm revitalizes tired eyes, while the Conditioning Lip Balm, packed with Zinc Oxide, Avocado Oil, and Vitamin E, keeps your lips protected and hydrated. Our Hydrating Cleansing Cloths cleanse and detox your skin, ideal for post-workout or busy days. Discover the athleisure of skincare with Hustle Beauty!
Pamper your little one with Dr. Doug’s Ultra-Gentle Baby Balm, made from nature’s finest ingredients. This nourishing balm combines organic beeswax, coconut and olive oils, Vitamin E, myrrh, and lavender and tea tree oils to protect against diaper rash, cradle cap, and eczema. Nongreasy and fast-absorbing, it leaves skin soft and moisturized, enriched with zinc oxide for added protection. Give your baby the comfort they deserve!
Octopod® Silicone Suction Triangle Plate - Lids
$15.90 abiie.com
Tired of mealtime messes? The Octopod® silicone triangle plate is here to help! With divided sections and lids, it keeps food separate and makes trying new flavors fun for your child—no more tossing dishes!
Dishwasher and microwave safe, it simplifies cleanup while making mealtime enjoyable for your little one.
Bruno Marc Men's KnitFlex Breeze Mesh Sneakers $40.99
The Bruno Marc KnitFlex Oxford Sneakers feature a breathable, stretchy knitted upper for comfort and stability, along with an easy slip-on design with an elastic collar and pull tab. The memory foam insole cushions and reduces fatigue, while its honeycomb design keeps feet dry. The lightweight outsole ensures easy walking on various terrains. Versatile and stylish, they pair well with jeans, shorts, or dress pants, making them perfect for any occasion.
Coastal Cowboy Duffle Bag
$120 shopcoastalcowboy.com
TUBzi Elephant
$59 tubzitime.com
The signature Coastal Cowboy Toile Print comes in the perfect duffle bag! Ideal for weekend getaways and travel, this bag has plus quilting, gold hardware, and a light blue gingham interior. There’s plenty of space with multiple pockets and a removable shoulder strap. It’s airline-compliant as an under-the-seat item and designed for both style and functionality in Tennessee.
WANDRD Laptop Case
$59 wandrd.com
An amazing solution to many difficult bath time scenarios for both infants and toddlers. An “all-in-one” bath time product for parents to alleviate: Injury from hazardous bathtub fixtures (temperature and drain levers, faucets, etc.)
Drinking and swimming in soiled water
Tears during hair washing Made with BPA-Free materials and 100% Food-Grade Silicon
This Laptop Case goes beyond the basics, transforming into an ergonomic stand for your laptop while offering durability to handle life’s unexpected moments. It integrates seamlessly with the Carry Strap. It is ideal for creatives on the go. Designed to fit Apple MacBooks, it’s perfect for keeping your precious cargo protected!
Top : Classic Diva Spiral Pearl Necklace, $96/Retail
Bottom: Aurora Vintage Style Necklace, $98/Retail idlewildeveryday.com
The Classic Diva Spiral Pearl Necklace is a sophisticated and exclusive piece, featuring handstrung freshwater pearls in a unique spiral wire design setting. Paired with 18k goldplated steel chain, this understated necklace adds a twist to your classic look.
The Aurora Vintage Necklace is handcrafted and has the look and feel of a 1960's vintage piece loved by our designer. Inspired by history, and handcrafted with heirloom quality, Aurora is the statement piece you need to add timeless sophistication to your look. Send Love Straight
Everyday Magnetic Button-Down for Men | Tailored-Fit
$58- $88 joeandbella.com
Welcome to 2024, where buttoning shirts is a thing of the past! Joe & Bella's Everyday Magnetic Button-Up combines the classic look of a button-up with the convenience of hidden magnets for an instant, satisfying closure. Crafted from ultra-premium stretch fabric, this shirt keeps you cool and comfortable all day, while extra-stretchy cuffs make it a breeze to wear.
We often think about sending cards and support gifts to our friends, family and clients for many occasions but can't always find the time to actually do it... That's where we come in! Buttercup Boxes of Love is here to help you brighten someone's day by sending them a beautiful box of meaningful and positive gifts along with an inspirational handwritten note. Send love straight to their door with our concierge Custom & Corporate Gift Service to remind them how much they mean to you!
Bespoke Arrangements with EcoFriendly Mechanics
$60 - $275 rococofloralco.com (Delivery also available within a 16-mile radius of their shop)
Rococo is redefining floral design in Boston with bespoke arrangements that bring fresh, modern elegance to any occasion. Founded by two friends passionate about flowers, this studio excels in everything from weddings to corporate installations. Committed to sustainability, Rococo composts, avoids non-biodegradable materials, uses recycled vases and ribbons, and sources seasonal products from local farms.
The Rocket, the ultimate tennis racquet bag. $396 therocket.tennis
Surprise your favorite tennis enthusiast with The Rocket, the ultimate tennis racquet bag. With its sleek all-black design and use of high-performance materials throughout, it’s sure to make a statement on and off the court. The Rocket’s smart pocket system makes it easy to stay organized, with dedicated pockets for racquets, shoes, tennis balls, wet clothes, small personal items, and more. It can be carried like a backpack, tote, or duffel and can even stand upright on its own.
PHI Skincare Lipid Restore $95.00 phiskincare.com
This antioxidant replenishing serum restores bioidentical glycolipids and vitamins E and F, featuring the powerful Lipochroman® to protect against environmental aging. It corrects dull, rough skin, reduces visible signs of aging, and provides an instant glow—no wonder it’s their best seller!
The Smell of Trauma: Understanding and Healing Through Aromatherapy $25.00
This book explores the profound link between scent and emotional healing. Author, Shabranae combines scientific research and personal experience to reveal how essential oils can aid in trauma recovery and enhance mental well-being.
Happy Knits One Of A Kind Custom Hand Beaded Stackable Bracelets $48-$90 happyknitscapecod.com
Elevate your style with this one a kind hand beaded bracelet stack in deep purple tones. Pearls, mixed semi precious stones, Czech glass , 14 k gold filled and sterling silver seamlessly combine to create this mesmerizing set . You will be reaching for this stack everyday. Or, make it a very special gift for a friend.,
Custom Watercolor Illustration $75 for up to two figures per portrait artexperienced.co
For a custom gift, Giovanna Chaisson and her team offer personalized fashion portraits created from a photograph of your choice. 5” x 7” on premium watercolor paper.
Self Love Affirmation Cards
Age-defying Face Cream & Serum Bundle
$70 (usually $85) highteaskincare.com
This is a powerful affirmation deck with 52 cards to nurture your mind, body and soul.
These cards apply Coach Dee’s CLY principles of health. Optimize your long term health with these daily principles.
Revitalize your skin with our Luscious Botanical Face Cream and your favorite serum. This dream team features green tea, known for its antioxidant power, to brighten, smooth, and hydrate. Gentle botanicals work together to rejuvenate and reduce fine lines and dark spots. Each bottle lasts 2-3 months, and you’ll find no toxins or fragrances—just pure, skinfriendly ingredients. Treat yourself to the skincare you deserve!
Salem Style’s Purple Iced Coffee Cozy
$19 (available in 3 sizes) salemstylestudio.com
Are you an iced coffee lover, but hate how your cup becomes a dripping mess?
Meet your new best friend: the Purple Iced Coffee Cup Cozy! This handmade crochet cup sleeve is an eco-friendly cup insulator for your iced coffee, or really any cold drink! It keeps your hands dry, your drink will stay cold longer, and it fits snug over your cup to absorb any condensation. The cozy even covers the bottom of the cup, making sure to catch all the cold drink drips.
Little Luxe Cards
We have the power to heal our bodies and manifest optimal health. By repeating affirmations daily and using the supporting action items, you help nourish your body while working on healing opportunities. Use them as a powerful tool to stay healthy and boost your confidence! Dress Perfume 10 Sense Set (30 ml)
Dr. Doug's Bestsellers Toolkit
$96 (10% off NEXTONSCENE) https://bit.ly/3Tyo1Qv
Pumpkin Spice Latte Body Lotion $23 demeterfragrance.com
Almost everyone loves their seasonal pumpkin spice latte, well Demeter Fragrance does too! So they decided to make a fragrance to keep you going and your mood, steady, even after the Holidays with a blend of coffee, cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin, and a dash of vanilla.
Introducing the first and only greeting card with a candle inside—Little Luxe Cards! Each card contains a beautifully scented candle, making it the perfect allin-one gift. Surprise your loved ones with a greeting card that’s truly unique and leaves a lasting impression. It's a greeting card with an extra touch of magic.
Dr. Doug's Bestsellers Toolkit is the ultimate organic skincare bundle, featuring three toxin-free balms designed to hydrate, heal, and soothe your skin. With the all-purpose Miracle Balm, Magnesium Balm for muscle relief, and Recovery Balm for rapid healing, this kit offers natural, dermatologist-approved solutions for daily skincare and recovery needs.
Experience a perfume unlike any other. W.Dressroom, a whole new world of fragrance. Complete with antibacterial formula, innovative scents, and simple ingredients. Safe to spray on skin, fabric, and furniture. W.Dressroom Dress Perfume instantly refreshes everything it touches. Allow scent to be your fashion statement.
SNOO Smart Sleeper Bassinet $1,695.00
SNOO is the first—and only—medical device to receive De Novo authorization from the FDA for its ability to keep sleeping babies safely on their backs.
What’s included:
. SNOO Smart Sleeper 3 ivory SNOO Sacks (S, M, L) made with organic cotton. SNOO sheet made of GOTS certified organic cotton. Mattress and water-resistant cover Unlimited access to sleep consultants, 7 days/week 1-year limited warranty
Fleurdinand Custom Birth Poster Comes in one size (11x14) $49 fleurdinand.com
Natracare Baby Wipes
$9.50 natracare.com
Natracare plastic free wipes are available on Amazon and perfect for daily use on delicate baby skin
Suitable for sensitive skin
pH balanced & alcohol free No Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Parabens or Methylisothiazolinone (MIT)
Biodegradable & compostable
Organic formula & cotton cloth
GMO free ingredients
Give the new baby in your life a timeless keepsake custom art print featuring the baby's name(s), birthdate and birthplace.
Choose from over 15 centre designs and five different border options to really make it a personal piece of art for their nursery wall. Printed on cotton rag paper using archival quality ink, this print will become a family heirloom as it stands the test of time.
SNOObear® 3-in-1 White Noise Lovey $59.95
Meet SNOObear, the portable white noise machine, lovey, and puppet designed for babies and toddlers! Perfect for soothing fussiness during feedings, car rides, or naps, SNOObear features unique white noise sounds from SNOO. It’s also responsive—if your baby cries after the sound turns off, SNOObear automatically turns back on to help them settle.
Custom Pet Portrait Starts at $12 CanvasDiscount.com
Farm to Fluffy Healthy and Natural Treats for Dogs. $14.99 per 5oz bag (same price for all 3 flavors) farmtofluffy.com
Immortalize your pet’s most adorable moments with custom pet portrait prints from CanvasDiscount.com. These high-quality canvas prints are the perfect way to showcase your furry friend’s personality in vibrant colors and detailed textures.
Whether as a gift or a personal keepsake, these prints add a personal touch to any home decor. You can customize your canvas with various sizes and even add text for that extra special touch.
Farm to Fluffy is a woman-owned, planet-friendly pet product brand that launched with three flavors of a jerky-style dog treat. They are an innovative, new brand that prioritizes creating products that are both good for your pup and the planet—honoring their love for all creatures!
Boards for Days
(Pricing varies based on items selected)
Starting at $70 boardsfordays.com
From individual offerings, grazing tables, to mobile charcuterie carts, they cover it all.
Boards for Days is your One Stop Shop for charcuterie and all things light fare catering!
They would love to work with you on your next corporate outing or personal event.
Brie Awesome & Stay Cheesy!
Fruit & Vegetable Blend Chewables
$56 monthly in 4 installments amyjulien.juiceplus.com/us/en-us
JuicePlus+Fruit&VegetableBlend Chewablescomplementyourdietwithadded nutritionfrom30differentfruits,vegetables, andberriesinadeliciousvegangummyform
Hot Chocolate Peppermint Clusters
Enjoythewarmflavorsofwinter withourHotChocolate PeppermintGranolaClusters Eachbitecombinestherichtaste ofcocoa,therefreshingzestof peppermint,andthesatisfying crunchofOatClusters Perfect forsnackingoraddingafestive twisttoyourbreakfast,offeringa delightfulblendofsweetness andseasonalcheer
Le Gruyère AOP Cheese $9 for 6oz gruyere.com
Le Gruyère AOP aged 6 to 9 months and features a soft and refined taste. It's a pleasant combination of sweet, savory and a little salty. You'll notice the crystals, a standout of Le Gruyère AOP, which are crystalline amino acids that "pop" in your mouth. It's naturally lactose- and gluten-free
French Press Without The Mess $79.99
Simpli Press revolutionizes the French press experience by seamlessly integrating classic aesthetics with contemporary innovation.
Crafted for a smooth and rich brew, this cutting-edge coffee maker delivers a grit-free, customizable coffee experience in just three minutes. With its sleek design and effortless cleanup, Simpli Press is the ideal gift for coffee lovers, promising to elevate their daily coffee ritual..
Available in Black and Red.
Astrik Compost Bin $50 bamboozlehome.com
Matty’s Kitchen Spice Blends
$14 mattyskitchen.com
Thisholidayseason,spiceupyourl one'slifewithhandcraftedspiceble Theseblendsareuniversalanddesig elevateyourmealswithoutoverpow Theycanbeusedasdryrubsforme addedintomarinades,saladdressin soupstoenhanceflavor Bonus:NOa ingredients!
The ultimate compost bin for home chefs dedicated to sustainability! Made from innovative Astrik material, this 100% plant-based bin is the world’s only composable option, returning to the soil without a trace when it's time to replace it.
Effortlessly toss in vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells while cooking, and enjoy a vented lid that prevents odors while promoting optimal composting. It's dishwasher safe for easy cleaning, and stylish enough to keep on your counter, enhancing any kitchen aesthetic. Keep your kitchen eco-friendly and chic with this must-have compost bin!
Oregano Herb Wall Art Starting at $27 fleurdinand.com
This Art is created by the stamp of each herb from Artist, Alex’s garden. Two sizes available 8x10 and 11x14. Giclee printed on 100% archival cotton rag paper. All prints are sold unframed. This Oregano Herb Print Art makes a great addition to any kitchen wall decor or a great gift for home cooks, especially those of Mediterranean Descent. Not a fan of Oregano? No problem, there are 12 popular culinary herbs to choose from!
We are so excited to spotlight Creative Contour By Carla this issue.
Get to know our team makeup artist..
How did you fall into the world of makeup?
“Oh my gosh, such a fun story! When I was a child, I was always playing with my mother's makeup, and she eventually started buying me those little makeup kits for children for birthdays and holidays
As time went on, I eventually started actually wearing those makeup products, and eventually buying my own
By the time I was ready to graduate high school, I knew makeup artistry was a path I wanted to go down
By the time I was 21, I was a licensed esthetician, and within 3 months of passing my state boards, I was assisting a local makeup artist!
I was passionate and driven. Fast forward 4 years, and Creative Contour By Carla was born!
Here we are in 2024, 7 years into business September 1st was the company's 7th anniversary!”
We know you are known for your natural glam, what inspires your looks?
“It's so funny, because when I started out, I wanted to do super full glam, much like I wear myself!
“One thing I learned as a makeup artist is that most people need makeup looks that work with outfit changes, varying weather, different lighting, and so on.
It's something that most people don't consider, unless they've had makeup done professionally
I've found that neutral colors create that classic soft glam, which is elegant, and works on anyone. This style has become so popular, that I'm seeing more clients reference my portfolio, and photos I've shared of my work more and more.
My professional opinion on this happening is that this makeup style is so versatile, and my customers just want to look and feel good every time they wear makeup ”
"No Makeup", soft glam seems to be a forever trend. Can you share more of how to define this look?
“1. Pick a focus of your look.
You want to make sure you have a specific aspect of your look that is the focus Majority of my customers either want a flawless complexion, or glamorous eye makeup
When is it time to hire an expert? Should I DIY my makeup look?
“What a great question! First of all, I always recommend hiring an expert when you are a first time makeup wearer or are learning a new makeup style
My reasoning is: we will show you how to apply your makeup look to your unique features from the start. As a professional, I want to see you succeed!
Regarding whether you should DIY or hire an expert: it depends! In my professional opinion, if you are attending an event, or going on camera, always make sure to hire a professional It's a small touch that I've seen really do wonders for my clients, both inside and outside
I professionally believe that everyday makeup is such a great opportunity to DIY your makeup style! I do teach everyday people to apply their makeup so it always looks good for work, family gatherings, etc.. When you have an easy makeup look to apply, you'll wear it all the time, and always look good!”
2. Make sure you have the right tools to apply.
The right tools really will create your ideal look! Depending on what focus you select for your makeup look, you need the correct tools to achieve it! For example, if eye makeup is your focus, you need the appropriate makeup brushes to apply.
3. Know your nudes.
Nude tones are the essence of this makeup style. So when you are applying your makeup, you want colors that are your perfect nudes Nude tones will look good with everything you wear.
4 Classy and elegant is the goal
This makeup style is timeless because it always looks good. So, when you wear this makeup style, remember you want to have a classic, elegant look! When we look at our world around us, think of the makeup looks that always catch your eye: no makeup styles, soft glam styles These looks will never go out of style!”
Email: inquiries@creativecontourbycarla com
Website: creativecontourbycarla com
FB/IG/YT/TIKTOK: @creativecontourbycarla
We are so excited to feature Sharon McEntee Owner of Embody MedSpa and PHI Skincare.
“All ages should focus on their overall health. A healthy body = healthy, glowing skin. And be consistent! No matter how many products you use, or treatments you get, you will not see results unless you're consistent!”
What inspired you to become an Aesthetician?
"I didn't start out wanting to be an Aesthetician, but I always knew I'd end up in some kind of medical field I was accepted into the 5 year Master's Degree Physical Therapy program at Boston University in 1994 and completed 2 years there I decided to take a year off from school to work and stumbled upon an Aesthetics program.
Having always loved skincare and concocting homemade products and treatments throughout my teen years, I decided to enroll, never once thinking that this would be my career. After completing the Aesthetics program and getting my license, I moved to Florida where I received my degree at the University of Miami as a Pre-med major/business minor
While attending school I worked for a world-reknowned dermatologist who quickly became my mentor, and I decided that the field of medical aesthetics was where I wanted to be”
inspired Embody MedSpa?
“From 2000 to 2012, I worked for a prominent dermatology practice in New England as a licensed medical aesthetician and their Aesthetic Services Manager I even created a skincare line for them in 2002 In Fall of 2012, I lost my job unexpectedly I was devastated and extremely stressed as I had a toddler and newborn, and was suddenly unemployed
After careful consideration and serious selfreflection, I knew that this was exactly the kick I needed to start my own business.
It was a daunting endeavor, but I was ready to create a skincare practice based on what had made me successful in aesthetics - honesty, trust, education, and a commitment to my clients
While brainstorming with a friend about the concept I repeated the word "embody" oftenI wanted the practice to embody both science and aesthetics; I wanted my message to embody everything clients want in a Medspa We realized, that was it! “Embody MedSpa” was born”
What is PHI and what inspired you to launch your own skincare line?
“PHI Skincare was born out of my commitment to offering clients high-quality, effective solutions that they can trust, making it an investment in their skin’s health and beauty. I developed PHI Skincare out of frustration with the limited options available for safe and effective skincare products that were truly worth their price
Having somewhat "reactive" skin myself, I was on a mission to develop products with high levels of active ingredients (like vitamin C and retinol) that would be universally tolerated There are so many brands available that it can be overwhelming
Drawing on nearly three decades of experience as a licensed medical aesthetician and my expertise from creating a skincare line for a dermatology practice in 2002, I knew exactly what I wanted in my products and just as importantly, what I didn’t want”
For Teens: Start by Building Healthy Habits Keep it simple but consistent A gentle cleanser, oil-free moisturizer, zincbased SPF, a mild exfoliant Avoid heavy makeup, smoking/vaping and artificial tanning. Get facials as needed to keep skin clean & healthy!
For Your 20s : Setting the Foundation
Now is the time to add in a hydrating eye cream and an antioxidant serum, like Vitamin C or Niacinamide Exfoliate regularly to promote cell turnover. Schedule regular facials and professional resurfacing procedures like microdermabrasion or chemical peels a couple times a year.If you're starting to show expression lines in the forehead, now is the time to think about preventative Botox
For Your 30s : Prevention & Maintenance
Add Retinol to your nightly routine
Add a hydrating serum and/or a more concentrated moisturizer Upgrade your eye cream from just hydrating to antiaging with peptides or retinol Step up your professional treatments to include resurfacing procedures & radio frequency skin tightening, and switch your regular facials to Hydrafacials. Showing sun damage? Time to treat with IPL, laser or chemical peels to even skin tone
For Your 40s : Prevention & Correction
Use a stronger retinol or increase your usage. Incorporate heavily concentrated peptide and antioxidant products For treatments, do everything that I recommend for your 30s but do it more regularly It's definitely time for Botox, and possibly Filler (if that's what you want)
For Your 50s : Strengthen & Repair
It's just like your 40s with some minor tweaks Switch to a richer, more concentrated moisturizer with hydrating serums You can still use retinol, but incorporate products with growth factors and stem cells Wear your SPF and avoid tanning - Don't undo all your hard work!
For Your 60s and Beyond: Nurturing
Mature Skin It's just like your 50s but Switch to a milder retinol, or replace with a niacinamde serum for similar results with less irritation Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate that skin with rich moisturizers, lipid based serumsConsider gentle, nourishing facials and non-invasive firming treatments
We are so excited to spotlight Wendy Vaughan. Wendy is a Nurse Practitioner and Owner of Stay Beautiful MedSpa based in Woburn, MA.
“I founded Stay Beautiful after recognizing the demand for an aesthetics practice focused on transparent and ethical services.”
What inspired you to become a Nurse Practitioner?
"I chose to become a Nurse Practitioner to have my own practice and provide care to my patients in the way I would want to receive care”
What inspired the name of the business?
“I wanted women to see themselves as already beautiful and know that we are just helping them maintain that beauty “
What are fillers?
“Dermal fillers are injectable gels that plump up wrinkles, smooth lines and restore volume in your face They are made of mostly sugar molecules and hyaluronic acid and are used to add volume to sagging skin, make your facial features look more balanced or plump up your lips and smile lines”
What is the difference between fillers vs. botox?
“Dermal Filler 'fills' areas that appear hollow or have moderate wrinkles They essentially are injected to replace the volume that we used to have in our face when we were younger As we grow older, volume loss is unavoidable and can result in an appearance that may not be as desired“
When is it good to explore getting filler?
"When I hear my patients say that they feel like their 'face is falling'. They will usually take their hands and pull their cheeks back toward their ears and say how much better that looks
Ideally you want to start exploring filler treatments at the beginning of this stage There is no specific age to start getting filler but generally speaking, you may want to consider it when you are in your mid-to-late 30's since you will achieve a more natural look by gradually adding a little bit over time instead of all at once”
“Well, it depends on several factors If you only plan on doing filler once and you don't return to the office for a 2nd or 3rd session, then it will only last about 3-6 months
Filler should be layered to prolong its longevity and can last much longer, potentially even forever, *if* you keep up with maintenance sessions
A typical treatment plan for our patients consists of treating multiple areas of the face at once in order to achieve a seamless flow and more natural appearance
Patients are usually receiving filler at their initial appointment, then coming back for their second appointment 4 weeks later, and sometimes a third treatment at 6 months Once the patient’s goals are achieved, we would transition the patient over to a yearly maintenance plan.”
It is amazing you are a 5 year award winner in Woburn for best Medspa congrats! What is a goal you have for yourself and your business?
“Thank you! We continuously strive to provide the best care and services to our patients every single day. I have no plans to open a second location or to sell the business to any of the large corporations that have been expressing interest in acquiring it
I enjoy running a small aesthetic practice within the community, where people can visit and feel confident that they are receiving topnotch care Every service is carried out with integrity, and quality is never compromised In fact, we aim to exceed expectations and build lasting relationships with those we serve”
Photo: Mariah Gale
Jennifer is back this issue sharing her newest venture, the launch of her retail and product branding and marketing consulting company, Jenesis Consulting.
“Jenesis Consulting offers business analysis, strategy, product development and branding to retailers and wholesalers who need insights from an industry leader but can’t afford to hire someone full time. As a fractional consultant, emerging companies can leverage Jennifer’s 30-year expertise without the expense of a full-time salary.
We love the play on the name, what inspired it?
“Genesis means the beginning of something new, and I see this as a new solution for retailers and manufacturers who need project-based or hourly assistance. Because my name is Jennifer, Jenesis was a way for me to put my personal spin on it—in the same way that I put my unique, personal spin on the insights and strategy I provide to the companies I work with.”
How did Jenisis Consulting come about?
“I was a retail merchant for 30+ years for stores like Lord & Taylor, Filene's, Talbots, and a local specialty retailer, The Paper Store. I also owned and managed my own chain of lifestyle boutiques called Bella & Bella's Closet.
These varied roles allowed me to manage every aspect of the business, including buying, planning, merchandising, store design, assortment planning, product development, catalog layout, and print marketing. Then, seven years ago, I leveraged my experience to move to manufacturing. Not only have I worked for a few high-profile brands, but I've also launched my own women's apparel line called GoodRobe & Co.
By combining expertise from both sides of the business, I have developed a unique, 360-degree view and knowledge of the industry. Because of this, I've been contacted regularly by retail and wholesale entrepreneurs looking for assistance. This helped me recognize that there was a significant demand for my services, so I formalized my firm, and Jenesis Consulting was born.”
Can you share your top 5 things to consider when it comes to bringing your product to market?
“1. Does your product or service provide a unique perspective or solution to a problem? It is essential to understand what sets your product apart and what new perspective it's adding to the conversation.
2. Is your product priced competitively? If it's more expensive, what additional value does your product provide?
3. Is your packaging visually appealing, and does it reflect your branding? Your packaging is your calling card. It needs to enunciate your brand voice clearly.
4. Do you have a clear understanding of your customers? If you don't, you won't know how to solve their problems effectively or how to market to them.
5. How will you distribute and market your product? Direct to consumer? Wholesale? Both? Each avenue has its challenges and benefits for getting your product in front of customers.”Photo: Mariah Gale
Who is an ideal candidate for Jenesis Consulting?
“Retail or wholesale entrepreneurs who need assistance navigating the business and executing the functions necessary for success. I work fractionally so that companies can hire me by project or hourly without maintaining the salary of a full-time executive employee. One thing distinguishing me from other consultants is that I do the work and show you how it's done. Most consultants will only tell you what you need to do but don't necessarily know how to do it themselves. I also have a wide range of industry contacts, so if something falls outside of my expertise, I usually have a professional to recommend.”
#GETSOCIAL + In Touch With Jennifer: Website: goodrobeandco.com Email: jennifer@goodrobeadnco.com Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter & Youtube: @goodrobeandco
We are so excited to feature Marketing & Journalist Expert, Adriana Lacy.
Adriana has such an inspiring and transformative marketing and journalist background in the digital space. She is paving the way for young Entrepreneurs in the space as a Forbes 30 under 30 honoree.
“I was drawn to marketing and journalism by the power of storytelling and its ability to influence people. The nature of these fields, where creativity meets strategy, really appealed to me. I saw an opportunity to help businesses communicate their value effectively while also satisfying my curiosity about various industries and consumer behavior.”
What is your favorite part about Marketing?
“My favorite part of marketing is the constant evolution of the field I love how it blends creativity with datadriven decisions. It's exciting to craft compelling narratives that resonate with audiences while using analytics to measure and optimize our efforts The challenge of staying ahead in a rapidly changing digital landscape keeps me on my toes and constantly learning”
What inspired you to become an adjunct professor and where have you taught/still teaching?
“Becoming an adjunct professor was a natural extension of my passion for the industry I wanted to give back and share my real-world experiences with the next generation of marketers Currently, I'm teaching a social media and audience engagement course at Brandeis University I've also taught classes on sports journalism and engaging diverse communities at places including the University of Southern California, Loyola Marymount and Boston University. It's incredibly rewarding to see students grasp complex concepts and apply them to practical scenarios.”
Congrats on your amazing honoree for Forbes 30 under 30. What is a goal you have for yourself in the marketing world?
"Thank you! Being recognized in Forbes 30 Under 30 was truly an honor Looking ahead, my goal is to pioneer more sustainable and ethical marketing practices in the industry I want to lead campaigns that not only drive business growth but also create positive social impact Additionally, I'm aiming to expand our agency's AI and machine learning capabilities to offer even more innovative solutions to our clients”
Can you share 3 tips for small businesses on how they can incorporate AI into their businesses?
"Implement AI-powered chatbots for customer service to improve response times and availability. Use AI tools for data analysis to gain deeper insights into customer behavior and market trends. Leverage AI for personalized content creation and email marketing to enhance engagement and conversion rates.”
Quick wins are just that - quick and fleeting. When it comes to PR, slow and steady wins the race. So what does it take to build a solid public relations campaign?
You need a strategy, patience, and sometimes a thick skin. Showing up consistently is a huge part of PR success. Having a great product or service will only get you so far if no one has ever heard of you. The point is to develop asolid reputation over time, by being visible on a number of media outlets.
Timing is everything
You may have the most unbelievable service or offer, but if it doesn’t complement trends in the media, although you see it as relevant someone else may not. It’s about being in the right place, at the right time, and having the right connection. And then sometimes things can fall perfectly in to place. This is business, it’s not personal. When a connection or opportunity doesn’t work out, you have to cross it off the list and move on.
Know your audience
Your PR audience, that is. Here’s the thingyou are not doing them a favor by giving them an interview, appearing on TV, or letting them write an article about you. Good PR is earned, and it’s a process to reap the rewards. So do your research. Know something about your contact - what they do, what are they passionate about communicating for people.
When you meet people who are providing these opportunities, read the room. Listen to conversations, notice the energy, and let your grace and gratitude for the opportunity shine through. This is where you do your researchpay attention to details and genuinely care about what features these professionals are passionate about.
Before anyone provides a solid PR opportunity to you, they need to see that you are credible. They will do their research before they put their name behind you. Things like reviews, client case studies, testimonials, and other PR appearances help to establish your credibility.
Running your own PR is like juggling six balls while riding a unicycle in a crowd. It can be stressful and overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re doing. There’s a necessary framework that needs to be followed if you want to be seen and get known for who you are and what you do best. If you really want to have successful, long term PR, hiring a PR consultant can help you get you there.
There are ups and downs in the world of PR. You need to get comfortable with hearing the word no, or it’s not a good time, or it’s just not what we’re looking for. But a strategic PR campaign will create long-term benefits like relationships with the right people and the opportunity to get featured multiple times by the same source.
When a PR appearance doesn’t come through, in a sense they are doing you a favor - they are telling you that you’re not the right or best fit for them at that time. That means there’s a better fit for you somewhere else and they are off the list this time around
Speaking of the next time, someone who turns you down today, may be excited to work with you in six months. So it’s important to accept those no’s professionally. You are ready for PR when you know your worth and can handle being judged.
There are no overnight successes. Sometimes it may look that way, but only because you didn’t see the work that was done behind the scenes to get there. The game of “tag, you’re it" on the phone or via email can go on for what seems like forever.
Having the mindset that each placement, no matter how small, is one step in the right direction for you. It’s all about continually showing up.
There are no instant or direct payouts from doing PR. PR will hopefully result in new opportunities to make money doing what you do. But PR is about publicly building your personal brand - putting yourself out there, connecting with more people, and finding the right ones that you can collaborate with.
At Next on Scene, we mentor and coach our clients to show up as their best selves without feeling overwhelmed like a deer in the headlights. We are happy to tell you more about our process and how we can help build your brand through public relations.
If you found this article, I can't wait to connect with you and be your right hand when it comes to Public Relations: jackie@nextonscene.com
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