Szputnyik Shipping Company – Social Error Book

Page 11



Staff members




Longest serving member of the team: Christiane Knopf (the stage manager for opera, since 1972) Heribert Scholtes (the head of the building services, since 1978) Size of the main stage

~300 sqm Number of visitors last year:


varies slightly (musical productions have less capacity due to the Number of seats space the orchestra takes up), the probably non-realistic maximum is: 1493 adding up all three stages Number of languages spoken by team members: German, Swiss-German, Spanish (South-America and Spain), English (American, Canadian and British, no Irish!), French (Swiss, African and French), Italian, Russian (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan), Arabic, Polish, Romanian, Farsi, Croatian, Greek, Hungarian, Korean, Hebrew, Japanese, Finnish, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Serbian, Turkish, Bulgarian, Afrikaans


Best selling product of the theater’s buffet: at the buffet during intervals it’s apparently champagne and pretzels (the soft southern-German version is rather common here, too), at the canteen it’s coffee. Best selling product of the theater’s shop: we don’t have one, but the soundtrack-CDs of the children’s play at Christmas time sell extremely well at the box-office. Number of bottles of wine consumed by the staff at the last premier party: We’ve been told it’s around 30, but one will have to take into account that we are rather a beer-consuming nation. Favourite food of artistic director Matthias Fontheim: he couldn’t really decide: either anything Italian (Spaghetti bolognese, probably) or his childhood favourite Rouladen with Spätzle The theaters most popular play recently is... We find it rather hard to answer. The play with the longest (almost sold-out) run is surely “Andorra” by Max Frisch, visitorwise it will always be the Christmas-time fairy-tale which usually plays up to 40 shows in the big house and is inevitably always sold out.

Names the members of the team gave to their dogs: Sémoule, Prinz, Anton, Comet, Nica



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