President's Report 2019-2020

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In its Vision 2029, GMC will be a nationally recognized leader providing a character-based higher education, improving students’ personal well-being, and giving hope for a brighter future. The vision is achieved by being accessible to any student desiring a character-based college-level education, being the best two-year college in the state of Georgia and among the top five in the nation, being nationally recognized as a “best value” college, being recognized as a military friendly school, being nationally recognized in the top 10 fastest growing community colleges, being nationally recognized as a leader in the innovation and delivery of individual learning support services, being nationally recognized as a leader in the innovation of programs, and by increasing scholarship endowments to make education affordable.

George Hogan Sr. Chairman, GMC Board of Trustees

Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell IV, USA (Ret.) President

Mark A. Strom Senior Vice President for Institutional Development Executive Director of The GMC Foundation

Jeannie Zipperer, J.D. Director of Staff

Sally Thrower Associate Vice President for Development

Jay Bentley Director of Communications

Jobie Shields Public Affairs Coordinator

Ravonda Bargeron Graphic Designer

Beverly Harvey Publications Specialist

Janeen Garpow Director of Development Communications

Dylan Stephens Contributing Photographer

GEORGIA MILITARY COLLEGE 201 East Greene Street Milledgeville, GA 31061 (478) 387-0230 |

The images and information contained herein are the property of Georgia Military College. Unauthorized use of this material for commercial or other purposes that are inconsistent with the goals and policies of Georgia Military College is prohibited.

Georgia Military College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate and bachelor of applied science degrees.



The true character of a person or an institution shines through at a moment’s notice during challenging times. No thought has to be given to doing the right thing. Character comes naturally. It’s the hallmark of a true leader. Challenging times also present a chance to reflect on what is most important and how to move forward. Our GMC Family has been a beacon of light during the COVID-19 storm in 2020. Drawing upon our core values of “Duty, Honor, Country,” the GMC Prep School, Junior College, and our Corps of Cadets faculty and staff turned challenges into opportunities for our students and cadets. They embodied our motto of “Character Above All” to keep the education of students and the health of everyone as top priorities during the pandemic. Our students and cadets rose to the occasion as well, with many of them continuing to be servant-leaders in their communities. The public launch of Be The One: The Campaign for Georgia Military College in the fall of 2020 comes at an ideal and opportune time for us. It is an unprecedented campaign – the largest in the history of our institution – coming on the heels of an unprecedented year. Be The One builds on the support of our generous donors who have contributed more than $11.4 million since 2017. The goal is to raise over $3.5 million more by 2024 for a total of $15 million. Contributions to Be The One will go to support our students and cadets in the Prep School, Junior College, and Corps of Cadets through scholarships, visual arts, performing arts, athletics, exceptional curriculums, and stateof-the-art facilities. The Campaign focuses on four student-centric key areas: to give hope, provide opportunity, instill excellence, and develop leadership. Investing in our students and cadets now helps to ensure we can continue to endure trying times without losing sight of our mission to produce educated citizens and contributing members of society. It helps to provide the means to build a solid future upon our solid foundation based on those three core values we have traditionally held for 141 years, “Duty — Honor — Country.”

We are excited to announce the public launch of Be The One: The Campaign for Georgia Military College a $15 million comprehensive fundraising campaign. It is our honor to serve as co-chairs of the largest campaign in the history of our school. During the quiet phase, our donors have contributed $11,480,742. This is an amazing display of support and growth by our GMC community to ensure a strong future for the institution. Our goal is to raise an additional $3,519,258 through gifts, pledges, and special initiatives, by the year 2024. Be The One: The Campaign for Georgia Military College will impact GMC in a way that gives our current and future students more tools to succeed in our Preparatory School, our Corps of Cadets, and all of our college campuses across the state of Georgia. Since July 1, 2017 the total value of our endowment has grown from $15,661,710 to $20,592,128 through June 30, 2020. We believe that your support will be a tribute to the positive impact GMC has made to many people’s lives. Most importantly, it is a testament to the belief that affordable, accessible, quality education is a critical element of thriving communities. Through publicly launching this campaign, we look forward to inspiring an even greater movement of generosity. We ask you to Be The One to join us!

Ms. Barb Rion

COL Tom Torrance

Chair, GMC Foundation Development Committee Co-Chair, Campaign Steering Committee

President, GMC Alumni Association Co-Chair, Campaign Steering Committee

Over the past two years, we have asked the GMC family to share what Georgia Military College means to them through our Annual Fund, “One Word. One Gift.” The words they shared captured the essence of GMC and have inspired us to dream about the greater impact this campaign can have on thousands of Preparatory and College students across the state and nation.



Be The One to join our movement of generosity by

giving hope, providing opportunity, instilling excellence, and

developing leadership for the next generation.

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BE THE ONE TO GIVE HOPE THROUGH STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS Hope begins here at Georgia Military College. We believe in equipping and enabling students with tools for success, and for some that requires scholarships. GMC offers scholarship assistance for our Preparatory and College students, as well as our Corps of Cadets to build hope for a brighter future. During 2019-2020, our Foundation awarded

over $199,982 endowed and $174,125 annual scholarships to over 550 of students in need. It is our hope to help even more students receive the gift of a GMC education. Your support of an academic scholarship opens the door to deserving students who have the drive, but not the financial resources, to reach for their educational dreams.

“GMC has helped me with my behavior and grades. I am learning the importance of treating people kindly, motivating people, and being helpful. I am working hard to get good grades so I can get into a good college, get a job, and have a nice life. GMC has improved me in everything that helps right now and gives me hope for the future.”

— A.P.



BE THE ONE TO PROVIDE OPPORTUNITY THROUGH STUDENT ENRICHMENT, ATHLETICS, AND THE FINE ARTS Here is where opportunity is provided. We believe in the importance of providing unique opportunities for students to discover their talents and explore their interests. Many vital programs are dependent on the support of donors like you who realize the value of developing well-rounded students. Georgia Military College Preparatory School proudly offers nearly 40 opportunities for students to develop their passions. GMC Prep School continues to develop a robust fine arts program which includes performing and visual arts for elementary,

middle, and high school students. More than 25 opportunities for enrichment, such as the Men’s Cadet Glee Club and Ethics Bowl offer ways for college students to hone interests and fuel their passions. Georgia Military College also offers nine intercollegiate athletic programs, the most recent being women’s golf. Our donors generously funded specific opportunities for student enrichment, athletics, and the fine arts in the amount of $210,501 during the 2019-2020 school year.

“I have embraced every opportunity GMC has provided to me, and I am a better student, leader, and athlete because of it. From the classroom, to the Raiders’ course, to the basketball court, the discipline, teamwork, and skills I have learned at GMC will ensure my future success.”


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BE THE ONE TO INSTILL EXCELLENCE IN EVERY STUDENT, ON EVERY CAMPUS Here is where excellence is instilled. Since 1879, GMC has embraced a tradition of excellence, infusing the virtues of “duty, honor, country” and “character above all” into everything we do. We believe our students deserve devoted faculty, enriching learning experiences, and state-of-theart facilities. To this end, facility enhancements were prioritized this year for our elementary school and the Fayetteville campus. The college added four new degree programs: AAS in Allied Health,

AAS in Technical Studies, BAS in Healthcare Management, and BAS in Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Above all, we wish to provide an excellent educational experience as well as opportunities to equip each of our students with the tools for success. By partnering with Georgia Military College with your financial support, you play an active role in furthering excellence within our curriculum and throughout our facilities.

“Excellence is something we strive for at GMC. It’s embedded in everything we do. Excellence is an expectation and something that is truly visible on our beautiful campus.”




BE THE ONE TO DEVELOP LEADERSHIP FOR THE NEXT GENERATION Here is where leadership is developed. GMC develops students into effective servant leaders and engaged citizens. Programs such as JROTC, SROTC, and Ethics Across the Curriculum allow our students to cultivate leadership skills which are crucial to their future. We believe the virtues of character, integrity, and civility will serve as guiding principles for the rest of our students’ lives. The GMC Prep School JROTC and the Corps of Cadets SROTC programs provide daily leadership opportunities through positions of increasing responsibility and rank structure designed to

maximize leadership development in every student. GMC believes a truly educated person shows compassion and respect for others, and recognizes a corporate responsibility to improve the human condition. Our curriculum has an emphasis on community service; hundreds of students have been honored with the Distinguished Order of the Servant Leader Award for completing 100 hours of community service within one year. With your leadership gift, we will be able to raise up the next generation of leaders for our communities, state and nation.

“Leadership is the art of mastering selfless service, putting the needs of others before yourself. Leaders help others to see the greatness within themselves and their unlimited potential. Leaders encourage others to embrace true confidence to let their light shine in the midst of darkness.”


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PLANNED GIVING impacts lives in a positive and lasting way.

Through planned giving, donors receive assistance in establishing gifts that will help Georgia Military College for generations to come. Planned gifts can be arranged in a number of ways, including wills, trusts, insurance and gifts of property. With proper planning, you can make wonderful gifts in support of the College while maintaining or even improving your financial status. It is actually possible to make gifts while increasing income for yourself and/or loved ones, providing for inheritances, and reducing or eliminating income, gift and estate taxes. Planned gifts are gift arrangements that have specific tax advantages and often include lifetime income to a beneficiary or beneficiaries named by the donor. Donor benefits could include income, estate and capital gains tax savings; retention of income or increased income; and the potential to make a larger gift to the GMC Foundation compared to making an outright gift or pledge while living.

Make your gift online today. For more information on planned giving, please contact Sally Thrower: or 478-387-4885 10


There are many ways to support. Gifts may be unrestricted in use, or you may specify that your gift be targeted to a particular program or purpose. However you choose to support GMC, you will be embarking on a partnership with an institution that, through development of both the intellect and the character of its students, impacts lives in positive and lasting ways. There are almost as many ways of giving as there are programs, projects and priorities of the College that need your support.

Endowed Gift Opportunities A gift for endowment demonstrated farsighted commitment to Georgia Military College. Endowments are permanent funds, maintained in perpetuity by the GMC Foundation, from which only a portion of the annual investment return is used for the purpose intended by the donor. The rest of the investment yield is returned to the principal. Thus, over the years, the fund can grow with the goal of keeping pace with inflation. Such endowments, which typically bear the name of the donor or donors, reflect your interests and serve as an enduring testament to your generosity. Additional gifts may be made to the fund to increase the principal and thereby increase the annual investment income. Endowments represent rewarding gift opportunities because they offer the donor the satisfaction of knowing that his or her gift will continue working for future generations.

The Basics of Establishing an Endowment • An endowed fund may be established with a contribution in the form of cash, appreciated securities or other charitable gifts such as a bequest.

Unrestricted When you do not restrict the use of your gift, you allow flexibility in meeting needs. These funds are managed prudently and applied where they will be most beneficial to meet a variety of current needs.

Programs & Services Gifts may be designated to any of the wide variety of programs and services offered by Georgia Military College. Perhaps there is a particular area, such as library enrichment, technology, athletics, or an academic department in which you have an interest. Such gifts will be applied in their entirety to the area of your designation.

• It may be established with either a single gift of $25,000 or a gift of at least $5,000 and a pledge of the remaining $20,000 over a period of up to five years. • The fund is invested by the GMC Foundation, which serves as a steward of the endowed funds. The Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are taxdeductible as allowed by law.

Purposes of Endowed Funds • An endowed gift offers the opportunity for donors to have their names, or the name of a loved one, linked to an area in which they have a special interest, creating a legacy for years to come. • A named endowment can provide an opportunity for an academic department or an athletic program to grow and excel. • A named endowment can provide a scholarship to aid deserving students year after year.

Endowment Reporting As a donor who has established an endowment, you will receive an annual report from the GMC Foundation on the financial status of the fund, including earnings and distributions.

Oak Leaf Society The Oak Leaf Society recognizes alumni and friends who have included the GMC Foundation in their estate plans. Their gifts for the College’s future are made through wills, trusts and charitable gift annuities, or by naming the GMC Foundation as the beneficiary of life insurance policies, retirement fund accounts, or other financial instruments. The generosity of these legacy donors ensures that the mission of Georgia Military College will continue to be fulfilled for years to come. Members of the Oak Leaf Society are invited to be special guests at the President’s Gala, hosted annually by the President of Georgia Military College.

Special Initiatives If you choose to, you may designate your financial assistance to any of several initiatives undertaken by the Foundation through partnering with the school’s leadership to identify special priorities for giving.

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PREPARATORY SCHOOL Elementary Programs Added Within a year of bringing back the third, fourth, and fifth grades, GMC Prep School introduced several new programs specifically for the youngest students in visual arts, athletics, and afterschool care.

Students who participate in the Prep School afterschool program are given a snack, and have opportunities to complete their homework and participate in various activities, such as art and games, as well as outdoor playtime.

Visual Arts

Dual Enrollment Record

At the start of the 2019-2020 school year, the Prep School visual arts program was expanded to include the three newly added elementary grades. Through the creation of art, students were also able to learn about other topics and to use their researching, reading, writing, and math skills.

A record number of GMC Prep School students participated in the Dual Enrollment Program during the 2019-2020 school year, taking college classes at the GMC-Milledgeville campus as a high school student to work toward also earning an associate degree. A total of 149 Prep School students – 81% of seniors, 70% of juniors, and 57% of sophomores – attended junior college classes in the 2019 Fall Term.

When remote learning began in March 2020 due to COVID-19, students were given an “art-to-go” bag filled with materials needed to complete several art projects at home. Toward the end of the school year, a website was created to exhibit a virtual art show of students’ work.

Junior Bulldogs The Junior Bulldogs program was established to provide Prep School students in elementary grades with team-based physical activities that teach them how to play a sport, as well as sportsmanship and ethics. The teams were enthusiastically supported by parents and the GMC Family. More than two-thirds of Prep School students in third, fourth, and fifth grades took part in the inaugural year of the Junior Bulldogs, participating in football, basketball, cross-country, and cheerleading. The new elementary grade-level athletics program kicked off in fall 2019.

Afterschool Program When in-seat classes were held during the 2019-2020 school year, Prep School students in third through fifth grades had the opportunity to participate in an afterschool program first introduced in February 2019. The afterschool program offers regular enrollment as well as a daily drop-in option, giving parents several childcare choices to fit their needs. An average of 35 students – almost one-fourth of elementary school enrollment – participated in the program.



Seven members of the Class of 2020 were able to graduate with their high school diplomas from GMC Prep School and receive an associate degree from GMC Junior College at the same time, thanks to the Dual Enrollment Program. Eighty percent – 43 out of 54 – members of the Class of 2020 participated in Dual Enrollment at some point from their sophomore to senior year, taking a combined total of 430 college classes and earning more than 21,450 credit hours.

Historic Preservation Award In April 2020, Georgia Military College received a 2020 Excellence in Rehabilitation Award from The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation in recognition of the College’s dedication to restoring Jenkins Hall to its former architectural glory. Excellence in Rehabilitation is awarded to projects that make modern use of a building through repairs, alterations, or additions while also preserving features – such as the solid heart pine classroom doors topped by classic transom windows at Jenkins Hall – that retain and showcase its historic value. GMC and its architect worked with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Historic Preservation Division to determine the proper steps needed to completely

restore Jenkins Hall. The historic structure returned to its original ten-classroom floor plan and exterior appearance just as it had when it first opened in 1927 as GMC Grammar School. Jenkins Hall now houses third, fourth, and fifth grades for GMC Prep School. It reopened in fall 2019 with 150 eager elementary students ready to fill the modernly outfitted, state-of-the-art classrooms. The basement of Jenkins Hall now serves as an IT Annex with offices and work areas for IT employees.

Giving Back Helping out others in the community is one way GMC Prep School students build character that will serve them well throughout their lives. Through community service and community projects students find ways to make a difference in peoples’ lives. In 2019, the Prep School Raiders team hosted a fundraiser for “Wreaths Across America,” raising more than $4,600 to purchase over 300 wreaths to be placed on veterans’ gravesites at the Georgia Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Milledgeville, Georgia. During their holiday school break in December, dozens of Prep School Raiders and their classmates took the time to volunteer on National Wreaths Across America Day to help respectfully place those hundreds of purchased wreaths on row after row of gravesites at the cemetery. Prep School students who volunteer to give their time and talents to serve others through community service for 100 or more hours within a calendar year receive the Distinguished Order of the Servant Leader Award medal and certificate. More than a dozen students in seventh through twelfth grades were recognized with the award in 2020, with each tallying a total number of community service time that ranged from 100 hours to 600 hours.


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STUDENTS ENROLLED largest student body in Prep School history (2019-20) ___________________



Dual Enrollment

% % 57% 81 70 juniors seniors sophomores ___________________

GHSA Area Literary Champions 9th consecutive year ___________________



accepted at



colleges & universities ___________________


AP Statistics & AP Calculus ___________________



in scholarship monies

not including HOPE or Zell Miller scholarships - Class of 2020 ___________________

National Ultimate Raider Third Place


GHSA Area One Act Champions


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JUNIOR COLLEGE Added Degree Programs Help Spur Enrollment Increase In 2019, GMC Junior College was ranked by The Chronicle of Higher Education as a Top 20 Fastest Growing Associate and Baccalaureate Associate College in the nation – and No. 1 in Georgia. Enrollment growth has been driven, in part, thanks to a concerted effort to expand degree programs, with two associate and one bachelor of applied science degrees added in the 2020-2021 academic year. The three newly introduced degree programs offered by GMC include: an Associate of Applied Science in Allied Health, an Associate of Applied Science in Technical Studies, and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Healthcare Management. In addition, a Bachelor of Applied Science in Homeland Security and Emergency Management degree program is pending approval in 2021 from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, or SACSCOC, before becoming the fifth BAS degree offered at GMC. “Additional degree programs allow GMC students to continue to pursue associate-level degrees in relevant fields, as well as provide additional pathways for them to obtain their four-year degree through GMC’s Bachelor of Applied Science degree programs,” GMC Associate Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Derek Stone, said. The Associate of Applied Science in Allied Health degree provides GMC students who wish to take the next step in their higher education a direct route into the Bachelor of Applied Science in Healthcare Management degree program without the worry of losing credit hours or headache of having to repeat courses. This BAS program is also ideal for those who have completed a health-related applied science degree at a technical college and wish to pursue a four-year degree. The Associate of Applied Science in Technical Studies is geared toward students who have previous credits taken at a technical college or while serving in the military. It gives them the option to segue smoothly into one of the



Bachelor of Applied Science degree programs offered by GMC to also obtain a four-year degree. Students who graduate with an Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice at GMC can take advantage of the Bachelor of Applied Science in Homeland Security and Emergency Management after it is approved by SACSCOC to further their personal education and professional careers. The Bachelor of Applied Science degree option often attracts nontraditional students who are already working in their chosen career field and want to move into a supervisory or management position. The ease of transitioning from associate to bachelor’s degree and the flexibility of classes offered at GMC make obtaining a four-year degree a reality for more students. In turn, earning an advanced undergraduate degree for in-demand industries and career fields provides GMC graduates more opportunities for promotions and greater job security with current and future employers. “We continue to explore other degree programs that offer similar opportunities to AAS graduates in other career fields,” GMC Division Chair of Bachelor of Applied Science Degree Program, Dr. Tianna Marynell, said.

Education Bridge Program The Georgia Military College-Augusta University Bridge Program provides GMC Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education associate degree graduates with a direct pathway into the AU bachelor-level teacher education program. The intercollegiate partnership marks the 50th articulation agreement with a fouryear institution for GMC; but, it is the first specifically geared toward supporting education majors. As of the 2020-2021 academic year, any GMC Elementary Education or Middle Grades Education graduate who meets certain criteria is eligible for admission to the AU College of Education. The Bridge Program streamlines the transfer process for Elementary and Middle Grades Education graduates from GMC to the AU College of Education, where they enter as

juniors. It also allows them to transfer the maximum number of credit hours and avoid having to repeat classes. GMC students constitute one of the largest groups of applicants to the AU College of Education. Making the transfer process easier for GMC students now means increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in state school systems for the future. It also means greater educational and professional opportunities for GMC students.

Madison Campus Expansion The GMC-Madison campus has added a new facility – the GMC-Madison Pearl- Burney Annex – located a short distance from its main location in downtown Madison. The Annex adds six spacious classrooms for GMC students, with an option to add eight more in the future, if needed. The Annex is thanks to a partnership the GMC-Madison campus has with the Downtown Development Authority, city of Madison, and county school system officials. The newly restored facility doubles the classroom space available for GMC students. The GMC-Madison Pearl-Burney Annex opened for classes in the 2020 Fall 1 Term. It has been used to accommodate local high school students who participate in the GMC Dual Enrollment Program, which averages 100 students a year at GMC-Madison. The second term after the Annex opened, the number of dual enrollment courses offered there tripled from two to six. The GMC-Madison Pearl-Burney Annex is named after former all-Black schools located in the area, which includes the building where the Annex is housed. More recently, the historic structure served as the county middle school and still holds a special place in the community’s heart. “I am so glad that GMC will have a part in preserving the historic legacy of the PearlBurney Annex, and especially that the site will be used for educational purposes,” GMC-Madison Extension Center Director, Leigh Aldhizer, said. “This expansion is the perfect way to grow our campus.”



No. 1 in Georgia No. 14 in the Nation Top 25 Community Colleges in the U.S. 2020 ___________________


of BAS graduates in 2 years ___________________

Dual Enrollment


STUDENTS ENROLLED (2019-20) ___________________

39 States W 20 Nations represented (2019-20)


Veteran Friendly College 2020 ___________________


degrees awarded (2019-20)


Students reside in



out of counties in Georgia ___________________

No. 8 in the Nation Best Affordable Online Logistics, Materials and Supply Chain Management Bachelor’s Degree Programs


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CORPS OF CADETS Record Numbers of Female Cadets The GMC Junior College Corps of Cadets had a record number of female cadets report at the beginning of the Fall Term for the 2020-2021 academic year – both in terms of the overall number, as well as for its Service Academy Preparatory Program in particular. The increased number of female cadets choosing to enroll in one of the Corps of Cadets’ programs to start or to advance their military career reflects a trend seen across the Armed Forces. More options are now available for women in areas once only offered to men, such as in infantry, armor, and artillery. “From a military perspective, you’ve created a career path and different opportunities for females to explore that weren’t historically open to them,” GMC Corps of Cadets Commandant Steve Pitt said. In the past four years, the overall percentage of female cadets within all of the GMC Corps of Cadets programs combined has grown from 19% to 31%. The greatest concentration of female cadets is in the Service Academy Preparatory Program, where more than half – 58% – of the cadets are female. Among the reasons why the women chose GMC Corps of Cadets includes: the five-day physical training regimen; the opportunity to be a cadet-athlete; a recommendation made by a friend or family member who is a Corps alum; and the amount of time spent with them during the recruiting process. Madisen Campbell, an Air Force Academy scholar whose goal is to become a fighter pilot, chose the GMC Corps of Cadets to take advantage of its five-day PT program. With a 1430 SAT score, Campbell figures fitness was the reason she didn’t make the initial cut at the Air Force Academy. Out of the five military prep schools that serve the Air Force Academy, Campbell said, “GMC is the only one that does PT Monday through Friday.” She uses her free time to also exercise on weekends and



sometimes twice a day. “I knew that I would get challenged here for that,” Campbell said, “I knew that I would want to get my fitness level up.” Like Campbell, a number of the female cadets with the GMC Corps of Cadets have career goals that match the national trend of women choosing to go into areas of the military previously only open to men. They want to be among the female pioneers who break down those barriers. For Ashley Sanders, a member of the Early Commissioning Program, that also means she can now follow as an Army officer in the footsteps of her grandfather, a Vietnam War veteran who served in the U.S. Marine Corps in combat infantry. “I want to go the same career path that my grandfather went. So, I want to go into infantry. Infantry just opened up a few years ago,” Sanders explained. “I wanted to be one of those people who could prove that we [women] could do it.”

Highest Number of Scholar Appointments The GMC Corps of Cadets Service Academy Preparatory Program ended the 2019-2020 academic year with a record number of 42 out of 44 Scholars receiving an appointment from one or more of the five U.S. service academies, which included the first-ever Corps cadet to be accepted to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. The Corps of Cadets Service Academy Preparatory Program expanded in August 2019 and now serves as an affiliated prep school for four U.S. service academies – U.S. Air Force Academy. U.S. Coast Guard Academy, U.S. Military Academy, and U.S. Naval Academy. The Service Academy Preparatory Program prepares candidates in the academics, physical training, character development, and leadership skills needed for them to excel at any of the five U.S. service academies.

State Service Scholarship Milestone During the 2019-2020 academic year, the GMC Corps of Cadets reached a milestone, contracting the maximum number of 42 cadets in its State Service Scholarship Program by the end of the Spring 2020 Term. A record number of around 18 State Service cadets is projected to earn their commission with the Georgia National Guard in 2021. The State Service Scholarship Program offers a full scholarship to Georgia residents who attend classes on the GMCMilledgeville campus full time while also serving part time in the Georgia Air or Army National Guard. Cadets are selected based on academics and potential as a future leader serving in the Georgia National Guard.

First Corps U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Appointee 141st Corps of Cadets self-prep Zachary Steiner is the first-ever cadet with the GMC Corps of Cadets to receive an appointment to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. The midshipman was also chosen to be a starting kicker for the USMMA football team. The Kittanning, Pennsylvania, native originally enrolled at GMC in fall 2019 as a Coast Guard academy scholar, but switched to the USMMA after the academy’s head football coach reached out to him halfway through the 2019-2020 academic year. Steiner was a walk-on player for the GMC Junior College football team during the 2019 season, serving as backup kicker for the Bulldogs. He now plays NCAA Division III football for the USMMA. Steiner made the Dean’s List during both terms he attended the GMC-Milledgeville campus while completing the demanding Corps of Cadets Service Academy Preparation Program. He has chosen Maritime Logistics and Security as his major course of study at the USMMA.





VOLUNTEER HOURS of community service before pandemic hit (2019-2020) ___________________

Record number


ACADEMY SCHOLARS Fall 2020 ___________________



Academy Scholars RECEIVED APPOINTMENTS to respective academies ___________________

Record number of

Female Cadets Service Academy Preparatory Program



out of



Increase in community service volunteer hours over previous year ___________________



of cadets earned



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Mr. Ken Vance Vice Chair Ms. Doris Renfroe JC’77 Secretary/Treasurer Mr. Mike Cobb Honorable Mary Parham Copelan Reverend Tony Fraley LtGen William B. Caldwell IV, USA (Ret.), President of Georgia Military College Ex Officio Member ___________________________

Mr. Dudley Rowe Chairperson Mrs. Teri White Finance Chair Mrs. Barb Rion Development Chair Mr. David Grant HS’72, JC’74 Secretary/Treasurer

Ms. Hali Minter Staton HS’11 Secretary

Mr. Merritt Massey Rules and Nominations Chair

Mr. Craig Portwood Director of Alumni & Community Engagement

Mr. Mike Couch HS’71, JC’73 Real Property Chair Mr. Mark A. Strom Senior Vice President for Institutional Development

Ex Officio Member LtGen William B. Caldwell IV, USA (Ret.), President of Georgia Military College Ex Officio Member __________________________


COL Thomas G. Torrance, USA (Ret.) HS’74 President LTC Mike Perez, USA (Ret.) HS’73 Vice President

Executive Director of The GMC Foundation



Mr. Mark A. Strom Senior Vice President for Institutional Development Executive Director of The GMC Foundation Ex Officio Member LtGen William B. Caldwell IV, USA (Ret.), President of Georgia Military College Ex Officio Member ___________________________

PRESIDENT LtGen William B. Caldwell IV, USA (Ret.)


REGIONAL DIRECTORS MG David C. Coburn, USA (Ret.) Western Regional Director, Columbus Campus

Mr. Jeff Gray Vice President for Engineering Services

BG Scott Donahue, USA (Ret.)


Mrs. Jill Robbins

Atlanta Metro Regional Director, Fayetteville, Fairburn, and Stone Mountain Campuses

COL Jim Watkins, USA (Ret.)

Vice President for Institutional Research and Effectiveness

Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Mike Holmes, Ph.D. CAPT USN (Ret.) Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer; Dean of Faculty

Mr. Mark A. Strom Senior Vice President and Chief Institutional Development Officer Executive Director of The GMC Foundation

Mr. Jody Yearwood Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer/GMC Enrollment Management Officer

Vice President for Human Resources

COL Nelson Kraft, USA (Ret.)

Dr. Susan Issac

COL Pamela H. Grant

Lake Country Regional Director, Milledgeville, Madison Campuses, Corps of Cadets, and Junior College Athletics

Mr. Ted Ramsdell

Principal of Preparatory School

Mr. Rob Manchester Interim Junior College Athletic Director and Head Football Coach

COL Steven Pitt, USA (Ret.), Commandant of Cadets

Central Regional Director, Warner Robins, Dublin and Eastman Campuses

Ms. Shana Reid Eastern Regional Director, Augusta and Sandersville Campuses

Ms. Billie Washburn

LTC Jerry Landrum

Southern Regional Director, Valdosta Campus

Professor of Military Science, U.S. Army ___________________________


Ms. Leigh Aldhizer Extension Center Director, Madison Campus

Executive Director of the Global Online College

Ms. Janis Anderson Extension Center Director, Stone Mountain Campus

Dr. Jeannie Zipperer Director of Staff/Dean of Students

Ms. Terri C. Davis Extension Center Director, Sandersville Campus


Ms. Laura Chambley-Shadrick Extension Center Director, Zebulon Campus

Ms. Priscilla Smith Extension Center Director, Dublin Campus

Mr. Erik J. Walton Extension Center Director, Eastman Campus

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Randall “Randy” New was first introduced to Georgia Military College six decades ago as a wide-eyed first-grader who greatly admired the Prep School uniformed cadets he saw during lunchtime in the school cafeteria. As a ninth-grader, New became one of those charactercentered GMC Prep School cadets who carried themselves with dignity and wore a crisp ironed uniform featuring finely polished brass. It was at GMC Prep School that New learned how to be a leader – and learned he loved being a leader. He continued his studies and leadership training as a member of the GMC Junior College Corps of Cadets, where he was commissioned as an Army second lieutenant. The well-honed leadership skills he gained at GMC came in handy during the six years New served as an officer in the U.S. Army. Afterward, he returned to his hometown of Milledgeville to become co-owner of a small business owned by his in-laws. He continues to live by the values and the ethics instilled in him during his years at GMC. New also returned to his beloved high school and college alma mater in Milledgeville, where he first became a member of The GMC Foundation, before being elected to serve on the GMC Board of Trustees in 1992. Six years later, New took on a new



leadership role at GMC by becoming chairman of the Board, a position he held for 22 years before stepping down in 2020. During his years as Board chairman, New made a significant impact on his GMC alma maters. Along with other members of the Board, he helped to guide expansion and renovations of the Prep School and Junior College. He led the way for more than $100 million in major facilities projects. Major facilities projects completed under New’s tenure as chairman include the Old Capitol Building restoration (2000), Boylan Hall (2005), Baugh Barracks (2006), Usery Hall (2010), Kidd Center (2014), Center for Ethics and Servant Leadership (2017), as well as the Prep School Annex and Jenkins Hall (2019). In addition, as Board chairman, New oversaw approval for the introduction of the Junior College Bachelor of Applied Science degrees program, as well as the addition of seven GMC campuses, which includes the Global Online College. Following his retirement from the GMC Board of Trustees, New has said he will continue to serve and to lead in other ways to support GMC. Ask New what keeps him active and engaged with his beloved alma mater, it was at GMC Prep School where he met his wife, Cynthia, 50 years ago, and he’ll quickly and simply reply, “The love of the school.”

CHANGE OF COMMAND IN 2020 GEORGE HOGAN SR. Board of Trustees Chairman

Local businessman and longtime Georgia Military College Board of Trustees Vice Chairman, George Hogan Sr., was elected as Board chairman in July 2020, becoming the first African American to hold the position. Hogan replaces Randy New, who stepped down as Board chairman after 22 years and has been appointed as a Trustee Emeritus for life. Ken Vance has been elected by the Board to serve as vice chairman. Hogan tapped Vance to fill Hogan’s former position as chairman of the Board Finance Committee. As Board vice chairman, Hogan also served on the Scholarship Committee and plans to remain active in that area of the Board. His main focus as chairman will be to maintain student enrollment numbers for the GMC Prep School, Junior College, and Global Online College. Hogan will continue to represent District 5. The Milledgeville native and Vietnam War veteran owns and operates George Hogan & Sons Logging and Tree Service. In addition to GMC, Hogan has been an active member

of a number of local civic and nonprofit organizations for a number of years, including the NAACP, 100 Black Men, and American Legion Post 523, where he is a lifetime member. Hogan is also president of the Baldwin Southern Christian Leadership Conference and a founding board member of the Habitat for Humanity Milledgeville/Baldwin County. He has served on other governing bodies in the community, including years spent as a Lockerly Arboretum Trustee and as a member of the Middle Georgia Regional Commission Council. As Board chairman, Hogan will continue to work with New together in their new positions. “We always work well together,” Hogan said referring to New. “His knowledge of what has been going on at GMC is invaluable. He has been here for so many years; we don’t want to lose that.”

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JUNE 30, 2020


ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 18,167,548.45 Accounts Receivable, Net Federal Financial Assistance 47,127.08 Other 6,437,093.03 Prepaid Items 5,447.62 Inventories 2,033,830.56

Total Current Assets 26,691,046.74 Noncurrent Assets Capital Assets Land & Land Improvements 681,165.84 Construction In Progress 607,887.05 Bldg & Bldg Improvements 111,415,909.54 Improvements Other Than Bldg 4,657,963.31 Equipment 12,711,976.46 Library Collections 4,749,635.67 Accumulated Depreciation Bldg & Bldg Improvements -30,867,890.56 Improvements Other Than Bldg -3,178,064.52 Equipment -6,443,667.91 Library Collections -3,608,889.94

Total Noncurrent Assets


Total Assets 117,417,071.68 Deferred Outflows of Resources Deferred Loss on Defined Benefit Pension Plan 12,774,287.26 Deferred Loss- Other Post Employment Benefits 7,411,871.00 Total Deferred Outflows of Resources 20,186,158.26

LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Salaries Payable 996,196.83 Accounts Payable 2,185,133.68 Deferred Revenue 3,876,581.20 Compensated Absences 702,580.34 Notes Payable 217,895.64 Total Current Liabilities 7,978,387.69 Noncurrent Liabilities Net Pension Liability 39,961,136.00 Other Post Employment Benefits Liability 27,609,149.00 Notes Payable 1,924,745.37 Total Noncurrent Liabilities


Total Liabilities 77,473,418.06 Deferred Inflows of Resources Deferred Gain on Defined Benefit Pension Plan 1,410,917.00 Deferred Gain- Other Post Employment Benefits 6,913,462.00

Total Deferred Inflows from Resources



Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt 88,583,383.93 Unrestricted -36,777,951.05 Total Net Position




51,805,432.88 Complete audit reports are available at


JUNE 30, 2020



Student Tuition and Fees

$ 60,081,978.47

Less: Sponsored Scholarships

-31,136,981.36 Grants and Contracts Federal 7,471,727.63 State 25,171,290.87 Nongovernmental 396,593.08 Auxiliary Enterprises Housing 596,341.84 Bookstore 4,728,016.74 Food Service 1,523,338.71 Athletics 70,460.74 Other 7,805.25 Other Operating Revenues 900,954.83 Total Operating Revenues 69,811,526.80


Salaries Faculty 16,697,655.33 Staff 18,182,856.11 Employee Benefits- (Pension Expense) 14,617,180.74 Other Post Employment Benefit Expense 1,127,396.00 Travel 201,954.48 Scholarships and Fellowships 7,365,983.05 Utilities 2,126,242.25 Supplies and Other Services 22,278,937.26 Depreciation 4,216,537.47 Total Operating Expenses 86,814,742.69 Operating Income (Loss) -17,003,215.89


Grants and Contracts Federal 15,011,654.70 Gifts 310,333.09 Interest and Other Investment income 613,632.65 Interest Expense (Capital Assets) -103,867.81 Other Nonoperating Revenues 4,003,286.26 Other Nonoperating Expenses -2,595,625.47 Net Nonoperating Revenues 17,239,413.42 Income Before Other Revenues, Expenses, Gains, or Loss 236,197.53


Capital Grants and Gifts 0.00

Total Capital Contributions


Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets 15,048,016.45

Net Assets - Beginning of Year 36,757,416.43 Net Assets - End of Year $ 51,805,432.88

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The Georgia Military College Foundation Inc. exists to support Georgia Military College as it strives to meet its mission of producing educated citizens and contributing members of society. Through the generosity of our alumni and friends, the Foundation supports the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of GMC students, ensuring that they have every opportunity to succeed in life. Within these halls, EVERY student on EVERY campus has the opportunity to develop their intellect in an environment that also elevates their character. This focus on character education is the essence of GMC. During these unprecedented times, I am pleased to report that the Foundation remains financially sound and is leaning forward to support this vital mission of educating men and women of character. Our most recent fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, saw continued growth in operating revenue and disbursements to the College, and a year-over-year increase in overall net assets. Even with the uncertainty our nation has been facing, 4,633 gifts were received totaling $1,169,210. Our total net assets increased by 2.9% to $29,991,414, even with the market disruptions due to the pandemic. Because of your generosity, we were able to disperse $585,000 to help our students with scholarships. I could not be more proud of the Administration, faculty and staff of GMC, who through the biggest disruption in my professional career, found a pathway forward to keeping the doors open, and the classes operating safely. They are to be commended. I am equally proud of the Foundation. As we began to see the unique and special needs arising from the pandemic, we created the COVID-19 Humanitarian Crisis Assistance Fund, and have dispersed $154,090 from thus far to students whose families were impacted by the crisis. This has all been made possible through your investment in this institution. It is an investment in hope, opportunity, excellence, and leadership. It is an investment in an education grounded in the character and the values of Duty, Honor, and Country. When you invest in GMC, you are investing in our future. Thank you for your interest in The Georgia Military College Foundation, and for your continuing commitment to GMC.


Honor Roll 2019-2020

ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS and FUNDS The Georgia Military College Foundation gratefully acknowledges the generosity of donors to the following funds that are either building toward endowment or fully endowed, with individual market values of $25,000 to more than $1.5 million each. An endowed fund represents a “perpetual gift.” Income from the invested fund is used to fulfill the intended purpose, and any income in excess of the award is returned to the principal to grow the fund. An investment of $25,000 will establish an endowed fund and may be completed over a five-year period.

SCHOLARSHIPS 140 Corps of Cadets Endowed Scholarship Abe & Celia Goldstein Memorial Scholarship Fund Academic Endowed Scholarship Alan B. Sibley Library Chair Allen and Martha Shealy Scholarship Fund Alterra Networks Scholarship Dublin Campus Alumni Endowed Scholarship Athletic Scholarship Fund Bailey Watkins Scholarship Fund Bert and Cathy Williams Athletic Scholarship Bettie Zachary Farr Scholarship BG Curt Alan Rauhut Scholarship Fund BG Rock Donahue Veteran and Family Service Scholarship Bill and Ruth Hartman Athletic Education Fund Bug House Prosperi Scholarship Bug House Prosperi JC Athletic Scholarship Build One Another Up Endowment Butts Cordell Education Fund Charles B. Hodges, Jr. Library Book Fund Charles W. and Virginia B. Ennis Fund Charles Whitfield Scholarship Charlotte M. and Albert F. Gandy Scholarship Fund Class of 2014 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2015 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2016 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2017 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2018 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2019 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2020 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2021 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2022 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2023 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2024 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2025 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2026 Endowed Scholarhsip Class of 2027 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2028 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2029 Endowed Scholarship Class of 2032 Endowed Scholarship COL David Snodgrass Endowment Columbus Campus COL William M. Kemp Scholarship Endowment College Cadet Endowed Scholarhsip Cpl. Victor Mark Prevatt, U.S.M.C. Endowment CPT Ibrahim Tantawi Scholarship CPT Jeremy Haynes Scholarship



Custis N. Proctor Memorial Scholarship Dr. George Echols Endowed Scholarship E. J. Grassmann Scientific Endowment Felix D. Powell Memorial Endowment Frank C. and Dorothy K. Davis Endowed Scholarship Friends of GMC Scholarship Valdosta Campus Georgia Power Scholarship Fund GMC Scholarship Endowment GMC ‘73 Endowed Scholarship GMC ‘96 Endowed Scholarship GMC Albany Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Augusta Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Columbus Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Dublin Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Eastman Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Fairburn Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Fayetteville Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Madison Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Milledgeville Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Online Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Sandersville Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Stone Mountain Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Valdosta Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Warner Robins Campus Endowed Scholarship GMC Zebulon Campus Endowed Scholarship Harold and Brenda Mason Endowed Golf Fund Helen Moore Memorial Scholarship High School Class of 53 Endowment Honorable W. J. “Bill” Usery Legacy Endowment Howard H. “Bo” Callaway Scholarship Fund Hyrum W. Smith Endowment Inez L. Hawkins Family Scholarship Jacob & Maxine Goldstein Endowed Scholarship Fund John A. and Louise F. Pursley, Jr. Scholarship John A. Sibley Scholarship John and Gene Williamson Endowed Scholarship John Bulow Campbell Scholarship John Stephen Robertson Scholarship Fund John Stephen Robertson School Fund John Thomas “Sonny” King Memorial Scholarship Junior College Golf Team (Women) Junior College Performing Arts Endowment Junior College Women’s Athletic Scholarship Fund L. N. “Tommy” Thompson Endowed Scholarship Larry Allen Prep Endowment Larry J. Wheat Football Scholarship Endowment Lew Cordell Endowed Scholarship

Lockstep Technology Scholarship (Online) Lonnie E. Martin Scholarship LTG William B. Caldwell, III Scholarship Major Herschel Walden Endowed Scholarship Michael Moses Endowed Scholarship Michael Stokely Endowed Scholarship Military Endowed Scholarship Milledgeville Faculty and Staff Memorial Endowed Scholarship Moore Family Fund for Faculty Enrichment Nettie Whitaker Cone Sibley Library Fund Old Capitol Guard Drill Team Commander’s Scholarship Olin B. King Endowed Scholarship Opera Cum Fidelitate Endowed Scholarship Ophelia Moore Bell Endowed Scholarship Paul Endowed Scholarship Peter J. Boylan Endowment for Ethics Prep Drill Team & Color Guard Endowed Fund Prep Football Endowed Fund Prep Middle School Wrestling Fund Prep Raider Endowed Fund Prep Rifle Team Endowed Fund Prep School Performing Arts Endowment President’s Endowment for Excellence President’s Endowment for Prep School Robert Nunn Endowed Scholarship Fund Ruark Athletic Endowment Ruth Sims Page/Alma Sims Adams Athletic Scholarship Science Chair Second Battalion Prep School Fund Senator Culver and Mrs. Tillie Kidd Scholarship Sikes Brothers Endowed Scholarship State Farm Scholarship for the Milledgeville Campus Strom/Tetrick Endowment for GMC Prep Scholarship Torrance Family Endowed Scholarship Unrestricted Endowment Vietnam Veterans Endowment W. J. Usery, Jr. Award Fund W. J. Usery, Jr. Scholarship Fund Walter Troutman Academic Endowed Scholarship Walter Troutman Football Endowed Scholarship William E. Robinson, IV Memorial Scholarship MGen William P. Acker Endowment William R. “Bill” Craig Scholarship Women’s Collegiate Basketball Endowment Wright Rowe Band Endowment Bold indicates new endowments for 2019-20 fiscal year. Italics indicates endowments that have not reached $25,000.

LIFETIME COMMITMENT Lifetime Giving Societies honor an exceptional group of donors who have earned a place of distinction through their commitment to Georgia Military College’s vital need for private support. It is the singular goal of lifetime giving societies to recognize in a meaningful way these donors whose generosity advances the College’s mission. The totals include all gifts received by The GMC Foundation, including documented, irrevocable planned gifts.


Dr. and Mrs. George Coletti Dr.* and Mrs. George L. Echols Dr.* and Mrs. John H. Ferguson Georgia Power Foundation Inc. E.J. Grassmann Trust Mr. William K. Holmes Olin B. King Foundation Dr. Kenneth Marks and Mr. Steven Rogers Harold and Nancy Mason Dr. Maidana K. Nunn The Honorable* and Mrs. Powell A. Moore Mr. Parnell Ruark* Mr.* and Mrs. Alan B. Sibley Mr.* and Mrs. Winston H. Sibley Mr. and Mrs. David Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stern Thiele Kaolin Company Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thompson Mr. and Mrs. John P. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wheat Mr. and Mrs. John T. Williamson*

$1,000,000 and above Dr.* and Mrs. James E. Baugh The Honorable E. Culver Kidd III* The Robert W. Woodruff Foundation Inc. The Estate of Mr. Walter C. Troutman The Honorable and Mrs. W. J. Usery Jr.* The Usery Foundation

GOLD $250,000 and above Anonymous The Estate of Mr. Lew Cordell Frances Wood Wilson Foundation Inc. Lettie Pate Evans Foundation NewDay USA Foundation U.S. Department of Education The Estate of Mr. Goodloe H. Yancey III



$50,000 and above

$100,000 and above Anonymous LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Caldwell IV The Estate of Maxa O. Carr Century Bank and Trust

Athene Annuity and Life Company Dr. Wilbur Baugh* MG and Mrs. Peter J. Boylan, USA (Ret.) Chick-Fil-A Foundation Mr. Lee Echols and Mrs. Margaret Anthony

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fraser Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Fulghum Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Gandy* GMC PREP Bulldog Club Mrs. Maxine Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Goldstein* Mrs. Ellen Goodrich Imerys LTC and Mrs. James T. Kjer, USA (Ret.) Milliken & Company COL* and Mrs. Eugene A. Moore, USAF (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. William D. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Moss National Christian Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mike Prosperi Mr.* and Mrs. John A. Pursley Jr. Dr. John S. Robertson* Ms. Dorothy Robertson* Dudley and Jenny Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seymour COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes Mr. Edward L. Sibilsky Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stembridge Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Strom SunTrust Bank, Middle GA, N.A. Mrs. Betty Thompson* Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Thompson Russ and Anne Walden * deceased

You have not lived today

UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING for someone who can never repay you. — John Bunyan

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HONOR ROLL of DONORS Georgia Military College gratefully honors the generous support of alumni, friends, parents, faculty, and staff members, and corporate and foundation partners who made gifts to The GMC Foundation in fiscal year 2019-2020, from July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020. Their philanthropic commitment helps sustain GMC’s position among the premier two-year colleges in the nation.

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Membership in the President’s Circle is extended to those who make a gift of $1,500 or more annually to The GMC Foundation. The President’s Circle is comprised of an exceptional group of donors who have earned a place of distinction through their commitment to the school’s vital need


Mrs. Pauline Echols Mr. Lee Echols and Mrs. Margaret Anthony Dr. John H.* and Mrs. Janet Ferguson ($50,000+) Frederica Acres Inc. Anonymous GMC Augusta Campus Dr. and Mrs. George Coletti GMC PREP Bulldog Club NewDay USA Foundation Mrs. Martha W. Goodrich Mr. Earl B. Hunter Jr. Mrs. Anne Martin Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Massey ($25,000-$49,999) Mrs. Margaret McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pace Anonymous Partners Marketing Group U S Department of Education Mr. Dorman Paul Mr. Ricky Paul Mr. and Mrs. Mike Prosperi Mr. and Mrs. Shane K. Robbins ($10,000-$24,999) State of Georgia - GA Dept of Economic Anonymous Development Lawrence “LJ” Baker and Clarinda “CJ” Baker Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Underwood LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie W.L. Amos Sr. Foundation Inc. Caldwell IV Chick-fil-A Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John T. Fickett Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. ($1,000-$4,999) The Honorable E. Culver Kidd III* Mrs. Nadine Acker Mr. and Mrs. Jack Krapf The Honorable* and Mrs. Powell A. Moore LTC and Mrs. Frank Adkinson, USA (Ret.) The Honorable and Mrs. Greg Morris Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahouse Dr. Maidana K. Nunn Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Annis Olin B. King Foundation Anonymous Gus and Helen Pursley Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Seymour Ms. Vivian Archer David and CC Sinclair Aubri-Lanes The GEO Group Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Augustine Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Thompson MAJ and Mrs. Marion C. Baggett, USAR (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. John P. Thornton Jr. Mrs. Beverly Bailey Russ and Anne Walden Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wheat Dr. Stephen Barber Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Barlow BASF Corp. Mrs. Betty C. Baugh ($5,000-$9,999) Lt. Col. and Mrs. Franklin W. Baugh, USAF (Ret.) Edwin and Wendy Amerman Mrs. Anne Bayne Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Bean Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Blackburn Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Dan Blanton Blair 7IL Ranch Bug House Pest Control Mr. and Mrs. James P. Branan Contemporary Services Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brooks Ashley and Dean Copelan






for private support. It is the singular goal of the President’s Circle to recognize those donors whose remarkable generosity enhances the school’s mission. Members are guests of the president of Georgia Military College at an annual reception in their honor.

Mr. Robert Brown Century Bank and Trust Dr. and Mrs. Francis W. Chandler Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood F. Chandler Jr. Chick-Fil-A Milledgeville Mike Couch and Sherri Malone Mrs. Patsy Craig Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruey Dr. Audrey S. Crumbley Drs. Robert and Anne Culberson Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Davenport Mr. Scott and Dr. Jennifer Deason Mrs. Lauren Benson Deen Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Duke Exchange Bank LTC and Mrs. Marvin R. Farmer, USA (Ret.) Five Star Food Service Ms. Doris Floyd Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fraser The Estate of Fred L. Tucker Gerald Grimes Plumbing Inc. GMC Columbus Campus GMC Football Booster Club GMC Prep School GMC Warner Robins Campus Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gorham Mr. and Mrs. David Grant Joe and Pam Grant Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gray Mrs. Judith Lacksen Greer CSM and Mrs. Steven J. Greer Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Alexus G. Grynkewich Mr. J. Edward Hall Ms. Jean C. Hall Dr. and Mrs. John F. Harrington Jr., D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Plexico Jr. Ms. Inez L. Hawkins Mrs. Joyce C. Headley Ms. Cathy J. Herring Dr. and Mrs. Mike Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Leyton Howard Mr. Myles A. Humphus Institute of Reading Development Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnson Mr. Terry M. Johnson Senator and Mrs. Burt Jones Drs. Ken and JoAnn Jones

Dr. Aman Kay Ms. Shirley A. Kelly Dr. Salwa S. Kirbah Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kobbe COL and Mrs. Nelson Kraft, USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Bert Larsson Dr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Laseter LAV Plumbing Lazy N Farms LLC Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Mr. Gregory S. Lewis Mrs. Aimee Lundy Mrs. Beverly G. Mann Dr. Kenneth J. Marks and Mr. Steven C. Rogers Harold and Nancy Mason LTC and Mrs. Richard A. Massey, USA (Ret.) Mr. William H. Matthews BG and Mrs. Richard L. McCabe, USA (Ret.) MAJ Edward J. McCaffrey Jr., USA (Ret.) BG Jonathan J. McColumn Joe and Doriann McEver Middle GA Mgt. Services Inc. LTC and Mrs. Edward T. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Mote Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray Mr. and Mrs. David Murray BG Reginald and Kim Neal Mr. and Mrs. Randy A. New New Orleans Roast LLC Mr. Robert Nunn Oak Hall Industries L.P. Ocmulgee EMC Foundation Inc SGT Michael Owens II Mrs. Cecile Parker Dr. Anne L. Patterson Perimeter Builders Inc. Petrelli Electric Inc. Pineland Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Portwood Ms. Victoria Prevatt and Mr. Evan Elder Mr. and Mrs. John G. Pursley IV Georgia Power Company LTC and Mrs. Robel Ramirez, USA (Ret.) BG and Mrs. Curt Alan Rauhut, US Army (Ret.) Red Line Renovation LLC Dr. and Mrs. C. Seth Rion Robins Financial Credit Union

Mr. R. P. Rogers Dudley and Jenny Rowe Ms. Karen Rowell Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Rutherford Mr. Dewey D. Schade Robert and Jennifer Schneck Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Schubert Mr.* and Mrs. Winston H. Sibley Mr.* and Mrs. Donald Sikes COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. David A. Simmons Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Smith Hector and Peggy Socias Ms. Carolyn Spivey Dr. Laurence and Ms. Patricia Steinfeld Mark and Julie Strom The Club at Lake Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Isaac J. Thomas Sr. Gary and Sally Thrower Dr. Andrew W. Torrance and Mrs. Elesia Torrance COL and Mrs. Thomas G. Torrance, USA (Ret.) Steve Torrance Dr. Mark V. Vail, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Luciano A. Villarreal Ms. Billie A. Washburn COL and Mrs. James J. Watkins Mr.* and Mrs. Joseph C. Watkins, USA (Ret.) MAJ Lionel A. ‘Sam’ Watson, USAF (Ret.) Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Watson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Watson Jr. Mr. Shawn Welch Teri and Bob White Jeffrey and Amy Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Bert P. Williams Dr. and Mrs. John L. Wood Mrs. Patsy B. Woods Wreaths Across America Chris and Gessyka Young Mrs. Sandra Young Mr. James and Dr. Elizabeth Youngblood Mr. Eddie and Dr. Jeannie Zipperer

Ms. Dana Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dyer Mr. and Mrs. David L. Farris Mr. and Mrs. J. David Felt Mr. and Mrs. Curt Flournoy Ms. Elizabeth Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Garrett Georgia Power Company Mr. David B. Glover GMC Prep School Class of 2020 GMC Prep School Class of 2021 GMC Prep School Class of 2022 GMC Prep School Class of 2023 GMC Prep School Class of 2024 GMC Prep School Class of 2025 GMC Prep School Class of 2026 Mr. Geoff Grandstaff LTC W. Dale Greenwood Helmsman International LLC Wendell Hussey Corey Hutcheson J & J Cattle Company LLC Mr. David L. Jackson Jeff and Babbie Jaco Mr. Kenneth Jaycox Mr. Scott Jerald Mr. and Mrs. Howie Johnson Dr. Douglas Kallis LTC and Mrs. James T. Kjer, USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Klinck The Kroger Co. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leben Ms. Betty Little Adelmo Lopez Donnie and Susie Meeks MidwayUSA Foundation LTC and Mrs. William G. Mills, USA (Ret.) Nathan Baugh Heating & Cooling Oconee Radio Group Mr. Craig Osmer LTC and Mrs. Mike Perez, USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Rob Posner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powell COL and Mrs. John L. Ramey Resilient Books LLC Mr. and Mrs. W. Edward Robinson III ($500 - $999) Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rochon ACS, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Grady R. Sanders Adams, Jordan & Herrington, PC Sheridan Construction Advent Business Interiors Inc. Mrs. Karin Smith Anonymous Ms. Carolyn T. Thomas Mr. Thomas Archer LTC and Mrs. Grady Torrance, USAR (Ret.) Dr. Adel Bakr Trey Ennis LLC Bank of Eastman/Magnolia State Bank Beckham’s Used Cars Inc. Ms. Daniell Beckom Bert Williams Camps and Combines Ms. Anna Bjuro Mr. Gregory Boylan MG and Mrs. Peter J. Boylan, USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bracewell Dr. and Mrs. James A. Brady III Brooks Flooring LTC and Mrs. Wilfred D. Clayton, USA (Ret.) The Honorable and Mrs. Henry R. Craig Dr. and Mrs. James B. Craig Jr. Dr. Noel Craig, DMD Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Cruze Mr. Jeffrey M. Daniel and Mr. Michael Arens Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Davis IV


Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Trumbo Velvet Elvis Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Walker Denise and Jim Wansley Wilkinson Used Cars LLC

MAJORS ($250 - $499)

Accelutech Inc. Ace Hardware Active Minerals International LLC Mr. and Mrs. Trevor J. Addison Ms. Victoria Allen All-Phase Electric Company Ms. Janis J. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Avant Avants Food Inc. dba Zaxby’s Robin and Ravonda Bargeron Mr. and Mrs. Tripp Becker Bobby Murphey Insurance Agency, Inc. Stephen and Lisa Bradley Brandstorm Promotions LLC Dr. Jennifer Duckworth Brown Dr. Linda A. Brown Mrs. Brooke Bruton Reverend Carl Buice and The Honorable Hulane George C & S Body Shop Drs. Dan and Ann Caldwell Cansino Law Firm Childre Nissan Inc. Citizens Bank of the South Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Courson Mr. Bailey Craig CW03 Frederick E. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Davis Mrs. Diane Deariso Delong’s Gizzard Equipment Mr. Hugh O’Neall Dicks COL and Mrs. John J. Dolac Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Donnelly III Mr. Thomas Drew DRL Law LLC Mrs. Amanda Elder Elite School LLC Exchange Club Executive Cleaning Inc. Mr. James F. Fain Jr. Mr. Charles R. Freedman Freedom Church G&S Gas Service Inc. Mr. Edward M. Gandy Mr. and Mrs. Scott Garpow


Mr. Richard Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Glover GMC Academic Records Office GMC Prep School Class of 2027 GMC Prep School Class of 2028 GMC Prep School Class of 2029 GMC Prep School JROTC Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Grimes Hairbar Dr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Hamilton, Jr. Mrs. Ruth Hamilton HAML Fitness, LLC COL and MAJ Thomas W. Hanley MAJ and Mrs. Shannon L. Hanson, USA (Ret.) Mr. Ben Harbin Harris & Company, Inc. Ms. Merel J. Harrison Carolyn Herne and Craig Rotter Ms. Hope W. Hines COL and Mrs. John K. Holsonback, USA (Ret.) Dr. Susan Isaac Dr. and Mrs. Marshall W. Ivey Ivey’s Tire Service Mr. and Mrs. Harley Jeffery Johnnie McDade Grocery Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnson Mr. Denny Jones JTF Properties LLC Ms. Amy B. Kennedy Ms. Mary Lawrence Kennickell Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Knapp L.L. Grimes & Son Inc. Lake Sinclair Storage LLC Mr. Michael Lerzo LTC and Mrs. David Lewis, USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Loerzel Mr. and Mrs. Shawn B. Mahaney Anne and Dell Mason Mr. and Mrs. Billy H. Matthews Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve May Mr. Monty Mayhue McGiboney Properties LLC Mr. Lee McLemore Milledgeville Rotary Club Mr. and Mrs. Todd D. Miller The Honorable and Mrs. William T. Moore Jr. Moores Funeral Home Ms. Khalelah A. Mosley Dr.* and Mrs. Patrick J. Neligan Mr. Corey J. New Oracle Corporation/Benevity Causes Mr. Michael Owens Mr. Timothy Peters Mr. and Mrs. Derek Pettigrew Pineland Cogentes Inc. Progressive Restaurant Concepts

Make your gift online today. P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O R T 2 0 19 -2 0 2 0


LAWRENCE “L.J.” BAKER JR. GMC Junior College Alumnus (JC ’91) 2020 Alumni Achievement Award Recipient GMC Foundation Trustee Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel

That same passion for developing discipline and leadership skills L.J. Baker exuded as GMC Corps of Cadets Drill Team commander and helped him guide the team to the national meet two years in a row has been fully embraced by his wife, Clarinda “C.J.” Baker. It was also the impetus behind why the couple established the Old Capitol Guard Drill Team Commander’s Scholarship to ensure the Corps of Cadets Drill Team and the traditions continue to shape future cadets.

GMC is truly a part of my foundation. I continue to use the lessons, skills, and attributes learned at GMC to achieve success in my personal and professional life. We hope to contribute to a culture of servant leaders and inspire others to give back to GMC.

— L.J. Baker 30



Ms. Shana Reid Mr. and Mrs. Garland Riner Ms. Jessica A. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rochon Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ross RTSO LLC Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Adam Shields Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shumaker Mr. Phillip Slates Ms. Helen L. Sloat Mr. Daniel R. Smith CPT and Mrs. Jared D. Smith Mrs. Judy Smith Southeast Outdoor Solutions LLC Southside Tire and Brake Stan’s Body Shop LLC Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stasney Steven Stancil Agency Ms. Amelia F. Summers The Cansino Law Firm LLC The Tint Shop Inc. The Union Recorder Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tobey Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Tucker Ms. Victoria Turnell Twin Lakes Physical Therapy Waller Family Partnership LLC Ms. Amy A. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ward Mr. and Mrs. Monte C. Washburn Mr. and Mrs. Mark Weaver Dr. Jeffery C. Wells WHB Wealth Management Group LLC Wilkinson County Bank Mr. Cameron Williams Williams Funeral Home Mr. Lee Williamson Mr. Charles W. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Jody N. Yearwood

Ms. Jessica Bird Mr. and Mrs. William H. Black Mr. and Mrs. G. Albert Bloodworth Kathryn Bongard Ms. Laura A. Booth SFC Undrey M. Bostic Mrs. Allison Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Brannon Mr. Troy Bridges The Bright Family Mr.* and Mrs. Jonathan W. Brookins Guerry and Diane Brooks Dr. James G. Brooks Mr. Bobby Brown Mr. Ken Brown Bryant Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mr. Stan Bryant Mr. Ted L. Bullard Mr. John T. Burks Mr. Taylor Burks Bush Investment Group LLC Mr. Timothy and Dr. Chavonda Butler CC Cycle Miss Anna K. Caldwell Cadet William B. Caldwell V Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cansino Mr. and Mrs. Kell Carpenter Ms. Tammy A. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Carswell Mr. Lamark Cash Jr. CBA Of GA Chambers Oil Company Mr. and Mrs. Herbert N. Chandler Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Chapman Mrs. and Mr. Rebecca L. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Vince Ciampa Mr. William C. Clark Mr. Alan and Dr. Patricia S. Coates Mike and Melanie Cobb Coldwell Banker, SSK Realtors Kimi Clements Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Colwell Complete Auto Care Coolmax Heating & Air ($100-$249) Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Copelan A Course/Line LLC Corporate Studio Ms. Leigh Aldhizer Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Council All Crane & Hoist Services Inc Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Courson Mr. Larry Allen Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Craft Mr. Shawn Allen AmazonSmile Ms. Cynthia J. Craig-Wolter Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Creasy American Legion Post #105 Kelly Cruze Amici Cafe MAJ Carey A. Anderson, USA (Ret.) Jayden Daniel Mrs. Patty Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Davidson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Arias Mr. and Mrs. Laurance H. Davis Jr. Ms. Holly M. Arnold DBA Lee Loans Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Ashfield DBA Tapley Finance Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Austin Delta Finance Company Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baham Mrs. Diane E. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey LTC* and Mrs. Harry J. Dempsey, USA (Ret.) Mr. Bill L. Bailey Dempster Agency Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Barker Mr. Shawn Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dobler Mr. and Mrs. Steve Barsby Ms. Aggie P. Dockery Mrs. Tiffany Bayne BG and Mrs. Rock Donahue, US Army (Ret.) Baynes Army Store Mrs. Flo Douglas Bedrock Mulch and Mower Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dudley LTC and Mrs. Charles B. Bennett, USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Edens Mr. Jay Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Elder Mr. David Bill Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. English


Ms. Rose P. Ennis Mrs. Linda Evans Mark Evans Express Tire and Auto Mr. Jeffrey S. Faircloth Mr. Dieu-Merci Falaise Famous Credit Corporation Farnsworth Insurance Inc. Flame Broil Chill Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Floyd Ms. Carolyn S. Fordham* Garbutt Construction Mr. Tim Ussery and Ms. J. Charlie Garbutt Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garner LTC and Mrs. Casey Geist Mr. and Mrs. Jackson G. Gemmell Georgia State Board of Public Safety Mrs. Skye Gess Ms. Georgianne Gibson Glow Salon & A Spa LLC GMC Prep School Annex/Jenkins Hall Faculty and Staff Mr. Fred and Dr. Joy Godin Mr. Foster S. Goff Jr. Mr. Ryan M. Goldsby Goodie Gallery Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Goodrich Mr. John R. Grant Ms. Sara A. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Green II Greensboro Finance Company Billy Griner Bryan Griner Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Guerdrum Mrs. Kelly A. Hackney Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Haddock Dr. Karen W. Halford Hardwick Finance Company Harold Knowles DBA Knowles Electric Mr. and Mrs. George R. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Jason Haskins Mr. and Mrs. Madden Hatcher III Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hatcher Mrs. Candice Haynes Xionghui He CPT and Mrs. James B. Hearn Ms. Khadija L. Hill Ms. Linda Hodges Mr. William Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Holton Mr. Mickie Hudson Mr. Steven W. Huff Mr. Brian M. Humphrey Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hynes Innovate Engineering Solutions LLC MAJ and Mrs. Robert K. Irvin Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ivemeyer Mrs. Rollin W. Ivey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Marshall W. Ivey J. C. Grant Company James Cone, Architect Mr. and Mrs. Everett D. January Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johns Mr. and Mrs. Michael Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Johnson Jr. Joiner & Ewing Industries DBA Amici Milledgeville Ms. Beth Joiner Mr. Robert M. Joiner Dr. and Mrs. Alan Jones KEM Performance South LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Kennedy Dr. Bal Khadka Kids First Pediatrics LLC Ms. Connie King Ms. Melanie King Mr. John Kitchens SFC Wayne M. Knapp, USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Kunkel Ms. Lynda L. Lamarre MSGT Richard L. Lamarre, USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. John Lane Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Larson Latimer & Eady Enterprises LLC Law Office of Walter C. Green II Dr. Thomas Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lift Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Long Louisville Finance Lowe Electric Supply Company Miss Rylan Lowery Mr. and Mrs. Jon Luecke Mr. Robert J. Lytle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Madden Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marbut Mr. and Mrs. Morris Martin Mr. Jorge Cesar Martines Mason and Johnson Saw Company Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mathis Mr. and Mrs. Sherry E. Mathis Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. McCook COL and Mrs. Richard C. McCoy, USAF (Ret.) Medical Arts Pharmacy MidSouth Federal Credit Union Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Miller Mrs. Marilyn Miller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchem COL and Mrs. Richard C. Moody Mr. and Mrs. William D. Moore Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Moorman Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Toby Moreau Bobby and Evelyn Muggridge Prof. Debra Murray My Tribute Gift Foundation Inc. Mrs. Sarah Neal Mrs. Edward Jackson Neal Mrs. Mary Newton Mrs. Echo Niblett Mr. and Mrs. William C. North Northridge Christian Church Northside Loans Mary Nunnally Mr. and Mrs. William Odum Oglethorpe Finance Company LTC Terry O’Neill Open MRI of Milledgeville Mrs. Valerie Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Overman Ms. Georgia Overman Mr. and Mrs. Clifford T. Owdom Ms. Virginia I. Owens Dr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Padove Pamlico Pools Mr. Christopher R. Parks Paschal Orthodontics Mr. Mark D. Paulish Ms. Marlene Peavy Ms. Tammie W. Pennington Edgar Perry Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society COL and Mrs. Steve Pitt, USA (Ret.) Ms. Kimberly Pope Putnam Finance Company Quality Pawn & Sales Quick Loans and Insurance

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EDWIN AMERMAN GMC Junior College Alumnus (JC ’90) Duck Creek Technologies, Vice President of Sales GMC Alumni Board of Directors Member

The character development and leadership abilities honed as a cadet battalion commander with the GMC Corps of Cadets provided a solid foundation that Edwin Amerman could turn to and build upon when life threw him a career-changing curveball. Edwin and his wife, Wendy, were instrumental in establishing the Opera Cum Fidelitate Scholarship and its annual wine tour fundraiser to make sure future generations of members in our Corps of Cadets have that same leg-up in life no matter where it takes them.

W hen life threw me a curveball and shook me to the core it made me sit back and think ‘what’s next.’ That’s when I relied on the focus and approach that GMC instilled in me. Why not give someone else that opportunity? 32


— Edwin Amerman

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Davidson Jr. Quick Loans of Morgan Co. MAJ Robert T. Van Dine, USA (Ret.) Tom S. Hice Quick Loans of Newton County Mrs. Glenadine M. Vanderberg LTC* and Mrs. Harry J. Dempsey, USA (Ret.) LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Quick Loans of Washington County Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Vaughn Caldwell IV Ms. Laura DeSalvo R & B Properties of Mid-Georgia LLC Mr. and Mrs. Eric Venable Mrs. Pauline Echols Calvin Hill Mr. Michael Venturino Mr. Ted Ramsdell Garbutt Construction Mr. Earl B. Hunter Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Waddell Mr. Teddy Randolph Mr. Carneth Goff Jr. MG and Mrs. Reginald G. A. Neal Mrs. Suzanne Martin Ratliff Ms. Sherry Wagner Mr. and Mrs. David Grant Rollin W. Ivey COL and Mrs. John E. Riley, USA (Ret.) COL and Mrs. Edward Y. Walker IV, USA (Ret.) Mrs. Rollin W. Ivey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grant Shelton Riner Mr. Erik J. Walton Harold R. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gray Dr. Michael B. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ward Ms. Virginia I. Owens Dr. and Mrs. John F. Harrington Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rutherford Dr. Mary Ward William M. Kemp Ms. Merel J. Harrison Mr. Simon Ryan Mr. Eddie Webb Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Brannon Ms. Inez L. Hawkins S&S Transport Ms. Kelly Weems CPT and Mrs. Ben Z. Stauber Dr. N. Tyrus and Mrs. Cathy Ivey Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sandy Ms. Faye A. Wheat The Honorable E. Culver “Rusty” Kidd III Dr. Douglas Kallis Mr. and Mrs. Brian Saunders Ms. Vicci White Adams, Jordan & Herrington PC Mr. Timothy Lake Destin Saunders Dr. and Mrs. John L. Whittle Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Barlow Dr. Cindi B. Lee COL and Mrs. Richard Scheff Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wilcher Jr. Mr. Troy Bridges Mrs. Carol A. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Schmidt MAJ and Mrs. Stephen C. Wiley Mr. Alan and Dr. Patricia S. Coates Mr. and Mrs. Morris Martin Ms. Lynde Schubert Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wilkins Jr. Covington Square Homeowners Assn. Mr. and Mrs. Sherry E. Mathis Mr. Walter Schuchardt Wilkinson Auto Rental LLC DBA Lee Loans Mr. and Mrs. Randy A. New LTC and Mrs. Scott Seagraves Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Williams DBA Tapley Finance Dr. Clement J. Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sellers Kathryn and Davis Williamson Delta Finance Company Mr. and Mrs. Craig Portwood Serenity Physical Therapy Dr. and Mrs. John L. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ratliff Famous Credit Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Shaw Mr. Ellis Wood Mr. and Mrs. William E. Robinson III Ms. Elizabeth Fowler Sheffield Automotive Repair LLC Ms. Jennifer O. Wright Dr. Michael B. Rogers GMC PREP Bulldog Club Mr. Dock H. Shelnutt III Mr. and Mrs. Robin Wright Dudley and Jenny Rowe Mr. Butch Goff Mr. Robert Paul Sherwood Mr. Leon A. Zipperer Jr. COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes,USAR (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. David Grant Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Simmons Mrs. Judy Smith Greensboro Finance Company Ms. Cathy M. Simpkins Billy Griner Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Strom Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sullivan Bryan Griner Mrs. Frances R. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Halliburton The Honorable and Mrs. Hugh P. Thompson MGen William P. Acker Mr. Preston Sizemore Mr. Ben Harbin Mr. and Mrs. John P. Thornton Jr. Mrs. Nadine Acker Hardwick Finance Company Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thrower Dedrics Smith LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie LTC and Mrs. Grady Torrance, USAR (Ret.) Ms. Mary Lawrence Kennickell LTC and Mrs. DeSaussure D. Smith III, USA(Ret.) Caldwell IV Denise and Jim Wansley Louisville Finance Smith Pools Chip Barrett Medical Arts Pharmacy Teri and Bob White Mr. Alan S. Snider Mr. Mario C. De Laosa, Jr. Mrs. Dorrie Neligan Snowco General Contractors Inc. Wesley E. Bass Dr. and Mrs. John L. Whittle Northside Loans John L. Ferguson Mr. Pedro Somarriba Mr. and Mrs. Garland Riner Oglethorpe Finance Company Mrs. Judy Smith Ernest E. Bayne Mrs. Deloris Somers Putnam Finance Company Willard Fish Mr. and Mrs. William E. Robinson III Southside Equipment Quick Loans and Insurance Mr. Joshua D. Miller Jane Beason Mr. Randy Sowell Gene T. Gaines Quick Loans of Morgan County Mrs. Martha W. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Robbie E. Spear Quick Loans of Newton County Mr. Terry M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Strom Mr. and Mrs. Donald Speir Quick Loans of Washington County Inc. MAJ Edward J. McCaffrey Jr., USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thrower Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Spencer Mr. and Mrs. William E. Robinson III Mr. Edward Dean Mills James M. Bentley Statesboro Finance Company Dr. and Mrs. John E. Sallstrom CPT and Mrs. Tom Spann, USMC (Ret.) Robin and Ravonda Bargeron Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Staton Mr. Dock H. Shelnutt III Mr. and Mrs. Clifford T. Owdom C.L. Cook CPT and Mrs. Ben Z. Stauber Mrs. Frances R. Simpson LTC and Mrs. DeSaussure D. Smith III, Teri and Bob White Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Steele Ms. Helen L. Sloat USA (Ret.) Lew Cordell, The Estate of Ms. Alisa W. Stephens Statesboro Finance Company Albert F. Gandy Dr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Laseter Dr. Carol M. Stiles Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thrower Mr. and Mrs. Howie Johnson Bill Craig Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stoichev Time Loan Company Charlotte M. Gandy Mike and Melanie Cobb Dr. Derek Stone Mr. Michael Venturino Mr. and Mrs. Howie Johnson Mary Cummings George C. Garrett Denise and Jim Wansley Reverend William H. and Eleanor Stubba LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sullivan Lawrence (Larry) D. Knuth Mr. and Mrs. David Grant Caldwell IV Mr. Charles M. Cadenhead Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gray Mr. Christopher L. Supinger Carl W. Deariso Linda Glymph Carol D. Leverette Surcheros Fresh Mex Exchange Bank LTC Michael L. Glymph Sr. Jeff Swords Mrs. Diane Deariso Harry J. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Randy A. New Harold I. Goodrich T-Bones Nursery Mrs. Janet Ferguson Mr. Charles R. Freedman Mr. and Mrs. George C. Pennington Jr. The Baldwin Bulletin Dr. and Mrs. Francis W. Chandler, Jr. John C. Green Mr. and Mrs. David Phillips The Brick, DBA/AUBM Group Granny Domingue Ms. Maple L. Gibbs T & S Hardwoods Inc. The Glove Foundation Ms. Alicia Gregory JoAnn Y. Griffin Aida Martinez-Triana The Local Yolkal Cafe John C. Farris Mr. and Mrs. Steve May Mrs. Janet Ferguson Mr. Scott Thornton Mr. and Mrs. David L. Farris John C. Mayzes Tifton High School Class of 1960 Carolyne Guitton Dr. John H. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. David Grant Time Loan Company Mr. and Mrs. Steve May Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahouse Ms. Merel J. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Jay T. Tooke Lewis A. Hamilton Lt.Col. and Mrs. Franklin W. Baugh, USAF (Ret.) Robert McCready Mrs. Jill Towns Dr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Hamilton Jr. Dr. Robert M. Boone Hector and Peggy Socias Trish Ann’s Antiques & Gifts Troylanders K. Harden Mr. and Mrs. Guerry Brooks Joseph H. Milford Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Trumbo Ms. Ciré P. Foston LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Carswell Mr. Delmar J. Turner Mr. TJ Lowe-Foston Caldwell IV Mr. Robert J. Lytle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Underwood Ms. Khadija L. Hill COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.) Ms. Melissa B. Usry Dr. and Mrs. Francis W. Chandler Jr. J.F. Harrington Mr. David Ussery Drs. Robert and Anne Culberson Mr. and Mrs. Vince Ciampa


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The Legacy of

CULVER “RUSTY” KIDD III The late Culver “Rusty” Kidd III was one of Georgia Military College’s most devoted supporters. He loved his hometown of Milledgeville, Georgia, and all that it entailed – which, for him, definitely included Georgia Military College. His strong, committed connection to GMC went back generations in the Kidd family, which included his grandmother, Tillie Kidd, and his father, Culver Kidd Jr., a GMC alumnus. Thanks to Rusty’s generosity and his passion for the GMC community, the Kidd family’s legacy at GMC will continue on well into the future. “It was just always important to the Kidd family. It was in his blood. His father loved it so much,” explained Rusty’s sister, Candy Kidd, regarding her brother’s lifelong affection for GMC. In addition to their shared affection for Georgia Military College, Rusty and his father, Culver Kidd Jr., were also passionate about civil service. They were both longtime state legislators who fought hard for their hometown of Milledgeville and Baldwin County. “He always wanted to look out for the people of Milledgeville and had a passion for GMC,” Rusty’s son, Culver Kidd IV, said as he stood in the downtown office of Hardwick Finance, a family business owned by his father and grandfather before him. GMC was a big part of Rusty Kidd’s childhood. He attended GMC Grammar, now Jenkins Hall, and played rec youth football on Davenport




Field. His family regularly attended GMC sports, plays, and other events on the Milledgeville campus. They would also watch with admiration as GMC cadets marched along downtown streets to attend church services on Sunday. The family tradition of attending GMC events and making the campus part of everyday life continued with Rusty Kidd and his two children, Katherine Kidd and Culver Kidd IV. Davenport Field was where father and son attended football games and flew their remote-control airplane. They also attended GMC cadet parades, right up until a few years before the elder Kidd passed away in 2020. The character-based reverence and discipline displayed by GMC cadets were deeply valued by Rusty Kidd and were always reflected within the Kidd home. “Manners and respect were two of the things my father always harped on,” said Culver Kidd IV, who noted that his father admired how GMC cadets carried themselves and their respectful practice of saying “yes, sir” and “no, sir.” The Kidd Health and Wellness Center at the Milledgeville campus stands as testimony to Rusty Kidd and the Kidd family’s multigenerational philanthropy in support of GMC. Rusty Kidd, a three-sport athlete in high school, who had two sports scholarships in college, stepped up to provide a major donation for construction of the state-of-the-art facility, known as The Kidd Center.

“I think sports and wellness have always been things that he held dear – so was education,” Culver Kidd IV said, noting that The Kidd Center combined all three. “The health center incorporated all of the things he was passionate about.”

financial support for his beloved GMC posthumously.

Years ago, Rusty Kidd joined with other family members to establish the Senator Culver Kidd and Mrs. Tillie Kidd Scholarship to provide continuous funds to pay for tuition, books, and other expenses for GMC Rusty Kidd speaks at a GMC parade in 2016. Prep School or Junior College students. Currently, two prep school students are benefiting from the endowed scholarship in the 2020-2021 school year.

In September 2020, GMC President and retired Army Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell IV presented Rusty’s children, Katherine Kidd and Culver Kidd IV, with the U.S. flag that flew at Grant Parade on

By also including a planned estate gift in his will, in honor of his family, Rusty Kidd became a proud member of the Georgia Military College Oak Leaf Society. This perpetual gift provides a way for him to continue

“I think it was a good opportunity for him to create a legacy and give back,” Culver Kidd IV said of his father’s planned estate gift to GMC.

Culver Kidd IV and Katherine Kidd

the day of their father’s funeral. “He was a dedicated statesman and community leader that worked to improve the lives of those in Milledgeville and Baldwin County, and across the state of Georgia,” Caldwell said. “He has been a pillar of service and friendship to the entire GMC community, and he will be greatly missed by all. His legacy will live on at Georgia Military College.”

IN MEMORY continued — Maxine Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Strom Mr. and Mrs. Scott Garpow Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thrower Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thrower Mr. and Mrs. David Grant Edward J. Neal COL and Mrs. Thomas G. Torrance, USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grant Mrs. Sarah Neal Denise and Jim Wansley Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gray Fred M. Page Teri and Bob White Miss Mary E. Gray and Mr. Ethan A. Brown Robert D. Sikes COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.) CSM and Mrs. Steven J. Greer Ms. Pamela Anderegg Ms. Inez L. Hawkins James L. Patterson Mr. Ken Brown Mr. Terry M. Johnson Dr. Anne L. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Jack Krapf James T. Paul The Honorable and Mrs. Jon Burns Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Bert Larsson Ms. Jessica A. Roberts Georgia State Board of Public Safety LTC and Mrs. Edward T. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thrower Miss Mary E. Gray and Mr. Ethan A. Brown NewDay USA Foundation LTC and Mrs. Grady Torrance, The Honorable and Mrs. Jack Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Overman USAR (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hynes Mr. and Mrs. Craig Portwood Harold B. Pedersen Ms. Ginger S. Kieffer Dr. and Mrs. C. Seth Rion Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Barlow Mr. and Mrs. John Lane Dudley and Jenny Rowe Victor Mark Prevatt Mr. and Mrs. William C. North Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stasney Chris and Gessyka Young Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Strom Robert V. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Darryl B. Reiser Ms. Elizabeth A. Short Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thrower Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Schubert LTC and Mrs. Grady Torrance, USAR (Ret.) Tommy E. Rich Mrs. Betty Sikes Mr. Brice F. Sikes COL and Mrs. Thomas G. Torrance, Mr. Robert M. Joiner COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.) USA (Ret.) Cedric G. Roberts Denise and Jim Wansley Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thrower Mr. Montgomery E. Thorne Mr. Eddie and Dr. Jeannie Zipperer Troy Lance Greene PC William E. Robinson Richard Torrance Denise and Jim Wansley Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Underwood Blair 7IL Ranch John W. Rogers Mr. Ellis Wood Mr. Leon A. Zipperer Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Torrance, USAR (Ret.) Mr. R.P. Rogers Betty B. Smith Fred L. Tucker Llewellyn Searson LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Fresh Mr. and Mrs. William B. Searson III Caldwell IV Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ivemeyer Winston H. Sibley Peggy Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Lawson Century Bank and Trust Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Moorman Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Rowe Chambers Oil Company Dr. and Mrs. Larry Newton James L. Strom Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Duke Tifton High School Class of 1960 LTC and Mrs. Frank Adkinson, USA (Ret.) Mrs. Pauline Echols Mr. Bret B. Wagenhorst Mrs. Janet Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baham Mr. and Mrs. Silas R. Wilson, Jr. Ms. Lida H. Harrington Robin and Ravonda Bargeron Ms. Merel J. Harrison Lt.Col. and Mrs. Franklin W. Baugh, USAF (Ret.) Joseph C. Watkins Ms. Gina B. Keadle LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Davis COL and Mrs. John J. Dolac Mr. and Mrs. Craig Portwood Caldwell IV Mr. and Mrs. Craig Portwood Dudley and Jenny Rowe Mrs. Kyle & Amber R. Collins

Larry J. Wheat Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jaco Karen Wilkins LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Caldwell IV Otis C. Woods Mrs. Patsy B. Woods


Courtney Adkinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shumaker Anna Annis Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Annis Miss Rylan Lowery Betty C. Baugh Lt. Col. and Mrs. Franklin W. Baugh, USAF (Ret.) MAJ and Mrs. Robert K. Irvin Polly Rose Baugh Mr. and Mrs. Leyton Howard Wyatt J. Baugh Mr. and Mrs. Leyton Howard Luther K. Beason COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.) Daisy Beckum Miss Anna Avant Patrick Beer LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Caldwell IV Ann M. Bertoli Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johns MG Peter J. Boylan Mr. and Mrs. David Grant Keith Brooks The GMC Foundation Inc. Jon Burns COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.)

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LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Caldwell IV Mr. and Mrs. David Grant Mr. and Mrs. William E. Robinson III Cadet William B. Caldwell V LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Caldwell IV Edward Ciocca Mrs. Floydena Smith Class of 1988 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Carpenter Bill Craig Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Craft Kevin Cruze Kelly Cruze Helen Anne Davenport Mr. and Mrs. John Pursley III Mary Helen Davis Mrs. Melody DeLoach Andrew Deen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Deen Joel Deen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Deen Davis A. Duke Mrs. Beverly G. Mann Michael C. Duke Mrs. Beverly G. Mann Shelby Duke Mrs. Beverly G. Mann Anna Lynn Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Garrett GMC Prep Boy’s Raider Team Mr. and Mrs. Bert Larsson GMC Prep Class of 1979 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert N. Chandler, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey M. Daniel and Mr. Michael Arens Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Garrett GMC Prep School Class of 2020 Ms. Stephanie Barton Jessica M. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grant Pam Grant LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Caldwell IV Steven J. Greer LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Caldwell IV Jack Hill COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.) Bill Hitchens COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.) Barkley D. Howard Anonymous Haleigh Howell Ms. Mary McDaniel The Honorable Ralph T. Hudgens The GMC Foundation Inc. Renee Johnson The GMC Foundation Inc. Alexandria Jones Mr. Denny Jones William M. Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahouse Nancy Kennedy Mrs. Katherine Bray E. C. Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marbut Zachary Koehler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Johnson Kim Leben LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Caldwell IV


Steve M. Torrance David Lewis Baynes Army Store LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie LTC and Mrs. Grady Torrance, USAR (Ret.) Matthew Bentley Caldwell IV Thomas G. Torrance Biba’s Italian Restaurant Meredith McCook LTC and Mrs. Grady Torrance, USAR (Ret.) Albert E. Blackburn Robert T. Van Dine Mr. and Mrs. Jon Luecke Chick-Fil-A Lani Moody LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie George Coletti GMC Prep Annex/Jenkins Hall Faculty and Staff Caldwell IV Noel Craig Jenny Morris COL Fred Van Horn Patsy Craig LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie The GMC Foundation Inc. Audrey S. Crumbley Caldwell IV James D. Walton Down South Seafood Rana Zoe Mungin Ms. Amy A. Walton Eclectic Jeff Ward Mrs. Floydena Smith Elite School LLC Dorrie Neligan Miss Rylan Lowery Express Tire and Auto Mark Weaver Mr. and Mrs. J. David Felt Doris Floyd Ms. Mary Lawrence Kennickell LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Larry R. Garrett Echo Niblett Caldwell IV Gerald Grimes Plumbing Inc. Miss Rylan Lowery Robert White Goodie Gallery Aubrey Overman LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Jennifer Greer Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Overman Caldwell IV Steven J. Greer Ms. Georgia Overman Eric Wilkinson Karen K. Grimes Jordan A. Overman Mr. and Mrs. James F. Wilkinson Jr. Hair Studio Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Overman Hailey E. Wilkinson John F. Harrington Ms. Georgia Overman Mr. and Mrs. James F. Wilkinson Jr. Leigh D. Howell Butch Parrish Al Williams Bridget Ivey COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.) COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.) Johnnie McDade Grocery Rob Posner Bert P. Williams Stephanie Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grant Mr. J. Edward Hall John A. Pursley III LAV Plumbing Mr. Taylor Burks Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Davenport Michael Lerzo Mrs. Martha W. Goodrich Matthew Rion Lowe Electric Supply Company Mr. and Mrs. Craig Portwood Mr. and Mrs. Bert Larsson Kenneth J. Marks and Steven C. Rogers Stephanie Williams William E. Robinson Carol B. McCook Miss Rylan Lowery Beckham’s Used Cars, Inc. Medical Arts Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. G. Albert Bloodworth Randy A. New Cansino Law Firm Oconee Radio Group Childre Nissan, Inc. Mary K. Rickard Nathan Baugh Heating & Cooling Mark Ross The Brick, DBA/AUBM Group Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Sew Sassy Monograms The Club at Lake Sinclair Delta Air Lines Foundation David A. Simmons James B. Rowell, IV Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Jennifer G. Stasney Mrs. Tianna M. Marynell Exxon Mobil Matching Gift Program Patricia Steinfeld Andrea Sammons J.M. Huber Corporation Mark A. Strom Miss Rylan Lowery Oracle Corporation / Benevity Causes The Club at Lake Sinclair Terry L. Schubert State Farm Foundation The Local Yolkal Cafe Mr. Earl B. Hunter, Jr. Sally Thrower Karen W. Seagraves Trend Setters LTC Scott Seagraves Tiffany Wood Blair C. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Seymour Ace Hardware Mason Seymour Courtney Adkinson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Seymour Christopher T. Alford Judy Sharpe Aubri-Lanes Mohammed Abdul Gafoor Dr. Jeffery C. Wells Abigail Aycock Trevor J. Addison Samual E. Shaw Mr. Alan and Dr. Patricia S. Coates Robert D. Sikes COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.) Bailey Smith GMC Prep Annex/Jenkins Hall Faculty and Staff Carson Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bert Larsson Jacob Steele Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Steele Melinda F. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Steele Mattison Strom Mr. and Mrs. Bert Larsson Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Strom Jan Tankersley COL and Mrs. Charles D. Sikes, USAR (Ret.) Isaac J. Thomas LtGen William B. and Reverend Stephanie Caldwell IV





Courtney Adkinson Leigh Aldhizer Cory Alexander Diana Allen Blair T. Allen-Dietrich Daniela J. Alvarez Karen V. Ambellas-Cates Diane Anderson Janis J. Anderson Holly M. Arnold Anna Avant William Bache Adel Bakr Stephen Barber Ravonda Bargeron Paige Barlow Teresa L. Barnes Debbie Barsby Patty Baugh Tiffany Bayne Jay Bentley Samantha Betton Libby V. Blair James Bland Amanda J. Bond Laura A. Booth Zara Bowman Emily Boylan Donna R. Bradley James A. Brady Suzanne Brooks Linda A. Brown Jennifer D. Brown Rebecca E. Brown Heidi C. Brumbalow Brooke Bruton Kelly Bumgarner Ashley Bunn Geri Burkhalter John T. Burks Nick T. Cahoon Ben Cairns Bill Caldwell Lisa Campbell Heather Capshaw Blanton F. Carter Anne Chambers Vic Cheely Douglas Childers Corneliu D. Chiorescu Ana Ciuffetelli Jonathan Clark Wilfred D. Clayton David Coburn Troy A. Cody Larry Coffee Randy L. Coleman Maria Collins Scott Couch Thomas M. Courson Danielle H. Cox Cynthia J. Craig-Wolter Kevin Cronin Yazmin Cruz Marty Cummings Raleigh Daniels Morgan Davidson Mary Helen Davis Brenda K. Davis Shannon Davis

Brooke Davison Diane Deariso Jennifer Deason Lauren B. Deen Melody DeLoach Shawn Dennis Debra Dent Ondra Dismukes Rock Donahue Wanda Dorsey Eronni Egbujor Amanda Elder Angelina Escamilla Martinez Claudia Eubanks Linda Evans Mark Fairbrass Marvin R. Farmer Renee R. Farmer Clay Farmer Erin Fisher Wanda Fleming Holly Fling Stacey Fountain Ken Franks Shanoca S. French David Fulmer Cheri Fulmer Janeen S. Garpow Jeremy Garrison Michael Gillies John Gillis Kristin Girard James Gist II Russell Glover Megan L. Glover GMC-Augusta Campus GMC-Columbus Campus GMC-Warner Robins Campus Donald Goebel Mariah Goforth Stacy Gooden Maria D. Goodwin Julie Graham Pam Grant John J. Gray Sara A. Gray Mary E. Gray Sharon L. Greene Dawn Greene Jennifer Greer Steven J. Greer Nikki Grimes Andrew Grodecki Cody Gunderson Yacoub Habashi Amy Haddock Crystal Z. Hall Andrew Hall Christopher Hamilton Vaishali Handa Vernita Handsborough Charles Harbor Tina Harrison Beverly Harvey Lyn Hathaway Xionghui He Josh Heath Stacy Henderson George B. Hendricks Cathy J. Herring

Brittany Hickman Morgan Hillman Joshua Holloway Latonya Holmes Mike Holmes Mary S. Hopper Elizabeth M. Hopson Tommy D. Howell Joy S. Hughes Brian Humphrey Cheree C. Hummel Lizzie Hurst Susan Isaac Bridget Ivey Aaron A. Jackson Tiffany A. James Susan Jannakos Tamra Jeffery Sara E. Jeffords Garrett Jeter Robert L. Johnson Brandi Jones Jalicia A. Jones Aman Kay Amy Kennedy Bal Khadka John Kile Angela King Elizabeth King Salwa S. Kirbah Mick Kirkwood Richard W. Knapp Nelson Kraft Jennifer Kraft Lynda L. Lamarre Amy Larson Danielle M. Lawson Kim Leben Amy R. Lee Thomas Lehman Michael Lerzo Brittany Leverett Tina L. Lewis David Lewis Betty Little Aimee Lundy Tracey Makley Brooke Marcum Amy Marksberry Tianna M. Marynell Anne Mason Celes D. Mason Emily May Giuliana G. Mayfield Tony Mayo Mack McClure Lisa G. McCollum Paul McCord Pamela McKenzie Will H. McNeil Susan V. Meeks Donnie Meeks Amber Meyer Kourtney Mikell Joshua D. Miller Marilyn Miller Brian C. Milner Jennifer Montgomery Alana Moody Donna Moore

Shirley Moore Latoshia Morgan Nathan Morgenstern Jenny Morris NaTonya Moss Anna Mullen Suzanne Mullins Debra Murray Robin Nash Echo Niblett Christiana Ogundele Mary Nunnally Alisha Overman Andrea Parker Judy A. Parks Christopher R. Parks David Pascarella Tammie W. Pennington Steve Pitt Sherri Pitt Jason Pooler Kimberly Pope Craig Portwood Cyntease Powell Kimberly M. Power Rebecca Rackley Edwin P. Rains Robel Ramirez Ted Ramsdell Link Reaves Bala Reddy Bruce Reese Shana Reid Garland Riner Janice Riner Sonia Rivera Jill Robbins Stephanie E. Roberts Marcus Robinson Alisha Rochon Lynnette V. Rodriguez Jonathan Rowe Jackson Ruis Richard Russo Simon Ryan Joel Sabella Lattakka Salley Eileen Sanders Lee Sanders Amy Sandy Destin Saunders Kelly Schomber Crystal D. Scott Scott Seagraves Karen W. Seagraves Jamyle Searcy Elizabeth Self Joe W. Sersey David A. Sexton Laura Shadrick Robert P. Sherwood Jobie Shields Lisa Shipp April Shoemaker Rebecca Showalter Lori D. Siegelman David A. Simmons Cathy M. Simpkins William P. Sinski Twilla L. Sleeth

Terri A. Sloan Renee Smith Michelle Smith Alice Smith Lonzo Smith Floydena Smith Bailey Smith Wendy Smith Christain Smith Deloris Somers Eric Song Jennifer S. Spencer Wayne Spiler Kaitlyn Staples Jennifer G. Stasney Alisa W. Stephens Carol M. Stiles Derek Stone Vanna R. Stone Robbin C. Stretch Mark A. Strom Amelia F. Summers Nahla Swedan Jeff Swords Michael Taylor Heidi Thomas Scott Thornton Sally Thrower Lauren Tinsley Herlina Toler Jill Towns Gregory M. Tredore Joelle P. Trumbo Troy Trussell Laurel Tucker June Underwood Taylor Upole Melissa B. Usry Robert T. Van Dine Jennifer Van Vliet Barry Vaughn Vicky L. Veazey

Julie A. Wade Ronald Walker Jerry L. Wallace Erik J. Walton Denise H. Wansley Jeff Ward Mary Ward Ambernecia Warren Kenneth N. Warren Billie A. Washburn James J. Watkins Jaquanza T. Watkins Jennifer Watson Thomas Watson Mark Weaver Cheryl Weaver Kelly Weems Jeffery C. Wells Charles Wells Karson Welty Ben Wheatley Benjamin White Vicci White Dianne Wilcox Kenneth Wilkerson Bert P. Williams Cathy Williams Stephanie Williams Michael Willis Christopher Willox Tracie Wilson Noah Wolfe Charles W. Wright Richard L. Wright Joseph N. Yearwood Bronwyn Young Aurea Young Moona S. Yu Gregory Zecca Amy Zipperer Jeannie Zipperer Edward Zipperer

Is your name missing? Listed in this report are all contributions made during the fiscal year of July 1, 2019 through June 20, 2020 to Georgia Military College through the GMC Foundation. Every effort has been made to verify names for accuracy and completion. If your name is not included and you think it should be, please contact Alisha Overman at 478-387-7385 or

P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O R T 2 0 19 -2 0 2 0



JUNE 30, 2020

ASSETS Cash $ 2,637,604 Investments 25,759,971 Unconditional promises to give 255,941 Rental property and equipment, net 160,480 Land held for investment 892,604 Other assets 284,814 Total assets $ 29,991,414

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accrued expenses $ Total liabilities

23,454 23,454

Net assets Without donor restrictions Undesignated 2,109,020 Board designated for endowment 3,071,027 5,180,047 With donor restrictions Time or purpose 9,931,973 Perpetual 14,855,940 24,787,913 Total net assets 29,967,960

Total liabilities and net assets

$ 29,991,414




REVENUES AND OTHER SUPPORT Contributions Investment income, net of investment fees Other income Gain on sale of assets Rental income Net assets released from restrictions Satisfaction of program restrictions Total revenues and support

$ 383,090 $ 1,055,009 31,709 267,515 3,335 - 8,138 60,150 - 589,701 1,076,123

(589,701) 732,823

$ 1,438,099 299,224 3,335 8,138 60,150 1,808,946

EXPENSES Program services


Supporting services General and administrative Fundraising Total expenses

307,916 - 19,920 - 944,126 -

307,916 19,920 944,126















$5,180,047 $24,787,913



The mission of Georgia Military College (GMC) is to produce educated citizens and contributing members of society in an environment conducive to the development of the intellect and character of its students, regardless of location or method of delivery. Junior College students are offered a liberal arts-based, two-year undergraduate curriculum designed to support student attainment of an associate degree and prepare students for transfer to four-year colleges and universities. Students with an Associate of Applied Science degree are offered a curriculum designed to support student attainment of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree. For selected college students who enroll in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), and for preparatory school students in the Junior ROTC program, GMC includes a military training and education component.

G E O R G I A M I L I TA R Y C O L L E G E 2019-2020 201 EAST GREENE STREET, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA 31061 478-387-0230 | ALUMNI.GMC.EDU

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