Winter Kronicle 2017

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Met r o is boomin?! In addit ion t o our amazing t hr ee clubs, we ar e also char t er ing t wo new ones. I?m excit ed t o updat e you on what my division has been up t o, so let?s st ar t w it h t he vet er ans.

We ar e also char t er ing t wo new clubs at Emor y Univer sit y and LaGr ange College. Bot h ar e cur r ent ly t r ying t o r ecr uit member s, as well as wor k in ser vice pr oject s. Emor y is f undr aising w it h a donut sale, and is planning on wor k ing w it h an animal shelt er t o br ing puppies t o campus for f inals week . They have appoint ed f r eshman and sophomor e r elat ions chair s, and hope t o wor k closely w it h t heir sist er college, Oxfor d-Emor y, t o st r engt hen t heir club. LaGr ange is slowly building t heir club as well, and plan t o have a boot h at t heir LaGr ange College Fall Fest ival. They also volunt eer ed w it h t he Leggin?It for Lit er acy 5K on t heir campus, and have over all been t r ying t o get t he wor d out for Cir cle K.

Tyler Wan met r olt g@geor giacir clek .or g


As of mid-Oct ober, Geor gia Tech has over 230 ser vice hour s, including numer ous t r ips t o t he At lant a Communit y Food Bank , Boys & Gir ls Club, and Tr ees At lant a. They also got t o spend t ime w it h t heir K family at Kiwanis Family Day, wher e t hey gave t our s t o Key Clubber s and t alked t o t hem about college. Going for war d, Tech hopes t o do mor e out door event s like Tr ees At lant a. Geor gia St at e has also been act ive, focusing a lot on r ecr uit ing new member s. The Univer sit y of West Geor gia has been f undr aising w it h concession st ands at t heir foot ball games. They have also volunt eer ed for t he animal shelt er, Sucker for Kindness event , and Safe Tr eat .

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