Some of the reasons behind increasing in crime.

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Causes of Increasing Crime Rate

Dr George Kirkham & Associates

Some of the Common Reasons behind Increasing in Crime are: Population increase ● Poverty ● Politics ● Race and religion ● Violence on TV and video games ● Drugs ●

Population increase Over population is the biggest reason for crime happening in the world. Florida state criminology agrees that overpopulation basically increases the number of people who are frustrated by domino effects in society which leads them to commit crimes.

Poverty Poverty is the second­most important cause for crimes around the world. The people who are poor and attracted to the dark side of the society, is the way of crime to improve their financial conditions. Poverty also makes people frustrated and involve them in criminal activity.

Politics The nexus between politics and crime cannot be overlooked. Politics and crime are often interwoven and it is not uncommon to find politicians and political parties hand in hand with their criminal counterparts.

Race and Religion Race and religion are also playing a big role in raising crimes around the world. Most of the people want to move a world where race and religion don’t matter. But number of powerful people want to take advantage of these kind of crimes.

Violence on TV and video games There is a lot of violence happening today on TV and video games and the Florida state criminology also agrees that it is a reason why crime rates are increasing. Some people get so affected by all this violence that they want to engage in such activities themselves.


Drugs are another important reason for the rise in crimes in recent times. Drugs are the biggest bane that modern society has on many different levels.

Contact Us

Dr George Kirkham & Associates Criminal Justice Consultant 1402 James Bay Road Palm Beach Gardens Florida 33410

(800) 488-9231

(561) 691-8171

(561) 301-2645


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