GCMA XChange Magazine September 2020

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GCMA 2020 Award Year Winners B l a c k C h o r a l e E x p e r i en c e o f t h e Y e a r : D r . W a v e r l y B u m b r e y & R e f ug e T e m p le C at h e d r a l Vo i c e s C D P r o j e c t o f t h e Ye a r : Q u i n t e n S i m o n C h o i r D i re c t o r o f t h e Ye a r : T o bi Ke y z C h u r c h B a n d o f t h e Y ea r : F i r st C a t h ed r a l C hu r c h B a n d C h u r c h C h o i r o f t h e Y ea r : C h a d d B a l f o u r & G e n e si s C h o i r C o m m u n it y C h o i r o f t h e Y e a r: I n s pi r a t i o n a l P r a i s e C it y wi d e M a s s C h o i r C o n t e m p o r a r y C h r i st i an A r t i st o f t h e Ye a r : S a n c h e z T a n ni e h i l l F e m a l e A rt i st / V o c a l i s t o f t h e Y e a r : F e le c i a S he a r d P a r k s G o s p e l C o m ed i a n o f t he Y e a r: T re s h a R u t l ed g e , “ M s. LO L” G o s p e l J a zz A rt i st o f t h e Y e a r : M e l H o l de r G o s p e l S o n g w r i t e r O f T h e Y e a r : W o m e n O f St r e n gt h G r o u p / D u o o f t h e Y e a r ( V o c a l i s t s ) : S h i l o h & Sh e d i en I n s t r u m e nt a l A rt i st o f t h e Ye a r : Ri c h a r d S h aw J r . I n t e r n at i o n a l F e m a l e Ar t i st O f T h e Y e a r : I s h ik a P u r p o s e I n t e r n at i o n a l M a l e A r t i s t O f T h e Ye a r : E r i c Re v e r en c e I n t e r n at i o n a l S on g O f T h e Y e a r : An o i nt ed M ic h a e l M a l e A r t is t / V o c a l i st o f t h e Y e a r : E r i c P it t s J r . M C / W o r s h i p L e a d e r o f t h e Y e a r : L e on Ri c h a r d s o n M i m e G r o u p M i n i st r y o f t h e Ye a r : Si l e nt P r a is e M im e Mi ni s t ry M i n i st e r o f M u s i c o f t h e Y e a r : T a m a r a H y lt o n P r a i s e & W o r s h i p T e am o f t h e Y e a r : B et h l e h e m B a p t i st C h u r c h W o r s h i p & A r t s P r a i s e D a n ce T e a m o f t h e Y e a r : T h e W o r d T h r u M o t i o n Q u a r t e t A r t i s t o f t h e Ye a r : Ti n y F o st e r & D em S a i nt s R a d i o An n o u n ce r o f t he Y e a r: C h r i s t i n e St i l l R a d i o St a t i o n o f t h e Ye a r : C a r i s s a B R a p / H i p H o p A rt i st o f t h e Ye a r : P et ey N at u r e S o l o M i m e M i n i st r y o f t h e Ye a r : F r a n ky G o v e rg o S o n g o f t h e Y e a r : M i l l i c e n t Y a n ke e S p o k e n W o r d A rt i st o f t h e Y e a r : S h a n e en B o nn e r U r b a n I n s p i r a t i o n a l A rt i st o f t h e Y e a r : A M A YZ V i d e o P r o j e c t o f t h e Y ea r : G o Y e Y o u t h A r t is t / V o c a l i st o f t h e Ye a r : T r i ni t y C l a r k e

THE MIDDAY MESSAGE - ”LADY T” Twan Richardson, aka Lady T, is a native of Charleston, SC. She is the older of two children to her parents Isiah Richardson and Shedricka Riddick. Early in life, Lady T didn’t appreciate the opportunities of her dad serving in the United States Marine Corps and her place of residence changing often. For a long time, she thought that she had no roots as she constantly relocated, adjusted to yet another new school, had to make new friends, and eventually had to start the entire process all over again. However, hindsight for her is 20/20 as she now looks back on her childhood as an adventure. Lady T is beyond grateful for the different aspects of life she was privileged to experience. She was blessed to live in some amazing places, places that people can only dream of visiting in a lifetime. The most exotic place she has lived was Honolulu, Hawaii, one of the most beautiful places in the world. As she recalls her many vivid memories, Lady T has realized that all her experiences were preparing her for the purpose God had created her to fulfill. While she was the only child for the first six years of her life, Lady T developed a vivid imagination and learned how to entertain herself. Most times, she played school with her being the teacher and the students in the classroom. It was while playing school at an early age that she dreamt to be an English teacher and positively impact the lives of young people. Lady T completed her K-12 education and attended Voorhees College and Charleston Southern University. She is a 2019 graduate of the American Intercontinental University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. An advocate for children, Lady T has served on the Board of Directors of the South Carolina University Former Athletes Association. She is also a current member of the South Carolina Alliance of Black School Educators. Lady T embarked on a wellness journey that transformed her thought processes. She realized that, when things appear to be the hardest, that is when you are truly capable of displaying how strong you really are. The cleansing of her mind and emotions through meditation and prayer happened mostly while she exercised on her favorite cardio machine, the elliptical. Other times, during her quiet moments of meditation and resolve, she would write journals, short stories, and poetry. Poetry eventually became her primary expression of choice. “They just come.” She says, “I have to capture them in that moment or they are gone." Her time as a member on the Program Committee for the YWCA of Greater Charleston helped to birth her radio career. It was during this time that she was asked by a longtime friend to serve as an assistant coordinator and announcer for a Martin Luther King Day program. In the planning and preparation of the event, she was asked to interview local gospel radio legend Edwin “The Chef” Wright, discuss the outline of the night’s events, and invite the masses to attend. A month later, she was invited to Heaven Studios with Troy McClain and offered to serve as a radio announcer for the relaunch of Heaven 1390AM/100.1FM. This amazing career opportunity birthed her radio show “The Midday Message with Lady T”. Recalling her immediate feelings of fear and anxiety, she quickly fell in love with her new profession the moment she placed those black headphones on her head and got behind that mic. She thanks God for the love and unwavering support of her family and dear friends: her mother Shedricka Riddick, Uncle Carl, Aunt Joan, Wanda Williams, and Tonetta “Pep” Watson-Coleman, all of who played significant roles in that season of her life. He too was a DJ and his name was Daddy Rich. She also reflects often on how she shares her radio ministry with her father, DJ Daddy Rich, and in a sense carries on that part of his legacy. Radio has provided Lady T the platform and opportunity to speak to the masses and bring attention to several topics of which she is extremely passionate: domestic violence, the holistic approach to wellness, women’s empowerment, and breast cancer awareness. She also serves as an Ambassador for the Power Tribe Community. This movement is founded by Kenya Dunn and serves as a support organization for women of color. Working in radio has also afforded her the unique opportunity to meet some incredible people as well. The pop-ups, events, and

concerts were all amazing, but the opportunities to speak life and to play songs that soothed and encouraged souls were priceless. Testimonies flowed of how the #Heavensquad, DJ Dex, The Chef, Grandboi Troy, Lady Keturah, Lori LJ Johnson, Leroy Harper, Mike Howard, and Marcus Hunter were impacting the lives of listeners. Even when she was contending with her personal issues, she drew strength from the Word in her heart and her experiences on the airwaves. Since its inception, “The Midday Message” has expanded from weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) from 10 am to 3 pm to weekdays (Mondays thru Fridays) at the same timeframe. A Radio Announcer for three years and counting, Lady T has been nominated for “Radio Personality of the Year” with the Gospel Choice Music Awards and the Voices of Gospel Music Awards. ! She is available for bookings (especially youth events) to host, speak, and encourage. She is currently in the process of launching a Podcast called “Courageous Conversations with Lady T” as well as a fitness product line to encompass all things fitness. Lady T is the mother of two sons (Airman Kendall Devin Gourdine and Janell Deja Gourdine), and the grandmother to Sanovia Michelle Gourdine. As she desires to edify Christ and encourage souls, she knows that God is truly in control of all things. Despite the circumstances, she continues to pursue purpose as if her life depends on it because it does. Life is a journey and she is here for wherever it leads. God will ultimately get the glory in everything. When asked to sum it all up, she shared that a servant is who she is and serve is what she does! The sky isn’t even the limit! She is determined to live her life to the fullest and with purpose and intention. It is her goal to tell anyone she comes in contact with that there is nothing that you cannot do with faith, fortitude, and determination! With a smile on her face, she states that she still loves being on the radio just as much now if not more than her first day on the air. Why? Simply because she gets to encourage her listeners every day by conveying this expression at the conclusion of every show: “You are an amazing soul, created to do amazing things because you were created by an amazing God.”


Her thick thighs, full lips, round hips, small waist, and those high cheekbones on her face. YES, She now loves everything about herself that society told her to hate! Melanated skin that glows, her confidence that shows was once void because she once believed her beauty wasn’t valued, and there was no possibility of her being adored. See people reject what they don’t understand and that’s what happened when we were brought to this land. The strength, courage, and fortitude are what helped her back then and even now to press through. You can’t begin to count the tears she’s shed, others wouldn’t have survived but she knew in the depths of her soul she could overcome and made the conscious decision to believe that God would provide. It didn’t matter what they did or even said to try and break her because God turned it around and everything that she experienced did the polar opposite and made her!! She is strong, powerful, and full of wisdom! This queen once seen as irrelevant will give you an encounter, truly unforgettable. Her conversation is deep, rich in content, forever memorable. She knows how to draw strength from within and can provide others with motivation even in her darkest moments that are life-changing. Understanding her value has been the key to her liberation so it no longer matters what they say she knows the impactful role that she plays! Her thick thighs, full lips, round hips, small waist, and those high cheekbones on her face. YES, She now loves everything about herself that society told her to hate!

By: Lady T ©2020 Contact information: Ladyt@heavenradiofm.com, Phone: (843)972-1100 Photographer: Jason Cordes of Jason Cordes Photography Hairstylist: Danielle Lee: Integrity Hair Studio MUA: Tiffany Holmes: Manifestation of Beauty Attire: Gold Dress: Ash and T’s Formals, Black Dress: Stacia Dawson of Soul2Soul Boutique


ALMA BROWN AND THE A-1 GOSPEL SINGERS of Little Rock, Arkansas A family- oriented group that has been spreading the word of God through songs for over 30 years. 2008 First CD titled PARADISE released 2017

Second CD titled THANK YOU JESUS released. CD produced by Mr. George Dean of the Gospel 4. Signed record deal with Ecko Records

2018 Attended Radio Announcers’ Ball in Long Island, New York Nominated for the IRAA Award in Baton Rouge, LA 2019 January-Participated in a Martin Luther King Showcase in San Antonio, TX June-Participated in a Juneteenth Celebration in Shreveport, LA July-Nominated in 6 categories for the Rhythm of Gospel Awards held in Baton Rouge, LA July-Third CD titled FAITH released. CD produced by Mr. George Dean of the Gospel 4 CD charted #11 on the top 20 charts of Gloryland Gospel August-Performed at the Chicago Chapter Gospel Quartet Convention in Chicago, IL September-First Gospel Group to perform at the Downtown Little Rock Food Truck Festival October-Performed on the Gospel Stage at the Arkansas State Fair 2020 Faith CD remains on the top 20 charts of Gloryland Gospel Contact information: Alma Brown, Manager-501-612-1848 Joyce Richardson, Business Manager-501-831-5004 Email. A1gospelsingers@gmail.com

There are so many frequently asked questions when it comes to voting. Why should we vote? Does my vote really matter? Is voting necessary? My answer is simply yes! Voting is imperative to shape our future. When you vote you’re voting for but not limited to the following; President, U.S. Senators, U.S. Representatives, Governors, State Senators, State Representatives, County Executives, County Councilmen/women, Judges, Mayor’s, City Councilmen/woman, Board of education members, Sheriff’s and District/State Attorneys. Each of these positions directly affect your life in more ways than one.

Honorable Brencis Smith

Your vote matters because it allows you to take part in the political process and shape our communities. It is through this medium we hold our elected officials accountable and let them know where we stand on issues. Voting helps us get our schools funded as well as our roads built. Voting allows you to vocalize what really matters to you. It is important because it allows us to choose what we deem essential and important in our communities. On a federal level, when voting, you are choosing the person who selects the next supreme court justices. Those appointments last a lifetime. There have been important cases heard before the supreme court like Rowe v Wade and Brown v Board of Education. Those two rulings gave women the right to choose and declared segregation unconstitutional. You are voting for the person who appoints the Secretary of Education, Attorney General and Secretary of State. Your vote affects who protects or harms our environment, housing rights, criminal justice reform, police reform, education, foreign policy, immigration policy and sensible gun laws to name a few. So much is on the line every election. Here in Maryland, where I serve as a councilman for the City of Laurel, circuit court judges serve a term of 15 years. You get to choose what judge sits on that bench. 15 years is a long time to allow a person whom you do not share the same values with determine the fate of your peers. Sitting out on elections allows others to make decisions for you. Elected officials make decisions on schools, cost of living, healthcare, what time your city/town closes, what kind of businesses come to your community and much more. One vote can make all the difference. There are cases in some states where a candidate won an election by a single vote. What laws the federal government will not create or change, the state and local level can. Do not allow your elected officials to take your tax paying dollars and serve their own interest in office. They work for you! We must pay attention to all elections. Our power is in our local and state elections. On a state and local level is where we can quickly make change. Do not let anyone make the decision for you. Research your candidates and see where they stand on different positions. Find out what is important to you and vote. Do not vote by party but by policy. Vote for the person that shares your same values. Another aspect of the voting process is the primary. Some states have open primaries while others are closed. I happen to live in a state that has closed primaries. An open primary means that anyone who is registered can vote in the republican or democratic race no matter party affiliation. Closed primary means that only those registered with the party can vote. The primary is where the party’s elect who represents them in the general election against the other party. If your state is predominantly republican or democrat your options are in the primary. Most likely the dominant party will win so you must choose in the primary who you want to hold office. Being an independent only allows you to vote in the general election unless you are in an open primary state. So many people make the mistake on skipping the primary and coming out to the general election, only to be upset with the choices they are left with. Vote every election! When this is done, the voices of the majority will be heard. When the majority decides not to vote, the minority decides how everyone lives. Stand up for those who cannot vote. Stand up for our children. Stand up for our future by voting this and every election!

THE GHANAIAN GOSPEL COMMUNITY Music, they say, is food for the soul. The rhythms and melodies of good music have the tendency to calm people and bring peace and harmony to their souls. Listening to a good melodious song, makes you feel rejuvenated even when stressed or feeling brokenhearted. People who have experienced this rejuvenation can tell you nothing heals a broken heart faster than refreshing, soul-soothing music. Gospel music is full of inspiration and draws the believer to Christ. Although sung primarily in church gospel music is sung daily by Christians everywhere: in cars, in homes, and even at the workplace.

Gospel music is sung and enjoyed by people from all walks of life, irrespective of race, age, or color. From the saints of old to the millennials of present day, all generations sing and enjoy gospel music. From the times of Adam and Moses with the Israelites, gospel songs have been in existence. David, who is well noted for his music in the book of Psalms, played the harp under the anointing to set King Saul free from the evil spirit that tormented him, This gifting earned him a place in the palace, he eventually became a king of the Israelites. The Apostles, from whom Christianity emanated, sang psalms and hymns when they fellowshipped and worshipped together, a tradition that modern Christians still practice. Several gospel songs and artists have emerged across the continents and around the world. Notable artists such as Don Moen, Ron Kenoly, Lionel Peterson, and Jimmy Reeves composed songs including “Rejoice Africa”, “River of Joy”, “Our Father”, and “Be It Unto Me”. Ghana is a sub-Sahara African country located on the Western part of the continent with a geographical area of 238,540 km2 and a population of approximately thirty million people. Noted for its rich culture and hospitality, it is referred to as “The Gateway to Africa.” The first country to gain political independence in Sub-Saharan Africa, known for its gold, diamond and other minerals, Ghana and its citizens enjoy a rich culture and creative arts. Ghanaians are well noted for composing and singing different genres of music including gospel music. The Gospel Industry in Ghana is gaining international recognition as several Ghanaian Gospel Artists collaborate and partner with foreign musicians to organize music concerts and host gospel events. The likes of Joe Mettle, Daniel Agyin, Diana Hamilton, Celestine Donkor, just to mention a few, have propelled the industry to an international level. Most of the artists have been nominated for and won international awards in the United States, Canada, and Europe. INCREASE IN AUDIENCE The industry that once had low patronage has blossomed. The low patronage was due to several reasons including difficulties in reaching a wider audience. After a music track had been produced, musicians transported their recorded tapes on buses to different cities in order

to be played on the various airwaves and thus gain recognition. Artists including Elder Mireku, Prof. Kofi Abraham, Cindy Thompson, Evangelist Diana Asamoah, Jane and Bernice, Daughters of Glorious Jesus, and Rev Mary Ghansah endured that difficult season of promoting gospel music in Ghana. Currently, gospel tracks are now uploaded through the Internet. This progression has contributed significantly to promotion of gospel music by allowing the music to reach a far greater audience in a short amount of time. Artists have benefited from uploading their gospel tracks on music avenues such as Deezer, Aftown Music, YouTube, Playstore, and Appstore. These platforms also help generate funds for the artists as subscribers must purchase digital streaming to obtain the music. Digital streaming has reduced the travel costs artists originally incurred to distribute their tracks. Moreso, the presence of social media has also increased the audiences for gospel artists. They can now reach their audiences through platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Ghanaian artists now have access to followers on social media, and the release of a single track could reach thousands of followers in a short time. IMPROVEMENT IN MUSIC PRODUCTION The production of Ghanaian gospel tracks has transcended to another level as Ghanaian gospel artists have learned production techniques from their international counterparts. By merging the local Ghanaian style of producing tracks with the techniques of the Western world, Ghanaian artists are enabled to improve the overall audio engineering sound and create mixes of excellent quality that are pleasing to the ear. Moreover, the music is now even more appealing to the youth and citizens of other nations. Sometimes, you can mistake a Ghanaian Gospel track for a foreign track, if the name of the gospel artist is unknown to you. Aside from sound improvements, Ghanaian gospel music has also improved in video production. Several gospel artists have produced professional music videos of international standard. The picture quality is of high pixels, and the video locales are very attractive and pleasing to watch. Although some artists are behind in grasping the new technological trends in production and videography, those already knowledgeable of these advances are faring quite well. With increasing support and sponsorship from Ghanaian and international corporations and investors, these other artists will eventually follow suit. Lastly, hosting virtual concerts and gospel events has now become the norm. Artists have now come to realize the importance of consistently interacting with their followers. Using social media platforms, artists are able to engage their current fan base as well as potential followers. Various concerts are now digitally streamed online for the public to watch. Ghanaian gospel artists attend and minister at several annual Ghanaian gospel concerts and events such as “Aseda Kese”, “Joyful Explosion”, Praiz Reloaded, Tahilah, and the National Gospel Music Awards by Global Expect Recovery Ltd. Gospel music has significantly evolved and now thrives in the Ghanaian community in a relatively short timespan. Indeed, the gospel industry that was initially underappreciated by its residents is now embraced by all of its people, including those from the diaspora.

Daniel Agyin Deputy Director for Gospel Music Musicians Union of Ghana (Musiga)

THE NIGERIAN GOSPEL MUSIC INDUSTRY The gospel music industry in Nigeria is definitely on the rise and appears to be on track to setting a golden standard in gospel music. Nigeria is the home to several huge worship concerts, such as EXPERIENCE. Dunsin Oyekan, Sinach, and Nathaniel Bassey are but a few of many Nigerian gospel artists with growing international acclaim and appeal. Nigerian gospel music has an incredible network of anointed singers, skillful musicians, and producers such as Cobams, Woleoni, and Mr. T. This network creates a profound and unique worship sound in the earth. However, the only negative that slows the progress and potential of Nigerian gospel music overall is a lack of structure in the industry. In Nigeria, secular labels are way more supportive to their artists than their gospel label counterparts. Donnie McClurkin and other giants in American gospel music industry are thriving and doing very well because of the support of strong gospel labels. There are many anointed and gifted independent gospel artists in Nigeria. But much work is needed from these artists by studying and knowing their craft, and by developing their skillsets via training and coaching. Moreover, they need to learn the legalities behind songwriting, publishing, and the like to avoid issues such as copyright infringement with lyrics, beats, rhythms, and the like. Some artists even lack originality in their ministries and have become known as “copycat” artists. Due to a lack of structure in the Nigerian gospel industry, upcoming artists tend to experience some growing pains before becoming well-known and recognized. Had the industry already had a secure foundation in place, they wouldn’t have to suffer because the labels would know what preventive measures to take to avoid marketing problems, legal concerns, and promotional issues. To make matters slightly more challenging, there are only a few gospel labels here in Nigeria, and even a smaller number of gospel labels that cater to independent gospel artists. As for the relationship between gospel artists and the Nigerian church community, it appears to be slightly strained. There are only a few churches that are willing to support the independent artists and invite them to minister. Usually, the artists must be either well-known or signed to a record label to receive some type of backing from most Nigerian churches. I feel that Nigeria’s gospel music network – the singers, the musicians, and the producers - should first unite amongst themselves. Once united on a common goal, this group should then collaborate with the gospel labels and churches to create an industry foundation between all three entities. Only then, I feel that we as an industry will become even better and improve the Nigerian worship experience overall.

GOSPEL CHIMEREMEZE PETERS Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria goschpetersg@gmail.com

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“There are no problems, only challenges and solutions.”

“Where Do We Go from Here?” “Now there were four men with leprosy at the entrance of the city gate. They said to each other, “Why stay here until we die?” If we say, “We will go into the city- the famine is there, and we will die. And if we stay here, we will die. So, let us go over to the camp of the Arameans and surrender. If they spare us, we live; if they kill us, then we die (2 Kings 7: 3-4, New International Version).” During this pandemic COVD-19 many

have lost their financial security, and it has devasted the African American communities, due to lack of health care and access to testing. Not only our community, but the nation is in an uproar, perplexed, and many are depressed living with anxiety. Americans having to adapt to a new norm of life, and all churches having to stream live worship services, and pastor’s communicating with their members via conference call, zoom has been challenging while many believers still search for assurance and consolation that God will comfort us during this crisis. The question remains, “Where Do We Go from Here?” As I minister to God’s people, many of them are asking this question. I will attempt to answer this question. We can be like the four men with leprosy, contemplating to stay where we are and die, surrender to fear and defeat, or we can move forward in Faith, trusting and believing that God will take us through the valley of

Baka (valley of weeping). As it is stated in (Psalm 20:7); “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God (Psalm 20:7; New International Version). Trusting God simply means we allow Him to lead us through the valley of shadow of darkness realizing the two bodyguards of goodness and mercy are with us. Not only should we move forward in Faith believing that a better day is on the horizon, but we must move from here with the assurance that victory is on the other side of COVD-19. We are victorious through COVD19; however, the world looks darken with death and gloom, but let us remember as God’s children we have overcome the world. We are overcomers because “The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world (1John 4:7 New International Version).” “Where Do We Go from Here?” We go forward in the spirit of triumph!

Rev. James A. Hayes, Pastor Mt. Pleasant A.M.E. Zion Church Gastonia, NC

GOSPEL CHIMEREMEZE PETERS is a singer, songwriter, choir director and music minister. He is a praise and worship leader par excellent, whose vision is to lift the hearts of men towards God through the mode of music. Gospel Peters is blessed with a unique and distinct voice with a multi octave and has the ability to arrange harmonies and direct vocals. His strong passion in music and singing made him stand out among others at an early stage of his life as a choir coordinator and participant in various choirs (both non-denominational). He is currently the choir director of his church choir – the New Spring Choir of FirstLove Assembly, Ikenegbu Branch, Owerri. In 2018, he was awarded the Music and Choir Director of the Year award by one of the local assemblies in his home city. He is a recording artist with a current song tagged, “The Lord’s Song,” Take all the Glory. It was officially released on the 3rd of May, 2020. This song has been adopted as the theme song by a global outreach known as, “THE MOVEMENT” and has vision to teach and promote Christ without celebrating any human personality. THE MOVEMENT is being pioneered by an American Apostle known as Timothy A King, who also sponsors a Bible Seminary in Africa – Majesty Seminary of Theology and Worship Arts, Frank Wabwile (Chancellor) and Leah Nanjala, (Academic Dean). Senior leadership has titled Gospel Peters as “First Son of THE MOVEMENT.” Peters is the host of an Annual Live Worship Event – Grateful Concert; under the umbrella of Inspirer Music. He is a native born of the Igbo Tribe in Imo State from the eastern part of Nigeria, West Africa. He was born to the family of nine (seven children and the parents). He is the 3rd born of the children and 2nd son to Pastor and Pastor (Mrs) John I Abaleke. He studied Business Administration and Management. “Music is and has been a significant part of my life,“ says Gospel Peters.


SONGS INCUDED      

In The Midst Of It All Well Done Run To You You Protect Me Miracles No One Else Like You


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