GCMA XChange Magazine - Jan 2022

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Artists Producers Songwriters Music Ministers Radio Personalities Virtual Talk Shows Humanitarian Awardees Gospel Industry Awardees Praise Dance / Mime Ministries Lifetime Achievement Awardees NOMINATION NOTIFICATIONS - FEBRUARY 3, 2022

The world has experienced collectively a challenge like it’s never seen. An unprecedented time elicits an unprecedented response—and that response is The PRAYZE PARTY (TM). Birthed as a means of encouragement during the pandemic, The Prayze Party brings music, ministry, and laughter to uplift the spirit of the viewer. When asked about the unique spelling of “praise” Executive Director Rob Simpson stated “When it was time to let the name of Jesus be heard through the pandemic I thought about the PRAYZE that led to victory. One constant through every Praise is Prayer. So Pray is part of praise and that’s why we PRAYZE.” The Prayze Party’s vision is to not only lift the hosts spirits but share it with as many as they can. And in that sentiment the concept of a worldwide party was born. The PRAYZE PARTY (TM) is the Ultimate Virtual Celebration of Prayze! Live Gospel DJ and Hosts presenting a condensed platform of special live performances from around the world, powerful sparks of preaching on Hope and Healing along with guest interviews discussing both interesting and relevant topics! Every session offers a life changing experience for everyone as they have a chance to give Glory, Honor & PRAYZE to the King of King and Lord of Lords. Rob Simpson’s vision does not stop there. Following through with the mission of encouraging and improving “the lives of Gospel artists and the community through music and education,” THE PRAYZE PARTY also serves as a resource to Indie Gospel Artists by way of financing special projects and events such as the “No Greater Love” video shoot of Ty Scott King and Aaron J. The Prayze Party continues to fine tune to ensure it’s reach is effective and the PRAYZE is heard.

Join the PRAYZE PARTY on YouTube!

Who is BlueMile Music Consultants, LLC? I’m glad you asked. We are multi-award-winning singers and songwriters (Calandra Gantt and Daphney Hilton), who God joined together to form BlueMile Music Consultants, LLC. Our company empowers artists and industry executives in the areas of album layout, vocal production, songwriting and arrangement, stage management and show production, to name a few. Affectionately known as, BlueMile Music, we serve as a bridge to connect artists and industry executives to opportunities that will enhance their career. Between the two of us, we have over thirty years of experience in the music industry. Our company, BlueMile Music, also hosts a bi-weekly show called,” Conversations with BlueMile” on FB Live and YouTube. We spotlight artists and industry executives and provide a platform where they can shed light on their work. Our goal is to foster a platform where you can be authentic, open, and transparent. In this industry, we need candid conversations to discuss our successes and our challenges. You should check us out! Partnership is everything in this industry. Let us repeat, Partnership is EVERYTHING in this industry. We, as BlueMile Music, uses our time to create strategic partnerships between artists and industry executives. BlueMile Music has partnered with billboard charting engineers, top-quality recording studios for your recording and production sessions. We have also partnered with music platforms that provide an opportunity for musicians and beatmakers to store and sell their music. We connect artists to this great underground hitmaking industry. In conjunction with “Conversations with BlueMile”, we have also partnered with other music platforms as guest hosts. These strategic partnerships are just a glimpse of what BlueMile Music is bringing to the table as the “Go To” team for music and artist consultation. These partnerships allow us to build a network and collaborate with our peers in the music industry. When I tell you, God is doing this thing! BlueMile Music has also expanded into the growing film industry by becoming music supervisors for a couple of short films, a featured film, and a web series. BlueMile Music is also one of the proud partners with Jeffery Holmes and the Gospel Choice Music Awards (GCMA) platform. We are extremely honored to serve on the Executive Committee for this superb awards show. Again, we say, Partnership is everything in this music industry.

Blue Nuggets: Partnership is everything – Nurture and build your relationships with your peers. This helps you to learn from each other, as well as allows you to lean on each other’s expertise. Integrity is key – In all your dealings, have a reputation of keeping your word and being fair. Integrity and character take you farther than talent. Consistency matters – Keep showing up! Keep showing up! Keep showing up! Your brand counts – Your first impression is your last impression. People are always watching. Be you with integrity! To book consulting services with BlueMile Music Consultants, LLC check out our website, www.bluemilemusic.com. Catch the talk show every other Tuesday night @8pm on Facebook LIVE or YouTube @bluemilemusic. Follow on all social media outlets.

First giving honor to the Most High, who is the head of my life. and to His Son, Yahushua Ha’Mashiach, Jesus the Christ. My name is Immanuel Zechariah, I have been playing music for most of my life. What I am about to share with you is nothing short of a miracle. I was sitting at my kitchen counter and my wife noticed me gasping for breath, she turned for a second and back again to see me plunging to the floor. I had passed out. It seemed as though I was only out for a second or two but when I woke up, I found out that I was passed out for quite some time. My daughter called the paramedics while my wife took my blood pressure. Once the paramedics got there and checked me out, they asked if I wanted to go to the hospital. My wife and daughter were so worried by then, I thought, maybe I had better go. While at the hospital I tested positive for Covid 19, they released me after two days with some Tylenol to keep the fever that spiked, in check. Once I got home, I found out that my wife and daughter tested positive for Covid as well. Although they were exhibiting symptoms, their symptoms were not as dire as mine. My energy was gone, I could hardly get out of the car and my sick wife and daughter had to help me into the house. I am sixty-nine years old; I have been a vegetarian since 1972 and a Vegan since ‘74 and was usually in great shape, but at the time of this illness, I had started doing some things that severely compromised my immune system. I started eating fried foods and eating a lot of processed foods and not taking the supplements that my wife and daughter were taking. You see, any sickness that comes upon you is because you have broken one of the eight laws of health. Curse causeless never comes. What are the eight laws of health you might ask, well I’m glad you asked. Its simple really. Nutrition: giving your body what it needs in order to sustain life, for me that’s a plant-based lifestyle. Exercise: making sure that you get your body moving every day, even if it’s just stretching and walking for fifteen minutes a day. Water: making sure you are consuming enough water to keep the body pure and hydrated. It’s important to note that most Covid 19 patients entering the hospital are severely dehydrated. Sunshine: getting enough vitamin D to fight off disease. Temperance: knowing when you have had enough of the good things in life and avoiding the things that are harmful altogether. Air: even though the air quality is not the greatest, we still need fresh air, so open that window in the bedroom at night and make sure you are getting plenty of fresh air, even in the wintertime. Rest: this is very important; most people don’t take the time to rest properly. Getting those eight hours of sleep at night and getting to bed by nine o’clock, or ten at the latest helps to rejuvenate the body. And the last but most important, Trust in the Most High, putting Him first in all you do. I thought I was doing everything I needed to do to be safe, wearing a mask, social distancing, washing my hands, etc., but I was not carefully guarding my immune system, a big mistake, one that almost cost me my life. As I stated previously, I could hardly stand, I could not take a breath without coughing, I couldn’t even go to the bathroom without my wife’s help. I was in bad shape. It felt like a weight was on my chest keeping me from breathing, I had to fight for every breath. Every time I tried to stand, I got light headed and had to sit down. This went on for three weeks. My wife was giving me natural supplements, herbs and whole food vitamins and praying for and with me constantly to help my recovery. I was scheduled to perform at a wedding in two weeks and it seemed like I wasn’t going to make it. I called the groom and explained that I had contracted Covid 19, and he replied, “Let’s just get you well”. He, being a medical missionary, began to tell me some things to do like hot and cold contrasting showers, and he gave me a recipe for what he called Nature’s Flue Shot, also he gave me recipes for pine needle tea, and turmeric milk, and he instructed me on how to administer Respiratory Steam Therapy. I was already familiar with the contrasting showers and started immediately. It was hard getting into the shower, but my wife assisted me. I could feel the benefits right away. My wife also gave me hot and cold body treatments, which helped me sleep. One day as I was lying on the couch, I began to feel isolated and alone, we thought it wise to separate ourselves from each other to minimize the effects of this disease. I called out to the Most High. “Father I am claiming a full recovery in time to meet my obligation to minister in music at the wedding.” It was only two weeks away, but I was determined to defeat this disease, by His grace. I continued to work the eight laws of health. I would go outside with the help of my wife and sit in the sun; it was such a treat just to get off that sick bed. I remember her admonishing me, “You’re going to have to fight this thing if you expect to get well.” I was determined to win this battle, giving up was not an option. I gradually made it off the

porch and onto the lawn, where my wife had placed a chair so I could walk a little and then sit back down. It was some time before I could even walk a little way by myself. Every day the regimen would begin. First water, then all of those whole food supplements and vitamins, healing remedies, sunshine, fresh air and exercise. Through hard work, determination, the help of the Most High and family, my strength gradual returned and I was able to do some deep breathing exercises to expand my lung capacity. I firmly believe that if I had not compromised my immune system I would not have had to suffer as much as I did and would have recovered sooner, along with my wife and daughter. Make no mistake, don’t get it twisted, this disease is nothing to play with, I admonish everyone to stay vigilant and keep your immune system in order and practice those eight laws of health, and pray without ceasing, for your advisory the devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Many of my church members and friends are no longer with us they have succumbed to this dreaded disease but I thank the Most High for life, health strength, and victory! Without the help of my wife, daughter, my medical missionary friends and the Most High, I would not have made it. I would have become another Covid 19 statistic. The Most High heard my prayer and I was able to attend the wedding and minister in music to their guest. I have fully recovered now, my breathing is back to normal, and no more visible symptoms of Covid 19. My family and I have tested negative and are Covid free, praise the Most High for His faithfulness, love and healing power.

Immanuel Zechariah 2019 Gospel Choice Music Awards Instrumental Artist of the Year

A leader walks with people to know their problems and walks with God for the vision of how to solve them. There are many steps in becoming a pastor. There are conventional methods by attending seminary or completing collegiate courses, generational preachers whose family lineage dictates the discipline of ministry and there are those who have a unique assignment into kingdom leadership. Our spotlight guest, Bishop Darrius Key, is that leader the Lord brought to Decatur, Georgia through what he chuckles in remembrance as, “unconventional” paths. Born and raised in Gary, Indiana Bishop Key grew up with his family as a young boy being groomed in the Jehovah Witness Faith. From this early stage, he knew the hand of God was on his life but was unsure how his destiny would unfold. The streets and environment of Gary prompted many challenges due to gangs, drugs, and the lack of resources being provided in underserved communities. After graduating high school, Bishop Key asked God to show him his purpose and path. Assured the Lord was leading his footsteps to Atlanta, Georgia, Bishop took one leap of faith to initiate God’s dream. Shortly after his relocation, Bishop received word his older brother was violently murdered in the streets of his hometown. While this setback dealt a blow to Bishop and his family and in this dark moment, Bishop Key said yes to the nudging of the Holy Spirit. Bishop Key made his confession of faith and united with Lynwood Park United Church of God in Christ where God began to rapidly elevate him to various offices in the church through the appointment by the late Bishop Marshall Carter to include the Deacon Ministry and the position of Elder, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What started as a knowledge quest for God evolved into pastoring, leading to God’s blueprint, fulfillment, and promise. In 2004, Bishop Key established Loganville United Church of God in Christ in Loganville, Georgia. Through Bishop Key’s leadership and teaching, the church grew and flourished at an incredible rate. Bishop Key was elevated to the office of Superintendent by Bishop Dewey F. Long. As Superintendent of this jurisdiction, Bishop Key was successful to cultivate fellowship between new and existing ministries in Georgia and abroad. In 2006, Bishop Key followed the voice of the Lord and modified the name of the church to New Beginnings Fellowship Assembly International, broadening the reach of the church to a global proportion. In 2008, Bishop Key was elected Presiding Bishop of the New Beginnings Fellowship Assembly International, a consortium of ten churches based in Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Later that year, he was consecrated as Chief Apostle and Presiding Prelate. In 2016, the Lord inspired Bishop Key to establish a new ministry, Cathedral of Grace Church founded in Grayson, Georgia, now based in Decatur, Georgia. This thriving ministry is the host of Sunday Mid-Day Services at 12:30 PM, Wednesday “Straight Talk, Straight Answers” Online Bible Study at 7 PM, and Super Saturday Online Service at 8 AM. For over twenty-five years, the Lord has been cultivating Bishop Key’s keen sense of technology and business acumen. This gifting and wisdom catapulted Bishop Key as an emerging faith leader during the COVID-19 pandemic through the ministry of 21century technology. When asked how technology impacts ministry, Bishop Key responds, “I believe the church has to remain progressive to reach and serve people

whether they are sitting in our pews or viewing our services online.” “God already knew that technology would have a major role in furthering the Gospel during these unprecedented times. I am glad that I received God’s prophetic vision for Cathedral of Grace which well prepared us in advance of the pandemic.” Bishop Key is committed to being an extension of Jesus’ hands and feet in the Decatur, Georgia community and abroad by combatting homelessness and addressing other social-economic ills. “Our church has established a food pantry and assists those who are seeking better through employment and personal development.” “With the help of the Lord, we are looking to do greater in the years to come”, said Bishop Key.

Recognized as “Bishop of the Year” by the Gospel Choice Music Awards, Bishop Key continues to impact people around the world with the Word of God. Beyond being a highly recommended technology and ministry consultant, Bishop Key’s most important priority is his queen, Pastor Jacqueline Key, and their three adult children, Daurice, Myla, and Malik. When asked about family and ministry, Bishop Key states, “There is nothing I enjoy more than having our children, my mother, and the Circle of Grace members who serve in ministry with me week after week. Bishop enjoys being a barbeque grill master and an avid golfer when time is afforded. When asked about the future, Bishop Key’s response is powerful and clear – “We must understand and know that this world is ever-changing and that we have arrived at a new normal. However, we must believe that God is in the midst of us and that there is nothing impossible nor too hard for Him.” “Let’s stand firm in our faith and put a hashtag on BELIEVE.”


Why did God allow Satan to live this long? For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”” Revelation 12:12 NKJV It’s Rules of Engagement. Till God comes, Satan is allowed to show his character as much as he wants with perimeters as we find in Job 1-3. We can also see from the beginning of sin, God put Satan on a timer. Genesis 3:15 represents the start of the rules of engagement for Satan and God. The serpent would be on its belly and there would be moral enmity between Satan and man. Meaning the struggle to resist sin would be a lifetime achievement. Luke 8:31reveals to us a moment when the demons that possessed a man acknowledged that it wasn’t their time to go into the abyss. God shows us in Revelation 12:12 that the devil knows his time is short. Therefore, sin is not built for longevity. Sin will run its course like a COVID days of quarantine. It will soon expire and God will restore everything that we lost with the addition of eternal life. My favorite verse Revelation 2:10 tells us that we will receive the crown of life if we are faithful till the end. Had God snuffed out Satan, he would have lost the love, loyalty and trust of the angels. They would’ve believed all the lies Satan told them. Revelation 5, shows us that the angels did not find Jesus worthy to move forward with history until after the cross. When Jesus died and rose again that’s when the shift happened. There was war in heaven and Satan had no access to the inside, side, or outside. Satan would fall like lightning and earth would be his only dwelling place till he is destroyed.

Here’s a fun fact to Rules of Engagement, Satan has no more power over our life than what we give him. We can choose God today and get victory forever! Pastor Philip M. Wesley II

Northeastern Conference of Seventh Day Adventist

What is God teaching “The Church” through this pandemic? God is teaching His people to… Understand that our physical church buildings are important, but can no longer be the only focal point of worship; Understand, that pastors are essential to God’s plan, but “The Church” cannot have “pastor religion”. During this pandemic, God allowed us, as pastors, to see our members hospitalized, while no one, even we, as their pastors, were allowed to visit them. Trust and depend on Jesus. God is still on the throne and since He preserved His people through the… Antonine Plague of the 2nd Century • Plague of Cyprian in the 3rd Century Plague of Justinian in the 6th Century • Great Plague of London in the 17th Century Russian Plague of the 18th Century • Philadelphia Epidemic of the 18th Century Flu Pandemic of the 19th Century • Polio Epidemic of the 20th Century Spanish Flu Pandemic of the 20th Century • Asian Flu Pandemic of the 20th Century AIDS Pandemic of the 20th Century • H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic of the 21st Century West African Ebola Epidemic of the 21st Century • Zika Virus Pandemic of the 21st Century God will see us through this Covid-19 crisis of the 21st Century. Learn the lesson God is teaching us: (1) our worship experience must be greater that our physical church buildings; (2) love and support our pastors, but know there will be times when the pastor can’t be there for us; and (3) trust and wholly depend on the Lord. Christ is the only one that can sustain and deliver us from this crisis.

Presiding Bishop Aaron B. Lackey, Sr. Chief Apostle of the United Churches of God in Christ, Inc.


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1 tsp corn flour 1 tsp dark soy sauce Finely grated zest & juice 1/2 small lemon 2 tsp coconut or canola oil 1 skinless chicken breast fillet (around 150g), cut into 1.5cm slices 1 bell pepper sliced 1 medium carrot, trimmed and thinly sliced 100g broccoli, cut into small florets 150ml chicken stock 2 small onions, trimmed and thickly sliced

Mix the corn flour with the soy sauce and lemon juice in a small bowl

Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok over a high heat, add the chicken, capsicum, carrot and broccoli and stir-fry for 2–3 minutes, or until the chicken is lightly browned and the vegetables are beginning to soften

Pour the lemon and soy mixture into the pan, add the chicken stock and spring onions and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat and cook for 2 minutes, or until the sauce is slightly thickened and the chicken is cooked through, stirring regularly

Sprinkle with grated lemon zest and serve with rice


Ingredients                

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 medium yellow onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced ½ pound chicken or turkey sausage, removed from casing, if necessary 1 (28 ounce) can no-salt-added crushed tomatoes 2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth or chicken broth 2 cups water 6 ounces whole-wheat lasagna noodles, broken into smaller pieces ¼ cup chopped fresh basil, plus more for garnish 3 tablespoons tomato paste 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 1 teaspoon dried oregano ¼ teaspoon salt ½ cup part-skim ricotta cheese 4 tablespoons Parmesan cheese Ground pepper, for garnish

Heat oil in a multicooker on sauté mode until hot. Add onion and garlic and cook, stirring often, until fragrant and translucent, 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in sausage and continue to cook, breaking the sausage apart with a wooden spoon, until browned and cooked through, 4 to 5 minutes.

Add tomatoes, broth, water, noodles, basil, tomato paste, vinegar, oregano and salt. Close and lock the lid of the multicooker and cook on high pressure for 4 minutes. Let the pressure release naturally for 5 minutes, then release the remaining pressure manually.

Divide the soup among 4 bowls. Top each with 2 tablespoons ricotta and 1 tablespoon Parmesan. Garnish with basil and pepper, if desired.

Ingredients     

2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 2 tablespoons granulated sugar

5 tablespoons whipping cream ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup milk, heated

Whisk cocoa powder and sugar together in a medium bowl. Add cream and vanilla, beat until thick and fluffy, 1 to 2 minutes. If the mixture is still grainy, mix a little longer.

Divide hot milk between 2 heatproof glasses and top with the chocolate mixture. Whisk to combine.


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