GVA Star Volume 3 Issue 1 November 2023

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GVA Star issue 1 / November 2023


INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Fall Photospread / Girl Scouts Interviews / Interest Pique / Country Queen Cookies



Fall Photospread


Girl Scouts Interviews




Interest Pique


Country Queen Cookies

editor's note I love writing and design, even if I’m not the best at it. And it feels great to contribute to the GVA Star, a publication for students by students. It’s amazing to have such wonderful people to work with—the sponsors go above and beyond to support everyone’s ambitions within this magazine, and the writers/designers working alongside you are so kind and involved. Sometimes they can be a heaven-sent help when I need assistance or am just lost on where to go. This issue we’re taking on the Fall! Thanksgiving is around the corner, and we’re tackling a recipe that you can do as well— the ingredients and directions are both listed. Just in time for the Thanksgiving Feast, right? We’re also adding a new segment called Interest Pique, where we talk about all manner of things, and then review. For this first time we’ll be exploring the sport of the Fall, Football! This season has held many surprises out of the gate, and we’ll be discussing one of the most unexpected surprises (other than that first game against the Lions, right?). We also have much more within this issue! I implore you to join the GVA Journalism Club, and be a part of the team. It is so much fun to create and write and design not only for yourself, but for others. You also learn about teamwork and meeting deadlines— yes, I said deadlines, but the atmosphere in the Journalism Club is so relaxed and patient and understanding! So sit down, relax yourself, and prepare to enjoy a student-made masterpiece.



Journey C. Hibba Q. Janet O.

Sponsors: Emily Divis Linda Prior Cindy Nickelson Susan O’Brian

ABOUT THE COVER This image captures Autumn perfectly; the leaves are changing and falling, but some trees, like evergreens, remain unchanged during this time. This is also the time to get outside before it gets so cold you’re ready to lock yourself inside by the fire and prepare for your hibernation! photo by Getti Images

Girls Scout By: Hibba Q.

This segment of the issue is going to be talking about an amazing organization Girls Scout



INSIDE THIS ISSUE: [article title 1] / [article title 2] / [article title 3] / [article title 4]

Talk with Troop Leaders What are the challenges? Dealing with young girls with different backgrounds, mindset, and character can be challenging but seeing them grow as a group is more rewarding. What do you expect for the girls? To be responsible and emphatic Girl Scouts and would want GSKSMO to serve as stepping stone for these girls to be future leaders. Why would you recommend girls scout for girls? Girl scouts of USA are dedicated to building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place

What made you a troop leader?

This was my way to give back to the community and be a part of my girls' development.

How has a troop leader benefited you ? It has improved my communication, leadership, organizing and team player skills. Why do you like being a troop leader? I like being a troop leader because I get to colead with one of my close friends. I like to discipline the girls while doing activities. I love doing some of the activities with the girls such as camping.

Why would you recommend girls scouts for girls? Helps them grow, meet new friends, and new skills

Talk with Girls What has been your favorite activity so far? Geocaching and camping

Why did you join the girls scout? When i moved back from Chicago, this was one of the only extra curricular activity that i saw available, I’m glad I took the initiative because girls scouts has helped me grow

What have you learned from your troop leader? Learned to help with other people and improved my public speaking

How has girls scout helped you in your school life? It has taught me leadership skills

What do you hope to gain from girls scouts? My silver and gold award to help for applications, and college scholarships

What have you learned from your troop leader? Time management is crucial, especially when deadlines are tight

What has been your favorite activity so far? I liked archery

Girls Scout Cookie Booth

Cookie Booth DID SOMEONE SAY COOKIE BOOTH? This os our famous cookies selling booth that happens every Feburary and March. Every year we have a a new cookie and take out a cookie, in that way we don’t repeat stuff every year.

h&t | Greenery




Every 2 years you bridge, which means go you put on a new vest, and become a higher level. In this photo we became juniors to cadettes. CONGRATS!!!!!!


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Quotes by the owner of girls scout.


Reading has always been an experience that can improve you as a person and it is better to start doing it sooner than later. Reading has always been known to help people and are even referenced in video games to make people smarter. It's usually a thing people say or think if they know someone reads books a lot they assume that they are really smart because I've known that reading actually takes a lot of focus. A great skill to have in life is being good efficient reader and keeping your reading skills sharp just because life is actually full of reading and you never know when you may run into a situation and need this skill. Being taught to read and how people are being taught to read usually have good or bad outcomes. The good outcomes are when people are taught good and learn to have run while reading and using their imagination to paint a picture and use and work their brain a lot more. The bad influence is when teachers or even parents tell others while they are at a young age that reading is boring and just consumes time and you could be other things. Reading can actually boost your focus skills and make your mind sharper and even expand your thinking. In my experience with reading I was influenced in a bad way, in such a way that I didn't think reading was fun at all and it was just me staring at words and somehow it was supposed to make me smarter. But in reality books can easily turn out to be just like movies if you allow it to. Your brain and what it can do wil actually surprise you sometimes. I actually tried one day to sit down and just read a book and actually tried to get into it. This actually turned out to be really fun and I ended up reading the whole series because I was that interested. Of course it depends on what you read, if you decide to read something that doesn't peak your interest then you will not enjoy and you will find it hard to finish the book at all. I decided to read a horror genre and it was fun because it had me nervous and guessing what happened next so I just continued to read. I enjoyed the horror read because it also made me put an image in my head and made me feel the person in the book or it made me think of what I would do if I was placed in their life. Reading can actually bring you into the storytellers world and make you feel their emotions because of how they speak and what they say. My experience with reading has changed so much on when I wsas first introduced to reading and what the purpose of it even was. But if I could say something to the people who think the same way that I did I was jsut suggest them to not judge and actually pick one up and try it. You never know what you will like until you try it and instead of just assuming, knowing why you do or don't like something in life is so much better. I do not regret actually picking up a book and trying it because it actually turned out to be fun. Reading could change anyone's perspective on it if they try and step into the unknown.


When I was younger, reading and writing were not something that I enjoyed doing. As I've gotten older I have grown to enjoy it more. Personally, I prefer free writing over writing about a given topic. The same thing goes for reading. I would rather choose what I read rather than read something that doesn't interest me. Reading and writing are both now things that interest me. My greatgrandmother was the person that read me my first book when I was only 2 months old. Although I don’t remember it, my mom told me that we were at my grandma's house and every time she would read to me she would always read to me in a rocking chair. My mom also told me that the scene was very peaceful and also very calm because I would always fall asleep when she would read to me. The first time that I remember reading was when I was in elementary school. I was in 5th grade and we were reading The One and Only Ivan as a class book. I enjoyed reading this book because it was about animals and I liked reading about animals at the time. My 6th grade ELA teacher was someone who positively impacted my love for reading and her name was Mrs. Hunter. Reading for some people doesn't always sound like the most fun thing to do but no matter what she would always make it fun and even a great way to help us learn. For me reading out loud to people was something that I struggled with and because of this I never enjoyed it. But no matter what, if there was something that we didn't understand, she would always help us. I feel that writing came more naturally to me than reading. My 6th-grade writing teacher Mrs. Fraley was someone that helped me find my love for writing. Writing for some can sometimes seem boring, but she would always put us in groups. I feel like when she would put us in groups it would make learning a lot more fun and I also feel that being able to work in a group would better help me generate ideas. Looking back now I used to strongly dislike writing because I would be forced to write about a topic that didn’t interest me in any way. Now that I am able to write more freely and I am able to choose what I want to write about, I have grown to enjoy writing a lot more now that I am older. Now that I am able to read stories and freely write about what I’m interested in. I now enjoy reading and writing a lot more now. Since I now have the ability to write freely and write about the things I like, I enjoy it a lot more. I want the reader to know that no matter what there is always something that you can find to enjoy in reading and writing. Also if there is something you don’t enjoy you have to find a way to like it or you never will. I know this from experience because I used to never enjoy reading or writing. Now both reading and writing are things that I am able to enjoy in my everyday life.


Interest Pique

By Journey C.

This is a segment where we talk and review things, which could be anything, ranging from video games and shows to music and books, and even pop culture. In this edition, we are going to discuss something thats been drawing a lot of attention to a local team.

Though Taylor Swift is an admitted Eagle’s fan, she’s seemed to have found a special place in her heart for the Chiefs. More specifically, a special place in her heart for Travis Kelce, the Chiefs’ number 87 Tight-end (arguably the best!). Taylor’s venture into the Football scene came two months after Kelce admitted he had a crush on her. After the chiefs’ victory over the Chicago Bears (41-10) on September 24th, Kelce and Swift celebrated at a party after the game.



MULTIPLE SIGHTINGS Taylor Swift was also seen watching Travis Kelce at the October 1st Chiefs-Jets game, which was a SURPRISINGLY close call for the reigning champs. However, victory was had for the Chiefs (23-20) in New York. What might have caught more viewers’ attention, though, was that Swift was not alone this time in the box. She watched over the game with her A-list friends Sophie Turner, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, and Hugh Jackman. The couple has also been seen making separate cameos on the comedy show Saturday Night Live (SNL) on the same night, and afterwards joined the cast at an afterparty.

IN REVIEW… There have, however, been many said grievances

It was seemingly constant when all I need was

over the NFL’s coverage of this Swift-Kelce

football, nothing more. But now I’ve made my

phenomena. Football star Rob Gronkowski has

peace with it; Travis Kelce has been boosted to

made the public aware of how annoyed he is with

further fame, his reach now further than his

all the Swift coverage during Chiefs games.

sport. His jersey has been selling like hotcakes

I can understand the annoyance. At first I was

not only in Kansas and Missouri—which is

shocked, then happy, feeling like, “Aw, y’know,

already a given— but even in other states, other

good for Travis Kelce.” But the coverage just got in my face.

NFL league states, like Florida! Good for you indeed, Kelce.

“…Travis Kelce has had a lot of big catches in his career. This would be the biggest." — Bill Belichik

If you want to comment about this piece or write for Interest Pique and potentially be published, use this link: https://for ms.gle/JVE qRoSWSVTj VaC76

Baking with the Country Queen


They look amazing, right? By Journey C. & Hibba Q. With Thanksgiving and the holidays

Well, the Country Queen Reba Mcyntire

coming up, along with cold weather,

seemed to think so. She opened up to

doesn’t something warm and sweet sound

People magazine with two recipes, and

absolutely amazing? Something sure to

this one certainly caught my eye. These

leave cozy memories and sure to bring

are Reba’s Chocolate Chip Shortbread

familiar feelings of closeness each time

Cookies, with flaky salt as an optional

they are made?


Recipe Time! Makes: 12 Active time: 25 minutes Total time: 2 hours, 50 minutes


1. Beat together butter, brown sugar, granulated sugar and vanilla in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle



1 cup (8 oz. ½ cup pac ¼ cup gran 1 tsp. vanill 2¼ cups al ¾ cup sem 1 tsp. flaky

) salted bu

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tter, at roo

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ulated suga

m temperat

attachment on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, 4 ure


to 5 minutes. Reduce to medium low. Add flour in two batches, waiting until first addition is fully incorporated before adding the next; beat until just combined, scraping sides of bowl as needed. Gently stir in chocolate chips.


a extract

2. Divide dough evenly between two large sheets of plastic l-purpose


isweet and

sea salt (op

/or bittersw

wrap. Shape each dough into 2 logs (1½ inches in diameter eet chocola

and 6 inches long). Twist ends of plastic wrap until taut te chips


and uniform in shape, and then gently roll logs to smooth out edges. Chill in refrigerator until firm, at least 2 hours.

3. Preheat oven to 350° with racks in upper and lower thirds of oven. Line 2 large rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper. Remove logs from plastic wrap; slice each into ½-inch-thick rounds. Arrange 1 inch apart on baking sheets. Sprinkle each with a pinch of flaky salt.

The Perfect Addition to Your Table!

Freeze until firm, about 10 minutes.

4. Bake until edges are golden brown, 15 to 18 minutes, rotating position of baking sheets halfway through. Cool on baking sheets 10 minutes; transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Results of our Efforts! HIBBA’S TAKE I loved the cookies, it was amazing and unique. I highly recommend to make these cookies. They’re amazing for birthday parties, picnics, snacks (etc.). They’re soft, filled with flavor, and they’re cookies from heaven. When you put them in the oven, they will be different shapes, and don’t over cook them, they are supposed to be soft.

A CALL TO ACTION! We want you to bake as well! Please try out the recipe and tell us what you think. You might even be featured in our next publication! We would love to hear what you think about the process, the flavor, and the texture, and would also appreciate hearing about the experience (whether it was good or bad, burnt or heavenly). Use this link to submit!: https://forms.gle/eW7RpH4xr7Uefu1v6


A student publication by GVA Students for GVA students and their local districts



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