Construction Today | Issue 2 - 2023

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AFTER 300 YEARS, THE STEWARDS OF PHILADELPHIA’S BUILT ENVIRONMENT ARE NOT SLOWING DOWN BY NICOLE CATRAMBONE, MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATE | GBCA Today, The Carpenters’ Company of the City and County and Philadelphia and the General Building Contractors Association (GBCA) are two prominent professional organizations in Philadelphia. Though their day-to-day work looks distinctly different, both groups are widely recognized for their longstanding commitment to stewarding the region’s built environment. What is noteworthy is just how far back this commitment goes—nearly 300 years—and how their significant historical connection continues to shape Philadelphia.

“Philadelphia’s first Master Builders were responsible for building icons like Christ Church’s steeple, Independence Hall, and our very own Carpenters’ Hall, which was home to Benjamin Franklin’s Library Company and the First Continental Congress,” says Michael Norris, Executive Director of the Carpenters’ Company. “They also set the rules of engagement and the standards for building in the early days of Philadelphia. This was done to regulate construction and ensure quality during a formative period for our city and our nation.”

Philadelphia and the Master Builder

Specialization Spurs Change

In 1724, the Carpenters’ Company was founded in Philadelphia as a guild of skilled craftsmen who were considered Master Builders, not specifically carpenters as we now know the trade. Their skills encompassed most everything architects, contractors, and engineers handle today, which made them essential to bringing William Penn’s plans for Philadelphia to fruition. In the decades before our nation was founded and the setup of formal industry oversight, the Carpenters’ Company also provided a standard of craftsmanship, of building excellence.

As Philadelphia evolved, so did the nature of construction. By the late 1800s, industrialization was well underway, forever changing building processes and leading to greater specialization in the industry. As specialized trades and professions emerged, including non-carpentry trades, architects, and engineers, the Carpenters’ Company shifted much of its focus to preserving the rich history of Carpenters’ Hall for the public to enjoy.


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