GAU Vol 01 - English version

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VOL01 2012 Galeria de Arte Urbana On the Walls... Mostra 2012 ParizOne


On the Walls... Júlio de Matos - C.H.P.L. Evoking the World Day of Mental Health, began last 10th of October, the artistic actions on the Wall of Lisbon’s Mental Hospital Centre at Murtas Street. Under a partnership between the Urban Art Gallery and the Hospital’s Administration, were invited the creators Aspen, Eime, José Carvalho, Mar, Miguel Ayako, Nark, Nomen, Odeith, Robô, Slap and Smile to make what they do best – the face. If, in José Gil words, “A picture is always a crowd”, if in each face several faces can be found, then many of us will be represented in this wall that will be the biggest dedicated to the urban art in the city of Lisbon, with about 1 Km long. Later, the sections of the wall not yet worked – and you may believe they are many – will be open to other artistic intervention proposals during 2013.




José Carvalho




VOL01 2012


Lisbon Wall At last Lisbon has a municipal wall totally dedicated to graffiti. The management of this space destined to authorized artistic interventions will be carried out jointly by GAU and by some of the most well-known national writers. The artistic proposals for this place may be sent to the following email addresses: and By legalizing this wall, GAU intends not only to engage the artistic community committed to calligraphic records but also to create awareness into a larger audience towards the recognition of urban art as an expression to take into account in public space. In order to promote the different expressions, techniques and trends of the aerosol art, valuing the skills and creativity of the participating artists, we invite all who might be interested to visit the place where the graffiti events highlighted in this magazine, already took place. Boogie Down Lisbon | Rua Cais de Alcântara

Boogie Down Lisbon Between the 14th and the 15th July took place in that same municipal wall the “Boogie Down Lisbon”, an event which opened the “Lisbon Wall” and gathered a group of national artists – Bray, Chure, Creyz, Mar, Myster, Nark, Nomen, Odeith, ParizOne, Quê?, Ram and Rote. Dedicated to the Lisbon City topic, the event was organized jointly by the Urban Art Gallery, under the supervision of the Municipal Cultural Heritage Department, and by the writer ParizOne.

Writer´s Delight

Mar | Boogie Down Lisbon

During the month of September took place the “Writer’s Delight”, an event promoted by Lisbon Dedicated Store, involving several supporters, and among them the Urban Art Gallery. “2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY” was this year’s chosen theme and the initiative was done on the walls of Lavra Sidewalk and on the municipal wall at Cais de Alcântara Street. The Writer’s Delight received the participation of a set of both national – Blast, Odeith, ParizOne, Quê?, Slap, Travis, Vile e Walk – and international authors – Chas, Esko, Kj263, Lenor, Les Gens, Maestro, Morta, Narc, Nask, Semor, Seick, Utopia e Zoer – opening up the “Lisbon Wall” to the international community. Odeith | Boogie Down Lisbon

Chas, Jeas, Lenor, Narc, Nask, Semor, Slap, Utopia, Zoer | Writer´s Delight 2012

Rote | Boogie Down Lisbon

On the Walls... Latest from Vhils in Lisbon Lisbon recently welcomed the new works of Alexandre Farto aka Vhils, in environments as different as the ancient and picturesque Alfama neighborhood, the tower of Lisbon’s Volunteer Fire-fighters Association or a wall contiguous to the tile panels authored by João Abel Manta, at Calouste Gulbenkian Avenue. Prepared in May, during his individual exhibition at Agência Vera Cortez gallery, the works confirm Vhils persistence on his search for what a concrete effigy can bring of human to the city’s contemplation. The anonymous faces continue, therefore, to emerge from the author’s walls, sometimes with the description of a salt concretion which crystalized on the surface, sometimes with the drama of an explosion that exposes concrete’s interior. Like a flower on asphalt, but this time done in cement, a certain light is expressed on the looks of those represented in the pieces and the surrounding space, in turn, seems to quickly assimilate these creations, with Alexandre merely revealing, in a certain way, what already existed there.

B. Shanti | Captain Borderline “The investors and the Eurogame” is the title of the piece produced by B. Shanti from the German crew Captain Borderline, executed with the support of Urban Art Gallery, in a municipal wall located at Forças Armadas Avenue, last August. This author’s works are characterized by social and political messages, a critical option which reflects itself on his first wall made in Lisbon. Over a dawned sun disguised as a euro coin, two players throw the game pieces of the european capitals, in a new stage of the international chess. Captain Borderline exists as a crew for about a decade on the international urban art scene. It incorporates the artists. A. Signl, Marcelos Wallace, 666 and B. Shanti, and is also connected to the organization of City Leaks – Cologne Urban Art Festival.

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... Beyond the Walls Recycling your Sight This campaign was awarded with “Gold” distinction at the 14th Edition of the Festival do Clube dos Creativos de Portugal (Portugal’s Creativity Club Festival), and with a Bronze Lion at the category of “Public Relations”, at Cannes, prizes granted to our partner Torke - comunication agency. Following up the popularity obtained in previous phases, it went on from June 11th through July 4th the 4th edition of the initiative, involving artistic interventions in 15 new recycle glass repositories. And again, the origin of proposals and the diversity of speeches were remarkable. From a set of children at a kindergarten, to a group of scouts, from Hugo Lucas’ third recycle glass repositories to the first one of Nicolae Negura among other initiates and recurrent participants, the present set of works reaffirms the “Recycling Your Sight” as an exercise of artistic citizenship. Besides this, 3 other of these elements were painted at Rua Nova do Carvalho by the collective comprising Vasco Coelho, João Borges and Miguel Coelho, by Afonso de Oliveira and Chure, under the on-line competition promoted by GAU at Facebook, destined to select the more popular works, that had about 17.000 ‘Likes’.

Follow art and you’ll see the river! Following the strategy of artistic medium’s diversification and answering a challenge by Lisbon Multicultural Festival “TODOS”, GAU promoted in September, with the national energy company “EDP” support, an urban art intervention in a set of technical repositories or cabinets, located along the axis outlined by São Bento Street and 24 de Julho Avenue. The artistic intervention was made by the crew “UAT”, inspired by the diversity of cultures that exists in this area of the city evoked a set of ethnic masks. “Follow art and you’ll see the river!” traced, among alleys and lanes, a path made up of small great artistic notes that lead us to the Tagus river, a departing location to the world.

VOL01 2012

Mostra 2012 Confirmed diversity We take the lift at Restauradores Square, then climb the sidewalk known as Gloria and arrive at the GAU’s panels. They are seven, almost all with an outdoor format, located on the street, at the open air, the place of urban art, by excellence. This time, they exhibit works from the 2012 edition of Annual Urban Art Exhibition, where nationalities, backgrounds, discourses and techniques meet each other. Maybe it’s the most eclectic art show that the Gallery has hosted until now. In the very first panel, at the top of the street, Vanessa Teodoro, already in a career with several participations in GAU events, invited Pedro Zamith for a clash of titans. On his side images with a grotesque grimace and a dazzling palette band together, clashing with a black and white avalanche of divas, goddesses and little monsters from her side. “I thought it might be fun this junction of different worlds (…) – an epic battle between colour and black and white, between a new street art generation and another more drawn into to the art gallery” in the words of the one also known as Super Van. Afterwards a buzz of Italian words arises. Sonia Piedad Marinangeli and Elisa Placucci, the duo “To/Let” from Bologna, are painting the second panel. Sonia reveals what otherwise we already knew – “we thought a project which was a reflexion about the crisis that is stricking Europe, including Italy. A great hand appears finding a house and spreads the chaos. People are frightened and try to run away”. Small and fragile paper boats float in dark waters. “Recycle glass repositories become an addiction”, confesses Hugo Lucas who already painted three in the city, with the mentioned campaign “Recycling Your Sigth”. And why don’t I work one of Gloria outdoors? – thought Hugo to himself. The Annual Urban Art Exhibition jury agreed and elected his proposal for the third panel. “It represents the state of things. They eat each other but there is always a bigger fish eating the other who buys submarines. And there is always one that is busted, the smaller one, which in the end has nothing to eat and is eaten by the bigger ones.” Yes, the crisis theme is very present in the art show, even if in this work, entangled in quiet waves of blue sky. As a child, the Romanian illustrator Nicolae Negura paints his dream planet. As a child, Nico introduces itself in a hesitant Portuguese and says that “to have a space in the street to paint is quite good. I didn’t find in other countries spaces like this, as I did here”. “As a Child” is the title of his work, and also like children, we find in the piece a magic lamp, a winged dragon, a moon with a top hat, a bottle with a message, a boy

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peeking in a paper boat, adults falling down from this fantasy universe towards reality. What can be a house made of letters? A Library? A poem with a door and a window? In the only GAU’s vertical panel, Marcelo Dantas, by doing his first artistic street production, “tells a little bit about the times we live on, troubled and that lead us to a big reflexion, of rethink a new series of presuppositions of our daily life, of our system, of our reality. (…) And the theme – paint streets on white for a new beginning – is related with that, with restarting something and it is also my beginning.” Already at Oliveirinha Square, the last two panels appear where João Samina is neighbour of Zana Moraes. Through a vast stencil, João states – “What I’m going to do here is basically a follow up of my own work, to represent a figure, who may, in some way, raise a doubt of what it is, who it is, of what’s going on, and what to say, trying to confront people, eye to eye, that graffiti, urban art, street art, are not vandalism and are not bad things”. On the other hand, Zana, the illustrator who began to work on the street painting glass recycle cointainers, tells the story of “a bird which lives up there on the perch and that once and a while, with its low flights, come and shares some food with us little fishes, which are increasingly gutted, the only thing remaining being to be sliced”. But urban art does not end up here in these outdoors, it propagates through Oliveirinha Square, in the other structures for free painting that GAU installed. There one can work at any time, any week day, when the will to colour the city arises. And the claim there is permanent renovation, unstoppable, even if some pieces remain the same as a show of respect from the community. A place for experimentation, laboratory of expressions, Oliveirinha Square is a place opened to all. To all who are conscious of the society where they live in today. To all alert to the crisis they face today. To all who are free in the way they express nowadays. To all coming from different origins, to the authors of the Annual Urban Art Exhibition 2012 and to those present in the structures of free painting, confirming the renewal, the contemporaneity, the vehemence, in Lisbon, of the Street Art speeches. Hence, all to Glória Sidewalk, because all of us, in some way, are represented there.

Marcelo Dantas

Billboard 5 | Marcelo Dantas

Billboard 6 | Jo達o Samina

Jo達o Samina

Zana Moraes

Zana Moraes

Billboard 7 | Zana Moraes

ParizOne | Estrada Militar, acesso Ă CRIL (IC17), Amadora | 2010

Mostra 2012

Pedro Zamith

Billboard 1 | Pedro Zamith + Vanessa Teodoro

Pedro Zamith + Vanessa Teodoro


Vanessa Teodoro


Billboard 2 | To/Let

Billboard 3 | Hugo Lucas

Nicolae Negura

Hugo Lucas

Billboard 4 | Nicolae Negura

Megaphone Lectures Academic Class Presentation of Urban Art Gallery’s strategy for the Graduation in Culture Sciences – Specialization in Communication and Culture, at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Art Talk | E se a Rua Fosse Minha What if the street were mine? What if the entire city was a gallery? Would this be a more humane and happy city? Regarding these and many other questions, reflected a few national street artists with GAU’s moderation, under the Futuro Agora Festival (“Future Now”) organized by Restart. Ignite In this second edition of municipal Ignite, GAU exhibited a presentation entitled “Mammy, may I paint a Glass Recycle Cointaner?” publicizing its urban art program and objectives to Lisbon. Seminar “Artigo 13º” GAU answered an invitation made by Loures Municipality in order to participate at the 5th edition of the “Artigo 13º” Seminar, where it tried to reaffirm urban art as a way of civic participation within the artistic dimension of public space.

Exhibition “Geografias” Following the exhibition “Geografias”, it took place an informal meeting with the participant artists Rodrigo Hernandéz and Parks, the anthropologist Ricardo Campos, the visual artist Cristina Zabalaga, members of Casa da América Latina and from GAU. During this talk some ideas concerning art and public space intervention were discussed. Marketing National Congress Urban Art Gallery was present at Portuguese Congresso Nacional de Marketing. Regarding the subject “Creative Industries” some ideas were discussed trying to answer the question on how artistic expressions may be the driving engine for branding assertion and economic development. Taking place at Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Lisbon, the event was organized by the Portuguese association of marketing professionals, APPM – Associação Portuguesa dos Profissionais de Marketing. Summer School Under the theme “New Social Networks and Creative Urban Culture”, GAU was present at “Cities are Us”, Summer School’s Pechakucha, which happened at ISCTE/IUL Lisbon University with a presentation concerning the different social, artistic, geographic, international, and virtual networks, it feeds or in which it participates. Amadora BD 2012 Festival Within the Amadora 2012 Comic’s festival program, took place a debate about connections between cartoons, urban art and heritage, with the presence of Nelson Dona, the director of the Festival, the creator AkaCorleone and a member of Urban Art Gallery.

Workshops Palácio do Machadinho With the support of Santos-o-Velho parish and under the celebration of Madragoa neighbourhood day took place a workshop about urban art in Palácio do Machadinho (where GAU is located), dedicated to the youngsters of this area, with the creators Tamara Alves and José Carvalho. MoteLx Festival Within the Lisbon’s International Horror Movie Festival, GAU supported the organization of an urban art workshop for directors which had the presence of the writer Recan. Lycée Français Charles Lepierrre After a moment dedicated to some reflexion about cultural awarness, also with the support of the writer Recan, some graffiti techniques were practiced, with a piece being made in the walls of Students Association. An initiative of Lycée Français students, wich integrated the Africa’s Week program that happened on that institution.

VOL01 2012

Events | Exhibitions GAU’s 3 Years Birthday Party The Urban Art Gallery celebrated three years of activity in a commemorative party which included, among other initiatives, the launch of the website, the Urban Art Gallery’s book, as well as the Lowbrow exhibition opening, at GAU’s outdoors located in Glória Sidewalk. Lá Vai Ela de Malaposta! Organized by GAU after an invitation by Malaposta Cultural Centre, this exhibition showed works from different sources and techniques made by a few of the more remarkable Portuguese female street artists. Video Mapping With the support of GAU, the projection of the final works done at the Video Projection Mapping 2.0 master class was done at the ruins of Pátio D. Fradique, promoted by EDIT. 3rd Almada Graffiti Contest At the 3rd edition of the Almada Graffiti Contest, GAU was also a member of the jury. The challenge was answered by 6 contestants, having the artist Mojojojo won the first prize.

Networks International Graffiti Festival | The Netherlands GAU, ParizOne and Creyz participated in two graffiti international events at The Hague and Eindhoven. The presence in such graffiti meetings has the goal to provide cultural exchange and to acknowledge ideas and good practices on culture and urban art, by sharing experiences with each of the participating countries and their artists. European Tools for Intergenerational Solidarity and Social Inclusion | Itália GAU participated in the international training “Sprays and Pencils” at Naples, under the European Community Program “Youth in Action” which gathered partners from seven european countries – France, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Turkey and Portugal.

Visits Marseille Municipality Staff Within the preparation of Culture Capital Marseille 2013, took place a visit guided by GAU, dedicated to graffiti and to street art, with staff of that Municipality.

Reboleira Parish A visit about urban art aimed at the elder community took place. The route throughout the city was experienced with enthusiasm by the users of “Espaço Reboleira”, a service dedicated to the community’s social support. Lisboa Street Art An urban art guided tour took place following a request from Lisbon Tourism regarding the subject “Lisbon Street Art” with representatives coming from Austrian and Swiss communication agencies and journalists. Montags-Stiftung Foundation We went through some of the most emblematic urban art pieces on the city with a group from Montags-Stiftung Foundation, with its headquarters in Bonn, and with the presence of its founder.

Interview with... ParizOne The intrepid ParizOne does not stop! He can paint for 20 hours in a row (it’s really true, we are witnesses of that…), he can visit tenths of countries every year, he can colour shoes, bags, sound columns, cars, walls, panels, canvas floating in the wind (we weren’t witnesses of this one, but there is who can confirm it…), he can organize events, work with brands, manage companies, have a family, talk a lot. You are tired just by reading this, right? So are we. We don’t know what is the power source that supplies him but he is unstoppable in the artistic community since 1999. In this first number of GAU magazine here are a few of his words. Thank you for everything Pariz. 1 - How did you tag came to be? And what were your first experiences in the graffiti world? My tag, as almost everything in my life, came up in a very natural and spontaneous way. [My tag is made of] letters which I fancy and brought together composing the name that today defines me as an artist and even as a person. My first experiences were done at the sound of the flashing night lights, the true result of what I had painted in the previous night was seen and enjoyed the next morning: the adrenaline, the lack of knowledge, the game…it woke me up to something new, the process was constant and lengthy, tags, throw ups, bombings, trains, illegal and legal walls, step by step I obtained the skills and the knowledge. 2 - Until now, you kept producing your work in a path connected to the calligraphy, the graffiti. What’s the call, what pleases you when you create something? Everything, the general conception of the work, from the thinnest to the thickest line, the set of colours, the size, the concept or theme of the work, but above all the lettering style. It is the style that characterizes a writer, which defines him, I call it DNA. I think that because of it’s unreadability to the common person it brings to graffiti a unique identity. Sometimes it’s disregarded, people feel more attracted to familiar things: a face, a cartoon, a landscape, and graffiti as a letter becomes quite abstract and meaningless, maybe because it’s in the street…because abstract at the gallery is worth a lot… Abstract or not, it is an art that cannot be learned through any educational system. Regardless the fact that it’s out there for everyone to see, is not at the mercy of every mind to understand it and I find it fascinating! 3 - Together with Mr. Dheo and challenged by GAU, you conceived the exhibition “7:00PM Deadly Sins” [May 2010] for the outdoors at da Glória. How was the challenge of working, back then, with someone, like Dheo, that mainly conceives faces in photorealism? Right now I would like to thank GAU for the invitation and the opportunity to work with Mr. Dheo. The challenge became a pleasure, Dheo turned out to be someone with whom it is quite easy to work with and the understanding was perfect. Among more laughter than words we conceived it panel after panel in a total race against the clock because I had a commitment abroad right after. The panels were completed, we thought that the mix between photorealism and lettering had still a lot to exploit and we thought it right.

© Cátia Barbosa | 2010

© José Azevedo | 2010

© Torke | 2011

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This year I began to develop with Mr. Dheo a project that will be a little bit all over the world, we began that project in Frankfurt, we presented it as “ARMU-YAMA”, a phrase originated from Sierra Leone which means “Walking Together”. 4 - Meanwhile Lisbon Municipality legalized the wall at Cais de Alcântara Street, devoting it to the calligraphic expressions of graffiti. To manage this wall that we titled “Lisbon Wall” we invited you and two other writers. What’s the importance of such an initiative? The “Lisbon Wall” is a legal “Amoreiras” [Lisbon’s elderly and most known graffiti hall of fame, but not municipal legalized] a space that really was making sense in Lisbon for many years now, granting space for writers to intervene with productive walls at the city centre. How many abandoned factories can we find in Lisbon and outskirts with paintings with an excellent quality that just a few can enjoy? How many productions in “legal” walls are limited by the existing space? How many ideas will never occur for the lack of walls? How many writers from all over the world painted in the outskirts or Lisbon but never at the city centre because of a lack of place to do so? Different questions with the same answer: “Lisbon Wall” counteracts this trend and offers writers a space. May come more! 5 - You’re one of the portuguese writers who participate in more international projects and who promote the coming of international authors to Portugal. What’s the relevance of this experience’s exchange and the creation of an international network connected to urban art? Evolution, knowledge, exchange of ideas, growth as an artist and as a person, there is always something beyond the horizon, there is more beyond what we create and see around us. Focused on these ideas I travel a lot and I bring with me a part of all that when I welcome in our country known names of the world stage in what concerns graffiti. I try that they have the same experiences and leave here a little bit of what they are and what they do so those who still hadn’t the chance to travel may see beyond the screen the best that is done around the world hopping that, like me, they may get better at an artistic level. 6 - What does the international artistic community think about Lisbon nowadays? The feedback is quite good, Lisbon is graffiti friendly, as some call it, I think that they feel a little bit “jealous” of the way Lisbon is dealing with graffiti in general terms, the opportunities we have in terms of the places available [for painting] as well as it’s acceptance. Many wish to come here, others don’t stop coming here, and it is with pride I say I AM FROM LISBON! Thank you to all the GAU team for its excellent work.

© GAU | CML | 2011

© GAU | CML | 2011


Pantónio | Rua José Gomes Ferreira - Lisboa

Unknown Author | Avenida de Brasília - Lisboa

Aspen | Avenida Conselheiro Fernando de Sousa - Lisboa

Brandia Central | Ponte 25 de Abril - Lisboa

VOL01 2012

Unknown Author | Rua do Limoeiro - Lisboa

Eime | Rua Frei Manuel do Cenáculo - Lisboa

Tinta Crua | Avenida 24 de Julho - Lisboa

Faif | Avenida Conselheiro Fernando de Sousa - Lisboa

Urban Art Gallery - 3 years “(...) for the collection of pictures gathered here, it is stated once again the Gallery goal to create awareness for the wealth and diversity of Lisbon’s artistic and cultural heritage and to the urgency of its safeguard as a legacy for future generations (…)” Published by Lisbon’s Municipality, available at the Municipal Library. For the digital edition:


CRONO | Lisbon Portugal | 2010-2011 Project developed with the support of Urban Art Gallery For the digital edition:

We also indicate here the addresses of a few websites and apps, national as well as international, which we consult all the time and which always were of use as an inspiration for our own digital platforms as well as references for heterogeneity, dissemination, authorship intensity and graffiti related as well as street art artistic ‘speeches’. This is a brave new world waiting for our look. Enjoy! Websites: Stick2Target - Unurth - Graffuturism - Bristol Street Art - Graffiti Analysis - Geo Street Art -



Graffiti Analysis

GAU To be continued...

Editorial GAU magazine, by asserting itself as a new Urban Art Gallery’s media, defines as one of its primary goals the reinforcement of diffusion concerning graffiti and street art expression, coinciding its publication, in paper and digital form, with the two yearly exhibitions that take place at the Gallery panels, located at Glória Sidewalk and Oliveirinha Square, the starting point of this artistic adventure. Concerning its structure and in addition to the highlight granted to the events organized or supported by GAU and identified in sections like “Nas paredes…” (In the Walls), “…Além das paredes” (Beyond Walls) and “Megafone” (Megaphone), the magazine will have references to some of the activities that will happen in the near future and an interview with a guest artist. It should also be outlined the presence of a group of photographs representative of a few unexpected urban art discoveries spread throughout Lisbon and of a poster with not only the work of the guest artist but also with images of completed interventions in the gallery panels. Created as a part of the activities of the Cultural Heritage Department of Lisbon’s Municipality, GAU’s strategy, and of course of it´s magazine, has the priority to promote the defence of artistic and cultural heritage on the city, but also to allow the graffiti and street art community the chance to expand their expression, techniques and records in a Lisbon intended to be free, contemporary and creative.

The implementation of the long awaited project of Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles for the city of Lisbon, the well-known Green Corridor that connects the upper part of Edward VII Park to Monsanto area, will have urban art works designed by Ram and Klit, two of the few national street artists developing an abstract plastic work, which in their case wanders between letters and flowers, calligraphy and nature. Niels Show Meulman and its acclaimed caligraffiti will soon leave a mark in “Lisbon Wall” at Alcântara, an example of his writing that evokes, at the same time, the ancient ritual of japanese characters, the tradition of capital letters and texts present in the medieval hour’s books besides the calligraphic graffiti experience, born in the United States of America.

Last minute The organization of Amadora Comics Festival challenged GAU to join, in this 2012 edition, the figures of the Comics’ Universe and the characters who attend the street art expressions. This connection appears to be a reality that also begins to take form in Portugal, and because of that we will try to materialize it by authors AkaCorleone and Richard Câmara, in this cooperation we believe with be quite sucessful. Yes, the remarkable C215 was in Lisbon! The French author left us a few micro vestiges of his unavoidable stencil work, among doors and letter boxes, and besides that also a building, at Pampulha Sidewalk, which was supported by GAU: a tender hug between a mother and a son with a sculptural configuration that looks like its writen on stone.

Jorge Ramos de Carvalho Cultural Heritage Department Director

Credits GAU vol 01 - November 2012 Urban Art Gallery Semi-annual Publication Edition Lisbon’s City Council Cultural Heritage Department

support |

Director - Jorge Ramos de Carvalho Assistant Director - Sílvia Câmara Editorial Board - Inês Machado, José Vicente, Miguel Carrelo, Paulo Sales, Sílvia Câmara Graphic Project - GAU Secretariat - Gracinda Ribeiro Cover Photo - © José Vicente | GAU | CML 2012 - Smile | C.H.P.L. Photographs - © José Vicente | GAU | CML 2012 (except where indicated) Printing - Textype Edition - 1300 units Font - Helvetica ISSN - 2182-777X Legal Deposit - 351671/12 Distribution: Free Contacts | Rua do Machadinho, nº 20, 1249-150 Lisboa | phone: 21 817 19 45 |

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