Looking Into the Future (Fiscal Year 2010-11)

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A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 – 2 0 11

LooKing Into the Future

Students today face many challenges and obstacles in the pursuit of a higher education.

Lack of resources

A Message from the Founding CEO

In some Los Angeles schools, the counselor-to-student ratio is 1:1,250 or higher.

Low expectations Students are challenged by negative peer pressure and a lack of positive role models.

Economic hardship Students face family pressure to enter the workforce and contribute to the family income.

No perceived alternative Students who are the first in their family to graduate from high school may not see the long-term benefits of college. The Fulfillment Fund invests in educationally underserved and economically disadvantaged students by providing: • Mentoring • Classroom instruction • College tours and other experiential learning opportunities • One-on-one college counseling • Scholarships and stipends • Internship services

“I never had anyone motivating me to go to college. Throughout high school, there were days when I couldn’t care less about the work and, in the long run, the opportunities that were ahead of me. The Fulfillment Fund has shown me that being successful begins in the classroom and that through hard work and accepting help from others, anything is possible.”

I’m very pleased and proud to share we are celebrating the most extraordinary year thanks to the thoughtful, generous and ongoing support of so many people in our community who care about the future of our young people. We are celebrating the high school graduations of 91% of our students and 93% of these students will be attending colleges and universities in California and throughout the country. Congratulations to the students and their families for their hard work and perseverance through very difficult times to make this possible. And, thanks too, to our dedicated staff, board, donors and community partners who are celebrating the dramatic changes in the direction of thousands of young lives every year. In the 2010–11 school year, we worked with nearly 1,700 students and will be working with 2,000 in the 2011–2012 year, thanks to the generosity of all of you who support us every day as mentors, community partners, donors and sponsors with your incredible commitment to helping young people realize successful and contributing lives.

Fewer than 55% of LAUSD students graduate high school. 91% of Fulfillment Fund students graduate high school, and 93% of Fulfillment Fund students go on to college.

We invite you to join us on the following pages as we reflect on our efforts, celebrate our accomplishments and look into the future.



91% 0%

20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Low income high school graduates who matriculate to college.

Andrea Cockrum Founding CEO

—Jhalia Smith

Students who graduate from high school in four years.


Hamilton High School, class of 2011 Attending UC Riverside

54% 93% 0%





• In the early 1970’s, at the urging of Gary Gitnick, MD, staff at UCLA held a holiday party for youth with disabilities. In 1977, Harvey Shapiro, Cherna and Dr. Gitnick incorporated the effort as a non-profit called the Fulfillment Fund.

• The Scholars Day Luncheon was created to bring students together with adult role models.

• Andrea Cockrum joined the Fulfillment Fund as Executive Director and first full-time staff member. The Fulfillment Fund began to offer college scholarships, and soon became one of the largest private providers of scholarships in southern California.

• The Friends of the Fulfillment Fund auxiliary support group was founded by Cherna Gitnick, co-founder of the Fulfillment Fund.



20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

• The role model program was formalized into what is now the Mentor Program.

Impact & Accomplishments Here’s a look at how the Fulfillment Fund’s classroom instruction, mentoring, and scholarship programs helped students overcome obstacles in the pursuit of a higher education in the 2010–11 school year.

“If it were not for the Fulfillment Fund, I would not have been interested in college. It’s changed my life. The Fulfillment Fund pushed me to apply for scholarships and made sure that I could financially provide for myself for college. The Fulfillment Fund steered me into the right direction and showed me the path to success.” —Samuel Wondim

Gertz-Ressler High School, class of 2011 Attending Pepperdine University

Classroom Instruction During the 2010–11 school year, 1,081 students participated in the Fulfillment Fund’s classroom program, also known as the College Access Program (CAP). • At the beginning of the year, students correctly answered 37% of questions about academic requirements needed for entrance to a four-year college or university, financial aid opportunities, and the college application process. • By the end of the year, students correctly answered 70% of the same questions, demonstrating a significant growth in knowledge about the necessary steps to prepare for a future in college.

The Fulfillment Fund developed a proprietary program evaluation tool entitled the College Readiness Assessment (CRA), and conducts annual pre- and post-assessment surveys of students who participate in Fulfillment Fund programs to measure their beliefs about their ability to obtain a college education and their knowledge about what is required to do so.

Mentoring 254 students from 7th through 12th grades were enrolled in the Fulfillment Fund’s Mentor Program, in which a student is matched with an adult volunteer mentor who serves as a positive role model for a minimum of two years, helping to expose the student and his or her family to the long-term benefits of college. • 100% of seniors surveyed said their mentor was helpful. • 94% of seniors surveyed said their mentor program advisor, the Fulfillment Fund staff member who works with mentors and students, was helpful in preparing them for college.

Scholarships During the 2010–11 school year, the Fulfillment Fund awarded $351,627 in scholarships and textbook stipends, investing in 288 students, including 57 new scholarship recipients, who were selected based on academic merit and financial need. Additionally, 89 students received a textbook stipend.



• The Fulfillment Fund moved to office space in Century City generously provided by Helen and Peter Bing.

• College Counseling services were formalized, and included scholarships and internships.

• The first annual STARS Benefit Gala was held to raise funds for college access programs.





• The Fulfillment Fund was named the best communitybased mentoring program in California by the Governor’s California Mentoring Initiative.

• The Fulfillment Fund begins providing classroom-based instruction to prepare students for college, now known as the College Access Program (CAP).

• The Fulfillment Fund Alumni Association was formed as a means for alumni to support the ongoing work of the Fulfillment Fund.


Impact & Accomplishments Here’s a look at how the Fulfillment Fund’s one-on-one college counseling, college tours, and Destination College event helped students overcome obstacles in the pursuit of a higher education in the 2010–11 school year.

“College always seemed so close when I met with the Fulfillment Fund. I took so much from the workshops, the college trips and the guidance. No other adults seemed as devoted and dedicated to the progression of disadvantaged yet determined youth as Fulfillment Fund staff members.” —Gladys Aparicio

Gertz-Ressler High School class of 2011 Attending UC Berkeley

Student Profile: Licetz Montoya

College Counseling The counselor-to-student ratio in many LAUSD schools is 1:1,250 or higher, whereas the counselor-to-student ratio for Fulfillment Fund students is 1:250. College counseling priority is given to assisting juniors and seniors through the college admissions, essay writing, financial aid, and college matching process. • 92% of 11th and 12th grade students received at least one Fulfillment Fund college counseling session during fall 2010 and spring 2011.


Destination: College

The Fulfillment Fund came into Licetz’s life while she was attending Gertz-Ressler High School near downtown Los Angeles, providing in-depth college counseling, group instruction through the College Access Program, college visits, and eventually a college scholarship.

More than 500 participants attended the Fulfillment Fund’s 14th annual daylong college preparatory event in Oct. 2010 at Occidental College, taking part in workshops about college admissions, financial aid, leadership skills and college life. Dozens of representatives from colleges and universities across the country were present to share information about their campus, programs and admissions process. • Before Destination College 14, 44% of students reported being “very certain” about attending college in the future. After the event, 77% of students were “very certain.”

College Trips Fulfillment Fund campus site visits for college-bound students in the 2010–11 academic year included three intensive overnight trips to numerous colleges and universities, including UC Santa Cruz, Santa Clara University, San Jose State, Stanford, University of San Francisco, Mills College, CSU East Bay, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Riverside, Pomona College, Pitzer College, Harvey Mudd, Scripps, Claremont McKenna and CSU San Bernardino, UC San Diego, Point Nazarene University, San Diego State and University of San Diego. Eight non-overnight trips included visits to Pepperdine, Cal State Northridge, UCLA, Santa Monica College, Loyola Marymount University, and University of Redlands. • Before students visited the campuses, they reported being likely to apply to 24% of the schools visited. • After the trips, students reported being likely to apply to 63% of the schools visited.

Licetz grew up in South Los Angeles with her parents and younger brother and sister. Her father battled alcoholism, and was permanently disabled by a back injury. The family lost their home, moved to a room above her aunt and grandmother’s house. At times they didn’t have heat or hot water, and food was scarce.

NOW In 2011, Licetz became the first member of her family to attend college. Having been accepted at ten schools across the country in spring 2011, Licetz enrolled at the University of Southern California (USC), where she lives on campus. In addition to carrying a full course load, she plans to study abroad, get involved in tutoring projects, and find other ways to serve the community. Licetz was the top Fulfillment Fund college scholarship recipient in 2011. Today her brother and sister now attend her high school, and both participate in Fulfillment Fund programs.

IN HER OWN WORDS “School was my salvation. The Fulfillment Fund helped me with essays, test-taking skills, managing my time, suggesting colleges I’d never heard of, taking me on a college trip to Northern California, even flying me to the East Coast and encouraging me to apply for all kinds of scholarships.” “I became a peer counselor this year to share what I have learned from the Fulfillment Fund. They’ve made me feel like family for four years.”





• The Fulfillment Fund celebrated its 25th anniversary.

• The Fulfillment Fund moved from Century City to its mid-Wilshire offices at the intersection of Fairfax and Wilshire to be closer to students.

• The Fulfillment Fund celebrates 30 years of empowering youth through education.

• The Leadership Council, a group of young professionals, begins to support the Fulfillment Fund and its mission through advocacy, service and fundraising.


• The Fulfillment Fund’s first annual Songs of Our Lives benefit concert, conceived by Board Members Joan and Charles Fox, with support from Jan and Barry Cooper, takes place.


Financial Summary

Annual Gifts Received

Our overall financial position remained strong during the 2010–2011 fiscal year. We saw an increase in gift revenue over the prior years and recorded an increase in net assets for the period. This positive outcome was the result of our fundraising efforts as well as efficiencies in our spending. As we look to the next year, we will continue all our services at our partner schools, including our new partner, the New Open World (NOW) Academy.

July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 We thank all of our generous donors for their support. $250,000+

Nielsen Entertainment

Jordan and John Davis

Edwin W. and Catherine M. Davis Foundation

Paramount Pictures

Janna and Rick Delamarter

Kathleen and Dale Rosenbloom

Cynthia and J.R. DeLang


Dr. Madeleine and Tom Sherak

$100,000 – $249,999

Thomas W. Smith Foundation

Disney ABC Television Group

Emy Davis

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Fiscal Year Ended 06/30/2011 Assets Cash Pledges receivable, net Prepaid expenses, deposits and other assets Furniture and equipment, net Total Assets Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Scholarships payable, net Total liabilities Net Assets Total liabilities and net assets

2,340,948 1,895,322 351,885 47,144 4,635,299

325,049 293,774 618,823 4,016,476 4,635,299

STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES Fiscal Year Ended 06/30/2011 Revenues Contributions Special events income, net Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Program Services Development Management and general Total expenses Increase in net assets

2010 • The Fulfillment Fund partners with California’s annual “Cash for College” campaign.

2,665,879 234,504 782,935 3,683,318 176,219

Joyce Eisenberg-Keefer and Mel Keefer

J. Christopher Mallick


Fox Sports En Espanol

Oxymoron Entertainment, Inc.


Wells Fargo and the Wells Fargo Foundation $50,000 – $99,999

Ann and James Gianopulos

$5,000 – $24,999

Cherna and Gary Gitnick, M.D.

Aaxis Group Corporation

Anita and Neil Gitnick

Katie McGrath and J.J. Abrams

Susan and Everett Goings

AMC Theatres

Continental Development Corporation

The Anschutz Corporation

Gorfaine Schwartz Agency Greenberg Traurig LLP

The Eisner Foundation

Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow

Jordan Gregory


Art Machine LLC

Dean Hallett

Karisma Foundation

Aurora Capital Group

Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks

Melanie and Richard Lundquist

Aurora Management Partners, LLC

Paul W. Hanneman

Nesbitt Foundation of Northern Trust Bank of California

Bank of America and the Alan S. Hergott Bank of America Charitable Margaret J. Heymann Foundation, Inc. Hill and Knowlton Christy and David Barnes

Allied Integrated Marketing

The Samuel Goldwyn Foundation

Baumont General Corporation

Hogan Lovells US, LLP

$25,000 – $49,999

The Honorable Frank and Kathy Baxter

Ignition Creative

Jackie and Howard Banchik The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation NBC4 Beating the Odds BLT and Associates, Inc. Scholarship Fund Camie and Thomas C. Bert-Co Graphics Booker Edythe and Eli Broad The Brittingham Family Creative Artists Agency Foundation Deluxe Entertainment Broadcast Music, Inc Services Group Linda and Jerry Janice and Robert Goldman Bruckheimer Jana and Randall Greer The California Wellness Foundation The Mark Hughes Foundation Suzi Amis and James Cameron Imagine Entertainment

John P. Lamerdin Scholarship Fund of the California Community Foundation

The Capital Group Companies and The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Donald Carlisi, Jr. John W. Carson Foundation Marian Cavallaro Citi Foundation

Legendary Pictures

Bill Cockrum

Lucasfilm Ltd.

Courtney and David Corleto

John R. McCune Charitable Trust

Cornerstone Display Group Inc.

McDonald’s Corporation

Crowell & Moring

Tim Misenhimer

Custom Packaging, Inc.

NBC Universal

Robert Davidow

Education is a passion for Kathleen and Dale “Chip” Rosenbloom, and giving back is a family tradition.

Heinz Weber, Inc.


The Angell Foundation

Donor Profile: Kathleen and Dale “Chip” Rosenbloom

The Leon and Toby Gold Foundation

Cinram International, Inc.

Regency Enterprises

8 6

Sheril and Robert Freedman


Marilyn and Jeffrey Katzenberg

• The Fulfillment Fund’s mentor program celebrates 20 years of providing mentoring services.

Ernst & Young LLP

The Banky-LaRocque Foundation

Jo Ann and Charles Kaplan

• The Friends of the Fulfillment Fund celebrate 20 years of supporting college access programs and services.

Ziffren Brittenham LLP

TG Public Grant Program

Joseph Drown Foundation


Michael Dunn

College Access Foundation Stuart Foundation of California Dwight Stuart Youth Fund The Lincy Foundation

Twentieth Century Fox

2,251,666 1,433,471 174,400 3,859,537

Deloitte and Touche

The couple, longtime members of the Fulfillment Fund Board of Directors, and now members of the Founders’ Board, are among the Fulfillment Fund’s strongest supporters.

IGN Entertainment IMAX Corporation Interlace Media

At a time when less than 55% of LAUSD students are graduating, the fact that 91% of Fulfillment Fund students graduate and 93% go on to college is a major selling point.

The Jim and Susie Jaqua Fund at The Community Foundation Serving Riverside and San Bernardino Counties Tomas Jegeus Jones Day

“When we talk to people, we point to the statistics, the number of Fulfillment Fund students who graduate,” says Chip, a filmmaker who is also owner/vice chairman of the St. Louis Rams. “What a difference the Fulfillment Fund makes.”

Junket Productions Mark Kaner Kirkland & Ellis LLP Katy and Greg Laetsch Julie and Jon Landau Grace E. Latt Barbara Lazaroff

“It’s really very clear: the Fulfillment Fund produces results,” says Kathleen, a fashion designer who owns Katro Boutique in Beverly Hills. “People stay in school. Fulfillment Fund kids graduate and they go on to college.”

Leopold, Petrich and Smith Shawn Levy Loeb & Loeb LLP Lon V. Smith Foundation Lucky Brand Foundation MarketCast / Variety Elizabeth and Ian McGregor

Everyone benefits when college is extended to those who otherwise would not have had the opportunity, Chip says. “Everybody has a chance at a good future, which will help our world.”

Amanda Coetzer and Arnon Milchan Corrine and Milton Miller Mitchell, Silberberg & Knupp Foundation mOcean


Eunice and Hal David Annual Gifts Received (continued) July 1, 2010–June 30,2011 (continued) Isabel and Hugo De Castro We thank all of our generous donors for their support. Barbara and Gary Deitsch

Student Profile: Tina McKenzie

Ina and Stanley Berman Diane and Alan Blank


Bloom Hergott Diemer Rosenthal LaViolette & Feldman LLP

Tina lived in south Los Angeles with her mother, who struggled with drug addiction. They were dependent on minimal government assistance. When Tina was in the 9th grade she began working after school and on weekends to help support the family, while maintaining an ‘A’ average in school. The Fulfillment Fund came into Tina’s life while she was in the 7th grade and matched her with a mentor, Shelly McCarthy. In high school, Tina also received in-depth college counseling and group instruction through the College Access Program, and eventually a college scholarship and an internship.

Brenden Mann Foundation Lauri Brenner Sera and Gary Brill


Marlene Bronson

Tina McKenzie graduated from Barnard College in May 2011 with a degree in economics and is pursuing a career in finance. In fall 2011 she accepted a position with AXA Financial Advisors in New York City.

Scott Bross

Frank and Dennie Brosens

“The Fulfillment Fund and programs like it are dedicated to giving love and support to help children from disadvantaged backgrounds envision and attain their dreams. I am a testament that dreams can come true despite the most unfortunate circumstances.”

Multi Packaging Solutions Netflix Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation OnDisplay Creative Corporation Real D Cinemas Peter J. Rice Michael Robarts Lucia and Lupe Rodriguez Rich Ross Jessica Harper Rothman and Tom Rothman Rovi Corporation Terri Schrager Screen Engine LLC Lori Zech-Shaw and John Shaw Harry Shum Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Doreen and Fred Solomon Sony Music Holdings Inc. Sony Pictures Entertainment

Rebecca and J. Hutchison Parker

Lynne and Richard Werdesheim

Jorge Parra

March and Richard Wiseley

Adam Jones and Timothy Snead

Beverly and Stephen Pazuk

Lauren and Steven Wolff

Linda and Donald Kaplan

Carol and Glenn Pomerantz Rave Motion Pictures

Carla Mann Woods and Eric Woods

Ignify, Inc.

Jill and Josh Berman Annual Gifts Received (continued) July 1, 2010–June 30,2011 (continued) Sandra and John Blau We thank all of our generous donors for their support. Gerald S. Block Mosaic Sales Solutions

John & Hilda Arnold Foundation

Mary Ann and Michael Todd Sherrill and Arnold Blumberg Reva and William Tooley Buddha’s Belly Alba and Thomas Tull Robin and Albert Carnesale Union Bank Ellen O. Carr United Artists Productions, Judy Carter LLC Cinelume Post-Production, United Talent Agency, Inc. Inc. Univision Communication, Sandy Climan Inc.

Katy Sweet and Associates Anthony Keats The H.H. & Gertrude Klein Foundation Josh Klinefelter Despina and Jay Landers Wendy and Robert Landes

Verizon and the Verizon Foundation

Suzanne Cole

Dana Michelle Walden

Rosemary Deardorff

Sela Ward

Tomy Drissi

Chie and Stephen Lee

Warner Bros. Entertainment

Melina Esrailian, D.D.S. and Eric Esrailian, M.D. The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising

Janelle and Brian Werdesheim White O’Connor Fink & Brenner

Dorothy and Allen Lay

Linda and Matt Creager

Peter Fornstam

Lindsey Greer

$1,250 – $4,999


Arleen and Samuel Bachner Robert Harper

Sun Valley Writers’ Conference

Jannell and Randy Banchik

Trevin Hartwell

SunAmerica Retirement Markets, Inc.

Keith Barnett

Melanie N. Henry

Lawrence C. Barth

Sue and Larry Hochberg

Sybil Bergman

Judith Hopkinson

Melissa and Raphael Romero Lois Rosen Julianne and Martin Safran Martin Salomon Beth and Harley Schrager Bonnie Schut

Alliance Entertainment, Inc. Alston & Bird, LLP

Aaron Marcus

Jason Shuman

Herma and Joel Altshule

Nancy and Howard Marks

Anissa and Tim Siegel

Dean Ambrose

Edele Singer

Mark Amin

Tim Somers

Jerry Appell

Wendy and Harlan Spinner

Sherry Archer

Jane Stein

Mary and Alan Arkatov

Dr. Ronald Stein

Etty and Claude Arnall

Barbara and Tim Still

Steve Arnold

Linda and Jim Swindle

Avjet Corporation

Joseph A. Taylor

Ramesh Balasubramaniam

Audri and Stan Tendler

Patricia Barry

Bash, Gesas & Company The TJX Companies, Inc. and The TJX Foundation, Inc. Stacy and Robert Bauer Mark Tobias and Amy Cooper and William Arroyo, M.D. Samuel Baum

Sybil and Matthew Orr

Sean Vilbert

Nancy and Alfred Osborne, Jr.

Todd Vradenburg

Rebecca and Chris Wagner Dana and Richard Pachulski Ralph Collins Walter


Carmike Cinemas, Inc.

Kristen Cascio Dale M. Cendali Romie Chaudhari Cine-Affiches Montreal Anne Clark Thomas Cleary Beverly and Robert Cohen

Lill and Jess Beim Paul Bennett

Michael and Amber Fries

Joan and Gerald Doren Gerald E. Dorfman Anne and Patrick Dowling Veronica and Larry Dressler Nicole M. Duckett Dilek and Asad Durrani Susan and Scott Edelman Entertainment Lighting Services

Carol and James Collins

Clement A. Erbmann

Lisa and Craig Cooper

Jill and Michael Erman

Janet and Barry Cooper

Lucy Farber and Jim Bright

Toni and Bruce Corwin

Toby and Aaron Feit

Cameron B. Crowe

Diane and Daniel Feldman

Carlene and Douglas Cunningham

Joan and William Feldman

Calvin Dalton

Lorraine and Edward Feldman

Juanita Dalton

Joel Feuer

Profile: Michael Keithley and Creative Artists Agency (CAA) Listen to friends and colleagues talk about Michael Keithley, Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Creative Artists Agency (CAA), and you will hear about his infectious spirit of giving. For more than ten years as a member of the Fulfillment Fund Board of Directors, he has worked tirelessly to channel resources to the Fulfillment Fund all to help deserving students pursue the dream of college. In the 2010–11 school year, he laid the groundwork for the Fulfillment Fund to receive a $250,000 technology grant from

Constance and Jack Hochberg

Seth Kittay Stanley Klein Steven Bruce Klinsky

Horizon General Contractors. Inc.

David Geffen

Mitch Horwits

Aline and Mark Kogut

Sharyn and Walter Gertz

Fran and Dennis Huddleston, M.D.

Benn Konner

Helaine and Michael Gesas Harry A. Gilbert

David Hughes

Patricia and Earl Krause

Carol and Joel Gillis

Lee H. Hutter

Bonnie and Fred Glantz

Joan and Howard Cohen

Agnes Hirshberg

Debra and Morris Kessler

Theodore E. Gagliano

Sherry and Max Gitnick

Lenore and Mitchell Egers

Susan and Adam Berger Linda and Chuck Bergman

Charlotte Moss and Barry Friedberg

Lauren Shuler Donner and Richard Donner

Edward S. Abbott

Diane Sherman-Smith

Versace USA, Inc.

Iris Cantor

$250 – $1,249

Lydia and Charles Levy

Northern Trust Bank of California

Joan and Charles Fox


Dr. Yaw Adutwum

Elaine Keyes and Bud Shapiro

Barbara and Bruce Dobkin, M.D.

Anett Eros and Amir Zagross

Barbara and Alan Shabo, M.D.

Alejandra Cano-Hampton and Michael Sean Hampton Krystyna and David Newman Harkins Theatres

Debbie and James Burrows

Sheila Williams and Jeffrey Hess

Cantor Colburn LLP

Wyman & Isaacs, LLP

Joan Lee

Motion Picture and Television Fund

Patricia and Forbes Burdette

Rona Kaufman

Eden and David Fox

Laura Lizer-Word and Rob Word

Linda Boland-Abraham

Marilyn and Jay Marks, M.D. Leslie and Beverly and Robert Mayer John T. Frankenheimer, Esq. William Morris Endeavor Shirley McKernan Entertainment Beth and James Gassel Lowell Milken Susan Harris and Gibson Dunn & Crutcher Lori and Michael Milken Paul Junger Witt Leslie and Bruce Gifford Adriane and Wolverine Productions, LLC Rose Gilbert Allan Morrison, M.D. Micky Yadathi Bradley Gluckstein The Morton Family Anonymous Charitable Fund Goodsearch

Southern California Development Forum

The Refinery Creative

Sandra and Vincent Scully

Michael Lebovich

Elizabeth and Jim Wiatt

Specialty Family Foundation AGI Media Raul and Gerdi Alvarado Rams Football Company,

Vincent Bruzzese Gail S. Buckley


Heather and Stanley Morris

Debbie and Gene Bruno

Henry & Winifred Lyons Foundation

David C. Dinielli

David Casares

Bravo Design, Inc.

Linda and Alan Katz

Cheryl and Dan Foliart

Sharon Shaw and Artie Butler

John Carroll

Blake Boyd

Joan Katz

Hayutin & Associates

Danielle and Robert Fox

Laura Peterson and Carl Boldt

Anna and Harry Borun

Alan G. Hassenfeld

Steve Florin

Deutsche Bank

Gail and Michael Bloxberg

Barbara and Stephen Bollenbach

Film Solutions, LLC

Kitty and Paul Glass Gail and Mike Glick Ann Goldberg Theodore A. Goldberg Sandy and Al Goldman Carol H. Goldsmith Doris and Jack Gordon Mark Gordon Frann and James Gray Brad Hackley

Jane and Ron Koblin

Mary Beth and Robert Kors

Linda and Dr. Harvey Kulber Imagine Fulfillment Services, Fran Kulick LLC LA Graphico.Com/ Intelligent Computer Midnight Oil Creative Concepts Laemmle Theatres Susan and Michael Isaacson Charitable Foundation Deborra-lee Furness and Dorene and Martin Laffer Hugh Jackman Laura and Eric Lamison Nancy and Len Jacoby Landmark Cinemas Polly Johnsen Sheila and Martin Lasky Robert H. Josephberg Mindy and Joseph Lebovic JustGive Kathleen Liberman Dr. Mary Ann Rosenfeld and Linda and Alan Liker Sheldon Kadish

Microsoft Store, paving the way for an ongoing relationship that will include Microsoft trainings and other events for students. He was a driving force in the creation of the Leadership Council, the Fulfillment Fund’s auxiliary support group of young professionals. Under Michael’s leadership, members of CAA’s IT staff — including Leadership Council founding member Chris Wagner — have been invaluable in sourcing technology donations and are now developing a new web site for the Fulfillment Fund that will launch in 2012. In the 2011–12 school year, the CAA information technology department will host open-houses for Fulfillment Fund students to encourage them to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and learn more about careers in information technology. Born and raised in Southern California, Michael says that improving quality and access to education in local public schools is a critical issue for him and his family. “I give back because it was how I was raised,” he says. “My parents made that an important part of growing up in my life.” Giving back to the community, he says, is also part of the corporate culture of CAA, which founded the CAA Foundation led by Michelle Kydd Lee to inspire charitable giving by CAA staff and clients. “CAA says, ‘We’re going to focus on the community where we work and live.’ That focused effort has really moved the needle. It’s really made a difference.” “When I look at some of the most rewarding feelings I’ve had, it’s been around the Fulfillment Fund and other similar organizations where I’ve been able to help out.”


Frank and Dennie Brosens Jane and Lawrence Ulman Annual Gifts Received (continued) July 1, 2010–June 30,2011 (continued) John Carroll Janice Upton We thank all of our generous donors for their support. Vicente Capital Partners, LLC Robert Cohen Ellen and Mark Lipson

Brooke Riley

Ken Lodgen

Gayle and Lee Rodgers

Marc Luzzatto

Ina and Richard Rogal

Vision Advertising Design

Shelley Cranley

Faye and Gary Waldman

Carol Dedrich

Toby and Bob Waldorf

Douglas A. Econn

Marilyn Mack

Barbara and David Rognlien Sharon and Joel Waller Caroline and Milton Walters Valerie and Gilbert Romoff

Stephen Maginn

Philip Rosen

David Maisel

Rick Rosner

Malco Theatres, Inc.

Valerie and Bennett Roth

Mann Theatres Corporate

Linda Rouse

Charlie Lyons

Marcus Theatre Corporation Linda and Tony Rubin Judith and Stuart Marylander Hellene Runtagh Masai USA Corporation

Ann Ruth

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Maslan

Azar and Harry Sagheb

Mc Cafferty & Co. Productions, Inc.

Rae Sanchini and Bruce Tobey

Michael McCarthy

Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., LLC

Lauren and Lee McCollum

Leslie and Chris Meledandri Judy and George Savitsky Susan Schechter Pier Merone and

Sharon and Robert Wiviott

Heidi and Corey Watson

Steve Glenn

Helene and Joel Wayne

Rick and Susan Goings Foundation

In honor of Cherna and Gary Gitnick, M.D.’s 47th Anniversary In honor of Audri and Jackie and Howard Banchik Stanley Tendler Dione and Joseph Smith Sherry and Max Gitnick

Jeanne Markel and Chris Wedge

Daniel Grigsby

Richard Weinberg

Rachel Grinberg

Linda and Jay Weitzler

Hunter Hancock

Marlene and Sanford Wilk

Ted and Dina Hartley

Harold M. Williams

Alan G. Hassenfeld

Eva and Kirk Williams

Cathy Hong-Praslick

Patrick Williams

Dina Kaplan

Ann Winblad

Jennifer Kashdan

Joseph Winter

Rhonda Kilstein

Isabel and David Wintroub

Steven Bruce Klinsky Michael Klowden

Mark Yumkas

Gregory Koestering

Arthur Schwartz


John Moore

Adrienne and Benjamin Seigel

$500,000+ The Skirball Foundation

Louise M. Moriarty

Teresa Cusick and Michael Seligman

$100,000 – $249,999

Barbara and Milton Moritz

Arya Nick Shamie, M.D.

The Motion Picture Club Foundation

Lana and Ronald Shapiro

College Access Foundation of California

Movie Tavern

Annette and Leonard Shapiro

Sandra and Stu Nahan

Louise Hamagami and Marc Shmuger

Liza and Eric Nakata

Sarah Shottenstein

Jack Neinstein

Joy and Ed Siegel

Ronald Slates

Gail and Gerald Oppenheimer Dione and Joseph Smith Judy and Steve Orich Connie and Curt Sobel

Jerry Offsay

In honor of Anthony Keats Mary C. Miottel

Jamie Bakal

Nancy and Alfred Osborne

* Anonymous Donor

Hiroshi Oto

In honor of Michael Keithley Mark Wind

Jack Rapke

Athan Slotkin

O’Melveny and Myers

Marcia Spano Stolper Foundation Inc. Katy Sweet Craig Taubman

Wendy and Robert Landes

John Unwin

Grace E. Latt

Janet and John Valentic

Aaron Marcus

Collin Vaughn

Ceci Vajna and Steven Solton Martin Salomon Tim Somers Marcia Spano

Silvia Von Gunten

Marilyn and Ronald Spencer Wendy and Harlan Spinner Jane Stein Spyglass Entertainment

Richard Weinberg

Djenaba Parker Kirk Pasich

Starplex Operating, L.P.

Linda and Jim Swindle

Linda Wise

Christopher Pawlak

Barbara and Robert Steinberg

Sean Vilbert


Harriet and Richard Orkand Hiroshi Oto Mitchell Ozawa

Angela Peavy

Jill and Seth Steinberg

Toby Waldorf Ann Winblad

Carla Mann Woods and Eric Woods


Kitty Barhsay Harriet Bay Bobbi Beller

In honor of Matt Laycock David Comfort

Nancy Bley

In honor of Brett Messier David Hughes

Dana Chidekel

In honor of Neil Miller’s 70th birthday Robert and Lori Goodman

Julia Coley

Ilaina Blum Tammy Clem

Fulfillment Fund Staff Andrea Cockrum Founding Chief Executive Officer

Maria Espinosa Vice President, Programs

Joan Sumpter Vice President Finance & Administration

Christian Alvarado* Development Intern Sherry Banks Director Program Partnerships Clara Beard College Counselor

Michele Keller Director, Communications Emily Knarr Mentor Program Advisor Robbie Lee Director, Mentor Program Juan Lopez Programs Associate Veronica Lopez* Development Operations & Alumni Relations Manager Susan Mangles Administrative Associate Cathy Mansouri Director, Human Resources Elizabeth Mares* Data & Evaluation Intern Teresa Marquez Staff Accountant Ray McKee Programs Executive Assistant Elizabeth Medina Development Assistant Pier Merone Development Specialist

John Mitchell Director, Counseling & Scholarships Cynthia Pazuk Director, Event Planning & Promotion Nefara Reisch College Access Program Advisor Doug Rimerman Director, Corporate & Foundation Relations Karina Santos* Scholarship Operations Manager Janet Sarver Mentor Program Advisor Danny Slucki Director, Information Technology Abel Solorio College Access Program Advisor Emily Tann Programs Events Manager Danny Tran Programs Database Administrator RJ Washington College Access Program Advisor Elizabeth Zamudio College Counselor

Pablo Benitez Mentor Program Advisor Aldwin Escuadro Mentor Program Manager Karen Fisher Executive Administrative Assistant Gabriel Flores* Programs Operations Manager Ariel Garcia Executive Assistant to the CEO Juan Garrido* Programs Associate Cynthia Gonzalez College Counselor Ivan Grgas Director College Access Program Xiomara Iraheta* Mentor Program Advisor Yolande Jeune College Access Program Advisor

* Fulfillment Fund alumni

Vicky DeFelice

Robin and Ira Pianko

Laura Drexler

DeeDee Sussman

Patty Durant

In honor of Eva Monarrez Minardos Group

Bea Frankel

In honor of Geordan Neinstein’s Bar Mitzvah Project Linda Abrams

Alison Haber

Jules Altman

Judith Kushnet

Molly Bogad

Eric Mandel

Deborah Bromberg

Jayme Neiman-kimel

Rozanne Burstein

Kristina Pappas

Lizabeth Fogel

Susan Schechtman

Paula Frankfurter

Sheila Siegel

Suzanne Gildenberg

Teri Solochek

In Honor of Andrea Cockrum Randy Gold Anett Eros and Amir Zagross Todd Mandel Brandon Stoddard Phoenix Marketing Karen Gould In honor of Janet and Barry International Stolper Foundation, Inc. Sheba and Howard Grobstein Cooper’s 50th Anniversary Gloria and Richard Pink Tribute Gifts Stone Tapert, LLC Lill and Jess Beim Jack Neinstein Randstad Managed Services Barbra Streisand and The tribute program gives Joan and Gerald Doren Stacy Palbaum donors the opportunity James Brolin Kenneth Raphael Adriane and Allan Morrison, Jason Shuman to honor a friend or loved Joseph Sugarman William B. Rapp M.D. one while supporting Deborah Turobiner Anita and Daniel Swanson educational opportunities Pacita and George Reich Norene Nye Michael Weisberg for promising students. Anne Sweeney and Paul Reitz In memory of Louis DeTolla Amy Wernick Philip Miller Vanessa Detolla Rhythm & Hues Nancy A. Williams Orest Szul In honor of Kristen Cascio In honor of Gayle Levant and Wolverine Productions, LLC The Taubman Company, LLC Lumni Bytyci Eric Esrailian’s birthday John Richards Andrea Cockrum In honor of * Anonymous Adam Taylor Susan and Robin Richards Sandy Climan’s Birthday In honor of In honor of the marriage of Denise Terenzio and Julie Rieger Keith Addis Charles Fox’s Birthday Lexi Richards and Erye Moskowitz Lexi Richards and Lill and Jess Beim Steve Arnold Yoni Riemer Diana Torres Jonathan Riemer Susan and Robin Richards Sera and Gary Brill Roy Baharav U.S. Express Vitina Biondo and In honor of Lisa Rodriguez Linda Creager Linda Boland- Abraham Yosef Riemer Dr. Jon A. Perlman

In honor of The Thomas Tyrer Family Thomas Tyrer

Bobby Meth

$5,000 – $24,999

Mathew Obergfoll

The Phillip and Terri Schrager Foundation

Katherine O’Connor

The following people are being honored by Hayutin & Associates

Bill Siddons

Florine and Bernie Silverman Lynda and Jonathan Chu Singer Lewak Greenbaum & Leslie and John T. Frankenheimer, Esq. Goldstein LLP Leslie and Bruce Gifford Jonathan Sklar

Barbara and Robert Steinberg

In honor of Thomas Tull Polly Johnsen

In honor of Jana and Randy Greer Seymour Waterman

Dale Schatz

Nancy Silberkleit

In honor of Cherna and Gary Gitnick, M.D. Patricia and Earl Krause

In honor of Reva and Bill Tooley Edward S. Abbott

Meschures, Campeas, Thompson, Snyder, Pocras, & Levin

Stuart Foundation

Northwest Diversified Entertainment

M.D.’s Birthday Gail and Jarold Kohll

Michael Mccarthy

Hellene Runtagh

Doreen and Fred Solomon

In honor of Gary Gitnick, M.D. In honor of Lisa & Mark Tenner Goodsearch Joel Magazine In honor of Gary Gitnick,

In honor of Ron Howard and In memory of Bob Werner Cheryl Kotlowitz Brian Grazer Creative Artists Agency

Sybil Robson Orr

$25,000 – $49,999

Normandy Properties, Inc.

Norene Nye

In honor of Rick Rosner’s Birthday Constance and Jack Hochberg

David Geffen

Sharon and Robert Wiviott

Diane and Paul Mohilef

In memory of Dennis Rose Bettina Kurowski

Amber and Michael Fries

Amy and S. Andrew Schwartz Joanne and Gilbert Segel

Five-Year Anniversary with The Capital Group Companies The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation

David B. Walton, II

Sherie and Alan Schneider

Lelah and Stanley Mitchell

Adrienne and Benjamin Seigel

Ralph Finerman

MGM Minardos Group

Doris and Jack Gordon

In honor of Joan and Charlie Fox Adrienne and Benjamin Seigel

Larry Getzoff Milberg LLP

Carol and Joel Gillis

Diane Geller Lorie Humphrey Ken Klaristenfeld

Jennifer Spellman Lori Strauss Melinda Tsapatsaris Wendy Weicker The following people are being honored by Suzanne Cole Scott Abraham Frank Chiocchi Edward Egan Adam Fogelson Jackson George Alissa Grayson David O’Connor

Fulfillment Fund Leadership Council The Fulfillment Fund Leadership Council, comprised of young professionals who have been identified and nominated by members of the Fulfillment Fund’s Board of Directors and staff, exists to support the Fulfillment Fund and its mission through advocacy, service and fundraising. Members of the Leadership Council serve as ambassadors in the community, marketing the organization to a new generation and generating financial, volunteer and in-kind resources on behalf of the students.

Marcelo Bermudez* Robinne Burrell David Casares Kristen Cascio Romie Chaudhari Norma Dominguez* Nicole M. Duckett Dan Glasser Lindsey Greer Todd Hawkins Melanie Natasha Henry

Tracy Gitnick Herriott David Hughes Nicole Iizuka David Kanuth Josh Klinefelter Sarah J. Lang Steve Lapinski Matthew B. Laycock Michael Lebovich Dayton Miller Stewart Niles

Maria Pekurovskaya Nikki Rocco


Mathew Obergfoll Djenaba Parker Jorge Parra* William Sherak Jonathan Sklar Chris Vroman Chris Wagner Ashley Warne Kirk Williams

* Fulfillment Fund alumni

Fulfillment Fund Board of Directors 2011–2012 Chief Executive Officer: Andrea Cockrum Chairman and Founder: Gary Gitnick, M.D., F.A.C.G., UCLA School of Medicine

David Casares Vicente Capital Partners Sanford R. Climan Entertainment Media Ventures Janet and Barry Cooper Cherna Gitnick Co-Founder Janice Goldman Philanthropist Robert Goldman Investor Jana Waring Greer SunAmerica Charles Kaplan Sculptor

President: Ralph Walter, Kayne Anderson Capitol Advisors

Treasurer: Tim Somers, AMI Asset Management Corporation

Vice President: Eric Esrailian, M.D., UCLA School of Medicine

Secretary: Mary Ann Todd, Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP

Jo Ann Kaplan Organic Farmer/Landscape Architect Michael Keithley Creative Artists Agency, LLC Josh Klinefelter Aurora Capital Group Alan Kumamoto Kumamoto Associates Marti Oppenheimer Marti Designs Tony Oppenheimer U. S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. Lucia and Lupe Rodriguez

Ann Ruth Ruth Enterprises Madeleine Sherak, Ph.D. My Bench Productions Tom Sherak, Ph.D. Revolution Consulting Services Carl Schuster Wolfgang Puck Brian K. Werdesheim Oppenheimer & Company Kirk Williams KW3 Consulting Carla Mann Woods Alfred E. Mann Foundation

“It feels so good to receive a little treat during finals week from the Friends of the Fulfillment Fund. It warms me up every time.” —Stephanie Diaz-Sandoval

Fulfillment Fund Founders’ Board

UCLA, Class of 2012

Friends of the Fulfillment Fund


The Friends of the Fulfillment Fund is a women’s auxiliary support group founded in 1991 by Cherna Gitnick. Over the years, the Friends have raised millions of dollars to support Fulfillment Fund college access programs and services. Additionally, they serve as sponsors, provide college internships, and mail hundreds of care packages each year to Fulfillment Fund students during finals week.

Board of Directors Cherna Gitnick Founder and Co-President

Jan Goldman Co-President

Susan Berger Sybil Bergman Janet Cooper Sheila Forst Joan Fox

Marjorie Gross Sara Guterman Fran Huddleston Beverly Mayer Deb McAdams

Doreen Solomon Edele Singer Linda Weitzler Isabel Wintroub Phyllis Wolf


Monica Dremann, Psy.D. Psychologist and Philanthropist Melina Esrailian, D.D.S. Joan and Charles Fox Brad Gluckstein Conga Room

Louise Hamagami Despina and Jay Landers Michael Rosenberg Imagine Entertainment Dale Rosenbloom Utopia Pictures

Kathleen Rosenbloom KATRO Marc Shmuger Alba Tull Thomas Tull Legendary Pictures

“Once the Fulfillment Fund program helped me, I saw that there is a way that I can go to college, and there are plenty of opportunities.” —Andres Pedraza New Designs Charter High School class of 2012


Fulfillment Fund students have attended the following colleges and universities.

As Los Angeles public schools face unprecedented budget cuts and college tuition costs continue to rise, the Fulfillment Fund’s programs and services have never been more vital to the success of low-income, under-resourced youth. In 2011, a year in which only 55% of LAUSD students graduated high school, 91% of Fulfillment Fund students graduated high school, and 93% of Fulfillment Fund students went on to college.

6100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90048 www.fulfillment.org info@fulfillment.org www.facebook.com/ffund www.twitter.com/fulfillmentfund www.linkedin.com/company/fulfillment-fund www.youtube.com/user/fulfillmentfund

Antelope Valley College Argosy University Arizona State University Art Institute of California Art Institute of Colorado Austin Community College Barnard College Biola University Boston College Boston University Bowdoin College Brigham Young University Brigham Young University Hawaii Brown University Bryn Mawr College Cabrillo College California Baptist University California College of the Arts California Lutheran University California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona California State University Bakersfield California State University Channel Islands California State University Dominguez Hills California State University East Bay California State University Fresno California State University Fullerton California State University Long Beach California State University Los Angeles California State University Monterey Bay California State University Northridge California State University Sacramento California State University San Bernardino California State University Stanislaus Central State University Cerritos College Chapman University Chatham University City College of San Francisco Claremont McKenna College Clark Atlanta University College of the Canyons College of the Desert College of the Redwoods College of Wooster Colorado College Community College of Alleghany County Cornell University Cypress College Dartmouth College Dillard University Duke University East Los Angeles College Edmonds Community College El Camino Community College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Evergreen State College Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising Fashion Institute of Technology Florida A & M University Franklin and Marshall College Georgetown University Glendale College Grinnel College Harvard University Haverford College Howard University Humboldt State University Hyles Anderson College Ithaca College John Jay College of Criminal Justice Johnson and Wales University at Florida Langston University Las Vegas College Lewis and Clark College Lincoln Land Community College Long Beach City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Trade Technical College Los Angeles Valley College Loyola Marymount University Macalester College Marymount College Massachussetts Institute of Technology Mills College MiraCosta College Mission College Moorpark College Morehouse College Mount Holyoke College Mount Saint Mary’s College, Chalon Mount Saint Mary’s College, Doheny Mount San Antonio College Mt. San Antonio College (SAC) National University New Mexico State University Norfolk State University Northern Arizona University Northwestern University Occidental College Oregon State University Otis College of Art &Design Pacific Union College Palomar Community College Pasadena City College Pennsylvania State University Pepperdine University Pitzer College Polytechnic Institute of New York University Pomona College Reed College Ringling School of Art & Design Rio Hondo Community College Ripon College Riverside Community College

Rollins College Sacramento City College Saddleback College Saint Mary’s College Salt Lake City Community College San Bernardino Valley College San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Joaquin Valley College San Jose State University Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Santa Monica College Santa Rosa College Scripps College Smith College Southern Arkansas University Southwest College Spelman College Stanford University Swarthmore College Syracuse University Tennessee State University Tuskegee University University of Alaska Fairbanks University of California Berkeley University of California Davis University of California Irvine University of California Los Angeles University of California Merced University of California Riverside University of California San Diego University of California Santa Barbara University of California Santa Cruz University of Hawaii at Manoa University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign University of La Verne University of Massachusetts Boston University of Michigan University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of Notre Dame University of Phoenix University of Redlands University of San Diego University of San Francisco University of Southern California USC University of Texas, Arlington University of WisconsinMadison Vassar College Washington University in St. Louis Wellesley College Wesleyan University West Hills College Lemoore West Los Angeles College Western Iowa Tech Community College Whittier College Willamette University Williams College Woodbury University Xavier University of Louisiana Yale University

The mission of the Fulfillment Fund is to help promising, yet educationally underserved and economically disadvantaged students achieve high school graduation and access to and completion of higher education through programs that also produce systemic change.

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