FORWARDER magazine issue 41, 'Supply chain & retail'

Page 45

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DPD Westminster is aligned with the objectives of Transport for

London's toxic air contributes to thousands of early deaths

London (TfL) who will be introducing an Ultra Low Emission Zone

each year and is putting the health of children at risk so it's

in central London from April 2019. The initiative also supports DPD

good to see businesses like DPD preparing for the Ultra Low

Group's strategic objective to become the most responsible city

Emission Zone (ULEZ) and helping protect Londoners' health

centre delivery company in Europe.

by transforming their delivery fleet. Across the city the Mayor has taken bold action to help cut toxic vehicle emissions which

This is a hugely significant announcement for us with Westminster

are responsible for over 50 per cent of air pollution. With six

set to be the first of a series of all-electric DPD depots. Reducing

months to go until the introduction of ULEZ in central London,

and neutralising our carbon footprint; providing smarter and more

people are more aware than ever of the harmful pollution older

efficient urban delivery solutions and driving innovation are at the

vehicles, especially heavy goods and delivery vehicles, can emit.

heart of DPD's DrivingChange programme. We want to be the

The Mayor's ambition is for all new cars and vans to be zero-

leader in alternative fuel vehicles in the UK, with the ultimate aim

emission from 2030 and I hope this is the first of many all-

being to move to a zero emission fleet. Westminster is clearly the

electric delivery depots in London.

first step towards that goal and will be instrumental in developing

Shirley Rodrigues,

our future EV proposition and strategy. DPD Westminster is an

London's Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy

outstanding location and the vehicles are fantastic. We looked at a wide range of options before making our decision and we've been testing these three models extensively in recent months. In terms of reliability and performance they have been excellent.


There are still significant external issues to be overcome in terms

The UK's favourite parcel delivery company: DPD has been

of the infrastructure to support an all-electric fleet on the scale we

voted top in MoneySavingExpert's consumer satisfaction poll

need, across the whole of central London. But I'm delighted with

for parcel delivery companies five years running.

our proposition here and we will continue to work with the key stakeholders to realise our aims and support the Mayor of London

In April 2015, DPD was awarded the Queen's Award for

and TfL's ambition for a cleaner and less congested capital.

Enterprise 2015 in the Innovation category, for its unique

Dwain McDonald, CEO, DPD

one-hour delivery service, Predict. DPD is a member of DPD group, one of Europe's leading parcels groups, wholly owned by France's La Poste, the second largest postal group in Europe. The company operates more than 8,000 vehicles from 65 locations and delivers over 230 million parcels a year.

FORWARDER magazine



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