FORWARDER magazine issue 37, 'Temperature Controlled & Perishable Freight'

Page 31

Dynamic route optimisation allows Crown’s operations team to

More than just a same-day courier provider, Crown Couriers’

schedule its fleet of over 500 vehicles holistically, assigning drivers

business model is focused around helping businesses to become

quickly and ensuring routes are coordinated in the most efficient

logistically more efficient by using a combination of its 24/365

way. This impressive software detects current and imminent traffic

service centre, manned by experienced and knowledgeable teams;

issues, and eliminates unnecessary mileage when calculating routes;

supported by innovative technologies that allow the business to

driving both time and cost savings for customers but also allowing

produce a bespoke and tailored service on a mass scale.

Crown’s team to assign routes on a larger scale in much less time. Additionally, real-time, proactive communications can be

Contact our dedicated team by emailing

produced and distributed to customers on a large scale, using email or calling 0330 3334400.

and SMS notifications, providing the most up to date information

Visit the website at

about a live consignment. Enthusiastic about the opportunities posed by the implementation of industry-leading technologies, Tim affirmed that innovation is most effective when used as a tool to support and not replace the human element of its service. ‘Finding new ways to deliver a better service is a key priority for Crown, that’s why we put innovation right at the heart of our company values. But we’ve made the investment purely to support our teams in delivering a more efficient service and speedier communications to the customer, and not to replace the knowledge and expertise of our teams that our customers have access to 24/365’.

FORWARDER magazine



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