Freedom Sisters Magazine | August 2021 | Peaceful Warrior

Page 48

Wonder Woman the peaceful warrior By: Joanna Sweatt

Growing up as a kid, I was deeply vested in acquiring comic books and reading about superheroes—especially the fem-sheroes. As a child who suffered mental and physical abuse at the hands of loved ones, the battles between good and evil were always on my brain. I learned compassion quickly during those days. One shero that stood out to me and one that I imagined becoming on many occasions, was Wonder Woman, who was known as the peaceful warrior. I had to learn what a peaceful warrior meant in order to understand why that was Wonder Woman’s tagline and in going down that rabbit hole, I realized, it is a fine time to rally and raise more Wonder Women of the world. Peaceful warriors are known to be honorable, courageous and compassionate human beings who make their difference by having lived and lived well. Peaceful warriors are also time-tested and pain-sharpened; having gone through hell in order to discover that heaven is actually within. This resonated with me because in real life, it is the afterlife that we reckon as heaven.

FreedomSisters Magazine

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