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WCSHC’s Kick-off Meeting and Frank Taylor’s Thoughts Annual Christmas Gala Members, we achieved numerous milestones in 2016 with zeal and passion to propel sustainability in rural communities throughout the South.Your pledge of being on time for business sessions and other events spawn hope for a year of accomplishments. Therefore, I am eternally grateful for each members’ fortitude and resilience in developing a legacy from the natural resources. We will not indulge in creating New Years’ resolutions. Instead, we will revisit our previous objectives and goals collectively to foster an environment of camaraderie. All right WCSHC members, I am present and ready for duty in 2017. As communities’ transition towards the season of giving, the state of Mississippi received the most measurable rainfall in three months. This welcomed moisture helped relieve 76 out 82 counties from underneath a statewide burn ban. Some places in the state received a torrent of rain especially in northwest Mississippi. Overall, the lack of rainfall caused major havoc for agriculture producers,highway infrastructure and related industries. However, this turn of event will allow rye grasses to sprout and produce needed forages. This will benefit grazers in turn of reducing outer pockets feeding expenses. With the 2016’s drought in their rearview mirrors, members and friends gathered for WCSHC’s Kick-off Meeting and Annual Christmas Gala on Friday, December 2, 2016, 4:45pm at the Winston County Extension Office in Louisville,MS.The aroma of collard greens, smoke turkey, potatoes salad and other delights oozed throughout the confinement of Vance Street. Shirley Gladney moved with authority in making last minute changes before the arrival of attendees. Columbus McReynolds crossed the threshold at 4:05pm with green and red tomatoes for

sale. Columbus indicated that he harvested the entire crop due to impending predicted killer frost. Scott County Small Farmers and Landowners Organization entourage dotted doors with jovial smiles and amplified thanks to WCSHC for sharing their dreams and inspiring individuals to manage their natural resources. As the clock’s hands settled on 4:45pm Frank Taylor called the 2017’s Kick-off Meeting to order. Alonzo Miller offered words of inspiration. After audience evaluated minutes, Mary Hannah motion to accept as printed and Rosie Harris seconded. Taylor thanked members and visitors for an enormous year of achievements. Taylor said we look forward to a bountiful year in 2017. Taylor continued dialoguing about upcoming changes within USDA after the 2016’s presidential election. The Obama Presidency provided small farmers with opportunities to excel and compete for funding with the assurance of fair equity. Farmers’ incomes grew by leaps and bounds over the past eight years without unintended consequences. Rural Development’s Rural Continued on page 2

WINSTON COUNTY SELF HELP COOPERATIVE P.O. Box 774 • Louisville, MS 39339 Phone: 601-291-2704 • Email: fltaylor@bellsouth.net • Web: www.wcshc.com “Saving Rural America”


Continued from page 1 Housing Program provided over one-million new homes through the unforgettable 2008’s housing crisis. Increased funds for HBCUHistoric Black Colleges and Universities’ 1890 Programs. The Obama Administration added additional dollars to the SNAP-Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to reduce poverty among children, seniors and people with disabilities. This diplomatic action help eliminate food in-security throughout urban cities and rural communities. Taylor said, we hope the next administration will continue to support socially-disadvantaged groups with vigor. Other notes reviewed include the following: WCSHC received a check in the amount of $697.64 for two heifers on Tues Nov 1, 2016 from the sale of two pass on heifers, because they did not meet WCSHC’s criterions as quality pass on(s). Bobby Hardin owes $222.00 for ten rolls of hay. This leaves a balance of 137 rolls at co-op’s farm. Winston County Farmers Market Team conducted a Thanksgiving’s Market on Nov 21, 2016, 3pm at Louisville Coliseum in Louisville, MS.

Vendors offered sweet potatoes, shelled pecans, cakes, turnips, mustards and collard greens for consumers to purchase. MacArthur Carter and friends gathered and continued the art of making syrup from Louisiana Cane. This agrarian practice occurred on Nov 21 & 22, 2016 in the Mt. Calvary Community in the southwest parts of Winston County, MS. WCSHC’s 2017 kick-off meeting ended promptly at 5:40 pm. This time frame opened the Christmas Gala with Shelton Cooper offering prayer and Peggy Miller delivered a profound welcome. These words fashioned thoughts of appreciation for being alive

and enjoying God’s gifts. The Christmas program pivoted with four individuals reflecting on 2016’s accomplishments. Additionally, they highlighted potential milestones to achieve in the New Year. Greg Nicks of SCSFLO graciously thanked WCSHC for assistance with the emergent of their group in 2016, “We started meeting in April in hope of building an organization like

WCSHC.” We conducted canning workshop which provided inspiration for numerous individuals to reconnect with preserving local grown foods. We orchestrated two field days in conjunction with FSA, NRCS and Rural Development, Alcorn State and Miss State extension service”. Curtis Snell of UCAC conversed thanks to WCSHC for its leadership in helping structure their community-based organization. UCAC continued to unearth opportunities for small and socially-disadvantaged farmers in the Golden Triangle Area. Thomas Coleman, WCSHC members chatted about his life as a


tiller of the natural resources. I arrived in this earth on March 7, 1935 as the seventh and the youngest child of my parents. My family initially homestead in the Mississippi Delta as sharecroppers. However, upon my birth they decided to relocate back home to Louisville, MS. This action offered me an opportunity to learn the art of farming without duress from an overseer. This enabled Thomas to graduate from high school and attend college. Also, this formal setting granted Thomas numerous adventures and learning situations, which accelerated his path through the work world. Mary Hannah, one of WCSHC founding members eloquently vocalized words of straightforwardness to achieve God’s work. Ms. Hannah described life growing up on the ‘Beasley Family Farm’ with three older sisters. She recanted stories about hoeing long and short vegetables rows. She said, “These experiences helped instill good character. Mary said, I appreciate my parents for permitting me an opportunity to attend Rust College in Holly Spring, MS where I earned my teaching degree. This presented a pathway for me to give back through educating our children. In closure, if you do good work and keep your words, then, God will bless you”. The audience reciprocated to the speech with a standing ovation for the words of encouragement. The Christmas Program ended with members and friends consuming a sumptuous meal prepared by Shirley Gladney and Sharonne Cooper. Also, we extend thanks to the Hathorn sisters

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WCSHC’s 1st 2017 Business Session Report

Continued from page 2 for assisting with serving. Alonzo Miller convened a livestock producers meeting

directly after the Christmas Gala. This group discussed a myriad of strategies to improve the quality of their cattle herds. WCSHC members and friends attended NOPBNRCSE Annual Expo in College Park, GA on Dec 911, 2016 at the Marriott Airport Hotel. This year’s honoree renowned humanitarian Danny Glover served as guest speaker for the morning opening session. Glover elaborated

Property Taxes and Homestead Property taxes due by February 1, 2017. If you did not pay 2014 or 2015 taxes, then you must make payments through the chancery clerk office. 2017 Delinquent tax sale will occur on Monday August 28, 2017. “Homestead” generally refers to a family’s dwelling and the land upon which the dwelling rests. Under Mississippi law, families have the right to keep

Farm Service Agency Disaster Assistance Program Livestock Forage Program (LFP): LFP provides compensation to eligible livestock producers that have suffered grazing losses due to drought or fire on land that is native or improved pastureland with permanent vegetative cover or that is planted specifically for grazing. Sign up deadline for LFP is January 30, 2017. Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP): LIP provides benefits to livestock producers for livestock deaths more than normal mortality caused by adverse weather or by attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the federal government. Emergency Assistance for Livestock,

about his grandparents’ experiences and hardships in agriculture. He said they still owned their 80 acres’ family farm in Louisville, GA. He fore stated the global impacts of over farming which help destroy the ecosystem. Additionally, Constance Slaughter-Harvey of Forest, MS, the first black female graduate of Ole Miss School of Law delivered the Lloyd Wright’s Luncheon oration with promptness and pointed directions for rural Americans. Rev. William Barber uttered words of conscience in preparing for the next four years during the Pearlie Reed’s Banquet. Frank Taylor of WCSHC steered the “Fire in the Belly Session” for farmers. He introduced several farmers who made comments about their work in rural America. WCSHC and friends enjoyed this educational summit and they plan to attend the 25th event. WCSHC members attended UCAC’S short course on “Shiitake Mushroom Cultivation on Logs” Saturday December 17, 2016 in Starkville, MS. ASU’s Dr. Frank Mrema presentation sparked participants interest in starting their mushroom ventures.

a certain portion of their homestead exempt from creditors. The sole requirement of a property owner to receive this exemption is to occupy the property as his or her primary residence.To declare a homestead exemption, the property owner must file a claim with the county tax assessor’s office. Along with protecting the property from creditors, filing for homestead exemption also benefits the homeowner through a reduction in property taxes. You must file for homestead exemption by March 31, 2017.

Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish (ELAP): ELAP provides emergency assistance to eligible producers of livestock, honeybees and farm-raised fish for losses due to disease (including cattle tick fever), adverse weather, or other conditions, such as blizzards and wildfires, not covered by LFP and LIP. Tree Assistance Program (TAP): TAP provides financial assistance to qualifying orchardists and nursery tree growers to replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes, and vines damaged by natural disasters. Upcoming NAP Application Closing Dates are shown below: • 1/15/2017 Closing Date: for broccoli, cabbage, greens, and white potatoes • 2/1/2017 Closing Date: for beans, cantaloupe, cucumbers, eggplant, honeydew,

lettuce, pecans, peppers, radishes, squash, turnips, and watermelons • 2/28/2017 Closing Date: for corn, cotton, okra, peanuts, peas, pumpkins, rice, sesame, sorghum, soybeans, sugarcane, and sweet potatoes

WCSHC’s 1st 2017 Business Session Report


ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuskegee University 125th Annual Farmers Conference February 15-17, 2017 National Goat Conference February 17-19, 2017 at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center Tuskegee, Ala.

Minority Landowners 11th Anniversary Conference February 23-25, 2017 at the Greensboro High Point Marriott in Greensboro, North Carolina


Editor: WCSHC Team Leader Frank Taylor | Email: fltaylor@bellsouth.net | Phone: 601-291-2704 Layout and Design: Marqueus Draper

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