Greensboro Gazette News Flash, 1st Edition July 2021

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NEWS FLASH The Voice of Rural America • The Official Newsletter of the Winston County Self Help Cooperative SUMMER • JULY 2021 • 1st Edition • Visit us online @ • Saving Rural America

WCSHC’s Mantra: Save Rural America

By Frank Taylor Email:

Since its inception (1985), The Winston County Self Help Cooperative continues to provide farmers, landowners, and others with relevant information to help sustain life in rural America. The cooperative has survived seven presidencies and shifted past numerous financial meltdowns in its 36 years of operation. This period has allowed WCSHC an opportunity to earn enough wherewithal to become an agent of change for rural Americans. This awesome task includes working with small farmers, who are living on the fringes of poverty, with hope of forging forward to leave a working legacy for future generations. This underlined prerequisite drives WCSHC and its partners to

dispense needed services daily to sustain life in these economically starved communities. Yes, rural America is under attack on numerous fronts, from the lack of proper health care, insufficient infrastructure, and failing school systems. Other factors include, elected state and federal officials with insufficient rural experiences and gerrymandering politics which accelerates the loss of population and dollars. This narrative underscores Winston County Self Help Cooperative’s reason for adopting its mantra “Save Rural America” in 1989. WCSHC membership is primed and ready to formulate policies to stop the hemorrhage of its citizens and commerce. We (rural Americans), black, white, brown and others, must work collectively to construct a formula to save rural America. This calculation must be

WINSTON COUNTY SELF HELP COOPERATIVE 2948 Highpoint-Weir Rd. Louisville, MS 39339 Phone: 601-291-2704 • Email: Web: • “Saving Rural America”

inclusive, provide equality, and opportunity for all citizens to achieve the American dream with proper accessibility. The Winston County Self Help Cooperative is issuing a challenge to elected officials, universities, centers of higher learning, schools, churches, community-based organizations, and others to propel Mississippi into a leader of positive change.

“USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender”


“In the Kitchen with WCSHC members”

Pokeweed the Survival Food and participants to consume something so delicious. The only things missing from the session were cornbread and fried chicken. Suppose you enjoyed reminiscing about Poke Salad while reading this article. If so, please feel free to send in your recipe or memory of Poke Salad. Also, if you have any suggestions for other wild foods to prepare, please feel free to share them with us. Stay tuned for additional “Survival Foods” segments Watch WCSHC Facebook Live Video: Pokeweed (Poke Salad) the Survival Food videos/241507197419607/ WCSHC member Arlexis Yarbrough preparing Pokeweed to be cooked into a Poke Salad.

By Latrice Todman Email:

Pokeweed, also known as Poke Salad/ Sallet, is regarded as a survival food by many southerners. Pokeweed is a perennial weed that can be found anywhere along one’s path. Some common locations include the forest, a driveway, the front porch, along the fence, anywhere. Its leaves are oblong, with magenta stalks and berries at the end of the stem— no worries about running out of Pokeweed because it can grow up to 10 feet tall. The use of Poke Salad dates back centuries. Due to its toxic nature, Pokeweed was/is used as a detox. According to Miss Yarbrough,“My daddy said, we needed to consume Poke Salad at the beginning of Spring to remove the impurities built up from the Fall and Winter. And again, at the beginning of Fall to remove toxins buildup from Spring and Summer.” According to Carney 2019, many people were without shoes in the 1920s and backward. Without shoes to protect individuals’ feet, many had to walk over animal feces, increasing their risk of attracting worms. Therefore, during those years, Pokeweed was used as an effective dewormer. In recent years, the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center cites a report that raw Pokeweed has medicinal properties in curing herpes and HIV. Unfortunately, there


have been no clinical trials to prove the above facts. Despite the lack of studies, Pokeweed is still used as popular folk medicine by many individuals who understand the history of this potent weed. On June 24, 2021, the Winston County Self Help Cooperative hosted a session on proper harvesting and preparing Pokeweed for consumption at the Cooperative’s building. Giving reference to our ancestors who figured out the process. Mr. Cunningham, the session’s facilitator, shared the proper way to prepare Poke Salad with the group. He started with parboiling the product three times. Mr. Cunningham exclaimed to be sure to drain the water in between each parboil. He chopped up onions and prepared bacon. After the third rinse, he added the Poke Salad to a cast-iron skillet and placed it over the burner on low heat. He continued this process until leaves were tender. He then added the onions, bacon, and seasonings (Tony’s, pepper, and garlic). According to Mr. Cunningham, “To make the Poke Salad complete, add eggs.” As his last step, he added eggs to the skillet. Once the eggs were cooked, the dish was complete. Ms. Yarbrough plated up the Poke Salad for the participants to consume. The author of this article is a newbie to Poke Salad, and she could not wait to taste it. The first taste of the Poke Salad was like falling in love. Indeed, it was a pleasant surprise for the author

Alexander Cunningham, session’s facilitator

Miss. Yarbrough picking Pokeweed

Mr. Cunningham making Poke Salad


Winston County Farmers Market

The Winston County Farmers Market opened on Friday, June 18, 2021, at the Louisville Coliseum in Louisville, MS. Although, the 2021 growing season has been challenging for our local famers, we are hopeful, this market year will be a success, according to co-manager & WCSHC member, Jean Harper.“We have been fielding calls from individuals wanting to purchase local grown vegetables and we are hoping to fulfil our customers’ demand. This Friday’s market, July 14, 2021, will be Youth Buck Day. Twenty youths will receive ten dollars each to purchase vegetables and fruits from the market’s vendors. We want to extend thanks to our other comanager, Janice Hopkins for her enduring support. The Winston County Farmers Market would not be a success without the support of our fantastic staff of volunteers and youths. For more information contact Jean Harper 662.312.8004.”

“In the Kitchen with WCSHC members”

Rose Harris demonstrated how to preserve green beans on Monday, June 21, 2021. You can watch via of this link:

Youth Groups Pioneering Art

On Monday, June 28, 2021, the Winston County Self Help Youth Group, and the local Infuse 4-H group, displayed their artwork at the Research Center in Louisville, MS. Glendia Cooper of the Winston County Self Help Cooperative provided students with guidance in developing their artwork. Glendia worked for more than forty (40) years in the Jacksonville, Florida Public Schools. After retirement, she decided to return to her native home


of Greensboro in Louisville, MS, where she continues to exploit her love of art. According to Jean Harper, WCSHC Youth Leader, “Ms. Cooper seized the opportunity to help local students expand their art skills. We appreciate Ms. Cooper for sharing her knowledge and experiences with the WCSHC’s youth group and the local 4-H group. Additionally, we would like to thank our parents, grandparents, and others for supporting the arts.”


WCSHC Weed Eradication Field Day

By Allen McReyonlds

According to Allen McReynolds, retired County Agent and currently a Winston County Self Help Cooperative Outreach Specialist, “Correct weed identification, herbicide selection, and spray equipment calibration are important steps to kill and control weeds in pastures and hayfields effectively. Weeds rob grasses of fertilizer, moisture, sunlight, and other important elements. Thereby reducing the quality and volume of grasses.” On May 22, 2021, approximately 25 local and area beef cattle farmers gathered at Allen McReynold’s farm in McCool, MS, to experience an herbicide demonstration. The Winston County Self Help Cooperative coordinated the event. The demonstration was conducted by Jim McAdory, Winston County Agent, and Wayne Ormesby, Natural Resources Conservation Services (what’s his title?), (NRCS). As a duo working in concert, McAdory and Ormesby did the following activities: • Identified some common weeds found locally. • Discussed herbicides to kill and control those common weeds. • Calibrated a 110 - gallon spray tank. The event enhanced participants’ knowledge of the need to control weeds. Therefore, if you are a beef cattle farmer needing assistance with a good weed control management system, you should contact your local county extension office. Indeed, the county agent can assist you with calibrating your spray equipment, among other activities.



Fountain Herbicide-Weed Control Demonstration

The Winston County Self Help Cooperative conducted a Herbicide-Weed Control Demonstration at Herman Fountain Family Farm in Lawrence, MS on Thursday, June 4, 2021. Two graduate students from Mississippi State delivered oral presentations on how to control unwanted weeds. The students presented and demonstrated a modified backpack sprayer which allows an individual to conduct select spraying of unwanted weeds. Dr. John Byrd, MSU Extension discussed methods of eliminating competing weeds in pastures and hay fields. This information will help beef cattlemen to produce higher quality animals. Additionally, Dr. Byrd demonstrated

how you should calibrate your sprayer. Delaney Johnson, State Agronomist, NRCS, elaborated on the importance of healthy soils as it relates to producing high quality grasses. Joe Addy, Sup. District Conservationist, Scott County Office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, highlighted various programs to assist grazers. Joe advised participants to make an appointment with their local NRCS office to discuss future farm plans. The Winston County Self Help Cooperative extends sincere appreciation to the Fountain Family for hosting an afternoon of learning to help build sustainability in rural communities.

Benn & Jackson Cattle Farm Field Day

On June 15, 2021, participants crisscrossed over to the picturesque Benn & Jackson Cattle Farm to partake in an educational Farm Field Day located in bucolic Preston, MS, along Hwy 21 in the northwestern corner of Kemper County. Benn & Jackson Cattle Farm exhibits lush meadows with straight-line fences, well-manicured spaces, and beautiful oak trees with several ponds on the landscape. Allen McReynolds of WCSHC said “this farm will romance and propel your dreams of


becoming a successful cattle farmer. Wayne Benn and Charles Jackson invested long hours of sweat equity to develop this immaculate farm operation. I would encourage other individuals or potential farmers to talk with Charles and Wayne before starting their entities. The field day program started with prayer from Wayne Benn and words of welcome by Linda Jackson. Allen facilitated the agenda. Charles Jackson gave an insightful narrative of the farm operation. Tony Luke, Farm Loan Manager, Farm Service Agency, highlighted various services offered through their agency. Tony elaborated on FSA’s loan portfolio and other assistance offered at FSA. Delaney Johnson, State Agronomist, Mississippi-NRCS, discussed Benn & Jackson farm’s soil profile. Dwight Jackson, Soil Conservationist, NRCS conversed about the uniqueness of Benn & Jackson Cattle Farm. Dwight showed attendees several practices implemented through NRCS. Additionally,

Dwight said, “Wayne and Charles are great examples of individuals, who are committed to developing a successful farm operation through their knowledge and perseverance. The Benn & Jackson Cattle Farm Field Day ended with attendees enjoying a great catfish meal prepared by the Jackson Family. Mr. Charles Jackson served as the head chef. The Winston County Self Help Cooperative wants to thank the Benn & Jackson Cattle Farm for hosting this educational field day.


Cedric Alexander Family Farm Field Day

By Frank Taylor Email:

As uncertainties turned into certainty for Cedric Alexander’s Family Farm Field Day on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, in Sontag, MS. Here is the story line. Twenty-four hours prior to the start of the field day, rain, and high winds inundated the small hamlet of Sontag. These unpredictable weather conditions caused for some thoughts of cancellation. However, the steady hands of the Alexander Family and the Winston County Self Help Cooperative moved forward and unveiled an afternoon of learning and sharing with rural Americans. Michael Lang, Sr and Michael Lang, Jr, drove six hours from Huntsville, Ala to partake and to parcel out knowledge about the cattle industry in Alabama. Cedric & Lashunda Alexander

welcomed more than forty individuals to their family farm. Lashunda stated, “we are working collectively to develop our family farm. We appreciate the support of WCSHC for helping the Alexander Family Farm create this platform for others to be inspired and to learn from veteran farmers.” Cedric recounted the assistance channeled through the USDANatural Resource Conservation Service. “We have received financial assistance to install cross fences, heavy use pads and watering troughs. These practices have added value to my cattle herd, and we are thankful for our local NRCS staff here in Monticello, MS.” Sarah Wilcher, Soil Conservationist, NRCS said. “The Alexanders are great examples for others to emulate. This couple is committed to implementing NRCS’ practices in a timely fashion to avoid cost overruns. This mannerism demonstrates their

Cattle Health Program

Three veteran organizations hosted a cattle health program on Saturday, June 12, 2021, at Mississippi Minority Farmers Alliance’s Demonstration Farm in Okolona, MS. Allen McReynolds of Winston County Self Help Cooperative reiterated these words prior to the start of this Cattle Health Program. “Your


cattle herd’s health is important. Healthy cattle are more productive and yield higher profits. They should receive their annual doctor examination just as people.” Allen paused and introduced Dr. L. C. Peyton of Tri-County Veterinary Service, Bay Spring, MS. Dr. Peyton started by thanking participants for attending and introduced his support team. Dr. Peyton elaborated on a variety of examinations to be conducted and vaccinations to be administered. Additionally, Dr. Peyton castrated several bull calves. He explained the process to four beginning farmers and ranchers. This side of the program ended at approximately 1:00 pm, as Chris Jones of MMFA doled out instructions for individuals to load up in their vehicles and travel north

cognizant of NRCS programs and the need to move swiftly after signing your contract.” Dennis Jones, Area 3 Conservationist, NRCS stated, “this is a good day for landowners, farmers, and others to be here after fifteen months of confinement. This is one of Area-3 first in person event since the onset of convid19. We greatly appreciate our staff members for being committed to serve customers in times of unusual circumstances.” Corey Ware, Sup District Conservationist, Lincoln County Office unpacked NRCS’ practices. Corey encouraged participants to call their local office for more information. Rebecca McKenzie, County Executive Director, Farm Service Agency conversed about current activities including the upcoming County Committee Elections. Rebecca said “the nomination period would be open until August 2, 2021. She reiterated and asked participants to learn the important of the county committee and how it impacts local farmers.” Field day activities ended with Tarie Todman presenting the Alexanders with WCSHC’s Save Rural America Certificate.

to the organization’s beautiful service center building for lunch. The aroma of food drew participants into their seats without reminders. Dr. Peyton concluded his presentation with pointers to help increase gate value. Michael Trusclair, USDA Liaison Officer, based at Alcorn State University, delivered an extensive and potent presentation on how to improve your herd health by monitoring and maintaining a regular quality feeding program. Michael emphasized that, as a cattleman, you must make a long-term commitment to achieve success. The Cattle Health Program ended with closing comments from Orlando Trainer from Unlimited Community Agricultural Cooperative, Frank Taylor, Winston County Self Help Cooperative, and Carolyn Jones, Mississippi Minority Farmers Alliance. More than ninety individuals from Mississippi and Alabama attended.


Jewell & Russell Bean

We highly recommend you watch these two educational zooms below featuring Russell and Jewell Bean. They are committed to “Help save rural America.” Russell Bean is a Resource Specialist with Tuskegee University and Agricultural Consultant/Speaker. He is a licensed Real Estate Appraiser & Auctioneer. He is a Paralegal in Real Estate Law and Civil Litigation. Russell and Jewell have several published research papers in the in the Professional Agricultural Workers Journal. What You Should Know When Buying Land: 6p3RusmCEIASISVLNJDOwDa85WX5GZnBMwuaXyhjSrlOrVG-X29J1DneuUISHc69. sJQgSKX4vc0_sCHB How To Grow Your Business With Free Social Media Traffic: https://tuskegee. j9QNK810lPx7Of5oqWO5QXSzdmdsW.-LmcRCSaiGtHvsr5

N E W S F L A S H P H O T O G A L L E R Y, J U LY 2 0 2 1 Alonzo and Peggy Miller Farm, 5020 Highpoint-Weir Rd, Louisville, MS. They are producing peas, corn, squash, green beans, and other local grown vegetables. June 28, 2021, 662-705-1257

WCSHC member, MacArthur Carter’s Vegetables Market on Wheels, 662-708-0188



Octavious and friends are working to provide families with local grown vegetables. He is located in Zion Ridge, MS.

Delaney Johnson, State Agronomist, NRCS participated in WCSHC outreach meeting on Monday, June 28, 2021, in Louisville, MS. Delaney verbalized plans for the cooperative demonstration farm. WCSHC will plant several cool vegetables in the fall. This farm has numerous entities in operation. cattle, forestry, aquaculture, and fee hunting.

~ ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has set a July 23, 2021, deadline for agricultural producers and landowners to apply for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) General signup 56. Additionally, USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will accept applications for CRP Grasslands from July 12 to August 20. This year, USDA updated both signup options to provide great incentives for producers and increase its conservation benefits, including reducing the impacts of climate change. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) began accepting nominations for county committee members last week. Elections will occur in certain Local Administrative Areas (LAA) for these members who make important decisions about how federal farm programs are administered locally. All nomination forms for the 2021 election must be postmarked or received in the local FSA office by Aug. 2, 2021.

Participate in FSA 2021 County Committee Elections. Nomination period end on August 2, 2021. If you have questions about the process contact Frank Taylor 601.291.2704.



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Form Approved - OMB No. 0560-0229 OMB Expiration Date: 0 / 1/202

NOMINATION FORM FOR COUNTY FSA COMMITTEE ELECTION This form allows individuals to nominate themselves or any other person as a candidate. If additional forms are needed, this one may be copied or may be obtained at the County FSA Office or obtained electronically at Each form submitted must be: $ Limited to one nominee. % Signed and dated by the nominee in Item 3. Nominee must sign if willing to have his/her name placed on the ballot and agrees to serve if elected. Note: Name shown on ballot will appear exactly the same as in Agency records. & Delivered to the County FSA Office or postmarked no later than August , 20 . ' Signed and dated as a write-in candidate if elected as a member and willing to serve on the COC. The County FSA Committee is responsible for reviewing each form to determine the eligibility of nominees. A person who is nominated on this form and is found ineligible will be so notified and have an opportunity to file a challenge. Persons nominated should actively participate in the operation of a farm or ranch and be well qualified for committee work. A producer is eligible to be a County FSA committee member if the producer resides in the Local Administrative Area (LAA) in which the election is to be held and is eligible to vote. This is a non-salary public service position. A small stipend is provided to offset expenses. Federal regulations may prohibit County FSA Committee members from holding certain positions in some farm, commodity, and political organizations if such positions pose a conflict of interest with FSA duties. The positions include functional offices such as president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer; and positions on boards or executive committees. Conflict of interest restrictions also apply to employees, operators, managers, and majority owners of tobacco warehouses. Questions concerning eligibility should be directed to the County FSA Office. The duties of County FSA Committee members include: A. B. C. D. E. F.

Administering farm program activities conducted by the County FSA Office. Informing farmers of the purpose and provisions of the FSA programs. Keeping the State FSA Committee informed of LAA conditions. Monitoring changes in farm programs. Participating in county meetings as necessary. Performing other duties as assigned by the State FSA Committee.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

PAY YOUR DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES Currently, the Winston County Self Help Cooperative (WCSHC) Team Members, are combing through the Winston County’s 2018’s Delinquent Property Tax Roll to identify individuals who are in jeopardy of losing their land because lack of payment. If, you have not paid your 2018’s delinquent taxes, then, you are in immediate danger of forfeiting your property through the electronic delinquent tax auction scheduled for Monday, August 30, 2021. This announcement is a fair warning of how prevent giving away your family’s legacy of landownership. You or someone in the family must take the initial steps to avoid this travesty, today. If you want to participate in the online auction process, please contact your local tax assessor or collector. If you want to learn more about WCSHC’s Delinquent Tax Program call 601-291-2704.




“WCSHC is committed to help save rural America” WINSTON COUNTY SELF HELP COOPERATIVE 2948 Highpoint-Weir Rd. Louisville, MS 39339 Phone: 601-291-2704 • Email: Web: • “Saving Rural America”

“USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender”

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