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Friendlyletbrs: odvice I 43 Qr¡c¡tion Answer


tWilte o later dl odvice rioo lfn.rend prcgrcrflrne. wh'o hos beer tofd 6¡ go ,ono lFitness

WrMv,tt, ¡búre?hsr!/l tttwwmyw@rrdhr@{/r IMtriiiltlHo&r@ lbrg h¿ft| m wt¡ M l¡|6,I,@n'T. M h e @r firs ¡rqrno ffr$lütirre.ltlG ffarnllro M g@WllÍ lM lñ hut ffi dü ard yau rEülf 16 l'ütno furítwwry añ d¡¡@/rup.flUioüqlitlldwrilrtu a @/rg fu üte Wu wiffi ülkfM Vs¡tw wtrdi¡ngdüf/,ñryF6kr|*ft WrcW.¡ffisfrydFilrs'@ Íle ldütfr¡tttrr c CoO ib@q@ @úillty útjtsr. ffid üterc ¡bno nnd @mdo !,li¡rgb NEre ülu &¡nn m¡r&g mwe Ifwrfinfriúrt qñd.Wfrde{gr lhWM,, Mt¡:ft@w @w ffory* trr iimqap.wmninq rry @m üry/@sqp ffiirrg W dre [qh,O ¡iorfrrc ftodb od¡iou hmrelo q|i.{€r¡tp€oüitgsü(ffi r¡fi a qaail dü wlti¡ú w¡lllwd@Vtw wM M lt@d.e lre@q[ei¡dttv@yW. ndtrasldW,@lV WWy i(fI wre y@+Mteft dfir@fit iiús N lü !f -rtlfie m@| lbd migliÉ. fl sü/arr¡ ü|P @Oc6 lBttrih@ ibüffi itúlll itnrpedqyaarbW We, @rd@l lhg,d'ffÍry/ wnü wlll rrdl@.yail d@ W tmww@yw ffi lnc sd$¡kttffie ¡rd tsilrqplrít.@) yo{JtKe,,@rnqfithú60rht4 ¡p.é. l@16, l|ühridk¡io¡r @@ñM df@/rW úrrwt@fid vary W WW fu w @r ywr dM w lotñr ywilll W afr. ard MW y@rnqwmr.rmrriT. Wfttu wile. @rdwrd frre e pituwe d.fW ittl üte@,flr.

rixtr¡o¡dte, s{mll

Gom¡¡sl¡ 'Ag"fqgy' llnfrodLucfion thrrodviice lefiren irnroppropniote O 'tMh,o lisge'tlrirng lfitt? @ llil* ie 'iev oon{usinrgll @ fhe leter,oeruldlhrvvesltored llrcre. @ Av,ordqpeifilron'df wod;ing o1lttlirlle.lt lislbmnol |egiistdr.. @ Stoilirnglhe db,,vi.ous the dlqssest.Mn€d got me ft @ Rll, R5 -+ fuomu @ \We 'w.eree4pedti'ngltoiineor,olboufllhew¡lf'ers closses'¡u'mp'. Thiisis ,o @ g

,egefitiion lR| --ry@tisaúth€d@s lfhere,orrei<rorm:rony pieeesolfodvice l.lele"orte ofte,r tlrc otlhe¡..

@ fudllr¡g-+l@ qf i(]f¡'enrdlVlJ rregidter: hen4U(i[orno¡ o il@ü @ 'AAixed @ Good li: rmer,ltri.onll

@ RB--+rret<anlfrtlirot p@opk hMho lÚiiuh @üfr'er eqiqybe.toq @ Rll-+ y.our'llll dfr¡ole lliie somle imltateshl)

Gc¡nrr¡l Gommsúi slr,udl!.lre. a lfhs lélter,ho5hecÍ'nr.sdf odvce ¡ lilhestude¡t llnos¡'nd,Ldedo sdloo¡iono{ rcllevrormlt phrcses. ¡ llllrre3ur$en[l]mssuppoired lrc odvire. lltlow.aver: . Íhe biggcat pr'ohllernWilh rllirs fdrtefis ftie ln'opprqlñdkl .dfrnqgi3lel rerndrlilix,adLLlse ldter sou¡rdl o llhe [ookof pefsonols¡ng ntrokest]F're ,urlrienrdl,y, lke o lectur'e. aGerrereilV rn'rorrlks d[tlhougft'r rnoy ihis ie o grood,ofiemqpt" ltolllrie ,oihohe lo* lfolo oo¡ífui¡edqmd iirnopprqpriobdtorrlt ,of ,mi¡dlu,som lil¡ls llrnltnvdu¿llon liirfllrodudiron.. btfrer fl\e ond <¡r,enrrudhfoi'¡gerdhonril'ieyClmdldlbe..

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