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Hints I Liste n for phrasessuch as the fbllor'ving: Whitl-lw{:.Gn$... \ {1íJtt' m tr-ving to say is . . . l n a t h e {w o r d s. . . Ta p6t it anather ',t¡a\j... l n a . n u t s h P -.l^l " These phrasesare used to indicate that a speakeris going to summarise his thoughts. Vcry oftcn, t.l-rewords used in the summary are those nccded in vour ans\\'cr. 2 Listen fbr adjectives.Thesc often indicatc a descriptive passage,tvhere there r'vill usr-rallybe no ansr,vers. 3 Listen fbr words like these: 'nar¡d h<livever,on the óihp-r and whererzs(introducing contrasts) unTo{tuncNt-et"v, the olawn sirje and n ff¡nus poír't (introducing disadvantages). 4 Iftlre qr,restionincludes the \l.ord 'attitudc', it rneans what docsb tbinh aboutl 5 Questions often include a phrase likc 'FIory have his f'eelingschangedl' lt is important that y¡¡¡¡ ansr'vcrshou.sl-row he felt btfore nnd nfter in the situation. Tl'ris could involve a comparison, such as happierthan. 6 Prcscntation is ilnportant. Crossings out look mcssy, and create a bad impression. Onl¡, rvrite in your ansrvcrwhen J¡ou arc happy r'vith it a¡d can put it in a sentence. 7 Cross 1'eu¡ notes thfough with one diagonal lirc rüen )'ou have finished. Fart 3z Exerr-ise Twg l$ues*áan l&N

Lislen to thisrcdio inlervlewin whichSo ly to ks oboutthedlfflcutiesof herson,who (c condilionwherepeope wllhdrowfromreoily),crndo¡swerlhe suffers fromcrulism queslions. Youwi I heorthe interview h,vlce. I Why wcrsGobrielgiveno p oce lf hisnew co lege? 2 G t v eo n ee x o m p l o e f G o b r i e l 'us n u s u o c l i o n s . 3 How hoveSo ly'sfeelingschcrnged oboutGobrie goingto thisco ege? 4 Whcrtwos theeffeclon Scrly of herfriends'ollempJs to he p her? 5 - l o h o ' J o b r i -r b . Lo . o

L o n g ^ lo L ^ l o b . o r o o d e ' Z

ó Why doesSo ly believeGobrielis lucky1obe going1othisco ege? &xereise I

Now osksomeone to reqdthelislefing lexl(seepcrgel29) 1oyou, ond onswerthe questions.

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