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READ/NG Sfoge 5

Remember Thissummory oskedfor cr porogrcphg¡'",¡ng odvicc.

Nor'r'check the number of points _y6¡1 fi¿y¡¡made. Cl-rcckholy man)¡ r.vords ( ]¡olr havc to r'vrite 100 rvords). In other rvords, r.ou har.eone linc for cach point. Don't forget the advicephrases,though. When vou include the advicc phrases,1.e¡1lyill havc too marry words, so you may need to join ideas. What are the adr.icephrasesf Look back to Section 2,Unit 2 on Friendl¡, letters: advice. Therc are many phrasesto choose fiom. Try to select ones rvhich are formal ones, and have not been used in the tcxt. For example: The ffiast iaportantlbestimüin thíng is ta . ^. neffi€mber.. " \Alhcteverhúppen5,... lvtthatetter you da, ... Tr,t .. . Y ú us h ú t Á l d l a ü a hAtr . . .

Stoge ó Exercise 9

Now wrileyoursummory. Thencomporeyourworkwilh thesuggested onswefon poge 252.

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