Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024, Foodbuy

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CLUB & LEISURE BUYER GUIDE 2024 A Foodbuy Company Offering a curated range of products and services from tee to table to maximize rebates and savings


At Foodbuy, we have been supporting the needs of golf, recreation and social club members for nearly two decades. We have the expertise, purchasing programs and technology to support your team and remove the guesswork from selecting the best products and services to help your business thrive. We offer solutions for all of your front and back of house needs with purchasing programs on 36,000+ food and food-related items. We also have service programs including lawn maintenance, furniture, uniform rental and purchasing programs, waste solutions and more.

This publication serves as a curated buying guide to assist businesses in the Golf, Recreation & Social Clubs category. You will find top-saving items that support 80% of purchases done in your Food & Beverage and Services categories. We’ve included easy to use ordering codes to take the guesswork out of what items will drive operational savings on a month to month basis.

With the 2024 summer season fast approaching, this guide will help you set-up the foundation of your purchasing programs, eliminating the need for tedious research and cross-referencing of programs. Items in this guide have been selected to ensure you’re receiving savings either upfront in reduced purchasing costs, or on the backend with rebates accrued on a monthly basis.

We have expanded our portfolio of non-food supplier partners to further help support and grow your business. Among these partners you'll find HD Supplies, Davryl, Imperial Dade, Diversey, Grainger, along with many other solutions providers.

Our Professional Services Portfolio gives you access to a multitude of best-in-class service providers who can help you with issues such as staffing and training, menu development, pricing strategies, financing, marketing, or concept development and branding.

Our dedicated Support Team is always here to work with you and your staff. We audit prices, present new innovations, identify the optimal purchasing programs for your business and create reports so you don't have to. We source products and services and create product buying guides that help you streamline purchasing decisions to maximize your program benefits. We look forward to working with you to help you maximize your Foodbuy program benefits all year.

Thank you for your continued participation in the Foodbuy purchasing program.

Jason Stewart

of Business Development & Sales

Jason has worked with ClubProcure & Foodbuy since 2014. He's a PGA of Canada professional with over 25 years of service in the golf and club industry. His vast knowledge of the golfing industry, both on the course and in the clubhouse, enables him to expertly help Foodbuyr members with all of their needs.

Elizabeth has more than 11 years experience within the food, beverage and professional services field across Foodbuy's Golf and Hospitality sector. She currently works with a vast number of national and multi-unit public and private golf club members in Canada, helping them understand the landscape and bringing added value to their facilities.

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Head office: 1 Prologis Blvd., Ste. 400, Mississauga, ON, L5W 0G2 Foodbuy retains the right to amend or negate any portion or part of this informative should there be an error or omission and re-publish the correct listing, rebate, article etc. in a future informative without liability.
Foodbuy: Who we are 6 Member Profile: Rosedale Club
Member Profile: Saskatoon Club 10 In Partnership: Foodbuy & CMAC 14 Member Profile: Arbutus Club 12 What is a GPO? 18 Golf Canada: Growing the Game 20 Foodbuy's Professional Services 26 Preferred SKU Listings 43 Distributor Partners 17 Operations: Innovative staffing solution


North America’s largest Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)

Our goal at Foodbuy is to help support your procurement activity to maximize profits and streamline your procurement processes.

Foodbuy looks to provide competitive pricing and rebates on food, non food and services.

We offer purchasing flexibility through our extensive vendor partnerships with over 400 leading manufacturers as well as options through all leading distributors. We can simplify your procurement journey.

• Unmatched savings and rebates from nationally recognized vendors

• Improve business performance with expert culinary and operational consulting services

• One stop reporting systems for all purchases

• Sustainable, local and regional procurement programs


2001: Compass purchases majority interest; Foodbuy, LLC was created

2018: Foodbuy acquires VGM Club Canada

2019: VGM club rebranded as ClubProcure

2024: ClubProcure is a portfolio of purchasing solutions specific for the needs of the golf industry and are now offered under the Foodbuy brand name.

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A Foodbuy Company


Vast and flexible food and non-food rebate programs

Facilities maintenance, cleaning and sanitation supplies

Small wares, disposables, and appliances

Uniforms, linens, and textiles

Furniture, fixtures, and equipment

Professional services solutions


Monthly rebate cheques

On-demand reporting tools

Specialized account management and 24 hr portal access

Optimization coaching

Operational and culinary expertise


Foodbuy offers an extensive portfolio of products and services programs to meet all of your club needs.


Turf equipment, chemicals & fertilizers, replacement parts, golf course accessories & other maintenance items.


Get equipment quotes and cost comparisons; programs for complete remodels, or quick updates


We have discounted pricing and rebate allowances on everything you need for your club.

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Innovating to meet changing members needs

COVID-19 forced clubs like Toronto's Rosedale Golf Club to initiate more creative menu and service offerings

Foodbuy had the chance to speak with Chris Serré, the Club House Manager at the prestigious Rosedale Golf Club. Rosedale is a private club nestled in Toronto’s downtown core. The Club is an official Donald Ross designed course and was founded in 1893.

We spoke to Serré about the challenges of operating a private club and what they are doing to keep up with changing demands. Chris has spent over 27 years working within the private club space and certainly knows the market.

Interestingly, Serré indicated that “A good thing that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic was that it forced more menu and service innovation. Since golf clubs remained open for the most part, during the shutdown, members were spending more dining at the course. That forced the Club’s Executive Chef Victor de Guzman and team to be more creative. That creativity has been, and is being encouraged to continue. Our 1,400 members like to see new menu features, but they also want trusted favourites.” This is a tough balancing act for all private clubs to walk. Serré said he is pushing for this as “traditionally, private clubs are slow to

respond to menu changes. We are trying to accelerate that here.”

Serré continued, “We have a great core group of members, and the onus is on me and my team to give them reasons to come in, whether it's quality, service, food, experiences or just the ongoing programming to try to drive traffic. In private clubs like ours, members travel the world, so you certainly have a ‘feedback rich environment.’ We know quickly when prices are too high, or the quality or services are not meeting expectations. Our biggest asset is the instant feedback we get. At a normal restaurant, if a customer isn’t happy, they may not go back. Here, they tell us and we can pivot right away.”

Serré’s feels the three biggest problems a private club faces are:

1) The menu doesn't change enough

2) The staff don't know enough about the menu

3) Service is slow

Most members will tell you the same thing, “most clubs are a three-legged stool. Food and beverage is often the weak leg. We have a fantastic golf and turf operation and we want to strive to level up the food and beverage program to match.”

Serré is keeping an eye on product costs and sourcing, labour costs and speed of service. The Rosedale Golf Club has an almost four million dollar F&B operation. The results they need to obtain come from either driving revenues or controlling costs. As with most courses, labour is a key issue for Rosedale.

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They will have 80-100 staff throughout the peak summer period which is a key budget driver.

On the cost and sourcing side Serré laid out his view. “First, it’s about the menu rotation, freshness and trying different things. As we plan our menus, I get our team to circle back to make sure we are taking advantage of everything we should be, with the opportunities afforded to us by Foodbuy to help us on the cost side. Rosedale also looks to shop for and include local products and we turn to Foodbuy to help here as well.”

On the labour side, “We are working with staff at all levels, front and back of house, to provide training and to better understand and support the member experience. Combined with the staff experience, we look at both areas to see what, and how, we can do it differently to exceed expectations.”

Serré says “in a nutshell, that's the balancing act in a private club. Juggling the costs of products and services to meet member expectations while watching our pricing and menu mix."

The Rosedale Golf Club looks to Foodbuy to help control costs, source needed products, simplify procurement and identify cost-saving opportunities. With an expansive portfolio of both food and non-food programs, Foodbuy offers a full range of procurement solutions to meet the unique needs of golf and leisure clubs.

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The Saskatoon Club: 117 years young and growing stronger

The Saskatoon Club, located in the heart of downtown Saskatoon, has been in business since 1907!

The Saskatoon Club is primarily a business club offering networking, meeting space and social events along with a gym and squash courts to round out the member experience. The Club has experienced rapid growth recently, increasing from 460 members pre-pandemic to approximately 1,200 member accounts today, with 600

full paying members. This has led to significant revenue growth and has created some challenges along the way.

Foodbuy spoke with Sarah Buettner, The Saskatoon Club’s Executive Director, to understand this growth curve and the challenges that lie ahead.

Buettner outlined the Club’s growth, “We've seen significant growth. Our capital assets are well over seven million dollars, and we are targeting 10 million. We have

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moved from $900,000 to $2.5 million in food and beverage revenues in just a couple of years. We’re the only business club in the province, and we have been able to tap into that. However, we say we're a professional social club, so we're a business/social club, we try to cater to both.”

We asked what is driving this growth “We have seen a shift in our membership” said Buettner. “The average age of members coming in right now is between 38 and 40 years old. It is much more of a young person’s club today and that has allowed us to rejuvenate The Club.”

The Saskatoon Club has undergone massive renovations. In 2018, The Club orchestrated a $4.5 million renovation project. Over the past two years, they have added close to $3 million in renovations and have another $11 million planned out over the next four years.

Buettner explains why they’ve focused on renovation and rejuvenation. “To me, it's remarkable that your grandfather’s generation had five friends and our granddaughters’ generation has 500 friends. The millennials and Gen Zs will go to their favorite restaurant only three times a year, because they need different experiences. Clubs historically have maintained the same appearance and offering and they developed prestige from this consistency. Whereas we want to keep it fresh, engaging and exciting every day, while maintaining our historical roots and traditions.”

We asked Buettner what challenges this level of growth can add to the management of The Club. “All eyes are on the numbers now. From a management perspective, we are really focused on our systems. We say you either sink to the level of your systems, or you rise to your goals.”

“We are watching expenses like everyone is.” As an example, The Club’s property taxes have gone up by $80,000, insurance has gone up by $30,000. As well, the minimum wage has jumped rapidly in Saskatoon all while

We want to keep it fresh, engaging and exciting every day, while maintaining our historical roots and traditions.”
Sara Buettner

food costs skyrocket. Buttner says “The Club is choosing to absorb costs operationally to add more value for our members.”

Buettner indicated that Foodbuy plays a large role helping them contain rising costs, but to her it’s more about the overall relationship. “We hired our executive chef from the US and I asked her who she wanted to partner with. She called people from around North America and came back with four GPO recommendations. The one that kept coming up was Foodbuy so we made the move. We like the support we receive. I say if people don't forget about us, we don't forget about them.”

We asked what the priorities for The Club are in 2024. Buettner said, “Our first goal is the pursuit of excellence in all areas and determining what that looks like and then systemizing it. We remind the team, ‘we're building your granddaughter's club’.”

We also want to build on our team’s overall success. “I think that keeping our staff engaged and retaining them is a big part of it. We pay more and we have a full benefit plan. Protecting the team at all costs is key for us.”

~ Foodbuy
Sarah Buettner, Executive Director, The Saskatoon Club
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Foodbuy & The Club Management Association of Canada solidify on-going partnership

Foodbuy is proud to announce their continued partnership with the Club Management Association of Canada (CMAC).

We spoke with Suzanne Godbehere, the Chief Executive Officer of CMAC about the partnership, their vision and goals for the association. “We are excited that Foodbuy is continuing to support CMAC. Your support helps us ensure we deliver the training, resources and advocacy support to our members.”

We look to develop, promote and support the growth of the profession of club management”
Suzanne Godbehere, the Chief Executive Officer of CMAC

CMAC is the national professional association for individuals involved in the club management profession in Canada. They have been in existence since 1957 and CMAC’s vision is to create great leaders through excellence in professional club management. CMAC’s members are GMs, CEOs, COOs as well as Assistant Managers, Controllers, Chefs, Golf Professionals, Superintendents, Marketing Professionals, Food and Beverage Managers along with other roles in club management. Like other professions, there is a specific body of knowledge with defined competencies, academic training, an accreditation/certification process and a defined code of ethics. Members regularly attend events such as Business Management Institute (BMI) courses, conferences or webinars to stay abreast of industry trends as well as to pursue professional certification. BMI courses are professional development courses that provide tangible career benchmarks for managers to track their progress and strive for various levels of competency. The courses are held annually in January.

Godbehere described CMAC’s role. “We look to develop, promote and support the growth of the profession of club management. We provide networking and professional educational

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Jessica Litt, CMAC Membership & Operations Manager; David Main, MBA, PGA Past CMAC President; Suzanne Godbehere, Chief Executive Officer of CMAC

opportunities for our members. We also advocate for our members’ interests to ensure our voice is heard on regulations that will affect members and their clubs.”

Troy Taylor, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Marketing for Foodbuy explains why Foodbuy chose to partner with CMAC. “We feel supporting the growth and development of people working in Club Management is key. There is little advanced training available in the Foodservice and Hospitality sector, so we feel CMAC’s role is fundamental in helping the continued success of the sector as a whole.”

Clubs from coast to coast play a huge role in the Canadian economy and club management involves a host of activities pending the size and style of the club. CMAC members hold senior roles in over 300 clubs across Canada and are responsible for all aspects of club operations.

Godbehere indicated that, “it’s not an easy business and for someone to lead these types of operations it usually requires a cross section of skills. Our training programs help prepare our members for the challenges they face in their day-to-day operations as they strive for service excellence.”

Those who are seeking the professional designation come from all walks of life. Some have grown up in the business and need and want a globally recognized certification for promotional opportunities and to gain the knowledge they can take with them throughout their careers. Some

members may not have a university degree and the specific training administered by CMAC can help with their skills and career development.

As part of CMAC’s commitment to offering timely and relevant professional development courses, they also host a number of networking events throughout the year. These events include sessions that help members become a more successful club manager. CMAC arms members with current information and cutting-edge skills. Godbehere speaks about the CMAC community, “The fellowship and community spirit are strong, as our members are freer to share information, ideas and solutions. It is not necessarily a direct competitive environment. This means that CMAC feels and operates much more like a community.”

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To become a member of CMAC call (416) 979-0640 or

What is a GPO?

What we do and how we do it

Group purchasing organizations (GPOs) are not something that most people are familiar with unless you’ve worked in purchasing or if you’re a GM, chef, or seasoned club manager. However, the GPO business model has been around for decades, saving operators money.

Let’s look at Foodbuy, Canada’s leading foodservice and hospitality GPO.

If you’ve shopped at Costco you understand the GPO concept at the retail level. Costco buys massive volumes and its manufacturing partners offer a discounted selling price in return for high sales volume. Costco passes along that savings to their members.

That’s how it works in the Business to Business (B2B) sector as well, except on a much larger scale. Foodbuy is North America’s largest Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) and partners with over 400 suppliers with contracted purchasing agreements on over 36,000 items in Canada alone. When the purchasing volume of all of Foodbuy’s Members is combined, manufacturers are prepared to provide price discounts or rebates, in return for that volume. That is where Foodbuy Members benefit, by receiving price discounts or earning rebates on any item that Foodbuy has contracts with the manufacturers on.

It makes sense to work with a GPO for many reasons, which is why it’s such a prevalent practice across so many businesses. It’s a time saver, a cost reducer, and a support for those Members looking for help with their purchasing requirements. Foodbuy is your go-to expert for purchasing. And, it is free to join as

Foodbuy gets paid by the manufacturers for bringing them added sales volume. Foodbuy works with many clubs across Canada, and our dedicated account team has the knowledge and expertise to help them save money on purchases, select the items that will optimize their purchasing and save time sourcing needed items.

If you haven’t started saving with Foodbuy yet, what are you waiting for? To find out more about Foodbuy and how we can help your business, visit us online at


A GPO will align with a supplier/manufacturer with a commitment to grow that business among its members. The GPO essentially becomes a conduit, or marketer, for the suppliers it works with. The GPO will negotiate a rebate amount or percentage with the supplier and share that rebate back to the members.
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We’ve got your fresh needs covered.

Foodbuy offers everyday solutions for the most challenging purchase in your kitchen—produce. Our expansive portfolio includes a fresh, seasonal mix of fruits and vegetables all backed by our commitment to provide quality, traceable products with local options. With the regional produce program, our suppliers can deliver ingredients right to your doorstep.

The Foodbuy difference

• Direct delivery

• All suppliers meet Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) certification requirements

• Food traceability from field to fork

• Locally grown options as season permits

• Freshcut value add options, where available

• Get market updates on Foodbuy’s Member Portal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 REGIONAL DSD PRODUCE SUPPLIERS 1 5 3 4 6 7 8
Contact your Foodbuy Account Manager for more information.

Balancing needs & costs

Foodbuy works with members such as the Arbutus Club in Vancouver to reduce thier food and beverage costs while providing exceptional vaue.

When the Foodbuy team sat down to look at which private clubs to include in the 2024 edition of the Golf, Recreation and Leisure Club Guide, The Arbutus Club was one of the first that came to mind.

The Arbutus Club, located in Vancouver, BC has been in existence since 1964. It offers an extensive array of services and has earned a reputation as being one of Canada’s premier private clubs. Foodbuy spoke to the newly appointed CEO, Larry Ho to get his view on how 2024 is shaping up.

Larry worked his way up through the ranks at casino resorts, first in Las Vegas and then in Canada. After meeting his wife here, they decided to make Canada their home. Larry moved into managing the Jericho Tennis Club for seven years before his move to The Arbutus Club. The Arbutus Club retains over 400 team members (employees & contractors) who service the needs of their 8,600 members. The Club generates $25 million in revenue with $7.9 million from food and beverage alone.

When asked about the labour challenges his club faced, Mr. Ho responded, “We have a solid group of team members here. Some with over 25 years of experience at the Arbutus Club. The challenge, like many other operations, is attracting and maintaining staff at the entry level positions.”

Coincidently, we caught Larry coming off his first team-building session and the excitement was boiling over about the opportunities ahead. Larry outlined his approach with the team, “Our programs and food and beverage operations are strong, so my goal is not to mess with the foundation, but the challenge is… how do we

elevate, innovate, and celebrate ‘Great’? How can we focus on and enhance the overall member experience? Every team member plays a role in helping us be the best we can be. We just can’t sit on our laurels, it’s about continuous improvements.”

We asked Larry about his view on the challenges surrounding food and beverage costing. “We have a strong catering department that helps us keep costs down for our overall F&B department. Like most member-funded clubs, The F&B department runs as a cost center, as the members expect good quality and service at a fair price. We don’t want to hike the F&B prices way up like the ‘for profit’ restaurants. When you combine the membership fees of a private club and the catering area, we feel we have a good balance of cost to value for the products we offer.”

Foodbuy certainly helps The Arbutus Club and thousands of other Members to reduce costs on the food and beverage side of the business along with an extensive

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portfolio of non-food and Professional Services support, that adds value to Member operations. The Foodbuy program is flexible and leaves room for the inclusion of niche products as required by Members.

One of the issues facing The Arbutus Club is capacity. Mr. Ho thinks that balancing events and catering with the needs of the membership will be key going forward. “We have a generational thing happening here. The kids of the founding members are having kids and we are seeing growth from within the club. We are now looking at a long-range plan to increase our footprint to help us meet that demand. So, membership is somewhat capped for now in the sense that we are not accepting external applicants. However, the next evolution of this Club will be not to mess with the foundation that John Furlong and Brent Elkington created alongside the past Board of Directors and team members, but expand to ensure we maintain the right member experience.” So, when we asked how Larry feels The Arbutus Club is positioned for 2024, with a sheepish grin he said, “It’s two thumbs up!”

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Everything you need to make this summer season great MAXIMIZE YOUR PATIO POTENTIAL ARE YOU PATIO READY? United Trimen's 2024 Patio guide has everything you need to make your summer patio season a success • Chairs • Tables • Umbrellas • Heaters • Plateware • Glassware • Platters • Boards • Plates • Barbecues • Smokers • Portable bars Your trusted source Delivering high quality products and top-ofthe-line solutions to cleaning and foodservice organizations Cleaning chemicals Cleaning tools Floor care Laundry care Odor control Paper products Restroom supplies Warewashing Waste containment/ Disposal Whether you manage a national chain of restaurants, an independent café, a hotel operator, or an entertainment facility, we have all the supplies and equipment you need for your operation.


Staffing woes?

Leverage innovative solutions with Foodbuy

The golf course industry, like many others in the foodservice and hospitality industry, has struggled with labour shortages. From seasonal fluctuations to the need for specialized skills, golf courses often find themselves struggling to maintain adequate staffing levels. However, innovative staffing services such as Staff Shop and Trillium HR offer viable solutions to these challenges. By leveraging Foodbuy's partnerships with staffing service providers, golf courses gain access to additional resources and support in managing their workforce.

Golf courses experience significant variations in demand throughout the year. Seasonal peaks, tournaments, and events can strain existing staff or necessitate the hiring of additional personnel. Furthermore, golf course operations require a diverse skill set, ranging from groundskeeping and maintenance to customer service and event management. Finding individuals with the right expertise and availability poses a considerable challenge for many golf courses. This is where experience in staffing can be critical to finding the right people for the job.

Staff Shop and Trillium HR are staffing service providers that specialize in providing temporary, permanent, and specialized personnel to various industries, including hospitality and leisure. These agencies understand the unique demands of the golf course industry and tailor their services to address them effectively.

Staff Shop is a privately held Canadian-IndigenousWomen owned staffing and consulting firm servicing Canada, USA, and the Caribbean and is an awardwinning diverse supplier, certified with Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB), Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC), Women Business Enterprises Canada (WBE) & WEConnect International. The company offers efficient and effective staffing solutions, allowing golf courses to scale their workforce based on fluctuating demand. Staff Shop ensures that clients receive top-quality staffing solutions for their diverse needs. Whether it's hiring seasonal workers for peak periods or recruiting specialized personnel for events or permanent roles in any department, Staff Shop provides access to a pool of skilled professionals easing the burden on golf course operators.

“Elevating People, Business & Experiences is our value proposition and what that really means is; you can count on Staff Shop as the certified diverse human capital ally and consultant for your protection and effectiveness, with a small business heart and big business impact,” explains Staff Shop Founder & CEO, Jennifer Ménard-Shand.

Similarly, Trillium HR, a Woman Owned, Diverse supplier, certified with Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC), Women Business Enterprises Canada (WBE) & WEConnect International, focuses on matching golf courses with highly qualified personnel, from front line staff to the executive level. With over 25 years of experience, Trillium thrives in hospitality and health industries, providing innovative people solutions, be it through direct hire or temporary staffing, professional staff recruitment or volume recruitment. Their recruitment process emphasizes skills, experience, and cultural fit, ensuring that every staff member contributes positively to the golf course's operations.

“Adding Value Through People is our mission", says Trillium HR's President & CEO Poonam Kathuria. "Reacting beyond simple challenges sets a new standard in recruiting. As your 'smart partner', we understand that thinking ahead, knowing your company and anticipating change results in quick and efficient problem solving that positively impacts your bottom line. Our customized search and recruitment process helps us achieve our clients’ goals with a multidimensional but streamlined approach."

Foodbuy's partnerships with staffing agencies extend the range of available services to members, providing golf courses with comprehensive staffing solutions. Whether it's recruiting culinary staff for clubhouse restaurants or hiring maintenance personnel for course upkeep, Foodbuy's network of partners enhances the capabilities of golf course operators to address staffing and labour challenges. By using companies like Staff Shop or Trillium HR golf courses can optimize their staffing strategies while maximizing operational efficiency and profitability. ~ Foodbuy

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Growing the game

The team at Golf Canada reported that 2023 was the strongest year on record for golf in Canada. They had an all-time high of over ten million scores posted into the Golf Canada App. There were concerns that golf participation may soften post pandemic, but that has not been the case. Golf Canada has also indicated that the outlook for 2024 remains very optimistic. That is great news for Foodbuy Canada’s golf members.

One concern that has been raised is the diminishing opportunities for junior golfers because of the increase in participation. Golf Canada and their First TeeCanada program is looking to help ensure the long-term sustainability of golf in Canada. The primary objective of the First Tee - Canada program is to expand the current demographics of the sport to ensure golf participation better reflects the strengths of a multicultural Canada.

Foodbuy spoke to Adam Hunter, Director, Grow the Game at Golf Canada about the goals of the First Tee - Canada Program. “Our goal is to provide kids with an accessible and affordable entranceway into the sport. Many private facilities used to have a Sponsor or Junior Golf program where a child’s mom or dad did not have to be a member to play at that facility. However, those programs are diminishing because of the growth in participation. Tee times and discounts for juniors are now at a premium.”

Golf Canada originally partnered with the First Tee Program that was operating in the U.S. in 2020 to bring the program north of the border. Golf Canada is now operating six regional chapters. One chapter per province with the Prairies and Atlantic Canada grouped together. Hunter indicated that, “the programs are executed in community centres and schools and then at golf courses’ green grass and practice facilities and the goal is to get

those who are interested, on to the golf course.”

Hunter continued, “We hope that children from across all socio-economic backgrounds have an opportunity to get exposure to the sport through week long curriculums within their gym class. Those that love it can move up to the local green grass facility. Thanks to the generosity of some of our corporate donors, the programming at the green grass facilities is provided at no cost to the child. In 70-75 percent of the cases, the kids will not pay for their participation, either at the schools, community centres or at green grass facilities.”

One of the programs Golf Canada manages is the Youth on Course program that provides kids the opportunity to play golf for $5 or less at participating facilities. Kids get access to the Youth on Course opportunities through their Golf Canada or Golf Ontario membership. They play for $5 or less and then Golf Canada will subsidize the delta in the Junior golf green fees. “We feel golf is a vehicle to deliver transformational life skills. We want to develop children on the golf course, but more importantly we want to develop them off the golf course as well. The inherent life skills that come from playing golf is a key component to the program's success. Fifty percent of our participants have self-identified as coming from the BIPOC community, and 83% of the schools that Golf Canada partners with are within low socioeconomic neighbourhoods,” said Hunter.

First Tee - Canada has put 58,000 kids through the program in 2023 alone. The program will also reach a milestone this year with 100,000 kids participating in the program since its inception.

Golf Canada is also proud of their premier event, The RBC Canadian Open. It will be hosted once again at the Hamilton Golf and Country Club for 2024 and will be held a week earlier this year - May 28th to June 2nd. Hunter added, “The RBC Canadian Open is coming off a very momentous 2023 year which was highlighted by Canadian Nick Taylor winning with a 72-foot putt in the playoff at Oakdale Golf & Country Club.

“Hamilton is one of the top courses in Canada and has been an exceptional host venue for the tournament in the past. We are excited to return to the newly renovated Hamilton Golf and Country Club for the 2024 RBC Canadian Open.”

Foodbuy Canada understands the unique needs of the golf industry and provides purchasing solutions to ensure the best business outcomes including rebate programs, sourcing, supply chain management, custom order guides, purchasing optimizations and more.

~ Foodbuy

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First Tee program
“We want to develop children on the golf course, but more importantly we want to develop them off the golf course as well. The inherent life skills that come from playing golf is a key component to the program's success.”
Adam Hunter, Director, Grow the Game at Golf Canada
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Searching for the right support to tackle your key business challenges?

Wasting too much time searching for quality suppliers?

Foodbuy has searched and evaluated high-quality suppliers that can help support your needs. From staffing and scheduling to marketing and insurance. It’s all part of Foodbuy’s Professional Services.

experts include: connect with the business services you need Click. Call. Done.

Food & Beverage

Bar inventory consultants

Beverage alcohol marketing programs

Draught beer services


Reservation systems

Delivery support systems

Digital media support

Financial Restaurant equipment financing

Insurance and staff benefits

Automated field audit reporting

Human Resources

Temporary staffing solutions

Scheduling tools

Training and education programs


Restaurant concept development

Brand development

Waste Solutions And more…. For more about this program, email

for all your club needs



Pest control

Acklands Grainger

PPE, MRO, lighting, air filters

Citron Hygiene

Personal hygiene items, hand dryers, antisplash urinal screen, EcoAire


Chemicals provider, Avmor products


PPE, MRO, lighting, air filters (Indigenous)

Hood Cleaners of America

Hood vent cleaning services

Imperial Dade

Janitorial equipment, cleaning supplies


Robot cleaning technology, PPE, wipes and sanitizer

MFT National Cleaning Services

Carpet cleaning (BC)

Plan Group

Plumbing, HVAC, electrical

Tennant sales and service Co

Chemicals, janitorial equipment, scrubbers

Tersano Inc.

Janitorial equipment, chemicals

Waste Solution

Provide contracting services for trash hauling, recycling, grease trap cleaning


Davryl Enterprises Inc

Linen & Textiles, In room hotel amenities, mattress, bed coverings, curtains, shampoos, conditioners, dresser, desk coffee maker. etc,  Mayhew Inc.



Vacuum cleaners, floor cleaners, pressure washers, detergents, buffers


Grand & Toy

Office supplies, print services, design services


Translation services


American Restaurant Services

Kitchen equipment, floors, carpets, grout and restaurant cleaning; specializing in carpet, windows, power washings

Benchmark Sixty

Hospitality consulting service for business optimization; Staff retention platform

Better Beer

Draught Beer consulting services; quality assurance; ongoing testing, monitoring, training; glassware cleaning services


Online ordering management system, menu management

Gzooh Kitchens

Virtual kitchen provider


Human resource consulting service



Rising Tide Consultants

A - Z Liquor license consulting

S&I Cleaning Services

One-stop-shop for all cleaning needs


National insurance provider

Smooth Commerce

All-in-one mobile app offering restaurant delivery and web ordering service  Staff Shop


The Fifteen Group

Menu engineering, brand/ concept development, staff training and bookkeeping consulting provider


Workplace training, food handler and workplace safety certification

Trillium HR


Tips Today

Digital gratuity payout solutions & wage distribution platform


POS Systems

Waste Solution

Contracting services for trash hauling, recycling, grease trap cleaning


Georgia Pacific

Towels, tissues, napkins

Kimberly Clark

Towels, tissue supplier, housekeeping

Nella Cutlery

Cutlery rentals and sales

Pactiv LLC

Plastic deli, bowl foam, containers aluminum, containers foam, plates & platters foam, trays paper, cutlery


Fuel and candle lamps

Polar Plastics

Disposable containers & dinnerware, compostable plastic containers, wrapped single cutlery

Rubbermaid Commercial

Cleaning supplies and janitorial equipment, mops, carts


Containers hinged plastic, bowl plastic, containers plastic (PET take out), plates & platters plastic, trays plastic

SC Johnson

Skin care, hand sanitizers

Shell Program

Shell gas

Tableware Solutions ltd

Smallwares, culinary dinnerware


511 Foods

Gloves, containers, disposables, hairnets


Wipers, tissue, napkins

Mark’s Commercial

Non-slip safety shoes, safety parkas & vests


Online culinary, multiple training bundles to choose from. Pre and post assessments to measure impact.

Shoes for Crews

Industrial shoes, non slip shoes

W Ralston Canada

Garbage bags

Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 | 21

Does your company have the right apparel strategy?

The way your team is dressed can greatly impact customer perception. Tidy, matching uniforms give your crew a unified and professional look – but you want to make sure you’re choosing the right brand for the best appearance, longevity, and price. Meet a key player in your supply chain strategy: Chef Works.

Choosing the right apparel for your staff

What’s your focus when it comes to uniforms? While saving money through an effective procurement strategy may be at the top of your list, there are many other factors that may come into play when deciding on a uniform program.

Chef Works hits every mark through fashion-forward, high-quality products. You have the option of a wide range of styles and colours, allowing you to give your staff a look that fits your branding.

Products for Every Employee

While chef may be in their name, Chef Works creates apparel that can fit a wide range of roles within your operation. Their products range from aprons and headwear to shirts, pants, and coats.

• Restaurant Servers

• Utility Staff

• Kitchen Support

• Valets

• Baristas

• Housekeeping & Maintenance

• Restaurant Hosts

• Executive Chefs

• Retail and Customer Service


For more about this program,
In-house embroidery No minimum order Quick turnaround Easy online ordering Exclusive member pricing PROFESSIONAL SERVICES

Safer. Cleaner. Healthier.

We aren’t just a laundry company. We are a world class uniform and linen service company.

We help businesses manage their brand image and efficiency. Whether you’re a small family business or a Fortune 500 company, we have you covered from the front to back.

Canadian Linen is rone of the largest uniform rental and linen supply companies in North America. We operate more than 115 production facilities and service centers throughout Canada and the United States - providing linen, uniforms, floor mats, washroom and cleaning products to nearly 150,000 customers every week.

Uniform Services

• Hospitality & Restaurant uniforms

• Flame resistant uniforms

• Food processing uniforms

• Healthcare uniforms

• Hi-visibilty uniforms

Linens & Towels

• Hospitality/Restaurant towels, table linens

• Healthcare linens and towels

• Industrial and automotive towels

Facility Management & Services

• Cleaning supplies

• COVID recovery services

• Disposable gloves

• First aid

• Floor mats

• Floor mops Managed washroom services

For more about this program, email PROFESSIONAL SERVICES

Focus on what matters. Let us handle the rest.

Our dedicated team works alongside you to provide proactive solutions that save you time and money while keeping your operations running smoothly and your people safe. We work hard to support you with professional services, resources, and insights into industry trends, as well as access to hundreds of thousands of products that meet your extensive needs.

Proactive Solutions

By working closely with you, our team is able to uncover which services your business could benefit from and how often you need supplies shipped to you.

Technical Expertise

Our specialists will provide you with the technical support, product information, demonstrations, and troubleshooting on the products we sell.

Dedicated Customer Service

We are here to assist you whenever you have any questions or need help with any of the products or services we provide.

Industry Trends & Insights

Our industry experts will provide you with the industryspecific knowledge you need to solve problems and uncover opportunities.

Huge, diverse inventory

Everything from everyday essentials to hard-to-find items to help you get the job done.

HVAC maintenance Pump & Motor maintenance
filters Batteries
Ceiling tiles Lighted exit signs
maintenance Plumbing maintenance
Light bulbs
Bathroom fixtures
First aid supplies
Vacuums/ sweepers
For more about this program, email PROFESSIONAL SERVICES


Foodbuy helps you save money on more than just food and beverages. We also offer purchasing programs on over 36,000 items and services to support the operation of your club.

As North America’s leading group purchasing organization, Foodbuy offers the best portfolio of solutions and savings opportunities with a vast array of contracted partners

Locker Rooms

Imperial Dade: Towels, tissue, toiletries

HD Supply: Toiletries, robes, ironing boards

Grainger: Mops, buckets, light bulbs, maintenance equipment

Citron Hygiene: Washroom sanitation, hand hygiene, hand drying, incontinence care, air fresheners


Canadian Linen: Linens, napkins, tablecloths, floor mats

Chef Works: Uniforms, embroidery

United Trimen: Glassware, dinnerware, bar carts, kitchen equipment, outdoor heat lamps, umbrellas

Pico: Candle lamps, fuel

Xtreme Hospitality: Alcohol beverage program

Safety/First Aid

Candian Linen: First aid kits

Rouxbe: Chef Training

3M: Sanitization and cleaning products, scrubbers, grill cleaners

Diversey: Chemical products for both back and front of house

Abell: Pest control service

Marks Commercial: Safety shoes

Shoes for Crews: Safety shoes

Daily Operations

Staff Shop: Staffing

Staffy: Staffing

Waste Solutions: Waste disposal, recycing

Citron Hygiene: Washroom sanitation

Davryl: Furniture, artwork, TV’s

Touch Bistro: POS systems

Perativ: ATMs

Chase Payments: Payment solutions

Grand & Toy: Office supplies

Ricoh: Photocopiers/fax machines

Contact your Foodbuy Account Manager for more information.

Top preferred SKU listings

Foodbuy has numerous partnerships with suppliers that can take care of all your business needs from tee to table. We’ve put together these lists based on top quality ratings and highest rebates.

Reach out to your Foodbuy account manager with any questions and to see how much you can save.

26 | Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024
Partner with us to turn your purchases into profit


Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 | 27 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO CEREAL 628622138866 Ardent Mills Cereal Oat Quick Bulk Bag 1/10 Kg 5923605 6416790 10065633147673 General Mills Cereal Cheerios 4/822 Gr 8958005 839340 64100109490 Kellogg's Cereal Assorted Individuals 70/30 Gr 1264782 3310750 64100108073 Kellogg's Cereal Corn Flakes Foodservice Pack 4/728 Gr 1265358 3310709 64100130333 Kellogg's Cereal in A Cup Assorted 4 Flavour 5/12/51 Gr 1361334 5376191 64100009417 Kellogg's Cereal Sleeve Rice Krispies [Foodservice] 6/700 Gr 1209398 2783850 10055577105402 Kellogg's Cereal Granola Crunch Harvest Original 16/475 Gr 1326375 5464480 DESSERTS 10057483590402 Bridor Chocolatine RTB Butter 60/80 Gr 9043038 5458013 10057483591034 Bridor Croissant Perfect RTB Butter 80/78 Gr 1236526 2586970 10057483524346 Bridor Danish Cherry Greek Yogurt RTB Butter 60/115 Gr 1244662 2800676 10057483527064 Bridor Danish Chocolate Avalanche RTB Butter 70/115 Gr 1375336 5422041 10057483524377 Bridor Dough Danish Mini Assorted Appl/Rasp/Maple/Cinn Brioche RTB Butter 80/45 Gr 1245714 2759104 EGGS 10065651002930 Burnbrae Egg Hard Cooked Peeled 12/1 Dz 2931868 4911380 10065651002633 Burnbrae Egg Omelet Plain Folded 84/85 Gr 1109067 569780 10065651001995 Burnbrae Egg Shell Large Free Run Loose 1/15 Dz 1117046 5444254 10065651023416 Burnbrae Sandwich Breakfast Egg and Cheese 1451979 5591373 10065651023423 Burnbrae Sandwich Breakfast Egg, Cheese and Bacon 1451978 5591365 10065651023430 Burnbrae Sandwich Breakfast Egg, Ham and Cheese 1451980 5591351 10620868163012 GFS Egg Hard Cooked Peeled Pillow Pack 12/1 Dz 1069001 10620868359095 GFS Egg Whole Liquid 12/1 Kg 9938805 10620868196959 GFS Egg Liquid Whole Free Run 12/1 Kg 1353547 10065651004019 Naturegg Egg Hard Cooked Boiled Free Run 12/1 Dz 1274617 6452324 10065651003685 Naturegg Egg Liquid Free Run Whole Ultra 12/1 Kg 1035699 6781833 10065651000370 Prestige Egg Liquid Whole Egg Ultra 12/1 Kg 3374657 2677714 10065651024529 Prestige Egg Omelet Cheese Cheddar 72/99 Gr 1299842 4388787 10065651000332 Prestige Egg Scramble Blend W/ Milk Bib 6/2 Kg 5016319 2676401 10734730702589 Wholesome Farms Egg Shell Large Dark Yolk Box Loose 1/15 Dz 5516382 734730613307 Wholesome Farms Egg Shell Large Free Run 1/15 Dz 4909709 734730613338 Wholesome Farms Egg Shell Medium Free Run 1/15 Dz 4909873 10734730425372 Egg Solutions Egg Liquid Whole 12/1 Kg 2182824 10073334071203 Vanderpols Egg Wrap Breakfast Meat Lovers 24/24 Ct 1454043 2809869 MISCELLANEOUS 10058500000249 Billy Bee Honey Pure Liquid 12/1 Kg 7469596 299610 60243014967 Sunrich Salad Fruit 3/4 No Grape No Preservative 1/8 Lb 5038334


28 | Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO MUFFINS/BATTER 10059608002449 Oakrun English Muffin/Regular 6/12 Ct 3295405 5415122 10059608002432 Oakrun English Muffins 12/12 Ct 1140991 5411321 10059608015012 Oakrun Muffin Blueberry Streusel 36/4 Oz 1281564 3977412 55577005682 Quaker Batter Muffin Banana 1/15 Lb 5533205 2861870 55577005330 Quaker Batter Muffin Blueberry 1/8 Lb 5992405 2712560 55577005712 Quaker Batter Muffin Carrot 1/15 Lb 5528805 2861862 55577005415 Quaker Batter Muffin Carrot 1/8 Lb 5245205 2712503 55577005699 Quaker Batter Muffin Chunks O'Chocolate 1/13.5 Lb 7744566 2862225 55577005392 Quaker Batter Muffin Chunks O'Chocolate 1/8 Lb 7426436 2712545 55577006771 Quaker Batter Muffin Coffee Caramel Swirl 1/8 Lb 6779958 4778593 55577005675 Quaker Mix Muffin Blueberry 1/13.5 Lb 5528405 2862159 55577005644 Quaker Mix Muffin Raisin Bran Golden 1/15 Lb 5264805 2862712 620868148586 GFS Muffin Batter Banana Chocolate 1/4.54 Kg 1214224 620868580270 GFS Muffin Batter Morning Glory 1/16.5 Lb 6667605 620868107491 Tasty Selections Muffin Batter Fruit Extreme 1/10 Lb 4154055 1116934 YOGURT 10056800098294 Activia Yogurt Danone Activia Vanilla 6/650 Gr 1033334 8474108 10056800863847 Danone Danone Creamy Vanilla 1.6% 1448691 7210989 10056800752936 Oikos 2% Yogurt Greek Vanilla 6/750 Gr 1315008 4726877 10068200750153 Astro Yogurt Plain Balkan 6% 6/750 Gr 1030234 5108434 68700039027 Dairyland Yogurt Mix California 8/2 Lt 8/1.94 Kg 3326007 8723702 10068700642439 Dairyland Yogurt Vanilla Fat Free 6/650 ml 164243 8086605 5957891 68700030109 Natures Treat Yogurt Plain 1/4 Kg 1243175 8539652 YOGURT PORTIONS 10056800617235 Activia Yogurt Drink Probiotic Smooth Berry 8/190 ml 1407843 5515204 10056800513940 Activia Yogurt Strawberry/Raspberry/Peach/Blueberry 48/100 Gr 1371164 5413028 10056800297857 Activia Tpps Yogurt Vanilla Oat Almond Pumpkin Seed Cranberry 4/3/150 Gr 1341159 5123108 10056800612285 Oikos Yogurt Greek Field Berries, Oats and Seeds 8/190 Gr 1428971 5548294 10056800554158 Oikos 2% Yogurt Greek Strawberry 6/4/100 Gr 1260962 3298732 JAMS/PEANUT BUTTER PORTIONS 68100898187 Kraft Peanut Butter 200/18 Gr 1286307 4000057 68100897883 Kraft Pure Blueberry Jam 140/10 ml 140/14 Gr 1282662 3930167 68100897814 Kraft Pure Red Raspberry Jam 200/16 ml 200/22 Gr 1282661 3930116 68100897890 Kraft Pure Strawberry Jam 140/10 ml 140/14 Gr 1282484 3929922 68100897807 RSVP Jam Strawberry 200/16 ml 200/22 Gr 1282657 3930029 51500401255 Smucker Jam Raspberry Pure 200/10 ml 10051500401252 2086906 2651933 10051500401238 Smucker Jam Strawberry Pure 200/10 ml 2087206 2652386 10051500401320 Smucker Jelly Grape Pure 200/10 ml 8497586 281394 10051500401276 Smucker Marmalade Orange Pure 200/10 ml 3526917 2652394


Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 | 29 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO 10060731303778 Higgins & Burke Tea Green 6/20 Ct 2112605 4837258 10060731125790 Mother Parkers Coffee Ground Cafe Mystique Café Blend 1/10 Lb 64/2 Oz 6380489 491019 10060731100605 Mother Parker's Coffee 100% Columbian 64/2 Oz 6398609 559518 10060731100339 Mother Parker's Coffee Regular Ground Exclusive 18 /6 Oz 1/6.75 Lb 1041661 292599 7613036088992 Nescafe Coffee Espresso Grounded 6/1 Kg 1393105 5485218 10025500622054 Folgers Coffee Folgers 100% Columbian 2/2 Lt 1235828 2216038 10041000006019 Lipton Tea Chamomile Herbal 6/28 Ct 1360545 9903883 10041000001168 Lipton Tea English Breakfast 6/28 Ct 1176824 5017439 10041000206655 Lipton Tea Green 100% Natural 6/28 Ct 1176822 1886316 10068400022173 Red Rose Tea Bag Orange Pekoe 4 Star 1 Cup Envelopes 10/100 Ct 8054005 2559086 30794522200703 Tazo Tea Awake English Breakfast Fb 6/24 Ct 1123960 6067938 MISCELLANEOUS 10626521003817 511 Foods Stirrer Wooden Coffee 7" 10/1000 Ct 2221405 5015640 10626521003800 Hy Stix Stirrer Wooden Coffee 5.5" 10/1000 Ct 5013405 7479447 40762111691024 Multibrand Filter 20X8 1/500 Ct 1126729 1152608 PORTIONS 10816932200305 Martinson Coffee Capsule Breakfast Blend 4/24 Ct 1224868 1789090 10060731230937 Martinson Coffee Pod Dark Roast 1/100 Ct 1267024 3469230 10060731230951 Mother Parker's Coffee Pod Decaf 1/100 Ct 1267051 3469212 MILK/CREAMER/HONEY 68100898170 Kraft Honey Liquid 140/14 Gr 1286305 4000044 20068200552075 Lactantia Milkette 2% 9 ml 2/160/9 ml 1259740 10050000461308 Coffee-Mate Creamer Non Dairy Original Liquid PC 180/11 ml 1123278 786632 SUGAR 62847406322 Redpath Sugar Packet 2000/3.5 Gr 1243360 1915518 62847405608 Redpath Sugar Raw 3.5 Gr Individual 1/1000 Ct 1228289 1915497 44800297048 Sugar In The Raw Sugar Turbinado In The Raw 5 Gr 1/1000 Ct 1225924 2579054 10044800298103 Sweet'N Low Sugar Substitute Pink Portion 8 Gr 3/1000 Ct 1225997 2365126 10605021971833 Sugar Twin Sugar Substitute Original .8 Gr 3/1000 Ct 3009358 1522335
TEA SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO WATER 68274000140 Nestle Pure Life Water Natural Spring Water 24/500 ml 1493506 9099037 68274096334 Pure Life Water Spring Natural 12/330 ml 1316907 4786444 671785301905 Eska Water Source Plastic 24/330 ml 1147363 7702941 671785501800 Eska Water Spring Natural PET 24/500 ml 1092621 7107640 74780000338 Perrier Water Carbonated Spring -Glass Bottle - 6/4pk 330 ml 8260605 2514016 74780000710 Perrier Water Carbonated Spring Water Plastic 24/500 ml 1089563 313635 74780000253 Perrier Water Mineral Carbon Natural Spring-Regular-Glass 12/750 ml 6029878 2514057 41508922470 San Pellegrino Sparkling Natural Mineral Water - Plastic Bottle - 24/500ml 1269071 8859870 41508800822 San Pellegrino Water Sparkling Mineral Water - Glass Bottle - 12/750ml 1035763 8822272 41508963848 San Pellegrino Water Sparkling Natural Mineral Glass 4/6/250ml 8709388 69000061121 Aquafina Water W/ Shell 24/591ml 8905405 5789920 69000155028 Bubly Water Sparkling Cherry 12/355 ml 1370569 5398286 69000008300 Bubly Water Sparkling Grapefruit 12/355 ml 1361089 5285093 69000149188 Bubly Water Sparkling Lime 12/355 ml 1346544 5222324 69000149201 Bubly Water Sparkling Orange 12/355 ml 1361091 5285083 69000149164 Bubly Water Sparkling Water Strawberry 12/355 ml 1346546 5222355 79298400441 Evian Water Evian Glass 12/750 ml 1125212 5577610 MILK GRAB & GO 20068200200907 Beatrice Milk 1% Chocolate 48/237 ml 1253703 3097415 10068200200924 Beatrice Milk ESL Chocolate Corrugate 24/237 ml 1253705 65900102575 Dairyland Milk 2% 48/237 ml 1244720 5182187 68700100611 Dairyland Milk Chocolate 1% 48/237 ml 1245021 2796884 68700102769 M2go Milk Chocolate 6/473 ml 1288974 4109080
30 | Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO ENERGY & SODA 69000011287 Diet Pepsi Pepsi Diet 24/591 ml 1146523 7397771 69000907030 Gatorade Gatorade Cool Blue Raspberry 12/591 ml 1254182 5207154 69000907016 Gatorade Gatorade Fruit Punch 12/591 ml 1215233 4880613 69000907023 Gatorade Gatorade Lemon Lime 12/591 ml 1277782 4880647 69000907009 Gatorade Gatorade Orange 12/591 ml 1213304 4880688 57271162593 Gatorade Gatorade Zero Lemon Lime 12/591 ml 5525807 55577920930 Gatorade G2 Gatorade G2 Fruit Punch 2/12/591 ml 1162694 6888883 55577920947 Gatorade G2 Gatorade G2 Grape 12/591 ml 1162697 7673470 57271162616 Gatorade Zero Gatorade Zero Berry 1/12/591 ml 1366833 5361437 16600120024 Schweppes Ginger Ale 12/355 ml 1202110 5226010 16600130023 Schweppes Soda Club (64657) 12/355 ml 1222106 2629095 16600100026 Schweppes Tonic (64656) 12/355 ml 9219686 4218822 180854000101 Red Bull Drink Energy Original 24/250 ml 1118813 2958181 180854000309 Red Bull Drink Energy Sugar Free 24/250 ml 1256572 2958173 JUICE 10058056500149 Fairlee Nature's Best Juice Apple From Concentrate Tetra Slim 12/1Lt 1109351 7547955 10067311896101 Fairlee Nature's Best Juice Apple Silver Bullet 6/1.89 Lt 6105178 4196523 10067311896620 Fairlee Nature's Best Juice Cranberry Cocktail Silver Bullet 6/1.89 Lt 6625178 4196507 10067311896200 Fairlee Nature's Best Juice Orange Silver Bullet 6/1.89 Lt 9625178 4196564 10058056500118 Fairlee Nature's Best Juice Orange Tetra Slim 12/1 Lt 1125693 7547932 10067311016295 Oasis Juice Apple Grape Tetra Pack 30/200 ml 8416805 7747009 10067311010248 Oasis Juice Apple Plastic 24/300 ML 9530026 386862 10067311010330 Oasis Juice Apple Pure Tetra 12/960 ml 6044005 621615 10067311031335 Oasis Juice Grapefruit Ruby Red 12/960 ml 1332926 5057628 10067311185205 Oasis Juice Orange No Pulp NFC 8/1.5 Lt 1411548 5526171 67311020271 Oasis Juice Orange Plastic Bottle 24/300 ml 1081641 7137490 10067311020339 Oasis Juice Orange Tetra 12/960 ml 6045405 621599 10067311020292 Oasis Juice Orange Tetra Pack 30/200 ml (00056045020077) 6032005 7742968 10067311028335 Oasis Juice Pineapple Tetra 12/960 ml 8280005 621458 10067311241215 Oasis Juice Ruby Red Grapefruit 24/300 ml 1357913 5361826 10067311041297 Oasis Juice Tropical Passion Tetra Pack 30/200 ml 8410605 7746555 10067311010293 Oasis Oasis+B:I 6032205 7746605 10065250008180 Dole Juice Pineapple Unsweetened 12/1.36 Lt 8254005 2435717 10057000036246 Heinz Juice Tomato 100% 24/156 ml 1263313 3337393 10057000003279 Heinz Juice Tomato 24/284 ml 3279058 2235166 10065031051107 Ocean Spray Juice Cranberry10% 4+1 3/3 Lt 1190383 858409 11100891160 Sunsational Juice Apple 100% Ambient Concentracte 7+1 3/3 Lt 1324483 4879100 10011100010193 Vitality Select Orange Juice 100% 4+1 3/3 Lt 1187945 57697 10031200445176 Ocean Spray Juice Drink Cranberry Cocktail 8/1.77 Lt 7580866 2821106 10048500017880 Tropicana Juice Apple 100% 12/355 ml 1040161 6071581 10048500017873 Tropicana Juice Orange Homestyle W/ Pulp 12/355 ml 2221398 6026395 10048500017859 Tropicana Juice Orange Pure No Pulp Original 12/355 ml 1040170 6026381 10048500009144 Tropicana Juice Orange Pure Premium Original W/O Pulp 4/3.78 Lt 1140418 1976966
Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 | 31 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO HOT DOG, BURGER 20628553013113 Ace Bakery Bun Burger Classic 4" 48/80 Gr 1257551 3156470 10774034340001 Backerhaus Veit Bread Bun Potato Bistro Sliced 72/12 Ct 1294029 4724922 10774034310004 Backerhaus Veit Bread Bun Potato Scallion Gourmet Scd Thaw/Serve 72/85 Gr 1278112 1465832 10831604008799 Au Pain Dore Bun Slider Authentic Brioche 192/25 Gr 1086592 8615720 10057483528542 Bridor Bread Bun Burger Brioche T/S Vegan V/F 16/4/70 Gr 1438740 5583156 42962 Ace Bakery Bun Brioche Burger Craft T&S 48/65 Gr 7035912 20628553030165 Ace Bakery Bun Craft Slider Sliced 144/22 Gr 1323438 4869521 734730694351 Bakersource Classic Bun Hot Dog T&S 96/70 Gr 5418118 620868513728 GFS Bun Hot Dog T&S 6.5" 96/12/8 Ct 23659 4425405 MISCELLANEOUS 20628553012918 Ace Bakery Baguette Bread Demi 45/140 Gr 1364456 5484605 20628553021576 Ace Bakery Bread Ciabatta Cluster 45/140 Gr 1151020 8188403 628622101341 Ardent Mills Flour Pizza Italian Style 1/20 Kg 1213510 1922867 10774034207779 Backerhaus Veit Bread Sub Hoagie Onion 50/110 Gr 1321689 4571606 10057483526463 Bridor Baguette Artisan Simply 16/350 Gr 1334142 4969602 10831604005972 Bridor Bread Ciabatta Bigfoot 15.9 Oz 20/450 Gr 1158780 7406859 10057483526876 Bridor Bread Rustic Ciabatta 3x6 inch Sliced 48/110 Gr 1365188 5414079 734730699745 Sysco Classic Quinoa Grain Tri Colored 2/1 Kg 5464447 64100720442 Zesta Cracker Salted 500/6 Gr 1205936 1504871 49800131620 Rich's Flatbread Oval 12X5" 48/136 Gr 1222373 2373987 49800350861 Rich's Pizza Crust 16" Sheeted 20/26 Oz 7409346 2333235 20628553023129 Ace Bakery Bread Focaccia Rosemary P/B 12/1 Ct 1119138 723767 PANINI & ROLLS 10774034211288 Backerhaus Veit Bread Panini Marble Sliced 10/1000 Gr 5923206 5240314 10774034106003 Backerhaus Veit Bread Sourdough Panini Half Sliced T/S Frozen 20/500 Gr 1228793 2803437 734730187433 Bakers Imperial Bread Panini Multigrain 5/8" Sliced 10/1000 Gr 6952028 734730187587 Bakers Imperial Bread Panini Sourdough 5/8" Sliced 10/1000 Gr 6953279 20628553021637 Ace Bakery Roll Ciabatta Piccolla 45/100 Gr 1151023 99883 734730694443 Baker's Source Roll Dinner White 160/40 Gr 5418201 620868495550 GFS Panini Roll 65/105 Gr 4955516 5418122 TORTILLAS 10626114101005 Mejicano Tortilla 4.5" SG 24/20 Gr 1395754 5533249 10626114121003 Mejicano Tortilla Regular 12" Flour 6/12 Ea 1269595 5533217 10626114121027 Mejicano Tortilla Salsa 12" FS 6/12 Ea 1470283 5559834 10626114121058 Mejicano Tortilla Smoked BBQ 12" FS 6/12 Ct 1470280 5533587 10626114121126 Mejicano Tortilla Spinach 12" FS 6/12 Ct 1470281 7262574 10626114121010 Mejicano Tortilla Whole Wheat 12" FS 6/12 Ct 1470227 7240691 73731286715 Mission Tortilla Flour Heat Pressed 4.5" 24/12 Ct 1212032 1352869 734730660493 Casa Solana Tortilla Flour 12" White 10/12 Ct 5268552 WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT 734730694382 Bakersource Classic Bread White Sliced 16/675 Gr 5418148 734730694429 Bakersource Classic Bread White Sliced Thick T&S 16/675 Gr 5418185 734730694344 Bakersource Classic Bread Whole Wheat Sliced T&S 16/675 Gr 5418102 734730694467 Bakersource Classic Bread Whole Wheat Sliced Thick T&S 16/675 Gr 5418225 620868092346 GFS Bread Sliced Texas Toast White e 10/900 Gr 19124 5595005 10620868168413 GFS Bread Texas WW Sliced 7/8" 10/900 Gr 1270678 620868092377 GFS Bread White Sliced 16/675 Gr 19120 1099023 620868092339 GFS Bread White Texas Sliced 16/675 Gr 19122 1099042 620868092384 GFS Bread Whole Wheat Sliced 16/675 Gr 1098662 620868092360 GFS Bread Whole Wheat Texas Sliced 16/675 Gr 1098990


32 | Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO 67400996012 Agropur Cheese Box Catering Agropur Signature 1/1.015 Kg 1136819 90067400820624 Monsieur Gustav Cheese Gouda Smoked Wheel Lactose-Free 1/4.5 Kg Avg 1424240 5552746 90059441181253 Castello Cheese Blue Traditional Wheel 1/3 Kg 1184111 601466 10060466966019 Castello Cheese Brie Danish 12/125 Gr 1184129 601532 90059441182588 Castello Cheese Gorgonzola Smoked Wheel 1/1 Kg 1282211 3896293 10059441001135 Tre Stella Cheese Bocconcini Medium 1/2 Kg 3201607 2767556 90059441002473 Tre Stella Cheese Grana Padano 1/4 Kg Avg 1116031 5978517 10059441003566 Tre Stella Cheese Mozzarella Bocconcini Mini 1/3 Kg 8708605 5527833 10059441001166 Tre Stella Cheese Ricotta 2/2 Kg 8068116 3272424 10068200476343 Black Diamond Cheese CB Parm Cheese Shredded 2/1 Kg 1389663 5474079 10068200476275 Cracker Barrel Cheese CB Natural Chedd Colored Mild Slicd 21 Gr 12/500 Gr 1389680 5474468 66013141802 Gaylea Sour Cream 14% Mf 1/4 Lt 1/3.89 Kg 1250131 1184383 66013530101 MacKenzie Butter Whipped Pot 600/4.5 Gr 1199485 1891193 30062415512074 Stirling Butter Ball 60 Lb 6/8 Kg 6357826 2793610 10068100015314 Philadelphia Cream Cheese 6/1.5 Kg 6926466 2262079 68100015324 Philadelphia Cream Cheese Deli 1/3 Kg 1539258 2648400 734730077369 Mks Cls Cheese Feta Hard Canadian 1/3 Kg 3483989 10068200889006 Black Diamond Cheese Curd White Frozen 100/60 Gr 1/6 Kg 1290660 4331664 10068200681624 Black Diamond Cheese Swiss Natural Sliced 9/500 Gr 9607205 165282 10068200960774 Galbani Cheese Asiago Parmesan Romano Shaved 2/1 Kg 1345202 5205473 10066096333054 Lactantia Lactantia Coloured Margarine Minicups 1 x 3.90 kg (600 count) 3545605 2819514 10068200350117 Mozzabene Cheese Mozzarella Pizza 20% Shredded 4/2.27 Kg 1299419 2846584 69143101135 Alexis De Portneuf Cheese Cater Box Domestic Specialty 1/1.02 Kg 1359650 5360397 63549105766 Alexis De Portneuf Cheese Special Tray Box 1/1.045 Kg 1327151 4958700 68700026096 Dairyland Sour Cream 14% 1/4 Lt 1/3.89 Kg 165340 1243337 8534190 68700260902 Dairyland Sour Cream 14% Baker 1/4 Lt 1/3.89 Kg 1243336 2780827 63549109634 Saputo Cheese Assorted Deluxe Box 1/955 Gr 1470162 7252225 90069143411336 Saputo Cheese Brie Square Food Service 1/1.5 Kg 1096351 746420 51150 Saputo Cheese Fior Di Latte Mozzarella Seau 1/3 Kg 1306536 4243228 10063549872641 Saputo Cheese Parmesan Light Fine Shredded 2/1 Kg 1153272 8583799 10063549331575 Saputo Cheese Parmesan Shaved 6/1 Kg 1125341 3636202 FLUID DAIRY 20626027814075 Earths Own OAT BARISTA 12/946 ml 1363051 5378292 10061028100247 Gay Lea Cream 35% 12/1 Lt 1072554 6714497 10061028100193 Gaylea Milk 2% 12/1 Lt 1072540 2785020 10068200201501 Beatrice Buttermilk 1% 16/946 ml 1254420 10068200100262 Beatrice Milk 2% 16/1 Lt 7150266 10065700100273 Beatrice Milk 2% Part Skim Jug 4/4 Lt 9235605 5331228 10065700100266 Beatrice Milk Homogenized Jug 4/4 Lt 9216805 7700701 10065700100297 Beatrice Milk Skim Jug 4/4 Lt 9216605 10068200511143 Lactantia Cream Half & Half 10% 16/1 Lt 1155031 8620200 20068200511065 Lactantia Whipping Crm 35% OW 16/1 Lt 1155810 8620348 68700103629 Dairyland Cream Half & Half 10% 16/946 ml 1433948 5573254 68700103667 Dairyland Cream Whipping 33% 16/946 ml 1433950 5573302 68700012518 Dairyland Cream Whipping 36% 16/1 Lt 1108055 2745610 68700103681 Dairyland Cream Whipping 36% 16/946 ml 1433951 5573278 68700102554 Dairyland Milk 2% Crate 4/4 Lt 9203005 2822773 68700102578 Dairyland Milk Homogenized 4/4 Lt 8191057 2822658 68700102585 Dairyland Milk Skim Jug 4/4 Lt 8193717 171058 FLUID DAIRY ALTERNATIVE 10056800658900 Silk Drink Oat Unsweetened 0 Sugar Tetra 12/946 ml 1407271 5517275 10025293001005 Silk Esl Milk Almond True ESL Original 6/1.89 Lt 1349349 2055519 10025293600710 Silk Esl Milk Soy ESL Original Organic 6/1.89 Lt 1318312 6117372 10626027814023 Earths Own Beverage RTU Oat Unsweetened UHT 12/946 ml 1330551 5077716


Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 | 33 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO 10063211080633 Campbell Lasagna Garden Vegetable 4/2.6 Kg 5001567 3083599 10063211273868 Campbells Lasagna All Beef Mt Classico 4/2.72 Kg 1375996 5437450 20621588903121 Expresco Chicken Souvlaki FC 36/2.7 Oz 1/2.74 Kg 9850219 9663360 620868110132 GFS Perogy Potato Cheddar 180Ct 2/2.75 Kg 1141829 10068062052365 Ital-Pasta Pasta Lasagna Oven Ready 10/1 Lb 1440454 5584707 48769888095 Joseph's Pasta Ravioli Butternut Squash 2/1 Kg 1336730 5116247 48769888125 Joseph's Pasta Ravioli Mushroom Roasted 2/1.36 Kg 1336734 5116286 10068100062608 Kraft Macaroni And Cheese 36/7 Oz 5152405 3223278 20055498059102 Krinos Appetizer Spanakopita Spinach Pie W/Phyllo 2/48 Ct 1416642 834861 63032 Macgregors Green Bean Battered Teja Tempura 1/3.63 Kg 63032 55773002737 Anchor Pickle Spears Breaded 4/4 Lb 1321571 4720838 10055773824824 Mccain Appetizer Mozzarella Sticks Breaded 1/5 Lb 1042403 294066 55773002911 Mccain Cauliflower Bite Battered Frozen 6/2 Lb 1319412 4817629 10055773823124 Mccain Onion Ring Beefeater 1/4 Kg 5505405 2575462 74865880749 Sysco Imperial Onion Ring Battered 1/4 Kg 9601501 10069459073079 Wong Wing Dumpling Chicken Oriental 1/2.2 Kg 1100342 7420351 10069459073048 Wong Wing Dumpling Vegetable Oriental 1/2.2 Kg 1100343 7420365 10069459071341 Wong Wing Spring Roll Mini Vegetable 2/1.1 Kg 6083405 4790630 10069459070641 Wong Wing Wonton Pork Uncooked 2/2.27 Kg 282608 2370559 620868143567 GFS Appetizer Beef Wellington Mini 1/60 Ct 1203734 620868143598 GFS Appetizer Quiche Assorted Florentine Lorraine Mini 1/72 Ct 1203765 620868143574 GFS Appetizer Spanakopita Spinach 1/120 Ct 1203726 734730252216 Sysco Classic Appetizer Beef Wellington Mini 1/60 Ct 8776116 68689104938 Toppits Appetizer Samosa Vegetarian Prefried 200/15 Gr 2833406 9669417 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO 841161007084 Panifrance Potato Au Gratin Dauphinios 80/120 Gr 1011628 6254070 55773004618 Mccain Potato Chip British Pub Style 7/16" 6/4 Lb 1410819 5520980 10055773043126 Mccain Potato French Fry 7/16 Illusion Sk/ 6/2.04 Kg 2372206 1852342 10055773011125 Mccain Potato French Fry 9/32" Straight Cut 6/4.5 Lb 5200057 391672 10055773048978 Mccain Potato French Fry Flavorlast 3/8" Skin On 6/4.5 Lb 1028791 5690072 10055773025757 Mccain Potato French Fry Gold'n Crisp 3/8" 6/4.5 Lb 1060302 6276877 10055773043171 Mccain Potato French Fry Illusion Prem. Coated 3/8" Skin-On 6/5 Lb 3596605 5041478 10055773011736 Mccain Potato Fry Homefry Country Style Diced 6/5 Lb 5350005 2574366 10055773025726 Mccain Potato Gold'n Crisp Straight Cut 5/16 Skin-on 6/4.5 Lb 5511005 2575520 10055773011569 Mccain Potato Hashbrown Fine Cut Diced 6/5 Lb 5132405 2572592 10055773024408 Mccain Potato Savory Herb Diced 6/5 Lb 5540205 2572352 10055773037255 Mccain Potato Sweet 7/16" Straight Cut Harvest Splendor 6/2.5 Lb 1122172 522169 10055773973911 Mccain Potato Sweet French Fry 5/16 Harvest 6/2.5 Lb 1200037 975112 10055773024125 Redstone Canyon Potato French Fry Spiral Spicy Coated 6/4 Lb 5412605 2575470 60629307070213 Little Potato Co Potato Baby Red Gourmet Size C 1/25 Lb 1384405 1077627 60629307070817 Little Potato Co Potato Baby Red Yellow Purple 1/25 Lb 1405405 8563793 60629307070114 Little Potato Co Potato Baby Yellow Gourmet Size C 1/25 Lb 1384005 8397085 50629307100715 Little Potato Co Potato Fingerling 1/12 Lb 4212027 3857786 GRAVY 10620868283741 GFS Mix Gravy Beef Instant No Msg 8/379 Gr 9877805 10063350000158 Knorr Mix Gravy Brown Instant 6/408 Gr 1352937 5320324 10063350387235 Knorr Poutine Gluten Free Instant 6/430 Gr 1253421 2967564



34 | Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO 10695058001931 Alasko Banana Sliced IQF 5/1 Kg 9992296 1157807 10055686255005 Arctic Gardens Corn Whole Kernel 6/2 Kg 1133768 438895 10055686271142 Arctic Gardens Pea Sugar Snap 4/2 Kg 1210199 7226153 10055686272255 Arctic Gardens Vegetable Mix Bistro 4/2 Kg 1217610 2040188 10055686589506 Arctic Gardens Vegetable Mix Mirepoix IQF 6/2 Kg 6003408 6920359 70068594040054 Omstead Berry Blend 2/2.5kg 3791126 10064971225562 Omstead Peaches Sliced Grade A IQF 6/2 Kg 2731560 70068594631832 Snowcrest Raspberry Red IQF 1/5 Kg 1428154 3345253 70068594602054 Snowcrest Strawberry Whole IQF 2/2.5 Kg 3039307 3345626
SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO 10041565341709 Pace Salsa Medium Thick & Chunky 4/3.8 Lt 2320005 2440220 10067200007595 Saucemaker Sauce Chili Sweet 2/3.7 Lt 1789806 72595 10067200007267 Saucemaker Sauce Plum 2/3.7 Lt 2340405 2766426 20064757437254 Golden Dragon Sauce Plum Chinese 2/4 Lt 2577005 199612 8005110000140 Mutti Tomato Whole Peeled 6/2.97 Kg 1287286 5364892 10068100478928 Kraft BBQ Sauce Original 3.78L x 2 9957805 7682578 10057000829855 Lea & Perrins Sauce Worcestershire 12/284 ml 3337005 4719090 10057000829848 Lea & Perrins Sauce Worcestershire 5 Oz 12/142 ml 3336205 4716204 10060730403608 Richardson Sauce BBQ Forty Creek 2/4 Lt 1145812 8310654 10626114170001 Mejicano Sauce Salsa Mejicano F.S 2/1/1 Dz 1413991 10626114145009 Mejicano Seasoning Mejicano Mexican 6/1/1 Dz 7259593 10066200030858 La Grille Spice Montreal Steak 1/3.4 Kg 9543205 9591660 65000434132 Stouffer's Sauce Demi Glace Classic 6/1.8 Kg 5498005 9929969 620868143680 GFS Sauce Pesto No Nut 6/454 Gr 1203780 10063600003557 Select Sauce BBQ 2/4 Lt 1311366 2758704 10773200128672 Summer Fresh Dip Hummus Classic 2/2 Kg 1311150 4091413 10041500747467 Frank's Sauce Red Hot Original 4/3.8 Lt 2418605 2328995 568954504 Frank's Sauce Wing Buffalo Red Hot 2/3.78 Lt 1228385 2221376
Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 | 35 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO BEEF AND BURGERS 10060597323774 Belmont Beef Burger Patty Chuck Fresh 36/3.5 Oz 1/3.5 Kg 1361002 10060597372109 Belmont Beef Burger Patty Frozen 32/5 Oz 1/10 Lb 1361000 5190594 10060597353665 Belmont Beef Burger Slider 1.75 Oz 1/2 Kg 5084831 10060597353542 Belmont Beef Ground Nutrigrind 80-20 Frozen 2/2.5 Kg 3308323 10060597353528 Belmont Beef Medium Ground 80 % Frozen 2/2.5 Kg 1271894 3308339 10060597353740 Belmont Beef Medium Ground Halal 80% 2/2.5 Kg 5281730 10063351016349 Cardinal Beef Burger Patty 4 Oz Butcher Style 1/4.08 Kg 1201275 1324213 10063351016028 Cardinal Beef Burger Patty Ground 1.6 Oz Mini 1/2.16 Kg 1036090 5921089 10063351016356 Cardinal Beef Burger Patty Ground 5.33 Oz Butcher Style 1/4.53 Kg 1170842 8142871 10063351016066 Cardinal Beef Burger Patty Ground 6 Oz Roadhouse 1/5.1 Kg 8016605 9282062 10063351016561 Cardinal Beef Burger Patty Sirloin 6 Oz Butcher 30/170 Gr 1178713 457154 74865979436 Fire River Farms Beef Burger Patty Imperial 5.3 Oz 1/9 Kg 997296 734730288147 Fire River Farms Beef Burger Patty Prime Rib 6.2 Oz 1/9 Kg 424921 BFF-LG00 Leadbetter Beef Ground Lean Fresh 2/2.27 Kg 1440732 90057730015012 Lester Beef Brisket Corned Round FC 2/2.5 Kg 1035643 392332 10776578956922 Macgregors Beef Ground Patty FC 40/4 Oz 1/4.5 Kg 1333513 3282336 10776578904626 Macgregors Beef Meatball Cooked 2/2.25 Kg 4296093 62000427065 Mainstreet Deli Beef Roast Sliced FC 6/500 Gr 7536405 6331983 62000416106 Schneiders Beef Burger Patty 4 Oz FC 1/4.54 Kg 4161508 189142 10062000416110 Schneiders Beef Burger Patty 5 Oz Angus FC 1/4.54 Kg 1123833 6866919 BEEF AND BURGERS - PLANT BASED 852629004996 Beyond Meat Vegetarian Burger Patty Meat 40/4 Oz 1359940 4826164 816697020241 Impossible Burger Plant Based Impossible 40/113 Gr 1397009 5493426 CHICKEN AND TURKEY 90057303076440 Butterball Turkey Seasoned Breast & Thigh Roast SkinOn Raw Butterball 2/3.86 Kg 1444383 5574969 10065137556209 Flamingo Chicken Breast Grill FC 35/113 Gr 1003016 317800 10065137807592 Flamingo Chicken Breast Strip Breaded Homestyle 82 Ct 1/4 Kg 1374175 5458300 90065137567324 Flamingo Turkey Breast Boneless Cooked 6/1.1 Kg 2667506 990127 90065137514236 Flamingo Turkey Breast Skinless Boneless Split 1/10 Kg 3335305 155903 10065137507836 Galco Chicken Filet Finger Breaded Love Me Tender 90 Ct 1/4 Kg 1961447 2707727 10065137683288 Galco Chicken Wing Dusted FC 1/4 Kg 1120214 7603547 10065137526943 Olymel Chicken Breast Thunder Crunchy 1/4 Kg 2250518 9663535 10065137535334 Olymel Chicken Finger Crunchy Breaded 1/4 Kg 1126174 7882083 10065137772029 Olymel Chicken Wing Fully Cooked Neutral Taste 8-10 Ct 5/2 Kg 1345200 5195203 90065137513642 Olymel Turkey Breast Roasted Smoked 2/3-3.5 Kg 8780438 358226 620868419662 GFS Chicken Breast 5-6 Oz B/S Natural Fresh 1/4 Kg 1047650 62000426846 Mainstreet Deli Turkey Sliced Smoked 6/500 Gr 0006200426846 7536005 5033711 10062000419722 Maple Leaf Chicken Breast B/S 5-6 Oz Fresh 1/5 Kg 1429073 10063100642805 Maple Leaf Chicken Wing Plain Split Fc Iqf 85-115 Ct Small 2/2 Kg 7020205 9664368 10063100642997 Maple Leaf Chicken Wing Zinger Fc Frzn 2/2 Kg 1306439 2706562 62000553443 Schneiders Chicken Thigh B/S 1/5 Kg 1078100 713875 10063100213340 Sure-Slice Turkey Breast Roast .5 Oz Sliced 3/1 Kg 6182926 2672855 734730303239 Sysco Classic Chicken Breast 5-6 Oz Wet Chilled 1/5 Kg 669479 PROTEIN
36 | Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO FISH & SEAFOOD 653849091274 Anova Tuna Block Frozen Yellowfin 8 Oz Saku 1/4.54 Kg 1233374 6445368 30059371793920 Ocean Jewel Calamari Ring & Tentacle Lightly Dusted IQF 3-5" 4/2.5 Lb 1255927 3144419 30059371806545 Ocean Jewel Clam Baby Meat Cooked 10/1 Lb 1410459 5526096 30059371785857 Ocean Jewel Shrimp 13-15 Ct Breaded Coconut Butterfly Raw IQF 1/4.54 Kg 1201109 1425463 30059371785048 Ocean Jewel Shrimp 13-15 Ct Breaded Nobashi IQF 1/4.54 Kg 1194555 1059605 30059371788162 Ocean Jewel Shrimp Raw Breaded Coconut 21-25 Ct China 5/2/1 Lb 1258109 2241192 30059371777081 Ocean Jewel Shrimp White P&D Tail On Cooked 16-20 Ct Thailand 5/2/1 Lb 1291918 4505519 10035493234868 Fpi Cod Tail IQF 5 Oz 140 Gr 1/4.54 Kg 6191326 4021689 10035493802838 Fpi Haddock Loin IQF 4 Oz 1/4.54 Kg 00059111802836 4435026 849554 10061763054522 High Liner Haddock Breaded Captain's Pub Cut - Battered 8oz 1/4.54 Kg 1108186 7509379 10061763068727 High Liner Haddock Strip Southern Style Dip't & Dusted 2/5 Lb 1190947 926038 10073538256437 Icelandic Haddock Fillet Battered Big Bob 8.5 Oz 1/4.54 Kg 8729205 6206609 20066942131411 Admiral Clam Baby 24/10 Oz 1070316 599183 20066942199008 Admiral Salmon Sockeye 24/418 Gr 1070606 2771947 20066942400241 Admiral Tuna Canned Albacore Solid White 6/1.88 Kg 1050323 2766855 10068689142487 Toppits Calamari Bite Firecracker 5/2 Lb 1296924 4154686 PORK 10057459925399 Olymel Pork Bacon 16/18 Ct Sliced Center Cut 1/5 Kg 9686419 669895 61853924295 Olymel Pork Bacon Slic Center Cut 16/18 Ct Applewood Smkd 1/5 Kg 1228753 5248576 90057459537024 Olymel Pork Ham Maple Flav Bl Uncooked Cured Ready to Roast 1/9 Kg 4546840 90057459747683 Olymel Pork Ham Whole Full Muscle Bl Smkd Xpress Carve 19% Protein 4/1.3 Kg 1322591 4874313 90620868011951 GFS Pork Loin Boneless 2/4 Kg 45835 1054211 62000244037 Mainstreet Deli Pork Ham Prosciutto Sliced Deli 6/500 Gr 2600205 1277581 62000424590 Maple Leaf Pork Deli Ham Slicd Black Forest Old Fashioned Smkd 6/500 Gr 1/3 Kg 3651805 6226478 10063100214408 Maple Leaf Pork Deli Ham Sliced Smoked Black Forest 2/3 Oz 3/1 Kg 7442986 2750594 90055900016661 Parma Pork Sausage Dry Salami Genoa 2/2 Kg Avg 7979705 9892506 90057459682038 Olymel Pork Ham Boneless Ready To Shred Fresh 2/3 Kg 7272782 HOT DOGS 63100136055 Maple Leaf Hot Dog Beef Weiner Natural & 7" 5 Lb Roller Grill 1/2.72 Kg 1268799 3561345 59620184652 Olympic Hot Dog Pork Chicken & Beef Regular 100 Gr 6" 1/2.04 Kg 1177243 8108037 62000136684 Schneiders Hot Dog Beef & Chicken 7" 4 Lb Roller Grill 1/5.45 Kg 7896805 2757086 62000136769 Schneiders Hot Dog Beef & Chicken Roller Grill 7" 5:1 1/5.44 Kg 7780205 2667863 62000119403 Schneiders Hot Dog Beef All Beef 7" 5X1 2/2.72 Kg 8745005 2754737 10064875715114 Shopsy's Hot Dog All Meat Beef & Chicken 7" 4 Lb Regular 2 2.72 Kg 7987805 3016664 10064875715107 Shopsy's Hot Dog All Meat Beef & Chicken 7" Jumbo 5:1 Regular 2/2.72 Kg 6797605 234351 10063100715363 Shopsy's Hot Dog Beef 7" Jumbo 5 Lb All Beef 2/2.72 Kg 3397287 2672350 SAUSAGES 63100076689 Burns Sausage Smokie 7 " 3 Lb 1/6.7 Kg 1211989 1858022 63100336868 Schneiders Sausage Italian Hot 7" Cart Style 1/6.7 Kg 1211673 1850136 62000631851 Schneiders Sausage Italian Skinless Roller Grill 7" 1/5.44 Kg 2756306 5800081 62000242286 Schneiders Sausage Link Farmer Raw Frozen 1/5 Kg 1135058 2668747 62000252568 Schneiders Sausage Pork Smokie W/Cheddar 7" Frozen 2/2.72 Kg 3984005 5414150 10061423016075 Town Club Sausage Link Pork Pure Farmers 1/5 Kg 8284756 3290616 PROTEIN


Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 | 37 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO SALAD DRESSING 10068100444084 Kraft Dressing Balsamic Vinaigrette 2/3.78 Lt 9963205 7691074 10068100443681 Kraft Dressing Gourmet Garlic Lover's Caesar 2/3.78 Lt 9964005 7692304 10068100442592 Kraft Dressing Salad Caesar Creamy 2/3.78 Lt 1358858 7689557 10062287052346 Renee's Dressing Caesar 2/3.78 Lt 1315626 4705572 10062287052278 Renee's Dressing Caesar Mighty 2/3.78 Lt 1316418 4739835 10063350061838 Hellmann's Dressing Mayonnaise 2/4 Lt 2763805 2388726 10063350062033 Hellmann's Dressing Mayonnaise No Cholesterol 2/4 Lt 1101676 304206 10063350202569 Hellmann's Dressing Ranch Creamy 2/3.78 Lt 1188837 802993 CONDIMENTS 74865619134 Sysco Imperial Ketchup Vol Pack 1/11.5 Lt 3281904 10057000023246 Heinz Ketchup Bottled Big Red 2/2 84 Lt 3469307 10057000038523 Heinz Ketchup Cryovac 2/6 Lt 2401605 2235356 10057000033245 Heinz Ketchup Mega Red Plastic 6/2.84 Lt 1235356 7477367 10057000003248 Heinz Ketchup Standard Tin 6/2.84 Lt 1359067 2234094 10057000243750 Heinz Ketchup Upside Down 24/375 ml 9810605 3498177 10057000205758 Heinz Ketchup Upside Down Plastic 20/575 ml 8361805 7067137 10057000003323 Heinz Ketchup Vol Pack 1/11.35 Lt 3460047 2233948 10057000017856 Heinz Relish Sweet Squeeze Upside Down 12/375 ml 1196396 1151269 10057000015999 Heinz Mustard upside Down Bottle 375ml x 24 1129378 7831463 68100898224 RSVP Mayonnaise 1/16 Lt 1329415 4978319 10059000074624 Bick's Wine Sauerkraut 2/4 Lt Glass 2528405 7754054 10056200951212 French's Ketchup Squeeze Upside Down 12/500 ml 1281232 3807858 10056200823007 French's Mustard Dijon 2/2.9 Lt 3903005 7345182 10056200821867 French's Mustard Prepared 2/2.9 Lt 1091360 7271509 10063350061814 Hellmann's Mayonnaise 1/20 Lt 6321636 2389450 10063350061067 Hellmann's Mayonnaise Pail 1/16 Lt 2905605 2922300 10068400550829 Hellmann's Mayonnaise Real Big Squeeze 8/340 ml 1280197 3921697 PORTIONS 10057000003316 Heinz Ketchup Individual PC 8 ml 1/1000 Ct 2430866 2921708 10057000009943 Heinz Mustard Pc 500/6 ml 2384605 2234995 10057000008601 Heinz Relish PC 500/8 ml 2385605 2915056 68100897586 Kraft Mayonnaise Real PC Pouch 210/12 ml 1281339 3898362 62802305615 Olde Style Sauce Plum 100/28 Gr 7521266 2665826


38 | Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO CAKES, PIES, BARS 10775313003112 Pfalzgraf Cheesecake Ny Precut 10" 16 Slice 2/1 Ea 7812746 398420 10057592784303 Rich's Eclair Chocolate 4/12/2 Oz 5044805 2633261 10032100089248 Chef Pierre Demi Danish Variety Pack 50/1.3 oz 9116806 2249365 10032100071380 Chef Pierre Lemon Meringue 6/10" 1043008 1515337 10032100092736 Chef Pierre Pie Pecan 10" Baked 6/36 Oz 1083008 1020726 10032100092811 Chef Pierre Pie Pumpkin Baked 10" 6/43 Oz 8142376 1084383 10032100008799 Chef Pierre Pre-Sliced Apple Pie 6/8 slice 1153972 7668581 10032100071656 Chef Pierre Pre-Sliced Pecan Pie 6/8 slice 1101964 5629047 10032100092774 Chef Pierre Unbaked Apple Pie 6/10" 6358986 1020742 10064800093010 Sara Lee Authentic Tiramisu 2/9"x12" 5778405 2521177 10032100080184 Sara Lee French Cream Cheesecake Tray Pack 4/8"x15" 3842005 1011600 10032100080788 Sara Lee Pre-sliced NY Style Cheesecake 4/16 slice 5004805 1011576 10749017001453 Sweet Street Lusscious Lemon Non Sliced 1/4 Ct 5508617 6596787 10770118012123 Original Cakerie Bar Dessert Butter Tart 2/100 Oz 1174949 298392 10770118012147 Original Cakerie Bar Macaroon Lemon 2/100 Oz 5693005 6576193 10770118012413 Original Cakerie Cake Toffee Sticky Pudding 2/140 Oz 1126153 7900741 10770118012048 Original Cakerie Dessert Bar Nanaimo Scored 2/100 Oz 1174120 295459 DOUGH 10013087532996 Sweet Discovery Dough Cookie Variety Pack 160/2 Oz 1033084 1666858 10013087531999 Sweet Discovery Dough Cookie Variety Pack 320/1 Oz 1033504 1667252 10063211184638 Pepperidge Farm Pastry Puff Sheets 20/12.35 Oz 8561805 7138342 734730020495 Block & Barrel Dough Cookie Chocolate Chip Can 128/56 Gr 7647431 734730020624 Block & Barrel Dough Cookie Oatmeal Raisin Can 128/56 Gr 7648413 841161003154 Panifrance Dough Danish Mini Assorted 120/1 Oz 1216075 1744115 841161003123 Panifrance Dough Danish Mini Assorted 120/42 Gr 8336605 5982465 687415805002 Apple Valley Pie Shell Deep 5" 2 Oz 120/57 Gr 5037205 1405580 700998805310 Schulstad Dough Danish Mini Assorted 120/1.5 Oz 2103405 2437176 ICE CREAM, SORBET 10062942013408 Chapman's Frozen Yogurt Portion Puck Vanilla 60/150 ml 1182189 530846 10062942011558 Chapman's Ice Cream Original French Vanilla 1/11.4 Lt 1036951 7493251 10062942010018 Chapman's Ice Cream Original Vanilla 1/11.4 Lt 8045686 319657 10062942010872 Chapman's Ice Cream Thermal Cup Vanilla 2/12/115 ml 2050446 317602 10062942010889 Chapman's Ice Cream Thermal Cups Chocolate 2/12/115 ml 1724056 568188 10062942010933 Chapman's Sorbet Thermal Cup Orange 2/12/115 ml 5198867 318279 12321944 Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream Coffee Almond 12/3/88 ml 5264225 MISCELLANEOUS 10051500060558 Smucker Caramel Platescapers 12/420 ml 9280805 4882395 10051500060541 Smucker Chocolate Platescapers 12/420 ml 9281405 4882403 10051500060572 Smucker Raspberry Platescapers 12/420 ml 9281605 4882411 10051500060640 Smucker Topping Assorted Platescaper #1 Chocolate/Caramel/Raspberry/Vanilla 12/420 ml 3095509 5415033 10051500060619 Smucker Vanilla Platescapers 12/420 ml 2580005 3205127


Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 | 39 SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO BARS 722252616425 Builder's Bar Protein Chocolate 12/68 Gr 1280991 1468026 722252124227 Clif Bar Bar Energy Chocolate Almond Fudge 12/68 Gr 3506307 2209369 722252125040 Clif Bar Bar Energy Chocolate Chip 16/12/68 Gr 1183332 3101342 55577252017 Quaker Bar Chewy Chocolate Chip 36/26 Gr 1255047 3183500 10065633408811 Nature Valley Bar Granola Fruit & Nut Trail Mix 8/12/35 Gr 1179653 603763 10065633163543 Nature Valley Bar Granola Oat & Honey Crunchy 6/15/46 Gr 1392610 5479720 10064100284453 Nutri-Grain Bar Cereal Strawberry 3/16/37 Gr 2016605 2784460 10064100280455 Nutri-Grain Bar Cereal Tender Apple Cinnamon 3/16/37 Gr 2018605 2783868 602652172694 Kind Snack Bar Almond Sea Salt & Dark Chocolate 6/12/40 Gr 1323200 4940991 10687456226092 Made Good Bar Granola Chocolate Chip Organic 28/24 Gr 1302137 5539046 10687456217021 Made Good Bar Granola Chocolate Chip Square Crispy 12/22 Gr 1378320 5034993 10687456216024 Made Good Bar Granola Mixed Berry Organic 63/24 Gr 1287468 7220412 CANDY, CHOCOLATE 10055653224102 Dare Candy Gummi Worms 4/2 Kg 9764405 2493849 10068000714515 Hershey's Chocolate Bar Individual Assorted 2/50 Ct 1365315 2191647 58496398736 Mars Chocolate Bar Mars 48/52 Gr 1147505 5849642240 Snickers Snickers Bar Regular 48/52 Gr 1853015 58496890940 Starburst Candy Starburst Fruit Chews Original 4/36/58 Gr 1230930 23903 59800300216 Coffee Crisp Candy Bar Coffee Crisp 4/48/50 Gr 9956405 2883759 59800218580 Kit Kat Candy Bar Kit Kat 4 Finger 4/48/45 Gr 1107393 5936994 CHIPS 10774034917517 Backerhaus Pretzel Stick Large 7X2.5 65/150 Gr 1112172 5138882 60410271957 Doritos Chip Tortilla Nacho Cheese 48/45 Gr 6428005 6879920 60410049518 Frito Lay Chip Ruffles Sour Cream 16/200 Gr 5462086 60410042366 Frito Lay Chip Variety Dorito /Lay's /Ruffles 36/45 Gr 1363841 5394642 60410221433 Lay's Chip Potato BBQ 40/40 Gr 1145222 8426340 60410221402 Lay's Chip Potato Ketchup 40/40 Gr 1145145 8426274 60410221389 Lay's Chip Potato Regular 40/40 Gr 1145178 8426332 60410265673 Lay's Chip Potato Regular Bulk 4/515 Gr 5212716 4897270 60410221372 Lay's Chip Potato Salt & Vinegar 40/40 Gr 1144959 8426359 60410221242 Miss Vickie's Chip Potato Jalapeno 40/40 Gr 1144955 8428970 60410221259 Miss Vickie's Chip Potato Original 40/40 Gr 1145857 8428944 60410221273 Miss Vickie's Chip Potato Sea Salt & Malt Vinegar 40/40 Gr 1144952 8428956 60410221280 Miss Vickie's Chip Potato Sweet Chili & Sour Cream 40/40 Gr 1144953 8428961 60410221198 Rold Gold Pretzel Thins 40/47 Gr 1145227 8426241 60410221358 Ruffles Chip Potato All Dressed 48/40 Gr 1144950 8426365 60410204559 Smartfood Popcorn White Cheddar 36/45 Gr 1189361 838209 60410222768 Sunchips Chip Multigrain Harvest Cheddar 40/40 Gr 1144935 8396495 10895793000408 From Farm To Table Popcorn Sweet & Salty Kettlecorn 32/28 Gr 1303687 4007306 64100853058 Pringles Chip BBQ 12/39 Gr 1242780 2687871 64100852846 Pringles Chip Original 12/67 Gr 1273451 2457343 64100852631 Pringles Chip Potato Original 12/37 Gr 1215004 1952595 64100852655 Pringles Chip Potato Sour Cream Onion Small Can 12/39 Gr 1215008 1952645 73731086193 Mission Chip Tortilla Yellow Tri Corn 6/2 lb 1071919 7105098 MISCELLANEOUS 10014100077784 Pepperidge Farm Cracker Cheddar Goldfish 300/.5 Oz 9687005 364265 10055653672903 Breton Cracker Orginal Four 6/4/225 Gr 1300318 4448953 10055653250606 Dare Candy Mints Hospitality Mix 1/1000 Ct 2065805 2496685 734730306155 Sysco Classic Cranberry Dried 2/1.5 Kg 737482 10734730157211 Sysco Classic Peanut Blanched Salted Canadian 2/1.5 Kg 6132946 10073321045309 Funnel Cake Cake Funnel Fries 1/600 Ct 1081192 6977005 17082071279 Jack Links Beef Jerky Original 12/80 Gr 1230529 3632447 10064100389007 Kellogg's Rice Krispie Squares Bar Regular [Retail] 12/8/22 Gr 4603306 2783983 10031200445589 Ocean Spray Craisins Cranberries Sweet Dried 2/1.36 Kg 9443805 6343907
40 | Foodbuy Club & Leisure Buyer Guide 2024 Office Supplies • Technology • Furniture Cleaning & Maintenance • Paper • Health & Safety SCC BRAND ITEM GFS SYSCO 10626521003121 Hy Five Glove Latex Large Powder Free 10/100 Ct 1093980 10626521009178 Hy Stix Cutlery Kit 6.55" S&P Napkin Wetnap White PP 1/250 Ct 1279299 1874009 10626521008225 Hy Stix Cutlery Kit 6.75" Fork Knife Napkin PP Med. White 1/500 Ct 1158710 4910184 776783012577 Wrap It Film Cling All Purpose W/Cutter 17" 2500 Ft 1/1 Ea 5676632 65506050591 Browne Cup Stainless Sauce 2 Oz - 59 ml 12/576 Ct 3712406 8491159 65506050584 Browne Stainless Sauce Cup 1.5 Oz - 44 ml (515058) 12/1 Ea 1077880 9686643 10065506050581 Browne Cup Ramekin Sauce 1.5 Oz SS 1/12 Ea 1077880 65506138282 Browne Pan Fry Thermalloy Aluminum Eclipse Non-Sick 8" 1/1 Ea 1067724 10099511340535 Cambro Lid Fits 2 & 4 Qt Kelly Green Square 1/1 Ea 7156207 67220612406 Cascades Pro Select Tissue Bath Roll Jumbo Select 2 Ply 1000' 12/1 Ea 4751174 67220652358 Cascades Pro Select Towel Roll Select 350 Ft Natural 12/1 Ea 1352157 4756613 10072181001166 Bagcraft Bag Paper W/Window Grease Resistant 6.5X2X8.5 1/500 Ct 1231975 2371525 69356028885 Deluxe Paper Bag Foil Hamburger 6X7.5 Large 1/1000 Ct 3586005 10069356190534 Deluxe Paper Bag Foil Hot Dog 7X5.5X1.5" Plain 10/100 Ct 1196970 620868883036 Deluxe Paper Foil Thermo Foil 12X12 *1M 1/2000 Ct 4411516 620868133513 Deluxe Paper Liner Baking Parchment Silicone 16.4X24.4" 1/1000 Ct 1165946 10072181000909 Double View Bag Sandwich Paper Natural 4.25X2.75X11.75" 1/500 Ct 1193623 280527 79594875233 Duro Bag Paper Shopper Jr Mart 100% Recycled 1316904 4875534 Serrated Top Twist Handle 1/250 Ct 79594871280 Duro Bag Paper Shopper Mart 100% Recycled 1338411 Serrated Top Twist Handle 1/250 Ct 93901136336 Array Tissue Bath Jumbo Mini White 75' 1/12 Ct (12024402) 1197232 93901136282 Array Towel Roll Standard Natural 700' Natural 1/6 Ct (290088) 1197237 93901136275 Array Towel Roll White 6/700 Ct 800' (290089) 1197233 10073286618778 TORK Tissue Bath 2 Ply White 751' 12/1 Ea 1000661 10626885176356 Galligreen Box Paper Food Take Out #4 Kraft PLA Lined 1/160 Ct 1406648 5424995 10626885577214 Sip N' Save Straw Paper Wrapped 8" Black 4/625 Ct 1405241 10626885755100 Galligreen Cup Paper Hot Tree Design 10 Oz 1/1000 Ct 1434554 3478015 10626885750907 Galligreen Lid Cup Plastic 12 Oz Hot 1/500 Ct 1406716 408452 10626885759108 Pack N Eat Cup Paper Hot Tall 10 Oz White 1/1000 Ct 1406730 3603336 10626885753908 Pack N Eat Lid Cup Plastic 10-20 Oz Dome Sip Hot Black PE 1/1000 Ct 1260722 2462309 1.06269E+13 Sip N'Save Lid Cup Plastic 12-20 Oz Straw Slot Clear PET 95 mm 1/1000 Ct 5469943 10738101635339 Bascgard Glove Vitrile Vinyl & Nitrile Foodservice PF LG 10/100 Ct 1415840 5484144 10738101635322 Bascgard Glove Vitrile Vinyl & Nitrile Foodservice PF Medium 10/100 Ct 1415838 5484138 10734730593293 Sysco Classic Glove Nitrile Foodservie Powder Free Black Large 10/100 Ct 4685614 644632901832 Eco Product Kit Cutlery K/F/S/Napkin PLA White 1/250 Ct EPS015 1213852 728836 644632900873 Eco Products Kit Cutlery White F/K/S/Napkin PLA 7" Cream 1/250 Ct 1213652 6253755 10624344052111 TTS Marketing Bag Clear Poly 3 Lb 5X2X11.5 1/500 Ct 1191001 29419886425 Traex Bus Box 7" Gray 1/1 Ea 1241959 55734975087 W. Ralston Bag Plastic Trash Can Liner Low Density 35X50 7379559 667311 Strong 1.2 mm Blue 1/125 Ct 55734687010 W. Ralston Trash Bag LoDensity 1.25mm Degrad. 42X48" 7015888 4814337 Xstrong Blck 1/75 Ct 55734681018 W. Ralston Trash Bag LoDensity Blck .85mm Degrad. 26X36 1015888 4814317 XStrong 1/125 Ct 55734673013 W. Ralston Trash Bag LoDensity Blck .8mm Degrad. 30X38 Strong 1/200 Ct 1015413 4814053 55734685016 W. Ralston Trash Bag LoDensity Extra Strong Black 1.7 mm 35X50 1/100 Ct 5015888 667105


Italpasta was founded in 1989 with the goal of creating a pasta that not only met but surpassed the Canadian Food Service Industry’s high standards for quality and performance. The demands of the back of the house are great and the needs are often unique. That’s why we have devoted years to perfecting our process. Our goal is to be your trusted partner by manufacturing a delicious, high-quality pasta made with only the finest 100% Canadian durum semolina. For the perfect plate of pasta, every time.

Italpasta was founded in 1989 with the goal of creating a pasta that not only met but surpassed the Canadian Food Service Industry’s high standards for quality and performance. The demands of the back of the house are great and the needs are often unique. That’s why we have devoted years to perfecting our process. Our goal is to be your trusted partner by manufacturing a delicious, high-quality pasta made with only the finest 100% Canadian durum semolina. For the perfect plate of pasta, every time.




▪ Made in Canada from only the finest quality, 100% Canadian durum semolina.

▪ Thick wall technology helps to ensure that each plate of pasta is perfect every time.

▪ A high-quality pasta offered at a competitive cost.




• High protein content – contributes to Italpasta’s superior cooking quality

• Strong gluten levels - contribute to Italpasta’s firm texture and ‘al dente’ bite

• Bright yellow pigment – contributes to Italpasta’s appetizing presence on a dinner plate.

• high pr otein content – contributes to Italpasta’s su perior cookinng qu al ity

• str ong gl uten l evels - contribute to Italpasta’s fir m texture and ‘al d ente’ bite

• br ight yel low pigment – contributes to Italpasta’s appetizing pr esence o n a d inner


We have committed to making small, but impactful changes to operate more sustainably and reduce our environmental footprint under our sustainability program by providing…


We have committed to making small, but impactful changes to operate more sustainably and reduce our environmental footprint under our sustainability program

Code English Description Brand Format Tortillas 4.5" 10100 Regular - Street Tacos Mejicano 24 x 12 un Tortillas 6 & 7 " 10670 Regular 6" Mejicano 24 x12 un 10680 Regular 7" Mejicano 12 x12 un Code English Description Brand Format Tortillas 4.5" 10100 Regular - Street Tacos Mejicano 24 x 12 un Tortillas 6 & 7 " 10670 Regular 6" Mejicano 24 x12 un 10680 Regular 7" Mejicano 12 x12 un 10685 Whole Wheat 7" Mejicano 12 x12 un Tortillas 10" 10510 Regular Mejicano 6 x 12 un 10511 Whole Wheat Mejicano 6 x 12 un 10513 Salsa Mejicano 6 x 12 un 10514 Tomato & Basil Mejicano 6 x 12 un 10517 Spinach Mejicano 6 x 12 un Tortillas 12" 13078 Spinach Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13080 Regular Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13081 Whole Wheat Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13083 Salsa Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13084 Tomato & Basil Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13085 Rye Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13086 Smoked BBQ Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13087 Mandarin and Orange Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13088 Cranberries Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13089 Lemon and Rosemary Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13090 Thaï Ginger Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13092 Red Pepper Mejicano 6 x 10 un 13094 Lime and Cilantro Mejicano 6 x 10 un Seasoning 14500 Mejicano Mexican seasoning Mejicano 6 x 650 g Tortilllas corn 6" 15105 Corn Tortillas Mejicano 12 x 12 un Salsa 17000 Mejicano Salsa mild Mejicano 2 x 3,7 L


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