Folio.YVR ☆ Issue 20 ☆ 2023 ☆ Luxury Lifestyle Magazine ☆ Vancouver, BC

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r v y . o i l o f I SSUE #20 SEPTEM BER 2023

A .N.G.E.L.O. V i ntage Pal ace | Lugo, I tal y


EDI TOR-I N-CHI EF | Pub l i sh er's M essage



Welcome to the 20t h Issu e of Folio.YVR Lu xu r y Lif est yle M agazin e! In this issue, we revisit the Va nc ouver Ar t Ga ller y for the Pa r viz Ta na voli exhib ition ' Poet s, Loc k s, Ca g es' a nd d iscover Fa shion Fic t ions a rtist Julia Koerner's 3D- p rinted ha nd b a g s a t the VAG Gift Shop . At the Sunzen Ar t Ga ller y," Trea sures of t he Hea ven" la unched showca sing the intrica te p orcela in works of Zou Jun. We introd uce N a fsik a Ant yp a s, a n entrep reneur, a ctress, p rod ucer a nd a ctivist who is following in her fa ther's food ind ustry footstep s with the p la nt- b a sed line N a fsik a ' s Ga rd en. We went b ehind - the- scenes a t the Vog ue Thea t re for the fourth story in the Show c a se Pia nos Present s series to enjoy q uirky frontma n Jeff Gold b lum' s p erforma nce with the M ild red Snit zer Orc hest ra on a Fa zioli F278. Ar t hur Eric k son' s Ep p ic h House II is everywhere rig ht now, so we d ove into the history of this a rchitectura l wond er a nd sha re the stories of not only Erickson b ut of Cornelia Ha hn Ob erla nd er, the la nd sca p e a rchitect who hea vily influenced the d esig n a nd Greg Bellerb y, who p ub lished the d efinitive b ook a b out Ep p ich House II.

In 20 24, CURV Pa ssive House will b rea k g round a nd p ut Va ncouver on the ma p for b eing home to the world 's ta llest Pa ssive House. We met with Ba k erWest ' s Sa ra h Ya d a Set o a nd Fift h Ave' s Ja mie Sq uires a t the CURV Present a t ion Cent re for a n eye- op ening journey into the future of d evelop ment. Ric hmond 's newest luxury hotel, AM TD Versa nt e, hosted us a t CASK Whisk y Va ult ; the exp erience wa s truly d ivine. From the 19 20 s- insp ired interiors to the insa ne whisky selection, the tea m ha s d esig ned a nd d elivered a n evening worth p ursuing . Circling b a ck to Richmond , this summer's Lux ur y & Sup erc a r event showca sed the b est- of- the- b est in vinta g e wheels, hyp erca rs, a nd the ARC Vec t or electric motorcycle. This ma g nificent b ea st is a g org eously sleek a nd exciting vehicle tha t ca ug ht Ca na d ia n sup ersta r Rya n Reynold s's a ttention. The Azur Leg a c y Collec t ion Hot el wa s the most a nticip a ted summer hosp ita lity la unch a nd , with its luxury level everything , is our new fa vourite sta yca tion loca tion. I hop e you enjoy this issue of Folio.YVR Lux ur y Lifest yle M a g a zine a nd look forwa rd to sha ring a ll of Sep temb er's exciting events a nd exp eriences with you in our next issue!

PA RV I Z TA NA V OLI | Poets, Lock s, Cages




LV M F OBJETS NOM A DES 2023 | M arcel Wanders



e r s o n a litie s



NA FSI K A A NTYPA S | M ontreal , Quebec


NA The p resence of women in lea d ership p ositions a nd entrep reneurship ha s b roug ht d iverse p ersp ectives, innova tive id ea s, a nd va lua b le contrib utions to the b usiness world a nd the world in g enera l. Seeing women excel in va rious ind ustries a nd d emonstra te their ca p a b ilities a s strong , d riven, a nd successful p rofessiona ls insp ires whole g enera tions to b e b etter a nd d o b etter for the world . For ma ny, b a la ncing work a nd fa mily resp onsib ilities ca n b e p a rticula rly d ema nd ing . Ma na g ing a ca reer while nurturing a fa mily ca n b e overwhelming a nd often req uires excep tiona l org a niza tiona l skills, sup p ort systems, a nd flexib ility.

Entrep reneur N a fsik a Ant yp a s is a writer, a uthor, executive p rod ucer, a ctress, a nd mother of two. "The joy of witnessing my child ren g row, lea rn, a nd thrive is immea sura b le. Being a mother ca n b ring a sense of fulfillment, p urp ose, a nd uncond itiona l love. However, it ca n a lso b e p hysica lly a nd emotiona lly d ema nd ing , req uiring consta nt multita sking , sa crifice, a nd selflessness. "Ba la ncing your p rofessiona l a sp ira tions with the need s of your child ren ca n p resent cha lleng es, includ ing time ma na g ement, g uilt, a nd the need for relia b le child ca re a nd sup p ort networks," exp la ins Na fsika .


EN TREPREN EURIAL BUILDIN G BLOCKS Na fsika ob ta ined her Ba chelor of Arts from Conc ord ia Universit y, ma joring in Eng lish Litera ture. She ha s a lso stud ied a nd ea rned numerous certifica tes in TV p rod uctions, journa lism, la ng ua g es (Ita lia n a nd Sp a nish), a nd ma rketing . Na fsika wa s ra ised in a Greek household in M ont rea l, Ca na d a , a nd ha nd led ma ny op era tions of her fa ther's food b usiness, Pila ros Inc., where she lea rned from her fa ther's entrep reneuria l mind set, which ha s p roven very b eneficia l la unching her comp a ny a nd b ra nd , N a fsik a ' s Ga rd en. "As a n entrep reneur who g rew up in a fa mily of b usiness- mind ed ind ivid ua ls, I sha re my va lues with those who und ersta nd the p otentia l of the p la nt- b a sed ma rket. The shift towa rd s p la nt- b a sed living is not just a trend b ut a g rowing movement d riven b y ethica l, environmenta l, a nd hea lth- conscious consumers. By a lig ning my b usiness with these va lues, I a im to ca ter to the need s a nd d esires of this exp a nd ing ma rket while ma king a d ifference in p eop le's lives." GROWIN G A GARDEN La unched in 20 19 , Na fsika 's G a rd en is a p ioneering p la nt - b a sed food b ra nd tha t ha s emerg ed a s a lea d er in the ind ustry, p rovid ing a d iverse ra ng e of d electa b le a nd nourishing p la nt- b a sed p rod ucts. Committed to p romoting a hea lthier a nd more susta ina b le lifestyle, Na fsika 's G a rd en a ims to red efine how society thinks a b out food , ma king p la nt- b a sed ea ting a ccessib le a nd enjoya b le for everyone sitting a t the ta b le.


CULTIVATIN G HEALTH "It is imp orta nt, not only to me b ut to the world , tha t p eop le recog nize the va lue in living p la nt- b a sed b eca use it p romotes comp a ssion a nd susta ina b ility. Ad op ting a p la nt - b a sed lifest yle ca n red uce a nima l suffering , p reserve na tura l resources, a nd imp rove our overa ll hea lth. It is a p owerful wa y to p ositively imp a ct our p la net a nd crea te a more ha rmonious rela tionship with other living b eing s." Driven b y a vision to offer innova tive p la nt- b a sed a lterna tives, Na fsika 's G a rd en b lend s culina ry exp ertise with a g enuine commitment to susta ina b ility. Dra wing insp ira tion from the renowned M ed it erra nea n Diet , with its excep tiona l hea lth b enefits a nd rob ust fla vours, offering s a re p la nt- b a sed p rod ucts tha t enca p sula te the essence of this vib ra nt cuisine. "Na fsika 's G a rd en ha s ra p id ly g a ined p op ula rity a nd ea rned its p la ce on the shelves of ma instrea m ma rkets na tionwid e. O ur veg a n cheese offering s ha ve d elig hted countless ind ivid ua ls who, like me, long ed for a d a iry- free a lterna tive tha t could truly rep lica te a nd enha nce the cheese exp erience.

"O ur veg a n cheeses a re free from d a ir y, g lut en, soy, a nd nut s, ensuring tha t fa milies with va rious d ieta ry need s ca n enjoy them. You ca n find our p rod ucts a t fine g rocery stores, rea d y to eleva te your culina ry a d ventures." Na fsika 's G a rd en ra p id ly exp a nd ed its rea ch to the Unit ed St a t es, followed b y severa l Europ ea n countries a nd the Unit ed Ara b Emira t es. The b ra nd 's exp a nsion hig hlig hts the g lob a l d ema nd for hig h- q ua lity p la nt- b a sed offering s a nd Na fsika 's d ed ica tion to ca tering to d iverse consumers world wid e. "The future for Na fsika 's G a rd en is b rig ht a s consumers rea lize the numerous b enefits of p la nt- b a sed a lterna tives. With increa sing a wa reness a b out the environment a l imp a c t of a nima l a g ric ult ure a nd the ethica l concerns a ssocia ted with a nima l exp loita tion, more ind ivid ua ls a re seeking d a iry- free op tions tha t a lig n with their va lues. "Na fsika 's G a rd en, a s a p rovid er of hig h- q ua lity a nd d elicious p la nt- b a sed a lterna tives, is well- p ositioned to meet this d ema nd . As the ma rket continues to g row, we a re confid ent tha t our commitment to innova t ion a nd sust a ina b ilit y will d rive our success a nd contrib ute to the p ositive tra nsforma tion of the food ind ustry."



Na fsika 's p a ssion for p la nt- b a sed food led her to concep tua lize, crea te a nd p rod uce the world 's first veg a n lifestyle television series, 'Pla nt- Ba sed b y Na fsika .'

"It's imp orta nt to find a sup p ort system tha t und ersta nd s a nd resp ects your choices, whether it's fa mily, friend s, or p rofessiona l networks. Build ing a strong sup p ort network a nd p ra cticing self- ca re is essentia l for ma inta ining a hea lthy work- life b a la nce a nd thriving in b oth p ersona l a nd p rofessiona l rea lms.

It is a conscious lifestyle series tha t sp otlig hts exp erts covering d ifferent fa ces of cruelty- free lifestyles food , nutrition, wellness, b ea uty, fa shion, rela tionship s, a nd science. It fea tures renowned g uests (Ka t ie Clea r y, John Lew is, Ja ne Velez- M it c hell) a nd nutritiona l g urus sha ring , incorp ora ting a nd exp loring the exciting a sp ects of a hea lthy, susta ina b le lifestyle. With the first ep isod e a iring in July 20 16 , it wa s the first veg a n lifestyle series ever to hit ma instrea m us television (A&E). More tha n 70 million fa milies a ctively wa tched the TV show. "I noticed there were no veg a n lifestyle shows out there a nd d ecid ed tha t I would b e the first to d o it. I wa nted to cha ng e the world throug h food a nd fig ured I could g et more p eop le to switch from a mea t- ea ting d iet to a p la nt- b a sed / veg a n lifestyle throug h television."

"O vera ll, b eing a woma n in b usiness a nd a mother ca n p resent cha lleng es. Still, it a lso b ring s immense joy, p ersona l g rowth, a nd the op p ortunity to p ositively imp a ct your fa mily a nd the b usiness world . Emb ra cing your uniq ue exp eriences, streng ths, a nd p ersp ectives ca n emp ower you to na vig a te these cha lleng es a nd crea te a fulfilling a nd successful life." With such p a ssion for life a nd wellness, there is no d oub t tha t Na fsika Anytp a s will continue to crea te a nd la unch new ventures tha t celeb ra te a nd g uid e p eop le to a new wa y of living .



PA RV I Z TA NA V OLI | V ancouv er A rt Gal l ery



A la nd ma rk exhib ition a t the Va nc ouver Ar t Ga ller y ma rks the first ma jor p resenta tion of works b y Ira nia n- b orn, Va nc ouver- b a sed a rtist Pa r viz Ta na voli in Ca na d a . Renowned for his uniq ue a b ility to merg e sculp ture a nd p oetry, Ta na voli's exhib ition will ca p tiva te a ud iences a nd ig nite a new a p p recia tion for his extensive contrib utions to mod ern sculp ture. With more t ha n 10 0 w ork s sp a nning six d eca d es of Ta na voli's ca reer, Poet s, Loc k s, Ca g es d elves into the a rtist's exp lora tion of the p oet, the lock a nd the ca g e a s recurring themes. The exhib ition d isp la ys the full b rea d th of Ta na voli's a rtistic p ra ctice, focusing on sculp ture while surveying p a inting , p rintma king a nd mixed med ia . As one of the foremost contemp ora ry Ira nia n a rtists a nd a hig hly influentia l Sa q q a k ha neh school memb er, Ta na voli d ra ws insp ira tion from Ira n's rich history a nd cultura l tra d itions.

023 CAPTURIN G DUALITY Ta na voli's sculp tura l works symb olica lly exemp lify the interp la y b etween Ira n' s p re- Isla mic a nd Isla mic cultura l id entities. His a b ility to ca p ture the d ua lity of these id entities sets him a p a rt a s one of the foremost contemp ora ry Ira nia n a rtists who ha ve a chieved such a rema rka b le fea t. Poets, Locks, Ca g es shed s lig ht on this crucia l integ ra tion of sa cred a nd secula r histories in Ta na voli's a rt, offering a ra re op p ortunity for N or t h Americ a n a ud ienc es to eng a g e with the concep t of mod ernism in Ira n. "The p oet is the a rtist's self- p ortra it," sa id Pa nt ea Ha g hig hi, ind ep end ent cura tor. "The p oet, Fa rha d t he M ount a in Ca r ver a nd the a rtist b ecome intercha ng ea b le a nd reinca rna te a s Ta na voli ma neuvers throug h Ira n's cultura l shifts over the six d eca d es rep resented in this exhib ition. Ta na voli b ecomes the symb ol of p ersistence a nd resista nce simila r to the Mounta in Ca rver." A hig hlig ht of the exhib ition is the inclusion of Ta na voli's ra rely seen a nd intima te "Wond ers of t he Universe" series. This rema rka b le b od y of work consists of lyrica l p a inting s insp ired b y Va nc ouver' s sc ener y on the unb ound p a g es of a ntiq ue b ooks, first d iscovered b y the a rtist in a Tehra n b a za a r.


Visitors ha ve the p rivileg e of exp eriencing the la rg est selection of "Wond ers of the Universe" ever shown, ma rking its first- ever p resenta tion in Ca na d a . The exhib ition a lso showca ses severa l a ntiq ue sculp tures from the a rtist's collection. "This is a hig hly sig nifica nt exhib ition, not only for Va ncouver a nd the Va ncouver Art G a llery, b ut for the world . We a re contextua lizing a lifelong ca reer of a rt ma king a nd thinking ," sa id Ant hony Kiend l, CEO a nd Director of the Va ncouver Art G a llery. "This is the first time tha t p eop le in [Pa rviz's] a d op ted city of Va ncouver will g et to see a comp rehensive exhib ition of his work b roug ht tog ether in one p la ce a t one time. We look forwa rd to sha ring it with everyone."


STORY OF AN ARTIST Pa rviz Ta na voli wa s b orn in Tehra n in 19 37. Up on g ra d ua ting from the Brera Ac a d emy of M ila n in 19 59 , he ta ug ht sculp ting a t the Tehra n Colleg e of Dec ora t ive Ar t s. 196 1- 196 3, he ta ug ht a t the M innea p olis Colleg e of Ar t a nd Desig n. He then returned to Ira n a nd a ssumed the hea d of the sculp ting d ep a rtment a t the Universit y of Tehra n, a p osition he held for 18 yea rs until 19 79 when he retired from his tea ching d uties. Since 19 89 , he ha s lived a nd worked in Tehra n a nd Va ncouver, Ca na d a . His work ha s b een d isp la yed a t the British Museum Lond on a nd Ta te Mod ern a nd in numerous other p restig ious venues in Seoul, Vienna , N ew York , a nd Ira n.

Va nc ouver Ar t Ga ller y 750 Hornb y St reet Va nc ouver, BC



JEFF GOLDBLUM | Sh ow case Pi anos Presents



O sca r a nd Primetime Emmy- nomina ted sta r Jeff Gold b lum p erformed his first show in Ca na d a with his b a nd , the M ild red Snit zer Orc hest ra , a t the Vog ue Thea t re in Aug ust. Na med a fter a n eld erly friend of G old b lum's mother, the g roup ha s relea sed three a lb ums: ' The Ca p it ol St ud ios Sessions,' ' I Should n' t Be Telling You This,' a nd ' Pla ys Well w it h Ot hers.' The la tter wa s relea sed in Ma rch 20 23, with G old b lum a p p ea ring on La t e N ig ht with Set h M yers a nd Jimmy Kimmel Live to p romote it. Previous to p erforming , G old b lum ha s b uilt a n extensive film resume tha t includ es memora b le Ind ep end enc e Da y, The Fly, Thor: Ra g na rok , a nd the Wes And erson film, Ast eroid Cit y.

033 M a nua l Berna sc hek , found er a nd owner of Show c a se Pia nos, fa cilita ted the d elivery of a Fa zioli to Vog ue Thea tre for the evening 's p erforma nce. Ma nuel sha res, "When I received the req uest to p rovid e a p ia no for the evening a t the Vog ue, I immed ia tely knew tha t the Fa zioli F278 Conc er t Gra nd would b e p erfect. It ha s excep tiona l p ower, ma g nificent b a la nce b etween the b a ss a nd treb le, extensive d yna mic ra ng e a nd ha rmonic richness. A cla ssic instrument for la rg e concert ha lls a nd record ing stud ios, suita b le b oth for the solo rep ertoire a nd for p erforma nces with la rg e orchestra s. This Fa zioli ha s a n incred ib le d yna mic ra ng e, which is insp iring for p la yers." While the leg end a ry Fa zioli Pia noforti instruments a re not usua lly a ssocia ted with ja zz, Ma nuel feels tha t "p eop le ma y ha ve a misconcep tion tha t Fa zioli p ia nos a re only suited for cla ssica l music! This could not b e further from the truth b eca use it ha s a crysta l clea r sound a nd p erfectly even a ction tha t a ll p la yers love. Nota b le musicia ns, like Herb ie Ha nc oc k , Bra d M ehld a u, a nd Alep h, ha ve p erformed on Fa zioli's." The evening a t the Vog ue Thea tre wa s memora b le for a ttend ees a s G old b lum cha tted with the a ud ience b efore the p erforma nce.

T a k in g

M any

A lo n g

fo r

th e

Ub iq uitous Va ncouver- b a sed hornmeister Ga b riel M a rk Ha sselb a c h wa s b a cksta g e for the p erforma nce a nd d ecla red , "Jeff G old b lum honoured the world - cla ss Fa zioli with his uniq ue q uirky styling s a nd d eft touch. This wa s most a p p a rent when the b a nd b roke d own to a whisp er, a nd he wa s fea tured on d elica te p hra ses tha t und erscored the voca list a nd then set up his a b out to b urst throug h solo." Juno Awa rd winner Ha sselb a ch is a lso fa milia r with the Fa zioli F278 a nd a cknowled g es tha t "ha ving p erformed on sta g es throug hout the world with top - flig ht p ia nists like Jeff Lorb er, Jeremy M ont eiro, a nd Tom Sc huma n of Sp iro Gyra , a nd a lso b eing a sound a nd record ing eng ineer myself, I und ersta nd why Fa zioli the top - shelf of the top - shelf when it comes to p ia nos. The sound sp ea ks more energ etica lly a nd more ca p tiva ting ly tha n other p ia nos, no ma tter the b ra nd or rep uta tion." For those who a ttend ed the Va ncouver p erforma nce of the Mild red Snitzer O rchestra , the evening p roved to b e one well- sp ent!

Follow Jeff Gold b lum for more M ild red Snit zer Orc hest ra d a t es

R id e

Show case

P ia n o

P r e s e n ts

Folio.YVR Luxury Lifest yle M agazine is pleased t o collaborat e wit h Showcase Pianos in t his present at ion series of celebrat ed pianist s and vocalist s, t heir st ories of devot ion, and t heir unique relat ionships wit h t he exquisit e pianos t hat bring such joy t o t he world.

LV M F OBJETS NOM A DES 2023 | Bomboca Sof a


c u lin a r y



CA SK WHI SK Y V A ULT | A M TD V ersante Hotel



In 20 21, CASK Whisk y Va ult la unched a nd is a 6 5- sea t sa nctua ry of style a nd una p olog etic celeb ra tion of the finer thing s in life. The venue vib e is 19 20 s Ar t Dec o meets Sha ng ha i, infused with a contemp ora ry Asia n a esthetic tha t incorp ora tes rich wood s a nd lush emera ld g reen velvets. Up on entering the room, a nd if the slid ing d oors of the circula r p riva te d ining a rea a re op en, g uests ca n view a n overwhelming a nd seeming ly end less a rra y of sing le ma lts, b ourb ons, a nd b lend ed whiskies d isp la yed floor- to- ceiling .

s p ir its

041 CASK Whisky Va ult is loca ted in the AM TD Versa nt e Hot el, just minutes from Va ncouver Airp ort, the fa r from a typ ica l a irp ort hotel. The hotel d a zzles with vib ra nt colours, na tura l lig ht a nd iconic furnishing s, like the ha nd cra fted chinoiserie rug b y And y Dix on in the lob b y, the cha rcoa l sculp ture b y M a rie Khouri a nd the custom p ink recep tion p od . CASK ha s b ecome a d estina tion for sp irit a ficiona d os within a rela tively short p eriod of time. It fea tures live enterta inment d uring the week, sig na ture events throug hout the yea r, a nd two p riva te d ining rooms tha t ca n b e exclusively reserved for up to 10 g uests ea ch.



With over 50 0 va riet ies of sing le ma lts, b ourb ons, a nd b lend ed whiskies, includ ing M a c a lla n 30 - yea r Sherry O a k a t more tha n $1,0 0 0 p er ounce, Bunna ha b ha in 46 - Yea r, Hig hla nd Pa rk 40 - Yea r, Por t Ellen 15th Relea se 32- Yea r, a nd Auc hent osha n 21- Yea r, g uests a re invited to rela x on the low p lush sea ting with views of the exp a nsive a nd b ea utifully d esig ned b a r comp limented b y oversized b la ck a nd white p hotog ra p hy.

Chef Will Lew is the executive chef of Club Versa nte in Richmond a nd looks a fter Bruno, Ca sk , Ac re, a nd Ala ia , a long with the b a nq uet a nd ca tering d ep a rtments. His imp ressive resume includ es Glow b a l Group , Fa irmont Pa c ific Rim a nd a stint a s Chef d e Cuisine of N ot c h8 a t Fa irmont Hot el Va nc ouver.

Ad d itiona lly offered a re Americ a n, Ca na d ia n, Ind ia n, Frenc h, a nd Ja p a nese sing le ma lts, b lend s, b ourb ons, whisky flig hts (which exp lore d ifferent la b els, ca sk typ es, a nd a g ing method s) a nd whisky- b a sed cockta ils. A sa nctua ry of style a nd a n una p olog etic celeb ra tion of the finer thing s in life, CASK comp lements its line- up of sp irits with a menu of Ja p a nese- insp ired cuisine, which includ es numerous p la nt- b a sed op tions a va ila b le up on req uest a nd d esig ned b y Chef Willia m Lew .

Ama zing ly, throug h Club Versa nte, Chef Lew ha s a ccess to its org a nic 120 - a cre fa rm a p tly na med Ac re La va nd e on Cor t ez Isla nd , where the ma jority of the p rod uce a nd p la nt- b a sed p rod ucts orig ina te from tha t a re used in the hotel's resta ura nts a nd a re the b a ckb one of the insp ira tions for the food s crea ted .


A M EAL TO REM EM BER The evening b eg a n with the d elivery of a ' Tour of Ja p a n' whisky flig ht tha t p erfectly p a ired a t d ifferent p oints to the evening 's 6 - course p la nt- b a sed mea l. Iw a i M a rs - M a rs Shinshu is Ja p a n's hig hest whisky d istillery, nestled b etween the Southern a nd Centra l Alp s. Their Kiichiro Iwa i relea se ta kes insp ira tion from America n whiskies, fea turing corn, ma lt, a nd a hint of rye a g ed in ex- b ourb on b a rrels. The result is a lea n a nd slig htly sweet whisky with notes of p ea r, q uince, red fruits, a nd va nilla . (Pa ired with Heirloom Toma to on Silken Tofu with Lime Dressing a nd veg eta ria n Fish Sa uce). Shinob u 15- Yea r Pure M a lt - Shinob u is a d istillery loca ted in Niig a ta , Ja p a n, known for its p ristine wa ter, rice, a nd sa ke. Their Shinob u 15- Yea r whisky is a g ed in ex- sherry a nd ex- b ourb on ca sks b efore a finishing touch with Ja p a nese Mizuna ra O a k, resulting in a comp lex fla vour p rofile with hints of va nilla , fresh oa k, sp ices, citruses, a nd coffee. (Sip p ed with Blistered Shishito Pep p ers a nd O yster Mushroom Skewers). N ik k a Yoic hi - Yoic hi Sing le M a lt is a b old a nd smoky ra ng e of sing le ma lt whiskies from Nikka 's first d istillery, b uilt in 19 34. The found er chose Yoichi in Hokka id o for its resemb la nce to Scotla nd 's environment. The ma lts a re ma d e using tra d itiona l coa l- fired d istilla tion a nd influenced b y the sea b reeze from Ishika i Ba y, resulting in a b riny note. (Enjoyed with b oth the Ag a d a shi Tofu a nd the Dessert Course of Frozen Cucumb er a nd Wa sa b i Sorb et).


READY TO DIN E? In the hea rt of Richmond a nd a stone's throw from the YVR Int erna t iona l Airp or t , CASK Whisky Va ult is a q uintessentia l eleva ted hid ea wa y serving world - cla ss whisky, cla ssic cockta ils, a nd a sub d ued , eleg a nt energ y. G a ther to celeb ra te, ca tch up with friend s or enjoy a leisurely mea l in retro- chicness. AMTD Versa nte's CASK offers a n exciting ta ste of Asia on the West Coa st. Ma ke it your g o- to sp a ce for sip p ing the world 's finest whisky, p op p ing b ottles, d ining , a nd celeb ra ting a wa y from the hustle a nd b ustle of d owntown. At CASK, the a vera g e d ining exp erience ra ng es from 9 0 minutes for sma ller g roup s a nd up to 2 hours for la rg er p a rties. O p en Wed nesd a y to Sa turd a y with va rying hours a nd menus. We recommend checking the web site b efore d rop p ing b y to ensure your evening is well- sp ent.

CASK Whisk y Va ult AM TD Versa nt e Hot el 849 9 Brid g ep or t Roa d , Ric hmond

LV M F OBJETS NOM A DES 2023 | A tel i er Bi agetti



r a n s p o r ta tio n





A RC V ECTOR | Lux ury & Supercar | Ol ympi c Ov al


AV For over 13 yea rs, Va ncouver's Lux ur y & Sup erc a r event ha s celeb ra ted a utomotive excellence b y p resenting the finest vehicles from the p a st, p resent, a nd future.

At the 20 23 ed ition, held a t the Ric hmond Olymp ic Ova l Riversid e Pla c e, a new UK ma rq ue joined the ma in- sta ys Ferra ri, La mb org hini, Bug a t t i, M c La ren, Rolls- Royc e, Aud i, La nd Rover, a nd others. ARC is renowned for its sta te- of- the- a rt technolog y a nd stunning motorcycle d esig n. It recently ma d e its first US d elivery - one of only two Found er' s Sig na t ure Ed it ion mod els to b e b uilt - to b eloved Ca na d ia n p ersona lity Rya n Reynold s, ma rking a sig nifica nt milestone in its journey to conq uer new frontiers.

ARC's p resence in Va ncouver wa s more tha n just a coincid ence; it wa s a stra teg ic choice a lig ned with its commitment to excellence. The ARC tea m b elieved there wa s no b etter p la ce for ARC Vector to ma ke its ma rk tha n a mid a g a thering of vehicles tha t sha red the sa me ca lib re of d istinction a nd innova tion. In a setting where lux ur y a nd p er forma nc e a re p a ra mount, ARC Vector stood with the finest a utomob iles ever d esig ned . Showca sing a t Luxury & Sup erca r wa s a n op p ortunity to revea l ARC's rema rka b le fusion of c ut t ing - ed g e t ec hnolog y, b rea thta king d esig n, a nd unp a ra lleled p erforma nce to a n a ud ience tha t truly und erstood a nd a p p recia ted the a rtistry a nd eng ineering b ehind ea ch vehicle.


For a sing le d a y, the tea m wa s a b le to forg e connections, insp ire enthusia sts, a nd sha re the ARC vision for the future of electric motorcycles. It wa s a momentous occa sion, a nd b eing in Va ncouver, surround ed b y the b est in the ind ustry, felt like the p erfect sta g e to hig hlig ht wha t sets Arc a p a rt. THE FUTURE IS ELECTRIC The Arc Vector is not only the most a d va nced electric motorcycle ever b roug ht to ma rket; it is a b ike tha t utilizes exotic ma teria ls, thoroug hb red comp onentry, cutting - ed g e a rchitecture a nd technolog ica l innova tions tha t ha ve never b een a p p lied to two- wheeled tra nsp ort b efore. The revolutiona ry mod ula r b a ttery monocoq ue is a leg a cy- free p la tform. ARC Vector fea tures p a tented front- end g eometry, ca rb on fib re swing a rms, custom Öhlins d a mp ers a nd Bremb o St ylema b ra ke system. Relea sing the d esig n p rocess from the necessity to incorp ora te cross- vehicle a rchitecture ma ximizes its true p otentia l. Rep la cing the tra d itiona l cha ssis with the b a ttery fa cilita tes the Vector's cla ss- lea d ing ra ng e a nd p erforma nce b ike ma ss fig ures, d elivering a d yna mic exp erience often lost with electric vehicles, esp ecia lly motorcycles. The 240 kg electric b ike ha s a 16 .8kWh Li- ion b a ttery with a NEDC ra ng e of 436 km. The 9 5 kW/ 127hp electric motor ta kes the motorb ike from 0 - 10 0 kp h in 3.2a a nd rea ches a n electronica lly- limited top sp eed of 20 0 kp h.

FORGIN G A N EW PATH Non- conformist ma vericks crea te ARC motorcycles for sp irited a nd eco- conscious ind ivid ua ls. Desig ned a nd b uilt b y a tea m of visiona ry eng ineering sp ecia lists led b y found er a nd CEO M a rk Truma n, the Vector unites world - first technolog y, b est- in- cla ss p erforma nce a nd q ua lity, a nd a level of exclusivity tha t will ma ke this one of the most lusted - a fter EVs ever to enter p rod uction. "We love journeys a nd exp eriences, some of us like tra velling q uickly, some a re more method ica l a nd technica l. But we hold one thing in common - a ttitud e. To unselfishly d o the b est tha t ca n b e d one with the technolog y a nd ma teria ls a round us. It is this a ttitud e which when p ulled tog ether ma kes Arc such a sp ecia l b usiness, a nd in turn, ma kes sp ecia l vehicles," sha res Truma n. We were thrilled for the ARC Vector to b e a t the Luxury & Sup erca r g ra nd event b eca use it showca sed a susta ina b le a nd b rea thta king ly exciting future of mob ility.

Interested in owning one of these magnificent beasts? Pricing starts at $120,000 and each is created bespoke for the discerning rider.

LV M H OBJETS NOM A DES 2023 | Bi nda by Raw Edges


r e a l e s ta te




EPPI CH HOUSE I I | 1056 Grov el and Road, West V an



Introd ucing Ep p ic h House II, the iconic Ar t hur Eric k son- d esig ned fa mily resid ence in West Va nc ouver' s Brit ish Prop er t ies on 1.18- a cres, a ma sterp iece cra fted of steel a nd g la ss tha t extend s into the na tura l la nd sca p e. Timelessly d esig ned in 19 79 a nd comp leted in 19 88, the home a t 10 56 Grovela nd Roa d is na med a fter the Hug o Ep p ic h fa mily, who orig ina lly commissioned a nd ha ve since restored this monumenta l p iece of a rchitecture with its d istinctive curved g la ss b rick wind ows a nd chrome- p la ted steel columns. The t hree- st or y t erra c ed ma in house is a stunning 6 ,486 - sq ua re- foot b uild ing with sep a ra te levels for p a rents a nd child ren. It fea tures five b ed rooms, five b a throoms, a n exp a nsive living room, a comforta b le d ining room, a sun- d renched outd oor p ool, a hot tub , a g a mes room, a nd a mp le office sp a ce. O utsid e a re 3,0 0 0 - feet of t erra c es tha t overlook la nd sca p ed g a rd ens, a reflection p ond fed b y a sma ll creek, a nd a n ocea n view.


A WEST COAST LEGACY Architect a nd Va ncouver na tive Arthur Erickson (19 24- 20 0 9 ) wa s a p a ssiona te a d voca te of cultura l a wa reness a nd a fervent exp lorer of huma n a nd na tura l environments. Thoug h rema rka b ly d iverse, his b uild ing s sha re d eep resp ect for the context, incomp a ra b le freshness a nd g ra ce, a nd the d ra ma tic use of sp a ce a nd lig ht. He b roug ht to his work a n und ersta nd ing of community tha t when filtered throug h his insig htful mind a nd fertile ima g ina tion, g a ve b irth to a sing ula r a rchitecture tha t is in d ia log ue with the world . Erickson stud ied a t the UBC a nd la ter a t M c Gill Universit y in M ont rea l, Q C. Ad va nced stud ies b roug ht Erickson to Greec e, It a ly, t he M id d le Ea st a nd Ja p a n, where he d iscovered the nua nces of a rchitectura l style in clima te a nd terra in.


In 196 3, Erickson rea ched a la nd ma rk moment in his ca reer when he won a comp etition to d esig n SFU in Burna b y. Up on the University's comp letion, Erickson's integ ra tive d esig n g a ined interna tiona l a ccla im, op ening the g a tewa y to a long a nd d isting uished ca reer. Arthur Erickson is und oub ted ly one of the most fa mous a rchitects from Va ncouver, ha ving d esig ned some iconic b uild ing s a nd structures, includ ing the Ca na d ia n Emb a ssy in Wa shing t on, DC, the M useum of Gla ss in Ta c oma , WA, a nd Roy Thomson Ha ll in Toront o, ON .

067 AN IN CREDIBLE PARTN ERSHIP O f sig nifica nt influence on the Ep p ich House II d esig n wa s a woma n na med Cornelia Ha hn Ob erla nd er (19 21- 20 21). She ha d a p a ssion a nd p urp ose to crea te environmenta l works tha t recog nized the imp orta nce of intertwining the ma n- ma d e with na ture. O b erla nd er wa s a Va nc ouver- b a sed Germa n- b orn Ca na d ia n la nd sca p e a rchitect who b lend ed na tura listic d esig ns with mod ernist id ea ls a nd recog nized the urg ency of clima te cha ng e ea rly, d esig ning p ub lic sp a ces to mitig a te its effects. She wa s one of the first women to stud y a t Ha r va rd ' s Gra d ua t e Sc hool of Desig n, where Wa lt er Grop ius, a lea d er of the Ba uha us movement , ta ug ht her. Its mod ernist ethos a nd her up b ring ing g a ve her a mission to imp rove p eop le's lives with p ub lic sp a ces nourished b y na ture. With Erickson, she crea ted some of the most end uring a nd b eloved p ub lic sp a ces in her a d op ted city of Va ncouver, includ ing Rob son Sq ua re, a three- b lock d owntown p la za conceived a nd then b uilt b etween 19 78 a nd 19 83. An oa sis of g reen roofs, wa terfa lls a nd ha ng ing g a rd ens, it d escend s from the city's courthouses a nd g overnment offices a nd the mea d ow of na tive p la nts for the M useum of Ant hrop olog y a t UBC, a Bruta list b uild ing d esig n.


PRESERVED IN THE PAGES In 20 19 , Va ncouver writer Greg Bellerb y p ub lished the essentia l b ook on this ma rvel of mod ern a rchitecture. ' Ep p ic h House II: The St or y of a n Ar t hur Eric k son M a st erw ork ' with p hotog ra p hy b y Erickson's nep hew Geoffrey Eric k son. The b ook meticulously d ocuments Erickson's first steel resid ence a nd exp lores the ma teria l's structura l a nd a esthetic p ossib ilities, with curved b ea ms, d yed cla d d ing , a nd milled furnishing s d esig ned b y Fra nc isc o Krip a c z. All fea tures tha t would ha ve b een nea r- imp ossib le on a reg ula r commission. But a fter seeing the first Ep p ich House, b uilt for Hug o Ep p ic h's twin b rother Helmut, Hug o entrusted Erickson with crea ting a nd furnishing the entire house, insid e a nd out. Bellerb y ha s b een a cura tor a nd g a llery d irector for over thirty yea rs, p rod ucing ma ny exhib itions a nd p ub lica tions on visua l a rt, a rchitecture, a nd d esig n. He wa s the commissioner a nd co- cura tor of the Ca na d ia n Pa vilion a t the 20 0 6 Venic e Bienna le of Arc hit ec t ure. From 19 88 to 20 13, he wa s the d irector/ cura tor of the Cha rles H. Sc ot t Ga ller y a t the Emily Ca rr Universit y of Ar t + Desig n. Find G reg Bellerb y's b ook on Ama zon.c a a nd Cha p t ers Ind ig o.

071 The Eppich House II at 1056 Groveland Road, British Properties, West Vancouver, has been listed for sale by Vancouver Realtor Geoff Taylor of Rennie & Associates Ltd for $12,800,000.



CURV PA SSI V E HOUSE | Bak erWest Real Estate


CURV Throug hout the world , the environmenta l cha lleng e ha s g iven a rchitecture a renewed sense of p urp ose. CURV, with its Pa ssive House cred entia ls, ta kes this to the next level. It is a lso the first b uild ing p roject in Va ncouver for Montrea l- b a sed d evelop er Brivia Group. Visua lly stunning , the und ula ting sha p e is mea nt to resemb le a fresh, g reen shoot emerg ing from the cra ck in a city sid ewa lk. CURV will b e the ta llest Pa ssive House in the world a nd will ha ve 358 homes, includ ing 96 soc ia l- housing unit s, a nd a rooftop a menities a rea . In a g lob a l ma rket where d iscerning b uyers ha ve their choice of imp ecca b ly a p p ointed homes, the hig hest sta nd a rd of d esig n excellence is a minimum exp ecta tion.

Rep resenting a new era in susta ina b le d esig n a nd eng ineering , CURV is b uilt to the Pa ssive House sta nd a rd , the lea d ing mea sure for low- ca rb on, energ y- efficient homes, a nd will set a new sta nd a rd a nd ma rk a new era of d esig n a nd eng ineering a lig ned with p ersona l a nd p la neta ry well- b eing . "Va ncouver is known for its b ea uty, its liva b ility, a nd its ca mp a ig n to b e the g reenest city in the world . It is a lso a d mired g lob a lly for the q ua lity of its urb a n p la nning a nd , increa sing ly, for its a rchitectura l a mb ition. All this ma kes Va ncouver the p erfect ca nva s for a 6 0 - storey, luxury Pa ssive House tower tha t sta nd s a s a trib ute to the city, a nd a new b enchma rk for d esig n excellence a nd environmenta l a chievement world wid e." Kheng Ly, Found er, Presid ent a nd CEO , Brivia G roup

077 TOP- TIER TALEN T Ja c k y Cha n's Ba k erWest Rea l Est a t e is the listing a g ent for CURV cond ominiums a nd Sa ra h Ya d a Set o, Vice Presid ent, Ma rketing for Ba kerWest, ha s b een on b oa rd since the b eg inning . Sa ra h p reviously consulted for Pa ssive House Ca na d a a nd worked on p rojects throug hout Ca na d a a nd the US, lea rning from a nd working with some of the top mind s in the country, whose exp ertise wa s on the environmenta l p erforma nce of b uild ing s. Sa ra h a lso b ring s exp erience from a n imp ressive list of p rojects, includ ing with West b a nk Corp , Bosa Prop er t ies, a nd Rennie M a rk et ing , a nd a s Prog ra m Ma na g er for Susta ina b le Communities a t BC Hyd ro. Sa ra h sha res, "CURV checks every sing le b ox you would exp ect from a luxury d evelop ment - from its views, loca tion, a nd b ea ut iful, org a nic form d esig ned b y a renowned a rchitect. But a chieving the p la t inum- level, g lob a l sta nd a rd for environmenta l susta ina b ility is truly the icing on the ca ke, eleva ting it into a nother rea lm tha t only a few others a re in."

She continues, "The fa ct tha t we a re now seeing the effects of clima te cha ng e on a d a ily b a sis ha s ta ken my interest in susta ina b ility from a mere 'work' interest to a true 'life' p a ssion in knowing tha t ea ch one of us ha s a role to p la y in ma king a d ifference." TOM WRIGHT, DESIGN ER CURV a rchitect Tom Wrig ht is a p rincip a l of WKK Arc hit ec t s (UK) a nd ea rned interna tiona l a ccla im with b uild ing s like the Burj Al Ara b . In Va ncouver, CURV will sta nd a t the p inna cle of the city skyline a nd a d va nce its a sp ira tion to b e the g reenest in the world . LEM AY_ ID X ESCOBAR Colomb ia n- b orn CURV a rchitectura l interior d esig ner And res Esc ob a r is colla b ora ting with Lema y_ id , crea ting a comp elling vision a nd a strong tea m. M ARKETIN G EXPERTISE Ja mie Sq uires, Presid ent, a nd Ma na g ing Broker, is a lea d er within the G rea ter Va ncouver rea l esta te ma rket with 20 yea rs of exp erience in the ind ustry a nd with Fift h Avenue Rea l Est a t e M a rk et ing , is set to b ecome one of the most successful a nd influentia l p rofessiona ls in her field . To CURV, she b ring s d ed ica tion a nd extensive ma rket intellig ence.

Sa ra h Ya d a Set o, Ba k erWest


tr a v e l

"Before Fifth Avenue g ets involved with a new d evelop ment, it is key tha t our va lues a lig n. For my tea m, these includ e a n unwa vering commitment to int eg rit y, t ra nsp a renc y, a nd ex c ellenc e in a ll our end ea vors. We p rioritize fostering strong a nd end uring rela tionship s with our clients, p a rtners, a nd communities, ensuring tha t every p roject not only meets b ut a lso exceed s their exp ecta tions. "I a m p a ssiona t e a b out CURV b eca use it emb od ies the very essence of wha t I b elieve the future of luxury living should b e. CURV sea mlessly merg es cutting - ed g e d esig n, a d va nced technolog y, a nd susta ina b ility, crea ting a ha rmonious a nd extra ord ina ry living exp erience tha t resona tes with mod ern sensib ilities." LOCATION IS KEY Ja mie Sq uires, Fift h Avenue Rea l Est a t e M a rk et ing

"As someone who ha s b een involved in rea l esta te for t w o d ec a d es, CURV rep resents a d ra ma tic shift in how we view luxury. CURV is emb lema tic of a seismic tra nsforma tion in the very essenc e of lux ur y, ca tering to the evolving va lues of tod a y's d iscerning clientele who seek not just the b est - of- t he- b est , b ut a lso emb ra ce the p a ssive a nd susta ina b le na ture of the p roject," exp la ins Ja mie.

N elson Heig ht s is fa st b ecoming d owntown Va ncouver's most soug ht- a fter a d d ress. CURV is fla nked b y the city's ' Lux ur y Zone,' which includ es luxury b ra nd offering s from Hermes, Guc c i, Pra d a , Dior, a nd more. Dining includ es Michelin- recog nized Bot a nist , Bouleva rd , a nd M ot t 32, a nd some of North America 's top - ra nked self- ca re encla ves like Chi Sp a a t t he Sha ng ri- La a nd Fa irmont Pa c Rim' s Willow St rea m Sp a .




O n the 6 0 th floor rooftop , resid ents will find a lofty p a ra d ise, a p tly na med The Ha ven.

Desig ned in Ca na d a a nd d evelop ed in Germa ny, ' Pa ssive House' is interna tiona lly recog nized a s the lea d ing science- b a sed sta nd a rd for low- ca rb on, energ y- efficient homes. Its exa cting sp ecifica tions crea te the op tima l cond itions to thrive? includ ing fresh, filtered a ir in a q uiet, tig htly insula ted , temp era ture- op timized environment? a t lower ong oing costs.

A d ivine sp a ce tha t includ es a luxury d ining a rea with a b a rb ecue a nd p izza oven a nd the op en- a ir Sk ySp a a nd Sk yBa r, sheltered b y a wa ll of wind ows tha t b lock the wind , a n exp a nsive loung e a nd a n eleg a nt a nd richly a p p ointed p riva te d ining room. In a d d ition to the g ym with p rofessiona l q ua lity eq uip ment, there is a g a mes loung e with a g olf simula tor, b illia rd s, a nd a yog a room p owered b y Lululemon Stud io. From the 24- hour concierg e on the g round level to top - floor a ccess, CURV sets the sta g e every d a y for b ea uty a nd wond er.

Fa r exceed ing the City of Va ncouver's 20 30 ta rg et for net zero emissions, CURV will use a s little a s 10 p ercent of the hea ting a nd cooling energ y of simila r conventiona l b uild ing s.


Proving the Pa ssive House form a t this sca le, CURV will b e a tip p ing p oint in hig hrise resid entia l construction? the world 's most energ y- efficient structure a nd a new sta nd a rd for the future of living . Build ing CURV to the Pa ssive House sta nd a rd will sa ve a n estima ted 50 ,0 0 0 t onnes of g reenhouse g a s (G HG ) emissions over 50 yea rs!

Like Tesla in its innova tive b rea kout p ha se, CURV levera g es world - lea d ing technolog ica l p erforma nce to d eliver the hig hest- q ua lity p ersona l exp erience? the future of living . With iconic a rchitecture, etherea l interiors, eleva ted a menities, p a nora mic views, a nd g a me- cha ng ing environmenta l a chievement? CURV is lux ur y w it h p urp ose.

CURV is a visiona ry id ea exp ressed in a luxury home: everything one would exp ect of a n exclusive, interna tiona l resid entia l p rop erty, a nd something more. It is a n exa cting , a nd a t this sca le, unp reced ented Pa ssive House sta nd a rd tha t rea ches new heig hts for p ersona l a nd p la neta ry well- b eing .

A FOCUS ON HEALTH & WELL- BEIN G The environmenta l crisis threa tens the p la net's liva b ility, b ut the CURV tea m chooses to see it a s a d esig n c ha lleng e. When it comes to hea lth a nd well- b eing , a home should g ua rd a g a inst the cha lleng es of mod ern life - from microb es a nd a llerg ens, p ollution, noise or otherwise, a nd a n increa sing ly erra tic clima te.


Pa ssive House is the log ica l extreme in tha t a mb ition? with everything from a n imp enetra b le b uild ing envelop e to a p urifying a ir excha ng e system? d esig ned a nd b uilt to ensure luxurious comfort a nd op tima l cond itions to thrive. Excep tiona l insula tion g ua ra ntees op tima l ind oor temp era tures no ma tter the wea ther outsid e. The hig h- q ua lity, ca refully eng ineered Pa ssive House b uild ing envelop e enha nces comfort a nd ensures long evity. Trip le- g la zed , d ra ft- free wind ows p rotect a g a inst the elements: cold , hea t, a nd sea ring sunb ea ms. There a re no therma l b rid g es: exterior connections tha t tra nsmit hea t or cold in or out of b uild ing s. The structure's a irtig ht b uild ing envelop e p revents unwa nted d ra fts a nd p reserves a b solute q uiet. CURV's ventila tion system ensures the q uiet circula tion of clea n, fresh, temp era ture- a d justed a ir. The Pa ssive House sta nd a rd ensures a long leg a cy with ultra - efficient energ y use? sa ving up to 9 0 % of hea ting a nd cooling energ y comp a red to simila r b uild ing s. The result is lower op era ting costs a nd stra ta fees? freeing up resources a nd future- p roofing its va lue. Ba k erWest Rea l Est a t e CURV Pa ssive House Present a t ion Cent re: 510 Burra rd Op en 11a m- 5p m Da ily Frid a ys b y Ap p oint ment Only 6 0 4.96 0 .2878

SON G OF THE HEAVEN S As Va ncouver is the g a tewa y to the Ea st, CURV, soon to b e the hig hest p oint in the city, ha s a nother id entity: Tin Wa n ( ? ? ). In Ca ntonese, these word s tra nsla te roug hly a s " sk y" a nd " song ," b ut tog ether, they a re und erstood to evoke "the song of the hea vens." This is fitting for a b uild ing tha t sha p es a new wa y forwa rd on a cha ng ing p la net.

LV M F OBJETS NOM A DES 2023 | M arcel Wanders


h o s p ita lity





tr a v e l

A ZUR Nestled a mid b rea thta king mounta ins a nd the Pa cific O cea n, AZUR Leg a c y Collec t ion Hot el offers a rema rka b le fusion of Ar t Dec o a nd p ersona lized service. It a ims to b e a g a thering p la ce for tra vellers in the hea rt of Va ncouver's cha rming d owntown fina ncia l d istrict. AZUR is a luxury b outiq ue hotel, a n ind ep end ent fa mily- owned b ra nd found ed b y Fa rid a Sa ya ni in colla b ora tion with her d a ug hter, Sofia . Their p ersona l touches a re evid ent in a d écor a nd d esig n scheme tha t evokes a sense of timeless eleg a nce. The mother- a nd - d a ug hter tea m enlisted the help of a rchitect Shog hig Tut unjia n of St ud io One Arc hit ec t ure Inc. a nd Insid e Desig n St ud io Princ ip a l Jud y Hend erson to help b ring their vision to life.

"The core va lue a t AZUR Leg a cy Collection Hotel is our commitment to p rovid e excep tiona l exp eriences b y p rioritizing ea ch g uest's wa nts, need s, a nd d esires," sa ys Fa rid a . "We've g one a b ove a nd b eyond , sp a ring no exp ense to b ring this p roject to life, a nd we a re confid ent tha t we will red efine the level of luxury, service, a nd style our g uests a re seeking in Va ncouver." AZUR's site wa s ca refully selected b eca use of its p rime loca tion in the hea rt of Va ncouver's fina ncia l a nd fa shion d istricts, its p roximity to p oints of entry such a s cruise ship termina ls, Helijet , a nd sea p la ne termina ls, enterta inment, a nd sp orts venues, a s well a s nota b le a ttra ctions like historic China t ow n, the wa terfront, St a nley Pa rk, a nd the city's finest resta ura nts.

093 FIRST IN WESTERN CAN ADA The AZUR Leg a cy Collection Hotel is the first a nd only p rop erty in Western Ca na d a to join a d isting uished Lea d ing Hot els of t he World (LHW) p ortfolio tha t includ es over 40 0 b out iq ue lux ur y p rop er t ies in more tha n 80 c ount ries world wid e. From its eleg a nt a nd exp a nsive lob b y throug h to the heig ht of luxury on the 13t h- floor Pent houses, b esp oke elements a nd a simp le yet d ig nified d esig n influenced b y the g la mour of the 1940 s Ar t Dec o style a b ound throug hout AZUR, a llowing touches of mod ern a rchitecture a nd cla ssica l d eta ils to refine it. O p ulent finishes, such a s sa tin b ra ss fixtures, inla id ma rb le floors, a nd the a rt p ieces b y loca lly renowned a rtists tha t comma nd a ttention in the lob b y, a re very a rticula tely cura ted . The cla ssic luxury of Europ ea n ma rb le ca n b e seen throug hout the p rop erty? from the inla id ma rb le floors of the vestib ule a rra ng ed in a chevron p a ttern with b ra ss d eta ils to the ma rb le eleva tor to the intima te a nd wa rm lob b y a ccentua ted b y a g ra nd g a s firep la c e with flut ed met a l a nd ma rb le sid es a nd a c r yst a l c ha nd elier susp end ed a b ove a g rea t hig h cove ceiling .


Ea ch of the 10 4 rooms, suit es, a nd p ent houses sea mlessly b lend s cla ssica l style with integ ra ted wireless technolog y to help crea te the most comforta b le a nd convenient sta y for g uests. Wa lk- throug h closets fea ture hig h- la cq uer finished b uilt- in ca b inetry with LED lig hting a nd lea d to exp a nsive ma rb le b a throoms with d oub le sinks, a ra in shower a nd soa ker tub , oversized b a ck- lit mirrors, a nd hea ted floors. STAY UN DER THE STARS Hig h a top AZUR, the Penthouse Suites p rovid e the ultima te luxury g eta wa y or g la morous sta yca tion in the city's hea rt.

The Penthouses offer a g ra nd entry throug h la cq uered d oub le d oors onto na tura l ha rd wood floors. The custom- d esig ned rug s, custom millwork, a nd a five- p iece b a throom with a free- st a nd ing t ub comma nd ing a ttention. O ther op ulent touches includ e a ma rb le- c la d firep la c e, a comforta b le sea ting a rra ng ement, a nd a hig h- end b a r for ca sua l d rinks a nd enterta inment. For a " home a w a y from home" feeling for the g uests, the b a r ha s a n integ ra ted sea ting a rea , a b uilt- in coffee ma chine, sink, wa shing ma chine, a la rg e frid g e, a nd a n outd oor oa sis with a p riva te la nd sca p ed p a tio overlooking the city.

097 DIN IN G AT AZUR The culina ry cornerstone of the AZUR Leg a cy Collection Hotel ca n b e found in Da hlia , a n intima te a nd eleg a nt lob b y resta ura nt a nd b a r. The hotel lob b y's lig ht, simp le, sleek feel is juxta p osed with the rich, d a rk, a nd cozy a tmosp here of Da hlia . G uests ca n sea mlessly tra nsition from one to the other a nd exp erience the interp la y b etween b oth a nd the uniq ue fa c et s of ea ch sp a ce. Exp a nsive yet intima te, with oversized floor- t o- c eiling fold ing w ind ow s op ening to the eleg a nt a nd intima te Da hlia p a tio, g uests ca n enjoy the fresh a ir a nd outd oor a mb ia nce. Da hlia 's menu evokes the fla vours a nd style of the Frenc h Riviera , a ll while incorp ora ting susta ina b ly sourced ing red ients. Beyond the culina ry, Da hlia 's b a r p rog ra m writes a new cha p ter in the city's storied cra ft cockta il scene. It will temp t cockta il enthusia sts with a thoug htfully cura ted collection of ra re whiskeys, teq uila s, scotches, cog na cs, a nd excellent a nd outsta nd ing wines from the g la ss a nd b ottle. An eleva ted yet a p p roa cha b le list of wines will a lso sp otlig ht va rieta ls a nd vinta g es tha t showca se the uniq ue terroir of Old a nd N ew World a nd the p rid e of p la ce exp ressed in ea ch b ottle.



Culina ry fla ir a nd finesse a t AZUR a re extend ed to the rooftop resta ura nt, the M id d le Ea st ern- insp ired La va nt ine. It will offer a uniq ue culina ry exp erience within a wa rm, lush g a rd en- like setting with g reen sp a ces on the 14t h floor. The resta ura nt fea tures a n op en- concep t kitchen, a chef's ta b le, a nd a Sk yb a r tha t b oa sts sweep ing p a nora mic views of Va ncouver's city skyline, the ocea n, a nd the surround ing mounta ins. TIM E FOR A STAYCATION ? Discover a b outiq ue hotel in Va ncouver tha t ma rries eleg a nce a nd q ua lity to this d eg ree is a ra re trea sure. AZUR's found ers were unwa vering in their commitment to ma inta ining this cozy a nd intima te a mb ia nce a t every step of the d esig n p rocess. AZUR ra d ia tes timeless eleg a nce a nd luxury, effortlessly cura ted with ra zor- sha rp a ttention to every d eta il.

AZUR LEGACY COLLECTION HOTEL 833 West Pend er St reet Va nc ouver, BC

LV M F OBJETS NOM A DES 2023 | Sugar & Cream



a s h io n



FA SHI ON FI CTI ONS | V ancouv er A rt Gal l ery



For those in the know, the Va nc ouver Ar t Ga ller y Gift Shop is a jewel a mong one of the finest collections of a rt in the world . For those p a ssiona te a b out ha nd b a g s, Fa shion Fic t ions' Julia Koerner' s HY M ini b y JK3D clutches a re a p erfect comb ina tion of a rt a nd fa shion. FUN CTION AL ART The HY MINI is entirely 3D- p rint ed , includ ing its hing e, closure cla sp a nd interior p ocket. It fea tures a n iconic d esig n insp ired b y na tura l hymenium la mella structures. It ca n only b e crea ted using a d d itive ma nufa cturing , p rod ucing a ha nd b a g of 2.396 la yers ma d e loca lly from renew a b le p la nt - b a sed p olymers. The la mella r structure crea tes intrica te void s which ena b le you to p eek insid e.


AN ARTIST DEFIN ED Julia is a n a wa rd - winning Aust ria n d esig ner working a t the converg ence of a rchitecture, p rod uct a nd fa shion d esig n. She is interna tiona lly recog nized for d esig n innova tion in 3D- p rinting , a nd her work sta nd s out a t the top of these d iscip lines. The consta ntly intrig uing a sp ect of Julia 's work is its emb od iment of a b ea utiful org a nic a esthetic. Born in Sa lzb urg , Julia received ma ster's d eg rees in Architecture from the Universit y of Ap p lied Ar t s in Vienna a nd the Arc hit ec t ura l Assoc ia t ion in Lond on. She is b a sed b etween Los Ang eles a nd Sa lzb urg a nd ha s p reviously p ra cticed in Lond on a nd New York. Since 20 12, Julia ha s b een a fa culty memb er in the Arc hit ec t ure a nd Urb a n Desig n Dep a r t ment a t the Universit y of Ca lifornia in Los Ang eles (UCLA). Her colla b ora tions involved 3D- p rinted fa shion p ieces d evelop ed with Ha ut e Cout ure Houses for Pa ris Fa shion Week a nd 3D- p rinted costumes for Hollywood enterta inment p rod uctions such a s M a r vel' s Bla c k Pa nt her, colla b ora ting with Rut h Ca r t er, which won a n Osc a r for Best Cost ume Desig n.


She further recently colla b ora ted with Sw a rovsk i on a showp iece which d isp la ys Swa rovski's continued strive for innova tion a nd the ea rly d evelop ments of 3D- p rinting technolog y with g la ss. Julia 's d esig ns ha ve b een fea tured in the N a t iona l Geog ra p hic M a g a zine, VICE, WIRED a nd the N ew York Times, a nd the M et rop olit a n M useum of Ar t in N ew York (MET), the Pa la is d es Bea ux - Ar t s in Brussels, a nd the M useum of Ap p lied Ar t s M AK Vienna , a mong others.

Va nc ouver Ar t Ga ller y Gift Shop 750 Hornb y St reet Va nc ouver, BC





SUNZ EN A RT GA LLERY | 420 How e Street, V ancouv er



The current Sunzen Ar t Ga ller y exhib ition, "Trea sures of t he Hea ven," fea tures the work of Chun Feng Xia ng Yu, one of the top p orcela in ma kers in contemp ora ry China , with kilns in Jing d ezhen Cit y, the b irthp la ce of Chinese p orcela in. The found er a nd current owner, Zou Jun, ha s b een working a s a p orcela in a rtist for over thirty yea rs. The lifelike cha ra cters a nd g ra nd la nd sca p es a re comp a red with scroll p a inting s, ma sterly d ep icted within inches. Mod ern a esthetics interp reted with excep tiona l cra ftsma nship , Chun Feng Xia ng Yu is worthy of the rep uta tion of "trea sures of the hea ven."


In over a d eca d e of colla b ora tion b etween Sunzen Art G a llery a nd Zou Jun, the cura tors ha ve collected over a hund red Chun Feng Xia ng Yu ma sterp ieces. This exhib ition wa s cura ted b y Sid a Chen, p rod uced b y Jing N ing a nd sp otlig hts Chun Feng Xia ng Yu's most imp orta nt sta g es of crea tion, rep resenting the thinking a nd exp lora tion of Chinese p orcela in a rt a nd its future. HISTORICALLY EXQUISITE PORCELAIN Born in Jing d ezhen Cit y, Zou Jun's a ncestors sta rted their p orcela in- ma king b usiness in the ea rly 19 t h c ent ur y to sup p ort fa mily- owned Chinese med icine shop s. At tha t time, the Chinese med icine shop s need ed la rg e a mounts of p orcela ins a s conta iners for Chinese med icines. In 19 9 2, the Hong Kong tea mercha nt Rong Zhi ord ered some customized tea wa res from Zou Jun, ma rking his sta rting p oint in a new ca reer a s a p orcela in- ma king ma ster.


Zou Jun g ra d ua ted from Jing d ezhen Porcela in Aca d emy with a systemic und ersta nd ing of d esig ning a nd ma king p orcela in. The a rcha ized d esig ns of Chun Feng Xia ng Yu p orcela ins a re b a sed on the La t e Yua n Dyna st y a nd ea rly M ing Dyna st y (14th~15th century) p orcela in styles. The sha p e, b rushwork, thickness of the p orcela in b od y, a nd b lue a nd white colour ha ve a ll und erg one rep ea ted tria ls a nd comp a risons. O n this b a sis, the d esig ns a re mod ified with new techniq ues a nd a mod ernist ta ste. With a g rea t und ersta nd ing of Chinese p orcela in's history, tra d ition, a nd uniq ue a esthetics, Chun Feng Xia ng Yu now rep resents hig h- q ua lity contemp ora ry p orcela in a rt in China . Along with a n extensive collection of a rtwork a nd cultura l p ieces, Sunzen is a lso home to numerous exhib itions a nd events to foster community d evelop ment b etween a rtists, collectors, a nd p rofessiona ls. Sunzen Ar t Ga ller y 420 How e St reet Va nc ouver, BC

LYLE X OX | Tw i ster Si ster | Gal l ery Jones


Fol i o.YV R Lux ury Li f estyl e M agazi ne Hel en Si w ak , EI C & Publ i sh er EcoLux Luv M ark eti ng & Communi cati ons I nc.

I magery prov i ded by th e f ol l ow i ng: FRONT COVER: LVM H OBJETS NOM ADES 001-002: HELEN SIWAK 004: VLADIM IROS XANTHOPOULOS 005-006: VANCOUVER ART GALLERY 007-008: LVM H OBJETS NOM ADES 009-018: NAFSIKA ANTYPAS 019-022: PARVIZ TANAVOLI 023-028: HELEN SIWAK 029-032: M ANUEL BERNASCHEK 033: FAZIOLI PIANOFORTI 035-036: LVM F OBJETS NOM ADES 037-044: AM TD VERSANTE HOTEL / LEILA KWOK 045-048: HELEN SIWAK 049-050: LVM H OBJETS NOM ADES 051-056: ARC VECTOR 057-058: LVM H OBJETS NOM ADES 059-072: EM A PETER PHOTOGRAPHY 073-076: BAKERWEST REALTY 077: KUNA LU PHOTOGRAPHY 078-079: BAKERWEST REAL ESTATE 080: KUNA LU PHOTOGRAPHY 081-083: BAKERWEST REAL ESTATE 084: KUNA LU PHOTOGRAPHY 085-086: BAKERWEST REAL ESTATE 087-088: LVM H OBJETS NOM ADES 089-102: AZUR LEGACY COLLECTION HOTEL 103-104: LVM H OBJETS NOM ADES 105-112: JULIA KOERNER 113-120: ELVIS YANG 121-122: LYLE XOX BACK COVER: LVM H OBJETS NOM ADES All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, without written permission. FOLIO.YVR does not accept unsolicited materials or accept any responsibilities for incorrect information as all information is deemed to be accurate as of date of publishing. FOLIO.YVR is published by EcoLuxLuv Marketing & Communications Inc. and is a marketing tool of sponsored content designed to augment services provided by the company. Queries regarding collaboration, sponsorship, marketing, consulting, and/ or inclusion in FOLIO.YVR should be directed to the publisher via email: or text to 778.847.3011.

r v y . o i l o f IISSUE #20 SSUE #18 M A RCH/ A PRI L 2023 SEPTEM BER 2023

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