LMA Brand Design 22/23

Page 92

Zīmolu Dizains

Brand Design 23

Starting with a washing machine … ending up with a soap-line and a cleaning service

Zīmolu dizains / Martin Foessleitner, Ervins Pastors, Matīss Zvaigzne Funkc.diz. 2.kurss, Int.diz, Graf.diz, Produktudiz. April-2023

anna linden soap

Viivi, Sarah, Simona, Lote

lindenbroom cleaning servives

Eliza, Anastasija, Rebeka, Elmars, Inese

START 2022

Anastasija Kazjuļonoka

Elīza Grīva

Elmārs Toms Mauerzaks

Melisa Briža

Rebeka Ludriķe


One click–andit’s all clean!

Starting point

Cleaning industry

CEO: Anna Liepiņa

Mid-price range

Latvia Mobile

Brand legacy

The roots of the company go back 200 years, when the founder of the company, Anna, was still a servant of the famous Herzog in Jelgava Palace. At this time, servants did not have surnames. She performed her work duties brilliantly and quickly, especially cleaning the palace. She quickly became in high demand throughout all of the territory of Latvia, so she earned the honor of being the first maid to be given a surname. She was named “Liepiņa” in honor of her first broom, which she made herself from a linden tree growing near the palace.

Anna Liepiņa traveled in a special carriage around all Latvian castles, manors and villages and trained the local maids with her secret cleaning methods. It was because of these methods that she became so famous. All who are allowed access to the secret take an oath of secrecy. She quickly became rich and founded her own company, which was passed down to her daughters and granddaughters. Every Latvian knows the story of Anna Liepiņa and her name is like a legend that travels from place to place and from generation to generation.

Company name

The company name is a reference to Anna Liepiņa's first broom, which she made from linden wood and in honor of which she got her surname.

The name is in English, because Anna Liepiņa wants to make the service available to as many people as possible, so the possibility of going outside the Latvian market in the future is taken into account.

Values Skill & Reliability

We are a mobile quality cleaning service that offers its services throughout the territory of Latvia. Our methods and values are passed down from generation to generation.

We value our customer’s time and trust, so we ensure high reliability and professional service. Putting our skills for the best use.


Linden tree + road, minimal line design, can be used as a symbol

Readable, rounded, lowercase letters, friendly and soft design


Glowing yellow


Deep turquoise


Soft grey


The colour use for Linden Broom is minimal, yet intentional.

Deep turquoise resembles linden tree and is used for backgrounds and giving contrast. Bright yellow brings freshness and accent. Soft grey works for balance and space.

The whole colour composition mimics linden flowers and their delicacy. Our colour language represents our brand as pure and clean.


We sent respondents the collage shown on the left and asked additional questions to find out their opinion about the brand.


Trees, crops, wheat, organic, natural, cleaning products.

Comment about likes, dislikes. How does it make you feel?

I like the colors, because I associate them with freshness.

The picture of the car would suggest that it is a parking lot, perhaps a logistics company.

Skill+reliability. Are those values suitable? Why?

Yes. Reliability and trust is important when you let someone into your home.

No. In my opinion, a company with such values is too self-confident in a negative sense.

The new website

Website – 1st version


We made many changes during the work process, but one of the biggest changes were made to the website. We paid more attention to the choice of images and the functionality and mood of the website. We introduced a new version of the website to be more in line with the brand values.


Our company's visual identity and team are in line with our stated values. We provide the highest quality service.

The used colors, fonts and images are chosen with the aim to strengthen our good impression in the eyes of customers and further emphasize the feeling of freshness and cleanliness that comes only with the help of the LindenBroom team.

Analog Communication in analog form

Our company is not only reachable digitally, but also in a tangible way. We leave a 5% discount in the form of a hanger on the front door for each customer after the first cleaning. This is the first step in our loyalty program.

The design of the hanger is universal - it fits any door, and it also displays a QR code that leads to our website.

Digital form of communication

Like all modern companies, we have created both our own website, where you can view our offered services and prices, get our contact information or learn more about the history of the company, and we have also created an easy-to-use app. Customers can contact us by using the app, through the website, or simply by calling us on the phone.

With this app Linden Broom is just one click away from you!

We created a simple but trustworthy app for our loyal and new clients. It’s easy to use and allows us and the client communicate and transfer information in seconds! Now anyone can book us from anywhere and anytime.


As a dynamic extension to our brand communication we made a video that shows our company in action and ensures clients that we do our job with responsibility and professionalism.

We also created an animation for our logo, that can be seen at the end of the video.


Brand Design 2022

Viivi, Sarah, Simona and Lote
About Brand Design 2022

Anna Linden sells seasonal luxury soaps made from linden flower.

Anna Linden is a b2b business and sells products to luxury hotels in Riga.

Anna Linden

Brand Design 2022


The story of Anna Linden started in 1955 in Kuldiga when the founder Anna creaed her first soap. The soaps main ingredient was Linden flower which grew in her garden. This would later become the element that would differentiate her soap from the rest. The 15-year-old Anna began to give her soaps to neighbors and over the years the demand grew.

1961 was a groundbreaking year for Anna and the beginning for her business. An owner of a hotel discovered her soap when he was visiting his brother in Kuldiga. The brother had received the soap as a gift from Anna and that is how it ended up in the hotel owners hands. He loved the scent of the product and wanted to purchase it for his hotel business. Unfortunately, his brother told him the soaps are not for sale. The owner did not give up and went to speak with Anna who after months of convincing agreed to sell her products to the owner who had gained her trust over time.

Over the years Anna Linden has become essential, trusted and desired part of every luxury experience. Our seasonal soaps are made with the delicate linden flower which only blooms during the warmest months of the year. With our products our clients can create a peaceful and harmonic spaces that help the mind and body to relax.

Brand Design 2022


Exclusivity Natural Passion

Anna Linden

Brand Design 2022

Logo and colours

Anna Linden

Brand Design 2022

if smaller than 1 cm x 5 cm


C: 62% M: 51%

Y: 79% K: 45%


C: 36% M: 36%

Y: 65% K: 5%

C: 6% M: 6%

Y: 15% K: 0%


C: 19% M: 20%

Y: 36% K: 0%

C: 34% M: 61%

Y: 74% K: 19%


C: 0% M: 0%

Y: 0% K: 100%

Anna Linden
#EEE8D6 #956347
Photo language Brand Design 2022
Anna Linden

Brand Design 2022

Anna Linden

Brand Design 2022 Testing

We asked our friends and family 3 different questions recarding our brand. The questions were:

1. Where do you think you could find this brand?

2. What feeling does the brand give?

3. Any general thoughts?

Anna Linden

Brand Design 2022


Anna Linden


Brand Design 2022
Anna Linden

Brand Design 2022

Anna Linden

Brand Design 2022

Anna Linden

Brand Design 2022

Anna Linden

anna linden

soap Viivi, Sarah, Simona, Lote

Eliza, Anastasija, Rebeka, Elmars, Inese

cleaning servives


Change &
START 2022 anna linden spa
Eliza, Anastasija, Rebeka, Elmars, Inese
school lindenbroom &
Viivi, Sarah, Simona, Lote



Table of contents About the brand Values Uniforms App Testing


Who are we?

We are a reliable mobile cleaning service with a decades long experience.

Due to the business expanding and growing, a new demand for cleaning courses has appeared.

And making sure our employees are up to date with the newest inventions, methods of cleaning and grow together with the company.

Our legacy

200 years ago Anna Liepiņa traveled in a special carriage around all Latvian castles, manors and villages and trained the local maids with her secret cleaning methods.

To continue Anna's legacy Linden Broom is finally opening up a school that Anna has dreamed of opening since wanting to pass down her methods and values from generation to generation.

What do we offer?

● Courses for professional cleaning development

● Monthly training of existing employees

● Guest lectures


School is located in Liepāja. The building is specifically designed with lecture rooms that provide the best learning experiences with a hands-on approach.

Technologies | TechnologiesEmployee | Employee

development | Discipline development | Discipline

Smart uniform

first visuals

uniform |
Automatic power ON/OFF 220V Wireless charging Qi 15W Pedometer

Heart rate monitor (HRM) using carbon nanotube threads (CNT)

Regulating body temperature using fiber Bragg-grating sensors (FBG)

Work time tracker WJ9.1


Smart uniform

final visuals

uniform |



First visuals

Smart monitoring app

Tracks employee's heart rate, body temperature, steps, hours can access their statistics, data, their growth and development.

hours and calories burned. Each employee has an account and development.



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