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a Prosperous



“Where Islanders & Friends Meet”

We Do House Calls! Eurorite Kitchens

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On Our Cover

Hemp House Hair Salon

photo credit billie woods photography


Meet Samantha Harron owner of the Hemp House Hair Salon. Samantha is an advanced stylist who loves to listen and is inspired by natural looking hair. She loves making people look and feel their absolute best inside and out. After extensive research, Samantha and her 3rd year apprentice, journeyman husband (The builder) decided to change the original building design and name from The Cob Salon to the Hemp House Hair Salon because truly it was more in line with their business model direction and that’s the way their hearts ended up being pulled. Good looking, environmentally friendly and 100% recyclable, Hemcrete is as versatile as it is sustainable. It can be used in a mindboggling array of applications from roof insulation to wall construction to flooring. Hemcrete is waterproof, fireproof, insulates well, does not rot [when used above ground] and is completely recyclable. In fact, manufacturers say that demolished Hemcrete walls can actually be used as fertilizer! Hempcrete is a building material that is not just carbon neutral but is actually carbon negative. What makes it carbon negative? During the last steps while it is curing/dry it absorbed carbon like a tree. There is also more CO2 lockedup in the process of growing and harvesting of the hemp than is released in the production of the lime binder. Of course, the equation is more

complicated than that, but Hemcrete is still pretty amazing. Working with lime plaster to finish the outside, was an amazing process as well. Samantha and Tristan sourced local sand. They did not add colour so when they mixed the water and lime with it and let cure, it came out an amazing blue/grey colour. “We didn’t know what we were going to get, but we love the result for sure”. “We learned so many amazing facts like lime plaster doesn't dry cures...chemically. The wet lime plaster reacts with carbon dioxide in the air to form calcium carbonate. Which is the same as limestone or marble stone.” Not only is the Hemp House Hair Salon built from sustainable, natural products but they also have a rainwater catchment system. The beautiful multicoloured pro lock recycled metal roof is also covered in 11 solar panels. Supplied by Jeff Chamberland @bearfootjeff on Instagram from we go solar. The interior design and finish are like no other building I’ve ever seen. Beautiful wood windows and slabs everywhere. All the slabs of wood used in the building for either window sills, station slab are salvaged not harvested trees.So why all this “extra work”? “We’re just I trying to be better than who we used to be last year or even yesterday. I need for my daughter to know that there is such a thing as sustainable beauty, we don’t have to sacrifice the earth to have a beauty salon.”Not only is the building itself eco, but by partnering with Green Circle Salons Samantha recycles 98% of everything in the salon. From foils, aerosol hairspray cans, to colour tubes to the colour itself. Green Circle takes away everything. They even use the hair to make booms

to soak up oil spills. Do you remember when the ship had a spill in Vancouver a couple of years ago? You beautiful Salt Springers had some hair helping to clean it up! "Our ‘Davines’ line of products are gluten-free, vegan, sulfate and paraben free. They plant a tree for every product made. They are a B Corp company, BPA free plastic, and food grade as well. They are part of the slow food movement, to grow vegetables where they are native too and don’t pull from someone where unethical when the fruit or veggie isn’t available. They don’t test on animals and have products that are 98% natural. Made in Europe with strict standards to follow. I feel confident in offering this green minded, ethical company to Salt Spring Island’s beautiful community. It took us 5 years to complete this building. My husband and I had a lot of help from some amazing community members. We couldn’t have done it without them. Thank you again, everyone. You know who you are. We look forward to spoiling and taking care of the community for years to come. Thank you for having us.” 778-353-4247

THE FISHBOWL is brought to you by publisher Genevieve Price.

Green Printing & Layout: Imagine That

Columnists: Lisa Sigurgeirson Maxx, John Bateman, Dorothy Price, Dr. Hannah Webb, Dr. Ralph Miller, & Mishka Campbell. Salt Spring Island’s #1 Source for Arts, Entertainment & Culture. Check out our Facebook page!

Occasional Contributors: Melinda Parks-Divers, Lis Bell Walton

Ad Sales: Deadlines are the 10th of the month previous to book ad space & submit content. Calendar events can be submitted up until the 15th. For rates & information call Genevieve today at 250.538.8427 or email

Price is


PRODUCT REVIEWS by: Genevieve Price


and YOU

It’s a new year! I am not one for resolutions but I do love self care, so call it what you will. This year I am going to take better care of myself starting with fueling my body with good, food, water and supplements. I’ve been doing a lot of reading and here is what I have learned. B vitamins The eight water-soluble B-vitamins support heart, energy and mind. Vitamin B-6 alone is involved in over 100 bodily functions – more than almost any other nutrient. The B vitamins play many essential roles in energy metabolism in the body. I like a good multi vitamin to check off this group. Vitamin C Since your body does not store Vitamin C, daily supplementation is mandatory. This water-soluble vitamin plays important roles in immune system function. It is also an antioxidant, which means it helps neutralize free radicals that are believed to cause aging of cells. Vitamin D Having enough vitamin D is important for a number of reasons, including maintaining healthy bones and teeth, it also helps us absorb Calcium. Vitamin D assists your muscles, nerves and immune system work properly. Calcium Emerging research suggests calcium may be vital to a healthy metabolism and blood sugar control, as well as healthy teeth and bones. Iron The body needs iron for healthy growth, development, and metabolism. Iron is also vital for correct cell functioning and the creation of some hormones. Iron is essential for carrying oxygen in red blood cells. Vitamin E The health benefits of vitamin E can keep your immune system strong and help you stay healthy. It fights free oxygen radicals and thus protects your DNA, heart, and nervous system. This vitamin strengthens your immune system, balances your cholesterol levels, rejuvenates your skin, and can even stimulate hair growth. Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10) CoQ-10 is an essential nutrient for the functioning of every cell in your body, especially for the heart’s high energy activities. Your ability to produce CoQ-10 declines with age. Magnesium Did you know magnesium is essential for more than 300 reactions in your body? It is involved in strong bones and teeth, muscle strength, mood and more. It is also a natural muscle relaxant and can help smooth muscles. I also find it aids in a good night sleep. Pharmasave carries all of these and more, I like their Pharmasave brand for most but for somethings like Iron, or Coenzyme Q-10 I like to explore other brands. Don’t forget to chat up their super knowledgeable Pharmacist or even your Doc if you are unsure about starting in with any new supplement. Sponsored by

Salt Spring Has

Issues starring the most awesome John Bateman

saltspringunderground January 25th at Moby’s Pub

Roots & Wings

5Rhythms Workshop Series Are you interested in moving your body in an authentic, conscious and cathartic way to really great music? Did you know that people all over the world come together on dance floors and use their own movement & dance as a means of meditation, therapy, community, and exercise? The world of conscious dance is growing daily, more and more people are taking a leap of courage and giving it a try. Shauna Devlin deeply believes that everyone has the right to know and experience connection & freedom, no matter their circumstances, and she knows it is her mission to make this a reality to as many people as possible. She is a 5Rhythms® teacher, a Dance Temple DJ and founder of the not-for profit Dance Your Ability. She offers a weekly 5Rhythms class, workshops, series and Dance Temple evenings, along with a variety of Dance Your Ability programs. This month: January 3-4th: A Work of Art, with Ahava Shira at Stowel Lake Farm. January 17th : 5 month series, Roots & Wings begins at All Saints | Fridays 10am-1pm. Regular Wednesday classes resume January 8th 9am-10am at All Saints. “All humans respond to beat, and all souls respond to love.”

Yay! It’s time to celebrate yet another annual event that exists solely due to a random set of celestial events that humans have arbitrarily placed in the Gregorian calendar! In other words: happy new year! Aside from Family Day, I can’t think of many other days during the year that cause so much emotional damage. New Years is unique in the sense that it’s the one time of year that we all take a personal stand and announce to the world that this time we are really going to change the train-wreck we call life. Inexplicably we have decided that these radical lifestyle changes have to take place during the height of SAD season. For those who are unsure, SAD does not stand for Salt Spring Affective Disorder. That would be called SSAD. No, SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Why would anyone try to make a serious decision about their lives in the coldest, darkest, wettest time of year? Think about waking up at 7am on January 1st, looking in the mirror and saying aloud to yourself, “This year I’m going to exercise every morning!”, only to turn, look outside the window and realize it’s pitch dark and pouring outside? Even more agonizing are the days that follow January 1st. This is when everyone goes on record declaring life changes that they will inevitably fail at or conveniently forget. Social media is a popular place to document annual declarations. While this is incredibly annoying, it’s still much better than the alternative of discussing resolutions in person. If you see less of me during the month of January, it’s either because I’m currently suffering from SAD or I’m avoiding conversations about people’s radical life changes. If I want to hear about Salt Springers making radical life changes, I’ll go out into public at literally any other time of year. That being said, I do get a twisted kick from hearing the kinds of resolutions people make. Some popular ones are: stopping drinking, learning the bagpipes, losing weight, spending less money and spending less money on losing weight. I personally, would never resolve to do any of these things with the exception of playing bagpipes. There aren’t enough bagpipe buskers at the Saturday Market. I actually prefer the resolutions people make that are more outlandish such as: eating more animal pie, practicing a new form of yelling meditation at the park or doing Salt Spring’s annual “Running of the Sheep.” Don’t try to find out when and where the running of the sheep is. I’ve heard it’s not for everyone. While I’m generally opposed to resolutions, I have decided to adopt a standard one to avoid the inevitable awkwardness that occurs when someone asks me what my resolution is. My perennial resolution, which is simple, is to “Have a resolution.” That way, as soon as I make my resolution, I have fulfilled my resolution. This small victory that occurs at exactly one second after midnight on January 1st gives me a pleasant rush of endorphins that can sometimes last up to 3 minutes. What’s more important is that with that accomplished, I can get on with the train-wreck we call life.


Salt Spring Folk Club presents

FRED EAGLESMITH January 2oth, at Fulford Hall 42 years on the road - 22 studio albums 5 different band configurations - 15 band members 11 buses - Countless stories - 1 man

GISS Improv Invitational

at ArtSpring

On January 24th at 7pm, GISS, Ladysmith and Queen Margarets Royals improv teams will perform Theatresports and Canadian Improv Games events in a spectacular show. Ladysmith Sr, GISS Sr and QMS will perform and record their submission for the CIG Online Wildcard tournament. The online wildcard tournament is another possible road to the national tournament. In fact, that is how GISS got to the nationals last year.


Fred Eaglesmith can talk to you about almost anything. Chances are, he’s had that car, tractor, job, relationship, idea, and hat. But throughout his life and experiences there is always one thing that has remained the same: his undeniable gift for writing a song. Aspiring songwriters and performers of all ages call and write Fred with questions on how to have a career like his. And what can he say? Start writing songs when you’re 10 years old. Grow up with poverty, agriculture, religion, and eight siblings. Run away from home. Hop freight trains. Start a business. Loose a business. Struggle to get any gig. Drive to Nashville with no money and pockets full of songs. Get a record deal. Lose a record deal. Win a Juno Award. Break down on the side of the road every day for days on end. Become a cult hero and amass a following of selfproclaimed “Fred Heads.” Tour relentlessly. Become everyone’s favorite. Becomes nobody’s favorite. Follow your gut. Smarten up. Don’t care what anybody thinks. Be fair. Be loyal no matter what. Keep going. Soften up. Give people a break. Expect nothing. Give everything. Keep going. Allow yourself to be happy. Find out who you are and deal with that. Don’t stay in fancy hotels. Write good songs. After all these years touring the United States, Canada, and Europe, having his songs covered by some of the biggest names in music, and appearing on “The Late Show with David Letterman” – the enigmatic, countrified, Rock n’ Roll troubadour, Fred Eaglesmith, is carrying on with musical wife Tif Ginn. Eaglesmith is a veteran of the music industry and at the same time is about as far away from actually participating in today’s music industry as one could be. Never operating within anyone’s boundaries, he continues to set the standard for independent artists everywhere. Tif Ginn is a gutsy, amazing singer and a transcendent songwriter who has spent most of her life touring and playing music. Her impressive, sultry vocals and glorious harmonies with Fred, along with her multiple instrument additions to the show will have you in awe. This girl has it all, including Fred.

Peace Class In 5th Year - WHY?

Against the Current : Orca + Salmon Exhibit @ Mahon Hall - Feb. 14 - 23, open 10-5 daily

OK. So many of us love our yoga. Our meditation. Our nature hike. Our Sunday morning service. Good reading, good thinking, healing and helping. And in all this we know, we are just each a simple human being. So why the Peace Class? The Peace Class celebrates that simple 'human being-ness" in a powerful way by focusing on fundamental strengths pre-existing in each of us. A video and discussion series filled with humour and insight. Nothing to join, no new belief system to acquire. Simple, yes, with a dash of depth. Visit: Next series begins January 12th, 5PM at the Library.

The SSAC invites you to our winter exhibit, Against the Current: Orca + Salmon. This event invites thoughtful engagement about our Southern Resident Orca population and their declining population. Inspired by our local environmental group, Orca Soundings, this event is an opportunity to engage with art created with concern for our environmental. Art in the hall will inform the talks and workshops and offer participants the opportunity to explore their thoughts, feelings and actions related to our changing natural environment with a focus on Orca & Salmon. Art created by youth and the community during the exhibit will be an accumulative component of the show. To engage all school children on Salt Spring Schools local artist Quentin Harris has created a stencil of a Chinook salmon that students will be decorate with color and poetry to be included as an offering to the Orca and these creations will be be a part of the exhibit. In conjunction with the exhibit, biologist, writer, environmentalist and artist, Briony Penn will lead this year’s Art Makers Lab for ages 6-13yrs. with A Naturalists Sketchbook: the Salish Sea. This workshop runs for four consecutive Saturdays, Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 8, 15th from 10-1pm at Mahon Hall. Youth will learn the art of looking and accumulating visual information thru their sketchbooks by walking down to the seashore to draw from life. Student creations will be exhibited as part of Against the Current exhibit. All materials supplied $165. To register: Bursaries available. Space for 12 participants. email or call 250-538-8447 Other events will include a workshop for ages 16 + with SSAC Artist in Residence Joyce Majiski, a family workshop with Sarah Hyams, talks, a space that mimics the sounds and sights under the ocean and a participatory art activity. Stay tuned for event details in February!


Backin’ It Up The SSAC 2020 Artist in Residence program welcomes Joyce Majiski to Salt Spring Island where she will work until late April. A printmaker, painter and sculptor, Joyce led a nomadic life from Borneo to the Kashmir, the Great Barrier Reef and the Beaufort Sea. She was formerly a biologist and wilderness guide in her current home in the Yukon. Join her to hear about her current exciting project to create a whale skeleton from found beach plastic and how she is working with local whale skeleton restorers to create this piece.

January 15& 16, 7:30pm at ArtSpring Artist Talk Thurs., Jan. 16 from 5-7pm at Mahon Hall Open Studio Days all at the Point Gallery on Southridge in Fulford Three Fridays: Jan. 31, 10-4pm Mar. 20, 10-4pm Apr. 24, 10-4pm Workshop @ Mahon Hall - Mixedmedia Accordion Bookmaking for ages 16+ | Sat. and Sun., Feb. 22+23, 10-4pm - $195 plus GST

Sign up for Joyce’s workshop where she will guide you to create a mixed-media accordion book, using collage, painting, drawing and printing techniques on a theme of your choice. www.ssartscouncil. com/workshops Joyce will also be present at the Against the Current exhibit in February with her drawings and hand made books.

• What: Acting 11/12’s first semester final production • Who: Gulf Islands Secondary School’s 2nd Story Theatre • Where: ArtSpring Theatre | January 8th and 9th, 2019 - 7:30pm - $15 Tickets are available through the ArtSpring Box office. On the corner of Sherwood park and Nottingham is the rooftop base of Robin Hood and her gang of Merry Folk, bandits well-versed in the art of Kung Fu, hip hop, defeating evil and redistributing the wealth. In this 1970s resetting of a classic story filled with action and hilarity, Robin will attempt to thwart the villainous plans of King John, the Sheriff of Nottingham and the Bishop, with a contemporary twist. Join us as we embark on an unforgettable adventure, wielding nunchucks and boom boxes, finding romance and making mischief. Robin Hood has something for the whole family, and is something the whole family wouldn’t want to miss. Please bring a nonperishable food item or toiletry product as a donation to the food bank. For more information, contact GISS Theatre teacher, Jason Donaldson – 2nd Story Theatre is the umbrella title for GISS Theatre Arts


GISS Dance is a program for youth of the Gulf Islands, and a vehicle for their voice and expression. The performance of “Backin’ It Up” will offer our new works of choreography for the stage. These vibrant, and enthusiastic youth have been working hard in the studio to plan their grooves and moves to enliven our time together. Dance styles will include Lyrical dance, Contemporary dance, Jazz dance, and of course, Hip Hop and Funk.

New Year, New Decade

It’s a New Year but even more exciting it’s a New Decade!! Let’s jump right in and talk about setting your business up for success in 2020! Make a plan! Follow this simple process for making a plan to make your year more successful than ever! 1. Evaluate the past year(s): Think about your successes and struggles. What caused them? Are they external factors (Seasonality) or are they internal factors (resources)? What can you do to mitigate these Jessica Harkema, Executive Director challenges and what can of the Chamber of Commerce you do to build upon the successes? 2. Envision the coming year: Take your evaluation and make some plans for this year. Are you going to introduce a new line of your business? Keep the status-quo but do it better? What’s your overall goal for this year? 3. Create a plan: You have your goals now make a plan. Get a calendar and break down your big goal into small achievable goals. The smaller goals are ideally broken down by week, but bi-weekly and monthly work great as well. 4. Evaluate and adjust throughout the year: As you go through the year, take time to evaluate each month on the effectiveness of your goals. Is there a place for improvement? Did something not go as planned, or go better than planned? Keep track of your successes and challenges to make the following year’s planning process easier! Here are some tips that will make the planning process easier: 1. Keep good records: For many, keeping records is the hardest part of their business. Perhaps consider farming out your bookkeeping to a professional bookkeeper. Not only will it be more effective but it will also give you more time to focus on other aspects of your business. 2. Make time for yourself:To maintain performance in your business you need to take a break sometimes. As mentioned above, it could be as simple as contracting out some of the workload, or as complicated as hiring a manager to do the daily tasks while you oversee overall operations. 3. Manage your cash flow: Are there times where your business struggles to have cash on-hand? Look at the past year to see if you can achieve a reliable cash flow or whether you need to plan by putting a bit away for slower times a year. 4. Learn more about doing business well: Do you love your business but lack business knowledge? Find resources that can help you learn about doing business better. Check out the Chamber of Commerce’s educational and networking events, find local groups of entrepreneurs for networking and more learning, and ask the Library if they have any resources for business. Feel free to ask me any questions about business planning!


For Ever yone


with Salt Spring Island teacher Dorothy Price What is Holding You Back?... Self-Sabotage? Whether you want to start a new business, start a new project, look for new employment or start an exercise routine. What is it that stops you from moving ahead? Often, it is self-sabotaging traits, or habits, that repeat themselves over and over throughout our lives. Self-sabotage is when it appears that you want something (success), but something in your personality wants something else (failure). Below are some possible self-sabotaging traits? 1. You are always waiting for the perfect time. Don’t fool yourself. That moment is unlikely ever to happen. The perfect time is now! You can start baby steps toward your goals. Experts say that it is those that don’t wait till everything seems perfect that end up moving forward and succeeding. 2. You think you are too old or too young. Age is irrelevant when it comes to goals and achievements. Age is a barrier only if you make it so. 3. You feel you lack experience. You may never feel you are experienced enough. Don’t use it as an excuse. Experience is helpful, but many successful people learn as they go. 4. You dwell on too many options. Too many options can lead to decision paralysis. Simplify and prioritize. Get started! 5. You spend all your time planning. Planning is good but are you using it to avoid starting? Start with a quick, initial plan and a strategy. Then start! When plans meet reality they often have to be changed or updated anyway. 6. You let others consume your time (includes internet distractions). Your time is finite and non-renewable. Avoid interruptions and distractions of any sort. Guard your time fiercely. 7. You tell yourself a negative story or you assume a negative outcome. Drop self-defeating thoughts like “i’ll never be good enough” or “this will never work”. Life can reward you in surprising ways when you have the courage to move forward. Do your best. Leave the outcome to the universe. 8. You overspend. Budget. Spend less than you earn. 9. You sabotage your sleep. Make it a priority to try to get enough sleep. You will get more done. Turn off the tv, computer, phone etc. And set a realistic bedtime. Stick to it. Consider napping or meditating mid-afternoon. 10. You can’t handle feedback or criticism. Get used to handling positive and negative feedback. Although criticism can be discouraging, it can be helpful. Give yourself a few days to absorb the feedback. Then regroup and keep going! Listen to what people say but don’t let them dissuade you from your goals. 11. When the going gets tough, you quit. Failure is part of the process. It doesn’t mean you should quit. Regroup and start again. We have it in us to soar like an eagle, but sometimes our upbringing and beliefs lead us to self-sabotage. Yoga helps us to dissolve away traits and beliefs that don’t serve us. It takes constant work.

See you on the mat! ~ Dorothy Dorothy teaches yoga classes, pranayama, meditation & retreats locally & worldwide. Visit or phone 250-537-7675



Reviews with Mishka Campbell

Full Throttle By Joe Hill

I’m a Stephen King fan. What does that have to do with this book? Surprise! Joe Hill is Stephen King’s son. When I picked up the novel “The Fireman” I was blown away by his skill. I devoured everything he has written, including the spectacular graphic novels “Locke and Key”. He has a style very similar to his father’s...they inhabit the same landscape of imagination. It’s a bit of horror, a bit of the supernatural, a tad creepy, and always well written. “Full Throttle” is a collection of short stories and it’s one of the best I’ve ever read. It begins with a 15 page introduction entitled “Who’s Your Daddy?”, and it’s an excellent way to get to know the author and understand his influences. Unfortunately, the first story, “Throttle”, which was co-written with his dad, was my least favourite of the bunch. If the intention was to engage me enough to snag my participation in continuing to read the rest, it would have been better to start with literally any other one. However, the rest of the stories are so very good, they more than make up for that misstep. I loved “Faun”, a story about a little door into a Narnia-esque world that asks the question-What if that door were found by a greedy person with both zero empathy and a penchant for trophy hunting, instead of by some sweet schoolchildren? “Late Returns”, is a lovely little ghost story which addresses grief and parental love and gives comfort to library users that there may yet be a way to borrow and return books in the afterlife. “Wolverton Station” is a delightfully creepy meditation on the road not taken and includes an anthropomorphic train ride that you won’t forget anytime soon. “Twittering from the Circus of the Dead” is a unique horror story written solely in tweets, and it’s just fantastic. My favourite is the bittersweet “All I Care About is You”, a tale about a robot paid to be a human’s companion, and it’s set in a future that seems both possible and wretched. The PERFECT end tale, “You Are Released” is a story about being in a plane at the end of the world. There’s more stories in this book, but I’ve run out of room to share them. You’re just going to have to discover the brilliance of Joe Hill yourself!

Blessings for the New Year.

Books for all your needs. 9am - 5:30pm Monday to Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday 104 McPhillips Ave 250.537.2812

the singing

AMMA *amma = grandmother in Icelandic

Lisa Sigurgeirson Maxx, ECE Nurturing, empowering & educating families for over 30 years

One year; One Bag of Garbage Inspirational Challenge! Happy New Year, Beautiful Families! And Welcome 2020! I’ll begin this year with a very inspirational story, which came across my path in late November. A friend posted on social media a photograph of herself holding up one full, large garbage bag and wrote the caption: “For those of you who’ve been following our family’s project to reduce our household waste here it is: one year’s worth of garbage!” “People often ask me how we’ve done this,” she wrote, “so I thought I’d jot down a few lessons learned: 1. Slowing down - We found busyness creates more waste with convenience foods that have more packaging. There were definitely times when a full week meant buying something that we had to throw away. Being conscious and aware of the impacts of our choices took some conscious attention. 2. Shop smart - Again we found this takes a bit more time to source and consider what options out there may have less or no packaging. It was kind of fun to get creative about what we could do differently. 3. Cook from scratch - Buying bulk items and produce with reusable bags cut down on the packaging for sure. This meant being more organized and cooking ahead for the week on the weekends (which didn’t always happen)! 4. Plant based diet - We’re not strictly vegan or vegetarian but having a mainly plant based diet meant we didn’t have stinky garbage. I freeze any food items that can’t be composted, until garbage day, [approximately] two large ziploc bags for the year. 5. Eat it up - In the beginning we had to throw away a lot more spoiled food until we learned to pay closer attention to what was in the fridge and eat it up. 6. Going without - Many times the best option was to evaluate if it was an essential and, if not, forgo the consumerism. We can definitely live with less and the alternatives are often more nourishing. 7. A work in progress - This is an ongoing effort and definitely not perfect... but we’ll just keep going trying to be more creative and innovative each time.” In the comments below her inspiring post, she explained to someone who’d enquired about recycling that, no, this one bag did not include their family’s recycling, but rather that this was the nonrecyclable, plain old garbage they’d generated. She noted that they take approximately one large bag to the recycling depot every one to three months. Another helpful idea offered by someone as a comment in the thread suggested cancelling regular garbage pick-up. “When you have to take it to the dump yourself, it makes you more intentional with how much trash you produce!” So, will you take on the challenge to reduce your household’s garbage footprint this year? Remembering these 10 R’s can help: Refuse. Reduce. Reuse. Repurpose. Re-gift. Repair. Refill. Rot. Return. Recycle. Reprinted with permission from the original, (anonymous) author.

Send your parenting questions to: or THE FISHBOWL |• JANUARY 2020 • PAGE 11

The Green Isle Enterprise

Holistic Psychology, Health & Education By: Ralph D. Miller, Ph.D

The Big Wild Boar In these final days of the Chinese Year of the Boar, I’ll tell y’all a tale from our childhood, some seven decades ago; a story of courage and triumph in the face of fantasy and fear. A parable of our adventures facing the Legendary Lakeville Fierce Wild Boar that haunted the oak forests around our family cottage summer home. One day, while my cousin Larry and I were off exploring unknown territories of the vast woods, we had a life-threatening encounter with that Huge Horrible Hog. We didn’t actually see the beast mind you, but we sure heard him huffin’, puffin’and gruntin’ as he chased us full speed all the way back up our cottage porch before disappearing into the bushes with an angry snort. Needless to say, we survived this time, home safe and sound, out of breath and overwhelmed with gratitude. But not to worry! We finally solved the problem, once and for all—as documented below.

Health with Hannah Burnout

aka Adrenal Fatigue “Burnout” was recently declared an official health diagnosis by the WHO. Is this you? Are you feeling tired and burnt out? Here are some suggestions for how you can help yourself. I will also speak about how a naturopathic doctor can help you, because having a health professional on your team is really really important. And, I’m going to focus here on what YOU can do for YOU: The first most important thing is to gather your intention for care and healing. If you are burnt out you will not be functioning at the capacity you otherwise might. This is totally allowed and okay, and in

A Requiem for The Big Wild Boar

It’s safe to walk in the woods once more without the fear of the Big Bad Boar. We pound our chests, just hear us roar,“That ol’ Wart Hog just ain’t no more.” Call out, "All Clear!" and ring the bell. That Great Big Pig has gone to Hell. The song’s now sung from coast to coast,“That Huge Hogzilla’s now just toast.” Now, what’s the story? I’m sure you need to know. How did we do the deed? ‘Twas really quite a show. We were hikin’ in the woods when we heard him grunt. We knew right away he was hot on the hunt. So we started to run—and we ran real fast, but he gained on us and our legs couldn’t last. We tried our best to get away, but he charged full speed to get his way. We knew right then it was Now or Never! We had to

fight!—and fight real clever. We fought for hours ‘till almost dusk, Man-to-Wild Boar, handto-tusk. We had to whup ‘im NOW, before it was over with us underground just pushin’ up clover. So we grabbed his tail, spun him ‘round and ‘round, and whacked him real hard SMACK! on the ground. I hate to brag, though now I am. That once feared porker‘s now just Spam. And links of sausage, we do boast. We've made him ready for a roast. Don your bibs and lick your lips. Fetch the ketchup and the chips. Bun with mustard, tube of Swine. A gourmet meal best served with wine. Let’s make a toast to that Demon Pig, “Thanks for the food,” then take a swig. That Porcine Beast sure met his match. Big Hog Hot Dog down the hatch. Now, let’s bow our heads and wish him well, rootin’ and gruntin’ in the Woods of Hell. Loving and Free

fact essentially important. You need to let yourself rest. Think of this as a season of recovery in your life. Manage your energy, not your time. Take on only what is really reasonable for you in a day. Listen to your body and be gentle. Let your capacity be your guide, not your to-do list. Regulate your blood sugar: avoid refined carbs and get plenty of protein and fat. This helps steady your energy and mood overall. It is too easy to use sugar and/or caffeine to live on borrowed time. Have a daily routine. Eat at the same times during the day. Go to bed at a consistent time. The body is nourished by predictability and routine. Fiercely protect your sleep. Aim to sleep for 8 hours every night. Or more if it feels good. Take a break from screens of all kinds. Take a break from news if this is stressful for you. Being informed is really important. And. It’s okay to take a break to take care of yourself. Do practices that help you regulate your nervous system: yoga, meditation, forest walks, deep breathing. Exercise, but only to your respiratory capacity (when you start to get out of breath), vs to your cardiovascular capacity (when your heart is pumping so hard you can no longer continue). This minimizes the cortisol spike that happens with exercise. See a naturopathic doctor. You need a health care professional on your team. We will start by running labs to make sure there isn’t another imbalance in your physiology that is contributing to fatigue. We will run labs as needed to check your thyroid, adrenals, ferritin (your iron stores), B12 and others as needed. We can support you with an individualized plan for nutrients and herbs that aid the adrenals

Yes folks, that fantastic Hogzilla finally met his maker—sausage maker, that is! That’s our story and we’re stickin’ to it.

Ralph's roles include: extending-family guy, student/teacher, psychologist/scientist, musician/actor.

and entire HPA axis in rebalancing. Time, intention, self-care, and support – those are the ingredients you need!

By Dr. Hannah Webb, ND | 250-999-9371

Robbie Robertson Documentary at ArtSpring January 22

The Salt Spring Film Festival's "Best of the Fests" film series at ArtSpring continues on January 22 with Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and The Band, which made history when it premiered as the Opening Night Gala at the Toronto International Film Festival, the first time a Canadian documentary has been selected for this honour. If you don’t already love The Band, you will after seeing this rollicking retrospective. Inspired by Robertson’s bestselling 2016 memoir Testimony and precociously directed by 26-year-old Daniel Roher, the film blends rare archival footage, memorable performances and lively interviews with many of Robertson’s friends and collaborators, including Bruce Springsteen, Eric Clapton, Van Morrison, Peter Gabriel and Ronnie Hawkins. Spotlighting Robertson’s engaging and often humorous recollections, Once Were Brothers is also a heartbreaking, cautionary tale of a half-Mohawk, half-Jewish kid raised between Toronto and the Six Nations Reserve near Brantford who sets off on an improbable and wildly successful international musical journey. As an ambitious teenager with nothing more than a guitar, Robertson traveled from Toronto’s Yonge Street dive bars to the deep American South, overcoming adversity and finding camaraderie along the way. His raw talent and legendary songwriting skills would thrust him into the spotlight alongside Rick Danko, Garth Hudson, Richard Manuel and Levon Helm, who together made their mark as one of the most enduring and influential groups in the history of popular music. Backing Bob Dylan on his famously disastrous 1966 “Electric Dylan” world tour and later collaborating on the groundbreaking album The Basement Tapes, Robertson and The Band are widely credited with inventing the roots-rock Americana genre with such iconic songs as “The Weight,” “Up on Cripple Creek” and “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down.” After 17 years of recording and touring, clashing egos and spiraling substance abuse issues, The Band went out with a bang with a lavish 1976 farewell concert at San Francisco’s Winterland Ballroom, immortalized in Martin Scorsese’s The Last Waltz, which is generally considered the greatest concert documentary of all time. “It was a beautiful thing,” recalls Robertson. “It was so beautiful it went up in flames.” Co-presented by the Gulf Islands Community Radio Society, the screening is at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, January 22, at ArtSpring. Tickets are $10 each and are available at the ArtSpring box office (250-537-2102). More information can be found on the Film Festival website:

DOSED comes to Salt Spring for one show only on Saturday, Jan 25, 2020, at 7pm! DOSED is an internationally award winning documentary coproduced by former long-time Salt Spring resident and GISS graduate Nicholas Meyers. SYNOPSIS: After many years of prescription medications failed her a suicidal woman turns to underground healers to try and overcome her depression, anxiety, and opioid addiction with illegal psychedelic medicine like magic mushrooms and iboga. ABOUT THE SHOW: An evening dedicated to psychedelics, mental health, addiction, compassion, education, and solutions. The DOSED screening will be followed by a Q&A featuring filmmakers Tyler Chandler and Nicholas Meyers; as well as Adrian Oberg of the Victoria Association for Psychedelic Studies. The event is presented by The Medicinal Mushroom Dispensary; and Andy Meyers of Allowed Sound Studio. Ticket proceeds go towards the ongoing marketing of DOSED with a % to MAPS Canada for continued psychedelic research. TRAILER: LOCATION: Artspring TICKETS:



Monday and Thursday, 7-9pm Beaver Point Hall 1361 Beaver Point Road Coming up on 10 years of existence, Dance Temple Salt Spring has become a pillar of regular life on the island. As part of the international conscious dance movement including 5Rhythms®, Ecstatic Dance, Kundalini Dance and many other modalities of this lightly guided freeform way of dancing, Dance Temple Salt Spring is recognized as on par with some of the best dance floors of its kind. It is run by 5 local women who are all djs and dance facilitators trained in various different dance modalities. They each have a unique style and play a wide range of music each night. They aim to create a space of safety and inclusion. So what can I expect? Enter into a cosy, low-lit, all-wood community hall. Soft music plays while people slowly arrive in the space to warm up. After a lightly facilitated opening, the music starts to pick up on the state of the art sound-system. The dance floor ignites as the music builds to a peak. You forget your worries to join into the wave. The music gradually winds down until there is simply silence in the space. All this without conversation or talking... Why do people come? People come for the community, to express and be accepted as they are. They come for the work-out, the therapy, the celebration, the prayer, the release and the music. People come because it’s a safe and intoxicant-free space where you don’t have to make conversation or even engage if you don’t want to. What are people saying... “DT continually restores our faith in the body as an expression of community in action. It’s far less judgemental, not as segregated by sex, race, sexuality, age or class as so much of the rest of our world can be. DT embodies a creative striving towards justice.” ~ Mark and Robert “Transformative, life-changing, connected, DT is an undercover lair for profound healing. I schedule my whole life around Monday and Thursday night Dance Temple and have been going for 6 years; it’s one of the biggest journeys I’ve ever been on. Dance Temple invited me home to myself.” ~ Brigid “I’ve met different parts of me, danced through anxiety, mental chatter, joy, grief, confusion and bliss [..]. Thank you [..] for the amazing djs who create an inclusive held space that feels so safe. For those who show up and share the love and movement.” ~ Patricia Elizabeth Monday and Thursday, 7-9pm Beaver Point Hall 1361 Beaver Point Road


Scopes Brought to you by our own in-house astrologer who now goes by her numerologically correct name of “Ya Righta”

^ Aries

d Libra

Your lucky sheep name for the

You really need to do a better job

year is: Penelope.

of disguising our poor life choices.

_ Taurus

e Scorpio

This year may seem to have

Happy Ney Year Scorpio! Here’s

started as you intended, but

to having a fresh start at binge


eating, boozing it up and slacking




Nothing. You haven't done a thing! Get out there and get

off hard!

something done!

f Sagittarius

` Gemini

Dogs can be a man's best friend

May your hangover be the only

could also be a child's best friend,

thing you regret on New Year’s

or a cat's best friend. Dogs are

Day ;)

totally flexible.

a Cancer

g Capricorn

Always take the easy way out.

Having reaches a personal goal,

You won't go wrong.

the future ought to look rosier

or a woman's best friend. They

for you.

b Leo You can't hide from the rest of

h Aquarius

the day, so I suggest you run

This month provides you with the

head on into it without waiting

greatest chance of making it.

for anyone to catch up.

c Virgo

i Pisces Here’s




The opportunities you once had

anything will change now that

are all but gone. Sorry to have to

the year has... but go on, make

break it to you...

those resolutions.

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There's a fine line between crazy & free spirited & it's usually a prescription.


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