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Dr. Ralph Miller


Page 5

Tips for an eco-minded holiday


Pages 6 & 7

Get your December


Now on Page 14





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Like us on Facebook at TheFishbowlMagazine

On Our Cover




“My tail fell off!” “We’re going the wrong

way!” “We don’t have a very big chicken!” These are some of the improvised lines from “Christmas with Scrooge”, that have made their way into the script since 1971, echoing from

Wishing everyone


with us, to the magic and tradition of theatre in

show I’ve ever been in”! (I think it was the

our glorious community halls.

ONLY show he’d ever been in!)

This holiday season, please join our journey, into the future of “Christmas with Scrooge”. As one child actor once said, “it’s the best

We hope that you

hall, a church or two, and a

will consider supporting us through our Inclusivity

That little Dickens novella,


“A Christmas Carol”, is part


less fortunate families a


chance to see the show,

returns to his island roots, tramping


and offer ‘short shows’ at


our schools and senior’s

streets created in historical

residences. (Some of our

Fulford Hall!

seniors were in the show

With an old London

back in 1971!)

Town to stroll in, he’ll sip

Sponsorship will be

hot apple cider and nibble roasted chestnuts. And then, the bells will

recognized in our advertising

call him in, to a charming theatre

and at the hall. We wish you all a merry and

in the round experience! Won’t

charitable Christmas, Hanukkah,

HE be surprised?

Solstice, Yule..... “Christmas with

As we move toward our 50th anniversary,


Scrooge” is co-produced with


Productions invite you to return


Newman Family Productions


TWENTY! This will offer

and future! This


the price of a ticket...or

of Salt Spring’s past, present


Come Early to Stroll in Olde London Towne

available (cash or cheque only) at SS Books.


theatre, on Salt Spring Island.

safe & happy holidays !

Show runs December 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21 @ 7pm and 15, 22 @ 2pm, and tickets are

rFlyer Decembcet until in effe h the 24t

Musical Adaptation created by Ray & Virginia Newman

Country Grocer.

I was going to wait until the New Year 2020 issue to unroll the new look of The Fishbowl but I just couldn’t wait. As most of you know The Fishbowl started as a partnership in April 2009. The Uber talented Stephanie Rhodes and I created a beautiful, quirky, grass roots magazine. Branding ourselves as a bulletin board for local arts, culture and entertainment on Salt Spring Island. I ran the business side of things and Steph ran the creative side. From there it has grown and evolved into a more sophisticated version of its original self. In July 2012 we handed the creative over to Tina and her amazing team at Imagine That Graphics. That very first

issue in their hands evolved again. With the

THE FISHBOWL is brought to you by publisher Genevieve Price.

Green Printing & Layout: Imagine That

graphics streamlined, Steph and I focused on sourcing incredible content. In 2016 Fishbowl became mine alone and I did not change a thing. With Imagine That Graphics at the helm and 2 young kids at home I knew I was in good hands. Now fast forward to 2019 on the cusp of 2020 and its time for this mama (now of 3) to have some fun and get creative. I poured over many magazines over the last year and again, via the superb skills of Tina and her team, I present to you The Fishbowl’s new look! Genevieve Price, Owner & Publisher


DEC 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21 at 7 pm | DEC 15, 22 at 2:00 pm

Tickets at Salt Spring Books $25 Adults, $15 Children cash or cheque


Columnists: Lisa Sigurgeirson Maxx, John Bateman, Dorothy Price, Dr. Hannah Webb, Dr. Ralph Miller, & Mishka Campbell. Salt Spring Island’s #1 Source for Arts, Entertainment & Culture. Check out our Facebook page!

Occasional Contributors: Melinda Parks-Divers, Lis Bell Walton

Ad Sales: Deadlines are the 10th of the month previous to book ad space & submit content. Calendar events can be submitted up until the 15th. For rates & information call Genevieve today at 250.538.8427 or email

Price is


PRODUCT REVIEWS by: Genevieve Price



This company rocks and so do their products!

I do all my stocking stuffer shopping at Pharmasave. I just love grabbing a basket and filling it with Chocolate oranges, sugar free diabetic candy, no joke, Christmas morning goes so much smoother without a sugar overload, and then of course the basics. mascara for mom, hair pomade for dad, hair ties for Char, new butt cream for baby Gray, batteries by the case for Easton and of course toothbrushes for everyone!! You know you stock up too, essentials in the stocking for the Mom win! This year I grabbed The Future is Bamboo toothbrushes in both kids and adult sizes. The brush itself isn’t fancy but honestly I was never sold on all the silly “add ons” that toothbrushes have these days. The kids one has a nice angle to the tip of the bristle while the adult version is flat and I have to say it did a great job cleaning my teeth! Since it’s an essential and needs replacing regularly it was important to me to find an eco alternative and I am thrilled to say I have. FYI this company has all sorts of innovative products like bamboo Q-tips. Don’t forget by supporting the toothbrushes we will show the Pharmasave team with our $$$ that we love them. Don’t be afraid to say we want more! Sponsored by

Winter Concert

The Green Isle Enterprise

Holistic Psychology, Health & Education By: Ralph D. Miller, Ph.D Dr. Miller is an internationally recognized scientist, a psychologist & family counselor in the Gulf Islands since the 70’s & taught Holistic Psychology and science in GISS, McMaster University, OL UBC & Camosun College.

I Am Aware

These three words— overlapping, interacting, mutually interdependent, are meaningless to me in isolation. I Am Aware. That's all I’ve got! That’s all I have that is reliable, all that I can really depend on, all that is untouched by time. All else in this world, this ever-changing, dynamic, impermanent, phenomenal virtual reality world of my personal experience—all feelings and emotions, sensations, sounds, tastes, colours, smells, images and forms, all thoughts, judgments and attachments, all memories, past and future vain imaginings and dreams, awake and sleeping, conscious and unconscious, are added on to me, through me, by me as a willing and active participant/creator. For this I take full responsibility, acknowledging my authorship. Yet at the core, I remain a simple conscious being, present in this world Now, ever only Now, presenting, manifesting, revealing the wholeness, boundless Truth of Being. In this worldly adventure,

Salt Spring Singers' Winter Concert is going to be a songfest for all! We have some wonderful songs for you, and look forward to your

I need not be concerned with where I am, where to go, what to do, what to say and to whom, what to read, write, listen to, or even what to think. I cannot help but ever be in the right place at the right time. Here and Now, I can only be truly helpful—to seeming others and myself as One. As I willingly allow, consenting to, the natural softening and opening of my heart and mind, surrendering my defenses; neither encouraging, discouraging nor avoiding any emotions; relinquishing any resistance to my feeling experience, submitting to gentleness and tenderness, I am effortlessly drawn inward by the natural gravity of Being. I am guided, I am led, I am carried on a path of boundless love, joy, peace and freedom. The goal and the path are ever One; A journey without time or distance to a destination I could have never ever left but in a dream. Here I AM Here I BE Pure Awareness Loving and Free For additional information:

voices singing along with us. We are excited to present pieces from Faure's Requiem Op. 48, Leonard Cohen, Lennon and McCartney, and others and will invite you to join us in beloved songs from Rodgers and Hammerstein's A Sound of Music and other favourites including Ian Tyson and Irving Berlin compositions. We'll have a couple of delightful surprises too. Hope you can join in this magical evening of joyful harmony!



This winter, your Legion has all the ingredients to take you into the New Year with comfort and style! Kicking off our month, we are proud to host the 9th annual Glowtini December 6th, starting at 8pm. This year's theme is Blue Christmas and all proceeds from this magical night go directly back to our community via the Island Savings Full Cupboard and the Copper Kettle. Advance tickets will be available at Island Savings and the Legion. December 7th, come out for that smooth, sweet jazz style that our local Sunnysiders provide, an evening of great music and December 8th we welcome back Never too Late for another one of our amazing happy hour Sunday Fundays! December 13th and 14th we are kicking it country style! Introducing for the first time the David Carl Band on the 13th and on the 14th we are bringing back the wildly talented County Line. This is a weekend you don't want to miss, kick off those boots that have been collecting dust and come show us your moves! December 20th we are hosting Ugly Christmas Sweater Karaoke with prizes for the best sweater of course!

Christmas Awakenings

This is a day, a very special day, on which we acknowledge and celebrate the birth in our hearts and minds of our Awakening Awareness of the Eternal Loving Presence of Christ Consciousness “The Kingdom of Heaven lies within”

No Problem

There is nothing to fear I am already home lovingly safe and sound. Home Free! Actually, I never left I could have never left but in the meaningless meanderings,

—within us all, no matter what we have ever thought, said or done Forgiveness Is And always has been Boundless, untouched by time Hallelujah, Hallelujah! In Truth We are Free Ever innocent Beloved Loving and Free

playful imaginings of mind. Well, OMG, what an amazing, humbling, wonderfilled adventure it is. Life unfolding in this timeless Journey of Love.

Boxing Day is a time for friends and family to collect and reminisce and what better place to do it than Open Mic night, come out and say hello to your friends old and new and watch the amazing local talent we have! Let's not forget New Year's, we will be hosting a Newfie New year at 6pm and to ring in the new year we are bringing back Auntie Kate and the Uncles of Funk to rock us till the ball drops somewhere! Advance tickets will be available for this event, don’t delay getting yours! As always Kat’s kitchen is open Friday and Saturday nights from 5-8 pm serving delicious home style, affordable cooking. Our Ladies Auxiliary are cooking up a storm every Friday night, tickets sell out fast for these feasts! Meat draws every Friday and Saturday, free pool and snooker on Sundays and the best parking and dance floor in town, what more could you ask for! Membership does have its privileges! Show the Pharmasave team with our $$$ that we love them. Don’t be afraid to say we want more!


Christmas on Salt Spring will kick off again this year with the annual Santa Fly In on Saturday November 30th! Welcome Santa as he flies into Ganges Harbour with Salt Spring Air. Children can greet Santa on the Ganges float plane dock at 1:45 pm. Santa will ride to the Royal Canadian Legion for photos at Meaden Hall in a Salt Spring Island Fire Rescue truck, where he will spend the next two hours posing for photos taken by the Driftwood. The following week Apple Photo will have the pictures printed and ready to be picked up! Activities provided by the Royal Canadian Legion will include: • arts & crafts for young & old • ornament making • refreshments Please bring a non-perishable food item or a donation for the Food Bank.

Mark Your Calendars!

is coming! Sunday December 1st

8TH ANNUAL CHILI COOK OFF CAROLLING & LIGHT UP, 4-6pm Gather under the twinkling lights in Centennial Park, sample chili and cast your vote, warm yourself by the toasty fire, sip hot apple cider and sing carols with Viva Choral. Chill will be for sale by our friends at Island Savings with all proceeds benefitting the Salt Spring Island Food Bank.

Friday December 6th

9TH ANNUAL GLOWTINI CONTEST, At the Legion, main floor Mixologists from island pubs and eateries face off in an entertaining night of fundraising and catching up with friends. This year’s them is Blue Christmas. Glowtinis are auctioned off with all proceeds benefiting the Copper Kettle and the Food Bank, helping people in need in the community. Who’s Glowtini will take the title this year? We can’t wait to find out. See you there!

Thursday December 12th

GANGES SHOP LOCAL SOCIAL, 4-8pm Join the merchants in Ganges for an evening of late night shopping, special incentives and holiday cheer! Shopping Locally has never been so easy (or fun).

December 14th

HISTORICAL LIONS SANTA SHIP Gather with friends and family on the Coast Guard wharf and watch as the Historical Lions Santa Ship arrives, alight with fireworks. Then enjoy a visit with the jolly man himself! Meet Santa at the Dock at 7-7:30pm.

December 6th, 7th & 8th

BEAVER POINT HALL CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR FULFORD HALL CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR Experience the incredible artisans at our historic Christmas Craft Fairs. Find that special gift for everyone and take in the festive atmosphere and delicious treats all made on Salt Spring. From Soaps and Lotions too fine jewellery, handmade pottery, felted art, beautiful paintings and much more!

Eco-Minded Holiday

When I said I am planning an Eco or Green Christmas my husband and kids looked at me in horror. I didn’t mean I was throwing away all tradition and taking away the fun of sharing gifts and decorations. I just meant I would not be filling our house with single use garbage and I challenge you to do the same. Above and beyond, shop local! Think of Wintercraft and all the hand made pottery, art and jewelry you will find. I love to buy second hand, my Grandma DeeDee taught me young of the treasures I could find! Emmi’s Treasures in the Fulford Valley has tons of pre loved kids clothing and upcycled offerings. Then there are experiential gifts, why not a Gift Card to Solace Spa, or Salt Spring Coffee. Or the gift of tinctures and salves by the Singing Amma creations to keep those you care about well throughout the Winter months.

Wrap gifts in things like newspaper, your children’s art or even beautiful scarves you no longer use. Make fudge as a family and put it in recycled glass jars to share with the neighbours. Repurpose old toys to gift to friends with kids younger than yours. When you shop, shop local, this alone supports a green way of life in so many ways. Buy local food when you can and work toward sustainability in a reasonable fashion. Choose gifts that are made on island or sourced ethically. There are many things we can do as individuals in our homes. For instance, a living tree we can have year after year and that can grow with our family. Use windfall branches not toxic plastic garland to decorate your entrance way. I collect a hand made ornament every year to slowly wean the plastic off my tree. Going green doesn’t have to break the bank or spoil the fun!


Santa Fly-in


Merry Monday with


the singing amma is passionate about nature. Her love of walking gently upon this earth, with little impact on our environment and ecosystems, is brought to life in her line of wild-crafted & locallysourced organic herbal wellness & beauty products. These healing salves, moisturizing creams, herbal oils and an assortment of medicinal tinctures are infused with Lisa’s deep caring for the Earth, as well as for families and their wellness of body, mind and spirit. Knowing that the fewer toxins we use on the earth and in the air and water – as well as on and in our own bodies – is where truly living an eco-friendly life begins. This line of vintage-style goodness is available anytime by private sale; for info email singingamma@ It will be in Fulford shelves at the pottery by mid-December, or come find Lisa at the Lion’s Club (Dec 1st!) or Fulford Hall Christmas Craft Fairs!

Salt Spring Coffee

Each year 14 billion cups of coffee are served across Canada. 35% of these are served in singleserving cups that are used for an average of 13 minutes before they are thrown away. Most of these do not get recycled and go straight to a landfill. Bringing a travel mug when you visit any of the island's coffee venues may seem like a small thing, but Salt Springers really can make a difference. In fact, we're known for it! Keep it salty and reuse an old jar or pick up a funky mug from The Lions. The silver lining to the delays on our cafe's renovations. We have some extra time to think about ways that we can up our own sustainability game and encourage our community to do the same. We're working on having affordable travel mug options, a travel mug library, and Waste Not Wednesdays. See you soon...ish.

Solace Organic Spa “We wouldn’t do it any other way”, says Julie James, owner & spa director of Solace Organic Spa who celebrates 15 years of serving Salt Spring Island spa enthusiasts! She is one of the premier “organic spas” in Canada and recalls over the years the many times being asked what an organic spa was? Solace Spa focus is on natural beauty offering holistic health and wellness services in a boutique west coast eco contemporary building close to nature. Their very own local organic skincare brand, since 1997, is formulated using certified organic or wild-crafted ingredients

Wintercraft 2019

T’is the season to get cozy! Come and join us

as the nights grow longer for our annual Wintercraft show at Mahon Hall. Featuring artists and crafters

December 23rd, 6:15pm Merry Monday in Fulford Village, sing along with Valdy. Merry Monday has been a tradition in Fulford Harbour for as long as many 653ers can remember Sing along with Canadian Folk Legend Valdy as he welcomes Christmas to peaceful Fulford Village. Fa la la la la!

Emmi's Treasures


from the Southern Gulf Islands, here is your chance to shop local and buy gorgeous gifts for your special ones. Whether you are looking for something on a budget or something more extravagant, each piece we sell has a rich story behind it. We have many winter favorites, including; for the one who has everything:

Adrian Selby’s exquisite chopping boards $300-400, for creative kids: Caroline Trepanier’s stylish and simple kids’ aprons $20, for the vibrant and stylish: Only Child’s Handicraft beaded jewellery $15-200 to gift the teacher or co-worker: Salt Spring Island 2020 calendars $20, handmade cards $5-8, luxurious soaps $4-10 or Salish Sea Succulents luscious plants $11-50. Mahon Hall will be decorated in seasonal splendour, boasting about 100 artists working in ceramics, textiles, woodwork, prints and paintings and silver jewellery. Show starts Nov 29th and runs daily till Dec 22nd. See you then!

Emmi's Treasures is a consignment inspired boutique for quality preloved children’s clothing. Emmi’s Treasures is the islands only children’s clothing store. Their focus is to reduce waste by providing affordable clothing to other island families. Owner Jessica carefully curates gently used clothing as well as handmade treasures from local parents for local parents. She also carries locally hand made and up-cycled treasures, such as Waldorf inspired toys, bees wax wraps, hand drawn cards and merino wool just to name a few. Shopping at Emmi’s Treasures is the perfect way to reduce waste and shop local this Christmas. You can support a local mother by purchasing an upcycled product or gently used clothing. They even have a great selection for Christmas Pjs and Christmas outfits! Pop in to see Jessica today 2200 Fulford Ganges Rd, in the Fulford Valley

and produced in small batches using ethically sourced ingredients and essential oils. All products cater to vegans, are cruelty-free and free of parabens and sulfates, packaged in mostly glass and metal containers and also supply bulk refills! If you are having their luxurious pedicures or manicures they use eco & vegan nail lacquers that have no DBP, acetone, alcohol, formaldehyde or acrylics. They use natural linens, organic un-bleached fabrics, non–toxic cleaners and disinfectants, reuseable bags and product containers, recycling, eco friendly paper and ink used for printed materials, new mineral-ionizer hot tub sanitation, environmentally friendly paints and locally propagated flower arrangements. They also practice sustainability, buy locally and are organic gardeners too!

Bandemonium and Swing Shift Busy in December

Concert & New Year’s Dance Bandemonium (aka the SS Concert Band) and Swing Shift, Salt Spring’s own 17 piece big band, present “Together Again” at Artspring, Friday December 6 at 7:30pm. The fun and family friendly program of familiar music, to warm listener’s hearts as winter approaches, will also feature Clark Saunders and Sue Newman as guest vocalists. Swing Shift will begin the concert performing swing, Latin, pop, seasonal, and funk music of Count Basie, Tito Puente, Eddie Harris, Frank Loesser and the Beatles. Bandemonium will begin the second half alone, playing familiar favourites of Handel, Elgar, Tchaikovsky along with a few tunes to get you in the mood for the holiday season. The grand finale will see both bands united, as they play big band melodies of Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Stan Kenton, and holiday favorites together. Tickets for the event are available at Artspring - adults $20 and students $5. Swing Shift also offers Saltspringer’s a chance to celebrate New Year’s in style. This year, for the first time in over a decade, Swing Shift will host a New Year’s Eve celebration at Mahon Hall. The musical entertainment, which starts at 9:00pm, will feature all of the best of the big band era, including music by Glenn Miller, Count

Basie, and Benny Goodman, to name just a few. There will guest vocalists, including Salt Spring’s own Andrews Sisters, who were such a hit at the Valdy Goes Big Band Show. As well as all the great swing classics there will Latin music, pop and funk by such composers as Tito Puente, Chicago and Bruno Mars. A champagne toast, while the band plays Auld Lang Syne at midnight, will ring in the newyear in old time style. Tickets for the New Year’s event will be available at Mondo Trading for $25. Snacks by Lou Ellis will be available for purchase as well as wine and beer. This event will likely sell out, so get your tickets early to avoid disappointment. Make New Year’s Great Again – celebrate in style. Bandemonium and Swing Shift are led by Wendy and Derrick Miton who created the bands in 1993. For the last 20 years Bandemonium was know as the Saltspring Concert Band. Wendy retakes the baton as music director after a 20-year hiatus. The band’s board of directors decided that it was an appropriate time to change the name back to Bandemonium, a name reflecting the diverse make up of the band. The members of both bands come from all walks of life, all ages, and with a wide variety of musical experience from relative novice to seasoned professional,

COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS DAY DINNER 2019 The SS United Church is sponsoring the 20th Annual Christmas Day Dinner at noon at Meaden Hall, and all are most welcome. This tradition continues with the help of many - generous and faithful local businesses and individual volunteers. From financial and food donors; to decorators and ‘preppers’ on Christmas Eve; to cooks, greeters, servers and the clean-up crew - all work together to create this seasonal miracle and more importantly to make it ‘feel just like Christmas’. Feast it is – home-cooked turkey with all the trimmings, salmon, ham and vegetarian lasagna, multi vegetables, topped off with goodies and fruit for dessert, and a variety of beverages.

And festive it is – a decorated Meaden Hall, long tables to make it easy to sit with friends, to meet and mingle (or not), and to enjoy music and carolers. Everyone is welcome at the dinner in the Legion’s Meaden Hall on Wednesday December 25th. Doors open at 11:30 am with music, food service begins at 12:00 noon and celebrations continue until 2:00 pm. This is indeed a gift from the community to the community – and what better time for such a gift. So come on your own or with someone. As the saying goes, ‘some of the best things in life are indeed free’. For more information, leave a message at the United Church office, 250-537-5812.


Salt Spring Has


Book Lisa Sigurgeirson Maxx, ECE

starring the most awesome John Bateman Finally, my favourite time of year has once again arrived. No, I’m not talking about my birthday. I stopped celebrating that 3 years ago when I turned forty. I would tell you directly what my favourite time of year is, but in reality, I’m afraid to call it by its customary name. I’m a little gun shy after being lectured for wishing people “Merry C*&istmas” too many times. I think now I’m supposed to say, “season’s greetings”, “happy holidays” or “welcome to the wet coast.” (I despise that saying. Never use it in my presence.) While we’re at it, don’t mention Festivus either. It was destroyed by Seinfeld. Seriously, look it up. Its origins stem back to 1966. To confuse things further, the pagans have the Winter Solstice. This happens around December 21st because there is basically equal amounts of light as there is dark during that 24 hour span. For whatever reason, because of this fact, early humans decided to throw on some heavy robes, light a huge fire and dance around it. Once they were too hot, they would strip naked, scream then sacrifice a Centaur. With a few edibles, this actually may be a good time, but I wouldn’t be comfortable doing any of these things with my parents. As we all know, Salt Spring is a pot full of melting mosaics. Islanders will literally celebrate anything and everything at the drop of a hat. Which reminds me, the Vesuvius Hat Dropping Festival has been moved to December to avoid too much sun exposure. This means Sun Exposure Day will be moved to June 22nd as to not conflict with the Summer Equinox. And as you’ve already read, it’s best not to create conflict with the Pagans, horse body or no horse body. Since this is December, the international month of giving and taking, it’s time Islanders stopped offending one another and come up with one defining celebration to call their own. In order to do this, there will have to be sweeping generalizations that somehow represent the island’s razor thin culture. The island is historically known for farmers and hippies. After that came the artists. Then came the artisans and healers. The farmers celebrate Christmas. The Hippies celebrate the Solstice and the artists celebrate themselves. This still leaves us with the dilemma of finding a common denominator to bring this quasi-diverse group of people together under one holiday celebration. I think the obvious uniting factor is that they all need enough money to live on Salt Spring. From December 21st to December 25th the island will celebrate “Gougemas” This event will welcome people from all around the world in the name of peace, love and financial prosperity. There will be realistic face painting, warm mistletoe body scrubs and hotdogs! After feasting, everyone will gather around the Square reader for the official summing of the ledger. Finally, everyone gets on a plane, to


Nurturing, empowering & educating families for over 30 years *amma = grandmother in Icelandic

dear singing amma I am a long-distance grandma and I’m looking for gift ideas you could recommend. Interested and eager for your suggestions! Thank you so much. Signed, Long-Distance-Grandma-Love in Gift Form Dear Interested & Eager! I love when grandparents enquire about gift ideas! Our grown children often have different values and life-style choices than we had; times have changed. Some may avoid plastic toys or synthetic clothing. Some may lean towards minimalist or organic, homesteading lifestyles. Some may have become dependent on screens as forms of entertainment for their children. Doing our best to be aware of their choices and to accommodate and support them – unless, of course, they go strongly against our own values - can be helpful in our continually unfolding relationships with our children once they’ve grown into adults with children of their own. (Nobody ever told us about this segment of the parenting journey, did they? It can come with it’s own challenges, that’s for certain!) (Please note: some singing amma core values to follow): As a strong advocate for each one of us doing our part to have less plastic polluting our world with its very creation, and then filling up our beautiful planet with a substance that NEVER goes away once it’s been created, I am an advocate of natural fibre toys: think wooden toys, cloth and felted-wool or knitted toys/dolls – there are so many options these days! I am also a strong advocate for MORE GREEN, LESS screen, so I encourage grandparents to steer clear of quickly buying that next, must-have, begged-for video game or device. My theory is that they will have more than enough screen-time without us feeding that particular current-day trend. (Notice here where this particular grandparent’s values will not let her purchase the “most desired” gift. And that’s OK, too. The gifts we give have to feel good to us, too.) Instead, think: books! Timeless. Classic. Life-enriching. Also think: story records/CD’s. Though my grandchildren love their screen-time, at amma’s (screen-free zone) house we listen to our favourite story records visit after visit, year after year - (yes, records you know vinyl is having a come-back, right?!) They love them. I love them. They are records I listened to as a kid. Experiential moments building memories. Magazine subscriptions can be super fun. Getting mail each month addressed to the child is a thrill in itself! Chickadee for preschoolers, OWL for primaries. And many more options. Annual museum or aquarium passes, or event, show or movie tickets are great experience-gifts to consider. Some of them you might specify they get to do with you on your next visit! Gifting them with a year of music, dance or swimming lessons can be a great gift that keeps on giving. Think: what is your little one interested in, what is available in their area, and how could those merge into an awesome gift? Think outside the (perfect, gift-wrapped) box - what fun experience can you create in your little one’s world?

Mexico and strips naked for 3 months. Good Gouge-mas to all.


Send your parenting questions to: or |


Christmas With You

& special guests Bach on the Rock

with Mishka Campbell

Roundup: Best Books of 2019 I’m continuing my December tradition of sharing my favourite and not yet reviewed books of 2019... So without further ado, let’s get down to business. “Foe” by Iain Reid was a short novel. A strange and unsettling little book, I loved his atmospheric tone and he’s a master of the crazy twist. “The Dry” by Jane Harper may have been my first but by the end of the year I’d read all of her books. A writer of mysteries set in the Australian Outback, she’s very skilled at creating suspense and tension in a place that I previously didn’t find very compelling. “The Raven Tower” by Ann Leckie is a fantasy novel, a departure from her usual sci-fi. It’s a fantastic read, her world building is on point and I can’t wait to dive into more as this looks to be the first in a series. Two beautiful non-fiction reads about books: “In Other Words: How I Fell in Love with Canada One Book at a Time” by Anna Porter and “The Library Book” by Susan Orlean. Anna Porter’s book is a deep dive into the Canadian publishing industry back in the heyday of so many CanLit greats. Susan Orlean’s book is an ode to libraries, a history lesson on their creation and it even covers the insane story of the great library fire of Los Angeles. Book lovers rejoice! “Normal People” and “Conversations with Friends” are both by Sally Rooney and definitely two of the best books I’ve read all year. “Normal People” is her newest novel, and it’s spectacular. She knows how to write the way real people actually think and speak, and not just the way authors often imagine they do. These are exceptionally honest and riveting books about relationships. “Meteorites: Stories” by Victorian Julie Paul is an out of this world (haha)short story collection. It’s so interesting, and every story is unique and sweet and funny and sad. She’s really written something special. “The Institute” by Stephen King and “Recursion” by Blake Crouch are creepy thrillers by two of my favourite authors, in their respective genres. In closing, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include “The Testaments” by Margaret Atwood. I love her so much but was honestly a bit worried that this novel might be an unnecessary addition to the Handmaid’s Tale cannon. I needed have worried. It’s truly brilliant.

Tenore, the multiple awardwinning tenor group that shot to international acclaim since the release of their debut album, will be bringing their Christmas show to ArtSpring theatre Dec. 11th @7:30 pm joining forces with local and well-loved prize choir, Bach on the Rock. Combining Tenore’s powerhouse vocals with Bach on the Rock’s riveting choral accompaniment, this christmas show will be a concert you don’t want to miss. Honoring and always remembering long time past resident, Roy Kaighan, who has written many arrangements for Tenore and The Canadian Tenors, Tenore will present one of Roy’s favorites, arranged especially for Tenore. Tenore’s Christmas album, recorded in Moscow, Nashville, Chicago and Toronto with world class producers, musicians and a 50 piece orchestra, combines the true spirit and magic of the holiday season with Tenore’s diverse vocal harmonies. The album includes holiday classics “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” “O Holy Night,” and “O Come all ye Faithful,” and features Grammy and JUNO Award winners Sharon Riley & Faith Chorale, along with the world famous Watoto Children’s Choir and Grammy and Tony Award winning singersongwriter, producer and actor, Heather Headley (Il Divo, Andrea Bocelli). For this album, Tenore received the GMA Christmas Album of the year award and

were privileged to record the cover song, “Christmas with You” with Grammy-award winning vocal superstar, Heather Headley. Performing to sold-out audiences across North America, Tenore has crisscrossed the globe from Kampala to California and, along with live TV and award recognition, has garnered an impressive, loyal and international fan base that begins in Canada and stretches worldwide. By 2019, Tenore had risen to such acclaim that they were once more sought out to be one of a select group of artist acts to tour the state of Florida in 2020-2021. They have performed for distinguished events such as the Prime Minister’s Prayer Breakfast in Canada and have raised considerable money for organizations such a Food for the Hungry, World Vision, as well as stepped-in continuously to assist many worthwhile fundraisers, organizations and children in need. This year Tenore is raising money to buy much-needed diapers for babies and toddlers at the Cridge Centre. We invite all of Saltspring Island and neighboring communities to join us Dec. 11 @ 7:30pm Tickets are available at ArtSpring box office, online and at the door. See you there! Contact: Jill Ann Siemens, Founder & Executive Producer 250-361-5402 • email: founderofthecanadiantenors


Health with Hannah

For Ever yone


with Salt Spring Island teacher Dorothy Price

Postpartum Depression

Shine your light

Let’s talk about postpartum depression. There is stigma around this topic, and I want to talk about it. Some women experience depression after giving birth. They may lose pleasure in everyday things, feel sad and empty, feel disconnected from her new child. She may even have thoughts of harming her baby or suicidal ideation. This can be a very very difficult time. I like to remind my patients with postpartum that your body has just been through A LOT. Whether you had a vaginal birth or a c-section your body just went through an intensive experience and needs time and nourishment to physically recover. You just grew a tiny human that sucked a lot of nutrients (especially iron, calcium) out of you! You likely are not getting a lot of sleep what with feeding new babe. You are in the midst of a potent transformation in your identity and role in life. You may feel isolated. You are more likely to experience postpartum depression if you have previously experienced depression or mental health challenges, if you have a sick or colicky baby, or if you are unsupported by your partner/family/friends. We aren’t meant to do this stage of life alone, and I think this is a key factor in postpartum. We ideally need grandparents and aunty’s and uncle’s around us (whether biological family or not), to help teach us, to give us breaks, and to support us in our recovery and transition. When I work with patients with postpartum depression I help them make sure their physiology is optimally supported. We check labwork to assess nutrient and hormone levels. In particular, find out if you have had your ferritin, B12, and thyroid assessed since pregnancy. If these values are off this can contribute to a mood disorder. We talk about eating regularly to balance blood sugar. We talk about what kind of movement or exercise is appropriate and helpful at this stage. We strategize how mum (and dad) can get some good quality sleep. We talk about WHY depression happens (spoiler: there are many theories, and a “neurotransmitter imbalance” that is best addressed by an antidepressant is only one of them). We talk about self-image and self-belief. We talk about the nature of that darkness. I often help them find a therapist they resonate with. Then we talk about remedies that may be supportive. This could include nutrient supplementation specific to them, as well as herbal medicines that support mood, are calming, help build resilience, or help with sleep. We talk about what is appropriate and safe while still breastfeeding. We talk about antidepressants and I share the pros and cons from my perspective. I support the particular woman in making choices that are right for her. We may also do high-dose vitamin-mineral IV therapy to help replete her stores and rebuild her resilience. Postpartum depression can be a devastating and isolating state. I invite you to reach out, to a trusted friend, to me, to a counsellor. Build yourself a support team. Know that there is hope, you can heal, you can get through this. With love, - Dr. Webb

By Dr. Hannah Webb, ND | 250-999-9371

I have a friend who is a very religious woman. One day she told me that her minister said: “What good is it doing all this inner work if we don’t shine our light for others?” “He is right,” she said. Wow! Bang on! I wholeheartedly agreed! Her comment made me think of my own spiritual path and the “self-improvement” work I have done over the years. All seemingly....for me! All the “inner work” to help me get through the ups and downs of my life and to access my inner joy. The practices have helped calm my mind and nervous system, dissolve ego and encourage acceptance. Because of this work, I naturally developed a tendency towards kindness and acceptance of myself and others. But her comment made me think about taking my practice to the next level. To allow my light to shine a little more, to help others through their hard times without so much concern about my own issues. Could I make more of an effort to shine a radiant smile; lend a listening ear; be more grateful; offer an encouraging word; take time to check in with someone; support another in a time of crisis or reach out to someone who I suspect is lonely or excluded. Could I help make somebody’s day better in some small way? Could I be a solid shoulder to lean on? Could I radiate my own joy and happiness to help others all in the spirit of Karma Yoga (selfless service with no thought of reward)? Could I radiate this light even when I was going through a hard time myself? Yes, I could do all these things. I realized that this would require that I stop worrying so much about my own problems, become more courageous and be willing to come out of my shell. I would have to shift my focus from myself to others. “Let your light shine. Be the sun in someone else’s storm. It’s part of why you’re here.” -Jennifer Williamson Shining your light for others doesn’t require that you be religious or spiritual. It requires a decision to be that way. Some people were born with this gift, or maybe they learned by example from their parents. Some of us have to work at it to bring it into our daily lives. Here is a simple way to access your inner light: • Breathe slow, steady breaths as if you are breathing right into your heart centre. • Bring softness and openness there. Take 5 – 10 breaths or more. • You can do this breath-work while you are sitting, walking or meeting/greeting people. • Allow your light to shine. December can be a rough month for some. Let’s make sure we are shining our light for everyone, so no one is left in the dark. Salt Spring is a wonderful community full of caring and thoughtful people. Let’s make being good to others our common goal. It is the best gift we can give.

See you on the mat! ~ Dorothy

Dorothy teaches yoga classes, pranayama, meditation & retreats locally & worldwide. Visit or phone 250-537-7675

ARTISTS FROM THE FRINGE A Journey Into the Minds of the People Under the Stairs Art Jam is a volunteer run program of the Arts Council and the United Church. We provide a safe, welcoming space for members of our marginalized community, where they can be defined as creators and artists, rather than by the challenges they regularly face. By celebrating their creative accomplishments through public exhibitions, we promote positive self-identities and help build self-esteem. Obtaining support from various community organizations and individuals has provided the ability to build bridges between our members and the rest of the community. We’d like to invite you to join us on Friday, November 29th from 4-7pm for the opening of our month-long show at Mahon Hall. Artists from the Fringe, a group of over twenty artists attending Art Jam, will be showing their work during our fourth year at Wintercraft. Some have never painted before and are finding their creative voice for the first time. Others have been exploring new mediums and techniques as a result of a grant from Arts and Culture BC which enabled us to invite four artists to share their expertise with us in a series of workshops. This grant also provided us with the opportunity

to have a pop-up show outdoors at Mahon Hall where 19 pieces sold in four hours! Support for the program includes coffee and healthy food provided through donations from individuals and community organizations. Art supplies always appear just when they are needed from local artists and businesses. Socks and winter clothing frequently donated by members of the United and Anglican churches have been most welcome. Salt Spring Literacy has partnered with us this year to help folks obtain their birth certificates and other forms of ID. We also maintain close ties with Copper Kettle, who provide sleeping bags, blankets and other basic necessities for those unable to find shelter. As many pieces sell quickly during our openings we urge you to come on the 29th and choose that special piece for yourself or a loved one this holiday season. All proceeds will go to the artists. You can also find out more on our web page www. and on our Facebook page “Artists from the Fringe”. “I did not ever consider myself an artists until I came to Art Jam week after week... It’s an evolution. You are changing how you feel about yourself.” - Nick


Banquo Folk Ensemble

All Saints by-the-Sea on December 8th

Come, gather by the fire, for the winter’s chill calls for the warmth of mirth and making merry! Such is the invitation of Banquo Folk Ensemble, who from Victoria and Mayne Island bring their unique take on early music for Yuletide to All Saints by-the-Sea on December 8th.

Banquo Folk Ensemble bridges the gap between early music and folk, performing ancient and traditional songs and tunes from both the written and oral traditions. With repertoire spanning eight centuries and countries across continental Europe, they draw listeners back to a time where musicians of all kinds – at court, in the streets or by crackling pub firesides – brought beauty to the people for every occasion, whether it be dancing, lamenting, courting, praying or drinking. For this concert, they are exploring some of the very old music that honours this turning time of year, when the gathering dark

leans toward new light and life, when strangers and neighbours come together to share their bounty and wish each other joy and good health! As they explore these old and varied sources, Banquo brings an equally varied set of over 20 instruments, including recorders, cittern, harp, hurdy gurdy, crumhorn, vielle, smallpipes, surpeti, dumbek and other percussion, to name just a few. Many of these are authentic reproductions of instruments that were used hundreds of years ago; others are more contemporary, including some made by Banquo member Penny Reiswig. With multiple voices, the group also entrances with rich harmonies in various languages such as Latin, French, Catalan and varying ages of English. Often incorporating costumes, poetry and other theatrical elements, Banquo Folk Ensemble doesn’t strive for an unreachable goal of historical accuracy but aims to showcase this wonderful ancient music in an ambience that for a time takes listeners away from the worldly cares of the modern age. Visit for additional information on the band, their music, video clips and CDs – Things That Do Sound so Fair (2007), So Gracious is the Time (2012) and Whither Are They Vanished (2018). “Gathered by the Fire: Ancient Music to Celebrate Yuletide” happens at 2 pm, December 8, at All Saints by-theSea (110 Park Dr.)

Scopes Brought to you by our own in-house astrologer who now goes by her numerologically correct name of “Ya Righta”

^ Aries

d Libra

You are the reason this country

Everything will go wrong today.

has to put directions on Shampoo.

Including this horoscope…Sorry! Better luck next month.

_ Taurus If you are extremely tired, you

e Scorpio

may find that you fall asleep at

The week may start well, but fall

some point.

into a spiral of misery over the

SALT SPRING SINGERS invites you to

Sing with Joy


` Gemini You can’t blame the holidays; we know those jeans didn’t fit in August.

f Sagittarius Friends have always tried to convince you of your madness, but never more so will that be

a Cancer

true than this coming year.

Forget New Year’s resolutions. Just keep dancing around like a fairy is a great way to lose weight and strengthen those legs.

b Leo Laughter will really help you today, especially if you want to

g Capricorn The life of the Christmas Party? You my friend most certainly are not.

Winter Concert & Singalong Director: Don Conley

Accompanist: James Yi

ARTSPRING DEC 14, 2019 | 7:30 PM

DEC 15, 2019 | 2:00 PM


BOX OFFICE 250-537-2102

h Aquarius You are easily replaced - don't

avoid crying.

take your gum boots off.

c Virgo

i Pisces

You are at a point in your life

Avoid drinking too much at

where you feel you are only there

the office Christmas party by

to serve. Wake up! You’re at work!

drinking too much before the

So get moving! Serve away!

office Christmas party.

Yuletide Square Dance! It’s all about your folks, my folks, old folks, small folks, cowpokes, young blokes and flat brokes; It’s all about a square dance, folks! Date: Sunday, December 15th Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm Location: Beaver Point Hall @ 1361 Beaver Point Road Admission: $10 - Adults | $5 - Seniors and Kids 5 and up By Donation - Flat Brokes


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