Connections 1-12-25

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January 12, 2025

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” ~ Isaiah 6:8 (NIV) ~


Alas!Another football season is coming to an end. High School football is done. College football has four teams left competing for the national championship title with one game today as I write this, and one game tomorrow. Then the final game comes on January 20th . The NFL will be down to eight teams left in the playoffs after this Sunday.

Thinking about those facts caused me to remember my own football career well, my football injury, to be more precise. You see, my football career was less than impressive. It consisted of only street and backyard football in my neighborhood and flag football during P.E. in Jr. High School.

But I do have a football injury. Playing with the neighborhood guys, I let one of the kids use my L.A. Rams helmet. (Most of the kids didn’t own a helmet, but someone had given me a used one.) My buddy then proceeded to “ram” my helmet into my mouth on the next play! I ended up with a chipped tooth that I now proudly sport to this day.

with Pastor Terrell

Once High School came along, I weighed 123 pounds soaking wet way too small even for the J.V. team at my school. I wisely concluded that God had designed me to run Cross Country and Track. But I had a life-long buddy named Rick who really wanted to play football. He was a little bigger than I was, but not nearly big enough to be a starter at our school, but he did give it a try for one year.

Rick never actually started a game, but he did learn a secret about getting to play.

The coach will sometimes send in the guy standing closest to him. It happens, for example, when someone has just been carried off the field and he needs someone anyone to fill a spot. Rick learned that if he was close enough at that moment, the coach just might choose him.

It worked sometimes certainly more often than sulking on the bench would have. This is why, during the course of a single season of play, Rick entered the game as an offensive lineman, a wide receiver and a safety even though he never practiced in any of those positions. He said he usually didn’t know exactly what he was expected to do, but at least he was on the field.

There’s a principle here to remember: As Dwight L. Moody once said, “God always uses the man closest to him.”

Unlike the J.V. coach at my high school, God isn’t easily distracted, and He doesn’t send us anywhere unprepared. But He does use those who are eager to get into the game. That’s why I want to make a habit of “getting in God’s way” so to speak, so that when He’s ready to use someone, He sees me first. I want always to be in a position where God can do something with my life.

Isaiah heard the voice of God saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And Isaiah responded, “Here am I. Send me!”

God is asking the same question today. He’s looking for those who are ready to be used in a great way. When He’s searching the sidelines for someone to take the field, I want to be standing close to Him. I hope and pray that you feel the same way.

If you’re feeling unready or ill-prepared to be used by God, why not take advantage of the many discipleship opportunities that are available here at First Southern so that when your name is called you’ll be ready to respond, “Here am I. Send Me!”

Blessings on your week as you serve in the area of your calling. May you be like the EveryReady Bunnie always ready to be used by God. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday morning in worship as we look once again at KINGDOMS this Sunday at Gideon: ACrash Course on How to Stand.

Pastor Terrell

Meeting in Fellowship Hall

Beginning: Monday, January 13, 2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

Continues for 13 weeks

pre-register @ OR walk in anytime

Contact: Rick Baskin 928-910-9344

Morning Worship at a Glance

“That’s Why We Praise Him” “I Know Whom I Have Believed”

Welcome & Offertory Prayer “Firm Foundation” “We Will Remember” NEVER WALKALONE KINGDOMS

Kidz4Christ dismissed

Immersing Our Lives in God’s Word A Crash Course on How to Stand

Judges 6:11-21/pages 52-53/paragraphs 9ff

“Blessed Assurance”

Offerings and Connection Cards will be collected in the Offering Boxes located just inside the two main entrances into our Worship Center, as well as in the Office Hallway.

2820 N. Pleasant View Drive Prescott Valley, AZ 86314


Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30AM - 2:30PM

Senior Pastor Terrell Eldreth: 619-244-6265

Worship Pastor Bart Young 928-254-8713

Advancing the Kingdom of God one heart at a time.



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